TlfCKhDAlt. JOK 32, 138.' II. A. LONDON. Editor. The World's Fair. Horticultural building, with' the greenhouses attained to it, covers ati area of tive aires and contains such a collection of fruits and fiow cfs'as has never before been seeu. Tho most attractive architectural fo'atdro of this building is its huge glass domo, which is 187 feet in diameter and 112 teet high, and, which at a glauee, will at once ar rest the attention of every visitor. Under this dome is an artificial niin juturo mountain, wboso sides are covered with ierns and shrubbery, with small streams of water dashing down, all looking very pk-tui txiue and natural, and making this place a cool retreat to which visitors can retire when oppres-ed with heal. J it one hide of this miniature moan 'ain is lho entrain e to what is known as the "crystal cavo", which hasbcun inSnslrueted in its base. This cave or niotto is lighted by electricity and is so constructed as to resemble a real cavo. As the visitor walks through its labyrinths and looks overhead anil on each side he can't help thinking thai ho is in a real, natural cavo, so closely has nature been imitated in its construction. lcai- this cave is an accurate repre sentation of the capitol at Washing ton, made of flowers by some New Voik artist. Any ono who has seen the capitol will readily recognize this floral imitation of it, and will nazo with admiration upon its per fect proportions. Jn this building are all varieties of flowers from every cliruo and country, and tho collection of orchids is probably tho rarest and most val uable ever beforo exhibited. Many of these woro brought from Mexico uud Central America slill clinging to the original branches and bark Tho beds of tulips, pansies, &c, are indescribably beautiful and always surrounded by crowds of admiring visitors. In addition to all those Sowers, llorticultural building con tains most attractive exhibits oi all liindrfof fruit, 'lhcro aro exhibits of fruit from such distant countries as Kussia and even Japan. The nionl attractive lruit exhibit is a pyramid oi Califomiaoranges, which docs not fail to arrest tho attention of everV ouo who sees it. This pyramid of luscious yellow oranges not only arrests the attention and attracts the eye of every visitor, but ;iiso lautali-ihigly tempts the' appe tite. It is about 'M feet high and about 10 feet in diameter at its base, arid seems to be a solid pyramid of oranges, but a closer inspection dis closes that it is a wooden frame, covered on tlio outside with oranges placed in small wire baskets. liei. evcr aoy of tho oranges begin to decay they aro removed and fresh ones substituted. Of all tho great buildings at tho World's Fair the Art building is probably tho Most porfuet iu its architectural features and propor tions. In its construction no wood was used, tho' materials being brick, st a if, iron and glass, aud therefore it is considered to be fire proof. This was done in order to render securo the raro and costly works of art contained iu this building, whoso loss would be irreparable, it destiny ad by fire. Here are to be seen the largest and most valuable collection of paintings and pieces of oeulpture that havoevcr before been exhibited, ! 'I'Uo inonov value ot these, works of I1' ... . i i ii , j ,rf is iilmoHL.iip.ilciil:.!. e amoiintinc many millions of dollars, while- their intrinsic value is beyond c: ;-ulalion, because they cannot bej. reproduced, many of thorn being tho h.'st. works nf the "old ttmstei-s". ' Ion.-since dead. All these t-aintinirs ! unu jxeceo vi Bcu.piui u ui u uispiay en ; to the best advantage, every part ., . ...... i i:..i i ' ot the building being well lighted i with glass sky lights. In nearly cvory room or alcove are comfortable i .Cats, in wliich tho weary visitor'"1 which is a full sized model of the cau rost and at the same time feast; United Slates battleship "Illinois", his eyes on tho works of art that! which is construstod ot brick and - urround him. And for theso seats ' Pail tod white, and looks exactly like thoro is no charge whatever. So 'a real, genuine battleship. It has largo and extensive is thin exhibit j the furnishings belonging to tho that a visitor might bo entertained many days in examining everything contained' in it. The average visitor, ' however, L Aries thrtmgh in a few I hours, merely glancing at tha mag-1 .lificcnt paintings that surround him, without retaining a distinct! .'