r, Qjhaiham Record II. A. LONDON. Editor. 'democratic nominees. jo pkf.3iiknt: WILLIAM J. KIIV AN of Nebraska. rR vice rRKwirK.N i . IM' ill' II NKWAIiL, ot Maine, FiiH KOf MOnil CVIU'S K. WATSON", nt Forsyl li. 9on l.irl'TKNANT li'VMSiK : THOMAS W. MASoN, of Northampton. Fdll HFCI1E'.V OF ST'TI' : t'iLYl.LFS M COOK I ., of Franklin. yon tiikvsi un. . BENJAMIN F. AVUVi;, of Wayne. koh Ai iirr .it IvODKHTM. I' l lv M AN, o-l Ikiocoml . srHltlNTKNf t.ST I'l'lillc INS I 1; ' P JOUN C. SCAIflioliOl (ill, I Juli union, FIH ATT'lliMh V ill- M- li VI FHANK f )S! MiM'.. ut Merkbmhiiig. FiK Assoom K It'-Tli'l s : ALPffoNSOC AVKilV, SKoivii: u f.hown Ji:. )R .triiiiP. sn t iiimi i urn r : JAMKSS MA NN I Mi, Ot Durham. KOH CONi.hKfS KD WAitD w. for, of -1 Ni) one should he umI niiiniif l ui iho trade, or bo culled fushui. which was da las'. vv.fck l;y ll.o State i urn miltouH of the Populist and Iv.-publi an parties, Iho terms o!' which m published in- another column. Bel whilo unci) a betrayal ot pri i.t-i . los fey the leaders of these parties does not surprise anyone, yet it w ; I i h, surprising it 1 1 1 o boms:, v-ii-r., .! those pai-tiud ratify suil. a !;."; race flUl bargain uml nalo. Il vois d really eon) that the more propo-n if such an abandonment ol principle would de conoid e re! an insult to any hon est man. And it dot ' that He honest men in tho I ii j i; bli, m and Populist parlies would aiv-e in th. ir might iiii'l majesty am) ivbiiko linse "bosses" who InlVO 1 1 1 II aUi-iNj,'.!--! to trudo oil' ilicir vou-mih if i hey air dumb, di ivon cattle 1 Il will be noted that, ac-.- r i.i.g I this bargain ai d sale, the I ii 1 1 -lire pledged In vote fur !. V Wai ter for Attui ney (Sent-ial, ai.hn'.gh their State aon Mention, hist month. Mfuaed to noiniuuto Lnii. In other words, a committee of a tow hns-cs' h trying to da what tho Populist Stato convention roti!H?d to do. That convention did not nominate WaDcr, becaute bu was a gold standard II publioau, iiud yet tho ''bosses' low fay I hat, notwithstanding In loj Mod by thoir convention, the Popu lists mut voto for him It roniam-i to be seen whctliur tlu-y will or int. Time and time aaiu the Voyw list spoakor and p:iiirsi undroiuvti tfons have declared that (ren hiivi-i-is the "parnmo jnt its in" ot thin nun paign, and yet bonest TopuhMts w. o now called on to vote tur gold Mand rd ilopublieaur aain.t free silvci Democrats Tliero is no dod'intr or vading this tact. It is a si.uph-, 'in deoiablo truth. Whilo Lcuocrnts And Populists are agrend on tiiis groat ''parauaouiit inaiio" an 1 iiavc nominated the sumo man (or l'n-ii-ident, yet the would-be '"hos.ses" of the Populibt party in Xorlh Cam. Una bave pludtnl tlm vmIch ot their parlj to gold Htandard Keptltii.enl ' The Caucan.'fi't, in lum week'n is sue, an odit'.trial on Senator I'el ler's withdrawal trom iho i w -publican party, declarod tlmt ,-A 'trty like that could not b-j thi! party of Toller, nor can it bo the parly of ny true and oENi'ise amk:uv.s nri t'. And yet on tho very day that tV.s was printed in the Cturituim. i'.i editor an ebairmuu ot tint l'opalii' State oomnnUeu made a trade, lv -which ho agreed that the l'opuli.'t.i ol Nortb Carolina should vote for Bepub-licans for men whofhe say are not "true and untune Anieii oan citizens"! Comment is nnnocessary. Ho fusion bas jot bt'tu made on tht candidate for Governor, otid Gutbria aud Russell, each, declare i most positively that be will not cotno down, liussell coutiuues his canvass nd daily adrocatcs McKiuly, while Maj. tiutbrie is cauvassin witb Cy. Watson and urging all Populists not IfO vote for auy gold standard Itepub Hcau. He himself in honestly and ainoerely in favor of Uryati an 1 fie silvsr and cauuot uudorstand how ny Populist can vote for a 5lcKiu y liepublican. 