:.r' -. 0 (Snihm $ttti IHViSlil. OCTOBER SH. IStW. JL. A. LONDON. EditOT. 9EC0CnATIC NOMINEES. fob rautiDEST: WILLI A tf J. BRIAN f Nebraska. HE vicB-rnesnrST: 1BTHURSKWALL, of Alin., FOB GOVIBSO : CYRUS B. WATSON', of Forsyth. FOB IJKTJTEXANT ClOVERXOB: THOMAS W. MASON, of Northampton. , , . . Dtiu. cutio iMi.iv r.iiii'.si.' the nop KmT.t.t.'ASs IhemsolveH have said Kiuisk iihui, now in Y iiHliinoton .. ,..,,.;,.,,,,. inut1 h;i"in to ;; ..it-el .None l utoiii.u. il.o 'II o .i'oiioo u...l w. - ni ... . l i. . .. .. . ... . V...t Husisell wiil bo nn cmlorsoiniMit ot'tliu n.'t suru-ism Mioii (hat Int. ,u, ,aii:-.u.oto lots bum p 1,1 . .'. p., ;;,,. 1 tbM to !. secured in tin' Mo Ktmew I lie U.u or o! n c;o I troy, by the iin'orl unuto election ol ... ..it. jti:-at'U tiii i In the next place the election of , ol'tsine.l r.y jno-so-,1 hhu.i. l l.-olini.l vi!l i. -..ve a l oonierun that. I tnke Russell's nomination was " (11 ',,,"lw ""'I 7" .,:it,lee of t '...il l.lll.-l b.! flfdietl t') lllilio. corruption, by which his lion is in tnc to l.o securca in mo .,.-lu!uy. i iin tempoi ox a .,.,. i Jl((l ..j.it Di inoeiivv. ur fli was act-tired, as has boot. w-v. I: Republicans will ehent ium. of litt'1" A- 1 ' v ";; !:' ,,) (.,:,.. Ocu-Ur l.;b, 'fsankly ! C. .. I.,....-,. .n ,.!,,,.,,. : .l.-r 1.. ..o.,,..,lc II. - ,, . , ,., ,.., ., ,!,.. I,!,., .''."."lictcl . .. f i ... IL i;.-H..ir IV..,-r II. . 1 frauds and corruption, by whioh his lion is in j nomination ! ropeiitodly m ; lii'Dtibliciius. I (I. ... lr.i!., 1 ii.l mill .irri:Lii.i.ii V .n il. i is. i.fiintl l '.ul t!;ay nSonl I ( , , V,. . n. iv lv a :.;.:! i 1 1.) the honosl v-ooj.lo North lt.v . chenl i.i-.J ) ip.tr.iu- !r:.u.!Hon IV.o. Hu o.-.i.l sir or for y,' lj ! M' i Iiiih wish la liivu iih iln'ii' toivi'i i.or i :.tn i i n ii.-r ' ?:f t.i"1 ! ,K " "' j ! iainmn l.so nomin-Uioii w. i(.;",t.!;;..' 's..lt o.;..,it! V,-a.'"i:;t -t, ;. vr.u.! , c, , I dolbti.lly fc.H'UIV'l by tho most r.v M ,.lf' " I' l! : ' '; tn- iraiKis ew-r rc. i-k-h .-., ... ...... P.,i(, ,0ll .,. fi:1. A t-. tiic.r :t:i!.-"'iiv.-.i':..!.. .s. tv M,;!n!('Hrn'iJ,l!,ii1kM.:lb:o.'P .... iiai Avi-r. win. is r.. J1'1' ''I' l" lj- .,.,.,,, ,.,.!, fvo i:o v. A ml o;;.,o. o. ' s,-!:.. " t:'Y I vour CJt.Toi i.i.r ! .. . . ... .;..,,. . i.. ; .-.tn- ;o .--u. ..' x.r- ur.xt i. i.r i i;i ' :' i is a landslidk V. .1 i. t y vuio o,i the boat ii h h r l 'i i.i o i(. i rj.ii ...f.-i .'in n o it .1, - ; ' t'.. l'r I-. O .. 1 II ! l-'i U I'.'ll I'll ti li i "I'i, -' I I '"" t i 1 Vi'i' i' t. i1---i-o' Not 1 j. .!;io s t nl v. !, i-.. ,i . ;.: r ;.! ynr tali tnnliii ? . . ' II i.l. t I I t' l.osl ;i Itli i . t oil I I III Hit V, li .lit Oil ? ;;;:i,;;; :r, you cam get it. we have it. i ..I .ptU.; !. I1.. fOtl SECBKTAnV OF STATS : CHAULESM COOKK, of Franklin. FOB TREASl'KKU : 8BXJAMIN F. AVCO'JK. of Wayne. for AV!rr.m : AOBMRTM. I T K MAN, of Bur.ooiiibo. at I'ojMiit Sum Kx.-cu'to n-.y ti:i tiiis i Ayvrs iv.v.-.r . jtivo Committfo h:'vo Ulleil up Sl..-ir '""I hi-. '., (.., f..u a. low in- State ticUcl vith tii tu.utor. ;.f Z !. ' oui.iiitu o to n.v. pi tim Do ..ton r.l: ! V. WaUi-r for Attorney ti.Miual ;. ml liVr to Kii.' ! I Robert M. lHcilass ior .Jmi.