l)c vC nl!).uu X ex 61)c vLl)ntl)am Rcrorfc. II. A. LOUDON, EDITOR AND PROPJTilLTOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St icily in Advance. ARTIST WAINWRIGHT. The Adventures Abroad of a Painter from America. BY SIDNEY LUSK. fii.tPTErtin. That rternoou I again found myself In Hi lii-ohifsi!iitz. At X ouu is ( oiistnntiy finning one's self in tin lisclufiiai'.. Ncaiiy nil thr. sheets of the Utile c ipila.1 g.va upon it; oml tho crUictli-.il is there, uud tl.o bishop's pal- neu. in. I tito Monuorhof, and the princi pal cv.'e; am! it is llnjio that t!;o mili tary bat -it j 1 -,ys tf ii p.oisnnt (ven'iig. Atotteci tiio j n-nir tablos of the (af .-1 v.'.n kc do 1, when a man passed i,.e, ciud in the btown gmb of a Frnn oi.ii.'.m monk. Ho lid I a pointed black beard, this n onk, and n puir of flashing la: 1: ( jo, on i, though h.i quickly drew liia head I into h:s ciwl lit our conjunc tion, I had r.o (iiili wilty whatever in identify ng him with my queerly hir-uit fiddler friend ami prison mate, Sobastiun llocli. "licnr m ! l o has become a ni nk. It must have been a singularly switt con version," thought I, looking after him v.th ,'Ci ite v.oitd :i ilo marched slnvght across tho Bisi'hufpl.iis and into liio court-yard of tiio Montuuhuf, where ho waaloat to my View. "The beggar! Ilo Is mo of Conrad's fpics, " 1 loin 1 ided. Ami I fiearcliod my memory to roe .11 if I lui'l said anything -f n nature thiit might compromise tuo Su tii.- course of our CJtivcre alon. A few hours Inter I eat down lo my l'un r in the Iit-feL parlor of tho Hotel Uh Tlon.o. It is a small hostelry, though 1!io 11 g t1. th'it X possesses, patronize- i c h icily by romiui rcial trav- lcrs and piuviiil (iivcy.i. l'nedekor com inem's it wlih an iit-tciic-li, which it do frrves l-ciiit? both rlunp and cool. Minn 1 i t. rojukvs in t l;o n.iino of Hil lc biiiiuit tiiiini f. nr.. I on tho nocn'on in question no loss a )ir.-on than himself iva.s srrv i:s me. Hirnrefly, bowever, liii.l In; H.tiM the cover from my tun en of n o.lb fonp, wh.ui, fuilden'y, find witlii'Ut u b.eatli o.' upo'opy, ho dropped he Duorrca rnc rnvEn crow inj CI.OT.l. tho cover upon tho table-cloth, nnd dii phi. I in mad lui-sto irom tiio room. Vonderiiiu' s.'iuewhat at tliii precipitate eon. bit l, 1 was about to fid my pluto, when I w;i3 urtested ;n the net by a groat roiso t;f hurry r.g toet upon tho lavement v.iihaut, l'eoplo woio run hii,'r.ni a'i!.i; to each other, and nl toe Ii, r ih' 10 wr.j ao nmeh tumult tliat I said to inj-fc.'lf, "Ah, Another inoh!" Then I, too, but the parlor, and hast ened to ii fiir.-et door of the inn, 'iliero I (Ueeovnvd honest Strumpf nnd bom i-.t I.iis. St;u i pf, supported l y the i ntii'o pel- o.ini l of their cstablibii rui nt, lrom i!',.j l-o.its to tiio billiard tnurUci, uli i.fj.ipt! v.-itli astoninhmont, as tliieo lo. iiiacious citizens poured news Into their enr-s. "Otto is iU ud," f.rd the first citizen. lle died at sixteen minutes past Fix Bsoro than an hour nRO." "lint that is iiotiiinpt," crlt d tho sec ' ond liiizcn. "iiio pnat news is this. Listen t mo " "No, to n:e," interpose 1 a third. "I have it liiiwily from one of tho senti nels at tho pu a.'o. The pretender, Con rad, has in en knife i like a pig; und jolly Well h-i deserved it, tuo. it Was be twucn f, i.r and live o'clock this aftor r.oon. A in. nit, u young monk, u 1 ran cisenn, presented ldnifflf at tho Mar moihof, nui demanded an audience of tho I'litiee. Tho milaee guard and it is llraight from ono of them that I havo the felony i-f ci-uro retu-ei him ad mtUaiu'e; but ho was determined, and so at lut the I'ricon's ch;unber!uin gavo him a boiuin ;. The upshot was ho wrolo a word c r two upon a 6lip of pa per, ceiled it up with was, and begged i that it luiht l o delivered to his high ness fori li with, swearing tliut it con tained information of the utmost in.) or tanoo to his welfare, 'iiio ehainberbiln conveyed h s paper to tho I'rinee, who, directly ho h id read it, uttered a great Oath, and ordered that tho monk bo ush ered into his presence and that they bo left nljne together. Alouo a cordingly they wcro left. More than an luuir pufsed. At a littlo after six arrived tho news of the doaih of the old Duke. An officer entered too l'rineo'e chamber to report it him. There, if you ploaso, ho found hid highnet-s stretched out dead upon the Hour, with a knife in his heart; tho inouk had vanished. They could Und r.o trace whatever of h s wht real ou's. Also had vanishod the paper ho had sent in to tho I'rinee, but, what tho police iega'd a3 nn important Cluo, le' lr.l lelt another paper, twisted around the handle of thedager, whereon was BOiawied in a disguised hand: 'In tho eouii.ry of tho blind the one-eyed men may be kings, tut Conrad only squintej" " i "The crand point cf it all you have omitted." put iu tho second oituen. "It Is this. Shut up in an inner apartment of the Mainio: hot, they have found the hereditary Uran I Huchess MathiUlo alive and well! Conrad has been keep ing h r a prisoner there theso two weeks." 