( $j&2 (fihaihani uwc i . . ii i. .. i 1 1, .. lift! a wi ii iv ;li! tho L.'ir.liiiut'0, a. us iipi'-'- " ajaa-s-" -L " j to curtain nom, mi l not givo tv)!. ! I 1 NiVHSDU. UKVK1BSK U.M9C. j tb0 pooplo. Ab..,u ...!. v.-oil; , , - - for llo l.- ',;i!itiu-:. t. .1... t is :. H. A. LONDON. Editoi !cal i:i Merry titrhtisuw I juuiwd : '-a-.i , 1 Tomorrow is Christmas"! Such is 'of a puboo pr : ; ' ' ' - ' (1,0 joyous exclamation today of , the i.f.i -e 11 ' , ":. many a happy child, who in ca.ji-.lj ;r:io.. I'm"...- a-.;.....! ''" u.ul impatiently awaitiug the hp-;lc 1!lti;,l';l :! '.' piestday of all the year. Am! to-1 1 u :..!,, .. i:.; ; 1 ' '; ' V. ',' . night with pleasure inxpvoKsihle, id. ad ' '. fhroaghoiiUU Chrut!md..m, the hap y t.t:. - ' '' V Aviv-v pV children will hang up their sioe'.v- : Aim! . o - ' " ' ' inland reluctant y go to Ivd deter ; ' ho p -! - - "l;'.,, mined to sleep with one eye open , .u'oo..-.l ' : " ' . !;'.M";'t as watch old Santa Ciaua us :t- d; : ",J ' '''7';'' j, T ,., . tributes his gift. And thon ear l.v in : 'Kv " ' ''j" ""l " ;.;'. tho morning with wh.i' fr.vii lit- j -y ' (! ' J " fnA .iimiMliflS will thl'V bo'.IHeO I'ti! i'i '...ii'U .i tUoir 'Suds' -and seiaj th. oot:t 1 o' 11 ;' their well filed slo;-kin.-: ! V:. , j " ' would not wish t) boa cli i 1 : ' '''' , " . on Clribt:nas morn? And . : ' ; ' ,' ( heart is so hard a not to he '' ' " ' ' ' ' By such disjiityjft.i'cliil I'l'". ..!'' ' " But it is not to the c'.ii Iron l;1!-';!1'', '' .(hat Unrtsimas unn n ,i pleasures, for ni-.m and wo-vu-n :vr but grown up uliildrvi:. nnd t lUf:'. a'ao is Christmas iha r.io.tt. jMyi.-...-. .a sort ol the year, 'i'iiut n, , nr.it ! v hurifenod ir.i!i-ivl li-st than ?i ;i :v. in whose 'iiMl'M' naiuvt- i.. no-. ;;. Vi ':is!iini;ioii l.tittT. t i;i K'.. .'Wl ''. I Oar Stiito I'harMliw. K,a.-iu o ...;. M lout o: i .i ow.rjr , 1 in' Sl.i'.o ilo.s-'. ll, l lllii Cl'illl! -.1 l . v M l!l! i Hi!; .1:1. I!',):.', i. i'i i i K.il'.nts t 'i :, ., .' . I'... U : i ..'..I o I T.-'ol'i. (.. . I'd- Tuo body of t'-.i-vii.;; i Isto tin;1' -riii'.t n- Vvy . . , I iv i. !i: i.i :i V. Hid W t'.i.uitaij iiJii! lj ,,j ii,,. l.a. i . i-miiiiy )i-ti;i'i-:ty, L, ; pritH;ij)-:t tv t, i;ri-V.-.i 111 l.:.-i.t t:-u.-leiy u; :.;i:;,;il of I In) t, . tj ... ..(l.., i.ooo. lMl,i:' iHiil. t- '' .'imv.! v.ai !...;... u I.'.'." -d ,...!" 11!.' i,., !y .v.-.i. T.:.J 111 iMJil-.t 'I - :.. , . :,: ; '. i ' 1 ;:! iiv.u 1 . : I . t m$ & v i I.. . f;. A..: C. 1. .1 .; I.-., ! ' i. . .:i i.ii ... i" A to I h l t WISH A ' "r "-"si r, ' "V. S. ''La. - .1 LJ: -A YOU - ? IS ? i V i 'v. "'I S s i i .-1 Hi .vi-U-ii s:i'.! .'