Or I)r CI)att)nm lUcot $l)e ljatl)ara Wttoxb. II. A. -LOIS'lJ-OIN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. HATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 m YEAR Strictly (n Advinit. One square, one insertion Oce square, two insert iong One square, cue month 11.0(1 1.50 . S.60 Forlarjfjr advert lacmeuta liborsl ccn rscts will he made. VOL. X V. PlTTSHORO CHATHAM CO.. N. C ACfil'sr 10, 181.".. no. r. tern Strrwiiia ttic i.'nlilcii t.r.ilti. Mr'ixvinr- hi" j;nlili'ii (.'ruin, NowiiiK fur sun "i ritin. FVmll t,j .iillt. f i hnl irrvniK unit p.-i V lh"t" ) whiter hri'ml limn ii tn.-i'l" fr-m XX lll'llt. Ah, t'-r tli" irksome ilip.l, Tun" 1'fni'l.H up mi. ii ivi.'d ! T'-it tii.xtl. nil. I lily ii'nl I'nNmn l"irf, 1I"W . urn" tin"" in mi- hnrtf-l ti"ii('r "I ciir Mii.'1'k -."(tlx- K" .. (l.'i- !. ilmx n ih" rmv. And 'In- hr"k"!i ....-:ii. tin- linl'len iippm Smi m "iir furr-us f"r heinity m'iI. - K iihiii-iii" I no I if- in the lnil' "inl"nt SUNK BY A WHALE. " ! In r vis in'1 lixrly mi iinmnp.; with I. nh'ih tiiiil I nns-f-.i iii tin pood Id rlii v. i.f n (ml mi.', ' mid the vet'Tnu r i "Mm n. "nnd wi'-n the liny pot, I t k to NV-v IVdlmd mid told mr nLcut it. I Ii It h- lui.l nh if J had lost n ti'.ir r. httimi t . think th,it I Imdu't l i n t!i hi. 'I 1 1 -i t mw h it Ncn H i r- i" I in tin slnni-h. ship Ann Ahx w:i.) lut th-'V iiidii't fiiiip Luck in r And r.'ul'- iiv "! ever rninr Liick n Ii- r. fdi th'- ...nd nmon Mint (.hi. hex i r rtim. Lin k 1 1 i - l t . She wns fine f.f th' mdy fin. t i tluil Wei., rvrr iit'i'dix !u:i"vti kmc Lc"ri su.hk Inn vim!.' m h,. who, history .( whnlilip, nltlif-iipli nil! ri ii 'mr is nippe-n hi lll.VC tl ihi.f tut,. " 'I'lif Ann A I. . nil. r f-mh d finiu . n IV ir..t. jut imti -thr. r w'iii-k th-, v, ,y ,Iiiik, hi.mnl for ii rniis.' 111 I.f S..l',h I'llrltir. ('lipt. .Illhll ii.-i-.-i-. I h.-r. si mi-.! ' -r. xi i. in. nt the.... olIliTis ii i ii I t: ii. '.-hi' run i ll h-r nv.-r n win-, imii l'-i-1 tiiki u ;i .,mi.i enrpo nt' nil. xxlirii, .h"iit th. ! iil.il. ..I xurii-t. I V. I. , h. r':!i;i t li. (lull r...l In l 1 1 -1'ifk .-Ii III- !)' Shot'- linlitip prriilinl. In - i'!n i l"f s -.rrii wlmli!-, Wirt Ii. .-j. 1 1 if in M"ht i'l tliiini nun. 'vhi.l. s iiiil i. in- iimrniiip, 'nil 1hi- Vri.- i-!i. in,. I ii u,.. nlmip 1 . ii r 1 tin l.ii.hll. n! Ih.- A:: h. I,.i-r 1 1 - i- li.nil. fl i - ininh l:i I In urn. Tluil. Hill' r. I... ii-mIi. r l.iiu. . i n - in chin y,i-nt 'iii. I ii lu. nii.l mi' rmini'iiiiih-il hv l'n-1 1 ti - .In. (in in. 'I'Ii-'hIiiiI.- Mil,. hill .,. ll l:.l l. IIUIIi'h ImUiI. Iff . ii th- hi ii h'n-. i mi tnr im hniir. mi. I'll n y.. nnr . Ih- tiirni-il Miil.h iilx .inj ri-li I .tuiifhl Im-llii- lniii. nii.l If III nil .n lir.l ii tlf I-.' ll'. Iln I" II 'II . in,! n! hi - Wily. II.' lll.' lit til 'i "III hi. j'ls wide njii'll. I'll I Ii-- i'i iiiiu f.f i liii'liinl 'Hill' I t!l't lllll.'ll "I'll I' 1 1 1ll 1 1 i i-l'i'l ln li h '- liniiitli w In n it ii. 'm n ll hi! . 1 1 1 n ill In llf nu n in thf l i nl li'. l Ih - nhl Ii !,. illti li.h .1 In l:ink.' ii hit i'l .Iniiiihi. dill i'f th 'iii it r-tiivi.1 in th. Iiuiil, i.n tin y tiiinl.l.'.l f v. 1 fill. I, ffl Iiuiil fl lllflll. Nut I. i-i i nllil t '1!, I illlff. Ii'f Ih.f 'll:-t '!n v. ii s I; inlly in th,- wiit-T hr l'i'ic Ik In-lit ,ii in thr Hhllh jiiw mill "ii-. nil-hiil t hltiiti'lH. 'I In n h It'i.tti'il i-lcvly iiwiiy, lis if he nut. 'ill I'I'i.l "Ith hi- "nlk. 'I In "i. tni Ii Mlfi'i i ili'd Mi ! -i-ilin- the i n n nf thf V-i.lit. I'll. M- tln't Hll f Iflit. i n lilt II 111 hi hnl't ll" "III- linnl.li- I" f.'HiiK the ivlmlf. I'li-h ,'I Hi'-, ! iiinilliil with tin I: k I . l'll 111 III- hiu k. " I'll" ' ln. I t x '-' in h liin thf t'i ll. i.f llii:. f i llnif Iiuiil!., ninl th,. vfrk i'l tin hnl' w., htn h thus, 1- II ..I, ih- X. -.1. Allnlll. r l',".t !! ": iif 'tluil !y h'W. r. il iind u nt t tlie i.li, l nf thf ( 'ii'tiiin. Win n it in rive if the ! w- wiif iliviihil iifiin, ninl imi-:iiit nf iln- whiih- win, if Miiiifil. I In I'. '.it- ' .irat. il ninl ii.ifri'li-l hi hlnwin.; lnnni.li I fn!i ililVili lit M". - i f thf ii'iiiii. . Thf iMitc't. l i'i.t w in, i;i!in thf lin-t t.. umr him, UH' It W II - 1'hllll ti llll 111 till' I'.jllt thnt th- lit in- I'lnl wnrv whnlf whwntrhiii; thf W hull' llViTlI'lllll'. Wlun thf In nt tit it 1 1 in tw.ntv vmiiIs i.f him In i 'ii-hi 1 1 ii wii i'i 1 it iMiitlv ii i hf hml floiif I'l fi'if. 'I hf iniil.