til FOR FAHM AND (iAKIrKH. ( FATTtMMi WHiS ON WHKAT- 6ouys Minnesota farmers liae found tbtl ihey can grow wheat and fallen liogs on i( profitably when it does nut come up to the Muml-iid foe celling or the price U too low. Vlnut is a strong food, but ); oily than coi n and is more caily ilieted. li i said, too, to make a better (juulity of 'oi k, more lean in proportion to the fut The coaracr parig of wheat make an cello n t feed for breeding sows ami fur young pig', hut Ihey need to he nupple lounted willi more bulky and k' i mi tritious food, tuch an clorer pn(uro in glimmer and leuta or iimuyolda in winter. fusion Cultivator. WIDE 71IIB lOR FAKM WAHiiS. The com moil or narrow tire, now in use, in flora one ami three-fourths to two inches in width, while, if the widilihul been not K.i tlimi lltm Inches, tho ex'ia i'0t would not have been fivo ilullur more per set of four wheels. Three-Inch tires can bo used upon land that in moist, while the mine loud, with a two-inch iiir, would allow the wheel to have sunken moie than a third deeper, have drawn cor respondingly harder, cut up the iaud, ami strained the wagon far more thuii with the wide t lies. There I no question but that if mantifai-tuiers will put on the imu ket a wi ll-made f-i hi wagon with three or foili-itn'li tire-, they will lindaieady iimilnl, or if they will, at it ruaaouublo price, I'm 111 sli an extra set of wheel, the wheel being m iller in diameter, and with three and ono-li.uf inch tire, many farmer! would purrli :iso them. Amei iron Agruuliui in. PMai.l.nW I M.TIV Al li "N I II ioHV In COUVCI'iillllOll With Ik llelghlli'l llln' farmer reccnly, and one Hint I'-vnkn"' from 12000 to t;tO00 annually, as the net proceeds of a ltiO-Mie f'.ii 111, u 1 hi' A. U. C'hau of Kmii-aa, lif said: "Year by year I nm still mum urn vinccd that shallow cuUivat inn i- llm beet for acorn ciop, mid miles we have Homo way to tiriu the muitl well, shallow breaking us well." 1 think this is true with some nliia modilii'ittlona. A heavy loam -limiil be broken deeper than 11 aiidy mil. Kvnry other year or every third year the light soil, if l urn to) lull's should be I uracil up to t iio dej ten to twelve iui Inn, but 11111111 after planting, the rollev, or weighted conlriv.iiici' thai "ill corn, i li of lialely no tin lack the ground, nhou.d ho neil. A heavy loam tint is lilo dtuiuod will give heller ieulii, broken live to six 1 111' Inn, than it will at len to twelve inches, and suvu the work of one 10 wu horses, and 1 nm stitistlml this ii true, toe, for a wheat crop. Hut it inut he home in numl, that in nil prairie countries the w ind is iiliiiun an everyday occurrence during the spring and hummer month., and if r have ten days without mitt wiieie the 10 11 ud lias not been w ell lii unv. or packed, it will take the iuni;iii out t the soil to a depth -f two iinln". This point, too, has its bearing upon the after-'iililvaiion of the crop. A judicious rotation, in whhh clover plays au important part, will lour the j ground from vti'mls, and tints lender ! the close plowing of tho crop ncd- j loss, and if "li-tin-" is pracuced save i much luhor. Atnei iuii Agiitul- j tut tst. KEAFIMi .IKK.MY Ml IF F 114. As the Jeisrys 1110 hpeciai milking animals, the heifers and the bull calve j at well ihi not require such feeding ih I will make them fat, but such alhj deveiop in the best way the viul 1 organs and the bon s' frame. Tue di gestive organs are the special letttiire of milking cows because on'y the font that is digested is turned to good 11,0, i and the more active the digestion i-, j the more food is profitably .lUrm-ml I Of. Thus the whole in. Ik of the e.tvv, especially tho rich milk of the ,'iti't, is not desirable for the he iter intended for a dairv, as It will tend to l it rather than to llesh and the tijMio of the vital oigau-, whti h rontnir. a Im i proportion of nitrogen and litile. f a. Tho fikimiubd milk contains tliis nit 10- i geu