TlllltbUAl. MAX 4, lSt3. bodh employed in (his industry. A ' of so serious un J threatening a tron-! risit to the lish mat kit :it Xewbern bio. J H. A. LONDON, Editor. ThkAnm'al Mcetino! thcNorth 'Carolina Press Association was held last week at the historic and honjii tablo city of Newborn, aud it was docidedly ono of tho pleasanlewt of tho many meetings that it has been Our privilege tuid j'leascro to sttend. There was uu unusually lavgo at tendance, and nearly one-half of those in attendance wero uow moni tors ol tho association. Jt was a great pleasure to meet and greet those new members, as well as to meet again those whom wo had ro ofteu mot before. The greatest pleasure that wo enjoy at these an--' nual re-uiii'ins is tho renewing of Old aeijuaiiitriiiee.s mid the making of new aeniniiiu.tuees wills ll:-; r:t!ri-j Otie, ptiulie f-J'inte l au-J j-.oorly ;ii'. editors of M"ith C.:ru!ii:a. And to thwir credit bo it known that their annual meetings are conducted more pleasantly and harmoniously than tho meetings of any other lode vi fnen that we have ever seen. Yes, here is more of harmony and kindly fraternal Jve'i exhibited by tho North Carolina Pi ess Association at its annual meetings, than at any Church convention, conference, syn od or association thai we nave ever of tli Exposition. A Texas Town Destroyed. j Tlio Davis Funeral Train. Abuer Adams, of Watauga cottntfc Cuiiv.oo.Tu.ivl. flriiv. i n vclun.-l Fui.r Woirru, lex.. April 29. The iwtittu cumwiKiudeut of wnmiugiou Uomong.- recently i-cltJ a curled walnut tree for whs especially inteivsiing to tiie up- 1 Ins ca.l upon the btate v. aard to President t the United .States, tsur- tvu of Cisco waa wiped out of ex- 1 ho remuius of Hon. Jefferson out of which the purchaser, L. country tditnrs, who had never be-1 sustain the civil authority is a most rounded by members of his Cabinet, islenee by ue)c!oue lust night. Seveu Davis will bo brought to Haleigh ! f-ouncil. of Elk Park, expect to fore seen a similar fight. ! forcible illustration of Its i tti. ieuey ! W otMewia of various States, by i"pio are Jsuowu lo nave. uon kilied, ia aum ana will lio in etate in the g'.wn. i, : n.. i I .. i .. i uutaorous ana Uistinaruislied remo "tea u is iiartu itie aeuiu jui will g- oiuuu oi me uapitoi nt :o3st twn : - - v." "".". -, " cc.-.o. , ;u!o -vii , , . . , , ... ' , ,rr,.J,ta m,- , n.c T.n t,1...,-. , 1, hours. fovi.rnnrw. ... W iVM KATW iv wom A , , j ....... . wl jjLiio tieioos n:c riu, nou , . - - - " f,. 4 - - . , ' . '-f'J e .'' '" uj Ui I 1U1 til VJC "l,H ""' ul i'i-;.hh.i bv a U1,;;i,ty throDg of Auierienu e.iti-.- wiritniieUown ami no communication ""aue inqHiriesot Co 13 ut that wl t the leadiiu industry ol section is the trucking interest, oven tho most niggardly legislator. ! zcus, today pressed the electric but can be had with the town. tot Col. A. 13. Andrews iMir of i ho Biiiierl-w onurt of CHuttlvMa w hich has already attained immense propositions end yet is comparative ly in its infancy. I'sring last year nearly a quarter million packages ol truck were shipped from Newborn and vicinity. This truck consisted of peas, beans, cabbages, tomatoes, ; ;s(l.tttiou potatoes, (strawberries, ixe. I the lew years tl.3 ianU arouii.t Klieet, ami tiie gov. mount slUUivcs, . , , , ui -,t ! f Wiihhiiiglon Letter. IFroDa our Uotrulur C4)rretioutlcHl.J 'suiN(iToN, April 2S, 16'J2. lJurrab for the deiiiocritlie admin- as to whether arrangn,ul8 could "I.Su'srLSlia ton which bet in motion miles of latkk. not bo mado to liave the remains If," " i"1.1"!!!. iabufliug, iumimerablo nriues audi Cisco, Tex , April 2(5. Twenty per-; brought by here. Col. Androws imy, n.osnniBy t mav, w, theinmd 4xiui meebauiauj, r.ud tii labyrinth of belt- i ot were killed and 200 were wound- j specially relerred the matter to Oapt. ; .CTTjX'''JS; i'AX and trearin'T which make no tLeiw" by the terrible tornado that visit- ' 0 recti and toduv a leleirram iuul b,,," uwrBi.:c.v.uvcy.-j uiaid jeuuicui- macbiuery of the World's Columbiau ,eJ ,u"5 place iuat night. Many of rtrcmvea atating that tue lutter E.i)osition. At the same time the : 'hese wounded will die froui their iu- bud arranged for the train (i tome natioiiftl Kaluto iiealed forth from lite ' jories. j heie. 1 his morning Governor Curr guu3 of the revenue eut;er Andrew i t-'ieeo. lex., was a prosperous and isent the following tlogrun lo Way- ;islratiou! It lias )roven it soil : to be I jo)jt;son, lying oil- tho Exposition WlV lut'.s town of 2.IW0 population or J. Taylor Kllyson, ol Richmond, B t on .ud.V.T u.f'.uri court 6f akthiri ,"'1'!tJ0 f t,u;1';,llot tlio Btrvnut ...f Vull;Broom!- iu Lake ,Seven ' yestenlay, bet today it is in i oins. j president of the Davis Monument Z-CnlZttSSL l;.