'i'hrt tidings thus delivered by theso worthies proved to bo substantially cor rect. Tho Duke is dead! Long live tho I lis im. HI1LE Duchess'." cried tho populace. of tho gendarmes. It was like a delightful old-fashioned "1 should really bko to got at tho blool-and-i bunder opera, uud I whs meaning of nil this, you know," 1 in-alino-it I eh ml tho seen s. liut oh! that forme I my captor. hyocr.ti. al young ribald monk, be-l "1 must cmitum you 1hnt whrver you l ust. an Koch! Y hat had become of ' Sy will he reiiieinliered. und, if ineriiu- himy Would ho keep ids promise lo ; look mo up.' 1 ne pi'lico neitt ouiu io oo tuosecuting a diligent endeavor to Iwok VOL XIX. hi tr up, Lut Willi, Ps yet, no positive ro- cults. i Of course-, upon tho no 'esston of fio 'new ruler to tho throne nil tho loy,-.l j print-shops of the tuw oisplayed her highness" portraits for tale photo- piuphs ana cluoaio-uu.i'giai'lis; yon I'M id your money nnd oa t;o'.c our choice. 'J')ii.. reptveoat"d lier ns a fliiht y. uii:t woiiinn, witii a dcl.cat.i, intcrestiiig face, a cuatwhat rnreastie ni' uth, a ireat ai'im Im.eu of yello'vish hair, and, in fctn!;u,g . -iir.ti-n.-t io this clioveline, a pair of biilliant darl; e-yo.-i. I could nt for the liiuof mo have es j'iuined it, but there ii'as 6oi.iulhin.ee In her f-.co tiint annoyed me wnli a sen jo of familiarity, n sense of huving seen it before, though I was sure I never had. In the c.i urso of a fortnight, however, I did sue her caught a flying ilini -3 of her ns she diovo throug'i tiio Markt strnsse in htr victoria, attended by nil maniif r of ponip ft id eire inistai.o . Slio lay back upon h;r cushions, looking X'ale and interesting, but fa i!y bor.-d; and again I experienced tiuit exabper ating sensation ot having seeii her some where where? when? ho.' before r iiArn.it iv. Ouo night I was awnkrncl from my slunibers bv a Violent l.;ue.;in ut lav rioor. " no's tiio e!" I dcinauded, not too amiably, hat's the n.at er.-" "Open! Upon, in tiio name of tho Orand Dr.chora'" ecnin.aiiiie.l a deep bas voh-e. "flood heavens! 'What can the row bo now;" 1 wondered. "Op. n, or wo break in the door," cried the v'uiue. "You mu-it vc illy givo nu timi to pun souielhin.; on," J prutontid, r.nu hurried iy wrapped m.vse,f in some cio.hc Then I open. 1 the d 'nr. A magr.iliceiitly iiiiifurme 1 youti of fi.'er stepped ,u;ekly uitu tho r. o.n, ful lowed by thrco goadunui-s w.th d:a.vn sabere. Tho oflleer ir.elined his hea l slightly toward me, and baiJ, "liar u;.;.ait, i..h glaiiboV" 11U was not the voice that I ha I heard through the door: it was a mu h roitr voice, and mu h more high in pitch. Somehow it did not teem nl togc.her tho voice of a st anger to mo; nnd yet tho fa p of a stranger hU faeo cinpha ieally was. li was a very fond face, em -mounted ly n giowLh of slant red hair, und do orated by a bristl,n lei mustache. His e es v.-ero ov.'rlu ng by l.u-hy red cyehivw.-, and. in tho un c.rtiiin candle li;;hl, I eou.il r.ot u.ako cut their co or: "Yis, Inm Hevr Yoinrlcht," I admit ted, avceptiujjf this German vtrsiou of my name. "l'.iigl sh'r" lie questioned -horily. "No, not Kngiish. Amivicu i, it you fleimo." "Maeht niehts! I niTcist you, in tho na'iie of tho Gran I Ducho-s " "Arrest me! Will you bo good enough to inform mo upon what eauigi'':" "I 'poll tho charge of eoiici tliig with danger, us ( hara teis, a,,d l eii.i; ni eno.ny to tho tiah:.ui:i:ty of t;.e o.a:. You will plea.-e to or. ss as eu eltly 113 possible. A carriage nwa.ts you b w. " dooil J. ni, they nave toinoin.w eon nee o I mo with that n.fa i o.r. r, itur, liebait nn b'och," I gioane-.l inwa.dly, and 1 began to put eoi:uiu r.iuyhlu touches to ley to.Vt. "No, no'." eiio 1 the oMeor. "Yen must put eu your tires mil. Aru you so ig norant of criminal otii u -tui in no: to know ih.it state f.miwi'j are rosj aired to wear their ilross suiia.-" "It seems a veiy ai-surd regulation," sai I I, "but 1 will put on my d: ets i-uit "Wo will nwa t you outside yoi.r door, but lot me warn you, snotiid you at tempt, to ese.ipo through your w ir.tlow you wiil bo shoe lu a hundrod p'affos," eai.l tho offljer, as ho retired With his minions. 