- Suproisio (.'uni t, b i:h ol wh.i'ii li'i i (Ni.ri noininaieil bv thy I.Vpublie.sii u' IT'iatu convi-n: ion last V.'y. 1 - : ,:l 1 j luiTi! hoen lilo Inn;' :ni. hitler i.V I piitiointis, ami both are now earn ;Bt!v iiilvoCMlinir the i-ioitooi .; .!.' I . . , i i r , i i.ir i'..ir ir :o '''.I.- j i'v.nloy .I'i'i tii.pi'ri:ov' ii.o -,...1 I KtHiidurd platform t tho : n i iilio:ml f.'liVi'i;ioii (.,' r.uii'M' li.i.-i laei t' itsi'It lioiilil lit. m: :!i.-ii nt lo I d.'p!'ivi! Ilii ni of tii vole ol imy hi ...-I. on i ;; .-!i'.i i- i't i: l. si ii y ii! '!'-! f'rlili'i.K t ' -v.. ;: m- p. a il t.SiltSSj S U ktfCiiiJ .... 4. ....... V!l., , ,, I. II. l : - w 1 1 , I : . J i '. :i ii.!. i !! ... h.'.o.'.i ii!' ;,' I" p o i. .i ..ii- il .. v : . p i.'n. I' ' m . e...::c p-.. .. v t i ' ' ! ;!; :,! a'- h.i.i.- :. !!. ft ;.. Man i . mi:., li." in ' . i. !' :. . n h;Vi- !'.-. (o.it iiol ma. i i'ai; i y. i.n is coKi'ij-ri i: and v r.i.i. snv. ked wiru IIcr:'c cr.cl Ec yc' Clothing, Tf :: ::v. rsr ?Ti i.ks, !.. i :m'1 cuap:; i 1 1- h,-t values. i'liU Si-iU' I'Vir i b -in;; I ...kut Kill II ,V ;.' .o-l. i' i: u-.'.-h leo.t'e.i t !! in Np.-e:n. Ii.in i-i i;;;. o-, ti:o K. l'-.c :i i; f ; ? k. M inp vrHPRlliiff ovir v. ; . .j :!.i h..ln of vn.r" . .ii.. : ': nr.- y..ur .it rlc l'V':..l. . 1: ... ".! tlin". JkjB8tnwNTxoBN,TPri'iie!Xf.TrL-f"'n i vory t'o(i;li.t ..o ..-i Mi.eei i JOaC. SCAKUO-ROt'UII. i.lV.. ,.f ,;!v.,-. i;..,:..1is.m1-.s, of JoluiNiou, 0R-ATTOKKEV rtrKKHAI : TlUNii I. OS 110 UN tv of Meekleubur. SO a ajsociat jrsTirr: : ALPHONSO ('. AVI' liV, BOR(iri H. liUOWN JII. 1 iitor If iii lor an ! in! lite I pits liooiaro.l l:.sr uint. r, ioii i: FSB jrrxjs spruRion riit-:rT JAM KH N MANNINi', of Durham. I'opiiiK can . r ?i.t voto i,..- : I , j i. i iiai. t'iora are oil or to. .-v.:.' j i.lt- l!ii.. why fw:f--! Apfv!'i i" l'oi I uli'ti i.iior.1,1 nn. vol.- for tit h r Wr.! ! sor or ilo'.i;.)!.-. Ti.e p ro::",' ? I S iiiser'a n:i:.i.. .nt i no;.' I i -to I I'o!':il;'. "la;c mi! iee is n ;i Slii'ltH ol tlr.-'.f Stnlo CtMlVei.f.oli fob roNr.tiSsv: bdwaud w. for, of .lohr.stou. i i-'0. a viiV :iii I .'.I." S'..:'..' oo !... Wi.fr tin? i'opir.'nMs lio'iil it. oir .ii; "o : iMinvoti' ion 'last Au-'il-t it ...i-.ll ! prop..so.. I..' cr.'ioi e WaSorat.'i p!a. c ! !'i iiv.i.' os. :hs Populisi. S;-.;.o in k Watsoj or lliHucll will bo llio next I'1 -'s-; ' ' 1 s:1 :l d'w nl V.irili Cni-oliini No in- ; Klonil o! i ml u ni. n i p!'ol.' tlligeQt man doubts this Tlio qttes-; 0,1,11 tior. then is, which shall it bo .' Li t ,s:ii..!i vy.it wit- erery voter in North Caroiina scri jav.e.o oiwly eonsidor this ijiicstion, e..l j ut:iori?.1 to n.i u.) that. , n B8Wr it with bis volar otr the rd j thoir '!! f.i. And ii a -i:ti of November. Waof s n tni" ii a .-..nicMpM: .-in d- ft i.A,.ru Ci iii l.f-A u .?i.i nn i fiance oi ehanoe wbatevor of bfliu;: ilected. us! l!,at convent:..): ! be bimealt well knows and admits j And l.'.-idc the fait ! Mr D-hu ; Why then should any vi.i.n b,.;.-Win; m t.ii-iior, m i.;l: ttiMan aninv An A fi.l ..! . ! I't a.oi! o V F.'IOi.is'S i"Oi!l I I .iT h rnU i,f l.iitiMf P.mnliss. ' vote io,' him for Slip:'. 