baihrn ium-i THlIhSUU. JILY id, 1S'J:5. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Thb ft KUENcy, or financial iues - ' ... . tion, BLtiriri to ik. mo .in aoo.)iu.n0 topics there is ion on tame there democrat ..r .1: ,r.,.-.,..J .i-,, , mi'nt of dobU And. iu t 10 lllll i .1... i" .1. ...., r.. i i..: i' . ... .!. kvwiujo uuvo uraiin.u, uuv;, . . .. , ,.. . ' .. v""i. u,u, on jt Ul v-. . - .- , ., . luunuu ciuiui luau.uj '"y""'""" .iiBuaue, lurrauL. .u,.- tb(? jii Las ,. distribut- ! lulc- uta tueir ears, xuosovuo return and dodged around i quite a contrariety 01 oPin-j Buui; 1 a- wjai ! , s , , ' I ,1 v v ., ed and nowhere up to the normal for wrra witn ijiurinbnrR said . woods to esea.-o notice. JIo w it amonjr niembcrs ot the -'xo iumsi 011 1111s poncy us epec 1 ..auij ra.u yui rau, ... (.v.,.., ; pu w lut" V.v" - ""V . this week of July (whiVb is l.,'5S ii:cLcs) once 1 uai 11 wan Jvmg ueaiiiiy lim ; ,is wile to iiiortanee political partv. For instance, , taiiy necessary tor 1110 proiecuon 01 , - 1 , , v o- V ,;i . except at iinimtou, Jjcwiaton and ' . , "V"0, . order to raiso money for I ' ,,no ;0, blv:u,3 and some 1 farmers and laboring class, the lirst 11 ' . " S,.. . i7. " i ,l . " , Lumberton. The warm weather and , 01 miemcn 111 u.e crown j having already run through , ! lul lUia,u,i,ui.,ul,ul,n. ,uvi. u mlulu K'uaiu iuc vuv.t .. ,),, .nn .1 i,..., .,.,i ..(; tresiea inai iiiev-tro 10 iuo rescuo til ; ni . m. 1 who earnestly urgo tho : and raosi (lctenceicss victims 01 un-: foJlowiu oidinary avueatioud and produced the prisent crisis iu a conn-1 , .,..-.. 1 1 , .. iho woiunn. When thev rrrtihed (h.e i 1... .1 J.' . 1 ..... r'freeaodutiliiniiodco!iia;40oi'siiver"jslabl3 money and a fluctuating cur - as the panacea for our financial fmnLlM and tliero arc oi :er rei-ubs licans and dcmoerals who just as nuv leu v ii Mni i 1 1 .1 l hLi ;l iu i v --n- would utterly ruiri the countiy any ftit'nor to triflo witii or to "et ai,"i-v about ; but it si: .11!. i bo loiisi.Krc J calmly ai.d ducusscd 0 can safely .-la nsseriiou that no one I; than ho want , an-.i t'o acquiring all t'.iO .passioiiale out with the :is ::miv money ... objects that he can iiet. A n 1 1 io tl wants his to 1. vain.: ILo wair its c very ijoi lar of Cf;U:il al:iC, '.'lei or p;i.r. u- o: ore kind ' it i:-. buy as i:u:i ;i, an- ol his money to I whether it Ll- e! When he gets a doll.u- o: Ot curiviKT he'-. it much, to be worti; i i Ati'ier dolh.r of soir.e oil kind ol currency. The evils ol a depreeia ttd currency were ioicibly and in delibly illustrsud ilur::; the laic war, when :i doliar i:. g' 1.1 was '.rorth twenty or mro dollars iu Confederate treasury nole.. There tore the iv'c of money is to he con sidered as well as its u.'t'. and yet sonic persons urge an increase iu tho latter in tho volume will, out any regard whatsoever us to the ! poer as to its value. It is absolutely necessary that (nth bo to together, in order to have a sa l i s I a c to ry c '.; r r 1 c y . How then can this bc.;t L cd ? For an answer to tlii question wo wo'.'ld point Gnantia! plank m the 1 lat tho democraiic party, lc 1 a". Chicago, at the last national con vention, which rcails ;.s f.ilLv,.-: "We hold to the use 0 both go!.! and silver as the .-lanvi.u.I of tho country and to tlie cuiiiage of both gold ami silver, w itheat tlis criminalin t ngai'ist cither metal, or charge for miiilao, nut the doliar unit f()r the coiiiago oi both me tabs I must bo of equal intrinsic and ex changeable value, to bo adjusted through an international agivrir.eiit or by such safeguards of legislation as shall insuro tie maintenance of the parity of the two metal.-, and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the payment ot debts, nnd we demand that il! paper cur rency ohall be l-cpt :.t par redeem able in such cui;:. We i'.sisl on this policy as especially 1 e.s-ary for tho protection of la,',i...'r-' and labors ing class, tho firrt aud most defene iess victims ot unstable money and a fluctuating currency. '' In reading tho above it will be iioted that gold and silver arc placed exactly on the that both shall same footing, and t bo coined will. out ! discriminating against cither metal and without any charge for mintage. That is, free coinage fur silver and freo coinage for gold, and both metals "must bo ot equal intrinsic and exchangeable value.'' Is this! not fair and just If not, why not According to this, tho owners of western silver mines can have all their bullion coined freo -without any chargo for mintage r.nd tho owners of gold mines can do tho same. Is'nt thij '-freo coiuago " ? All that is re. paired is "the i ''.' power of every dollar at nil in tho payment of dell--. " li this n,' a fair and proper rtquiiouient .' if not, why not? Surely im man will object to every dollar ot his money being of "equal nower '" And order, therelore, to make every dol- I , . , , - . 