$I)c (Elwlljam Urcorb. !) tfljattjam Hctor II. V. LONDON, EDITOIt AKD I'UOrUIETOlt RATES ADVERTISING TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, on8 insertion Oue square, two insertions One square, one month tl.Oti 1.50 8.60 $1.50 PEB YEAR Strictly in Advanci. For largar advertisementa liberal ccn racts will bo made. VOL. XV. HTTSB()R() CHATHAM CO., N. C., AlHiCSr 17, 181W. i0. 51. wmimm The Morning Rain. W. J. l.AMI-loH. If thcre'b anything delightful In this fleeting villi- of tears; Jf there's anything that's i-ipiul To dispelling dmiM an-l fears; If there's iiiiytliiiigi-i-stutii-, Anything to sooth" our pain", ll is dozing, gentle iloing, Jn tin- morning wlu-n it ruii. Ail tin- sky is gray above us. And ties daylight on the town Mines ln-iivy with its l-unl-'U As tin- ruin i-oiiu-k pouring ilmva. .Not iiwako, mul still not sleeping, Wo .-uu hear tin- bt Ming rain, In h fur "IT drc-iiuy murmur, 'l'limpping on tin- iii'l-iv pun". Thoughts "1 iln, ami all its lining, Willi a hayh.ilo, i-rown Thoughts of night uinl all its drenniing Of tin- gray i-loinls hanging down. Cons ioii-ni- i- faintly breaking Through tin- I wy silki-n chains, Ami we i nt -h a glimpse of lli-iivi-ii In 1 1 i ( I : i 1 1 wln-n it rains. IfMmit ypf Press. Miss Haines's Brother. Although th- luiuli at Y.iH.-y City Mas culled "I'll.- Vnll. v City Bunk" mill ns ..iippo-e, tu In- n private insti tution, it Was really "ilio of till! SeVCll brunch hunks belonging tn a Sun Francisco syndic, it- "if bankers. I was simply in charge f it on ii moderate (alary n n I under Iiohvv hotels, nml li t I tin- credit of In iug it capitalist where no credit n . lino. The syndic-ale erected a iiiii -sti.iy building for (In- hunk. Tin- limit of this was iitil. il lo'i'iii tin- ii .mil way, uinl tin- rear was divided int. i two in-'iiis. Oiii- wa. Used lis ll private loom ill which business tippet tabling t- tin- Iniiik vvtis I rniisni h d ii ii I tin- ntlnr wiin J 1 1 v bedroom. I was n young mini uinl Mllglc, llllil I had lint nllly til lll-t IIH president, carhicr uinl ti lli-r during tin- ilay, Imt us watchman at night. 'Ill"1 only In Ip I Inc. I was ll hook- l.tt'jiiT, llll'l III- Vt IIS nllly with 111"- tin-. o Ii ill' .lays p.- week. Tin- n 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 I -1 nf his tinii- was 1 1 1 in wit Ii a shipping lii in in tin- sniiio town. Vnii w ill s.iy tin's was it curious way of i milling a hunk, Imt I cull find you ii ilni ii nf tli'iu in tin- territorial tin lis of to-day i-'iinliu-ti-.l mi thr nini.' primitive principles. I was do ing; business with inn- six weeks ago where tin- family kitchen was directly in tin- rear nf tin- cashier's window, K in 1 ii wi.iuaii who was cooking ilililii l' li ft tin- limit Iryiiio mi tht- ntnvi tn t-iuiio in uiiil i'hsIi ii i-lii-i-lv I'm- in.-. Alonx-Mih- tli.- liiiioui-)iiiinf sufi- uiirt n triin-llU- lu il, llllil nil tni nf 111.- sufi' itsi-lf Whh n sini'lvi'il 1 1 .illl uinl ll sui-k nf llnlll'. It was I'liuKili, uinl Ii. i I -;i K . . i iilt I'nllll'illOil. It wiih llirnroil that I ha.l mly miii ilalirr t.i fjristt i-.l iioiiinst. A toti;.'li li t it ii milit ilrn in ki n i ii- ilny ami list tin- lnilzh'H nf his jriiiis iiii tin- li'.lp nf th- w iinlnw ami ni ih-r me tn puss nut tin' innin-y in siolit. 'l'lii- sufi' was always ki-pt Im-ki-il, uinl it wiih m-Mhiii that I i-vi r hail in. no than SMM mit-niili-. Tn iii-vi iit any i-it-i-imi-iit j, how i-vi-r, I ouv it t lint I ha.l nr- lanoi 'l a hliotnu l.fil t i-j-y just wln i-i- it vvniilil "In tin- iiio.-l fiinnl, ami that ly j'li ssiiin a lovi-r I i-oiihl lihiw tin- limly i. I' any lanl, I ml in in tin .ni-li tin- front wml.'W uinl i-l.'Ui' iK-rnss the stirit, lilnl that In- wnlihl In- ili ii'l lit thi' cllil nf Ins tiiyiijj.', llMnylinily ln-lii-vi-d thi-. t i I it'll tn In- a fai-t, uinl solin- nn-li- Wi ll- s.i timiil that I liml tn "In liii.