f)e lall)au) ftccotb BATES or ADVERTISING . a. LonnoA, F'DITOR AND PROPRIETOR, j One 6qimre, one insertion.. One square, two insertions. One square, one month . $1.00 . 1.60 2.50 liberal TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Sti Icily In Advance. KEY. DR. TALMAGE. TlltC NOTED nEVINB'B SUNDAY SERMON. Text: "And h gnthered them together In a place called in the H"row tongue, Arma geddon.'' llov. xvl., li). Meglddo Is the uane of a mountain that looks itiuvu upon Esdrrolon, the greatest battlefield thnt the world has ever seen. Thore liHrak fought tlie Cunannhesi there Gideon foUL'lit the Mldlaniteg; there Joslah fought the invading Egyptians. The whole f elon stauds fr baitlo, and the Armaged don of my text borrows Its name from It, sad Is h'TO used, not geographically, but figuratively, while sotting forth the Idea that there Is to I H n world's closing battle, tlm greatest of nil battles, compared With Which tlm conlllcts of this century and all other centuries were InsignluVeut, because of the greater number of aombatante en pnieil, tne greater victory and the greater defeat. The exact datn of that battle we do not Know, mil the exact locality Is uuoer tain, f inuv bo in Asia, Europe, Africa, or America; bul the lact that suob a battle will take place in as certain as God's eternal rutli. Win n I use tlm suoerlnttve degree In rogard to I hut coining conflict, I do not forgot that there havo h-en wars all along on i-tiipendous sen.e. As when at Marathon Mil Hades brought on his men, not la ordinary inarch, but iu lull run, upon the horse men of Persia an 1 the black arohers of Ethiopia, and sevtered them, ami crying, Bring lire! Bring lire!" set Into flame the ships of tlm invader As when Pliiarroover enine Peru, As when l'lillip the Second triumphed over Portugal. As when the Huns ir.et the (i.iths. As wh"ii three hundred Spiii!nu Micnliecd themsoives at Thermo pylae. A- when the fanhagenlans took Ag rigeniipii. As when Alexander headed the Macedonian phalanx. As when Hannibal In va led lta'v. lia'.tlo of Hastings! Battle of Yiiiiev! 1' ilt ! of Arbela! llaitle of Tours! Untile of lloro Mu"! Ila'.tle or Lucknowl Bat tle of s-i!Vrii! Battle of Font enoy where 10 i.or.i) were sla'n! Battle o' Chalons whore 8 O.OiiC with massacred! Battle of Herat when Genghis Khan destroyed 1,600,000 lives! Latilo of Neishar where 1.747.000 went down to death! 1,810,0' 0 slain at Xroyl Anil A'neris.in battles, too near us now to ullo .v n to appreciate their awfttl grandeur Hnd significance, except you who were there, lacing the North or facing tlm South! But all the butl!' s I hnve uitnied put together will m t e-pi.it in numbers enlisted, or fierce-ue.-., or pan .leur, or triumph, or rout, the nii'iiiiir Ainiaueil.bin contett. Whether It i-hull b. fought will) printers' typo or keen steel, whether I y biain or muscle, whether by pun nr carbine, whether by booming can non or (hun ters of Christianeloqiience, I do not know, and vou n ay take what .1 say as IWtirativoor literal, but taka as certain what hi. John, In his v.siou on the rocks of the Grecian arelilpclr.no, is pleased to oall "Ar maguddnn." My sermon will first mention the regiments that will be enwr 'ged In the confliet; then will say fcomothlng ot the eommanders on both bides: and then speak of tho battle lt.-e'r an I the trenmndnus Issues. Begin ij ins' with those who will fl' t on the wrong sM, 1 first inentlou the Reglmen'-t Dia bolic, lit this very chapter from which my text is taken we are told that the spirits ol devils 'will bo tliero. How many millions ot them no one can tell, for thf stiitietloa of tils) tntiuii" lo:nliiliinn have never been re-porl-il and the roll of that host has never on i anli been called; but from the direful, and continental, and p anetary work they have already done, and the faot that every man ami woman ind child on earth has a tempter, there must beat least sixteen hun dred millions of ev I spirits familiar with our world. 1'ernaps as many more are en gaged ou especial enterprises of abomina ti'in a:iiiiig tho Nations and empires of the earth. B -ido that there must be an Incon ceivable nuinjor of inhabitants In realms piiii'l-'iivmiae, slaying there to keep the art'at capitals ot sin going from age to age. iauy ot them onee lived In heaven, but engaging in conspiracy to put Satan on the throne, they were, huried out an I down, ana Iboy tiro now among the worst tnugs of the universe. Having been in three worlds, Heaven, earth nu t hell, they have all the idvantages of great experience. Their power, their speed, tlmlr cunning, their hostility wonderful beyond all htat-meutl Xn the Ar mageddon they will, I doubt not, be present In full array. They will have no reserve corps, but a:l will be at the trout. There will not ouiy be soldiers in that battle who oan be seen and aimed at, but trocps Intangible an I without corporeity, anil weapons may Itrikeclcartlirough them withoutgivlngthem burt. With what shout of deQnnoe will they climb up the ladders of tire and leap from the battlements o!itsh.9to9 Into the last cam ealgnui boll! Taul, the bravest of nil men, was Impressed with their ml.