1 larof equal power, the democratic ! platform demands 'that all paper j currency shall be Kept at par re deemable in sn h coin ', thai is, in either gold or silver. Is this not fair and propte r If not, wh- not ? Of course no man wants a paper dollar, if it is worth less than a gold dollar or a silver dollar, and ho will never accept such a dollar in pay ment of hi.) work c::tept sit a dis count at its real va'v.e. Tlio democratic party having elec ted its Presidential candidate and a majority in both tranche? cf Con gress should cf course tarry out the principles of its iiati'fiial platform, and will be held to a strict account ability if it does not, Tliero should bo no divisions or diversity of opin :o among vo..g.eM..e.., ,.,e:',i-.. ... 'ts platform, which declares so ex- plicitly for "the use ot W.'i u .-and ' Congri'jsmo'i elected on It 18 U QulMIUIl K ItlCu lilting - . - " -J J -. . 1 - ifiv 1' '11 1 nn.,ivi.t ' 11. ; 1 1 a . ,,.,, l i "'W itUUH' UiU liUIhim IWHI U'lV Wilt - -p - -( -o n'"it "i 11 in JIM uivr I1IUI Illt'H, and intelligent men very materially j t wl.etner money be pleul.iul ov.-r- ; . ..; . ' ' ; - , r ... own , heial. tV.on c.?nti..u.s to improM'. ' ' W ' a posse searched for ditler and disagree, and each should scarce, valuable , w,, no man Ut',,r Jj tlll.m .d themselves of I independent form V.f Kov,-,,,n,cnt ; JlZT C- Id "i was Mill iimanioK butlie m .s Zria was'a JS ho,, ' Sicif S accord to the other tho same honesty apt to get any unless Le v.ther !the, igU to appeal from the decision j each has ereo.d a Chinese tan!? wall ; 1'; ,u!;rtn; Uied to add to the anger of the i,f Ud tin" Scid l! bun lie h Of l.urpose that he claims for hir.v- earns it or has something to exef the board ot 1 vmmiers Inga.ust tho other, and cacti separ.i e , aj(l , .j., Jtl. :J ! furiated negro as he would curse and shuts, and going to tho ban, of J Holt! denunciation of ea. h other is ' change fur it ! A ht t!, .nctden occuned tn.8 week . Kysteai o nitir ST far.uers have cumenccd tocare Icr whenever ,ho opened her Mul.o, found .Mulzu lying with in not argument and dues nut convince I Z,. " TL ,; u,- i,,;., the ' 1 " i 1 : , L : VV- ?o g.crally clean . .,s so angorea the win es , wounds, (, ol which would 1 . . ... ,.-.,,1.. ..., 1., v"" v .. ft-.o (lli.hvi i-.tiaic. A h.-nvvlintiiW. : 'av uiey k.m uiey wouni l:ave uie eailsei neat 1. e 1 ei short v one. 11 -,s loo serious a MUi'Mion '-v-' ' i"-,r,v " " j ! nresjnt conduct ot Hint ouice. .v a eiianuo ot cars is necessary, a re-, , . , . , , . 1; 1 1.:... . . . ,. ... J tileer without discrimi natin against j , either meiV. Tberoloro us soon as( possible nt tlio approaching extra) ' session of Congress acts should bo ! pussoil, ostablisli i iiij "such safeguards 1 'of legislation as shall insuro tho; maintenance of the parity ol tho! ! two n.ctal.s, and tho .V;wi uw,r of . ,. ii.- ... i j j rency lu coiui u.ioti wo wouia res peci- ' . is not now or voluiuo (u!!y en giet that it ii.atter.- Jv " " " - w " .... , ! ;ll)o indeed Hiey are uctei ininco 1101 1 t0 be plcaseu. 1 ins scorns to 00 me case wan tlie 1 hum party Third jiarly leaders towards President Cleveland. It 1 matters not what he may do or s.iy, j they consuro him. One day they tcei;sine him for doiii" the very thing, which they had Lcloro ee:i MircJ liiui for not doing, r.c in stance, for several weeks after his inauguration tiny censured Lim for not at ou. e call.: g at: extra session of CVr.gross, a:,d yet ;:s soon as he did tad such a session they began censuring Lim lor doing so, aud the Populist Slate convention ot O:,io j actually demanded his impeueh- IllOIll 1 Tax Ail Alike. IT--a: U.i.' Cl.ii-! f.f i)'nrv.-r. Ciie Hoover, speaking in tl.i touiity last Satuiday, sai.l that lie State lliisine..-. Ageiu'Vol the Farm ers' Alliance had dene busine to i tho amount ot tf'd t.t.'in.i. It was ruled a year or two ago by the then State Treasurer that this concern was not haide lor the merchants' ui'ihcsc tax lor the reason thai it was not doing business for pivtil. 11 is certain that it is uol !; i.r bu it iuo bUiuOl.s they liavo to i submit this is not lair. Many ! mcrchantsare t; r.d i i.;r ureat ditlicaay in making buckle and tongue meet iaud no sort ot a concern has any right to set up in business against I the' HI without being subject to tin' 1 s.nue laws tlc l bear upon tl.ein. i Wo proUst against this disorimiua- li0V-y :u"' especially at this particular ; lime, wnon mere is a geii' i ai lii iiiiiiiii jtiial all persons and properties be 1 brought under the taxing laws of ; the State, do we pro! est against the I exemption ot tho mcrehandi-e loisi I ness ot the Ttiird party, li it is to ! come into the field and do business j in competition with fiemo. ralic I and Republican merchants we de I mand that it toti.e in on equal terms ' vvith them. Poitjocriitic Alli.iiieeiium Dtleiitcil. Greexvill!