1. k, (tthalham td TIIBSOAI. JilU'AKY 23. 1SU6. H. A. LONDON. Editor. The Grand Lodge of Masons of Jforth Carolina bold Us annual meet ftigat Raleigh' lust week, anil was largely attended. Dr. V. M. Moye, ef Wilson, Was ro-oleetud Grand Jl aster. Eight chartors weru grant ed to new lodog, and a larger gain fa members was reported than (lur ing any previous year. There are now over ten thousand Masons in fltood sland in J in this state. Mr. H. K. Duke, of Durham, (although not Mason)' proposed to the Grand , .ill i i i.,.,.,,.. Lodge that bo would give ti.lHt) to- in i a i r.i m heOxford Or, h .u Asylum, if the Ma 0ons would givo another $.itlOl, and hie proposition was promptly ae- ?epted. It will bo remembered that the Masons ostahlished that a.-ylumi Which is a noble monument to iheir eharity and philanthropy. 9n trial aud conviction ot S itter lTeld and Brown seems to have s'ir red up some of the I'opuMst papers eonsiderubly, and iu tbeir wrath tfjey are so silly as to raise tho cry ol persecution. Yes, in order lo exeui pate tbeso convicted tie. ks of our peform L.egislaturo, some I opnlists are alleging that it is a democratic persecution of innocent men. The ij . , ,i:.r i Best answer to this f.ilso accusation . , , . . . , . , is the fact that tl.e two juries which Convicted thorn (for each was tried by different jury) wero composed of Pim,li&t .-1 will s Dm.mn.MtM. i Vm l'.,.,'i.ij .o "!! ' , . , Hill, captain; Company C, of Iredell J.icksou's line had been broken at e Democrats among the jurors who 4.C,UUI V( Altbur M. Walker, captain; that point. Kershaw's South Ca.o aonfict'od S.ttert'ld and Jirown, Compau y 1). of Mooro couuty, 15eu j liua Urigade bad been driven mil of and those Populist jurors would jumju K. Husk, caplair; Company K a piece of woods west ol t be eh in ch, Hardly have convicted imtocfnt lop. ol Imou couuty, John W. W'alden, ami the enemy was coming in;., the alist officer.-! It is-now thought that tho Vene fuola boundiry dispute will bo satis factorily sutllod by arbitrition, and that too before th Commissioners appointed by the recent act of Con- gross can make their investigation. ' beoauso Groat Hrilain would not like it to appear thai sue accepted 3beir decision in the matter. We have never thought that there would be a war between tho Fuito 1 gttcandj Groat lintaiii over this , Tonczuela dispute, becauso neither . .. .,i i : i . I... :, country could gum anything b , and; its inhabitant are too civin.id , to permit so useless a sacrifice ot j humau livos. i ! Seiiatok Marion Duticr, in one ot Lisnumerousspeecbcs in tho Set.. ' 1 ate.eaid a few days ago that -'a man who claims to bo lor silver and votes Sot a cold man for President is tho most valuable friend the gold men can have. He betrays his people in the interest of party success ". This is rathor hard on Seuator Pritchard, Butler's coll.'agiio and pol itical twin-brother, because whilo yet lie openly advocates mo t.omin-; lion of McKialey for I rosidsnt. j Which is right, Butler or Pritchard ? Ths next national convention ot - If,'? wai1 carrie.i lo i otersburg) trtt.,feli l0 Mliy brigade. Tho F,f .n uev. i.Bwuum. . it , 1 he nest inorniiig f.eu. IJausom oieu '..,, i. T 1 1 loriv. the Democratic party will bo held &n wnh twoSr lljree 8Iliall I at Chicago, on the ah day of next ou the gunboats, which wore dowu (..rmed Gen .John il Cook's Brig July. This was determined upon at ; tho nvcr, a mile or more. The ank-1 ,( belongii." to Gen. H. HotU's meeting of tho Demmratic Nation- 'vtumed the l.r. very promptly Divi8ioll Mlll, p. Hdls Corps. , r, , ,, . , . aud threw out among us what the -im,.. ...... i,.,,. i .., t al Committee, held at Washington on ,pn ,,,, ..,.,..,. . "Ulna ,P4,AI "V h.ittle wo weic ... was at lastlhursday. Il was quite a cl-su; .1 s,i ; hrtv0 ; Ijouis, as 10 wnicn cuy snouiu uavo , the convention. j Wo hope that tho next Democrat ic "Chicago'' platform will not be eocftrued in two totally ways as was the last. The Rockiughum, lnds deserves mucu creuu lor us recent -loom Edition", which was a big advertise ment for the county (Uichmoud) in : which it U l.ubl.