-ht for evil when h said, " i'e wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and against powers, and ngaiust the rulers of the dark ness in this world, against spiritual wicked ness in high pla tes." Oh, wnat an agitating moment, when the ranks diahollo move up and take their placos for couQIots iu the Ar mngeiidon! Other regiments who will march Into the fight will be the lleglmeiit Alcoholic. They win ee ma te or tneorewers companies, dis tillery owners and Honor dealers' assooin lions, and the hundreds of millions ot their Eat r ins. These millions of victims of aloo ol j dim 1 by til ) mill ons of the victims of arrucu, tlm H'irit twos Honor of China and India, and Arabia, au l Egypt, and Ceylon, ami 3 a in. Other regiments on thnt wron? side will bo made up of offender of nil sorts the de frnuders.the li'iert tics, tlm dynanrtcrs, the Aiinrvlil-is, the. oppressors aud the foes of society, dm crimiuals of all Nations, by whatuvor namo they are now called, or hall llH'U be called. They may not beforo mat nave openly taken sides, nut then tbey will he compelled to take side-. With what vji.om, witli what violence, with what des peration they will lull into line at the great Armageddon! Is It not appalling, these uncounted regiments ot the earth, to be Joined by the uncounted regiments from per litlou' Can any power eope with tbem? E-pecially whim I ted you who their com mander is, for so much in all wars depends upon the ch eftain. Their leHiierwI I not be a political n sdnt or a military "hap pen so." liv latent, and adroitness aud couMge, alio unceasing industry he has come to th bad eminence. H - disputed the throne of heaven witn tne Almighty, but no one n is ever disputed the throne of eter nal night with this monareh who will In the last battle take the del I In person. Milton calls htm Luci'er, Goethe oalis him Mephls toiiho.cH, the Hebrew call J nirn Abaddon, the Greek nails him Apollyou. He is the imper sonation of all malevolence, of all oppres sion, of all cruelty. The summing up of all falsehood. In his makeup nothing bad was left out and nothing good was put In, and be is to be the Ueueral, the Commander-in-Chief of a. I the forces on the wroug side of the great Annageddou. He has ben In mr battles than you Invo ever re ad about, and he has gaine' more victories than have ever been cclehrntfld in Ibis world. But I guess this old warrior of Pandemonium will not havo an un oisputed Held. I guess there wbl be an army to dispute with his forces. I nave mentioned the supreioaoy of this world. I guess our troops wdl not have to run when, on the day mentioned iu mv text, a'.l the infernal batteries shall be uulimbered. Wo have been reviewing the troops diabolic. We have been measuring the calibres o! their guns. We have been . ambling mir ammunition wagons. Now let look at tho forces to be marshalled In the riii.iuteddon on the right side. J'ir,t ot nil. I mention the Regiments i i Ains! thai the subieot of demon- oh.I'y seems better uuder-tood tban the nilOeet of nimeiology. But the glorious sp rits iiroun I ihe throne aud all the bright immortals that II II the galleries and levels of Hie universe are to take part In that last VOL- XXL the only reglmonts capable of meeting the Regiments Plutonic To show you some- j thing of an angel's power, I ask you to ' consider that Just one of them slew one hundred and elghty-flve thousand ot Sen- ' naoherib's hosts In a night, and It is not a . tough arithmetical question to solve, it one t angel oan slay one hundred and elghty-flve thousand troops In a night, how many oan j Ave hundred millions of them slay? Tha old Book says that ''They excel in strength." It is not a colestlal mob, but a discipled host, and they know their rank. Cherablm, seraphim, thrones, principali ties and cowers! And the leader of those regiments in Michael the Archangel. David saw Just one group of angels sweep past, and tbey were twenty thousand charioted. Paul, who in tha Gamallan college had his faculties so wonderfully developed, con fesses his Incapacity to oount them by say ing, "Ye are oome to Mount Zion and an Innumerable company of angels." If each soul on earth has a guardian angel, then there must be sixteen hundred million angels on earth to-day. Beside that, heaveu musjt be full ot angels, those who stay there) not only the twelve angds who, we are told, guard the twelve gates, but those angels who help In the worship, and go on mission from mansion to mansion, and help to build the bosnnuas and enthrone the hallelujahs and roll the doxologles of the service that never ends. But they all. If re quired, xill bn in the last fight between holiness and sin. Heaven cont 1 afford to adjourn, just one day, and empty all Its temples, and mansions, and palaces, and boulevards into that one battle. The next regiments that I see marching Into the fight will be the Regiments Ecclesi astic. Aocordlng to the last aocouuts, and practically only in the beginning of the gos pel movement