tlJhti (Ebaihara 21cfo? irf TIIIKMJAY. MA I II. IMi: , 1 H. A. LiONDOxJ. Editor. ' ii i ? . n. r .. . I I . . HIE l-Vh ol II mo Ltll ti l; s noon. ,. i Some islrange changes, and in this tapid ago, it does not require much j time to do so. It is still lVe;di in Iho i meiuoriesol all men, how the Alii- . I . i .. ... ....,,.,..J .1,. UIl VJU ll-UI VI 3 UiM I1C V. ;l '.I IJVl - luiiinci'il .mii uttMi If ilium their I organization, any and all crilieUm-; , , , that nny erson or j.a;cr nnglil 1 make unon the personal character ; Or imblie actions o anv otlieef of the ; Alliance. So bitterly were any sue 1, : tritiewnus dei.cuiiccd and l esrlitod. ; that persilenlaUempls were made 1 1 to nuilo the press and boycott a Ij tiewnpapcrs that dared to publiM. , i ;,. ... w i'..i..iiiiiv n. mii. lias forgotten this. Siiielj- no O "! one luiK already lor-ot'.vn the stereo-; ..i I .. , ; i I ... ; .. . r n lieu i esi.i u i ii'iin iiwiL i i - . ui . ; ....l.l:..l....l I.. ..II .1 H...I t : ... .in ...i lorin" l'ap.'1-s. d-nonneing the Man N' '"""" . "- . . . .1 ..-..,t ,. U..r,l.o.lwi.i;,...l!. 1 t,l,',cvo l"' i ,.,;,. lrs" .,, , ,..,;, ,.,.,...,.!'" oarne,t liisr- to s, i'engt i.en Uisai. pies., , an-i uigmg cmis n.smianmsaed beneni onr p.o j lanceman not tosnbscrthe tor .pie, b-H that ,t is now a mere n,a , ch "slanderous" papers. Specials , hmo, upon wiiien men, who arc inot j parlisui alii amcli i.. i. in,.- ........ ur brethren of the 3 . "relorm j.ress whenever a word ; Was said or published in criticism el , their great and grand Mogul, Jr. C.;!.: olst pul'i-.c nicn. and to ( leato V, Maciine, the idoli.ed editor ol;1'1';' their national or.'an. JSo one can possibly have lergoiicn this. An'! yet, strange to s:.y, not one : ttl the (le.iolii.ei'd 'Mibsidi.ed nai tl - : wan nitss" ever Mibiishcl anvlhin like .id severe a critieisni r.non !'r. ; iMaeune, as was published in la-t ; week' rrii'A'-i-.v-fV '.') over the 1 Signaturtt ot tho I'rtsidctil of tlce i v..i;...o.i ii;. ' It' it was an "attack upon the Al- linnce" (as was talsely iillegeti'. tor the "partisan press-' In criticise lr. ilacune two years ago. is il not Very ' s.,vU, ;. . c .,-..: r-. . r. Struiige that the I'i'e.- idciu ol the . W.'.siii.N-.-.-.. M:. ti. M-ssrs.. ( u Alliance should now so scvcri'v de- and H...-;e cadt.i on I'e.-in.u-ii r il .,,.,,, i .,,) lend iii.-..-l 11 tod V I-. .1 Willi. ' Cliartor. 1 . d party leielei s l news papers have been, .on! are still, de nouncing the hist Legislature !''! intcrloriiitr with charter ot tne t'uruiers' Allianee, at i'i- Will li.. V and grossly misreprcsciile I the ac lionof the Legisla! iire in lh:.i matter. Whatever action w as taken by ii.e Legislature was taken at the r 'i'i' st Mild thvio:li tl.v ii.iliiei'ee ol pron.i . . . , ... io- i fient meinlieis ol the A Inanee, who wished to j i re.-erve that or.'a!.;,.'ii from being used as a piml ii :.l tna-. chine, and this alciie i- ll.e r. :,s..n wl.v il loisi'M.,,'0 .i:, i. ii I'o'.vi an. on - .. .... . i , , i tho third pal l V leaders v. ho Wis., c I 1 - to pcrvci'l the Aiiiai.ce to .-eeh a purpose. In explanation ol thi. a nt ion ot the l.v e islat nre we coi.v the following letter written to the tioltlsboro' Argiis by an Aiiiame nionibcr of the Legislature Ironi Wayne county : 'A'othe Kdiloi of the (iold.d)oro Ai-gu-A few days ago I sent you lor publication .-nine resolution.-, passed by tho Aliiaiice ol Wayne eoiinty, at its last meeting, and 1 have thought it proper to explain publicly my connection v i:li said re.-olinion.-. 1 am now conn:' si. . leiiirv ot the Alliance, and ;:s secretary 1 ii.rnisli ed the resolutions lor pubic ation. Thev do not meet mv in ovidaai o.o. I ...,r.. l.i !. .i-if V ..I ........ ..j.j ...1 e, I ' ior i ... ,.. , io. i. a, s i are .,,i,; , i ,. .a. i .,..,:.,.,'....' 1111111111-; i"i ii". o'- e ' v , .,'.'. V. VV cepting so tar as it will tear down ' and destroy the 1 Vihocralb; pin t y. ! ml will sustain ami unbuild tne Third party, and the resolutions arc nnin.loiv.l in Third oal'v M.irit and promulgated l.r J bird paiay : What isthisfii-sahoul.and wha:s thocauseolcriucsniol the Legisla- . o i. .i ... .. .. .or . . .. lure. : ii is iiiiil mu -viniince emu-, tor has been so amended that now : there in no prsonal babiii.y upon any luumuer, iion .in one u i.o . . ., . : nut 1118 money iii me ousiness a.;.nc Ill lliunev in nit: tuisii.fss a.;, in i shall havtt I lie r:.;hl io w:l!,- w it, and if I l.v! trlisl.