l)c l)all)au? Ximxb II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPBrTOR. --(V- - ADVERTkSifiG- One square, one inset !i'u. $1.00 FERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. i One wfjunt, two iii-u n tior.s. ... 1.50 Ono Hii'iure, or motti, .. 2 i9 - i I'.-r i: iucrJ VOL. XX I riTTSIiOIiO, CHATHAM CO.'NTV, X. (.'., TIM'USDAY, ()( ToliKK 20, isiis NO. s. $Ik ttljatljam Record. Ctoitem A Pint to Overthrow French Civil Government Discovered. BOMBS FOR EMPEROR WILLIAM. Rebelled Against ARUinaldo Dr. Seaman Testifies A New $100,000 Depot for Bal timore -Sajasta tireatly Concerned. I'.vnis, (!y Cubto. )--lt is announced hue that a military ilot against tie govern meut bus been discovered. The jKnppol. Auroro nnl Petite Kepubli()ue Friiucaise, publish utmost iiloutieal stories oil the subject. It appears that tho plot was discovod by u general holding nil important position. It up pears I hut when the goveruiuet whs Gained of tho plot the ministers wore wot surprised, having nlroudv obtained information of tho conspiracy. 'I hit jMiitni says tho pint was not in favor of moot tho pretenders tho throne, o! I'luneo, who has l,n. talked about for Poiiik I in... I. ut v. a-, only for tho purpose -f chii.ii.Mii; ivi timi i.llieiuls of the gov rnmunt without touching the president, I he g.-vvi tnneiit oilioiols refuse to fin als!! any liiforiualiuii regarding tlio dis covery of tho plot, but it is rumored tliut tho conspiracy involved Prince Louis I!. Hoimpiii lo, w ho in a colouel of tiiiMHiau I .nnofitt. and in whoso favor his elder brother. I'rinco Victor lioua purto, recently resigned tho leadership of tho Imperialist party. Dr. Seaman Testifies. .' IT. Louis S. Seaman was the princi pal witness b.ifuro tho war investigating committee Friday, lie complained that tho eoiumi.ss.iry supplies furuishol thu troops in I'orto Kieo wore unsuited to tho demands of n tropica! cliniato, and they were especially unMt for hos pital ii. so. Ilo said tho sick wre fol fiily with the army rations. He failed to secure nuy clung... of diet for his pa tients, notwithstanding that ho in ado Iromieut demands upon tho ipiartor muster of tin) regiment and upon tho surgeon of the corps. JI0 wastold that no food ns issue. 1 to any regiment iu that service ui i i lint it would ho of no iso to m!.o a formal requisition iu xviitiug. However, tho men iu tho hospital did not Hitler, l.ecausothe lied Cross Society furnished the desired as 0jptau.ee. Itnmhs for I mpertir Willam. Ai.i vvM.iiiA, Fgvpt, (Hy Cblo). The Alexandria police have arrested liino I lalian anarchists and havo there by fi u tinted a plot against I'.mperor William, now on his wuv to tho Holy Laud, tu he present id the consecration if the ( h iirch of tho Savior st Jorusa Je:ii. 'Jul li.-.xt t.j be si rested was a afo-Keeper, a well-known auarelii d, iu whose homm tho polieo discovered two wire-wound bombs of .Meat strongtli, lull of bullet. The police iuvostigu turn showed that the arrested cafe keeper hud Imbed tho steward of a Mourner sailing from Alexandria to Port r-'aid and Syria, to take on board a box v! bombs, New SlOO.UOn freight Depot. Tho Hoc-ivors of tho Baltimore v Ohio li.iilroal have a lopto 1 plans and uro about re ely t.j lot tho contract for u new ?:!, tji mbouud freight statiou iu liiiltuuure. Tho new building will to ilU'l feet loiii,', ; feet wido and six ftories hiah. It will occupy tho site of the present inbound Rtatiou'wliicli is on I. titaw street between Camdou an.l liiirrontreets. 1 ho new buildini; will liavo a cold stoniiro plant in the ba.--Juout ami the upper Moors will be used as a st'iiii'e v. ii ehotiso and all freight will be loaded and unloaded from wnx-.i'is under cover. Tho tracks will jio s nnau'ed that 7i cars can bo un loaded at one time. Solicited Against Aguinaldn. A rumor in !lnnila says that Maoa bitloM, eluef of tho live northern pro vinces of tho i'hilippiuo Islauds, has rebelled aj-umst Au'iiinaldn, and that hard lihlnif; has nlrealy taken place between the opposing factions. It is ulsr. reporte't that (ienend Kios, tho .spani: h comiiiander of lloilo, Las sent em issn i.es from that placo to uuder tuino Auiniildo'H intluenc.-, and induce the natives to demand that Spaiure'atu the I'hilippiuo Islauds. The Muhcgan tines Ashore. The Atlantic Transport Company's Mounter Mobe-ait, formerly tho Cleo patra, of the Wilson .v. I'urnoss- l.eland liino, which left I. on, Ion for New York with .'ill pitiseiiei s and a crew of l"n', is ashore oil thu J.izard, between the Manacles and the Lowlands. Accord ing to n disp.iich received from I'al lnoiith out of tho "Ji)i persons consti tutiuir tho paise:i;;ers and crew of the Slobodan, only ::i have been saved. Sa;;asta (ireatly Concerned. Accuidiuf; to 'ii I vices received from Madrid, a rigorous censorship has been revived there. Souor Shasta and his cnlleaeues are said to bo greatly con rerneil reaidini,' tho demands of the I'nited States Koverumcut, which, thoy asseit, not only refuses to assume any of Spam's colonial debts, but wants to tiiko tho heavy arlillery in Cuba and the Ib.iitinj; ilock recently sent to lla viinn. 