-.iiiiss with thiiii uwnjr fii.iu tln-wiii-ilow. It wiih iinssly st imhiti.il in my rmi I rni-t w it h tin- s iiilicnti- that if 1 i-i-i-i ivi il miy lliiiio -fur sal'"- ih-jmsit it lull:. I he at tin- ri .li nf t!l ili'ii)sitiiis, nml tin y iniist In- mi wuiinil in m-Mitn-i-. I hail si-iiicil v imiii'iI for lm-'iiiiss In fiiii- a "l.ii-u iiiiii in tow n wnnti il tin- llsi- nf mil- sal'i-. As VM- Wi ll- tn "In mnl'i- nl' li s:l lillsi ni ss with tin In, I mill, I imt n-fiisi- to tuki t -1 1 1 ' l"H IV chali' nf Mlllllltih- ill M Is nml Mii iniis sums nf minify Tin- liank hail l'i-- n I'lintlili iilmiit thii c nii'tiths, wlii iimy lirntln r Tom, Whllllllll In III tl'l.'0'll'll " ii-i n t . -r lit Hiu' lli inl, Jotl mill s nuny, was trans 'i t Ii il ihn ll tn (iinlnl insniii!,', nllly t. u milt s iiwuy, nml In- s i-il tin- litst laMirulili- "'ni tiiiiity In i-i'tnc ilown runl si r mo. I may ti ll ynu tli.it Turn Ma-, il in. rhuiiii-al anil rli i t I i.-ul m-liitts, liml is now living nil th rny ultit s n i . I liilu fnr half M ilnili noil things. V hi Ii In- had istti-.l fof it -oti.l(- f liniits, and ho hud l.n.k.-il things nvt-r. In- said : Vnii ho-i-p hi-i-f, iindy.iii mi- hmili d for Ih-iii-, Imt it wouldn't la- any tri.-k nt nil for H shul i in n n t -1 i'Ii a n you out It won't la- utiothiT thri-i- inniiths ln-f.-ri- si'im lindy will try it mi.'' How !" Well, you'll p-t a cull.-r in th om nint; 'i.. lull. ly, an J tin- first thinn voii know you'll L't t a iaji on tin' ln ud, nml li.-fn'.' ymi i-niiic to In-'ll have nnt iH 'l th"' sti'i- mul ski'i d ith yoiii rush. It'u a oonilifnutinn, I mt-, Imt if that can't lo hit it can 1 di ilh-d or blown njK'ti. 1 think I'll niak-j tliiiiKH a littli- mifi-r fnr ynu." Tin- hunk had no ci-lhn-, Imt nsHtiitio whs plenty Htnl enst only the lulmr nf iimrryinj,', the valla were luiilt two feet thiek. To p t In-low 111.- '4 'st line they had t.i la- sunk nearly live feet. The Kpnce enrlnsod 1 y the walla was llinty soil, mt hard tluit a iek oniild Hi-ari-i ly ilisturli it. Tin.' floor of the lunik was ii little nmre than four feet alinvi' the eiitth. Tom was ill-out a week, wiukiiiK ut odd tinn s, to fj'-t tilings in shnjii-. Hi- cut out n traji ilnor in front nf the safe, lifiuiht down wii-isand a luilti-ry, and w h.-n we Lud finished we hud a enntiiviuu-e whieh he iilnne hud JmUer over frnUl (iiuinl Crossing. Jiy meansiif a sw iteh up th r- In- i-oiihl sprintf tin; 1'olt of tin- trap ilmir, nml tin- dnnr worked nil a sprillK I" elnse the .-li i II Lf Hitili. A Maple in the dnnr mid another in the frame permitted tin- use of ii pi-jt, ho tln re miht In- im fear of iiei-id.'iit dur ing l.iisim s lumrs. The uiiili i'staiid iiifr we had was that Tom shnilld ilro that dnnr every hour In twi-i n S nVlock at nilit uinl 7 tin- next iimniin and the Kelii-nu- worked us easy us rolling oll'a ln;r. 1'or tin- llr-t few nights tin-elii-k of tin- holt woke me up as tin ilnor fi ll. Imt after a time it failed to pellet late my drowsy senses. 1 li.nl tn run tny lunik to suit tin1 enliveiiieiitv of the po.lilie, ami il was llever closed before ti o'clock ill the evening, it ii . i was often nn.-n until 7. As ii nil"-, all pi-isotis who wished tn Use tie- safe over niht fame ill be- tneeii (I and 7. 1 jtave eiu-h niie a re ceipt for whatever In- deposited, but inadi' nn charo- w h-iti-v" r. Many uinl many a iii.-hl that safe held .."i.tMltl outside of hank luotiev, and on such occasions I felt a bit proud at tin- cmi-tidi-nce r.-p.in-il in m -. Tom's t in) lei 1 lie.-ii working fnr a month or nini"- wln-n I revived a stinu-,'1- caller olio evening at ti.lltl. A woman was by n mc.ins a ram wiht in town, tlmu.oli they were none too mi iii -r. ms, but this visitor of wmu wan a y.ciu wniii in, stylislily dress.-d, ami us pretty as a pea -h. I'll luliuit rtlit here that I had u jitmpiujj of thclteiift ut sK'ht of h -r, mid tint when she smil.-I on me I was in h.nlly llu.-te n-il an a boy caii;lit stealing -'.i. Slu was frniii St. Ijoiiis, hIii: explained, uinl hud come nut in search of a brother wln was interested in a silver mine, but h id iny.-t 't iniisly disappeared. She would he at the lintel fnr H week or two ami wished me to safe ilepnsit .