immmmmmtmmmiitm lumtmrn -aw ljc tfljatljam Record. (tlje (tfhatljau) ftccorfc 11. a. LonnoA, EDITOR AND rROPBrETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St icily In Advance. BATES cur ADVERTISING One aqnsre, one insertion 81.00 Od uijupre, two innortiom. ... 1.60 One square, oue mouth - 2 19 For larger advertisements liberal contracts will ba uiado. . VOL. XX. IMTTSliOHO, CHATHAM COT NT V, N. d Til TRSDAV. NOVKMIii-'K K IHU7 NO. 12. ROYAL RANGER RALPH; TO LY VELDON J. COBD. IIAI TI'.K XVI. TIIU AVt. Hanger Palpli. tin- old smut, wis not M'o xvhlle a I III" event- rlnscrihiid slnco lils mishap al tin; river wcrn transpiring. W'licn tin! horses ran away ami dashrd the xviuon moi' the clilf noar l.ono t'n n - on Tavern, ih" lanprr at first pavo himself up for lo-i. '1 lie ili soimh was a terrible one, and ho. rliiinc I ) Hi" siilm of Hid vaon as it turned and to! I, and struck Hm vii l or with a era.-h. Then, ilard and brni-ed, he was lialf roust iou dial i In" horses lia l heroine separab d fnini lie v. Iiiolo, und that tin; lat tor, I adly shall no I, xva lloutiuij down tlio stream It. had i.nv lio.'io'io so dark, especially In tho shelier of 111" . III), i hat lined the, liver perpendicularly, that In; could mil estimate his si i m.i l ion except I hat ho win being borne lapidly away from the scene of tho accident ly ill" siivam's swift cm ri ut. "I'm i id of tho outlaw, any way," lio imi'lereil grimly, -and in bahly noar thoir stronghold- 1 wonder if y;u :i li.ry ha inaiiairrd to tind tho girl, or if" she N i-lill a captive and mi lior way to this desolate piaoo?'' Ills ii'iln aiiioiit was not n pleasant oiio. for i ho w.iuon lm was iiunorsod in water and l.e was wet i liioii:,'li from tho dip in tho sin am finally il hean l'i -lnlf -n low lhat lio v a, c . 1 1 1 ; i -1 1 o i ) i i oliinh out on tho scat, and tin ii'i o laior to tho lupof tho wairon rover its.. if. From here l,o rcnai'dod tho fast -flying landst-a;," -i onl iy and elu ig to hi frail raft as it was dr. u n hither and tliithor liy tlio rock choked runout Ti.oio was a linal era-h, and Ranirer Till ph was llmcf head furoinost Into llio rivor. Tho ,r.'on xva' splintered to p oors as It oa;no iu i ouiai l with a Ima-i rot k in inid-tiraie, :i!"l l'o:ii"d away leaxiiig tho scout lliinioli riio! in tiio water lio maiiir.o;! tn li-acii Iho sliorr, and flood wiili dripping uuricriiis riclully HllM-yln his ilualioii. I'ai'hr.i s nd solitmlo Mirioundoil hint, Bud i luTi' f-i oiiio I lio n.oaiis of loavins li aiiiu' tho narrow, ronlinod canyon o d'i'l hy iho waterway up atid down Siuldi n'y a llulit api t .iit l In tlio tli--t.iuoo. mi I t In- : out st iud pofi'iui; at it for sumo tini", a in i v onilo vorlng to inako nut its toi utiiin and u u o. "li must lio a laiiior.i or tump-Urn of th" outlaws," Ik- ili idi'd. and ho iloloi niinod to oiidoau.r to u a'.n Ills way toward il. In tho dari,iicss a :d nnrdst unfa mi lar .-coin s I his w as no o.isy t isl,-, und his prof,';o-s wa - slow u :l lalmrioiis. I Iiiil'1ii' i i 1 1 . i : 1 1 1 1 vinos and shrub, H aling l'url;-. loi ilii,!,' and sw inuiiiim', ho maiiau' d l.n i ly io iiiln a pilo of rocks (iiroi.tiy liojoiiij wlii h WM.s tlio lii;lit ho had mod II proved to h i ns ho had surmised, a ramp-lii ', huiit oniowliat hack in a cavo liUo a , oi i tiro of t In- ro l,s It was noi e-n.lilo liy a narrow, dan pi rous atli from iho ili if almvo, an t was o- iiio at 'y o io of lh" o nt r;i n 0 s 10 tic liioiiniai1: I :i -t no-s of th ha nil Its A iloou io:iirh f. mis worn vi.-iiilo In th.i n 1 1 1 v of ih' hi' fi-'ht, and nnmnir them I. a;.;;1 r I alp'i lo ulily rccunnii(l 'I'iciMl wh on !.o had kioiw n to 1- mom. 1 1 i spiird ii oul'aw ha.'ul. 1'ioni his p .n o of ."spioLann tlii old fa outi iiu d wid li hN ononilos and do teiuiilio a! ' -uto tho lio-t icurso lo i n i s o. Tin io was ii.. Ti :ir of in'orruplinii, for ti Ii ili: he in i: li t i;,iin tin- ontranco to tho ravo ii w.iJ not likely thai they would inni'liis w n. I:r was si mar to tho cntl an e of Iho i a o thai ho would Si nn st honr tlio lam: liter and conversation. 'J hero w .1 oi I , I i s !edj'o of rock l.o w i n him am! tho op-n .