l)c vCljnthnm Ucrovu. BATES OF ADVERTISING Que enuuro, one im . rlinn $1.00 One upline, two inu i tiotis. ... 1.50 Ono fiij'i&re, o:o moijib 2.50 Fur larger n HeitisemciiU liberal ccutruets u nl be idii'Il. EDITOR AND PKOPPV' TOIX TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, St icily in Advance. VOL XIX. PITTSIiORO, CHATHAM COUNTY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 189C NO. 18. 2f! i1 I J u L It ' s p I? If THREE IN A Story BY W. CLARK RUSSELL. rnrTrni. It lsnncp's-olo of ocean Pro, now a good many ,car.soli; I ut human ua turo was the f ame tl.cn ns it is now, and, Indeed, t'io oldo.- I .mow tbo ia re I find huniiiu nature tha 6r.n;c now as i: wa3 j then. ! Business had carried ire to iho Ent Indies. I lnd vititcd Mr. b us, whence I bad p'oeecdod to Cnleiu'p, nnd from Cab ut.a I had rr.fttlo my way to riiiiigoon. I stayed :n Hint phi en n -n'h, by v.-I.l h lime my health i al su.Yerod so grca.ly from tile climnto th t X male up my mind to return to Hucpo cpo Hi a sailing ibiptbi-tl iid-bisppu'i many long we iks oaicng the fr s-h iceis of iho sea aid got all the benefit I eon 11 cut of the in cessant r bailees if dmato mIi.c!i u voyage town tbo Indian Ocean Mid round tbo Cnpflof f end Ho; o uu 1 t.p ihi Atlantic provides you w.tn. There was a t;l:-il"d slii!) lyinj r.t Ttan.snon. called tb" Kiddy MiT'ouua!. I X'1 nob. b m as was a teiMi'to all wrong lieard, tb.it would suit my i ov. n ;iiee, . ,ifM.r don in the Vest Indian wnfoif, and in sho lo. !i,: ci a C'uiiio.'a'iJo, stou', 1 jj0 ecu dn'r lor.d or wide, but ho was a idili. I in uiivd t o nan.e of iho Pfjint, 1 c;lj t,;jn j til0 tloyal Navy for all that, ral rd tii n b in nnd us ed if 1 coubi f.'ft a you n.uv hascirtain by eoiitUliiun h pt fcii,'o to Knpci.vid l y Ids vc-fef'. lio tho'Atlmirultv lists of bis .ny. liis not nnw ied "Y":." tbo was lounltu Lo .don; flu ut' not a i a!( njt'T frhip. It it tbo i a tain would l o !o tit bo pl.i 1 io at' ot.iiro.iHt iiio with a eni!n. 'i. he rliai"(? would lo o itiM- b. I torxflf tbn figui'i', I u . treo loot ibn! It wus luo lei--a e, i-oim-thli!;,' sburt .f '. I". l or t i ' money 1 w.u to Hv i n t-n -b )rov-:&!r.ju ns wore &i i ved up at the hi tain's tiiUo. 1 ut t lie sp rits r.u I wino 1 uiii'.b. neo I L tinist n;yst-li lay n. Nex-- dry 1 wont nlM-.nil tiie fiddv McDotiR.-il to ii:s. ee; hrreaMn a"com nioda'ioii. (. u L-li:i.l'i.-::: ov.-r the rr..i:;r way 1 was tceeiwd ly a tail, l it -r pood-bci'iiiit,' ns mi , w.lb a l.i rernal-!:-ai.-lo foriif e .) r.'Sdim of M iiiiii-m. Hi. filt.n win Ma l;i no 1 1 y i iroMi'o '. nm and w. a'li' i-, and mi vlii r .-d.i lo ; dyo would linn iju 1 I hiiii in pas for a n.it.v,-. Ho l.o'Un' l f.s ho -r.nvy-fd mo, and inTiiioi n.y lus.i.iSi m brnr I. "1 am coins to rnalnml in ilii r,'. ip." I Enid, "ami I luie come to foo w.mt fort of a caliiii 1 am to cli eo n. ' "Oil, I 1 e t ardou: " lie exciaimd, but without K!a li--; hif Mem f Xj ressdiui. "I tboiiciil" ll" bro!.c o'l' i.n I inu'ititd bebin I Tii-5 tee b. "Who are you.-" said I; "the mn'.o?" "So, sir, 1 am tbn caput n." ".ib, it-.dced:'' I csoaiim.d. 'Tr.iy, what nanm;" "Mr. Vilfon," bo aiuw, re b "It Is a fatliion onion, Ibc. nn.ivliai.t :c.uhii who oldain eoniuiai d to &ivlo 'bou.- helves i aptaiu. It i a p ceo of linic tinfin n. J in c n v cm tains at fi',1 urn In tho voval nav -. A ii.enbant f-Ulpper "Aio you the stewa-d?" snld I. Is amiis:er maiin r. All merchant cap- "I waiia u, on tbo Capiaiu," ho au- tains are mittori. I am plain W iU j swered. to:t. at your si-n-i-e, s i.'- j "'Iho Captain?" I c laired. Ho epoko wiih ei n-idoiallo be,-.f, but "i apt. 1 iineli. f r." said ho. I was wdiiiic ti nttiii.iitc bis temper io it b all light, to tar as Ttinch the weatlnr, which w,n ortaii.ly vei-.- poos-," tl.ou;-ht. T: and that follow 11 trying. And then, figa n, men m'-At .-oa K I tiio. 1J hap; en to meet lum! havo given him trouiilo, lor iiuiuerous ' ' '13 ibo.e u regular hteward . " I nl;ed. and deep are tin w iTio3 and anb !io.i "I does all th.o wa ting at this here of tho Uiiti-h sliltuiwter. Much ii ex- labl ," a i-wor h1 tho youu.j follow, peeled of him ami li.tlo is riven. !lh i n this 1 to d him 'hut 1 was the pas crow is slend r and uno.