QUjc Cljalljam Record AJ II. .A. LOIVDOJN, EDITOR AXD fROPIUETOU. RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one inaertion Odc square, two insertion! -One square, cue month - tl.C 1.50 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. For larger advertisements liberal ccn racts will bo made. VOL. XV. PITTSBURG1, CHATHAM CO., N. C JULY 27, 18M. m .n i i if w V V vV NO. 18. Day of Days. Oil" tiny of days my l"vr nnn. Ami Hps nnd li.?-k wr" nil nllnm" With maiden I'lushe. 'neii'h hNeyos; Lev? nnuwurl'ic .iv In sweet t-litv, Thnt ii:iy of days" Tlinn dins of tlnvs, ii little h"n 1 Wi mvtl'.'d In his era die-bed ; Bowing above, we wondered why Bii"li ny was glvon to yon ami I, Cil'i'l ltiy of tlnys ! Ere ni'inv days of days. "r girls Worn l"vr's kimt' among their 1 1 r I j Our hns find grown ( stalwart mna; And ! Nlni. wir 'in"" npt'iin, rjml ilny of days! Now, day of dnys, w1 nit ln'slilo Just you Mini 1 the fireside. FlfHse find ! mny there be always two , Von, ilonr, for m. nml I, fur you, Kicli ilny of days! When day "f days, H slloiiet. (loop, O'er tin'd oyoa d"lli gently -rep ; "i'"g"trnr." mny the children sir, 'Tattler nnd mother wilt away," (tod's ilny of days. - f All-" II. Hi-h. in Friiii',- I.-slitVa. A KITCHEN .ROMANCE. Delia wis sitting in Ii m rooking chair 5n h corner nf th ' kiti'lvn, reading aloud In fli ntli'-r iivi Kill". Maggi" was mending n !. king. nu1 Bridget was milking n dross .ml nf n piece nf calico which Mr-. Hnudo Int'I given her. Ii'lin lml found "Sir Charles Grandison" in t lit ui-so id her flour ing up, mid it nma.ed the two older f ills to hnr her excited intonations find ni'irvt-lloiis prniii!iointi"ns, as it would have nmnxed Mr. Richardson hi ill so If. llolin hk it nii'o looking pill, mid sh i was intelligent ; lior choice nl books being, ns wo hnve seen, faultless. Tli" id Iiit iils were nli I'-i-and stmift-i, lmt they lind md outgrown their taste fur romance, mid th-y listened In iiv-ly In what they could un derstand. A lllllk sll'l'lnW Millllt'd 111 tilt" win (li'iv. 1 :din id'iiwd i'--iiilin Inn tuniiKli tn -nv : 'ItV I'lilv I'lnl ('iiiwlcv; in-vor tniud him, nnd th"ii i timiod. Mr. Crowley hnw Ihil Ii" n. di-i-ovoioil oud fut-rinir th' kitcli-n. t"nk n ohnir with a ii ' I rocig'iitii.ii tn Inn throo hniteH-iH, wliiln l.din m ill mi. "And thnt will tin fur tn nkdii," .dio Hind, nt liiit, putting th-Imnk dnwn witlitli" consciniiHii".-'! th il lu-r nmlitniri wmild like to lifir nmro, lmt NtnppiiiK -rnimt! widl, lioi-niis" hIio jilcimed. Ilflm wn nn iiiiti'i'i i t. Yon ihikIiI li'ivo cspocti'd th" vimlm t" lirgin ii rnnv-iHiitinii, lmt im. I'lnl Crnwlov lonkoil nt lii'lm in im ndinii ing wiiy, lmt ii vol ii)"ii"d hit mmith. MugKi"' ""'"i i-iit nil' tn bod, but lelin pi'iKMHili d Hridnot In stay. Sn Brid-ot Kul nt h'T wnrk, rouiiiK floppior nnd hloopior, nnd lln-ii' wim n pmiKf fnr n whilo. I'iniilly I'hil Kp"k,. in nn oiirni'ft wliispi-r, nniny I'nrwurd and looking Imrd Mt llolin. "I eniiio up 1 1 n i lit I '! j. Viimko- Woll. 'I'liilMi- I I'linldll't liolp It, im I piitrht n well toll ye nil nlimit it. Sine I enn't Hloop n' nights fm- thinkin' nf Jj-c, uu I think inuro nf yo tlinu nil Ihr wmld nn'- nn' d'vo think yj can fever I'liro 11 bit I'm- mo, llolin?" Diliu liinkt'd ijnii'ltly rmiiid nt j3iidK'-, wim uns dnzinx uvcr Jit pork, nnd thou nid : "Aw, Phil, innn, wlmfn t'"t intn yo? ; don't wimt tn unirty nny nno, nn' I'm me it's lmt ymi thnt I'd tnko if I win to clmnfio. Snro ye must u' boon mit p' your hi-nd whou yo hiiid thnt. Inn't try ri'inniiticixiu', for ymi dmit imdor Mnnd it. Vou'i-o nff? Well, (nod bipht to ye !" I'hil WHKiilrondy nt the dnnr. "(inml yight, Pelin," snid he. "I wish ye n leasnnlol' nitihl, nn' n bettor uleep tlinu I'll have, bud lifk tnuie!" Then ho turned nnd went nwny. Pdin xnt down ajiniii nnl thought nwhile, then nhe f"iie. "1'oine on, Hridiiet, it's bed lime," Hiiid she nnd Hie twn went up (StiiirM tngethor. The next evening I 'elm and Phil wore to hnve pmie to n dniiee pivon by the SVentminster Hunt Club. As nip lit ennie Oil, Delia wnlldeled whether her eHOnit trtould ninko his nppenrnnee. In the ll E '"clock mail she received the fnl..winp ettor : MlSd Mrf'iOStfiLF. - I enn't tnkc ymi (jo the Ball tcliite, us I hnve Miiutliiu flse nn Hand. As you Won tint very glad to hch lne Inst niplit, iniiyby you don't enre. 1'. Chowi.ev. Dcliu studied over this n pnnd while. t took her a lout? time to innsti-r the spelling, for though her nnn wns ee Centrie, it waa very different from rhil'H. The liii.'iiliiug, too, puzled Jici-. One thing wan certain, it was loot polite. Miss Metiniiigle, indeed ! Bonicthing else on hand! Well, Mr. Fhil should see thnt nho could get on without him. Hhe knew a girl in the next hmise, f(ho was gnin to a bull, nnd some Hourn after reeeivinn; I'hil'n letter she palled on thin friend and they went (''gether. They were a little hi'.-., co littt tbo bnll was nlrendy begun ; aud oh, Hhiiineful - there wnH I'hil danc ing iiiouiid in the hnppiest way with a little girl with red linir. He did lmt tnke any tmt ice of Delia when idioennio into the hull, ntd she pretended not to look nt him. Delia wim r, fninrite, ami plenty of young men dnneed with her, but I'hil was not one of th"in. As to the little girl with the led hair, he danced with her a great many times. Everyone snug her pruisca, except Delia, who whs nimble tn aeu anything nttriietive about her. After th' dancing had gone on for several hours, i'hil nteppod up nnd asked for a dnnee. lie wim a good ilnneer, but Doha Raid she had a liend nehe, and then danced with th'! next man who nsk"d her. She waa vexed that I'hil bad not asked her before nnd she wanted to punish him. Hut I'lnl would not bo punished. He danced and laughed in a very lively way, especially with hia little rod-haired friend, Miss Kullivnii of Dublin, who was certainly the belle of the evening. Delia went linni" early with the girl who hud emn" with her. Sue was exhausted mid cross. She went In bod excit-d nnd tired, nml mi" may imagine, without bciiiif certain, thnt Miss Snlli Min, nf Dublin, played a crilwidf fable part in her iln ams. Three days wont by in which Delia 'iw no mole of Thil. On th morn ing nf the fourth sh;-- nw.-kt) with a headache ; hut rose early and went to church, a she did everv day, coming h-une to dn her morning tasks. After I breakfast, when Mrs. lbnelnl was giv j ing her orders to Bridget. Delia hup I pound In Ii.' don n.-d'iii Mucking Mr. I.iUI'I.'I'h b"ots. She einne into th" I kitchen ns Mrs. luiinbd was spnking. "So I think wo must have a man to ti the fin nnee. It is ton much fnr ymi and Moggie. D" ymi know of any oil" wlmm wo could hnve, BiidgetV Oil, Delia, don t von Mimv nf nnv one?" Delia rell-cfcil. " I'lfio's a poison I kiinw,"sho Paid, "who's an hmiost, Htraigh'"rwai-d sort n' num. He's n little stupid, but I think he'd dn it well, ina'ain. Ml tell him, if ye say so. ii ud he'll lie up tn il"iri V." "Mut him- i" you know that lo'll cmiieV" iiiipiii-ed Mrs. Handi'l. "I cm n only afford I" give him .?J n week." "Oh, he'll conic, mii'iim," snid Delia. When her work was done sh" sat down and wrote as .ollnus : "Dkmi Pun, Ymi was kinder im polite in ymir last, but 1 thought Id., fin-give you just once. Mrs. Han d'd WMi-nts n Mini tn Fix the feruiaa, 2 ilnls a Week. Dn you warut the job? Vnll come Up here twice ii day. "( 'iiwdially yours, Dki.u." Delia always omitted her olmoxous Hi'i-oliil mime in hiT eoricssniiilein'e. The ii.. xt ilny slii' received ll Imlc from Phil : Di:au Dki.u (if youl cvr the fa- milyarity) - My businessis nnw chaugi d from 'ld Jnbs tn (iroei l ies nnd pm visimis, OS:t Mnrkel St. All i.iiIoih fri'in Mrs. . promptly attended to. No tune for I'ernisses. Saw Miss Sul livau of Dublin to-day. She sends love. Never felt so well in my life. Your obt servt. P. ('now i.k.j . Th- tears were in Delia's eves when sh" told Mrs. I In mli l that the mini whom she had proposed as a funi'ice fixer would lmt cfme. She was ton angry I" recommend Phil's grnceries and provisions. As the twilight of that day came on, Delia sat at Hie kitchen window, sew ing. She was putting on n button fr .lack Haii'lnl, while he looked up. This was just the time of day that Phil ("row ley used to drop iu ; but he had not appeared since the night before the ball. "1 don't care ; I hope he won't come," said Delia tn herself; nnd In r ees, which were not quite dry.Hlmwed how little she did care. Bridget came in, and .lack asked fnr a piece of gingerbread. "Oh, I wish ye was married!" said Bridget. She did imt mean that .lack had arrived at a suitable age fur nmtri iimny, but only that she wished him somewhere else. Before long fhe yielded to hia persuasive powers, ard he departed with hia button seeurely fasteiied mi and his gingerbread in his hands. Deiia looked up from her work, and out of the window. She could nee down n narrow alb" to where it joined a larger nnp, and thus she could, ns it were, take an inMaiitaucoua photo graph of every one who passed along the main alley. She heard foolrdcpn; two figures pushed. They worn Phil nnd Miss Sullivan of Dublin. His nrm was round her waist. Delia did not Hhriek. a O.'tresseH do, when their lovers desert them. She only left the kitchen and went up to her own romn. It vyjs more thttii a week before Phil camu to call again. Delia had been Hchcciing herself to the proper cold, iicsn of manner every evening thnt he did not nppcnr ; ami now, whgu he really did come, f.he felt disposed to melt. However, she nerved herself to the cnooiniler, her little heart, I don't doubt, thumping uncomfortably as kIio entered the kitchen. "(lood evening, Delia," wiid I'hil. "(i(nn evening," mi id Delia. "1 hope you've enjoyed the last week and a half." She stopped nnd bit her lip. Neither npoko again till Bridget had gone out to -,-n to tho furnace. Then Delia took a little package from her pocket. "I've got sumo things fni ymi, Phil," she said, her sternness ol manner having entirely ilisapiearod. "I thought ye might want 'cm back, now ye don't come here no more." Her eyes began to glisten. "There's those letters ye wrote from Narrngansolt last summer when ye was ilrivin' the hack, and here'a tho bangle and the ear-rings ye gave me last year." Hero she trembled I'm- ii moment be fore her Inst effort. "I thought Miss Sullivan of Dublin might like 'em, a poor girl like me's not lit for 'em : an' - an' I hope you an' Miss Sullivan will be htippy-an' an' " here poor Delia broke down and began to cry. Phil came up and took her hand. "Why Delia, child, d'ye care for me a little bit, thin? T hadn't no idea of it." Ho wni going to put his arm rmiiid her, but she withdrew. "No! Ye ninsn't," sh" said, lurking at him with gleaming eyes. "She wouldn't like it." "Delia," says Phil, "just listen to me. " Then he goes up and whispers in her ear : "Nclli" Sullivan's my half-sister." Poor Delia is perfectly nghnst. "Oh, Phil. Phil," hhe snys, "nn I'vo gon an' shown ye that I don't quite hate ye filter all." "Yea, mo little girl," unys Phil, "an' I shii'n't I'm get it imw I knows it; but yo can't think tho tui tliousandth pnit , n' me that I do n' ymi. " Then, with the ( loqiu lice which ! Ion aeterizi s his nice, ho went on : , "An' I piay the Almighty God nn' all ' the blessed smuts ye may niver suffi r lik- I did fm- the next twenty-lour houra niter yo wnt me away." "Twinty fmir hours?" (-aid Delia, i "Why twinty four houra niter thnt i wan the night o' the party. Why j wasn't ye unhappy thin? Sure, I wns ! cross enough t" ye. " j "Ah, yo sweet thing, don't ye " j that tlint'a how I begun to think yo might care just a bit for mo niter all?'' I says Phil. "An' now good by, Delia, . an" before long I II hope to see ye Mls- P. Crowley." "Fine groceries