$lc l)at!)am Record II. A. LOSDOZ, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St idly in Advance Cr.sIUON.I TOlt HAT TINS. Cushions for long hut-pins are made from lull slender glass or silver vases into which u loug slender cushiou, stuffed with curled Lair, powdered cork, or sawdust is lit tel. Tbo cush ions are covered with colored silk, nud (it the opening of the vase with a cover of colored plush. Some of tbo bud vases used for the purposo can be bought for twenty-live and fifty ceuts. Those in green u:jd gold nud white und gold uro more ( xpeusivo. A O ! It I. WHO OWNS OOLD MINF. Mini Jennie Hillon, the successful young gold prospector of Arizona, ban not won her position without hard work, liver since her girlhood the Inn b.-i-a obliged to suppoi t herself, it will not until .die gave up teach ing school and started out with her brother and uncle, as a prospector, that sac found congenial employment. Sho i-. now twenty-nine years old and has jn-1 sold a half interest in tbo Kansas eoid initio for S23,000. With this she intends to continue her work, but sho will now be able to spare her self much severe manual labor in pur suing her search for mineral wealth. New York Advertiser. hais-V-day Pitr.ssnsi. Emancipated Brooklyn women hovo formed an us ciut ion whose members ugree to wear abbreviated skirts on rainy days. According to tho adopted constitution of the club, these skirts niu.st not be lets than three inched from the ground; they can be as much si) uler as tho individual wearer de termiix Tho chief obslaolo iu tho way of dress reform for women has always been the unbecoming nppearaueo of biroiig-mitided costumes. N"o self-respecting woin in will look like- o guy even for tbo privilege of having both bauds free to carry her umbrella or her puokujes. 0:i the other hand, sbo rebels secretly against tho tyranny of u fashiou which eoinpils her to hold up heavy skirt.i on her wet weather pilgrimages, or rim the risk of getting them muddy and bedraggled. The bicycle has come to tho rescue of women in this matter, ns iu many others. Tuo bicycle buit for girls, consisting of j c!ut, short skirt and leather or cloth leggings, is sensible ftud becoming. Tho publio has be come accustomed to it, aud there seems no reason now why women should not wear it on stormy days. The skirt need only be a few inches from the ground to accomplish its good purpose, while tho gain to the wearers iu freedom, comfort nud even benltbfuluess would bo enormous. If all the women iu this city who ride bicycles should appear iu these suits on tho-o sad days wbou mud is prevalent, tbo remainder of the fe mnlo population would uot be long in adopting a similar dress. New York Advertiser. WUAT IiOYAL LADIES DO. Royal ledies arc tho busiest ladies in tho world, suys a writer in Women at Home. Tbo nmount of real hard work they get through every day of their lives would rather stagger you and mc. As n rule they aro early risers, aud havo managed to accom plish a vast amount of reading and writing boforo tho ordinary "society" woman has completed tho curling of her fringe. Tuko our own Queen for instance. With what wouderful per severance mid an unflinching sen so of duty sho has attended to state affairs. Y'et even at her present ago sbo does not cousider sbo has finished her ed ucation, and grapples daily with the dillicnlties of Hindustani. At least half a dozen European languages are familiar to her, aud not content with knowing German nlone, she has mastered many of tho country dia lects. The Empress Frederick of Germany still pursues tho study of inusio and painting with tho zeal of a young gill; and her dmghter-in-hw, tbo younger Empress, besides herself looking after her house and children, rises a cock-crow sometimes to writo documents of importuned for the Em peror. The (Jueen of Italy just now very keen ou bieyoliug usually tpeuds the morning houu in study VOL XIX ing languages and stago plays. Tho Belgian Queen aud Austriau Enpress iu former diys employed their leisure moments with "breakiug iu" pet ponies, but of late tho Belgian Q.ieca h:'s preferred the study of literature, and tho Austrian Empress of Greek. Tho Dowager Empress of llussia and tho Princess of Wales