-fi'iilll in orei-nbii -ks. She pive me tin-niinn- nf Miss Nellie Haines tn insert in the receipt, and ymi will of course smile in cnuteliipt when I admit that L had tn fount that money three dill'or eiit tinn stn make it fnmi-out straight. I of course oll'ereil my assistance iu tin- search for information, mul of course aim nwcctly thanked me and said she'd collie in again. She did emue, anil when I saw her by day. light I wns el. -mi gone. Itegular ease of Invent first sight on my pint, and I Im vi no lilnl-"- ectlses tn offer. I w rote several letters for her, and tin- search for the inissiiio brother was wi ll bo guii. I'm- a week Miss Unite's dropped into tin- bunk daily in search of lews, uinl otu-evening "luring the interval I puid her a fall at the lintel. Saturday afel nnmi she sent lire a note saying she had news nf her brntln r, and that he wnlild be ilnwll finlil tie- tin UU tu i Us nl., ml K n'clnck ill the evening. He shnilld be very unxinus to go East by the I ll o'clock t rain, and would I mind if the two caiiie to the bank at K.I.. While slu- hud t" draw nut her money it wits tin ire than likely that In- would have a large deposit tn make. If she hadn't mentioned this hitter circum stance I shmild have taken her money to the hotel, nini perhaps declared my love. Saturday evening was always a big evening w ith the bank, as a score or more nf outsiders wanted the use of the sul'e over Sunday. This Saturday eveuiiu I had fully .?:(0,iim to take i- ite i.f. I got rid of the last customer by S o'clock, locked th safe door just two minutes before Ti-ni sprang tin-trap-door, and then sat down tn wait fnr Miss Hiiitus and ln-r brother. Promptly nil the quarti r hour there wiei u knock at the dim!-, ami I opened it and the pair walked in. Miss Haines begun saying how greatly obliged they were lis I turned tn shut the dnnr, utnl hhi- was still talking w lu ll her "dear brother" fetched me a clip over the head with a sandbag, and I km-w tin III". re for tifteell minutes. Wilt 11 I opened my -yes again I hud been drugged around tn the safe, was tied hand and foot and "Mr. Haines " and I were alone in tin- bank. He sat on a chiiir smoking away us ivol us you please and e i.f-ntly waiting for in-.- to colli"- back to earth. He wns a iiiuti about thirty ynra old, rather jjond looking, Tint had a wicked look in li-u ' eyes. liven bil'.'ic he spoke I h i I lig- 11 red it all nut and I enl i .-.-. I how I had been played for h ehump. It was jiM H..'!il by t In-elnek w In n my i .itot-sai.l : "Come to, have youV" Well, that's what I was waiting for. I mint ynu to opt ii this sal'.-. " , "I'll si t- yon in HaliliiN lir-t." 'doing toget inad nl. ut it, ate ymi? I'm-got your keys, ymi see, Iml, nf , course, I don't know tin- eoiiibiniit ton. You'll sum- me n li-.upol' trouble bv working tin- inaehite iy. .n your hands, but don t nttempt any foolishness. I'm com.- I'm- tin- I die' in the wife, mid I'm going to have it nt any cost. 'Put you'll get it with. mt any help from mo." lb- 1. inked nt me a moment with an evil eye ami then took troni his pocket a gag made of u pine stick with u string tied to each end. He rose up as if he meant tn apply it, but chutigeil Ilia inilul mid s.-it down an-l said: "Sifter Nell said Vnll Welt- il Soft one, but 1 hope you are not a fonl. What's the use nf forcing nio to ex- tretnes? Nnt a ilollar of this money belongs to von. Jf vnii otieti the safe we'll iiiuke an even divide of tin- b lie, mid I cuii leave ynu bound nml arrange things sous to make it look straight to outsiders." "Ami I won't." "Then I'll compel ynu by torture Alter I have h'-ld ll lighted .Nill'llo tn the sides of your feet for livi-minutes I think you'll listen to reason. It is now H. I"), J'H experiment mi the com- binntimi fnr tifteeii minutes. If I hit it, nil right; if not, I'll Hud ii way to make ynu open the dnnr!" lb- knelt down iu front of the safe dour, uinl, nf course, it was my object to keep him there until the hands nf the clock pointed tn t) and Tom shot tin- bolt. Neither one of us uttered u word fnr live minutes. Then I noticed he whs getting impatient and said: "No doubt you'll hit tin- combina tion iu time, and that will be bad for me !" "How bad for you?" he queried. "Why, even if you have