A m mm Silo nuluru'l;' re nil from tl:o (.'rod iiiitII which in:iki tiinu-iiiui:, of wmi.lt i ful curctt by Sarsaparillo Tlif OmiiTimi- lll'intl Piiriflt-r. Alldriu-iriHl..-. ?1. Hood'3 Pills i'I'v liU -'" In Hit Own Country. . A rrnvt'lisi. I ! ;i I'lMjihi't, sciincMInics snl'lVi I'imiii l.ii'U .!' .1 ; i-a ri:ii!"ii t.n llu; imri til' his iii-inliliur :i. 'Tilt' fn'Jis li,'lv:ihnliis tfiki' llllil f.illtl ly ctiiiith:" w.'is tin' ivimirk m' niu- nt' TlinllUlS 1 1 :i I t lv"s lll'i.ull!'!'!-: ill Wl'SSCX, Knuliiinl. A iivciii Mi'll. if, "In 'I'liomns 11iii-!,'k ('.'unii'.v." in 'iVmiIi' I'.ir, fur nish. -s :i'lil:lltiiiil niM.il' l!i;tt t!i' .f. tplo of tli:il l.H.:iiiiy .sr.- t!i(-i"t::niliii a j;iv:it Uiil It una :: ivm. 'I'll - wr'.it-r tiicstl.'iif.l tht ilriv.-r of n u: t'M'i4 a rnatl I'.'-tr i 1 -rli-IiI icv If lie liiii-w Manly. "Manly, i!n- I? Vt's. I nfii-n hi-i-h Vn v'.'ii' alanu' In a vnliit- n ilili' Miiily, willi '! Y:i.l tit -w n an' a In: u' ln.t.l;-i llllil'T ''s fllll. 'I! lli'NiT ';IVt- nnlhiily wlili Vn. They tel's 1 'is lin.iks an Tviiinlrifnl ilivp, hut I ain't read 'em. r.nt I. 1 ih-ti't net lime tor read 111 n. illi cit' hut tlie la 1 'els oil ihe liiuv.-ls 1 carry nil' lite names of the .lll'lii- H.ni ..." Aaln 111-' v Tiler of the arilele eti eouiuered, !i'. i laee of a t . I i I uiiliflVr eiii'e, mill envy m' Manly and open t oniem;.: ;Yr ill ' iyuVm, rivli in UK-.u-ia-tiolis. uhY't the linvelisl h.is .:. fully lleseril.fi. Th er.tie !ti this ease was an c Id man who '.as f.'iiis.l .it a railway station near !U'!. ii Heath. In resjioi: .,- to the Usual lii'ius-y ah.'Ul Manly eame tliis tU'liei.'U hit of dei.re.'larioii: "Oil, lite uriieu' ch.i;i! I've read Borne of ids w.rks. They s.-.y.s "t!s a Ult't. S.'.t:is to me 't: J: -tt v. rlteu'--Jiwr. si: ten' 1 1. . w u hi:' v. t a and not d vn' ii.i:ien' at :'.!!. What do V do, I usk 'ee: Mere !n- 1 d'.en' more jimpcr Work than Hardy ever did, an' they don't lark tliout I. :ui' sty. There's a great ehii'. like they do nlniiit 'e." Wa-tetl to Ho Home. Th.e tun si'.i.all l eys who wanted to ll'lit ll'ihans had :;ettell Some disianev from !...;::e. The l'einanee had dwln tiletl ai' l a diseoiinsemeiit whieh nel ther lile d lo ,..;.!'. s.-; had taken pes- l Vssli-ll. "l.eek !. s: id one of ikrm nt last. "I've l .'. n l it in' I'm Sleny Sam for two da;.- now. 1 aveti't IV" Ye.,," was '.:v wi'ty. 'W t il. I'm hind o' lired that faille. 1 think 11! -1 i.v tlie .fodi-al son." A Point nf Merit. T!u-.'.' liitl- maldei's were dlseoiirn In,' a' o-.it the l.:ihy I'rot'.n is who had taken iip their r.'si.h-i.ee in the three t'amiPe tliirliiu' the past year. "My little 1. rot her Ned's f;ot a lovely silver mm; that i-raii'lma sent him." paid the first lilt!'.- uli-l: "it's Just a heamy; and I.e had tt silver knife and fork from am ndpii. ten." "My lit 1 1 hrother Wal'er's inn a hee jiitil'nl earved rattle that 1 inde Ht-ii-ry sent oim from China," said the see oi!.! I it : It- iiiri; "inotl.er's put it away In a lira ver lo k"i i lill he's himwii up." -.My linle hn.ih.'r l"reddie's not half so hi.; a-'- jo..r hr-'l !i' is," said the tliinl ehiid, viih an air of one endeavoring to eouoi-ll It feehll' of t ri I! Ill pll, "lUlt the d"eior -ay.; li..'- had more spasms than any .:!:! l-ahy in tt.is tiei.i;lil'"r h. .!!. -o I 'm t-:" 'i'lU: . ii nvew l ':i! t'-vh ti tliti tio. dim oft! 'ii 1 , 1 1. hi all ni ir ii en-, sin; ...-i h. r, t 1111 I i...' ;i -l :-. .i j ,..uk w a- sio. si ii . 1. 'l it I' "1 L.lfl'l Ml I V ... . IS ili-i.:..:- .11 1 1 1 h ,1 ti -.vi-,-' d 1 1-. ser.U 1 ,-.'l r.-tif-. 1 an-: I.v ni.;-:.!,.; I. in-i,- o. iit'.vii't lo.'.tl i r.iiii t. ir:.' ..t't i; it, r.t' o. Si !. . 1 it - 1 . . .t. ni In 1 -. a . I ti "1". 1 1 "it t 11. er-1 I'iMTi, r.i. in.. 1 i y. .1. t I..-; ;. ,v t .... it. ..i - -. m li'l. ' I:'m . it '..a-',-. 1 '.'i.'l'h'- V,V.'.'.,. - .'is i ;.- :i, ... .,; i.fs,....i;i. : i.ei ..It,-; Ltiii'i'i'.iUoy 1 lire in.; 1 t . it "t ! nit I ' 11 !,-.! l i-s . a ' lan.'e ft ti.t.'.. in;'.-.--. In 1- i. Ait' Vn S:il..i,. 1 M.ili ,, h.lt V II Ivi.c t!,- .11 I ..r 4 .1 .i,i;,:-.,v ... - s,....; K'l '.v..- V ' M, I I. HI ... .. f..', 1 y 1 il ll I.. miss ,( Vi u O.lt ..'11 -. ....i-., u,ii is- I,... I In inn. 1 1.1- mi. a ii..' Ki. r :. ),: in t.- ii l.t ,.t Ji'sti rti'i inr li.li t -ir- in -I.e. -is ... t'li- H.Juk i'ii'-l: l..tt4 11. I--. :i! I. i:.r i N. V. 1 it. KviTV . -I -.Hi it i... 1. 1- 1. 1.: .t .il-.- .!. . . .. I. a ht" in t I...- : lii III. iiiiC" ni' ills Ll-'.tit 1 itt-r at tlt"C llll't l-.-.l Ills ill i Ml U.LU lUO VlliUttbll) lata tu.laicil 111 till- b'l.j ia liaiiit 111:1 't.'-i ..!ass 1' s. l"-i..'s C'li-'.' is tl' 111. '!!. iiie to i,r..iik tip .'ii; ii 'sCotuO's mill l oltts. Mi.s. M. ii. lii.i ,r, S'ra it'ie. v:i:i . Mai-'-h . I- 1. In lVrsi'i th w.iiiifii r fusii! 'ti (ii iiauii'iit t ieir fit'-es by ; aiii'.'ii. on fin' it o'.