'ill. I who sincerely desire good gov?rn jJudp. If bo is co;. :.' ! m re i-t ment in North Carolina When meh j then b thr.'.- I.'-puh: - i toIos re cast for Siaj Outhrio in-1 j"i ity on ..iirSupivi-..-..-.in-! ft.-1.. '.. Steadof for Cy. Watson they wili . t no oiiior i vo l.vii..; .: a a toast M half a vote forHusscll. hii.!, Democrat i :!.'. " '-. Moni.-o.-.-.-. H by sncb votes Jdissell kIiouI.1 l.olia Fopuiist) 'i wm j e u-s .. :n eleoted, what would be tint re.iilt in lS'.'f the I'opali .'t-a d.-o- ..to i a -n Worth Carolina . ii ar tisan" in !., ar o an i It would be such n calamity to iia'.'in. s.-rmvi! n Scpi-cme our good old State as would bo .'ei p ; utitrolie.; i.y no one puny, u n Jv relYutted. when no Lite, bv n.auv ! n-if 1 ..i it.'. Iv-i'u'i-.ln-mis. t -.v.. I '.in ftf the very men who helped to briii;.' f.cri s and ci.e ('opui:si 'i'i.'.-i .'for. it ou ua. Yon, the election of Daniel j i,. Io co!,!,i..:i;t the !'...ul':- ou.;!it It. Russell as Governor ol North Car j to ol no .v f-T a tiv. - I a ';:!.' t ;1 L . X : I . t 'O. I It I . i K . i . 1 ' ' I' '1.1. t I ' r - . . I .1 V V .Il i I'...- ;.,.; i;,.jri.t;i;t. ..... . . : . rt.-..t ....I. .':'."' 1:.;. .'.ii.iN-i. I . t :...'.'. '..... : .( - ' l';f? t'Lll'ic!! A i li ! : 1: l.'.tl:lt; j..,,.-: ... .... ; i .S .1 e;. :'. H ' 1 i ; i t 1 ii.ii-. 1 wi:nv i s - i.... t i t ,, no.: t .o i-'- y ff f-'.: ' v"r"i . - '.'.' f' ' '. r -iKr V. irt.iiosl i.r ri.- r f 'M: iv.i; till.:. ' " i:..; oo : : . . - o- ''I ff-i 1 V' f; tSlf P.-:,..,... n a,m-.-i- i.e.: am. .. o ..,,.' to : P - : ; I ,; : y: '' ,v!',(;i i" f , ... ...... ;;... a . p5 Lcttor. ; " i ,, .......... . : .. , ., im,,;. f"" t--.'-v tP yi?;-,;' A:;,A:T';' !f r'-T-'" !T,'TT T :'.A,!i!f'r4'-i:'nf . . '. '.; ... i - to el I : HI "'"",. i ...'..... I'.. ' ..' i :i V. Jt' ff.j-w ..- ;.'.t!r t.vn '' -I ! . . .! . ... .. . , '. . . ,. ' l5 , I'..pn..: p..- Wa.:m.uvn. Oct. i. lr, ! ' V .:"...',..,,:,.;,',:,,,.,,.. 'I' ' , . " "1 U - fvs.st.M- i".:,:!,..: eois .s-nator ' V . . : o. . ;;: v T.Mts . l.-id v.. I.o v .j :l l. ...::;. ,,:.-.-. In P:. j '' ' ' '''' V . !','.' --ff7 S. , !..r:.i.'iv,,i.v, b;,..,..;ie..u,: a .i.vi.i-i. r in,.';.,-, ....r I..;-;.,,,,,: ,1 he p. . : . , '' ' '"r ' ' V . : i ! a: ii '.-.i.nc i on p .! ! 50 put oil . !.!. i 1 ... . ... t-.t .; -i- ''. ' -. ii 1 :r. I . :i v. . .o' ;.. i ':t:.p.- .' i " "' " '. ..su.. :i r.:i.;-s Lu- !::.!. :i--.ui S:.v !....!.;! .; I ui.irl'p V, !..'. :;sf5 :'. d ...;.': v. !:. : 1' ' ,!St ;,t... , !.. ;i: .1 i-.'.-.-.-fti J.fi'S. .... ::!;. li. '.' l!.'.wy ..:'. b iii we v.f..t -f-.-al so v.'..;. .V t,. .1 v. :.;(. v.-r-.;i. i::'.; H :,. i - .' -i .; , ;:)''; rltt lillO f t:.'.n: " A BV'i. rl-i'.'t i. i: Oi l..e j..-.;:. . . D (.......:-- S'.:-i t i.iy.i-. :: .'i;.i in:. .o.i.;. .'-( h: . 1 '" " :- !- " ' ' '' " e.s.iiy, the tv."nL. i. . 5.l-.!i :5u..l nr. . ... ..:c j i- . ) ' ' ..... , , . v.it'c i t;5v(! in)' f;.i n: ' 'i'.'.. I - I- id' I'vty I : 1 v- :., .s .. u, i".... rj-.'.-. lo. tci.s-i ..! , Vi.'i W'l',1 :- til'" '.o.-.-l .-::''; i'i I in;:' v. !i!.i !;:.. tf.