'I'liK now oii'ctioii I a iv, passed by the last lipislaliiri' coiiccnti ati s too much power in the cxecnt i com mitloesot the political parties In tho first place it makes the chairman ot tho State executive coin, mittco a "coniiiiis-ioii'-r ot election" with power to a point n registrar and poll-holder lit every pL'e' i net. ! Merotot'ore all tho .ilcrtioii o!lie"ri in 'every eoiinly were iippoinlcd l y the ! coMimi'-Nioin i s of Uii-ir re.-pecl ivo I 1 eo inties, which w oil I seem lo he more in to-cord with "local self ju'e-v ei ii'n.-nl ' l linn to have the ch-ction jolli eis ol'eVl'l) Coll.itv appoined j up in tin- reiioii:m lnla: loll ot I hive ' no II al U ileih. ! in the lo-xl pia.'o ll.e printing so ! many names mi the Mime lialhit does i not a io'.v the vi,;er llio same ( id iiy iitnd libel ly to vole as lift has h'-re-. ' iilnre enjoyed, when ho eoii'd Vo e j several dillerenl lilllo'.s for ill-:.la-.ce, liereo!ore every man could ; v.ite lo;ir diti'.'ient ballots where lie ' now must vole only unci 'Moil is, here! olore he e.oild Vote on one It'll hi I.i; I 'i e-i.ei, tijjl electors, 01 mi, oi iier lor (Jove, oor and other Stale ' i-lli r, on anolhef fur Judges, and '. on .-t iiit In r hir Coi!;;ressmaii. Now lie iniisl vole l.ir nil lhe.-c o;1ii-e:.on j one liiilo.'I, mi I the ulieet i. t his j change i- to cum pel every iii.in l i vote M. m r.ni;iit parly t lekel - t il' all I tiie parly V i!..u:iio'is Tlie.-ii li:l ' I us : tin' priii, ed and d i! r, huted I V llie !.Sl;i!o Ci ilivi' c on .nil !ee ol e.teh piil'U , a i 'i . if t '. i o t ht'M' com mil ! !cen i i II i in.-ik-- a ll'a-le I is the ' i lep li. lea and I'o, il'i-i emiinit i lees 'til 1 1' il-in. , then ul i ml r.-o I -n'y w .ui Id j i i ii ! and d V r. I ul u only t i.c i h.tll i s on w li. eh HViv 1 1 1 . iiiiiio n : the e il, I I .I.-. a.;ree, ml li tl-i m j V:.i;e "I i'o ir e e ,-ry in-io h.i- a ' l'iglil lo ' -Ji ii e'." lo l.al.'d, li. it is era".1 I he n i ni.' . .!' an V c in I da i e in I 1'il-j an il her in il-pl iee, iO, n mi uiaiiv niel, ..'iiin.it read ul" Ulileliie printing ol ooo ion t .i I o I, in-le:,d ol 1 1 i.i r .- ir.r e enes, i li leree ; man V to v ' . ' I n ciii I d tf who arc . ivallv l. ol I i .-if e!..ile,. T.l H'.INi-. i ! lay - I. i. I a- i,- j .Male. :i , wi. lil.ll l, IM. II: li !i ( a r. ill hi. I li- i' i,. :,-. l'i..i ll.l'.il.'o our iii roii I. an ova . v. r l,ee, iv re - I loo. ci-ivi d li nn li.i'in I.e. i in; 'iiiii -l-ille ih; , :i:, li n;; he V. I I tl iiVi-l llii-'-imli ti e e; hi re ',1 I. he S'ale r.'.i .-1 lii-'iiii'i'. i i i ee n - h ii 1 1, i'ilr.iaoi and I i 1,1 i.'l i he M i lie a ! a ' a i-Vi I I e. i.i re i ht 1. 11 Wcii'-'II.C I. Illl Nl ! i ii 1 1, - , HI I y 1 ... . it a 1. 1. ne s .:. v , -, the Mill', ,1111.111,, , tin i r . ,'ij' i,- ii', 1 , 1 1 ! u I I. h, one ! V n I W '.lil !,u I, I V I-.I' ll.e peuple t l oi. i.i ry W nl on i I, ',- i' I'll r.-h-s and : i i' tit. I: .vi'i l-e eh il II.. !io -.'iliuo i -ci II -loll I I. ill, ' ,in; V ears t'liiill hnv, men v. ill re-! i. -id the 1 1 :r.i when ,: buy'r. they ac J i . in, p u, id i hei r lai l.er- to -ee and j .hear William .leiiiiins Ili-yau, ju-tj a- ,-uii.e i. hi n. en iiuw recall their ! vir.ii to II ,!i i 1 1 in 1- 1 1 to hear ' Henry ( I , v 1 Mr To y :tii w iii he m i iilepuiiied to day by prouiiiii lit I '.'inoera 1 s uinl, ; Pupiili.-!-, hecaa-.e he is iheir joint . candid. lie, and c. eft where the liiits- l ses oi l.ii--,. w o j . il l i i s wi li "i ve hi in an I u a I ie w le.nne A ml y el nl I'al'-e tii -aV, Watlothe 1 emin'-;it- ' i and I'opn itsai e to li'.y hurrahing for ! their Pre-' lei.! inl candid He and are 1 untie 1 on ffeo rilver winch thev i ' agre.-i is the oi'eat. and "para tnoii id . j ii-u-j", t he l'op-u is's iii1,, ordered by 1 their leaders to ilui e with and Vide , '.I' Kepiihlieaiis, who are ihutig : their tl!iiio.