1 ho Kiim.) advices say Tho Mad rid I uipnii'iiii announces that the j;ov eniiiieut has cabled Captain (ieuernl Mlunco not to turn over auy further ter ritory te tho Americans until tho peace treat v h.'.s been dolluitolv signed. St oatwr 1'oraker o;'end the Itopub lican 'nmm;u at Jintlalc, N Y., ro centlj. I riihrtrkatinii of the Tronps. Seimtdi It. It. Tillman, who has beon working to have troops etnbarkod from Charleston to I'orto Itieo and t uba, lias been nmoired by Adjutant -( ieuei al II. C. Cm bin that the honor of sending tho soldiers to tho Islands will be equally divided between Charleston and Ssvauuah. Iraiue Concludes a Treaty. It is i operted that I'rauco has con cluded a tieiity with Abyssinia against Jbiufclaud m thu 1'ashoda sflmr. flll.tl ') BY A M40 Rill.. Young Waiter hVitJersnn's Narrnw l.stape If mil a Terrible Heath. Mr. Walter Houderson, son of Mr. .1. I'M Undersoil, of Mmt Hill, Mecklen burg coituty, hud a narrow escape from a horriblu death one diy recently. Ho was leadiuir a bull to pasture when, without warniuir. the auimul i harned at him, oul tossed him into the air. I'oi -tuuately ho lit Upon bis feet. Ho was tossed up twice more, but the last time came down face ui want, so that he was enublci to catch the bull around the nock ami keep him-clf from boiiiK fjorod. .loo Uani.'h, it com pan ion, was walking along close behind Henderson and ho belabored tho animal with a club, but young Henderson was not released from his perilous situation uu til some carpenters who wore workiug near by saw tho predicament and came to the rescuo. It was uu exciting expe rience. Medical Plants. Iiulletin No. 1 .".. published by tho North Carolina Agricultural l-'.xperi mout Station, on tho ".Medicinal Hants which Have 1 esn Collected and l'se.1 in the State." written by Mr. C. Y. Ilyams. Assistant Hutauist, coiitains a list of varieties of plants which have repn ted medicinal value, all indigenous to tho State, or so natui nlized as to bo es teoined native to tho State. The bulle tin is arranged according to tho natural order of plants, and gives the scientific and more irnuiiueut or correct local names of each variety, and has an index ut tho end for the convenience of the reader. It is published solely as a mat ter of record aud must not be under stood as beiug an endorsement of the medicinal properties of any of tho plants mentioned. Ilesides tho plauts enume rated, the bulletin also contains a list of such grasses and ferns us have repu ted medicinal value. Any further in formation iu regard to the Meliciual I'lora of the State will bo furnished on application. 'I he bulletin may be had free of chsrge on request, by writing a postal card to W. A. Withers, Piroctor N. C. Agricultural I'xpei iiueiit Stution, at Kuleigh, N. ('. - - -- -4.0- - - A Request from State Superintendent. Tbe Stato Superintendent f Public Instruction sends to each county super visor this reipiest: "Wi l you plca-e write mo a short letter for publication in my forthcoming biennial report, touching upon the following points: As to your touchers' association, as tj in stitute word, ii'id tis to the general con dition 'f public schools and tho subject of public education in your co uity. I hope to have a letter from each super visor at tin em ly date. Please attend to this ut once. " m- I lectric Lights fir Salisbun. Salisbury is to havo oloctrie lights. A franchise has been granted by tho city aldoiiii.iu t i V. Y. Iloaidinaii, agent, for live yea-s. The franchise stipulates that a su:!i 'ient b.uid h ill bo given the town w .ihiu n ) daM and that work begin luruednitolv alter tho expiration of Hut t.i:n on iho power plant. It is tho pui p ise of Mr. P.-iard man, who is connected with the Kimx villo Kloetrie. Company, to build his plant on the Yadkin river and supply his power from tho river. (Vein inn R-h!i ins. Heretofore tho exhibits ut tho State Pair which won til !, -e on 1 and third premiums b ut a piev of blue, rod aiol white ribbon, respectively, attache I to them. Thu year the -aine colored rib bons w ill bo ned t.-J show the degree of pi'diiiuni receive I. but tho ribbons nr.. of a line article of silU, and printed tastily ou tiieiii the iiamo of iho Nonii Carolina Aiii n ultui ul State Pair, pvis, otc. Tim innovation makes the rilo bous desirable souvenirs for t:lubitors vviuniug prizes to preserve. Baltimore Men hot Cnulroll of lias Work;.. Haltimoro men have secure I a con trolling interest in tho llaleig'u t lus und Kleetrie Light Company's plant, and it is said will enlargo and improve it. Baltimore people are large investors in North Carolina and lialeigh securities. 