I' Till' Its II AY, JAM Aitv :;o. im:h. live ul' -is );n,-i bv Jr. Why not lido; tt f-w m.-.i'o, . f Stock ill tiiO i tiH tridl eull'ili liiii, COIUUlli ? 500 colds of (hmwoixl iiiul pei a'muion timber vvimtcil nt si mile block fnotnry in I'ilttbor,) for eui-h. "The best up li'M imil ouuipi s 1 ever ttotilil, I found lliom ir John L. CouhciI'm eiiudy iinii li ll il 1 tore", phjc u cu.-,oiiicr. Tie hi licit h if i iifoi I'Oniliou for the ii((H(d cotton ml coin ianv t tbi.s pliii'o will h if-MiP'l in u foiv days, und then u ino- tiny of lhn stocU'iold r.t w ill ho culled. Tho Vus-liiii'toii J'tisf Aliminne is jnopoily culled mi E.ieylo t dm, pud 13 a most vii'.'iublo ootiij-eiiiliutn of list-fill iiiftirni'ition, ti ii ii is loui'iik ably c" p ill 125 cents :i copy. Wo nro indebted to tbo Pit lor v. V. U. Kdwnrdu, doiil'int, will viit Byniiui nn Monday mid Tues day, and 1'ilti-boro' on Wodiu s'luy. 'I'liiiiMdny and I'Yidiiy, loliowip tin; tliil'il .Sunday of ouch iimul li, pre pared to do all kind id denial wot k Crown and bridge-mirk a fpciail.y Oflico in !!. ( lm oin's A uliohl clianiio ha.s boon nmdc in tlio nclii'dulo ofllio l'ittliol'o rail I'oud, Tl.e MH't'iiiniJ train now loaves 1 1 it; tt t '.I o'clock, a hhlf lioiir i i.r I er than liorotofoi o, tun tlicafioi noon I l it! n h aves in Ion minute cailier tliuii lieiflof;i c. IJotli trains I'otiiin iitsiinio limo nn bi'i-ctolorc. Wo would iijiini call your at tention to I ho Hploiidid lino ol lur tdiuio tlioy arc Nelliiifj at W. L L'iinloii Soii'a. Hodsloads from tft-jnp lbin au.M I f0 to the fin cut. fiotius fiOiu ifL'.l'U II). Tiibitf ill nil prices. Chairs hum a common homo made to a very li io o.ik. Car Jiotsaro slill nt cost. - - . You will li i 1 at V. It. liOlidoii & Son's Iho lari;chl and clioiipiNl B nek of kIiocs i.i tlio county, Irom the liin st ladii s shoes lo tlio bonvie.-t lil ia its. nil pi itcs, all slvlfs. Noiv is time to buy you a nil o soil id clollic vt ry i koao mid a piod Mot t.i t-e.t i t from. A laro slock i I lilL-li and ho lit(s Very cheap. n.in K-;n.osi,iN--A v.l, iio mini. U unt il K.isba Heal, bus been brought hero to jail, to mvaii, bin trial ul our l.oxt eoiiri, upon tlio ciiaiyeof In.v iiiir inalieii ii;y cans, il Iho l.ual e i,l,,v',.i i,f 1 1,,. .: ei.m ii,,. ;,l Mr Mutlhow Ciiimnrs cotiui. .n, n.-i.r ! I Mippos,. il.iy know wu wore J'.evi.t. It isallo-cd 1 1, -tt h" w;isli,c!'"'"'ll;l,'!1 ll,!ti! I bo y oil betrayed our i."'1 .,..1 l , .,,,, , ii.Uhuvabotits. t rinai 'ad hi on put i:i his p!a. o in I liM'd l.iooiiyiM' soas lo tan ui it lo nr.. I, .!,.. It ia Hint if 1 1. . v i plcsii.il hail iHvlllTt'i! a ft w n eoilt-l live per-i!,s Would l.:i kd ! 1 t . ,'ii :h is il iv i,! ii I i: . . i .i i-i 1 1 hru. . . . n h hi li pilHi'liH (in-li Ml IIol.' i'ai" I oi at. si t'li that ihiy Iho gn u hug in s:.lil to come out of its huh: to see II t in; winter is p'ist. Too tra iition is that il it sees its sh ido.v then, tint is, it I he. sun shines on I hit day, it ijoes ha'.'U into ils hole, bo. ails.' the winter ii Hily hall gone. IJu', if it iliKi uiit then tine its s.i.idow, if it is a cloudy day, il remains out Mi J thera will bo no mo wtntl.er. wintry I Attti-lhe oxporioneo ol last win lor the liH-oiui's reatleis will have no mere iaiib iti ibis truiiitioii, or weather nign, lioeausu the "2nd ol Fehruiiry last joar, was a bright ihiy tii'tl the weather for sever;.! weeks idler whs us cold an I wintiy U6 il ever bct'oiiiis in lliis l.ililu lo. (.ONTialll'TloSS I't'll Cl'MN'a'K III U'sponso lo the I.'ki'oMi's sllilos inn Bud appeal in heliait ol the Cumiiock BilU'eivrs, eoHoctioiia have boon t ik . ii up in many ol the churches of ' this county. Tlio Kti oni. aunoiiuet 'l : that Co, i W. I, f Ion loul kindiv Ciiiisolitod to receive nn V conti Mill tions that