v. ' TMEKbftAir. SBfTKaUER 2S, 1S1H. H. A. LONDON. Editor. The DiI'Loiuble Iraaedj at ua - Ailm th Virir!tiii in i .ti.i(ri';ici In American civilization, ttnd nbonld be ft fearful waffling to men who at tempt to subvert the law and take Hb execution into their own bunds. The frenzy and fury of the mob on this occasion is aim ply appalling. ftTWems incredible that any men in a ctVilued comiuunfty could bo en" pablo of such fiendish brutality. 3tot satisfied with resisting the ofti corn of the law thh forcibly taking A prisoner from their bands and hurriedly putting him to death &ut this enftrriatctl mob indulged in such brutal excesses, treated the ded body of their victim in so in human a manner as would have shocked the savage, who once roamed our forests ! Not only this, but this I.oanoU itvwbif they could have cau.bt him, Would have mil In ilenlh in I be mi me inhuman manner the Mayor ! ilu yor o! lliel ; ,. Minaise K'Hiiin oi nine inn uiji - -. 1 City who had perilled Ins lite ami lK, lMj.lU. ;, l!;li !,0 t:ir j lav.r lroi.t. (.mnd, v.dc po.ted wounded while protectinrf his Hed on, but they are not to be al- '"' the sTeet. iu .be imm . h,te v. . i . , , 7 i, , , ' .. . ;., ., ., ..... ! (initv ilemtd. About ilui kthe crowd prisoner ar, ui-scnari nir in ; :ii v. When such things ,.Vcur in (Jl'.j .nntKV wet! m.-i -ill .r.,...l , U-r-.t.t, ! .. uecome aiarmco. lor Uu re i.- no te ing where the end xv ill be. The most disti-esi ng icai tire of tl tragedy was that innocent bu kei on should have siilivied v,;tii :! guilty assailants. I'm tlii-. .e.e tbe inevitable and natnra: mob law there is no iK.-erimin.it;-!etween guilt and innocetice. The Stati's in Congress is about the same as it was last week. Tbe opponents ol the repeal ol the Sher man law are still disenssin it in tbe Senate, ami it i.- uueeitain when the discussion will closo and a vote be to-terr. The advocates ol the repeal, although apparently in the majority, aro unwilling to force a vote, as it would seem to bo a stilling of i! is enssion. Thus far the Senate has done nothing but talk. in the llouso an exeunt pi discussion will be had on the repeal tbe Federal el. vi :,,:i but the bill will be pa-sed month. It now seems prol ab 1 leal ,:l to lieXt .ha I this extra session ol IV.ngiv. will continue until tho regular es.sion. which begins on the tir-t Monday in 'December. It now look like 'Congress will be iu a continuous session lor nearly a whole year. The tariff bill is being properly prepared the- House Committee on Ways ami Means. A Novel arrangement has been inade between the Kichmond Tu.u , a-democratic paper, and tho Ib'eb moud .S't,a populist paper, A very exciting campaign is being carried on in irginia, and, in order that ! the readers of each paper may read! the arguments on both sides dui-in-' tho campaign, each of thoso two papers will publish onco a week, j Mul . 1V,,hean Se,iators,'tur ami Until the election, an article prepared against the hill, bad a regular mou by the editor of tho other. That is,' kf)' "" pf'rot time among them the Times will publish every we. k i ,";lvc't, 11 ' '-'cted that the at- . , . . , f. , i tempt to reach a vote bv means ol a -an article prepared by the editor o .' . .i v . , . r ' continuous session ol the Senate wil me oun, ana tne zun will publish n article prepared by tho editor of tho Timea. In this way the ques tions at issue botween tho democrats and populists in Virginia will be discussed so thnt the arguments of dent Cleveland is still confident that each side will be rend by the other! the- bill can he passed and for that side. j reason declines to consider anything A - in the shape of a compromise. ' . ... . .. t.'Iaus Spreckles the sugar king. AfcLifAST torollices under Messrs. Wus i:i Washington a few'day, ag Llias and Simmons are now on the for the purpose ot gelling his lingers "ragged edge", and in a state ol ; in the Hawaiian pie, but cut siiort much anxiety and uncertainty be- j li's "Xui' vl"-'" learned that the whole cause of tho present uncertainty i "iUlto.r vias f1''. itU': !'"r Mt , . ., .. . , the ad in l nistriit nil : is eoiicei'iied , a nd about the confirmation of then- ap- j ,l;al Vroli.M Cleveland is only pointmonts. While it seems proba ' wailing tor the Senate U dispose ol ble that the iipjioiiitnienl of -M r. i lhe Voorhees L i i betuie he .-end i it Simmons will be eoi.lirnmd.yet there! 11 sl"Jt';;i1 n-cs-.nge on Hawaii, u-ccom ismuchdoubtaboi.ttl,ec,i!1i;rmmio!,l!':,,,lil'1 tv.i:'': p,Tf''I. , in noniniiiting v. iiliaui i. ll u n- iwtfir. riias. aenaior ancu i.