which proposes to take the whole earth for God, t here are fur million six hundred thousand Methodists, thrco million seven hundred and twenty-live thou sand Baptists, one million two hundred and eighty thousand three hundred aud thirty- three Presbyterians, one million two hundred and thirty thousand Lutherans, aud six hundred and forty tnoiisaiid Episcopalians. But the present statistics of churches will b utterly swamped whon, after all the great denominations have done their best work, the slowest of all tbe sects will have more numbers than the present enrollment of all denominations throughout Christendom. I see them moving Into the ranks, carrying a standard striped and starred; striped as sug gesting Him by whose stripes we are hea e I, and starred as with the promise that those who turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars, forever and ever. Into that battle ou our side will roll those mighty engine of power, the printing presses of Christendom. Into that bnttle will also move the mightest telescopes, thnt shall bring the stars in their courses to fight for our Go 1. Again, tbe Regiments Elemental will come Into that battle on the right side. The winds! God showed what He could do with them when tho splintered timbers of the ships of tho Mpnnlsh Armada were strewn on the rooks of Scotland, Norway and the Hebrides. Tne waters! He showed what He could do with tbem when He put tbe whole earth under thnm, leaving it subaqueous one hundred it d fifty days, The earthquakes! Ho -bowed what Ha cou d do with thorn when Ha let Caracas drop Into the open mouth of horror and the islands of tbe sea wout into entombment. The lightnings! 11 o showed what He oould d with them when He wrapped Mount Slnal In ilatne, and we have all seen their flashing lanterns moving with the chariots of themlduight hurricane. All the Regiments Elemental will oome in our -Ide in tho great Armageddon. Come and let us mount and ride along the line, aud review the troops of Emanuel, and find that the Regiments Terrestrial and Celestial that come into that battle on the right side are, as com pared with those on the wrong side, two to one, a hundred to one, a thousand to one. But who is the Commander-in-Chief on th e side? Splendid arm es have been ruined, caught in traps, flung over precipices, aud annihilated through the iuoompntence or treachery of their general. Who com mands on our side? Jehov.ih-Jireh' so called in one place. "Captain of Salvation. so-called in another place. King of kings. Lord of lords. Conqueror of eonquerors. His eye omuls dent. His arm omnipotent. He will tnk- the lead. He will draw the sword. Ho will give the command. And when He plants His foot for the combat, the foundations of the earth will quake, and when He shall give the battle shout, all the gates of hell will tremble. But do not let us shout until after we have seen the two armies olash In the last strug gle. Oil, my soul! The battle of all time and all eternity opens. "Forward!" "For wnrdT'ls the command on both sides given The long lines ot both armies waver, r.: awing to and fro. Swords of truth aguiu-t euglnes Infernal. Black horse cavalry of per dition against white horse cavalry of heaven. The redemption of this world aud the honor of tre throve of God to vindicate, h w tre mendous is the bBttle! Tho army of right eousness seoais giving away; but no! It is only a part ot the manoeuvre ot Ihe infinite ll'ht. It it a den oy of the host oelestlal. What a meeting In this field ot splendor und wratb, of the angels, and of the ainbollo, of bosnnna and blasphemy, of song and ourse,of thedivlne and the satanlo. The thunderbolts of the Almighty bur.-t and blaze upon the foe. Boom! Boom! I y the torches of lightning that illuminated the scene I see that the crisis of tho Arma geddon his come. It is tbe turning point or this last battle. The next moment will decide all. Ave! the forces of Apollyon are breaking ranks. Seel See! TUey fly! Some ou foot, some on wingt they tly. Back over the battlements ot perdition they go down with Infinite ora-h, nil tbe Regi ments Diahollo! Back to tbe mountains and oaves the armed hosts of eartb, crying as they retreat to the rooks and mountains, "Fall on nsand hide us from the faoc of Him that sittetb upon the throne, and from the wrnth of the Lamb, for tho great day ot His wrath has come, and who shall be able to stand." And while Apollyon, tbe prisoner of war, Is being dragged in oualna to his dungeon, and our Conqueror is re mounting His throne, I look olt upon Ihe battlefield, and amoug tbe slain I tlnd the urcasses of Mohamiuedaulstn, and Pa pan ism, and Atheism, and Inildelity, ami Dis sipation, and Fraud, and multitudinous Wrong, s'.rewing the plain, and I hear tho angel that standeth In the sun crying in th words of Revelation, to all the fowls tha: fly In the midst of heaven tbe eagles, and the vultures, and tbe hawks, and the alba trosses "Come and gatbor yourselves to gether unto the supper of the great God, that ye mav eat the flesh of kings, and the