might bo sent him and wo'iid carry ihciu to Cuiiiuook him Kclf. All uoiitiibiitioii.i sot, I to him will bo lichiiowlcdgcd In tlio IvKi'i-iti) Thus tar bo bus received IliofoN lowing coiittilitiliot:s: Hon. W. V. Stroud,' $10 00 l'lttshoro hpisoopal cliurcli, ll OH l'itt Mb;ri l'restiyteriaii church, I r"t Kbenez'-r liaplisl church, 1 ;t(i H. II. Kike, 50 Hock liivcr H.iptisl church, (SiuiiiiiMi drove), 2 7l) Ml. (iiload Li.ipi.ist. churoli, ( Hackneys). .j (in ! A l'aosi'Kiiui's Ciiatiiamiie W 1 1 i ! o toward ltiehmoiid, when wo heard iu Florithi last wi-tk wo had the , tbe explosion. We relumed and ou jile .Miro of ineotiiic; Mr. Charles 15. ; the next day took up our quarter iu llogeis, who H.i bin n and i oared iu , the tieuches. I he Forty eighth oo tids county, bul removed to Fioiidu' cupied thai position which bad been ubout twenty-live years ago. With ;b!ouu up. Here wo remained for out capital or hill jcutiat liioinls he began businesH, when quite u youth, ou ii verv email scale, and noiv lie is the ht-itd id Iho l.irirest business house in the state of Florithi. He is tbo founder id t bo C 11. lingers Com pany, which is an incorporated com pany "I JncKsoiiviiie iittiuoiiju coiu- pliuieiit of him, uii-l which does over a million dollar business unuuitlly It is a wliolesalo oi'oiviy eoiup.-niy tnitl Las iiniii( t,-e warehouses, tbioiigb which Mr. Kneels kindly showed us. We know hint well as a boy, before ho left Cliiitbaiii, sod I'liniil him us tho prosperous man ju-t us pieasant uud polite lis in loiuier Mars, lie 1ms inos-t kindly 1 1 eollectioiiH of his old county iiinl (-poke of bringing Lis " fami'y hue to i-peud licit aiiinmi i. - WAR REMINISCENCES. Co. (J I'Yoiii ( Ii;i(1i;iiii. The I iIkim ii in tcrosti nr sketch .'i ; io--ISlh Noun ('irolinn rcf'iiiieu! .ins wiint l. is. v. W. H. li linw lion, in) iii now it ,i ii i i tie ii t. Mm o-lor in the .Sandy Crock H.tptist As sooinlion, iiinl was a captain in Ihut icoimciit. lJicoiin (('vittlii'liil fioui lit (('(.) At Sp ittsylvaiiia Com liiollse wo wcru onajrod on May l'itli," but Hip loss of tint i' rty-eifjblli wns uot ho yioal r.s Hint of soiuo oilier ieg incut, ii h u wei'i! not in tlio hottest ol tlio hatllo. However, wotlid some haul nniichiiifX throllb'b tlio blil.li and somo lili! iii. rroni In ro vn were, on tlm nieui . Habit! in ili'h to liiclunond, exposed to an awful heavy shelling on May 2')lb, near ilaiioVer. The solid shot it re I'alliii aiid hnuncin Itiick on Mio nt- ui:d. Tlio ni.ly ciisualiliiw 1 i'i ineniber were fSeieeanl C Litwboii mid Coi poml M. C. Yon, of Company I), I'liity-eif-hlh Xorih ('arolinii, bolh killed with the t-iutie shot. Our next piinneineiit was at pliiott called luikey 15eii.l,i;r Turkey Hill. YViL oox's Division was IL'liiini,' in front of n.-i, iiud a lieuvy linily of Federals ivt i i) nioviii on his lei I ll ink. We hi ro pri p u inr to meet I hem, throw mt.' up Home temporal)' hi east woi ks under a whin p skirmish lire. Jdi-ut . ('. Howard, ol Company F, Forty oiiibili. was kiili.'d. JSoiue lour or live men wounded, were, 1 think, all i I those li st fioiu the Forty-eightb in thist nayeineiit. 'I'be eneoiy wuh iiiovmLf in lino of battle to our right. A o worn tnilered lo move in ijuiok lime and make no nt.ise. While on this rapid inaicli au amusing iuci Ji nt oi cuiiod, which 1 will relate: Wo wore passing lliion-b a ravine ivheie Nome Yankeii prisotieis were under uiird. A vi ry huoo, gruff looliin Y'arkee Wim titandin up (durrii.LC the rol.'cis Jfo asked: "VLj do c u robe's wear such du ly, rag f.u clotliis' All Iilshiuiiu by the iimuu ol Forest, bidoiiMinj; lo Com pa:iy l', I-'oi ty-t iiiiti lleyiuient, and ns oi od a soldier as was iu the lOiiiment 1 autiivt'ied: "Fuilli and be j ibbt ts, we .Soullieii:s aUvu8 put on uiii' MUiiost elm Iks when we kill !io,l;s, and it is hug killing tiny with I ii i now , pointing to a ileml luukee ! near by. This wit of tl.o li ishliian I .