1 denned my dress suit and epenod the door. The officer looked mo over somow hut mrx i nrnsED n: no u. critically, and at last remarked, "lcs, that will do. Tidiow ine." The whole population of tho hotel werfl in llm eon idni !i thmu-di w hich wo passed, and crowded after us to tno street. Aclo-eJ caniigo wa- waiting there, with tour horses attached, each I horso bearing a postilion. Uhiee otiior horses, saddled, were tied to pools abouc i tho ho:el entrance. , 'J'heno the gca: darmes mounted. "W ill yo.i bo good enough to cntor tno oarriage?" said tho ofli cr. Hut my spirit rose in arms. "i insist ujon knowing what I am nr rostolfor. 1 want to uudeictaud the definite charge against me." "I am not a magistrate, sir. Will you i kindly enter tho carriage; " j "Oh, this is u downright outrage," I declared, and entered the carr.ugo. ' Tho oflleer lea e I in after me; tho door was sl.vnmed to: the tosiilion lied at tlnir horses: of m. drove. followed by the rhythmical clauk-elank luiitmg, used against you, he .eplud. -nueii"i muniui wi t Uy," said I. com- PITTSUOllO, CHATHAM COUNTV. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, "Oli, wenro tl.o test of frkui's wita En ;!ai:'," said he. "jitit I uni nu American," 6aid I. ";;'" Miieht nieh'sl" sni I ho "Ma'.ht nichtsr" I echoed, angrily. "You think eo? I fl-.ail bring tho en -so to tho iiotico of tho Minister of tno L'nitcd Stale, nnd you sliuil see." "How! And precipitate a war bctwrci. two friendly nations? Lnfeeliiij; mon itor!" "You liugh! Hut who laughs last In ichs b.st, and I i-rondso yon tno Grand Duchy of X-r shall bo n a io u pay for tins pleasantry v.ilh a vai-jt-iince." j "Ti.ii Is not tho first time that yen. li i'-i) bo 'li arrestel while In these do minions," h ; s:t!'i htcriily. ''And I must lvii.iiid you liial ieso inujeSlo Is a hang- i ing i.iutter." t "Lose ieajeslo!" I repealed, hu'.f in I tfoiii, li.ilf hi tenor. : ".l.iwohi, muin Herr," ho r.nswvred. I I l-.nt r.tterull, I am but obeying orders, j he added, wish an inllection almost upol-og-tie. Where ha l I heard that curio-is, soft . voice b::foro.' A voice so suit that his Gernian tounded aln.ost like Italian. Mo.-ii:vhilo wo had driven straight neiu-s tiio town, past tho w.ilia, and I i.ito tho open ci uiitry. 1 he night air, (lifting in through tiio open eaniage w.ndow, waa sweet with the o lors of i dew -!.'ii;e.i pr.iss and vibrant with tLo hun min.r; "f a millio:i insects. "lou are perhaps conduct in ine to the !ii.ntli-.r," I siiggeiAed.doiivhig bo:iio re.ief fr. m the fancy. "oh. hardy so far as that, let us hop ," be rejoined, with what struck uio as a suppressed ohuoklo. "i'ar! ' I crod. "Can you use tho word in speaking of a pocket-handkerchief. ' it is small, but it is pie-tiiresquo; It li pniiitable," s ii I he; "and, what is more, by every syllable yon utter ngainst it, you weave a strand into your luill'ir and diivv a nail into yoi.r oollln." 'J ho night was inten-ely d ole, and I could so..1 no further into It than I ho lew : yard.-J cf roadway illuminated by hi: j carriage la:nps. We rr ve on in s.lcii.ie, ! for p'-rhjis a half ho ir longer. Tin u nt lu t tho horses' ho it's res muled upon I sti ne, and wo drew up. My cflleer oi,;- seoi.de I from the carriage; Ifollov.el i him. Wo woro standing under a massive I aiehway, u sort of porte-cochere, ilglii- ed by a hanging Innte: n. llefoi e a email i:o ir pi. roeu iu tho stone wall irontl. jj us a s. ntinel was posted, w.th his mus ket presented in salute. The tliroi" mounted (,'endarrces sprang from their saddles. "I arowell, Herr Wcinri.dit." sn'd my officer. "I lime enjoyed our drive to gether more than i can tell you. If wo siiould never meet ngain In Uiis world, let us I opj wo bhu'.l do so lu nno.iier and a Letter. " Then, turning to hla Bti o.d.r.ates: "Conduet this gentle I'.niii to the tower chamber," ho e..m u.ar.iied. Tho sentry stood asido. One of tho geu laniies preceding me, tho oth rtwo coming 1 ohlnd, I was convoyed up a narrow winding stone slaireaso, into a big oetngon-siiapod room. i lin room was lighted by Innumerable ea!ii!les tet in soon es round tho walls. It was eomlorlftbiy, vvvn richly, lur nished, ai.d deco.atcd with a cousldt r nblo ('egit-o o.' ta-te. A vast worm hu d IVislun carpet covered tho stouo liiior; books, pictur s, bibl .ts, were scat tot o I d fcrnninatingiy a. o it; and In one comer (here stood a gr ind piano, open w an a v ol n ai.d bow lying on it. Tho gendarmes bowed themse ves out, shutting the door bouind them w.ih nu ominous oinngi r. "If ihis is to l.e my dungeon cell," I ihoiighr, "I shall not be so