-, id; it chai'-o ten-o:-, I ado him s o that n y cabin was upon lum every cutr. go 1bat In peri e- eloaii and coarorui'ilo and in leanness tnt dby iho ow..er, anl often v,c u d ' for me, flipped a low rupees into h s Iho men be g ad to cut his throat b loio , band, und, a to b o'.;iug nt ir.y pur-llr-' land is out of s.ght; bo has no pro- cb ii. s, voiu nod on deck, fieslrmal prospect a, and when nf last ho Xuo eapta n told mo that tho sMp runs hia tuip a-hoio or loses her in aiwo.il certainly fa I on tho following galo of wind or by tbo and is compo led I V.'cdm 6da.-, ut some hour in the after ly a court of in' iiiry to wiiiuliuw vo n I noon, ami ba.U mo V' on board not lator Hie vocation winch ho 1ms ruvaiio b it i not adorned, n an nn I boy, for rorhars forty years, tbo:-o Is no otiier po: t under his loo for him to I ring up in than iho establishment "t Ee.vedere, w hich, 1 1 o gret io f-ay, U always in want of funds nn.i always ineonwnb nth- full. Tluriforo it was ih.twh u Mr. V'il eon spoko with h at about f-hlp-ni.n-ters ttyling th ms Ives captain) I ruado "nllowan ej."ns t!i phraso go s, and, after bnei y aquies; lug in his vlowo. re cucaicd to bo allowed to sue tho cab n iha agent had offered n.c I viewed that cabin, and Unii d it e na'.l and iil llgbtcd. bur, en th . whol , it w u a bet ter cabin than I bad expected to i ml on board such a t-h'w as the Mody MeUou- gal. II he s'nteio on, in which tho niea:s were taken, was a tolera ly cheerful in terior, very plainly lurnl-hol, with u larco ekyllfht over .ho table, a sto.o for cold weather, a lamp, a clo k in Uu sky light, and a b! t io o?co4)o in tho com-runlon-wny. llu'vo were thro i cai. ns toiward nu l two cab ns nbalt. My rablu was forward, on tho starboard ide. Mr. VTilfou and I went en deck, anil we stood conviis i!' a while under iho shelter o: nu au 113. 1 inquired r.b 10 the nurubor of the 1 rev, tuo linieiiio thip hai oocuplcd In nuking the rut- wiir.l t)ns-nc. mid -n on. ami then w, nt i ashore, un loi stand im that tho e.rfel : wi uld not snll tor iii'otlu r week. Taree days later I paid afeeojid visit to tho f-lup, for ny this time 1 had puv- rlmieil wi.nt. T nn,.fl.,l nti,l I M-i-li (1 1r sou whero tho cases end parcels na I ' wuito tear I nnd wii skera running down loen stowel On Mepp.ug i n loar lljbis elucl.s i.n lcr his throat, a nour ; behold nn immensely steir, ved-laeo I I n o nil nud a dry iw.st of laei. which, man w.ih a wh to straw hat em bis bead. I rounding Into ono rye mado it loou ! dressed in wli to drill, seat -U in a rbair i su.tiller than in other. As i had not with poles atia bed to it under tbo Mi on 1 yet mo 1I.0 ma-e oi Iho f-hip. I supposed awn ng, which i-hollered a port on oi tho that this man mutit be the oilieer. nud, quarter-deck. Two or three enh rs w.jo an. louching him I faid; lounging iu tho fi ro part ef tbo ship. I "Are ..oil t o mate.-' there was no wo k an aivi.tiv do ng. I I "No," ho rnsweied. leisurely bringing looked for Mr. ilfon, tho mas'oi , an I I bis eyes (lowu ttoiu nlo;t an I fasteuiU4 toeing no'h'ng of h.ni, 1 directed i, y , 'hem upon me. "I n n r.eitl eribe mate eyes in search of any man w b i migut mn-the man that cooks the mate." resemble the mate. " W ho aie youV" taid I. uetibvl by bis "Pray, want'ti vo'ir business" cnlle 1 ; brusque innniier. nut tho stem', le'd-iaci d man, without I "Who am ou, first of nil?" bo nn- tt n ptlng to rise swered. "I w.sdi to see the capiain," said t. 1 "I'm a passenger going homo Id Iho "W til; vou arc looking at him," he nn- Pdddy M. l mgal." frWPicd. IIIs manner change I. I nsk your I do' not fee him," I exclaimed, easl- ' pardon," siid be: "1 o.o' yon to be un Ing my gaze urouml. i o h r gent; tome one I don't want to "Why, bo can't be ns 1 1 in I ns nil l ave ro bii mere to tny to. iou'ro tv,.if " eiici tli. i Blunt, led fae. d man. in a i oisy, roaring, yet urcasy xo.ee.w ln. h lie foilw,d on with a ue, cit-ioii of; hearty cbu kles. I 1 wunt to s o IliO cailain." said 1,1 fi cling much too hot and tired t bo' mrde a fool ed' by a r gii, t-h q eio-i, red faced lu-np of a mini -uch as va- ho who ga;te I at me out of a pair of l't , i weak, n.i'Ut. blue cy,s, in 'no mid.