-miw thnt llii if ciinhl h, . it h-trinliiif c th' In i'f ii I 'llr- nidi, hut I I'l'll" i oi-iiricl I th, I'd ponif r t" stmid st. ii. ly mid j p ii. tin w Irih n sli iti lii-ioif thrv one. l'!"v took t- tin- si ii to ,.;ir tin iii'.rlvrs. Tht li:ii in r Ihifw ii trood shuit, ninl ll . -.uk ih-t p in tin' h iiithiiii's th'di. Jhil tin r it rifiilur.- in ri slnrkrlird ! r I mud us much ii.. mi inch i , nl of his COl tin-lust he . tiit. tie It nl the i i r Iihout in iii'C I i . T he crew I hr, u Ihr -. ii, nnd thr next mid lmiit u.-is llniitinp I hit-. Th-- p.. int. tons t'l. lie Unit, d h x ll llt'.iiln, nnd Mnt.- 1. m il snid hr looked like mi i-hilid slowly icctdini; fioni xirw. I'hr Ciip tnll! It -rilrd tin nu ll H mtoiiiI lilllr, llllll this I ll.ll- IHih-lril Ihr Lout to ii hii dv to thf ship. Th - ordrr h id sin it I x I c. ii pixi-n xxhrii thr xx I a I I'oxr I - nnd st. . ri .1 Mriiiplit for Ihr I'i'iit. trnxcHiiif like ii tniiii of rnrs. Ih kl. ix l''iiini d wi ll.' snid .lor tin rn. t. Mm", f . nl-oiil it. ' ihnl w,' xx-! I'uihli'i shy i t him now. Mid hr iihi.lr up I i- lnind o w i c ll- out mid 1, ,,f nil ' i: I nl t.' Ih hoy . x,lc in ii hud ho now. i I'. . . 'il.tll't iii.iiio.. thi ll ln'Ht so (i In iu. i'1 tin 1ihIcs i-nt-li lhf, know if will- nil up with i-.iine I'f thrill, Hliy- h. iw, ln fi'Tf ni'l rnilhl ii iifh tin-Ill flnilt thf -liip. I li'h'i" thf i'v 1'i'i't ilin rtiiiii i. f tin- Ciiitnin tin y did fiiliniinu-iiM i-tin- timiislf i-. ninl nl't' i- tlir.-f Inilnn-K ti Miiin-h tin hniil In- piiM- i' ii.niid IllliMll hl..wlv itwiiv with (wo hlll n- in linn. 'flit It W' l K p I ' . 1 1 1 llll' II-,' Mild ill'' tirci-n, ' ihnl h- didn't roiiif nt n- ih'' tointh tinif. for h" h-id k. f.t n- mi hind (it work tint p win- iilinnt it-fl up, nh'l In 'd a s'iiinn'd iih, Mir.' ir. pull".. " Thf ('m'tiiiii mid tin- i'i' w i-i-in-hi'd Ih'1 shi)i ii iii.'id mid li.-iii'i'iiiti d hit. 'I'Iip whiili- wiih tin- hipi;pi-t urn . hy Imi, ciildfi, thnt tin ohlfi-t w Imh r miin tip thf tn liodiA.-r M'f'ii, ;md Im- inin-t 1p 1 - ll n trrnipndon" fplliiH, m- h- ci iildn't hflf' done wlnit hf did In-fore h? t"t tliroiiph wi'h th"!ii. Th f'niitnin pWf.ii' h" wiiihlii't pi (In1 tnoni-ifi-up llf wo. ihl . h'i loin with thf "-.-il. " ' And h t ii hirr. hinnHh In r, th" vnrmiiit'.' i-iii'l thf l'i'ii'u. " And thnt ic in.-t whu i!ip f'"j'1.i!n to hm ( -v. rl'lMllip .o) ro,v. H" oid.rrd nil iinl i-pt, ninl pnve fhnsp to thp pf. nt -i n nioii'-tf r. v ho, nlthoiiph now f"!i tnih'- nwiiy , n I I he H'i'11 llkr n hirr ii"'l mi tin- in ' im. Il wiih lte in tin iittfrnofii 1'ff.in- tin y ovpit. ok him. mid n- thf cnni" flm-p iilmipndp of linn, poinir live knot", mi hour, n hiil.-.' wni. thrown nt luni. nnd it loilp.-d in hin hin.l. Th" wh'!.' win. lyttip f-t ' I h- n th" liitiff Mnii'li linn. Th rhii i'HSM-,1 on, Thf wliulf lhrni.lii.il thf wntfi- foi ii iinnnli- lik" n t. lnfi-t Tlnn In' utth'il ilown ninl pin i-iifd tin t-Ii i nl ii nil.-thnt ii . i,'i.idly rlonnv. tin di tinii'f hclwci n th. in. Tin ship win. hniilfd In th wiml, nnd thf whnlf i--d hy it nt ii t. iff lidoii'- r'ivd. H- inn on for iy yiir.ls. tniiifil In ml towiinl Iln- dii, ninl I ii x- ill. Tin- ws-t I In Id oil' to wiitfh thf nioii-li I- nnd nltni k him w In n tin In si I'lmiu'i- oll'i i d. Sinhh lily hf nftth d dow n di i i hi lnw I In-hlil ln hilt Int. Imp,' hulk rnill l hf plninly M'fli, likf II Killiiiivl-pi'd i '.Illhll. "Thi i iniinn'iivi-f of (In- whnlf - i wii- n .ii,'iii lor im rv wti'iii r on li.-i.r. I tin - Iii)-. mi, I n it wn- I'Mintisp on iiipht t'ii.t. 1 h hois i'f Iiicli.nlly con 1'lmh'il In nl.!iiihn thr rlui-r for thr 1 1 1 . hoiii;.' I hut thr whnlr would -till hi in i-iplit thr n.-xt iiinriiiiip. Th.- ('ii.tnin Wiii. stmnlino in tin' inphthi -iid . on t hr In il ion id how, r. inly to wli-ikr thr wh'ilr n (hinllv hlnw hhoiihl In niiriir on thr fiirfiiff in titi:r. Whih In- w ii . :;ii iii"; nt thf i-normon- ii-o-pin lioi-.s ol thr snlkitip lfxiiilhnn. tin w hiih- hii' k. d tiwny wmu- ii-lnin-. tut tl" r. mi l Iln n Miihh'iily i-t.ii lril t iw !ir. 1'iwiii thr -hip. " ' Mr i'iiiii".' .-ill. I tin- CmiIiiiii, ' nt i. r.ird liol If-.-t ! ii ii lilt. '.ii knot, ninl hti n. k in. Iikr n 1'ntt. rins nun. Th" sliii iiiim r.'d tioni th- .-li in In sti i n. ll wt Iniil run npiiitiKt ii iih-Iv wr ronhln't h:ii In i n -hook n wi i-f. n i mih iiinkr roiihln't IniM- 1 1 . ii I . In I lit inhl" lllolf.' ( 'n'iiiii l. Inn.-ih si end. d to th. for. rn -tlf n- . 1 1 1 1 . - k I n- hr roiihl, mi'l ii wn-n llm -jfht tluil hr n y.