-, S. C, 14. At a meet- ' . . 1 .1 ... i" I'll vcr 1 mn. i hioiis i tv tnniv ; r mi ur p. ui on i. i i . afo a:.d mess lor ain ami 11 is cipiauy ccriam 1 uie ihtiiv iorec.isis 01 me .tcaiuei. v t-ro oneu seriously tuv .aie.i ui.nt . , .1 . 1 .1 :. . ,,l . t it the shots had not been Inc. I that . th;il certain people are making a hv- wiaeh he believes to t e the worii which tho best, because tho cheapest, course , . " . " ' "" "'; 1 ,;,(. nee.! ,) luiig would have killed tho , eu.i m.iui.t.iioiia. . ing out of it, and that is jusi what; is the most b. nei: -ial to the public, to ae-.-ommo.kte some paiiicularly in- '''i !0.iId-tt, ?.!?. t''fn ."f!!l ' "'" 111 l-mrwav. 'J'her.- was al - iu,: ;'n 'merchants do business lor. It is iu -Jhcv the tur woiiid l!v, ' reu.aiked a ilucntial constituent." " ." V 1 , , 1 1 , , ercat deal of excilemeiit in Liurin-I ,'XK(5l"ntl.V NOTIOR Havinu vi u i ; competition with the merchant, of; man who khovvs consulerablc about j Tho result of all this is seen in tbe ktuUho I yesterday over Hie aflair. tV'f to tl.e iho state and 11, as it (hums, 11 is . the of some cl the size f the public debt, the larger part .. , f w, , t , -- n..n;y mi 1 n-1, .i,nn . nrnw a-.iu.t ,,ni.i a. ,rm :,l,l to undersell ihoin, one reason other so called seientitic bureaux of of which was contracted to build the lfT.l., V Hanged ISllt Alive. s'.,n"V,in!, ii! "a''laJIz,lV:il,tIiK:;r,,," ci it is iilh 11 is e.veui j-. 11 oui .1 i.ti 1 iLiO govel IiPleUl, it a un'" nit'. -ttttJi- j 1 1 J lii.ics en 1 iii.iniiiis in iuo c 'e . lt . , . 1, . i ,,(! I V ., ,- - Julv 17 Iiei"e' ing of the Oreenville county AUiannco ' tuo W ays and Means committee is mi today, Hugh M. Uarter, an avowed ' uounced by Speaker Ciisp, an. I it is Third party man was elected presl-! expected that will be immediately af deiit, defeating M. L. louaidsou, ter tho House goes liiimigi. the form prtsidout of tho State Alliance who was president of the county Alliance ' also. Tho delegate to tho State i Alliance convention from this county. , tweeii the administration and the sil D vualdsou's own, is u strong personal j ver democrats iu Congress. Uepio aud political opponent ef Donaldson, 1 seuhoivc Wheeler, of Alabama, is and wtio was one ot the men; listed by Governor Tillman because he supported Cleveland tit tho Chicago ! convention. Ibis is an important Alliacro county, and today's result is a decided triumph for the Populist and Tillman clement of tho Alliance aud a defeat of tLe more conservative faction. Uiitlcr and His Organ. Friiu me xviimnnji' ii Mar. Tho Clinton Caucasian refers to tho Star as an "01 gau of monopoly."' If the Star were to cxpie.-s its candid opinion of the Caucasian it might re fer to it os the organ of 'm soft handed son uf toil" whose chief char aetei i.-ities are treachery aud scheu.i jg to advuncc his pecuniary and pohli CIU 1 ,"u , u s ' 'ving crciuious pcoplo whoso cause ho hypocnteally .jjoinojoriH. but as this would not be in keeping with our ideas of journal- ihtic courtesy, wo cau only refer to it as tho organ of a galvanized fraud who would as quickly desert the party which he now ossays to repre sent as ho did the Democratic party, if it promised to pay. A Kiiilroitil Tunnel Caves. Prrrsiii Ku, Pa., July 15. Tunnel Mo 1 011 tho Pittsburg and Western railway near Shurpshurg caved in upon a freight train this morning. Three trainmen were hurl and con siderable propnty destroyed, but no body was killed. Tho top of the tiinnol caved in just as the freight train entered it. R.v. It T. Bryant and wife, cf Shanghai, China, arrived In Durham last week on a visit to Mrs. Bryaut's rtila'iiros Thn is thrir first visit to AllM.rU.ft 8iaco tUcy Lave been ia foreign field, having gone out about live years ago. Washington Letter. I From our liccuior Corru.i.vuilout.1 W siiiKiT..v 14 1v i HW :? ' , J ' 1 Hl'IS Hit BIUUULUU lUiU' UUU UUtt -Hat the democrats nave an opporiuu - . itv to examine the pension roil tbey e tuinicc un every day to prove jdrawi the saiuc salaries its - I'd men. 1 wo cases ol tLu-J sei t luru- cd up this w-Ltk l ight here 111 W ash- ! I iugton, ono man a muoici.iu regularly j eljpjovoj und the other a government (i, ll)uj there are many more here, . -i . .,..:, I'ii'i i. niiv. 1 uli u ill u uitvii mitii .w.. ' . 1 : democratic Congressman called to pro- ; test against me leoucuou 01 mceii- 1 SK''i i'i a promiiittii iiei:iociauc t'i a.- er iu Lis district, and sai.l unit 1 ne man had iuriueuco enough to throw Lis ilisiiict, which is close, to the re- publicans. The papers iu the case weie piodiiccd aud it wascuiiclu.iivo- shown 1 lift: tic mail who uiawn g u cut legal el 10 iuc po.itica 01 iut jn.ii- ! siom rs. I if !. . n , n.r.i l- of the Weather Ihueau si.ould Le con- , , . . r .... 