-pa-o In front Of l ho i in " 'J lie out iioui h d 'aw as two men 1,-nio t iward v. i.i-iv lio was At iirst he n.-ti i mill" I Io ret :oat, a - ho foarod thoy in io o. m'.t-A uxor ill" 'od.'e; I ut as they l au. e l at th" eiluo of li o stream lo ur liy l.e ili loniid Hull oil" of t hem lure a Ion ui't in his han.l, and thai thoy had i oiiio t nhuin -oino v. atcr lor the ramp. -i hal's Iho roiiiuuiino, aniwny?" ho lieanl nil" .ii th men a-k; and tlio other ioi Ii d: "A g. octal luvaKiiu' up of iho band, I I the ho s -ay. " "And a ilui- oi, of iho rofit?" "Vis. It w hi-i cred a'joui that lios- paid is lire.! of the life, u ixl that it has ( Ire u;o I' o i.iiii',. ions to suit him Ho s alraid oi tioulio witb Shadow Snako, und ho'-i-ol o.iio s Ileum for a foituno iih ut ili I u.) I ho has iirouplit horn. " "What In. ull' en till ho havo with M.a U.w M.alvV" "lio'-, a'l.nd Iho old Modoc chieftain will learn about his tn achery in requrd -ho I '"Vcs; and Pauton and ho ha'.o played the Indians false. " "About w hat V The c.iiui aiiL Ira'u. Tlioy sto'o most id iiio plunder, and tho .Sna'.io will ro M'nt i hi.-ami our desert or. I ivnu iln't wo.iih r it' th" Modoc chief tent a mes hcii. r Io doioaiid re-titmlon. Anyway, lie's iii.uli! oil1 mios ,,f tho savnos by his lit thins " 'iho ini'ii loiiirned to thn rno just thou, hut lie if conorsatioii formed a Hi. mo of tlooi'ht In tho scent's mind for sumo tin o alter their departure. Tho (,'lrl is here," muttered tho ram;er. "and l!oiUd has somo plan for loavin the country. I must loam what his schemes arc and at oio e. Hot how ?" 1'uiiKcr lfalph lellocted deeply for over an hour. Then as a hold idea Hushed upon his mir'.d. ho determined on its im mediate execution. Ho theorized readily that Desparl meditated leaving tho country, and tiiii. he would pro! ably take Inez Traiey with him. The wil l was now doubtless a pris oner in Ih outlaw's s'roiiRhold. The fortune lo r father had left her w is the ob.le. t of l'os; aid's plot To ii si-no llio pirl and foil tho rene gade in s"i in inn 'hit firuiiuv tho Scout (It that be in ii-1 net iiiickly. Kaioicr lia'pli w.i noted ftlmisc tho fiontior lor his -hr. wdins, not only as k scout but as a do o the. It v. is in the alt r laiaclty that h) l.iid now decided lo act and although his tl go a a bokl on", bo r iovod th ho won'd hi ahlo to m cessfully carry U Into execution. Itapidly bo fiiriim'atcl his plan. U ronslstod, lir.-t. In the -sunipl on of a p r'eet ilis.'iiiso, and tl.o hardy old langer. fti iy preiMivl for u.-t sucli eo i. tiiDJenclos as lln; pr. s nt oii.i was sou i at work on a tliorouK i ti.ius.ui uiaiiou of his personal dpi earanc . With a keomo Ijied razor he siiaved off Ids luxuriant henrd. Then ho piocnedo I to paint Id s faeo mi I arraiip! liis ailiro til aeeor 'ail O Willi his (le-uns. Mion ho had completed Ili- toilet il e. doubtful ii hN nearest friend would hao r cosni.i'd him He re ninble I a half-bivol, und his Stained sl;in, one oyu sha lo I by 1 band a'e, liinpniLf (a!t and i i in ral inn ivil I zed nppearau o aave f I i.-t t h i foiot ho desired, io eiiat le In i pom train to tho enemy's ramp wim his identity tin-iispnctid. When ho had fully complete 1 hN men tal plan of ni'liiui, tho Seoul iai'iou-lv clmnhe ed owrihn li d re of ro l;s and mado his way to ward tim camp lire. fcevura-' forms spranu to their feet and lnieded lis fuiiher p.ornss as lo) reached llii entrain n lo tho ravo. A man whom h; nvo'-'iiied ui Van o raised a sun luonaeiiiiriy "What do S'liu wa'it'.1 Who hiv you'.' How caino moi lier. '.''' b" di.'inatidu I qui kly. In accordanee with his a-s inii'd elinr a 'tor. Iho renal fiililrd It's arms over Ids breast and adopted a -ndon, d'diant i x pr. ss on of faro. "Thn IMaek row," lie iiiutioie 1. T must see b in. " "Win aro mui?'' "Ta lula. the lialf-bnvil." "How did yon come lu ll "'IlioMo loe knows Iho hidii; l;i' o of th" wlnl' men and tho paths that leal to it," was tho s nin's st"a y reply, adm ru'dy conch ! in th" lud an orna cilia!'. Vance -lar -d. "ila !" h" cja Mila'e I. ' you eoinn from the .Modoc-V "I coino from the eiok' train. I tear a mes-aso. In ro is tho i i"V. "U'hy do you wi.