-Litf'-s of small aiiiaiuN an 1 irs.. . ts. l.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Will euro Uie worst forms of female complaints, nil ovarian troubles, in t'amintttion ami uleeration. falling and I'lsplaeements 1 'f tho w 1111b, and co:is.e t r 'tt nt spinal weakness, and is pecu- :;t fly adapted to the chance of life. livery time it will cine Backithe. U Lis cured more eases of letieor rli.ea by reinoviiiLf the cause, thaiiauv reiiietly the world has over kti 'Wti; it. is almost in fallible iu such cases. It diss..' Ives and expels tumors fn-1:1 the uterus ill an early stajfo i'f develop ment, and cheek:; any te'ideiiey tn can cer, ms loitnors. Lydia II. Pitikham's Liver Pills work in unison with the I'ouipo nud, and are a mho euro for i.,.rsi ipat ion and sick headache. Mrs. r'.r khnt.i's Sanative :..l: is f rvttt t jluv ler local iipvlicatiou. Hoods I' 1 Tin: r.ia u i'K a vim:. I This wild jten, or Vftcli, is found in tho Xort Invest, w litre it trows to u : blight of fioiu two tt four fie', nud is f two kinds, out) Uiiun knowu lis I ho . Liithjrus jiitlu.-tris, tl.o other ns Hie I'alustris luyitifolius. Tho latter i.t tho larger of tho two, n lid lioth tue ' perennial. They nlVoil txoellcut KOtl iue for cattle. " i RrnsTttrTEs rot! uat. Ac ft loie Kiili.lltnl.t . ,it n-.tirtif have notliiu better than oora folder, if it bus been properly Uken earn of, writes X. Wiliy, of iii.iiitini. If left in tho luld uutil tpiiii, txposed :;) winds and rain, morj than one huli' tho ori;i;iul vn'uo is lost. Jt uavs to hnvo tho I'oiUler cut or shreiUlo.l. All kinds of Mock cat it r a.lily. I believe the fee. line value of lii'st-tvus-i com fed ler is ten per cent rcitUr than tuitt ol timothy lmy. a w.uoi v,i:Anti:i; Mir.:; iiot si:, A very cuuvcuietit milk house, for wuriu clim ttis, or for Mi!Uv.-r use in cohltr sictiou, is bUo'iiii ia the tUfjruv iuu; herew ith, li is six feet pi ire nud six feet high nt tlie e tvis, wl.i.'h is laro enough for th.1 mi'k of r.v.) or three cows. The house is built uu.b r ti large or.ipo arbor, about twttity teet from tuv kitcluu pii'up. I he in ilk tank, which is twelvo in.'li deep nud liiurtecu inches vi ie a', the top, extends nlomr the n 'tth Mdc. I: has a M'l'eeU cover, V, .deli l: ay be c, , ercd with cloth in m ry hot Cr du-:y ! Weather. A table with Mieif Ui. h r- iieuth ocouj-ics tho southeast ivrui r. ; A space j ii -1 above the level of thej tank, two feet wide nud exteuom oa all sides of tho house, is ovi re.l wdh j wiro screca. fc.Lcives nbove the eret n nud below the tank i,ive Ml ''.cieiit ! room for uiilk nud butter tli-hes. Tlie , milk is set in pails A oiilvar.i. j 1 ! irou pipe leads from a tuia!! tiii.k a' ! tho side of th.) piimii tb.wu i i:;kw en i inches below the surlacc til the,, round, ! j acro.-s the twei ty-loot ice nl:d up i ng.iiu to the Uvel ot tae laib; te.nk. i Au i.u'riluw piiv at lb otb. r t n 1 of ! tho tank carries t u t'le tati r iii'.tr it ; j bus reaehed the juop. r lni;ht in the niuii. -uou;er pipe, tu tue i oitori n; . the tank, is used for emptyin ; it v;.v:i ; tUired. The door iu the ro'.ithv. i t: I'OXVI'MI'N I' "Itl.U cor in r is of wood, 1 i.t d b. ereti if- j left r:e 1. luirl si.'.:!! r I'.a.r the .-ereiiis m rruy t.i:'..'i r. .1 he Mater in tlie t-itu :ilu,v b 'i:;..;iL e l ut any t i me by j-ti:..t iio? v.- .1. s r.i,. the iii-ill t iuk at t ::' w-.-ii. A 1.. r, e 1:1 A;4iie'i:tmist. mtUNi 1:1: ,'::. -r' :s 1. This mu-vu ii .- ii. 1; " ! 1 - It 1 '. oilered btt.e t 1. uu-1 .. ;. -!,t to b. ,-. prodiieefs. t if tin ha- 1 e n vi ry e'-. .; Mid o.nz:!!-: has been aoitu in;::. ''. cheapness oi fee I Has c:,o . : ) r .t .1 holibii;; t he -t ie v lor . in at a a.iM ie -in Weight. Til-' n.ei' ieo st ee l 1 :i eiin-s to tin-old theory tint a b a t lor meat should t e ripe. The t i- 't- i( the people v.iio buy :a. a', 1- . : , has bee, 1 ehau- illi; let r.r-, v., tit the result tu it tie. IV I an . !. ..-t ee ! li'emilll.l fur lilt it:llls a'. 1 toi-j ihl' have 'net a :l'.'li in t'uory if e..rl.v ii'id'tl-iiy. tin tile a---, ri e le.r a there is ev. ry rm-.oii t. r 1 it' i.:t . ill enii to a finish by the time it .s 1 i.iit etuiuoliths to twei.ty-tw o lun'itlis oi ttite. I'-Uit'.ly vt ry potui I that is (iHiutd liter the calf is tv.eiiiy 1., -ntii-old costs the fi-'dei' iu iy a. la ie i a , nti'l often i.'.oro than, le. is a .ie I 1 rtalize in s. -1 i 1 : : -f K. Cattle iji'.iivi i. and lee it rs are living in au a ee ,; progress, and it is i:s iiii;)..r;. i.t th it they use dilii iu thou .lit i.ud .-t a s is tho .sa'i.e eoiirs" ile-ii-.tiile in ntiy other bus'iie-s. A liivi.li-::,! eititi-i' ii riade on one's ie.v -1 : : ti t nt in r v. i-e. 'i.'his is pari lenlariy tvr..; 0:1 fir;. is 01 less than '-) itercs. It I in-nviv a! ways true where fanus are'.ioi-t'i icon than j-'itt pi r acre, reeear ile-s 0,' tli bite of the fai m. Th.rehis be.