Qtljc OTIjatljam flrcorb. Oil) tfljalljam Actor II. .A. l.OWDON, ED1TOK AM) rnui-KIETUli. KATKS A D V ERTISINC TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, une equine, one luRerhon Ote iuare, (wo nignrtions One square, r.nc month tl.O 1.6-J . 2.60 $1.50 PEII YEAR Strictly in Advance. For larqar mlvrrtiRemcnts libeml een laets will be male. VOL. XV. iMTTsiioii( Chatham co., n. c Ai:;rsr ;;, ISM. NO. mtn riio ivds-. 1 h nr,vr n r tiin fhnt pippa "f rtmg. V'l n str."iin ttmt run? nt l"fip-:. "r ii 1" that lr"l 'im n "ii'iivy I'-ins 0 '-r .) p"r'iim'() ic'bI' .""p'. I'."' hi ' it r!iy:i- m l run" I's ilmne nii'l run"4. I'!- ? !!'.! tllllCJ, k -!' rhythm In ;nc ?! -t. Tht'a ti-nt ii -tir hit .-pins in pa--, .-r h Hit thnt talis to en"h, X"ro I'lll 'Wthui r Ink I stli" "-'.-nirs f,i , N'! o f'l; 'lr"p t r-'iil iMi-t1'. lint hii- 'r- rlumn-" nn-l inn-p.-. rhy.t.el mi l T'I'W, It;, mi si Pin" 01 -tweet, iii'it)it'm'l ivt'h. J'h-'s miMiv -,-til t'int iitr-it In ni With tie robin, ih" I.'nt. or star, 1 hn ns.tv i i -tHit rhvino i C'l! S "I!" "H!l lil'JIi- X fi .'."I fh-v. y. ltv hir rhyme--- onrl rune", Ami ti"y ,'ihi 'iia Hi" mis-'!" tti-if", l"i.r th"v th" p..f n-r.. -V. .1. f!l ;-,-,. .,,,.. j H ,rp"t Wnnkly: Revaliere's Sacrifice. FV fiV I"' MM TASSANT. Tin- mln ill 1 1 o ) t ' ii (n mi1 in I lnnl jn-t Pihcii inv hi'iit in n Coiinr of mi empty riiiiml'tnii'ii1 in thf cur. mi. I hml i'I.is il llii' ilnor, with tlm hope . f i i iiiiiiiiiii alone, when it wn , MiiM.-iily n . 1 . il I In iiiil a .oil'!' s:ll ; "Hi' can fill, sir, 1 i slop is very 1 1 ' Am .tin ( mice r. i-lir.l : !,. n't he pti'iii.l. l.nw r. m e. I uill tnlu' li.'lil f till' llMllill, .." Tln-n ii In nil iiii:'iii-' tl, t'livricil uitli fi ininiil h,it, mi l two lininl', riisiiiiK tin' li ntlu r stni)' sn iicinli'il nt filch i-i.l.' i.f tJn' .lour, ;!.. I v li.iist. il ii Iiii-m,. I".., ll. ..; f;. I liun II- Il lliiif..' nil tli- riirsti'pr. liln' tlnit nf ii cimr sti iUiii,' tin- ! niiiil. Winn, tin- mini I mi I j I i-ii ii hi . bink into thf i-)i r. I imtii'i'il ! tin' pnint' il rii. Is of lun uooih'li h's. A li' inl nppi -iii'i'il bi hiinl this trim 1 l"i', im, I I h- iir.l il . oh ni-r iisl : 'Aii' oii riiiiir.iit.ibli', -Mr';'' Vis, III v IimV . " " l li' ii li- ii iiic your biniilh s h ml v.'iir iTiib'hi-s." Ali'l ;l - I ..nit, hIhi Ii kI th- nir of mi o. sol.lii-r, .it into th- .Ml. In-ill--illy ill hi- iij in. ii lot of pii"lui;;i-.-. ilniii' lip in l.hii-U ifi'l yi lloH piip'-r, imiii'- fllllv tlill, llll'l pllll'i'll tlll'lll fill' llltl'l' tin-fill I in tin- in'tHolU ruck iibove Jiis m i .Ii i 's hi-nil. Thru h' sniil : " i'ln-ii-, sir, tli.it is nil. Thriv inv tn - b mil lb :-: tin Mi,-, tim-iil-, th.' iloll, th" ill'lllll, til" ;;llll liml the I'l'ix th '"" " I'h .t'.s iill I iht. iii v boy."' "A pli'ii-mil jiiiiriii-x . i.ii ." "Tllllllk Oil, I .11 H I i ill'''. " 'l ln' s. i Mint s(i ppi . iow ii fimu th" nil. i l..-i-.l th" iloor mnl hi hi hhhv, h1i.Ii' I oI.mtu'iI inv lirihbol'. Hi' i ii .-. p. i luips. thirty livr y cm s ..1.1. nl thoiiuh his bin- hii. iii'inlv whit.-. Mi vh ill i-ointi .1, noli- ii ninstiii-hi., mii.1 h i-1 tli it pm oln-sity of -tlolii.' iilhl iti'!'"ii mi n hon mi imliniiit v (I1!1!;- s (' m-iiihim in ii ti.-. M" nii'i-il his I'loH. p'll'll-l. ,!.i, lnnkltlj; nr. f -pint-, ly ill th f-l----, .i I : -Ii.,.. "i-j in- nio'.is ' t nt (ill." I 'i-i b I. I t!i it -. ;oi l f...--. v h nivl '!!' h-nl ! r n th-i'.; ! L:il 1 1 !;'.!!!! . in-t '!;: mui. rpi!-:!it-i him mid ; ! i!----n his li'iml. It nn -. 1 i'.il. I'.nu ', If t in thit In.. i- n !., t'lO lllill.l -l-i IM- t'l fbs..,-, ly mi l jmi. ur- il..--imiins. I i Is - th-i tint; plnin- tfll.s, thnii with. nt I" ill" ii bin to Cliisp M.v fi llov. tun. M r huh In-fi'ii to pMiininc mr h ith tin Iciri.'ity nii'l liitv of n in in who ici'olli-i ts sli'.;htlv but tint i-iili.-lv. Ainiovi'il bv this stiinly I'eiitin t, i.ur ty. s tniii.. mvnv; then, dft.-r n f"v s i'oii.., iitir,i.-t,,l In- (Ii,. cib-i'iii' but p -i --I t "lit iftioii of i ii 1 1 I'l.v, tli.' iimihii m.'t iiinl I i'1-iii-ii Ki'il : "Ih'llllv, lllnllsli'lll , lllstl'llil of look- in; M"iilthily nl inch ntln-r lor mi hour, nimbi it n..t I-,- b, tli r t-i Ir.- mi, I Ii'I'llll toi'tll '1 ll"l" Hi' Ii im mi IV" "Vim iii" 'iiitc riuht, ' ifpliiil inv jn iyhbf r h ith i.