.M.ression of anv of them. Indeed ! the eye wearies with gazing upon i " ........ .., ...... ..j1 jiiecos of statuary, and yet ono of them is of great money vahio ,' nod ol rare artistic merit, and if fr.n a, ti.A thn.-a AIUII V RVIIUiUlV M I K tit till W vwv(.-.i - , woulU excite admiration anywnere. Tl.e Pisheries bnihlintf contains xn exhibit, the like ot which has ! nflver before been seen at any., World's Fair; aod it is ns attractive us it is novel. This exhibit contains - everything that pertains to thelioiiy j tribe and to the fishing industry, It includes live specimens of every u 4.r... o .Bin In : I "U . suai-K, aim aisoce. i,rv.."v i I. I .. T . ,.m, ,woan used tho main cular tor in fish di or pool of many live hsbot almost every species swimming about, and on the sides , of the corridors aro in aro aquariums in i . . .1 which live fish are seen swimming. : 5 seen Bwimming. These iinuar unis are. each, about b , . ' or S feot square and placed in an .i,k Im I,.. in catching fish. Attached to ; triDution to tne w ar insiory oi our . i'"-"- ,7ni ,'v7j determination has mad hun n great ihe 1HlTma . sm,hino deflchmt : rain cu '"'&'og ain Fisheries building is a cir-; State, and wo also desire to thank J "21 and in u.ed deal belter man than i-afure intended Ml gene. ally above the normal, ui.h lUiier had ob.inmted its road at annex nearly 150 fecUndiame. the OW,,7er lor pubhshing it. It tetenXi liu'siou- fM great cxeesses in some loe.lithv A n,,,. tiXZ which is td aquaria! or live ' is a brave soldier's simple recital of ; ,fl5ce of the War Pepartment, al-, ' SKr . 'Z vT r!. t u!' itiion ZZ splay. In the centre is a basin tacts, wnnout any attempt at grauu-, uougu ue u iwy . , - - ... . (.(iu of v,o:..h r- niul hl.,h ,huU in the eom.ti.-s along , injunction was arguod yesterday at water in which area groat , uoqueni rnetoric or oratory, " ; i i - t f Tl lT t be i.roi 1 fil1 '1JIiliu bi-ing it is lit-osti.y to . tho coast. Hail occurred on the 12th. ;mi,iei nuio icngiu oy uou. i. a. ...... ..u,,,,,!,.,.!,,,,!,! I ho eonlest 1 so mat visitors can uisuucii w.o ; tish swimming therein. In no other ! building did we see more visitors j than hm., and all seemed deeply interested in watching all these various kinusoi nso " natural clement. In the main Fish- cries building is a piactical illntra-' tion of fish hatching, which is quite miin.. An.l here mar be seen tho North Carolina ti.h exhibit, which is very attractively displayed. Among other objects ol interest in our State exhibit is a hut made cf crass, such as are used by the ti li erineii on our toast to camp in when engaged in lisliing. There are also some live specimens oi the famous diamond back terrapins. Fvcry visitor is amused iu this building at seeing an illustration of ''still ' tish inc. !i is i bo lifesizo fi'Mire or model ot a negro who bus gone to sleen while fishinir, his fishing pole i has fallen out of his hands ami is j Ivini: across his legs, an his le.'s and bis bait ; (which is a frog) has jumpea out oi . . . . . . . . . i 1 the water and is quietly squatting , near his feet ! It all looks so natural erected by the I mted Slates ami contains exhibits belonging lo the federal government, and cost nearly mill a minion dollars. These ex hibits were brought from Washing ton, and wer lurnished by tho dif ferent Departments in that city 1-or instance, there are exniijits scui I ,. . n l ie r in1 .iiiiiniiii. u' nielli-, .. ... , ' ' ..... i. . . ! in' ail Kinusoi caunon, musueis, ,., . It is similar to the s exhibitat Exposition, 1 at Philadelphia, but is much larger. ' 1 ' , In the exhibit furnished by the State i Pepaitment aro many articles of: great historical interest, such as tho original manuscript of the Peclara- lion of I nde nomJeiice am i ...i .... ! priceless Mttio l.a-ers. iu hibitare portraits ut all thoPrcsi-. dents, Secretaries ol State and many! .li.iin..nisl,eii otlieers ..f tho 1 foderal government. Especially at- ,. - ,, , i ., tractive is the exhibit sent bv the i Smithsonian Instuuto, which is : Smithsonian Instituto, which is a : most instnutivo object lesson in j natural history. Iu it are finely' mrt...,...,l,,a ( v...-v K...