1'ho Kaleigh street railroa l and elec tric light company is installing now engines ami dynamos, t i obviate the trouble iu regard to its street lighting, which hr.s recently been defective. Company Kci'dcious Ch scn. Tho Second North Carolina Peginiout will not lie mustered out in lialeigli. Captain Tod. I, the inusteriug out ollicer has received n:i order from tho War I lepartineut informing him that the regiment would be mustered oi't at thu company rendezvous found l)e.id in the Creek. Mr. I 'ennis Turlton, an aged gentio man of tiullede's township, Anson county, was found dead in .1 ones' crook, at tho ford near the South ( 'arolii.it. line. II is head, when found, was lyunr party submerged, vvhilo his body was not in tho wnti r ut all. I 'n close ex amination it was discovered that ht i neck was broken, supposed to haw? boeu tho losult of u fall from In '. bug; v, which was found tangled in the under brush a little way up tho creek. North Carolina Nnhhiiis. Tho number of entries at tho Stati Fair is unusually largo uud varied. Mr. T. N. Uruner has been reUu.steI to act as Jiiilge of awards at the tniuliu Lxpositioii . A new church is boiug eroctod at tho Hickory drove camp grounds, situated in Mecklenburg county. Five convicts from Craven uud throe from Yuuco are the latest arrivals at tha penitentiary iu llnleigh. There was a collision in the Southern yards at (jCharlotto recently. Two en gines wero badly damaged. In the caso of A. '. Crnmpton vs. Irio llros. in tho MoeklenluirgSuperior Court, at Charlotte, tho .pirv rendered a verdict for plaintiff for ??l,(t0it. The Democrats of Halifax hold their county convoutiou recently. It was a large and harmonious gathering. The United States recently paid the State S'-', itOU for tho "keep" of 1.1 con victs sent from various States to the penitentiary at lialeigh. November '. th will bo a great day with tho Democrats in Charlotte. Sen ator Tillman, of South Carolina, and Senator 1'uniels, of Virginia, will be the orators of tho day. Nino prisoners, all negroes, mado an attempt to break pit! in Kaleigh ro eoutiv by cutting the bins of their cell, but daylight aud tho jailor interposed. ISGOPAL San Francisco S sleeted for Holding Next Triennia' Council. - t SENATORPLATT'S BANK CLOSED lien. M les to Personally Investigate the Indian Situation (iennral l ee Sick - An Ovation to Yan VYytk. San Francisco was definitely deter mined upon as the place for the hold ing oi the next Triennial Council of the Fpiseopn! Church, in session nt Washington. An iutetestiug leport, showing tho prosperous condition of tho tieueral Theological Seminary in New York city, was submitted by l!ev. I'r. Curr. It showed contributions amount ing to i"-! ",! i, nil for eleven dioceses, dur ing tho past thieo years, the chief por tions earning from New York. Among the resolutions prosvutud and referred were those proposing an appeal t 'di gress for an amendment to tho Federal constitution providing for uniform laws ou marriage and divorce; extend ing tho causes ou which coadjutor bishops may bo chosen; and providiug for a deputation to attend tho next (icneiul Synod of the Church of Fug land iu Canada. Tho hitter resolution was adopted unanimously, show ing tho tendency toward unifying tho Church. An Ovation t Yan Vck. .ludgo Augustus Van Wyck opened the Democratic campaign, in New York City at the Academy of Music, in Urooklyu, before a crowd that tilled every availablo foot of space in the building and cheered him enthusiasti cally upon his uppearuneo on tho pint form, throughout the addresi ihnt ho delivered and nt every mention ,f his inline by tho speakers. The academy was entirely miablo to iiccomiLiodsto t ho grcut number of people who tried to gain admission and waited in fi onl of tho building for un hour before tho dooi s wero opened. Senator Piatt's Rank Closed. ( has. (1. Duvvc", Comptroller i f the Currency, recently wirud tho cashier of tho Tiogu Nutiolnil Punk, of ' h; vvego, N. X. , of which Senator T. C. Piatt is president, to close the doors of that institution, rucoivo no moro ile pusits an. I transact no more biismets, stating that he hud plued Mr. C, F. Yatibrocklin, national bank examiner, iu charge of the bunk. The action was taken by the Comptroller as a result of tho recent examination bv Lxumiuer Y'anbrocklin, w Inch disclosed a large defalcation on tho part of Lli W. Stone, the ussistaut cashier of tho ln.uk. The K ui r Ii t s Templar. The followi'ug oloeers wore elected by thetirnnd Fucam pmeut of tho Knights Templar in session at Pittsburg, Pa.: (irand Master, lleuhiiu II. Lloyd, of Sau Francisco; deputy grand muster, II. H. Stoddard, of Texas; gran Ideii ernllisimo, (i. M. Mention, Chicago; grand ciiitain general, V. II. Kugg.'nf Providence, P. I. ; grand senior warden. V. P. Mel mh, of Ohio; gruud iiiuior warden, Joseph A. Locke, of iVr'tltiu I, .Me. Louisville, Ky. , was selected i: the place where the next concliive is be held. tien. Miles !n PcrviiiaHy lnve;.iijfaie. News Inn been received in St. Paul that Major t ieuei al Miles, command ing the I'nited States laud forces, would airivo in St. 1'nul shortly. It is believed that the Pre: ident ititimnted to tho general bin wish that bo colno up anil persoiiallv liivesiigato the In dian siluutiou. 