unco nforia Vie alter all . lint, how proj odorous of them to force mo to wear my druas suit." 1 threw my.self into an easy chair, bar ed my faeo in my hau .s uud tried t to eet upon my situation. Suddenly 1 was disturbed by the fcotiiui of a iiL'ht little uoUU behind inu, a iii-cre.t l.itie ahem. I iooki d uuickly up. A In y Imd entered the apartment, nui! was stand. :ig in tlia middle of ir, smiling in couiemplalion vt my despair ing attitude', "tio.'d heavens, " I gaspol, but no', audilily, ns her faeo grew clear to my s arilL-.l blgiil,, "tho Gi'ani Duellers htroeill" "1 am glad to seo you, Mr. Wnin r glit,'' her liigiuiijss i'uan in ilr.gl.Ui, bat, slightly cuntinencal. "X is a full lit tin phi '0 oh, believe me, the dullest oi lis sitio in Christendom and tlicy tel. me you are an a'laising man." Now, of course ll-.o loader has U.re soi n it irom the out.-ot, otherwi- o w.iy should I bo detaliiiug him with this ntiec.io:-'? l)ut ii on mo it cams a n thunderbolt, and in my emotion I lo.--got. myself and cxclaiunil uluu I: 'Se bastian Koch:" Th. faeo of the Grand Duchess ii.cl haunted me with a sense of familiarity; tno voice of my led headod ofliciT in the carriage had seenn tl n t s.iMirgo to ran; Int. now Unit I saw tin; face, end heard tie.' voice, tinge I 1 y that .-ii,;iit forego ip-ality of llngii-h, ar oil', and the same liaie, aii was elca-. "St '"i-lhm Ho li!" "ou sad.-" the gracious lady queried, tin in ig lo r i yet-. "Ni tliia..;, madnmo. I w.n about, to thaiik your higliueos for your kiml- lierr. but " "Hut your mind wandered, nnd you made wine irrelevant milita-y obsciva tlon about a huMion rock. It is perlmj-s npli:is;i. " "Yes, v. ry pr.Vuihly," asentel I. ' I'.ttt you are a man of honor, nre you not''' "I hope s.-i." "ino bnglisli generally are. You fan keep a siato fee.".-, t, especially when yo;t happen to havo learned it by a sort of aee.di nt, can you not.'" "I ii'u n ve-iy tomb lor such things, ni,. Ian.-..." "That i3 well. And, besides, you must Consider that not all hoinieide is iiiiirder. Sometime one is driven tJ kill in self-detelise. " "I li-ivo not a doubt of thai." "I uni only sorry it shoul I all havo h.tpp ne I bcfoio you saw his f. Uiut. It woul i h ive pleased your sense of humor. is tho dullest little principality," ! she went on, "oh, but dull, dull, dull! J 1 a ii sometimes foiced In despair to lii, etrae littlo jokes. Yet yo i havo itetua'ly stopped h-ro. fivo Weeks. It liiie-t be ns ih y say, that the l.i-gli-h ' people 'a'. e tueir pie .survs sadly. You are a painter, I a n told. ' "Ve.-.. yo r highness, I omUo a shift at painting." "And at t'.l lling. Hut I lack a dis criin niting audience. I think you h id belli r p iint my poi trait. I w ill tlddlo toyoii ,i oir he.-i, t's '. o'lli'ut. ltctweeii w hib s v.. w ill talk. Son,, liiues, I m y tell yen , I smoke et.g.iivlie; one must l av ne es it. in. -to. We w.ll try to eidtven th igs a little, to galvanize a.: . little lif. into this eorpseiy uouit. Do j I you think we shall succeed; " 0h, I s'lould notr1espa:rof dofng so." "Ti'.at i-i nlec of you. I have a luo.st ridi -ulous high chancellor; you luiht draw caricaluros of him. An ! lay iirst lady of tho chamber has a p'epolerous lisp. I do hope I ehftll be aiitn-oj." Ai rlio tp ko 6ho c::t. Uu.-d her left band toward mo. I t' ol; it ai.d va3 u'r.o-.it 13 give it a friendly shakts. "No, in., tiot tliat," sa d f.ho. "C!i, I f.-rrrit. ;oJ era an Amcri.-at nnd a d. iajcrv, and the simj l .t ,i b e cf c iui 'l el qu.-ttn Is fsar.Rkr.t lo you. MuS 1 V U jn,u vhat to dor" To cat ft l'.ni story eheit, Itlnught lia -s had fallen unto t.io in elreme ly plc.'.-.iu. pln:cs; ai.d to itrueel tli-y ha 1 lor nwiide. I passe I a ir. ..rry -.I'utncr ft tin court of X , i.lter- ltmi-ig be.'vcen tiio Ho-ldenz in tiie t.-wu ind tiio b. h'e -s p.evoiiii uii wa!ls. I ma'ie a good ini'iiy preliminary ; !ie!i 'i for tho t'rin"cs ptitrali, chili- slio played v:!i her violin; and between ltii.es, r.s the had promised, wo talko 1, pi T.etiu.."J court i ti'.uette, smoked citiar ett 'F, nu I lntighsd i t s.'.i.rdal. liut wiieul Le'nn upon the linul canvas I. ut least, ha.l to become ft little grave; I wanted to mnke a n.uslerplece of it. We lrel two or throe sittings, during which I worko I nway in grim elleuee, and the Grand l.'u. le-sa yawned. Th. n ona night I was ngain aroused from tiio middle of my slninb tf, tftkci in itistody I y n gray-bearded coloaol ef m aroons, ( oiidueied to a closed carringe, nnd drueii nbr.-.ud ihiough tho darknoi-a. V, hen cur carriage came to a stnn i-stili, wo found ourseivis in the Austrian vd- 5; t's i V&' 1 3 iv - it--.,.;-js5ev..