Ctettem II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND l'KOPIUETOIt. HATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- ll.Oft One square, two insertions l.M One square, one month - - For larger advertisements liberal con racts will 1)6 made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. VOL. XV. PITTSB0K0 CHATHAM CO., N. C, MAY 11, ISM. NO. 37. As Darby Says to Joan." 'Well, now, the buii's a power u' lie-ttl The nap's n-runiiing strong I stopped in with the pots it lilt There, ns I music along; Tlie cowslip xwnnip was budded thick Witli now Bin! then one blown 1 fetched A coi;plt in my hat" An I:irliy sny-s to Joan. "We'll hnvi' the t-iittlp out to grass Come Pans-day, I'll lu bound; Henr how the creilers stamp ami low Soon as they smell the ground. It's time lo rake the gardin off Ami set a lioncM re gout'; Plan out the beds to suit ye, wife'' As P.irby suus to .loan, "It setms wiilh while, a day like thin, les" to ha' wliMored thru ; ! feel the mm dual- lo my soul, Hd as I be, I do. Mebby it would look awkward-like To get to Heaven alone; I'd full as lives stay ou a sKll" As Iai by says to Joan. "Von ain't torsut the old Hide porch, Hack w bar the grapuvhie hutii;? 1 'bey think folks didn't court and kl When me and you was young! Jes' such another likely day The parson made us one" An, hitching up his chair a tilt, l'arby says to .loan. - Dora Itead Coodalc, In Independent. A FAULT REDEEMED. nv W 11. MAM THOMSON. Ill Livingston county, Michigan, tliero is n simill, Liml-lockcd lake, nit noted on extant maps, but locally known ns Whalcit lake. One Sunday morning, tiro summers ago, Willie .lolinson, the li-ycar-olu sod of a fanner's widow living near the lake, said to his mother after his little chores wen; douo: "Mvlier, Johnnie Porter and Alf Hughes (neighboring boys about his own ago) arc yoinjj in swimming tcr day. May I go along? "Weil, my son," repliod Mrs. John not), "You know (bat I don't, much like Sunday sport, bfit I suppose you boys flo need a good wash after your week's work in tlio harvest flold, mid Jf you'll promise to merely take a bath tjose to shore and then come straight home you may go. Hut don't forget yourselves. "Ob, no; we'll be very careful, mother, and n il get into danger. Be sides, we're all good swimmers," re Joined Willie, mid with a goodby kiss bo scampered gleefully away, while his mother, already half regretting her decision, looked after him with a sigh. On reaching (he lukn he found his roini'ados wailing for him uud in pos session of a small boat, to which they were fitting oars, while n sin liar craft lay a'ougsidc. "Why, bovs," inquired William, "where did you got the boat? My mother did'nt gave me leave to go sailing, and 1 promised that we'd just t-ike a good bath, and not run into any danger." "Oh, it's all right, Will," explained John Porter, "tho skiff bolong to some fishermen on the other side of the lake. They'vo gone lo tho village, I s'pose, and we'ro going to borrow this ono for a little while, ami have some fun." "Yes," broke in Alf rod Hughes, "we'll have a good lime. Jump right in, Will, and we'll row out 1 1 the middle of (he lake and lake something like a swim." Willio Johnson rather demurred at this extension of the programme, but, boylike, allowed himself to bo over ruled, and the thrco thoughtless youngsters were quickly nil ml. The water, though deep to the very shore, was smooth as a mirror, and so won droualy clear that the pebbly bottom could be everywhere plainly seen. The boys, shouting and laughing with delight, pulled out lo a spot about three hundred yards eqni-di.t ml from riiher bank, nud then Alt' Hugh". proposed that they should anchor tho boat, undress and swim ashore, when, if too tired for a return trip, they would take tl.o other skill r.'id so recover the first and their clothes. This plan was enthusiastically ap proved of, and, dropping- tho littlo uohor, the boys threw oil their scanty garments and plunged fearlessly over board. 'Let's see who'll touch tho land first?" cried Johnnie Porter as the three glistening forms rose to tlio sur face again. 