- vig-' orously opposing Mr. Klias and may secure enough republican and pop.' ulist Senators to vote with 1,'m to : defeat him. ...i. jiui-uim iinvo oecn maao io , i . i .. i . bblievo that Cleveland aud Congress Mave "killed nilvei-'' r-w 1 1.,. i- l- ...i ti.., :i.. . . tl ana that silver coins are now worthless. It is passing strange that any person or persons should bo so credulous, so easily deceived. Aud it is also strange that even the third party leaders should circulate so absurd and ridiculous a rumor, Jrof course such a deception ami falsehood tan be refuted so easily that it will recoil upou thoso who 'jiavo circulated it. 'r...r ........ i ......... i i , J CnARi.o'i i k Oii-KiiVKK of hiit .. , Sunday publishes a letter wir.ten by Dr. II. T. Bal.r.son, of Salem. p IJepresetitativo U. P. (irmly, of Hup ,j 1 eountv Which y Uiid!.nttcdlv . . . . , etie of the richest, rarest and raciest that it has ever been our pleasure to yggd, Washington Letter, (From our Rwular Oorreeooudeut.J Washington, Sept. 21. S'X. rpi - i ,.. ;!;...:.,., 'p.,,,, if,... I .,ii H :..!.: 1 ' iK-uienani, uurro ,u .u, , . . ! ul . tho llouso pn.po.scd lo put ; ? u'ith tbe market, where 8 ii-Hia-luiil guiomsuponropubla-aMjl cotu, t produce, into vi i, iv no filliuiistonn' amnt me repoi ung of the Tucker hill tor tlio repeal of ail laws authorizing the prcconco of l". S. ofticials at elections, was a pleasing' sight to democratic eyes. Uecauso the democrats ot tho House in the udoiaion of regular rules bad l I.. I ...... i . I lninr.U tin mini 1-aui-i.hm, .-.. - miuorii v . I... rnini mans assumeti tliat no check would be put on their iillibusteriug. They were given a ireo rope tor awhile because there was not a quorum ot democrats pres cut, but as soon as a quorum of democrats was on hand they were effectually squelched by an order reported " trom the committee on Utiles and tho bill was reported to the House. This order was not the result ot any assumption of power by u single individual, as were tin; rulings ot Tom I.Ved when he was Speaker ; it was aulnorixcd by a deauirraliu caueus. as ! always should he. Tbe ell things publicans j ... .... i.. .i l.i lus !i ii we Id name any rea- mow en m nioeusiei .i-.n'i ' upon it aid r legitimate debut 1kv" sluill-te.l. i The niiiiiie laivtl bearings Were lhe iMHilu: i eine!iu!ed thi wei !.a..d the lieino j em is .in 1 rumt.tillei . I! ...... w.,.. i m ire i.osv at work upof, . I ' inMig.l t lie Ii !! Ill i'CI' hi ol .lays were leA.r llian were, mven i-V .'!l.e o! lhe . ti.er 1 Hi Hi i 1 1 ee-. iiiere t i I. I. tin en:i.'!'.U lee than was evei j:iv. u b.-lle for j i.l he hea "ii:'.:s. 'i.a'riuaii Vi:.on. si'eaiiiii." ot lhe ma halation "I tl ew tar'.ll bi'.i said : "The democratic . . . , ... . . , i ,,,., meintiei's win worli tom'iiicr. some ,.t the schedules will be prepare I by allot tbe. lemoe.ats together, while oili.-rs will he ivh rr.-d to sub ,,,,- i mi.lu'l's W r'TI'5"."1"."'.'. :rcVH,"M.t. revised by the lull deu.ot l atn , mi in oe i si. , ii i 'i n.e n mi mi i n . . i - I . ,, :ii i , e n I,..., i i... iell u ill be completed, but it will require j mure lime than some ol those who have never bad a laritl' bill to pre I pare seem to tb.lik ne'-ess;iry. We j might tlx up a measure in very short order, but it is not that kind of a ' hill w ii want to present to ihecoi.n !.,.. i .... i.. i .,,!..,.i;,, .r . iiimiiv i ,' '. . v ..... ..iiu-.-oii ! -l ejiielllaled He- ; - '' I 'm-i so manv tests to i ihj -i ltd when en- j Sii'. ii ii measure j siicecs-Milly bur- , iiowever, lose no: pre i.-iit it to t he i u hieb i an still, d i wl,i-:. it .id he s; ; acted into a la w. i as this cannot be I ried. We sb.all. , lime, are! hope to llouso at the eardcsl possible nio i men! consist. nt wilii I i.o imp .'itaiit ' interests involved." j Several times this week the Senate j has aroused public expectation by appearing t ho on the cvo of ;he liual contest over tbe Voorhees re ieal bill, but the end is not y.t. Senator Mills, i I Tcx is, u ;i.!e one ot the strongest ppccchc ot the weel-, in lavoref repea!: Senator ','oorhees made a characteristic explanalioi: of his poi.tiun, iii an.-wer to i-rili-eisius because he has not lurcvd a vote, calling the attention of ih country to the fact that it is simply impossible to torci a vote under the l','0SL', 11 Tim 01 Senate, rules which have not been materially eli . ii, in. .1 l,n- MI..I-, lli.il. ,.;,rl,li- m.ir. be made in a lew days, (the daily sittings have already been lengthen oil) and it Unit fails the bill will either have to be abandoned or a compromise reached by concessions Dom KKics no adopted. 1 rest blower, ol New V 'k, to si; eeed to Supremo (Vtu-t Jli-iiee l'.hileh lei,. ot Uiioile '.lie V iiCitl cy in the lei; bv ihe death oi h.