.. :ii III. wir i ! ' . .;div : .v.'ii .'i . ;.' ! ! . '.' .!,.- W. ' i ';'. I'.' 1 ,i i .' n-er. ' . ... w Ii ... - : . ;. I '. '7. " I"-' 1 " ;.. , - . Y; !".- ! YK3 One Now Sell 1 ! o,' ! beart is not .'- .':f l-y iin happy and hi:nvK.i,v v.; ::' ' i'Wj-i ot the 'Say om v'.:.-:i ,''.'!,'' mainoratcd tiu-n.itiviiy oi i.;s i .-. d -Saviour. Yvj, it t.'.is j-u o".s u '.' ; u: mas-tide all tin) h.mv! i,vv-' ' n-. .... . skin heal t goes out li. u: --u' ;' ,;s . are exchanged, ki;:diy W -:!:- '' j.,': ' . Woiiiott'd, prej'.i iii'.'- and evi-i t''1. .... are for tho while .-r-"-tV-:'. r.i:! . . buried (and oh! w.;';'.d th-t ti. y ..).; oould ever remain !".;: n ' ' ; l; ' buried) and :-!l "'! :- ' ! to obey the tm-.sag. pr . liftu d y . , . . tho Angelic hoss !o :y.: '.:!' . .. . . of old, "Pofti-C on flriii :" will towards tr-tr."! What a pity that t':o !;i:.d.y U ings aroused at Chi i i'is -lo m' , uontinue ail the jearS W in.", a h'.-t ; . tor wo:l 1 tliirt would h,-. and I : ;- much happier vto wmild nil i't i : 1 '' ' 1 To each and all its ivad -.!) t'.:.' u Hecobo comes w th i!. Chn-'ttr..':- i,. . - ,. . greetings and wi.-!if.-i f,T i. and all, a very Mkimiy i 'ii;i!-t-!a-' . JcaTfa year j-.go, when the A -sot. ' can Jiooplo were about t i'io.v t:.- . , .. pleasures of Vis joy.us t'.;.. :-'..!i:.s- . . , ; , tide, they were diiopiiet.-.l with i-.-:.i ars of war beloveeu tho L' niteii Si:.'.e- . -j i .: -and Great liritain about tho Vei- "' ' ' ' '' ezuola boundary question. And 1.1 v 5 .. , '. again at this Christmas when a'l Ghrlatondorn celebrates the i:ati-.itv . : .. Of tho Prince ol Pt-atv come the " disquietiuir rumors of war tl.reateu- ' . ' ed between tho L'nitcd Stales ai.d :i' ,, ; Spain about tho iiidepondcr.ee I , ,. , Cuba. We sincerely tru', and v.v i r. believe, that these ni-m-rs w.l: be ,-.. " r p unfounded us were those I ist Chri.it ; ' j" , ; ' mas, and that the tLreutoiied war l a ' with Spain will be averted as hon- . , orubly to this country as was the pr -! fhreafoiieu war wit'u il.igland. : " ' ' ' If u war with Spain is averied 't ; ' will be due ch icily t-J tho w:-2 and .., oinservative stand taken by our ; p.- i,:-. much abused I'l-csident, who isd... f- i .1 playing in this vexed Cuban tion the earns wise stan s-nan- ' ' ,. with which be so .successfully ar.. , honorably settled the eiu.u . i. question. The Senate, bow.-wr. ' '; eeoma roady to prijclaim war at :. , for of course an acknowledginent ! j , . the independence of th1 np. t .'n-.-.i ; . ;:: , "liepublic of Cuba" would bo n - ;- : sented by Spain as a d-:!.uv;.ii--'i ! war. Wo are pleased to j.'i:e t .' t'n House is more coiisiu'va; .v i than the Senate and is not .