1 : .1. ! Ui.Cd to I lie p'.ll peijica lei v, i. ii-.i 11 as , e.-l;'.L':i.-ln .l and ll.iu e a.p.e-x i:u ui 'of high salaried .-cirt. tiiie cxpeits to ' e i.pi rimeiit uh'ng iiues wL icli iiyboiiy realty kt.ov.s about is all wku ; , ana in coiisi i'i mv.-si lis be has nouiie.l si viral pro- tboiu fcssois who have btea tngngc.l upon woik that was of no immediate p:ac thai u-e iithtr to the jj' .'cai or to tin- pubiic that their sen ices wi.l ho lil.-ji 1. e l w.'tii. iho Weeietary in tends that thC t'Utill t.l:. l.t i t tLu icuishall be ih voted to improvii; ton was 1. ut iu charge e.t tnn ueoiog-1 icalam't the Coast Survey ofices. lie i kuoivs euou Urgcr ,.cr,.ion he waa cutitied i mineral wealth is im-xhausnble, u";'1' the negro's hands feil to tho floor ' lVT.r.V1; ttt :u., amiu.etougtcsmu:, Lad to ac- produc ivo le.ritorv ,s esed npou to , M)Ii;(;xvllH. n.u,hil) wli(,;t a. d he stug.od U, the opposite side V r ( , m, I .1 v nim Mr . knowledge it. a.though :e stt.l a.-aeu . support n popmatiou of less than .-. ! of the room. Jl, fore he could catch : !,,I,T" t"Ul1 1 ,',V: 'J'"".'" Ithat this patellar pension Lo not i Oou.o. ud yet. in the midst of. 'R I, . e; ' Slvl I Lold of .he chair again another shot M ' auI ?.Ir-1 J'r- lie wad informed, a, otLor I lmtmal abundance without limtl. its: j 1 - 1 ' V; ,M tin d uud tLis Time he fell like a' .u,m'!1 ou ll Wlf'' were at Mr '.U-moc.atic Coiigrcmau have been , ilnancial institutions arc collapsing . ! ' I ' V- V ' 'C beef i(',x'c",s when tLe storm camo on. iwL.cadcd u. m.iiar errands, that, it. labor plunged into decru. at ;iLe policy 01 tiiijadoih.iMiation wa, jdisliess. I viv4r ! 'ill I ) t H tre unmercifully was begging 1,0 t"k refuge on ' ...l i...-l... tl... i..ev i.s it exists with- Thrt .-vnhimihV.n t,( U.. sifiinlion i . " L l h L ' 1 . 1 .l I .1 .1 i.:o i." .. 1 ... 1... . a lied in mi adjoining room and wheu ,v,i.... . . - - - - -1 . . - - 1 , 1 - .llllin ....,,, .. ; , , i 1 . , u . 1. 1 ne- 11 u 11 uui. 10 &111 11 l-i ij iisniiiit 1, 111 1 , . . 1 ) 1 I.. 1 iuhttboii: science not to he t xpendilures exceeded tin receipts , tiii s- -,,,) i iii.i . f to be bamboozled by by &o.ob2,4o). which had to bo met . . , , , .. 1 , ,, , 1 id. lists wuose so.o object by nuotuer loan. Nearly all. if not. , ,, ... ... 1 "i c .1 1 iii f . allow him the fake si iu life is to hold on to the soft tmipsiail, of the pritieipi! is held in En ihev aotv Lftvo." " . .. ... t- ...1 ..1 , 1 .... ) IIUIOI eill.'es, iiuiw luii - on :.i .1.1. ' I Cl'SlOUiti I. -M '' l Hill e' Liiirtcs ins eiout- I talk about the extra session being a 1 shoit o:.o. faking id it he sa.d : . eV.r.gress will probably co ,., cou- tinuons session until August lo. lh. - if tr : ' Ki'ieset.tativo Mil-; son, ot West irginia, the geuthman 1 ho is thought to stand the best lI.OUgLl IO Siauil IUO ntisi ; chance of being tho chui. man of thejitseif nnd the general public, but in Ways and .Means committee of tho I pauperism for the special objects of House, should Mr. Spiing.-r not get j its care, just as a parent ts overmduN it agait!, also thinks the extra session genco may cau.-e tho nun of a child. ill run into the regular session and : that the hitter wili bean unusually j long one. Mr. Wilson thinks the 1 taut? will bo taken up just as boon us uiily of re electing Mr. Cih.p Speaker, Many misstatements have Lei u made concerning thenilem .1 anbionism bo has been for years a saver ih laocrut, and this i3 the way he expressed his antagonism : "I have unbounded con fidence in President Clevelur.d, Secre tary Carlisle and the democratic par ty. Mr. Cleveland struck t he key note iu his lottor of acceptance when be demanded legislation which would give adequate money for our busim ss needs, a ti.l also legislation w I. ii'h would insure the proper distribution of this money throughout th.- count: y. Un der his wise leadership wo v dl be able to frame a measure which will ! 0 sat isftietorv to all tut hind." int: ltots of cur A Voting Horse Trader. Frem Uie Siitosvlild L'tiHiuiirf'li. An Iredell boy who is only It years old has, sinco Jannaiy last, bought aud sold, all by himself and entirely on his own judgment, 157 al i.upression that ho will be lynched mules aud '23 horses, llo also made ! by the men who have already per feet -21 exchanges, and bos ma le seveu j ed an organization for tha, purpose, trips 23 and 33 miles from Lome, Ilinkle has been abusive to his fam earning each trip from tluvo to seven j ily for some time. Not long ago he head of stock which he sold and , is reported to have whipped his wife exchanged. In addition bo has and two daughteis unmercifully with bought, sold aud exchanged 17 head a buggy whip. of catilo and four wagons. Aloug j with all this trading he is doing tome A S,UT j jr Slmt ad Hobbed. farming and has 11 acres of corn 