l $l)t tfljatnnm tttcor ifcljc (ttbailjam lUcorb. II. A- LONDON, ED1T0U AND rnOPUiETOU. HATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one lnsertion One square, two insertions Due square, one month tl.m. 1.60 - 2.50 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. For lorgjr advertiscra-fists liberal con sets will be made. VOL. XV PI1TSBOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, JUNK 15, I81W. NO. 12. f1 It -4 'M No riiiinenl American has over coin muted si'icido. Tho Now York Tribune thinks that geography i bin year limy bo rondo icd into a single expression all rotuli hud to Chicago. Etl ward Atkinson, llio Huston statis tician, In mi interview Mules thai less than half of the Western furnn mo mortgaged, and llio mi'j iriiy of that is held by local ctediiois. Tho "f alitor of centennials," Colonel Jesse E Peyton of Pniladclphln, is now trying to Intciest clergy men in ft inoveiiieut to hold at Jerusalem in 1!M,0 a celebration to commemorate the Twentieth Century of Christian ity. The human rare includes two kinds of people, philosophizes the New York Tribune, those who know ton much and those who d .n't know enough. From the first class tho knavis arc liiOhtly toorulted, and from the second class the fool. W. (i. Stead writes in the Keview of Kevicws of a mighty African hun ter who in four years shot twenty olc phanls, twelve I him e -re, live hippo polami, I bullalo, 1:1 lions and Oiiou:,'h of osor g line, gLiillcs, zeln ns and ih like, to bring tho total up to ofS. Some of 'lie new-) npers are poking fn:i at Mr. Carle:- f. r making n speech j forty 1ioii:s long b-l'ir.! the Kohiing s -a e Miiiii-"-i"i:. That is nothing. Tim Atlanta Cms.iiutiott recalls that Tiehbnruo's conn-cl male) a speech over l.Vl days o ::g in n:i F.ugiish court. Fiance lias a pi-pu uiiou of ;!",oll,. fmii inhabit :inls an 1 a stand ing in my cf ;VN,OiM i:ie:i and I ;'i,lhi.i horses, but lu-r .r. li-tbi ill -.-live Micnglh for war purpo-i -s would be S.Xo'.i,!'" sol diers. Tli-i to!:il I' o i, !i hu Iget is f('i10,0i"i,i ".''i. and the e.j en-es of the ministers ot war an! of ilia navy are nearly om-ihiul of :!!- ytatiy appro priation. 'A French si.u i-t ici.iu has otiuia el tdil a ma. i fifty years o.d has woikei) C.".(.n days, has !., ! O' l'i", has umiicd liiuiseif 4'HiO. J,s walked I'J.O'.n miles. It is been J "I days, h is partaken of Sli.oOO meals, eaten lii.l.nO pounds of meat unit -4 1( H) p.i uads of fish, eggs iid vegoiiililo", and drunk 7"H' gal lons of fluid, which would make a lake of iiii) feel sin -face if three feet deep. A cruo; !c has b.'en plaited in E ig lam! against ill.' iipoiicuion of tho word "E-iiiiro'' to count who have no right to it. Tlioso vh- stalled it confess that there arc occasions when something more than Mr." is wanted, ami so they recommend the revival of the good oltl-fashioned "t J.-iilleinuu,'' which means nil who are legiiimately entitled lo hear arms. Why not adopt the (i -orgi.i fashion, suggest tin At lanta Constitution, ami call every good-looking inna Colonel?'' At the I'oi l ot New Yoi k the other da? seven hundred Finns lauded from n single steamer. Very few Fnij liavo hi hei to emigranlcd to this coun try, and their piescut coming in such numbers iim-t have some special sig. liiticanei'. They nro snl p-cts of Uus (iia, their home in tins far North be tween tho sixtieth and seventieth par. nllels of laiitmle. Finland means tho land of niaishes and hikes, and in their native land these people have only about six weeks of summer. Winter lasts about eight months, fol lowed by a biief spring, mid an til inn is simply a prolonged rainy reason. Tnosc who have just arrived here are Becking homes in Michigan. They are u hardy people, honest mid industrious now, though their ancestors wero the boldest ot buccaneers