-: lvibi I for tup with all its urn bio v.i 'i.ieo-?.jv i lie peopio 01 m .; 1 111 ,... I i v '-; .. :i- ... ii. owl ' -l ':: Ii : i- n: ilv, I .11 ):'.', iilit'.idv .loao. ..'. ,;, omr. 0 ol. ., ,',ny I ' ! 1 l: , v, e oil : : " . t l.il':.c pi i ,'. H: I. " . ( : X V. . 1 .s p ' to- i po : " 'i ''.' 1 ':"' : ,.. .1 i U , . I. Hi I'.'; : . . ' ' I I t:' !' 1 1 . :. .0, I,, 1 . . a ' mie- Jackets At Pri?ne Cost for A New Year Pres :. : v. 11 I i ! . i - .l:.;iGTRAiH5,' V:-1-'- ':-'reOU?3iE DAILY SEUY1CE To 'v- York. .V : !;h:!; iiirlMUMii!, Norfolk, .V.d. :'iS i -iuio NUHTIl and , H'TII. ' rraw Leave Pitts- )(i.-;i.m. n20p. m !rta Ars-iva at Titts- 1 ! : n rn, 5 2.1) p rn. -.'ii- Pip. ' a ,, - , 1 : :.' I i - iAiiil;; j-i.i.,! v:. Il.'ol.J I - i w .. i - - a - - - - I ,; f.i s ;i: XiM'. :. ?. s y. y. RAILWAY. Cr:i-l?j:r,el Cchorlulo. I. H N. tt o.l er 15bt 1S9I7. : I;. .-:.!-. N. 2 I) All T . 11 I an - i i A ' :f in ' o- tPo pr n joy in iiit" : . ii i t i io Ii 1. ;' '.t'-finr.ti' :-:.:l .1 V. :.n.-i.,i'..: n :i-'iM. lt.iXI ' II It 11 it " 1.(10 9. m 1 o t " I II I . " 5 " No 1. riMt.T. ' I.4S . m. ! 1111 " 1 U 3 5 4 St 11 " .101, 1 . i i , ,;i;i!:c it uf'a. t 1 ,;- v ;i. ii-v ' ! , a A .'i '.: ! I it i . .. . 1 !o i ; tPu ' r:p- ! 0 o ' .'4 ':;;"' . !Pi;oa 10, i C' b o:'', bi.io I o. y j! ii- pur. ;n !''. .-.oii-o a. i 1 It in s.,p: 1.; ,t u..' .i: ' f i:.'- ; ! t;. .virii'.'ii- f-.r i- !' n o s. t . .' n C-!o':i" 1 a'i i ''' ' ! ' '' ' ' 1 ! . th.. o.v: :-v. I: i 11. v kill :. t I . 11 , C ielan 1 i. vv'.i' '. aro ;-.!. ,: , bout l'oify mil- s i- ' ' '' . - ' l'.;u iuilc-3 fro.ii V. 1 c;.:-. I.. .'o 'itus-s ..avo had enough ot war ; n -i ( 1, , 11s iar reacuiug ousi't, ao v. it is probable that tho men, wb now harangue so violently l"r war, noiirhbors and friends hi" what estranged. To sueh we would 1,0 o , T ,; , .. P- r of ,.- . .! -4 v...:, ; !,! ; ',;. ill I i :.' 0 l!.-:'i t,o.-. .... .,,!:;!. o.v id it.'o ..i'i.t-1 IV.' Ii''. V 1 uv. li 1 :: '' 'l:' "-''' o ' y v.Pv -V.;. :.r..i M.-.i..5 ......v.: i- .., j , .Itoi'vvii' -V t...? IV. ,.!.-.:, I.. I" .-I 1. o l-i ,, j,1, , , .. . in 1 viiiill,:. f:oi 1 !o in o. ;i i ;o-'o iii i -io I i ' "I : t' r ' u " -' "' : ,'.. ,.,.,,... ., 1 ...,.'. . A.i ii. mi.-; 11; o- i' 1 u.:i: 1 pot anxious o n!ju:; .... .w. . ... .i.,-.. : , . , .,, war. And it there should be a war would Um d" p ':"' ,,,,. :u d I.-:-. i: '! '.! " ' ; - :" " : ; ! ' ' ' ' v. r, v I - !v i-.-'ivM-. v,-. ' y .:. 1 ' ;. P' , would do tho least fighting, just;' t , ..,- t'loy b -Pm : t .-- i '.!-:! 1 -'.v ' ' ' " was tho case fn 1SC1 ! ': I'-'i ''''' ' '' ' ''' w' ' ,S .' r.":'V Dcrixo the heat and cxciteno'M , ...... i.a;.py ri-i ",;.; .' iii"i.i' ' . - ... 