'All right," yelled tho others, nud each one struck out xt his best speed. Now Whalen L ike is led principally by living springs and, oven in tho j heat of summer, its waters are de cidedly cold. All ihe. youngsters J thought themselves good swimmers, but they had never tried a course half o long as this, and before Uwy had gone one hundred yards their .'vn forced exertions and the low teii'prr aturo of tho water began to tell upon them. However, they pushed gamely o.i tor f.f .y yards further, by which timo young Porter was somo disliuico in ad vance, Hughes next and Willio John sou a bad third. Suddenly tho lailer railed out: "Help mo, Alf I I'm tired out." "So am I," dolefully cried Johnnie Porter from his leading position. "1 don't believe 1 ran reach shore." "You go right on, Johnnie, and try lo get the boat. I'll help Willie," gal lantly Bai ,.1 Hughes, nud (he bravo lit tle fellow tin ned back lo his distressed comrade's side. "You're safe enough, Willie," ho cheerily sputtered. "Put ono hand on my shouldor, and keep straight as a log and I'll tow you in." For some distance further tho over weighted swimmer struggled man fully on, encouraging his helpless burden as best be could. Then, when no moro than fifty yards from shore, Willio faintly gasped: "ItV no uso Alf Pm -uuntb all overt I'll drowu you ioj if I hold on. Toll mother I was sorry. Goad-by." And removing his cold hand the young hero sank like a slone. Alfred Hughes knew only too woll that he could not have sustained him self, and his companion as well, for twenty seconds longer; but tho knowl- odgo that Willio bad voluntarily re linquished his only hope of life in or der that ho might be saved sent a thrill through his chilled frame and he man aged to call out brokenly: ".Joiiiinic I the boat! quick I quick! Willie is gone!"' Hut Joh'inio had just dragged him self, by a supremo effort ashore, and could uot have stirred, at tho moment, to snro a world. "Oh! Willie, Willie!" cried Alf, as if his friend could hear him, "I can't divj for you. I must die, too. There's no hopol" Is there, indeed, none? Ah, yes, by Heaven's mercy, one,slight thought it may bo as a gossamer thread; for at this instant there came, running swiftly down the slope tp the water's edge, tho two men who owned tho boats and who, from the window of an overlooking house, had seen the .exhausted boy go down. Never pausing in their eager race, not even stopping to ask a question, i hoy sprang into (ho ready skiff and shot like an arrow from (ho shore. "Don't stop! Don't stop for inel" faltered Alf Hughes, as they swept alongside, "A few yards further out siraighl in a lino with the other boat! Oil, hurry! good men, hurry I" One man is rowing, the other watching, nud now, leu yards beyond tho self-forgetful Hughes, he tees, while peering anxiously over (ho side, a white body lying motionless on tho bottom twelve feet below tho surface. "Hack water! steady her, fJoorgc!" be erics to his mate, and down liko a plummet he d irts (o the rescue; In two seconds he is up again, bis hand twined in l he) boy's long hair. Another second and both are in the boat. Willie has been submerged possibly two minutes. He may yet bo saved! No broath is wasted in words, no fraction of liuio in dallying. The hardy fisherman, who still holds the oars, with one long, sweeping stroke, turns (ho bow shoreward; bis coin, pauion picks up the exhausted Alf as the boat Hies along, and the fifty in tervening yards aro passed ovor in a Hash. Then the dry man lifts (he drowned youth out to (ho hot sand, lakes off his own upper garments and wraps him up, while his friend goes for the anchored skiff, (,'iiickly returning, (he two hear tho still form tenderly to the bouse whence I hoy theiiHcIves have lately come, leaving tho now re viving John and Alfred to resume their clothing ami follow when strung enough. While ouo of the ro-cuers assists the good people of (he house in Iheir efforts at rcHUsciiation, the other hurries off to (ho village for a doctor, and soon every thing which skill can suggest is being doiio for the uucouscious suf ferer. Meantime a, swift-fooled messenger has been sent to Mrs. Johnson's and the distracted mother arrives to find her only son apparently beyond all human help. Not a sob, nor murmur, nor complaint does she utter, nothing to disturb tho w.M'k in hand; but with tearless eyes and palo cheeks lends herself to the doctors, and w ith an enforced raininess sadly belied by her bursting hem t. Minutes pas-ed away, a quarter, a half hour has gone, and yet there is no sign of lelurniug life. John and Alf arrive, nud without