and the buiio-liliking iii.itoii.il, uiul thus builds up the strong, henllufu: frame that is lequired for a uiitking COW. The milk, however, should be given warm us it is natuially mid in sunViuit ' quantities to bo fully digciteil. This j is Important, as a healthful animal is ' indispensable for profit in any dairv. j The milk required is six iiurts a d av at ihe beginning, in three fiu'its, and sho.ild be gradually increased a the calf grows. iVhen a month old a little tine coriimcal and bran may be given by hand, and a it begins to eat the meal may be put in a feed bo in the s'all. Thus the young thing is led along gradually until it is live or six mouths old, when the milk is no longer reunited and may be dispensed with. It is best not to let such a calf suck the cow, and it w ill never bo imv trouble afterward and its calves will easily learn to drink, and in time the progeny may lose the instinct to suck, in a messni, . New York Tiiuus. llllll'S UN 1 11 KAKM. IkiitU 'cgulaici the i'iii'libi inn it Insects. Most all inserts .lo largc amount vt 0 "1 1 ' pla'ii prod ii ' 1 1 b . mixing pollen in. the flowers, making honey and causing thinness where plants would otherwise overhear crops of small and worthless fruits and seed. The .'renter regulated insect, bird and grain products on earth that one should balance the other one. Men may destroy Ihe birds because they are large, but, with all their poisons and insect catching machinery, they will never destroy the little pesti ferous i meets; therefore let tho birds live. A farmer in (his place had foiiy-flve acres sowed in wheat and it was con irg up, and Iho grasshoppers were hatching nud eating it and tliat of the ueighb us about as fast as it came up. All at once came along from the North a very largo drove of blackbirds that alighted over the fields, and that farmer felt happy. All other fanners about him shot and weired the birds away from their t ai iiu, and us there w as a prairie pond (-u.nl) on the man's farm, in tho hii-hoij Mit rounding which the birds would lly uud alight as a place for piotecti iii, tho farmer would let them May on his farm, 11111I the results weie plainly seen next harvest. Tho re. suits were that this farmer got a very foil crop of wheat and his neighbois got from a half crop to nothing. This fanner estimated that the drove of black-birds saved 1200 to him 011 his w licit 1 rop. Another year a farmer had forty seven anus in corn, ami a huge drove of Kugliaii sparrows was seen flying over and alighting 011 tho corn about sidling lime. 1 went and diligently examined the situation nud found the only silked ears full of a black bug, eating oil the silk, and many oil the giotiiid and crawling up 011 the stalk. These birds lived about the lleld until all the bugs were eaten nud ilion flow uwiiy, tin I there was an extra crop of corn. This same lleld was sown in wheal and ihe grasnlmppei s ate 011c htlf. It was then sown in clover and it was cut early that it might need well; but the grnmdioppers hutched out by million-, ate oil Ihe leaves and there was 110 seed produced, where, if there had been no gi asshoppers, or if there hud been birds to have eaten the hoppers," I here would hive been at l:isl li'it worth of clovetseed raised. Hern are three instances that 1 have personally observed and know 10 be facts, says 1 lenry 11. ltd in the Cin cinnati lia.etie, and they urn eou-clu-ive evidence that birds do million-, of dollars' woi 1I1 of g nod to the Ameri can hurt icil !: Ui ists and ngi icullurisis. I A It M AMI (iAItt'TN Null." Hilly planting is mcesmtry for good crop of onions. liioiviug fruits lined potash and phosphoric forlili?"r. 1'iaiit both on 1 1 y and late varieties of potatoes lo be sure of a 01 op. The loast mole-ted the weeds uro the gteuier wlU be the crop next year. It is next to impossible to have nil over production of llrst-clasa fruit iu this country. Hialiow plan.iiig of peas hns been found to