-:; for a score of yt ars a l. elttu;- that all a stockman bad to do was to buy up any sort of cattle an 1 p';t I l.i ia 0:1 '.he trass and bed t'ietn pit utv o; o-irn, and the prolitn weii'.d take e 110 o. theuisi !ve.-. .It is an ace dent it e.v when this :ul icy prove.s s;;eee ul. Close observation of each aniu.itl is required now au 1 eirii'nl cstiia-.tei must bo made of the- ix:i-ue of feed iuu'. Much that his been said above in regard to cuttle is true of the s;tui tioti in the hoy; trade. The bi-e.'.er who does.not f'.rive for 'he lie.-t bio 1 and best tpinhty is a back Liiuibt r. In a.ltiitiuu to curjftil bleeding lteiltu.; is now also etpiaiiy ur impurtaMee. Great care mu-t bcextrotsed io supply the hog with the pr.ipi r varieto s ot food from birth t i maturity. It is no longer a tpnstiou of a year iu the prowib of a hot; to a proatabio tiui.Mi. Duly tho hiruo ranches can cmisiiler this policy with any lavor. On farms of a half sectiou or less the hog should be finished for market at from seven mouths to ten months of age. Cth'T conditions being favorable, where there is clover nd other .-recti pe.s tur.ige it is ordinarily better policy to contiuue tho hog on feel till nine mouths or ten mouths of age. NYest ern Kural. A DHPAlTn VEsT OF TftE Al'T.E. The apple languor, or ruiiioa-i worm, is a serious jiest that is rapidly sprt au iug iroin the Ea, t to the Wi st. ihe uiiture insect is a rly, nhicit can not Ttadily be peisone I, and it is siiii. jiusdJ tbat Ibu c$' whicb 1 ; J .i J j ihe i'iiir-"ots iiro dVpo-ited liy the Hies in the pulp of theitpp'.e beiieiith thi.'Miiti, mi tnat tho youn ; inn :i;ots are .'ua ito within th.o find, from tho time tho ct."-:s lire laid uiilil thty r.rc lintturo mill eim rge Iroin tlie apple to "o iulo tiio fjrouml. Tho nnifyut is very i mall mid belli vet. tiibs tho fruit with out material injury to tho skin or os terior itppt nraace, but cantos Mreaka of rot in the tlosb i:' tho fruit that aro very ropuKmmt to the consumer. The noil tu neitth infected tr. es was exam ined at tho liiiii.le Inland I'xperinieiit Station hi-t iiiU (hulletiu :!T, L. V. Kintieyl, nud the number of inuots that wero t-o:rctL.l under diiVercnt trees was i s imato.l to be from l(i') to ovi r 1 0 i'. V.'hi'ii hem wer.i auued uuikr tho tree's they worked I i i t JIAl't liE IT.V, API'I.E lil t'liir. faithfully and t-eeme.l to ct cuongli f.utd from the ;:r.mii 1 to sustain them three or four days. It uppenre I as if lew of tho luaeiT.its wero likely to bo ovi riool.e.l by the hens. It is prob able that the apple muj lots remain iu th 1 j u pa st tte ia the sol! bouc ith tho irei.s, iu that latitude, from tho time they have tho apple iu tho fall until tl.o follow ;:i;' -pvuie;, so that I'OUlitiiug poii try in tho oveh ir.l in the fall is tho most practical treittmtul lor this post that cm now bo KU;i;e. ted. It is iuiporiiint tt) ascertain the distribu tion of tho pes!, and all who observe it will ha c ivort to us. Carefully liid n ; i.l! windfalls or refine apples to hoi'.-i r tho Mock is a.Ub.i.l. heep, mi pi tiltiy Mu ul 1 bo kept ill ike ere'., ul. 1 n!Ur hiiVSUj., ii Vol l o f it. t'ietn culture is also advise.1.. S; r.iyi'...; is it. proUctioti n&taiue.t this p-.i I," bi'i' iu-e it tloes not ad'ect the lly tin! lays the iu--. Xc.v Eulaud iloiiK:.tia.!. r.i in : rt'NKr.vs. Tin re are f. w farm pursuits that pay In ttt r than raising turi eys, it one can siieeeed ia it ; but there are very few p. o, le niiii M ii.i lo have tho faculty o; ..tt.iiiir the-t' tliiieate nud Ctipri .i.'.is ereatnres thioneh their first few net l.s. Oiseethcy are iiiliv feathered, liny aii u. i at ad hard to manage, MN.vi.icd etie CaU br.t!.g thofi boino at night. t::o mi-tlit bo lei to wta.ler how ri:d lurkt vs ni r ;row up, wluu it is t.eehiri 1 iuuiU and tigaiti th.t young tar loo s 1.1 li-i never ,;.' o it in the morn !! r, . Ii lie the tie .v : u ihe j:r.i-, and n. , 1st always kit; .v it.one.ii to ;,o lit , e u .! ni.n . ':! y j eople hitch tttri.ey eegs 1111 .i. r ii. :.-, oi in -r- u-e i:.e 1b.1t. u ; but i ,e : ..1; or iu; i.i ;. ii ivo not tims far 1 1 i t; s.ieli a 'io;.';:'i I .-uec.-.ss us to b.ad il e wli . , hut: 1 to turn tu and try to Mi ten fit lo ;. s . ,.g in tlrs way. 1 i n- . 1 t i-- b. -1 pi iis is to keep the i 11 t ill., is :u an u: e'.o-u re, with a ;. lie tl. il Vi-une. 01. e- will le unable t-i ii -.- t.v. r. Il tue b i'oy turks are !i .;,':: d 1:1 -uch a place, it is very n.it-eh i" '.!' r, tt r t!:.' tuoiher becom-.s ae. ii-l.'Uit I t 1 it, ail I do-'-; l it fret u'. t he ftp; i v -1 s . A bull utig eieiit or t ti fe.-t s,pia:-e, .'. . t Ii a'l o il-i ie yi.r .1 luei.'.-.i with lit t utii, i.'i ! c. v re 1 by a i w ureenho'.'.-o -esiiis, ina-.e-. an i '1 a! pla-'O i'er ) o:u:g f.irk'y-. Lii-re he:i!l be perches -i i.