lleeh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh ot horses, aud of them that sit on them." The nroDhoslo I Armageddon or the text haS been fought, und Uhrlst and His follow ers have Ton tbe day. The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. All the Christian workers of our tirao. you. my hearers, and vou. mv readers, and all the Christian work ers of all tbe ages, have helped on the magnificent result, and tne victory is ours as much as theirs. This moment inviting all outsiders, through the ransomed blood of the everlasting Covenant, to get into me rauks of the conquerors, aud under the ban ner ot our Leader, 1 shall not olose the i-ervlee with piayer. as we usually no, nut immediately give out the Moravian Hymu, by James Montgomery, appropriate when writteu in 1819, but more appropriate in 1806, and ask you, with full voices, as well as with grateful hearts, to chant it. See Jehovah s nauuer nirru, 8heathed;HiSRword; He speuks 'tlsdono And the kingdoms of this world Are tbe kingdoms of His Son. A Funeral Floral Bicycle. A floral bicycle was the funeral tribute recently made by a Lewiston (Me.), hot house lor bereaved cyclomumao trieuds of a young man who bad lived near theie. Onr Corn at Tera Cms. Enormous quantities of American corn are renorted to have urrlved at Vera Cruz, Mex- PITTSBORO, CHATHAM CO., N. C, Mrs. Laton's Tea, KSOOXCED in the depths of her big arm chair, a smile lighting up her line oUl fueo that her white hair framed with a crowu of snow, Mrs. Harmon was considering her nephuw Andrew, a fine-looking youns fellow of twenty-eight, who, for his part, was considering the titaepieoe on the man tle, whose hands were already woil past 3 o'olook. "Well, Andrew, uo you una m.v elook every interesting?" In some confusion tho young man stammered an excuse, but tshu went on: "Now, don't deny it, you naughty fellow. You want to know if your vieifc had lasted long enough lor ; ... , . .i i ; you to take your aepnrmru iwjiuo.i "Not at all, aunt. Your guess is quite wrong, for I haven't tho slight est intention of going yet. l"t why do you keep a regular eun-diul lue that in your drawing-room?" "Perhaps because I was born so long ago that it is I and not the clock that is behind time. But ootno in stead of criticising my drawing room, tell me what you are going to do whon make," and tho young man stepped you leave here." ' quickly into th next, room as tho op- "In the first place I am not going I po-itodooi opened to admit the visi to leave here for some time, but, when j tor ; th:oip,'h the slit Andrew could I have wearied you with my preseuoo nntil you cannot stand it uny louper, it will be time for ma to go to Mrs. Laton's tea." "Mrs. Laton Pauline Laton?" "The same. " "Ah, yes, I need to see her some time ago. She is a widow. I remem ber her yaguely large woman, dark " "She is a blonde, aunt." "Indeed? She used to be a bru nette. And so you are sighing at tuo feet of Mrs. Laton?" "We are all sighing at her feet." "She must enjoy it." "Well, I rather think she does." "Is it fun?" "Yes, after a fashion. We are al ways tho same little oirole of frieu.ls, and then, besides Mrs. Laton, there's a sister, a rather good-looking girl, and a few other youn matrons una j bachelor girls.' "And what do you do besides look at these women?' "We take tea, we gossip aud we flirt." "Ob, oh I" "But, my dear aunt, one must do something between 5 o'clock und din ner." "Evidently, and flirting is what you have found to do." "It is a way to kill time." 'I soaroely know what you mean by tbe term. Explain it to me." "Oh, impossible. A definition for the word has long been nought, but it has not yet been found. But, given n young woman tete-a-te with a young man who is not a fool, aud I warrant you it won't be long beforo you will have a praotical demonstration. Flir tation is a manner of being discreetly indiscreet. To know how to rlirt is no common accomplishment. It is a veritable soieuce." "And ia love a soienoe, too?" "No, it is rather an art." "And marrioge what is it?" "Oh, that is philosophy." "Indeed? at what ago does one at tain this philosophy?" "As late as possible." "It seems to mo that at twenty Ight " "Aunt, aunt!" cried Andrew, spring ing from his chair, "confess that vuu are concocting some terrible plot. You look as guilty as a conspirator." Mrs. Harmon smiled a fine smileand enjoyed for a moment the consterna tion in her viottm's face. Then she answered, after n pause : "Yes, you are right. I wish to get you married." 