-io.ii by Ciurio liuikiiur ami wlfo H. A. IOSIjON, Apl'l! C, 1W3. r.'u.' WO MACK. CumuiUiUoaen. toiuado which A tek a uu ::oni , ii.i..i.iuiu . ,.ia1.- ....w tint. iflMii i.p.-, v.'i v 1 aim me x reie.ui v eouiinues aim ,.. i i ..... i... wi! ! here Ktalen t hut f hn ', hn-.mul i . "... ...... .... . , . , , , , , ;""K 'wnc nu Mic:uiii.'ti eu. u.;i--- .iu.juivu " . ; -- - - - iwi n.t iuiuc- au-u..n, m u.o xuri- prooucuve or us cfliuvauou pi em- f... r.. . ji'"-. w ir.e;, yonow ana otuo. ., . ...... ; j. ic- ...Vw .i;, .mX Ion ol bite vc'n-s -i woudcrlul 1 ; , - , . , 1 l-y half pabt eight the disiiiiguioL- J-Uoro were miy busmesa Lousts Jem i .-on iiuin iraiu via luiieign, m-sor Valuing jr,-(w.1I11.UOI.iwe, .i.j.c, till Ol i.uc yiais a wouuLinu ; U,,. j,.,)(...J0..-a tnutuiih was nevtir ,i ,,,. ' .f.. . , ?, in lli ilv. I..n. i.,.i.. ....U- .- . . . 'reaehin.' h.'ie at l! o'elnrU Ms v :'.()! I. .! ' Mite. In H. I,,,,,,,., low t.k,.,, tibie... A !-et.:..i.;......i i .. ). , ... ; , (.-..-t-.w .. ,v j , ... . , . . ' . v.. ' '. county. u. a. -o" " i r' J uijkiiuiw". 'v:(lin I'reKulviil iL ktokka,, t., Uiins HjtH-t. ol lie lour hun- lino icavinsJ- f'.oi later IDau .1 o c Oili l'iu i. f-'H- I of this land has recently been I'tched, drained and fertilised uuti! now u is verv produetive. W e rode marks the bi'inuing of a new c-rn. i which lb President of the United Presiaeut's.iuarterHaltheLexiugt states aud bis tablet will dictate jTb j;, t0 Vrive was the Duke fit the u,t'u rt-fcMci-.eea only out escaped Uie ; P- '" "- "nii arrai gemenis . r f . i... . : i i . ' iviiii i i.hia i i .1 Ion.,.1".' wl lliu lei ion- gait. i ii"jiiiim..iji-,ni.M,unii.l am received ul 'llfKlnu liwiuue l ililMiiffaDd KobettO. r ;pnurtnuj. i wiu aeu luc liouao door oC of MAT. dfvcrlbcd to eAld oo vulcA pe luwa- LOMION; CuujuileeloJier. throu.l, some of these tl uck farms, ' 'l T.E, '"e, Vgua aau hi, attemiants. While ! ailion and are bcaped in ,l,Tel, . ' .. , . , :ot .'" ''' 11 11 L0 !V V b hand.-liakmg was in pioviuys, Vice- Mortar ami brick f'.ying auJ ,4uVvi' lc'''' l,H,i XVU ,l'c:' i"" i( i',: !: ":"1;l'2.v 100 I I'resideut (Stevenson hu I I is p.-nlv ery .i.iet-tuHi eHU.ed more icul a. liehls of peas, potatoes, cabbages, . tor the go..d rf !i e eounlry. j ,,ut in au appearance. Iiterilv tf.k-j Jl-'!il:f,' '''an .i;.l ibe storui iie. If. On one farm that we vi.-it.l ! "'l 1 1 ' ir''v'" i-ivitc tho f.noeK j)llg ,,e jlolt.j 1)V n,(,l(- tU ihe C'iseo "Jt-jlU-r Mills, the two ( 0fi Duii.liugs mo se-jittic i'j every North Carolina will co-operate with While direction and are Leaped in tdisipeless I you O'JI- plans. ird.-inco will and brick lUnur in I ' 1,0 Governor will have a eonfer. uui- jeTiee w ith the mf.yor of the ci'.- the 3 AND HALE. BY VIRTUE Ot n iiniifir.. nt r,f iho Kunt-rlor nurt of rti.c n inngir.'-'in r,r ino huijerlor ramrt of Cfhuti Iihih iv.uniy, ni'Llo hi l-.'liruiiry Txriu. 18KK. In Oti then toes, were 'MO acres in Irish pota fU acres in caniiages, -ly '"ifol! I ine Ws sineieisji;ilVi xVouaptly at ! o'clouk tho pro-: ':g ol" fonrtc n lo.;.l.-d cars, engine t.rnmlate.J apiopi cession was j'o: med. !-.booo. was Lurio i iioi-t ihe tiue!:. iCener.-.I. regarding the ceremofiies here on the "iOth. Ot coursy there will ii-! a great nssemblage of people. perhaps more veterans than ind teen assembled. This wasesreci true ol this la.-.t nuoling, where sev eral iiiteivstingdistu-sions were had, but not one word was uttered that Could give ofi'oueo or wound tho fcel rugsol any one present. This meet ing was notable for its being more practical than its predecessors, im portant matters being discussed and action taken that w ill be ol practical benefit in the newspaper business. Tho time and place of the next meet ing were referred to the executive committee, to designate. This was our first visit to New born, a cily ol which we had al ways heard so much, renowned for over a century as the 'Athens of Jiorth Carolina'' for the culture, re finement and hospitality of its pa triotic and public spirited citizens. And personal experience has now Verified all that we had ever heard, and fully proven that tho Newborn of today is weli worthy of it ancient le- down t-.ow nicy re.-e.vt.i. '"'' '''n 1 n.embcis of the National ( ,omi:iission i'"1-'1. dt tho cha. eh. s and tchoul that be.iu.orsa!l over t.:e couuti) were , i.-,,,,. . ... ' buiidin.-'s of fl, eitv ,,.! :i tl,M ho. d of tho! of lhe;MM i,,,sl . ..4 -.'.. i., it. .!..;.. ! l.-ls Lut JAlf of . .-.. .1. .-.u-.w...J A UL;u". ," in gaiuv.i pvas.ov ... u ooutu ami . cm iu isimnuiiiji 'muished -uels on this in? morulile Ae.aa t.Vniral fiei.-bt train, consist cumbers, in can a on Pes. a:U irias.iry wnn iju.u me n so sin :,!, I ::il ne.