in the days of the Vikings. The fires which have been devastat ing tho forests of western (Jeiiuiny are a ma'lerof serious moment, de clares the Mail and Express. Land is go valuable and wood is so enormously expensive, i' (erinauy that Anything which threatens tho destruction of tho trees has :t Mgnilicaiieo not to bo ap preciated here, where annually thou sands of acres are burned over with out attracting pub ic attention. In (ienniiny w hen a person cuts down a treo he must by law replace it with another. Thus many cf the so-cft'led fore-Is" in Cermany are, in a way, only arboieal market gardens, com posed of trees with trunks about eight inches in diameter and of a height of some twi'iiiy feet, till set out with military precision. So valuable is the wood that when a tree is cut down even the smallest twis are made up into bundles of kindling mid (he chips are kept to be dipped in pitch and used for the same purpnso- UlciuoiJ. fleyond the woodland's xthl, demesne, llcyond the river's silver ahem, Iicyond the Ben, beyond the ky, Are set the Isles of Memory Where hands lotin folded on the breast C'nclasp from Unit chill, silent rest ; Where clay-cold lips unseal and break The silence ot the ((rave, mid wake To life once more the forms Hint keep So closely Veiled in death's snd sleep Long couched low where (lowers leant Above them, and the grasses bent To fold them like a eerement. Bad isles! where sonjjs to childhood dear l'ervade the slumberous atmosphere Dream haunting notes tint riso and cling About the heart. n thuii,'h some string lly rsney loiiehed, with penile hands, Responsive echoed, while life's sands Flowed backward to tho timo when we Yet dwelt in vales of Arcidy When, ius'.l close, fund arms would cling About us, and sweet lips would sing A cradle-sonf!, whose minor (low Fell soft ns summer breezes blow Where she who san it Hot It low. New Orleans Tiincs-Demorrat. A Fisherman's Daughter. There had been a fo in tho early morning, but ti c sun, gathering strength, burst suddenly behind a black and indigo cloud and streaked tho sea Willi a eoppcrish hue. Far down the bcae.h were (wo men and a boat. They were stalwart men, nnd tho eldest was busy shaking from the mcshos of a draw-net entangled luft of maroon and brown seaweed. "Poor draughts, Sliehih," said the nel-ihaker, looking philoopbica iy into the basket ihal hid 1 the lish. Poor enough, MaMcr Keeks. Is it home now?'' "Ay, lad; homo it is. (i-t in the boat, Slielah." Tho young man jumped into the boat and look the oars; the other shoved ol!', and when he was knee decp in l!:0 salt water cliuiibei ed in after him. "Shelah," said K .'eks, speaking of a sudden, "w hen tire you going to in u i y my Jen?'' There came a little extra color into Slieluh's smooth, tnimed cheeks. "1 don't know master," he said. "Ah." said If'-cks. with a sigh, "1 wish her mother was alive," "AVhy, old Tom I1" n-kml S'lolah. "Whv? To sheer her, lad. I'm afcercd my hand is a bit too heavy on tho tiller for a dainty craft like my Jon. She wants a woman at her he!, lum or a husbuu'." "What liiak'is you say that?" asked Shclali, resting on his oar. "I'll tell ye, lad," he said, slowly; "il'sbeen on my mind a longtime, an' now I'll toll ye. I don't like the colours an goiu s or iu:u young brewer o' our'n, Mr. Cyril llivington. Now, in my father's time, an' in my tiem, the old "ship" might ha' tumbled about our ears for all the biewer cared or troubled. Hut since this hero young cf iap hV come from abron I, on' his father ha' lake i him into pari nor ship, things ha n.toiC'l. .Nigh on every day he's a-ridiu' up to know if wo want iiiiylhinir done. 1 shouldn't caro bow many times he come, Sheiah, if it warn't for Jen. I'm u freed that his line boss an' his velvet coat an' bis loggins an' waleh-chain may dazzle her, lad. It's