-.d, lu. 1 J J. V.u. I.-'a-. I. lo be A i.s'o! l'l-c- I'l.-li : C;cv.i;'.ie s; :; i is.' "n the poll -a !oi priii it i.-i i to ! ink- ! a double i tit ; in. oi .-. 'i gculieiui-n ic. . oi ij.e.ii en lie .lie j o-l- cell iiom- j lions to which tiu-y h ive inated i.s coi.ee l ny till nui there 'will be no trouble aboat, their cons 1 1:,.,,.,,,-,, tiiits Threatened Willi Fire. DiiANnoN, Miss, Sept. 2t. The Wuito Cappers in Eastern Missisnipj i and Western Alabama have posted notices on tho doors of i vrry giu lu.u?e that ii' a bale of cotton is ginned be foio the price shall have reached Hi cents the offender's property will be burned. In the country v ithin a radius of ' v. j ......... .. . ..v. . . .-i ui i 100 miles of Hrandou it is estimated i i-uvic uiu ucm ij uuu luunsuini I .. .;,. ,,...,,,. i i , gum. aveiagu.g .in on! put (.( five bales i f,- , v, days. There ait not i 'Sr'ty of liie--.. gii.a mnv iu oper.ilion, i ! nt a hnudivd balea of cotioi I luiv,: l'C" rccivt'l ,lt ,ho rtilroJl iu I . Kaslera Mississippi this scaron. l'i.-i j (i ..iji.nlufo liotecliou irt assured I Ik- ! giuimrsby tho State none of them vi 1 . .steam i:p for weeks to come. A Terrible Tritsjody. Roanoke, Ya., September 21. Oue of tbe uiost dastardly crimes iu the history of Roanoke occurred at about 10 o'clock Wednesday mornine llrs. Henry S. Bishop, aged about 50 years ana a re6prctaiie wniie woman irom ! Clovei dale. eight miles from this citv. i ft net,ro naluPllTL '' tibe on ., i.,.. i,.,. ,..- i, i.,.t , . .' , ..,.u...i i. UUI. ILi-vl luncuPllillll) uuu I uuuuu lici of her pocket book ; containing lens than 2. The woman was left for dead, but managed to revive a few moments later and crawled up the street where she told her stoiv. Tbe fiend in tbe me antime escaped ,. , , ,,.,,. ,1,.,,.:.. ' V .....r tiou given by Mrs. Bishop, boardiu an outgoing train. A colored man jumped on the car ami grabbing tbe criminal tbe two fell to the ground A crowd immediately surrounded the piisouer and threats of lynching were loud and frequent. Detective W. W Baldwin seized the man, holding the crowd at lay with bis revolver, start ed on horseback with the frightened negro behind him. He rode to the saloon where the woman had been re moved and she po.-itivt ly identified him. He was then taken to iail. A j crowd gathered around the jail and ; ki ft increasing as night approached : t -..,'..!. ...L- lli l;,.,ir..-il.-i T.n rlil .Til I'll 1 1 " v , , , , . i , irv niaielii-d t' 11-41 llll I. Ill ll, i . . , , I ! l,Mn,i.,..t ni.n from ti:u weiuit v ot tbe woman's home. hea led bv' Mrs. l;!8h..pV son. a lire man on the Xoifolk .V Wtoturn liail- r..,..-t. Al eight o'elock a pei'iion of tbe! i.;nl K,hl! 1 al a side uJoi" of the ! j.u wiuie the uiil.titt and .Mavo. lout bad retired. lhe suooln g ::. coiu.iu-l.e. v! In the mob and the :: or . I.mI . i e ! hen .d a vol!-' :i t'i'.e too'. The militia idelf-.l io n-tnrn the tin -..in : ii! 22 i ale- v.a- . V? i . ii i. 1 1 ;. ,l mat, hooui nine uieu uc nuit-ii ui .... . , ; tiro and un n,orM wounded f he,u f''-v. 1a le i -tement caused by the vol ey, the 1 1 ni'uni was uihcu ui.iu mr jau in ; oJiccr Hint men it .!, i mi iieini mnt 1 wiiuti led were l '.-moved to a dl ll , . .. . , , 'stoie and to Ilci lheis 0i t eaii phy j sieiaus. I The militia theu di.-persed and lefi the scene as quietly as posnible. A rqimd of twenty im n took tin I negro i-mnlli from time lio'.iceinen. I just before 5 o'clock t Lis morning, j an t hangeit him to a nicuory nuiu on , Nintu avenue southwest, in I lie resi ttenee sec tiou of the city. They rid- d I !v v.:,!i hi.!. !-. and h fi o ! h 1 h.s is Mnv 1 lOl.L il ielld.' A eoioiiii s ji.iy i I biisine.-s i:n r. viewed lhe body of the lngio and ui. di led nurdtctot "ileal hat t!o hands t I i! iiknowii iiif'il. ' Thuusand. i f j'c.'ple visiu .ithi seeneof the lynch iaa btiweeti d:.viis;ht a.;d ISiii'.l o'eloek i.en the body v. ,s c;t down. Afti r I tne jury eomplele.l the wolk the bodv j was piaeed in I lie Lands of ellicers, 'who were unable to keep back th. mob. Thi.