-. in-i d n laugh, und forgetting; the lonl.'i to be ijaiet, soiuo two or throii ! iiion raised u i il, uliioii w,is takou j up a,i a oog the line a legului it lit I lull. 1 he tii.'iuys lines halted, I hrnko mid foil b.n k, so wo did not 'm.I ii.to an)' luilbor tugngoiueul. Wlu'lhor iL was I ins yell thai caused lil.em to lull back, I cannot hnv, but . n s" nest ""'b,.i, oil tl, C-i -ok Ibl a. hj 'emcnt was at Cold .'Ird of June, (il 1'1'j uas on the extreme Con!-, del uio lines, only . I n it ol Hi snn;o cav.m i 'i in on our It'll. 1 Ins wiiS, wilh I. . i' ol ,f lioi. Iho huld- -I loll-'lil I , i t' ti.e u.'ir. J lis' mi ,'.li oid iimtl ' ...I . il, : i - i t il ii i r, mil,.' ; ;i:i. ahoi , . sh il t.ouio i line, re ion made unoihei w;.. ii I, Tin v i- j 1 1 1 1 .- oil. i. ge. We Wele asHlsttd in I t puls it g this one by a buttery ol uiliileiy, w hich bad just come up. The enemy would l e-mfoice, und eoiue ttgaiu, but we io))ulsed every charge and iluiiiig the day, weiking betweeu ut lacks, bu.lt a very good bituslwoik The last of Hio si vei ill chillgod was made about ti o clock p. iu. Several hues I T. :ne lol Wlil'd. hie lino Would lire iiinl fail doivu, lui.illier stfp over, lire and l.til down, each lino getting lien:.;! us, until they gol wiiluu (illur lb aidsi'f soldo ptiriioiis of our line, but ti.niiiig Iheiiioelvt H cut to pncis mi badly they fo.! back in a little disoidor. Our men soeuied to i'i.M! ail at oiico, with a rebel yell, and poured kit, I into them, culling tlow ii several of llieiu. 1 he old tioid in Iroiit of ih was aluiust covered witii l In ir tit ad. At no lime during the war tlid the Foity eighth aud 1 '"' 3" e'vi nil: no Dettor ligUluig. position wus a good oue, andau t"'poitant one lobe held. We lost sevilal gOOU IIICII l.it ut. .M. 1). Clegg, iu this battle, of Company D, Was wtiiiuiletl. At 'J o'clock that night we took up the line of march, went from pluco to place for t-cveial days, spending about uno week at Diet) Jijllom. I. Vl this place we had to buttle, ex- i-t'pl Willi Uieu. 1 never saw bo many ll.es in i.ll my life). Then we wout lo the right ol I'oteihburg. Wo were on the line about one halt in lie io the right on iho blo.v op, us it wus cull ed. I ho day belorii the springing ol' that in mo wo wero oi deled lo the I' ll of lYtersburg und had crossed iho A ppoiuultox, a nl were mulching teveiul weeKs, when we wero moved lo the extreme right aud built our winter iiuuiUrsou Hutcher'a Hun. Gtu. ileth was ordered to attack the. eiiouiy whenever be attemited to ex-1 tend bis lines. So we hud eeveral I engagements, one ul the Yellow House. This was in August, 18(14, aVd ou the ii of tbo smuo moulb , we were in tbo battle of Ream's Slaliou, where wo charged a heavy force id FederuU behiud a breast work, bioke their lino aud captured several bundled prisoners aud sever, al pieces of ailillciy. This was a bmve asaull. Two attacks had beeu made by other troops (I forget whoe) and had tailed lo dislodge ; thou. 'I bis hail given tho enemy coin wye und waj lalher diacoutag - ingto us, who hud to make the third attack. Tho timber for 60 0r 75 yards in front of their w0, kg bud been cut down, the limbs sharpened, making it very difficult to reach the works. The position of the Forty eighth was near the eeuter ol t he I no, the timber in our fiout beb.g thimiHr than iu other portions. We succeeded in gaining the works noon o, tii.' ti thoHn on the" right or l f . who !i!!-j u'.iie brush to go through, i Iho nisi part of the line broken was on the left wing of the Forty eighth, lint the whole line was mii rendcit d iu a very low minutes. We lost sov etui in this charge. Lieut. M, J) Clegg, ol' Company D, was killed on the works about the time the line was broken. Lieut. 