-l.,! Wo U m. ... i. i , , idea that Inehnaoud is so largo a , mauufactwing county, as was shown by this edition of tho In ks. We j tolly wish that Chatham could make such a showiDg. Seven negro laboicts ou the Wal-! terboro and" Weatern Railroad, who' were BleeDinir iu an under cronnd : eainp near Williaiup, S. C , were kill d fast week by the earth above full iog on them. Kilouea volcano in the Sandwich Islands is iu active eruption. The fiery floods have suddenly returned after thirteen months of quicscenco, aud the whole fearful display is ou again in lull force. The Confederate Veterans' Camp Of New York held its sixth annual dinner in honor ot the anniversary of the birth of General It. G. Lee, at the Dennis Hotel last Saturday night. The room was decorated with the national flag and covers were laid for 150. The City Ministers' Union of El Pass, TexaB, seuds circular letters to all religious papers iu the United States, calling on pastors of Evatige lical churches and Christian Eudeav or Societies to unite in piayerSju day, January 2Gth that God may prevent the fistic carnival from com log oa- aud save &i raso irom uis tflBC. WAR REMINISCENCES. Sksichcfthe 4SthEeimeAt. Co. (J. From Chatham. The following interesting sketch of the ISth North Carolina regiment ... . was wiitlou by Re W. If. II Law- hot., who is now a prominent Min inter iu t ho Handy Creek Baptist As- sociHtion, ami was a captaiu iu that regiment. Et. Iti.com j The great civil war began iu 1861. Several companies made up in the Oak Swamp, on the 1st of July- We summer of 'til, composed of voluu ' were n little loo lale to take pari in leers for twelve mouths, iu (ho the Malvern Mill battle, but h'uviiii spring of '02 re oiganiz;d for three der a severe shelling from gunboats, years of. war. The battle of lg which were then on the James river IJolhel, First Manassas and others bud been fought; the result ot which ha. 1 giv.-n the Southern troops ceur- n , v ., age, and some nun iu -North Uaro- lmil) wbo h:ul u-cn oppose,! to seces- njon. were now changing their minds. no iliat in the winter of IStit and is'ii preparations were oeing mano on both sides for tho ucxt bUmmer -imp.igii. Tho Fedeial army was reclining so rapul.y iiial tlio aiituor r.i i . i ,, . itiesof thfLoiitcdor.icy saw that they would have lo meet a heavy force in .1 (; ji . i, the held the next summer, boa draft was ordered in North Carolina tor Febiuaiy 23ih, I8ii2 At this time volunteer companies were being raised in all parts of the .S;ato. Many of tho patiiotic. sous ot Notiu Caioiina volunteered, most of the men who were drafted joined some comivmv then beitii? raised. A ,,w hired substitutes who joined and Uuis the companies were rapidly till t-i ti) ami nun leu on to me camp oi instinct ions, near Itaicigb, and as T. , f ... they arrived t hey were formed into n i,ilu0lUs. T)ie F01 ty-eighth was composed (if the following companies Company A, ot Union county, Francis L. Wiat, CHptain; Company J' U1 i'avu.sou cuuiuv. A.ocri .A. .im.ui., ..'wiuimiij i. o. uiuu wuii g 'P- aliill S L'lVISlOII UIOVO ll.elll ty, Samuel H Walkup. captain; Com uck aud held the. field. If v hud pany (K of Chatham couutj, William been a few uiiuuW s later Hie Cot. led JI Joiiss, captaii ; Company H, of erai0 unily mght have hem des-l-.iviilson county. John Michael, iroyid. Tue Forly-eightb region id ciptaio; Comiany I. ot'Uuiou coun-; occupied that, pai t'of tho hue at the iv, r.ias u. -viexmuier, cnpiaiu; torn- Dilliv 1I. ot Forsvtl. eiKinl V. .Iii.ssh W". At,Vl)lhi( captain. Jt was organized on the 1 1 tit of April, '&Jt, choosing