havo tastes en tirely iu common J both aro devoted to art embroidery, painting in water colors, nnd are wouderful adepts at millinery. Most of our own royal princesses can cook very nicely, muiic butter, aud are initiated into tbo mys teiies of household urt. They aro oue au I all singularly accomplished, aud useful and sensible women. Exceedingly smart nro tho short fur j ickets for wear when winter sjts in. Tho fronts are loose, tuo back tight fitting, with just a little fulness iu the skirln, sleeves medium size, and Itrired back revers faced with tho fur, aud so arranged that tho collar at tbo back cau bo pulled up as high as tho ears if necessary. Of course short fancy jackets in tho Eton and bolero stylo are to be seen iu fur, but these nro more like the trimming of tbo street gowns. Tboy are extr. in ly becom ing, for they havo blond pointed rc vers which turn back to show full vests and fronts of while satin covcrod with laco rufllcs and jabots. Rovers of fur nro mich used in trimming handsomo gowns, aud a pleated piece of fur sewed into the shoulder scum and hanging over the front of tho wai.it is ouo of tbo new est fancies. Chinchilla on dark blue or green, beaver, otter, and sable on all colors, aro in stvlo; an 1 the pieces of furs certainly give a touch of smart ness and oddity that is very desirable, Tho band of fur around the hem of the gown is again in favor even on eveniug gowns, whilo on the latter it is also used to outline the seams on cither s'do of the embroidered trout breadth; mil around the shoulders or across tho front of tho waist of low cut gowns it is considered most effec tive. Tor this purpose sable, mink, beaver, nro used iu preference to other furs. When these fur bauds aro put on it is best to havo them an inch nnd a half or two inches wide, uud tbcu double them so that u round edge shows, nud they look particularly well put just under a fold of cloth or pas tementerie. Monition, the fur that enmo into fa. vor last season, is to be greatly in fashion this year. It is such au ex quisite bhade of gray that it is uioro becoming than chinchilla, although the latter is much handsomer. Capes, collars, and boas with mull's to match are made of this fur, but it is not yet used as a trimming. With a gray cloth costume with touches of yellow, and a muff and capo of monition lined with yellow, a most artistic effect cun bo obtained, while with the new greens, reds and purples of this sea son's colors it is extremely smart. Just nn edge of fur showing around tbo cloth coats making them look ns though liaed throughout, is again fashionable, nnd some of tho new evening wraps, which nro most regal in construction, havo tho edging of ono kind of fur and the lining of an other. Harper's Bnzir. FASHION NOT KB. Fancy wash flannels aro nlco for cycling or tenuis. Fur will bo seen on tho gnuziost of gowns this winter. Tbo all-velvet hat promises to lie decidedly popular this season. Eaibroide.-ed muslins aud lawns for children uro elaborately made up as the eveniug gowns of their elders. Broad, wriukled waistbands nro now very fashionable, and are fast ened with long buckles or jeweled buttons. Many are of black batin, and can bo worn with any giwn, but by far the prettier fashion is to have ono of tbo same material as the gown or of silk of tbo samo tone. Thoy are very easily . ade and fitted, if tho ma terial is usod perfectly bias. Taking abroad piece and fastening it closely about the waist with a buckle or but tous it will ?;i'jk!e artistically and fit perfectly. PITTSliORO, CHATHAM CO., X. C SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. Chica has electrio elevated road. The curtu is gradually growing colder. About three bundled species of tur tles and tortoises are kuowu. Some of these attain a very largo sizo. Au elaborate scheme has becu form ulated for providing Johannesburg, South Africa, with n comprehensive system of electric railroads. Tbo longest distanco to which projectile has been thrown, was nt ShoebuiyiKss, England, ou April 10, 1888, when a L ingridgo wire-bouud guu threw a shot 21,358 yards, or 12 miles 238 yards. Somo electricians carry a small compass in their pockets, aud before they touch the wire hold tbo compass