-t t.) defeat Hl' ;i u and lice ; silver! i Willi r. iirv.ni is truve.bng ovi-f the e.iuv.ry iiciking spotvbes to th peo ple. Mi'K nl. y i iiii,-tlv .-iitmg bick ill his c ei. I-.I',. ih.,- h-.ine n!. every il y ree -i oif v .-i'.s trom thiiHiud-i uf l S'll:sin.l-it s V.ho Co. lie by i- J '-.'i::t tl I'hS. I, nt week ove. .-',' p. dlt ic i! ji, 'gl lin i lii i j'-' Co 1 1 1. in.- V i-l ted M K:ii y, while ib i i ;:iii h i ut ie ' lining t,.e pe.ipl.i. I ' y'Hil l'i (' ';.;: i.C ibe f i 'i Ih it tlin pe ipin h i e ll.e siaV ereigns- t! - i!ci s ot t'tis c- aitiy ' and lie visits them, b it M. lv nh'v neons to think Hi it he is t-.i gieil iind mighty hi eo out iui-1 mitigle wi.lt the pi'iij.!.' iiioi they mii-t I'i'iiiii to him as if iie were their sovereign, i Weekly Weal Iter ( i op Uiillel in C.',,.-,, IMi,v, ,',,, ..,, X. C. The We.ithi'r dining the week end ing Saturday, September l-'.h, ls'.ltl, cunt iniie l icniuik ililv dry, almost no rain at i.i! Ii'iviiig fallen, except a vei3'few iigbt local sitovtern in scv eral vvcfiletu co,iiilie,s. Tho tirst part of the woek was cool (7;h and K:li), ' but during tha bitter putthetcm peratui e rose again above ya degi'df 3. .The weather his been clear a. id fit vorable for cotton picking, hut wis not olherwinrt bi-ue'tehil. S; reams aud wells aiO r.'poiled to bo oi ttinj' j very low. Bob I'iggers, ii young white nun who was workii'g at D dei-i s gin iu . Meckit'i.burg county, had liio mis ; bu tune to get his hit aim btly , I let i ali-d hist Satin-d i) . i The Ht'p Pi'l- Trade. Ki-.im Him Nem an ! Olwsi v, r ltdi lut. Fusioi, is iiccompiishcd. i 't !.( Populist and Keoilhiicaii coin miltses att.-r dis oHsing the mailer tor two days and ni;,'li!s, have ii rcci'l. Thi' I'oii'iiis's who liac held principle" n'oove nil llnn.;s, have agree I to .- -.v a l.mv :'i il.li u ir and Hie Uepiihlieiin v lio deelare lieu silver oo'ii are Anarchi-ia and idiots, have agreed to swallow a I. w Popiilmts, wl.o prut.'.-s In hoiicVt! in s Iver. The ticket i a Mreak o'-h an and a sire ak o' lal a!) or l-ike ll.e in iie shield, to llu Poptilicts it is silver, to the li. peb.i. an-, n i- gold And this is tin Mo ol (hum al ; 'Ai llr.04 to Leal a l 'mo -rat '. ' i'lie .-.nil total nl the ivl.-m' c on pli-i is till-', s li I one ot I he ieadiiu lii-loni.-,ls yc.-!crd.i : Ilia' wenli il, C lilllnii'.' lo lir.'hl I li' iiocl 'ills whi-l ever we li'id llieni I'h'il I li"' l'o'-l object ot bo: li p .l'i ii--". lie ,-Sj,i',..-.se i the - liliinenl of al! tho n.aeliine oi'-n in holh pul'es. "MeKiiiley will earrv MieS'al"". Hlida I'epuliliean alter the eo'ii nn lei s adj ni in I , -I ne Popiili-'.- wi;! make a .-omv ul Iryiii:.' to lii-e W'Hh the l r ,t.-; I . i Iney w i i n-iik ' a p.- i,i i-.i h i i .i 'V iv 'i i v I 1 1 ni in l',ji- e.lllle.l il' i i pi, and t'n II V. ! Siiy tha' the Itenoi ra'- I- i " I I I Moe, and a .-i i a'h I O i a n a n ! U:.i s on llek.-t w i I h p H i"H I lia' '.i divide I he -i I . ci' V o'e a n I ' I lie Stale t i M. K ii'i-y I i -'.:i -ouih. will h he.il.o i i In- .'in " Till I'M I I VI. Ai.ll I I '! I N r To.. Pe..pe . i is Si ' l'i M '' i I i ve coin .ii I ' ee an I I lie liepil h I' lll S .. ', ,v I !, c e III! I.e. I li he had .if I h. I I'- -p.-cllVi p if'.ie- id li r ii : li .; i . a ' ! i 0 ni a ii I -' i i'" 'h' 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i-iii lo . 'II' 11 I '' noil 'it a. ii a ire hi I ii ,-. ,.l I. or . i i't in ali 1 1 i e. -li in- he . I i i N o i ii ' ii 'il. n i. an-l il- ii , in ci . - the p'lii ' V "I n Oi n' 1 1'" p. I i- p ' "I 1 1 ee a i.d I.. on -I e.tvt, m.-, aiiii. d ii; ai. 'I p.'-' , i ii I h r la I ne ' .. ii'ii In '. - en ...-led by Hi l.ei.e'a! .'. e n. I. v ul I "Vl I, an I I il' I he piil'jlii- ul IIIH.n :a n 1. 1 t he a.-! ut : n- la-i ( Jem i o A.