Hobert C. Hill, ol Iredell coiiutv, co.oiiel, Samuel II. U'alkup, of L'uiou, lieutcnaut colouel; li.aijimiu U. Husk, of Cumberland county, major. I As many drafted meu bad furnish' d hubsiiiu:cs. soum old nicii ami ? MU mill3 ho.V?. tho Forth eighth reg ; r t ..ii'.. "" : w r u aC(luaiu,.,a ; wllu milimry tactics, will at once seoi tho difficulty iu dulling such troops uuitoruily. Iu m.irchiug the old men would step too long aud slow, the boy0 loo sburi and fast. Dut Col. ' M'"' .wL? a mil7 !0st ,n.0 ' I nun if. ill', lltir ui,l l uii ,! . iihut 1mm ,.e.,illie!it. were at' Camp Man " " " v. ..u.u. ... gum. but iu u short while we moved to Ooldsboro, where we were in' comp until about the second week iu June, when sve went to Petersburg, , Va., and camped on Dunn's Hill. : Here we were attached to Gen. IJob. . ert Iltusom's Brigade. I Under bis-orders we man hod one 'evening to City I'oiut, arriving about ' made to load , S0Iue wagons with ice from an hous?, which was near tho bank of ! 1 tho James river, the Xankees were near by tho river in gunboats t be t,,lM, aild d.ggiugholcs m thegrouud. . . , ......D . i ney tuea tno woous, ami H loutxed , bke tboy would clear, buru and plow j 1 u ,,ounu "u1Hl lue 8'"u? u- Vn ..j ue .uuui.a ..e u,eu. e : Lucie lo (i.l-i' un.1 l.aorilor nut n.rwl back in order ly in disorder aun a isomer, out mosi Ahorse was cuton diHcrentjtlie leg witb a piece of shed. Jt.wib:iUMr) Company K. were kil'ed was all the blood lost ou our side, I and 1 do not suppose there was j much lost on the other side. One of shoulder with a piece of shell, but it u uioro likely he tore his coal ruu '"g through the brush; we went lo our lttUJJ uuck to our cam ti naviug, us we thought, tastid a little ol , . . .u,,.. war and Aud we uii kucw we bad bmelt gunpowder, Not a lew of the men told of narrow escapes. Some of thorn were ceitaiu incy i en uio wiuu oi tue euens, while others tell ihe beat of them as fLlt' Veod by, and btiil others were, j - "'td by the tsplosiua On the 2 Uh of June, we marched to Kichuioud aud camped that night iu the Capitol tquare. .Next morn in we marched lothe front liue and about 4 p. in, hud our first battle, at French's Farm. Gen. ltobert Kan soiu ordered Col. Hill to advance through au open field on a brigade ot Yaukcea, wbo were behind a fence ou the eile ot the wood, aud ordered a Virginia regiment to support us on the right, but from some cause the Virgiuia regiment Lever came up, and tho Forty-eight fought a brigade ot Federals for some time. Tboy were in woods behind a feuce and we iu an open held. However, a Georgia battalion flanked the enemy on our left, and thus we were enabled lo bold the grouud. We lost our ma jor, Capt. Clegg, Company D; Capt At wood, Coiupauy K, killed; and Capt. Michael, Company 11; Capt. Walden, Company C; Lieut. Ander sou, Company 1); and Lieut. Stilts, Company A, were wounded. We lost non commissioned officers and men: Killed 21, wounded 6, and of I tbu 46 Wounded l'J died according to the North L'arolina Roster. Some unDloasantueKsoeciu red bo- 2 r" .? ill ' T , i ' !i H n 'which resulted in the Foilv-eiL-hlh iwuicii rtbilleu iu the I oi ly -oiiiiu i Regiment being detached from nuu som's l$rigdetndon the nest day. 'the 20th, we marched to Gains' ! Mills, on the extreme left of our lines. ; where Stonewall Jacksnu hud been nghtiug, and when we snivel Jack- r . . em, had driven the enemy some I wo miles. So we camped on that hut lie fluid that night nnd the next lunrn mo re crossed tuo CuicUnhoij.it.y a iv ! er, and went from place to place, i in til wc joined Gcu. Walker at ',M,iie i- - at or near llairisou's landing. This was the end of the seven nay s bat - ties around Ilirbmnud. . ... Wo then went back to iVteisbtng. where we we.e in camp unt.l A..ui ' Sow) time iu August while at .ti.it camp our regiment was recruited hv