-t , of a coiin'.onanee tit round uml imlii'iied 1 as the eiewiv risen Xovail" r mi nn tet It full. ' I CHARGE." of the Sea. I am tho cnpla'n." sa'd be. "What Is your iiamo." tald t, op pron-dilng him. "( not. Timothy rench," ho auewored. "What 13 jo ;r basins s, tirV I In orrr.o I h'm that I had take n a pavngo ia tholii.ldy HcDougul for Eng Lnd. "Oh, you're the gent!" ho cried, on l his maimer immediately becamo to fpeetful. " You'll cxeuso ma for rut rising. I'm lu 1 to the baches with gout, and pM:i ain t going to lm prow tbo manners of a P'a n salo?. If Pin a hit ich-m in niv snoo.h you'll CX- cu,0 m, Cnu I o :cr ve, lr." yctlitn.t. I thank you." "A bh p s fo'.t tio was my colles?"," ho roiriuued, fiiv.upc expression to bis cn : yinont(f the ma'ioro.' LU speo:h by a ive?3:o:i of tilly chuck'.os, "and I tonics iioni u rouch s o k-, sir. le may i ..v. of ilm limnm Cart. John te.iitf nldo to wr.to was ro'.iien; but his not l ein,' ub!o io read win a bit Incon venient now an I auc.in. as for insta eo, v. lii-ii ho w.to i ( nt away under sea'o 1 oi.'.ors, or when bo il i,vt an oillcial let ter n a: Ued 'Conll 'en: inl,' the lnsido of wuich ho was to been i-tiiclly seer, t." Jlo wa proei edlng, but I cut the gar villous, wheezy ol 1 man ehori. 'I lif.v lal.ii it." fad I, "that fhero l,.,l i'iiii fr.'f b c.-i!',a:n uppoin'nd to j Hi s f-hlu sine-.' 1 vbltid bcr a low dnya i.-" ' "You inavia'.n it,"lienolily wheoed, I "iba- tho cap a n of tli's !iip H l'imo- ! iby runoh. Ho I lou b tho Hid ly Ml-- j lumbal out dirt h"'& .aoiug lo tubo tho j r.idd.v iel oii 'al home." I vii'wo.l It villi aonisivent, but hid I ii y tongue, ncv,v doiihi iny that the "Mr. V, il-on" w,,oiii I bad met and wr.o n,i;;!i! liiiv,- hnppuiic'l lo lv on lioiir l a a (jne-t or a a Hiftbtsef r when I ar. lv d, bad n i ria nod blm-olf nt my expense, by a deb1 ei.YO falscbo nl. t'it. t Vi n .h ,,!iln ;ii,,l.iffi7A.1 fi-ir nol lc, iiir aide ri.'e, yet made an elio t io j tin- in his rmnr lo.-ii')o:h r purpose, ln w Vi.r, thai- I could seo than to loreo a ih.it founded like an execration, ho toll mo that my private si oek of wii o nn 1 the o lo r ma-t' is I ha 1 la d In were s.uf,.y b uo I in tho b rth adjoin in.ij mine, a bi-rh ih.it was tino rupifd, and was. ibereioi-'1. at my service, as y; '. as iho cabin I had pal I lo.-. Xover-ibeh-e-i. 1 weir bolow to ma'te sure. In j the cabin I lound a ynuuj tclbwclo:in- lliU Some CI it-acr". man nine. We ought to ha' go' awav three weeks ngo, lio exclaimed; it sail a:ongriftho l imgoon po t author ties, n9 they call tho.ui?elvi a. tv. ry mlvebng civature w.ioso dirty little soul li wrappei up ia u white hldo is a boas iu this flamiug coun ry, and the inov- sniveling ho la nud tho dirtier the little toal what's wrupped up In him tho more a.'grarating rioei lio go 10 work in h s bos?iug jots. I'lineh knoivs 'em. Thcy'v,.' got Punch's hump u; olten enough, nnd luclsy it ia for ihofo hero port uut.oritles that l'unoh aiu't uo longer tho nmu ho wa," and hero ho looked at his iniaicn-e, ( uly lists, then fastened Ids eyes slg- liibcautly uiou Id b.oated, floeiulugiy helpless kn..-is, t 11 A I l i:i; Jt. I tent my bagao to tho ship on Tuesday afternoon, an l at 3 o'clocii tho : foiiow.ug morning I repaired on board tho Uiddy MouUaul aa ' ho lay iu the I v.vci- of the town. On galn.ng the. deck I 1 evecivtd a l umber of beuuea em- 1 pb y .d upeii iho ground tacit. e, and I teemed to catch t-l-hr of the man who eu.io l blmsi'if "Wils u" an I "vaptaiu"! finii '.ing in the fb p s heal and gaxmg i dwwu over tbo bows, but his laon was ! lut i iirbnllv rev, iilcd, nnd tho fhadow of Ids wide si raw but darkened nnd ob- f ured the little of b.scountonaiioe thut wa vmlb'o. A mill ttoo.i near tuo ; tmngwav, clot'ied in 1 luo tortjo, with u whlto cover to h.s nawil cup. iio was a j SllileU looli lllt fellow, Willi a VCOl Of amazing y l i-e nini, kummj. 'Ave vou I e ma e.' Pal I 1. I No, sir," In- icp'ied. "I nm tbe cap- tli I!." 1 eved bim fead'astly, nnd then i loek 'd aiou id the dec;, s nicely know- j in,; in vol but that 1 tin I ta.vou my pas- i huge aboard n sh p full of lunatl-. " I he eapta n ' 1 cried. I "Ay." he ui.t-w red, w.th an emphatic ; uo I. "Cfipt. I'ailitt." ' "Pray bow many captains docs this fbip carry?" Hftiel 1, again lo.'klog around tho doe't In searo! of ary e'gns of old Copt. I unch. I "Duly oiiO," eald b:, "and I'm that ' rr.en. "I have Wn abenrj this vossel three I t!mo',"tad I, "and on each oecas'on havo met w.th a new cap am. The flrtbt , ti.EOitwas Cupt, Wilson; t:cro bo ; I esoialtnod, pointing to tho loreca'tlo, I whore tuo a-aa Wilton