give the bent results at tho dali I'.xpei iment Station. If you desire to know hfw good a farmer u man is, it is necessary to ex amine the crops that he grows, rather than 10 know the number of acres ho cultivates. The best market for the products of 1 lie farm, 01 chard or gulden is the family table, and the most profitable products are usually thoo that can be used at helm'. (runs uecds n solid, firm toil to grow freely and live long. Yot it is hard work to get the ordinary farmer 10 use the roller after or bcfoie sow ing grass seed. Tho Ohio ra-pberry Is valuable for evaporating. hi account of their hardiness, Turner and Thwack iap berries are reported suited to cultiva tion in eetioti unfavorable to fruit. The inexpei ieuced often make tho unmake of thinking that bees a 10 ever on the a fi t to sling something or somebody. They have no time to go i l v 11 10 11 11 I stinging, with no cause. tit'ii it bee Htiugs, it usually lias a good, logicul reason for so doing. A hop vine makes as line a covering for a trellis over tho back door or the oiiiluiildiiigi; as some of the plants that me used for that purpose, which are simply ornamoutal instead if useful, and there are m my purposes to which good, bright hops can be put In the faintly economy. A farmer mvs: "'Last March I sowed a rich, sunny spot with early turnip mid long scarlei radish seed, covering the sol at night Willi a spi inkle of straw, and raking it i ll warm day", until the plants were well up. The resu't was a crop away ahead of the regular sowing.'' For peas the best fertilizer has a largo per cent, of phosphoric, acid and po tish, but not much nitrogen. Ksriv kinds of peas are not expensive, and they uniy ho planted as soon us the ground is thawed- I '01 nt them on a ridge anil cover deeply. In a few ins the top earth should be raked otl. In 1770 there were seven colleges in : e Knglish-American colonies. u , fi"t Uiero wme 849 colleges propi r, ' i t about 60 so called. Ql'AIST AM) tlKIOlS. Taper barrels grow in favor. Moonstone is u variety of feleptx. The finest beryls come from ICus in. A ltostou mau is famous for his fad tf handkerchief collecting, Columbus brought eight hogs t this country on his second voyage. The carat, used in estimating the weight of gems, is a grain cf Indian wheal. Washington, ieorgia, was the llrsl place to be name I for the l ather of His Country. Tho niii-k o is nearly extinct, uud there arc only live or six mounted specimens of it. in Ihe I'nitcd States. Nineteen I'niled States Senators uo but live letters each in spel ing their mimes. The list begins with Allen and cuds with White. j Cermaii statisticians mention as acn ' liosity the fact that the number of j children born alive in Munich was ex actly the same in l'.'V as in l9l 1 liamely, 111,21:1. j The diamond is not Hiuoug the i curliest gems known to man. It has j not been found in the ruins of Nln I nvuh, in llie Ktruscan sopulcbies 11 Or i in the tombs of the l'lneniciaiis. 1 i The common water pump of toduy i is but an improvement oil an inveu- tlou which first came into general it"; ! during the reign of the Ptolemies, ! I'liiladi'lphos and IlliCig-jtCS 2 lo o'.'l 1 11, c ! 1 Tim Mansion House lollof funds uro 1 a special featiiie of Condon's help for j distiess in tt it y pint of tho World. iMiiing tho past twenty years 10,. j i"U,0t'O h.tvo been received for such 1 , purpose by different lord mayors. j A curious collection of books ubout j dillereiii varieties of trees may be ; seen iu a library In dot many. Cach book appears to bo a log of wood, the j hack being finished in the hitrli of tho ' articular tree described within, while ! 1 j one tide shows the tice-trituk iu its , liiituiai state and the other is polished , and varnished. ! j .lulc diint ir, one of the largest nud ' Wealthiest latlelilllell in Ti X.I-, w ill n ud to the World's I air a Poland , China hog which he claims is the largest iu (he wmld. It Is four veins old, and weighs I.VJ'1 pounds. Il is three feet four inches iu 1 1 u i 1 1 1 , uud seven feet and four inches from tho . tli of its lioso In the end of its tul!. , I luring the ticciii heavy f gs iu Cuidon, all tralli.' 