precious little company vrc see at the S:iip,' an' it may make her dissatisfied with (he life she' Icadin'." "Jen is all right," said Sheiah, firmly. "So she is, my lad ; but she'd bo a lot hotter married. An' so, between man an' man, my lad, 1 wants lo know when you nro goin' to marry her?' "I'd marry her tomorrow," said Sheiah, wistfully, "if she'd ha' me, master." Kccki looked at him steadily for a moment. "Sheiah Itaxtcr," he faid solemnly, you put me in mind of that song the Scotch packman was gingiu' in the 'Ship' tho other night. You sit on n 6tiilc an look like a lute, with your bold jaws newly shaven. You ain't got the pluck of a mouse." Shcluli looked dreamily at the pur ple-feiitherod arrows and silvery spear-tipped shafts of cloud over the sea, but gave no contradiction. Wi' winicii, 1 mean," pursued Rocks. "There ain't a man in the whole village, Sheiah, that could pu you on your back. Hut wi' women I' lie snorted. "Why, mini alive, the bolder you are with a woman the bet ter sho likes ye. Sec how they run nfter a soger's coat. Now I ha' gn( n bit and you ha' got a boat of youi own, and whin's lo prevent you two a seltliu' ilown together? I'luek up, Sholnh, says I, ha' no moro shillyshally-in'." "I'll think on it," ir.U Sheiah, slowly. said l :ck, i tilling los pipe. "Hut to net upon it would be better.' Sbelah's Mispriided our-, fell sphisb upon the sea, and for a moment the boat seemed to raise up and lly boi!i! over tho top oi a wave, so bard did ho pull. Mauler, ho said cciibcraiciy, "can you rend writin'? ' "No," said Eccks. "I can't. Why?" "Heeunse, if you could, I wanted vou to read this." lie held out a sheet of pink nolo paper. It was soiled fish scales and lobiice.j dust, but even now retained a sweet and subtile per fume. Kecks look it gingerly, held ll in Ihreo tlillerent ways and narrowly scanned i'. "All I can make out, lad," ho said, "is these here." "What uio tiny?" cried Shehih, eagerly. Kisses!" said Kecks, solemnly "ten on 'em." - ' Ki-ses?"' repeated Sheiah, vacant ly. Li sudden fury he snatched Iho paper, ond, doubling it in a ball, threw it far over tho waves. Oppo Mlc the lookout, Sholah rowed ashore. Now," said K eks, as ha jumped out, "I'll stow away, lad. (!o you up to tho 'Ship.' It's about time you an' Jen came to an ondersiandin'. J'luck up, Sholah, and remember there's alius ways an' means of winnin' a woman." lie winked and nodded. Slielah drew his feet out of the wet sand and with a sad smile move I up Iho leach. As he strode between I lie lifebo it and the yawl his face settled into gloom. There was a big sandhill on his left; ho turned asido and mouiitod it. "Ten kisses," he groaned, and looked vacantly around him. lie slowly descended ih- mound and walked toward the inn. Tim "Ship's' sign could be seen Ir.ng before the inn. Within a few pie-s of the sign Slielah halted. He could hoar a horse's hoofs pawing the ground. Ho was soon regaled with a linlc whistling, then the softly hummed vero of a song. . There next sounded some loud laugh ter, u slep on the tiled path of the inn, then (ho singer spoke. "I drink your health, in v charmer," ho said, "in (lie Kivington brew." AU'r that be spoke lower, but (ho words reached Sbelah's ear: "You g.d mv note, Jennie, but you never cam. Why was that?" "I was afraid. And, oh, what would father say if he knew that vou sent me that note with all thoso -those '' Tho musical voice ended suddenly. Kisses Jennie," lliiishod the horse man. "Well, I don't know; 1 don't particularly care. L ive is nllogolher ivckloss. And for you, my gypsy, I would risk anything. Now tell me, Jennie, when can you meet me alone? It is a small fav ir for a lover to ask. When shall it l e'f" Jennie was silenr. "Jennie," said tho rider, seriously, "do you love me?'' Holding his breath Slielah waited for the answer. Il was inaudible. "Come a little closer, J.