-1'o.l ri 'My m i iin i-. Ib iirv Hoiicl ur, mui; j-triit","' I ml. He hiHtnt'il n f.'H s coii, Js ; then, XMth thill iiU"iic-H of eve mnl voice vhicli Ki'iii riilly in 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 s "rent tril lion of miii I, he s ii i : "Ah, yi s! I met yon nt the I'ouccl'-, h lore the will', n iloeli M ills no." 'I'.Mictly. Ah! Ah! ymi me Lii-ut tniiiit li. villi, re?" "Ves, I hiiscmh Cnptiiiii liexnlirie tinttl theihiy hIicii I lost my fed- both cf them nt ii siiii.-le stroke from n jwn fciliU' -hell." S e lookcl lit rneh nth. r iiiiew, Ii m i Ii :i t He ncie ncipmiiiteil. I leiiiriiib.-ri il perfectly m il h.nini; Ki ii this mini when In- hus n rine-look-ins;sleii.h r I.-IIoh. ho lei the cotillion- with n nimble mnl imect'iil fieu- y, Hut behiml this tii-Hre there -tfll ! U nit.-I -omethiiia I coiih 1 not ci rsp. - sfiy thnt X hml kitowii uml i'oj. I foil).' iif'ttmi. i-ii" 'f tli"-i' M"i-i-s t- li i.-li oil" lcn I-" ii l-ni-l mi 1. 1, ii t utt-nti'.ii nn.l wlii'.'li l";i" iiil v mi iii.'ii'i .til.li' imp' --H"ti mi (Ii- niiii'l, 'l li'-i'.- !' li'i lnvi in it. I f c i!l".l tli-- pinli.'iil n f-nnti(m t'ro'.ii tli--. il -l'tliri f inv iimim tn v. but n"tliinu ii to. Littl,. bv littl-. i"..v. !. t!r -!;.i'l mi il'.ni'.'l ,riiv. nii'l tlv bin ff ii ven'm !!! ! ! " si h-tut mv v; -. I fi"li Ii-! tint.!.-, AIM-. .!- Miin.bil. 11-ihIi upon inv min i. Nmv I i ni.-inbi i.'.l rvi'M tliui'-r. It wn-i. in bid, a biv 1-tnlV, lll.t (111 fl.lillMVV I'll". Tllir" V.)IIIU' gil ! l"V"ll thiri VMIMIiJ lllllll wli'-n 1 nu t tlini. mi. I pmpl" -'p"k - i f tli- ir Ciniiin' in ii rt mu' I riiiv.l inv v t-i thf- imiK !vr'. (ill thc?: bllll'll- s vvtM'- t!'!llblu' "i'll the niftion of th tniin. nii'l thf r"'. vantV viii'" 1 1 tiitii;il tu m n.- thcnuh hn hml jiint tinicli'-l spuikiiiK. II liml Hiii'l : " Tli"i". mi. tlnit h nil. 'I'lvrr !! ti'. biiii.l.-, th.- tni'-nt-'. tin' .lull, th" ilnnn. tlv ii'in iiml th' "'' ' .''"-. " 111 11 iU'lnl,l 11 In III, llll" n,a t'lilnpn .il ii im) iinii'lji-il iii inv it i i I . It ii-M-iii-bh-il nil tin' Iniinitii'i-.i hirh fin- w "lli'ii ii-inls, in which th ' vniiii mini "I' till' Viillll.' lillt;l lllllllil-H his f1' li'-r cliiiii-i- iil'tiT i. i -ri'oiit in.uf "11 'Ii'" f bsln.'liv.. Si. thi fHiciT, nintiliiti'.l iliiiin.i; lln- uiiv, hml nyniii I'niiiiil, iifbT the fiiiiipiiiii, tin iniiny x'r h' hn pl.'ilui'il tn It i in. Mini Im-i -pin-; Imt i ll 111-1111 nl, t-hf IimiI nun nr. I him. I I'liii'.i.li-n-il timt t- In- bi-initil'iil. but Kiinpl.', just us ! jn.lu'i' t.i bi' himpl" nil the ln'1-fii' n i -1 i i nis in biinlv-. mill nt tin- th.'iitii'. Win n wit irinl n r listi'ii nt tins.' M-hiifl.i nf iniiu'liii iiimitv, r nlunys li'i-l thnt shiiiiiil hinr i.iicri lii'i'il niu i"lt . with mi i-iithiisiiistii' pli-iisiiti' mnl n niii;iiitii'i'iit impiiln' l.nt r nil- nluuvs in n hml humor oi tin- follow imr ihn. whi'ii n uivti'ln'i friellil collies to borrow lllflley. Sllihlellly, nnotlier supposition, less poet ic llll'l more lellli'.tic, lephlCeil the lirsl i, He. i'l'i'lnips this ntlieer hml b"eli ninrtii'il befole the niir. bi fore this t ittrld licci-lent hf"l .lit oft' his feet, mnl his wife hi. I been ob'iycil, j;rieM'il llll'l I" iu'lC'il, to 1'ece ve cure for, Coll s .1" mnl ,.n tm'n tin-- Im .l.mnl who hml sl.i:l"i oil' strong I'll hmnl-oine, but w'ni ii'iH r.-T ii rii- il, nlt.T hnviiii; lest his f. ct, .i fright nl m-.-cU. o mli'iiiiieil to imiiiobility , im .nb ut mu.er nml I'll tn I obesity. Whs he hnpi y or tottim .l? I hii i.i i. il with mi i resistible ih-sire to know hi.. Irsior; , or ut h-in-t the princi pnl point i of it. w licit Hoiihl permit III" to iliille Hi ll' lie colllil Hot ol' wouhl not I' ll me. I tiilKe.l with h in while Ihiiik'ii", nt t'l" miiiic lime. We hml iM'luiii"eil n few CollllnollpllH'e rellllllks, llll'l IIS I rnisi-il inv eye to the rm k, I thought to in vs. If : " So he hlls three clllhlrell ; til' SW eel III I'M t . Ill I for hi- W il'e, t lie .loll for hi- bill" ".ill. th- ilium mnl ",'iu fin his -oil ', nml the "' tor him-.' It. " S'i'l l-iil . I ii-!-.-.1 him: "Ymi nif- ii t,,tl.-r?" v., "!.- t- pit- .1. I t"H i "iihiJ-'.l. n-thoittfh I hml r-m-n!tt.-,l mi im pi-'i'Hi t . iiu l im ntin'i'"l : " I l"ii yu! 'fi.l"-i. I thfuub.t "i ".'!. in h'i!'n- v.iii s. rvnnt p .,.!.; ,.f ,... ilonii. W- " ii li'.'r wifhfif b.-t' iiini.. mnl rlmv -:v. In fioiis, in -i'"'-- ft ntiri'.'lv.'." H' -i!!i!-l "I'l nomniircil : " Nf. 1 ,.i,i ti"t iv.