TUmDAY. tl'TOBEK 12, ISiW. H. A. LONDON. Editor. . 1 " TnE Senate of the United States, bas justly teen considered the most Important and thd most dignified legislative body in the world. And yet do school boys' debating society vfould rosort to such a silly and foolish course as that august body if" now pursuing. It certainly seems dbildish for auy set of' men to at tbmjit to cany or defeat a legislative measure by physical endurance by tdnu side "sitting out" tho other. And yet tb at is the unseemly spee tbclo presented' to tho world by our grave and dignified scuators ! ii' a' majority of tho Senato is in favor of tho repeal of tho Sherman law, let a voto bo taken and let the majority rule. If a majority is opposed- to its repeal, let a vote be titken and let tho majority rule. Atid it- a-'juajurily is in favor of u compromise, let u voto be taken and let the majority rule. What the ttouutry wants is for the Senators to Votk I Democratic' senators should be (ft refill how they obstruct legislation by delaying a vote and by resorting to the lest .of physical endurance, 6r it they do this now will not re publicans do so when a rote is de sired to revise the taiitf laws or to repeal tho Fodcral election laws? Oil last Tuesday the House passed tho bill to repeal the Federal clce tloir' laws by a voto of 200 veas to 101'nays. The P,uliSts voted with ., i, . . ,, . tho Democrats in tho aihrniative. . ,. lho bill, immediately after its pass- ago by tho House, was transmitted to the Senate, where il is to be hoped it will not bo debated so long as the ., , i i ni n wlver question has been. The House 1 at this extra session has dispatched business with commendable prompt- tiess, and it is to bo regretted that tho Senato has not done the same. 1 I . oENAtott Vance's opposition to the i Confirmation of Messrs. Klias and I Simmons is effecting him ver-se-! rlously in tho estimation of a large j majority of tho democrats of North i Carolina, and this lact of itself, it no! other reason existed, causes his many admirers to retrret deeply his unfortunato position in this .natter.1000 wTil's ol '1 "" Ttu;oiu. . iw. i:- a,.rvi......j n, .ifcivitm ue, i..r- pbsition to Mi'. Simmons, who as chairniau of our State executive conmittoo managed our last cam - j )uiign in so masterly a manner. And j the reason reported to have been ! given by him for that opposition isj Utterly unworthy ot so distinguished a democrat and pure a jiatriot as we ' have always believed Senator Vance j 16 bo. It "tho horse that plows the corn is entitled to tho fodder'' no j q"uoto Vance's own words), then surely Mr. Simmons should at once bio confirmed as collector of this dis trict! A Banquet wil y the leading ei . . . . ! bo iri veil ionium ;X. i, i. ..i: . ..: , r i I in compliment to Col. Julian S. Carr, as an expression of their uppiecia tion of Lis public spirited generosity in building the Carrolina Hotel, whicb has recently been opened in that town. We regret not being able to accept an invitation to he present and enjoy so pleasant an occasion, which no doubt will be in keeping with Durham's wholeisoul way of doi ng every thing. 1 1 is very creditable to the appreciative and enterprising citizens ol Durham that they have thus publicly and so pleasantly acknowledged .Mr. Carr's great benefaction to their town in tuo erection of so magnificent : hotel, for which tho travelling pub lie will over thank him. i TueStoum that recently swept over the Gull coast, below New Oi leain wua the most destructive to life and ' nt six flight cars of provision and property that has ever devastated",!''':11" 'l"-' to-n . 