111 1 Quo condition. Iu all of these trades .Mkmpiiis, Teuti., July 13. Sheriff the boy has made a good profit and Warm r, of Crittenden county. Ark., although so young in years can give ; left, here late last night on an Iron vtloraii Lone tiudeis points about Mountain train. Just across the river the business. at the junction ho stepped on the While this story has a fehy sound phi' form, when some unknown person it is really uu undeiestiii.; of what i shot at him. Sheriff Waruer pulled the boy has done. lis truth can bo his gun aud let go, but the assailant hv 11 lititiibrr nf wftll : ft ufw-onrl uhnt. in fha .iipt-tfTs known and roliahlo citizens, and the hnv ran bn nrndnccil if nrer SKfirv. I Tho moral of of this is, give your I bov a show. Give him a chance to do ' sorao busine3 on his own hook. You don't kuo .y what's in him until you try hiiu A lltisitiess Lesson. I'ruDl tho Ballliu. re Sun. According to recent advices recciv - id at -Vancouver, L.C.. the huaucml and business situation ia Australia !Ltt! bcoiio exivodiugly serious, if I J'otpoMtivdy alarming The recent I, , i i r , UttllK ItttlUlCS llllYC lliUUU 11 i.UPUSMUiU j t0 meca the jayiucuts uuo tor puunc i works, and tho discontent antona th unemployed, tuenally iu Sydney and 1 try wbieh Australians formerly Poast- ed was the woi kii man s paradise. , iv ....i...i j Tasmania, Queenslatid. New South 1 Wales, Victoria. South Australia, and j West Australia, form what is I.uowu r..,.., xt .. .....,' i ..t't.L .iiiki 111 11.1. Hi nuni ia uunu ... ..... . haudliug of height compulsory j crossing irom any one coiouy 1010 Huomer. ine area 01 mo seven! colonies is almost equal 1:1 extent 10 i the United States, slrctcLiiig from hit-1 itudc 11 dogreis south to oil degrees : fouth, aud "yielding in profusion all; the vcgetabln and i.iipual products cf ' the torrid aut temporatfont-s. Jts j iu.uu iu several caute.s. one 01 ine; . ! principal of these was the ciazo for' ..,.'!.. . . i 1 ,.1 ,...1.. , i which were often built w.thout regard 1 1 ..... . : . .. ... ... . . . 1 . ... io uece vr.y or i xpeuse. .is u.e ;:ov- ; ei nmeui.; vte-re le) i;, pperaie ui.-i ovvnii.. r.ntds, the politicians iu the local IVIiameiits d- termiiied to make thctu.-elvi s strong with tin ir consti taeois oy gruocing im ir aiiaio ti what th.-v regarded as "public phm- d.r, J'inis "while many essential J rea ls wi ie buiit between imporfunt I point-', fiiif's of ruiltoads : thai rue now ci i ty :tn t 1 1 1 ii'.r ! tracks, or mail. 1 , a trie ii is-! pt iisr, were br.iir ... .nto iho bush. IU ......... 1 1 j . '....."' iiu 11110 live. 1, huh iese nuts oiues mis item in was M)ti-, t2',).(i;!3, and iu tLe same year the pub land, aud tho immense sums of inter- ., ... . ..,..u. 4., ii,.. list urn un ii.iim it.ii.. uui 1.1 niv; i i.'.,'.;. U I,.,;:.... .,f ;,. I J .11; iirn ii.u.ic.n I'l in.; uujiiii"i nr a.-uuu fiunncisthst is ehowing ltscif ; in the present conui'ioi. ol things. , Australasia s t xperieuce siu-ws once , more that the boom metl od is not .. j hea thy system of , tcv. 1.,, , m-nt, tul that goTernmeiit attihaht-ui inay 10- 'ttiieit.' u iiuij ill"., fuel 1 lines:.. . . , 1 1 . r .n w on. t..i t o., inmi ..uwi..-. . nine lien u.u in iui.niin-i.iu;iii .- I A Mi ulal liu-lui.d. Vrtra the SruMLCt. P. S. 1 Link ie, a well-to-do fanner residing iu Davidson county, wdiile intoxicated u few days ago, abused his wife unmercifully, lie beat, uud kicked her. thereby inflicting injuries which vviil in ail probability result in her death. Tho action of the brutish husband created quite a sensation iu the neigh borhood, and as soon as the facts vvi.10 obtained a band oi determined men was organized foi no other purpose than to ailuiiuh ur lynch law upon Iliuklo. The committee, it is learn ed, was composed principally of tho men who lynched Dorrier in the same county aboul two years ago. It was only through the earnest pleadings of a relative of Hiukio that Lis lifo was spared. Mrs. Hinkle, who entcrtaiuu the opinion that she is 011 her dedh bed. asks thai nothing be done with her husband umi! after she is dead. A warrant ii sai l to be out for his ar rest, besides the Soi.tine! is inform, d that there is jtrong talkamciig the men in tho neighborhood of lakh g Ilinklo out and giving ium a genteel cow hiding in return for the devilish deed he perpetrated upon Lis indus trious and loving wife. If Mrs. Hiukle dies it is the gencr right arm. The sheriffs shot went i.l anil fi ll liu mm frnm bin nriisn. Tho robber then went through him for ik 12. (1(H). Thn sheriff is now at ; Gaston's hotel, this city, where doctors j are dressing his woi'ud. The assailant 'woped. - I suit not only in i-mbarrassmf-nt fori," r ."..1 , p ... i . 1 m.- Weekly Weather Crop l!iilletiii. C lit nit OtUee. Jutleiah. I. C. 1 TJjfl K1HM.