an' provisions," snvs Delia. "Well, Phil, I guess I'd b-'lt- r yes, if it's only to change my name. - Boston Budget. The Hatching of Butterfly Hi noil-. it would be iliflicult to picture a more elegant or more interesting sight than the hatching; of the butterfly broods iu tin- "Insect House" during the paid lew dayiiof almost summer heat. The glass cases, tilled w ith damp moss and earth, and adorned with portions of trcn trunks or plants nuitcd to the habits of the moths, are peopled by these exquis ite and delicate creatures, ns one niter another separates, itself from the chrya idjs ense in v. hieh it has been slei ping all the winter and, fluttering upward with weak mid uncertain movements, exposes its full beauties to th" light. Tho wings id the largest kind, such as the great orniige brown "Atlas" moth, lire ns wide as those of n missel -thrush ; and the great size of this and othe spe cies increases th" nt range likeness to bird forms which is so marked even iu the smaller l'ngli.di hawk -moths. Tho giant moths of the tropica, unlike the l est of the insect world, have- faces and features not devoid of expression. Si 'ine resemble birds, others cats. Some are covered with long, snft plumage like the feathers of the marabout or the plumes of awaiia. Other are wrapped in a silky mantle like an Angum kitten, nr clothed in ermine and sables. Tho depth and Hiiftnesn of these downy mantles make the impulse to stroke them suggest itself nt once yet, when the head keeper lifts them from tho branch on which they rest, nsa falconer lifts hia hawk, the foiling that they nrn neither motha nor animals, but long winged birds ia equally irresistible..- London Spectator. Chinese Lave n Fish IMel. The waters of China nbouud in fish, and it is estimated by high authority that one tenth of the people of thnt empire derive their food from the wider. Tho coasts are crowded with enterprising and industrious fishermen, nnd besido the net and the hook a grent number of ingenious expedients are used to enpturo the fish. In the eastern provinces corinorimts are trained in great numbers to cntch fish, which they bring to their master, who sitB iu a boat from which ho wntehes nt tho same time fifteen or twenty of tho birds. Chicago Herald. CiMLIMlr'YS COI.l MN. IMF III'MWU. J.ittl" Maid Jliirinii. Whsiv with I'lnv, Crept "0 t" r. si "ii The n"Wly ni'ovn l"-;. A morjiliiw lnHi llyim; A-r.'ss th" l ln" -l-v, t nine in'iio'i I" siiia h ! A Mveol Inlliil'V. A ho" from Hi- .1 v..?, Who rum" .ii.dn iiiir, I l"W .'loS'-l t" W-llr.p"r lirenin lh"iiL'li-: in I" i "Mr. Maid Mni inii tl-pl whil" The ftilti; ill lo.io" mU.'d !r'r. Ai.-I ho. .li-l i..l ft ,t .,!.. Till n I'iill"il1v kis"d In -. pl'ii I, Htl" I'.'lli" now rnr. osni'cu wov thi: vii Toiir. Ostiieh featho's me be 'ulilullv em ly, as yon know. V'm have, im dniibl, worn them upon yur huts nnd raps many n time, and you know that tln ie it no feitllier to be found which is nnv pii-ttier than the curly ostrich -tip. But ostrich fentbeiH are led always iiiilv, so th" bird legends say. One n on a time th" o-triih had linth'is in straight a, ehii-lieii-f'tathei t, nnd in llinse days III" poor -of I I' I) win: fill' from being eiilmr a pntl v m a nun h-MUight-alt' I bird. In fact, h ' was sn Imiii' lv that all th" animal-: mad" tun nf him. an I oft.-n the wiet dnd bird would run away n- fa-t a his ),,i,g 1 ui would tak- him to got out of th- way of th'ise wni win, were imiking fun id him. One dr'v to rn'i-t the Htni-y-- a great proud pciiinilt came strutting nlong ami Hin-ead hi. gn nt tail like a big Ian, right in front of th v t of a big os trich who l'"')'i'n"d tn 1". walking that way. "Juf b-ht'ld my tall ft-atheis. Brother trich," sai l the peaci'ik. nnd i"o if they are md beautiful. Uh. how ju-oiid you would bo if just one feather in your tail were as luitu tiful ns mine Th" poor ostrich bow'-d his Jioad nntl said nothing frit the lniry queen of th" niiimiils. wh" was near by in the foim of n k"i'"o-biid, broke mn nt tho limbs from off n gf iit tie and touched th" oMrn-li w ili it unfl each nf his feathers i-ui lod up like a beauti ful little fern trond. nd so th.. ostritdi eani" to have curly fealheiv. I New York Li dger. nr. i i m toh. Tit, Tat and '!'