1' Hi'Ut.sw u-k, tia., Ick Jersev1 City any part of tho Lnited States. Ihe' th;H n.on.ing on the tracks of the description of it, published in anothei column, is simply appalling and makes one shudder to read. Tlos atorin, following so closely on Ihe Btorin that recently wrought such destruction on tho South Carolina coast, should inako our people in this up-country appreciate how for tonato are wo in escaping such tl is astcis. How littlo have wo lo cem-. plain ol when we read ot the calami ties that afflict other people I Tne Charlotte Obskkvkr, in last Sunday's issne, published a lecture recently delivered by Prol. Jerome Dowd in tl.at city on tho financial question, that should be scattered broadcast throughout tho country, 80 that it might be read by every person who desires or needs infor inatioo on that important question. li'a clear cut sentenced, incontrovei tible statements and irrefutablo ars guiiients aro highly creditable to its Metitetl author,- TnEErtronof tholiichmond Times , ' was challenged, last week, to fight a ! fluol v.-ith u.Mr. Wallace, of Kith-' inon J, who fell affronted at fomo ! rstrietures cn him I lint appeared in ' 1 1 lie local columns of the Times, and j had not been seen by the- editor until after their publication. The editor properly refused to accept the : tat y before being admit it d to his office thing approximatim it i-.iua: the conn challenge, and gave the following has been ho giossly niisieprest-uted try was settled. Moio I h:ru half the reasons- that I present tho facts, which follow : population in the region ou r which '"First", I profess and try to be u much of tho lWkuts time has sti.o hurriccne swept mo dead. Kvry Christia ,, and tho idea to such an i b?l'u to the np-; Ling is wrecked : but one house n one is utterly abhorrent. , prals oC o.gressmeu and other pom-: teu is standing .and .he sutvivmg Second, I am a law-abiding citi zen, and in every u uy personally, and as the head ot Tlw Times, incul cate obedience to the law of the land, which you well know con demns as criminal the course you invite me to pursue. Third, Tho method you suggest for obtaining redress from me is in itr-elf absurd and barbarous, and no longer "obtains" among 'gentle men" and never should have done The Senate's Final Sti itsgle. Washimitos, Oct. 10. As the eve of the test ot physical endurance approaches there appears to be maui testations ot uneasiness on tho part of some ( t the Administration Sena tors, i nd this feeling was evinced this afternoon in numerous confer ences between Administration and anti-Administration Jemocrats, a number ot these conferences taking place in Mr. Vorhees rooms. Tho attitude of the lu'pnb.icans is caus ing tho lVinoi-rats some alarm. Whether they will go to the ixtcnt of remaining and assictinc through the weary watches of the night in maintaining a iiiorum is a (insii :i lat cannot tie uetiiotcly answoreil. Aeenrdimr to the nro-'raiu me ot'iout a-'aiust comrroujise and insist.- the silver men they will move to ad - I journ tomorrow when the usual hour can be pa; r.ed. Predictions are fit e- i nix arrives, which motion will of ly made that the onesliou wilt be dis- course be voted i own t.- the Kcpea .Iposedoi l . st we.-h. but toe siunesoit ., ., .. . . . . 1 , i ,....:.:, .. i,.... i,.,,,, i i,tf, ers. 'lhen Mr. lidiois,spcakinir ior.ot pieu.c.n as l'.ie i.en ma.ti i'tioii ie ,,, wil M:il0 tK.. ,,SI. (and it sti:l remains uialispos. d of. j Uoii, alter which the debate will proceed, Mr. .Martin, ot Kansas, To"'"- ' probably be lol- lowed bv Mr Stewart. Mr. lubois .,. . ,. , . , , . will remain on nuard and insist upo:i the presenile of a i!ioruin until about 11 o'clock, when, as one ot them put lit tonight, the -screws'- will be ap 11'1-'". Ins nurnns tnat t he s.iver men will withdraw and force the repealers to have their own i;u ;-um present. Should anv attempt be '"ado to adjourn or take a recess. the silver men wnl u ntsiiri'i.i.-; il uM soni0' tlg,.ce,ne..t has been reached. Senators Speeches on Silver, Wasiiinoton, Oct. .. Nearly ."od,- 'i'"-- ,v " ' I. ii ii.ii I u,U)U.1MUl ti0 eoualry at the ex- pease of individiud Senators. 'I he cost ct ilistnbutton would be a scri- oils ili'iu if each Senator tooted his I tail I, mi tt,. ,.nti,, , them is to subscribe tor each others speeches. Ot the speeches so published twenty five have been against rcpoai and twenty lour i'.r it. Other speeches have, how ever. I con in: do Tho most expensive speech was that of Senator I'auiel, of Virginia. The Government priiitini: cilice chat'i SIS a 1,000 lor it. This was due to its length. Senator Sherman's speech cost u l.illiO. The average speech in length, like that of Senator Voor hoes, costs 10 a 1,000, those figures beinsi the actual cost ot printii.. The ei'eaiest i 1 1 ! i v i . I n m t .iori.