-, te tl." ol 1 1 in - call jump to iiet i'ver I. ti--.', t ii Is - .viiig them t jo tin v.htc'i 1 hey r-e.piire for their t'r.at ciro i.m-t betaken of turkey a' e.u , a; tie y eh. U Very easily. Alter tin- i.it'.l a: e h e.tehe.!, b avu them m be m st l r aii'. nt thirty-six hour-, tii.i; put iluitiin a will j rot'eete 1 eoop with a tight tb.or, and arrange the ia-c!"-ure mi that 11,1 rain or dew cm get to the yottt'g ! ir b. It is mi iM', lit ut idci to Teed poultry 0: -'Il -i :;s in a niaee c.s tar reuuvel ir ei thvir ,- It 1 pn:g atiarlmetit as pos-i-l'..-. N ;;'..' 1 i-tii.lu make little rum tLii. u !i which the fouls mu-t piles tu it b x w i; to f-j.id is I'.iv.tvs j-repared. I'l.e t.o;-'.' -of lliilli'Jg the box wiil at trie: ta.ia. They 1 nt what they lik", t l.i-u eo ifvay, an! the lloor of tho luul liiig is not K.'iit.d by sc '.tiering loo.l an I w att r. TLt-y will to tho 'UtiN' of ; :pl'!y win never tbey nce.l , an I will be in miicili better health i; this coarse is puii-ut .i. Some suece-sii'l poultry raisers fe.'.l bred an t mil'.;, ilu 'ed with black pei'pi r, tor the lir,-t lew days. Fresh v ater is iu dispells ihie, nud milk is au excellent thing foi young turkeys pro vided it is never allowed to becomo sour. si,,1u. lojd of any kind will kill yi . lug turkey-. They eat but littlo ut a titve, cad must be fed fretpieutly. Th-. ir 'bet sho'ild be 1:1:1 h r.strtetel ntit.l they are from four to sis weeks o.d, then tiny may bo i.iven chopped V'e.ei.ibies ot Millulis forts, lucluding 0 i ns, whi'.'b are excellent for them. Tlie scraps from the table aro of great a ivmtige. When t'ney bavo boeomo ft inhered tbey may have wbolo eoru ai night, llefore this they should eat wheat, cra 'ked corn an i a little oats, btiekivlu at and any other status tbat are lo.pt about the place. riu'ite poultry misers give condition powders in brau mash. It is fail lo be goo I for them, but it must bo ail eaten up ur removed as soon as they 1 ave it. If it beeomi s sta'.o there is great rik iu givitii,' it. After the critical period of youth is p is ,d t irlicys gtti'V rapidly and, un der i iVorable conditions, aro one of the mo-1 pro.it able of farm crops. Me'.v V'ork Ledger. Ji -.relhan 1",' I'd umbrellas are every year .o t at i'llt iu 1'ans ca'Js u t oiu-mlus.-s. IiWNETTES ANI liri'flf.r. .IKWTLllY. Somo womeu, sai-.l a lcadin jeweler tho other day, Bimply m into wild ecstasy over any tlest.;u with unakes a prouiinent feature. I'hey are u.-ually bluek-eveel womon.for few bloudesearo for roptilo jewels. A jeweler loarutt to know hia customers, and tho peculiar drift of their cbaracleristios in their chatter about bis More. I seldom fr-.il, after a few moments of conversation, in Ko!eetiii fomethins to their fancy tit once. rhiladolphta l.uijuirer. OlIEEK WAISl'l Aim f IMtN'O. In tho new disi.e;u'', t-ays a Paris fasbiou writer, there is :i 1 11010, rustle or frou frou. Two of the modistes report that tho old Grecian waist will bn revived J this fall nu.l winter. The announcement will be lU'atelully received by all womeu who are slender, whelhtr tall or Miort. This Greek waist well exemplifies the talent of the old Greek race. It looks badly upon no one, au I on Mender figures pro ilnces au effect that id always plcnsiuvt and picture. p-.e. ritiN r vsn hot iiionh os vorn ttnti. Young girls seem to have only two moles of arranging tho hair from which to cho i-e. It is unwise to ue tue irou or the crimping jnu oil the hair of grow n:g girls ; the most fash iouablo women understand thi--, and iusist tbat, until tho debut has been niai'e, a g rl must wear her hail iu oue of the two stiles : It may bo parted ntiil braided m two plaits tied with mirro.v ribbon, or it may bo rolled olT the faeo, braided iu one plait, loopjil and tied with a black ribbon after tho t'adogau l'a.Lion. Ladiea s llomj Journal. rr.rriY rou a iiaixy ivy. What is ikscribeJ 11s "miiuo really pretty rain proof clothing" has been discovered I y n correepoudeiit of Vogue at a resort in the moautiiins of llohemiit. A young princess, who in Maying at the same hotel tin re, bis provided hit elf with several suits made of M101 raiu-proot material iu delicate pt arly hues, and vi ry cliarin itig she look iu tbctu. 'The i'riucess Siuia," writes tbo correspondent, "looks like a tiny fairy when, anno I w ith a stout violet-wood stick, she sal lies forth iu sptto of tho pouring rain, elad iu la r admirably titling suits of water-proof silks, with a small hood drawn ovir her golden curls, for lung walks in the dreuehe.l but fragrant woods about her." bic of these cos tumes is made oi' changt a'do pink and abiiotid-greeiitatTetaM iiiiiieriniable, the kirt clearing the aul.le well nud be ing finished off with ten rows of M idl ing. This is Worn over a pair of knickerbockers, ui.ido of silk and t jekotl into a pair o taleins gaiter- butt.. Tiie waist is jacket -i, with a booil and fa ten I siU'irt-loeking tied with silver. . il e l, provide I 1 over a waiM- coat of dark green matt rial, which is also water-proof. Th- a i ipti.ni of stieh costume iu this country would work it vast improvemt ut 1:1 tin- appearance of wouitu wb veiii'.'