near it. If tbo needle is not deflected, they know there is no current in it, aud that it is safe to haudlu it. It is said that a largo number of tho smalior towns iu Switzerland, where water power is so Abundant, uro being supplied with the electric current for lighting nud power purposes which is generated by water power. Professor Lang of Vienna, declares that sponges, owing to tbo impossi bility of destroying germs in them, have long since been banished from the surgeon's table, uud sbouldalso bo ex cluded from tho bathroom and wash staud. According to the Cdogno G izotte, parafliuo is found to be un cxclleut remedy for snake poison. The par afliuu oil if worked thoroughly into tho wound and then nllowed to stand ou it iu n pool or tbo bitten pu t may be poulticed with paralliue. Lieutenant Joseph E. Maxwell, chief signal offieor of th ) department of tho Missouri, is to make au ascent at Chicagoby meansof a man-carrying kite. The kite is to bo built by Octavo Ohatinte, und will havo an arm hair tilted to tbo frame, and will bo for tbo purpose of testing tho eflici ency of a llyiug kite for observation purposes as au adjunct to tbo balloon service. Au official dispatch from Lwoll Obsorvatory at Flagstaff, Arizona, announces that tbo astronomers there havo discovered thnt tbo plnucts Mer cury aud Venus rotate cneh of them ouly ouco ou its axis during its re volution around tho sun. These plan ets, therefore, havo only ouo day in each of their years. Tho Lowell observers find, further, that Venus is not cloud-covered, us has bjeu sup posed, but hm about it a thick atmos phere, whilo Mercury has uone. A Light Seen Sixty Jliies. Tbo penetrating powers uud ranges of powerful lights, such ns are cm ployed iu lighthouse service, rapidly decrease as the ratio of their luminous power increases. For instance, a light of 5,00d,000 caudle power in tho Brit ish channel has in average weather a luminous rango of about forty-four nautical miles, wuilo it tho light be increased to tho power of lO,0JJ,000 candles, tbo luminous rango is ouly live miles more, or forty-niuo miles. Accordiug to current practice lights up to 200,000 caudlo power nro ob tained by means of miuoral oil lamps while electric lights are used for higher powers nnd almost any power may thus bo obtaiucd. The highest power yet at tempted is about 30,00.1,000 nt Pcu Miark point, iu tho department of Fiu isterc, France, which when completed will be tbo most powerful lighthouso illumination in tho world. Tho height of tho tower iu which it is to bo locat ed is about sixty-three meters.euabling it to bo soon during tho day from a dis tanco of oightjen miles in lino weath er. Dnriug the night this light will bo visible for sixty miles. Tlio ro tuudily of tho c.irlli will prevent tho rays from striking tho eye directly at a distauco of more than thirty miles, but the sky overhead will nppear il luminated for thirty milles more. Tho estimated cot of this lighthouse is ubout $120,01)0. It t' remit. Ho ran down tho gangplank nnd kissed her. "Henry l" sho exclaimod, "whero is tho poodle?" "Dearest," lie said, "it fell over board." She wrung her haiuln. 'Why did tho steamer n t stop to rescuo it?" "They only stop to tavo human life?" he explained. "Thcn.lleiiry.why didu't you jump overboard?" Life. A now translation of Shakespeare into French is shortly to bo published iu Paris. M. Jules Lermiua, tbo au thor, claims that it will bo more lit erul than any of its predecessors, FOB THE HOUSEWIFE. BECHAMEL SACCE. Put four tablespooufuls of butter and three of flour iu a saucepau, pour on this three gills of boiling water; tie together n bayleaf, sprig parsley, one of thyme, put in a saucepan, with small slice of carrot, half au onion, tiny bit of ninee, eighteen pcr percorns, generous tcnspoouful of bait two tablespooufuls of gravy or btoek, simmer gently hulf an hour ; strain ; add three gills cream, let it cumo to boiling point, and serve. This is ono of tho most useful snuces; it m ly be used with fish, poul try or vegetable!!. Chicago Record. T ATPLn MEHINCiCE. Ono of the most inexpensive of des serts is an apple meringu . This is not to bo confounded with an apple meringue pie, which is made of a straiuod upph sauce, flavored with lemon peel, is spread, if you wish, with apple j Uy uu I a meringue of the white of three egg", three tablespoou fuls of sngir nud tb -j iiceof a quarter of n lemon, the whole baked in a crust. Au npplo meringue is not baked iu a cruM. To in ike it, select six mediuin-si.e.l rather tart apples ; core and peel tb.