-iml lois ! , f- , I , lieen tor the speeches ol .'senator Sherman. Allison and Mills cm th repeal si lo ot tin lie iilicslion tpiesuoi, :u. o, . . . . . Senalors Daniel and C.;meron, oil Ihiiiiel and inia, iu adv( i, . - . .... i onnsyivaiiia, in advocacy ii siiver. i U V individual demand is meant the requests of people who apply for sin gle copies tor their own reading. Tito Yellow Fever. IjRI'Xswick, (Ia , Oct. 0. The of ficial report today gives thirty new cases four whiles and twenty six colored. The official recapitulation is: C: ses under treatment 184. discharged 83. died IU, total 2SI1, ratio of mor tality lid! per cent. Out of live persons in jail hern none havo tho fever though both the cook and waiter are down. Shcrill Horry is out hunting jurors lor the December term of court, but they aro scattered and some are thought to he out of the city. Il is hoped Judiro Sweat will postpone court until the May term. New Yokk.OcI. 10. A relief train Fcnnsyivania road via Vashii,j;ton and reach its destination in some thing less than three days. The train carried a huge amount e;f Hour, sugar and other Maple, as well as tea, coffee, delicacies and medicines. Cleveland Endorsed. ClIAIiLO-lTK, N. C, Oct. 10.- -At meeting of the Chamber of Ctmimerci of this city, held tonight, resolutions were adopted comiut nding the Pif'si dent for iissemblin" ( oiiL'tf as. com - mt'iidiDg tha House fur its l.ioiuL-t action, and urging upon the Senate that some action be taken without further delay ou -'manure pending before it. The ii-.frohitinns say : "We have faith in l'reident Cleveland's knowledge and understanding of this subject and confidence in Lis ability toexpoute plansfuat will restore pros lexeeute piansruat win restore pros., ?rity tothe countiy if proper legis- lion is enacted to afford L.m the j mortunitv. ' perity lat iou opportunity The treasury gold reserve has do crensetl to $8H.:i:iH,()t)0, a loss since October 1st of Sf.243.()((). The cur rency has increased to 817,84(J 000, a gain since October hit of 4,,r5.0U0. Washington Letter. IJ'roin fair Reeuiar Corrrajiomleat.l Waswnuto.n, Oct. C, 18113. . President Cleveland's motive in having eJl his callers fctate .he nuduo if their business to bis private secre- lnetit democrats for (.fliees for their ft ii mis that be Las found it necessary tuie situation, without food or even to t-tay up the greater portion of near- o'o hing. for most, i f .!; m were sleep ly every night, iu order to pel form Lis ing in their beds win a their Looms moio imponuni uuues. ii outer 10 put a stop to this he determined to jiiiico iur ou.j uiuwnmi; ,,,,,m, I,a in.xntl.nra .iu i.nl.ini 1 1 ut v u ... luose who can ni uu iiuiiu nun are rcoir eil to slate .110 nature oi iheir business to private seeietaiy TLuiber. If it be about au nppoitit meiit tho new rule is explained aud they ai e referred to the member of the cabinet who has juiisdictuin of the otlice wauled ; if about public bu.-i-r.esa they are at once taken to the I'lesident. The change is popuit.r with Congressmen aud will strike most people as being a sensible one. 'Ihe most notable incidents of the silver del ate in the Senate this week were the appeals mado by Senators LUitler, of South Carelii'o, and Ulack bum. of Kentucky, to the Senate to end the controversy by compromise. Although compromise has been talk- ed about pr.vawly by Senators this! is the tirst time that it has been pub lielv advocated on the tiour of the Senate. Senator Vooi hoes sti'l stnuU j that the bill for unconditional repeal Tin Senate is Laviusr more or less d'lV'ciHy now in keeping a quorum, and if seine nrremeut is not soon teaehid on this silvir ijuestii.n it is di.-i.btful Vila ti er a quorum call bt !;ept here. 'Ihe Senators Die tun', of she del nte, ami there is no way to i force a vote 'lh.eie is ore Congre.