-e ol in, i retuses to pav. thai, the Alter- inud draw 4. I juiiu .uiiisif io ...ii. io... i iil ..ii vi i . ii i . .: . ney uenerai snan nun:; an aiai.ui y. , i that iho balaries ol . Hhs i", shall not be increased beyomi liaise luini-i.ed in tbo constitiitiou o! the order. Theso are the amendments, and there was Cil.lse lor each. A.s to ail . except the last, I ask I'rcsi.icnt : Butler it bo did not stale in lout ish that they were taorer. and ,V; bemade '' ' ; The limitation upon the salaries ; of ofliccrs was in tl.o interest ot tho ., i .it-., il ,,. ; 1I. land, and il cannot be nbieeli-.l U.e, ami it caniioi oe cnjccit".! , " " . . : to, except bv Mime one whose eye I Sveia huiniieU u.lliel H spent the: baa been upon the fund, and who, H'"' "u t.t." '!lli1 ', by tho amendment, is j.revenlcd . RU,.V-!sT,'. .'dT,',!-!"'-. ? ot irom enjoying it. '' t . , iM ( t'i ' ' r " J ' A great many of the lecturers L ,'r' J-' 'T 1, f ,7!, tbo Alliance in North Carolina last UN1 ' " "'-pemh t,'' year wero Third party candidates. ; '''VV;'?' -V- M. !' And Still tliey were paid out ol the;' n,!;!':;!;, ,va ,,( (...rn, A.iittiica mini t ,..,) . , c. -inn .ia, i i ,i i i i . loutinjs i inn. , i , o a v oi ..u, n t s. . i,,.., ,., , , .s ea'.i.i'l am not wry much mistaken M,.J .'t by 'he lymhcr one .r two ; .. -. j ,;i.,V)V ,U(. N',.,l. Carolina H'.ile ,' " - 1 1 l KjMl1' a" Graham wat .called upon ior Sfl,L'.iU ?"u f" "f L'.o l.v.v ! s. eon'd sect saved thtar l.v,:, by Weaila r Sc. t ic, for the we, ,k mh, : to help pay that and other expenses ,l0".,;!"0'y . "-S"- 'ia "f j,,,,,,,,., msiant I fore the era.-li. Monday. May Hi!.. lS'.Ki, show that; j.,.., ,, l!(. ,, ,ulv. of the State n.ectimr. ; tne i.ttl.. g.ns miv ,l:e. : I tie cu v of tin- li'.at seitiai li ,1 ll.e vv, aiher bin Lien tiv"i;'.l"e oil ,. ,, ' At the last meeting it wa, seen: . . " n-gacted to displ.n th.'j i, aar ''a- v. Lole, though I be i-tea ni ut J:0 u-.vt.. .. .u,m tbnttl.efun,lSo.,l,adwerein,naic ; A.-1;oMhUi. ,1-,. ' !U did gre-.t d .meg, -d p.a m U..- .pi..k.s hit. le., '. 1 :. ' ;, ; lent to nay dob-ate tho amount' V.em. May C A bpavy sr.o-v ; central parL of the Stat-'. Iho .an. .',.-.. . n .v. ,. n. . .., -a t t a, v ha r .in. ,. ....... ,.. va, ....on t,-.,r.t in ll, Is,. ;u- The S.-al,,",:,! A,r Pin.' and the fall was mima above the naniial, hmn.,. H.o ihh..Ii l:..o s aie 1 a.n, ......... A ml II.. ..........ill..,. ,.,... in.,, nli, I -l ,..;,,,, I'.iili.i' i-i.l..,l '.hat this reduction apply to that meetin'' (is well its future meeting:-., and dt'li'aU's who had U!t home ' tllidcl-standini; What compensation' would bo niado them, loiiml it iv-j d tin1.!, :i'.tboil.;li iit tin1 mi iii! ii. cc tin;; j f.ii.i, lioiTiiwi'i uy .!. :iiiii r, war j "ivi'ii him ami he made m. objection. I Al IC 8rtmo mooting Wesidei.t J t 1 1 lor recommended that tin- busi- i . . . iu's nt'ciicv land bo laUen Iroiu the 'llr- l trustee, a hemic, t oilier, ami g'ven to iho executive committee, without : ' .,''....,, i ; ; , ,a ,ou ;,',; ,,,,.',.,1 ,s to withdraw their ." ' , . , .,' i. 1 ,i.;..i. ii.: ; ! !' H1N, I I I i I I i IV I 1. I. .ilill'll .11' I aet ol liLsilve. JIuiiV ivlio are now .Mai.v v, le. ::: e now i J ';''h ' !;', h:.v j..ii:o.l tl-.o order oeik viiiLr it wu lion-I'.iiiUeal, aii'l in ,,,1,, ,, llu 1,,l;i,v. ' iCy ,.,,u- hijve it is ju'liiiea!, am! 1 t hal i'. l 'lilies is iiii.iri i'.is totimi iliie'riius in whieli i hey beliee. I ' la ,u. " i ' '. ' - . ... , lo l .i e 1 1 . ei . ... l . The a.e.c.l uts were , 'vepo-ed , tn the n.ei.-.e. :,. iut;, Ihoaeui. oi ' Mil' 'ii'ici .mil mii in i in sen-cio.. l the Aliiaiiei I whom v. a-; a ii M.,.i ,!,.... v.,....! u r Weaver. J do know that they 1 .'.... .11 1 '. ree.i uiat an ;i oil' i.i. 1111 1. 1 . ..i-i. M.'i',.-;r:l- lll't ll'll Illlol'll'l ,1 lllMl ll,e ' ..-... ' - !;,nllu, '"T to "' t!' , l,rUl'v ! TheV have the ear of the people and. vA.;.,., :ilva.nage oi our dej.r. o ' i-oiidi! ien '-ii h to de.-t roy e.n::-.!eiiee ' lii.