-es in lono.loes Mini olliel-! oot i'1 :" 1 siliouiu wlikU l hey agroeit toiui'.isii . 'ri.i-..i.l, ,, ;,.,1,i n..,,,:n f,-..,., some of lh,; cios loii. eaiii.-.t t-i.-hu the J'reusui v with from :J.o:)i),(HU ,j,e mltituJos on tho streets, the ! feet un.i broken into hpfintersi. to:f.)0,(J!n;,t(iij iu gold, but tht(:roi-e; oeeesiou renched tti .rotiinls. Iho b:uLi man was killed outi ight siiiou had 11 siring lied to it in thf iVow the ceiilio of the plat Torn !' -t.d.iel.r liaa bince lii-tl of shape of a proviso that bond., fboul-l I j,-0por, tkero radiated a spc-eia! stand. -' 'i'j'1 '- The storm eU alnnit be i.-.-u d l"i ib. a -gold. Other bank j ,:j,0u tbij were chairs for Presi j three, mim;!. s. and then the streets eis turntd l..eij-j..oi.l ii.lo it: Ticu-1 cie'-el.tud. Vice J'i evident Kt v ' u fill l with fuuitie uicu, hluiek uiy wi: .pie.--t:o:-. because of tin ir ' t.ns,,. i),.L ,,t Vi.v ic i i .l l.i ,,... : won.en and the woilsof i he wound ty. ana the l.igner natioua and local uu. oyjug ivounain..? itooo i?'-e( . Nor. born. Mr. I). I I.,,,.. vaHdl'.n wlH.r.-iii IV l r.l.vb ..lul.illfV M ! J. Null mi t S C. Nail nr.- ili-f.nduDU, we will tpA ..r i-i--li. t iul.!ii; F.u.-:l.u. ui Uio urt liu ,!, i;nii!y, MO.NDAV, the HUi .f Mi TV I in..;, i!i u i-i-iialii ii.ji-i ..r land In Ul'-kwy Mouu. j Ir.lil t.n-.l.-lil., In mi!,1 (-.lunly, oulnlulDg I .-.. r'b ui:.l M ine Uu- phiih. it,-iiifHi iu u, moro moriui association ami tho adjutant j i iu:i:.iur..u tin-iai ouj vi ?.inr,-ii, iss?. H'. 11. WOMACK, m.'yer jjoiiei'al commanding the C ledeiale elerans, the . a. lies' Wi vegetables. Tho peas were ready lor iiickii'g, and the fields were tiled with men, women and children busily picking peas, at which work they earned good wages, many ol j them making over a dollar u day. ; j.,Hv I. Several thousand crates or package.- eonri !e!!et in 1 he gov. i nun nt. vl,;cb of pear. Turo being shipped every I they tii-.ugiit in need, of i he gold to j tide our a tc.'.j oi-.iy u.i-e'Uily. but 1 tho Wa:I : -.. Shyleka wjt.t.d tl; ir i p.. tin. i ol i!e.-h in ilie siiap. . 1 ii.t.:rt-!t lou u.e bonds to !.-) i -iu d !).!': e ihev j would turn lo .ue lh-: lying idle Tin: Jambs Cut trouble has been " tluir t.tults. .. did ivot lul-e Pic.-i In n! t.iL-v-.'la.'j.i ate. I lb; I. ...lone'. t:iiee i.ii'..uUs to t'oiiiiji.ite an indigii.utt rel'ti:-!!!, w hich was v. i; d to Ne.t York. Aj.rll l, ls-.v). Ouiuuilanluuen. ' S EXECUTION BALI:. BY VIIU ' tuo uf ;. t-KiM-ulliili In nn ju-lbin ntltl.wt .liii I., thill xr. N..1-I1US HurU-r t lyahdwr Till, great honor will be paid them. All Oil IHni:i' 'i'abie. ITini tlw Newl'er-1 Jovrim'.. At Jieihiir. one of the f.lfiFesl ixst- ilay to Northern markets, each puck nijo containing live pecks, which last week were selling at 5t2. uiiieer-s of the Pair. j Kiieatn. i'o i ll was at i;:snirii!g scene that, met l'f t'1"l!- the vision ol the Chief Pxeeulive of !"'- ' "laiiy ' i horror to tho wild ei n.iliou i!;iiil(H broke business houses and greatly exaggerated, and in many particulars misrepresented and mis understood. We are enabled to gi ve the readers of the llKi oiiD an accu rate statement ol tho whole matter, as learned from the court rveordsand from our personal inquiries while at Newberu last we..-k, lor it so hap pened that the troops and the edit ors were there at the same time. And just hero we would slate thai there scented lo bo more alarm and excitement in tho other towns of the .Slate than i:i New beru. The (pieslioo bar, liv.juec'.ly been asked, and naturally is a.-ked, why did tiie owner of this properly so long delay a.-scrtiug his rights and renown. Yes, no ci ty could welcome j claiming his properly ? Whydii and entertain any body ol men more cordially and delightfully than the "Elm City'' did the editor:; who wero 80 fortunate a to be its favored guests last week. Among the pleas ures enjoyed wero an e"ursion on tho elegant steamer Notiso, a charm :ng concert by tho best musical talent of the ciiy, a drive around tho city and through the surrounding truck-farms (which were a wonder ful revelation to many ) and a mag nificent haiKjiiel, w hieh was a most euccessful seipiel to so enjoyable a series of entertainments. In Newberu the old and the new are strangely contrasted, ileim; an old biptoric town it possesses and exhibits with pardonable- pride many interesting relics ot Colonial and Revolutionary days. There still stands the stable built for iov. Tryon, and ono ot the handsomest residences was occupied by Presi dent George Washington, when on kin Southern tour. Many old and quaint looking are seen on every side, full of interest to the antiquarian, and near them may be acon tho inoro modern ami attractive structures that express tho latter day progress and style