nn- bound ami gagged people w ill he suspicious that it was a put-up job. If yon had been obliged to use powder and drills it would have been different." "So you think I'll strike it. do you'." "J hope not, but you go at it like a man who has h, eti tln re before. Where is Miss 1 1 a im s?" ".Miss Haines? Ha! ha! Im ! Miss Haines left her kindest ii cai d . and said she might call again I ( iood-looking girl, eh?" "I'll admit that, cm ii though she worked thi. i job nn nn-. " "Y-e-s, good looking girl and sharp er than a steel trap. Sin- thinks a heap of that missile- brother. Miss Haines Ins! Tln re! I think I'm " He thought ln-'d hit it, and In- was Hot far out nf the way, but it wasn't the hit he whs looking for. lirother Tom was jn-.t a minute uln a I of time in shooting tin- bolt. Tin- rol.b. r nf tcretl a shout nml clutch. . I ut tin- air us In- went down, and htshiel.. had scarcely disappeared when the door swung back and I was making tremen dous i Molts tn get my tin in Is free. They were tied at tie- wri-t-, uinl be fore I had lon-ciicd them I had lolled over uinl over on the Ilnor to reach the staples and tin- peg and make tin- dnnr fust. Three minutes later I had a free hand tn cut the ropes binding my an kles. It wasn't much of a fall t hrotigh the trap, but the robber struck mi his head and was stunned I'm- a minute. When he caiiii- to he began cursing in a w ny tn iiiuke my hair stand up, but I paid no attention. He hud brought two revolvers iind a knife into the bunk, but he had taken them off and laid thi-in mi u chair. I picked up these ami left the place to give the alariii, and I have still another fnlifessimi to make to ynu. I knew ! that it whs a put up job nil the way I through, and that ".Miss Nellie Haines'' whs a "piil" nf tin- man under th'' bank ll a-r. She was cniiseipit nlly a ! wicked nullum uinl desi iM-d im mercy . ! Call tn a f"l it' on will, but I said not a word to unybn ly when I j;nt outside au-1 made a bee line for the lintel. She was ill the sit I ing-n . uu I ready dressed tn ride down to lie- de- ' pot w lieu it w is time. Sin- was aloiic. and when I ctitoreit tie- room sh.- ut- t.-red a little slu iek nml almost fainted. "W whi le is is my brother?" sin finally asked us I sto.nl before In r. "Safely trapped in the bank," I nn swercd. 'And you have come t arrest me'.'" 'No. 1 have com- to warn y.ui that vnii mav save yourself. Hare yi.il any money ?" 'Not more than three or four dol lars. " "You have StiOll iu the safe. 1 hud forgotten about that. I will briug it to volt. ''And my my br.-llc. l V" "lb- will keep ulit i! y oil ii ! i:!i"', mid then we'll take him nil' Mid send him ( jail." I n turned to th" bank mid got h-r luoiny. I saw ln-r tike t In- ll-1 - 1 bus to tin- depot. I wailed until llu-t.aili had i-oiiie and gone, mid tln u I guvi; tin- alarm, and got tin- robber t at an-l jugged him. Later mi In- w.is s.-nt to prisnti f..r eight years, ami tie- woman I h ive ie mt hoard of Mm-.-. Why did I ht IcT i-scipe? W. il, i In- was a lm mi .in woman. That's tin- mily excuse I , er had. Cliiea.-o 'l imes, I'nliir Hears Keep Cool. "It will surprise most people, " i aid Superintend! tit A. K. I'.rnwii, nf the Philadelphia .oological garden, t- a Iteenrd man, "to loam that tin- polar j l"'11' stainls tin- Imt weather nt tin- Hi'.'.' ; day s in this locality b.-tter than t'n J African lion. On hot days tic- Ii nt , will get oil' his f. d;th.- polar bear will Imt. Tlu-tropical aiiimal-i in the ' garden, " f" mt i mt -d t h sitperi ntetnlen t , j " are t!i; t.m s nu-stly affected by tlm ' extrciim lu-at of mi l-uinun-r, straiigi: j as it may appear. suppose thr. I r--usmi of it is that tin- heat here it ; in re moist than ihatj.if tin-1 ropics. an I, ! as it were, of a diii'.-iviit churn, it r. ! Whatever innttilitv occurs uinoiig our animals "luring n limited term i. mostly iimnng the tropical animals, especially tin- African. In hot weather I h ive watched the polar bear go into bis tank, mid tln-n, ttist I if lying in I th"- shade, extend himself in the direct rays of the sun, wh- ie the water on his skill would evaporate. He found out for himself, I sui.pose, that evapo ration causes a I -wer temperature. Again, it is somewhat astonishing, at first, that our polar b.