-eman he's a Tammany man, too who is always certain of a wa: m welcome w hen he calls at the While House whether he -oes asking eti njpomtmmt for a fneud or to discu.-s public mattu l'ho reason is tl is: On tho d.t that , lhiby F.slhtr was loin this Congress , mini wnsiippri ac'i d bv a loud mouth J .. 1 ;,..i:,.;.i.,..i ., i,,, l nj ,,,.,.. t,i;,w,lf I conspicuous bv his personal abuse of ; l'res.deut Cleveland-pro! ablv be- j . . , ..... i i.' i. ,:. ...i.i -,, .: , ', ' ' " 1 ' puohc men. and tne r.ioie-aid loud "'ouuie.. ....... n... u .u ,.v.i.-,. f i ' d.n.aM: about t he baby w hose birth Lad last lieeli am., in. ct'd. ihe lam jimmy t. on.4!t!l:r.n waiuiii close U to t a' !a..n and dt klv lately spat n i.is face. Tin- coward Ma :d.' d i li lii.i the cur that he is. ami the Ci'U:r-s . man w as asked why lie did not Knock j him down. Stiikehim '. ' I oiviuaik ; ed scornfully. "1 would not du ty my i Lands w :! h such as Lo." Wiihiu an; hour the incident was reported to ihe ; Trosidt ut, and since then he i.-. never too busy to see that Tammany Con- gressm.'in when lie culls ut Ihe White' House. Tho Tummany Congressman ; has, however, asked lor nothing since j ihe incident, for. as be i ".its it, "I do not wish to be rewai tied for Linn: I - i A ii I on,. rr,i, 1 ii iM IV...O I . v......... have done resented an insult to the T.itill V ,11 III., I't-l.kl.i. .T the l'resid .' - V . : :n- ... J ll-' ousc i.t en uoi ne mie au-.r, .... i .,i.,.,, I., f., tin, mn' ';" i- accepting their recommendation as!0Hj Home of whom ha l ' liual, ami in order to save Lis ou tl) ,,at fiuei' 3lIoin!av. ,. time, as well as that of bis calleis. j ,,,.,,,1 U1lijf, lo' next week, even if the tai diness ofthej'' U,-:? , . !'ft 04''V"'"' Senate in di-posin-of the silver qncs ! tow" !' '',' ' 1 ; ,;. ,,,'li ' u .t,:,. , ,.,,,. ; mal'.i hihd if Jjt.im:.;! 1 ". t- ........ Congressuien would like to take, par li.Mii.olv ihr.sn from sl.ile, in whi. h elections will be h. Id this fall. Tho :'"'' ,,f tl' McCtearv .substitute for the tiearv j l,:e l,:i.v l 'ul: 1,1 i'i,l.,os.. "to... I,.,. !,.. fv,.r..l.! r!Ui01l.ii- the water . n Doi ted to Ihe House from the ForeiL'i. i Commit tee ami can bo taken up at any ! duie, and the Judioiary Committee t,. ....i.i ......j i,,., t...,,,,,-,.! i.a'i ... ,i,., iT..u tI ;u d..i,h. ii.'t the Chinese bill will be given the pnlereuce. Liow much truth there is in tLe talk among it publicans about tho demo eiatic members of the House com- mittee on Wavs ..ml Meaus bnLg afraid to attack' protection tuuy t.oiu ferred from the following remarks madtbv a demoeiatiememberi.fi hat commitiee: " f he new built bill will be fiamed on the hoes laid down bv tho Chi.ugo platform, even if it n-- suits in the tlelVut al the polls of. veiy d.-moeiatic member of the committee We shall Lew close to tho line mid sou can rest assured that no matter what else is .lone it will be found that Ihe taiMT bill when it. is repoited will be completely iu accord wita thodeu-!l'ut ocrai.ic piatfoim." The lfpublicu.s wbo are trying to create a eontrm impr. s.-ion too d,,li-g a foolisL thing It is much better that tlie ii.uniiv t.houl.l '-now at once that tho high i-,.-,,iif.t;v.,l..i:.j ,,uu f..lCi..l.vli.vc will bo entiiely wiped out by the new ioiil Tho repiiblii aui! have allowed t b lmd, ia 11... IIo.iko on Ihe hill f... on the biil the repeal of tho Federal election laws to go by default, keeping mon or less quiet by oith r of Boss lieed A dispiitch from Middleshorougb, Ivy., says !., U -.1.1 tu llt 0f Tom Johnson, on Hock: ij01,wo brulich, fe into a ;r,,lo of : 1)oi!j ,0!llti nD(1 W8S boi!(.d t0 lwuh . ' - n. .:.. .:. j ,.. , - ...a..T, I..T7 wj..... i The skin and flesh all fell from her bones when she was taken out. Governor Carr has ordered a sp.f rial term of Randolph Superior Court, be- ginning November 27th, which Judge liojkiu will bold. FRiGKTFOL LOSS OF LiFF. New Oiu tans. Oct. 1 o aily 2.000 killed and fc'S.OO'd.O'JO of pivpnty r.u inhibited is the nemd i't 'the great, gulf situ in in Louisiana. It is be lieved tLo death list will i xcoed the im!n Iht given when all the facts bit learned. There has raver been any ' poi-ulaliou are left in the m-t do.