( ;.t 1 mounted spec mens of ec.y species, ol bird found in this country. In j the centre of tho rotunda of this building is a net-lion from tho trunk ! fi:( ; .i.w.t, ;J aooiii io iuet in oiamctcr ami in tne inside (wLichishollow)isastairway . to tho toi. On the sides of this I rotunda aro tho Colonial exhibits, j i . i: . . r.i . . .. . i i of tho Colonial and i is The Post Otlice i ,1 a very practical ! j Pevolutiuiiiiry eras, oci ng rui e rencs oi ini; toion.iii anu i I Department has a very practical ! ! exhibit, that fully illustrates the iiiosial system. It contains a large ! 1 " J - ... I 1 "'" "fa"-'" "J I ..ft... a I., ..-1.T..I, .......l ,.,.. clerk's are busily einnloyed assorlii 3 1 aid arranging the mail of the officials jam! employees of tho Fair. Thej I ing it cannot restrain a smile. In j the President appointed Hubert B. j W W J!" body; W,;,m;N Onfall j this building aro many models ot. Glenn to tho first i.a...d office, and ! w . Jiu lLe Treasury vaults l.n 1 ! f" lli "S a UuX' ' 14 as r.bove the average and intei fen d j boats that aro used by fishermen, ! Kope Fiias to the last named, and ; ; seut M!lli,; .lllic(, " if it r-ally !,wtd V ' , i"' with ban-sting of wLeal and in them aro lite si.o figures of I hot., we hope are happy. Enough ; Lttllo be sold at once the loss wo.hl "j U the fishermen looking quite natural, has been written ami p. mted about ; prubab y be much greater becanso o , Tvu,' , : ' , f l mK .;vj T., Government bu.lilinir was'theso appointments lo have tilled the ur her dqmc.a on in pncotlml , ( hlsP, the third i, not ' 1 . fe v 'fa, ms. ! auu is bu uiiiukmi , - - - ... w u ins euesi i; ot in ii unu su i "v; n i . i., r ,, ,. i i : . .... .I,... ...... .,..o tnu. ric n mis rsiaie. wn last .uunuav . oi i e rneiiuau nut ui uoo. i manner of currying the mail is alsolvvnt it than the otlieers who have : ' ' J n i i I . :. i : . . ' illustrated. For instance, there is a conveniently arranged postal car on 11,0 ' ll"'''c il ii on. i uu. ue. i hi; si.iu ld lumbering stage coach that . W:ls K--y f tJ" - '" : l,,u lhet. ....... nm. ..,,;,;.... mi la -'"-'" s""i ,leal ail(l I fronts on Lake Michigan, , I actual ship, and is 343 feet long and nearly 70 teet wide in its centre Visitors aro admitted aboard, being reached by a gangway about 100 yards long, and every thing on it is ncal a,ul cloan as can possibly bo. A visit on boa,'d this fictitious ship ' especial interest to tho average I'.ndlubber, who has never seen a j '.ml tnrMtin for it resnmhleM a real i . i -. : ,,, y .,.. , they were prevented from doing dur warship in every respect, ho much,. . . . . , , i J 1 i mi? Iniit wititrr hv Hia t-i.timal nf .t so indeed that many visitors aro in-. , creiiuious wnen ioiu inai ii is not ; iRoatniL' in the water, out is oum i' . , , , , . . o . i . . .... , , r - briclis ami is ol course stationary . tCott .tinned not week.) Tan Capture of Fort Fisher was the subject ol an address delivered, last week, at Wilmington, by ColJ William Lamb, its heroic command i cr, aud published next .day in the Metscnger. This address is intensely ; inlerestinir. ana we ucMre to mans. ! . .1.... 1- .. .. .....I HQ tlllTllflV HIT NlltIl il 1 U UUll U I - - M.uuiu .vtu. ... . lion, so that every man, woman and : . ., . ..... n.... i -x ti.iia in o. iu . aionna maj ii-uu o. child in North Carolina may read of .nu.i t n i v-,...i. U.w unparaiieieu struggle ci .oun """ . i l l ' m. - V i I. f 1 . n t. troojis on onu caiwiu soil. l In order to L'ive our readers some at Fort Fisher, we copy the conclude ing words of Col. Lamb's address, ,s . follows: 'lo capture ron risner tne enemy lost, bv their own Mutemont, 1.H5 :.. ,11,.ir,1i ,,. ,.. u,o) ' Confederates with Joi ty-four iuiir, eoiitendinit against iO.Ono men on shore and 000 heavy 'gun afloat, Killing ami xxoumun almost as many of the enemy as there were soldiers in the fort, an 1 uot surrendering until the last shot was expended. When 1 recall this magnificent strucgie, unsurpassed lit ancient or modern warfare, and remember 11. e devoted patriotism ami heroic cour n-eot my garrison, 1 leel promt to know that I have North Carolina blood com sing iliroiigh mv vein and ! eontidel.tly believe thai the time will come with ihc Did North State, w hen her people will regard her defence of Foi l Fisher as the grandest event in tier historic past, . J he awm is over, auu at iasi nas been euded tlie contest tor the mis.eauou iu luc -"i'"" I-..:. .i u. n;- roriuui owce u. c u u tnet Attorney ana conceioi oi xns ternal Kcvonue lor tht W eslcrn lbs- urge volumes, unu iiuni iuu a ti n . . , i cut interest taKen in ine.n ii wouiu seem that the safety of the country w..s seriously involved ! A New Indian Policy. Tr 'm Hi New V'.rk W..rM. l ho order ot the President detail- ,njf twenty officers ol the army i... . i ..:.i.. oi.. ... ...o ... . ...v... i.t I..