-ar should sutler sometimes as he does from tin- severe cold of winter. I have seen hint shivering mi one of those bitterly cold ilnys, when the sky was overladen nml the air full of moisture. The moisture was evidently what affected him. In the Arctic regions it is so cold that tin moisture is froen out )' the air. Birds do not like th,-heat. It iniik. s theiii pt reh with drooped wings. Heat affects imt nnly the animals in the garden but the finances of the garden itself. A difference of ten degrees iu the tliermnmcter, siiv if it is ninet; -live instead of eighty-i'iM-. iiu-ausii Iosm of several hundreds of dollars in mir gate receipts for the day." Yon Han't Im-I I he lark." An old custom i. n.-e preluded in u remote place of giv ing n clock to uuy one w ho would truthfully swear he had mill-led his own lei-mess uloue for a year and a day, mi l had not meddled with his lieighl.i i's. Many euuie, but few, if any, gamed t lie prize, which was more dillicult toi. in than the I 'uiniiou tlileh nf In n. Tln.iigh they swore mi the four liospels, and held mil their hands iu certain hope, some hitch was sure to be found some where; mid for all their ns -ot rations the clock remained Mationai mi its sh. lf. Ho one being abb- to prove his absolute immunity from uncalled-for interference iu things not in any way concerning himself. At hist a young mail esnie with a perfectly clean re cord, and the clock seemed Us if it was nt last about to change owners. Tin n said the custodian, "till! a yiunig man whs here yesterday, and mini mighty sure ho wan going to have the clock, but ho didn't." Said the young man seeking the prize. "And why didn't he get it?" " 'What's that to you?" snapped nut the custodian ; " that's lint your business, and, you don't got the clock."- - New York lbs patch. K.arly Mention of Niagara Calls. The first historical notices of N ing n a Falls nre given iu la-scni -hot's i.-enid nf the M-colul nyiii.-o nf ,!noin . ( 'art n r, ill the year .":(.".. ( u the maps pub. lisln-d to illustrate Ch .niphiin's discov eries (date on mapsi it In r bailor I'll 1 1 the falls ale indicated by u cross, but in. description of the woinlol -fu I cut a met is giM ll, and the l i st eci,-iii.,j1M authorities li lie: to-day doubt if the explorer mentioned ever saw the falls, ItriiisouV woi k to the contrary imt w it Itstlllnilllg. Father Hellln pill Is believed to hii. w ritlci the lir-t do script loll n f t In- falls that was cm r ( penned by oin- win. had pcisnn tlly is I lie. I the spot. The editor of " Notes j for the Curious" owns a map, dated. I Ili"i7, which does not figure eitner the , I (in at I, ukes or th" fulls. St. Louis li.-piiblie. i A Kan World's Fair Souvenir. ! Prown "Ihinryoii have been at the Fair. I suppose ynu brought hoiiii a souvenir?" I Jolies "Voll bet 1 did aud ll laru one, too." Brown "What was it?" Jones "A dollar I took out with mo." Puck, COLUMBUS RKIXS. Contents of the Convent of La Rab ida, at the Fair, Menii.'nl oas of t ho Great Discover er on Exhibition. In tin- southeastern part of the Fair (rounds, on the shore of Lake Michi gan and in a comparatively isolated spot, stands tin. foiivi.-nt of I.u Pallida. This quaint and old-fashioned build ing is a facsiniihi of the original mon astery erected near Pulos, Spain, about the Second Century. It whm w ithin the kindly protecting wulls of this convent that Columbus, discour aged and disappointed with the people who gave to his ideas such little cre dence, sought seclusion ami retirement from the world ; and it was from this monastery that there came the good priest Father de Marchi tin. who, be coming interested in the progressive id-as of the vvntlld-be discoverer of new worlds, used his influence with t.bl'-cti Isabella ill behalf of his poor guest. The result of this iujlilclico the whole World knows. Within this convent of La Pnbida lire to be found smue nf the most in teresting and valuable relies nf Colum bus in existence. These hnve been gathered from every quarter of th--globe. Among the nmst valuable nn original manuscripts or eoimui-.