-e hundred men tiled to Lhiig the body through the sheets oi (tie toe. p. but lev. Dr. Caniple'l. I pastor of tun First Presbyteiian j church, aud (.'apt. U- H. Mooruinu. j with pleas aud main strength prevent ed them. Ciipt Moorman hired a wagon and hid tho body put iu it. It was then conveyed to the bank of the Roanoke river, about one mile from tho seen, of the lynchiDg. The negro was drag ged from the wagon by a rope ubout two hundred yards. A pile of dn lumber and brush wood was placed upouthe body, leaving only the bend bare. The whole was satin aled with coal oil nnd a match applied. The body was consumed withiu un hour. The cremating was witnessed by sev eral thousand people. Tho mob threatened at ono time to bury tbe negro iu Mayor Trout's yard There is much indignation against Mayor Trout and the military. Threats of vengeance have been open ly made. Capt. Bird, commander oi tho niilitia, has left town. Mayor Trout has also disappeared and Presi deut luckn r. of the city council, is acting Mayor. Excitement is running high. There is now talk of the citizens holding an indignation meeting and it is rumored on the streets that thieats aro being made to burn the town unless satis faction of some sort i.s len.Iered. Crowds, throng the stieei.i ui,.l a!i tho public ji'av.i;.i. Tl.de is an iui mensci crowd in front o'.'O.tkey ami Vv'uoiw iiio's. niide.i tiikei s, where seven of the duad bodies lie. AM. e'.'itT, IbuNo-iR, Va , Sept. 2:1 While tin recent sad occur! enco was the eliiid topi.; id couver.-al'.ou ii. Uie iity terday.uud wl'.ere there is still a stioi .in,', bitter feeiiugon '.he part ol ai.uui ti 'i oi eitrzei:- auainst i..e autboiitie.-. there v. i io no demons'. -niious, galb enng. - or ouiiireaiis m.niy. i,i,:v uie , icg.iiai j .. ii. e oiuceiu ue oi. i.uiy ami j nooce. J Ii.; t'am Wus INggett u,e.i there is h.ttie vi m vh.iationoi the t stopped. In their attempt to crd.r laws. There was, perhaps, more am- j !. thc-y ihought was lb. t xjms mated converHitiion carried on about i ear, tho robbe.rs"wcre met by a dead the late riots than on the day pieced J v volley of bullets. Two of the lob iog, but tho cause of this was likely j bers were killed and thrc capt. .red. that on Satuiday moro men were idle j The jai.g made a lively light. Twi n and on the streets. There were a iy fivo shots were fired on each side, large number of strangers iu the city, fho officers were uninjured. Dim of allof 'bomvisitfcilthejai!,c.ourthouBe the robbers escaped but his capture and scene of the battle. All the un- ! is expected. icuiunaie victims nave oeeu imrieii and it is now shown that all the wound e 1 will ivcover. Tho coioner's jury coutinuod its . , f , . . i . . , . . . f! , i? i',f .tUu ,U',U :ftt. cou'l,u"- , . .. . ., i i , i ,- I turiuaruiiiill increase oi n.oo vioicuce, stances at the iail and slated purlieu i . , " -. ... . . .;aud eiiioimng upon its ministers to ,1,rly bft U',t' 1'1d "''ph'-y 1 do what they can to arrest this wide- i . J. xu.l'" , "" . spn-id and mcivaHii. disregard of j ' .';''r. 'J.?. t V' ZJul t!,,! i:,Wt tbo very founda-' Wwij.oitMiio upon thi in. , Uou of Kovf,rnnicllt lkIll llliuia. The total enrolment of students at j fering to the most corrupt passions the Stato 1'niversitv is .'Uiit. tho lartr-l of humrtiiiia urn. Tho i.astors were: est number since lSHO. The uumbcr j of new stndeute is I a. ! I Itclisioiis Toll-ration. rom two Hew Vork Wi-i-i.i. The "A. P. A ," or "American Pro- teetive ARsoeiation," is a conspiracy i auiciiwuou - which originated in Pennsylvania. It: spread westward and in some of tbe rZ ? VhT"'l0tO U1C1 i r.rr.l L',. ,.-.. '""" (,ullf '"'l, , in New York, and it is the duty of) every good citizen to oppose him.clf :i .. ii i. ,!.. i . -IT : 77 .l. v, i ia JUteuilUiJ IB LU ft'VMt? lUCI Ulll Kuow-Notbing agitation which led to so much bitterness and bloodshed during tho fifiie. Irish Americans are the special objects of its hatred, but it proposes to disfranchise nil Homan C'atliolics, at least to tho t'X tent of prcveutiug them from holding orlice. It is very lilely that well meaning people have been drawn into this or gaui.ation by the misrepresentations it is so ready to use. It is even pos sible that it embraces some Demo crats among its members. All such should come out of it at once. Ital ways has been, it always must be, used against the Democratic party Nothing could bo more opposed to t he spirit of American democracy than the establishment of a religious test of any kind iu politic; It is the ri.rht of every man in this ecui.ti v to adhere to anv religion b.e !, s.. ,M Uuu, h.i .toe- iml ,,,,!,.. ti n m.rt .f .-..ii.,;.. i., , i..,iJw.is fine for farm work, for crime. r,xcit lor tnut .-in-'le ii'iau .llllll ) e nil, ,iw I I V .1 uli. .il.'i. lit is of the im,.,t vual importance ' t'ent !l i.!M,!.l I . I 1 No man must bo kept out of offiee !i,. tie l ait. d btates beeau-e he is a Ui.um Caibolie, or a lVoslnteii in, or a Methodic or a hentl en. As long as a nian"s leligmu does i: ,r ii.ufere with the rights of the (.i:uiu:itity, it is not the bm uii rs of i the eoii;i;uiuily i.ad it musi. not be ; ;; t.-l b. l td wi'li. ' Tin A P. A. is a eoii-'.p'f.iey against ' the i.b'.i welfaie. and those wnoaie pushing it are moved bv lhe miiiip pi. t v. nieh l aus.ed tbn uui.