1:. ,.,..!.. 111 n , v c i. '. ii' - a'ri -:..i:o.-o ,'..o, -v. i.. ' 1 ' " Ol mo iaie iimivji j'. j. -j i . . .1 , , , v.'-'''p w ii i:-: h.n -' I ! ! I I-. ; ,. ... I.'. II' ' 'I . ,o,-C I i.v l'-' respectfully suggest that now is a i-.-. ('!,: ' pi -.'a.-n-:. i!'w .. ' good time to 20t.l oil and bi ')' a l''- e-'i'i ' b- js- ! : ouod ..'. C:;r,-.. e . .'.i o f 6 . , (I . I'," il o-n n.'V.-.S ,'t s I; r I ! I Ol t.-!' U oonciled, atattmo when -g'"d-wi.l : v 'p,: ,.';, ,, , s iU, ,, ,., ,,. , ,..iV.,, ..; towards all men" should prevail aiol W) ;u,.j ;f (. , overy -p.f.' :.:.d l..w r.i:u.-..l i - i.a' w. : bi t! man's noblest qnabties intlu.'iico I. is t-.T i ;h: ,-; na I'M- .-h "i .t il i:o.;.i. V.'.-.i .-.. .io-..v in.-.o.ni . i ) ir.' t'.i. toi:.a;-.:b',s ,vni id th-it .It,M Mr. li.-K .- i; 1 .Hi -'.i. iwoarotiMH ivj.'i"- in Hi-., w n v vo,,: .1 !,- lu-u i-i-m L r ( " ' b-f. i :,. ,.! mowrallv nt't-' We all lonif and p; av f.r v'-.n-'ian od. u :i.-pr thinking more .i ... i I. r. I . . ort'.,v,l r.-li.t to 1 ... 1 S'. AV.'iV l'i'-!i V l.l t'n- I " ':; 1118 WUIiail!", lumi w 1)1 I ill I'1':'! .....- our owii.countrvaud people. ) 1'ravm-ti bl.- o,:: upon ; on. p ., Iwk .uio .f..;. J i my .i.-ar b.vt.ii'i-ii. and upon ml "iiip . o-. i.a-' o.v- ' i" Tni Pronrossive Farmsr eaya that ,;.,,, i i.d a4-ins: your h.,,'ian b.. ueid out of !.'! n p"-m . , . !... r .... ,,l..,i r lo,.- 1 1. : -t i.r.'S- 1 Iv" Senator Fntcbud -Ua. - - . j( . v course recett'y that docs not cut., le r , ,;ur C();,n sl,..ii M-s. Cioa.I tn much consi Jartion ... ' ntsnnlu who Ctili'-iOl L.i hu!0 ; t I ! A Miti-iyi- 'ii I:C;y. " 1 o.k 1 , Hsu N V . ' '- - I. i! 11 t's :v f.'liuty, Ala., b: ten' : -'' . ,, p.. i;h. iitwless t-icis. i.l wi o :';"',;- of ll:-' I'-V !!:': no io'- !": Li"o:: A V.'.n.o; i.. wsp-p-'i m i nr. I -- ; lh. ', i ; r...-- ;, t'l "' f ' J t , I !:.(!..!'. I., .v. .' .' it'll 1 :.-.. I . I -o ri'.v' 1 (', v. V l. Al illi" li. l.I.l"! ' 1.1 .:. :s I.i-o.-i ton-pur I , .., oi.,,;1,x .-it ,v .r. ( w-l .ro '' : I . ,f I,:-, l l !..-. ... !.,. ';. ! .' P. ,-. ci.n ' 'i v ,. ,.,,,1 , ; :'.-. 'r ti'id m i. a'.i . ;' ' ! or u ' ' ' .'..':.. n t . I. i ! i o" 'nil n:i ii '!'! ' -' .1 . i;r. . n it:. - .i i :.u I .1 ', ii.-' l. .' In.' I ,.,-i'n.i I ',,'.1! u s !. 'iio r .i , i, . , . . M '! I .1 I! '! ii -. .! ,;i . u ,, ,. .' ... .... "' ! I:, ' ! :-5 !' 1" 1 .1 I. r '. l ll "..'. I . I . . M ... .. 1 -l I ... ... w. o, i,;;. in-. : ' ' ...... ..-.'..".mi - u ... 1 1 :ii- I.. .. . ;!. ,i l I Al . , : . . o mi l " :i i; I'M). i.i.r... ur M:. 