-h lo s hiin'.'" "He will kin.w when ho roiuemliers his broken pledtro to Huolow Snake." It was evident from alo e's n iiuiior that ho re al ed th" lio t of I'esj aid s doiiblo di a i;, wiih lie; Mo loe chief-, tain. Ho shui'V,! ii' ca-Hy bexon I lio; suj; posed ine--eimoi' Hum the Mndncs "Ilid 'i'a lula oniiio al inev:l ho aski d. "Yes " "Mt down by the i amp-firo there: 1 will speak witii ii.e i row " 1,'aiiL'er llalpli smile I cimplaeei.tly I i lllms df al I ho S'leres i ol his fm pitsil ion so far, bill assuuie l a sludi' d nltiludn o.' sullen sileii' o iini,l aueo ha I ro turne h "," said Iiio Inner; "tho ('row wl.-hes to la k w. itil Noll ' rMi.:' Tho scout was led into the ea o throii;:h sovora' loir' n-.-anr.-. ami liral ly into an ai.iil iient ihal was appar ently a ponion oi a ion hut ilia' was built over th" river a. id into iho c -1 i it'. Despard and llantou sal. a a tub e drinking, and iho fornmr K anced at iho somber li-'Uio nf X anee's roin pailiou. "II ro is tho h.ill'-l re d li'uu th Mo Iocs," e! .lain ed Viiuro. ".-rom Mui I v, Mii'.lo .'.'" u-lo d l'os pa I'd. "I'ph!" replied ihoscoiii in a dNguNid toim of voire. "U hat does bo waiii?-' "His share of III - 1 1 inder t iheii from the eini-irant train Tlio I row has playi d liim and h i .-eeks iv.s'i.u lion rr rou-n-'e ' linspard evliu" d a cool uiieom orn of tho .scoul's -ouil. or threats Ho li lened calmly wlnl- tin tlN-ui-ed rauij -r iu cultural (ones lold of ih" dis-aiNfu"-Hon and aimer o ihu Mo loc t hiol lain. Then ho raid: "Mia low Snake I'.einands p; .lii'1'' "I'Bh!" "And If it is pot sent lo him.'" ''War," was the In". mi" r. ph. "When must in; have hi s an woi ?" "In two suns " "lined, liefore another day is pa-t, Tallula shall hm w mvibci-iou 'mi can stay hero u.itii iln n. " Kautfer iialph ret io I with ca'in dl-'iii-ty, and eoiu'rntu'alod l.iius li' upon t.lin fact thai be had hoi loon rrco?ui.ed by tho outlaw "Watch thar half -breed cloudy. " .aid Pesp.ird to V.iwv; and iho laiior ful lowed the s out from the r i. "We have no limo lo Iu-.e, " said Ihin ton. when they were aloii" "That is ti no." ' The Mo iocs wi 1 mar di a ainsl us unless we ! t iin a share of the Uaitv." "Then w. whl act a! oiii ". I have lo cated the haunt o. the old hri'iiut " "Wa ford. "'es; and In tho moruiii',' I shall i;o there, dneo I :-eeuro the secret, of lio". Traoey's fortune, I shall leave a small amount of plunder lor them to divide, and you an l am n, tho airl, an I iny-eli' will li avn this pari of tho country lor cver." Meanwhilo Iiauirer II.ilpli h id b. en led toward the livereud of tho rave l.y Vance. He paused ere tiny rem he .1 tho camp fire. "Tallula Is weary," he said. "All rlftlit; yo.i can shop anywhere here " 'I lio iiieteiob d half loe d tluti:: hi n self upon a broad rock Y.iniM content -e.l himself w ith proooediiu to i he -i oi whore Ids companion were, a ml after telling them to so" lhat Tadula did not loaxe. the ravo, pa d im further attoniiun to tho scout. Tim latter had fully decided to explore tho bandits' haunt, in the bopi of liml Inft I no-'. After a while l.e left tho rocks, and, unptirceived by tho men aroun I Iho camp-lire, hona'n rxa ininiu tho various passages and apartmen: uf tho ureat tinderKroiimi caorn lh" oecupio I. There was mm dim ( orridor dow n which bo could see. a liitht biiruni";. and ho stealthily made his way I ovard ii. lie drew buck in the -ha low of a pro jectiliif shelf of stoni) a- he -aw. ilire -lly ahead of him, in ii'i eml ia-uie in the corridor, a man seated on tlml'i orof 111" cave. His bark was to tho scout, and ho seemed to bo laily noldint as if in sleep. "A guard," muttered the s cuit, Ibri.l Inn to iillck in'' .e-l a liis di-eu oi l . 'Tliero inn -1 bo some one in iho rave boyond, perhap Ih" till her.-elf " llanKer l.'aluh p -ore I caul'mislv he yinid the -pot wle ro Iho corridor e i laiRcd. lio slarte I as he di-uiM r.'d that a laiuo iipaiiinont teriiilniHi d iho passanewav. I on a i ml" he,' labia v. as a second lantoin, and it- r.ivs showed a eion h c ivon d w i'h a pantl i r-t- k in. I pon this th scout undo out a fa miliar form. It w is tint of Hi" orv maiden who wa too t lio m.. ui a1' his unilou thooght lie stood spell boipid. vet n .c'teil. ca inf .'ilontly at tho pnl, who o head w as l,.'i;t in her hands, as if in eric!' in I d 'spair. Kapidly ho bi kini to lo -in a pan for eva linn the Ka.