o? architec ture. The ancient quiet ot the old town is now broken by the whirl ot machinery and tho noiso of manu facturing enterprises. The shriek ing of many steam whistles and the whirr of machinery aro in striking contrast to tho juict repose that so pleasantly rests upon other parts of the town. . Yes, the old ami the new are happily blended and the antient town is arraying itselt iu modern garmonts, is stepping forward to the irontrang in mis progressive age. and is keeping pace with its younger sisters. Within tho past tew years a remarkablo progress has been made in the material development of Newborn and tho surrounding country. In proof ot this wo cite Uie fact that there aro now in that city twolvo steam saw-mills, which saw sixty million feet of lumber an nually. Anil in order to show the iwsourcos of that section forthu lum ber business wo w ould mention that ttiere aro, it is said, 125 varieties of woods in its forests. The fish trade is of wonderful ex tent, tliore being seventy d.lTerent kinds of fish to bo found iu the waters tributary to Newborn, and that city is uow one of the greatest fish markets in tho Uhilod .States. Buring the year Ia'J'2 there were snipped 1'roni Newberu and iloro- Jj aei , ano! iitr ro; ing, was received, promptly lejeeied. t:!;;j l;; c.iJ.-.i.t to (use o'o.-c; ver t of this a llui'.i.-i! .! street ion. ' The p.-e.-e;it (..'.!-' ury is. under the el isTaetore. a'd if I ie tiutii; t -1 1-.- as fiw have P, vi- for il:t. j- for the i.-s'.1.- of 1. Ihr ... :-an I f .l g- ii:e!( as:-. t:,;- !,;.,e e:,t i:i!:. t. wJ bed it f.tilil it !a U i be exha'a.-U d. I .,'o: iss.K-l. I'ifri.!,::; S.-1- v t'.-ii ;!. .. ' i.ivii. k.-s exact-: L-.n it also was J: in.isl by this ve:; toe ;t;o-l ob I li-.j:U'i'i il mo: to j .i:i i--, "No Witii j :b--i! ( f theTicas tiie nation as bo was escorted to hi lioloio him was i-uch a throng as hu hud never laced before. All was now iu readiness for in auguration exercises pioper. 'I he blind t'i.-iphlin of the United SI lies .Senate. Kev. Dr. W. 11. Wilburnc was led loi wiiid to freut of the pi; re.-ri'.-iices. Tho people so e without l.ou.-es ni.d siielter. and ivany ere i:i tents and under jiiatiks hastily constructed, i'ue destruction ami buffering is in- desel'llab!o. All through the- long hours of the liiuht the el it.- nn.i l oall.- .f helo'es.- were ever seen together iu thu State sine e I he w ar. The people here are I I""1 J'.'ti"'" '.. u-n.g hkbivIm sgaiust Mid i t . t- l . . I i . . ti'-i- ii'i.-ni'M hi 1-t-nniRi-y -l.-i-m, iFU'i. aij.1 wlwnM t.eepiy gralilied at the new s that the I o. a. wim mroiy i..r aef.-uaiw. i trill remains w ill stop at Jlaltitlh and !.?.',".?. v''" i""'ll:,ltt"L".,!"u: al "'JfjH '2 i.i. . il:f r.-llowii-ji iriii-w or )r-i uf loud ii linili.'iii uiily iiraeti.f land knuwii M ili. V. a i x lim.l. r- 0..-.i.iinr Uiv Immu of A. W, l .i!im r .- tM-li-, Hi.- ;. u. :".linor nud, and U)i lai i.i tiii iiiii iicni, .miliili:g iwavnw, mor r i .-s. Ai., lh.- tn.. ri'st oi o. A. 1'nliiit-r Iu ,1-ru.lii tr.ici i f IhihI fully .I.-bi rlUvl in u.nd tojf ll'ii-i-.s. . -n-.i -I Ijyo. A.l':iliiii-riinl -yl vaul t-nluier i.. o I) I'm i.i.t, il.e.- i N..v io. ls'. mid rgUiured in I .- k Hi- .iii-.. :-i.j. .-. iji.iit: siijt li m nw. iu; il,.' i. i. i ui o. a. I'.ilii,. r l-i uiio iiilirr l riot of l.U' 1 .-ll .l.-riili-MT, . k. li tj -.luiiig till) IhiiiJb of tba i-.-li:ii i.i 1, V.. Sill ,,'i un 1 ..I Ik rf, r, . II milling ltd ii I...1 yi.-iliiiaii ii .1. .1. J1.NK1.VS, blierlO. i! ti.-,i,-. i'.., , C,, A ril f-, ls-ji. form by bis adopt. tl .hughler. iiissj men "td worn, u and children pinion-1 Cra ti v. who lias be.-n his c;;i : ed iuneaib and l.tub.-rs could ; one i-f our most worthy and iudtis liioua f.irmeis, has a dining table, the history i f which may interest some of our i t adt i s. It is a plain walnut tr.b'e. was made in 7W) gu tho north t-bio of M. -o:; river l.S miles idiove New Ijcrun be a Oul ouliter I'.niDod MiU'hell. v. ho nlsol"':! 1 . . I - tlit; same year erected l he house which still btrtiids on thw Line faint. The frame f this tablo has si.tet!ij moitiees mi l tt ntins, which lit an j i,i ..lie !.u il in,f i, nn.) ,w 1 1 .- .iff I . . , ... i i ... I . .... I .. ......... . 'I s... .. .... J . - . slum itmi i .!:.. i. ii uiiemiant tor isauy j '-'-." "'.'i; x mi n-.w.i;(,)l us uu. 3?i.n of Ihose about liiiii al"1 Pfeuie s.viion bands and bi idge j 'phis (able has for more than one joined in "Au.en" with which the man ciews, us well us tbo.-e of the 'IVxus . rill),j1( j V( ll-s been iu use as adihini i ol tied com-liid.;d bis invocation. Al- j enirai. mrusiieil ail. Jiospuan. i ...i., L ., ,,., r,,.. M i.,,,. 'tor the !-;idii,i of ii noaiii wiitten lor w. ic tia.