wiio ha I called 'jktlB vot? tnr. MATE?" i blruself tho ir.a-.tcr now stood looking toward ma, nnd p.a'nly visible. "Xoxt it was Capt. Timothy runcli, n gouty, roi-faced man, who sat helpless In a cna ron this junrtcr-tlo:k. And now lc Is you." A sour smib curled tho man's lips. "They haven't been qu,te a novo board with you, a r," said he. "Tho long and short of it's this: Cap'n Punch was in charge during iho outwa d voyngo right enough; but he wa3 took very bal with go.it a month oforo Rangoon wa reached, and tho command of iho res-.el was given to h s chief mate that thoie gent as you fee for'rards. Tho 6hip wns 10 fail homo lu chargo of Mr. Wilson, but tlio 1 ort authorities fay, ' No; Mr. W llsin don't hold n ccrtillcato us mas ter.' 'I he ship couldn't bo clor.red till a 1 roper master was ha I. I was a ked 10 umigato tho vested home, and hero I am. So yo maytakoit lrom mo that I'm ea'.tn 11 and noboly clio," "Will," i a d I, "if there's truth In tho saying that there's safuty in nuu.bovs, tho 1 us'-ago fhould bo eomfoitablo an I speedy," and with that I went ledow to ho; uficr my trap'. The f hip bii lod an hour later, but it w.i3 not until d nncr tiruo t ha-. I taw what wo. we.o toexpoet, 11 oro or le":S, through-ou"- the wholo of iho long run to Kng land. wero then nt sen, tbo high fun burning over our niasihoa I, a hut breezo blowing over tbo tjuurii r and tbo tdiip tlirustiiiaiilongunderlull brea .tsof (iimas and wido overhanging wing of stiidditig-sall. A bell rang to announce dinner, nnd Iquitlol tbo qunrlerdeci; for the cil in. On entering I found Mr. ll6on ins I still term him 1 scaio.l at Iho head or tho tuble. ('apt. 1 arlltt followed mo bdow and lustnutly ex claimed to Mr. Wilson: "That's my place. You must clear out. of that ch.vr, please." "I shall do uoth ng of ihn f ort," f.ild Mr. Wilson, "lam master of this ship by 01 dors of bor lawful captain. You ni-o nn interloper." Capt. Parlltt turnod paloond breathed short. "I am captain of this ship," entd ho, "nn 1 you aio her ehici niato. You will go cn deck, if yon plo.ifc, nnd keep a lookout whilst 1 ear my dinner." Mr. Wil-on did not offer ti move merely eyed Cnpt. Pn lit with his extra ordinarily ftevn lace. Cdpt. I'r.rlitt clenched bis lists. "Heiitleiiien, ' fnld T, "thoro must bo soino remedy lor this " "So thoro is, by Coll" roared rarfltt. 'IT'S MCTISV." "It's mutiny. If ya ain't out of that chair in a jiffy, I'll clap ye n irons." "You?" shout o.l Mr. Wlbou, half spiiuglng from bis ceat. At tbU moment tho dcor of one of tho nltor-i abdis was opened, nnd two stout eai o s appeared, bearing tho immense f-bape of Capt. Puuoh in a chair, to w. ich poles had boon lushed. "is d. nner ready?" ho called out, " Your ( hief muto is a mutineer. IIo refines to obey my orders," cried Capt. Parlltt. "bp yo get, Yvdlson: Uiat'a my teat," paid Capt. Puucli, taklnj no notice of rurlilt. Mr. Wilbou at onco madowny, nnd tho two sailors, broadly giiuniug, wiih n.u.-h pushing nud sliov.ntt, hovn, or rather pried, oil Punch into tho chair of honor. Mr. Wilson swiftly soalod him pelt at the lo.it en tbo tnb.e. "Sityedown, f-it jo down," o:I-d rid Puiicli to me. "Who's got tho look out on dock'" "Tho fh p's watching horsolf," sulkily growlod Capt. l'nititt. "Hadn't vo benor go up and look after her?" said Punch to Parlltt. "What am 1 to understand?" shouted Pnrlltt. "Why, this," Interrupted Cnpt. runoh: "that th s is a ship as could very well ha' found her way home wi hout ye. 'iou wau't. wauteil, but sin -o yo'vo made up your mind to como. why duiii my eyes, ye ll havo to take things ns yo lind 'em. Mr. WiUou's tbo capia.n-heieet by n v authority, nud whilst l'o got huiv'S 10 blow a breath of a;r out with I'm thy goinmighty of tho Pdddy MclVngal, un lerstaml that." Without answering a word Cnpt. Tar Ptt flung Ids cap dow n upon the locker un I lo.'k his sent nt the tab o aoreu-t of me. Cn this Cnpt. 1'uin b bade Mr. Wilson tell the snip s carpeu er who it seems acted as second mate to keep a lookout until be was icllevt d from tbo cabin. "Seeing that 1 have pal I for my pns nngeubonrd th si-h p. end that it in high ly ilesirable .ibsnlutely essential, in a word that 1 should have Home head to leterto, some perfon In supreme au thority to i omiiiain lo and appeal to in e-Hi-e of disjonifort or difficulty, I i-hould be glad to know, gf ntlemen, whieh of yo j I mil to consider a eaplain of tho HlV.y MftougnlV said I, hoping by this s ilted but nevertheless resolutely ut t red addiess 10 clear tho air eome hat and e:o somj good. "J am optam," said Punch, with his trou'h lull of bee'. "Yes, aiid I am in ctargj," fa'.d Capt. Partitf. " , on mean I anj In charge," cried Jlr. Vil on I "I i ni enpta'n of 'his ship nnd the su rro'i 0 head, s r," cried Puneb, uddvesi lumo:"but Mr. Wilson represents mo w iiol'incffdu y tluou!'