-e it Tlie li.u.'t t-t ) ! .v . ' ' . l-'.M li.e i! Jo.i.. i ,; - ; ' icokic- ;i the vn'oi'T- f-c i 'in. p pie- have ...! livCi. t .!!- ;: t. co-oiOl l"5". ao I i:cn-,l' :. jr'.- Jj"');';; ' iH' Cri' O C'J.Ws3 ..,,:s ! .'! I." i o:i Me iv ' 1 1 i i,...;; u..,.; o: I'." !.-. ;"vi:ic.' ' !.! p. I it.' !'ho o J.!. ' i ( i vo' 1 1. ' '" """" l.i i .:. fl'id.' J-iP I c ii:e, pt-t-p'.e. li:.-l 0 ! s id -! .N ol ; li t '.. I ,i I : I Ai.'l li l.'.-i e '. 1 ' , ,..., :,, .,; ..!;... ! ni on,-- :.:.S'..vd f::i:. I.'. to 1 o.d t'U'il 1 " ' i "-"o '" ' "". : : e.i :..U' l e;: ' - - V -;:. i.e.- 1 t'; r"'? 'V '' -' "r li.Ms'9C ,V"i..'V :;5.,; -ir;, h,. ? ...t-t; A - ' ii : i : ; -( e :.; L,h hfi' & ;.. I , i !:.. i; i,i ; i.. rf '.- N'''i ii. i.-,.t. 1 f . . . ' '. '. ' ! ( i I S ':'' 5.' tf , ' !"! 1- ''' . i , .': a i'. 1 ..: i.ot: - . . . . - : ' " " ' . . - - 1 ' . I i i i' A i t ) : !'S NO I'lCh - i r. r-it : ! f.."i .-. , . i. : ,-. " 5 .... ;.: ..i I. .-' n ': ? rTH f ! ol Z, i 1' . ,.!....!!.. I !.niMtr....r f ' v '.' . ' . , t . ,'.,.,.,... , . ... ilM r "5 - ' S c:a. a. .:. -h- ..! !l .iv.H- 1 . i . a . - :.;!.!. ..i :. u I. I.!.'.!...!. .! , '..! ... . I. "v . ' ! . I . w . . . '. ! : 1 .n.'i ilif i:ii'"'i'mni'.l . i . . . . . ., . I I I .:!::..! i .i .1 i ,',.!' .- h : : " ' ' ... .. v : -r .-f-f o-ir.l .T --- ' '.'' '' ' ..... .., ... ,.. ,;,.,;.,(, m n, I 1 1' .li. i.l In !...r..f x .- J": . i.t itt i'.. iati w. ui.l , sio'. i p . ' .'.t . .! .,:.. t.,.. ; !;;..; .''.:.... ,, . A .. .t..i..t..i i.. mm ' &fv IM.i-v ' . . , i . , 5 ! i. p. :.;e;p.:. .. .I.....; . -v. val -: .. : ';1 ; "" , :.. : i;.. . . ,- ' ..v.. c. : 1. .-o i.i i.-. . d. ' . o n i ', ' ' ' .'.'... . ...v '..V i't ii i:i. rtkS.o. a;i i w.d; li'.-.! -a,; .. :io-. I. .oic-i : , .. ..'... ... , . ';':; ... -; ; i t . u'i-.h i i.'-vod'.! bv 'i t r- t i" !..: 1 i ..a -.i : IJ ... . . . j ; ";);; 0 vi'-'.V-Vv.v. .' ,! ni-'.-; 5 ':.:' --; i.i.i i . :i. -a..;..:.!-. i-: t- ' P , ' -' I.. . " '' :ei ' o - ;' "' . : v.. ;i' c-, . i. ta.. .: ' . : i e . .. .'.(-('..'., j. -:,.' e . :-. . , . .. . ::.l. '.') t! 1 ..v.; vv;!l . .; i : a of t..c p ( i.'o.' I in i-'.' ; ,t i . . -. ..;:- : .' ; ' . , !. :..d fc. v fl. !.:.; d-.a -or v..', p- p a':-! l -:!!.. tb--: :. oi -i;,.,..; I - - -.. r t- -. : j ,,,,.,, .,....,. . !,,-;:;. .. 1. ;: p: :..-:; ' - '. -.v- i. : i ; . j, i : ' a. .-: ,. : :. ' K ,:rjmiit--&v , : :, :P.i-r n: -n ....:. i of : ::o ; . I id f. :v m. p- .-. :i;.i-:; i.i.i -.- an .:.....: I . !' a he.' i'i..vid.:.r f. r !ne :d.-. t w. t.t.lfUt i :.p i ...fos. l- h.n.i.- ..-::.: w...; l t.f-a 1-5 ''t . to I. 1 ... .' .j ... , , -.: I . I I i e j , .il.Nt.'l I I 11 " I I .0 i : v t... i. ,i ;.- a s . . . t : -'i l-! -!'; i'i li 'iii . 1 Year V ill be- . . C 'h u- -e '.-i . v; Tf:,: V. jM.M.llr 2 !. IS!!!!. ,:'h ;:;::.r::::;;:;.:;:!:;.M:;-;,::-":. .--i.M,;.,. to I:;.. t! . ii. ..il...!.. i.- '.. : r J'--' : i ;. -:li;. !: 1IIM VUV. Ka lw , p..i.-.-.p;t. i.enn:.' ,. ,: ... ; i ... c- -1 t. . !!,!. ; ::.,., i;ite..,:r,e ,.,::,;;,:,- v '-. f p.-i-ol .-.-s i, , o -;. ,-:,; ; .. : . o r;.; ' i.!: , j .. ...;, t. t... al if.-!.. . r ! .. li .-:r :;:. :o 'a !i i C U l'Wil lJ. .."' I t.'S liO til'. l;e.' S i-4 io: ' ""J ' " . !': v ?.i Y V RAILWAY . j . e ....: . .