-l t : v imiai un-l.l.iee. sal-j.i a o. e:e.:on. and nn address bv J i . f t U;it v.e;,- uwt lo 1 con-' ,-....-.(;. .......i n.,vij i,vi,ir,.,i c;...-,.. ' i - f-iiijo f,:-is.liu.-w-: rtisdiieJ to .-Ui.clels. 1 I..,.,.,. f.. , ,:.,.i i.,.f i.i ............ r,uu ,,-,, ,. , T. ' , ' 1 1'i-lilies I he conclusion tl.r.t it has ('.( I ill' ! I VI' Ocloi.CS. j j.k) , f,.t ,l( avf,r,,,(. ,)f (.riiiMK, O. T., Aptil ! New.-; j)tl ,ii,U3 foi one hu.'id.-.d and twelve continue to come iu fiom diiiei.-iil 1 vc-rrs of tli'j daiflagi 1 !,(,, ,1 0J il.(.se facts 3fr. Lat.p 1ms ami il. ;.tu Wioiigl,!. !-y li.e ftriii f u I I nmie l he J'o! i ow ii.g fin ions estimate .- toii'i of T i- sd..y ijiglil. ll, is now f t;,e umoiiiit of food that has btt n known I hut tbc-if wue seven si-i aiuti! Berved on it KOHEY TO LOAN. V, i-stah: Loan ti j itii approved ci'-.ii v at 2 icr centt o!- p:u lielllaiv a pplv to A. L. Al. N PILL, Attorney at Law, ! b. 1', 1MJ1). amt.), N. C. go.- thev s I'J- in; e. an r j e.u s unci in i J "c 1 jr i l C. 1 1 1 ll ! answer to this is very simple. I u ! ,.., Ul; ;j ji j. ;1; j tho first place he d;d not wail 2.' years, but began his suit on the it! day of October, J SS', nearly 11! year; ago. On account ol the hog;? ni:m : M..di..Ud ho'i i I is!: tho reli, f ir. c Ir iii ve I hat it ll'.it sh ujalt. r will i'.' .'oi!.:,; at un ex-'ra session. -! wi-. k it ! l-r- :e me. -niy .Hi 1 even if 1 :-li il! .t;!i;::ic v.. 1 :r, I, at pres ii ii;. on to iiit-d ! '.i'ii it w ii! ! I o:;ds will bo Ciewl-i., 1 and . : !'. de ls s!.-.'l be is-iu I i.'ee.i fully den) g . '. wiii f.ii.i I . a:.- ! iii'iny be I SU'.'W Il lie i ,i I le. toi ti. i.e; al iavis, President Cieve i l.ilKl a: ose i'.;;-i luado a sk !'t addiesii j As tiie P: evident wat. eoneliiiliti;.-. his liiiiil si n'.eiice, bis oyea w audere l ! lo iho table that whs close hi bis h it j hand. l'i)on this w,M tho b i'.toii. Ihe prebijtiie of v Lie',; Wii.- to start thf-1 parts of Iho 'i't t !ii-niiiety and make tho jA ning of I l he an accomjjii.-Led l.iet. lit was nn ordinal v foim of Victor j t.-legiiipi) Key, sueJi as l.. in Uio.-I lele i ana nisiiuel ejclont s. mi l ti.e nun -jg'.aph Mh'.-s, ex'vpt Ih.-ii it was of j 'i r of killed i-i beli.'V.d to ixcee.l gold i.i.-.u-ad of steel aod th ItiUoii j l'r, .. The gi eat est ibtinage I oi ivory instead of rubb&r. Il rirl.-d i was ib i.. 'ninr .Noiiuan iu the m.uUj upon n pede.-ial upholsti rs-d in na-.v!'") part of li.e Tcriitory and hear bluo :o:d !..! leu ytliow p'.i.-h, and n i 1 eikius nn.i ::!v.uU-r in iho liorth- i.-eil .lOUl Il'illM'li uiiily, I wreeil.i and ail; 1 ,' I .,!... .,,(,.,, f,.,.,, ;. r ,.,. ,lJt' i than f.i'lv veais, and ita traditional v II. th her of the defendants the ca.-e wr eoiitiiuic 1 from court to court an Iroi.i year to year, ami has been to tho biipreme court two or ti times. N that the owner is not tn 1 1, be blamed for tin? litigation lieinifi naval r. vie-w v. nt.-i d.. . protracted so many years. A full I dO"t and t;.e oth. r me: report of the facts in the case can be found in the lh'Jlh volume ol oui ! t'-. l onress e I mii -Is. are IS - Ui t. Sier-d meuj'K-r t. ! and he k i.-i Iu..! i York, where i:.f . Pif-si lei.'. ieo roih i.: tho only I ii- the cite, I rn.-l from Ne'-v ! ;i e t ' i'lKllet ell I ; pal I in the big ! Ihe j of the Cabinet, t-xcept fr'.'Ciiiaiy Lunont. who is t oiiij.eiitd by private business lo f en. lin I here for s.'Veia! d.ivs. win .State Supremo Court Reports, from 0 ,ii,vt.t fl Ul!l X:j-,v York to Chicago, page 57 to 71. Aad before begin-Jto take part in the opening of Ihe niiKl his suit, in .Mr. Hrvaii i oi i-t i air. , eei t ii'.i y .iiuiin nau had exhausted every effort to avoid !: ligation and recover jiOses.-ion ot bis property without a suit. It is beyond doubt that the occupants ol the land had long aud continuous notice that they had no right to it. And in justice to them we take ph asuro in Muting that our informa tion (r..m leading citizens ot New born is, that a large majority of these occupants were willing to obey the law and abide by the court's decision, but that they wre intimi dated by some of their turbulent and lawless leaders. And to the credit of other colored men bo it remem bered that a committeo of tho best negroes nt Newberu and also a com mittee of negroes from (ioldsboro' went to James City and urged the inhabitants- of that plnco to obey the law and give .Mr. IJryan possession ot his property. Ought the military to l.nvo b.?en enlle 1 out? This important ipi;s lion will no doubt bo much discuss ed, and yet what else could bu done? When tiie sherill'of the county stated lo Hie Coventor that Iho civil au thoriiy was exhausted and called upon liini for troops to enforao the mandate ot the court, tho Governor was cumpdlcil to call oul the mili tary, but iu order to avoid bloodshed ho went to tho scene of trouhlo, went without any military escort into tho very midst of those who had defied the law, and making them a speech succeeded in bringing thorn to terms without the shedding of one drop of blood. Hut if tho troops had not been ready and near ut hand lo compel obedience to tho law, it is not probable that tho (rovernor's advice, nor that of the colorsd to mi.