-'i inimi.l. I -t-'pp'.l it th.. pi i Inn in n n .-. " I pi i-leinleil to rein"inbii nil nt lie. " All, tllUt's t 11'' ; yell Wel l' ellL,'ll"eil when I I. new ymi, bi Mile, lb' Mlllnhll. I believe." " Ves, excellent I w,is Moii.n nr, 111' lll 'l v "s i ly foi'l-i""'is, nml ii.hl.'.l : " i nl-f leu" ,i Tyii hnviiii; h"'H.l timt Mile. ,. ni'irri".! Moii -n nr Moii-ieui Monsieur lb' I'h lllel, " Mmi.hil e inter rupteil in ti 1 1 tu toll". " V'-s, tll lt' . il. I lene inbel , i veil, to hiie lieii'.l n li 'Ml your wouiiil." I l-iokeil ut him intently, mnl hi blm.li 'il. Hi; lull, pult'y bice, nlremly plllpli I'll 'III til" I'oll.stllllt lllllllV of blo.ul Iii c-iine -till inore highly coloreil. lie replieil Willi the n ii i unit ion nml sinhlen nnli.r of n nniu who plemls n i-t ill il linn. -. his miuil nml I in Ili'llll, hut who wishes to win It before public opinion. "I'diplo nre w rmi!" in pronoiinciii'; Mme. tic Flt'iiri l's inline with tniiic. Winn I rt'tlirilftl froir. the wnr without my feet. I shouhl m i- cr hnve ncccptetl her t ll'er to become in x- wife. Wn- such il thiny; possible ? When ii xx i mui ii mimics, it is not to imike H pniii'l" ot" "t nert-ity, it i-to Iiic ciei v thiv, cicrv hour, eiery iniii- ute nml t it-ry secoml by the i n mini ; nml ii Tins in, in is u j Hs I lllll. sll" ComlelllllX llel sel rx im; him. t" sutT 'i iii!; thnt follHCll, in miir will hi-t inl nml (be tie- unto .lentil. Oh. I compr. In i; Imire nil the sncrilices nml nil vofiim - , when they leno n limit! Hut 1 J il ' 11 "T mi'ii.t t !io t n wo'iinn Hli.'UI'l le ii-iunci mi !i:-l'i!ce whi h phi- hopi .i will pi-oe Inippy, nml nbi'ii'lon nil li"i joy s mnl ibemns. for tin -nkr ol f-'itislyiim th. ii-huii'ihfti f th" sul l"iy. I'o you hi ll'-vi tlnit n iniin eim in liu' n Wfi!i!iu to 1-.I. nit- '.ih't If-iMin-rlf rmoeit ruppoi' ' A n l. b-:-sjih s. i-i yon think th it my wefbu t "t (IT llttlil.'tiv. ';' " M. Hi viili-'-e beCiini" fcth'-t't. Wh it conhl 1 s.-iy t-i him I f. M thtit h wus i i"ht. C'liihl I blninf In r, worn In-r it I'von inbiiit thiit she nil-, wroiit; ':' o. H"Wel l. tile ih lliillemellt ttb'ell C'liif-n ni"l t" tli" rule, t the nvi I ii". , to truth nml pi obiil'ibty. ilel net .-utisfy my p"die npp.'tit... Tin - he roic stinni'- cnlleil f 'l 'I liobh i.in riticp tli'itnns Hunting, nml I pi-i n liefl i ptofoiiii.1 ih eeption. ' II. is Mine. 1 Fh-iu'l finy r Iii -ill "ii V 1 iiskoil him hiiiMi nly. "Ves, n il'iiiphtev nii'l two soin. I'h"-" toys iii-e for tin m. Shi nml hrv husbmiil huve ln-c-n very knnl to iii'-." Th" t rn in in rn nt -"I the incliii'.' nt Sniut ( iei ni'iiii. piisse.l throiiuh th-tvvo tunnels mnl I'ulereil th" stiition. I wus nl. out to ii tier my nun to help th" iniitiliiteil ollicer iilifht, when two linn. Is Here stretclu'il towiinl him tlironph the open iloor. "liooil nioi iiii'iy, my ih iir levnl-ie-e." "All! t'"1"' iiniriiiiiy, ri.-ni-iil." Hehiinl th" ni.in w:i- n woman sn.ll niu' rmlii'iitly mnl tlii'nw,in In-r "pooil inoriiiiiK" w it Ii her l"M i linger-. A little itirl by her siile junipeil with joy, lllul tHn yollllHstet's lookeil with elltter eyes nt t h" ilium nml fsuw t tint their Inther hus tiikiiiy iIohii from tin- ruck' When the ilisnblcil mini huh upon the pint form, nil the chihlreii kisseil him. Then the croHil stiirt. il oil', the little-eiil hnhlitief in her hnml the nr ni -he I .support of the crutch, us she Hoiihl hnve bel li nble to hohl, ill wnlk in nt his siile. the thuinli of her bi fi ii ml. -Triuishiteil for lioiiiniice. A brent 1'i'xiis nam. The reiit iIiiiii nt Au-tin, Tens, is 1, 21111 feet lone;. sivt.V-si f""t wi.li- lit the bnse, nml Hi feet mi top, nml is sixtv feet I i 1 1 from low-wiiter imirk. It is estilllilteil ill lollllil liu'llies t Ii it t J'J.llllil ciii'loinls of liniti i iul of the lilVereiit kin ls ii.-cil were i-eipiiri'il fur its construction. I here me over !:!, HI ii I culiic Minis nf luiisonrv Uiil with ho 1 1 J. i, nun linriels ot roitliiml ce ment. The 1 1 1 : 1 1 I' in I liseil, us stnteil by Secretm-y Oliphnnt, I'lubriici il 1,11 cm lomts o "rmiite, I ,.fiii ol iini"- stolle, I.Mi i.if celllellt. IHlI .:U of siiml. This loii'leil into cni s woiihl innlic ii s..lii trnin o cr 1 71' miles luiiu. The estilllilteil ci ist ol the si met lire wiis.a'illl, nml the nctmil cost SiiOo, mill, the evtrmcoHt beiliK tlm to .sonie i xnetloiis not oi iyiiuilly t'oiiti-mpliit. .1. Thi-ililVei'eiic.