. Iit.d with tlmr nioth"!- iu a siiuill lion Mt '. Ib'ii would cluck, cluck, and th- three little chickens would inn into their house with her. Then tin d would l closed so nothing could harm lln ni. tit. Tat mid Toe who all pretty little fluffy things at first. ! and by th" chickens lost all lin n- feathers; tin n l iigh, coarse ft at hers began to gl ow mi their naked bill' bodie.-. Tit and Tal soon ere met l. com l ed, and looked a good l al like tin u' tiler. Hut Toe wns very thill and the feathers wiTe slow in growing. Only a few sprouted upon her wings. Mrs. Hen was worried about it. "Poor little Toe," sh" said, "I inn afraid you will be blistered by flu sun. " She tried t" keep lit r in the t-hnde, but Toe wniit.-d to catch bug; and gr isi-hoppors as wi ll as Tit and Tut. One day Mi t. Ib u walked along in front of the h"U".- when- lh ' people lived. Tit. Tat and Too followed her. Sh" wanted to s-" it the two little girls who were pining with paper dolls out on the liouf jiorch wouhln't not ice Toe. J-'thel and Bis -ie admiit d Tit and Tat. "But see the poor lilt!" nak-d Chicken, ' said Kthel. "Ves," h;i i'l Bessie. "I think t ought t" make a di'-ss for it." Mamma thought it would be n good plan. to... She looked nt r Toe carefully, to be sure of In r sio. Tie n she cut mit a pretty little chiekt'ii frock "I blight turkey rod, and I Mit It nnd lies-1" soon finished it. YVIe n tin y ti iod tn catch Toe ,m l put on the now dresi; Tit ami Tat ran away. Mrs. H"ii herself was afraid she had done wrong in bringing lit i children mutid to the people's hmt:,o But iTthel and Ft ssi. put To. 's b-g. into tin in mind"", then th' V la .t' iio l the little flock loosely over Toe's back and Toe walked off ill h'T blight led suit. "Clu.'k, cluck !" Hiiid Mrs. Hen, call ing Tit and Tat to come and look at Toe; "cluck, cluck! gnls are some use, after all." Little M. n mid Wo men. X Wny Out of It. Fieddy Mainnia, may I go mil nmi play' Maintain Not now, dear; il m rain ing so hard that your clothes would hi ruined. Freddy--Can't I go out it I put on my bathing suit?-- Puck. lUX.WA FLO UK. Manufacture of Meal From Tropi cal trim. j An Acre of Bananas Will Furnish 20.000 rounds. I'll" manufacture of Hour from bn lti'iins is a growing industry in Central America. Before it is ripe, snys the Washington Star, th" liuit is cut, sliced and dried in the ami. However, n prelernble method is to do the dry ing iu an oven, because the ipuilily of th" product depends mainly on Hi" iitiickiicss of this process. The slices in iisely ground and silted, form- ing a sorf of larinn. The dried slices' no hard, brittle nnd of a homy iq- peaiaueo. The meal nbt'iiii.-d from them in the manner described is white nnd sweet, with ii smell like now-mown hay. It is vrv palatable and easily dig. sled iood. Attempts have been made to inak" ii-'ienroiii nut nf this banaiia Hour, but th" stnlf alwa.VH falls to pi-ces wh- li put into warm water. Bread can be iii'ido from it only by adding some kind of moid that contains more gluten. The fl"Fh pulp furnishes about '.!0 per cent, of ill y farina, nnd it is stated licit the produce of bananas compared with that of wheat is as M i to . and to thnt of potatoes as 1 1 to 1 . One acre of ground will furnish over 'jo.ooi) pounds of the flour. The next nnnual r-port of tho De partment of AgrionHiire. frmu proof sheets of which the above lin ts are ob tained, makes mention o sevcial other lii'dho'ls by which bnnniiiis are p re served. They nre tlried very much as tius aio.tho hunches being cut when fully i ipo and exposed to the sun un til lluy enmiucnce to wrinkle. Th" skins are th"ii removed, for, if they nu- not Jieclcd, a dlsiigreenblo llaver is imparted to the in i . Th" hittci are I xpost d to the sun until crystals of su. gai appear on their surface. Then thov are pressed into masses and wrapped ; sculptural ornament with which with I'-aves of the plant, m placed ; he buildings have been ini- lied, but in boxes nnd kept dry. They have : al- because it given hotter li-llot" than I.