-, tho tiip to the World s P.i;r bt cause oi soma pressing Indian ti.i-i-IH-ss I hut il jiii.ui.l-, lib immediate at tention. The s"'C.:id (hiiplrr in tho invcli- giltioll of the Weill le T Ij il. u.l o;.(U ed with a sliuinv row bi-lw. e.i llio.-e two oo, I republicans, riof ll ni.iig ton, thief of the Lineaii. who l.-being luvesliguted, iiiul Assistant Attorney Oenel'iii Coibv, who is! iie--1 he I oiefi-lo.- .i;,,.." TIi,. ,ri.t..,e.. .,l-.... .... v.. ....... ... .... . . ., i, up to this time ft.liy In fos out oi.e oi ihe charges lhal incompetent -m nloves were retain. ! after th chief of the bureau kucv I hey were iueoui potoiit. Nearly aliof the prominent iifli' i'i!s went over to New York thii w.-ek to seethe intei naiiouai uavai review, the bu ge.-t afi'.iir of ita kind tiuil. h.a.i i vn taken place iu Ameiieuti ual.-l.-, u:i 1 they aro all glad liny went, f .r they saw wh it none of thciu will probably ever euo ag lin. A ( bib! ll ,i,l, ;l. Pirrsiuua,, P;i. A pi il "ill Fumn Kolly. seven yeaisoid, whoiived with her parenlr; in thi., city, iv.ii loa.ittd to deal h to lay. A heavy fall of ruin loose nod ti.e earth and rocks on tl.o ludo nt the bill. About h .ill o i lock to. light ll.ii tons .'f tho hill.-ido fi.ll. iu the Ki-1 ly bouao wui e Solouum Kelly and his wife ai. d lour chiidii-n. The avalanche of rock hit thu house and it as if it had bcdii a pa v.. board box. Too fivo iiioatus-ohl baby was seat ed near the door in its cut. lio. The cradle was forced through tho (.pen doorway into tho aiiey aud the infant miraciiloui ly i scape.b .Mr. Kelly ami his wife were lunied and badly crush ed about tho limbs. Thiy sufered internal injuries from which they wiii hardly recover. The two boys were also bruised and muugk-u but wire taken out ulivo. rid. s ol the low.r tier, in i-iiver li t 'hi s, were the r-igniii' imt thittb, 11:" and "IS'.CJ " As the h'.-t words fell from the I'l; iidnnt's lips, l.u pi e-j -ed his lii:g( r iijuin the ballon, 'ibis wis the t.,;-. i ai for a domoiisti a! ion in fad diiiU c ilt of iniocinatioi: and infinite! v nioi c so of d.:i:cri'!ioii. Al ono and ll.e loioio counly ti -aiuo iiistaut the sudu-ueti burst into a thundering shout, tiie orchestic pfaled forth ihe strains of tho Untie bijiih Chorus, the wheels of the great tins fcujnne in .i r 1,11,1.-1 uaii.coi.i- meneed to revolve, l!:e electric foun ititis in the h. goon thrcv their tor- rents toward Ihe;!. v. r. lloo.I of water u'ushel forth from the MeMaiiuies foiiiiuiii and rolled back oca in into it basin, the thunder i t m lillery ciuu fiom the vessels on the lalie. tin ei, lines in Sfmiufa. tnrors' ffall ami on the German building rang out iiieir n.orry peai au.i oveineail, lla-'s at thu tops of poi. s iu fir.nt of t!u platform, fell apart and totaled two gilded models of tho ships in which Columbus liist sailed to American shores. At the suua moment n'so, hundreds of lings of all nations and tli colors were unfurled within sight of tho platform. It was a wondfiifol s.eno of trans formation and amid il nil the canrn, continued to thiiudf-r and tho irowd lo cheer. It was fully ten niinuUs before the denionstr.tti in mibsided. 1 hen the band plak-d America" and the exercises were at 111. 1. The Co lumbian Exposition wits opeu to the nations of the world. Il whs precisely tho hour of noon when drover Clcvflund touched Iho button and thus declared the opruino mi accomplished fad. The crowd in uiteiubiiii'A was enormous und was vaiiouslv estimated ut from 1f)tl,fiH0 to 17.". 0.1:1. Uefore lbs ceremonios iwrn haif over, twenty woiiieu and half as many men had been removed unconscious to the hospital, where u corps of physicians was. iu waiting. .Most of liiuso helpless ones bad simply faint ed but a uuiuber are sutfwriu from more serious injuries received iu ihe jam. A Cine Tor Consumption. New Y.i itK, April "(! Tho Hecor- der'a 1,000 prize for a cure for won sumption is awarded to W. U. Amick, Al. IV, for seventeen years jrofessor in the Cincinnati College of .Medicine and Surgery. The Itecorder invites physicians everywhere to verify this result of its tbrtie tuonlh iijvestia western pi' ft. At Norman, tvtenly eight persons were kili.-.l iu one neigh l.oi l.oo.l and ;i divim more w. re hi,! e.l at v a ions points will, in a radius of te, en: y miU's. Past of Norman near tl.o lite.