- I ndian acenis marks the in- he Indian agents marks the in- augui anon iu new .um i in mt. guratioii of : .: . ... i:.... :.. . i... i conduct of tho Indian affairs from ...i,,,.!, uVVciUi.t results .r i bo expected. Tlicso aij.ointincnls com- prise the most important agencies, , . i ...... i i . i i . I no law umicr which tney are maoo was oasscJ last year. It reouires il,.. PresidiMit to aiinoint army otli- uel. to all lndiac agencies except! tluo -where, in the opinion ot lho 1 '.-..s . ..i.t I ... i.nh ii' eitvii'i. won . hu belter iiromotcd bv the aimoinl . ... I " ' I ' ,c ,.L.akX,1?1 why good rc.-ults are ' ,,) be anticipated from tho operation ! ol this M.licv a. o man v . bu t two or i three ol ificm arc especially weighty. . There aro a sullieient number ot 1 ,,. . , ,, , ; army olhcers who have thorough k,:vvledgo ol the Indian character j ,;vvlcdce. ol the Indian character j and of tho proper means ol inriuenc- ing and controlling the Indians, They have had long service, on the .() , t,ioy un,,t.1.(lUIlJ Ul0 ill(jialis milel. nU),".0 thoroughly than new civilian j agents can bo expected to do. Armv offipers are not tHiliticians. umier meir managemeni me mis , iniJi..n rvico have f oi.Ij to til-.o-i iK-iii iinnnin . : ... " . . 0ten given riso will be practically Caiit il I eliminated. ! Armv ..It e. i-s l.jivfi n standard of : j - Army olhcers have a standard ot ; l,0"or a,lJ '""-,-"ly tho cou.iuct ot Government bu.-iues, and a training j business .-.llaiis nioio strict than ; j,. business .-.llaiis nmro strict than : those which are coinmoii in the class ol persons usually selected lor Indian ........... i ......:. .it:.:nis 1 1 1-1 tll'l'M u. , ! ...ill J . . v I1U HOI. Ilia l, .1 1 I.I t i;m. VI . "Ill be opt to provoke Indian wars is a list ikon one. Nobody dreads an , causo Le could not cousin ntiuuslv I ndian war or will do more to tiret'taku part in carrying out lii.uu.'o to fight it out when it eomei. The ' usual loineiiters oi imiian wars are ; contraeiors and adventurers who .hope lo profit by them. None But Populists on (in aid Tori k a, , Juuo IS lie! il,,lo r.m..i..u nrn rrr-,,1, iKaiiiflncr the militia with a view to : . . .. . . . . B . . -. pattin" none but Populists ou guard. ! livery commissionea omecr noi sympathy with the State administra lion has been supplanted by a l'opu list. Home of the most efficient com panies iu the State have been muster ed out, aud new companies mado up exclusively of Populists are forming. The regular militia is being supple mented by volunteer companies or- ganized in" various pnrts of the State, j for f,lv year more at least. Tho i ... . , . ... . . ; w.iu ine aavice ana encouragemoni i of the Adjutaut General, who furn-. isLes them with arms. I Republican papers charge that the I Populists aro preparing to use the militia in carrying the State nest year. ! Should 8 situation similar to that of last winter arise tbo Populists will be able to enforce their claims. This m3itia C0Ilipanie8 to umke nu ttgsauit 1 Up0n the Itepubl.can Mouse lie v. J. iv. tan, u aiiniBier ui iuh t. t 1 1 iin . il. Methodist Protestant Church, died at f'r.iei.sboi'o ono dav last week, after Ian illness of about three week Washington Letter. I front our Rocular OorroepooJout.l Wasiiisoton, Juno 10, 1P'J3.'iit. Cleveland is ditll'v in . .. : . 1 the, i,tT..ita t hat are neiuir . . . . ..,.,Z - Illlliin Itl Hl't'I L 11U 11 LliO ViU UlCi-iMirf a i .... ---- ----- - - , , t,ly constituted authorities now tu , .b t (ilt,.lt ,,n:cui. r i . . .... i- I8 Ueing brought to -ear on liui io js being brought to bear on him to IJ" . ,r . '., ...,o,,.i .o,..r.v.. Ainsworth.!Wt' 1 uu '.01 suspemi or iemoe v,u,. ...r.,... -"-i , 7 . . I t fl !' 1 1 1 V n (W Willi lh 111 ILtV Ul 4 V 1 .,.' : ,.. I uaVe "od ",!"f.,;L M- riL.l,..d-K idoa ofiw, C.Utt. the fighter, is like a ..!,. Sa M. t.t it n..t nob - - i , able that be will t,.,.e any action un-; iif,' " 'fX.r i'-uwYo ' 7 jf be Le guiltv suidy that fact can .iu.,jiv (,scim0 !ie coroin-rV iuiv now investigating and t! e ai my court ol inquiry which will take the,rup at the close of the iuqiust. The lntp'.ovi uipnt in the fuiiiuui situation h:.s bceu very iii iiLi d dur ing the last few days, ami Treasury oilieials and othus who keep close watch ou financial afoul.