-ti- wet e ci usDeil ov tiie wii;ii or Hie waves. I than a dozen relief expeditions uvent ilowti irom Xew O I . !e.o:s tod'iy i to iistriou.e too.i anioi' li e cuiviv - iio.i.mgi : 1 I . i. : iy an 'i etoi ol I'uh the ii venue not; or i ill rv j WlluilihOll t') vesi-els pick up the mh aid to tin m. ILo death 'i-l is-dteadv above 1.IHH', and liow- I. as I eon re ceived fiom only a pi a of the do vacated cou.dry. It i.- such a net woik of i: lauds, havens hikes and swamps that it will b a wn! the relicl boats ran traverse efoi e I tlie wateiways and ili-cover the full tx tent of the damage doi.e. The v.olst. Lowever, is known, for aii the huir set th tne.its h ive l eer, heaid f:oi.). and it is only the siualhr ones seal tirnl along tl'.e I nyous and i!itrior iakes thai will Inive t. in.- visi'ed. The hs of hie in t! '.'..l i-h oi rhlii'len.ilie, Imi g on boll; si lis o! " . .u'; I". . X. . - 1 1 : . . :. . : i. . . i.... . . .. . : . gie:i!i t ioss wis oi. the irdi tior eet lietui I'ts, i-l; the ;'nlf n.-i.-t r..:t u,i baj'.itis lirtii: to it. 'J he n n; there i.-i im.imv -i i li'.aish. ahi:o i j j " ;( ' . ,' .. l( ('," ' j j . ' on is ". ... f, , , , ,f ...J,, , ' "l 1 !;- !-cn. il-Meioie. t! , i ..,,.,, ,., f , 1 1 ... ,. Vv. , V; . , de.-t:ti'.le ot dec-. i he hi;;hi st ! i ieve! lhue ,!tol.,-, ,,:,,', ;,!...!. pt i; v.r tl cui'iv iiij: oven thi i he r.ev, .- l:s i day it w.:s I ". v.i !a en H I v d, sti i; Parish and the h mated as hi;.h as d-iv t he M-w .- e:ia of' the Haven C, ti e .ii a" ns i.i ! many us "Jotl. T f ucci'.-.-ii.u the it Chii.iere Cm li.-hiiig si dice;. ' at Orand J: le ;:..! . icluiiisswiil' i t In between 1 "-': facts will prol d :e ill s!o if. t:.:! t; t Ive in ton.: I ad lout mil e .- i of lit't wi;-- ci 1 i.il t -iive. Tin- .1 i I ti " .e'-tl Ci hi ' ii :e!t n;, thoaghi t .day c.ime ; w s of li e i u. 1 : i: ! f ii.. l-p-i :n it 1 and f e: i',.i !;!! I d t !: ' .; 1L 1 ul J l' parishes, l'lr.ri'i' mi: c and are m .re t .an i ! e foai ! .!:(.. I wn:it poi'uiii'i' ii. J l e woi'.n.'.ed il't' f. '.V i-l pl'ai'of the sevei it y ef the ?u) , that it )i .;'::: v! a :ii . ' pin slij'.ie and in p.u f. i i c ave tiiionh it. The we : jaii-t v. r- ;'.! i;i!!-. .!. : ) .1 i I i- n-eul m !..!'. tie. .:.; t v v. omen. i ho .-m vount; l:c. u in tin v , ! Not me i f :hini h i ' .- -tt-ry to t 1'. noi il ic ' a: bruised and injured. 1 mainly on raf'8 or ler.s. l! twt i.ty to ii:a!y l.t.iu . ; wi:L the witnl til : i . e : an hour plujing ni'iio- t;, Along the Mi.-si-.-:; ; i : life is lo seme :. i d:;.' buihl'i.s. On I! .rat e I . ; ;,d Olll WliOliV 1)1 i Missi.-.-ippi rose lane :. j ov er the ic.'-' s ; I be en. snd betw. v these two M.-i.e.! it-.' f. li'lini - e' . . . . i . li I-. . . - i e Ot mi nad a. v. : Ibhim: , on the i I"-'-'-' 0 he tl e b.ll Ih- (iiand Isle, it was t 1 salt st place on ti.e ; rv Mo ft ot "!"' I'011"'.1.1 l,v' r 11 l, t '''-'d'- W it II a cm I ; f '!'. 'cs !! ' . , ..V ,"" iniii'' oeitire. it, uiui oi ii. c ,.i;i nt.iu-i !in the setth.-mei.t only tunc Mtr. 1 i N( H i landing at sum ise. voi; s .em r.iars. h . Matlhow .V .ut l., ol ,,.;i!..lboro. 3ust "pposit.' the city, was one f the 7'v..rs of the ( ne.u. re ea.am.lv atid arriyeal this i,i(.n,i. g on thef.-e ,,,a JT Oood .dother. he brought wil,. a ban. .wi-.o story ! .. v;, r- M aul of Ukv.osh oi .i'c ni I i-; "1U'!'U- Mr. Schu; d went to ! he isiam, "1,l'ul fo,li' " ''",.,.'. Ih.unpson ,a,l a i.e;,!o bt i, k. .w i "'"'' !'":lis ,! ':: t - tor t ho paij,-, 'f eol.sl i ued.i g ,v ,. I,.)i,i-1.oiim-. It. , ' ' house m w, el 1 ' ''" a h".- f'imi.v, i .-S !.- tw nty i'.ve ... r.;l. i lie h.v..s, i VVBH .'x ' 1 ""l'l',i',;,( 01 ho-.i.i-. 11 U'' '5 !i'n"-V H' " i,! ' ! tlle occupnics oi il i-lt roasoi-hblv ! f",!t1 fnmi the-.-t-.i in. Il tinned ..ut i,,J'"(; t;'" ''" '-' 1 '"'"d.l;. u sou-.. ! I'-sons. .dr. d.-haib, ,.n :-:;.,:.-. j .ight.l.aduiicxp-i ie.Ces. vereei.ough ito loin u man i,aa -i:.',. and wi t r riaeht .1 tee i it v dii., i: i mug 1 . ,!h. I...d I shovvfii th. liJleis ofth" 1 1 u t ht ou-h. !! w.isa.m-.