-hiciien. I I cy kimw : vim ,ne i'oo'i i I eoti .eiii ment ! : power ;il.d I n Ii Hence "olinl 1e ii : I'a'.cl ln' mi -1 bef'.i-e the sun eanroi join in tl-t'r t fiort l"'1 '' I u eonel I'.sior. M lldit'ir, I woiihl . mv, it now leoi.s i ;f al Den ' ; wiil have l- ; el ire Ir.-ni the Uluj aj; ol,c.- wiio would tcaeii t! rising gem-ration s.m.ethi i.g btsi.! bcii.:; chr.-r...- n!ti,l'!cr.". v ...... i .... i ...... .. J. A St v v i ns Mv Clammy. N. ('.. April L-h Ni'gl'ti tt iliit-.ti'l'!'.. , h.iving avoii.p;. -i.. .i , r.'Veit v.l.e post, 'ill..' ih ll d. Cycled ti.:.. V- itt.:. iei -.-:' " .. : ?;i..j.',y lo :ii. o rt w v i. y-s s-ai.l .I lin'i C- ttils !.. i ' ei iiscii !:!-. nt ci ; I e. !c: . I'i... to !,;. e. i.a oe ' n '. i .it i .,.- i.1 pn - ia!ie (i;;idv .- In: . .' i ;! .'. :.: ,'i ' i'o-i ii, iso, .' in le . ..I .:!m jo. i ; i.e. i ; M.r w is : !'. ii'.'.v I. ;;.fo!i . .1 ,-x Sja ak r l--se at..t. ii .. i. !e .. tton of the M ."...i st'-":s oi tl : To ;s t O'.'.neeH d ii il '.he ' a i ' I i.'t V bis hoidii..- ::i.-e iinvi,,;.. c-.-ai.- t . s was . ii.-t'ii-: I'd v ii ii '.' Hi lu'. n. J ... . , , . ,, .o.i '.i.t i ...i-.l.iii-. S!.!.i:i.:-. -i the !'t)-. (j,..., .i.,. ,f i., of poi-1-..i. is to iho SotitL, i u peo;.:.- a i.i : p-niiicd n . s-i'y f,-r :1 el; w.J'. It ens p.oii.i e i , ' i ! ii:. I tin- was me .'mv in. : o i t i i.i i . , . oUiee la 11..; t:p;"T t aj ; I tar ,llllt it v.;,.-. nia'd iy a i.cgiu i.) l.v a 1. ; oi ! .1 .-1 admim ! i that tl'is t"'s'i'i Lai 1 1 I: h. gr-Jt-s as eaiks a', a i.lltl ill.' I ha i i e ti. t i.e ccnui,'.;:.!! v m ill iV.'.t "lo not v'iii . n .o la.-oi'i vat:'. - for yciiir ehadren's ian ses .' ' ;i l o-:. ia:i.-!"l' it v.a :ii. y.s. l.-at t;.r.;. ,s t rei lii .1 " ir. IL.-e. We s.i a- all i.i. i.iah-; ia a " toli.d lilS-fli. c 1" r. i .in. lR"s T t in' lav!.' i.-e. le : '.-jllie of a.-1 inir.k we a; e i.te.en igi.o. ' La. Mi. ia.-.-' ii was oh. haute. l.r iinytha g u- .i'.ti:'.' ;i wi.l I live la i.e ! St-itcH ma la, iit; s; e. if.o ch.iigi s a'i'ccting tte in g '..'. t o b- r.ave c a.;i t. c. a. i; etei.ey. uuK-ss iiii- Pi (-:. Itnt t'he St,.!i s ha e lO'.M' s to rev. r.-'e ti;e ; .iii:i;s:n ii...,! iu ii.,, ..,.,1 I'i:-. a r.i'.c b'V ,u,-l vus. appaii.t.d - a stii-Knl mu. I.A i KK. S n i , oi,-.a i c l. l.'.-ailv ao.l l;, -e called u,.on the i'lv-blent an 1 t. !... i !. . 1 . . e, ... 1 .. l ll... Post.. tli.e 1 1. pari meet, 'll.e i'r,-is i ...a., i u stntcu.enl if li.e facts in ti.e cao ttrcsuii'.i lias w.rt-.l ti:o Uoven.oi s m . vv..s djedly ueiiv.i ,., M-ore conn. !: his eonsiaeratiou. -n.'said thaCl; M-ites -l ,rg them t t:.i.cjt, ll:hl its liivt bio v atN.i.h (-u,o .. . .. . ... .uili.-iiM oi-in- i-.r.-.-l vati.-n .. i: a r.i . ,1a ns v.otl i.l n was uoyj puin v on ii.e part oi ine I,,,,io.TaUc ,,irlV to cne.-ura-e the color.". ,..a, whenever it eo,d j': i . , ,,.lt. sa:ci , nut i nai la' itai.t a, in . , , . tne treat n.ei.t ot this maiiei. ll I 10 I'eaili.elil ol in .1 llii'.iiel, lliai eondano's ti,:.i exi-:,d ,,. the , iv ,;," ... nl Iron, ti.-.M- that obtain in ti,.- S.e.ill, and :d,o 1 be oiiaiii mi lite .-ii. ii.i aaa . 1 1 ' 1 1 , i j in . . , . , C.01-.1 iei'el ii'oa, u,inr..aiL slam!-- . . 1 The -ei tletm a, h i; the Pr.-sid-ut witil , .,!.. 1 hat he w.mli , ,,, ...Miiia the !'i.stii a-i. r ' ieu.-ra' .- j o.i.-y i n 1 1, : s p.a'i h u !ar ta.-..-. I 't::- U.n .li.u he is " - i o.v ea-.. ha in, ii," nan:-, a,.. I ipnil- A L) I. (king in .11 ihiicsol a. 1 i-b-'--:- i i.-.:.g li-i ,.i candidal, a L ... ' , . . . '' ibe v. ,y imp a tani p---iii-.,, .a '". b ADulii.l. 1'ubiio l'....l,r. Ti.. hit.; ,.,,ii hi. . sp.'Cial to i!.e bi -patch says : t,s':get.i it wi.i 1. ive li.ieo thoas l(:!'lll' n:' -'h"'Wt. man cntic-l two;.;t,,l pl...ei, onisidc of Cavil Her vice H",r "rM ;'.ve a,n' 0,l5,,., 1 rules, at his di.-po.-:d. lvcly, mlo tno wooda of a mountain i - ra''c ft,:'1 riisiiin.lly assaulted them. 'I":...,,, tins a i-. at Him.V fill tlll'Olloil ..,1 ,'.,l..i.l-,v,ii. Il.iii..-11'v and i-ial-.vnv titdii.: is bhiehed by sico.v duf ts. Viisl(iuirf 0:1 Letter. irrmn mir Uccul.-ir :'n'...i.n;ij,:t. WA-aitN.iloN. Mav a, l.-l' J. J l','.llh lit Ch-vcliim! ail.i'.VClVllil III- i)i r of Lis t'iibii.t t a: t'.;,:.i;i at I heir ; Hi S M. IO 1 'Li LI .' Lt' I I. l L IL. . . .a i.'f- uit iw! . r i.-.r i i(' ' ,' ..... ,., , , ., : WtCli (..,. iliu:ill;sil l one la int'iii . siiiiii w.m a chau ' c;,.uiv ...j., H oe.