(sof concev,)lHi ,n,s of tho yvc.klv Weather ('top Bulletin, ,-.,..i i, A.. - , ,i. i; u,.. sov v .', . hii; . ui iu aii'iiu.. ijifttli, wither Service, for tho week ending MomlaVf Ju!v 17th, Jed):, show that (, lw . 1 llrv, and drouSht may bo coubi.leml :( . . r . . , , ' , , ... rn.uo u.oiatuio. i.' ,t ... i .i3ii.ii u;n i. .luisiiiir n-l u week in this Motion, with local dcrstorms. The rainfall was bad - j tjjUluicr j ,5,. ; ' s warm a frw places having 1. . , . , . i too iiiiicL. will e iiiou''nt eoi:t:'.ues at oi hers. The amount of sunshie... damage at La( Ji onfe on I lib. Ci..vri;.u. Disv.iie -Di-ougLf pie vails to exilic.' txteut in this si-ction , , . . . aud tins uij'.ireu cjops. oven com ami CJ'.ton. Cccasio!.al thuii.U-r-s'.oi ins oivuncil at r. few places, but lam ri 1 tj'lS Lccll l:ieliV ills! I lOUtt aud .noiiati'. ilie leiiioi laiitr is di.- jj..j v . ' , ' ' else here. iess tain has tVd.-n than Some thunder showers : '.V' ' I 'd 1-' V cm icd. Corn has been injur-' a. k of r.ii'.i. not tilling out well. and wheal ago nl etop. Thiesh- nig in ,ll:.t t-U ma', ' ci ! ion prt.gii-.-s. lie ti 1011 1 at 10 e e-Liiie l.-ave been the whicii would have improved more had there hoeu a iittle u.t'i e rain. A S:!1 I1 OV. f.llfg. N: k- I ol.,.i i'.. , , ii li !e'.i:i by ditivviiin of Sir. ilin: liauis on '1 hut -.i'ly (VUi.n;; . i bloc. 1.0: onlv In his l'lmoy a: :l., The r L I ' '" V mends in many part ot tl.o p.n-t e:tr he hr.s been doing Kpeeial 1 . '. , ... .... i weii- m gi Mill gv r.l Harvard I mv r- lllllll IU :il' I 1 , l 11 1 I 11 l 1 III ' ., ,", , - , ... , , sitv, and he h.'s been at in.eivals for . . ., , . , three years coiinceled witn u.e North 1 , Carolina 1 ici 'logical Survey. During iho p ist u n ihiys ho has I .-co u.- tll.g the Still.; O ( ir 1 "lI itoi.iie in mal.u.g a g ;! .out ... . f li.e legion hi:.. lit iu . , , . , , . . ; , , hc (. , ' Tllll,lliv uU,v. f . . . . . ,,,.' i, f,tfl P vit k,, j - . ud w..!l,d back up ' ' : ' 'j o,.liVll:l,,iJ j . , ,iv,.r lia,ik a jj .-u yU-uhU p u t ef tho woi k 1 veoiii. iii bm bin.'. At r.i int lha tiver nifikes a sharp bend aud forms an eddy thittv or foitv v.udM -.cross, wbieh has a depth iu limited plic.n uf fiflefii feet. Hii was liiini Used to be able to swim fairly well and waded grudu iiiv in'o the ileeper water. ut ho soon called out that I.e was over his depth, and Pivf. Holmes iinm., diatelv left Lis work, svvai.i to him with it small log. caught him by ono hand, toid I im toiv.-t the olhcrhainl oil the h g and ( lu'ie.'.voied '. o sttim ashore. Jiiit tiii.iing that in the slow, eddy ho could maku no progre ss, ho; told Harris, who uppiand to bo sell- ptisseSMil. to lb uiL with th., log vshilo. he swam ashore and cot it plunk that i win slicking iu tho batik. Prof, j lioluaa reached the shoio and while he was ci.d.Jtnoih.g lo mleaso the I plank Mr. tank out of sight j aud did not rise again. This hap-! pom d at ('. o'clock iu the evening, and immediately the men of the nei-hbor-i aood assembled and bigot. living aiidj polling the liver, but. the bode was j not recovered iintil 7 o'c lock j ester-j day moinin '. ' r' '... I Hi-Hgioiis Press to Eooiii the Fair! . . .. .. ! m. .;.,..:,' ...I,',. ,. ,... 11, 1,1 ::d'i' I ., v . . . fl ii i- 17 I i'rcsbv ter, in an interview today said:" Tho religious newspapers, fully eight hundred iu number, scat tered all over the United Stales, now propose to join bauds and boom tho World's Pair. Heretofore these pa pers have been doing all in their power lo lurlhei -Sunday closing, and have favored the plan ot non atten dance at the Exposition. Following out this plan ot action, tho Ileiald and I're.' b.v ter, tho Western Chris ti u ii Advocate and tho Journal and Messenger will this week commence booming the Fair editorially an 1 do their utmost to ciicouriue the Pros bvtelian.,, Methodists and Baptists to attend. Goicd by a Cow. Bfi'i.iN'-.ros. N. J., Ju'v IR The baby boy of John Stvieni'V, ol Florence, slipp- d out of the house, UUUOticed by his mother, Bl.ll wandered into a field where a was pastured. Attracted by cow the bright colors of tho baby s clothing the cow gored him, inflicting injuries Mta': will prove fatal .. j 1 ... - 1 1 1 . . . 1 . . ' Ai Inn li'iiml 01 t he iiislnl I lin eliuir I . . " . H . ! A Wife-Heater Shot. From Uie Cliarloito Observer. 1 There was little short of a ri Launnburg 8uuday Digit aud lives are now in iconnrdv. not at ,. A "eo named Claiborne King, who ' h"lBear tho depot, is known oh a , l WHO OCGtCr 1U LiSlUrinbUl'". SUUtlllV ' U,L' a croiyd gentlemen were ttinn niir mi i m rWii i,iirnrm ui,. loud p nicks of a womnn. ns if in f.n - I "ouse, souio ono Knocuea on uie lu.or ' but no ft eiime. Anin miiufi . . . " " I "a ' led H-o door and King asked j wll?.Wi,I ,"ei'- 'Iho man at thodoor ' ''T 'J ' J isueu 10 couio iu. iu u;b i,iMni,f, lUBiiuu,) uneiii - loun.icn tie House to insure tbe nr- 1 lie n. an at the door began kicking at ll. Ru'1 tI:is inw it flew back on its hinges. King whs in ti n centre of 1... it .. .. :.i. .. 