-id in tlio cor I Idol' imil roaehin'; 111". A- ho stoo l lluro n so I'lon i pis do ba Ted a I liN plan'. Ho saw I. (" T:ac'v start lo bo;' fro- ami stare in wild emotion al. Iho oppositu s da of Hi" (.I'.o 'I liN portion o l h ra v 'in was r.t that inoiiiont coinple'ely shut out liom t;.-i iim r balph's r u.Ko of x. i' ii iu;oi ly ho heaid a voieo sji ali h r liaiic Ho saw the fiirl s face express too deepest joy and ivl.of. At that imo luoiit, tin; nilent on of th" (.'mud si omed ilireetovl lo the apartment. II" nro-o fdoi'd a revolver fro ii his frei, and lie pan lo i loop Inwards the cave. Iiiloo.-elv iur-jesled and Vet ;orp!o'.ed 1' a ii for 1,'alph stool wa'i hin.; the si-one of what promised lo bo a ino-t. e' itui' in d up m nl jiisopis .I ( IIAI I l it XVII, i( I ve it. was lh at bad apparonlK intored lh' caio u I in I nil-ill where lii" j 'j'liie. y w.H, tint p'lS'Ki did not cvi i oenil ,- see or know ul the near proximity of tlio ban iit iriiar I. Ku'll tho iiiiprisone I iiia deii si' i d uiiaw.'.re of his pivn ueo, for lo r boaiiii fid face, fuly revealed lo I ho ia ro of I ho si nut in Iho li.jhl of llio lantern, iilowcd only w 1 1 1 1 emotions of gladness 'llio (.-uaid, adopting a st"altliv, c.oiii'liiu mov nieiit, lie ,'a n to hleji pi j ruai y r iwani In" a nart in"n . I.air.'or l.'a.lh's alt n I inn was divided Ik Iwi'i'ii hi ii and Imv. Ho sr.w llnii iiio (oiibiw was too ih iroits,'hiy eiiros-ed in wal' liiu,' the iiimates uf the aparl lueiii lo pa any atleiiiiun to him. (an iioii-ly, therefore, the semi lo steal alter him. A few stops io, able I him In fjain a ci'lnplct view of tho inlei lor nf the cave Ho i amo lo a ( end slop w ii h sh or sur piisi n in saw Ihu en use of Ihepirls i mot. on. Iiarrel tlrev!" he muttered un b r Ids breath Ii was indeed the yomu sc inl. A the reader will I eiiieinlier. lifter be lett. Idlo l awn ho had penetrated tu Iho cilve of llio outlaws troai Iho in i h i-o I va ley into Wiiieh h" lul l lal c.i. When I'e.-piird had reiiao e I Inez ti Iho ca'-e, liarrei lull readied tt spot where a lumn rock Id u l o t uplhoeu franco to iho a arlmeiit l or over an hour ho sought to pu-li IhN i ai'l'.or ii way ami at last he bad sueci.eded. It was his entiaii e inat hal -:t Stuitli'd the captive nriijeii "Ine.!" be iri". I. and',' toward l;, r with oal-lretrlie-l at in In tho lir-t iinpal-e anl l'aptuio boo and :oy Inc. ba 1 i ln'ed tnur -ri liiiu A m ide-l llus.i .-iirmo u t d li r brow, und sh ' paused, In in liiiu' and colli used, lis In; seized In T hail I f' ri rut .V. i h. Hanoi Mr. lir.-yl Yo.i hue como In rc-euo mi; " "Yes. Jiut. we must let de'ay " "Tin re is a way of csea pc'.'" "i'.y the way I rame, jes. Ha! Win! Is thai'.'" I am 1 drew the staril. d Inc.! do , p. Is ist s do and rocoiii d ijircUy as he dm i o'.i'ii d the p iar l. 'i ho hitler bad mov. d int i full view. "ileireat Inward tlio opeiiti.'t t i the a lev," dir. ct' il I ai roi In hi In r I'mii I anion "Ho ill" Th t!ua I'd h". cled his revolver as he spnke. IA idciii .y ho re. o!;u;ed iiai rel as an iniriiib r and an i 1 1 -! 1 1 y. 'I ho lal er was oi t iroly unarmed, tin sax a"es ba. in t iai;eii lii i lireaiui ffin linn xvheu ih- y lied him I i the st ike a the I uelilo l iver eiieampN.n it. luo ha I i, early reached the r.oertui" hi ih" wrll, v Inn the i,'uai'd rai-ol his le o x i r llauiier I : a 1 1 1 1 had taken in t!ie seen at a m.inre, and r -'i .veil o act i.uickly, in h di-c II. i'd li.o peril o. Ili xo .lo; tiieinl Uarrel (irey. nh a rapid sprint he wi - fairly upon th.; uiiard. T'ro bile, In. v- xer, to e v.nt ll.o shul the lulii r had d.i. ei" I at la I nl T he In, lie! spe I wi lo of its mark Til" report nl' the pisto , liow.-ver, awoke all the silent echoes of the cave. one blow Iho old -eoul foiled the piiavd iiisrii-ihlo lo Iho Hour of tho eaxe. Then, sp. ini.'in-' uxor hi- p o-tral ' lonii, Ii" sol, id llci rexolxrr thill bail f.i.ieii from hi yra-.