-saei e of lit.. H iriholomew ; which moved Cahin to burn Sirvetus. which animated Clavei house when ho was liding do-.vn i ,!:x d Mr.Diekens were to be mar aud butchering the Scotch Coveu.ui : .! ti the ciose of the set vies. The t(i s. This is the nineteenth century. The twi iilielh cent ury is almost here. We will not go back to the Dark Ages. Krligious liberty must and bball be mauilaiued in Ameiica Senator (ioidon's Views. .IU.MA. i.V., Sept. 21. Senator John 1. t.Jordon has w i Hell a li't ler It ;, .. till-, ss. on thcsilverqiiihtiou d te I . , . 1 i-ii in me Chi iriuaii of,' tie .eState l.'ailroad Commissi.. n, and j as been imblishcd in the Atiant.i lie. I lo the I that Senator reiiilirma bis lenity huible .-tan. bird, and declares is loyally to tbiit doctrine .:iil.-e- him to advoeale the uncon ditional l. pc.i! ol' the Snelinaii law. Prompt action is at the present time above all tl iiiir- iiecessai-v. Since the House l as so overw hvliuingly ' 'paii the iM-rease in the pension fund, declared lor repeah it would be idle j'be amounts which will be paid the lor the Senate to a.-k it lo reverse j :il ei.i.-ses of ieiisiouers will b. Us action. 1 1 he fame as lust j car, mom !y, $ W Further delay, Senator (ionhm 1 lC'r1' and ?1T. Widows will i.. believes, will keep business, which ' ''' "'' hitter Mini. The increase is impioviiig, lliisetllc.l. Nothing l"" the ' nsion taxes is not so greal woiiid be gained ami a great deal;'1 was expected, as houio counties would bo lost by a deadlock in both ;havo reduced the ascicssmenls on houses. To refuse unconditional j P'Dperty. reiieal ihrou-'h fear that tho Pr.hi- Ad Coiif.deiate soldiers disabled tdeiit will not cooperate with Con gress in restoring silver is lo ques tion tho sincerity of his loiter ol acceptance Why not, then, stand upon tho platform which commits tiie party to "speedy repeal!" Any oilier course w ilt eau-e an immediate idlock, and meantime, the coil u- ' try must suffer. j keep .mt. the eastern end of South In conclusion, the Senator says, Carolina blown off bv a cyclone, the that it tho party acts promptly theio , couutr- in a panic, the silveiites fid will be inaugurated soon a financial i busteiing iu the Senate and the He policy more liberal ami satisfactory publicans in the House, a Virginia lo the people than they have had j mayor and uiiltia sent into exile by s lor twenty years. j mob, a Louisiana judge openly jusli -.... fyiug lynch law, Colorado lineal eniiig Ullssiail Wili'sllip Probably Lost, j to secede, ruiiroud wrecks and robbeis Sr. Peikksiu iui, Sept. 2t. The iron 'rampant, a member of Congress be monitor Koosiilua, of tno uussiau navy, is believed to have gouo down in a storm whilo on her way iu the (Julf of Finlaod from Ktval to JlcT siugfors. Much wreckage, apparently from her. Lib been washed ashore, and Ihe body of a Ibissiiiu m n ine was picked i up today on tbe coast almost opposite I the point where s!ie miiht huvo been i during a high gale several days io." . ' The UooL-nlkapnt to sea v. itb twelve , officers and Kid men, all of whom ait j believed to bo lost. j She was buiit twenty live years ago la and w as counted auioLg Kussia a coast defou-e nt mor-ehi.ls. Tt aiti I'obbers Trapped. St. Josii.i, Mo., Sept. 2."j A gang ; f intnidii g'ti. un robbers w. re i.i ally : rapped last l.i' ht one mile and a L-di ji.t this city, on t lie I ouucii l).ull s mad Tiie roiiroiid o!!lei.ii: disco v- jn. ,1 tbe e.mteuipluted robbery mid fent o it u dummy train tilled with Moh Violence Condemned. CiiATTVNooui,Teiiii.. Sept 2.1 Tl.o . ivouui.-ii 1. 1 JV1IU.V V 111' , ill PI-S-.U.IJ P....1.. ... .. i.-. ...;n.. :., ...... nuiu , IP! , IlllOl'l Vt 11 nir.utll'lin . - otidemning il, the strongest terms "idi red to read tbe lesoi'itiof.sin full j ' - o their congregations, ' Woi'lly Went licr Crop ISuIIotf n. Ctlitnit 0th'C, lialfujh, iV. C. i rm. , , , ,,,..', L li if' f ori espon 3 or "i '7?"r Z,vl tZ tiZZJSZZi Monday, September 25th. lSOrindMT'"- I.1'080 "re.fed, clollu-,1. sup cate that the weather dorimr the week! r,8 ve.rYfavoral.Iu Tim ivH Imw 1 ?.laun b. 1!?d"B ' rtV? "".Z"" ';u"1;- 11 uall v cool for the season Cotton bus i ' . , . . , ! 'Ma.ul.v opeueu wuu reiua. Kaoio rn ! P''J- 1Ue Pjwpect8 areth.it the i.,u"u " Ul; B ''""' '1.,... .i iu, e ,.... ii of peas and l ice iu progress. Irish mi.l w..