'In heaven's name, what have 1 done to you?" gasped the youug man, with ooinic serionsuess ; and as the old lady still smiled, he continued: "6eo hero, aunt, I should never have sus pected you of suoh a thing. You, a woman of intelligence, a superior woman, descending to tbe role ot matchmaker I It is a terrible shatter ing of my ideals." "Oome, oome, my poor boy, do nol tie so cast down. The girl is charm- , ing, I assure yon. j "Of oourse," Andrew bnrst out, I "the girl is always obarming. Ob, 1 ' gnow her; I can see her now; site 1 may not ho exactly pretty, but, as you 1 have said, she is oharmiug. She dresses admirably, and makes all her ' own gowns. Sbn fctood at tho head of her classes in school, nnd attends lec tures now. Moreover, film has taken cooking lessons and cau put up pre serves. She plays the piano, hue sings, she paints, and she has a ti ly fortune in ber own right. Bah 1 No, thousand times no 1 I do not want this miracle of perlection. I know a thing or two, aunt, even if 1 don't look it, aud if I marry, I shall m irry a woman who suits me, simply lor tlm sole and unique reason that the does suit me. But 1 know girls they are all alike, nnd I know what they are aud what tbey are worth. There isn't one who suits mp, or can snit me, and I t.liuli remain a bachelor." "And you go to take oa at Mrs. Lalon's," lnnraiured Mrs. Harmon between lif r teeth, while a disturbing expression came into her clear seeing old eyes. Under this ironical and even inquis itorial look Anoruw lost couuteuance a little ; he could not deny that to mut riinouy ho preferred flirting with Mrs, Luton. liu was pulling himself togethor to reply, or rather to defend himself, when the : treet door bell was beard, "A culler, eh? Jsthis your recep tion !uy, mint, rr do you, too, give your mends tea nt 5 o'clock?" "Tni lire impertinent, nephew. At my a ....!.. . woman docs not give o o'clovlt . ilit'tiitions.' It is not even a ca'ilei'. I nto mi re it is my little iriend Kosumoiid, tbe 'churmiug girl' I spoke of." "I "hull (ice then." "Do you not wish even to flee her?" "Never! Or, il you insist, I Khali go into l his little nut roon and look at her through the crack ot the door. That is tho only concessions I shall m.iko out the gracelul t-iluouette of a young pill. " lowilo you do, Mrs. Harmon?" said thi) girl, as sho entered the room. "I have brought back tbe little books on the orphan nsvlutu that you lent main mu. May I tt.iv a moment with yon?" She continued to keop her baok to ward Andrew, and he, now beginning to net tired of the game, had about cone 'I'li'cl that she must be fright fully ugly. "S t. i!own.here. dear, beside mo." anl ir-lldwfiiu easily confrlved to phic.i tlfefytn JuM opposite tha small room ; an t tho youug man, approaoh ing h:s eyo to the crack, was struck by tho pivtly fiio ho beheld. "iVell, Ko.vmion J, what are you do ing iii'j..iays? Are you going out miP'U V "No, veiy little. I had a card for Mrs. L. item's ten this a'ternoon, but I wrote her ! mm ill. You will not bo tray inn, will you?" and she laughed a merry laugh that set Andrew's heart to vibrating. "Do you not cure for suoh affairs?" asked Mrs. Jl.iruion. "Surely, Mis. Harmon, you do not think it would be amusing to spend an hour or two watching Mrs. Laton's llirtaticns, with no one to talk to but tbe in-ipid women and stupid men of her set?" "Vou are severe, my child." "Severe? Well, with a woman like Airs. r,n! m, I do not thiuk ono can be too ranch so." instinctively Mr9. Harmon raised her eyes to the door that couoealed Aul row, nud, under pretext of ar running the, portiere, she crossed the room ntel, as sha ro ariaogod the dra pery, w lii-jiered to her uephew: "It's tienrly live you'll be late for your tea."" But her warning was unheeded; Andrew did not hudgo. As for the girl by tho lire, t-ho was still full of her idea. 'Do you know Mrs. Laton, Mrs. Harmon?" i-ho asked. "1'e-, ye:," tho old lady hastened to rr ply ; and to turn tho conversation, sho went on : "Cut you tire wrong to declare llmt nil men are stupid. There urn .-unie who are quite sensible." "Sensible? Well, I do not know them. T do not mean that thoy are all stupid, but thoy think themselves so superior that they are wearisome. They nro vain, in-ud'erable bores, with their blase airs and their idea that they nro irresistible because they can flirt with Mrs. Lston, who has bleached hair, mid smears paint on her laco as if it were a palette, and whose brains are good lor nothing but to devi-e outrageous gowns." Again Mrs. ilarmon cast an uneasy glance toward the little room, in which Auilrew was last waxing angry. He would have liked to strangle this girl, wiio.-e stipe n health and triumphant beauty irritated him. "And w lieu will yon get married, my ileur?" auggeste 1 Mrs. Harmon, again throwing herself into the breach. "I shall never mnrrv." "Indeed? Why not?" "Why not?" repeated Rosamond, a shadow of melancholy comiug over tho face that Andrew admired in spite of himself. "!!cc.iue I am a little fool wlp can do ns the rest do. I would wi h to love my husband and to havo him love me. 1 would wish to marry a'mau whom I should single out from among the rest for his good ness nnd intelligence. I would wish to have coulideuce in him, and above all to lie proud of bun." As the girl spoke, the had become animated with tt gciitle exaltation, which was not w ithout its effect on tbe yoitii'.' man behind the door. Well, Rosamond," said Mrs. Har mon "iliy do you not realize your dreii m ?" "j'.t'c.aiitio there are no roans men NOVEMBER 5, 189G. nowadays who care to look for a girl who pli'iiecs them. Marriage for them is u matter of business, nothiug