-iotiK given to Cnluinbus in M'.fJ by Ferdi nand and Isabella appointing him (irand Admiral nf the nci au seas, Yiee j King and (lovi-rimr ticiieinl of all tin j lauds he should discover. This docu ' im-iit is dated ( i rauinlii, April .'M, I IVJ, j find is signed "l the King" mul "I tin j (iii-eti," and shows that they must have given more tliuii ordinary eii -. deuce to Columbus' ideas of n Hew i wirrld. j To the student of history who hues j to scan ii li.l learn from that im.-t . closely connected with the individiinl- i ity of the man himself, the letters ami , will nf Columbus, to which nre nt- ; tachcil his signatures, nre perhaps the most interesting. There nre in nil nver l-Jt't of these manuscripts, some ! of which bear translations and oth.-is ' of which no translations arc given. I , i l'hi' manuscripts ami other relies are , carefully guarded by a body nf I'lieh- Sam's infant ry, whose wiitehful- 1 less mid cure ns well as their i : politeness uinl atfability are imt iceubl-, in marked contrast to the civilian or ' ( 'oliimbian ( iiiai il in the other build ings. j Autograph letters written by Coliiiu ' bus to his sou 1 'it-go and to llev. j Father Don (inspar de his Ciievas, iu some of which the great explorer e I presses a dissatisfied ambition, form ! interesting rending. Tin- autographic j si litem en t by Columbus of gold brought I from the new country uinl sold by him . in Castile is also show n. In this same l-u'liling nre to be seen the Yaliean exhibits of relics loaned by Pope Leo. Among this i-ollectioti n letter frmn Pope Nicholas Y., dated at Itoim, September 'Jl, HIM, ad dr ice I to th.-. li i.sh bishops of Skah-h-ll ii ji 1 1 Holar, containing reference to the church in C.reeiiland, is perhaps tin- most interesting. The bull nf Alexander V., to thi- si-veri-iis Ferdi nand IHld i-nl'i Iiu, ilnteil May :t, 1 I'.'.'t. which relates to the rii alries between Sj iiin ami poitu-jul regarding their voyages of disciiM iy, is niiothi r inter esting ami time wot u document. Numerous eurty maps of the new country, slut. -Ins of its inhabitant;., along with an endless number of pic. tuns ii in! puintiiiL's of Cnluinbus, u copy of Ptolemy's Cosmographia, I I To, edition mi .1 by . In m I ms on his fn-t oya-.f ; tin- ... to which Colum bus was chained iu the dun-con at S anto llomiligo . stotn s from the reiiis of the first city of the New World : old doors IU. iii the house iu which Columbus Iim iI ; im anchor which was found at Santo llomiligo -unl supposed to be tl os lo the discoverer ; (.. ,.M bells, the first which riin t lull' ii 1 1 1 1 ii ins. in tin- in w world, an ii in. 'iiu the l.ni'iT r. lies exhibited in the building I. ii Kal'i.hi. - jSt. Louis P.. public, j ( liini-sc I'tipiil.ir Literature nt the lair. Tie- peculiar notions elitei tinned by the Chun se ill i. ill gods, ghosts Htnl genii nr.- well exi inplilied in their popular literature, of which a special collection. Covering h large variety of subjects mul embracing examples of most of the books sold in their simps here, is ex hibited. About all of the immigrants nre able to read. and write a little. Novels are their favorite literature and their he roes and heroines are well-known pi r lonages indeed. It is their images that ire sold ill the thq ii. Aluudjj thuui Sfe the Light fleliii, tho warlike hero ine MiA Kwar Ying and ln-r husbaud. Yluiig'fiiiig Po, nml Kwiinyin, the (lod iless of Mt.-cy. They add tln ir em blems from thu docn rations of much of the Chiin-s.' porcelain. Tiny livi d when on earth nnmiig tie- hills mul grottoes of Southern China, and tln ir legends cluster thick aioiiml the old hollies of these pie. The story book, w ith their constant lepi titioii. and innumerable episodes, prove tire s.. iiie to Western minds, but what rich treasures they contain of lore that de lights the students of manners nml an tique customs. This literature has a practical side as well. Apart from the romaiici smel in-tiolo-gi-s, tin- song-bonks and tnatisesoti fortune-ti llingand goomniiev. there ai,e simple