-.i.-iona! i change. They were one and all plo:u : .-.I to find tie (.evciiimcht iaiaiiccs fU:U a ts-..ti..f:iolt,.y 'e..ditii'ii ami ! ... . . , , . ' ..'llll MI'llvl i.1!1. til Pi.l.Tlltlll'il illll'lllV I ii. tit. U:o live ;.'i. 1 now aiiioiint: io about .S.tHli0'.'- i.nd theli' is t v.iy c.iai k'd iiC'. i in (!'. .leinuiu i'nl' ;'.:!si f'-.T bl.iji!,:ei:l to i'.lt! i';'e .!,i!e cfi'i is ;: i.l i til.lie to It ii.nle toti.e h v,i.-:u v. Ji isl.i'A ! k; own that Iho ol.iVe it ties il-vnl v.-.u- will find the inarv wiiii a ' j - n.-pbis ol -v. h !.;'' ! u e:..i! lv j l.i . i i . . i. i i. . i ,1' , ll T.ho ;it)U day 'of V: M. by 10 T!., j.,lvv g rn0!...,.,.. j V!,ck a. m. I o assist in paying an ' v en ot'C 'V i '.'..e .i'.ii"i. '. . , , . , , , i i-l !.e IV.i.e.l S' s ;::.,t !'.. '' .rnr i : the : ' in.-i: !!i! v.'.!'. ::!' I'T'liuith Mi , . i ... ( I M ". -11'1- -; ; 1 ' ' '.' : ,;i('.vn lo I-'' in coiaiiiv l- S.T5J r, i :S. 1 (.",. ai .1 t.f ", id I -r'ii.'ii. th- ,.I( U in t'i,e V S Trt!l. 'k.-i..'i2,.l,7T i. m ikii.;' a '.'('and to s,., ); , ., ';. ,( (, ,K 1;M ;-1 s:i.--.U22.-.-. r.c eoi d. to tl.o i,! ivi.oi t of the Di li ito- of (!;. I . H. MiUt. ,S..j,:,f..r Aici'i.i i .on, w!,, is n m in !.-:';.! 1 1".-S.-u tie i-'inanei-con n,ii t'-e. , i:iW j. -...o. i,;.,.; '.;.l? v, r clo.- !' and I f .-1 i ' i;. : "I ,1 n..'i , i,f ;..'( , i . i ,. is auuliii-: in tho us - ; t-i: i.i. ti a; v!i!! !. . . -.-i'ule tii'' i-.:ii' !' :,.i iti-i- . .--i.'!' ol v'.uigi. 1 fi.r r thai! I!..' 1';-. -UU-i; i-iic-.d d . i. 1' I .) I i'.il.O.i i.i. d il: .;;.'' is a': i !.;Ut ' " . . . , ,t ti.. 'e v. in iv ,i l 1! l.e il.e Seel ::.-.! of the i'i-.:iMtrv h:-i tiio con.i.iene",-el- i i.e pill;.;.', v. h i. h l ;, v, s tl il ; c ur! i : meet It v, s i ii.ii ; e in:, i ;.".e . iiit ei i ai'.y i-oii'ili -ev.'i tij '.v at ..-e. C--! .;rt-.-ii.-.t!' John !'.' in Wai ner. '.,f .. -v Voii.. i-i. l of tie. m- who think it wiii i , . j-in :-! months o; mote to gt t li.'.a.m t.n .:!' I i.1 tla. Col'ete-. i nil v.hy :t t '.i ti.i oil, ii :.: 1 11'' I . 'I be ;, . i0 t,, i .' i.-oii.d '!. - b.He CI. . ve vt i most oi made bv 1,'iV 'ali ! .v ' la. -. I).'!.;'...; . . ," i' ,i'ii..: i ! An.-.i.s is. ' . ; ! h ' IL' i ! . 1." a.-i.i. i. . : X ath Car. - ', l , live. T! e i. V, Cl'lll HI: a . s !'it. a . iit. i fear and ?!aa. C "io'im i.: - 1 . !. t N.'.i' ( ' a .e.: a. ( no: -, ai ;!:,: .;: . : n 1 M ,i i a. i a. . ... .... : I.- .: i. ((! h.i--e i l. do v.itb ;! i'i. sid.- ..ii i iiei.s. the e.i-.d da- - !: ia t! ., i 1 i'''; M e.i: i a s.,nn oi u.e-. a i i'i,.. ii, ..ha. t ha.-.; inf.. a ill' to -.r teal :. ca.- p.. y Caei!:e Siales to v ct'll.e-e le-idilig!'! ii t':'i";t'' l" n .ibe ei.iei ceniei.t , I I lae t .ea, (.at in-io.i ia. . v men g .-..' 1 ' '"' ' dilliCe Willi las rculie-'! S I'll. I in I'irvi .: .,' , . i'"'- o i- i- taken by ll,e " iira-iaa i -.-p-ii i in. -in ei ji ost , an -.- those thinam.n w l.o ho. e fob ,1 to eamol v v.ii h I iie I b-.irv law. bv l'( L' , , . . , " I'.nio. v nai i .,.a ,..i'V :iir. iv ii ' . ' , . -. , .- iv. 11! . ..... ii. I :i .,, ''"- until tne ca - ,-..e.,lvm- i i.e : ,uli, s l:, (iU a.-.d o , del th. ,,ii'.)i.,l ua i.l.,,,,..,', ;'"t-i.Uionai;tv ,a th o ,.,w shili i.av, ,,,., the track hat ..fie. n . Pon on w..i:-,,..n that x.-.,. .era no , '"''- K 1 ".'' '"" 'l'"'t'C Ci.i !.,., lt.,s hid t . wo:k for two Luis to"'' "' !''" " 1 ! ... . . , ,' . , u- .'.,,:.. II ! hi t.i I. a- I hi- -ii' ' . i . i -' 1'1"'i 1 " ve.,.-. i Lai made a f.-.v i-' . -1 -d npa- ,.a n . - and a;, point, a -l hage .o.aile a ol p.-siiuast. rs l.o - I I'i .' Tl .ii.ip, ii tlit i! cy.-i.,!4o con... i rt.,. , ,.- i....v.. lhvroN., .(j., MaV th While thiieouise wiw north ttst. and tho Htouu tii a-t se, tio':. of a mala bound Cm-; rose iindblL when ltbllthc ('h',M'u fr,'i'l"n 1,'-Vl,in Ul'Ui lwiv U'lUii L"Ant train wT4aking v.aci- near ia-itr...--1 - - "'';:, the i-ec ni l s.c.tion . ;vt.ajilv WratluT Cni I-u!!. t ill. da-h.-do i:.; a ba,i vvuek. : ( " . ..... . . v Of .: Znrv who vw-,o in o.,o of! ',''' (W'"c, , -; , ; the liii sect ion beating their way Tho reif't N of correspond, nts of Cl.!..- I ear .V la.U.ll Vale", ll,l,l'.i:l a, e to b.d d , i a.'. ,(.!.:. I' l ai ion ttl I a i. ! Attention, Kx-Con federates! ' Venn !: Vi!iulitu.