-m aud put th.'ui in a porcelaiu-liued s iueepau with half a cup of CjI I water mid half u cup of sugar. Cover tho upples closely, turn them alter they have cooked three minutes, uud bnsto them thoroughly, lupeat this process iu three minutes more. When tho opplesure tender, but before they break apart, take them up very carefully with a largo spoon, so ns to keep them whole. The syrup on thein will be nprlv all absorbed ; Dour tho little that remains ov.T them. It should not bo over n ipiarter of a cupful. If it is more, reduce it. When the apples nro cjU! lill the cores with jelly aud pour a little melted j ;lly over each one to glaze it. Apricot and currant jelly nro both excellent, but nothing is better th iu a j -11 v- made of a piut of apple n'.iim and cores boiled in a cup of water until tender. It will take about half nn hour. Tbo juice is then pressed out "of the pulp, measured and sugar added iu proportion of a piut to a pound. Add four strips au iuoh long of tho yellow peel of a lemou. Heduco tbo liquid until j,.lly is formed. it is better to prepare the apples nnd plaza them nnd lill them with jelly the day before they are served. They should be put ou a thick plate. Half au hour before ser ving beat to a stiff froth tho whites ol three eggs, tbreo tablespooufuls of powdered sugar, and the juieo of half a lemon. Tour the meringue over tbo apples cu the plate, diawiug it doo to tho edge, and nliow n little to glaze the edge. Dredge it thickly with powdered 6Ugar aud let tho plate on 8 thick block of wood iu a slow oven. In twenty miuuics the ineiiiiguo will be a very delicate brown. Serve the dish at once. The block of wood protects the apples from the heat, so that tho jelly in the.m does not melt, but the apples remain in glac . Tho tart ap ples enclosed iu this sugary meringue are very uio H .stou Cultivator, household niMS. Anything with a meringue over it should be put iu a cool oven and al lowed to brown tbwly if you wish it light. A strong heat toughens merin gues. If a bunch of grapo leaves is put in tho briue iu which cucumbers are to bo soaked for pickling, it will help keep tho cucumbers souu l aud firm, and of a good color. In blanching nut meats pour over them boiling water aud let it stand fl few moments Throw over them cob! water and rub tin m between tho fin gers and the skins will readily come off. When tho whites of eggi are usod, and tbo yolks ore not lupiircd at the same time, drop tho yolks iuto a small cup or glass, c ivei the surface with s littlo cold water and keep in a cool place, Flnt irons that havo bceomo rongt from rust or st.neh should be nibbed with yellow b:eswax. "Have a cuke of tho wax tied in a piece of course cheese cloth. Heat the iron until it is very warm, but not hot, rub the iron briskly w lib tho beeswax, and quickly rub with a clean, coarse cloth until the surface is smooth. Iced tea is refreshing certainly, bul it is note iiisidered entirely wholesome for tho regular use of any oue, notably children. A way to make it to insure a minimum of tannic acid is partly to fill a goblet with cracked ice; make the tea somewhat stronger than usual; then pour, boiling hot, ove: tbo ice. i Ablice of lemon nud a little sugar may I be added. ( DK CEMMC II 10, 180(5. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. Icebergs sometimes last 200 years. The latest fad out West is colored colli us. Iu the palace of Emperor William in Berlin, 500 housemaids und 1,800 liveried footmen liud employineut. Tho entire population of the State of New York (0,513.311) could iind standing room on a tract of only oue square mile iu extent. Sir J. Andereou of Ji.ittovant.Cork, Ireland, spout $1 50,200 iu 1837 m tryiug to perfect "u stcum drug or car- riairo for common roads" The great clock at Koiien, Fruuce, has been grinding out tbo hours aud minutes without interruption for 500 years, aud gives promise of