- i ' ' a U. A. U I i.iiiiJ :- .,l,i Ih.ei. :.'.i.' : io a.'l ; e. t , n s " ;'-'' V! 1 oti:.- -j-;.; : . ., ; ;-.-.--v ." ! .1 - JOHN (SiLl., Rkciivib. Ii.i.. b -e. f. ':. .:! '": .I-.,.' -. . m r : . ; 'd : ' i : 1 ' ....;.' .'. !i , , .,. ... .. p ' t'c)'.i.')is-j(.i clio.iuie. . io .. ;:, u. ,..:,. t 6 1 ::! ::.:- J.ilo.-S Dett.l'cr J St lfc'.Ui. ,,..! v. ..i-' .....p.- N-..;: : !l li. " No. 2 .i :-..-.)! .n i'o i. : ' f . y . ( . , ,. . :.. . .. .; t . ' ruar i I' ' ' ": I'- ' .... . i....-.v.r.. ;.-;!. ' .oi-: 1 :.i-a .! ... . . . . t . i '.. i. v.:... ;ui..-'.l -a Hi " .1 11:.-..:. Mi w . .. .:.:, ii: i I .- t o, ,....,.,,., ; co; .-i.v- io 5 .e-i . . .-.H-t '. . ...... . e. !. !:-:; a. . ' ' .-. : .v.-..,,.i..... r- 5" ',' , i. ..i ........-. !'-:. t... ,. .:.-.....- . ' :i .!.-;.: I I ' : : . , , . . ...... .Mr.v.. Ai-y J !. . n ., . 'l! " lM .,,.,. . i; ,:., " N0. 1. ' '-II'-' ,,,,!...: Io :..:.. i.i- IMr' !.;:.rf:.'-. l'i..:r- .o .i ;.i J(Pi. .; , ,.v (i ti . m. .'., ...i le li: in-.; i .; , ...r . . ; . 'i 11 " ' , , ; , ... ,. t i . ,....,.... 105 ; e i ... .-. i . ..... . ,- , , I..V. -..--I e - i , i t- : ; ;.:. :f ; , . ... ... . . i sis " :,,;:' i ' "' " ' ' ' '' ' i .-.-.V-1 .... , .:. " I '.-!..' ; .; ii .. i :..;.'i .i.u:i.-.' . a " '" -i'i...'. '' ; . ; II. A. I.ONDi.'N. AC-:Tsf. iv;. No 4. ii... !. i: ."' on ! .. - :' pA1LT ' :! , ., 8-. m. :....v t!-- .-. :l .:.ie iv! P.-5.. el.v. y. W. li. 1'Kf M v: '', Tl eii ! i.t-. v",..'v l - v ..: i .t'lv.- ,..:.!. .' I . tt "' , , -. .. .;.i J "iff. -.'v V""v t S i ; H.! I .- . ' . .'"cri'.U. 44r. HI. r a.. . . v..e-, 5.?V,-V-$V :j S;:;. V.:-.;', M. id"" j. ..... , ... ..,-:rii:. iw i ', . , '. i.i :oi) i j he , .. t . : i .ft... .! i..(-. i l.r.-o .: t c:..:t. i.a.'c t:. .'oui-t ,.- (;;. ,u- . ..i' i t.e .:-. n.yi.i. U '.: i ii-.it ,! . ;,',: I' .:,-; r.-.iu. l-.-t e;:.i cu !.."; d ;t5 C5 lanta-ie pMUe!- '' : .! t'.ii'i'iM, for !!. i i-n:i: o. hi pf.se ; f 1 : ! :-: forth.- '. l.:e p-:-: ;'v id r'.iCel', -..-. l:o " ..t-v. Vt-1 ItV ..:S for ?:ivei .:i.d vi.. ii-OiHin f . !. Mo. 5 'ley ;:'.:.' t.;.t Im.'I V ' i. .. :;.'. -i ;;:oii L. :.:! I'.o'.iit-'i.: ! a i i! In 'p.n i a: to Co (.:. M ,:. . alina would bs sucli a calamity l' ; crat ii'.c Ju iie .wcrv. u i-. a a i,;,.. ,'i,:,..i i;; .-. icjcur h. ;-n-i'f i.t.'t ' ..i.'.s i l t.o, i -:;:.:.. ...i.j j.ii.y.i.'i ... aiu ,.....i. il.iu. t. nt. It.. ' i t. , n.. .... t .; ; .... I.l,. M .. I M i.v i'.v:i; .. h'. i.m- holt, i.roi .t o tiuiaiu tie f -. t :..,-.-. ,:,:.! ol l:, he election of McKinloy to tl Fros ; aii-las,. .... :.f.:i .o . I ;i r u:.; f .5.p..,e 'm. t .... l...s ,. i .i ,p, ( idency. And il sucb u cakmity -l.ould i'.,: i itif ;l , ,-(.:,i.,.: 1; t '. M: ;,,a ..ave si,. -,!-. ;. . . ; ofall our State we ask our roaUar: ui..a. i. -'-! n.-.-. i.v.i.a. ...... !1Tl, . ,ji,:.. u t. .i, ,-..,..; v.t.s. ioi. v.'.-l So raraembor this Drediction. . is.i.m sef m to no .in.. on.., ;n in .... fi-l-.a.e :.i..l ..ni...ioe:-.! ilmt i;.i--. i!a I ;. s t e i'ai i f. m I The election of Russell would brin Sta'e. 'I'w.. yei :a'-' t I.are ! ua:.eU c .'t !..: v. it 5. lols .