0. W. Shaw, of Company J), was Wounded before he react e l the woiks. The next day we marched back to i'ett-rsbuig to our position ou the light of the lines. The next inarch we took, and I think it. was iu De cember, was to lielliiehl wboro we had u skirmish with Yankee cavalry. Sergouut H. B Cox, of Company i). lost his foot by a shell 'i bis whs all the. loss 1 remember. We re uiainetl on Hatcher's Hun until the Confederate lines wore broken, the 2nd of April, 1805. We hud several skirmishes while hero. About the 2(ith of Match the troops on our left had made n charge on the enemy's dues ami bud carried their front woiks near tho Appomattox river but had to desert tbem the same diy. We it ore ordered mound tbeio in the morning and returned iu the even ing to our ipJarUrs to find the Yank oisiu possessiou of our picket post. They bad ciiptured all ol our pickets aud could have beeu iu pospes.-ion of our breastworks and winter quarters if they bud known it, as we bad loll only a few men iu camp, who were unable for duly. Cspl. Henry li MtKiuney, ol the Forty-bixth regi. meut, w ho was commander of I he brigade sharp shooters tormed his line ou the right, near the creek, und made a very brave and euccosbful charge, recupturing our picket post in this charge. Lieut. Ausliu, of the Forty eighth legnnent, n very brave aud good officer, was killed, aud I do not remember that any other wus killed or wounded. (I believe thai Lieut. Austiu was the lust man kill ed iu the Forty-eighth as I do not remember uny other being killed ni terwitrds). We ouly held our picket post about two days, as our pickets wero cap tured ou the 28 lb or 2 'Jib ot March, and ou tho -ud day ol Apiil, the lines to our left were broken. We look up the lino of march to the right, aud crossing tho creek, moved to Jitrrett's Station, where iu the evening wo had a skirmish but were about to be burrouuded and iuhiIo htisio to got away aud were on the memorable rolreal to Appouiatii x Court House, loosiug nunc or less ol our uieu every day. The last bkmuish we weie iu was on Thiii sday evening helot o iliosiir render ou Sunday, the 'JUi ol April, 18(15. The Twenty seventh and For ly eighth Kegiwnts wero oideretl out lo the r it; lit to protect Iho waw on trains, but before we arrived the enemy hud set tire to a part ol iho WHgoiis, and a heavy toico ol iufan t.y was marching the road I he wug i.'.s were ou. Here we hud a nar ow esi ape. A Mjuadrou td cuvaii'v j got ill our reui', cut us oil' and we Woie ri'a'Kriil ou UolU hides ot tho loud Several of our men were cup tuied. Every iuuu was left to lake cure of himself. Company l, which . . 1 l .. I7 .. .. . It . . uan ouiy ) meu at, i eiersi.u: g April 2nd, had beeu reduced to II men aud iu this hlluir lost 10, leaving ouly one mau and the captain to wit ucss the surrender. On Sunday morning, and iu the race through the woods on Tbuiduy evening, t Lie captain hint bis bat, I mining Irom Yankee horbeiimu, and would h.ie ! beeu captuied had it not been for a deep gully near by into which he went uud got out ol the hoise's way. At the surrender the Foity-eighth Regiment hud beeu reduced iu num I ber uoiu we ma not nave men enough to make morelbau oue full ! ;oiupuuy. .Now a few worda in regard to the officers of tho regiment, uud I close: Col. It. U. Hill wax a very lino military man, very Bind and much beloved by bis men, but being iu bail health ho was often abseul. Ho only couiuiauded the regimeul in the cum paigu of 'ti'2 and Git.. Iio died in December, 1803. Lieut. Col. 8. II. Walkup wus made colonel. Ho wua oue of the bravest otlicera iu the Army of Noi tli ein Yirgiuia. He wus ol'lou laughed at ou arena paraue anu urigmio unit i for