(.t i,nin .,rn!. . in rcod condition Kasteiix DisritirT The weather dm ing the past week baa been nil that could be desired warm and bright, with very little rain. These conditions have been very favorable for cotton, which has greatly improved, is open ing rapidly and being picked every where, except iu northern and eastern portions. Turnips and potatoes are good, but need 11 little i aiu. Peas are being galheied. Much corn was hint by freshets on the Itoanoke, especial ly oil the Penitentiary farms, but the ! inn, inn., enini.il liu DutiaD,l ...l ! ir .i.. . r . ' i nee is u. progress, ana I p.''i'-K.'nHr lgun - km "Al. DlSI Iil.T - Tbe weal her r pickiii : it I Oil. H.lVi'ug fodder and htiv and .'"H "'will". wiiuu-m oiii-iiiij; jMl"'"-. lu mwl "ecuons. i-oimg to , uaeei. is progltSMl.g UUllllg lUe eiear j w''';r, and the crop is undoubted : '.v b. low theayerago. Scet potatoes, Pfll ,,,,a ,u"1.,l,s V'!".V K001' gencrdly. o.vtng oats is going on aud land is I .-So.' U,i; prepaid for wheat. Kow In a ( liui tit. Sji i :. In l! Wllmllllill !obwiii!ii'. Wi:i !.o.N, N. C. Sept. 22. A. free fihl oecinied in Fbenezi r Meihodist I'. i'-. opal i iniieh in lids coiiuiv !-s. ter.I iy I'.bii" a revival im-iliii was bo- ing nehl. i i.o l ai'.ieulais of the ii;;;raei f '' about as tollo.vs A M:i : Liro'm rs and f.itber of I I.o young lady ul jici'd to the liiateb and ihlealened violence to the prospi elivo biide jgriMiii. Shciilf Kilpatriek was noti lii d and was in chuich to prevent a di.-; ui -banco. j The Hix boys forced their way to Dickens, and then a gi mial libt en sued. J'be sbcl ill' was knocked tiov. n. ' 1 1 iil 1 ul 11 I 1 1 1 I 1 i 'op of ' in b other iu th aisle. No I .. . 1- I. . .... 1 . i i ...i. i 1 lf,"siy nui i. aim as soon as mlel' c' lw rosifi -.! thecouph VVl'lp mi"uJ ''' '"slice Pittn.au. The Coninleraie Pension Fu;nl. -r' Inl i.. :la- wiiin,i.;;a.. u,:i i-. 1 I.m.i. ioii. Sept. 2:5. St. He Auditor Furman ti !!.i mi that tLe jh usion fuml ti i vear will closely ajq.i oxin : . t ilH'.00U. but thai as the increase in the number of pensioners u.ll nboii1 in the seiviie now receive pensions ii re.-ideiits of Ninth C.uoiii.a. ()nl one other State receives this courtesy liad Stale of Allan s. From Un- Cliail'iilt! oiin-i vor. With yellow fever at Druiiswicl;. small pox alNew York and cholera to fore tbe courts on a c.uarge i lint 1 11. c a his standing in tho church, and Sena tor Irby on a jag. it looks like tLe devil had slipped his collar sure enough. II Hilling on a Hit y el.'. Kr nu tl,iSiil.m (Ore l ln lrinileni. J unes Davis is piobubiy the first person whoever went deer hiintii;;. on a biee!e. He was visiting Iduuln: last week and, as ibe country then Is comparatively smooth and free from underbrush, he borrowed a rifle ft on. gentleman aud weut out for a rule TLe inflated tire on his wheel allo.v- ed of his travelling swiftly and uo:se lv over the ground, strewn with pin. needles, and before be pedaled nmliv uiilts bo came upon an unsuspecting doer quietly browsing just ahead of him. Thrt result was that he killed tho deer and returned to tho hotel with il slujg over bis sin alders. Shot by the (iti.tnl. S., .-l-.l ii. Hi.- eii.n l.nii- oiw.'i'vi'r. Wivsios, Sepl. 2:!. A white conn ly convict named 1'lat.hcr vv:;:i killed lo.iay ny the guard licai 11 us er town. While iu the. woods wi.'u several con victs theguird was attack, d by Prath . rand two negroes. A despeitde en counter followed. Tho guild wus knocked down and robbed of his gnu and the negro'-'B escaped with it. 'Ihe guard diuw hi., pistol and shot Prath er. He also t tanks ho hit out) of the negroes. Two convicts did not take p-itt in the attack hut run back uud inloimed other guard.! what was go ing on. I iinat in al Weatlii T ... . o t i ul,,..i ,. London, Sept. L.. A seveie anow storm swept over Northern England following an unnatural spell of watm weather.' DispateLos from Italy say ,ll0 Apennines art covered with snow and meteorologist, have predicted that those em ly snows are an indication that, Europe will havo :iu unusually j hard winter. f I Tho Soldiers' Hume. Bp.vl.il u.llieCliarli'tleObcerver. ltUKI.lH. tSHllt. VI. 1 ;n I iiirr I i vniir ltALEloii, Sept 22. During tlieypnr ; tJere Luve bw,n 8evel)ty vetf,riin; the soldie.'s hm,,n 1,-rn. Of iI.pm. h dil nJ sixtvlhree re- 71PU V'i1 ".?''' ' iy nnit hsk lor is fiirnisbed Ibem Tu annual arnmnriaiion fnr ,.; ' tonai.ee isS.OOO. For th U tVar 2 000 was Biinroiiriated for iiniir..v melds. Three addilioual buildings have been preiiared for tbe uae of I In old soldiers. Some buildines bavi i 1,1,11 lemoveu, so as to uiioid i.iori i... i . . . . . ! Vtc0-, Var,t'us, '"'P'ovements of ti e vo oeeu inane, una tut iilace is more attractive and comfort ablo than ever before. Of comse it requires mote jifople than usual to look after these old men, most of whom are feeble and can do no woi k of any kind. Mr. W. C. Slronacb gives min h personal attention to tho home, which is always an interesting place to visit Fatal Knilioiid Collision. Ktxciu iiY, Ind., Sept. 22 Klevcn persons lost their lives iu a collision between a freight train and a Toronto ami Moutreul express on the Wabash nillOlldnf this lil.ilh.n ul X 'ill L i :.. - . . ; .