going for 500 more. The largest fig-tree iu Calioruii grows ou Catalina Island. It covers a circular space al out 200 feet iu di ameter, and its trunk is tweuty-six inches thick. A clergyman at C'ra.bicli, Onp3 Col ony, South Africa, alvcrti.scs iu the local paper that he is prepared to un dertake the tuning of pianofortes and to give lessons ou tiiat instrument. Portland, (Me,) tiro idiirm boxes are now made prominent at ui;;ht by lanterns fixed on the top of tho posts, tho panels being of red glass with the words "lire ulann" ua the four sides. A feature of the carnival week nt Kansas City this year will be t'ua start ling uud rage-producing bladder on a tick. A linn h is imported M'O.) bladders to help along tho wctk'r merriment. Tho cold nose of a spaniel, pressed against the face of a sle-piug man ii Hocklaud, Me., awoke him. Ho arose followed his dog to the kitchen, au7 found it flooded with water from a leaking tank. Tho specie-room ou conn Hteam shins is usually 10 feet long, t;u teet wide and eight feet high. Jt is formed of steel l'lutes ii uuai ter of an inch thick, with u steel door, which has burglar-proof combination loci;. The body of Mrs. Marv S. AlUo' .son of Columbia Slough, mar l'ortlaud, Oregon, was being prepared for the grave when a friend noticed the tint of lifo on the cheek. The burial was deferred, and in week tho woman re covered from her trance. Lightning pliued queer pranks iu the residence of Paul Siuimouson, at Montague, Mich. It pussed down the chimney, reut tbo stove pipe, burned holes in a table-cloth, nnd cut some picture wires. Six persons wero in tho house, but they were not injured. To Cut an Apple, hut Not the Skin. This littlo trick, well performed, is quite startling. Select au applo with a firm, smooth skin. Take a long und slender darning needle and thread it with silk or linen thread; cotton will do, but is more liable to break. Be ginning at the stem end take a long btiteh uuder tho skin of tho apple, being careful not to go so deep that tbo point of tho needle does uot read ily emerire. Take another stitoh in the same direction, sewing right around the npple exactly as you would cut it in half. When tbo thro id comes out again near tho stem take tho two ends ono iu each baud, cio?s them aud pull Bteadily. Tho thread will, of eourse, cut tbo npple iu two, leaving no mark on tho skin, nnd without breaking it beyond tbo tiny holes m.ido by the needle, which uroqu.te invisible By repeating tho performauco is different parts of tho apple, it may bo cut into quarters and eighths, uud on being peeled will fall into three section. Boys Attacked by Snakes. William J. Walters, aged 10; An drew L. Atkinson, aged 20, aud Wil son T. Dulling, aged 17, had a thrill ing experiouco with a number of b'aik euakes while gathering ch-stnuts near Buttouwood Corners, Pa. While Atkin son and Walters were picking up nuts tbreo largo black snakes made their appearance from a cave nud came tow ard them. Tiiey at oiiej begau n des perate battle. The reptiles hissed and sprang at the young men, who had to work to keep out of reach ol their fangs Oujof the snakes wound itself arouud Walters' leg during the battle, but Atkiuson quickly procured bis knife and cut tho snake iuto three pieces. In doing so he cut Walters' leg, but not seriously. Atkinson was bitten on tho finger while saving his companion. Tbj snakes each mea sured three to six feet in leugth, Tlio First Step. Ethel By tho way, is your new bicycling club stait 1 yet? Cis N'o, but it's getting on. We've engaged tho doctor. NO. 1(. FOR FARM AND GARDEN, EARLY BREEDING: Of IlEIFEHS. There is no especial advantage in Laviug a cow grow of large size. The breeding of heifers at nu early ago is therefore beneficial to them ns milk ers, becatlso it encourages tbo tend ency to milk product rather tbnn to lay on fut, provided always tbo heifer bo kept to milking us long at possible. Tho young heifer lias usually very nu ill teats Frequent handling of the teuts whilo she is n calf bus n tend ency to culargo them, aud also to bring the heifer in heat earlier than she would bo if rot thus treated. Iu Jersey ull tho heifer calves nro petted nud mude as tamo as possible by fre quent handling of the