. li ness, and so long as he 1 opreeenu li.e ho is ma ior befieet, ns I nforeeal I, nn I Utere s ro man nboarl this fchip whei's going to fay Com: airy." "ies. thero Is," eald rap, rnr.ltt; h.ut I don't mean to waste 110 words on either of ye. icu tno.v whero my au thority comes from. I'm master of tbo hiddy Mcuougall till 1 vo berthed her in tho dock slip's boun i to, nnd if th s hero mate of yours In'crferes with ma I'll log him for joutlny. break him, and c nd him forrartle, as ye boih know 1 vo pot tho power 10 do. ' And If that don't answer" ho in erruptcd himself by ex claiming; "tut 1 don't wan: no wovds." And so saying ho ioso. having eatoa lit tl or uot.d. g, und went on deck. j Weil, as may be sup: osed, this was but tho first of a long series o'. uncom fortable riiurre.B. I cannot posit Ivo.y fvythat Capt. Pnrlltt did r.o: log Mr. W'.lson for mutiny nnd order him for ward Into the loreenstio to work before the n a-sr. This I cannot say, but it is certain that Mr. Wilson did not go for ward; cm tho contrary, ho remained very much air, riving Instructions with out regard to Cap'. Parlltt's orders, and j noting in ull ways ai though he, nu 1 he alone, w o e ma .'or of the vessel. IIO Lit CONTINUED. I I I QUEEN VICTORIA'3 DOCS. An ArUtocmtln I rln In Vpiy tomfuila b.c Qiiarlors. DcR were. f!i-t admitted to 1ho cotii't. of Etigliuid in tho reign of Henry VIII., says tho Sportsman's He view. Umbr tho proicnt reign thrco (log.i have Vioen elevated to tho liU'he-t canine dignities on iid'oimf of their aristocratic families and their o.vn peculiar merits. The names of 1 lio iirlsf.ocratio trio aro Marco, Hoy and Spot. Marco Is tho Queen's fa vor,U and ho used to be very jealous of John Brown. Ilia ancestry can be traced back to the crusaders. Uo Is what they call in England 11 Pomor anian, nnd at one of the recent do,' shows lio won the first prlzo, the mug of honor. The other favorite, Hoy, Is a collie, and Spot Is n fox terrier with a record -.f twenty-two vats in a fiuartcr of an hour. These canine lords have their resi dences with their fpecial nauie. Her majesty's do pla'C is divided into tli 1 eo parts, the queen's veranda, co'.llo court, and umbrella court. Tne vcrnnJa Is tho principal ono. It is" a covered gallery around tho Icpii 110.I, and the queen likes to walk thoro. Each kennel has a dining-room nnd a bedroom. Tbo floor of the dining room is separated from tho veranda by an Iron gratinir. It is paved with icdand blue bricks, nnd tho furni ture consists of a trough, always full 1 f fresh waier. The bedrooms have two la-go windows, generally kept open lor tho purp iss of ventilation, and iu a sttug corner in each room is a very low bed with a mattress of fresh straw. Umbrella court gets it; narao from tho big umbrella In tbe middle of It, under which tho dogs can suolter themselves from tho sun and rain. A lu st of servants wait up n the canine nobility, and tha que u is very severe with tho oillclali who do not pay propor nttention to her dogs. A chief is provided for thorn, and his lnstiu turns nro to vary the menu ol the dinners of her majesty's pets, and to cousult their tastes. OUTCASTS FROM SOCIETY. fiuoi.r Teuple Tint Llvs nn tho Rivers ol riilnn. Tho origin of tho Chinese river population is shrouded lu mystery. According to one version it originated lrom people who wcro rouvlcicd of treason, aud who were, declared uu worthy of residence on terra Drnia. Tho people that live on the Canton river avc said to bo descendants of a citain Lu-T.suu, who was clilof of a trlbo and lived In tbo village, cf Xaniku, on tho Island of lloman, 2,0u0 years beforo our era. Lu-Tsun was said to havo been a genaral In tho Chinese army, nr.d to have re belled niter acquiring power and authority. After many combats with tho imperial troops he conquered Canton, whero ho maintained him s -lf as