-, n kept iii good condition in this any other ton" cold give to the flaunt way I'm- many years. This method ; 'K gonfalons mi the col mccs, lo the can only be adopted in climates that ' turf, to the flora! decorations every -arc very dry. In dump, tropical j her-. In the vegetation m the Lagoon, regions thov are prepared for drying ! and, finally, to th" stream of pedestri by first rapidly boiling the i ipe fvuil j an which moves o uselessly beneath for a short time iu water that contains the shadow of the mammoth buildings. sulphate of lime. In "tunc parts nf South America th" fruits are peeled, grab -d and the mow lure expelled by pressure. Th" m w; i.- then baked ill an oven, after which il is ground into a coarse kind of flour. I'h" latter is inferior, however, in nutritive properties from that ob tained from the dried slices. Bananas bilked in tln ir skill :, lllell peeled and boiled 111 water arc considered good for coughs and inllammalit'ii of tic lungs. The Malays Use a variety of Hie same fruit, which possesses toiiic proptllies, fo arrest iliarihoMi. In the Antilles large quantities nf pnfai.li are obtained from th" ashes of th" plant, which is used to wash clothes. Many spiritnoiK drinks are mado from the baiiana. Banana wine is ol lained in Cayenne by ptv.sjug Hi" fiuit through a sieve, at't.-r which it is mad" into cakes, . 1 1 n . I m the sun ami dis-ohed in wat'-r h"ii wanted for use. Viiieuiiri. mad" by suspendm". the flint in baskets, wlc-io it liquefies. and the juice collet del soon becomes vinegar. In lsV iiearlv li.iioil.nilil hunches ,,f bananas wen- imp,, it. -I info the Ciiited Slat 's from Central America. In H'.'O the nupoit'itimi j was IJ.'iSJ.o.Ml bun. Ins. Th bananas ' imported into the Fut"d Stabs dur ing the last fiscal year were worth $"1,0011,11111). The Pakota Pop-Hal!-. "Tin re's a famous product of the prairies of the Dak. das 1li.it should bo shown in Chicagn this summer for the special benefit nf (ho Zulus, Till ks, etc., now here," remarked a South Dakotaii t" n party of fiien ls nt th Palmer. I toter fo that in dhing-else-oli earth like-it the pop-weed. It is of rank growth, but little ),.,. Hum marvel.. us in its way. H has a stalk j like tic citbba,;" pi tnt, with a laig. round t"p the size of a Hubbard squash and about the sumo color. There nre thousands of aens of it on the Indian reservations. In Hie vicin ity of alkali beds it glows to a prodi gious size. "Win n the teiiitio limthwcst winds blow late m tho fall the pop-halls be come detached from the stalk and roll for miles over the prairies, until they reach inn uu country or other obstruc tions, where they accumulate nnd pile up like houses of snow. Behind these banks of weeds the wild bulValo found shelter in midwinter from th" tierce blizzards. If the pnp-wecd hall comes lorcibbj- in contact with any harii ob- j"ot while rolling, it explodes with a tremendous report, a cloud of lint: piiwder passes on through the air, nnd thousands nf sharp, line needles nrn I thrown out in everv direction. Those lieodl' S are the seeds of the pop weeil and are what produce the mischief with the stni k. for tin y are very pene trating. A 'critter' will inn frmu a rolling pop-wet d like a jack rabbit from a cnvidc "The Indians tell nt rung1 and inter esting stories about the weed. It is said that the young brnvts nf th tribe, fur discipline and to picpaio themselves to endure i-eat torture, would light with th'-se pop balls ns schoolboys tin with snowballs, 'The battle