-i inLly , I C-I..I . n- I.. t lie peej. c I i.e i: - : . I ul local M-d -iiVe nun i.' fiiii-r 1 1 1 1 o l In- , ,i j l or iii i-. if c- i. p. I'ui.iii. I lu I I I I li h i y en o i. en. 1(1 tn i-e i .lie tin i-.. . 1 ul men. oer- ul lie i lielii, .Vsx-ii.ii.y pledged In (iu'-e I . I n Ills Secuiid. t i, i! I he l.'- pil h lea in con c c 1 1 e In Hie I '.i,i,l I- - III can 1 1 1 1 1 e i' ( 'one. I e.-- Ill 1 '.e k.ll H , , I , M i I I. i-. I lill -l. I' Oi I '. ,i an i S Vel.l ii. ,i.i I n - I'.ijel I-! - I e , l I e the I , 1,1 I Illl,' c On ieia1 I .- Ill I ie' .-1, e ,l.l , lit. n iii.I .Null, t i.e I il' -I an I r, i . . 1 1 . ,,-;rie.- i..i'e mad-' ;i r-Oi-J , I , I , a . iu. me I, t I 1 1 1' '.14.1 ' h, . I'.'- 1 e.i Ve I I ' i. .11 .11 Cu. 1 '.'"-ii ten:.-. i n I I tl, , i" -! " par.y on S c- - ui ll.e I', i I e - S i i el ,i i o .' a c. I r a j , -.,..!.. i, . I p., o- I., I A--, -.a., ! ,.- mi;,, iii,i ! II t-o, It.,-'' l,.o lie,.,,' 'l'i1 I I i , a ,-i j.i ;, I- ,r ai t - n'li.'y i in ra' . la e ,1 11- I i-l tin- ,"i li'll nl, i ' .i,,-:, ..i i -I i !go , ! ii.,- .S.ip.-i no Ci ... i ' n l.. i- i'.i. 'I J ,. in i.i. d . : . o t I'. oil t: . I ha the io I u.ii , - m ..III' r - -.-i iv i . uii a. i i.e.- i.i e j ' ed lu a c. i. hp ,-'i ihe r, -n'l. i.iiiud ,.'. Ill II.!- .1. I : C.I.I nt I '.. I ;....! u he I'uj.'ili- ' i i l in!', tee: lli. Amu, "U in , I. t ' Co ou n i., . I (lUlMII On l.ein,, I ut tho I. , ill, In . ih coin iitillce: A 11 II. il 1 1 in, Cii'iu, M. 1 1 Mui r. i: c i'Mi..ii-us, A li. M I K i' iN. I II K I A' I I I MiKli-l M0Ni, ll.it il -.dc- a.: ree I hat I i .-re is ;i tiicll II ild I s-,i, i.i , n,r a- t ,, tlu-liiv-r nor, l.i. illi i.ai.l Ii iii'iiii'i', A i bt. n and Semri-r. Hilt liiere they jcot. l i e I'npiiii-ls nt ttie in: h r-!aiid illgisllliit t;ii--eli w iii CO'lle d IW .1 Judge l.'ii-S'lis right band man s.-ii y es'er lay afiei n i.m llou ine rep ir; thai K.l-si-ll Wullld c nue down was untrue, and tne .didg hi ill-nil' W a- bell' i I ng and delii.g il ail I bo nnii ir. ng. I'lie liepuh leans say the utiib-r -laieti ng I- t till' behov clue' ion ,1 iy M' j I i il : ti l ie shall cone dow, Mi.j (1 1, hrie siid this Week that oil I V I VV o I hi ii os c Ol! I take hi in do w o: t lie ha nd id tin- I . ,rd or an other S1 il' e col. Vel.tnui ul the I'm. a b-i parly. I e in ut 1 1 . 1 1 iiiidcr-tiiiidii.g j.i-' iule lu:- I i m. i k I i e . -1 1 ' 1 1 Ih II- in lit il ai division it is an ree. I I hat Ho- P..pu':-i I'.re to h.iv," It .ni I ' Oi. l'i ssinell it . I tl.e 1! publicans fmir I li.s m il;.- ! he lu 'i ui t '"I'.'l'i --in', a! ticket s'eii.d .-is (.,' ,i v- Kir-t I :.-l ll-.'l , il Hi V S ,'OHi.-,, I Pup . See, Oi I i-t i l .-' , (i - i II V'lotc, I negro H 'i lime li ml ling ) i bird lis,rici, John lv K -'.v't'i, ,l'.p . Fourtb I i--t t i.-t, W. V. - row I, ( Pup P. I'.li Di-ti'i I, Tno iias S.'ttle, t K -puh. ie in. t i ' I Kug I Sixth District, U-'V. tl. L M'lrtin, I I'-'l1 ) S-vi'iilh District, A. C. Siiulc'id, (P-P) Ivghth District, II. . I.i mey, lle puoli -a.!, ( iold Ji'ig ) Ninth D.i strict, Ijn-h nmn.l Pear son, tl! piibiieati, (io'd Bug ,) The ciaiHo provi d t.g lh;it the Populists 'may" put out cau-ll l utes lu See, ui 1, Filth and Ninlll siuiji'y means thai il it is n, cessary t di vide tho silver v 'e to e'e : li e (.So! I M'lg Settle, (i ! I 1)',..; Ptilihoil fin I Nigmd ii! iiii,' iVml", (!.: P-.p o list whl put a nominee in Ine t",e.d. It one is put in li.e ti -I I, it will not tm there lobe vol, ,1 I' r. I ,. wi I In- put iiii as Di. M.-i'itt was i-i t'.o Filth District in IS. U, i.-.i rely us u dee-iy liileli. Another I'liit' f ibis tacit agree moot i irHtl the Populists .