- I on. Thr wlmlr h.l'l ,,n,. it hoi" Hi thf ship's I'ott.iii!. nl'V. iiKf thr ton nii-t. two l. fl lii'lii thr fcrrl. Tin wnl.r w ,m roiiniif iii 'with ii insh nnd n four. Th"- Cup linn wriit down into thr ciihin mi'l loiMnl thl-. r l'"i t ol n nt, i nlrrmly i'tiv, Thr ship whs sitikmp mpidly, nnd w hil oi ,h i n i n hriin. vixen to rut nwiiy thr nnrhorfc end i nhh s niiotlnv shirk, lis hurt I n- tin lii-t, shook thr ship. The whnlr hud I'hnrpi '1 n .'.mi' Tli' ir wri-p hnl two hont-, ninl th..y mi" lowrffd nipi'llv hud thr Ai-s-rl (illnl with viitrr thnt she wns on In-r In iiii . mis w lull thr Cnptnn hit hei If. jiimpi."! Into thr t.-; ninl sn i!Mi to th" n -iii-"i l I'.iiit. Thi rr w. if (l., n iifii tn ii "h hoiit. nnd nil Ih, Mlpphis thrv h:nlwrt.- twrr .iii hi . ,. w.il. v thr onlv thini; nnv onr hinl h nl tun" to p.-t ! Th" hunt- l.llky. nlld h id in I'f h'tllr.l i on-;ititi Tin- ntifortiiinitr ci w hiy iihout tl,. s.'. ti" of t!ifi- ilii.istn until m 'iniii'.' ".'I l . ..ill J . 1 .. , . j i in snip iiir- i-iiii in i'r srrii nun. .it o jt h r top 'i.ilhint s.-ii! . itcif nn Icr wnt r. Thr Ciiptnin -iii. I thnt if luv foif must xx us pill j. xx ii X sin' xi 'Hi hi romr to In I kr. I nlld thex lllisiht hr llhlr to prt soinr siipplir!-. N.t onr would xriitiiif nlioHid tin- hulk hut tin- Crpliiin. II" rut thr niii-l il xx tl x- with ii h itrlu t, nnd, slllr I'lliulpll, Ihr rss, folllld I, r kr. I. TTu 11 thr turn xvt if su-pi Inh d fioni Ini- jjiiuxxiilr l.y Copt s mound t M . t . hodirs. nnd th -y rut tlirmipli 1 u- ..ihiu. All tin y rou!d sri'ilif wns i-. lot ,,f xxntrr-soiiki d I'l-.'.'id ninl ii kry of xiiu liiir. With thi s,-nnd llu-ii-h nky honti tiny cii-t ii Intl. The while hil l .lis- nppt nn d. He wn-- iiiulouhlrdlx - U- i .tied. llf Ini.l ile-tioxed two of tl Lout, nnd scuttled tlnir ship it -i f. j xxi.h ii .M iir'ii ndh ctimi rf hundred . ,.f Lnrn h-of oil. T'hr nirii drili.-d tor tlirtr tiny s on ti.r i nritic. whin th y W' le picked up Lx thr xx Imh r Nun- j fnrkf t, whirh took t In- ship-w rpeki'd rrrw In I'nitii. Tin ir !i.' nmst of th lllitl sliippril on otlnr w hn h is. hut thr Ci'.plniti nnd .lor Crrrn rnnii hoiii'- on thf si'hooiif r l'r.i id. n.-f, whirh hnp-prlll-il to Iii III I'llilll. " And thnt litth-,-ci inonnr I nils-i d, unit il will In n i-i LM-rt of tnitif h' in ilyiii" diiy."- ; Sr w York Sun. iiiir.lire ol' tin- liixlioiiinl. Tin- loshinmd'" i'..iirnp r i n ( shown wlnn in isohition. No Innim! n1 will iittni-k n fo with tin di Ii tn i i mm lion of ntri ri.r. .t th.- piis-nc ruin np.-i.f thr fovhnnnd I- dri'lurcd hy ttif lio,1,l,,S,,.,.t,o,-to .p ,..,... .sr. To si.,. luuL'titL' IuiiiiiiIm i-onir up thrf.utfli ii Cn hi of lnn-smim. to wntrh thf l.l.f" with whli'h th" rllll'L'e thr thickest f. iic"'. nnd 1 1 thrv show (hiiinp a I.na tun "ill rmi vine" !ii.;. I of this. Wr h"nrd one n curious irishi'i"" of cmhiniitiou knr plvmp coiirnu't'. A pm-k -d Eii'lish I "honii'l-wf-ri (i !-: n I" l-'mtirr f"V 'i1f hunti'ip. Put v In n n wolf i"'1 rou-f'd f in h hound, p h" fiinclit l!n' sci rit, ili-i'ppi d hi.-tnil hi t w: n his l"p: ii!i'l iff ii,-. I to follow. Wh.-n. liow i v. r. si-nir I'i . M. li hfi'ilnl.' u.-' d to thf. ivolt hud lif. li lidded to thf pin-k. tin f".vhoiniil- hiinl.'d f op.'i . Hnt in-"-tin y run w ith tin ir hi isih' ! up-- to kill, not tn i nt. 'J'li.- f.. tho.v rrgnril hs 'linn, i ; uol so th" o. Thr lnrpf, .-trmulit foif h p., drop ch.'-t nri'i levfd I'iifk ( th.. foxhound show wh't h.. indly is thr hieh' st ih v. !o.'!!n'iit nt nnitrd sn , i, stunrth nnd f ininrinrp Ti li mih i. in thf ni'-it, lir In. in-' hiiipiii" nl mi iii'ri''i'1 ten in;i'-. Ml h"iir. durinp which two .'"- nic mil down, mid Ini mil. - nii'if I'.-loiP sn;i pei, is Inn mi orditi'ii y ilnv's work. Wr do ni'l think wr mi- evnyeel ill II.p win Ii w, sin thiit luiiiiy n Ii' ii ini roiihl r M l- lllll iiiih-.- n dm witln. nt li"l)f prriilly ilistic-s, ,. Ihit lor this hr would tied coiiipiinioli hip. onc he Would pl-ohiihly tile sooiM-i- th'iu n -I, in point.-1 or h'll" h J.f.l Itrr, Mho-' i t" ."ly p.lllop on r ijl iis- nl- ll ntlirl- is iiiiothiT 1 1 iii I' x a I ol nniiiml . Inhn iiucf . lint tin- roiiriipt' of cii-opi-rnt ion is h-st iuli i'i- tin;;, rirti if i'iiii" tin- h's. cred-It;)!'!--, Ihiiu thr ihi-h of tin ;:ii honii.l. PiMiniHini l'iili'i-.fi 'ex. Ihr lid' iilll'ilip Mills sr. Ill I .hirr lit! iiirrriis" r;:th r 1 linn n d pt. t it rn in iii' ii'iihl'i-i- nl ".ijiiuitic -' hi in W, h i..- nil h i rtl of tin- ' scln nii for t xpi i.dinp -ilii.liilil.iillil n, Iii-' roiistrurti'in -.I :i ni'.i.