-.rt. p. p-..i. i t-i-l-rii.e .....'.li:e.-.! Ih.it li..--. i!a I ;. ! t e pal I ie.. m lie., mm! ti.i.i;. i ;' . I'-.p'.id-i- w-ei'.-! io l'.l.e: :t'.t. lei tnc inc-iiao no: 1 -a' er:-;-, (! iaa'. i. .; i i ..i .-io ir t-t v.-.. .. ... bout the same condition of aOairs ' and n..rut,'.icar.s noa.iaatel a., i cnl.ibi.le. M.d s.,e It.ib.tvn.- icolu .. , io us p:-,p.i p.-:.- i. on , . . . . . i., it,.,, . . u- I) !"0. illif.SiSt.i .U.-5.V H-1 '! M.ov,., j;i;.. tt liiOt)- 'l a: -o-: : i a-': . ;.. : -. na exiswu in aoo. . . v i. . !... d- i..o.:,!s yc-i.eiiy thit.k .-f v.: u- t, lain) o! 1 i. o, t,.x. t. ii. lind of men wholhen ulmost ruiind ; l-' it'il'iiisrMi) to Inn li:fc'n sui . lion ; . .ip...,:. j ,,al i '..ui:..:h i a i :u-n.li no.v lh.u p. .-pa ,...:,....,:, ur State wiil again bo in "or'.rol, ' urabh prwition ol a j;i i the ;,. fi.j, d:t uu.es t Le :,o t.of . f I bo biinien of i:-.:.... r, .Hal M s: andthenraav the good Loi-d bava por'n.r com t. An i n.nv tl.oy I. v.- !.;.n ,.f i L. Ues-,.., p,p:!,tor el i..i..ii?. itlcr.... havi-i.."Us.,-:, a ,i,c t.-.-. it,,. , r...ii.i.. I nn. I ivi.l I rv to eleet in- the A. i.nul.'l. H 'tel. - Io;-. D H-i.ie i an Isolated tor 1 .:m.1i ;ii t t i al .;,i. : e,C7 0Bour?oorold but. " ",... J " . .i. (. - ; ,v out W,r,lo.,u, i'-(-:e wa-s .i:.. ,..i.s la the first place Russell is per.; o.nei Roman ( a'.i.ol.e itt.,.i'i t () a . v. i on .(- t" oi t bent, jai i ie- n ii i'i. n ore as to . j , : :.i ... j tonally a man of intonso prejudices. Do.sj!a,) to a k'i.I higher p.-Ktioi.. JilU,.v:j, vrt.:..rtl ,- ,uiu-ihl ..:-i fi.'.-id.ni. O. ..v-.5tn ti... '.,! ...-; :, . and unforgiving malioe, who would that ol Jul. of tha Supreme 'run . .iiui.v.. u-.n. ic: ui-i of do- a .a.i-..titut.-..!.nt it.-..:l i1. -'.s i.ni v., ;., 080 bis biffb office of Govcrntrto! The nomination and election d nous in h.s ..--ss-.uhI .ft-at f -r l;-e rt-ciio.. o I a i. e.-i.i. ni aid :.,;,!..;.;..: gratify his prejudices and m.iioein-JadIlobinsi.n. in 11, wa. tho ". o. t,.s en, ... no-aus..,.. v. ....... ... . ... ,, ' r J . .. i .. ,i t ( -ait of fib .in l.ii.h v and Ui.iit 'i .!.!. loo. l ole. J 1 'e.i.oe-... .v, t.; Head of promoting the prosperity of j first ...stance of nn) H.nian tat-. cuAu v... , ,llv ia Nuiii, i',,,;;,,. Lad ,. i... n ! - the people. Ho would take delight ; ohc eve.- iiav:n oe.-i niu.a.o i i-y !r c.,u ,. tia. i,(,;,i liu.pi ;, toi . i.v.s-.i. us tu its s.-p.r c-.i'iv, i-.a hi plaoing negroes over white men !"')' r:itit'a'' l'a! l' '" ' s''(- '" W.-.t,ii oi,,i,, without jc-m- 1 i r .po.cd 1 an ... o-d a ciop..,;..- and would to a great extent break up1 elected to any uXct by n vote of the to their political .:!:i:.atn. who do ise-f. d licu.is of . ho it.i ...e pa. tsrs. the kindlv feelinc tint has hereto- ' 1'eople ct this S ato. While .fud-es uu to eo; ti.io in, :r liK.ie to o; S tL;.i l .,e p; o p.e s w-ll t:;v..t p.. v.to. toe Kinuiy leeung ui.a nas ncreio , i ., . .iit.eal pn tv. io n-pu.iiato i;ud i. A-a;.i, t..at ihtan alioan.-tiaii-., ftore existed between the whites and ! Gaston and Ileal., wore h.'