unwo'itod solemni ty seal themselves in an outer room, awaiiing in awe-sliickon silence Ihe dread verdict which lo both seems in evilahle. Hut the skiled physician, a man of Ir.rge expci lenee in such cases, vorks MtMdily 'ii, i. ever despairing, jet dur ing to whisper to Ihe self-repressing mothor only vaguest words of hope. Tho labor is hard and the perspiration pours down the good man's taco as ho tries by alternately pressing and ro. leasing his patient's chest and raising and depressing his arms to restore the action of tho lungs. Nearly an hour has glided by, and still tho beautiful clay lies (hero inanimate as a inarblu image. A portentous hush, profound ns that of death itself, pi evades the room ; the tensely drawn norves of tho voiceless praying wouiaa tho wid owed, perhaps childloss, mother be gan to give way. All seems iu vain. Her darling, wiltul, Joving boy is cer tainly dead and she she is henceforth alouo. Is (his, then, Cue cud of four teou years tender care? Blessed bo His name, no; for, seel there is a new look in tho doctor's watching eyes. He bends still lower, lays his oar elose (o (ho boys heart, placo's his long, white fingers on tho pulse, and says oh, so reverently ! tho simple, lifo giving words: "He is saved!" Then, as tho long pent-up waters of an ice-bound fountain uro released by the springtiino sun, tho blessed tear) gush from tho happy mother's eyes, and with an inarticulate cry of thanks giving she sinks to tho floor, weak and helpless as a new-born bubo. When she has regained some measure of strength, her boy has passed through (he paroxysm of pain incident to re turning circulation of the blood uiul, as she presses her lips lovingly to his, he whispers those two touching words, to which no true woman has ever yet since the creation of the world turned a deaf ear: "Mother, forgive !" and tho hovering angel of peace, wo may well believe, soars hetivonward with (ho glad tidings ihnt a repentant and redeemed soul is lent for a wiiilo lougcr to earth. New York Adver tiser. Friendship of a Canary nud a Hat. Mrs. Pert Athorion of tho Fulton Houso has a canary bird and a white rat which nflord great amusement for herself and other guests of tho house. The bird possesses considerable talent as a songster, and often' imcs when Mrs. Atherton has eoiiiauy Dick's cage has to bo darkened in order that the conversation may proceed. Dick's greatest joy, however, Is to ride upon the back of tho 'white rat, and when they are turned loose in tho room he immediately takes his position upon Femy's buck and insists upon being can ied about the room. Should the rat stop lo cat a peanut thrown to him by his mistress, Dick will flap his wings, scold, and peck Ihe back of Fomy until she mnkes another circuit of ihe room. Miss Hit doos not always lako kindly to this manner of treatment, and on ono occasion became so angry that she bit iff one of thu little yellow fellow's loop. Dick, in consequence of (he loss of Ibis all-important mem ber, was confined to his cage for a number of days, and, like a human invalid, was fed upon Ihe daintiest dishes tho market euuld aflord. His four-legged companion seemed to miss him very greatly in her morning romps, and when iho warbler was again able to bo about, showed every evidence of a desire lo renew friend ship with Iho bird that sho had so wilfully wronged. Dick granted her his pardon, and yesterday ufternoon they gave one of their old-time entcr (ainmenls to a number of admirers. San Francisco F.xamiuor. Badgering a Witness. The old stylo of budgeting a wit ness lias almost disappeared from many com ts; but in a Western Kan sas town it is still kept up, sometimes, however, to Ihe dam igu of the cross examiner. Lawyer S. is well known for his uncomely habits. cuts his hair i.bout four times a year and (ho rest of tho lime looks decidedly rag ged about the ears. Ho was making a witnoss deseribj a barn that figured iu his last ease : How long had (his barn been built ?" "Oh, I don't know. About a year, mebby about nine mot.tli, p'r'aps. 