-tr r dmn in i ! thf xiriiiily of Nf xx foiiiiillnhd thnt i would Hint tin- ( ini f Slrrum len k on it -.-If. r.iid pixr Ni w Mn -!nud u Hop- I trill rlilli'll '. s.. ihi' 1" (iliinilf Stilt- hov. f 'illh 1 c!.ih p, (III! tlrrs to! sh ik" oil thf '-iirruh nl ci iroiiliilt rri tl-.rli- own hh uk hill-id. -, Whilf thf lili". h- I -Imnh r . v oiihl oil. i- -. i-nt en ..'ill-lit. . incut I" tin- 1" i ipiit. tic 1 1 .. I in m I'.i.i-ilni xiii.hr, .is ciich iind nil oi llii'iu xx.. nhl hiixc n hminnii tr,.- in l-l .r.'Milt x to his n'XIl hff'k A inon t. t . nl - h. i; WiU -l the I'npllsh ( 'I lo x. i mi l Cnhiis. It Sl'lirme hns olf so fl pmiy hn- h.."ii I'i. t in. , I i- th- hi nl-. mil. I hi tu. t u - .-ind tlnn thi . I' thill !! i'i, 111 tn s.-enre th' lire, ss'iix c .ncfs-iciis from th.- Miit.sh nnd Ki' n, lt of tins hud ;oxi iiiinrtit-. The . .i-i i, soi.i.ihihf like -ijln. luni. mm. I Thr hlti -1 scln inr is f in- In" roolilo j l.mnloii mid oth. r hirr cities, iii.d I thu . do. ni. imiiy with tin- iimlii-i Ihi I trust. Tin pi-i fi tor hns not n t rmi i-lih lfd .-inx such vinii'ii nlld in.-'ti'i 1 hci'it d- tnil ns th" in.itt, r of c.i-t, ,uid ! h'-...i.'. I-i- f-t , idic-ht.-ni'd tin- pi'lili,- I o!l III!- p.n.lt. j Siirh sfhriin ihi, nihls the ni'-i t com xri!-!in. oi roui-st', imp. iy xi-imi ' my . hut th'-y indiciil" n t inh ncy fi.ippi.. nun iiir most i-tupi ii'l'-ns uu ih i t ikm;:i thnt l" m n iiniini.-r chin in I ii (n ol th,. n. ivou- ninl I'lo.M... Hi'- Mf.- HI whirl, xi , In... - ; Scinilit'.r I A in. i n 'in. I Vilt i.'tirs nf CilM'ir Hriin. Til. fl Iiir two Mill, tl, -ot tlr ('n-tfl h. iiii y ! on ii in tmliM. ( im form o. n tnil hu-.li or nlino-t ii tree, n p. : t n nm I plow ll ii- n In dv phint, ol r lo nrt, t-, , xi Inch mon sh-ldc I'loiHi, I lipids ihlirntr clop, nlr lulll lllll i x iitrd. I'll I'- Miri'ty in Id- n Ini... sird ninl iihuinhni'-r ol nifrrior m'. Tl tinr nu n I' is mi niiuuiil phint, -oim i m,. -. 1,'roun ii - n purr cop. thmiuit mm.' f!-!ll llllx ill loX's 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v;' 1 1 11 ti, . rmitiiiiiHip fthi-r ri-ops. It I'odiii-t - n -iiuiil .ri d. x tt I, litis; ii s'lpt riof ipi.-ililx of oil lor rmiiiiirrcr nnd pluirii'iicy . i A ii I- r ifn n Ai l.-iiltur'-ii. His iirtvr:ilili' Alt-. Wntt - Oh. - liiiini'iiilti. f h id -llf ll ! t lint nt holm In-I niuihl. Alt. Wntl-lhoiif !,( ! thei r xx n - n I nif l: iiir in Ih" hotis,., n,,,! u, , hi. r.x olx ci, n ml it w nit otV i,.:, tin- Lnll w, nt i iyht tliroiiph my hmr. v.is l'oit- Indrrd: And w, r.- x mi Hiiiiiln re m tin- xii-hhIx xih.-n it ., unl ? I lidi i-UBj olis ,loii rm,. I- t IIM.HRVVS i did t S;l'ir' I'limpi'., rry-irovninc tiiton-.;! tin -'i Cn. in h httl' piit-'h -i -:-"i. Smlif I 1 ; . t r - mi' ptflty rln ! i (l tin- llowrt lorpi t im- not. Ihit th- n:, ni" M'l'iii-. I'n I h ilors nol Ir - till:-' I 'oi- : h" li I w ny . s iy .. . " Jlf i f.- iii-i- r.-iiii ' a' -.1 I- I '-I Nl. hn! Tr" Thp . 1.1 rh"" I Mn Sppnlmj,.,,, n t 1. 1, ).;' thioiiuh till "ii , t'i '.in N'ovn 0 i . i.,i . we-i i ,,M"1 '" ,!l I ''"t''lv I lh.k"l i- mid Hf Indinii I s,,ith W(l id Hf l"i- I"- I'el'll. It !- onr f, Ih" nn -t Mlillld'iO i ti-'p.'- 'n nil our fi.rr-is ..r tind" r o'i. I".'i..ilit ol" I'.. il.i'.i, -trni(.ll priun of Its Wnnil lind it-, -ii m x lllll , whic.'l ll,-. ll,-- ii ;iill'ui 'i-h. It hfl . .1 !lll, l!li-:-V" tnoik. hrtii'i, t'o!'l'-f. I nl'ii;i'(n-,it nn. I pnifMil inth.i. s,., -. I I nnd Itn'id.-om... I'i nit. ninl v- "I iik si I..U. ii i'ii ion! ,t,itr!y ti-. . s in on'- I f r. . in i. oi.ih. It- h-u diii. I it- rdiiiltv ' ih'!ii-'-h Mini- i- x ii rit-,1 J i lini'il!" roi:iliif n nnd "li '"i" -ml-. lop,thtr woh ll- ntpiditv t! -.i-i-will ! nnd th" vuhn of it- iiniht i, comni'-ieh 1 it to iill thf pii.-nti i - r I loi-'rts. I tio.t l-'rf , I'm ,. N"i i ii i: (.ojif-.ivv. Thf Friin - .1 Wnl- s. the D'ikp o? Kdiphin f h. nnd ill" Ihik" of ton nnuulit hud ! n li-iiip-j '.f-pip dnt'inf. 1 1 ."ii Ihl! inor.i I. mi'l w i ri w n it in nt t he npp.'int".! pi'i". Im- Ih" mi'.oiif itr to tiikr th'-iii holm hoy wi.'h nn empty machine c.inu nlonp. ninl srcinp tlii-m i-t.iiid!i!' l.hti-. . !is.til whin ill--x- Wflr pi.i.ip. "To I'.nlnu.ri.l ." "Would they i idr with him'. ' "(, y i ;" mid tlu-y nil "t in. "And wh.it i i it x ion n nt I'r.l ii'oriil " n -k . hoi of thr IVinc of Willi's wholr th. who s:ii hci,f him. thf , it si fins, hiinp sir.iiipri-- to the Ind. "I lllll tin I'l llli'r of W ulrs.'' " AyV nnd xvlin miiy tint rhnp 1" '. indii'iitiiip with he- thumli ox.'i' his shoiihlrr thr spc -ii'l mil of H. r Alnj.i-ty. "If - is tl,r puk" ot I iiililiimh." "And t'other on.'