-of Putta , at .mie county rix inn i'. I t ill 1 bodies were found yesierd iy. Pa: ' '.tr i-ast i.i Poltawa t or ten m e report el hilled and as many wo. u, dr. 1. Thiily milts 1 ..t 01 here in Payne eo.11.ty the kil'o I oggrr-galo t'gi.lteii or twenty. A family of two women and a baby p ri.-hed iu one house and a man and children in ano''..r. Poisoned by JSp.iiigi'-Cal.i'. Pn r-.-'i i,.!. Pa., April SX- X f.u.iily named Mnutfr, resi fug u'. t lab eitv. a few miles out t f Pilt.-bnig. wire poi-omd y .-trrdity by eating cake. One boy is .lead, iiuolhi-i' child cannot, iccovfr ni.d lh: rem .-lining nir-inbei :) of the family, '.: 1 n iu limn !: r. urn in a eiiti.'i l coinlilinn. .Siiulcr k. j s a il.di y and raisnspigf ami jioullry for market. On Thur. d ty be gatii. it 1 a large loud uf clops 11, d icI'h-p frora 1 teres und bouses it!i wh icii t . f. ed his stock. Among thu ttulV viio found n'Vtral i-tale -.oiige-cf.l,es. Pit: t of the cakes were given to bis family to cat ;Oid I! e lt-st were fed to tho thicken:.. Soon aft'ir nil of his chick, ns wt io dea l. This, however, did not warn him that tho cukes tun lain, il poison, ami his liu fhildreii ate iho rem liuder. Tho thihlr. 11 wer.1 seized with convulsions. A doctor was summoni d but a live year-old boy was dead before ha at lived. Tho little Hrl Funny was tunned to the lloor and the btovo ovtiiuriiHd 'u'u aUll "ava the lnedicinu for this oubtr. IleiTcrtaiu.i werchcaitr, ml- purpose will be sent free of cost to ing. The t.oighborb baiia block away those who write diteet to Dr. Amiek hmit-.l thu i l.ii,! I. ui .-mil I 1, , 1 ,,.i, at (.'iiieiniiiili. Ohio. committees, would have been taken. Ler. It WU;, un l.ur t.wfo,.0 i,ej. j throughout the wnoio irouuie irov. ! body could be taken out. Part of Lor! The Mavis hotel at Kittrells was Carr acted with comniendablo cour All Indian Out In cik. Di-.nvi:'!, C..1 , April tS --TI o long threiiteiied war of the Navujo Iiiduoci ngiiin.-t tiio Mcttlfrs in ihe vicinity -f I heir lands ban come at l.i-.l, ui. d with il tho death of tight s. tilers. Such was fl.t k! aiding news rcceiv- i ll this 1110 1 nil.;.' by Adjt. (Put. Ken ni' lv in a tell- mi r, Indian Agent of the Ninujos, Limit. Plummet- asked that Ilia fronts bu tailed nut to prevent further blood she J, adding that the people below Duruugo wero iu a wild state of ex- cilfiuaiit, and grave fais wero en tf rlaiued lest t he Indians -1 con tinue their w ai faro idong the valley. In his intssa.'o the lieut. n .nt slates that two bat tits hae bcou fotiiiht already. Tho fust was early yester day, whin live men weiti killed, all set tins, while at another encounter three won? whites lost their lives. The War i . pai ttueut has teltgi apb- ed(iei). t'ook, Department of Arizona. "liightetu iu. ah' a .lay for this pe riod would ngg! .-gale V.l.i.h lU, w hat iiu u mount of food more thun S'tl'fUOH strved 011 one table net less than tv.e-.ily thou.-itud doll. us each, for the Ihrf.o gciif-iatioiis that havr fear. led from it. A Colort'l V(i!i!un Dncfor. l'u iiMONii, Vh , April 2S. The first Ii male to eliliiii u tt 1 liiieuto to prac list, iiii'di! ii.e, was giant 1 d by I lit Sialw lio.-od of M.dieul Pxiiiiiiners lo a eoloied woman. The members of the board suipii.-ed when they made tho disi'ov. ry (hat the vouiig woman, w host namn is Sm ah O. Jones, .. 10 1 who had undergone tiuth a euc c.ssltil txii.'iiiii.t ion, was a colored ,'ill. In tho flash of hIio t-tood ninth in stir-try and ranked high in evu t iiug txetpt anatomy. The now Virginia dociitss is the daughter' of Ibti editor of the True II-. I01 nier, a wee kly paper p.iibliphed hen1. She was graduated from Har vard Medical College, thia cily. .Sfoiiliiig ('oI;inilti' AhIics. C111cAi.11, April 'J'.). The Herald Ibis morning has tho follow ing: Au utiriieeivisful r.tlcmpt to sit d Plnis I, phi r I oiuoiliiis iishea was made 1 Tho glass containing them was broken ami iho priceless ii-mains lifted from their tistiug place by an unknown thief whose presence .h sr erutad Ihe sairid Con vent La ilal.ida, at Jaikson Park. The lii-.hts wtro ciiiiied from a dark corner to the lieht of a window and cart-fully exuiuii.ed that no mistake might bo iiuidii, but tl.o delay for the examination proved disiinlrous lo the pnrposii of Iho vandal and saved lo ihe Lxpo.-il ion and postciity nil that is left of themoilid if iuaiusof the leat CAploltlTilid bell, factor. Paul Norvood, Cor. Parii-li and Coicornn Sta , DURHAM, N. C, Di a! r in puitst wince, wLiskeyg) beer, k-: W Mish wiiie for sacramental usej made at lf doc Viutvaid. A ii i I P). IHMU. "'LUMBER! Tlio Soulli Ciirnliiiii l,i(iioc Law. Coi.iMiut, S. (', Mh.v 1. The ( b.'.