1 11 the streets wa suspended, and all places of amuse muni and social L'ii'.lierintiS descited. i It was almost impo-ibh! to make j one's way ulom; the stieels, hs the citvtiic and gaslights served only lo make Irallie lii ue dangerous. Many highway and other robberies wero ' committed, the thieves invariably es- . ciiping under cover of Ihe bel'i iendiug , fey. I Autiipiariaiis in Curope have been j greatly iuteiested iu the sale of the ; tine collect ion of cm io-it ies accuinu- ' lated by the Manpiis do Negron, a Spanish grandee. Cor thirty years he aliiiobl slttrved himself so that he might deNolo iiine-teiiths of his in , come of f'.'0,"oii a year to the pur- hii-e of books, cameos, old plate, wHU'lie-, stiutlboM's, etc., and in the' course ot his lifetime he tided several ' hou-es w tth his 1 1 cubiih s. llentli l'mm 11 Hroken Heart. llo peop.e in trouble ever really die ' of "a broken heart?' The lute ir t ieorge Paget, in one of his lectures lust published under the editorship of his son by Messrs. MaciniUun, knowleilgoiitli.il in ihe vast uiatontvi of cases tlnu populurly described there is iiolhitm like an actual riiituro ol the heart; yet he admits that mental a flections will not infnipiently cause real disease of the body, 111. d he men tions nn actuul else of broken heart, rited by lr. d. K. Mitchell of the IfiroiHoii College, I'iiiladelphia, in leciiiriiii; to his pupils. In an early period of his lifj 1 r. Mi'choll aiT'impanied, as a surgeon, a packet that sailed from l iveipoel to one of the American ports. The cap tain frequently conversed with hiui respectini; a lady who had promised to become his bride 011 his return fi om that voyage. Cpon this subject be evinced great waruttli of feeling, 1111.I showed sumo cosily jowe s and orna ments which he intended to present us bridal sifts. On reachini: his destinu- 1,0,1 ,ie "l'iptly informed that the , ludy had man led some one else. In I stttiillv Ihe captain was observed to ' claup his hand to his breast and fat' heavily to tho ground. lie was taken . up and conveyed to his cabin on board . the vessel. lr. Mitchell w as iiuui -di-: Mely summoned, but bcfoie lie I reached hiiu the captain w as dead. . post-mortem examination revealed the cause. His heart was found literally j torn in twain. The tremendous uo ; pulsion of blood (adds the narrator) ! consequent upon siiih a violent ncr i vous shock, forced the powerful uitiv . Ciilar tissues asunder, and life was at : an end. London News. l osses ami Losses. "By Jove,' said Lighter, as ht stepped off the scales, "I've list I'm I pounds!" You oughtn't to kick about that,' remarked Brightsidc; suppose yoi bad bjjeo ii j)iclislmu." I liife. TTiii fMm. Tho following extra-judicial decis ion is said to have been delivered some yearn ago by a judge in a South tin city. A man had been brought before hCn on a warrant fr vagrancy. The evidence was unmistakable, and the yiiiing lawyer defending the man saw that the ease, was hopeless. While badgering his wits to know what to say, however, he noticed that Is clbnt was fairly well-dressed, and 'h-d the attention "f the court U '.hat fact, declaring that no man who .vore 'Vii sl clot In s" could with pro priety be considered a vagrant. a that word nignitled a ragged, dirty' vagalt'ind. Observing that the -ourt madea meumradtim f "g- o I cluthes," be wis.'ly sit down without further rania rk. lo II the prosecilt :iU' at torney had lliii-bed what he h i I to offer, the Jitlgc, who was bbs-ed with a fine, re li luniiiie, sail: "Iheciait, havfni lltiiitnely haanlthe i 1 1 litice and tho rem 11 ks av cuunsil, Is av the opinion 1h.1t, iiiastiui li as th" prisoner wears I' on I oh t lies, he cannot properly be c itisidered a vagrant ; but, as he haa not shown to the stit.st'actloti of the can it , how he nbtaiiie I tliltn clothes, I shall bind I. iui over for simple ):i--!t;v'" He was s-i humid iccr, and tho pa-pr-s are iti r rl in the County ,le s tiftli."0. (nhl NuicKi'tN. fine of the largest and most re markaMo shape I nugg-ts ever found was discovered in ati Australian mini in s"T. Il was Hat and almost tin ex. ict counterpart lti contour of a colossal human hand held open, witt the 1 vi'pth'h of the thumb and for.