- ,... a l;Poro 01 oiucrs are i jure.l, many of wboni will die. TLe 1 f'igbf was in a siding west of tie , depot and was bound east. The first I M etion of lhe i xpress tmiu imsaed bv p .....ivm ..,. ii. 111. XI IS Miid that liie brakeman supposed that tbe freight train would now move back to opcu the switch. Hefoie the cars had begun to mnvH the second section of the fast i xplcss enme west at tin rate of titty five miles an hour and U'foie the brakeuiaii could turn tb switch, dashed in the side track and eoiiided with the freight train. TLi wicil: was complete. Afcsileiilally Killed. Soi-i-ii liosidx. Vn.. Sim 21! Th I town iswraiqied in gloom. JM. ! H V.nighan wa-aeci'leiilaii v shotn.i! iiisiiiitiiy killed je.slir.l.iy eviiiii: .ilk'til t.ocl'.ck. together with tio fiiend.'i be wis out hunting. Win-, unhitching bis horse to r. u. n. b,. go:: was aeeidentally disci. aigi d. tin load etuering bin iefl brea.it over ti.i he-iit, and when his friends ifaehu' him, who were close by. he wus dead I) !g:;r V.iiighan was tbe i i'iiaietil un. pi'P'il.ir cb ik i f tin. county court llil'.f.ix. at. d was beloved bv i-vc: ' '!'! , : t .i. ' 1.11-iuiin- i (...llllll iii- . ii.. ; W,n Id's Fair directors has definite!-. ; . ..! i ' 1 .1 1... : t .1. . ;.; ' . :-' 1 on uv emsu m in.- f)OHinoi ;i.y ucei iirg mat UctuPer .ilbl sUai : if the list day. j Cb..r'es Mil el. .11 lias sigv.e I nrtielr i oi' a; leetuelit x.Kii the('..:ii v I-! il 7! ! At! h lie Club to light Co. for tl.i i-l 1 11 11 j ; i i i -hijiand S i'),(it)(l.nn oi aboui I )i ci'inber IS! h next. j Mr Willis 1!. Williams, of Pi!( coon , ty. who for years was a State Scnutni I explicitly deuies the i barge that hi is I i Populist and has made spicches n ; behalf of that pally. lie s-ci s hi- i ci.ioei ii'-y is of ti.t true Idiio" l.i id j Tho fin n er-i of P isoii county re ! port that he ice. nt wind- and lain iiavi damaged in.- lub-ioeo crop vcr much and so injured the fodder en that it will not be worth gaiheiing A large crop of tobacco will be i mci iu tins seetiou, but the grade will hi very poor. jXFfa'TOHS' NOTIOK. Hvvim . II . 1 1 1 .1 -, I ns lln ixn-iliiis-i Hip list will Hli I, ',-iiuii. -ul nl W. K. K..U.-I..-.-, ilini iis. .1 we li.-ii'lii n .ury hII ,irs.,im li"Mlni; i-l'ilni- hi.Iiiii mii I ! T.l.-lll I'. I'XIlllill lll ..Hill, ' t.l us "I, . ! 1-. !, e Ill, U-.1 .l-iy ,.f Auirnsi, :s:i. ii T cum in, AUrfa.-l ill, If'J. I. U. I'.l.lMi. I'Mi M AM- MILL roll SALl I I, al vnliiiil ln FA1IM an, I Mil. I. In llmll. y limn sliii, f '1 ini-rly uwiiml l)"l'li"M,i.- 1.. I...v. Imi.IT.m i" I St sbIo CIlEAl'. 'lli'i lHi-ai i-i'iit'iliis iilwiut iiv ncri-s, mnt Im i,ii ,.r il.l lil-nl III lll'll KKIIiill. 'Hie Mai niiki-.i lioili iiit-nl iin, I',-, iir an, I is sii' uuu" mi 'I y ri-ll'H i-rn'k. All Oils valilHl'ln ITi'l'iTly I- "ITi nil i ll Inns: ri-nn'iml.li' ii'r .s. 1 i.r ruriln'i' In r. riioii I. .11 ui. Mrs. J. W. Wal.-nii, llali'lBli. i.r In Aug. ... imia. ii. a. uiNi'ON, Attorney. LUMBER! VII kinds of LUMBLU for sale at t in PI7TSBORO SHUTTLE MILL YEAThER-nOAREiiNS, CiSLIHG AwD FLOORING, I'i.vneI' ami Kii.n Diiiku, oit Huron Hills ie.iwt d to order t't bhort notict (iood Ceiling aud Flooring ab end. Dniwistii at only !?1.'JU per 1H0 feet. 33. Jr. Sept. 17, 18111. TI & i v. bamaT I'ondonaed Schedule. Ill effect .Sept. inbel l'.Ub. l.S'.td. I'Aii.v : , 1 1 t '. Ne.'.v. irauu.'.li. n,.i ir. liiiiiiiit.tiixfi.. il . I. ,1 K lie.- Mii'. liiwii r.. mi H J.'i H. 111. SVllllillitTI'.ll, I. I.. I'. Ill K.l.-U. villi-. i I...-1 .. til , I ... " II I : tl III. 6 HI 7..1.1 11 W. K. KVLF. Ucii'l 1'iuw Asfiit. J.W. KllV. OBU'I MllOHiJlT. Cvi-a'f, and Tnile-Mark olitttlnwl. ttd all l't fti I'u.inoia conducted for Mooimn rtc. Oun Ocricr 13 Opmsitc O 9. rrtnt Orrici nd we rsii f.'i-nri' MHrni lu les tiiui' U.u ILota remoU' fn.iu Wn.liliii-i'in. s.'iiil tiuu... lr,i ii nr iihntn.. with di-frin Uou. Wtf adviw, it l v ic! i ir i.01. Irn uf i ciiun:. Our t-i.- r.'..' !:'. l'u'f'ii 't nn il. ! PArPMLIT. "H;iw luOllUl.l i jUHlr, .v.til ! riii of si .'iHt cl'-ui In jr ,ur bla'-c-uuiy.ur : tuwn, vi-ot f.Te. AJurei", : C.A.SWOW&CO. OW PTCMT Of. 11 . VJ'.lK'ttUT JH, D. C TT AT T VEGETABLE Hair Benew&tV Seldom doos a populnr romody win lacb iroiiK HolJ upon the imhlic confidence m hu I! VLi.'a Hair Ulnuvkb. 