his owkwardiiesa, but w hen in i battle all that kuew hiut weie satis- lied that Walkup was Ihere and thai bis regiment would tlo its duly. , Lieut. Col. A. A Hill was a irood und kind ollicer All his meu liked biin. He made a very line appear auco and wus always with his men. j I think bo wus one of the two or - three officer of tho regimeul w ho 1 mitmed no part of tbo march or duty inipoeeuoii ii.e regtiueui uuring mo memoruble campaign of 1801. Maj. li. ll. Husk wus a very mild,' gentle aud kind bearied nun, a well ' posted and good officer. Tbe whole: regimeul was grieved at his death! which occurred on the lolli ot July, ! 1802, from wcunds received in tbo battle at French's Farm, June 25th LaptC.L. Wial, ol Company U wus promoted to major at the dctilli of Husk. Ho was au old turn, ami' know nn old soldier who hail won tbo respect of the whole regi 'chronic diarrhoea of long standm,' inent; was wounded at Harper's Ferry, September 15, lbti'2, und re- signed iu October ot the same year aud was with us only a short w hile, Cupt. W. 11. Jonen, of Company O, wus made major on the doulli ol Col. Hill, December 4, 1863, bul owing lo bad health was uot with us much, Ue was a very good man and kind hearted, lit) loved his men aud was loved in return. 11. A. Uuuler, ol Wake, was our first adjutant. From some cause was not with us much in ball lo at French's Farm. Lieut J. II. An dersou, ot Com puny 1), was acting udj'itunl and was wounded in that battle. Adjutant (ji unter was wound ed in the b.tlllo of Kharpsbliig, uud died soon alter from wounds. Lieut. John K. WinchrKlcl, of Company A. iv.ih with uh all the while. Ho was a very good nflieer uud soldier. Ho wus u cheerful mn) lively mini und was genet ally n-udy for any fun with iillieers or men. Tho men all liked Winchester. I eve a! ol li.o comp my olliccrs uie worthy ol special le'oreneo in (his history, and the writer would be glml to give il but hiiliiiir to got. uny aiiM!Wor to his letters of ii ipiiry and having to depend solely lo his mem ory, can not recall the iiaimHiii il eoiupaiiy lo whit;!i they belonged. Kach company had its brave men M any of these tiro entitled lo men tion in Ihirt sketch but fi,r I be rea s hi slated above tho writer will l a- lo leave them oul, but leels assure! that ho can say that the Folly eighth Itegiiiienl did us much hard marching and figlitini; as any regi incut Irom .Ninth Cuivliua. I'loin first to hist, it had about l.llDU men. many ol them as brave and us oho if if ii 1 as any soltlieis iu the Coulod orato iinny. W. II. II. LawIIon, Captain Co 1), Forty-tight h N. (.'. T. A Houscliolil Treasure. I). W. .Vullcr, ol Canajohario, X. Y , siysthat ho always keeps Dr. King's Now 1), si tilery iu Ihc house nud his laiinle has always found die veiy best results lo!!ow iis use; that ho wcu'.d not bo wit limit il, it procurable. (1. A. Dykemon Di'in gist, Culskill, X. Y; , says that l)r King's New Diseovoiy is in . donbledly Iho besl Cough i eiuoth ; lliat be h.is usoil il iu his I iniily lot eight years, and it bus never failed hi tlo ail that, is churned lor it. Why not try a remedy so long fried aud tested. Tlial boltloH hoc h! (i. I. 1'ilkiiigtoii's Drug Store, liogulai si.') 5t)t:. und Sfl 00 liiic-Kl.'ii's At ii if a Sill vi'. TlIK IJkst Sai.vk in (he world foi Culs, JJinises, Sores, Ulcers, Sail liheilin, Fever Sores, Titter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skill lirtuiplioiis, and positively cures 1'iies, or no pay required, ft is guar anleed to give pel foot satisfaction or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents pel box. For side by G. It I'll iunoion. A I'leasant C'oiilrasl. Rie, l..l in U,o ( lim li.tit. oliM'i vor. iMokuok, Jan. 27. Union has had ijiiitea lasie of lusiou judges, uud it is entirely sale lo say that she pie lers the Democratic article. The Januaiy lei m ol court convened to day, with Judge Henry II. Uryaii, ol Iho second district, presiding. Hi charge to the jury was clear and ex baustivo, ami his method of expinii ting b.isi .ess is ail t'nat could bo (! sired. 