- j t'.tig'T. which wi 10 I'hi-i d together it: a manlier - as to make i! appeal i that th" th null was hulling th- tin j ..or in pi.ic Its greatest length wa! twelve and a half inches. It was o) the erv ptiri s; gold. Willi but a lit-1 tie of fofiign sui.stances .idherltig . ni'ifdly between the "lingers"), and: welphed '.t bund od and .seventecu , uitn'es. The lam his "Cady I'.rassey" ( toigg' t, also r.iiiud in Australi'i, ! weighed t!M-ii'io pounds of pu. ! iold, worth s.'J.'i j -r pound. In Jsiii ! I lltlgL'i t i f llltci tl p-llinls' weight, j -Imped I'vullv like a cr-iss. with thej cxci 'pi i . r 1 of t l.e light .iini, was dis' oiered in the :;uiss mine near th fame place. I Mil.' of tie' test , f 'lllllll l II" leile.J 'llrt, housekeepers h( i'l ey the 1110-1 nlO'iitj 'ti to I If your Mil ' . t I f..r Mile I'le.Yii' r..-. li c itlnaii. 1 li .oi-e i i..i'i,ti' -il hrts. nr 3nn sre nil worn nut, is.'. I' Is fllelnl ileliillly. I's l". I ' I i lire I el!. Pi ike l ell It HT, Hint kill' yoll H K-oil'l is th. " li urn ij.'l' lle.-c Ii i.ii' ' tit" a l-ik. It Vol i llll ! ellt keej, wlvlit. I er i 1. pure er Hi n lllmi'l, Wenkii -s. .Main. 'Il, Nellrn'K n. I lei (ie.t ill;, I ill le e -uv -S, t ill- Hmvlli'i 1 1 ei I ill I its -It cuts str,-n.;.i, Milk I li: "lit P I- -'us tei't t-lt.n- llli'l lii.lllif I e.-sens si Mih; pi .isiuit In take. 'I lie .lownnnlil fool il'H-ll't Iie-.V it. Hood'o' is tho Best Tho Judgmont of Experience. Long s Sir, ttranf 11'. Itnrncs " lUi l.fenl, N. Y.. .tun It.tWi. 'Mise f ninl my wife hi e tn!u'n Ffvi-r.il tsltiis,;' 11,,,., p. Snrsupai i n t U t fun ri.-nlt-. Kei'Viars I Imve lei 1 k..;.i Ireul.le, met f N -.1 heart difficulty. 1 j uieihle 10 a 1111 I'-ll Mile t'r iio- , , ,1 sii'.ti. 1 anlln lus ilone me n meat it. ,1! ef t-. 1. I ton flip fietn kidney troutile. a:.'! sun s,-(.ji on i. ji r s ile ti 'iv. tliaukste IP .. I - itisii.:iri:ln. v info lias 1ml s ctiieM t.Ti' Itumit fcr Hood's phi Cures 'i ii - ti'.nilc.i'l lirr .i.-t 1 liii,it lis, i-llics . -'.e 1, 1 . net tiail n imiretii-n lit iic. It moir or li--. Imt fur I.t.t f 3k i 1 1 44 H 'Oil's .Nil it;'ttt';i'. -'. iv i lirtvit rvi fit iMict' n n ! .-M Wr clmM lul! rcci'tiunt t tllrt H- ft koi "I tvli.'iKt- in-uif-til aii'l to tuil. ill' tin' v 1 tho bost rocrtit'ine in tine. In 'k a slilit 1 it.. mi's Ssr. I t n.e for t lie ., I f"tisiilrr i " lillSNT W. IHllS lllll.ll l.i IlK.-l ;et nooD's. I iiti. 1 Imi Tills, ns I 11 I- v 'Jii ivtits IU nr Ihe I,. uri' ti. uU.M Flower 99 " I h.tvr I'orn afflicted withhilious .wss; and con -tipation for fifteen ears and tirit otic and then another prep aration was supoestrrl to tue ntid ui:d but tl I10" jlrI)0i,e. foetid rmunriended Ancust I'lower and word.; cannot describe the iidtntia- t'on in which I Isold it. It has ivcrt me a new lease f lif,, which ln-fore was a ltinkn. Its r-od cptjlities a tid wonderful nerits .should be made Known to everyene suflering with dyspepsia and biliousness." Jkssi; Lakkek, Primer, Humboldt. Kas.3 RADFI ELD'S FHMALn REGULATOR h.is pn-Ton an InfatUM f ! ei me f,.r all ti rante-Un-.i:s iseuliar to lli U-irdlest-,- ui-li .Slr1:tlin wi'iiCj iiiui evan.m ili- r Is ' II taken ni time It If II ryculstes unit fm. tes -"sos II bialihy ae'eu of all tunc I V it lions of thn riicmtivx imilt j -L-Hiis. Vuunc UUits at 2iJr tp ate of j'lits ri-, ami II taken Hi time It paitie.wlU find In It a Iwalint;, nontMinf tonic. highest vi'oninienilaiions fruiu rroinl