-:i Slur. Col. K. 1) Hall, l'lo.-i.lor-t or ilic'u .Woodwoi Ih. thn far famed f. niulo : Ciniffdeiaie Vi ii rana AsKoeiation of ' N. at li l.'n re! i, iclni ned last uviiiing j j i oiii Ha'.eigb, where he. h.i.l been to e .'i!( r Gov. Carr and oliier State j oilleiais in repai d to anting mmilrf for i una- i uuu ii inv in..iin lliti. ....,,..,,,, 1),Vn. nt. ti n Stnlo ! u wv.n.' .... i Canitd on tin' :Ui!i inst. Ou las re-! turn lie iironmigalod I ha follow iug. ! t.KSi:.v..i:,Mu IJkauoi'.mstkks Com i:i!T.ate Vi.ti uiss' Association or . t . oirni i aim' in ,,',., .u.yis-.ToN-. .Vl . Maj (.t... IKhl. All t'liniiis. or comity, or i'll'"r or-; i.-;u.t:ilii'l:s el I oiiic.ui a' e eicians i:i North Caiol;: ;. i-:e! til! eteians in'. col.lKC'.cd Wit's :V..V imswi ialioti. ail all ed i-:e'is ,,f Xo! t h Cuiolina who lie! a iut vi'ide in the a-hitvnncnis of Iwv r.oiis. aro e.on. ,i . i . u I.'.. ;.. i ...... i . I ! '.'I'l.r i iiii ...i.l, ... i . i ,. 1 1 i 'I- ii. i i ,i I. r ; .ii l)a;-, a' the Con d.iaii Vi.der nr,a::.i:.:s.',a.l,. by the ii.mittrc in ch,:,:''- l1'- i-dy of onr real leader, ! its to its linal 'siing place at kiehnn-nd. the C.ipi d ..f tho OmiVd, racy, will lie i,. M!- i're: ivsiing place at bichnn-nd. the C.ipi i Ml ..f tho C.idVd. racy, will lie h. ,U'..- i Ca, itol in t '... City of Haloigb. f..,,,,, 1 Vchick a. m. lo 'J p. Ui. on M;IV :J(h. ! It is ci-pecially fitting that t lie Mir Iviving veterans nn.l eiii.'.ns of N.-rlh i U oili.l. ;i , tie Win is,' leeoiil mi nis j o !.'.; c a part ol lLo l.istory ot tna! ; i:'ri:. -rial s'r.igo nn. wh.ose sons. ' bv is.d minablo valor ;:o well in- :'.is' I'.'.i i 1 tl:- eoni a;.,' of (he Soiri. I linir.-.' I'.:r cais of historic '"i l'.i. t . ! s''d j--in in doing honor i the 1 o.inig.'-ai.-. ehii'l't an and cagi'.ciou. - i i:...: . '.vho.-o w as i.ida.-'.sohi- I'.v Ii ium i' m iuv iniiuai.' m ' 'oioedei '.ley. I M'l . .'. .. . ll . tr. I. ...1 ... I lie v, m-ii oi no ...o.-. "";; '' 1 -il ie.l iltvi tion. se.t-sa.'i uieo ! ami !oi ii ! ude are wit boul p.n.llo! in i niitow. aro eoiuntilv invite. l lo re j.fe.- lit :.n ! lake pan in I l.e c.eic;sis it. is to I'.' hop. .1 Unit I l.e !.!! -.!:i:i,-e io-oii th.e pait of Noiih Cai'o ;ii;:l !, DO WoitliV o! ILe o('e:l- io'.: alid . i l! i i! list l "... lis man in whos; nn !.:.!' v i Ley assemble. K. J V II i.i. Pi-i.i w:.'. ot tl e Coiife.leiati' Vet-. f a;.-. oei.iiion uf Noilh Carolina No (;!.-.; SivLcrs A::t;ii icd. TL. l..''"V. in-r is the rre-idei!'.' , ;..,; . - i i.i ot ll.e e! - eg ol lb ...r- ol ii e White Jloii.e .uiaie- hi .-i. I . x i . i i i'. .; M .'.iv.-i. '..' V : It has be.-:i.e npparciit. :ip,.-r two: ! tnol v xperl. !!.., thai tl.o I'll !cs s. i'e i .is hi, a : i' ' I re.; n .a: ; n u . win I i.e a, ii'' . '.' u I.i. their (.peril nt, lei" tio'-C '.ion I lives I,;.-: i . i.i,:. .v .,, Is .. ,1 ! : :. i.t in liM' n- l,;. !, volume, peep'-. N'.n:; and e.Nin. n-t i uiT i n tlieir. i'er.iiion, and i'n -siblool leteo'ii i' i.t--J. A. .hi - iiLiiii'd ior pui.iie ' . 1 1 -1 1- u-liii'li n. e -I I .- la . l.i te.l ii I !.e; ' pr.-sent coiei: : ! , .,,,,1 .... ..!. .avanee el 1 iu.i'.a: ha.s plan-a np.-li hill. '.an elide a'ancc obliue tee i.i deeline train :a. I .-.iter this date all p'. t'Minal int. i-.iews with tl.o-o sec U. n-.' iipp'-'i.-.n .a, i io ou:ee, i - ..i.t a.- I. "ii n .i'. ii in i ' i-' i: , may especially invite thi-m. '1 he san e i sideralna's i . it i ir. possible jor me lo receive ti.".-e who merely ie.-irO to p..V ti.. I'e-peels i ni ,.. ,,n tlu) .lavs .-a.! diii-in' the lean's , -..eciallv d.-;e; ilea la- that uv - - ,',. ' I earnestly r a . ! Senalors and Ih'tuvsoulaiiv, to ai l me in -..'."ur-. in S, ,,r them ia i.a, ; i uptcd into, views bv deePn'i, to i ntrc. hi; c their i i, a. ...-i.,.,. vi.ii ! .'... . i.-.. :. .. m : I,,..:.,.. ' tin- Lxo ait ; o M ','., dm e hours d.-sigm.t.-l lor th. ,r reeejl . tioti Aipll ai.t- I' r 'lace Will only i ren idle' thetr !! -: t pea; " 's hi i li-'d imp,)laU'. 'iv iii. I l.v leniaiiai '. . j. (i...'al Washington to await r'.--ulis. . n,v to tla j -"od liiaiM liCia.Vra.AM..'' CyrliHtc in '.'tin re Cntinly. Kil.-ir ,tr..-p.'i "...'. ! w,:.v,iiii.'"ii M-- eiii.-. r I 'j'o. h'V VOII!' CH'.'-l Olaliait lliSCo. i ii.'.i' t! ....... i.. .... ,,r V.'