.' with iilu'ther i"ik of Ins thuinh. "Thr llil,r of Coliliion.h! '' Thr hoy won. mi nr. o' thmtclit f"i 'oliif inoliirUls mid ll" h lif i-pokt lipid ll. "I'l-ihiij'!. you'd I'k" ' km in'V " hr ini.l. Thr ).i iu"r mt i tn n 1 ! 1 1. ;.l i "I nin th" Slmh ol I', r.'ii.' XI If! I 'nhl. -. I-. ,,," si, thr In. I. Unl to l.rollld..! ii'.-ni.M'tto'i nl titlf- in thi ..'ippiisid . h.rk Oli- llflllf ll I- n xcry p'-.-t- Th 1,.,'h l oth In hut tin L..lh. .,- rn"! in! hn i i - ui-i u lift tl.l.'W'l t. cinichi, nnd the I p- Yoll "I I six xxooih n tli'lii-ciit sii-c-, such I' limit 12 to ill llll ll' - , !i i in-li n lnth- spi-t w , h .op. ll I'. .. llll ol i,i ,-.;o-.' I'.i -tt ll ok I" ll 1 1 - hy Nrxl pn put" n il:n t" lioop... Thnt mny hr n -! iii'io-.- tin; plnyrooin i.l'oii Ironi thr th.or, of x on r i xx ir.- hci o. tin- i.ttic h- I xx i-( the -' ni" hen-lit. or x .11 ..-i-pi ml t 'in inn. ti ',' d -I M il III I I pi.t lour , n i ii'ti i . run pill Ih" w ive in th" hn i " li xiu xi i -h to pin on.tdools hnvf tl. wn" s.i. i, If.! h. Ixi-ei-n tr-i '.. Ninl. ui-i i'iiii. th- h"..l. i -. i... t, n th. I.. .! I. i i . to , icli hoop ll e. !, renrhiii t with n L.'ll .'ti n nt, t" tl ft!" 1 T'o phi-., x. u throw i" inhl - i or woi-t.'d Liil! nt ii't h hoop in turn. If it pi "!- thtniiph the hoop n lilnnU vhi ini; th" L. !! it c. -iints In I'm -. niil inc to thr i in tlie hoop, th" Li''".'' t fix.-, the srinii'-i thirty. lint it ih" hull ".oi - ,!'!."i"h iiiiil rim.'- tin I" 11 vou ndd in t" t!" roiHit. If II i iiil thr I i 11 illnl tn!'- Lnfk xx ithout ji ll,4 thloi-.ph th. I p. rolllit niil.x l'. Mr pmin i-i .il'l'. Kti.'li ph.yir thr nt-nt nU iln l.oo s i xi ry Iiiih H i- Ins turn. T his i-n i;ood piny mix tin.- nnd mix win rr. nnd it is tin- xny Lr.-t mini liny pmii" lh-it 1 know of. in n hiiin, or nn iiltic, or l Im plny loom, St. I,.. ins Jo plll lll'. Tu Check 1' ml iif IVrsiii-i!tiin. frlf hrnlr d physiciiiti prrsctihis the followitip for rluvhiii'.; iiinlin- p, r spiiiitl.Hi. rincc lliii r m- four outici s of oitk Lin k ;u ii pint of Loiliiip wnti i .i, ,t tell Iniinit s. Add Im) t Ihit to ii limin of hot wnln-, in whirh nso phirr it ilr s.rrlspooiiful of pOW-ih-rril l.oiiix mid Iln- .'-iiiii.- ipiniitity of powdrrt il stn'-i-ll. Sponpr thr nlt'. t-tr.l pints xx ith thf pr. piiriitiiiii uipht mid U. ul Uin-. TIIK SARDINI-:. Mnrkrt.inc; Hint h nn Important Itidiif-trv of Brittnny. A United stiitt's Consul's Ac count of t he Fisheries. M. 'I- S.illin- I lllflll. li.it d Sli.l. -. '.lisiil M N'mit--. w i it. - to tin-Mat I pnrtiiif nt nt W'.ishiii-ton lis ! t il thr snl.i, ,-t ,,f .itdim - : Tin in I .-I i iiir- nnd pi r -i r nt n in I!' oil nl tin -iii-ihnr i- , 'iir ol tin iini'-t nn pmliiiit imhi-tiii s of !i-ittmi . Moiip th h i from I ,r s Siil'h .-il l iloi'iir 'I I" ( 'll 1 U li I'l I i Inn -d ! t hi ! ! 1 V "' I'i- idmiit I "'It f iiniiiiif tin-ti .-lf i. lil HIP tin k:irdllie s,.M,,, which I.ISt -llliollt til, ll".l!s, o.iMIII ! 'its, c.pilp pf d w ith Iron, I i.niio to I .".I'l'.'i . iio' s ..I.- . triptov. d I'll. . niphups of th.- fil' loi If- linir.l , : f,,i,t lll.OIIII Wl'l". n mid . In!. Ir, pi. Ir. in 1 .".in1 l" J nun If;' I'jf lil!!i!l!il vp, -1 1 1 1 1 lil-r I"!' 1 1 1 . 'nil" i i d . , . . in... mnts I., i l'.-nt ,4-t;.-,.filll H-d'l'-t'l "MLill-i'-'l nt Nnnt. .. in thf. y. nr lll. nud th" lir-t hi-'iiids nl" - tili tlios- of tiiiil f it x . The-' I 'i ii i "Is ii r. i n t nt, 1 1 i n Spun; ii nd Poii-i'-id. I-i'' i'i' of Hiti-Mor ('inli!i. owiii; t.'i tin- u -e i-i 'ipnio.-h tf.st.--ii. I (.f . I It.'ilnui oil, j Th" -lU'llll" ! ln"ll,tol v ti -ll. i "l.-nh t'iisl iippptn-.. oi, t!n- . o'l-t oi Af- i ifii. )i.issii !' iim-thwinil in hii-,:" :-!i"ii's. , ! fol'i.'.iinu H" r".'-l if I'oitm .il. i'io- . nnv t!, 1 , v n! r.i-r;iv nn ! -t i km-, tin j i '-.i-i of V. id pi t., month ol ,i ,: or M. II. r. t!i" ...-.'..l.",. n- .,, t i-i tlsli-l-io.-ii s':'tii.!,.-.l nl th- m ii por I I"" n ot l i -h -d -Vi-n Mid in th. Iry- .;f th,-S.il-h - .1 (!oiju. nnd ot St. (.ill. s. who ii-Sf iiii'lc It-,. tn fill pints i Hi itt.niy nnd follow thr li -It townrd tin n. i ' Hidm'.: il rn':if-s with n - ln.lt culled ' ' i ' ' i . Ih torr dm hn iik ti"- tislmir I Ith. end I h nxr port ti. m'iiivIi tor thr shonl- -1 ' sii. dllirs, Alnny h in. in thr rn iiinu ' nnd :iiif!ii'l- nl s.n. Wi'.-u n prrulinr ! I'liMdi'i". nl ihr w.il.