1 f this is true, it gives signiticance to tho situation which bus been concealed very cuiefijlly. (ieu eial Miles is the best authority iu tho land ou Indian mutters, (ieueial Miles will bo acciiiiipaiiiod by four members of bis stall' A Yellow lever Convention. The Memphis merchants' exchange has issue 1 a call for a general conven turn to bo held in that city, in Novem ber, to deal with tho yellow fever problem. Pepresenhitives from ull the Southern States uud tho larger cities of the North, aro invited to attend the conference. Route of Captain Barker's Squadron. Tho fermiil unnouncoiiioiit ut the vy Derailment o! thesailiin; of Cai tu Paiker'a s.piadion, the t regon, low Scaudia and tho Celtic, from Tomp-j kiusvilie, places tho first stop of tin ( i his ct Ihihia, Jtra.il, a run of -1 .((,. i inl'es.thelieo the ships will go to I. to to Like part IU the celiibratiou of the an niversary of tho birth of tho rei ublic of Pruzil. I rench Defeat Senejauibiaii.. A dispatch ficin St. Louis, capital of the French colony of Seiiecambia. suvs that the nntive chief, Saniory, has been captured. .Not ouly the chief but al1 his family nud his alliod chiefs aro iu the hands of tho French. 'T his victorv concludes the extensive French opera tions against this hostile chief, uud will lestoro peace in Seiisgambiu. tieii. I.ee Sick, (lonornl Fitztnigh Leo and Lieuten ant Lee, bis son, uro still at Hichmoud. Tho ( ienoral is sick, suli'ering fiom u severe cold. I In has not yet been ad mitted to sco Mrs. Lee, who is ill at St. Luko's Hospital. Her eomlilloii i reported to I o somewhat impioved. lien, (irecne to Ci ni'tund a Division. Major ( ionerul Francis V. ( Ireeim has I been onleieii tonpoit to (ice. Fit- I hligli L .', Seveiitii Aimv I'mp. mi! will commau-i it division of the tll n, , , i' ' t uliaii oceui ii'iiiii. lieu, (irecne look part in the battle of Manila. Cut iu the lrcij;ht pate,. ', ho Merchants A Mineis' Tuuopoi t nt ion Coiupaii v have announced a i(. diiction of v.'.'i per cent, uu lii'iht rules fi om liosl iii, I 'rovnlcuce, Ncv . i Philadelphia and liHltimure lo Nu ii viliuund Memphis points. PROF. M0I.MI S' ADDPrSS. Tc-lis About the Roads of North Carolina Tax on Bad Roads. Slate (ieologisi Holmes addressed the "Watauga ("'lub at Jialuigh recoutly on good roads. Prof. Holmes is uhvuvs practical, yet always interesting. He nays tLut thus fur only 2.i counties in tho Ktnto have a road tux law. This ranges from 8 to H cents on the flm) of propel ty valuation. Mecklouburg buv iug the highest iigure aud having also In miles of mucadatui.ed roads. The fight is iu many counties against the tax. Jn fact, there is au intense and in this cane most unreasonable prejudice apuinst tax in North Caroliua. Put u tax on bud roads Is paid, nevertheless, and it is no less asmn than i,ikhi,(imi a yrr. Prof. I lolmos snys this is on un der, rather tlniti uu ovor-estliiiuto. It is that worst i..f all taxes, one which benetit.i nobody. To macadamize all tho roads in tho State would cost some thing like "C i, m i a year. There is tio way to impr.'.e roads save by taxa tion. J'ho bes.l i.y 's to i. sue liuii l i aud levy a tax to meet tho intre:-t and vrtrdo tlio Hiiikiiig fun. I. I nleiligoiit stipoi vision is u prmin icittisite. J ho re locution of roal-i is necessary. 1 ':io bond road alone co.sts .Mitchell county peoplo 8"iii,iinn a year. Charlotte's good roads, six miles out in all directions, aie worth 8.i , i iny u year moro to that city than Puleigh's roads, only three miles out, aro to that city, lint what will one do with the unheeding people of this State? Tlio road lecture, brist ling with facts, fell upon tho cars of tho members of tho last Legislature with no moro olTect than if they hud been dead men. I u tho east clay can bo mixed with the nitidy rouds and thus a tine roadbed will be secured. Iu the clay country sand can be mixed with u liko result, if tho grading bo properly done. Proad-tired vehicles are earnestly recommended. - - -- f. tea m and I Lctric Plant. St. Mary 'a College, at Pelmout, Cias tou county, bns made contracts to put into tho college building a steam and electric light plant The plant, as con tracted for, consists of a boiler, feed water heuler uud pump, au automatic engine and Wcstinghouso dynamo, fur nishing both arc aud iucnndesceiit light--. From this plant u c.uuplet" system of ligii'ing will Ko introduced into the church, tho monastery, tin iii.tiii cillego buildings, the music hail au i tho shops, i lie music hall hglii.i will bo nrriitigcd iu (lilleniiil circuits, s.i that lights of red, bine uud other colors can bo used as desired. Huud some eloctivt ies will be put in tho prin cipal buildings. Tho grounds will bo illuminated with arc lights. Tim wii! give St. Mary's one of tho best electric plants in tho State and will bo a grout addition to Iho facilities of tho college. Durham's City Mission. The anniversary of the Durham City Mission was held at 'Trinity Church recoutly.' Hov. (i. A. ( iglesbv preached tho .pinion. Pov. T. L. 