-p. l a'iel (irey rceoiinird him xvitli a jox l ul i ry. 1,'al'er llalphl" he. e:aeulaled. in uiaiic -d w .th 1 1 u i k iniero-l at the intii siki knew to lie her tailo r's o d t iioo friend and her v u '."In) scout frlaiieed hack' at the i on idol with an u la r ui d face, ash' can I a new r.iuilnot ;un Two Ineli had c ueo sin;-' ih u;y in o view, llaio.'er lia'pli divined, in a lla-li that they bad been rompan ions of I h.; uuard 1 ollhtl ! s liny bad been sleeping ill1 the e-liiasme ,n :ho corridor, and he! tin. I not lioli.-eii them. 'Iiio shot had aums d them, and a- ll.ey enti-re I I iu I apar'ui 'ill I ley i mup;eheu .id ihe -Kua tinii iH a K'U' e. "i h!" ordered iho remit to Ii.irr I and i lie.' "lint th out axvs w ill be nron-ed " "1 xvill hold thee Iwo al I a.i, ami I i oi rr our e-cape. " I it US' I.IINTINI'ED.! There !i comliii; a dnv whii tti. 1 caiiurd fruit iiidilslry xx ill cease to be ' mi i noi'iooitu uiono.v -in, living eiiierprise, . ;ii: i iho few who are imxv i iiiiiiiii to ' s. o the future of n business dealing ( v. lib dried fruits will bo nmlthnHilioii- j niios. Ami tho liovt of it xvill lt that I tho profit of it will not be xvholly to tho ili'iih rs. Pried fruit sells at about half j the price that canned fruit ccmiiuiuuN, I ami It xvill no tive times farther. When stiidi k reason xvill not appeal lo a ; liousckeepi" the fact that it is superior tu cniitied Roods on account of the mod ern processes will make some Impres sion. In California they have learned I to prepare prunes so well that Iao; I Hiianiliics are shipped to France, the ' liouio of the prune, while California ! raisins haxe practically driven foreign raisins out of t tit market, and thou sands of pounds of apricots aaj pears j to Lurope. j Believers Iu the wooden nutmeg le gend can say once more that tlme ; makes r.ll things even. A stranger hn appeared in Connect lent with a prep" ! araiion wntrauted by him to keep tlies ' mui liiosqnlloes uxxay from dottiest it) animals, tme inckai;e dissolved iu ten Quarts of water was said to bo sulll cleiit to protect twelve oxen or txventj tive horses. Afler the seller had disap peared the stuff was examined a. id found to be ouk sawdust scouted xvitli , camphor. ct'9 Q & o: t) (0) (O, (O) (O A 5RICAN PEARLS FOUND IN PLENTY, O (3 '0 0 ftS'SQQ OSO G GGQi The jo ni l boom is llio lalist sue- re'-sur nf Kloiidiki! mid Us ailendai't exeiti ii.ei.t:!. i'or n v.ciks tin: reoide of Alk.iil us lui'.e hiivt; bet li xvui'ki.'d up over tlio (lis.- ut ry ofjien:l i in loiiie of tho lakcii and i ivu s nf that rilnte. nud in somo liiaee.. Iiali' the population havo been iii'luslrimisly ili;;.'iu;; iiius.-uls in the hope of suddcii xicallh, xiiiilo tho re-t of tin; eriuiitiy liiis lieeii niilatintr itself on tho sub- ject (( doliai- xvlieiit. A Nt.-w Vorli ili-1 .SC'I'NTS mil ml broker recently exhibit '1 a very l.i!'::o pearl whi"h ha I In en sent tn liiiu lioui tho Arkaiisii Held, just what pint of it ho lel'ii 1 lo say. The stone is one ul tic lined i jieei laciis of iho ".-ixveel wati i " variety ex or seen iu Now York. It is pel feci ly forme I. -!i..h tU- ni shape, i f a pure while, iind xvi i lis tluiiy uve giains. is value I ut Ss in. Allot h er luuhrr recclitiy feei ie I it Coiisi ;u liioiit of Arkansas )icai i -, x.diicli inelu l ed n pink ja'ai'l, xvcic.l.iie; H'rains. It is xvorlh iml iimre tlnii .slUO, h . level', on ae.'.iiiiit of a sleht lileiui-h o'l olio side. Many .-mailer ieavl-' have cmue fr..iu I'm : aaie rev ion il u ii ii ; t'o' ,i-t week, and (hero is talk ol a N' ,v Vurk coio any toxvui k some of the Arkansas pearl lakes. Ii ispo- io!e, hiiwoxer, Hi it they will be late iu too held, as a .Memphis com pany baJ already lea ed nun of the luo-l pr.inii: in ; bikes fur a leriil of live years for ,;'l "itHl, and individual i-peeii-l.itoi.s have tildiiineil coiiliol id' si oll.'.-rs. 