conscripts and belore we bad time to .lrill them wu were order, ,1 to mturb. . Ui wir 1(nv on the nn nioiable Marvlami campaign. Wo took pari '. ; . . ,,' , )Ue captmo tf Harpers l.riy, September 15, 1SU2. Major tSeneral I .,, .. ifii i Walker will. Uriiradier Walki I ISi igude and Hansom's llrigioin -c ! cupied the Lnw.lou Heights in Vir- giuia and were in full view t tl.e fe,-v when it wa.s sun eiidiied. We then m iichcd lo Maiyland, crossing the Tolomac at .Siepaidotowi), and c, lbo night of the ItHh wei e placed t. ,.,n ,1 ... I.o-.l ,m il.r Anti.o:oii i iv er, about two miles south of Sharps- burg. The batlie ou the I, tl opened very early on the morning ot the 17th, and about '.' o'clock a. m Walker's Division, (Hansom's aud Walker's Uiigadi!-) were xideiod to tho lilt to support Stonewall Jack sou. We arrived at t lit) Dunkaid c hurch, one and a half miles noiih of rMjarpsourg, at lllioilt II o. dock. hurch. 'lhe church wis about the center ot tho legiment. Wo drove j I ho enemy out id lLo woods ami charged their liue east o! the church, , but were cut; all to pieces. We lost about one half ol our men, killed and ; wounded. So closely were we pris ed in this battle that brigades weic . divided. The Twenty-seventh N.uih ! C irolina llegiment ami Third Ark- i ansa iegitueut, a p..ri oi ai.ver h liiiiradc, were sent to the right, and of W atker s 1 .. . i.. v ...... ,..',:.. . i i me i oi ivMii; uit .u i. .-aro una nun Virginia llegimcnts to ,he Kf tf leaving a gap between us that wutild have repined seveial meu lo have tilled, but 'fortunately for us the enemy did not see it. Then, about! . o'clock p m , Col. Hill was order-j with h.'s regiment, tho Fo.ty. I. ... .1... .,vi... l..f. ..f ,1... riL:Ullt, IU lli.T IMUPiliD illl J 1 l.l i hue, where there was some hard lighting. We mat ched iu tpjick time, j little over a mile, but whoa we ar- , iittu, tiiiihsiuiMii.tm .inn tiue(i ...e , enemy back some distance. e then ; marched back, and arrived at tho ihinkard church about dark, where we remained uulil the night of (ho liflh, wheu wo re crosbttl the Po- tuniao. i M av tho Arnu-fi .rlliei-n ir- ,,. ,..,,,.,, ' i -,,, i, t.a p., ti.ina.. flirt l.l'.ill W it 4 llinri' I hn. I ... . II. i,. .'; i i, , ;., .i.,a J o .... . 0...u, .... '. t 1 ...ivtia ltut.ri It M..OII1M U-H told ..,,,, I, la .nil ..... mnli.MO I V ut f redericKstuirg, a, uoccmocr ij, 1M!a Here tTm Ko'rtv enrhth suf- i fored all0, ,L.r liCuV.. !uM) being in " Ul0 LoUesl of Ul0 Mllj. A A. the hottest ot the tjattle. Jlnj w" wounded; Capt. J. C. Slaf- foi d, Compai. v K; Lieut. Petei W. .. . . - ... ,e C() E LicuX M s. ,., r, , n ,..t r.i.i.t II IV Bud L t j J J3uw,j Company D. : c )t Jlihn Moo colnlal A j F. nm rhmun, company il. 'Lieut;' J. K. Polls, company C; hieut H A Gray, comj.auy F. and Lieut. Ed i win Tyson, company G, were wound , cd. The loss ol nou commissioned oflicrs and men was very heavy. j From Fredericksburg. Cook's brig ado was sent, in Jauuary, 103, to; 1'ocotaligo, S. C , where we remain i ed until April, aud were then order , od back to eastern North Carolina : until July. Whilo hero wc did a j ..,l l,il t i,r.t,l..i. ki. ii. a liul(3 8kirini8tl at Gum Swam.., and ! drovo tho Yankees as far us Red . Bauks, eight miles from Newbern. j Then we went horn place to place, j We were ut liltle Wasiuugtou, Tar- i boro, Wcldon and other places until 1 about the 1st ol J uly, when we went ! to liichmond, aud wero around Rich i mond several days guarding the city. In August we Went back to Frederickbburg; were there about a ! month; then to (iordonsvillc, where we joined tho regular tinny and marched to Uristoo Station ou the j 14th of October, 18U3. We had miss- ed all tho hard marching ou tho campaign to l'tnusy I vania and the tTent h.iitl.t of (icttvsburr. but at ' Uristoe we suffered the heaviest loss of any battle wo bad yet been in, . charging a neavy body ot tuo enoiny entrenched behind a railroad. From here we fell back to Orange Court House whore we went into winter quarters. The next battle was at tho Wilder nesa, May, 4, lbti4 llolb's Division fought a heavy force of tbeenemj for two hours beloro we were reliev- ed. At no time during the war did his division do belter ligbling. Tho I writer hoard General Lee tell Oon oral Cook that uiKht that be (Gen. ! Cook) nnd Ki. Ulnnd, with their ' brigades, had held 25,000 Yankees , . )0I.e tbun two hour-. 