-, however, Im, been moie thin ffl'.et by securini; -nperinr wiit.i mil lithts, iiiKiintiii;es below th" e-tii.'..it".l i".-t. so thnt th- ' . will be n coi)si'l"r'ibh: bnhin." l"'t of th-' at.iii.i.inio I, . I, Is ii !''! th'iiMif-wntr-r SUpplv sy-sfi tn IS Cfllipl'-t "il. I'li-'n- is now mi li'iml in roun l tic n !.- ii.','i.iit in c'.-h to ' ro'bt of h" fun l. with aTion. noil tho bii's 1 1 imiiniuc. !o fi-M'ti'in this tie'!' i, S7.1.1IUO im ";-';-.! m thevbim im!'-.:! 1. Th." wiit'-r 'vr-rk - will h:i" t-vo pump: ef 'i tkily ft! pm ity of j.nno.in'i.l gnllons. Cfiiti-.iets h'lvi b""'i l"t for foitvfvi mih-soi piping. Tht'-h'-i ti im! phmt w ill hiivr ten lviuinii.il of I'J.OilO sivteeen cnmll" power eneh lor ilnim-Mic nml j cuniiiercinl li tc 1 1 1 i 1 1 1: . nml two lyinimo-' ', ol like ciipiicity for street 1 till 1 1 li tr. I'm inoiini; cms mnl nth. r motor . tln ii will he four ilvtinuios "nt h of ! I '.!ii li pid, i poncr. The wnt.-r h"is' ,olih-. Wlth.'l"ht p- li-t"c., t nt h, nine f... fn .mm t'-r. for r Infills; th" flow nml 1 1 -t ibiitimi ot wntet in t he tlnin. I''lli!ir, t'oirinnn, (.'oiitntctor for buihliiit: the ilnm. wus two yeiirs eniriitfi . in thnt pint nf the work, nml bus .'.H,lllii yd tbie him mi th r his coiitriict. The ihim rmil.s 11111.111! the Inryi st in the worhl. - Snu Antonio F.xpt. sk. . . .. . . . What Miikc (he True' Snilm-. Mme i:i wniiteil iii ii s ."iniiiiii than t'n' in-tfiillest iicipiiiintniiee with the cb'iuism of his ship II. spirit thnt is in perfect sitnpiithy with the whole biiuiiiiintr I'nbric. It i this spirit which in its perfection lllllk'-H the cXtpiisitc In llllsliiiili, iihn feels the life of the xcsst l in ii single spoke ofln-r wheel ns tin1 nt ternm-l link of the spiilcr'H ih iiciuc principnl ity of silk trembles its ennsil-ility tn to the insect's fore-chiw restiii" nil n sini;lc thrcml. - Scribiit r. A Ib'Mcr l-hrnn'. " )lt loll know," Slliiltlle niilll whfl wus irointr to hnve a tooth pulletl, "I tlon't think 'tlciitnl piirloi ' in u "...ml phnisc." " No? "' " Im itifs room wnnhl be tun-'Ii better.' Wnshiiitti.'n Stu.. ( nil iuuv roi,rn. I.' I 1 1 '' -I ' 1 s p-it-'.- l-llo.s wll-'tl -!"- Vl-'!1!... sh i? oniv ti.-". i. ii ,s '. Twirl' Hi w'l.r.ls up wii.-. sir. M": lt',t ( Mlci'... l,..o ti.,..,, H . 't .nis" I .'im n!."iv- 'I': I t!i 'in "' AH'! ("il P'rs.. ,V,'. -I," I'.U;,. P i I'v nlw-.'ivs i -.ines T" l"li lie. h--f - !p l"t 1-1 1 "in linlf pn.it f".ir v. "i A'i'l Bro'tt-inp Mtpr '. X ..-I urn I.Mirntne A ' '. 1 l., .4... l,t,..t; il I , to .1 I'm.'- I An-I I'v. p"t a puPninK I. - I.. A I'l'V (l pll'llls llll'l IT'C-Il -S. I tilr?i the lenn-s f n h"r '" look ii'l -hew li"f n il nn.l I'-u-sinn Hii" Sll" klli'V.S 'll.'lll ll"-.V I'll, I u'l V"s t'lelll 111" Wlif-n I paint r"--"fs .-r si i- nml s-v W''"'i I'm six I'll l-fi'ii t - -.'-. M"ii. mi.t tliini us in. .i t'.-r il. K'nt inv socks li'lit i" Hi" t-." Ami Illlike i i'llls Sll'l Id's f'.r .a, in, I t-ii.-h .Hi li.-.l. nil 1 .o. An I in "th n il r - ii'i'l wii'.'h us t---. s. i,-,.,.d:--p'!i-1'". Tiip yo.-NTA.IN- AH. ri i-n- 4 in,. ii. nuns is the Amrriciui ! niii'i i it ii ii m.Ii. n tr whit h it neln - its! b t ih v lopiin nt on tht iifithein j "holes of Jj.il;, s Huron nml Supeiior. ! It is oft' ii pi niteil for it . orii'iiii' iit.tl j fruit, but it i not so h iii'l- "111" ns I'y ins - 1 1 ii I .tn'i t oi i i , iiiiother ii..rih"iii I'p.'cit --, which i. ii-tiiiHii.lii.l ii i ti . ;i t nil the r !..r it- Ini'i;.' nml brilli.iiit fi iiit, Heri'.tboiits, nml "i.-ii n - fur north us Mii-.i.'luis.'tts, it thu s not tie M'lop its be;iiities p. tin' full, but in Northern Vtiuiont nml N"w llninp -hire, in Wisconsin nml Muni sotM..it ylitteiini; fruit iniikew it n ino.t e ni spiciioii- nml lit-iiuiil'iil objit-t in i"; 1 11 in M lllul tin ly winter. )itroit I'll' l'r.:s. AMMM.S I'll AT I'l.AY TI1HKS. A lilt mo- thf iliciilents of jokes phiye.l bv nlliliiuls upon flic iiiiother citeil bv it w l iter oil the iiliimi.l s tin' of lllllll."