1W5hcId whlcU il bas ac-coiuilit Ucd a eoim4ita reloratlou of color to luo liuir, aud Torouj liualtu to tiio scli, are iiiiiuuii-inkle. Old people like it for tu wonderful power to restore to their whitening lock their original color aud brainy. Middle-aged people Ilka It bcrausc It prevents them from gutting bald, kt'ipn Uundiiill away, and makes the Lair grow thick ami s',ioii. Young indies like it us a drt'ssin Iiccuum.' ii girt-a tbo hair a beau tiful giu.')' ln.-lr,', mid i-nablos thvm to dross it in nhatevcr form they wi.-li. Thus it U tbo favorite of ail, nnd it lias becomo (0 siiuply becuuiiv it Ujiippoiuli no one. " BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FO THE W1USUKK3 ; linn become ono of tlie nioft linport.-uit popu lar ti'ih t articles for gi ntli'iiu-ii's use. Whni tin' bi-ard is gray or naturally of an uikIo. siralilo shade, Di iionuuam's Uvi is Ui remedy. ritri'Aiiiiti uv 11. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N.U. Sold bj all Draggists. HO HODSLHCLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT .i.i i DYSPEPSHA, a rTr.icTiT ta-:reLi AULTl.i r;i!.T MtSiCiME. fwi m I I PHILADELPHIA. Tho mnjority of the 1 Ilu of Ilu' huii.an hoity arlit from u (lli.pii.seil I.lver. Sim imn. i I.ivir lii'uul.ilur iuis been tin' iiii-iiiih i.r r'Mui'lii! lucre pmplc lo health unit li.i i i'inod by giving lliriti a lu-ullliy l.ivi-r t Imn tiny oilier uueiiry on cni'tli. fcKlS THAT VOU UiiT THE (iliM'Ub Wjnston, K. ( ., Sop't Irt, 1K1. f Jar. IT. "Wfh:, r'tc'y, Wii.-!iim;ton, 1). C. : Iifah Mk- I li.tvo Invn uMiin one of yonr Klt !nip(;ist?! fcr f"nr your.-, upma littloln Vi.lltlHtn.uho I.i ; l t : n.ttlrtrd w ith u uU ntna.'iry lnuiilrji::l ;i lriiiMt al (i-inlriii'y. I i.i v I -nriil l.! .-i ! !i. n ! Iiini in tho u of tl; i:U. 'ni;.(.i t-, h.-ti : KimI.-Iith IiikI ffitilctf t uivv Jiini iii-v iv,"i! uii'i.t. relief. nnl I nm P itt-:, th. . I 1- I 1' - 11 1' Iinul. liuvu l'Mtltim. I o t.' v.'i il it f ill to rrdttru hid IrVir, r mi hriiij ;-i.irnl bv.cot bl u p. would not Ih- without it iv many iitw it cm t. Votirs auly, .1. C. lU'XTON. Mr. Rnxton i nlso i'rtsidont of Firnt Nn tioiml HniiK, Wjn-tun, N. t,uuJL0iiu of tho furt'Hu-! iik'U ot t hi South. t'onll l'ilt.ni..iti'iu nddiv.J3 ATLANTIC E1.ECTRCPOISE CO., No 1405 NcwVorhAv.. Waohikoton, D. C. on 892 f.tro St., Charleston 8. C. 'It Toarii f if you r ' man nf let- tsw. I lenetl by the stni:ti ot 9 your mint- n ihi '.etmuifliit- and u nl.I :t r.-nrk. tt r-1 rritiilliiiiraTerni 1oru linuiininttsli jriop OtUcra. Wiu, 11..0 Hop B. il youar yoiijit? tmnj inlTiTln', : f mm nny In iiii-J nr ci i ik.-. yuiiir,tuiii r;iiK' I mm ti-'ii j ii you in. mar luus iviy mm Hop, 1 irilt'-'tli i tlU'r:l! ( ii. if in n ixa oi ick thnt your nydtrm 'j VLJ fnrni ot Kidney mtHtii tU'iiimtiiK-. (ink- VvSIr.'tlMi'ii. l-t ntiiTl.t r yti I .;. nu? r tniii:i 1 :ii nrtvclK't'iit n-vcnti-n wiUtautintoxit'ttiun, la i by 1 1 nit-1 y icouf tk Hop HopCUtrs' iiaoyiif(f. ) o. i. o. 'in an absolute ind Irr.-sUIi I hit euro for . Hike li oil . nr ii nnav u'iOit, ihii-an of tli fu;iiwA, MOP ititr ornrrtvi t YOU will or t'urctlif Tfwiwt i . -of o.Uun. Hop Bittrej .luu-cwtie. SI NEVE!? VKp. boudtorl 1 FAIL - B A Toroulu, Ok I AVER'S a Aorae Cure ecu. i'iij nr. nntl lolp for nil mHlnri.,1 illn-iirili-iH wlei-ti, i. Ki.iiiin, i.- us,-1 in 11.1 i'!!i,-r ri-u. '. I' ;:!.. io ..'nii.'ii.', r.' r ni y mill, r i! ii'.i ' ' i -i 1..1'. nil, i.-'iu-o i . i-iei, :i:i.'. i , t j ... 'iK'i s i.o iiijtiiii't i ilc. I u; i I' ' i , .'l.tiiii,, t'l.t I. ;..i-ii l!i' r;. .-1...1 :i - i , .i.il i1 . .L u .; I fi'lu l!.c 1. llll, I . to cl.ri' en .i . ' ' lii-c u'l.i . i'ii'. tl "r- liiill.'llt "I- '.'till I'''., t.'l'ltll.'lit I'iW, i u !. r-. : ... i ii i i.tv ! . . -a. I :i i : -.'.in . I ! ; n ' . :,. i :i iM;---' I' l-.liti", ; ii- r !: i . 1 i', ,'.-, .i :i:-. .-uii' '(.:;.- .1. I-; iiif ii ii ,i .;.,'... I .i;y 1. 1 1 I t. iun.l IImi l'...'. L f . J . C . A cr ' i. G c . , Lc w c ! ! , F ' a s s . Sell ! n't I -i iij. HOP BITTERS (A .H4irlur, not .'UNTAlSi liruik.) 11 Ill ( i!C, J M)11AKK, IIAMii:l!(). SIITMI' I' II'-iT l.n I'll -T Ml'I'll'AL ALI' TliKY J 1 Tit K All III. if.. f 11,. Su.m irli. P.iwl. ntouil, Jjivr, 1. 1. '", i-, ii '"I I n:i:irvllr.iiiii. M:r- Vin..n.. --'' i :ii H..niNminil t'aiMi.iAllj Kfii.iii.. i o!'.iplaiut. $1000 IN COLD. ! VI!1 Ih- ps1! f"f a r;io they wit! nit cure 0r ui iiin luini? iimjmuv or iujuriuui luuiitl iu thi ui. Ai'.i vmir it'i-fv I fr Itnn T'.lttrr nnrl trvl .Lvui U-tvi yui fl.'t-p. Vnkv ua Uthrr.I i (i( PHILADELPHIA. $M til Prirf. OHE Dollar Hffifj HyvaaraMai MiAy w.. k lu'lt sSfiEirllr'4.ti?l BiT It r.ia Baaverou rV; IlKa. ft hmt laairmt lfun-L Mdrodo.

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