'I in- Klondike excitement is not tube en: iparc I with tin; enthusiasm in Noiliieiii Arkansiii ox a r iho recent 1'nnls of pearh. Al Ii. Ictia and Little family parties are Koin- nut lo camp ii!' iil; tho river ami hunt for pearls. Mint of theso parties ler.o found un'y sreall stones, but onexiom an picke I up a pink pearl xvorlh c "io, and t un small b ys xx ho were lookiii'; Jor clams and not for pearls found tiu stones wiii -U lin y soltl for .'Jo apiece. Mo-t of the x-iliiablo liiid.i, however, have Iu eu inad" ill the lakes mi I p .lids, xvhirli nif controlled by 1'l ixalc iiniiviil or bv coiupanies. lusome places the uwi'ers hiivt; hn.l to: t:nl f;nill'l Willi ' In it ;. mi H to keep u!t' tie 111 1 1 il . i;i -1 if 1 i all seekers, M hu b.i'.r Iiceu aeeu-tonie 1 to hunt clams wher ever tiny xxi-heil, and who think that ihe mere fact that Iho shells may Coi. tain e ms xvorln .-r ! . or so oipjiil n..t to make any tliiVeie'ico in this riidit. Th" Aikan-as pearl lisherics are lecoiii'iioinli'd as a ','otnl subsliliile f,.r Alaska for tliosu who are iu search of hard- hip and a h eliture. There is not so much fio-t und snow, but there is plenty of lualai in, which ii apt to can y nil' t ho iiiuii'i'liuiatod visitor, mid the swamps nu 1 forests which one has 1 i travoi'.ie iu order to reach iho lake x hev,. the treasures lie xiill supply tho ndventurer xxith as many unpleasant experiences as Chileont l'ass. .I'.eselr.. the i. nil. ilia that round the lake nu I swamps, they contain sulphur mid iimi, xi Inch ".IX" the water a decidedly liuplc.i ant yellowish liue. The pl i 'e:; in xx hicii pearls have linn fur I't'on ili-cin.icl are Murphy and Walker I .nke -, Ci'os.s 1,,-ikc, Sulphur and I' our Mile 1'' inln and the er.-.-ks fl iwiiij; i do thetn. T'hese are r II in Iho Hal.i ix'.io'ii loiuili-y sontliwe d ni Muiphis, .T'4f-P"J;-:r-i''-'?'. '; y---' ; v, r. 'f .J s g O O Q 6 O Q) (Q) (0) G ; vc ly, to -lex oral .Memphis oil i:'.eii'( have in-i o I lio.l.' V in b a -es in While Cuun aiol th,; i-aiori'ii uireii'ly irl'ijl'inl x ill iii il.o mi (.I'l'idiiO'l elnirt to di ve!oi Iho iu In- try . in'iol v. hioii it coin i the iitnl cool-' '. pan x h.i- 'u'r. n Iv tak. .1 sovorid linn-1 di e I dollars' worth "f )o ai ls, but so , far the xxorU has nil heou ilumj by eol-I , ui'eil ilii'ei s aiol tlivris, who are paid I Si per dnv ;.r their n-rxi-es. t Hi a--1 emiiit cl tho color of tin; v, ater t hey '0 'es'- . ASr IM'il'i'N'l'; Id' M i'.KICW IIIAbf. I I ha . e to fed fur (lie c!:i m, which are , liiiric I in the mud, with their lurid or bare fret, and n can work elVcet i vo '. Iv oniy in s'lalloxv places. As soon us inii'diinery i-i'i bo put in, huuevor, t io bottom of the l ike , inelinliii'.;-tho ile, per pnrl'i, will I o tIioi-uii;;lily .!.''. I'.;ed, n:i 1 it is c, peeled lhat luol'c I: a'.tsl'ii -t.o v re.-ulls will be olitaiued li iitlio t In;, 'ry of I Im Memphis ineu vliii aro liaekiii"; the oiiteiprise t hat i..ilssids tit'e.i- imnilly : heil t'i ir pearls, mol that nth rs Unit have died still ' c.iuiaiu tiio e'cin , uml xvill be Pound . buried deep down in tho inild at the : bottom ul' til ; lake-'. I It i.; p.'Ss.ilde. to", that ill" liianii ' J.iel m o nf lonthei' of pi ai I will be ; -taite 1 tn utilize tiio .shells, a is done ; iu l.uw cr ( 'nl il'oi nni, iVniu whence most ul Iho pearl Used fm' but I una for our w nisi -coat s and di es: t now conic from. ; Mother of pearl, ii may !" extilaiiie.l. j is simply tiio suioi.lh iiisi'io lining uf i the liioll, xx hich i. cut out a id it- ed ' ior but ions mid oi' ills, j liis!:i!ic.'s ut' i ieh liinls aro reported every le v d.iv-i frma Hal I Kiio'.i or the 1 adioiiiiu A lev .l.i v, eilored nuiu, xviei '.'.'. .o la na ue a Harris, w.ill.el iutn a Nr.' iipiii - jewelry ' tore an I exhildied a smell ha"; ot I'tails. Mo-t of the sionei were small und worth not more than if 1 or :?' each, but there x', t re a few of lar.;"i' ;.i.e, iu olu liii;; o'le or i wo pink peal Is uf n ry ;;oo l iiiaiity. A'l u.i't" uf .fiil lxvus' for the I'd. 'ihe colored held out f 'I- more, and tiliallx ded ;.'l ill. Ho mid tint ho had Worked f .1 a ni'ilil'i moi luol opened I 'n ni'-amls uf .io ll-. t-i eet I li" !.lo:io-. II" il '- THE WOliLD'S know led",cd that Im was from "tlow n I W hite County xxay," but vcl'uscd to t II where he ha I found the gi mis, as ho aid that there were Inure in th" sa ti place, and lo was g"ii bark alt. !' them. A imi l name I lVale, iu loild Knob, sunt h (bijou pearl to Nsw Yelk, and : f AW lias reeeived n:i ofTer r.f ?100. Ho found tiiem nil in tho emmc of axveek. Many ui llio natives inVVhiti) County liaxi; in their po'-'so-sion jiearls of moro or less value taken from the ponds le f ore the t set in. Many cf tliom ileelino lo my anything uhoitt llieir iind -, as thoy ilon't xvis.U to eu coiirago a rush to the siiot. WORLD'S LARCEST OXEN. XVi-IkIi t:ii)0 I'm mis VuKos He en I'cct I. no,' Have II. mil'. 