'I ho accuracy, onh r, rapidity urn! justice plainly and clearly shown at thin - rm me in striking coiilraM lo the loose and disordoilv tncl!,o I proMiiling at the I Hi January leim Did Von livi'r fry Eloeliic UitteiH as a remedy fo; your troubles ? II not, get a bottle now ami got relief. The medicine has been loiiud to be peci'.liai ly iel apleil lo the i'i bet and euro of ail female ('oinploiiils, exerting a unn- iihrlul tii reel inlluenei) 111 triviii'' s: roiiglh ti i.tl tone to the orga; s li j you ha Vo Losh of Appetite, t'oiisti j I pillion, Headaeho. Fainting Spoil: , I or am Ael'Votis, Meopless, J'Xt'l I - j able, Mt-1. 11, chi,ly or troubled wit li ; Di..y Spells, F.iecuic lb Iters is the ' ineiheine you need. Health and Stieii-'lh are iriiai unit t:d bv its u.-c. 1'ilty cents and .fl 00 at ti. Ii. I'llk iniilou'M Di n Sinre. There is good roi,s n tor the pop ularity of L'ha niht'i Iain's Cough lit 111 edy. i'Hvis liizard. of Wt-si .Sion terey, (.'lurion l!o , I'a, says: "It has cured people that our plivsioians ';,',ll,1 ll" noibing for. We pei siiaded ' uicm 10 1 ry a ii;iio or l ,iniii:iiei 1,1111 s U'iMioh lieinedy anil tiiey now iveoin ' I nieiitl it wiih Iho rest of tl.i". 2'i an I j 50 cent bottles for sale by ly nuui lleilileu, Di uggisls, Carlton Curiiivcll, foi'cinan of the ('Kt ttr, Mid lii town, N. J., believe-, lh.it Chamberlain's Cough lb -modi shout. I bo in t-voiy homo. He used it lira cohl aud it cllV-.-ttd a speech cure llo s iys: "it, is indeed a giand i coidly, I can recoiniiienil tt ad. I have al.-o seen it used for whooping i cough, with the cost n suits . '.) niel ;,o ,.,.!, hottlef for sale by Hynuiu A; Hcuden, Di uggisls. ' " The I'lesidont sent to tho House last Monday all the corrcspondoi.i e ot record relaiir-g to the lailire ol l'u' sclieme lo eolouix. a iioinher i I A mei ican neoroes in Mexico. He uros repay ina the railroads uiiich transported them to the United Stules from Mexico, M:iny bUibbiu 17:01.1 iigo.avaiing PSI.8 t,f rheumatism that we:e be lieved to be iiieurtible and accep,ed : us life legacies, huvo yielded to. Chamberlain's l'aiu IVdm, iuiie.li to tho surprise and gratification of the rii Oei'i-i-ri. Or,,! a 1 1 nl ie,i I to veil! n.n,tvt. u.pain ami Hi.tlei irn: ami lis ,......:....,,,, ,.so ,..lreH VlVeet,,..! cute. For sale by Uynum it lloicKn, Druggists. t have been permauenti v cutidbv taking I'bambei Iain's ('olio, Choli i u aud Diarrhoea Iteinody", sas II I ward Shuuipiko. a proiuineut dru- gist, of Minneapolis. Minn. "I huvo sold the leoie ly in llns city for ov.-r s'-veu years aud consider it superior to uny other medicine now ou the market for bowel complaints". '2 and oil cent hollies of this lemedy for says by liyuuui A. Hcadou, Drug- gits- The Mirr'so',".-; rtfaii u lact u ring coin puny, ol Ottowa, 111, failed lasi Mun day for 200,000. in ifici; a yi:i:k kiihiiiv. I 18 Faires a Week I."'i I'agcsa oar. ! Is la i'i: it tli in anv Wte'viv it j :t!:iii-wci'kly p.-iiirr juilili-lu'il und is t'lo only iin o:-t.i:i' I h'tnorrit ie I "woekiy" piil.li-! e ! in N w York City. Tin-co Un:e-:i- I -irgi a t o j ! tiling l.t'jillbl'eall Wfi'klv of New i I'fK l it . II w il: I e i. c. ii'c a' ii'lMiiil.-tg-,' t" y..ii during-t';e I I : j ; - M .MI A I. t A Ml' A I .N. i.-lu'il e . ! o' lii r il. ilav, : ! 1 1 I lias all ,c ll :s pill,- M-e,t Sill.-j Iiiii.- .-mn tlini'lllli'.-s ol a daily. It eoniliite all the now-w il !i a !o i.- "si ( I: - . I'e.-liiig ilep.iri iiiciit.-. iiniij.f.' I' tiire-, i :i :- i n- and iri'.' : j . ! i i- i!!u - Il'.'llloti tiio kit: T 'icing a .