'Hut just how long ? Tell the jury how long it has been built.'' Well, I don't known, exactly quite a while."' "Now, Mr. B., you pass for an in telligent farmer and yet you can't tell how old (his barn is, and you have lived on ihe next farm for leu yens, ('.in you tell how old your own house is? Com.' now -tell us how old your own house is, if you think you know. " tj.iirk as lightning tho old fanner replied- "Yo want to Know how old my house is, do yo f Wi ll, it's about as old as ye be anil needs shingliu' about as bid!" iu lb; roar that followed tho wit ness nieppod down was not called back Cliieiiio Post, CIIIMMUIVN COM'MN, nut kino'm roiii.. The fool kept by the King Was quite a stupid bore. Although, at everything. Ills Majesty would roar, "There's nothing In Ids chaff," Maid lie, "to cause me uilnh, Hut still 1 have to laugh To get my'money's worth." IHt. Nicholas. A WAI.Itl'S Ill'Sr IN Ri III- SEAS. Tho walrus was made fast to the tern, and (hen wo rowed for the ship, delighted with our success. Our ex ultation was brief, for, as we wort towing (his i in in e t) bo burden, weigh ing, as wo found af tor ward, nearly 14U0 pounds, one of (ho parly shouted excitedly, "Look ahead, boys! We ure iu for it I" Advancing upon us iu stern battle array with regular, unbroken column, came n herd of between thirty nud forty walrus. It was a grand sight. On they canto with swift and vigorous strokes, their great, dark-brown forms in strong contiast with iho ice-covered bcii, Iheir huge, hsrd-visaged heads erect, their long, sharp ivory disks glistening ferociously iu tho sunlight. Their bloodshot eyes were fixed upon us with vengctui intent. We, however, were ns eager ns they for the fray. Aglow with excitement and exhilaration, wo u et thoir fierco onslaught with a volley from our rifles that even those determined beasts could not withstand. But they with drew only for a moment; then, bel lowing loudly with rage, they inado a second desperate effort to icmcIi our boat. One huge monster who led the ranks dived, and it appeared ns if lie would come just below the stern. 1'p bo camo alongside, and reared his un gainly head in order to hook his tusks over the gun wale of the boat. That wo bad to prevent ; for had bo suc ceeded in getting them over the side, his immense weight, even unaided by any effort on his part, would have capsized our boat as if it were but a raciug-shell. Our artist fired into the tough hide only a few feet away. 1 grasped the nearest weapon, an ico ax', but the bloy from it i-v!o uc more impression than if il had been o light wand, except that it enraged hi in still more. Again he raised his tusks, nnd re newed his attempt; but then our brnvc commander planted a good-sued rifle-ball in tho nape of the neck a vital point. We bad had a narrow escape; for, once upset, even had we avoided tho jaws of those angry brutes, swimming in that icy water to ono ol the distant icobergs would have been extremely perilous. Iu the meantime tho herd of walrus, bewildered and frightened, many having been killed or wounded, turned and retreated in hasty disorder. Then, (owing our two walrus, weight of over three thousand pounds we. rowed for our ship, the "Kite." It was very slow nnd arduous work Hut we felt socure, thinking we were done with our impetuous arctic cue. ! mie. They were of a dill -rent mind ; j certainly they were not done with us. ; Fonts we pulled with aching nrim and weary backs, a loud shout froir one of tho moil warned us tiiat oui fancied security was to be disturbed. j Hight ahead appeared pack of noins 50 walrus; and scarco Iwd wo timo tc collect ourselves and prepare for bat tle, when nnothor grcop was seen ofl tho starboard bow t.'ien still nnoihei off tho port bowt Wo were coniplnlo ly surrounded, and in tho distance many more dark bidios were ruadt out, evidently swimming toward us The sea was aln e with I hem. Tin wounded had retreated only to sum mon aid -to collect their scaltcret' forces. More enraged limn ever, the) had returned to wrek dire vengeance on Ihe presumptuous foreign iiitrtid ere. This time it rfomcd as if our hunt was to have a disastrous ending. rmtaunted by ojir Are, on they came, some to within fifteen or twenty foot. Wo triid to make every shot toll. Somo grasped the oars to row for tho ship, and out brandished the heavy ship's a, to prevent thoin from thrust ing their tusks ver the side of thr boat. Now tho flght had reached the height c.f excitement. lUrds of inn I dei'od walrus were on all sides, ami Ihofharp, rapi I reports of the rifle were followed by the peculiar, dis rordau( howling and bellowing of the infuriated beasts. We still clung U our unwieldy