otiiil rnysii-iaus an'! Ihnse who hav trust It. W rite f ,ir book "To Wnmeti." maili-il fre. Sold tyall dmpuwts. BRAoHKLoBiOi'UaioaCo projinetors.Ailaoia.iia. HUM US I ' Ths Mysterious Ixms. Mr. J. K. Emerson, a California forty-niner," relates a curious story In the Scientific American. Gold, while its melting point is over 2,010 decrees, will evaporate at a much lower heat. In 1 3-4 tho tJnvern ment Inspector visited the (then) new mint at San Francisco, to "take stock," and found a deficiency of Hi,(t00. Tremendous excitement ensued, the sensation lieinif almost equal to th.it caused hy the acts of the famous "Vigilance Commit tee." Wholesale arrests were threatened, until some cool head suggested that evaporation was the thief-that thn missing iriild had flown up the chim ney. Sure cumuli, examination of the slate rmif showed It coveted with feathery K'dd, where the cold air had caused it to be deposited when it came nut of t he chimney. The slates were torn off; also those from several near-by buildltiL's; these wero pnuuul to Hiwder, and much of the re. covered. Sn also was the furnace and chimney brick, and, after all was caved that could bo profitably by tho methods 111 use in San Francisco, tho dust was sent to the mint in 1'hii.i ilelphla. Here It was worked over more c'osely, and then the dust was cold to French chemists, who shipped It to I'aris and worked it over auain there. More than one-half of the $tjo,oon, ns well as the Rood name of the San Francisco official, was saved by these various pro.'esses. Improved meth ods now prevent any recurrence of such mysterious losses. Powder delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which expert pastry cook-, AbaSOItllfelV declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. What Is Home Without HOME HOWIE TACKS?TSMAILS? Btvcrnl nlscit to milt, In a compartment box, hfindy when you need Tackn iihmit the home I'or t-nrpets, fiirttilrirt, primp, or rmmeniH, oilcloih.i, ehenth Inif, 1001 uso9 you know of. Alsvayn I'lutl the rlttlit tuck ut tlio right time. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Made Soleljbj Ihe ATLAS TACX CORPORATION, BOSTON. WARnnnreaa- He.teii, Ne'e York, 1'hlt.nlsli.hla. Clii -.ii;., KiUlmore, Sin Kranolwe, Lvnn. ricToniKe. T;iuuten, t-iilrtinvcn, Whltuian, Kiiilniry, ami I'll mouth, Mais. EVERYBODY WANTS THEM. A. A A "A SUCCESS." F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., Gentlemen: I have suffered from catarrh for about the years and havo tried several remedies without relief until I eotnmeneed to use I Kill's Catarrh Cure last February. 1 must say that it is a A SUCCESS, the (lroppinj; in my throat disappeared entirely after the first bottle. It increased my appetite, so that I nmv weijjh eiht pounds more than mycus" fOmary weight. I have recommended it toothers find all who used it have been greatly relieved and speak highly of it. One of them was in my store yesterday and expressed his wish to peddle it this winter. Will you please let me know the lowest terms you could furnish it for, as I would like to keep it in stork. Hoping" to hear from you soon, I remain. Yours n speetfully, R. C. HAUSWKPELL. Lake City, Minn. BOLD BY DHUGGISTS, 76c. c Sold hr Inurtrt.. l.voua ready nniae ineuicine ior rouirus, Uronrhilis and other dis eases of Ihe Throat and Lungs. Like other so called Patent Medicines, it is well advertised, and having merit It lias attained a wide sale under the name of l'iso's "ure for Consumption. rrTrl ! Calc. s.n.i. w.n.11.1 -ii.s K.a-i 11 sn'l n tha letter tn si-ell as many words a you ran !? osIiik the lettt-rs as many limes as you t-li. either back wards or torn ar !s. but not use lbs lame letter in uiakiiigHiiy ene word more limes tlmn il t.isn. in " World'a Kalr." It I, said nrrftifi lis- small Knclis1! words :nu tie iw;le. correcily from lie len letters e H'tained In "World's Fair." Esuinple: Wad. ,wail. soar. idol. etc. If you are ij'Hid at word UniK ni: you o:in seeure a 1rrc trip In the jWnrll's Vair and return, as the Scott Seed ('nnipnuv will iny all exiieiises. Ineludinf It H. fnre. hotel hills, adniisslnns to the I nlitmli an lisit-in. and in eaati for incidental -.fenwe. lo the first ierson ahle to make wi'i-nfi i words fnuii the letters contained In " World's 'Fair." a a'-ove. Tliey wl.l al-o ittve a trrr. ifrtlitn the World's Fair and return wilh fcS Iter ineiilenlMl esm-nsi'S. In the tint ner-iin c tol'm; .'''; words as shove. 