1 , "lul" " . " . ! "'' wh not heavy, bu the , enemy h was veiy great. 1 here ; kernel lo no as many ueau ...en ,,, our Iront i.s wo had men engaged, j ; (.'"". w"; " ''"'i-'"1 ., .I........ 1 1. ....i . ( u..o nmu'tli " 11111:1(1 uu... . """'" w" rul l",w." "...,. '" belote wo wire relieved, so that we could see the enemy's lines lis they won. d come up to relieve one line , ,. ., .. . . ., i i i . i '""r a. mu.cr, ti.ien incy .... .,.. u how il,:.i I he niidcivrowili was ci.l down i liiitvpul.y by our hallo, tl.e I roe top.- in , e rear ol us weiv cut ail to pieces, while but few balis ;Sti".i,k liees mar the ground, show ling that the enemy shot over us. j Wo wire relieved a little before sun set by Wilcox's Division, nnd nf er I dark wi re marched out nnd formed a line in an old straw liold. wlure we lav until morning. At daylight , the s!ii misb tiring began. At sun rise ti e ei cmy advanced m severs i lilil'S. small Jn the meanwhile a battery of runs were Drought iu and ol'clieil on ll.e no VII 1.(1 II ir l,,,,..,:, I,,., .",., ! f ' ' 1 i ''. " " ' ' ' W I , ' ' ' I I I'l' I l.s HI; Mill. iltlli Vtl.1 . . . ... . pencil on ll.e advancing lines ol us ami nil the t eat. noli Usui in the battle. Tl.e stroke ;livm ll.e cannon was so del. so the captain could not sea what ho was I doii. g. Tim writer was ordered by : lien 'ink to go in Iront to see w hero ; the shells were billing. I soon saw : that liny w,-re Hying over their lines : iiinl doing no execution at all I in ' f. ru.cd t he con inlander ol the dis tance ol tin) enemy-, Tl.e next lire they li.rra .. lo cut lanes through tho llo. a. Iv.in. ino lines, bnl ll.e iiriilieiv had time only for a few rounds. Very plainly that lie didn't believe when Gen. J.ongst reel's corps ad-: l,'c good accomplii Led by live seed vauccd and drove them back into distribution a..,oiii.t.d lo ven u and out ,d their bi east works and smali traction ol what it had cost, lock possession of the suno. This! The uction ol t ho lb itisl. gnvci n was a most gallant net. Ja.ngsheet ment iu altording the same rolec w ith one line drove sevrral lines of li,m Amo leans u siiliug in t. e Federals back, leavinc ll.e mound Transvaal lei uh.ie ll.al il docs to strewn will. Fedeial dead. That night while iu the captured breast' work was all peilcclly sti.l, (icii. I. cm i ode across the lino on the ex iremo right Some one cried out 'i hreo cheers for Gen. Lee," which was taken up on tiie right and went the rounds to ll.e extle.no lell the grandest rebel yt 11 of the war Tho rear guard ol ll.e retreating Felici a's lircd and ran. Some of I hem, eaptined a few dais afterward, re-' polled that several corps wore or ; tiered back as they thought we were! advancing. Wc had a heavy skirmish on Foe ' liver an 1 were s-veiely cannonaded The Fedei ills, in falling hack at this place, tired the woods on us, but tho nre, iiko ineir suens, u.u .101 hioji us iu ul. Jt VIll.u ,., i,, i,,,... This all amounted l" "" "' (I'oii-'luJcJ next wee?.) Wasliingtoit Letter. I Fri'iu our lU'eulnr (kirraapouilnui.t Wasiiin.;tu.n, Jan. 17, 18!t(i. Hurrah! lor the winner". 