of the pop weed" is held once a ; vear, nnd i witnessed by the whole tribe with great pomp and parade, To the young braves th- ..ceiisinii is 1 what the Fourth of .Inly is to th" white American youth. Theie are th" Imise and smoke of batile t" perfec tion, and the i;Ue. sharp needles cause intense pain. The greatest exhibitions of bravery are rewarded by pimm'timi in Hi" tribe and presentations of hatnl-soiie- beadwdilt ai" made by theyouim braves, best squaws or Inaid- lis. ' Tin- needles from the largest pep-wt-.'ds are very long and when baked in led asln-s boomne veiy hard and sfioiiu and make good arrows. The Zulus at the Fail w ill nud"uht"dly by chinned with tho woiidoilullv wailiLo wood and. knowing a good thina when they see it. would surely want to take back a ton or so nf it for seed. Cer tain it is. however, that with the pass ing away of our buffalo and Indians the Dakota are mole thun anxious to b" rid of the pop-bnlls."-Chieiife'.j Ti ibune. (''lr In the Worlil'i Fair Buildings. The choice of an '' off-white" for tli-? basis of tho decorative plan ot tho fair was in th" In-t derive f. lit itoiis priin'iiily because it offers tin? best tit Id for the animating winiJry of the sun. and beenuse i' show, to th" best advantage tho beaut it of architectural .lnt because il does give such strong i' li' f I" nnv darker lint iniug into contact with it, it is important I'm-such nf the latter s ale CI I III proot tided ill th" paint I decoration t" be niallipll kited with tade. I think tin y have been, in the main, in th" buildings mi j the Ciuii t of Honor, I u that m I I them, for example, which stands us the Inad and front nf He- exhibition, lln- Adiuinist ration Buihling, the glimpi.i s of odor caught between the columns nf the loggia in the hccoiid stage ol thi mpoMjiion are of a char acter to heighten perceptibly the t .fleet of Hie tonal scheme, and yel remain in Hi" subordinate position which belongs to Hie recsst d wall on which the dee oration is laid. Thiswnll is painted a dull red. Seen frmu Hie ground, th" Itiof nf the loggia throws a deep shadow behind the columns snppoif -iug it ; but so largo in tonic i-. th" building, that even at a ilistanci the color in 1 null v foiint.;, i. no i-. a - .b-inn t a factor iu the beauty "I the sliiiotui ns are the white sm laces from tin ground to the wall nhovo Ho -loggia, th" gilded sph inlor which lin t t" lh" crown "I the dome i . the in dazzling maik mi tin h"ii,'."ti Century. Th" CiM Sense ol lliinitii . Th- ( 'at t-t hi I ii s cai i -fully I'll document:- put before him, an I is m the habit of malting mai g nnd no(..s id his decision- and views. These aniiota ti'Mi'a ale car.lully tl.asiiio.l ill the imp. rial inchnes, where they aie aci i sHil'le to th" lunetioiiai les whmu they may cmiceiii. HecMitly, in the maigiii ol the n pot I id a prominent ollicial, th" Ctiir wiote, "What an ass'" The individual thus charartcl l'.ed bv his august master was in d. ..pun . and b""gel the Sccrttarynf Stale. I'ol.-tt fl'. lo b ing the Matter luloie his mil), sly. "May it please your majestv," b;gnii l'olo tsi !V, "to strike mit these wids lu re, 'What an ass !' so that they may md forever be on ioc'O-1 iu the in I'hivt s. " ''Oh!'' Alexand'i- th" Third iiitoiriiptcl, laughingly. 'T quite forgot the archives." And he took up a pen, ran through the words "What nn nss!" and wrote instead, "What a philoso pher!" Argonaut. There is reported to he a revival of the Niipolenn craze in Paris and nil souvenirs of "the first liounpnrtc" are seized with great alacrity by the isinuB, Scattered Seeds. W" B.