'i'roy, city Kiio.iiouary, mado a report of tho work from October, I '!?, to October, 1";). During tho year he made .'i,Wl visits. In ono week ho visited 2','i persons to aseertaiu t heir reasons for not attend ing Fomo church, uud these uro some of the reasons us ho roports them: Forty-three not eullieieiitly dud; s. don't waul to go to church; 2iiwork too hard; ii don't feel well; lii can't luavo the chil dren; '.' laziness; 1 pure meanness: always drunk on Sunday; 1 wore ihiu bonnet to cliurch several years ago and the preacher took his text and preached u sermon on snu bonnets; -' mad with 1 n-tor:'.' don't want logo where there uri 1 bells and ori:an -; .' beg for money too j in iicli : "it he ri(,achers preach (or money ; . it rums every time they get leady ti go. Stockholders 'Lv;. 'I he stockholders of tho Ada Manu facturing Company, at Chailotte, hold their it ii n ti ii I meeting recoutly. Oiute u gi at sty ;ng number wero present. Tho j resident's uud the treasurer's ro ports wen; read ami approved. The old board of directors, consisting of 1 M. Prowii, Dr. Joseph (iridium, D. A. Tompkins, Frank P. Alexaudor, Frank (iilreuth, W. W. Ward aud M. P. Au derson was ro-elected. -- Our Industries. There aro iu North Carolina :7 furni ture fnctorios, KM tanneries aud in! llour mills. With respect to the lumber in dustry, which is ono of the most im portant industries in the State, it up pears that there uro H'J:I mills in opera tion scattered over forty-six counties. 'The output of thefo mills for the tiscal year aggregated s-l,.i.'i-'it. C'l.irlotte as a Supply Center. Inn lotto, with its dozen cotton mills, winch has come to be lecoguized as the cotion l.nli center of the Carolina over PM cotton mills being located within a radius of b -.i nnh.s theielioin is now also becoming heii !ii:ii tcrs in H e South for tho : ale id textile ma chinery and full C'liiipiiieut for c.itton mills. Miinv of the lending Now In land nud nt hit Pastern und Northern builders of such machinery have already established branch houses at Charlotte, and several local companies havo lately been formed und opened heui!iiurters. .- . I vtcndiiu,' Its I inc. It is learned that tho Cape Fear X Northern llailroud, tho track of which is now being laid between Apex uud Holly Springs, will bo extended south ward to T'uyottevillo mid northward to Durham, connecting nt the latter piio-e with tho Durham .V Lynchburg llail roud. This will give an air line be tween Lynchburg and Fuyetteville. I ho Cape Fear .V Kaleigh liailroad will for the present have it J southern term in us at l'tiiniuy's Springs, Harnett county. -. Thore aro four tickets iu Diirhnni county - Prohibitionists, middle-of-the road i'opulistf, fusion and Democrats. - - n biteresliiiff Case. An important suit from tho Fnite.) St iles Circuit Court for the district of oit Ii Cui to ma was heard iu (hallos toil, S. C. , bel'oie Judge Simoiiton. It was au action oiigiually begun in the Stale of North Carolina by the Postal Tcl graph aud Cabin Compuuy to con demn n right of way for poles ;in 1 vires along tho Southern llailw r. trucks from the Yirginia lino to Char lotte. The ipiostion involved is ti:. l igld of the tolej;rai'h company to com ilci ni a right of way uuder tiio North Carolina statutes. num. Chicago Platform Democrats Ruled Out in New York. , ... INDIANS VISIT WASHINGTON. No Red Cross hospital Wanted iu Co ha er Porto Rico -Pilgrimage to Jamestown -The Revolt of Ra.s Mangascia. Surgeon (ionerul Sternberg hn scnt the following to the commission to invostiguto tho War Dcpurtiueut. It relates to it statement init io by Major Seuiiiuu, who tustiiiud before tho Com mission recently: "Army Pudding, New York, t I I. ';is. I tear ( ienoral. Mnjor Seaman, sergeant Fill lliigmoors liui lo u statement to mporlers iu mv preseuco and it was published bli nd east. that he receive'! nothing but travel i ittions fiom th a' liiy for his eouva lescenls ou the 1 tl.h;iii, nil I dcpeu.b- l on the lied Cro s Society ttml National War Pchel' Assoi iation hm their food. Major Pradley has just sent mo the en closed copy of receipt given to him be fore the ( ibdain started. Yours very simoieiv, P. M. Appcl, Major and Surgeon, I '. S. A. " 'i bo receipt shows that Major Seaman received on September '-I, from Major Pradley, 1:1 cases of soup, U' bottles of whiskey, I burrols gingor ale, 1 box corn starch, 1 barrel jellies, 4 boxes condensed milk, "J boxes clam broth, ',' boxes sultoea cruckiMS, "J boxes lemons, ' boxes calves foot jelly, C boxes crack ers, lii) pounds uirovv root, ono Uart Spiibb's mixture, :.' bottles bismuth stibgullate. No Red Cross Hospital Needed. Surgeon-! ienoral Sternberg has writ ten u letter to Mrs. Winthron Covvdiu, in New York, regarding the establish ment of a lied Cross hospital in Cuba and I'orto Pico, iu which ho says: "I have received your kind letter of ( to iler 1 1th, enclosing a check for !''.'" ' tor my spoon! fund for extra comfort and luxuries for our mcI; aud wounded soldiers. Accept my sincere thanks foi ling liberal con t ii t -t t i. in. "I do not think laiorably of t he establishment of n hospital in ( ub.t or i'orto tlicn. by tho Kud Cross Society, for the rv..