an absolute ruler for 30 years. After his death his children wore per.sceiiterl, and nil of bis descendants were considered accursed nnd soon compelled to tako refuge ou liver boats. I n lor the Vans dynasty the river people wero persecuted nud had to piy a p r capita tax. During the ivigu or Hunguins, tho fouu.ler of tho Miii',' dynasty, nil boat men be tween the ages of 18 nnd 4.") years of ago were forced to enter the army. Toe Emperor Jungtshin, on the con trary, t o' a gieat interest in the river lopulation, and issued a procla mation in tnoir favor in 17;0, grant in,' them inte -liou in every respect. In fplteof ibis proclamation, how ever, the river folk were, and are still, looked up hi as pariah. They a'0 prohibited from intermarrying with tbe people living on land, and their sons are excluded from literary examinations. Their wives are con temptuously called "water birds" by landsmen, although they greatly ex cel tbe spouses and daugbtersof tne latter in l canty. Is couniry districts, where wells, springs and ci-ierns are running low, tiio people should bo e'areful aoout their drinking water. Typhoid fever cases aro (iften traced to we Is low in water. As a safeguard, boil ami tll ter water that Is lutended to be used for driuking purposes. GIANT NUTS. A kew jjcnrsTKY Kon AJinni- TJirce-flunce Chen nut , Immense 10 cutis, nnd Wuliiiit Hlnaia Uuby's I'iit Hiuidoino 1'i-oltts lov the Nut (iro wen. TUT. long-expected nttt bulletin of tho Dei nrtmtnt of Apri tultnro tells al'out the piant t nuts tho lutart-. chcftiaits weighing three oiiucca apiece, pecaus two and a half inches Ioiil', nud llng lif,h walnutu as hi;; ns a baby's Hut, which will bo prowu ly American fanner before m:.iyyrbu?c pasted by. In tho markets of the twentieth century fucU initn as tin so will bo (Oimnonly Jo'.ind. iuts nrs only just beginning t3 be cuKivuted in carcctt. Ditherto the wild crop has been relied on wholly for tbo tupply, nnd tLat iu tho reafon why the' nuts of to day nro emnll and iutrrior iu llavi r. "rinted bercwith you williaepiC' tnrca of two chestnuts. Ouo of them is en ordinary, everyday nut; the other is the chestnut as it oiiMht to bo tho cultivntod nnd improved che-t-nut. Both uro of nntund fizo mil copied from natural f-peciiucne. What a liuo feilow tiio Id; r no would bo for roasting I lie bolili a -.oo l big month lul of luscious meat. To not imagine ?., IS i , ''.tii??V r.vnar. wir.n ntcnortY n'jt. for a moment that t!r..s is a French "mnrrou" or a Japanese choftuut ; it la of puro American htoek. There nro no cboi-lnuts liko Vimkce chet,luutK. Tho mnrrou ia poor and coarso com puralivoly, nnd tbo bugo chestLut of Japnn i no belter. Tho furopcnii, iTaptitiPfc nud Ameri can chcbtauts nro of three dillcieut species. Hoth of tho two lormer are cultivated in tiiis country the mnr rou quite b'.rgcdv. lint the orchards of line chestnuts now being set out in ew York .St.ite, rcDiisvlvanni and elsowhero aro lrom native North Caro- THE CfLTlVATtn CVTTXIT AND COiirO.N rnu3-rMr. Una ond Georgia ttock. In thcfO Southern States nro found wild trec lhat benr clufiiiuis n:i iuclt nnd n half in diameter, averaging quit; ns big na the imported mnrvons. I hey arc of do lioious flavor, nr.d nro fumii-hiug F.c d for new plautations iu ini'iiy putts of tho country. Farmers uro liarniri; that there is bir; money in crowing nutf, nnd they nro f,oing into tbo bu:i BO'S on a considerable foa:e. Abroad chchimila nro nn important item ol food biipply. They nrc utilized , Cl'LTlVATl'.e) llXGUiiU WAI.XUT. in a great variety of wayp, being made iuto soup, t-mploytd m n ftnliinj for birds, boiled nud dipped iu syrup for ', a oonetrve, etc. Now nud then a ehc.-t-nut twig is found which has aperies of Purrs all n'ong it, instead of the usual two or threo that dntiglo together. Tho Department oi A-rleultuio would bo very much i bliged to nnyoco who will send to it n freak of this kind. It ' ruenns t imply that nil of tbn lemalo j blossoms along tho "spike" thut bears tho burrs bnvo been lvrtilucd by the ( jiol'cn. Ordinarily only two or three , of them nre fertili;:od. Ii tome graits j of the unusual growth described can bo secured, possibly tho j ro.bieiug , power of such trees may be multiplied. YVoudurlul things nro already being j accomplished iu tuo cultivation of j pecau nuts. It is frclictcd that tho ; jiroiits of idautatie us cf pecans in this country will ecou rival tho.