- believe that the turn has come in the llow of gold abroad and that the situation will con lii. up to improve. It is certain that!" the Hold in the 1 reasury is again in . , ......111.. crcasinc ul a ciallivni'' laie ami imo tia re is at prt .-eld hu dciuaad for -old s. cretarv Mor- ton expresses lue opiui.. n mat irom l.owoii our cereals wiu l tliepiaecj ' of the gold v.lieh Vic have been ship . ping to l'.uropc, ami the fact thatihe; large anioimt of gold whieh thellotls j Ichihis colltl acted to fill liish Anslliaj has all been deliv. red is also thou-ht xo uavo uceu aiaeio. .u vuusi..K n. rold. T,)0 0oTcrnmPnt has lost in actual i b ai.t.oriii c to Secretary C j ijj,HVS, in earn ing out the provisi ., ,i.,. silver ou tho niaiht-t. Among the eonsiiiur appointments , , , ,. . made this we.k was tl.a ... ln ton K. Pedle of Ntnv Jersey, to of Benjamin l olsoui. resigned. Mi. Folsoui, who has bold the position ; mco uis uppoiuime.ii, first Cleveland adiuinistiation 'cousin ol airs, cievt'iami s ami us I . Cousiu l?eu. Lo figured in all tne i p ' nii iiii an taocrs tw I'leau itiav i re.-i . i i i lent Cleveland was uot in earnest I when l.o vKci-re.l inui.-eif oppostM lo I nepolisiu. Wonder wh it lliose same j fellows will say uow that Mr. Folsom 1 .. v,.l niiln v ri.umni.i 1 ne l, ' lu'i. , " ,v"""'""v -o - " : ire lhat they will ignore it tutirelv and say nothing. Secretary Carlisle bar,, m one re 1 specf, n long lead of all the; . m inis in ui' oui iiirei. is. n.iire iiimii cli -I,..- t !. 'IV., i .. ..i... ' r.d more than '()() reimb ieal. otl eiuls. ! " . .... . . . . outside the classified scivico, with good democrats. Democratic Congressmen, aftir a nan. unu aiuuou.u ga.. .,. t sue-. cceued iu convincing lostmastcr Gen- j ,...i i;tui.ti Hint hix i nh- ooon. lh! eiai lisbeii itiai uis l un a;,innsi mi removal of republican fourth class j removal of republiciiii fourth class postmasters who have served four years or mote, unless charges are hl- cd against them, s a bad one, and it wm l)0 fC (;alleJ Rl)d llH u.lMiams who Lave been in otlice four years or more will bo replaced by democrats just as fast as they cau be got at iu Mr. Maxwell's office. A. loner receiveii uv jii. mi'inuuu i in.:. i. t :..i !.. :... t IU1S weeK luruisueo nmi u miuui, , if proof were needed, of the wisdom i . 6 .1... .I.K..1 i., !.., I i..,. o Ul! Kit; i:uciuu Bureau of a Board of Revision, the sole ilutv ol whlcU is lo an over all . , , i . i i soic uuiy oi is to go oter a, , the pensions that Lave Lcen granled j under tbo law of lh'.K) nud determine ; whether they wete granted in acecud j whether they auce with a proper constiuetioii of that law. The wiiter of tLis letter, Wr .1 Itnrtiolt. is .in ,, ,.i,,r,Lni, ...... .... , . - ,.f nlli..,. tvl.r. v,,!,it.l:vl ,lv w.sicll. ..-' v.... . . i cd duiiug the last auiiiinisiiutiou be-j methods. 1 .. . IIw tells tbo ric-sideut of a hug'- number of pensiuiis ilhgnll, gram.e.j, uuu gitt-s uuiuva, uaivs, auu j tho numbers of the applications, so j ! that his statements may bo CHBily vi ri : i lied. He says that thousand. of ; on- ! ll (illill il. :sionshavo becuilhgally gianlt' l. aadji-d by wire that suspicious looking -The Pop..- j "f.1 ,tlu'-y !ir, 111,1 cwofi,iea i,fMiK I P!,rti" V K-yr "'"g. lua'.ly m.:hich the law xvas wiungfully con-, u,,d a posse of men hea led by Mr. ol,,,..,l 1 ,.,( 1 .,..!., 1 n .,...,..'.. .re . j 1. 1 1 .1 T " ' , . . , , , K''tilea in iiin . i vioiuuoii 01 niw. ; i s.-o 01111,00 in.; ucm-i iua. ai nipt vu.'i".'.',1""-' " te.r cau ue savcu oy a iuo.ouKu uuu rigid purging aud revisiou i of tnepeu-ilo siou rolls. Kentucky's Capitul. Lot isVli.LK, Juno 13. Frankfort will remain tho capital of Kentu.-ky Jiouso iJoculeU tho question late tins ' ulteruoon, by the selection ol Prank- j f07t over Louisville by a vote ol -Hi I to 157. The i.rcsent dilapidated Statu 1 buildings will be torn down and a cstly slructuro erected at a cost 0p! suvral million dollars. I ! appear m do over . . years oi age. I They refuse to talk further than to1 Ono day last week a teiriGeeltclri Towiis in Iiulia Destroyed. ! Hi.v (n..uf .h, :m caiiiH from Mont- cal storm passed over liCaksville, N. Cai.i ttta. June 17. Tho town of Cutchano. ou tho Oulf of Cutch, and j a number of neighboring villages have i.nmnL.i.l iliimvn,l hv luaw ; ihiiih. a'pive persons wpre killed by light- ! liii'Mbiriu-' the Btorui, and thice were nin drowned. - 1 Aliinri. I'liun.v nmnimps f.rt rivnl A Modern Samson. ! lr...