-nuie,'' said the horseman gaylv; "kisses on paper are nothing to ki-sc s in " "Hush!"' cried Jennie; "oino one is coming !" "It was Slielah. Ibi rounded Iho corner in timo to see Mr. Cyril lliv iui'tou riding awny. With his head bowed Sheiah crossed tho threshold of the inn door; ho was met inside by apreity, browu-eheoked girl, whose face ha 1 a heightened and ra'her unusual bloom. At sight of Shclali she looked disconcerted. "Jen, lass," In said, "I want lo speak to vou; 1 want to ask you somo thiu'." Jennie stalled, and there was a sotisible diminution of tho color in her chocks "Not now, Slielah," sho said nervously. "I'm busy now. Wuit till father comes in." "No," said Shehih, "I can't wait. If I don't spoak now I shall never speak. 1 won'l slop you long." "Well, then, said Jennie, "say it quick. What is it?" She seated hor- elf with her face to the window and her foot nervously tapping the sanded floor. "If this." 6aid Sholah, and his voice sho ik a little: wo ha' been swcetheariiif for a long timo, and 1 want to know when wo arc going to get married, Jen? "Never," she said soltly. Never?' ho repealed, huskily. "1 shoii'd only make you wretched. I want you to give me up, to forget me, Sheiah." "(live you up, Jen? (iivo you up, la-s! Civo up my life ask me for ibat, Jen, but don't sk mo to give vou up, sweetheart, for 1 do so lovo you, my dear." J.innie's lips quivered and her eyes began to till with tears, but sho kept tier face t the window. 'It would break my heart to marry vou," she s .ill, "for I love someone else," You Invo some one else?'' said Slielah, mechanically. "Yes, and he is going to marry me. S i you see, Siielah, il would be wrong for mo to marry you. I should be always miseral 1j and wretched nnd 1 -hould make you miserable and wretched, too; so please, dear Slielau, Sho ended wiill a sob. White nnd still sat Shehih; then heavily and wearily ho rose. Jennie uncovered her face for a moment. At tho sight of his sho bid it again. For get you lass," ho said, "I never can." Moved perhaps by the thought of what might have been, bo leaned down and gently pressed a kiss t) her foiihead. "Hut if giving you up, las," bo pro ceeded huskily, "will make you happy, Jen" there was an agonizing ring in his voice why. 1 give you tip." When sho looked around again bo was gone. All that night it froze hard and tho ciliii sea lay moaning like a dog on his chain. Shehih beard it ns iio stood in the lonely mnlry-box of the life boat lookout. In the morning the frost-bowed blades of the sea-grass had changed ihc dunes into a great glistening b-d of white choral. As usual, Slielah cal.cdut the "Ship for Tom He-ks. He had barely en tered when he heard a horse's hoofs on the hard read, ti horseman reigned up at the inn and Sheiah drew back into the shadow. "Slielah!" it was Jennie who spoke. She stood white ami trembling on I he cellar tseps. " Will will you take him this?'' Strangely fascinated at being called upon for sueli an act, .Shehih took from her the measure of ale, and, like a man in a dream, earned il to tho door. A bold "Hem:" caused him to start and look up. Instead of tho young brew r, he was facing the old one. The. elder Kivington looked at the ale as a doctor might look at his own iiiedieiee. "No, my man,' he said, I tlon'l cue for anything so early ns (his. If you'd have tho goodness to hold my horse while I disnioilif. 