-e of the i tirsiige groves of Florida and Califor- ! Bin. fvenns will jicld iroui 300 t v j". , vivfe ii-'-'&'?f fir $1000 per aero of profit annually. An ' orchard of tho trees wid y:pbl a for lnuo nnd a big iucoao for onybo ly ; who has the patience to wait tea! years for tho trtes to coiao iato full biariajr. ; CULTIVAXI3 TCC&y AND CCiliTOS IZCAK. A full grown trcs produces two bar rels of nuti each scas-m, wuiob will fetch 315 a barrel wholesale. Thou sands of ncrcs cf pecans are nownuder i cultivation in iho Gulf States and j California. Moro than fifty varieties havo already been naiopd. The unt is native lo this continent, nnd is cot ! found iinyui.?rc ia tho Old World. i The pecan is a t-pi-eies of hickory ', nut. Tbo largest and finest specimens ! como freni Louiiinua. The unproved j pecan has a shell so thin that it may I K r ,i? K'i '; 'Arv'-- 7 CT'LTIVATEII niCKOP.Y NLT. be critfhcd easily between tbo fiuger?. Hundred! c-f tbousands of pounds of pecan nuls r.ro fetched to S'ew York nnnually, mi I hero tlnynre cleaned in revolving churn -j before being plseed en tbo mnikit. Oue concern in ib:s city, n'r tf c I in tiio business of "biirno-bing" pecans lor market, gives employment to fifty pooplu. Tbo "meat-." in great quaulitics nro pcpnrnled from the shelb- anl told by olher fir in, ono of which disposes of lOi'.OU.I pc-uud of tho kt melt, per nn num. Tho work of ciackiug tiio nuts nnd picking out tho incuts is per formed by uaeliiiury, 'iba meats tell for lifty cejts a pound, und are used oxicnsivily by coui'cctioucrs. reenu oil is CKcePont lor t able use. Clock makers and giiusmil lis u.-e it also. It is a liuo iiliimmant ; a kernel w lnu liiited will luii n l.v n tiuio bril liantly. Tiio raiVuflf of llnr.li ;i walnuts has beccmo un imperial. I iulm-try in Seiuthcrn Cii'ifuri.i'i liuriiicf tbo Just few ycni-i-. Th.,t Stat.) ii producing 2,u0.i,0;):) pounds of them lor matket annually. They letch a higher price than those impoitcd lrom Aladeria niul from Spa n ainl Poitugnl, being of liner quaiity. They ought to bo e' Jilcil Pi ibia.1 in nh.uts, bec ia:0 they came oiigin illy from that cjubtry. Oreo in bearing a wni'iu; piautation i;oueiof 1 iio best p.ty in; pieces of prop irly under the sun. Tbe nuts nro r.iitbercd by jarring ilio trees to shibe down tbo npo ones, 'ihey nro dried iu the tun or by urti.iciul beat with prcat care, to tb.it they may keep well and not turn n.uci.l. Much is biinrdono r.t present in tho tllltivaliou ct bi.-kerv lints. ur ere men i lv plant in mi l gra ting tho yonot? ticjs, eh they fell to vjrowcts. Ho orfhuvJs nro as yet in benriuc', but there i,ra wild groves of lino vfiriclic'i in Oiiio, which are regu larly Inrvcst.d. Tho ino:-,t eleslrabio .iiocl; for pl iu!inr;- is rbtained frora tbo Wabash Vulby, in Indiana, wbero wild "tlin,,; burls'' trotv rcmuritably hi - nu l ilue, mUiiuinj a diatuetor ol ( iv.iiio.N ES',nn v:lxit. , two incbes or m.sre. Thrro nre sbsg barks iu low. nl-o of large size utnl with tuc'n t lii a -he:!.i tint tbey can be cracked ea?i!y b i rasping to togeth er iu tbo hand. Jn Obio has been discjveiel n r.ew kiLil of 'black v.a!nu; wuicii probably is ihstiued to be 'n'lebly pritd in the liiti'.ie. J!y a fitult of nafnro one-half of its shell is not developed, nor tho kernel cu that f-i b the re-ult being a pinr-rlmped n.it tilled with f t-iuglo meat fomewlint tiio hape of a peanut, though biggiT. Tbo iiiiportant objection to ordinary black walnuts is tout thev nro divided iu tho middb) by a wail of fcliell so constructed thai it isniinost impossible to get the kerne' out whole. This new variety has only to be era jked in order to yield the meat entire. Tho black walnut has been sai I to be among the nuts what bacou is among meats strong und giensy. However, tome choice wild varieties havo bceu louud with whilo he. eels cf ih llcite Havor, nn 1 much may bo ticcoiiji'iisbci 1 y crltivatius them. Tho ltazel cut illlu ir.lrodiiec largely before long p.s a commercial product. There ure now miiiioiii of acres ia (bis country cf wild hazel brush, which i" n fd.tu'o nhont an biii n a men's Lead, llcceutly fl i:"W rpe cics of Lhzci r.r.t has b;eu di -ovcred in tho State of Wnhinston. It prowt cn a trco fixty icet lo:jr.', vliich, be-cau-p the Meui is too fleii li r I t bold it-elf nrricbt, ritn a'os tim crone ;l Jjko c vine. J'l every pod it besrs two ituls in j.lnca of tiio itvial one. Grafts havo been taken ircia ;i lor planting. In Enclaud bnrcl rr.l i.vo b.rgr'. c tiitiTr.ted. , 1 iicn r.i Wiy Jair i""'- I thpy p.ro dried in lot., nfl r whien 1hcy nio packed in a l.s with n tprinkiiug of t-a'.t. In puns of llrro; o thep are used, liko tint ebet tent, for ranking brcal, r,i.'i nu o.l i. c?prca.e;el lioru them. Grant's ile-ailoiiar'n'i-.