-.s hs-s- eni: uxTCKOrn iu:n i.eet hand. lage of Z , n.-ross theX frontier. There my coloii ;l badi- mo go.nl-by. At th" sane- tliiio ho han b.'d me ftn enveb' o,o. I hasten d to tear it open. I poti a bl-eut of pir er iu a pretty fcmiu.ne ban i, I r. ad these word-,: " Yo-.i ) r.iin scl to aiuiiso mo. Tut It feet,-..--, yon take your dioll Br.tish art au grand serieux. W o havo better port rail laintnrs among our natives; and vol will find models cheap and picnl.ful at . . Farewell." inn tstcl fropv-lsiite.-l by the AuMior.r Alliaunc; all ti jlits rcol-ivcd.l A1U1.-rtl-.ln3 Hint l'.ly. On Friilny an advertiser who hns s---nt ns a gottd matiy checks, says the Xortlnvcs.oni Lumbcruiuu, ceufort i h!y liilud n tfnd-s'zo.l nrm chair, and (lllfitig hU sirjy tilled CfiilsldCt ilbly al.f.-tit a.lve'i tisiiitf." "Wlioti i buy ad eitisino, li'isiid, I want ti fed a.i surcd tiiat tiie piper in wliieli I havo -p.it".! foci to tho mart whom I tlesiro to reirii, and lurtlior tliat W? pepbi to wlioni if, goes havo a (ino 1 opinion (if ir, 1 plane my advertising; on that bails. I u-o i to think th it I did not recxivo i,iy money's woi'th unl-s i could trace a certain nutnbo.- of s.ilcs t suiiw ..irtioular "atl." 1 fttn over that, 1 m -et the (Ionian I of ni icliin ery iu my line, and having done that 1 want to be known, and known ail th:; time. I advertise, s.y in a dozen paper-., and a iivin comet a!on aial bu s a hi;,' bill f goods. Can ho tell in- whit particular r,;l"'r diiet-tcii him to my works'. 2vo. not otn'-e in a liittuhcil times. I have boon adier-ti-ing for years so he lu.iv know where 1 am, and when he wants to buy he cotiies t ) me. Make flfst-elas-i r;U -l.in ::y, let everyhod Icti 'v,' whera the ttiacbineiy can be hid, and then Moat v. ur cKi'riiJ :rs white is. the way lo g.-t liUiitios." Tiiat ititin knew what he. vras taiicing about Ar.oiMtotes ot ('hiii-ll-.. I t:i ust tell you (.ne anecdote of our friend Charlie which is perhaps the uii'-f c-iiiv.ius of any I have to record, "there were two young boys brothers, in the lioii-e, and tlv ir miiher. Charlie's mistress was in the habit of eaKiu-t t lictn by name, lieginaid and Albert, using ceitiiu familiar Con tractions wucii she did si. It wa- ih w.-inder tliat. Chat lie caught these up; but what will In' said of such an ap plication of them as the following? The bird, as wilh must parrots, was not albivvol water in his cage, so wh -ii thirsty he would call, in what, may he lernied h's mu voice: 'Keggio! lb gele Keggio or Hcr t ic! Charlie wants vunn water!" Charlie has a great fondness for th-.-1 astc of which pie crust is made, and this being known he was often treat ed to a pk-c -. It - naturally looked lor this, ati'.l when forgotten h ; woold invite hiuiM'if to have some in the form ( f wordj whi'-li ha l iloubtlo-s ol'u n l.i.-n uit-.l by his mistress, li.t would .-ay: Charlie, d you like paste? Will you have a bit.-' This would be said in the voice of his mistress or her daughter. He would then add, in quite a changed tttne, 'Oh rather!" IxiuliU in Tru'li ami llutv. Every thinking mind is liable at titues to doubt botn a; to truth and duty. Hut a thoughtful mind wi!! nut formulat:; its doubts or regard th''in ;ii com i.'tions. If doub is to some, a natural phase of thought, it is a'lso temp irary, unless it is unwisely wrought into conduct. One who sin cerely endeavors to live a ight cannot long remain astray. Act on the truth which is admitted; do the duty which is plain ii id dou'-'t as to the next step in either will soon pass away. Tho cxi-erience i f life to tho hon -t la art uearly always works to tip; eetiilniiatit-o of biith audio fidelity iu duty. 1 1 il: i 1 V I 1: Mil GRADERS AND THEIR HOME, Toor rar.iilici Whnae (Inly bptifeP la au (Jnllnin-y '1. ut. At St. I.oi'!.-, Mo., there tire several reprlmenta cr poor people dv.clllna in tents, and alriai'y the lirsf rases of BuiTeriiig fir.i wretch.'dntss bare beeti leeorded. Ti.e.-e peoide arc '-graders'' Rail their far:::::.-.-, 'i'he graders are the uiea w lio i'i:1'i..- iii ti e labor of Jovt Una the e!e ntioiis. jiret 'i lo t;:e ire; uniiiitiroved -. As ,i rule, !:.--isillp Of : they s,.eild ; !tl huuses. siilUe. th.-m. ;b tie- . r,:'.,:-e ef ti.'.ti of blli'.u and hilly parts of t they are a.il iuttre l living la ten's. S-u: fetlcerr.-si vc y, ;.i.-rs Then, fintiiu. ;i eoid . when fi.jio :;:. ; :'. nre ( ci.p.-. 11. d to s. a --jti tti.-al ; WAr.i, IK ' ten-.s. Their number e-d. Five thou.