-r r.'xrnt. lie ti h. , l!i. in t. iir. iiuun 'illnl. lx tlii oxi p. l'..r l' ! in t is I'r '.unl I.. I .linn y unit, in L npth. ii I - nil Ih.-i-e x.'inls in width. 1 1 Ii i l'hn-k in eh.!-. ( i.i th- 'i''- r p i'-! nl i h in t nn- rorl, th iit -. . n tin- low. r p-nt l.'ildi n -illkf i's to kn p the m l in nn ' 11 pi'i" III " -: I it 1 1! . ' Tl III--IIH II, ' llri-illlx two ill Mini I'l l-, l-i.W lllll, IX - rilll T il'jilHI-l ll'i ilind oi III" lid.-. One mull i-n-t- thr m l ii ! ihr I ii .ii I mix niicrs, w Inh - mi. .tin r 1 liiox-. s tin roiii'-" int.. tin- wnt. r. This Lint is mi iiiipoiliinl Inilui-c of the siirdiiie ' cntcli. n- il h- tiiite expi n -ixr. nnd li-h- C'llll II h'--c I! ci I !;-id e I'll I ii e iplllllt ity . It ' i- le.lide ot I ll" l pus .'! codfish of nri.-k rri.lhiixid wiili clnx nnd co-is from Si lo l 7 per hi, rri I, T hnl mini., of muck t rnl . p- is -up. nor. I hi . L .lit . 'th'-'.xxti ini" tin' !i I in stunll hull-, which -Ion!-, th-olir m .1 -ink. t lliutll fill- ll" I " IH Pi 1 II III 1 '"t I . ' ixl-.-rr tin x s, ! th. ir li .li I . 1-" nm lifts it 'i 1C. . I , ll I I) o' I Hp to (ill Inn.. I.i ii,-. o! tin- ciich mid tin- i'r mn! thr tr. -hhi - :' tin ti -h. Snii s HI i lundf hy lie- ' ih 'iisiind. " I'll! this ("I'lii doi's it") iilwni- neliiiitf t .i tlx H th.ous.'in 1 siivditn .. ',. ,-Miiiiph . nt Prllf Id" !.-t'' tt -Ii in-tk. n thmis-iiid. l-'ir-tol'i. - h-r pi'i -i i x III'-', - nil'iu s nr. loe-i'fd i.l n ! H, , f .. to. th, ti 1. .,.,: llsily nlld C.liil'ol 1" ,r tr III -'Ol llll " 'I. Th" I'sln I linn colix . x thi -in, I. in. to the fili'lol I' i- 111 I'llsk. ts. j The si,n llll. s nr, S.-,,, l oh ll .or. nnd sn.lt'-i! nhd tin !-. !"l-. i . i.nn , d . I'hi.y mo th. li thr.ni li int.. hi 'I., u in -. tin y I . iniini h'i! f in i h..in. i"l. x m ; next xiinhi'd tu rL t wit.- ! , I -1 . ,1 1 on sen en-. Thi- nm k I- dmn :.!in.-i fiitinlx Ly tin xiiirsiind 'nidi -n if 1 hf isf flu. -n, th. lt llnltrd n,iu;i - tin' - ,ini" thr ti-hiiii- sin -mi , mh Inn. th. t'Hiiily to suh -t-i iLiiiuf thr follow lii. n III, i . lti i th, ti-h Inn. L mi thm. u .h'x ill It ll tlf X 111 . l-ook'-'l Ly d Ipi'U! 1 in in ('.rn lew niinut"- m oil he it -d t- .'lj huit'-s. TTn-y m h-.umi dr .in. 1 mil hiOuh d mi I in nm I. iii"ii. x-.h" "ii k th"lii 111 slninl tin h.'Xi s. win, I, ,,r, j lilh. I with pun- ol.xr ..ii nnd th u ! so 1, I , ,1. I'll" oil n,. d I- in, pol l, .1 li mo ll'.t pi ox iiirr ol Ihn i. I t.-ily . T in i Loi - nr. ii- l tliiown into hot -..;iti i. I w In ir tin y ) i'liiin ft oin two to thr. r i hour-, iirrordiiiLi to th,- -i -,- ol It,. ! Loxi -. Win n withdinxxn tin- L..i ; nlr In -I i-i'i'l' d. tin u I iiLiird w it h -inx ilu-t lo i'f!tii-f nn I pnli-h tin in mid j pill ki d ill Wnoih ll I II-, s of lllll i'..is tm- shii'ini 111. i I hn inp 1 1n ir ilium r-imi m tin- Lml mp xxiit. r nil w ill rsrii . Irmn nil lio, s lll'l piO't I . ("'I'll 11 II. Ill sllrll oils, Iln- In i- sii-lniin d l y th soldi i-t-r. A p. od wolkmnn lnri ly n;i..i. mm. llllll; nn o- thvrr linx. s r lllll. V l.i'HM' Im- !.!l!l! pin s. A Irii.-r I'm- '.l.'.l'.l'.l x i iii s in t In-- . .nn. try . nt lciist. is nithrr ii rnril x , ulthouf h flu- ti-tiu of niiirty -niur or n. n .1;l',( is tint U'JCr 11 t'li'll. -It'll It I'i t. -I''., th. Int'lltl'of Ih . S'!ll- lii 1 I'i I i s, tin T.,rv piiri-on. pnvr ip 17-J.i to tin " nn riil'lf So, n tv tor the I I'l-opi!"!.! ion of thr (lo-pt l in I'oreiHll , I "ll Kt -." I'. I- I! plel.r ff- till- Church of I r.nuS'iud Society in II. hroii. Conn., j ti 1 1 H il Hint;, lu-i-rs ,, hind, whirh i.ll.T- i nurds cniin into th,. ., ssimi nf thf ' pmii-ii of Si. I'e. i's Chinch in lh-it I (.oi ii. ii - l h. sii"C'-. nr In tli--- Church ' ' ' I 'll"hill'l I In l-f . I In Mny J '. I 7'.i.".. tin- pm i.-h 1- ii-- ,1 'tin - !"ii-i to .1. W, ( -'I'm- iind ilur- I inv tie I'i'! t.-rni of nun 1 lii'iisniid niur ' hiindr, d mid i;'n. ly mm yrnr.- hilly to h. .-. m ! 1. d :n,d ri, ih "I. irldinp iiinl pny !n-.' lie n ..r i, !,rli iliiiiii'.' thr snid nun in.!., h. ti -,i ,.,,,n sti..,, ,,nd " ' ''' '' . rhmvh ii..l.ris ,,f snid s ... i--1x . in, I t ir S -'-ssors ill s .nl oih... , th.. iirroiii! n lit "! on. prum 'I li. '.fix - i or nth""- ulifl 'T p"h , 'I'm '! fl ll di lll'llnl. d li"h tin ' .n-,!..i '-I .I..I.H ih,. -;.ii. i-t in r ill h , , . i . . .i . ,,,,v Ul th" i;. t tl. 1 i hn .... y ' 1 1 i i. i'i, .- I f. ,ti,t. of th-"1'' t'l'si lit-. .ii,'.! ti-. t. I ii, ..t.oi , -od ' So -in-- Ch'irhi: ;-.o.li'i ymi wit. .virn Ihl..,., I l: ...,.... ,,., i.. pee.