-. J ill the l.olliloll X)n flt'ii; is tlliltof II j jickiliiH, which, h 'never it I'mim! it- k -11 i'l' iii conipniiitilis nsleep, wouhl; steiil to Iln iii nml pull nt the llnll'y hi-- j sols of Imir belwt't'll their toes win It I the miimiil wus more sensitive thnii in miy other liniry pints of its bo.ly im j phnsiiiitly wnkiii 'them up. I A cut expresst i its ilisllke of ll pi II- j cock by jumpine; thrnuh its Hpreml j out lull whi n the birtl win tlisplny ine I its beiinty nii'l fxhibitini; it now ii unit , , in the trrcnt iliseomlit ure nf the fowl. The writer'rt tloe. which wus ncciistoin cil to huiitiii. in I il tit showeil its ibs plcnsurc when the mii.ter hml shot n bttlltiiich Ity 'oin;; into the heilee, liml iii; it riibbit mnl l.riiiciii" it to him. Aimth'-r iluii. which I. m w t'lim' thn-1..-mnl thnt they wi-iv mu hunt "il, but hml in. iictpiiiiiitnncc w ith the w ihl ones, wn ! much tlisi;u.-teil wh. iiii.- iii.i-ti-r slmt n 1 t'l". 1. bt'licvin); he Im, I uimle n inistnlvi , iiinl wouhl hnve n tt It i n o to ilo with tin "lime. He behnveil iiii xnctly the snuit wny when wchlintn bl.u'k rnbbit ; nolli iue wouhl perHiiiiil" him tlnit il wn- ti"t it t ut. nml he wouhl .1" ic - l ions wm k or the It st of the .Im . a n-sx-v rn- i li -bie wn tlov ll -it t! I 't. .!-, b.siil" th- "M'l 1 tin bim in' "t'.'.h'nu 1 1 1 n 1 1 ! i .,,,.! H" th" l'I.H'k"!l Vil! :l. SI: I- th" bttle chick' ii- thnt ,. . , phoiit f i v i ii o " eh"' p. !."" .,1-1 ni"'ht t lit ii- st i n'"l,'!u tip buu's mv, '.I'lmsf.ii tleirbtil- '"H :-' .b uih i . U ft! fll"' slit- Spl-I ! ':"' IIIC bi t t '1,i!;!T th!"'ii;h ti !"! !:) 1 t. ft hurl an e hi ::;:. !'!oi-.M nm; ii: .'! t!ie Hvl yc-:!'f .1 hd lib !b. bit h"'l in v. r p'.'cn iniyth.in' lib' if. Sh w.iteh'-.l it int-ntly. womb-nut; p I'liii.lnin lunl ever n one iil.- it Sh" wouhl have lil... t" cull i.tmlnn t mi" nml s"" it. only it i i tr 1 1 1 p n.vu u hilt' she w 1 1 " ui". Pi-.-tty nii"ii it rtoppi tl u , , ,t up close t , i it nml st mi l H. Im pi-1 il.eir to ..o.. nt it. She th uiuht it look". 111. i some pretty i .bli.'it sh" Ini'i s-- r in tin rt-.f- wh n sh" wilt sh 'ppiiit with nunnnei. but jn-t tin n it mis", it, h.-it-l si I -.Hi-lit iti ill the tor nml -hoi (owniili In l ii Imin .slemh-r tonitue thu look", I like II litth- bhick Stltllll. I" l.tfieil so lit. nl tht snuit' Ine. 1 1 1 - K 1 1 1 tr n little hissine, smt of souml Thnt fi i-lil"H-'l lb hi" n little, mi, .-li.- jump, ,1 up ipiickly nml run int. the boil-" I" ::tmi'linn. "(I. eiaii'bnn.' -h" Mini, coin' tint tpiick mil -co this Inn ii v hui" ! Hi trues this wny." Ami she iinvo.l hei little fnt lin ;er- sIohIv b.ick mnl forth. Now t'l'iimlimi wns xcry bn v inn ilnlii"l cure to t!" '"'I " look at hii"s, but the little frill wns so citriii'M hih cxcitcil she went with ln r. Hebie b il her striiiirht to the chickt i in nl lent'", nml there, stretchcil nut n; full length in the grn.-s, Minuiii" iiim self, lny ii snnke. A x ip. r .lohn sniil it wns iihcn In broutrht the hoc nml killetl it. Ami when she tienrtl whnt it nns, nml whn) it niifht lime iloiic, 1'r-bie was xen glml the "funny but;" was ileml ntn Cfllhl tin her im llll! III. " I huchs, sri-Kntlinii," she saul afti r ivm-il, " it was bi ctuisc I suit my prnyer-. thia iiinriitiifr that he (li'ln't bite ine.' - Our Little Ones, A WOMAN'S 1MKA. Th Colnpiliian Rrpnsitio'i. Hot it W-" B'Ult Ti't Wi-t it C!ort?iins. Never m lb- ,i-t " v "I il.- n--t 1-1 h.' thO.-- b"t-II H h.'ll-e ll;-- llll''. T'l" I I I' . to beni with. st. nt '1 III tin limel ' f -i w-tiriii-heiirte'l itfin.-m. .!e"' km w Omi tllll inif tllf Itiny suililie I' of " t ll'l 1' -ft Ui" th"'o wouhl In- so m my fire I bit1 feet, so Iinuv lltlh stlilllj.-l- wit" mi-st.l tin ii (.'iii.h n-. Ihn pl-iy ih'i'u mi'l th-it boo!'.-. Sh. thought if m -n w"i" to hnv. ..t.it K mnl neii-'iinii nt Stl-'letU'".. !H 1 W "l!"'l W- le t" llive II h lot " j i : 1 1 )"- .l --..t -il t.. t!i ii Hfik nil-! t ' tli-it torn1"!!, licit th" cliihlleli in'.'.ht h i'.'.' th"H " tu I'tiihlilii;. too. t sh nl. I I. . pi .t ,. b-'iiulifiil. j I n ; u- -fill, mi 1 jii.-t n cmff t'lb! Sh- fill 0 int.. .-..'Ill- I "'h'" -M-. wuii.-n. mi l p:- . Uitly lit ' 1 u . wh"'h h'l l b '"t .low ly " .ii ... b --j oi t-i put forth sprout-, nu'l lu.ri -h -. I h n h-hobl ! it blots I lilt . It V.'HI'I "i-l'ul plH'l CUT" I II " phl.'C t,,l' -. t llll I llollie sii-.n sll -.nl. I b llll'l 1 1 1 '. I , I." , club .1, -,,,1,1 si.h .. livevvl hue; p.'iimiiiii'; t ill-el) sho'll'l b "l.iiut -.1. It be II l":il chihl kilr;ii"ln P.ut h .w w.i . nil lit' .t.l. w it limit M. i'l"-. V l ie- in -u in ,..!, of the "-e-it J . j.. . .it i .ii 1 I their h-ilnts full. Til -y Ii . 1 li"thiie: ,-pnre fr nil th 'ir : n' -.' iri I -rt ,k I So the n.iar.l of l.i Iv M in r: !