.f out on rainy t'AM-.ll 1 ti.i.s. From what 011" he.a- of the Danish gill, she has all the 1 riviheges open to one of ourselves. I.' she wishes to study nt the I uiv. r-itv, sho limb; her : -ii free to tikeup any branch she may choose, and nudi.Ml, 1.; 1' heuiatieal and ecu utilb? honor-fail '.0 lu-r share quite as fn tjiieutly ns to h -r br-.itbcrs. As itaoug f, ioo, t-.t'l :ng stems t't" i-e tlie tuost nmvt rs.il employment for w..:eeu who wi.-h t 1 niiii their own liv ug. Vet tin re ar so mnuy te-tch- is and fo ii r.::y lia iei.t 'ii of rich fa'ailies who teach i-iiaply ns a pas time, with no reiaiuit r tti'.iu, thatthn pay is t ry snutll and not nt all iu ro-iortiou to C10 si rvic 's th y give, l'tiey aro well up in the i-lualisii htera te.re of the day, tlistia ;uish tbemselves as artists, authors mid musicians, found schools nu.l asylums for various charities, aud nir.na ;o tbeiu as success fully ns the woiu'.u iu other countries'. lVs..:nii)g an. I pitntiug potters, wc 1 i-ciirviug au 1 i unit woodwork are nttieug oih-. r r.ccoi.aplishmetits, and m-iuv women have taken up photo j.i iphy Hiul :-t irled out ns profession als, lint, iu s;ite of all their profos M jual work, l'.u:sh women do not degenerate iu the art of housekeeping ittul good cooking. Within the past fotv years they have beeor-ieinteri sted iu the outdoorgaiues fo ponuli.r in Kuglaud, and teutiis, gul', cricket and football are fust o'tiuing uround. Tbo eraze for bicy cling sii'.ed tlwrj some tiino ago, and they are already expert rider, for the level country favors this sport. Homo of the Dai.i h girls are aeeomtdished b.irsewonn 11, nud they aro never quite so pri ity and graceful us when tticy are skattug, which is a Sjfueral iiTuuseiiiec for fully three months in the year. 1'afortnunteiy for the pi-j-t lrt'squeii'-ss of the National J).mi:-h costuiue, r.ugliah faehiou has invaded nearly ad classes of toeiity, nud the bigh-poti.t'e I cap, bright colore i skirt, etnbroi.li reiJ iiproi-i utui corselet uie very seldcin seeu ntuv. In the arraugi meat of their hair, however, thty rtm .iu constant to their oi I cus tom of brushiug it smoothly back and theu twi-tiug it into a tight kuot at the back of the head. A Lnuih girl ia good society makes her debut at sixteer, when she is continued. If bhc is not married nt twenty-two sho is loft out of all parties and aiuuc laeuts, tims showing that the old fashioned prejudice against old maids still obtains iimuiii! tbo-e otherwise enlightened people. Xew Vori Ledger. WlMrV AND TU15 SfFFTHOR. Tho countries of the world where womeu already have tome i-nirra-io Lave an areaof over IS, iiO'),0',)il square milts, nud tbeir population Is over j'.,0J0,0UO. In Great lritaiu women vote for all elective o'iieers except Members of rariiament. In Frnneo tho women teachers elect women members on all boards of edu cation. In Sweden women voto for all oleo tivo officers except representatives. Also, iudirectly, for Members of tho LIoti-o of Lords. Iu Xorway thoy havo ecliool suf frage. In Ireland tbo women voto for the harbor boards, poor law guardians, nud in Uelfast for municipal olltcers. Iu Uussia women householders voto for all elective ollioers nad oa all local matters. In Finland they vote for nil elective officer.-1. In Anstria-Uungary they voto, by proxy, for all elective oftieers. In Orotia and Palmatia tbey havo tlie privilege of doiug so in loeul eloo tious iu person. In Italy widows voto for Members of rariiament. Iu tbo Mauris presidency nud tho Honibay presidency (lliudoo-tnn) tbo women exereiso the right of sullrago in ail municipalities. Iunll coiintries of llussimi Asia thoy can do to wherever a Hussiiiu c.ilouy settles. The TinsMitus aro colouiziug the wh ile of their vast Asian posses sions, nud carrying with them every where the "niir," or sclf-govt ruing village, wherein women who aro heads of households aro permitted to voto. Women havo municipal mifirago in Cape Colony, which rules 1,000,000 squaro miles. Municipal womnu sufl'rngo rules in Xew Zealand and tit parliamentary elections. Iceland, iu tho Xorth Atlantic ; the Islo of Man, between F.ugland fin 1 Ireland, and Fitcaira Islaud, iu tbo South 1'iieilie, havo full woman suf frage. In the Dominion of CauaJa women have municipal stul'rago in every pro vince and also in tho northwest terri tuties. Iu Ontario thoy voto for nil elective officers except in tho election of members of tbo Legislature and Failiameut. In the I'uitcd States twenty-eight Staios nud 'it rritorics havo given women k.uuo form of t,ulVrage. Hchool MUl'tages iu various degrees is granted to women iu Arinoua, Col orado, Connecticut, Deleware, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachu setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Xobraska, Xew Hampshire, Xew Jersey, Xew York, Xorth Dakota, Oregou, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont au.l YYiseou siu. Iu Arkansas nu.l Missouri womon vote, by petition, on liquor license in many cast s. Iu Delaware sullrago is exercised bj wonieii in several municipalities. In Kansas tbey have equal Mili'rago with titt'Li in all municipal elections. About ."i'I.H'M women voted iu 1'J0. Iu Mnutana they voto on all loc.il taxation. In Ni w York they c tu au l do voto nt school ilcc'ious. 