-: Ia "Cnmpaifrtiing "With G'nnt" by Geueral lioraco l'uit' r, ia th Cen tury, oecnrs tiio lo'ilouitig : A coll lutich wns then catcu c 11' a ii:o t ili'o ia tho (iininrj room o.' tbo eicertcd Louse. Liter in t'io nltin.oon o:.l teuts arrived and wire pitche 1 ne-irtbo house, and a iiitlo buioro el'.ric tbo "m?s.s'' fnt down to dinner. Tho tnblo had been laid under tbo ;'y of a bi!;ro tent of the i r.ttri n l.nnwn as t'io "iio' pital tout." Perhaps no h;-aib.ii triers of a general iu mpremo command d great armies ever jrc-ented eo o'emo era! io aa apiit'ar.ui!::1. All thoofliicrs of the stall- dined r,t tho t.iblu with their chief, nu.l the stylo ol conversa tion w-us ns familiar ns t but w hich oc curs in tho boivholl of any privalo family. Noibinrf could 1: ivo been more informal or nneoiivchtioual llrm tho manner in v.'b cli the mess v.s eon d'tcted. Tkt) staff o.li.-ers rume to tho iablo atid left it i.t sturli times is tlii;it: duties permitted, Boravtimcs lingcrui;.; over n incal lo indulge in convt rs.i tion, nt other times lcuninin-.; 1o tako only a few moiilbfuls in n'l b -to be fore starting out upon toe Inn s. Tbo chief ato less aad talked lcs than any other member of ilio si. ill, aii-iparlooU only of tho plainest fon.l. TO MOUM x n iuinr. Here Is an Important I.c.-sou in Kl cycling. To mount a wheel wiih real ev e ouo needs to ha a mviu or bcici.ei 'oockired women. 13ut a goody putt of tuo wheeling nrmy is neither. This part rany 'crrn to mouut with comparative eai-e and with grace by the exercise of will power, by practie.o and by com mon fcotijo. Iu mountiug tbo great dillicuity is io br.hiuco tho wheel, liahinoing to mount is governed by Iho :;i':.c't? ".s.v vJY4- "-.:--.-, ..-T.-'sw I 1'itcrra wr to jfor.1- fiuno priueiples that govern balancing ia ri'iitv.'. T'ho front v, ;ced is turno I by the himllo bur ia tho p. into direc tion ia vrhieh cm teems to bo f.iUing. Tho peJal cn t'as right fide should be rs.i; ed to a po ut from which it i. rafy to spring mio the sad 1L'. A.'itcu i1-, has been turuod to that lieiebt Iho r cbt foot fhonhl be p-ncd Ufon it, t!j hMirls ho'Jiag iho I nr. A spring, into tho sent t-hcnl I bo i.vv'e wmnl tuusottsiy wi h a lvwl'.iiioa of tha wl.ee!, wh'ca will cu.'.''!otbo left iooi I o roach its pedal, rraetio an i the proper LiuJ of skirt will enable tho lider to tiisposn of her diap.-rics even ly on eaoh sido of the saddle. Sola. is tills tor i'a'nps. Fscopt tbo common coM, :iainst which tbotisaeds of ye n i of !;jient:tic inquiry havo bc.n im .V' etive, tl.cre is fcnrcilyti dtsciise w bi.'h h is net i's uiteut cure. 1'lny ilv, i.'t'on t comet' irotn wc.'en, wb.'i ma-: i;t.: csi-.ii-; lishrueiits r.ro more cumntoti tliau pub jic houses, nt'l where thrrc is hardly nn ill, from hen laclin to he.rtburn, whiv'b cannot bo cured for you by tho r.i'ui.str itious of ingeniously cent.ive.l puoobi'n-j macUiij'.'s. Uut tiio -trau':-ost of Sweden's inveulious for tho bet tering of tho health of Jul .minify has only just been brought into publicity. It is a aire for corpulence, and its main principles ire t mt tbo tullercn should turn somcr.-nilts. To. re r.ro f-omo who mkht objict tlo.t any bidy er gcutlemnu enpaolo of turnim-; a f omersaiilt cannot, sti icily sieakiii;., 1)3 regarded a corpuietit, en I most people', uuVsi very eorp'i'iciit indeed, would certainly pre Vr 1l:i'r prese nt state to this eventful aud tiieonvenicut met li ou changing it. Ilv. n the most particular of us wocid surely prel'cv t but o'.ir elderly relate ti especially if femiuine, thoul 1 preb r ti e r present npneiirunco rather than dc-cu I io t ucii nu n'nrniiu eaerilieo of ilindy. London Graphic, Tbo Salvation Army's industrial farm in California for ib-clinrge-l con victs is J12 aexu 1jac fc'an P.oui'itl alky. ...I f If I.- ., - 1 mi:

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