'J liey will u!po 'vice tree trni to Hi" World's Fair and return loi iiliciiii easli for Incidental eiriensesi to His f.rst " ui semliiiit S'l:-!'' word. To I lie lti"t l ersiill sendln t S"M worrts mil Ik- irlveti ' In essl- towards payine es-nses ' to ihe W.lrlds Fair; to the llrt wnditik' t"'U writs mills' uiven i' in ensh towards pay iiicexisMiseslolli.. World's Fati.lor.n'i o! the fust he. person seiidinif lhof S:v word will ' h" eiieii SI" ill cash, nnd to earn of the tird ten 1 M ie'liiii: l oi In Holds will le uiven K In cash. iinli one prime will lie awarded to the same iM.rwi W rite your niiine on lit of wonl ' 'iniiiihered' and' tin lo-e llie same inlp:od i willi It I' ecu I'.S. two lit staiiiis for a lut-a jis.'k.ih'- our C hoice Knulisli l otlane luirdeu 1 Till ioini'lnntion tneludes th late! and ' ..i p .pular Kin; i-li It -wers ;.f end leas vaCie. I ... ',ine s w, II 1 e cont lined in theelahorata rvini il o: F.i.iflisti llowersat Ihe World's tain. ' Thi ' World's Fair" foulest will be rarn f"l:v iindeim-eieiili'i'isly (ondurtel solely for the I'lit po-e of Introiliieiinr our business in the I' s V..11 will receive tha hM value in tl ,er i-. ds ever oITi red. and If yon are able In tiiske 11 Kcol list of words and answer : i.iotiip h nm will have a ftrst-clasa opportnn ! iv 1 . si'eiire a free trip from W W rtems lo 1" ii-10 iimf ifturii. We nn- spcnilitipa larife amount of money to Mart nm trade In thn I'. S. sod want your trial order V"U "111 he more thsn gratified with the ri-iilt. hend totay, and address the hci.1T i-ttvn ('QMPAsr. Toronto, C'ana ta. Put oiin In a thousand. The figure ono. Pure grape rream of tartar forms the acid principle cf the Royal rxclusively. Tiie Royal imparts that peculiar sw eet ness, flavor and Pure Several uliess In n carton, handy when you need nalle foruloodo honrd, shingle, or I'encc I'lcbct, broken furniture, rickety door, to hang your hat end cout on, etc., etc. Alnnvn the rly;lit iinll nt th rlKht time. offer It is now it "Nostrum, " though nt firt it a.s coru lmuiiilwl after prrjicrtiition by N'Kiilnr jiliyslrlnn, with no Idea tbt it ivmilil er go on t tie niarkft a a proprie tary ir.eiln inc. Ilut after t'onipouiiiliiiR that prwrip tioiinvtT a thiiusaml turn in onyrar.w namcl it "I'iso's Cure fir l unsumi'tlon," anil brnaii advertiainiE II in a small way. A nusliiin luionii all OTr tbc wurlil ia the n-siilt. Why is It not Just an gonX M thuiiuh riwtiiiK fifty rents to a ilnllar for a prwription and an niial mm to bav It put up at a drug store? KliWfiEDGE Trinps comfort nnd improvement nnd tends to persi n;d cnjuynietit when rightly used. The n::iiiy,whn live bet ter than others nnd enjoy life inure, with less expenditure, by more promptly ndiiptim: the world's lust products to the iiieds of physical beitijr, will nttrst the value to health of the pure liquid laxative piinciplc titibiaced in the remedy, Syrup of Fijj.s. It exct llei:ce is uii" to its presenting in the form i.io t incept ible nud pleas nnt to the ta-t ", the i fri-s'iine urnl truly Is-Ili tici l J I'operfii s of a perfect lax ntie; eth-ctit.illy t !e.niin; the system, tl i-j. l i i tifjr colds, headaches nnd fevers and periiiun-iitly ciiiinir fmistipiition. It hasjrivit) satisfaction t" millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidney.-, Liver and I'snu-ls without weak ening tlu iii and it is pcrf ctly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup nf Fi'es is t'nr sale by all drug gists in 60c and il bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig fcvrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every picliftge, also the name. Syrup of Figs, mid Icing well informed, y.iti will not Uccil'ttinv substitute if olitrcd. SLOTTiri) CLINCH RIVETS. No tool renu.'oi. O'l'v ft l.iCiliii.'r ne'leil t.idrlv n c inrb la. in e!..Y n..l 'P.M.... .,.B ihe clinct) '.I IIIhIj ,m.,. ill. H 1 v ! . i. ,.!, Ia th. lea-her n.r imrr ier t li . T'.t are tlruof, loiixh m: I dtnal.le. M . n nv In uiu. All kii-itn, iiiilfiirin ,r n-iMri,' 1. t ni nn t.t Done. Ask .rour deuler lor tliem, . r n-nl tivj. la lUuipt i.ir u lux a l'i. A-Mirti: i .uoi Mnn'W tir JUDS0N L. THOMSON MFG. CO., WAI.T1! il!. S.S. l: N I' 1 7 Unlike th 9 Dulcii Process No Alkalies - - on (linnieals ' u ,.. h J f It h.e morrthnn ttirrettmet iffui.L.' I t n Man-li, Artmvroot ol iSSirT .oiu:ir, mnl Is lar iinuo fen- tHiinii'iil, rotting le.-.-i th'tit oi. criit a rnp. It Is ilelliiuus, imiii i.-tiliir, Riul basil DioEsrto. .. Sold tftiriiiiTs eifrifli0rt. W. BAK.EH & CO.DurcLester, Km Do Not B Decf ivcii with I'aites. Pnamrts ami I'ulnts which itala tb bail'l. Injur.i thelri'ii hr 1 t.uru reil. The Rli. Sun snue i',ii:n u Hrllltant, Odor Imh. Puratite, anil the ronKumer I'svs for do lla or KlaM packone with rvi r.r iiurel am). Tan ideal mmiu medicine for liiitlailiun, lll!liit)Mni.riie. tllr.iU. hi, n.i.llp.ill.'ii. tt.i t Lt'omplrilun, lliri.'i.lw liriuili, Uriir.inil H.....1,, ' jStcAf'H I ti IrtMirt'de ..r .m' Li i.. ei. !. tlftvlBln ,:.i'. l'.-k.i.' . I I,, in; .,4.x "JJiv iMims w i SQ3f bflfiLUMi ICOURM riic- Curei Coninnipt ion. t ii'ii'lii. t'ronp, Soro throat. SvlJl j- .CI Hr.i.-;: n on (in.inni.e. SESEftBjg poisok! If rpy i n drt;i!t(l th tvtu-uM . tir- ftllMtl Ht l- :.m ... m X loftt tt.iyti. Iff h m wrtttfor tlcclir-i mid metl-.-!!. '..r itil..h litr. our I'm ii.'! tt tru-klnir Is (o m. Whrti niiTcurr. BLOOD A SPECIALTY. Iodide potAMlTtm, aanati nlu ir Htfi r1ti4 f!l, w tnln that wjH cur '-r uu nt r. uivo i ruw( tont fiuL.lltttl. l th iviui U.'li.y ft of oiilv II. 00, Htai.nil. i In- Mi.k v Utn rtuflv .nni l "f 1 iff on fiellent ym.wr n 1 I- l'- )iuft)v rtui d ' iu I in e ti It fftfM t;nirlirt v.ui-t ' I U IU- .tin r"iuilf nt m l pit u nu lnti firnuan flur la v. .IN 1 i-rfo-n ..,..n"n Tt t Invaluable t ;- i - -' Uioroutrt'ly fni!nr .ti. lJ.r'ii. -i Allien, .in who n-h t" l-.iru t.-.i l.lrMs u Ith BVVl I I U. Htit "I, I3 l-t.tt'4 t., Urk Illy. I -ill oatltiir. 'nrinlV!i-tii!i..n. Id--l ni i-.t". in i'li .i'"!. .-.ii I'- Li.H'tiir-' Villa HU11IU-Int II lliritl l IV II 'I .JlKll l.HIlM . , . CuresSickHeadacne Iit a-. unip. iiim.-t:... in ii ii lli'tl. unli irioil of vrt uiieiilril i,'is h, h,, i. iiniuriill. ,l 14 a ilnr. Hut.' uui.l. I.;."ii.n.i'. 1'lnU. t'a. SaMornhlnr Ilahlt I'nrrd In 10 ,1 tii'.t! ilnrs. N" iaj till cured, il OR. J. STEPHENS. Lobunon.Omo. MEN AND BOYS! Want to Irani all atwvit ' Hi rne ? Hon to 1'l.n i'ut i . I Good One? iiaow impi'rf.' tloos and fo nuard aKRi' i rr.md Prtect liiwaic un 1 FrT.'t a Cure whi'n wuhI. K.M ? Tell tho Ji- I v UieTerthr Wlint to . all I1!" : i '. ! in I ru r tna Anln .l? Il""- I" -ti i " l!i" I i' ii. riy All tin and olbi-r V u.il 'e Inr.'in .i'1.i:i .-.in i o'-t i!: r I l tea-Hill our 1 tltl-1' . K 11.11 sfll ITIII tllltR Illicit, mil -. e M'.t r-r'i.i. I. isj.v paid.vn rei'iiptofiin! cent, in i :n lis. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. Now York City, HIIM-: V IN HII I Ns. in '"' i " I- ' I--' i-sr. i"i ' " ii rOT "ire Si-. e- in f . ,1 u.r ,. j;;;:,;':.i.''a. ; I MEND . YOUR OWN HARNESS THOMSON'S life BT5 -a EE j9 5)' r.re eseil In tin JB,&ii j n ii.u :illen of l . mRi'fiakf3sfr,niin L-fiyiirffl'TTiUtrtf- ii ova ri a. uui n. ut mi.'. . i. m. ft Piao'i IUt.iisIv r-r laiirrli li the 1 a 3 bcuii by druj'-1 or 6.-.H by c all. Vl leal c. ft '4'. Uat-itlc. VtitM, ftk U .

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