'Ihank'ee. Tether him there will you? I waul to seo tho landlord. Is he in? ' r..;foro Shehih could answer Keeks gave evidence of his bodily prcsenco by appearing at Iho doorway. The biewer walked in, followed by Sheiah K.vingtoa, senior, was a pleasant, chatty old gcnlleinau, and ho soon disclosed tho object of his visit ball was going to 1,0 held nt ; Ilerrinil'ourne town hall, and he was ili-lribiiting invitations to such of bis tenants a chose lo at tend. As he was passing quite by accident, ho assured them ho felt ho ought not to miss Iho landlord of the "Snip." There were the tickets and ho hoped that lt:cks ami hi daughter woald attend. "I fonrot to mention, ho said blandly, as Keeks, after ex pies his thanks, took them up, "dial this j ball is to be held in honor of my son j Cyril's man i.ige. lbs is to be married j this week lo the daughter of a very j old friend of mine a man of Kent." i As lie finished, a low, sobbing cry , startled all but Sheiah. A ica-ketlie j had rattled to the floor. : n 1 Jenny stood vacantly tduring into a little I lake of (he spilt liquid al her feet. "Why, what's tho matter, lass?" said Kecks, "you look as white as It ; gtiosi. "Nothing, father, " she answered, faintly, "nothing only the heat of tho fire." "That is what it was," said old Kivington, "the heat of the Cue, no doubt. I have experienced (he same sensation myself. Well, good day, Keek'. I hopo you will find it eou- ven eiit to attend." 11c nodded plcasaniiy, untethcred his horse from tho palings and mounted it. As ho rode away he smiled softly and patted his horse's mime. Sheiah Baxter cuiiie out of the "Ship" nud walked aimlessly down to his boat. Tho surf was boiling on tho Scroby and great rollers with foaming crests wore rac ing in and tumbling upon tho sunlit beach. Ho stood awhile absently wiitching the littlo salt fountains which their recoil left bubbling in tho let me go and and forget me sand, then mounted the hillock to look cess and, if the announcement is au for Keeks. thonlie, the new method of producing On the top lie started and his tan silk without silk worms will attract cheeks grew pale. At the baso of tho tho notice of Ameiiean iniiiufactur inound by a dwarfed clump of furze on. sit a irl. sobbing vldcntlv. Il was j Tho importance of this invention, if Jenny Keks. Hi descended the side sho was on and gently touched her shoulder. "You'll catch cold, lass," ho said sadly, "if you sit here." Through her icar-briininod eyes sho looked into his face. Not a word of reproach. Duly in his eyes was tho lovo that had been so constant and true. Willi a littlo catching of her breath Jennie rose and drew back; then, with a convulsive cry, she flung her arms wildly around his neck, and there sho sobbed until she could sob no more. When they went buck to Ihe "Ship" Kecks met them nt the door. Something in their altitude, made him softly whi-llo. A m-a cr iew of their fn -es undo him chuckle. It seemed as if Slielah had taken his itdvice anil plucked up nt last. Cham bers's Journal. SILK FROM WOOD. A Novel Substitute For the Silk Worm's Product. Method of Turninpr the Pulp Into the Fabric. The fact that th ! Failed States lias not achieved a striking success in the attempts which have been made lo in troduce silk worm culture in this country is practically admitted today. A few scattered ellorts have shown sonic indications of mieeesa, but for the most part the silk worm finds fault with his food or the climate. Perhaps beeauso of the apparent im possibility of producing a large supply of raw silk the American manufac tures of that article have not fairly J equaliod thoso of France, except within a few very recent years. To day it can be said, however, that Maine produces ns lino an article of "broad'' silk goods as any French manufacturing centre can show, if im partial judges are to be believed. The American ribbons also are practically as good as those imported froiiiFniiice. Tho American ami French manufac turer buy much of their raw silk in Ihc same market, nud the Americans are using as good machinery and as tkil'.ed labor as their French competi tors employ. It is thcieforo worthy of note nt this, the best pciiod ot