-'and is n low e.s-.in.ate. And fin-re fir" many e-Iiii.iiv:i. A visii writ-, tnt'de to the lots on Kie lid avenue, near Wi sttuitister. A dozen tints, huddled together, eomp.ised this litiie hander. Tin-re was no she Iter of trees or homes to the miniature plateau they stood upon. A hlh growth of ( dark weeds that emitted n sickly od-ir of decaying ve;;"tnth)!i r.tirroeiidi J the j touts. A ramshackle shed for horses stood in their midst. All around was I scattered (he debris from the table. There was no drainage no convenient rill or sewer to wash nway refuse. Tin ! ratis. asiirs, relegated utensils, nnd cast-off wearing apparel little of that I were strewn nround. To the sotru i west of this scene tiie tall, stately man 1 siotis of the boulevard formed a back ground for tiii.s homely, leu not home like, ph i nre a eonM.iiit saddening iu I its ciioi'i.ilty. A noise of a wtii'.i-.ig infant attracted ! ntei.tlou to a ter.r a little apart from j the others. Tiio fne O'Donnell children I were the ion,; tenants. The eldest Is a ' girl of 7. A baby In the cradle was cry ing ns thoagli hcart-hrokcii. A little Chap nlioui f years oh! was rucking it, trying lo eahn his Huh; sister. The father was working on the sewer con struction. The mo:lirr was out d-!ng a day's washing. Het'oro the iievcsp.ipcr men left tuo camp. Mrs. O'Dot.uell ro , turned. PI. a apoh';flz-?d for the dirt in her tear, and for the untidy condition , of her children, who were unwashed I and barefooted. S'oe was not afraid to trust them with a five oh. nol They I had all been burned and bad learned to fear it. Surely, experience was n dear ! teacher here. This faiudy was plus I purous, comparatively, j A few feet away lives Mrs. Salisbury j and her three children. Her son. n boy of six, was sick In bed, fuul had no I medical attendance. Ilts tent was a j dilapidated affair that would be ut the j mercy of an ordinary wltid stoirn were ! It not for the protection afforded by a J high growth of viie-siiiolling weeds, j ur l.iir bartd li t I been ;ek nnd out of work, and they were l.vln.; from hand So .-J. " . e v v.. ? VS'ltv I l'fittNo n viv. to mouth. All thin texture, .nn! ing. They .slept huddled togei til sake of warmth only spot in the laetr et. 'tiitig was ol they had no bed cloth-a- many as possible iti eao bed, for the tiiid to get under the tea! wiiet'e the rains did liet seal; ihroiui'. Only at re.eal titues-wlien they e.ail-l aP.'ord a meal do they burn a lire in their stove. Mrs Salisbury had received no h.dp lrom any one. Often they hal gone to bed suppcrlcss, Mie won! 1 not ask her neighbors for help tiny were in the same boat of penury. She was ignorant td" the method of securing ..ililde aid. While at prcr-oiii there at" net many Of these people in dtre ill-i 1 1 . li is but a question of the advent of the severe Cold Wtii'l'-.-t' Hli'tl their appeals let aid will be titdi ci s.-il. A :-int;ing rIou- A good deal of skefi.ii: anioag the igiioiau; as to thele being sin.-lag mice; kept such a songster for I, am in a po.-.l.i"ii to .-;. ik w i I'l-evaos lite et ct btiving yea's. I i a. it:; :': ty. rite was c. night :n a -brought up i'.i ! ".oil' ni, sai face. ;u:d handed oiit commenced an a-.pia.! sooii ripened info I o; iin.i o.ll l.ilue, w .IS bug" lo the to me. Tims tan e w Idea y, and w htcli was only tertul'iati d by la r death. T'uc.v were no douots about her fong; a pretty, li'rd-ltke warble, rising and failing .il. ornately, and of sulli.-ient power to carry l'roin the top to the bot tom of the li 'iis' w hen all was unlet. Iti appearand' sue was be-, an oiiil nury house inoits-'. with the usual well groomed coat, th" u.-u:il i.i.-cade of w hiskers, the Usual beady black el es, end an elegant tain i lug la:!, like the Ifes! of her tribe. It w as ie.-r .s-.p- ah'll" liieh singled her otti from the dtinili millions of lot' follows, and this song she poured out nlntost without intermis sion dming ln-r waking hour.''. Thi peculations of the learued Uve been I crosr.p ror. Tin-. ;r, nr. i 1 oiiiy la- guess- NO. 21. exercised over this matter, fin.1 sime hac thought that bronchi!:., by u.:r- 1 rowing the a!r p;is.s.jgei-, prodti'TS j lioi.-y '. hoe:ilig, wl.K-n rjitilllsiiist.c no mlivrs lit'.ve (ttgu.iicd as a sea.3. Others, with j'tiMi'T probability, havy siige:-:-ed that every woure Is a tliis'.ru u'i'v..', but that en arc-oiint of the uiilittets cf C'.'.!- ears if only li'. a In- b.is- ot( cf, voea'.U-fi, whiie the sin lilt r tl:e.-IVa'. li'.t'.lO: Itr till' itiino: one htiiivs tiiar the f t'.'.eiil; .,;.-, V s of -, Ii'-ery I' a hat is 1 t'o.ir oit" ,t eo.'ti.ry not 1 ever: oil". ti.at ot; pur v it: a w aii; le i rr... of 'nils iioil ieg of i dlsveeiioj r c::i cm o tin- oil. ! a to. (.'