arithmetics, for tie nbiu-ii-. coinpeiuliiims nf history, heilads im I medical linlul-books, Th- decline' is sold w illi each ii en rii ng new y nr at 1 coiii-s with re-lietii.is of the good uinl hud fortune attending vai ioiis en terprises for each day in the year. What a wan hors,. ,.f folk lore this thick o. -1 u v Milium- with its pat I i -colored imprint in n '!, bhu-k, gn-i n nml yelloii, nml its eurioiis picture: of the fuge ( 'on fin-ins, Chi ling T'in S, the secret a ry of In iim ti, b-rn.s t.r t!i. who "-uu ri-ad its m II or.leii I page. They are lu-t ileliei-'iit in tin- i luh- t moral tenehiligs. The Chile s- copy- books, like those of our own i el I ., nre si t with giil'li-n precept-, ami tin inilili'liee of lileialure. apail from the hovi Is, many of whieh ate comb in m il, is exerted for win t is deemed bed. if imt for the individuiil surely fm- th. general uelfnv of the nut ion. -,( hi c ago Tribum - Tln- Sc i ( nw ISirtl. This iliniinutiv e little en it t nre only about six inch" long is neatly in-rayed iu brown upon tic-upper parts, black nml white uiidi-rm-uth, upon tin throat iqipi-ai-itig th- thfet.- distinctive collars, first of black, then of whit" , tln u of black again. Sea-cow, or, in Boer hutch, "Zee-ko"-." istll-l-ololiial tiniiie for tiie hippopotamus, mi l the treble-collared plover takes its colon ial dei-igniit ion (sen-cow birdi from iis frequent habit of at tending! In un w ii My Behemoth. Punning about the back nml head of that amphibian, picking oil' insects and ntln r odds and etnls, this little plover seems perfectly at home, while the sea-ct.w apparently accepts its ollices in good part. This friendship bitwitu will mil often fierce quadrupeds and small birth, is of common occurrence in Africa ami other countries ; tin- rhinoceros, the bullitlo, and the liurcheH's zebra, aiming others, all having their peculiar feathered nttendalits. Tin sea-cnw ' bird unlesR when actually in attend- j niice upon its big friend betrays in me of t hi' jealousy or restlessness iq tin-sight of mankind so often noticeable iu otlu-r member- of tin- family ; mi l 1 have had no trouble in approaching quitu clos-ly to tin- birds us they led fearlessly in tin- sh illow- and upon the in ml tints of Africa u " h-is " imd rii its The spur-winged plover is itself n well-known atletelaiit upon theeroeo- lih-, filtering its mouth, a.- it lies w tth it jawswide open, and demising it nl leeches nil 1 other p.ii'a -iit-s. It serni. to be How well recogiii -.. ,1 that the Trochilos of Herodotus who tirsj chronicled hi friendship between bird j and crocodile . im other than tin spui -w inged plover. Chanib, i .1 . .iiriii.l. V Man's lb-ill Fife is i:i Mis Piea-ir.es. For it is iu his plea-ni-es that a man really lives, il i- from hi- leisure Unit he constructs tin- true 1'nbric of self. Perhaps Ciuiries Lamb's f -Mow ch i k. thoiight that beeaii-e his days were pi nl at u desk iii tie Ivi-t 1 1 1 1 i ti House, he, life was spent tln re too. II is lil w, is far remote from that routin- o! labor; built up of g, ild.-n iimmeiits o! respite, i tiri.-h -d with joys, ehasteiiii' by sorrow s, v i il'n-d by iiupulses that h el lm filiation with hi- .Inilv toil .- l-',,r lb. .time that a lion. ttc.v ....IF I hi.- own," he writes to Word .won h - tli it is hi- life." The Lamb wh worked ill the I in 1 in House, mil nlr) had " im skill in tiguns," has jms-i d iiwuy, and is to-day but it shadow ami H inline. The Lamb of the " Essays' mul the " L. iters " lives for us now, and adds each year his generous share t i tin- innocent gayt ty of the world. This is the Lamb who said. " Kide-H lire chielly good because the give ill time," and who sighed for ll little snr that he might christen him Nothing to-do, ntt l permit him to do nothing Seribner. A Whole lbi) Aparl. Hermird "Why nre ymi sail, Mabel, darling. ?" Mabel "I was just thinking, dear est, that this was the lust evening we could be together uutii to-morrow," Buffalo Press, Vespers and .Matins. f- .ft ii n! slow, f iniit uinl low, Slugs the lii-riuit thrash i!si-viiiiii lullnl.y; (in nliir.