more, aud the wotnnu hcrstlf does not eoiiut. Thoy marry when they have lost tln.ir money, und when t JO little heart tbey possessed lias been frittered uway ou somu Mrs. Luton or another." Aeaiu Mrs. Harmon arose, and, pre tending sho liatl an order t t;ive, ex cused herself, and hasteuod to her nephew. ! "Weil, aunt, she has given us (mice dressing down, eh? For a 'charming' girl,' 1 would back her nga;nt tha world." "Hurry, Andrew; it is lata, nud yju have almost missed your tea." ! "My ten!" he repeated. ''Bother my tea? Is there nothing tine in tho world but my tea? No, you must find an excuse to bring mo into tho room, and I'll show that young shrew whether all men are fools. Oh, she need have no fear, I shall not try to marry her, for I Btill have all my hair, a little money and a heart still intact." Mrs. Harmon oould not restrain a smile at the young man's vexation, and five minutes later Andrew entered tbe drawing room. j But, contrary to all expectations, the conversation did not become a war of words; on the contrary, tho girl's fresh gnyety disarmed Andrew's anger at once. His prccouoeptions flod bo- fore her dimpled smiles und her getilla voice, and he soon fell under her charm, forgetting his anger in his u i miration lor her graceful movements, the penetrating timbre of her voice, the sparkle of her wit : i The hour for tbe tea had long passed, nnd Audrew was still there, j He had lost all desire to inn ufter Mrs. Laton, that faded doll whom t RoMimoud as he was forced to a Itnit i to himself had portrayed so truth- fully. And ensconced ouce more in the depths of her arm-chair, Mrs. Harmon j smiled a kindly Rinilo, und silentlv re- i yarded tho young people, who, for their part, looked nt ouo another with looks thnt do not deceive and iu whioii the old aunt read with joy the hope of a happy union.- From thoFrouih, in Argonaut. s '1 lie First Money. It is difficult to roalize that prior to B. C. 7U0 there wore no true coins, that ingots or buttons of gold and sil ver were weighed at every mercantile transaction. The Lydtuns of Asia Minor are aredited with having been the first to cast and stump with an of ficial devioo small oval gold ingots uf definite fixed weight, an invention strangely delayed, but of inestimable importance to industry and commerce. A coin has been described as "a piece of metal of fixed weight, stumped by authority of government, aud em ployed as a medium of exchange. " .Medals, though struck by authority, nro only historical records aud hava no currency value. Tho bright, fur-tla-hing intellect of Greece haw the import of the Lydian invention and adopted it quickly, an 1 every Greek State, nearly every city, island and colony, established u iniut, generally at some one of tho great tempies, for all early coin types ro religious in character. They hear symbols of 6omo god as a pledge of good faith. Tbe olieriugs, tithes and rents of the worshipers were -oine i and circulated us money. Temples thus became both mints and banks. Our word "money" is said to have been derived from the Roman s'nrino of Juno "Moneta" the curliest Lutiu mint. The firbt shape of these f al ly coins was that of au enlarged colj'eeberry, punched on tho rounded ude with official letters, or sinkings, as iney are called. '.lood Words, j t'ilf McKiiftmcs. Washington The City of Magnifi cent Distances. Pittsburg The Iron City. New Haven Tho City ot Elms. Cincinnati l'orkopolis. (l'his name has sometimes been applied to Chi cago.) Ancient Rome The Mistross of the World. Aberdeen Granite City. Indinuapolis The Railroad City. Raleigh, N. C Tho City of Oaks. Chicago The Garden City. London Tho Modern Babylon. Baltimore Tho Monumental City. St. Louis Tho Mound City. Boston Hub of tho Universe. Brooklyn The City of Churches. Brussels Little Paris. ( Iho cuui is sometimes applied to Milan.) New York Gotham. Detroit is known as the City of the StraitR ; Uoston, the City of Notions, the Puritan City, the City of Culture, tha Modern tliens and the Hub of tho Universe; rhiladelphia astiioCitvof Brotherly Love and the Quaker City; New Orleans as tho Crescent City ; Cleveland and Portland as the For st Cities; Springfield, 111., as tbo Flower City; Rochester as tha Flour City; Haunibal as the BlulT City ; Buffalo as tbe Queen City of the Lakes; Pitts burg us the Smoky City; Keokuk ns the Gate City ; Cincinnati astlie Queen City of the Wast; Nas'iville as the City of the Rocks, and Louisville as Fall City. Boston Journal. To Clean Soiled Books. Ink stains may bo removed from a book by applying with a camel's hair pencil a small quantity of oxalic acid, diluted with water, and then using blotting paper. Two applications will remove all traces of tho ink. To re move grease spots, lay powdered pioe olay each side of the spot and press with an iron as hot as the paper will bear without scorching. Sometimes grease spots may bo removed from paper or cloth by laying a piece of blotting paper on them and then pressing the blotting paper with a hot Iron. The heat melts the grease nnd il , blotting paper absorbs