.an lv,uitl,uli.J nUt to anav ' ai-ci.t not f..;l f a -u.,. f s..S..r i.v.. blacks in this stale. This of itself ' Catholics, yet they were not elected ,L,.M iu s,!,;',, a" pm li-m m.-vtiio. ni. .a' ion, our p.u t wli th.itt-! v pi. a would be acalamity to both races. In ! '-J the peop.c. I; o vod, Tnat wm u bus. 1 iu.-si .suo lotW'to. Us pa;ivis i.,a;o.s i :. : i bo state hsw there existed a kindlier r. ...... '., 7N "T.Tl Vpnii.t H.oal-r, f" ,tft,t,,,.li",Jt,v'!VJ t"tUt. U,,i'11 WT'":"' .-'uf l"? ';' V';' l"; ' I liEt i, i.i.can an i i opiuisi tpv .ti.-n tiieluti.e po. ; in wba'. th.Ti.oili tiii-l fid n. ti.e .-.tale l.iis pi'po.-i ..t.: feeling between the two races than ; t,uttl;cD cA ,.(.ur6e s;,,u' l wt.r.-..ve- t.ou i.u-i Au::..M R b, ha- i"--ain here in North Carolina under Denw I -., l k tl i p.: - ,:,uli si.ui; est loise the livht toi.oti "i' -i on by ym ci'.n,.!t. '. I a; l : ii;ii :- pf !.o i ie . .-, . : . i ; ,r( t . . cratio rule. Iu an address deliver- -l( ti(1.. f0l j ,1)V,.cr ,, (; e ty iho t-nviia,-- pu'n.ic tf i-nr p.d.ti bat need., I i.y the K.o.i.-. pt.iy. . : - i W .t... . ed at tbe colored fair at lUlcipds a : ...,' f,-lU., w;,0' ,,a8iJo mt f'li:l1 - l" wL,,a4 ,i:'.T M,"U ',l''Ml-v , "' j''' ,,t,-",t,! '''! y.' " . ... . r, . ue.naf guvs w... i.ss.it i ins .... ik l,rou.za wtK.., tev Ul) t Wrt..:,ic.v n,rcj.l that tt.o t.-piib.ica.s puny ut tew years ago, Lieutenants-Governor, tu!ievc lt l!ie..;,elves. Id.o Domo- ' '.i, :, au ,tillln,oi... n PiA .; :.:,: - f .,;.:.,.. ! ; Pincbback of Louisiana, (who is one; , HUI.C.V ca r.Vl.r ,HVe n,' S;cretarv Moi Urn b js in a i ul.li-di iiic.d vi.'.u.-, made l-.s-ihie by ' ... ... ,,- af tbe roost prominent colored nies- ' .MV.aiCr powir than tiifv have al- 'd itosne.v a-lowou it to be seu election law of bousli.l fain.i rh, but ... '" itl'i, ,.;,','.. .'.'i .r. io Arooriea) declared (bat the col-! ;.,, . ,,.ld ,,.r s , ,.t.,v years- . lLst tLo aaJuistraiioa thinks the provi.s.j of wldoli plainly p. . M " "' j ; ; i.v' ; At isttita. llii-limoinl. Xorfulk. .X''' ored people in North Carolina were' ,,;.; as t,,t.v did every dej.srtJ "tU. t(fnf I'ar,r makinjj a ' nsst f,.....l. as many r.f H.-m. ho ' . ' ' ' An,l S,U -loii.ts NOKTlt st.ol ,:.,,,,.... . j l . lioiiin, as i. ity ni.i.cn.iy (.or. rr at inl.:kc sn ln-o.'iuy of in-uoth str.ti-d in lis c-naetiot lit now j '.!. y ......... . ' . . , . treated better and were in a better . Ilielll ojr sU.(0 .r.ve. nn.cnt--a.:d Lt,, .ioi.-o Bore wo.k", and is m c. 'Inee-.d-iKl race has W-,, i..,. ' ,; ' ' ' ! 1 s 1 "! " 1 "!'' n: .:.:.v. v i;U iCU iiLE LWiLV iiii. llt.l'l' T. V... V...-1- No. 16. VtzrA DI1T B-c'p. I iicOar ii iu. s " M ' 1M" 11 10 oondition than the colored pcopla of ..t not il-.-piive the colored very much afraid thai ISrynu is going col. r I. tie, ad, cocins; Isio white j i . " v,. :. io .. .... ..s , - uv. ro , T,-.tto p?fff .nvMUr Slila A n.l l.n cr.nkn 1 1. a . . .1... 1 0 i ... ... 1 ,:U it. ,livxi..(. ..tf.T IS... uUtt:. ,.- t.f ! '' rheStmsi x al-'" j :". Ai.ii:Ul AJuii.'w A A 1, . i - lJ i 1 l.iai) OI any Ol ins riois y, new 1 :iuy , " ,, ' ,, , . . 1 , : .,- t,- - ' i-e 1. -. k'- t r mi , truth. They are protected in thuir:,lftlln!, lllia lf j,01!W1. Irthe , a.non I ost, R,.,.l or bo.J Mier. have, witn a f -w . - - I ; ; ; bDrO- .. ,, ,-. 