'The question of the constitutionality of tbo law is still .iiideei.it. d. They voto also in many places iu this State nil locail improve-ii:ee.'.-.., such as g is and electric htreet lighting, paving, sewerage nu.l mtiui c pal bonds. In I'tali wot'ien voted until disfran chise 1 by the H.iuy.iuds law, when they promptly organized to demand its repeal. In lYunsylvuuia a law was passed in 1 s.) under which women vote on loe.il improvements by signing or relusiag to siutn petitions therefor. tu Wyoming women have voted on the Mime term.-, with men since The convention iu lss.lto fortn aStato Constitution unanimously insetted a provision i-ecuring them full suiVrage. ibis Constitution was ratified by tho voters nt a special electiou by about three-fourths majority. Congress re fused to require tho disfranchisement of wouieu, and a huitte.I the State July 111, l.S.ll). And let it not bo forgotten that iu the Senate of tbo United States Feb ruary 7, ls8'.t, a select committee re ported iu favor of a ueudiug tho Fed eral Constitution so an to forbid States to make sex a causo of disfranchise meni. Congress uajournod, homver, March 4 following, without reaching tho subject. Omaha Fee. FASHION SOTliS. Long sashes bordered with lnco will be seen on ilre-sy theatre costumes. The sleeve that is tight to tho elbow nn.l jui'.Ved above that is tho correct shape. The very swell woman of unlimited means has hiT gowns designed by urtists. A gauzo parasol is a. filmy bit of beauty, but us a sua dciier it is not a success. FuneLes of tpiills and weird birds figure conspicuously oa tho autumn millinery. Sometimes tho woman who thiuks that her et-up is especially chic looks like a fright. Many of tho ay-flowcrcd fubrics are won ler'nlly toned down by bcioj; built over black linings. Xuinsook shirt waists that aio rua.lo to order look very ebnrtniuij nuder little black reefer jackets. Yachting gowt s trimmed with white shed this adornment iu wiuter and serve as walking costumes. Use up your ribbons and. odd pieces of silk iu making cor-let belts wbilo tbey are as yet but novelties. l'till greea satin covered with an applique of laco makes u very stylish vet aud basque frills for a dark blue gown, tint ouo Very ettunuing com ; biuatiou in green is a grass green Jclolh dress piped with a paler shade ! and ft full vest of green miroir velvet, 1 -damped with on Orieutal palteru in ! tisg aud gold color. A Lawyer's Toiitiuioiiy. rrmn 0u Uertild, 'okJuim, A'. 1. Oeoixa Ikiartltnnn Ht''ry, of Nlnholvllio, Kt. I.awrniiiH) 1'ouuly, Now York, lias for iiiiiuy yt-urtt riiiiLo.l s mm of llm lirinlitt litwyers tu Norllioiu Nw York nutt fur tho 1.11H twfuty yen; liuMbittutliMtt -kutiwIi'tlitett iniifler of li.iliti.w in the wist .Hid of thlsKfat c.Hiiitv. Mr. .St in:. -y was ailuiltled to tint bur In ltUiS, nu.l up to Otitobor, 1106, ontiiiuisl to ptuotlcti his profiissiou. All tills lima, liowovttr, 1 ho Hiram of aotivs politteal work liti't burnt an.ti'rminiiiK his onoo Iron nonstt tulion, niiii ibiring this moniU of Ootobar hi iiilTttroil u stnil.it of jmra'ysis which left hlin pniftifHlly ht!liltss. For wenks h was In n titrrlhlti cotiilition, th fftorts of th tloctors provinK of no avail. All at omit ht buirun to recover, howttvi'r, nud was simui sttrn alniut town KKiiin, frt'iuentiii(t liis fornnr lnejnls fiDj shivlting liau'is with his old (rH'ii.ls otul ii 'iiuntiitanoc. His rni'l I r eovery wits the In I k of (tin towu, an. I a ritportor lusiiintt ol tlm wotiilnrfttl cunt ili'Citleil to vimt B Sntei'V nit. I imt'oitKln if pusslulo Its iituso. 5lr. Hliieey wits inelint-J to bo coaiinutilt'n live, mi 1 tlie following is bis btory of his Ill ness and t'tiroi 'I was iiv.s !lnir over a political mntlnK aiitt hiul just ariMi'tt to ttivn ti frirnd who was to iiil.lress tint Hit "linn 11 rouslnt; iteu lulT, when to my a-toiiislnnunt I tlisL'oMrnil I colli. 1 net tiilU. My toni.-uo seeitetil jmrn ty.i'il. I inniiiuii'tl I" say " f''W 'oniti, how ever, ninl took my s.tut wif e by sheiir -ill power I matiugetl t.i sit until the mei'tintf whs tlnlshiMl. 