udder aud tents Wbeio this is done tho heifer's teats will not be too smnll for easy milking, though tho heifer herself may bo small of size, becauso she breeds too early. American Culti vator. STKER IT.EDINH. Whilo dairying is undoubtedly the most profitable for those conveniently situated, there is stiil money in beef raisiug if a good quality of meat is produced, writes W. J. li irues, of Wisconsin. Beef cultlo are not ns good ns they were a few years ago, as less attention has been paid to beef quality. Much Wisconsin beef is pro duced at a loss An animal which puts most of its meat ou the outsido is desirable. A dairy animal which sells for 3 l-2eents just pays expeiises.a go jd beef animal which will sell for four cents yields a good profit. My experi ence bus beeu mostly with Shorl horus As with diary aniuial-, how ever, it is not so much the breed ns it is tho build. I turn oil' tno y.:ni-olds because they bring tho higbist I rice aud are raised at tho least Co t per pound. The heavy four-year-old is a thing of the past. My cjws do h hiio thing at the piil, but I don't attempt much. cake or i:wi:s. It is very essential ut this season of the year to prepare bleeding ewes for u good crop of lnnibs to protect them from storms and provide good pasture, or iniiki) ii) the deficiency with roots or graiu, und all wo.l nud tilth should be ti iiiuued away that would hinder coupling, and to facilitate service u small ration of barley or corn may be given in connection with their usual teed, which should be gradually less ened and taken away after the coupl ing season is over, and o.its substitut ed, if there is not plenty of good clo ver bay, or corn fodder is given with a small ration of roots, which should not bo fed in Inrgo quanti ties, especially tbo .utter part of gestntiou (as they are too cold aud bulky). It is belter to increase feed three or four weeks before ewes com mence dropping lambs by adding i. small feed of oats. A good yard should be provided for them to exer cise iu during the gestation poriod.and encouraged to do so by having it well littered with straw before they are let iu to prevent getting cbnff in their wool. They enjoy picking at the straw, which will prevent them from getting muddy, and will be converted into a good fertilizer before the ensuing fall. Ewes should not bo worriod or compelled to pass through narrow doors or gateways while breeding. A. K. SpauUling iu Farm, Stook and Home. now to hob. Somebody ouht to estublish a hoe ing school and teach our youug people and hired men how to use a hoc, writes T. (iieiutr. It makes me sick when I I see how our help do this importaut work. Tho fundamental error with them is to think that tbo purpose of hoeing is to lull weeds and nothing else. Cuusi q iently they just skip over tho surface, trying to hit the wee 1p, and if no weeds happen to be there tho spot is skipped over uu touched. When tho job is done, our man or man think tbo weeds aro done lor; but in a few d ivs tho g.ound is again well occupied. The fact is that Ibis pcraj ing over the surface is not bv any moans tbo best means to kill . weeds, uud it amounts to noth ing much iu other respects. A good hoeing should touch aud stir tho whole surface, and fresh en it, nud give the weeds such a set : back that they will not recover from 1 it in a long time. When I hoe I let J the blade go iu corncrwise, and when ' I get done there is no spot that is left i with old crust on, w hether there were . weeds or not. Tbo fresh ground, soon I after hoeing, looks smooth aud clenu I nnd attractive. There is at least nu ' inch of well-pulverized soil nil over the whole surface, aud the plants, I thus surrouudod by fresh, moist, loose foil, seem to be grutelul and respond t with quickenci) growth, Lit it is hard vV ADVERTISING One square, one insertion Ono square, two insertions. . . . 1.50 Oue equure, ono mouth - 2.50 For larger advertisements liberal contracts will bo mado. 