siik inimufac tine so far, that a method of making silk thread from wood pulp is being bi ought to a practical hinge. The method made its first public appear ance at the Pari Exposition of is'.i, where il at once n 1 1 1 a ted altcntio:i. At that tune, however, il was imper fect if not ubsolutcly tlangeious. Since thai dale Iho improvement in the original method have biau notice able, and the revised process i now employed at Ht'sancon, where the si.k i.s being mainifacuired. Tho material employed is nothing more than the 'wood pulp" which is already used so lurgelv in paper making. Af'"r being crushed "Ihe pulp i dried in an oven and afterward immersed inn nitro-sulphurie acid mixliiie. The pulp is then thoroughly washed in water, and is finally dried in alco hol. Tho resultant product is put into a mixture of practically pure alcohol and oilier until a 'collodion'' is formed, not noticcn'oly different from that tif.ed for photogi aphio films. I After the collodion is prepared it is 1 forced through a tiller and is then poured into a long tube, in the side i f which are hundreds of spigots with a very minute outlet. The col.odiou is sues from the spigots in thin, sticky threads, which are afterward washed by ammonia and water. This wash" ing lakes the soluable ether and alco hol from the collodion, which immedi ately grows harder and tough and in about every re-pect as brilliant and as strong as silk thread. The resultant threads arc spun together in strands n gix and jire tlieu ready for weav . . 3 When the Cliardoniict process was first exhibited ono very strong objec tion (o the textiles woven from the new "silk" lay in the great inflamma bility of hiich a texture. The original combustibility was at the rate of two centimeters a second, and it was claimed with much justice that goods .of such a naiiiro could not be, and ; ought not to be, used for purposes ot i dress. The addition of ammonia t.o i tho water bath in which ihe collodion thread was washed served to do away with Ihc objection. S; ill jig;nn it we found that tho pressure on the collo dion tube was not equal throughout, some of tho threads mi ipping oil' b -foio they were put into the final bub. It is announced that litis fault li s been corrected under ihe revised pro- it can be claimed. shown lo he all that is nay bo in fen od f i oni t be progress which has been made in the paper (rude since, the advent of the wood pulp processes. 'The growth of (he paper making industry is well realized in this section, where its iv.pid Rilvuuco was so noticeable. Willi the skill which tho American manufac turers have already shown in ihe siiL bullish v, ihe advent of it wood pulp process may le-u I in i simi ar ti imiiph for Ameiiean Industries. If, ns it is to be i x peeled, the rcsiil's of the Char tlounet process are to bo on exhibi tion at Chicago, Ihey will be c'o,oly scrutinized bv American maiiufac'.iir ers generally. I'. 'sl" n Advertiser. 11 mi lem,C urn. , has oll'cre I a boun ;y of i?T for each in oi dog killed. How Mi Asiatic Was HehendoJ. , J once saw a heavy executioner in Turkey slide down the rope and full on the suspended man's neck with till his avoirdupois to break the spinal column, says a writer in the (ilobc D oer.it. Of course it was a bar barous proceeding. The most careful and conscientious executioner I ever saw was near the dividing i'lne be tween Tuikev and llussht. I was rid- 'ng through some woods when I sud- deify found myself in a clearing be- j fore a cabin. A man was at the door j tying a red thread around a sheep's neck. I asked him why he w as do- ing that, lie picked up a cicaver and j with a quick blow cut oil' the sheep's i head, making the cut exactly along j the line of the red thread. "You see j now,"' he said, "why 1 did it. 1 tied j the thread between two j in's