11 11 nrlsing to ifo htuitit, how ever, 1 found I eoal'l not walk ami wn'uio.1 to linvo lost oiinlrol of my liuih-. I wiji ns sistitil lionif, but ou feolniK blttr In Iho itiorniHB I went down to my onMeo. Horn I siifTero.l nuother shook which Inlt mo flat 011 my back. I llunlly rfooverttil suMcittiilly 1o Kt-'t up, tuit was loft a ootupletti iiliy.liial wn-ck. leoiibl imt half talk or Knltlf my .st'll at nil. I coultl not writo or iVf a hold a pen, nu.l wits uitalilo to tinnsaot any ln si n.'sft. I was like a drunken man ami went Btnucoring about. "Tim il Hi-tors did all thoy eotilJ for mo but Btlll I faili-ii to improvo. I luul Klwa9 b-" creatly opi'oso I to patent mtttiioiuea Iu nnv form, but on tho n-eomitieiidittion oi it, v tlrtiKi:ist,Iia If. Smith, I Dually tlu.-l.'ml to givttlr. Williams' 1'lnk I'li.s ior I'lile I'eoplo a trial ami mcij If tle y would tlo m" any KodiI. To my great Mirpnw I Is-Kitu to nolle.- an Improvement lnt.'.n-n I lull tnki'U half n box, it ml by tlit-tltin-1 Ita I tnknu tlir.ti h'.xt-s I f'-lt like 11 new mini. As nothing olse wM'ineil to help mu 1 lay my rxe.ivery to tho 1'iuk rills lor t'alo IVoplo. On goinKlo S.twitrk, New Jersey, in April. I (tuvo up taking the pills, niel havo not siueo ri-lttrtiiHt to uslni; li'i'iii, altltoiiKh I am t-onll'lent tbey nrt- a .spl. ii.ll.l thing, and 1 will probably uutt tliom iiittiiii." , Mr. Stiii-.-y's roiivirltatilo o.'i8(- Is but one of 11 iliuiisaml oiltern wltieli havo bti.'ii i-nn-.l I y ti is iiem-it- pills wlii-roall ttl.su hn.l fniUnl. Wiliiiiuis' 1'ink l'llls foittaiii, Iu a eoi.-fti'ia-t.l form, all tho il.'ini-nls niH-i-sMiry to Itivt- new lift- and rii-lmess to lln- bUsttt nu.l renlort-slintt'-ri-1 nerves. Tatty nro an uu f.iiliiu; cpivlllf for tnn-h .lis- uses its loi-omuliir ntitxiii. partial paralysis, Si. Vilas" tin' t-e, h 'iiuit-a, neiiriilgin, rhi-timntlstn, nervous hen, liii'liti, th" alter I'lTeet of In gripn, ialpi taii in of tint heart, pal" and sallow com- lexleiis. ail lorn s of wi'itkniv-sH i-itltor in mult-er fi iiinlo. l'ink Tills tin-soM by uil ileali-ts, or will lt t""nt posipitiil ou rwi-iptj of pri'tf, 50 fi nis a box, orBix bextts for ti.t' I (llit-varti never s-'l l in bulk or by tho 100,.' by alltlresHinn I'r. Williams' llittlloiuo Coiu pany, Sclieinvtu iy, S. Y. I m-l ittt bis entire career Btra-liva-rius nuitle front six hundred to beven liiimlrttl violins. Few of these wt-ro gold higher thuu f23 iluriug his life. Now boiui; of thorn eonminnd $10,U0i) i-ilcll. T!. .tin . i,f .1 Utl.lt IS .HI. ,1.1 III I'llllftllt!' oil rlie 11111111.1 11 s i of rr.'slily cut onion. If PM'MiV lllivtrlt- Sun. in 1vh.1t M tr.xnv l!ls-s: lii.ir it is, y.m ivift nt tijturd lo witli imt it. Vt.i-r rfi'"-ir l-its it, cr eim Kft It. ni't y.-il run ''..-i ' (".ir.-:.7 v.t- s,-s.n. I'"!!'! Ift 1111 ii er M.-n i.t 1 a-, won. .ut tiyin.lt. 'I Ii-- II unions lui 1- 110 w oi-il for ft ii'inl. but use tlie woe 1 dr.. titer iiislui l. I'IN'13 Cl.tvnilXU S.WKl) '"Sunlight Soap Xotbing is so harassing to tho feel ing :is b hnvo be.iutilul clothes toi 11 mid cati 11 1 v the use of ivtmr T S".ips, fell 'f iui'irioiis iieids. Not only ihvs isunlight Soap prevent ii.''..iis. lis a 1:1: -ot -saver, 100, oe ieee. -,i il does .'.bout ill. tho Work i--el:' little rubbing u-id iv bother. Hvsi.'.es, it pievcuts woolens from s'li-iukiiH'. L-e r llr.v... 1.1,1., tin.!- ,S Harris."! St.. N. Y. T -iti;. m OH, LOOK! i IGVERYMANHISOWNDOCTOltl 111111 11 if 1 Btr(br and AJler rolnj." (The lnw iiricj only liiij? ntoil.t pos-sihla by the 1mm .ntc frliUoti nriiitol). Rot only ile-rtt tills IMi contain so tttut.il Inforintttion ll-Jnttve to Dise-ises, Imt v.-ry i-o;id: ly give a LomplotJ Ai-alf.tsof every tiling ti-rUitii-u U tourUliii'. M arria,;. aul tuct I i-o.ltie.lui ati'l Uearin of H.ilthy Vanillic; to;etb.v witli Valua'.le JUctipos au I 1 re-B-rlpti'tm, Eii.'anntiom of liainnit-Al Praotic-e, (.Vt root n o '""J "T ,i Rew EdiUou. UavUi 1 un 1 liulai c;l witli CotinJoW Imlei. W itlt thin D.wk u i.. .i. I. .. . .., t,...,wi.,T nlitt to Jo luan emoriency. Poti t w-it uutil you ttve iiluo-ui In v.Mir Mmllv lf..i-e v-'ti i . but sen 1 at ouce for valuable vtJuin.. ONLY 00 CKRT8 IOST-I AID. beud postal uotiwcir postage ilajiips or any ceuo:nirnuou if it. - -- BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE 134 Leonard Street, N. Y. City. flU 134 Leonard Street, N. Y. City, for It srve be purpewe of the great enc cloptedioa fo-.tinB.A hundri-tl limes the CUr. asked. It Is corapletely Indexed, nuking tlie Inforniation iiKtuntl) tivtiJliible. With this vain- mm g. able bouk you have a world of knowl. e.lio rt )t)r Diirrs' end.", a till cu fl l w easily supiily a lack of eiirly educa tional ndatitawe!i. Whrn rDudlrnc. tor Jf don't you constantly como acrwe ref erences on tail to uatlvrslnn if Isn't :ak. a knutll amount to for having such knowledge nt hand? Do yon know vt It., l-rte-iiis was. a.itl wiirre be lived? Who built the I'yra-nit.. and when? That sound trawls US ft-ut -r sicond? V.'h.