1... l...:- ""- " '"-'"V i.ii "i.y uui draan and said that ho would kill the i0 nr.-1 umie mini ma: e ijiercd 111s i.ouse. About this tiino ono cd the crowd wlio .1 lit 1 .1 1 s though blood was flowing ficcly from , ' .11 her ears, lnoiith and nose. , . f i .1 V.l CA., i.ll llil I 1111 IL t.U3 llfl.Ull IUI11 lounu luiti .v .j .1 ,.,.1,,.., 1 1 ., .1 ...II r,.., 1 '. r . . ' The i,iH'i'ni liirlil nin.r ut.-tnti f l,1..;. both bullets had taken I tVect in the VV , ' '""-' I" " .. ...i ... .. . 1 :,i i:.!lr. nnd airs, (treeu were severely i.e : o s 11 cm i 11 11 11 11 nti it 11 si 111 111 it e up 10 a h.le lio ir yc-lcrd iv evening, I'm vv. until was tie night to bo dy- iiiij t hi. .1 1 lie' e ;ti tiitii.r. veiiLt .ti itiuu " , , . , , ,.. passed Ijiuiinourg yesterday niter- 1 0 J ' 'ii 1 1 1 it loom in s skail was broken by the , ,, . ii i- ' Ii.iiieis, and Ins brains were iu.i!ig , , . , , ? uut when a doctor caum to his rouef. ,. , A t-.i.ii lut geiilieui iu vvho was pre.-- , ., 1 .1 1 1 1 int an. wi hca.-cd the bciiiiimg and , ,, ... . ' ,, . 1 iiuiiiig ot t..eaiia;r laiys that ho is , . 1 "i . uuai.'ie Iii say v.liodidtho snouting. Jenkins, colored, set fire to tbe barns 1 1 ..... 1 1 . 1. : i . . . ovvne-i oy .11 r. .101:11 v ariw rigni, ju . .,.l..r,,..i,v.,.. i.,- ut,...i v. t ai twi iglil v liaif, .i ., : .,, . 1 l.iv 1 r, and poi-mied se eia ,:,!. i,,,,! ; ,,,,,.,, ; atiiinais. jciimus vv.isc.i Nan semond valmiblo ajiturcd 011 Sat ui u.'iy lie admitted that he set lire to the bun and poisoned tl.e horses. lie litr'.htT said thai he would not be Satisfied Until ho had killed Mr. Cirt- II. vv.nmik, ou m- l.cti.n. .lmn lull,, lsi.4, nr tills . , I U'.iI. h will 1 1.' i-k u.lisl iu 1. ir f their recvi-rv. Vl'g'll. Juni'H, iv.rj. llAliltAKKl' UIS.V11 liES. A party if eiti.-ns hanged the , barn burner from a tree, leaving biiij ()UT(i A( SK SALE. UY VI It body hanging utter tiring half a do:', i -I'M tu: ei 11 iih.iik.i-o oxocutf.i t. m i- c. en lots at ll. hen some of the lynchers re W turned to the sitot mi Sunday morn- ing thev found the bo Iv gone. A colored mun wasniresi..,! iuthis city toni-ht as a suspicious . haraeter who prov ed to bo Jenkins. He said tliat as ho was losing conscioiisin ' while, hanging he. heard several pis. ' tid shots. "Hanging is a pleasant death, he continued, "f. very tiling.';... looked might a roil nil me, and men ' all was darkness. When I recover- el It Was near day light and 1 WHS lying on the ground. The rope bad broken. 1 got up and made my way to Norfolk through the woods," The man's neck was hadiy cut and swollen, and ono ot Iiu pistol balls took effect in tho right side ot the head, but fii 1 not enter the brain. Lady Dies of ily diopiinhia. AMii'iir Pauk, N'. J.July 17. Miss Lizi'.in Bryant, aged nineteen years, daughter ot A. J. Bryaui, a manu'acturor ot patent medicines fit Newark, died at her summer homo here this morning of hydrophobia, Hie result of a bite ol a pet dog, in Ha'ted early hist A pi il. '1 he wound was Very slight, and caused no blood to flow, and tor this leason it was not cauterized. Early on 1-nday last toe young woman complained ol fooling ill, and, despite all the cllnrts ot the intending physicians, kIiii died this morning in terrible convulsions I'.ile mi S it ill', hie M iss Ill'V'lIll show ' j .- - ',1'if - ",so1 l'dro).hobia Slio begun to froth at the mouth, and when she attempted to speak the sounds she uttered were similar to those made by a dog. Served Eight. Craw roitPsvui.E, lad., July 12. Dr. 11. ('. Neiil, a minister of the Methodist Church ut Kirk pat rick, had just concluded u temperance sermon Monday evening when (.). P. C. ilviius, one of the leading pro hibitiouists (t Indiana, arose and began a speech, denouncing all laj' ineii and ministers not belonging to the Third party as hypocritical k naves ami rascals. Dr. .Ncal failed upon to him to desist, when Mvans started to abuse him. Dr. Meal finally came down from his pulpit and threw tho dis turber bodily out of doors, whilo the congregation cheered him enthusias tically. In Biuns-viek county Leo Fiink, a colored farm hand, aud a torso were instantly filled by a flash of lightning. Both man mid horse were stauJing under an ouk tree at the time- A Desperado Killed. Con Mm a. S. C. Julv 17. bub Mulzo, white, was killed' in Losing VwO.tOll COlllll V Sllllil:i' i,i,,l,t 1 .unknown. M utzo was rcifurded iih ' " Wolhdiead" in Lexington, having u roost, unsavory reputation. Jle tv. im m r.nt ,1 flrt C,' . (or horso-steuling and warned not .i.... ...... i t. . .. . . i... ;V i... , Ill.O U1U in tho anted her place in nin, he most iThised, and . it!XHt Wednesday niht hor liouso 1 .v.u i ... .i.