1 ., . can Ihoiioli it be, Kopiis on liitit-iisintr ceptions of I 1. 1:10 ie ooixnh mi- 11: ! ,. . , , . ,' " lives, their liberty, and their prop. ( evrr p.,,, anv m).h evil illlenv j. a'u xoiu , ,,iluj,le, ,bt J,ilU nt d ... their . ace, v.i'l,.!,,-., ,, J.-. ti Dr...-. a. , ml ..or. ix P tr.l of North Carolina? f ,'J'a" 2-j cU-ct..fal votes atVeciu the public int. ret a,d ,, ' 'j1';, i,.'. H 'r.'.'i.or ,1 j,y ai'-d Melv:.'iiey lij, leaving 77 in l.ivf.1 tnciincvi-s 1.1 mi i;nn.td;en ' . . '' , . 1 , Bfo,. Rbaii in another column the ad- doubt. If Mr" R.-yan only 1 a: t 'Oet ful.iic-iu c .'..nn... ti-.li:-; thai toe j'' '.' rhlVh dress issuod to the voters of .-n, . ip h' toral votos o.it of tUso 77 his a pk nt divi,!,,,, . ft l.e . , op'e . , J ,. : . ' ' ; 'ti ft V, : I I trlT just as are their white ueioh.. ;,:... i... i ... ..., .-a.-rv il.em' -;,i i... i;..., i.s- j,.-.,.... i.,i f, .,v ., ... i:..;.,..,,., ...it, .! .. w. bort. Their cbildron aro educate'! oll. whon they had unrestricted con-! tlis votea arecat. In its latest table poop!.' isi c-.n-ideiatiou of i t stioi.s in tbe public schools, which aro ported chiefly by the taxes pai white men. Tbey have asylums rheir unfortunate and amicted. wbicli i ,oi "' .,..-,,,., i. ,i... -...i:.! ,...-..:!. ..... ? aro al.o supported almost ootirely i Carolina by Mr. Clement Manly, us Mjo!i0 .,;., . 6S tli.-o Stales Not on v I his., b it w- i.nv the b.-a-.t ' ... .... ' !..l.;..n,, .. l... I... .,-... .-,.ii Mo. I.. , . .1 " . - ...... .... i.i .. i .i, . . cents t, Dy tbe taxes ot wtnte men. w lien j ' - - v " " iroui v.:.i.-. u:ot. . n..e b.h io m. .tc ... ..-s tber r io trooblu tbey are helped "ocutive committee h is the hi.l omh u o riinois Ma.ykMl, Del.' ty . lli,,a.? .., the p.e-s ol t-.- count, v bun tha.p whits Iripiiix mill h most' blast to battle that rhouhl bo jjladly wnie, UH i.-i..m, M.nnesola, thai to- il - ; al r. i-a ion of o .... .(.-:,, : ; , ;,, :, L, e I,-.. ky their white luetics, ami a most; .... ,. , , UichL-au and KenluekT. . btw-l-s w.uhl .-ufl so Stato to Me n :' -I h ..u-i. kindly feeling has existed botween ! responded to ty a.l men who desoe - .democrat nor K.n.ev. !.:.,...ii., ! d .:.,, 1 ,:' re. urn V K the two races, which would indeed tf,u" governmeni ami n.e io.p..r p,;;,....,,, U a calamity to disturb, il not des-;'1 t,cur dcal" Slule ! land's ittltr wili I Arr.. Or si..-n , I ...-.v- lli-MI-n. I'I 3 2o p m i.-o" i. m-n Ar; lt- a Ul-v-nr No. 15. Mll4. Pally Kxr-p SS-f. I'i up. 1 A " 4 1" t ! 4 6t" I i I Xittt.l.ni II. nlt.ll IV. UNO COM ACTIONS. ai ri.;.i'r.:.i wi'.h ,.iun CMsUwrf B . n.'i .'. r I..... I Ki-.l.-ti'l sntr.l wfkO . ...i--l A.r I.I:..-. in r-'u---- . wi.s !-. e.-s.-...-. l.-.w-V - . .. .- r. j i . A -v -.- . ,.---: .. ' ..Vj. o a h k Archbisltoit lie. All t'ano. n. alters bare la-t al m. .- to IP , hone:!! ir 'i i.i to 11. . !. bl.Uihi. betiolii McKnnev. A considciaiio.i. in euoh a ciiij :h.- rl. Ii: Iii- Ua.ir.'.'.: I -I- ..il I-..II ' - "- t -u -.'.1 ,..r I. nn. i.t -a...- ft.-., ;'. b.U.1. UUS HUHl.M. IT. K. 1TLS, flNl'ira J. TV . I SV. r.ou I WBflt.