..;l:., iv ! 17 1 1 "r j (:!irtii:,,?P, The, it blew u!d,-e , f.;,l)'. tci'ian clnilcn, :l new one. nil j ,,, pieces. 1 1 ct o -s. d iho 1 1 ,,ek of t l.e ' v,,i .....1 .f.-i-ii in I w .) ' i .... 1 1 1 U ... I...I, .- , .'.. I o - - ... ... .1 .11... . f... ..I 1 .,, I . ,i, '" '"' -" ,' :. i ,:,r. .,u 1."ai in. ui,l,. ,,.i tl..- l isinW and failing we. e j.,ti.r,ilaily nolieeablo. Near Car- i .-idenc-s of Uiirkl, v .Sn:t an. I J nomas ."it. oil v. tie i iiiaeiy; wice'i.fl. M.ailbtis of bo'.L f .ail.e- I were l adle bini.-ed. but not sciaous i Iv butt. 'Ntar 1'oel.c. maeh timber) wis torn l,p. The 1 irg.t pines hko straws in a whiilwind. .Neai AOer. n fell some .. ' rti. ivi -- -. . . I'I. i 1. ll:1""'"l:lt . V . -. ... cvi-loiie co'al'l on lieara ior moe;;. i ut- : ttl.d bclicllcllll i-'i?'. pi HIKlOil U asll -d iauds binbv. 1 ho lights hivn b.-.-i' loo cool. ti'.lJil sillisiiiii.' u.-ii.i. .1 JIddein j'iriicU'Nf.') I.on. Mo. M.i C Mrs. M.ui;! evangelist wholi.ta bceu holding uiec t- j iiis iM.-o Ai'i il i! at her Si. Jjouis i ,;,!, ,. 'J!"J; Moi.tgomery s!r t, i i;; niakin'1' r.ntnv new e.nvr..j. tJ iile ' a nui'il). r of ca.-ea i.f relief fui'iiishcd ! the s-iek ami nl!hetej ate t ;nn ted, L II V 1 . . ' . ' i , . . V VI I. V I ' . ' .!..,.,i. w i i i;..., ' iiitM." aiit. nwmnwiu un him w- aoed undue m.blieitv beino uiu n to ,.,... r.s they are generally mis- i ui'.deistood. Her ciieieies in the; ministry and tho medi.-.d r.iiifes-ion, ! it is claimed, are fond vf saying thai she hyili.oli: s pal a nts and giVi-H on M.V len.p 'lary relief. As flie treats ; ... vhod.iv il free the .,5,sioiur.B .,;.) find t'.ml: on that acroiir.l. l;i v II. II. Spiher. who-l-i in char'TC f lli.'Si. I..i':isCi'i:r.-h :.l (b d IUi l.t l. s Mis. Winv? v. .1 tii does ma chum to Leal. IT..1 111 '; any relief ull'orded is M'cni-ed lliroiij-h ti e ,..rd m.. Ihi-n.-lves. i lie i .. ;.. i ... i ; yiifC h ::nd hVppine !0 .,.;., v. 1V. an I aft.-r ii.daeii.j the 1 : i. , i .. i i . i t ... . . . :,i, ' ' hi r.i '.'or d. viin :'. Lo-;is euics ic Anion.' I i.f. hi I ..f Mi.s Lh Smil h. of i j-'"1'' ., n llu-Make holding x :-v:i f,.k l.,i,lecn m-v l,1,e Vu,!o,V'1'- ",u.Mr" V, ! ; . Mi-s S:i,l, was .KWl.-d "bv ...Jopnd th.. I..nlcrt ,. itih. the r.yei. I . .,j;,:, (?;.,.i8t, fl. lLt, ,. v,:l.,. weaihig ! lln.v w. ic m a ew nannies, ,! , t l,.;1,tl.. IIUlt ,, iven un;Mi- H'!:it- W:M.'" ,,u'iU'1 "f '.U,n- ,i;.,,iit, fl. lLr, ,. v,:l.,. weaiifg 1,1 biaec,. and had h.eniven u n ,.v In nn inM.oit nftr.r nt ,,:.,!..,. the Monlgoni'-rv ?.r, t moet ,11:. wa-xiv.-d and he .led. jjfH. A. h. Nash, of N... -i:J2) Si. r.c.ii-; r.u v. nt to the meeting. s ji I..-, i red nve. ye:a s V ..'; a 1 i'. ,- v. l,i,;h the doctMs olh-icd !;.;,., ,, m y lvlii f. She w n! to jjt....,;t v.. is eonvt-: t-d and. it is said. . i and continues to gic Ciod I ( ;;; .. y. j i ;,, ',.;. iy, of N.v :'lo7 CI if- ;.. -, j;u,-,., (.i':er having 1 ec. i e.ii id- ,r ;. ;,.ia-'Ll ilie time for j eai s t't-.ta j 'iioj '-V. a Il in Ii.e'.i in eiit a,r-"' v e.'.'i - "d I iv Li ing iiiovi d .' . I.-: .1.1..'.! m nee. 1' is :-'i e l i I ' io e .'.lied -;!id Coin cited. O.h. is l.'.-titv A Mu'.lcl j udge. IT. On' X. .'. V-i'K W-.:-i 1. 'i e is a .1 ;'.: :e :". Mi i - -i pi no ! , le-, :.::, u-.-li i I I i'C!i'.' I V. I us tMl'.-i- is ( ' l-lr.-ili. at.d ii" tills I!..' colli' :: oi :,! old: !:!1 ,' .'iscie':ce in an nu- 1 .1.;.!'. i Cel. i.t i. l!l I !' !"'.'ll ,-U 'Igtlig ; .. "l .1 v-i.As in his .-'e .l1'! e- .. .v. V. hieli ' 1, he; n I', i: e , v. White C.i! r i.i !l : t i j i i i ii ior t'..-. ir it. p i., n r ,.'..'.i.i.;:j :n, ta T Ion - I.i'-. nil" h.o w .- I, .Vo .. oiii; at i'i ooai'.iven, a band of one !';:i a'ped aim. .1 V.'l.i' Cans i o,!.' in' o il..-i.e, o. u:i'h Iheciii l, !.-,'. i.-. len.anded I be l-le.tse ' ten ol th.a f !... i w i lav. ) v. w.icin jail iiv. ;i, ;- :!.! re an lieeih f r lam. . .' i n'-'t l"o lo- m-.i-i-a..:!- -. :cl a ii''--5'1- i"di''rt'f.l a con-1 iln! i!.na! pre l.i i ll ilnii' .no l and i'. id t s .piickn ill the O'l oi'. b '.'l i a in h.o. i d- sei r id I.C.! Ilillll a: ! i a i; ;, i . a -i.-ii.n al i iv i.'.vie. At ' ' " e i iion. a i .... i i . . a i '!,. oi:,.! -, le v, -i-i s;i:i ni-;.r (a Miu.ei a io ! wa- " aiy a'.'ii'di J l'J'' !l :i.- v. r.-.'.