-l I;:.!, iwhal cloihes be had weie tolli to shreds, his f .ce V. a.-, la lii. i d a'al had not e I inov. led from ther :.eid met.t be had nad. r;.'oije ur- .1 I hi fi i;: lit ful .scents of ih. aii; he had w idii s: . I. Mr. Schuib told the : toiy of the ;"'"'" ' " 'CI.. -It. "J, . , ' . ' . v ' .' l'' V'. " " ' ' ' '' V''1;. , ,V , ""'r' ' "t" had reached tL,. ,io .art: ais of a bur- ,,,., - f l is ail. I l.n.ill "'111. e. ,. ,1 iiciitie. irom d.,tt tnae ou it conda-: uetl to inciia.-'j in vch-city and. as it! t height eiifal, the waters of tbei uu'd' be- J gun lo sweep over the head of the is ' land in Luge waves, covering the land ! 'aud gelling into i.he houses of the' hnudicd-s of residents of tho island. ly !' o'clock there was au aversige depth ct lie feet of water and at mid i...' a .mm!, cf Pl.ri.i f.n.i r,f tvf,.r while the current was as swift as the Mississippi liver when that mightv toned Ubank full. No pmson could btaml up gint it. As tho wind in- Cleaned in seventy the houses beaan to go to pic, s: Tho wind inched the .oof off us .Lough thev. had been .Laved from the- rafters with a groat carvin-knif. Then the buil ins began io lock violetdly and one by e-ne ihey were torn to pieces, ei ash ing down upon and killing (heir oe eiipaiils and then rapidly drifting away with tiie powerful current that wa: swooping inoMstibly across the hind. The shrieks ai d groans of ti e uiifiirtimaie j eciple weie hi avtieiidiii 1 as thev were baiied in the ruins o'f I tin ir 11 ail sti net ores or swept away jto ilie 1:1 Hie tu. rent. .it r. rn'luiii, V.r. I 1 omi'soii ai'd ni .negro imciCiuyer wt tc in u iamse in I uh;el; tl.eie were fully t w i i.t v live people, nil Luddii-d !o;;eilier and ti r ; lor s! lichen at I I.t- !i!iilitv ai'onv f the eh tin his. Su.idonly these wc.s a feaiful cioaliivg of timbers ami the i oof ivivi d in, buryii.g' m ai iv very one ol the puty, only .Mr. Schuib ii, d the brick layer csciiiiii.''. ' Mr , ehu1 b clung to some float ing debiis j until be sa.v a Imht twinkluij: in u house. He hi eke away from the lim ber and s o.i to (ho Louse and was adu.illii. There were .several pen pie in this Loik-o. Mr. Sehurb bad baldly inteiid, however, when the sduetero went to pieces, and out. e.l : hi i : 1 1 who were in ii only Mr. Schorl), i vi-i.'ai and a child pot oat. Mr. ;sch;io -licit" did in get;ii g the wo :! o.- ,o;.i iiahy to a ti ee, and ihere the a I v laved until -1 o cli ck in ti e -. v. hell ihe wind bi,;oi to Tha negro bnoUlayer manag .ti ed to leiuii the pale to which fishing sa.v :. i .1. . n- '.i:.-iy I it ,! at'd ei'.ing to il ili.rii .: tho v-ic.'..- v. A !. i:i,:'j!. iilial'v la irg sa. I. .',!. 1 l on.p.-m. iho liws ni H..ryov's can;.!, v:n lost :.i;iit f, and lie was pio! abli' d-ow n . d. !: h..-h::.!i o'iiaao - th-,!- l! -le ' :.!.' i.' p, i p!c hilled in I he l,oi:.-r :ioi:. v. . i i :: .-i i ip..'. 11 V. tlie .i .-e i nee oi .wis j.',.e:o o i Mr. :'c:. 1 . :i Lis l.i;;hl's t .pel-j :.i:e.' V'.s I oi;,;..e, it;., v, :u. liowl , ,1. th-r.it.ms -..i-l'i d and the sioielo. a!.iJ. ...It -ile. ei ,' . wounded ailii d.i'ili:' 0 .1 a. in. 'st cm the. U hi. i 1 in ihe dee waves wished al rem: .1 ni nn'a il I i,h. the woman m.d her be I.t iu: ' ti r. ii ioii-lv t i i he e.'.il I i I: hi ' 1.1. d d d foi support a: d s .v. d th in l;.yi.i la ii. v.i.sb.ed i.way i- ' n ;ll" ar.-lll.d i belli." v. .1 w :i i l..h. ;. aho.lt loid ci ..iinili 1 for Co pic ol i !:-:; i: i i :m:i to :.l ale la - 'gn'- i.i.u: a. vei ii v I. Ml. si eh 1 1:. w l ea l! war g with only mode; at-vi lot-it j . I ii. ii g out to a !';;ht. l-n . . lie- w:i 1 u:,S ;-.i lis !:ei;o t tin !'; iu ton: Lis, diifii! '' ii. blind d sirikll. the .!. - who v.. !e I.-. I .-:.- -.. .1 :ices of j I. I ( .-d ... ,.f I,,, i 1 on: tl." m iv. r -v.e an i the wet- I.;..! rue laii i rou I the j to I ur .1.1. .i i ' ;. ...iv buck L:i:,:cf. i a 1 ii. O'l thi t'. i : I i.i ', v here i; h y n:,L I.i V- slig- . I.t : t i. i S. Slov.-s. i lain l : ! OCt !l i . I s lay pr 's ,:.'i.. r v. -, .aate r..f i; s; l-y . s. lla'iaii ol Hi in i!:di-: 1 il I ! ad i 1 1 a '. ' of the wud a i e. la d 'II i: e.i i.