1 11,0 ;l l'iiillnl. 'J'iio frrealest ji!;c of catllo ever ieoii in tliis co'iiiirv is owncil hy .T. ). Avery, nf liucklii'id, Mnn. They are liii'iied .loo and Jerry. Their apo in fb.'lii years und tliey ineaHiire teu feel in nii tli. They stand seventeen hiiiids lii.v'h, in I their liieaHiiieiiient from tip to tii is fifteen foot eleven inches, ihore is liol n iiillerenee of ten pounds in vxei'lit liclween them, - ll IHIII I. S. a i l the two ti.erether tip the scales at To'!') pounds. They hold too world's record fur mio pull, having draxvn ll.lhil poiiinls uf sluiie, honied una dray, on a level, jusl ei ,'iit foot in olio draw. Tin y are models of symmetry in build, mo extremely kind and do cile mi l beautifully c. hired. Tlio i best ol euro is devoted to theill, O110 ' man spendine; sex oral hours every day ' in n'l'iioniiii"; and cleaning them. They 1 have In e:i on exhibit ion at nil uf tho . principal a ;i :e lilurul fairs in tho I ctoiutiy. j In speak'ni!' of his hainlsome yoko I of oxen Mr. vci :aid: "The oxen have not by any lueaui reached their I i i ii i i ; th, y luii-o trained tu weight j ! ime seven huiidred pounds the past I year and are capa hie of carrying an ! other I hull-all d pounds. I'uliko other lar,.;o cattle, their Mesh is distributed ! very evenly, which adds very much to j their looks, nud tin y stand on their ' limbs as sii nieiit as n pair of calves. I "They avn remarkably intelli'.'ent ! and well trained, as you can judo : from the p . itioa which they take in the phntimaph. Tiny are very net ivo mui ca:i t .isily walk a mile iu thirty 'minutes. They are colored, like all pure lltil-teins, Mack and white. ; There- coals aro ax tine ami glossy as a ! thoroiurlilu-ed vneer'a. Tiny are still worked lnoderatcly when at home. .Their yoke win made to order, and ' t'l'oliabl v is the lariresl yoke ever worn , by any team. It is seven feet iu lciii;th and w t-i-rhs iM pounds, i " riieir eroix nine; tdory is their maer , iiilieeiit set of highly polished horn. iJ'orsie, ipi.i'ity, luatiii;.', aiitl beuuty I.Miiillsr OXEN'. coiobinetl their equal dues not exist iu the world. It may ho of interest to know that their food consists of eight to twelve tuurtrt of coin and oats (round to'. etl'or, txvo quarts of meal, and from six to eight ipiarts of bran each j day, xvitU uu occasional chaugo to unit their BppetiUn." HELPS FOR HOUSEWIVti.. 8iot'-( ine Klii'iiiiiiitisiii I.liiiiiicnt. One nexv esff, well beaten; a loi'f pint of vinegar, out; otinco of sj irits of turpentine, ami hulf un oumo of camphor. Ileal all together well; then shake ten minutes in u bottle und "ork. It is ready for use ia half an hour, and can ho used three or four limes a day. Jf the J fiiu is in tho hi ad, rub the ointment o:l tho back of tlio neck mid behind the ears; tho head will soon stop achi lis'. Nexv York Tribune. 'lo Miike (limine! I'nlnril. For lix ordinary-sied custards lnelt six table.) oonfilbs of sugar, htirriii carefully to prevent burning. J'our into the liollum of the cic tm d cuh, (jive each a sort of whirl that tho su (.'u r may also lino the sides. Jieat three cgiis without m panning; a id three taldesjioonfiils of sugar, half a touspoonfui of vanilla, nud a cup und a half of milk. Htir until tho is dissolved; pour th.) mixture into the eujis on tu) of tho carnmel. Stand in a buking pan half iilled xvitli water, and conk iu tho oven fifteen minutes. Turn while hot from tho cups, tiorva cold. Ladies' Home Journal. A Wind Aliotit It Int. With any of us it is nliuust impos sible to get cunfeel inner s' sujrar, un h ss x,e send to the city slures fur it, but a Inly xvlni uses ordinary jiuxv iloied simar ami curiiHtiirch nays it is just as gnud. llt-r way uf using is this: With one cup of powdered su gar mix thoroughly a rounded table spoon of cornstarch, then wet to a smooth ieiug with two tablespoons water or mill;, and flavor to suit. Tiio ingredients aro simply mixed tugi'ther and spread xvilh a wet knife. It is claimed that if a cuke is lightly rubbed over with llu ir before spreading with icing it will ove.cuint! the ten dency to run oil'. Another wrinkle that is worth remembering is Ibis. If only the top of the cuke is tu be iced mui it cannot be done wi h the eako left in the tin, butler a strip of paper un 1 pin it around tiie cake, lotting it h and ah mt half an in-h above tho tup. When the icing is sot, remove the j njior, nud a unit looking cake xvilh tho icing on tup, xxhoro it. is wanted, is the result. -Ainerie ::i .