tpoils, which made il impossible to Attain any headway. Al first wo hurried y deluded whether w should not try to reach a low iceberg; but now that our passage was blocked on all shin, the oniy choice left ui was to fight it out then and there. At last, beaten ami dismayed, out pursuers yielded, turned, and fled. fSU Nicholas. BIG BUYING. Work of the Purchasing Agent of a Great Railroad. He Buys Immense Quantities of Various Articles. The purchasing agent of a great railroad occupies a place that would be a sinecure for those persons of cither sex who delight in buying for buy ing's sake. Hut it is no sinecure to Iho purchasing agent, who buys from from year's end lo year's end, nnd is always on tin lookout for low pricos, which ho generally finds. Tho work of the purchasing agent is to audit all Ihe requisitions tuado upon him by heads of departments uud station musters, and to buy tho goods called for. Some of litis work ho does iu person, and some by proxy. Tlio principal items with which he has to deal aro iron, rope, wa'te, gluss, stationery and oil. He must kcej) himself informed of tho market prices of those 4?-ticlcs, and be ready always to take advantage of a glut iu the market or a drop in price from any other cause. Hj buys always at a discount from the lowest market ptico, because he buys in great quantities. Tho purchasing agent of such a road as the New York Central buys about fo.OOO.OOt.i worth of goods every year. Ho has nothing to d with tho rails, lumber, or heavy machinery; they arc attended to iu other quarters. Kvery head of department and every station agent must make a requisition on the first of tho month for ihe supplies that he will need for thai mouth. To keep Ihe busiuoss iu good running order it is imperative that the requisitions be inado on the first of the m.iiiih; it will not do for tho agent lo write in the middle of the mouth that ho is short of something. These lequisiiions aro sent direct to the purchasing agent and he audits (hem. If he thinks that too much of any article has been ordered he cuts down tho order. If, on ihe other band, an order is m mi fost ly too small, he increases it. This, however, sel dom happons. After the requisitions have been audi ed they aro sent lo ouo of tlio princi al officers of the com pany for his approval. As soon as (hey receive his stamp tho goods ate shipped to their destiual ion. They ate not bought as needed, but are kept iu stock in great quanliti. s. A Sun reporter found iho purchas ing ngout of the New York C'nilral railroad in tho midst of a heap of requisitions. One was for It dozen red globes lot signal lanterns, "'' barrels of oil, 100 barrels of signal oil. 'jo gallons of turpentine, lO.i'i'O seals and wiros for sealing freight cars, a coil of rope live inches in circumference, 1 dozen brooms, half a dn?."n sponges, lno pounds of waste for cleaning chim iio) s, 3 gallons of soft soap for clean ing cabooses, I kegs of nails, ,'00 en velopes, 1,000 paper clasps, 1 gross each of pens and pencils, and 10 yards of flag bunting. An flie in the in terior of the Stato called lor 10,000 largo envelopes, "iimm small en velopes, ,"0i small pads, ;,0H0 lotter heads, 10 gross of pens, .'iini applica tion forms, oOO monthly report blanks, 10 gross of pencils, 10 gross of clasps, 100 large slicks of red sealing wux, 600 heavy manilla envelopes, 6 doz.-u 011 cans, It dozen lanterns, 10 signal lamps, 2 dozen white globes, 3 large lamps for station, 2 dozen brooms, 2 leather dusters, 150 pounds of waste, 9 kegs of nails, n half-dozen large chamois skins, 75 panes of glass i6x 20, 5 coils of small rope, one-quarter bale of coarse wrapping paper, 2o0 fence pickets, and 1,100 feet of barbed wire. Sometimes the iron bought comes out of the foundry so hot that it scorches the car fl tors. The discount secured by buying iron in huge quan tities is very slight ; but in stationery, on tho other hand, it is very largo. Stationery at retail is uot high al pres ent, but tho purchasing agent gets it at about one-half the usual rates. In rope, too, ho gets heavy discounts. The purchasing agent not only keeps his mind practising continual gym nastics figuring for low prices, but he has hard work to keep Ihe run of all his stock. The siuglo item of envel opes is enough lo confuse him. Tho New Yolk Central Itailroid uses 10, 000 different forms of