-.is and e seattel i d i '. heli er t ft' iiics !:lid piolaiscinai: e visl. n wa- , . "O t; I IV'.fl'-e labio t , ' Mm. 'A Vi'Vll COI t - V v. i !' ; tuna t' j m -. in .1 ::'.t to t! e!i;l sloe:, 1 wilh the ! ing 1 o triii' t. On n it" o I there were still i vi Kl g a ':!':' '"l'.1'. '-!l,i:,,':l:I MIjIj , a! il c .mi ' i t 1 lie horroi . .-I-)! a had I. ist tl.l.r .a i !a :'i hi 'in.-- : .-flu id alter e.-ci'piiig w bich ei old ie.! sl Ihe blasts i f t!.:, fli ;;v. s ia the w reel; I a 1 hi ell dl'ioi Ii In ia the s! lis . Iter ti t ui fiom .'l.lfttl '' !r : nn ''.i i proi amy given up mm mum in a vain cfh.it to save ihoso whom thev loved and weie dependent upou them I tor protection. ! j Many f t he taen and women and j children lin 1 liv. .! through tho night, I i but mortally wounded and with mil a- I I ii.g to (piei.eh their thirst and no nied 1 ieal assist r.ne-' bui:.?. had given opi jlhf! Mlilg'.de thai v.; li y t lied tin li's jsouls. '1 h. re v.ef hiekcn nuns audi blok.-n :e...s. bruised i. i.i b altered ; i.ooie-i, faces s!,.be.l out of aii human I i 1 1 .-eial'lai i e. Many it pile of ilebll.-i Was th. it aif-ol oy ;;iave of .1 family ; j . K..-:;'!:ii- ; i .-rn- e- i ' : ( a..' i hut: ! Si Al l - 'hhF, l . '.. ' b. iiv-ei. IL' and 1 ..'e I't'ai U.'i'. a wi !:.. .Mr. Waiiace Wh :,: w..s a'.i'aki ni l by ;:!iircd. i .'. l i .-. ' . .T T. -l.;;-t niirhl j oi ! .M i s. ,1a i ues y vv I... lives on ! arm near own, ! a la iii h el- : in. She -j ran.' out of bed I a nai .-!., ihe light ot vv Ii ii Ii ! I !.e !.tii. ..( a nam, who was ha'! ili.-e r the bed. Mrs i -en a .ti'-d. and her t.rot '.er, Ml'. ill While, who sleeps1 hoii-e, heard li e alarm and. U 'i: th. rush. .1 to her assistance. The bi::-g. 1 hit- .ro!.iptly mii rendelid on being; covered w lib a si x si loo' t r. I prov- e.! o. I." a nctrru man. as hl:o k as sin, ' i. ana -I Will VYI,o. He I a I elf. Oled , an i t,! ra i-e by : raw ili.g '. h rough t ho window-, in wehli a pane ot lass vv ,i - u ;. a' i .. . 'I !-e i-.e.ji'o While was br. lot', a I . ai. i . a I ! h " .... - .-- - - At t!. t ; l ti ui Wnl.c ."-'..jot rhr court v. l n h i nded Suturd.iy liijiht, tw enty- : nine pi IscM-rs were sent to wot k on ! the roads, tho greatest number at one term, - ' The I'riih at thltasro; CmcA.io, Oct. 8. Too;. lo areola wd- "f? lulu ma way never iuiow;; tho . f,,il" " ' o walk... iln-streets " f ' 'V '?-k . Ifc wl . lt V -"l : l-.0 d 1' nrmed yestct- : 'ri, , if! ' to.lay. ! Ihe lailroadaare pr,, rally swamp. 1 f' T T b ob,T! ! b"'" rl'l'!eut l0. ?.'r-v awaiting transportaf ion from o ilsiihi points. It was reported at the I'en.ri Depot that soveial train loads of peo ple weie unable to get transport;. Hon from numerous points. About thue hundred and fifty passenger tr.ens came in today and all were loaded to Iheir capacity. It ih estimated thai fuliy one hundred thousand persons will bo brought heio tomorrow. Ti.ftguat uish has come all at once mid tin-re.:. ih sis t ';e hotels arc .-waiap id both . w:i t.iwu ai.d aiouad the expo.-itiongM-nii.!.., whiio manyi f the hoardii g houses snme distance fiom the biisiut .sm ci line are c empty. ipaiali A I)i tin k aid's Diingof oits Frolic. Ati.va. Ov, Oct. 1). A drunken painter named Tucker vu a win dance on n.iininv piatf.uni at the top of a Ii h-iihone pole ninety feel above lho ground at .Mitchell a'nd Tinede streets this iiftei noon, lloeariied up a llask of whiskey utid a csn of riea paint. With tho paint ho lalore.l iiiuiself gr't n from belt to crown I hen he sung and yelled and ihinei d. altraeiiiig a great ciowd. He sw ui.;: him.-iil from tiioiim of iho jiiaifoini and dangled thue iu the mi tu the mirror of the crowd below. Two llliellll U W 11 O telephoned f ir. Tie , climbed up. One got, thlollglt tin liapdoor, w !.t li Tucker shut ii ;.;o w.add nut let tlie other up. Jin a..-s-mited the linem in on th phid'oiia ami they had a thriiiiti;' tiLt. '!'a. I.- r tl il d t ) t i.rnw I he ii: el:; in , ';'. le.il he laid r fuiaiiy got iu a blow with his nippeis on 'i'iicliii N head, kn i. k :ig him sciisr icr.s. 