.;!. i.u lletililf: M'tl tic liieu apirrarn'. of t.u 1 ilotti'th-'-.s a veiy i the 'o.lr.ltty of ;he o f. le'ii-e in tl.e would reiu'lt Mi!li: ! rifly 1 in a lootire- v. .;! s.- to 'cri'v tl itii-n the- rooipass cf (.ur lio.uin- pott- i-i's. tt. James t to. --' Cbineno C'ou.jo.-ersj. The conrt Jugglets in ilie titiie of iCttb- j lai Khan nsadt it appear to il.o-.- wl.o j iuoke-1 oil (is it -a'iSi.ei fio:.! the table j actually flew throu 'h ti;e a'r. One of j the i ra i (!'; s who vlsi :.! the r-ioas of I ifhtcii Mttl-ro g:-. s it.- &;. e. il. .iit.ti t j says: "And Ju.-glcrs cause ettps of :;old j to l!y throii-ii tl.e air ar-d "I'lVr the:..- I selves to oil who Its', to drink." A".d i Ilm r.atr.t;;, a Moor who vl.-'.sd Cath-iy a century .ilier, gie-s th;s ti. euuat of a j simlhir ineidettt: i Tiiat same nl.rl't a Jutrglcr who was j oue of the Ktiu ?" slave.-, mrole his ;.;- pea ran co, and the Ac.!r - :i ! to hiui: j "Coau; an.'! show Us some of juur niar- ! els." Ujioii til is he icnk a -.''ooili ii l.a!l, j wifh several holeo iu i. tl:iof.-h v-hleli I long thongs wt-iv passed, a:id d-iyi.-.g i hold of cue of thrsf) si.it !: ittta ;!.: . air. It went sj h::,!i II. at i.e. loi s.ght Of if alojgelt.o.. iU was the hottest j season of the year, ami we were otiUidc I in tiie nildiii" of the pain, e emirt.i ! There now rema.ned c-nly a ill tie ef the end ef a tli'-ng in the conjurer's hand, nild he (leiircd olio of the boys WilO as sisted iiiui to lay hold of it and mount. He did so. climbing by the thou, and 1 we lost sight oi hit. i sImiI 'I lie con- I Juror lh.-n called to Piai three times, j hut getf.ag no answer no fti.it; bed up a knife as if In a itn-tit rage, laid hold of the thong. ::r.d d.saj-p art d a.Mil 15y nt l lye Iv thr.n-.- d -cvn one of the j hoy's hands, then a f.i.-.t. then the oti.t-r . hand, and tlu-n the other foot, then the j trunk, and iar all the h -.nil i ti.-u ulilag and all bloody the Attitr. he came down hitv.se!;'. ni panting, and with his do:! kit.-ed the ground befor and fial I soiiietli.tig to him in C'LUn's-k Tho Amir gave soii.e ord, r ia fi p!y, and our friend than tor.;; the lad's 'hubs, laid ihct'ii tog-.-i, n-r iu their places, nod gave a kick, when, p:-i-..:n! tie r-' was the boy, who go. a;: i t:---i-d before us. All this nMou!.-;.e,i roe b.-yon 1 men sure, and I had tin attar-:: of p.op!- tat!oa iihe ihat v. i.;cii OM'r.-aau' un j once In fore in the prtsen.v of the Sul- i tan of liii'u.i, when lu id.ov.e.l me s .iin" J thing of the same bind. The Kazi Af- j kliarti.ldln wa.s next io nn-. and quoth j he: "Wallahl -'tis my ot. talon there has been neither going tip uor coming down, neither marr.ng nor m'T'diug; 'tis ail hocua-poeus:" St. Nicholas, The l ifieral IMuoai on. Tlin t man, I tioiik, has had a liberal education wh,-. has ban so trained in ve-uih ihat h'.r body is tho ready servant ol' his w.ll, a: pleasure all the !ui, it ,s eapa: a clear, cold 1. parts of equal -.ioi-ktntt order, ginc, to be lit d does with use nnd work th.it, as a uiechan ii: of; wiu.se ioteiicct is gte ctigiiic. w it'.i all its m ngth aiPi Iti stnootit ready, l.k" a so ain efi n. -d to ecry kind of tltr- pessauiers ns w-eli wens rir.d spin th as forge il.. an hois -a', ti mi. i1 I- slot, ! -, i; li a l;n gri.it .-n.l lunda'tii-itl-i! fare, and of tin; l'tv's ,,i' I c ::e w Lo, t.-i sinnte-l a-. life and tire, but whos, l ruiied to i . -tiii- t' i lu 1 1 w ill, tiie i--n-!it!t a tor. who has ):.!. rod o lo whether of nature cr of Vilolle-S, alio to re-spi 1 self. Sacti a one. and f he .oitl 1, .-ho-. Ige of tt.e ;a, l;a ;'i r.i: tops; full of igot'-'tlS Ti.-cet-li't-; 1 beauty. .. hate all - 'is I..IO- co eeive. ti he is as harmou. the b. -t w ill get l: ,d a li'.lci ilnpiel'-ly tf wi.li isauire f her. and s d e-lt! -. a 1...1'.; 1 le -.' on. for bo In i i rtake i hey i fis her l 1' r rarely moth, r. r. l.-.u ever b'-m moil' hp;, .-i Istcr ati i 't r m tu 1. ti 1 eiU . Si di-i- i a ride -pii a;:, let e.ip.il.'e of l ha try -p - pai.ip.i-. f k. - o; wound-. Af to 1. ll'tl'lllleS- i .-i'c 1 Tie ;: Aaietl :Sol! ,-ir. Soli, el tllh loo bio- i; eti to. .re g.VCtl I'.ttt ; del' is i cry oid.i.ai Iti i-v '.und . ti tie same 1 .fop. is I; lir,:'-. eiy a. -Ike and .--!' ex Ma de le'-l U-'llper. It It, t i ie- sen;.- ai.y iiitrio-i-" it; i-ii its i!. tutrr., bin u-ijei-tc ccp to tir.j.'i'i1 i -'t. ;. r o'-.r the lieiige. Men on h.n-seb t.-i; w'to v-.-i" tired io ill') t'i tii-ll i .th'll tell 1; l ! of ll ie pce'l pur-ncl for th'rty yards, the sp'-ler kecpttig up with a trott.