-hall voto lor Iho caucus nominee ot the He- publican for I he I'liiied Slates Sen t : that is t he vvav I!. -publicum re. oiird 1 he iinde.siandiiii;. Flitch- M.I, th -o'd bu,' Mi Kildevile, v.iU he the i-ii iciis nomiiieir as certain as there is a eaiieiis Tho Populists say ti.o la' it ni'i ee oeiil is inily tiiat lie V ..." . . . w i I V, to :-. a 1,'eioi! lie.'o. Lu- ll.o Clii'.d Stjil.v. Seioiic, and Miylhi may an lln' le.i y i-i' .Moll, nut imrei- not otiir o' ibf-ii who doer, 1.0I Know il iiu-a n.. I ', i: di.. 1 1 Washington Letter I .,11 1. oar 1 mi o-.-i ai 1 11 ! w.'. -iiim.i'.,n, Se 1 1. 1 iih, 1 '': ii, v.. 0 eiit li II -hi- 11 1 1 ,- ii -co i.i: t 1 p in V. .S.Olietl.ll this week. 'I'.. .. . I 'I ' A 1 ., o ! i e 1 1-' no. -nii'ii : 1 he oa 1 ny . ' llie iiomeii:.- in ajn-'i , and .he new . w iii'h ha- .. 1 . . p. .. ... 1 :.. 0.1 1.1. i l l i.:; a;l I lie o l.ini hu'ii'ii h .en euuiine li 1,1,01 hea : rial tel.-, ha- ali h . li of il le 1 - n .' n 1 1 Uiv I h n .-il,.;i.il t.-l - 'I ne lo' .il lein iel ais ni" '.iiliv h , I, hi, 11,,' ,o.,r 111 their ,0,1 h 11- ..- 11 wiiile eii'ee' d inii,-il- 1 1"; or. 1 ' a . i 1 1 I'ii'Iui- l.'i; 1 1 1 1. I . . V ii! o to ho d u.l I o I'.I li II-.-' I l i.i :, IS ! I ho el 1 I .- i by' M I 5i i v, t I, i".-. i.e. -ci, 1. 1 i I u ai iiii - I .i, ., b r .' . ! i iv I: li I'..- ! ' ' l '" !l -' i r held in I , i 1 1 ', .. no el Hi W . n ulu.i " I ' ,i I ,ei il' rill! Up" jl Ih" o.HII h c I ' ill ' I 1 1 . , I , ' Oil Mill'' lil e I One W hi 1 1 ,i '- til III,'.' I lliiiil,.! lii.'l i-i r, i i i V ii ' ad Vn i-ee I iu pre - l.,l IV.' Mt e, r. - Ml fill', ul ! hi r pn i.i . i n ( ' . ,' i cm nd i '. 1 1" in i I le--. - lio n No . -'.it and I e In-', i l in-, . ul ; lo .1 S' l'i' f-.f Me ne.. I - ... I: M i (' II I'.nlo ,,; '.. li o-l !., . I ; i il lel r,. 'vim is ai- .i I., ii Neb" i-:, i. t Mr M 'ro-i 'al I I- """"I I" ' i;r that I II I an -a oil .1 . i i y y,il-i !i :. .i r .Mel-, el did h . ' Il ejil li.o W I,..'.' i- .ii ' i ! a i ;.: i-r .-aid uf t n.- -i v.u . i -i, ,i - i-i v . .. i -1 "i . " 1 1 K h.i- ui. y mi li am e 1 1 i- i.ul I H.i'. tile liail.e - w.i:t I ,r tlu- ' I hoc t t! le n -, in I m i .-. mo a- i-i ,,ii- :- i : ine i. ii , iiii. i", , ..... , on' ul llni o, -iir-l. .llicniiii i sui'es i, I I he I n-iii I he caii-l.d.t c- n mi. o ( I i, V II l -i '. i e n ..'in i l m "1 i'"' ' '" I .1 .-, . : , ii I II a' mill lull ,1 II.' .hi s -'ii :'; i . p r -.'ni - d in ...:.i S at.. I' ....i.'r.iri fii'ther i;...: tl.e ,i'.'.l inn '.,' ( uf ,'," ill eia'ure ,-. ,, ' A.ka.,,a. nv li.e , . , . e , i i . 1 1 u i 1 1 1 .-' a i ii 1 1 ii i i ' , ... ' . i-l I : I e . I n il 1 1 l i " i , 1 1 1 1 iiii- hi i 1 1 1 j , . i ' i 1 i', ' i 1 1 . ' . . i H i o ill'" niWieal ' . , , . , , , ...... li ; - ' i mil-, lew .-oil Iiiiiiii. r:o i,,- -'!,ili' i 1 1 .: I , e I! van 7 -'i.i ( in r,t v i 'ei.rdl s i-i in I n 1 1.;: I no I ' ' j' Iii- M.lV d i, lild , U.l i . i ne t ', j,,, it-', , .: , '. : : i I lie ,,--n u I .1 I -, . I I S ,,, I I..U ii ' ... ' CI-. I Oil ', I ',. ,. Ill , H !' ni I'ell.iilllS, II I . e.i.- ., c- ma I u, oi wnei, he l.-hh I ,.,' ih.n It ha I I, .e., tcie . i it,.'.. ! . a: ui W.i-'. ig on tn i' ho ,V.I - il I e 1,1 C Ol V . I l'i ull'-l II l'i , , , , ; , , , , , , , I iie 1 le il S ,i '::it ci. i Ih i! !. s . o .v.-fs .01 : i , I.i.- rcs.ul ... In- I, :.i ing be. ,e uM , ,, .1 h-. -.,,,-e lam si. A . -i-iiVi I oca ir, -i.:,,.'l t de v, Ian I I,., I lolpt.imo 1 "I "-gai.l D.- M,,,s.c, , I !,-i.i lie -aid iu lighamivi-fheic, Discvci , a- h.. I .-a. ii e.-i h. , ;. !-.,,,..- c-i ,. .!.,... t',..-.si..iv :c...J.-. C.'.li ni.d I.-mg i ' In. i, I,-,-, a reel, I coi.o.l lo t. v"e i'' 1 ' " ' " 1'"1"1-' " ' 1 . 1 i ,. m i .am -l.v. r, lo,! b'.,n adVii.-iitii' li i-puliU ,'hV I U' Ibf i"' I"'' b. Ine.A , ..i .!..,. I I ... .o'e ' elusion of l.li s.e:,;li i, lift . I 1 1 1 1 , i; ,w, '...ho ki... A- ..,...:,- v.-n'iH. ' wa.l .-vuipaihv w,i my pur! in I, in. is n'l the lime nl t he siiv.