- .... i ... i -i - uii.iii-ii iu niu ll'llllil. .illti niiq d her children narrowly escaped (0alli. It was reported tiiat Alutio : i,aii tiircatcncil to kid 0o or two .pWiiio and to liurn the houses of several others who had exposed The him, tho M alio trd Alrs. any have after mi nmiir ; his slayer, and tho Coroner's jury ! brought in u ver.iiet (l death from 1 wounds inflicted by unknown par- . J . ues. I Struck by Lightning. , I i-oni Hid Rili'lgli Now nml owner, lUi liwu it-itiiui csiitihti eiiiuo sue luun fH ;, ,., , ., . . t-aped. J he others were not so for- '... ti 1 tunato Iho liouso was nut on lire . .... f I .. 1 .... 1 ..1... .i , ... ,.. severely .burnt and left entirely unconscious. ! Mr. Purm il was more fortunate nnd I only his left arm was l uralvzed. A-l . ii 1 11 1 j soon as he recovered himself, appal ed , . ,., v . ' ll, .. aa ho was by tho disaster, amid the 'flashing lightning ho undertook to ' n , , . . save his unconscious fi lends from the , , .. ,. ,, , burning bin ding. I ne arm was en- 1 ,T 1 1 . -,i f. . tiillV m '-less, but With the aid of JIih. 1. . , . , . , 1 una 11 I n sueeeedi d 111 dragging ,. , , ,. , 7n.,rt them out into the ram away from the , J 1 lhiliies. -.1,., .,,, '.i 1 1 n 1 . .... r.. .l'l, iki IJOWIl 11,1111V I'llllil, Mr. A milXISTlJATORS NOTICE 9- llnini: iiu:ili!l". n Oi.'mnnlnl-iiral.ircl W. II. Citltttl, il',.Hs.l, I lieri'l'V li'.liry nil pntfim liol'ttuil claii.i:. ,u".lii.-t H'll.l O.'.'ili-nl lo rxl.ltlt Itii'in 1.1 ir.e ,.n or buloru Uie U'.li il.ty ..f July, ism. July 6, lM'J. J. A. VVOMACK. A DallNISTKATION XOTICK. a. N .1 In lu.r.'l.y clvt.ii Ki ll, p i'r.'.llt,.-i of i.llhl.a ll. lilKii.iiKrs ii:tt t liavi' Oils .lity iniitlllliNl lis ...liiina ii ai'.x ii ii lils iwan... 1111,1 Hi. y will 1 I' r.l.-.l In n k "CA." I'iiko le.i In Um eBli o ! wu i.te, . ; nit, 1,111 ii-iy in isnvriilii'-t', inss, uu, ! Urn iv'li...-i- ut .1 i uf eimtlifiui ivu'iiv, 1 will : s: ll .' r 1; sli nl 111, II.' nu-.-li 11 tin. I'KKMIStS, in 1J m. .ai s.vri liU.VV, O1.1 1 Ji li ilty ..f vuie.1, Is'.'l. Uie ro.ll est elo .1. s, TlboU III slil.l Ill.'lihMp', en-Istlim uf fiUuii It'll n"ri's, lylniT"!! Uie ttita.i',1 .'! llii-ky river in s.t l.l ouiulv, ttiiil l.i'iim Un- siiiint ! -iiv.-y.. I t. Ce l.v A. U. XlurHli ami wi!.' l.y U. i-1 iliitcil Sept. ai, Icps, July 1J, i;-JJ. J. It. LANG, JOUTGAOE SALE BY VIf- if TI'i: ,,f a tni'rtCJK i'vuti"l to mnn Oimr illuii t.y I.y.llitO. Miiinh, ..u Ut.. '.uli .lay ,u .lim.., le.'.', uui nvi.r.l.' I In l...k "PS" i:tv IO in lli r. aetiei- ..f ili'.'ila nf i:iiiiu.iu . ..iitny. 1 1 uiu .-n t,,r vwh m i.ui.i.eiiiiiti.n en t 1 ui;m j ZZmI I iwra:''i:'. oiixlaUni; .. iilnuit Jill) n.i.w. l:iiuti In r.H-K, it .1 a.lj"liiliii: tl..' Ian la l W. J. M.u.-n, . II. J.!., it li. l'...iin.l...l,,.rs. 'I'lils I ,u I will be tul-l In !,is i., mill inir.'liasprs, July 11, lii.'U. J. 11. LA.Nt, lii'itiaiitii. FARM FOR RENT. 1 "ft r f,.r rent my fiii ui, m.n iho tnvrit nf ritts b.'iii'. Tlila lann Ih well luUtiiteil H Uie, cultlMi tl' .it nf iv in ai, ..ats, c.'rn, i'..t'...ii, cluv.'r aud uilior liMnnn, Mia. M. A. V. 1'ALMKR. July 0, FRIENDSHIP HIGH SCHOOL AMI BUSINESS iWSTSTUTE. Full low. bvfiiu AuttiAi 1st, 1H.:(, Locnttvlfiovoa inlU'f tituili I'f Oi-hIiuiii, I'm parc-H HtutU'Utrt fcr lh tlrnt or yi'con l yivird i Uu various ivllit'a. lull Kusiih'fH Cour.Mt. Mtisti-, l'Mimauililpt t'ntyrn, tu 'VuUiun rcaHi ual'lt. U-'-inl tvtry Uiitiit iurtiih'-(t f i pr nitiili. TIi'ihh -fthohava s-nrt or ilautilitriH i txlui-itio (Uui wlfth U bnJ tliiMit to ti tf'xnt tcbN wlirti iho fhrlHllau tu thit'uooi aro uitauriirtsdi, ci usuli with uh Ufurd wii'llni; vis' whi le. tr r-'uL-tiT nr rm thtr r tUulurti, ml'lr. .--i h. l.tK tt', l'rliHliil ( utiiH MiU, AlHiuauci couuiy, N. 0. jT Military tacll-'n npiUnml. "c. f. hTrIlway. Condensed Schedule. In effect June 2.ruh, 1S03. nviT.v :i'i;i'r Sunday. iriitu.i'UUi; N'.rtiij N,i. 'J. I Mali l'.ii,s.'iif:er. Lf-HV.' ti.Ht B. ni. WUiiiliik'iKll. " sif.) l-;iy.'U.'lllt, 11.1,1 snt..r.l, " lJ.U stu,r, Arrtvo 1 iw p. rj. c.n I'tisbero, " ii.uu Mt. Airy. irrliiiiiii'lugSuuili NO. I. ! Mail It I'atutODfie I Arrive Q.ii p. m. Lwivo, .1U " I " 4.111 I" a us " " it. 15 " 11 ilia in, W. IO. hV ll', Ot'u'l t'ues Agout. F11Y, O.'U'l Mnuagor. O'M'ii, and TTade-Marka obtained, and all 1'it eut biMlncM coDdactd fur Modkiti Fii. Our Orrice ia Oppoyitc U.S. Pitknt Office and tre ran m-curo paieut iu luMi tlioe louu laoao remote friiui Wiisliinyt.m. Send t.iod''l, riruvt iajr or photo., with decrl tlon. We adviso. If al"ntnblB or nut. frse uf cliarfre. Our ft not doe till patent la it-cured. A PuMFHitT. " II'iw to Obtain Vntentit," witlx EamcK ut attiiul clients ia yum buia, cuiuit, o town, acut Iruo. Adiirebs, C.A.SNOW&CO; 0 "atikt Opficc. WASMtftarvn. P. 9. i

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