envelopes. LXew York Sun. EprrlcniTS With Mens. Mr. Scions, having spent twenty one years in Africa, has returned to London from Mashonnlaud. Mr. S-j-lous confessed that ho had killed 10o elepliA its and twenty-five lions. His best Hon story was about a mail cai rii r in Mashoualaiid. The man in I Question wns ridinc on-: horse and lending nnot'ier, which carried the mails, when the lion undo his appear ance and Ins spring. The littler de inoral. ;d tho mail ruuiph'tolv. One horse was bowled over, tho other broke away without its rider, and llm mail carrier very naturally lost all in terest in the mail. Tho lion did not succeed in detain ing either of the horses fihey turned up next day at the fort, ouo very badly wounded and w ithout Hie mail bags), so he returned to the unfortu nate currier. Hint the lion treed and then sal down al Ihe foot of ihe lieu to await (leve'optiteii 's. I'i rt unatcly for the catrior ilu-y did not develop entirely as iho lion could have wished, for the next day a caravan pacd and the lion stalked tiway into the bii.sh, doubtless with an increased contempt for the lefi.icmeuts of civi.i tiion. Tlio inailbags were not found foi months afterward. "Are lions fond of man mcaii"' "No," said Mr. Se'.ous: "(hey pre fer donkeys, 1 think the donkeys re mind them of 7 -bras. They have no distaste for horse, but they will at tack human b-ings. I once knew n lion lo walk into a camp where 1 was slaying and wirk oil wi'li one of iho policemen. I've brought his skin home the lion's. I think il is iu that corner no, it isn't. I remember 1 have scut it away to ho cleaned." "Lion hunting is dangerous, isn't it ?" ' It depends. One learns to run fewer risks as one gels older. When I wound a lion now, I let him yo. When I was younger, 1 u-ed I" go after him. I shall do s-o no more. -Loudon (iraphic. When Niagara Rim Dry. "The Niagara Falls are dry. There is so littla water running over them Ihat ono can walk out on the bed of the river to the very verge of the precipice." Bishop Fuller was ihe speaker, and he. said those were ihe words on every one's tongue one day forty-live years ago. He said he did not witnes- ihe spec, laclo himself, but that his bio hcr-in-law, Thomas (.'. S.n et. Fq., did and told him of it next day. There wcro many others who saw il also, for the river bed ubove the falls was, com paratively speaking, dry for a w hole. "It happened in this way," explained Ihe bishop. The winds had been blowing down Lake Krie, which is only about M feet deep, and rushing a great ileal of water over the falls nnd -uddeuly changing drove this little water up to the we-teru pillion of the hike, and at this junc ture tho ice on Lake F.rie, which had been broken up by these high winds, got jammed in the liver between Hutl'tlo and the Canada -hore and formed a dam. which kept b.u !. the waters of Lake F.rie lor a day. Mr. Stieet told li)e that he and his daughter went out lo the edge of the precipice about one-third i f Ihe way from Table Hock toward ( )al Island, and planted a pole, with the young lady's handkerchief firmly lied to it, in a crevice of the rock. He s.iid t lira t below tho falls the water was mi shal low (hat immense jagged rvk iood up above the surface. This statement is amply verified by Hon. L. F. Alien of Buffalo. Henry Bond of Chippewa, We I land eoutiiv, Ontario, and James Markluin ol he same town. The two lailer make af lidivits of their statemeiiis,--New York Mail and Kxprcss. Finest Ironclad tibial. At (ho beginning of his tingic Chilcati presidency Hal maeeda ordered three ironclads at tho Chantiers ilo la Seyne, Toulon, France. Two, it will bo remembered, were after some dc lii'if banded over to Balumccda's ad versaries. Tho third, the Capilan Prat, has just been armed and w ill shortly start for Chile, where it will be warmly welcomed. Ihe builders cl i in that it is the finest ironclad afloat. Its cost was $.2,700,on0. besides .200,000 for incidental expense. The construction of it was icgun in April, 1W, and it is named after ihe brave captain who fell at Iquiqiie ou May 21, l?l. It is a vessel of 70on ions, is 109 yards long by 20 yards wide, draws 20 fret of water, and is of Iv.',-OOO-horse power. It has 12 canet and 20 Hutehkiss guns and 5 Calling mitrailleuses. Its guns aro worked by electricity, and il has a Fiskc tele meter and Buiiivnnl anilorpedo net