-on that the war is over uud tho garrisons which are tu bo stationed iu these t--lands will requite a fully eipiippe I hos pital, which it is tho duty of the gov ernment to,'provi.!j, un 1 which wo in tend to provide. Tiekot Killed Out. Tho New York State ticket of the Chicago platform Democracy will not go ou the ollicial ballot. The certifi cate placing this independout ticket iu tho field was received by the Secretary of Siuteat 11 o'clock l'riday night, and in examiuiug it ho found the jurut of tho notary public on the Flstor couuty petition defective, nud totilied the committee. '! ho error was not cor rected beforo tho time for filing ex pired, ut midnight, so the Secretary of Sluto i has rulod that tho whole certifi cate is defective and its nomiuees can not go on tho ofliciul ballot. Curious Indians. A delegation of full blooded (hero keen traveled a1! way from their re servation iu the Indian Territory to Washington to ,i k ;h.i --.-.lutary ol tho Interior if it was a fact that the Curtis Indian Tenllory a.-t, which passed CoUgress last June, and was duly up. proved b;. tho Fi e.-idenl, was really n law. cn:ig Secreiury l.'van received the delegation and assured them of tho existence of the law. I he Indians were not sa'iislied with this and asked the Secretary to sign his name to u docu ment lo that elVecl. This was cheer fully acceded to, Mr. Ilyuii writing uu der tho law "this is a luw. " Pili;riiii.n;e lo Jamestown. The meuibers of tho Fpiscopal (ion erul Couveution who made the pilgrim ngo to Jamestown, Ya. , from Washing ton, wero mot by a huge pnrtv from Norfolk, including a splendid choir. A platform had been erected in front of tho ruins of tho old Jamestown church, and on this the bishops were seated In tho renv of the platform was stationed a choir, which during the services of the day rendered several hymns, with or gan ami orchestral accompaniment. 1 ho clergy and i. thorn look seats on II,. ground iu front of the platform. The Reicli n; li.is M.-iutMseia. Advices f' oi.i I 'iih.iuti! to th,. French government say it i- ! , ed (hat (lie revolt of Pas Ma- ga-i-.a, tho most im portant if the ALy: -muni chief.-, w.n engineered in the ! : i i-h. King Moue I'k ''"bng troops, co!imii! e.l by Pas Mukohiieli. to lit iow n Hie iiistiii-tctioii. aulas l.'.-ii .Miittuasciu ,-is only lo.nii.i troops at bis- cmmuud, it is expected that the revolt w ill bo easily ij uclled despite Piitish siippoi t. Italians luf crtepied. A special from Now Orleans, La., says eight policemen and fifteen depu ty sherifis hovo left tho city to inter cept und prevent from entering tho city n largo party of Italian eintgiunts who came to America on the Prituuiiia. Tho vessel was ordered tn bo hold ut the mouth of tho river, by the board ot health, out of fear that the landing there of tlio In immigrants would fui" nish too much fresh material for the fe ver. (inurnment id. (iovornment aid in the shape of army rations will bo given to the sutVerers from tho recent lloods in (.eorgia, who are in need of tho barest necessities of life. Private kenn Pr: inptiv .Uqmttcd. I t ivato Charles Kenn, Company F, Second Missouri 'oliiuteei's. ho shot und killed Pusseil We lt . y. at St. Louis, Mo. , tho liegro des eilci of his homo, was lo .pn'tted by the c icr's jury, alter less t hull III m n: utes de liberation. The President (ir.itified. President McKinloy, in commenting on h i:i recent journey from ( liiiaha to Chicago, said: " Throughout tho jour ney I have been deeply moved by tho I at i iot ism of the pe.'i le nud delighted with tho evidences of their prosperity. " AM) VtVY DOIVix TS Mnveiiieiils of Oir A run and Navy Breiflv Told. 'FLe annua! report of Surgeon (leu. vY. K. Ynu Keypuu, lr. bo I'ubI of the uuvy ). tneiiu reports submitted !e" pub lication. Surgeon ('leu. Ynu Keypeu bet'ins with a modest tribute to the good judgment und foresight of his predecessor, ( leu. Tyron, who in put ting in order sid equipping the sev cral naval hospitu's, w as of incalculabln service to tho bureau, enabling it !" properly euro for tho sick or wounded iltiring'tlie wur. W hen tho Maine was blown up Surgeon Oeu. Van Key-pen was iii eliurge of the bureau uud began preparations iniiiiediutoly lor any cou tingeiicv. N.i additional expense was iiioii red inn ! w ar M''iii':d iiiiiiiiiint. tio n c.ry v . el bl.eiy t'j be c!ig.i.:ed Wiii gitil;i I'lii .-'!lv of in.-lii'iil itlt i'c- l'-'! ai. ! !i Hill r. at ion ' the lart'o in.-nil- of th. Imvi, propel oot l':ts ei ma.!,- i :!y i:iol b xe-l f.r a ho g I'iii.iber of . hip, I ' -i ! I 'l i 'i. "11 li.i n..' b.-ci ii:i liistiiio-; 'In. :t'g lli' !.:. s.ivh , surgeon gonerus " ,' it i', v - . ii aiug to wall tjr her no ':,.! -t..:,... .' I'.ii. iig'i the '.iJ.-i icni tb.et in ti' b.ti.'e .lv .- .n.tmgo, July .:rd, obey o I tb genera! orders of Admiral Samp son, gii.'ii in advance to meet just such an i-iio i gelicy, li "as ess, utiu'l.V U "ci'l t.