it. The Writer. NO. II. rOTULAIt SCIENCE. The Red Sea ia so called beciuse its j iurfaoe ia frequently covered with ' tuinuto crimson animalcule. Quito, Ecuador, is tbe only city in i tho world in which tho sun rises nnd ; sets at six o'clock the year round. Tbo ' reason of this is that it is situated ex- j actly od the equator. Dr. School, tho Oe, nan hydro- j grapher, says that there nr. not less tban twenty thousand tons of n.im r.il i matter per day added to the ft. ire which the ocean already hoUh in &o!u- tion. ! We miy a-vept 02,7''lf,fl01 mibsns! the length of the earth's meat, oriiitil j radius according to the rr-sults of o - servations made by Pro'e-sor Hark- j ness and Dr. Gill. Pr-ii'essor Young : gives it us H2,07"),5 10 mile-. I A London reatauraut u-esan rlcelri- j cally heated plalo to keep one's loo 1 : warm. So long as the current is tnrno l on, one can dine in as leisurely a way as ha lil.es. Tber is no -lander of receiving a shock from tou-'ii'.iig the plate. M. Chuatd (tiggefts the use of the poisonous acetylene as an insecticide. ; He proposes to tr ix the c irbi les with ; eartb so that, under the influence of j moisture, neetvleue would bn i-io.viy ; given off at tho roots f plabts, thus ; preserving them from attack. At the , same time tlie by producs wool 1 havo a bene tcial eflcet ou the soil. M. . Chuard't scheme seems ralhei chimeri' ', cal. i AT Al.wrt riiror.i V wn n leri e. 1 Franco, his commutiicata.l nuot.ier momoir to tbo Aeademie des xep nces, Paris, on bis expi ri netits with pot i toes us forage for cattle, from winch it appears that the tuher-i uro a filt rate food, wh til. r from the point of view of fattening or the yield of milk and butter. Sheep nnd oxen throve much Iiellcr on putUocs an I hay than on their ordinary foo 1, und tin ir flesh was found to be superior in quality. It has frequently been a-serte l that the brilliant colors of many (.lowers servo to uttraet bees and imtlerllies to them. Experiments recent ly re ported to tho llclgiui Academy of Sciences seem to show that the per fume rather than color of the How- rs is t ho real at r.tetton. Bright-colored blos-oms were covered Willi leaves anl papers pinned closely about them; ytt tbo insets not only visited tbe hidden llowers, but endeavored to force their way under the papers iu order to reach tho blutsoiiis which they could not see. Will Not Hum Tli-s West Point t. Speaking of the receut "hazing" outbreak at the United Slates Military Academy, West 1'oint, m M hieh sev eral uleiies i.r members of Ihe enter ing olnss wire rattier roughly use I, one of tbo prominent me nbers of tiiu Southern Athletic Club said tho oilier dsy : "Well, ynu can just bet any of your spare coin lint those 'h izer.s' will not tackle one lut!o pl die; that is if they know when they nro well off. You know who I mean; Cadet.folm P. Sul livan. Will they liuie. him? I dou't think " And tbi Fportivo clubman smiled knowingly as he thought of tbe havoc that might bo wrought in tho ranks of the cadet corps should any attempt be made to impose upou bis popular as sociate. Tne other members present agree. uuauimously with thesp aker'a views, and some Mige-ted that if any at tempts were ma lo to La.fl "little Johunv" the eitstorn iiit .-lit be brought to a sudden stop. Tipe-e interested in athletics i;i New Orleans will recog nize the significance of tbo remarks wben they bring to mind tbo great hammer thrower nnd weight tosser of tha Southern Athletic tHiiU, who for tha past few years bus held the record for tho Sou:h. John P. Sullivan, who is a cadet at West I'oiut, is no litile boy, n'.tli mgii youDg in years. lie st ill Is ovirsix feet and wei.-ns n little over - poiiuds. I'.verv muscle in his luawny body is trained to great deveiopmeiii. Hilt his feat of hut iing a sixteen pouu I hummer 1 1 1) fe.ot stamps him as ono of tho strong in cti of the country. Cadet Sullivan h also had i-ever.il years' training in tlie gentle game of football, an I he ia well nhla to take oaro of himself iu any and all situa tion. Moreover, lie i i n very good boier. Take it all in nil, Cadet Sulli van bids fair to make a most efll.Mont army ollioer; one who cai li .-lit when the necessity coinrs. Meanwhile his olnb mates in New Orleans ire waiting to hear of the casualties when so no of the swell h 'ula l u;pir el is, ni.ni at- ' tempt to Inzo "little .lohutne." It is, perhaps, needless to nil that i in tha list of tins year's plebes who have ni'lered the ludi-iiities of hazing I the name of t'adet Sullivmi will not i appear. There are reasons. New Or- leans Democrat. Fatigue "f the r.ye. A star appears more distinct if ono looks nt a point uesr it than it does when looking at tho star itself. This is duo to what is called "lut tetio" of tha retiua. When looking at nu ob ject we naturally focus that object on tho most sensitive part of the retina nnd keeptheimage permanently there. Now, in the case of a star, tho imago is a microscopic point and covers only an infinites mal portion of the retina, and the great strum ou Ibis porliou prodnoes