ting. Tho crew liumbct toll men, and aro at prcseut under the command of Captain Yalenzuela Day. Chicago Herald. An opal, which is said to have weighed a hundred carats, w as found near Caldwell, Idaho, the other dav, and was Kld lor $3500. Mother Lore. f nit ol the sun of the laud of lovn So,i, radiant beams e'er glow. ' Tin y llv from the Father heart above I" the inotiirr heart below. An. I there they abide f-r eveiniore. The sj iitboN of iove divine. II 1,1 world lilmvs with the amber gi s i if tb' love r.i) s from above : i'ln- ibal soul wakes fpmi Us formless dp am.s, To know that io 1 Is love. The I her heart like the lallu r heart With love i j; lowing ever. ' Ij . wli" cuii :-ln- of Ibis l"V' divine, 1 1- ti II tin woiidrnii- story i 'f tin' in. .Iber In irts that ever shine With i,o, s o u potent glory? No ear'hly lu e is half so puin As the i.., ntle mother love. I ho' the i hild may sin, the mother love Can know n-ishade of turning ; J he motln r-lieait, like broodiug dove, Will uei r cease it's yearning, flic world may spurn and the world may loathe I'.ut mother love is changeless. I Hi. moth, r love, ,od's tetidi rest filft, I In col I world's saing leaven ! II hol-l- ns i.it win n our soul would drift, And ; leads our cjU-c with Heaen. All ntle r love may wither and die, Hut mother l"ve is deathless. illiam Smith Morris. Ill MOR0I S. Ila 'd lo Heat A boiled egg. Wanted A lid for tho trunk of a tre. "When is a woman not a woman?'' 'Well, when is ii?" "When sho is a until eierk.'' Mi-s 'siiipp'u Men aro such fools! Miss D iriey Ah, who has proposed to you uow, dear ? "How is your little brother? Like ly to get weli'.'' "h! yes; bo got his tirst thrashing today since his ill ues." A phih'si'pher being asked what was tho firt thing necessary Dwnrd win ii'iig the lovo of a woman, answered "an opportunity.'' "This." said the boy whose mother tin ned him over to his father for pun ishment, "is one of the evils of paren tal government." The young lady who burst into tears has b en put I igoiher again, and is now wearing hoops lo prevent a rc oecui ieiice of the accident. "I consider the old colonel a very I'lboutl man'' "In what way:"' "III monev matters. He has only ono leg and yet he pays leu cents for a shine.' Poor Jiiuson: he's housekeeping and he tills me he has an awful time wiih his cook." "Why doesn't ho di-i barge hoi ?" "Can't; you see he married hel l'' 'When a woman," says Mrs. Purl, tington, "has once married with ft cmigi :i'ing heart and one Ihat bents responsible to her own, sho will never want to enter the iinuitiino stato again. ' A man out West has moved so often Ilia! when his chickens see a c)Vei'Cl wagioi Mop before th.' house they march it the road, fall upon their back- behind the wagon and cross Iheir bgs lo be tied. A Huston biokcr, whoso mind was fuli of stock quotation", was asked a lew days since how old his father was. "Weil," sit'ul he abstractedly, "tho old gentleman is quoted ut eighty, but (here Is every prospect he will reach par." Hid Her Money in an Ash barrel. The curious pinces in which women conceal their valuable was never bet ter illustrated than by a story which iiiiiie to light yesterday. A ragpicker found an ordinary tin hex in tin nsh barrel in front of 327 Popular street, and Was forthwith of fered if'.1 for it by the driver of mi ash carl. The ofler was accepted, and w hen the driver opened the box af'er he gol home he found in it a lot of jewelry and .iibf 12 in money. A woman living in the Popular stieet house wanted to go out on Mon day, and, no one being at home, put her box of vali nhles in the barrel, throwing a stmt lo of ashes iu after ward. Some one, returning, took iho barrel and placed it on the sidewalk, vh.Me, mbscquenUy, more ashes were thrown iu. The w oman, returning, noticed the barrel on the pavement, but tho fact of the placing of be box had entirely slipped her memory until ihe collection of tho a-hes had been made, wlieii sho became well-nigh frantic and started) out on a hunt. Sho learned ttiat the ragpicker had! been seeti in the neighborhood, and alter considerable difficulty located him, on. v to Hull Dial bo had sold tlio hix. Wi'h the Rid of Superintendent Deiancy sh was enabled to find do driver. He hv.idod her tho box and bo received t"0. f Philadelphia Kec 01 d. J

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