-ii'i s lig-i.t. " This is tho sub stance ..I' the report of the naval hu'ird which hii-1 been investigating dl. ute 1 points in the nu'.tle. Pear Adiiiiial Sum! sou was not present, uud the two urdois signaled by Schley, "clo-e in," an I "e :g'i.:e the enemy, did no good and were unnecessary, f.-r the ships a!: eady h:id do. el in a:id wero engi'.-'-b ; l he enemy w hen the enters were run no. i . i i.'ut vvai caused among tin; iiegr-.. !:"rs ui Lexington, Ky , be Cailn i .; i',o .sh.-i'.i iiig of I'li'.ii'.u 1 ioyd, of (oinpaii,- I, T'.-ntli h.iiii'M.es. iiv Pl'ovn-t ( iltilivl iii!!i". of Company Is., S:xti"i'i Ind iiiia. recciitlv. I'iovd vv.n uud".- nrie.-l y..i stalled to : tin. ''v,-:c.j he v.at ol.b.-ie! to hint by Isam-. Ho i li'.sed tlte '.'..-;-. '-.i.iui si i' him, "'iii bii'c.; ciit'.: ie.; tho ioi: s do of the Tad. ati l i n-sl!:g- en to. l.v through the ! : i i ! ' .1 :t ing t.'iv .ling. Floy 1 a- take;; : ' bos I t.ii and died nt mi -luight. 1 ioi ::eg-o sol. net' . threato'i t-aue's life, 'iheli.t ter was ordered to !:.; ipiiiftcrs by Pro vost Marshal ( nti'ii s A special naval b-'avd appoiuti I to investigate tho it-pairs nv"..snr.v to the Prooklvn, Commciioie Schley s tlag sliip because of ..iamugi s sustained in tho buttto winch ilcstroyid (er vein's tleet, finds Hist tho piin cipal injury to the Fivohlvu vmih caused by the entrance ami explosion 011 tho berth deck of 11 six-inch shell; shot holes iu threo smoke stacks and two es.-iipo pipes: shot hole through hummock netting: injury to utter en gine room ventilator by six-inch pro jectile; threo ouo-peiiiuler shot holes in 1 luting, and one six pounder shot hole forward. Adjiitunt (iCM-ral Cm bin overruled (ieuerul Miles and forced Secretnn Alger to ietu"0 to icvoko thu order mustering on! the First Imiitunes uvl thereby deprived Major W ilder. o' the First Kogiiutnt. Nortn Ca'idiuu ol iintcers, of ins pn. motion to a colonel cy. '1 his act on the part i-f (ielierai 1 orhiii has called ioi th Much eriCoir m. v iiich lias almi.s-? ii!ii"U:i''j:! -o id'-:-.' 'i'he trans 01 1 iieriit;. 'n: .: -. W.'.l Hoi, l.:;s tiriive ! at. N, 'n'. ;m:-i I 'iii lo l; ,co. M -iii1. i.igo, w.l ii a ..-.!::!..-: I ol i,'iV.-ii-s 11' . i . ; , nv! '-ci 'i' i i.nd iiil.o! oi mi.! i evi-: a! ci .....: . 1 W hen I lo! Mek oil ic on !, -:ii .'. 1 ; .ci..1 1 iti'tny sent vvitn them it.i, ,.. -: 1 ; j 1 of lii 111 I-iiing too l !oi the si' s. i,t"l each day t : u ini.-li v. .-t e el veu v. it h 1 three hot meals. 'The eider desictta' nig the go.eiu! ollicers to be In:'.-teicl out ofsirv.ee, has been publi.du-d. ami at the ln-an of the list is Major (ielierai ' on ; b I '. Breckinridge, vv hose nanio w us not iu tho first publioutii 11. (Ieueial Pi ee!. ::i ridjto w ill return to duty on N oven. is 1 ;!ii;h, as iuspector geiiei a! of the simv. (Ieuerul Prooke. lit Police. te!e griiphel tho Wur Dc 111 tmei.t tint threo deaths had cccurii I im.o'ig the Aliieriean troops oil October 'uh ami loth. 'The following named inu -t. i iii ; out ollicers have l eeu it 1 1 mnt:-! by the Secretary of War: South ( loo tiis Captain Fru I'.. I u'li-r. St cut li ( i:: rv. assisted by I .ieii'o".i:i::t Wilit-im Ni-wtmin, one 1 1 11n.i1 ... I and Th;it:. :h Itifalitry; North (aieliim ('apla-n Albert icid, s-xiii A-tt:'e.-y. Cnoliii'i !! nlbi. v.i.o i i ii. i i:1-.; thi' Mrl!!e!-.f.-:. tiir.-iighoin ti." .-. j n:td v. tin l.-n.ici. I -:i"'i bt i!:i.n 1 v at (iuaut:iu:it..' and i.thcr .'u u ' pi rf-, h.-t l.i'i'U 1 e'u-v e- ti.'i.i ! . - -.i miilld ot that lis;-. I an I 11 -up-I I" I duty as caption of the N 1 : : .k I .ivy i yanl. Inking Ike I lace held 1 y ( aplinii Pishop. retire. I. I 'in tug t lie I 11st six or s.-vcii ic .'iii cur-loads of 1 er and c c !.ui is of cigarettes have been in,, 'vom the I Ultvd States to the Philippines. Ooiteiul 'tis, in command i t the American forces nt Manila bus cub'.-,! to the W ur I 'eptii tmelit a list of those soldiers who have died since the fioopi left San l 'i aiiciseo. The deaths num ber 11 'A Brigadier (ionerul Fvatis Miles lu.s been assigned to the command of tho First Prig-tide of tho Second Army Corps, Willi hciid'ii(i) tors at (ireeu ville, S. C. Sites for tho American camps in Cuba havo been selected ut (luainibn 0011, across the buy Iroin Havana, mi l at ( luaiiiviuy, 'JO miles uistatii. A cablegram received at the War I'e paitiiient from (ieneia! ( M is, repot ts live deaths uniting the '.icencan ioi diers-at .Maniiii since Oct.ibcr tnth. Major Pcebe, ord mince ollicer I ii'ted Stales V'olni tcers, die. I in liavii'ia re eelilly of elb w fever. A coiemitteo has been npi.oiiied tn inveitigatc the 10'egcd 1 . 1 1 - n; n f 1 a:-. - menl ot the Sea! o; .1 n Lin.'. Seventh Corps t.nn Cliao'jeil. An order bus been isioied from head .platters bywhiih the Seveiitii Army ( 01 ps is i-hsugeil from three divisions to two divisions, of two brigades each, this change being made necessary by ieiison of the many regiments recently 1 cut away to be mustered out. Olll'S PEfiG 1UL U The President Kt'pi Busy AcknowU edging- E'liimiiasiic Greetings. WAR OF THE COAL MINERS. (Irtfriiii and Iowa 1st c- Sva I ndcr Sealed Orders I' he Urm ia I inpcrnr Marls fur lit.' It.it v lanJ III-.