-tU-Nc MtWoAI. ' j Kageuo Saudow, who is probably. j ti e strongest mau in tbo world, is in ; I Now York. &::tcgth always cabs forth admiration by ili-elf alone. San , 1 dow is admirable not only because of . 1 Lis great strehglu, Out ix cause ol me UD wll'fflliTl II. Illll IMl'llllStt 111 IIIP . . . . .. fact that his extraordinary power is . . . . , , . if- .r .Killlleo iii itlimii'dl'liin- iiieiii. -.oiuiiij luab litis nci uivu : vcw v,.rk cau bcr.s.das a uicui. .noiuiii niin mis ever utcu of comnarisou to injure standard of cominuisnu . 11 tLe womieifiil voung Uerinan w in. nas " spnng c..irheu ru . ....... i : l i : 1 'I li', ami tie wu s.-ion circus..3 .,..! will. tL, ir rreteutioit- l.i.c'.-f ' A iirocr wav to introduce Samlow isfo fuliiti brittly bouieof the tLii:gs l he c in d ). ouo to complete development., uis xbe temporatiiro was Plilitlv Imlow raii ..u ..l, a ,S m Ijw caii lifi a .V.);) pom d w pijdii ,.1)tt.iii.nieeiu,omHL,'ing. Ci;ttonseems taking with him her six children by wi;h his uiiddie thi-ei'. lb- prompt- jtl j,,()lv Vl,lv slowlv. The damaging a formei husbai.d. Tiie woman's hus iy to. !: up m Loudon r.u iiid.vilual f,,lltm of'tbe past weik's wtathcr band, Tiu imis Gilbeit, is a well to do' who bet that he could hot perform verv l.eavv ruins on tho l'iih. 'conlnu-tor. lb- knew uot hitig of b this fc at. ; with IokIi wind, and hail on the 1'Jth wife's t-scapado- until this eveniUK, If imii br.-ak good sixed iron rods ulu Xl.o' fields w io Hooded iii : w l. u he went honm to cupper. To. aeivss his arms and legs, but does M(tll0 ,,ilU.ti i,y the unusually heavy bis astonishment he found all the that raieiy bceiiusc he oousi leis the and sevnal coiiespoi.ilents le- I furniture gone except a cook-stove. !.u n I trivial. 1 1- t ikes iii his right Land adumb- bell wit h an cuoi moiis spl: ie at ii her ii.d. lmach of these bphiics a man is concealed. He hits tho dumb-bell an.l the two men above Lis Lead with .d. IK take a good si.od man with 1. i.t. d w il bout any sin i f the ;!'.' bodv for a mus iil"!t Us ket and g:v, an imi'.atwu vl a ieu.i- uo" 'u'-;; , ,. f . , , , t ho vn Kl lv !ol tin the u 1 sit ou 1 1 he l.ahn of his hand and then liiliui.' h m in the uir above bis head us ciisily u'-'islc's ' liS lhu ;iv-r' mil wou!l1 hft usmail 'Sove-.iil eorrcsi omlents report unus jvisioiis ! a,ir , . , ., -uully largo m-p of pvnehw. Voxu Ivll, r1:uos llllllsl 'f "l"'11 tll' " "" gem rally rep. rled in e xcellent coudi- out i ne weignt ol incsmao- ... I ..,.!.! K-.livifv il-... I ; 1 " ' "f" ' i e hi st i t t he oi linl'.y stniii r man. ( h w relied ui,h thai nu n at I m.. ( im ,Xp, ri wresth rs, all big. , , , , f, hand lo a man and incidentally pit tenting the other two from tripping or otbcrwioo throwing him. Sauo.v's f. ats of strength, l.o .vevt r. do u jt make up Lis s i l ong-, est cluini to utteiiiioii and i.n:l atioii. Tho g.eal point is that I l.eman who docs all of these things is only .". feet sincLts high, and does ihein b.-citwe he h is de. loj.. d to the l:igh;-st point ivuy hi.-p.-u ate muse!.' iu hi-, body. Ti;.: aicasii.eiuoii.s of the man's i-iii st nod v.iiist l i bans j;if li.e hi st id ; tion of his womb r. u! con forma Aroiu.d lho waist he n.t -a-u. 1 l;tv-nii:e inches ; iiroiu.d the eiies!. . ivi.i i. hi hi j aiided, as Lis liec n si. id. i;:. iucast.ifs l.liy cigut ll.ioes; Lir. Wai-I. ti.el el" n .', is Hot In'.. eh biggii" ar.Miiid ihan Mrs. L.'.ngliy'i.. and Lis chest is ii good deal bigger .U'oiu.d (h.- r;t v I,lIulv. . l,. ,i.:s x ou,, 111 1'" '" '" lu' uulr Vl.,.v ,,il..ti.jil,. tY!lt. t,f ip0 .,,.'.,'' m i'. .'... ;' m, innii is a type of lho simple muni- d German. Hi.) Lead is shaped ex actly l.kc the Lends ou the old statues of I ieiciiles. The forehead is low nud rather broad. Too Lead is not quite' first train bearing refugees Ir.mi the .straight up and dowu bthiud, but 1 ravages ol the fire, carrying I'.V.l poo with only slight dtvclopu.i Lt. It is 'pie, mostly women and children, thi.-kly eovtrcd with a bLort cioji of arrived here atliod this morning light, golden curls. The imp.cssive ; und the wearied, hungry passenger. -...,. .,....., .... ' i : . i ... .i. . i .r. , . f . ,; . i i. This ,. ..... , , , . ' .1,' ,',V I Oil elliit r side i big as a young -- - -- ... , , .,,.),. i ,, it v inches round, almost as big around as the, head above it. It wouldn't be a bid ,.ea,, abov0 j( It w , fu. H,aU bt( J ( t.k o(, ft. v , 1. It is a w un man. Pur I ill's I X. C, :;1 illl'd. June 1(1. Two .M r.i.i'i.r.v, . ........ .. I . . . . ,0 .1 .... . I... iii:nuir, it , .juiie ntv.ii m i . i i'.. i u.i safes of J. D. McNeill and II. R. lluflinct ut Fnyctleville Wednesday nij.Lt, were arrested aifveycr. 5 miles below lore this moinin- About '.I 0't.i,ci; M: rill" Smith ami Mr. Oo. .uuruc-s, oi i uyenevine, n uceii iueiii;all1 rji,.' ull mornin , began to to Ibis point, reaching Lt-ie about an i,t,.... ,,,a,.,.. .,11,ri,.,1,r,w on hour after the prisoners lift vcstci- dav evening. Information was receiv- il ,. . .1 ...... 1 I. I"""1 - ' " "." "' - i n. y ovoilook ti e just below i 1 11 LiueitiiiiU luu rtii tu (Hoooet. t'oi o- bile mem. lucoiueers onieitu throw up their bauds. Oi-.e of them eomp md, l.ut the oiUcr persist- j til m Keeping ms namt couceaica in ! jhis coat and he was hied on by two;onk.t,rt. o( tic uro doill., -ery . of th poe. lie was struck twice, j one, K0," '"""B" " bnouu ei , uliJ tL, ollior J1'1'00, tLe unninlrf iln.wuu,! .ir m i,h'.-ti..jti i - -v - i.-- - i mid pronounced uot nenou-i: S?'JK!)of j tLo bto!L'n ,u"u,ey w,lH fou'ul '"their J l08ebwu. 1 Ley wero brought to j -berdcen ou the hand car and takeu oiu this point by I'nyato convoy. ; "hue to 1 ayetteviho cither of thcui sromci v, Ala. ilie wounded one ;;uve his uuu. hs Woodworth, but would say nothing more. , ! Sampson iii the huckh-btrry business, (irciit iiua;;liti0d Lavo rcimitly been j i . -mipncJ. Wot'Mj Weather Crop l'liiUelin. l.,.fr.,l fkli.v X. C. ! The reports of correspondents of (fc0 Weeklv Weather Crop liulleti:., jSSiiod by the North Carolina State Wrather Sei vice, for tho wet 1; endim: Monday, June lOlh. 18i)3. T!.- past Wpck was not so favorable to ......... .-.. ,,Al i.-.. ftmt-.,!, A ... ..rill,.? " 1 "-' : " ""u,"ul" v,vi'" ,,, work as tho nrecedin.' wet h . . i . : l..,t iVn 1!til. .n.ul'v i, mriii" all props on a lew jarnis in . ...rn.-i u.'' . ' Tl. f.r.vionl rain in tho 1 , .onions ..f the S(a!( real I v iiitcifeieil Willi narve-i- . . , . and caused some shght ; o.,. ,.p0Iu on tobacco very en- ,.1,1 ciii:t!igii'g : pun ,.,..,.;.,.,, ft' ri.-f-lv Corn t-'i iu i a verv cood. Onlv few discouraging reports rrecno.l. Ah ciiinp-irid with las l Jar all ci. scmii to he in good condition.;n I'isikut. The li'st few dnvs of tho weik were very favorable for e f;niwtlt of all crop. The re s',i;.,t iluiiLigf from hail. .....,".. i),. ,,,'J!,T The lepoi ts on j0)lu,Pll nrc Vn v cucouraging this vx (.(., ; it seems tii i be growing off nice- )v Sjritff oats, whiidi Lave hen to . ... i, n . .. i r. erialiv foor, aie considered f.tirlv yooo I'.v a nuuiHer oi corrr hpon ii n.s this wcei. ii.e !:aresting of wheat has been inter-! in pied bv fieepieiil rains, and tome d:;n;.!i;e h'ls le-nite.l while the rain C.inght the wheat ilitehiick. F.iecsni i lain occurred on the ltllh iii the low- .. ..f il ,t;..l,;.t Mail on li e ' i-ji, ;.. i', .V,A .oi sl.h r- , i 1l,,i in noi-s of all kinds. ,tV j jn ,,jm.,. ltK.:iidics the dima .... . t: ,;, W1 nT u,Hlou,"-'! llllrL however Irons "cneia ' V w, , i llu"'b - .... Itcti tictivt' Forest Fires. lHi.tni, Minn., June l"--Tho resuli of a year ot enterprise on thej Mesaba lhin.'e has been wiped oat ! in a single day. Advices received today indicate that lliy towns ol Vir.'iniii and Mountain Iron have :' : ," u:aV"":"" '. 'a. partially, U not cntire.y: wiped out- j Sr. PaTI., Minn , ,1 line lO.- 'fiieru j were iv.any mil. ;ng's eni !". ing : a Inrge iimnl.. r d' men in l'ne ueiglw : 1" o i.oo ot Virginia, and they were llioloiibte.ily Imrned l.y eslen.ay s j Ion st li i-i-s. Among them were li.- Mountain le.n, N'-w F;.';hin'l,i Ifoiiehiean. (-'no Jack and i'oea mines. Ail tiie camps La.! large Morels. iUms. Il is leared lhat s. liie! ( f ihc Mel. may have pel islud iu tin- , tlel'ie flames. It is liil'.ienlt to Csli-j male the total loss lull ii the npoil- bo true as lo tho extent of the do ' st. uetion al the various towns mcn-j lioned, it will amount lo over one' million dollars. Di t.lTli, Minn., June l'J. The ' c-l.oborale lunches were spread. The groiiler portion were penniless and dependant absolutely i.pou what, chi.n'.y miyht bo olhred. I James McCarthy, an actor, aeeom i pa. lied by his w lie and little- child, ; wl.o had been playing at the Star; Theatre, speaking ot lho tire at Vie j gi nia, said : j The. lire