-r '.' a, h i . .. s .... a l a : ioi.ii' .on ia ia ' !' ' 11 f il. t. "P ! a ' " A iad lil.e that is a i: 1 f.,r,-i: , in ti.i- c laauunity. 'I 1 ; p. r-ona! ' ho Las , iicoiii.l- r. i in iPo ilia. !; . oi iih.ihlU 1..-.!e.a,.:'.'.'.ilhoi.l'lo :'V;:' v.ill ; lh:.n ti.a: of a hai tie. I o! th.! I.aly .pi.ila.v v u! the in i .aiia.ii 1 1 , (; o, law aHim.. ..n..-a . . . : i-i-ve t noiii'ing io: ool in c. a. at v in v. i.e n ..) I has lam h 100 of!, n Lad ii - way. j - -' ! ( lUrMM I i! 1 1 ic:t ! (' Oiil li "ila- lia f ! . I a i ilia's is a a.-ni of ti r and hi l bhd thai l de,;oti. sai l f, i.i rwii I It I t o tenlav. -I; ni';, ;, em-, 3lr:.i-g.' ticil l-ird whl .-:l :i a i o-l :.l..l op ad mgal ;v.i.:i Hi , ...l..,- oo. "I .i i... ... : lion is i-'aui le. 1 he !i :.d oi ot tec ' ' ' , f. I f ; ;''" '' ; 1 " '; ' 1 km : I he C'l l". s ill 1 I) ill ml t o colli 1 at t . ! i.i i '....i ,f .. . . it j-'d ' '. l 'j ' . ';; ' ! ' b' a ' i-mi d. 1'nt a cbi. ' I rt'... I I !i laa ... ,,, i , ; , . ' ,. 1 1 .hoi : ,i : V ll'..' I I li laisc tla' I'll ll .-. ! ll' IV. U , ..'..:.. , i.i:. . III I .'..'I'Jl 111. I.l . M 11 ' IO I I" "i" 'I oi: n-i i ' , , , . ,. i .'ai lo.a '. I hi".' t Ci.i'u . . I aoi V ! ; -.ud m v, i; t.ami .! hurting ,.!., '"' . w mip-sMj..- ,or l.a in to , , gn i.nt., liny M-.'.-.l op. .iilli d i.j Li.:5i1nii!g t i i ii ... c a i ... . a.',, ,''''".' !.' ,'"'i'' a ',., '.....uj.'."! ( (,v, ,. , ,,M , , vest. I day ntteinoou. t..-.i.,.. .1.1.1,1.1', T l T.lll. Illl.l t u.l5l tu,.,t eii ible rcen i here in ea: :.. lhninir the stoini. Misrt Kila j; ,.',.,.ij ,., ,i,. r t,r lbeit ; (,,' ,,; r I.).. .t ,.,-,;, tit ' .',,''.," ,lU ,itv w-- s'reck and I kill", d'bv bghinimg. Charles McM.-,- ' 'o,d .:-i.i"" in an oo. n ! ia,, -,'v , ,,. th.." I,,,!,' of i:Khl n'in-, ' t!l,., k;ili,.., j Tho M. ... . Ih, .a. kdn. 1 o.h. 1.. i; , 1 1 ,t t" --".anl. His vv.fe was! n an l P li... v di ;o -.. Mount Iv. n ! sho'ita i -l: - oi Ci a, .on. I 1 lllilll I ' I ... r . A Train IMown A way. (iAiXEsvn l.K, Texas, May fi. A (Vei.'.'l.t train on the (JoW, Colorad. and Santa Fo load, while, ruimi n; into (iainesville wjih blown from tin' traek by a tornado and doni'dulied. Uesidos the train crew the road tnaNtor and Trainma.-tcr 111 lie wore aboard. Or.o of the train crow wa.- iinnilv .,,..1 H. .i.i . ..v in ....... Iv injured. The -ily was idmditly brushed by the tornado, but only a halt a dozen houses wi-re blown down, with no damage to life. Mor'anton Herald : Otm d iy la: t w-.i; .a.s Smith, a turn i f Smith, was Occident ly killed f tlijoi'i'i on 1 1 it Ii.,,! .if Mv .'. V. Gai risnn. u few ; ,.,1,. H,tu f.f Morganton. Smith ; ,V;IS t.,,i ;r- trees in the woods for i,,n i., I, .,,,,1 . Ii,.,!, (hi own buck b j f . J,iia i i .,,;,) Vi nrhod his sLull. on the Lta.! . 1 1 n -1 o.i S"!i;ir.oli A teili) (f - ' : '.'. , :,;V,11. ,.ou,1,v; I uiiiwiicu in i l.i' i uiikiii i nt'i, in iiiiia I Fon v, M i icidav. The animals won h" u " w!ii:,: ",; W,,",V' .V'i I ' " "'"V" 'u " tn ''."'." ! N ! s.- H'!:it- '"." "f S'-l'"K j H-e wagon l:en iue accKleid, oo- U'- I Occn-boro' l'al, iot : Mr. W. II. ' MeJ.oiin'n Ii lie 1 'i moid !m old boy. ; ,hiie ?.wii ging, M-'inbiy. nt his home i,(t JleLcausVlliP. heeonie elil ingle.l in tho rep. s, his n ck being cniglit in such a niaiiii' r that when dis , eevei ;-! I'.y his older broth, r. life was ' :i!i.m-t extinct, in fuel he had outin-ly ; c in-cl lo br a. In howi vc r, seiiK: s igns i of iife wi-n- sho-.rn, and in a sin. it ; while be be::an to Inr-ith again, but it was several hours tint il he was f-tilirelv reeovei e.i. ji i.i. ii'i.i n.'.-n inui m I lie topes a few i-ioie al rri- .1 i .......... 1 1 1.. .... I . u;n acci'ieiu uiiiu hi. c i'i in iui- 1 1 " sn'.t. . MCHSYTO LOAH. AiOM.V i .1 . r t.lle l.o '.N lipoll itppr.'M" i til :: y ill '2 n ; eeu!. p...t-.lcn:::l.- ) A. I.. .M.M.1I.!,. Attorney at Law, 1 '..!. Samohh. N. C Paul Her wood, ('. i . I 'an i'h ii ii.l Coicoiiin Sis., r;U;KAM, K. C, C ah r in p'.iltt t wims, s l.i-k( ys. I,. ,-.'. , -. i Mn-b v, ine for Fii.'i iuiji rial use, mad, ..I al . .he 'iiii ai d Ajuii io. L-'.'nJ All kind, of Ll Mlil.l! fur sale at tl.t HTTiBOitO SHUTTLE MILL WEATSsm-BOARCiHG, !:'M.!' AMI K i I N i t:I I ! '. "'1 !.ol'..!l ; Mincii i . i.i.n r ii spaa i nuii'' (i.'i'.d Ci iiie;.; and l'!i")iin.;:iitc.i Iy , ,. i.. is on . .... i o.i r . i l !.;. si n ai iua ci.ji -vi ini'ii-ri isl . a pi. i JlEA ! Tills LIST . Jiis.