-r , vii.toiiin thai staeuver a year am. .M..re..cr. I loiv- never l.ccn a'l applicant f..r unv pr.. motion in tho I'. l.sii.ii Kil.ci.U Mi.ce I secured iv . ."-eiit p.s'.-i.i. have l.x pe'o, I :.nv . lam unit and b.tve'l.een tor 1 1 1 c f . c 11 11 .1 ii 1 1 limiied coniago of bot!. g Id and s i-.ci ..: tho ra-io -i 1 '. 1.1 I. wiiu- ...it 1. wan ing the :,.-,i I i.nolh, er coiiitry," lor the reason I !ii I b. l-.evc It 'to bo ee,,hO'..le,.I.V. sclelill j lieu iv. h.stone.i.lv 1 ml legahv rig !il. : . , ml 1,1 ill.' the ni-.io.i I.I lll.V lh and tur tnt, tu.thir r.-iism, that I be, 1,,-veit 10 bo forth.. I"-! ni.ercsis nl Ine great niaj nil, ul 1 no p".i -ie uf t,s country' 1 urn tm- me '' ,V'.'", h '.A i,!! I to-',., .,'t .'-d ...'. . . f lie I iiii iiaoe ut s'.lvil', an! lor Ine 0.1 c - ti.o, ... lirvan. I'-' a.,- I heheve thai I"1 "'! T" !'" iho b.-t 'ii.'er.st, 0! Ihe coui.tty We il l he siibservt.i I'V his elcclion, , ., , ... , 1 1 and he re.-lora: ;on ul silver In 1 in - , onsition it iK'ctl iiled us 1 1 11 111 -i f V mot. ,.y .11 this country p.-...,-1 l-7;C Mr , lames L N mis, n-sis'-.m Ti,as,-tr ..r tic IViiiivim,!' Ni.ihn ai 1 ' u. mil. tee '0.1I In e-nt -ul ol tlm 1 , 1 . . 1 1 , : , .1 , ks I, De.n..'1-allo A ..-hit 1 01. u! Wis, n,:oi. uml. a li.-rv so:-. .-a h'..,.''. the I'tei' 01 ga In.' ,1 no. In e. ..i. in .in, . he -anil If Ihe can ,i'. iie- 11 1 n - i i.y 1 ho I I'll-1 an,! only de n -cru'o' p-l'.V at Cnici.u. me lo be elect. 1! nom'i-t w.'o-te tin lime In the stuns I n.st opp .ved tlmwai of 1U-' Ti.-r.. v.-w the peece laetlon in . a, thme is ttie gold ttctmn ow ! Iiiu. e m - - 'e M' ii'. i t stst e so: i.g .' 'ng I "---11 d-.f i y 11 1 1 l.g I he !i:uln 11, Its . ti.ere is 1 1 "1! s'li licit, ing tiie l-'el r.il irei-ili'V now, tney tig ine ioi.i.u tll.t-IIIV ui'.,, i,, , - , , , . ' leoi I'liuievs .h u win. iiociaitti n-r 1 , . ' s -p.il'.ltio.i . I the s a'.i's, anil. 'AO V ll wo cm. aril vi-eutiy it' we 11. us', t buy I. el .1 I! ili-.ii p nl V then, us w e t avo a M..r.:a-i-K..lbsi-!.i.ds s ndi e.uo iiuw, to d.s rov lb" ci'tt l t uf too nation that pr,'li:s may a. erne lo l tin sv ii.! c.,ti ; the pllliut then th..:n.lei" 1 nga.h-t the war, as it thunder-, against genuine pati s 1; to-lay 1 nt tci-11, ce dn ri ii" the e.im'i'i "ii hasl. -cii 11.01,. , Icis iig lothe tr.i in s of Mr. P.ivi.u thin lh Words ol ... I. , M .. .-."H.ltiH 11 1 1:1 ll sjii eeii n. ..f t- .son I I vv ,ie 0 were le!, ..'IMI-I.,- I t'. W,chi. tor an a, rum, anoe. ,-imo.e u-.u seven vets witu Mr P-Vni. an-l ft prattv'close acpnint'inc. with in,-. loo, th' 111 th-i whole rinks of the Democracy there was not u man better cj'P p.d and more worthy of nomination that he". M hen 1 Hester. lUI.-ln'i .rr;..1.-.i -it i-lc. !.. 0M.,rvir. 1 h fo..owiii': was tud iy given out by Chairman Manly, i-ud is Monu.l by I'.im, Chairman llollou aiol Chair i: .... ' . nun A w r, as idlieni' "ftH ii;-n-( d by llio on h : icln ' i tna' 11." i..i;.ing is in.- 1 1 ' stiuetton .1 I be !!.! ion itw of 1 acts '.I.i, el; ipli l I.T.I, iill'l we jiiju-m I 110 meiil'il - ol 1. ilf rcfpi i-iive j :! - lii'i. to foiliov the s inn -I si 1 .1 c m-i r on-,' si'f ion - '.. 1". II. I l.t in. I 1 I ol sal 1 1 ! !o.o I'll .1 1 , r mil arc fli' He! I 1 I e.ili r mi S it ni ,1-iy , ,'S, po'ial 1 r ii 1, j on .'- ,1 l' day. ' -i . li'l o 1, or .o.ii.l.iv II- .i.i',' l'i ! . .'ii S ,1.1:' 1 . , ( ) ( 1 , 1. - I 7 1 ' . 'Ii. I 'ii ( t' '1 1 ' s f .. ! I . llCt'.V. I'!. I IO III 0' S Ul ilil .-Ml I. ,! , , . -?. p. i. , .ci p-! i.s "' ' 1 " ' " " !' ' ' I ,,o wu h pi o id ,1. , )lt S ilui d i', ( I 'obi t 'J. I lb, no m l 1 , , . . .1 1 .. 1 I, . , 11 'ud lo lcelll ( ,."pl the rio'.l ! elnilh 11.0 .t vVcci, I he hmli uf '.hi'unni 11.10 .,, ,V;,,ek :u any cleetul' ul,". .K,,,, .,,;,,,, -o 1 111 l!n'l !.