so that there would be t.o bone to offer re- ( sist inco to tho passago of the blade." j "Hut why do you slaughter sheep in thin way?" 1 asked. ! Come tomorrow to (naming a j nearby town) and you will sec." 1 was in Iho town the, in xt day and met , the sheepslayer. He was a public cx- j cent ioner, and he h id a man lo behead j that day. I saw him do it. lie had a j sword with a curved blade. The blade , ami hill were hollow, and there was. , quicksilver in the space, so that when the weapon was held aloft the q uck- j silver ran down into llio hilt steadied the baud, ami when the sword ; was Mvung down the quicksilver ran to the end ot the blade and gave added ; weight and impetus lo the blow. Hie doomed man knelt and bent bis head forward. The executioner tied a red thread careful.y around ihe b u ed neck and with one swing of his weapon cut j the head, ll was a e'caii, scientific cut between the vcileb;ro, and the tiu foriunate man, I presume, never felt it. A I.iviiiu Set. Al Teuiila, one of the islands of (h-oauica, M. Aylic Marin witnessed a peculiar method of fishing. 'Ihe cone, as he deso. ibcs it, is picturesque an.l in'.ore.iiiig. Tne costume of iho natives of 'i'eiuila is a k'nd of sleut lunic of sea-weed or leaves. 1 hey powder (heir hair white ith cuttlk. ami wear wreaths of gardenias or red hibiscus on their heads and iirr iinil their necks. The warriors, unlike the li! !n of peace, powder their bail' red. As their locks are very long, they have quite a terrible iippearanee. At a signal all the inhabitants of the vilhtgo assemb'e on the sea-shore. There ere about two hundred per sons. They plunged into tin? water, each carrying a brunch of the cocoa palm. At a "iveii dislauco from the shore ihey turned toward i', and. formed a compact half-circle, each one holding his palm branch perpendicularly in die water, Ihus forming a kind of seine. The leader of the party gave a signal, and this living net approached the shore gradually, in perfect order, diiving before it a mulliiude of fishes. Surrounded by (his living wall, and caught in tin! cocoa palm branches, many of the li-hes were ca-t on the s nd by the waves, and others were killed with slicks. The women gathered up the lMic in baskets. Some were al once taken : to the cabin of the chief of tb village, ami some were cooked for M. Marin over hot coaN, ami given to him with 1 sea-lining, but wi h bananas an I coeoaiiul in 1U to complete the me.d. l'.rick Ten. All of ihe tea u-ed in Mongolia and Thibet conies in the shape of bricks, which have a uniform weight of live pounds, measuring nine inches in 1 length bv six inches in width and three inches in thickness The lea of which Ihey are composed U not the, p ant to which we are accustomed. It is obtained from a large and woody shrub. The small twigs and leaves are steamed, the slicks being litied and ground to powder. The slull 'bus j rep.tred is niied with a If th' rice w.-t'er lo make it , sticky, and is then rammed into a m.iM by im ins of a w. oden sii,k shod w i ll iron, such tea would be run-idere.l to pool- for u e in Cuiua proper, where ail of it is in inufue ll'.ied, and whence it is t xporte l for co lis u i iri io t by iho igien anl ihveliei s on ih frontier.-. J A Jim nile Fdisnil. Mrs. Way back Thai weather r.ino j thai pe Idler sold you ain't woilh j shtiel.s. ll don't point toward Iho wind at ;f 1. it joints jusl the other wav. Mr. Wayb.ck 11 dinks, that's so. The wind is l'.om the oaU an I that roo-t r pain's north, as sum as guns. Little Sou I'll Icily on how Infix it, pop. Take ild'iw n, nud cut it in o lie hipe ot a cow. Cows always tit. n tail to the wind. fit- o.l News. The Awakening. r'rom her long stupor ou the wintry liesth. With eyes of wonder, liko a startled child's. Nature rcwukes, nnd in coy glndnesi smiles To hear Ihe birds, to f. el the wind's bland breath Caress ber cheek. "Heboid." she whisperath. 