- 1 1 ' 1 ",v - d-v. i. t-r i,-.t i oih hnndk. i.ln. f.. I ' -si t "ii think II" il-.it- wr,ni. v- ! " I ! .,; -i .... d i.l ... d.-rii.tltrl f'"- I I I'-''' -iU"-. I -ll tl-- ohl " " ' -' i' .. I" 'it!- i " tl" '.. '.!. . V " '"""! '''Mi ' "i.e. ... . , .," , ,k I he (...nl lliintci ' l"itli. I ' ii, tci t,.; . t .; I'rHi.-h ( '"liiii - I-I- th- im-,,,.,1 ,. ,-,,rk. xf.. , , , , , . , I;, li. t"ii, v. Ijtf h iil'.'h tn. f in i-.'inil llll II" '"It , pi I -'.lit, I f" 'll pi. ij.ic". , h.thf .1 t.. tin hii-.f wit, ti ll!Hll I lO'ii'. i S" pi'i cipitol.s (I rn tt h ' th.'t It "if i..-t ti"! S nl!" n cn.'!, ;r: tl-:. ii ! I.. ..I(. tch tt. To n- i ml A, I --.i.-.K it t-i limit th- nioini tn.ii! i..o:it, tin i" i: only "iie pnlh. 'ind Ih 't " 'I-H : "I' I'l" . V'-t 111 rt" "I i.h'iit-. th. li'.l, ,,,. p. r.M,.ntiv r-1 loll ll. IM" th - ihim.-. loll- 1 1 .j h lit. ,'ii in wtiit, r. on -how shoe-. , nulllli-, i X' li II, xxr.it. r. oh -i.n . iris. And it ix; ,,- thnt hmdv .-..ii, huhtiriint hi- Ini-. loilmp n I. nn im id-ox, in I . .inn, sin...... hi- s. -ii'.. - .i!l cone. I. tune. I m, th. piH'.iiit of I'i- .,;,.. his sh... -:,'.. .. In mil, h. t. i.ii t" i.f. ' hi.. .;:i.m-i .-li tin ih nnd n m ioii -hoxix h du". Oxci ih. hrml. ml" iln im i- s(,. eiii-h nip 'i-i" i'i ' i'' '! I1"- t.li ci,i' -mil' hiiii.lr. .1 I', .t i- If xx. nn. I I ln-r. I In ri iimili. .L, l.r lli- -noxx shot s li.u-ihl t-.sl in tt:- 1 1 p " r Li iiirlu-:-. i 'I in l" hi- roic;.! i. -m hnn -wry iniil. or ,hin!.i( v.... nn, ..-..il. I,. I,, i l on ii rr ir.l Inn, , i . rr I ,- -n nut; m . ll..-x.ii.l.-.-1'h, -t llui! 1" ni d M-oniul tin- horrid pr.cn'ici'. ,,!'.. r,ln,p ii l.iriil t" l!i'' I'll-. I'- ot p.' X . his tl,',i, S-'H'!"- ,,,!, "tnl ''" l"'",s- ""' Ihohuhln-skehim: l,s ,1, .,.,,.;,,,-,!. th" imp, '- oi,, d -i, .rn shr. - run -till I" Tl II. 1'il l'lillu' 111' Im-.. of l.tl . !l'. '. m -!. ' rn oi k Mi rrurx tiir Niitinn's ( iipitjtl. W, nr. .put" si. tint n ii .;nmh. t, nf liny . Iil',1 f I, I- . ii'k.d tn 11:11111 ' tin- iltlVrr. nt , ii'iin'. i'l oin- .I'tttilrx. I ! Ih- fid"!- ...! I I tl,!!-- III.. I'l Illl.X 111 ! ih et.ol. -I lolo..'l-i ll , lh.-: li il -id. -iln... N... Y.u-k nnd I" kmi-nip tn thr I'l.mli rnih-.ti.h.il. Wn-hn.-lou. I'iiii: '- .iii riuht ns fiir:lh" World - I'mr. I'i,.-.- ietni' -. j s it h:, ! th filth. I... in- ,-.11111 ix w lii.l: I'le s:,.,l to 1. '.itriirf.l.-t nmcli j hns ,td it : Ini'H.x ic ':-.-i :'pili,l .tlem A "" ''"'" " I''1. M" : Iii.-" nm.ir.1. It tini I e -tii. I I lint diir j rimi . nn n . vi. - oi ii,. -1:i, il"i, ..o- : ,..;. I I" K, I "I .!!',, Oi th: f.l'lttsl, --l.ipl ' t"Ll-!'!l -h.'Wim. hi l-Xoli- piltifll! 'U ,'!,!'-- i". .xiie. " Th. y wmiid Imt, dlt'l'i n-lit slir.. - tlnn di-. :..- . Th" ' . . - M ft !.! ..! 1-. I;-. !.io;d- or, thi pll.'tou'ri.ph- ill th.- clhel!'.!' nr, t.n I 1 . I ('.,-.. .. ) ,;,'-! which, ot th" cliincn! hiLorntm i . I I ' . 1 . r , t lint I"'.-; t""k u I i nr. i" l-."p mil , Chmcrl. ll" 1'iin -em -p. em i -t . win. j ,.j tin 11 wiix , I "ii -iiM.it ii- win r. xi r ' hf.s Inti lx i 111 1 oi lite, d -h. ! , u I n -h x n - i'lii:'!,-. mm t t"k tin miiioiuil mi iis'-i'-tmic, to hi . ,-i m ! rnpit .1 wfi. ti. i. "i. mm :.itdi!x iin.ii r , Olifofthi nii--l r.-inin kid Ir 'I th" ! -Iiiinl i In th i-'il.ox-.i,.; tr.iii.-.l pl.ic- xnliiph - --liott In t. i ..-id c, hi in, 1 im, ; jl.. thnt hmim ..i ll. .let. - i.;,i, . .1 "iinthfi xhihil- n I'ninnn pn 1 mi tho j liiliif I- ipii'i. t . ... l. ll . ! .'.. pi'Hll "t h. nit; ht pti.'tl. .I. thr ..'li.ll- ; ;t, u,.t ; I ,-. n-.i . i . I""... Hnl., 1 tt.'ti l-.'ii" pr.'.li I i,t th- l.t of n . ,,,, . . f . in 1 1 , , n l . -o, I 77i- to iiiniiii-M.1 ; ot 1" ix . x i. ii of p.iii. in -i J,o, h. 1 77 7. I i 1 1 i i i ! . h ; it . in. mi j hi xni ifii I. l!i;.ij.tc i.-d ei,t-.l. pl.c , mi I M n. h I. 1 77 7. I.- S. I. ml', i , I ,'77 . ditioi,-. Th. mm I,.., h, t,, hmv j I ,m. . n-t. i . i'n. H'"" s. I't.iid" l '7, i'iiii'Ui-11! dill, r.t.t -t:,. ol th. ir ! t,, S. i, , .in. 177,'; I',,. i.ttl n-t o ni in.. I th. no! k .- .I. I . ... ,t. II , 1 1 mn S, i ,1 .'.I'.!'.'.',' i .. .hill. 1 .",' s , I hut 1 1" t n i n 'il- ni ' i '"I i ' ' .1 ".if d , I'lo'ch n '"Ii .'. 177-. t" .'inn : with. -nt th- md ol h'i. i It, n , I Ho. 17s;. I'i it-,-. t,.ii. .1 . I; .1 in,.- script lon- ! .ni. I ; t.. x ,-, . i.. i ,'n. I7s. -'n.in tin- -u, ,-. - .-t if- .!;. .t-.n ' ,,.,i.,-. M l . ti,..,, N'.'xriuL, i. 1 tin -v. i- n -m. t- tt.