immediate "latigue." If we j look at a point near tho star, then, ns ; the eye moves, the imago travels over tho retina and successive portions of it are called into play so quickly that "fatigue" is not experienced. It does not do to look at another star near it, for then the eye is kept fixed anil "fatigue" at onoo ensues. To most eyes the Pleiades appear fsr more dm tinct when wc fix our eyes on a blank , space of tho heavens1 near them than j when we look at them directly. For larger advertisements contracts will be made. HB WHISTLED. len craps wns burTd to fllailen Au' not a rain In sigln, IJe opened all the winders An' whistled in th light. Jest whistled, Au' wh stled, Like tbut 'ud make things brlgutl When mortgages vraz growln' Like woeds by day and uitfhti II kep' right on a-hooin An' Whistled in tin light. Jest whistled, An' whistled, Like that 'ud make things brisht! I.o sowin' time or reapln'"" Iu wrong as well as right. When flmddi'M eonv a-creepla'. He whistled for the light. Jet whl -tie 1, An" whistled, T ot that 'ud make tln-.R bright! somehow he'd hear N-Hs r ngla' For all t lie ni-'ht an' day. An' st ill ihe birds kep' f-ingin-' When blue ie- Miruod teurcy. Ho wh Mled, Je-,t, whistled. The ro:ky world away' -r. L. fstaiiton, in At'uiita Con'tUMi-oa. PITH ANh MINT. A rvclono is like a waiter it carries everything beloio it- A man who is blunt iu his ways may be :-barp in his speech. A heavv man may be very Ugh', cs- Specially wueabVs dowi "ThesH nre Irving times for me, wns what the cook i-aid us she stood over the lard keg. Tho woman question : Now isn't this a pretty time of uicut for you to get home? Texas Sifter. Marv "Oh, 1 just live in Reggy's heart." Alice "i low do you like living in a lint?" -Washington Times Kitty "Harry won't take no for an answer." Kate ".low do yon know?" i Kittv "Htciil-e I shun t give l.-W j Ciui." Od Is and Euds. She -"Everybody says yon married me onlv tor my mouey," He "lint I didn't dear. I know you look it. dear, but I di la't." lndiunopoli Journal. "Whv, Mr. Portly, you are nil done np. What's ihematter?" "Bicycle." "Hut you dou't ride a wheel " "No, but tbo other fellow docs." FlieireAd Blaetter. Bubbles "My wife nnd I met by accident. Thrown tog -ther by chance, as it were." Wbcelwoman (eageily) "Od yon break the bicycle?" tuffalo Times. "I knew a fellow who coal 1 tame a tiger with a gluiieo ol his eye. " "What became of him?" "'lo's dead. H tried it on a bicycle ooorchor," Chicago Record. Lucy' 'Clara's h( neymoon was eomnletelv spoiled." Alice "How? Lucv "iho Dtipers coiitainioc tho account of the we Iding did not rucb ber." Brooklyn Lite. "Ez long ez dey's got plenty er campaign button," sai l Uncle Elicu, "some men doan' seem ter care whed der dey bah any a' pen ler buttons er not." Washington Star. "Everything is easy after you onc learn to ride a wheel." "Y. s: you're so badly uraashed up in tbo effort that you can stand anything then. " Phil adelphia North American. Mr. Sparks "Sir, I lova your daughter so that I cannot live without her." Old Grull'.y "Good? Then o away somewhere and die. There's another load oil my miud." Cleve land Leader. Spirit (at Lily Dale sonne-j "Don't yon know me? I'm the sp:nt of your mother-in-law." Invest tgator "You can't fool me. My und m i --in-biwl-ways brought bar irunU with her." Buffalo Times. Hospital Physician (with a view tn diagnosis t "Wh it do you dunk?" New Patient he-ring up nt the pro misal! -"Oh, sir ! tloHii: yo-i, sir whatever you T leuve that to you, sir I" Tit Hits. Mani'fiiciiii'inir Huindns. For ngos tho English aul French controlled the m umiuel nro id hair pins, nnd it is oniy witnin tho last twenty yenrs that the goods have been produced in other oiiuino to imr ex tent. Tha machinery used is of a del icate nud intricate character, a-i the prices at which iho pins are sold ne cessitate the cheapest aud most rapid process, which can only be secured by automatic maohtues, st.ys Pearson' Weekly. Tbe wire is made expressly lor tha purpo-u and put up in largo coils, which are placed in a chimp, and so camel to tho machine while being straightened. This niaetnno cuts, bends, bq I, by a doiieate instantan eous process, sharpens tho points. Kuuning nt lull speed it will turn out Un hairpins every niinnte. To econ omize, it u necessary to keep tho en gines going day and night. Tho difficult part of the work is in the euanie.in'g, which is dono by dip ping the pins in a preparation and linking in an oveu. It is hero that the most constant and careful attention is required, as the p'tis must be abse lately smooth au I Ihe enamel have a ported polish. The sligbt-tst parti cles ( dust cause luiperiectious and roughness. For tho M itil tioni il Market. It ia proposed to send 40,000 un married womoi iroui Eastern Canada to British Columbia, for the purpura of supplying the detna id for wives, iho same thing was doue onoo by ) men lor the benefit of the prepon derant bachelors of Eastern Canada, .nol the results were entirely sut.s factory. great figM, and U ajm IM I -00' ana ,0 be uow ia tl0'' he"-