-h twig swinging. Toils ii"' 1 nil' sillgillt'. Swinging, Singing, Softer yet slower. Fainter yet lower Iting the lii-ll-liki- notes till all tin' echoes ill", 'fill tin. hush of slumber Prow n. the drowsy numbers. Til! tin- sietqi of s.e-reil sili-te'i' P-nls tin li-nr wat'-hi-r'sryi.. S .on as light fellows night, i:-.iirsing nil the Ian. I- mul waters o'er, With tin- days ilr-l breaking, I'rum th-lr sli.mU-r- waking ( 'hti p, cheep ; '"''i'- r'"'i'. - In a l iir-l r.f gliclne. I if .--lati.- tiui'lli' . All tin bir-'.s t-gi-lla-r their ngs -f grtting I ''. I'-nr tln-ir -'ills in singing Till tin' W"ii'l- hit ringing A- II -ii ea-t.-rn li'T-l- r- day ha i in-vr lawiii-'l before. - Isaac Cas.-I'.I i I'hoatk. Ill MOIKH'S. Bad hiibits 'i i: on garb. Smne limbs of tin- law never branch out. No difference how you piny thegmiu; of life, ymi are sure to lose. 1 "ii null ii'ii ns it may seem, it is al ways to ii man's credit to pay cash. lie ' iiu land th. dudes make in' till-. I." She "Ami at sea the swell.! miiki- me sick. " After tin- honeymoon. She (sweetly) "What would living be w it hout mu?" lb- I'-looiuily , "Cheapi r." Asa ule tlior.'iighiu hi is desirable. But many a grocer Ire. succeeded through hi- h.ill'w. i'-h methods. Mrs. Neighbob "Why ,1.. ymi call .bc k 'The Fi-heri,imiV d.-s - "Be-ciiin-lii- incr goes awav without ii smiu-k. " 'I'h- re is iiothiiig that so im-ionses a man's de-ire to work in tlm garden as the di -eo t icy tint hi. wile has mis place. 1 the ink,'. 'Tun" i- in-inn ." said tli.- youth, "I kii-w ll te : 1 1 v gain." Thi'ii, h.ouig i-e:,li.-..-. th" truth. II"- p.iw i,e 1 In- wal.-h an. I rlmm. "What, in y.uir opinion, i.-t he be.-.t thing about early ris.'igV" a-ked thn athletic young man. "Hearing sunn other fellow describe it," was th" re ply. Maud "How do ymi lik,. (he m-w way I do my I '" Flunk .wanting to say s., m i thing a II leu la rly nice) -"Why ymi look at I. ii-t thirty years younger. " Pelli loie "U lint N Ills pet 1111111-' foryou?" I'er.lita "He. alls me Ins 'doe,' bi call-e I am So Mln lld -otitic." p, ii- l".e - And what do lou fill I im''" I'erdila "I call him lliy dough," b -eii'ls. Ie I- so si.lt." "That yoilli-: won, uu who oidcled ici' cl eain In . I'a::il- il." s ml th.- wail.-r. "W. li. d.., t y.oi ,,,w , n.,,,g ., bring her t..'.-" u-k.- I lie pi. .pi n t..! . And tin wail. I W, ,t b ,ck t-. lie- h-.i in the wall an-l . I,l, 'Main il two!" A tailor call. I ,oi the M.iing ( ',,.,i,t C. to dele lid pa. in. i.t ,.f ah old in' Count, but th imp- 1 1 ; I nt ,. I l , . i was unable t.. satisfy the .h m-ind "I Ins tailor, w h II--.1 ..ut -I.t no- (. II y oil t hat I am 1 11 - I . t hi,, bin in. , ye-, thoroughly 1 1 . I ' I'. unit C. (lo his vaiel ; ' '.I- din, hi i ng the g.-u tii-uian a chair. Dili ot lit eii-.-uie Hie oheel. Sei nil day - n-. . t we . ei ie- men. who measure call binn; th- day, each hired a bicycle and 1 1 him-. -It ,.r a spin up the country. It w.i . mi th-i Sabbath, and about ten mil. - from tlei city tin- .-yi-lir t ..- i,l.-I o h.iM- a r, Olio dislniici il ti tin r nboiit :tilil y n 1 1 1 -, nml in tummy n bad m i' of il lane collapsed over a leap of '-t.iie. The wheel was i hiie'l i-lui I nml the lid. f whs irn 1 1'leMibly mixed ainoii the sinikis. An aged wom,,i, who happened to be pa-. .,.: w-e. 111. t at tlei turn in tin- r.ni I by cj 1 1. No. -j. "My good woman, have ymi si t n a yoii'.ig man mi u bicycle arouud here'''' "Na, na," said tin mi "but I saw a young iiiaii up tin- load a (-j-i II who wiih sitting on iiu- heath mendin' unibielhis." Courier .loiirmd. How To Trent Burns. A free application of soft su,p to a burn almost instantly removes tin- lire frmn the flesh. If tin- injury is very severe, follow this applieatii n with one of linseed ml mul ilmd over with dry flour. When this dries repeat tlm oil and flour until n good coating has been formed. Let this remain until it crucks ainl falls off iu a davnrtno. A new skin will have formed w hi re Hut old mis burned off. Fnr a slight bum make a poultico of Indian meal cov ered with young; Hysuu tea, and moist en with hot water.

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