'J he other hue man then ye! up and I'ueker v.as Li down willi a rope and taken to tl.' police ! l.ii iou. O iv. tliir has appointed diee'i-!-o .ef ieakv .b tint . as .J a.!-' C. F. 6 Y. V. RAILWAY. t 'or,d oi, set! Sohodiilo. In et'l'ei t October Stb, l l. I'Ul.V I'.Xi I i r M'NI'iV. N. . i. Mail i l i.-.-.-si.: I....IVI. 4. .'Ml H. ' SIT 1 :w, ln.i Ann., ill . e. An .. Il 1 1. ji. n. V.'. I.. K V I V, O. iC .1. w. l !:Y, in-: 'I Sl,i.a,:-r. i ----- - - ! C3rO 'Zl 1. 1. LOiiDOH I m wish to save liiuiH'V, Tlit v arc l'l'oi.'iviii : iheir JB ?? 5? 0 & anil Yen can liti'l itnl u i a vmi tict'd at vory low figures I'd' t!iu eash. AW t;:iiiiinor noils will 1 , stibl a( aii'l l't'Iuw oust for the ash. A SILVEC BQLLAB K AS GOOD : IS A GOLD DOLLAR! Vmi will liiiiko liuno'V l;tt ii::: at i i W. L. SON'S.! I'ilUboro, Sept. 11, 18'JJ, I I ! k SONS, r uuijiji !lv rv1 .,.- l0,.!;i, bright auei pni.-i e; -:ei-. -ni we ere preparetl to .show vmi ! he be.-1 and eheapeot lin'OOI i vr s re.,-;: tV" city, embracing vervt'dng II ;'.! i most disirable; hii.lii;.', men's, and ciiildrena sizes. u u i j,'kL,'.j uujuJ tiTOCK :i.i tdso '.;v .'ti.pleie, aud wo will t . ,. i -.- ; ;.! d per cent, saved I '!.v '". :.i'i;g yi.ur duMhcs from ua. J! .i i'iia'; of our ilmav?iy Goods! W,. don'! ' c-;!'i!c t i -. iy that we Lave j'.i-t ; : ... a lo . : run bo desired, nd v ee eill about 40 'a i.- '. 'I'd bo con e to do is to CX- er e.-al. ,. liljc.o.u'jUii ii uUiib, H V.. M.otl'1 St., KLi:iGIi, N. O. i; i. e. . '.:.. '.I :.'.: Mil.!, roil SAL 11 V .1, I Mll.f. Ill Il.nllcy town I I ; I a. i'.i:.s L. l.i.vt-, lo utfrr- !, ! .' : : I ., !,! : a 'ir ni'it't, uinl la on .it il 'iir nml Is alt- v I., IT ifl on mort ! i in: .i'iiiniiiiu mu'iy 11. . l.oNpoX, .vumuiiy. f IA M Q & p f fa. .'til ';J li i!t I .1 .1;! X for-i!at tho .i :VVi;;rr ; . -r: lu. WILL '.... . ..- i.ii.:. i .: I-. :: I'ofoii. ;l's : a n .' t eicl. i .! short notice, t ::'o ! C. -i : ! , oi iat; already .., ; ::. r ,i :-'l :.'! p. i M0 feet. TT-3 -f T ALL V VT'RPTA'RT.'R 0 SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Sfi.'. 'n i'-' i a p .;.ubr rfim'.ly win fttch fin. n' 1'. .I.I ... ii .ul.li..' oiaillilcnee a.t has llAia.i It.via i:i:m-v.!-u. Tho case in wbleh It has a. i-i':.. I h.-i.-.-l ;i vs.vyUw ri-itoration of coh r Id n. l;:v.r, an t vuroti3 titinllh to tho Bc:0i. i:iv ii...i:ufr..!.li. I'M 1 a1..' it ! r it '.ver..!orful power to rrft.Ti. I ' I ; . i: '.ihi'Si:.; tlioir erigiimt c-..:.r i.h.l b. ...ay l.i'faiv.' it i :iv. l;.-.-;v .!:e-..!v..n ,r..w th.. I; i.. i ! u - a .1; .-::; . '., lii.l! U.- i- 1:1-1. Ii in v. ire.. !-. r i. f IV..1H,. ..( all. a ti.faiuu ii i'u-.'..; f-iSI.i! l oeplrt lilio It .: i t'.;.:.i livai g. uiugLulJ, 'w.iy. iiinl niakfn the hair a. :i. V.iuai; ladies likdt li pvi the hair a brau , ;!. I nial.ks thorn to dreu : i t! oy well. 1 litis lt is tho ,i! ii l....i l,. couio iw niniply ilit WWii', BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ion Tin; vi iusui:ns il l? I'fwinf .a - i f ti:.' p.. "I iinlir.rtant popn- I. i r ri:1- ' : y:' ' r ;'. nll in. 'it's mm When tin. l-. :e..l i 'r '. .. ,.r r...lur..ily ef im iiuilo eira1'!" ii:ul-, ia vuis..u.v.u,ii Uve U tli icii.oly. i ia i-.na i i-.v II. V. IL-.ll ii. Cj., Nashua, N.1I fci. '.il l y all I)rut.i,w. 1 t!?';V;0-rn lift Kb D!-.::0--';osfr. 'v'--,,'c'--i'hr, . et':iTLKS8?F8 I 41 lTT.'r'. IV ;OITOH I Mlr.Tl.tJS .-yilT MCltlCIHC. PitlLAOt-LPHIA. ZW Prtr. ONE rio!i.!r - jjfiJs T:,," ie.vi''rCv til ihe lil uf thu liuman t.niiy ail.-e IV.mii a iIiM-aiteil l.ivrr. Slin-iii.i;- I. in .- i:i-;.il.tti.r ims heen the means el r.-MorhiiS iiu.re iwui'le tu litailtli and !.:. f i i ..!.! .I.y ,;ivinjj them a licallliy Liver l!':'ii uiij i.hi-r oijeiiey un i-artb. tKJJ 1U.XT OV liif TUK GIJiClNli. (A Miaildui", nt.l u :rlnk,) e.'MA.SS nwri, ni t :;r, .uanhkakk, IAM-l:i.MN. JJv,t;r, Ki.id' .:i:.-t i rinarytirKiiii. NP VOlljhnw, - pi -i-nt ci-ut.illy sioco irccLD. '.ciwuVVj-'.- 1 1 ,11 I , ... I 1 .111. I-l .. - X .. T . (.,) nam Si' ;. i r

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