-. with ! Ifii" cicini'ie, ii.. rn I t'i' r -p, ui -i -I bility. I'll CO .t W op i, ll 'II -.1 b we: II th .s,'ei-.il ..! r ... A i n. w.i . t'liiployi'.l to ili.iw phiti-. I'. I biitioiis c.iiii" in ."'.ly . I ii phni wus likely to fn i I I'o'' IIIOllI'V. Til "II II so.'illl 11:1 1 nil i- club, miiile up in. -t ly of yniinu -n in th" north ilii-ioii of Cliiei" .. eim to th" I'esi'iie. I'h y h 'I I n b : ' i ir . th-' like of which h i 1 ii -v -r b -.-:i - u 111 the city. It lir.i-uht ill'-' th - :t ii rv .? li,0.) i. I'. -i 1 . th -. chi! I" .i from nil over t!i I ri I I i i . iil.i.; in their c ml i-ilei! ion . 1 li 'ii t i ' wus no hui j ! iiny I i ! oi m u ;-. )iit of this sin iM 1 1 - .oi n in ' on I ii" t'liil'lrcn's lbnl.oi . In -i i - I'm xlil feet. It is built ..I -t TV ii m it -rinl which Liixe- I. ."im! mi I -ub ' in ti.il "ll'.'et ; with'fit Hi en ein "I- bib .r th it wouhl b" I' "p miry mnt' i in 1 -. It i-- il "onit I i iii .l"i-.. h-ht l,l ei; o'h -r 'I III ' I lUli.li . o 1". I tl pr-'ibeii in ii ii . tioll- III" sxt chihlreii ot nil ii co-t ii in .-s : Inl French, Sii'in.- iolj . Ill 1 h -it I. -t I '. I. .I f - I'l . . I -1 1 -. -1 1 1 ! . 1 1 - ' I of e,. cl i me. The t'n .1 It" or cm: iin- th n hi i "". nil . "h ' 'HI i ""in ll'lll It. 'I .'hil'll'-'l " "I b " I ll ton", n If b 'th Mr in ! h ' B!"!,t - 1"-4 'l b - "ibl I I". njso npoti tin h ips. w h " i th oi ". - t!'-s wH! e th ll I'l; i' th tl. - It is fuitf - h-'- I 'i !,. 1, '!)". !--"! II, " in- ff '''' Id) is .! J b. t I th - ! I . 1 : li 1-fo -'h-i: lm.il". -. ml imii..i t mi l . hi.-t.t' v. Tit p. . i..ii," I t i i, r mti- I---. l-'lst,,.!' t. ' w ith tin i' t .hi bv "' "in ' ! -I ' i -is w-ii; b-- i mi'l km ! .l"i'iirtn. is, who will ib "i ' i'v i of chihlr.-n t.. S".. th . xbib.t fr. C "liitt ies nbotit which th v Ii i . h-'i'-.l. In t'w V-. -t'.blv r...ip. in tl." . Pl-t , til-. -. I l,f .bi.i I w ill 4I- be .1' i n tl'.'. 1 steiil int--l! n ti Ml - lit t t-t -Hit ih ' III' 'III : "1 -I 'I -tni-fli "1 ' I ' '!''" v 1 1" Fp i! I.'H, Willi.' f.onilliii t ill- ' nb "i tl. of n,.i k. Ith ' . ;i' lull ,! 1. 1, -. "i 1 i!i,- 1 1, -.1 1!, HII'l '! Ill -t titinist, 1 t imt,- bill.- p (tit the . nil 1 ki'eh -li be ill full .'., . will !l b. , -hi ;.pin. pl". on I :! .. I :;.ir.b n .1 - j 1 , -r.it' "1 I 1! liiotlc - iiu l best im th" I II. re will I. -from th" I 1- v Ih 1 - i-i' 1 of 111 hint il-.-. tli c . I l'i-titi-1. 1 I- ! I ml, phni. Tie- I -t 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 S. h nil I nils i-to b br..H'.:!il 11 S n, 1 I".-, New M"xico, Th"i-e are tlnri 1 pupil, nii l tin y n ill briii't nil In ir i n : l.i ! u re llll'l ileColntiolK llll'l will . 1 . 1 ! I - I 1 1 !l - tiiebn-k't ii.'tr. in-r nil I nth -r chiinc. t.-rislic 1 11 1 i.i 11 work. I'h 1 w ill n'-o be a scl I lor .1 "ii'-m 1 1 .. w ii I 'th interest in"; p: -..' 'ss of t-i.'hin; t" sj- n! an-l lo i'".i I li-.'iii th im., w H! b. show 11. The l.lbl'lll'l I- lis 11 '.nil- n 11,0. . one for chihlreii ns emi In- -., ,'nr, ,, Pnitmit-of w rit- is f,u chihli-i '1. with iiiitomnphs w hi lien r th it is luissibh-, an upon the w.ill... Tin fuiorite honn' pa't l:-an-l the fiinnlnu- ui :tri 'iucb arc j to be fonti-l. rftl'tv either t" be merely ehiii".. 1 nt ..r t" br rrn'l nt hisnrt'. tin t.,. ioof.' uliovo nil th' biiev les s .M-life. Is th" phiv urolllll. Till" I? A lov..lv am' h-ii. nil Hii'losr-.l witii n wiift i - .'i, f.-i s.il. ty. It is full t-t ilowcs iin l phuifs. nu'l live- bin! ( fl vini: i'""i' in p. ! f"t-t fi.."iloii!. Toy. of ft'! n i'n -ii-nre on (Ahihitif n h'-i". tr"m tin el-.i h" clllhl t! illket o the-lViltif to th t ilkinji. wiilkiii". voikmu phiv th'iiL of I'lmife. Ami th"y ur- not I'... ,.t"w-invfly . but tor the chililr'.ii t" p i v w ith , St Nich'.his. I'll.. Oi Minn Siiblinr'ii Foot nnt rm. Th"i" two thmur' which th" tier inmi I'llieer ih' s not mi l e-tiiiiot f"ii .o!K -nil" is H'.'H efhclelicv of the sol .ber's rule, th" "th.-r n t-h'iletl foot. If eith'-rt.f thtve two tnkes ph.ee on the imireh or iliiriii" the mmi'i-'n i-es. the -bh"i is immeiliiitely .Hiiish",l with ii!!"-t. nml is in. t nllowctl 1,. olVi-r nnv a.'Hh Idiviiia t!i" tlilVereiit iniimnu -.! ot ( t 'l-niili ni 'uy corps that I hnf ,iM -mb -l. 1 eiiiiiiot i-.cn!! n hnii'lfnl ot l.,..i .,).. hi hi iti ih" course of n 'hiyV wotl,. nt, y,.t nt nil tli.- -." ft. 'hi i.pern tiol, . foi-e.