- i ).i S .no. I n . I i,.!i, i .1 1-1. no in I i, ! I', d Ol" l I foil .( O II i; 11 inn X ( I lu In in an I .h ti I inn . li oh .1 ee ii. I ! In'1 -! ' I no he on ;r .-ha:. I e ,e. i- In I we i. i,,,, ,,,i;ls , ;i ,,',. , ,., ,. in. hi., ii'i' ,ii-k i. tn. in i i pic : els c x -i pi Ih i. e In in 1 1 0..1. I i iii ri- and e:l I. s. :,i i he in a. n-g i-i,. -ill la- had .ml ii '.I .i ci". 1; j.. i... i . a' a iv p' i - in i: ' '.'.ini'-s ..' .;. In I w i : I obei 1 7' ii iiioi i-ii'ci ion diy ul I- chin i I 'o li;l-:e; by I o- i ul !, l- I e-l lei.ee lo I ill' S '' e ,,i i'on:i! ' . b- in ; m si:l)i.'ii'!il no . c J in , .'. i y ;. '.v. u ii.o'i t mi" ' i ii r: lei Si , I 'I ,' . I ' i ' , I Tlli, i tut ercii I, ,1 I.i r l-li I "'I cn-.'.i.ir. ,j Hlllj u ... j ....:, , r, ,.lH ::. -l' In ,.Vr!'; I a.o I V ''I cl.-el.. I. , .V !l;..y I I- I ll.l.i.T.oe i III. 1 l lie'i 1 1 it ,i I. .,' Ii- hi e : I ' n clue-:. ui i!..y I ii-ion iu Uis-cin i. SI I, n;i-. Sei I 1 K.i i-m 1 c l, l.il 1' nli-l- -;c. :.i a, i ick. t ' I I .' l lll'ilol .!;-! S, ,lo eun. , , I ill co t 1,1- I I Ml. i if uf !.-- ni l u i I., w is a.'.- nil ci- io i I . I. I . I I ' '7'''' , ,, !VV ""' '-" "' " '"' i h I oi il inl s nil .- i,, ,'l ill-' l-ii-i'lill - In llu II- illl " '" I e ii n .o hr- oi' , , '' "''''"' ' '' ""''!' , '''' I' : I I " 1'"; ' ' 1 h,, pi-o.-il "., u, ,,,i, us v. !.," I ' in .e .1 ilel .1-1 , i i Ali, eo t i,,,, in tl e, S , lc I l ai ! llu- . j n.il 'ui ..oi i ' il v in. wi.o i- i, I,- .a n e ,. 1 - i o uii y I c- 1 h" '" ' 1 ", ,' I' i-'l-' '' , 1 1 '' . i.e il i'Iv In- li i.. cans. I.,, li.-, ni i'-h- r ( repir..'! . j i J";'" A "' V :l " 1 " 1 :' i ! 'Hcs- "I ha.c i n ,t ,., i.-'. c r ,,!; i -Mctb" I;-' Fpi..-.p,l cl.uivb : i o ' ''"'' " :'' bave I.eVe, i "' 1 -' s.. b-m 1,,'i ii, i i,:o ; '0 ..... Ml. h see. dy I'il.l a- .,m Kn.o's.Nv. !,-..v.-ry . ..y-h- Ibid I' ngii lie.odv in ov. Ina' 1 1 I ' h l'i'.e at li li. Pi k 1 i.g t ,,V , !'' " - 'll'"' 1 j - I''- i'.i!o,-hc tMl-.s.ll.l. W..O WHS 1 r.og.-i.c .. " ti injun ei n i.isa .e. ha- 1 o ered and I.- mi u aei ie. ng lie du ll e at Clippie Creek. Col..?- ,., . . , , if ,. , , ,!u. i, ,. i,, , . v k. . . , I-,..,, Sun , H ; - ' , ., that a ina. 1 li.i'i'e I !) - I' -.vis. . , . , Who I V' I il lev 11. : .e ' I ' nil 1 . ' .o' O, , . , ,,. , , . , , v . , ,' "'i',',;, , " ""'ttl' ' ("', " ".' j 1 , ,,',,'."', .V),.1, ,0' - ' 'i', .'. "". " '.',',','', v- ! , i ' : f - ui I h ,1 ,1 in g . . 1 e 1 1 1 1 . ,i .,. - ,, " " --''' ...j i- ,.,.: .,n ,11 ,1 ill I. ell e , ... ,11 ,1 ,,f I. ell , , " "',h '' ' 1 ' ,'.u -' ' '''""'" ' a":';'! "'"' ' . ;'1'"' ,; U '' '" ' 1 ' ' '' "'. ' ' 1 " , , ,. , " i ' i'i'.o a. 1 1 -' I I - i' Ol. IV 1 I I, I V. n ,; e a . I 1-. d h- - a 1 ; ii ,-i a e, . , , an 1 .0 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 I ml a' ; .! , , , , . .ii'il 11 I ' v e l. 'T' - I A' 'y TJ J I till O I lil) sf 4 It JJJ'Q I L1 V IIlo Arrrt;t r,,t-1 disoas p 1 " f3VlP. ,; . , . ami All UiiOtl tliSClt s. , T'UTf 'S LlVCf PILLS; ' mm i mm. -ttr m ill w Our now lire 1 ( . yy cj i t: cil mid n'ly lr yOv lli t .o. -linn. Wo citn-y She hirgcht htoek in tin' ciiiiitv :i in I em 1 'suit iiii-l lit nuy one. Wo ke.'' tl.e loiiilii'U' l.nui'ls n ml styles, Z-ICURS, PACKARD, BAY STATt, HANDGLPH, W. ! PI 'l 1SPM'0 Si pi :i, is; ; CONDilNsr.H liK.I'OK: OF TilK CONDITION Commercial aud Farmers Bank, t ' it i - a: i i ii, IN. ai M v.i !.. i.i nit. -i'i'i , ;:i m iu ii on iiii. liiiu ip-KMitr.u, 189. . in.soi i.i r.-. u.i;ii.rni:s. I co,- i .,'.,. i, it a, ;--:!''i'.'il 7 nl i'i..ital Slock paid in i ) . rdia'ui-. i-ceio-i 1 i-7.c..'i C'i-h. ? 100.000.00 (),',.:,.,! ' ;.-...). I .: i i 77 I'ndivi.li'il Pnd'Ms, .'II.S1.22 I,.,. j;.,.l- f-Ji li.'(i' .'.h - piMlllle, :?