-.g ',,, 'ppis Irritable individual ;s iaiie.1 "the k"ig of spiders." T.iri-inu and 1 eatfieiiii l.eg-il. Tarriii- and le.itii'-ritv' w.i: e n legal piiitisiiii'iM for tt. .-ft. li is said to be lo'.lll.l iu the staill'i - of both ll'lg. land and rr.-in--e about the time of the Criisades. people :ie,i:1ro :i lot' , mo; pride as they grow ol.p-r, but tiny a;'' as weak r.s ever. If you ii-;. mode ati't p!.iy :-t Ubullt on the piano don't .t.iyii-x boas: kbeut iu 17 K-A-'TJEGS or ADVERT.Si.JC One square, one insertion 1.00 Ouo square, two insertions. ... 1.60 Que square, ouu month 2.00 For larger tt Ivc'i ln"iuuiiU lioeral contracts v:il .u made. SOW THE JIOTOCifLP. '. Ifevr Wheels Wlileli Are 1'ropcUeeJ ! by Aiitoiuiilic -'o'.vit. J Uotocyelea and ot'uer Vehicles pro. : pelied by automatic i-ov.tr aro ct.joy lug a boom in iiD?lii.i. 1'uey nave reached meli it prominent poan-ioa iu the kingdom that a p .p. r -, pubiiihtnl weekly in their mtei-.-.-ts. -'ovemoet' 1 ! was termed a red ;r!t--f (b7 hy tuu nu!oiiioi)iiit,ts,Oij ae.toitat of .he ttri.Jw jug cpt'tt oi tho iiigov.nys to the ipn i-r ,..:..,. rdini.ai-i.-s are buiij; torno ll C'l Hi! l.ideS I.!-. 1 1 '1 O-eOCtfi C S " : rivuling tua pietoriul fancy f the min ; ing boon; days au U;i-;5 (iisiribuU I ' , bro"d:iist. i '' ; The iiiotcreyrlo it nt'rietia wi-lj - j e jtn-rt I i'lt.re't r.a.i at Ita-t .. dozen ; ; inukes are on tiio ui.iv.i 1. in ureoeut ' public, to.', at Coventry lea pru v. in '' ; lier was deserioed m txa'.it.g cvery d ; thing for pa;":, e-id beli.i.via.. dis- ; position to ci.i.i iicxio.is i.in.e.. J-i.e. ' fpec-a was aiiotit riir.,, ;iii-.- "'"",- I cud Ike maehino '.To up tho Lti! uttlu end of the i-traigbL went on the level. quite i-.h fa -t as it Mr. i'cuuingtoii. A ?ioT.w-:-n:. who rodo il, fciaa Is sowcihing over fix feet, and is u very broa by built man, so that his m-.chii was put to very lair tent Leu tAfiis Liai un a sLurp iuciiue. InipreveJ Mr.uvb' rrlis. It is a wtll kuuwn fact tliat the vari-Clio.-, of str.ryni ri ics iu Use to-day are iu no respects belter, i in tee.l us goo.!, ai uituiy varieties Unit weru jopulur over u 'qiiarti r cf a i. ntury ago, and vet it is reeogui.'.i d by his hands that ur iriet!o are es.-entta!. Thi.-i chit-ll.y cornea from a ui i i-e eati-od by the. oper.-.tious of tho rirawoerry inn gas, wliieii t'lkes tlto b.iui of Miiiill iiroiin spot.j ;u thti i.tiHi -. ne ser it occiii.-,tiio;-trawbi rry p'unts dcclino in ln iiiih unl general i i -hiy. As Ion-.,-lis a Vtirie-tv Oitl im kept lice jromtun troulilo new kin-Is nte li-.t e-.-eut u., but it sr-t-Ul-, iineol'.inig i' e istper.- t nee ot m.iwi f ti u toousr or lat- r t i r -, i a r.r isi' 11. will diacover t tloUi. Mt-eii'i hi A H.ii'lies' l'r.tp c.i fir l.i'e. Tho Dadic-ti of ibtoi'ori iia been crinnled lor life. Wilde tlr.vtu,' witu I Lor imsb.iu.l some w. ;o iu the !' ' .-;,:7X.,rv, V the i'C-.'-nr.f s or r.rt nei'ghhoruov.'l 'ob, borses bu'.ie ', a d la unset, its oci'ttoants At-h-y, th u : : wai :i, h:i.Ue.! be with i'oa.-i lera'i o for,-, j tree. Tito 1)iicU--.-.h , Beverly itii'irc-.l that t ig.itLi- t 11 hll;,H has been K) i!.i.-t .r.s do- ; eluro her iiooti.e I io r I throivtln nt lu r l ie. til. i n in inviin.l e. Site, hko st j ru my other 1'nei I well as in Franco ' a commoner, nu I that, illtllOll ;h 1 ; rcgiil.lcl n- the 1 1 . thing that peitai i r.rislooraev, et e-s.'s, ia I'.ti gl'in-l, ft , is tiie dan 'l-iter o:' it is a p-'i'a;oir iiiee t -h- s-cs nvo u-unliy iiitil-. fcti.-.i ot every -. . to I I no i''o". I an I Cue Vii-t wijoriiy of them are unable to ist ot bliu ; blood in tlnn veil s, or o" being born, i bo to sptftk, "in the i ati'le." AY.ts Ciiiniug I'own Viijdniii. Some years ago there live 1 iu berth, ck'otiun t, a nuin oi conviV.nl h.-xnit-. will known by his t'lii-.-ii ia namo oi Jatui,-. One lintk lu.tot in i: -qi.a'M -nnco ioiind Jamie ni t, oi let of hi i i.nisi.le stair. "is lh.it y'u i, .laruii-V" t-Kel the acqiiaini nice ta a vo.co o.' iLe greatest nstonishiaeut. "Aye, it's tiie." replied Ju'.aic, in a totiO of en pleto resiguatioti. "ilave you f i'eti doau the stuirV" was tie) m U ques ttou. "Aye, I fell doon, b it I wai coming doon, whether or no." I iiilnient far MmIiU an I J'tirn". Take cquil parts o; ITen-neo in", or frcshiV drmiil liu-ee I oi1, uti I lru-i water; sirnko tleiu well ti;,oiii(T in u Wloo oottle, so in to lOi'iii ii niii-netit. This will be touul nu i'eeluigy bca dug iippd itioii for ri-i-nt m"i ui ii u I burns. It may either b spren upon a cloth, or tho part" ml'--el" I may be anointed with it iwo or three UtuuM k da, tw 1'uik JouiuuL