-ttr iiipmr case, involving (bu validity id dm Dispensary ae(, i-iuun no in the Sni'ii'iue court this morn ing and a iiue.-tiull of fact bavin- 1 . .1 . ... 1. ,. I HI L' . ... . t, . T ;.,..t IU,.. . unstdi, tnu eonri ainioiiueu 1. n. .tioor.iiui. i i;ii.o tesiiinouy, r no tcsliiuoiiy showed that the bill bad bteu regularly ami legally lutssed Mai. Ibimilton, attorney for the liipior men receded from Ids position that thu bill vfiis illegal, lie w ill light the bill 011 constitutional grounds. Il seems i-bltain that tl.6 Dispensary law will go into operation July Jut. A Iiig Strike. London, May 1. The great labor struggle began today at Dundee. Mill owners nt tht.t place recently hotiliwd operatives that a rifluctiou would have to be mitdo iu thfir wages. All kinds of LUMLLH for sale nt tht PIT T50QSC SHUTTLE MILL VVEAThta-BOARDiKG, CEiLIHG AKD FLOORING, l'i '.Ni n ami K11 n Dmni, on Ronoiti liil!.. r-.vM .1 to oidi r ot nhort notice (rood Ceiling r.!,d I'looi ing already Dui.s.,i: at only ? L'iO per 100 feet. 13. nsrocE, jt. Sept. 17, IK'.tl. HllAI) Tlil.S LIST! Misses' Fust thick Hoko IOo. Ui .tss Pms 5o. Culling Irons 20o Corsets, 2ra., ode., VJc, 1.00, $1.25. lsixley's Hboo Polish joi .South. 111 Pell i''c:p Sdi Patent Clothes Pina IOo. doz; Lamp Ciiinineys C, 7, 8c Windsor Ties 115, 25oi Linin Napkins SO, :15c doz. Ladir-ii Hose (high colore), 35, 50et Silk Mitts (nil colors), 2.1, Hflo. Hiik (".loves 2o, fiD, 75o. Pull Dress .Milts $1.00j Cbilili en's Lace Cups loe. lo 1.25i DON'T POUCET OL'U STOCK OF SHOFS. AND DliliSS GOODS. W00LLC0TT & SONS, l-i K. Martin St., KALEICII, N. d. Aril n7, IS-.);). to Hiuil tro.i)8 inimcdialely to the 1 Mill hands refused to accept tho scene of trouble. forms of the masters, and today ten - - j thousand operatives went out on The loss by tire in Moore county stike. . Several mill have been codj Komo three weeks ago is estimated pellud to clone in consequence, nt IHll). Jfany iupu who wi re ; head was burm-d uvvuv. aud the bodv ' dest.nvn.1 I.e fi.n Iuat iiiinliiv mnin-1 in coo.l tire uiufct iint cs ami were 1 Mrs. John U'ike, of Jackson county, , 1 1 , . 111.1 fi i.i.ii', ...iiiii'ii'!! 11. , . . 'I 1 .. .... , . ..-, . 1 w. I, -.m iit.-iui..iiii.i nin .nr. d n u in .1 - s hh 11 k. i.HMin iiu. age, pirn ence ami gooa iiummoni, 1 - . ....y. rao lllaUj i.i...u ; o- v. V 1 . P I I O J F I , !,.,,, ,,t .,, ,. 1 ,,., .1 ... ... . I . . . . I I 1.. 1.. ..... ,f ...., ll .,n..r,l.l l-U . full ilill'l llfYll Ullll W 11 U . i v. i-n .... i i i i J.,.,.uil.n(i...l...i,il..,i;...i. .........- .i.ji.or, ..."iiuiin, i,,i.-,., ..mi- , fu.ies irom htitiocai lou, ami masi oi am imeuu in m-;n. ..m ium.. j . ....... .... itcHii tuy u.,u"i. ua,.wo uuu ui'.iu-.a,,,. ,hou.w., - u"l,lued. The neiahbors .- av the resident 3 I ho eui h nK..,4,..l in ibeir nidit-; whs the most dtsiruelivo ouflacra- fatally burned. Hr bnsl.Hii.l iu try Jf J'al, : 1, . .....L-... I 1 ., ..... .111, 1 , ' nin ,1 in 111 1,1 lion N m . rimiid j t- . . . , . e , i :. I ... I . , i I . . . - . . widlbut there aro nearly li.tMKI per 'tor his wise aud peaceful settle taunt not bo found. .-.i, 1 lie 1 esineill a IllO gllfcSIS OSeUp.'ll 111 llieir 111 ll l- ; W HS t IIB lll.isl lltsi i uei lie e Hiilli-I il- iniwi; i.iiiiirn. j.r u ..r.,..,. ,u j - se, but they tiiu- j wear, leaving clothing and bt some linn ever known to vinit Moore couu- ingtopttt ot.l the fire was also burned oases watches aud jewelry behind. ' ty. ' death-. I'aresm, suit 'I'raile-Vm t oliiitlned, and all VirV nt l.nfli...i-9 C(ir.1uct.-(l fur Mooioti rm. Our Orricc IB Oppn ,-Tf u. S. Phttht Orfioe nj w can f i-.-i.r,- riui'iii iu lim lliuu ibau uiaaa ruiiiiiip fr,nn W'a-liiiu:tin. bund inoji l, rir.wlni; nr photo., wltll dMert ttnn. Wo Ailvlnn, 11 nr t, frea sf Cliariro. Our fue nut dua till In neciirwl. A PJMPHUIT, "IlilW !OOI.tlll I't81lt," wttll r.ine- of i-tiiHl clitti.u iu yuur buio, county, ut luu, bcut free. Audrsu, y C.A.SNOVV&CO.! . Or. Patcnt Orr.cK. Wsminto. D. O. LiriwoTTS urriscoTrs - urpiKOTTS JeatU hII other M.tannet , l .ilr of V tcimii A New Departure Jornn of Interest 1 ' J'uiiii; Shirt Storiei Iteiftting Mtii-eil.tny 2B Ct8 - lime uf 1'rr.ijrcM ' JO( r Oririnil t.VntriYnittnnt f'AGBS IN MALM liSUB Tlvc ' ,hc ll,lci ACompTete New Novel fcupc native Merit tj hbi farortte tuiAr i a ci So. Oivintt a libmry uf is new and vaHiahle workt, worth from fivuo t i.oo annually, at the nominal mm cf 23 cenu pcrtiinnth Stilrtrriptiun, ?. 00 yearly. biuric by Jvihn HattLeitou, France HiMlgtoit ir i.ett, Jnli.ia H.iwihortic, Lucy L. Lilitct cu., etc., will ar in tmly itue Circutark, giving dtuiU, etc., mailej on ajplictioi J. b. LIPF1NCOTT COMPANY 71 an J 717 Mrket St., PluUJolpKK

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