(H'(l0D0 li',:'!.,, KiiMiiline, ! I'm 1 ii I? ink-. lO.SHO.Oil in I -' ( lo )S 7')-J 1 JI '7-i.V I,.,.. I, Pi 1 I . i li I .- cl.ct k- oulstlil.il r iii.I., I -i.i ..g 1,85987 t "n, i I,- iii h c i-i, iii ins. '-'.-l ' c ,t !i in a'.i'.i.-.' :;,i.:;ni! '.i ' . ?.'.lli,rJ31 98 :-:i:i us '., ..,!,, I, v 'iiio c: ii io- and business 'c guiiranlee satisfaction. We v.:il ,. j.'.a-nl In enlii i-poinl Willi those v bo contemplate inuliirfl I h oi ' i "i , ui- In ileenilnls .1 ,! MiiiU'.s-. I'M.-i.'cit. ft 1 1 v.i I ' I I I ' I i ' : : S v ( 1 1 I ( I! - . v n ,,: u. ,". i ;.- . '". ', i-e-.t. -r ; U-i-v. : . i i . . , , . c . 'i i. !! . , r ..--1 i:,:'-.': , ;;;:,.:., i; .- r. jj - ti vl.r3 ?.t.';HVitHw T- " -" ip i,'i'4yvii i' '1 f ' I 'J 1 4 3 i .', I i , ; '. ( . i'. .1 i, . . lo! A ,;.'li!.s iiif Lil"!- ii.. 1 , 1 1 1 " A ,,il"'- 1 ,:,'"":' 1 ! '!' 1 v;i v ol! li.ni'i 11 l'i.!! -do'"; ' rm-Mit, -,', Crllius, I'iui'. is 'V' , '' i' ' ''" ' '.v ":" ;l ;1 ,,,,,,,,,, , Apiil 'i, D'.'i y f U .4 -L.' , vf g A J' Si--i ........vo,,,,,,,,,,, 1 m u 1 A ef $ Sf i j J. j I ti or in i.'MTfY c;i TO Rf.Mi HGTli SiOES Of- Till; QU.?TtO'? The Ncv York J.iurnaiii the c-nly --r . i'. ',4. ...'-, ' i-tfv)Po!..tan paPcv maor-.ng VI i C 11 Pvin''5 n fT . r'VV 1 1 JJi V ve.ll -lW fc.Ui W ; , I ... ... , an.-i U diily pub!t:hs articles by : i iit I.aJv:i-r i Jniicicrs cl the country yn both siicz ol th: question, ' , 1 1 ' t 4fC.i1..,. T-v-""c; -riV.I . WJI-V-A "'""' !t is rrOftif-ih'erHvrs1. ana always c."-pov t!.c r.;.'- ct i-.:e iiiitCics. Evcy tro:J rria.fji in'.n choutl ..ai it. vhcio.ct" liepuWlcan or T, . Dj'nocrat. Da'.lv ..... 1 Cent v-ers''bero liuMcrtotlon for Cue MontU. oioiuu.ne: S'-iii-y - - -eo coats Two Jv.ouv'au ena m. ilrvlf - - W.OO Send r-iibscription to The New York Journal, llrculauen Dtrsurtineot, KiiW YORK. tt7n.(.u'l.'. A..',sv, trj -ilJI A..ISSwJ M-i Cfc OUii Q. pt-.ir or.w.. V"-motoi. D. 0. Mini': - fur Villi and Winlor wear "yyCi m'II the he-! I''f ymt ever saw fur 81 '0. 11 s.leii(!iil whol-! 'sto.-k litoau I'm- 81 (li). a wiiiiimi's s!i iu that will last nil tli- v. inter lor .81. HI), itj to llu) finest ioiii'l-iiiinl-. Your cirtin:hir attention is rnllrol lo utir (.'hiliheu's 8hoes. Come a :nl see for yourself. 1,0M)0 &SOX. !. I units Subject to Check. M.M),ni()8(5 Ji S .IK!lMN.C,lor. mmm W3tI0"BLE DAILY T i.V York. iiiniii. IS'n-hiuoii'l. .Norfolk, II !..... V IPTII .....I . 1. 1 I ilil piii'. II. - .lUIll II .111-I Trains Leavo Pitts boro '.) (l.'i a. 111. ,') 20 p m Train- Arrivs at ritts-borc-- 11 (a a 111, Ti '25 p. 111. i-i.'.V . 1 1 ft ',. .'... Fiv'l. si i'KI.I.MaN VESTIBl'L Kl Ti: IS s. I'liil.-r- T .1. .. !I'.;mN. tieiu-ral Pass. Ai.'ont, I'm isinoiitii, Vn. r ST. JOHN, Vice Pres. ami (i Manager. V ) .Me. IlKK. (ien. Sept. II W. II C.I.OVKU, Tinfh Manager. Ci Fi & y. y. I!A JOHN (JILL, Ukclivkr. Condensed Schodulo. IkIV.cI August Uli.'l lu90 Noicrii lior so. No. 2 HAII.Y 1 M n. m. JIM ' 1 1 Oft ll l " li to p. ra 1 'ill 1..-.IV.. Wlllt1illi!'i. Arrive riiye Ii-vIiIk I.. ii. l iin Ci lil.i l.itv.t r iltS'.L-TIIti-Ji.ll.-Ui-ll l.i. ivr Sum .r.l I. - iv. -,!, i 1 Iiy i.l'UV - , lltl.llV Am 1.", en- A r.i.. i' 1 1 y " II ! 'IMi I . nv. Ml Mi-.f I.,. ,v ,11 ..ill ''..v. .... .V" ll: . I'lifl. .fli '' ''', "" Aiii.e VMiiiimnn.ii Noli ill ll'il'Nl. 4 S - "1 lift " 1WII.Y. 45 n. m. V l.'i v .vn " luu " V Ml " ll. M ' " No. it'. DAII.T. 4 I ! m. !.-., iuhmii.,ii0 m','",';!' 1 1:. 1 si in. s I u -i Mm- .Vic- n'o-i'-viiio ,. . . 1 , , i ivVsin .,'.!,.',.;,'. ' , .M l ive li I i'BHIIr. I ii. " No ltf. en .-ii DkII K"'i. t 011(17 t e m m, s l 9 5 II j.s III lk " 11 M ' " No. 7. MtlMl. lialiy Kxr'pi hi.udaf. l'J V p ra. 1 'J 1 5 ' S 111 " 4 i-i ' t0" 1 1 iv 00 1 ,r" 1 v on ' -i" 'Xuil '-a , j ( u ,vsl, j ; ..'jr:;,,,; iXXX.'Z'X , 1,1'MVi. 1 lillll Air l.i .i i j w- ir ss,

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