'That's .vi:ll u ..jod democrats ure snout j,,,, today whelbcr llu-y are men. illM rt t ll0 .aUonal UomililttcO or ;ust ,.;,, everyday democrats This ouy another illtistraliou Droving ! i hat "nothing succeeds like success". Yesterday w hen the Democratic ' National Committee mot to decide ' upon tho time and place tor ho ding ! tho next National Convouliou ils members while practically unaui ' utous us to the time for holding tho ' convention, were divided us to which ; ot the competing cities should lie giv n ttie honor ot enterlaumig the con vention. Tod iv, ufter a contest, which although spirited was good naturcd Iron, si u l lo finish, ..hey are all shouting. "Hurrah ! for tho winner". Let'evcry democrat hoi.o that the same spirit will animate delegates to tl.e convention and that ' .. i, ii.o in.. ;u n,.... . ' democrat, north, eoulh. east a.,,1 ! wes wil, d, will shout "hurrah: lor tl.o inner , ami U.en luwe on his coal and go lo work to make him a win ncr. If tho members of tho National Committee reflect tho opiuions of the democrats ol Hie Slrtes they represent, the Ul t rifUliy to yet. A more the old democratic parly pass in its chocks just cock' set of meu nev- or assembled in Washington. They believe to a man that tl.o democrat j ic party has a chance lo retrieve its j fortunes and e lect the next Presi j dent, and that all lhat is needed is to put up a candidate who will unite tho party and bring out the voters ; who have fur one cause or another j become disgusted aud refused to vole. Ami they believe further that ! ibis can bo done. Il all depends i ii...... Ihn I,.., L- nt.. Hilnlli t.l.41.1 ! erydav democrats. There are enough ; of t hem to curry this country. That has boon rcpeutedly proven during I tho last twelve years, and can easily ' bo provon again, but only by united j ucuon. Let every democrat appoint i himself a committee of one oil the j good of tho party, aud there will bo I there van bo no doubt of there suit. It the republicans eloct the next President it will bo solely the ! fault ot men who bolievo iu demo crntic principles but do not live up to theiu: Commissioner Lochrcn's report ot the condition ot business in tho Pou i sion Hureau is an effectual answer to the slanderous slurs unon the ad ; miuistration ol that office which are ; constantly inado in certain quailcrs. it snows tbat on Uec 1, tue business i ti n tu td tho olfico was practically uptojTuttS Liver 1 ills. 1 hey rcg- date. Since then the calls of Coo ! uatc the bowels and produce , gressmen, otten nearly 1,000 a day, j . ... pj ' an 1 largely unnecessary, have ret A VlgOfOHS tSOtiy. suited in throwing the business be por sick headache, malaria, bil- hiud. Of the interior workiugs of; . , ,:, i;n the office the report eays: "I am lousness, constipation and kin- saiisfiod that the oiHcera and cleiks! drtul disr-ases, an absolute cure . are bringing every effort to bear up TIJTX'S LlVCT PILLS 'on the prompt aud proper adjudiua tion of all the several clauses of claims now pending. Case thut are ready (or adjudication are promptly disposed of, and apparent delays are I usually tho remi t of negligence or '. , ,. , , r . uub.l. y on the purl of claimants or . their attorneys ouppK nceesMi.) ..m. uu...K ,.. .. repeatedly, of the iiec'stdly lor lur 'TJw T I : nt-nalor aIM.m. ..I lexitM. inmle 11 speech t bis tvtvl; on his 1 1 hoIi.i imi, containing w Hal be believes m.uiiI.I be declared to t Iu uncial policy l Hilulioii eoniaii.s elai aliol.H, w l.ici. i I I.I IIH the 1 I' I i , ll.e V:H il-Slinei , li.us: 1st, liya ii-l I el ii euii i. I t.l i ll U I r. I Jl I: it l Ii I in la vol' o I I Ik bullion in I he -al ,..:. r m I; .; JmI, ! el na:e ot I lie r . ! i 1 it i.Mll : It i, .i l; vor of tho i.-sue of t inereiicv Ical lend, r notes in ci.se ol a d t; ii uc. in revenues; Jll., against the irsue ol il.teiest laaiing lioml-; nth, le lavnr ol paying ol goveriiiueiil obli gal.ous iu hot!: goM nnd silver; (ill., repudiating ll.e theory (Imi a pah l;c debt is a public blih.