4 DA II T. " H S . M Sl ' t to ' 1 l( " 11 1 " ll p' Xo. 3. taii.t. '( p M 4 4 " 4 t ' " " n " '. "No 11. VI i4 rtly Ft. bHBiInc 4N. m. 8 St " II Hi 11 HT It H 'J No 15. llf. DI!t Ko'pt odnf . 1 p m. 1 VI " a 4.1 i - 4 IS 6 M ' loi . . ,. :. i . I iH-i.l ; ii.!-.-" i." u .- II 1 ft.. ., I, .IO.;' !.'! r'l C O " VI', Oi. .1 I ,o, O ! - 1,1 Ill (.;,; M IS a1.. . " ! b t do:', cms io Coiina d . i : nil -i.j ' !.d..-rv.". a il C!.'ii'l na -el i roi o j t 1 c, 1 i' -'-.I'. i.l 41 lh" .---. i. I : . i ; . r- it . i . i iun s Fuis n noopio generally an-, "- . . , e ab.ut tho trouble, of -V l'', i,; ''x:;: i'. o, ' K -V i : ro anxious to relieve t ) ri.Jlitl, ;,v (pa-iM '.uis day in the ii!.- ,,; .-;.. .-1 .-j' 1. - v. I iiO 'i'V HI H o i i.iv i ni- i nt . .' ..i' .!.'. s. 1 ..: oo ,'. i' wil. !)' v.-. i i it,'i. '.;,d t-i i' wn ii rs o.:,) 1:01101! if 11 i co Cure AH Liver Ilk ,- 1:111 I',- it; mi rosiuoi'i ,1 11 , or vliln villi .VIhi-ho fcmi I.lB tit oH p I..'.. "l b ..u-1 C.i', ioi-I S..fw4 ltt lh , n-.i.l Air l.l'.r, M ot-.-u.lro Wll U BBllle :,:,i iv :. ,'. ::i ny. a' w.iluu'. iv wit o i',.i, i vc.i 'i u uiu't'oi for Wtatu-ale. So'.Til IIOiTJiD eaNMMWiWI. 1 ...-.., ... r. B:l,.,u, ,.,,VB wh- , n,(.k fc Whim B ... ;, lilv t iM , 4, t r l-..mi.'k nii.l pMnt North WM,M - 1 ,1 n.ii ... or,-. .r.. IUi Min 'Uihorn niJ1r Owpr ' 1, l.nl. :i.'l. HI. IIHI-.O! .ill'l U Vw na ! -i . ..-.I '. . 1 ,v.,-i.,, villi, won iM AvicnMe reus t-Aw- l'UI.1" ll'. 'I)' I .f .11 I ..ilUK . H i'. ' MIJI l "" -"- . .. . ,.. ,, 1. in,. i.i' 1 ! 4iin .! :'-i' '.. .V '1 :tnl " H " ' U: 1; I: I'i c: .... V ( jl? 1... I I in ny ii 00 T:-. ' ( -. ' l.b .! . '.. !..: (Vi v 00- . lUleocii. X C . Djc. I'd, lo'Jo. ! t c i.tiicd .:. oi.io u-U.l iA o . . i b..;o. O . 1 I-' l''l !.t. ) K. Vi-C". : iP in ti, ding.'-t-.e oi '.'irfu-i ,v i'o:" s :: l;c Pi.Moi, 1:1 iPiM ),iii.-ihi. To ni! rCi 1: ;i,.,ii ,'is lo v- v... I ': oi i' "' , . ., . ... ii.. ... 1. -, . nr. . ... . ' 1 V 1. ,l i I O, I I.l . . . , ' ' .' his .i-.l to ioiij i..'.'j t. ij I ZL SuiV'Ci a cauce uf Lis ib u.l. I . - . 1 . w I'lF.nve ii 00 h (i; -.clfrs' bill'' ,M.vui;ti'-.-:yn:ror.Uliscascs j sts -n-' ! ii vcr or bowels. ' '','V'..'T; cl:k.-5 Assertion ';:;:;,!' . v,.-cp.''- onJorsc ,.1 1 e . .1 :.. ll,.- 1 11 .1 r .lail'.i. il.u' r..' 1 ! I- 1.1 I .(. .. . I t le..' -.. a. .1 ' )!i V. .-.'iisii'i"!. Bi.il a rt- r:.i h,o-i!,.,-i( .-tario.i fur M jkmti rct. si j wl "i-. V'iVm i!.'nt lu tnno llwu rri'.HP from Winl.ln?!.n. ... . 'mj.'.-!. -irri':.5( ur wah ""T 1 ti.,.i We lvn, i," mi'.'l r r"1. (r i tl . ". On.- fee- n.il i'.w 1:11 t-n't'Ot in . i r-n-HLf r. " H ,' 10 "M? jPate;'.-,'2 run.."' "i t.-n!. sii.'i m J 1 j lowu, 11'- .,..r"i 'ILLS I'd. 10, 1 ; p lugged'