-il in tieli. , iti n f'-ntiire, ill h r t.. t - t th" i lelnritni'" of officers nml men. I I eXC'll...,"". n this uniform ", n- i ";:ni il inm-ehiii:; pow in t h " 1r i in n r w loch the iifii "I-. I I ' ill'. Wh"H tll'V elitel th.'ll colli pioiy n - recruit - in Di'tob"'-, lb" tir-t tiling tl. it i . 1 1 , , i . I hiiii-ls j., th fnpoi'tiiiti " i nil, I th" niu (ki t. No pniii ui then til shoe e 'p'"'1''1 in 'r i in th n nt the stm-t comloit- nbh- foot-;, iv. nml they i,v i xpet'teil t -1 look n It er 1 hi . with ns in ui' i interest it - if it w ! ii eh in in niu 'tor. I nt he npriny foil iw ill:;, whn the -How i- oft' tin ;:i-ol!ll.. I ll -I 'fll s lire lllul, Itllkell. llll'l th-'seiir, i- .-iiliHi.il ns ciirefullv n- nre th.- stroke . nml the courses of th- col- 1 leirecTcW Hll'lel the luiinl.-t of the t I'll llll'l. if 1 . J I. i.'h il'tv the men iinirch lmlf ii mile or : .-t luriii.T limn tin' iiny ii. t.u--: em-ii i -In . th "i- curry on their biclv mi ouiiev j l.'.i" more; eneh . I i x the -pee.l they in- ub!" to niHintmii isciii'i-fnlly iioieil ; ! ill f:i.'t. the l-'-eolil o'" n colilpllliv's j iii 1 1 fll i M-4: from i i - m (.iy. until htte i o,t,i the sniii'ii- i-, wle-n th" in..'" into ( tie oie unity, i- k.-pt ns iiiiii'.itely ii. if it W"ie ,t -i'lj. piekeil 1'i.mpiniy I ti-.iiinnj tor it mtti'li or coiniietiti e ll lil. I'll" ( b'l lll.lH .-"I'lief I- eilll.'llte.l iiii'l tr,n'ii"i for tin- pnrpo..-' of tiehi in-;, Mle I to h"le II HI, III full ollt before he i -'.'loli - - th" lire-line is look.'il upon n- piite much n ilisi .t r n . if h- hml l.eell shot llll'l W.ilimh'il bv til" ell"ll!'. I'll" II I't of Will', in prm't.l'e.l 111 (ill Ill my. i- very iti'ifh themt of '.'eitin" thef.'," mnl it th" n'-ii"! nl who posts lion. ell ui -1 ti. niitii'o ou-! nt th" erilicnl Hiom-'iit th-it iihit In- h-iiiiii-.I to llll X .' W"ll th" bltlle. H,tp. !' Mn;n'iii'. Sleep Kith II, -it. tn the Ninth, 1 lb" ol-l I tut" .ii p--r. tit ion., b. In t t Imt nun I, iii-,- .li.-.-il I ..h- p H i'h th"i! ' I t. v,.. . tl... ,".tlt 1- t, .1 .oli.. ..1 b- 1". 1 "i,, n .- it' iii" pnn"ipl, ' ii,-. Fi'-ri"!' -i- i'i Inn" in eh . pei i . ,t. 1 1 . l i th b-.-lv ! ! "toiiinnl nil" ' I -nil ! I l.-.tl,. -", I tl, . t- -i- ;. 1 tl, ,t .....J, h'll'I'lll b-'.lv I- ii, -.1) ,.l- 111.- b.ltt -1 1 1- ... .,:; .' , ..- t.t,.- I 1 tl tl,.-, 1-, tl... f..,.t ,.b., h"i!.l 1 Iv I,.,....,- th--- Ih' ...b... i- ',b,.-:-t - I .1, " hi ,...1 fib. .,l,.,t,.!, :,tt, , plv 'tn! l'f n-'l. p! li " I 1 , .... t, im. .-. . n, ,h t.,,. A 't. r -"I,, little V ..." 1 1 . ' -11 the h.-ml porlifll (ii im I t-.n.ir.l . He north, nml th.-n i" m.iilii.l .t"i"iiio-y i)n" of the expe'i i.e-nt. I-i..ok h.-hl "t tb" ptiot b-.m-.l niel tjo -i" 111-, 'h it th - ). .1 I p .nite.l .-eith. Im' upon b in- fi. -- l 1' ,ilin:.-t !"."i "b"'' Iv i.-.un. 1 th-- it .t Him ! p.,sitj "i tuni" I until the h.-ml point ,,ln".tl, ..- pi-.. 1.. tb-.t thi- wis ii- 11 It-- .1. en h nt -I -i ei. in- 1, lent up, in I -en Im t w ;, 'bi nir-. '.--,, me hml i-ii HI I 1 -.1. tb I r.l wn. r pent.', Hi t. itiie. I hull nioiiinl 1. ml th. n fr.-eil, but ni'iiii- w It1! -MM ll 0 l'-.'lit. St. I,"lli- Mlinl ii Fntil-re Mn'iip-, I le. li, 1 'i.in pi.stollici 1 1 nboiit t" ,..ii. whi.t 1- c-ill.-'l n -p. eii'l Sumlnv t imp. It n ill be n ten nl line itno c. nl - -I iin '. nml nt one .11.I will bine n tin;. Ihl,.. Thi. .MM be t"lll oil or le't inl 1 "I nl t!i" ..'.iiul' - will, nml w il I einry n, In -licit inel 'flitch these wotils: "N" p.t - I ix 1 . - h tlm niiehe." "Nu t I.- t II 11 op ...iitat;. " wIm-Ii im nns in I'.ii. b-h l ie po-t'ii in i.- not to ib hicr on Sen In the letter bem-im: this ,-t in 1 '. " Tiii" m.v. ltv is jnt"ii.l" I to -t u t 'i popul i'- nuit. ilniii imnin-t S1111 ii . "on riiHieiit mirk ill Iii liriiim. n hi"li 1- 1" I.,.- -top-.,. , if -.iissible in the Intiiie. It Is sniil tint n hire nuiiibt r of people will p,.-t h tiers 1111 iieet ss.n ily Siimhiy inorinni;.- in onh r to trivc ex.re-sioii to 1 1mir s-ntiiin'iiti. It will be int. 1 stin;: t" In nr Innv mnuy ot th . stmupsare us "4. -!-t!oiirji ih-.. I'.tnts Fiiis, Pnin. I'M mm ' !'ll rnin 1 Fnvs 'h" pom'"- k' shrl!! rfrnlP Vrf fl.p ho0fi? shAw for sicil K'n n -inif!" I"h1pu lie". t-"' ti sih--rv nhiM'lor nnf Join- n'.-i'ir the pnplnr ho'in'i, jr., I r,..-,lrrn,t ripple? pn- n'.. ih r"n"li- "f tli" (trie, t on th" pwnllew" "ir"!? fvor peav !l.