'o make our hired help look at 16 IU this light. Their work is invariably poor uud inefficient. Piactical Furui' or. HOW TO WA1F.R I'LAXTs. It is never too late in the season to discuss tho subject of plant watering. There aro house and greenhouse pluhts that require to be tended and cared for all winter. Ouo of tho city dailies iu reply to a correspondent who asks how plunls should bo watered, replies very briefly "somo do it with a watering pot, others prefer a hose." That doubtless represents fairly the city idea of this subject. As well might tho editor reply to a question what to cut, by saying "that soiuo uso imilo und fork, otbers a spoon, uud tho Chinese know how to do the trick with their absurd chop sticks." Older than any of these was using ouly tbo fingers, which an old adage hays, "were made before knives and folks" The art of watering plants cannot be discussed in two lines, if justice is doiio to tho subject. Dous ing water on the surface with either hose or watering pots helps to com pact the surface nud exclude air. Ia heavy soil, when tho water so poured uu dries ol)', a hurd crust is formed from tho evaporation ou tho surface. If, on tbo other baud, the soil is all the time saturated with water, this exc.il les air and bumie nci I is formed in the soil, which is poisonous to the roots of ull plants, except mosses, ferns und lichens The proji.-r way to wet plants is from beneath, the water ris ing in the soil, and the surface being cultivated to keep it from evaporating too rapidly. Iu the flower po, tho plant is best watered by filling the saucer in which it stands with wuter uutil the so. I near to the sin f ice is moist. It is better not to huve the sui face soil moi.-.t iu pots fur house plants iu w inter, for if it is chilled, ns must often be the fact, the more water iu tiio soil near tho stirtueo the more the puuit wui suner. A good way to water limi-io plants or plants out of doors is to dibble little holes near tho plant and partly fill them with water. Then level tho sur fuc.?, filling tbo holes, keeping the sur face soil loose bo as to prevent (:vapo ration as much us possible. Boston Cultivator. winter rnoTF.i rios ron small vitriTs. Not a weed .should be left iu the berry garden l.jis full. Destroy nox ious weeds and iu ect eegi by burning nil weeds, dead brush and vines thus sAviug much labor another suasou. Let the ground be c'.eau a:i I apply a liberal dressing of lii:o manure over the entire sutlaee. Winter protection is nu absoluto uec .Bsily for growing small fuits sue cessfully in a uuit leru climate. It should be practiced m every locality where the temperature reaches zjio or below. Even iu localities where plants show no injury, uud umong those considered most har.ly, tho vi tality is often ulT-cted nnd tbo succeed ing crop very much reduced. The best winter protection for bluck berries, raspberries nud grapes consists laying them down aud covering lightly with dut. If plautu have been well mulched iu summer with greea clover, cleau straw or coarse manure, as they should be.less d:r. is required by using this mulching. Iu laying plants down (the row ruuuiug north and south,) commence ut the north cud, remove the dirt from tbo north side of tho liiil about four inches deep ; gather the brauches iu close form with a wide loll;, raisiug it toward thetopof the bush und press geutly to tho north, id tho samo time pluciug the foot lin ily on tbo baso of the hill, aud press hard toward the north. If the groan I is hard or bushes old, a second man may uso ft potato fork instead of the foot, insert ing same deeply elo.-o to south side of hid, and press over slowly, bending tho bush iu the root, until nearly flat ou the ground. The busu is then bold down with tho wide fork until projior lv covered. Tbo top of succeeding bill should rest near tho base of pre ceding hill, thus makiug n continuous covering. Tins process is nn impor tant cue, but istasiiy acquired with ft little practice. Iu tho spring remove tho dirt care fully with a fork, and slowly raise the bush. With hardly varieties, and iu mild winters, sufticieiit protection may be had by laying down and covering the tips ouly. drupes beiuji mote flexi ble, arc laid down without removal of dirt near tho vine. There is no moro important work on tho fruit farm, or garden, than winter protection, uud there is im work uioro generally neglected. Let it be done thoroughly, uftur frost havo come, oud before u inter eet it. Farm, Fioid and Fireside,