'What feast blossoms o'er earth's myriad miles Outspread for me, whom Life anew be- miiiis I'l-'Un the cold elap of l.ove-dcfeated I eutll I-' And lo, the heart, all pnlsied, sorrow ehllh d. Is likewise stirred, and from the rnknown Land Harks, 'thwart its sadness, ( hauls of joy fill lilie.l, And echoes, as it were, of sweet command To trust that Hope, though numbed, cannot 1 e killed. Jlut. darkling, waits the touch of Pawn's warn: hand. William .Struthcrs. Ill MOKOFS. Cutting a swell Lancing a boil. A lit of abstraction Kleptomania. How to put a horse on his niotal Shoe him. He (passionately) My love, (ier a:diue, is like the rose in your hut. It is She Artificial! "How arc you getting on with your bicycle riding, D.ck?" D.ck I spend most of my time getting on. "Fin in favor of sound money," 6:lj( t,0 streel-iiureliaiit who dropp-.'d a iifiy-eent piece to hear it ring, T wis)l v0!t wer a ,y ain I- f'M.iUh. you'll allow; The Iliimr- you used to care for then Vou never cure for now. The world is full of deception. Many a man has been known lo invest in a window curtain jul for a blind. Hobbs He's tnadiy in love. Cobbs Why do yi. il think so? Hobbs Look al the variety of neckties he weirs. I0 Wlty did they nninoth.it pnp-r The Ladies' F.iend? Sin I suppose becnuso it make sudi good curl paper.'. What are yon trying to raise here?" cd the traveller. And the farmer looked up from his woik jilt long enough t reply, "a niorlg ge." Poor Sadie is pained by tier face. And nil her liieucls note the fact sadly; She's r.ot to I'i.une for the e:isc- A inoiar Is ncliing so bully. "That's what I call a work of art," said the counterf iter who had just produced a new bill. Yes," w is the reply, ":i steal engraving." Have I drawn il tip to your satis faction?" asked the lawyer who had p-epared the mortgage on Abaer Med drrgi nss's farm. "Well," replied the 0j(i W,U, lifter he had examined the document, "it covers the ground." Mr. Iletliel's Pamphlet. There lived, many years ago, in Ireland, a barrister of the name of Hethel, who was rather proud of his attainments, and w ho liked to show t belli oil in the writing of pamphlets. One of these, said by thoio who have seen it to be anything but valuable, was upon the subject, of the union be tweeu Ireland and England. Meeting a witty acquaintance some ' ,lilvs .,(.,. ,iie publication of his pom- phlet, l'.eibcl was asked by him why ho bit I not informed him of its ap pearance. "I wonder you didn't tell mo you'd written it, Hethel," said the witty ac quaintance. "1 never saw it until vesterday, and only then by tho merest Occident." "Well, how did you like il?" asked Hethel, who was fond of praise, and was anxious to bear what was forth coining to gratify bis vanity. How did 1 like it?" repeated the other. '-Why, it contained koiho of Ihe best things 1 ever saw in a pam phlet on any sif'j-ot." "I am veiy proud lo hive vou say so," said Hethel "very proud, in deed. And ah what were (he things that pleased you so much?" Mince-pie," said the other. "What?' cried Hethel, his fuce turning purple. Mimv-pies," icpeated the other. "I saw a girl coming out of a pastiy shop, and she had three steaming hot mince-pies wrapped up in your pam phlet. They v. cie line. I lid yon have mince-pies in all of thciiib?'' Bethel's further remit ks ato not quo'ed, but it is to bo presumed that ho turned on bis heel and treated his witty friend with silent contempt ever afterward. Harper's Young People. Their Kewnrd. "O.ir mamma is very kind to us. Every time we drink ood liver oil wi bout crying we get Iivo cents." "And what do you do wiih the mon ey ?'' 'Mamma buys some more oil with I it.''-rF.iegcndo Blatter.

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