(' rioulturist. Hulim on Silver. Tn remove stuins fnon silver, e-pe-ci dly such us ai e cause 1 by melt, ino ur by neglect, use sui h ;rie acid, rub bin; it on with a liitle II. t in. I pad, then rinsing ttie urii. lei most careful ly at mice. For le-s ingrained sWiiii"', tiie j nip nf a lemon, wlcs juice has li "eu u.-ed fur lemon squash, may bo reetiliiiiielltletl us cllirielit and liai'iiiless. Indian silver and brass is al'.vuxs cleaned by linli'-os xvitli leiinm or limes. It may bo in well to xvarn hoii-iikeepers in theso days, wl.oti pretty mu x in;' is such a consideration, that, where one lud to reheat food in a silver tii h from which il is impossi Mo 1. 1 i hill the mliiole, a baking tin h'mmlil bo half-tilled with hot xv.iter, n doubled sheet uf paper should bo placed iu this antl tuo silx er dish stuiid upon it, after whim it will Inko lio hariil froiu the eiiei t , of the oxen heat. Again, as eggs nud illegal' aro tiiiitc apt to ill-color plait d or silver dishes, always run a Utile weak aspic jelly over the silver ill -li bi b'ie di-h-iiil' the inuyuiimii-e, etc., tu be .served in it, and if this cnntiu' is ulluwed tn Net before putting iu tiio other mate rials the dish will siiii'or no tlamago that hut soap ami water will imt easily remove, Mt'inliiiK n Kl I Cl ve. Mending may lie so perleetly dona that the relit nrtie.O is embellished ! rattier than disfigured by tho .stitches I Wiiieh repair. Kl ec ally is this true i of kid gloves, alili 'Ue.ii lin o aro very lew w li i klluW how t i ineu.l 11 gluvo suct'cs-itully and neatly, j A simple lull iln '.ic bii'ik in a , scam may lie careful v over, -ad nu tho , xv rung side, a vorv line needle being I used. Such a nee lie pi events further I tearing of ill.' ki I uml euii 'les tho lieeillort ouian to take closer, shorter stitches than could ot iierw ise be doiie. For such lino overcast i iwoiilho wrong side cm to i tit. end in a eoloi' lo matt h toe g.uxe exactly nud i i a number to suit the nee lie pi if 'ix i I be best chosen. Silk Ih.'tal In a greater tendency to cut the. hid iha i has tho cttoii. I An actual hole iu lh." gl .vo repiires ilitl'erent trcatineiit. It cannot be f Until I never hi --lruw u together. 'I'll ni nro two ciVe tivo ways of i o- ' i;ii in such n plnee. I ho most a l miial'le method n that of llio button-hole-rtitch. I'or this a ;iuo nee ilo is lieci's-ii y, tine il t liui .i.l tlio same shade a the kid, an I a spirit of leis ure an I pain-taking care The pliien is to be nicely luitlimli 'lcil nil mound w ii h tiny stite'oc ., jitt a ii buttou hnle would be, ex -el tiio; that tho Hitches arc taken in a lesseloso Ix, I't'ih.ips; ih-n, ju t a. it no but-I'unhulc-stitcliiug had b"..'!i done, it is x ilh the same iutiuite pains buttuii huli' I uriiin.lhc second row ff being taken out one between each stitch in the e lire uf tin' first row. Thus two rows are funne l, the second circle being, of count,', s. er than the liist; a third row is then done, by catching bi t ween ihe stitches m tho e lgo of the second row. T'iii" process is repeated until Iho eve;' toiiruwing circle etuis iu 1bo centre of tho rout. When well executed the result i.s so beautiful that olio would almost xxish for a break in a gluvo in order to or nament it wilh such iiecillew ui k. Any one eiiu do such a bit uf mending, but a line needle and thread must again bo insisted upon. Tlio shade of tiio thread must be just the mile as that if tilt! kit. 1 lit ("i.'o oil v 's io ft 8- ti.'.ry for t!i. lr-ji, the t,t-k is soon un- impltsliM.1, Wouuu'j Hu"" Cum uli nu. r