-tt is the loitgost river In the worltl? That Mam Polo inveute.l the caimus". Iu LKJ, aud who Marco I'olo wai? Wltat the Oitrdittn Knot 50 Qm ar The book contains thousand of eiplunations of Just m uch ntattcn os you wonder low pries el half advUac Arkansas has lon.imn farms. KITSMoiipfsl rrpemitt prrmHiii-iitlyc'iril. K' fllaiiftrHrt (Usttif JJM. Ki.iMOha N mi v r. tlKKrotiBii. lprrr fi 1 rlnl bol t riinil trri -Uo, SeuU loin-. Kline. Kit Arch st.,l'iill..i'" Wood's Hull, Mass., bus u lobster farm. Mm. Witi.io Koulhliin Syrup f'T children ti't'l I1I111;. softens 1 Iii'kiiiiis. rt'il iiees iiilliiiiiinii liun.iilliiys pa in, i-uri-s wind .-nib:. "'. a botllt-. Americans make f.OUO.Ouu kegs of nails yearly. Gladness Comes Wi ith a better understanding of the . a4,.A .if tl, inanD TlllVB- i i au-.i.i. s. Vs - i oi- i.t..i. s,nn:cl. 1,,.,,.A ri--n-vr f- ical Ills vllieu tttnisu s. r-wi forts gontlo efforts pleasant enorU rightly directed. There is comfort In the knowledjro that bo many forms of Biekness no not duo to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated Condi' tion of the svfetetn, whieh the pleasant family luxativo, Syrup of Firs, prornpt ly removes. That is why it Is the only remedy with millions of funiilies, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who vnluo (rood health. IU beneficial effects aro duo to tho fact, that Jt is tha ono remedy wliich promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acta. His therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California) Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep Utablo druggists. If in the enjoyment of good licaltD, nd the system ia regular, then tives or oilier remedies aro not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one rimy be commended to tho most skillful physicians, but if In need of a laative, then ono should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stentls hiirhcst and is most largely fced and fives most general satisfaction. ir you qivk tukm iikij. V.ti rvtntutt t Mil iiiiet ymi un-terst-in 1 them au! kimw how to i4ttr In ihttf rtMii.reiiiiitii; aatt you CAUii.it Hiitl yikih nl Killwrs Itvtruiay by ex I't-rioiuv, hi you mint lmy itiu ki.vltlae BcqtilreJ t.) otttur. We o (Tor Uita to you for only D5 quU. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY. vvnn it won merely ku iiim as tllvorflkn. Id or titT to tau IU KowU jutlk'iuUHly, y.m ututc know Kmitiiti(g Mwut tliom. To mwl tbU wnnt we aro or m .r.i.'i.iMi imtiitry mi.r lurVWlliy tvwi tWtfiity-fWe year. It wu wntu-a by amiiu who put atl Ins miii 1," au t tint., a-t-l iiiuity U tiiSttng a no tv.su of t'utokcii rlslx n t nun im-Hline, Imt as a l U(lno autt K )uii will pmrtt by Ills tweuty-rlo fAtN' work, you f-ui svt man Chlokn auauatly, auii m.ikd uiir KotvU earn ilullarj for you. The IKiuit U, thtt tou mutt beaUto in le(vt trmibl in tto 1'uulu-y VarJ ai aotu ns It iiparx, and know how ti riii-ty It. ihu thik will ttacli you. 11 tmlin Ii.mv u '1-UK't ami turc tlinea; U fc! tot rvtntuu alwi ftirU'tonln-i; which fowls to ave fot i rultiitc tiirsiM; au l tv(rytiitnK, liirt'm.1- you h"ii-'l knuw iv. thU lubjivt I.t make It pro II tattle. buti HtpM I for tWL-uty-rtvd ot:iij Iu tamps. Dodk Publishing House "HERE IT IS! VIU t " l.':l.'tl ull Uliotlt ll.'t- II. It' 11' It Hit' . ii.n'.liiii..: init.f I i.i l vi ii..n-i .I'nl it., (iuui.l a,.uii..b riiu.l.' Urifft I -It -f.i'il Krt'.'-t it 1'iltf wiit-it iilit-t tt i...-si'....' T'-ll th- Af Ly iho 1 1" It l..t' to t all Hi.' 1'iftt.ri.ul I'ur.H ,.f tin Ai.i'n tl ' II,. tv tu Sh,... ii t..i. -r.ttrlyl All thin An-1 i:tt T Valia''l" llif"rin.lli'.'ll rftii If uhtRint-tl hy i..lli.; fur lOll-l-Uili ll.l.l TH ATI)!! HOK-ti: IIOOH, wlil.li nt will f.,rw,irtl. poll .i l,.'ti I'l-vip. .-f only id ri-nlt In nlaaitt. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 131 l.i'unur.l si., M. Y.l llr. ftDIIIM nd WHISKY h-blti cured. H.n.k n-nt UrlUnl ati. lit, ,. uui.ur. 41-1-ti. ut By 3. Hamilton Ayon, A. V., V.D. This is a mrut Valu thla Btxk for Ihe lloust-liold, U-iicliitis; as it doea the castly-jisliiiuisiio-l Hyniiitonn ot dilTitreut DtfM.. the Uttts.w, ati'l Means of IYf ventinj; i-uoU 1H eaK 011 1 the Siintilcwt Itomo.liOJ which will alleviate or euro. 698 PACES, FROFUfiKLY Il.LUSlltATED. Tbo llook Is writtott iu a'in evt ry Jay Knnliili, nn i is free from the technical tertiH winch rt-tt.li.-r must D.ictiir lltKiks st vntu -Ii-kj to the pt-tt'iriility of rea lera. This f look Is liiteiiJxl t.) lw of Spi vici iu the Kautily, an I i t wor.lo.1 its to bj reatlily imtlt'iitttx-J l y all. Only CO CTS. POST-PAID. EKCYCLOPEDIA mmlit well be the name n( Ihe UO-p-Ki- book sent roat;itl for SUo. la stamii by the BOOK PUBLISHINQ HOUSE. about, liny It a lte very and IMfKOVlATOVHSISUr. ss lonev At 3Bt Oiu;C jjViii. 'rait55 Ot-i. Cio

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