Lad been burning about j Virginia several days, but no ono j else seemed to worry, e.o we did not. j Saturday night we were called out ' to light the lire, but it was easily j gotten under control. Yesterday i moriiniLr il was worse ami the town was almost surrounded by lho lire. About 'J o'clock the wind, w hich had tho edge ol toivn began to burn. Tbo people went mad. They at lem,)lt.j ul I' to -avc t-vei-ythin" ; a, began moving furniture. Then j ,,loy tl.ioil U) haVi. lif,,,,,.,. articles, ilmt ll.u tiro grew tiercel- they were glad to save anything aim "escape with tiie.i ves. The town 't i 1 : i .,. The il iramo i,...).!;..,,, ......... i.ii0 M Uiluu paper. iTlo wholt, u,.v was : vum iu U.HH n,.,,, ull lol. TU u.rrified People .,.i, j ..i,,,.,. ,e,, ,i, ...i,..,... .i... lliM f(J,. tllt il. ha,,.,y. A train ol ,. cal.s W.IS l)ai.koi, ilU) lUl. ...t and tho p.eoi.le loaded in. All tho I ' V . . . ,.- .' Way we Came tnroiign a nine oi nro. . . . Tbo flUm,U3 ,.MWy stone, which fof (.cntulifiH 0l.c.u1i,.,i n j,.,, ju (ho wa)u of Listoric ui,.nil v CunIIo iu Irt.!iind luM )e, . r..rif.,i ,0 tL0 I,i.-h vill p at tLo World's Pair. i . una wmui me storm was at it j height, lightning htnicn t he Moithcad . cotton factory, which, with ail oi i s coiiteuts, was destroyed. 1 he mill, ti.ftp.ninerv ftliti (MnieutS. ir. Was leal II ed, wire valued a., between 'r'Ml.Od') and 70,000, up hi which thvicwasj . . . .... . u uisu.iiK. liJ.OijO. A Ilailio;;'! Suit. m tU Puiram Sun. Ntt lut. Quito an interesting loilroaJ casft was. I. card here yesterday by Judge II:; There nr.' two companies const i ueting rival iads up the val ley of lM'p river, in Chatham ami Moore enmities. Ono of thorn, the Jl ilcii'h ..V Wtsieru 11. It. Co., sued "for tup l!alutlii and I'V Mai V. A. "" - .... v..., a-.., tho d. : ndaut. ami the Judge refused to grant it. '1 hw decision is of some '1,1,.'.. I ik II. I, iiO.ii Nimni.n it flliA l" ....uo .i m motion lor an injunction liaa heen --t.- h'-'' i it would have delayed the com-!n:chou oi I tic itclenaaut s road winch is to I'f a pail ot tnc roaatimi is proposed to bo bunt from heio lo Uo. I'.'.npt.l With Hi Stepmotlter. Ji.i Tti:-oi;.:.i:. Iml.. Juno IS. Weston Gilbert, twentv-oui' years of j A note postiM on tiie wall aunouno- ' cd that Mi' - Gilbert had gouo away with his s.m and tl.iU their whore 'i.boii's w. old never be known to the , h.ii ai d. (Jilbei t a'so barges hia- and mu with robbing hitu of money ami oilier vain imes. An fiigirerr on too llalcih and C rs-1. sii railway hml a in: r row escape !om dcatfi Saturday liijjil. A con necting rod i u the 1 1 giro broke. Tl:o ieabwas MtcU-d by the thrashing- of f tiit? roil aud t ven tne i immeer a . s-- at broken. He was slightly scratch. .u tlm fiicO. WGGLLGCTT & SONS. We have just received a large lot of LADIES' RIBBED VEjTS, win. -ii w; WILL SKI.l. AT 10 CUNTS EACH in d every one is a bio y .;u. OF!: LIN'F. OF OXFORD TIGS SHOES Is the most complete we have ever La i. an.! w c c.u certainly give you lho :uj.-;yavs3i o;i: for the money. V.'e have had tho PlGtJF.ST M1I.L1NF.P.V TRADE t! i'. sc.i-ei! v.o Lave ever Lad. md wo ii vile every one to give' us a look In lore buying, aud wc w'ill save them money. TT & SOUS, KALEIUII, X. C. It uUU.L 11 P.. Martin St. Ma.- is. is;);!. Paul NorwoocL Cor. Parrish and Corcoran Sts , DURHAM N. C, 1). r.ler iii purest wines, wbh.Lcy.:, beer, e:e. t-.y- Mis.i wine f..r sacramental use, ina ie nt Medoe Vinet aid. Ai-.iii Pi. r-:-;i. Going to Buy A Dictionary? t Webster's International. A Chcico Gift V Y V V v J A Grand Family Educator Y A Library iu Itself y y The Siaiicbrd Authority l is n new l-ork from y j. 'cioili1! uf thf timuri, i:e of th nutlieiC.tu C...-i::-irt 'i'en jt-.'.ra were nt in ' -. i!.,";. ! .'i' diiou rmploycd udovar ' i ii-.. KM t:'.miui.U U'loiB tlio first copy ? w. i J.' ? i) i- -. t i-.y rrprinta of obsolete acd ? -c 'I'.iri'.ivc-K' iurtlilrna cdiii'jiis. T . .1 1-r ti'ei! piiiiilil.'t ronUilnlug 1 1- uvu lwpcs an'l lull paiiiculars. C. Si C. MLMPIAM CO., Publishers, '1 !il KINul'lEI.I), MASS., U. S. A. floral Guide ' l&J .1.1 f. m,M I.I iirailv -JM l " 1 1. ..I.MI-.I I Ul-.. i.e.. P., trill. -.' .f M. i-..t ,'.Vu,:.:j3IS15DS .-. .. -,i -. l.-i...:iii . . .i' . . .i..t. ..!'.. . . 1 I 11 v.1 Af'.I.Rll. ..-..c; -".-!,eS'Pr tf.Y j it i'Jiri I. I'Ai.i. KUOSSELLERS. J -f' v':" '"'ei "a,if-i il I

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