-il; 7lU, urging the maiiiieiiaiiec of a sinking fund for the rapid eMinguisl.mi id """i ucm. l ... ... .1 : . .... .1. .11 o ciciui j ..lonoii in.s eeu unu a joint mci iing t i tno tioiiso au.i donate coiiiiniitics on Agi null u. thai his action in rl.isiuglo t-pchd the money ep ' p: iatid for tho pur chase ol seeds lor i ce dint I ibulio;. was, in a inca: ure, due lo abuses, such as Congi cH-mrli silling their entire ipiota o, s ds for a pittance. The depart mi id, he said, had in si v cral instances bought Irom ou-.hle dt aieis Coi.gn s.-.i.en s entire ipiola of seeds winch had eo.-t the govetl. in, id abolll JUIKI for each quota for SfiOeacb. He told tho commlitccs its own su hp ,: s has been extremely well received in Wusliingiou and has done much lowaids iistoi inga Iriendly feeling low.i d.stt.o F.ngl s i. Mr. liccii ismliwiug Ins Ho nio indulge in soiiic pen-ioii tali; thi. we, k, on tl.e leg.dar pension t.p .i oprialioii hiil and ll.e Senate is discussing tho tree coihiit b . b.-t ll.l lo ti.r the House bond bill. Will Nnl Help llw last'. Fr.- a. Hie el u.-l'.iu' oIu tht. The Aineiic.iil t'olloi (i FlOtta live As ocl.il I i-soed Ml .1 is ol' r. invitation to ail comim- liieu.luic, llrai.gi s, A.ii ..noes, e;c, ,o i,n i epl e-enled at a iueetm:.' I o I e u., ut, Meinj b.s on. I he 'Jhl to n.lnpt a s slcuial ic tin tl o.l ,1 res- trieting the cotloii ra iesge tnis year Those who go will be wa-.lii.g the.) valuable tune aid throw rg n.va;. tbi-ir good i."il't '. I'i.e !-o.il lit ; ii far. nei g, encoiii !,c.l I v tloi.vi i.l good prices, ere going l-.i n! n ( re ucreago iu cott.iu tl.is spung than ever b loi e iu I bed' tivt a. ai.d all the meetings ll.i.t could h- held In Iwo.-ii now and gii.ning liind will ta.i In p I bo i use. Tho little daughter of Dr M , . rows, ol Biiiiingiiiii. N i', sw.d ow .. i : . i. i . i ... i : .. . t . .. ,'t lb,0al "" 1''1 1 K ileigl. Pies Visitor: lii'gisla' me made a law t three-inch boat d on t ; wir- f.-m e- ai.n- .i protection to -u i l.e into etf. ci .F .i .. .; 1 . . . . The 1. r piiriu;. nt Fine loi ileail.ichi As a remedy f r nii f ! . nch Kiectiic Kutei-. :. i -.1 bo I he I.h.-I. It f If.-ets a eriiiaii, ul CUIealid the most dreaded h.b.tilil tVb l" "V 'la -V'1'" l"'1' sick ht ad.iehca 'eld lo its iidl uige hii wi.- a.o u.it.e.e-.i to p.o ;," ' "u'' -,v" V"? l"'A' bU'' l.io. tu easts of haiutiial con .'l'1"" " ''. U.ile.s .-uu-s by giving the ueed- d tone to tin- b iw and lew eases long resist the u , of i this m, ilicii.e. liv it ,.i,-e. Fifty! cents and -J I 01) al li. It Pi.kii.glon's I Drug Store. I Tl icie is g od reus:';, for Ihe pop- ul irily of C-.:'..bei! ii:.'s Con-1. Hem I t-dv. Davl- I! n I. . f W t ion I 'tcrey. t'iaiion Co, Pa, sas:"l: has! cur, d pt op'n .?it, our physicians could do nothing for. VYe pei --.laded j them to l.y a bottle of Chamh-i I un .- Cough Uein.-dy and they m. w i. e. .in i in -u 1 it wot. th.. io-t of in"'. 2 5 vi 1 " I c.-M hoi lie :r sale bv Jtvnum lled.-n, 1). u.gists. ! , ' Carito.i C . nwt-H, f-o-a nvi of ll.n '-'"''. v" -I . :.i l eves , ,Mi,t 't'aml.en.-,ir's Co.:g!i li-ieedv 'bould ho Ml . Vety hi.ino lletis., ,l 1 " ' ' ' l!,.', :"1 ' ,iv ! ,'11" lie sny .; ; is 'i. t. e l n g; n.,.1 1 ly, I cao kco... .i.uil to u I Ij have aU wn it us-.d fm i .h.iopii g eo.ig!., uith the besi r, s.i.ts . .'.") mi 1 0,,,,t boiil. s for ..ale ly l'.ynum V j Headeh, Diuggisls. . ... ! Whit is -ail to h t!,ii.,ig'st pane t,f p':tt .!as in the eo in'rv is in a j window in H irtford I' umi. It wm dim lo in H.-tlgiirn, au 1 hin, lo.J feet vvi.b', hilf an inch thick an 1 weighs l.StlO pouudi. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or- i i , occasional Use of k E flPPY To -.11 Ovur Pricnds arid. Oulg- tOUQ-GXS, and we thank tlioni lor Iheir kind favors diii ino; Ihe mst your, nnd (ako this opportunity ofaitin siskin thoin to continue thoir p;tt roimoo. ', will kt'op om- ,(mk t-onipl de in t'Vt'iy il.'jCi: i '''.'