-n .! ih, .5...i,.l.4 . to N ' i .... t -. i7s. I'r, htmi, N us. oi m-iniil,.!,. mi- ,....t... ri ph- n - Ilo-I V.'X.l.i'. . l.'sl, lo .llinmilt . thi stlhlx of llf di. 11 In thr i... j I '. . N.i-. hn k. Ii.'in .I'.iiuiiix 11, , lor niph 1 1n- rondit ion ot h,. ..it . l.t 11 I7"."'. to I r;in. w hi ii ih. -in ol "nt- pixni nt n f Inlirr. tin- Imip preli in i im- ii-i:in!il wn . i iniii;:' ,1 I'l, i Ind.-lphui, - ry wm k of Ihr rlinir is not tun ssnry . ' xx In ii it i'i iM.-i .m d nin d I MM I. ii ii it Willi such iniproM In. nt - iln- priulicn nn- 1 1 mi ! It ni". mil t.. Wi,sin,t:t"i;. Thu- it i- liol 'mi. iP'L i-i nt nin- jt 1 1 . 1 1 1 -tt ti - Im x . l;. iin d ii- th- cnpHnl nl mn cMiiiii y . .I'.ltt. nnd Ki v. j .s . -. Tlie Uisl.'iiii.nis Mi.'.iu1. nuts. 1,1 pnl Iff III n I'M. lip-t'iWII ll.'tl I ! ' 1 -coite,l tlirmit.li Ceiitrnl Pink ii -tni ; i XXillt Ml i'l ll ll.' XI OKI' lip pi, ' ' cliimifl hn" n im in l" r nl the Alinn- t-.iiomoli '- rt i w . As tin y rnzrd nt ih, shiinyy horn- d i h iiioci ros, thr hinds mini sn-! tn hi . ro'tipniiioii ; Ih Ix . tint i h I 'Li I nit; Li nst h ,s lliol c ...-!-. -r t l.ll II X on. " lion so? " " r.rcnll-r hr in xt r illdii!t.-rs m iiinir lhn;i two IkHis dmlx. " Nin Ynik J im- -. .Irwt'lv A rr"!r in-,. I railianl i-nl'v I II" lll'll t of t'l" Sllllllll"! pl"T, An. I ii sfLnrtiil simhi.t i.n , 'I'll" fl'llltfltt illlllltllll -Ili'W . '1 h.- .riiri i.iiiI ih.. .-Iinn-jtia i. nl li. ith Ih" palliil w-iiiti-r I'iiiii-'. J' it !'! in th" fiin'nil'1 'ii 'i is s"l Willi il- .Iln .in in. I ,, w . I'.p spr.iiu ! C'liit'-n s.--!nr.l, in V"iith'- i . 'iiipii ni"ii, I'l NOIi'M S. A ih-iitt fi C):if,.'.o An lilim ii j 'l'1'!''11". ' ( iiirdli'-r ; Whi.t i-tl" soltrst kind ifpnii'.' Wnidii.t: A hi nhil inr, I I hould miv. ,Hf,,x , .. r,1(,,r til, s ..' ".lusi." I (in v,,,,.-, v, Munn norkm' nl.-. :,tp..y ; I'lrntm' nn p.'l! . 'M .loii'l mid-i-t n I why I-ii-dt loin, s tl,.,t , ;.i .-!.,. ,.i I,,, so l,.-!lili. 1 " H,. n 1 ii n i - I., n i . w In ii- i i' 1 !i" x .'I'm ; rln.t "-is ii I d"'l .u"!.'i y ! 1'h -v ! V j ., .,,, ,...,,..tii, --Alinhin., ,p,,t,t,..,, ,,--t. upon nn tf.-.it'' p..,, .ti..f cn, ton.""- --Will, il if- ns : loii"!: n-ilr.t hist -t. i,k i .,i m -nt nn. I , If. I i o! If I- oh. ' I U" mo i. h.'- .-"."t ,. I,.-,, -!,. em. ,- ih"..n, ! J hi'iiirh h" k'."ii -his ".lil"ii' - - -ln-'i! -"'ii'. , ., . , , . . . , , . . I'nt )l . I !,, l.',l . tin-i-,-t I." -- ihT I" hn ! If !.. .. . --., .1.. II rr..;,.l ' Ii I!" "r... Airs. I'r.in ' I w-icildn't . r'tTlf-t lh soi.'i- s" -'i-ieh if 1 wii."' yon. Hr is doinp his h - t." Mr. Cniiisii -'('I', in T In. t ens-- n - nil I'H;1T ; J wim Hfrnid In w.i.- dmn -' hi - ii'-i-l." Air-. I'pi rcrii -i : Yon i!" ill i . - n I r ' -r'-'t u,' lM lv- .v"" "' -Ml- Nf w lii'iiii"'.' AIi-i. Niwiho!,": In! ms. m ilrnr. A!n, in n in I'uns 1 "- : T'hry wn.- s., iikini. m si,p. r.-f.1n'U-, "'id Ml-. Iix Mild. -'Wh-.t I- ll n slpll I'f to Inixr tin- !':,. ily . ..I hmxl milsnhx niplit.'" " Of n di nth in tin Imuily il tin- mm. i-n pood -lioi. ' n li, ,1 Ah', I 'fx em phut lcn 11 x . nhl M,i ., I o upri-t : I "nhl ft l.o ,.f cnliinr pili -. IliUfpi-t: Willi I is t hr mutt, y w it h t In dop'.' Old I. inly iinlipmilit Ix ; I x,;int xmi to k:nni, dr. ihnl .in hiii.nud i- n -j. nt h num. (liruppist put-up sou,, ijinujin pill in ' pi ofmiiid sih ncc 1 j Mr-. WiCM.ro: I hml x . m 1 1, I; I Vl w, ,. t. t),.,. .,,,,,... ,, hi,. ' if v,, v., oo ,, wol kV" W. I.I.V j V,il kins: --Id, Ih. xmi think I ,( i.nti ,.,,. ,, s,liV" " Ci i'tiniily Hot. ii in- i n'i .ixnid it. "Will, exefx di! I- S'tl'.llIX I" n lll'l 11 in in v I'lisiiics... " Hindis: rn phi in Alpdi.i.ir. 111' II --1 s il 1 u '' Xll'h'h ollf Ll.'nirli of ...'ii li. . piM's toi'lifth' rl.'i-L. . ti .Imwit of th" phtriciiin mnt l- - iniplili. ,1, thoiirh ih. rr is no Lrnm-h nf s,.,, n,-.. , txliirh th i'iiii"! "-. study oi which j cn .-tn tit I x mtiod iimrr rhtini;i s. . i,),, ,,,!, ,1,,. l.-,.,.,,,.,, ,, ni),, s,,,,v ; rhlrtl.x u. I toiis M,ti, nts i,i,, thr r'h i ts .- I ' ! , ,- . j tit ht ptii'tl-m. tin hrlp . ! Ihr t itinera I i n . . i. i . ., i mny Lr w ill Hppih d to nt'irr .llsfiis, H , , ,' ,, i iiiiil other tonus ot cm . h.- ou .Imu-- The iiseniit" Turk. Tin Ynsi iiiilf pnik hn . imprntril wniuh rfully sinrr iln- -I p Imtr I ,. . . t ki pt nut. nnd tin- pm . . mid shniLLfiy nn- liriiutlful ill till i pl ilu. X' . hrrr I ' ll ll. 1" llu-y xvi rr i ntii'ilt niiiird. I h . r nr- now uf tm sn ii hy tmit isl, 1 1 ji ler Orriili,

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