-aller seeds with fnrnlfss linnd, Ami dream we ne'er shall ,i thpni merej Hut for n thiaisHiid yen; Their fruit uppenrs In woods that mar the land Or Ualthful store. Th" deeds w-( do, th" word w Int.. slill nir they seem t" fl"", Wef'liut lllflll of 111" past, lint they shall last , In iln'dread jiidgni"id , tlmy And e shall ine"l. - ( John K-hls IH MOHOCK. When engineer mid trainmen ere well tiaitied, the locomotive goes oft on a toot. " You say Smith lends a dual life?" "Yes; he's a bull on the stock ex change nml a bear ut home." "That mini is afraid of hia own shall ow." "Will, if it is ns ugly looking us he is himself, 1 am not sm prised in tho least." In tho Dime Museum Visitor And is tho bearded lady your mother? Infant phenomenon - Nixy ; she's nio fad. I. l ! iff .spanking "f presence of mind): I renicnibrr of being in a panic one) when 1 lost my wits completely. She: till, was that the way? Wife Dun't ymi think this hat makes tne look edd' Husband I don't know. I got tho bill for it to day, and it made me feci old. He : Is your sister very nigh '.-Inireli? She: High ns they make thcin. She discharged our old family physician last week for saying thut she hud n low fever. Mile. S - Ho riding master) "Well, sir, do you think I have imido Buy progress'"' Riding master ' Cer tainly . you full now much more grace fully than you used to do." Mve. Aye "You don't mean to say that Hnttie hns actually iono nnd en gaged herself to that Bol.-torer follow? Why. she hardly knows him." Mrs. Bee "TLmt'e why the become engaged to him. "Augustus," t.iid Angelina to her lover, "you know thnt futhei has re cently invested in pn American silver mine, and is going there nt once, aud I cannot leave mother nlone. So f nsk you, .lour Augustus, how long would ymi wait for me?" "Wait for you, my .lulling?" exclaimed Augus tus. "I will wait for ymi until wo learii how the silver mine turns out. A lliiuliT of Ambergris. While nearly all precious substance) have been more nr I. ss sought after by adventurous mm, it remained fnr tln present year to pm. luce n regular hunter nf ambergris. Mr. .1. MoCim ley, wim recently arrived in Sail Fran cisco from New Guinea with a quantity of ambergris, was so pleased with the) financial returns from his trensiiio that ho intends to go back fully equipped to make n business of gather ing the valuable substance . He i confident o making a fortune, for his operations will ho curried on in places win-re Furopen ns nre unknown, ami w here he w ill hnve the entire field to himself. Along the New Guillen Const, where In- spt lit several years, Mr. MoCaiiley says that lumps of a nib rg lis of all sics, some weighing over ion pounds, can be toinid in tha w nt"r and washed I'sh'je. The diffi culty in to get it ("nun It' f. where it in n.-i th ..vol .?" nn ounce. It is to over come this that he is making arrange ments to hunt for it in a sy s(. . mathi manner. He bungs with him many stories of how limn hate made fortune, by n lucky liml. One who took a quantity of it to Fnglaml realized no kss than SoO.Oihl, while many others derived large sums. The only trouble with Mr. MoCauhy's seln-mo is that he may kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, for nmbergiis owe, its coinmi rcial value to its laiity, ami if h" should drug the inailnd th" prion would soon begin '" fall. In bi.-t, HUjhfiglis is no i ''ger valued so highly as ii mice was. Before Doctor Swcdia ir disc - i.d that if was a mor bid seel tti"li I ; ti. d iu Hie iiii'stiiios id t he speriiiact l : iliah , many fabu lous stories weie in circulation a bout it : wnlnh l fill I' tues. At tho plesont day, ixit pt in the 1'nsl, it is no longer used in pharmacy, but is entirely cm lined to perfumery. Now York News, A (level- I ii v cut ion. One of the eleven st invent i. uis ever passed on by th" patent oflke is tho iiiiuhine f"r sticking coimnon pins in the papers in which they ure sold. Tho contrivance brings up the pins jn rows, draws tho pa pi r iu position, ciimpa it into two lines, tin ii, nt a single push, passes the pins through the paper nnd sets thi in in poiilioii. The nun hum almost seems to think lis it works, nuil to examine the paper to see if it in properly folded before pushing tha piub iuto I'lncti -Cluenif litiuld.