-it','i:iily . iii!'.i','li!'.';! Lave nit any inci'i'.'i-.' in remains at oiie t!i'l Ail tin ll t 11 III ell t III' ( o I . w vi: l.ir i oi' We . yo.ir. lift' ill's iiik mi: lift in w.-pa Il . .,1.1. to i-li:. 'Ih. liritv o." tlio pel' .'Hnl the ( ii:ill.;iin gi ll ft' i, no veil' l'i,r " ir I ir s,ili-.i'i'ii (inn tw pip.'l- is SL' .-nl. M A K 1 1 ). t of il,"Olu nn 1 hi.irl.iL'i - s.,i;.',. , ivn. Olillu.irli l l lihV- !' -Ii-i: I r - 1'y l;. v i; e. s.-ll, nl u, li,,in ,,f it,,, i,n,.., .inn. is- !,-,, Mr. ii. w. I'l ii I V III., I V l l l.A ,olll 1 I, nil ,,f CI.Mlllillll ,',,!. n imv .lilvi'ilisciiicntw. H ANDSAI.K -1!V Vlii'TUK OF " mi . i-.J.-t- MiTlll HD.'i-:.,r i-. ir; ji ,f i: n. i i,-,'.. M iiniii! I n III .-lu'.'in, i.lT-l- !", .-ul,- io inii'li" ii in-: I' n n .lirl Iioii -o ,,,..- In 1 lll:l,"--,. N i' . on n. New ii, M.-i'ih I v.,.;. ,. . , .;.,.', H'.ll In ll.lrt r.iu-e, 1-11:1111111,' le-) urn,- lie, Ii n-!j,, lull,-III-l-,n,l ,-f Mu l-oii-V nn,l liorih, Ih,, wi,.,w M"lll Cloif; "ii n.'i'Hi. A vent i'i-.i. Tom Ml:ui. ,! nl. Ti-i-nn. ,,r ,'!,, li-tll't-H-h: r.'Ml in .tlx III-, lilll Iu I e h,v:iic 1 K 11 iiivi-:- .Iilli. I'll, IH'.'i',. I'o'iiini -.-,. A I)MINlSTi:-.Ttll'S XOTICK ' C II.imiic ,ii,iii:l,-l '; u. 11 linini-.ii-.il, ir .,r in-, f,. A. ll-iliK-,. il -, -!i-.-1. I lirivl.v n-.llly nil .,-i s:is ll- l.-.II.LT '-l.-.llil .ticilll"! "-O'l '1 1,'t'l lo ,'S lii-i. ih,. j--o:i" to in, 'on or l,i.-r"i Hi,' "2:ii--i .I.i) : .I,iiiti.'-.iy. !'.'T. Ail ,i--. ill li'li o I to b,l''l il.,f,i-lit III,' noil llt-.l lo ni.ilt.. Iiiiri.t- tin 1, , lyin.-lil . .liiu' i:. l-.'i',. II. .1. I.O.NMIX. ViSOKTO.USK SLK-I!Y Vfl! . t la nn, of H n:. l-iu-.tL',' .V"'ll',-. to 1110 In ll. II IVIIhoii ill, I win- il, ol l',".rl'l I In I'.- li '-,'. li" lii', 1, n-l .,in 111 1 1.- . ri,-.- ,.: 11," 1 :i-i. .,: I I, or I'I,' 01,11111 ',, III'! . I Kill .-ll l-T .,-!-. Ill ,iii,i- .-oii-ilon ni ih ,-,,rri li'-ii-.' ,,".r-f mi-i inly, .-ii MoNli.w I lit- 10' Ii ,,1 I ,-!,.-.l! . i- 1 li h, 11 I ,'.i-;,,-n . i,. m f..r,l n:--i-i i'o. ,-1' 11 il,- II' Now ii..' i,,vi.!-t,ii'. i-',l 1 ,-.oiiiiv, .itinint; ni llliry l; ll'oi;--. l.no on Icllo lloovor n-.-.-k. Il n, , tic iti.) ,-i-t'.-k ,o 11 li,-,li.',' row. tlton,-.' , 0111 1,, 1 1 ,, -11-l-.o-k 10 ll.-nrv Wii.-., ii'.-t line, , u,iili,!i,.' VI ,' ,,' .1 ,!, ) :,, l-'.r,. W. II. I D Kill III. H .VXD .f, ii'ii ,,-,1 f Hip --HY viii'Ti i: or i',-' l ,: .n:l of I'loilhan. tin nl .ii', II,' icii-iloii f,.- ,-iu;!i .-l CitiC' c: .ti - ,t- ri , :,2,l- I: I..'- !,,,imi- l..,-e .U ,'i,u,r,. ,'in t On; ,,i 11 :ttv 1 iv, r. ,l,. l-llll! i- 1 N. I .lr , 11 '.V !i..K I in,!-, ol I -.!-. 5 . N ! ) A I K -l!Y Yili IT'!'. Ul' oiirl rli.-ill,..-:-" 1 1 ll 1.1V ,,! l oli ll,' '.I If'!,'- "I ;,l. 1" : iimi.-' n snil.d .n:v, itiiii;.,)) ii-i--i, -li.ii'i; 11 1'litit I. .1. 1 . , ,-' nl. li II II iVl t:.,ni!i,l.---.,,nr. r 11. ii. riii- j.-i oi; it; iii: s.i.K-iiY 1 if 'if tin m- i'.ii:u:it- i t;t 'i .1,;.. .hnl p .-.in ,! in .i urn .i. I, WiiU if vj-eei.;,'!'.', Mi'ti.v in M"ik f K". j 't'.- I.i',, v YIU "1il',l.,.';' ii"m'-'h;, V"C"v"iV.. , 01, M 1 I'll. V. ,i'.v, 1 t m.-i ..- .k Jj! !',,, ill ,l,l 1 1 I. I. II' 'tl 1,1, I l-'o ,,(!ii-iin ' I 11 III la-, !. I., . 1 1 . 11 i. l-.li.lilri; W"-l I I' ln. .,,11 hi li t' tt.l Hi.,- -. ,-!;, I mi nr .-I -, !, ri Ti'-: tt stn:r- P3 .5iet'J For Cii Io an;l L'oys. tit Vt ltii)t ilnbiiKil f -vj v i 1" r ii o s ts ji t .' n j s i J tiiiitilj ilwii'Sit) a:ili .u turn si .-l"ll i 1 l i-'.i, Mi. M' V, I in. I n r, ti. is 't'lioroiti, in-.: i .-,-1 ! 1 1 ,ii,-;-, i lii-n - i, ,.. i, i .,ia:i; rm 1 -,'tll ll,, ,11 lot, J ml ys oil 'I ill1 i- i in j t. li nt' ii'h , ill till Ill I ,- 111 i;-':-, i.i ..'.. i -iio, tit -, ll ),,! 