-T.s' Fast 1 ;:.;.!. i I'...;- i'a a ; f-:;li:.- Irons ' Cot .-i I--. Hoe., ode.. 7. ; liixicv'a Shoo J'olisli IDo. ! - de - ' "U' "!'')"' r,o Me. ,hz. 'i.aiilie: n Hell Soap l';tb: ;d Clo'.ln S i'ius Lame. CI,;n.!l- Windsor Tie.-. Lim a Napkin -t a, 7, Se. 15. :io.-. ;.i. :ia.; doz. L.ihi s ".-c (hir,h color:.), ii.l, olle. s;:;i- Mill. tie Silk C.lovos Lull I)i,.-s .litis Chil.hc:.'.- L.le.' Cap DON'T lOli'.iLT OLTl I fi'rftM? ft? $t Cfl-Ul" AI.T) DHl'XS (i WCOLLCOTT & SOUS. j K. Martin S: , K.VLKItill, N. C. A:ii.:7, IS'AL C. F. 1 1 V. ilA ('oavlcnsed Schedule. In , -licet Maty 7th, 1V.W. I'A II V I Vi'ia r SI'M-AV. , " " ill III l."tll' .-' lilt n. n i s., i M.UU2--1!-: M.ii. v liejs.'.. i-.-..v. ,.',. vv.n.ii-.'.T.: Arr.'tv'u'i,.';.'. nl lati-mj,'....-. 7. ;; " '' " :'10 " Ar "v" 'i I.-.1" '" ViV.T..s.r "' , " ii..n".u --- w. r. Kt. r. o. ,-. r... A,.,. ' 'kv. ...'. s,:,,,. p.. J o-'",. ? ) ) f f J "" ' ' ""' '. V? ? ' J77"f'7l Z'u'rff' ,y I nt. ,'. -l!y, l.cini'lan, Kv. tl il nr.: 1.. -vil I il. i. a. ,.ta. .. j Going to FSuy 'ctionary? , '. tii'.T VUK 3CST, i vf lisle : li-tercational. t i $ C: :;:i-:i J-'r.T.Hy Educator vl ; A Lh f.: y to JUoif '.' V VX ; T!i3 Slaiiil uiAuthority .V r.v .w,. )'.!rcsEtLERS. " ! -..: i i . .1 rov; hook from '. o-i.f tl.e tiraca, i '.-.' . . .' el i lo autbonlio l : : ." . . i- . . v-'fie tvewt In ; - .' i . i' i '. yc-.l nnd over i ; ' '. w u ihe flrat copy ! i i" i-f .kroMe and . -. . i:' : ".i . u.'.icni?. -,. : i i. ,.- e.'.-l.t.-i tsntolniog ii.. ; ; . , . .... ..'.' t'liulura. f. c, ruoiisbers, ; m.h., r. a. A. FIRES FIRE!! 00 EVERYBODY OUGHT THEIB PBOPERTT in nil': j m mm cj. Tbi. is n 3f"ii.c and de tl.o p::'.: i.ii. g" of all Norfh :i.ois. C ; . ., ; (H- : ... 1 ! Ill ISaS and bad ! ., OVi.t. ll;i,f :x U!iilit51 ,lollar. in . ' ; lo.'Si. s and the; : is not ciit- eontcsted ' L .. : clinic ca. All'ii.I promptly. Everjr i i t:t naiii o;.,'liL to insure bis p:- ! t it '. l'l.i' t- l'i:l3. . r.epl.V b) IL A. Li'Mn ).N, AGENT. W. S. i'rt'idciit. J .ia.:,: i, il. 1878. fob mum YEARS Mil imlyM klmu ! ""-Wl" i,ui "' 'out lal'.Iu!' iiii'l I'i lipricloi'. (t is iho "(iM i'. 'liiiLIc" that in or Iiii Is i'i' i'iili.'i's. 1 C)ib''r J'iij crs limy .-iiring up I Mini I'itii,' ilV.ii V. l'lll tin' FlCC !crd I'-'-iv i-y- Tl:o FICwrcl I'tis always' diiiu' its li.'-i tu i . iv mi iTi t o the ' l,i',l--l"'i'i.v "i" '!' and ; In iulvillice ik'.-.i i nt crest '(ir('lliitlinl.l imiiiiU. -a, o h Too. ! si ti,) ''''u' FL'CCrd. .''i'I'voh and I",-, t j .si 2"i. , :-!i(i'ilil ivi-.-ivo ; lie .-.u j i K.i t of iovorv filia'ii ul' ( 'liiiiliiiia. It ought In lio r.'ipl l y eve ry fain- ily in llu; oiiiiiit y. Now is tho i i in,: to euh s.'iiLi' ! Only Tl.rcv (VnLs a Week. taw.!, m il j-r.i,- !u. 1st o'.i ae.r-l. a.iJ all PW j ret l.u- ii.t'-r c ii..ii'.. -..' I I t Mr.DcnTC rct. Our Ort icf is Otpositc O. 3. PTrNT Orriee i,il we i r.u -.'i-iir.. , ia at in Iv.- lluio lluu IboM I r.-ineti- fr. mi W.i-iiiti..-Mn. Si J iafit.1, iImmit. nr i lmM., wllh dorrt i ti.n. V.- Mvi-e. if i-at-i'l.ii-l-) ,.r n.'t. fica "1 rlam-c llur in-h .: iiii" li I I .i'i'mi ii-oCiirtJ. i A PuMpmrr, "ll.iwr i.),'''i:.ii, l-mcnis" wittl nam . ut a. eii.'" lu J. jr tu.t!, CJiuity, ot ', etui Hte. A.i'lrt'.", Orr. Patcnt Orrir.r. Whshington. D. C. Lirrii'iins-i.iii'i:i'oirs-Lii,iiicom trails .-.!!. al.rr M...;, I 1 lU'S.lf 1 I. -,r A Mew Departura - r",.""is.'i I --I . lic.'-ii'' si, .1 su-r:-s In ercilii .: M . 1 1 . . i-. y - No,.-. I i .-TV. 25 Cts. NKAPIV (ili.i i'Nli lirns ItOO O ',.:.'. . nt., huh I . 1" ,' II "CK T l"" "I llie 1 . Co"!P,"e New N,JV'K - ,rS atrial NKAPlY f;!' "i e- SrU urns Merit .iiv.iij; ., tit.rary ,'f 13 111 w ,,i, l viilu.i.ilc woiks, worth f is 'i t" . ..ft'i.t'.iy. .it shr n.'in.i-'.l .,11m of 33 vi'lis I'd ii'.i'nh S'.U. hi 11. 1,. , -,o yculy. Sunk- by ll... ' .en. lie ll...!-i. ilw lli'lt, li,.,.l II ,,,". 1 ,1. y C. l.ll.K, UC.MC, wi.i ji.,.941 iu -.oiy iw. Ciituluis, giving ,' j.,its, a, , no,!-. Ion .iriilitat.on J. U. LIFI'INCOIT COMPANY 71s a:.J )i 1 M.A'l iit., Fhilic;i" i BtSii-'.H'..'.

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