- fibaii Railroad. Not one feat ute m lacking to make tho I Villi: -'.!; Si, p, I 1 . 1 roiu 1:1 ii. th- I ! '. si-'el ! I.e. ! I Os. ; at the 'i'ruiis-MisHis- i...-, ..... at 'im.;..i. Neb , uu !.!, . . , . s - '1 no weather i c , ,c ;! October day. v 1 ii;. until l.i'eut night, et '. i ; 'he i idled Stutes was. :(-,. : .. .. he ; g ll.g the most 011- .1,1' . . s !i..i.i his Western 1 . v.as a ti l lug day for I .iii, for l' : don!. Mill if bo i a ."'gt.r crow d thuu that tho I i v. r ill1 c:i i'l-mc 1 ; -i oc-;i nu enciiio ;;! lo-.-1,11,11' . ii l'..i- him on the gl-oilii.i. ! ih- cvpi.Mli.'l.. 'I hrough out hi-pro"i -. - vi 1 the giounds the mu.,s ot u.-.-i;..'. siniggling. but alwuv-s .. il'ini.i.g. li'iMiiU.ty, which alujo-t fou.lit toi ooiiit-ef '.i'.ntugo to se.j the l iesiib iit ed 1 ii'igment. At :; -I chick tin regi'H-iwI admissions; Diiuibtroi mole ihnn '.' ..."", and beforo the close of the gH'" at nignt the day's attend;!!. ce 'mis f..".. on.', much moro thun double tie' i.;.'!n-it water mark on any ptevioi. 1I..1 Curing the day tha Piesuieu'. tiiii-io a - cch. '. : .!,iiimit.:i Sir n..ii-!' the Hi Ii . : ioi ring, 1 loveruor of : ' of Jamaica, haft ur ;. ci i i.'tite to 1 .oudou ' oiti-.i ( Mlioiul ro . 1: in ions which . i.rom tho busi- ' the .sliiinl becausrt ' : 1 of Cuba nud 1 - , :;!-o tctibleil ,1;.:. 1 he Maroon i i.:.iii.Sii'tis upon eii i h i-.'O centuries ...hints still keep : ,, o d -1 c eit-ily incliu li'uviiicu. The i..; i .-..ii ihrwa'.ctied. (i-oui !!ngiuud to 11' I t ct!"I.. g :ti .' I 1 ev of 0:1 : P-. it.. ! ,.i ... i 1 : ( iov t i n. : ' Aid v. hi hi I ut 1! w a t .v ;ir i t :!.- Co.tl 'biicrs. Aril- Pel '' en Mr.ii'ug miners nnd negro hi'.o! c: s 'anil; I'la-o in the little tow 11 i f Virdeli. !l!.. when 11 Chicago Altcn tiaiih hiiiiii.g .'r. negi.ies, tnin ei s fii.m t ho oil tii. nr. , e ! at t ho stock -ado around tie Cincn. irdeli Coal ( '01111 iitiy's iii'.ne:'. Ti.e st stands seven dead ni. 1 t gi.tce 1 v oi.inle.l. or some tiioe rni'iol- 1 ' ' t l i ac'i;.. d i -deu that 11 train l.nviug i city, IIU.l ' he ' i llJlC bccll Mh ' Oi. mini 1 -. mv n in ;. have I -. i ..r : .. . tin. -:..:.'.!. :i!;! reach tho 1 ,V vltiiii depot lay and night by ii 1 :a' 'i loops v ii ten to iiiell id L d llrtlers. en uud Iowa v. 'foil, harbor 1 An Inugton. :..lie rpecilla o, '.he battle--.! they would :. but subso il e doubt ou -.- bo I heir ob miiy proceed .. .;. Admiral i Lr have : With 1 1,,.,,, to ll I. ri..l -. I ' . Co. ;t ,-' IV I' : i 'CW. Secretary ALcr w.li ! oc..liiiiiolld to ("oiii.'re-s tiiitt tho rM-'.o-.g iiulioad sVsl.'lil 111 ( lib, I 1-0 l Xteli'ied so us to form a line imiiiing- duccilv fiom Cape Maysi. at the i-'i-t vinl 1 ! iho island, to Cape Anioui.'. on the w.-.-tern extrem ity. II" vol! iih-o 1 t coi.iinclid that this work be U :i -ii i la U e'l i.y thePnited States govci umeitt, mid that tongrcss Ppplopt'luie the hoccs. ai'V funds. i . iis 1.. ...ir.iiiii:'.. s. The pi sit. on of !'ca- toward I.ouisi- nun an 1 y.ii-. l!.o: i' Si I lolls 1 el I'll i- iii:., 1 iiiii Mi: I inn 1 i b-eiillh-- eol twt.'i u 1 1 a- .' I 1 1 as assumed u : 11- by t inventor Cul- i.e. -.: und very rigid ..ii. eutireiy for 1 ot ah v kind be- o - tatea above. :rc I! nl I and. , 1 t-. r and Km tn.'.-d ou th"ir ::. They will mple, and from I in 1 -i.e.,. ' )'' ' ''( th.-iC- tn Pin I'i.ie. .a V.iss:;. 'I he othc;;i' J-.'! Pl'l hifeeled. in tiiu Marine llos .tal i-ivi-s. -le.w tio! there are ten places 111 the "Msle o! Mississippi w il Ii yellow t'cVor. Itcchoe I or Pv.it c r.nd sk lor (irul). special flolu Ci.ss Pake, Minn., snys: Fewer Indian, f 0 seen going south to I. etch Lain' n, id the Indian villages mo lidiuig cp 1 ouneil" iiehl nt central points all 1; st witboiit excep tion doclarolor 1 i-.i.e und ic-h lor grub. Stiiio coiiiiuiinic it 1011 w nli t be interior bus been resume I mid w oi k has been started ou the tir.-il Noitl.crn txtyu ttioii to I'm k ll-.i; ids. Curean Cn.i;irat.'r.; handed. A Seoul lii.-piilch f;avs Kim Hang Nink und t w n other iii"u, alleged b tni ers of a coasp-t i,. v lo pi i-ou tho Fin peroi (.f Cot ca, w .- b .n god Octobor PMh. '1 lie 1 ..; :; in ,: 1 ... a-ils dragged the It-.iic- if tlio e-ii-; ii iitors nboat the streets and 1:1 11: ih.ic-l :i--u. -n.'w--V.lli' Vv;t i. Vrjey 'il':i..t'rs. Tiio toti. ui in, alvoentos are piepiti-iio t. i, ,. . v i,r 111 mi t:io army because of the 1 .ingot."' , 1 Hid troops in b. " and i.t; ! I e.t luges under fchat the clitics ib iiomiuato "govern mental lolerat mn. " Indians tuaiJ'. In Surfeit.lcr. A Walker. Minn., sitcml snys: 'Tim Prut- Island, or Piling'. 1. iinliaiis will surrender, mid vvar ha ; b. 11 uv' itij.l. It only remains for tho e: m- to be ttr raiigcd befoul th. 1 bo-ti!-i will cine into the 11,'oncv.

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