'i.i t . , a . .-. i, ll,. .-,i,i w t. At' :. I w ii . t i " 1 1 1-1" " ' i I'iiiid'i;;, n, in in..,; w i oai'-i -'K -nhll-iiY Y!i: ! t uaaiHsmBMM i I i-,-.:..:,,,. -. , n;, ,1 i v M I.. M ,i n J ! .-in I i :-- .t i v.. i, ii i. ii. i ii nn.-;, i :, 1 i v I. nn !T 1,1 In li. I. r... .vol h n. 'i:.:.,.'" I-!-, :'l- , I-..1 in j J? a(nM 1:";'','v '' ' '', '" ,;' "' " "; 1 issp?1 A ' r I'-: -1-','- i''.i . -' .- iii, ti.,.i,.''i".rii- a-'it... I 2 ' ' I --il BICYCLES ! I xi, i'j, tiulttlg) t Vg i ! ! aaoitTtJAGK SALE OF LAND i iB liy vlri mi '.f nuiriKAK" esecuittl ly K. 1. , Tllleyitii't IiIk wiru Amilr I'. Tlllny to Oniinl Til : li-j . I mn Int; it in, Wiul .In)' ul June, lH'.rj. aud rati i lst."l lii 11,,, k "O. I.", ,iiko ISO In Ilia uflU'H nf ilia - I'.'lt it "I Oti"l-"f c'liiohuiii L'uuiey, llin un.lnr- :,- I will .-,'11, In llit hliilit'Hl bl.Mrr, l.T i'hhIi, ai ;,iii,,- oit'ei v, io Urn I'otiii hoima ilm.r Iu Mm ! I . r ., S o , oil I I KSIlAV, II, lllh ,bj- i,f lull hi id 1 .ii li i.'rl, . It ni , tlin lill,,wlnir tlm , el- I"-1 i-i'-il estien -M iiJiicl. lying mn! liiMntf In M ini. tin t,,Yu.hij in the O'Uiitjr f OliHlhnni, t., nil: i I'm- lniii'lr,"! itii'1 Uitriy nt,t.a'rpft, ll lining ihr lot'-i tviii-ri",ii iv-ii-l I-'. J. 'rilley Hiil wilt r.'slilo. ' iih 'ii lin' ll, c Hii'i'l ,lii,'t ami iho l)Hii-.r,ii , ,f.,' ,-. m' ii-iie l In WlillitniH !iw!ilili. MilJ.tlnlni; ' il, l.in.l-,,r Wi..-i.y oliliiaip, w. J. A Cheek. T. ii i:.-,ii. v, J. i: ii, .ii, ,m, a .i. wiiiiiiniN. wiiiim: tii'M,n, J. II. ivIitlniiiH an, I J. Vi. AtwntT. toctli i't- tt'ih all iln rivit,','H au,l ft),urieiiaiif lo .-.,-ttil 1,'X'l In iinywlhi. n,.ri'iltilii, 'I lii I.Hii Vi;llll'.l,.) ir.n'l of liilfl. lIKNNlSIII.I.rY. Moriu'at:''. lOi lirle Oiiiiiii,', Aiioriii-tH. Oiirlii.in. N.t.'. In. Ie I ll, It ll,,' 1m' tiny ol Jiiituiiry IM'T,. WANT If Villi lillV Cltltllilier, or i'lii'msliing" (iimhI.s. or llnls, or S 1 1 1 1 1 .- in Dniliiiiit. vi' fan in-li'i'i'.-l vmi. Wt; ha ve just re ,'i'ivi'il out- Si'i'ninl Stock, luiiijhl in Nuvi'iiilu'i' wIkmi tit:: 11 til'iii'l tift'i's wore anxious in ciii' mi! .-loi'k ami liotio'lit l"i In il jii-i' I'i'iil i'lit'aiff tlian ;i I in- ".inn!.- wore liuiolil 1'lar ly iu l In' ."''i'usoii. H ill save you uioin'v nn ( 'lot liino- A'f. W. A. 'SLATER CO. IJU li II Ail. iN. C. OTja-ia:'!: to YOUR PROPERTY IN THE i. koms mum cd. I bis is a Home company and tie serves t Iio patronage of all North ' .'.11 olinialis. It was organized iu 18G8 aud hat- paid over half .1 million dollars in losses and I hero is uot oue contested ciaim against il ! All losses paid promptly. Every prudent man ought to insure his property. For terms, tV.o., apply to II. A. LONDON". AGENT. Y. S. rillMHOSK. VreBident. Septunbcr 20. 1805 s Knz of the Road Absolutely the Best All drop forgioRS nd Enetlih tl ii tuning, ucariu aincuy uuaeprooi. Elegant deiign Dd light weight Monarch Cycle Co Uke and llalsttd Su. CMICAflO . ICS Z".?ttEJ't? .r I IX i Send Two-Cent Stamft i ' '" V I lu M rot TWSNTV-WX t4t 4 ! ntl. W CATALOOtS 1878. EVERYCITIZEN -OF CHATHAM COUNTY OUGHT TO SUBSCRIBE TO IE ouglit to vi:l The WAR REMINiSCEfiGSS, which will he puhliMhcd in ev ery isssse, and thus cherish (he memory CHATHAM'S C OKF D JC J t A.T12 Soldiers. rn 1 1 mvinn i has always done its best to pro mote the pros perity of all the people, and to advance espec ially (he hit cr ests of Chatham. k B-i:iigft The ESECOIU) was established in 1878 hy ite pres ent proprietor, and ils scces, ful career 1 been nl:c',i;--: nal ns nalisso In t lie futnr as in the pa.t, the EHuCOItn will continue ti publish tkv hit' est news iusd f a fai!ii!y hcvu paper of wlaic' its readers shaO not be ashamc STOP iioiiflilG ill ONLY THRLE CEHTS A TV Sussex AT Ml-.

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