.' -hi 1 pminic.-u t. ,', ;ifn o;o(i.l.-- ;h low a liioy can ho hud i:i ;ii;i! - hot for tho cash. If j oil want fo save money j;ol on f ho riuht lituk and march to tho new i-toro cf W. L. LONDON & SON. riTTNKOKM', Jm :', lS'.ni. cmF,Nr.i itHi'oK Commercial and Ii.'. J .1 as kkmi:i:f;i 'lo tuk siatk vitr.A.si Hl'lSOCitl E. Loiitus and I )e. .mils S--:iH(i ill" O.ir.halts, t.ecuif.l 1-7.0 " III - Dverdiiif", lutseciir.'il, I :! 1'. 77 :?25,HH.Nr (' 1 pr.,o. H..I. ls.s-.'l.lifiiin Hankii.o lloiise, Cut nit in ,', and CiMiii.-. (Mhei leu' est. lit', Dcuitoid I. I'll. s, I oii- li I .ie fi inn 1 1. 1 1 ! Chei k ai.d oi-li t i .' Cifth ill Vuuii.i, 18.702 l 1 1 .-mS .", ;ii.riCii no ' i; 1.2 in :u I. '.121 77 .oi;t,;.;u 1 We solicit vim r ciit cl ions and Wt. will be pi,i.,id lo ct.rni-pond cl.nnj; a or opening new siccoui.t.s. .1. J. THOMAS, ricsidcnt, DURHAM MARBLE WORKS, i;i(!iri'i;. cuis of hnsllinr has plaood those works AIIKAI' ol' all other.-, in litis lino in this State. ;)-iC'.T:IOtXT AiD TOMBSTONES All!'. I.OWKUTilAN KVKU I'.I'.FOHE. Only Mai bio find Gronito Used in tho Manufacture Ol' TOMIiSTONTS AND MONUMENTS. TOMBSTONES l-i )! O.N T. POl.l. Ul A SKT! " C. .L ESulin, Proprietor, (Kvuti ol li e f.i.et collect iuii of designs in existccco. "IK't'l'MKIOr l Oct 21. SALE AND Sletail ;Vim.v 15uilitJ, .Y. -r. IO MV CM A . ' C! i oli-.NI.-i Wilo I linirton, wc would isav we cany inu. MDllJM k l HATS and tJKNT.S" lo sal e found in lo us. and en her money place i-av ei I T. J. LAMBE, TI21D C3COTIIIEH and rURMISUSIl Tor Xiurham and Surlington, 2T. C. Oct. 1 I I'.in. J. Bidiiiir, rUTalMUIO. N. c. Silversmith. Il.-lll.' ! -... . I .111 "f!l 'I' III l'lllliM I I t.i P i alr .1-kf. ou.i 'u'h. ."iv.-lt y, moving Inll.'li.ltm ' . Ill l.'rtl hlj.o. Oct. .... I .:. NEW Stoh r New 80311 7 RGML Iiiavi: oiT.Nr.o a stoiu: AT IIALEIGII j IN AlMITTON TO Til Kill STOKUS A r Durham and Ooldsboro in which they have a full and com- .,i0t0 tit()tk 0f aH kinds ot WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT BOTTOM PRICES, Oct. '1 1 , ol.l. fIE17 TEE ' OP TI'R THE CDNDITION Farmers Bank, Kill, IN. Ill ll, ON TliK ldril DKCKMUKU, 1895. LlAlllLITli;S. dl Capital Slock paid in l'ah, l()ll.t)()li.t)(l r.idivid.d l'rofits, 20.81 22 Mis p.ivahle, 30.IMK)(I0 Due to IJ.inks, 10,880.03 ! 1" i ii mil s Subject to Cheek, 350,510 8C ' '.is ner'n chocks ontstaud iug 1,859 87 $551.1,531 98 8 business We guarantee ratiiifaetion. with those who eoule.uplate uiakiug 13. S. JKItMAN, Cashier, ol.'.I. Hiijcrs. Branch if AM on ru tin; laige.t line ol INK CLOTHING, FUliNISIIINQ COODS (Jive to von, ns a look, it means a ! C. F. 4 Y. V. RAILWAY. JOHN GILL, Receiver. Corulonsed Schedule. I ir,'ct Dec. 8th 1895. mi Hoi'Ni. No. 2 DAILY. Lt'nv, Wlln.li.uiun I.LHvo l-..y.i.vui, I '.. KHIll'T I l.oivn sii.t City l-.viv.' tli.-onM.N.ra Arrivn Ml Airy StU KU l.Ol'ND. 1M o. ra. 0.tt " U. l p. m I jo ' 1 M " 1 " - No. 1. PA1LT. I.i'.ivo Ml. Airy l..ftvf WH.imt Cove l.f.iv Orr.'i.HlR.ro I..ve Sllir,'lty l.ci.v.i Snt.fi.nl I o ivt. Knsett:tl Arrive VMliutuii"0 3 . n. if u 1 OS lie u ti 1 NnRTIl BOUND CONSECTt0!S. Al rnyetit'vlile with Atlut.o Ooast Line tor all m.uis North and E-vit. nJ Sauford wlih lh -l.i.ar.l Air Line, at Oroenalx.ro with Hi Souihara luillway Coiniiany, at Waluut Cot with tho Hoi folk wottiot u uallroaj tor wUutoa-Salvm. SOUTH 1101'SD CONNECTIOXS. at walnut Oof with Ilk Nnrtolk k Western Rail rml lor titin kn aud KilDU North and Weat, U OrKftiHoi.r.i wt.h the Suultiern Hallway OoDar (or lluH igli. Klt'liin..ud and all potnia Morth and Eunl, tayC.taTllla with Uie Allautle Ooaal tan ..r all '"1m Sotub. at Uaxtou with th Beatxrtl Air Lino tor l.arWiie, Atlaut and alt polote Sou' I. aud S..utUwt. w. K. HTLR, Urn'iraM i. W. ral, Ucu'l Mauanr.

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