-lt. of s"t'iitetl .'I'.ivr , St!l"W.. whileii in '!i" l.".no lt 11 ruin ' It'll ruin Ji ll r un ' Id! run ' Wni.'li tli" shi'tim; w"ntlif'r-vnn V'-erini; fr-'in i's dr'n'iR of tlrnith T"w nnl tln ilorl nn.l showery south1 N"W tli". tnt'i'f day is hiil rii'li rneiiili ii 1'iweriiit; Id Aii'l th" hi'iivn feels th" ln?h Of a Ko.-i'lipi! liulitnine-rlnsh. I'i'iiN n hell with soft in-ist"n'" !"nrlv dew n th" iliirk"iiiiii; ilisiiin.'tv A rn I the pen.'.i.'k eriee niriuu it'll r.i in ' It'll nun ' !M MOIiOl S. Wiirfnrr - rintion.-. i snw it( nr-rnlly m: nns busincpf ! tile n it- t. ( th nre f t. lb . h iiiliiu:!y i " Wouhl yon love mi if I win rich '.' " Sin "I en n't ' sny li- t" thnt. but I'll pi-olinbly lnilll v""- Tin-i-,,ii,.-iiiii. ,1 1 1 1 1 1 i 'l i 1 1 r is iiniinlly ' nbh to tell w h- H hi,- t line bus conn bv ' the lb lit II W It tell t III WiMibll plo'i'l'.r ' for him. I in le i wilt. pi i Hi tb,l Wl.kst" Wills - lb . lo h.'.'l trv' ; . spepsitt. nn.l for it Ifiietmit. thought it wits ili-pn .'itioli. " A I'.'ltteril ll" "f ill'lll'-ll 1 h"i"'s im ..ii win. .'an .I'.iil.l it ; Jl.it whil" vv" pri. hi- w-.rk - wi " II" I'h;.;"- I"!- nl I ll. Velist W i l e MUI i M r t I Hl k I'V li"htliiii"'.' ('riin-onbi ilk No, but 1 i e In en struck by lihlllill'; roil Ills. Thnt s hml t ii.ni"h. 1 ,. ; I'.ui. I in. .th r "Nell, my ih-nr. the Duke pro.o-t '.' " liiui'.'ht"!' forninlly. innmnin. but he nskei if pnpn wn- ns rich ns In' i- repute be." .111! Not. Illtf I to Hick- -'I "He- I'm I 'i x. I :;.i . his b.f, n ii ill-t llle'lt " "VI I -. Hick ot Sil,l I " U Itll Hie. M I pin re with nth -i fi Il I'.llt lull'"' lll ll-llt niu nt r In i. 1. ml Ht il I'uhl.er I'nii'st Innk-. A . i' 1'. tint: to receiil ncconnts ,,f im reckless mnlim T ill which forests of nibhi i 1 1. es ui" th -t i-iiy eil. In. Im rub ber will ...fn be much iitoie 'i-ince nml .ostly tlnin it lion i-. mnl when thnt llllppt II- It IS plobiibh thnt someboilv will illli'Ht A .- ub t'tut. . At pu s. nt, liowei. r. it i - inl. -ii -'-tine lo know whnt . e: lit ti'iiiell.-r ny-of the lu ll,) rubber fun -t-of N ii-iiiiil'iii : " for , -t of tln in mny be il' t.-. ti'.l without ill. lie of nil elpell, b'l they .' si in i. 1 1 nii'l ill in:; fi"Ui tb. no i! H'l- "f (li. I. mi h. t' . tl" I"-.' klllf' Until . -. .1 10 Hit n "f N t, 9i-lotmb-.-.l i". t i.H.1 l- I i ..it tilt t" hi"h. if t'l '- .il""it t-v . 1. 1 1 n .Inv... Tl... I ..I Ml'!. .n.. If f' 1. nlft.- ,o,, ll,.- 1. o-..l ..bLlit o,"bi:iti it) ,.,-.t .). li. ruts nr. ......b. .ibont ni -.it. ,irl n.i.ill v . x t n l li-'j !"' "'-"tti'l t th- bv.t p. 11111 h, !' I'm- !- b'-:ms --"-.l ii! 1- s t.i !"!i.l th" pin-: oil" 1 bac Th- n'-i";- v. 1.1 ,1 ;i '.,-" .: f:,-m t-v !- I .) ".ib !,,, ( ,, ,,!!., ib.,.1 I h-- is miM"l uitl, il,.. p:i.... ,.l (Ik itisth,- nhich hnst, ns ci ii:.'. 1 .ti. .M ftii this op. 1- mi,,,, the I I till- Hlbbll I- blih-.l Hp lllul ' shippe.l north I" be n fnunl inel further ' pr, pnr-l f"-c mi im-rei A n. ! ht r tren ,, ,, sii,,l,- to th" rnbbt r. mi 1 oftr-u mi-tak.-ll f--t it. I- th,' t tt-ee. Th;i ynhlsii li.pinl v' tv nni.-h hi,.- milk in I.,..!- ii'iil npp- 11 i-i .which im.r-tli'iii ,011.- m,i- ilrnnk m l.-r by thy : , Hojii", rs. " Hnipi 1- V'.'ini" l' fple. Siiiitur II iiiflns, 1'rmii Snake, llll'l' III"! . Slf .l"... It I'nirei hlM u ;. 1 1 1 1 fii th" Imbnii i"i 1 i nni'iit tb - . xpei In In l ol Clenbitln: nl. loll", tl" peoph- nt lll.ll 1 llifol Hint 1, . niu, ll.'lli'l . lillbb th' 111 to l ike l.ett. l pi. caution- iiinii t i-miki I-ii- ; nml J..( nttm ks ol w ibl ..-n..t.. More thin fourteen year- ii".t h" proiiile.l (let I im 1 1 iiim'iit with pietiiie . of ihe most ib ; 1 1 net in- of sii.il.es, nml le- think i tllllt if eopie. ol ll" - llele l-tlltl'l, ft)' nil I wi.b lv ..-tribiit"il, peoph- e,,,il, II it f:iil t-i rcciieiii.'c th" p"i-oii"..-i soecie . lllul ib stl ov I hem. Further Ic mlviiciites th" nppnuil iiieiit of an fllicial to sup. riiif nul op. . rations I'm- tli ile .true! ion ff tlcs.i reptiles, which cnuse so laree 1111 11111 inal tlestriictioii of I't", as m il of o'h ' r nihl aii'iieil '. A- to 1 1 rs nml b'op r:ls, h" wouhl I ll'-oili'ii"! htllitllii; by a rpifixn'ioti nt th" l"i'"sl laiiH. Lnn ilon News. .1 n lit- mnl .Inly are nbtuit theonU nii'iiths of the year in which celery nf Bitnie K i 11 il, floin so lip'M In fv js -jot i-l)' ; 11:1 1 If,

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