l)c Chatham Kecord. U. A. LOADOA, ffDITOR AND PROPS -VETOR 1 1. 6 li ill TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Stlctly in Advance. VOL. XXI. ITITSIJORO, CHAT! I AM COUNTY, N. C, THUItSDAY, APRIL 2 ISW. 93 I 'Jjip mpifcre, ulie insertion fLM j Or.ri .'jnrl two lOMtrtiOaa. ... l.M j nu Buhr, oue month M Vn i ! ' c'Kr alverttseaeiit , o. 'eo!.t:;.ets wnl bo mde. ; THE Swamp A STORY OF THE FRONTIER. Hjr EBP.N E. REXFORO. v. mm mm ?;f M mm m m. t.MM f f ; ri.lii ,) K '-or E nr.f , Sons. ciiapteb xvin. There was to 1e a cimp-mcetine the fir.-t one ever hell in Brownsville. "('jti'e -.-enee." Lad p r.i.iously seen fit t j g.-.iul ilia! this opportunity fur the v.tipoiiriiig of tho spirit should bo af forded th-'ettler.' in this frontier re- K.on, c i.lthryh-ilod the prosper! with j that delight which occasions of this kin 1 always Mlu-d the country neigh borhood, bo it a now or ai old one. (n tho e i'n;, inv. o than nt pres ent, eamn-ititcin-s wore held to be e rents that weie not to be passed over lichtlv. Thfv were considered some thincr'iu th? light of n relipions carni- val. The interest of everv one iu the Doighborh-id and its 'viciuitv w,;s "oitfod an I tx-.'itfl. It mattered not whether th. y w ere saiuts or einiur'. whether t'n'y e..:ii We I themselves n of the il-t oi tho nnreucnerato, tliey were sill inter. , ted alike. The elect attended t.i pray fir th welfare of tho norrlui, ti.td for f piritnal Mrenith' n.n ; and lefreshinent for rburch :i:i t i i livi bia!; and the unro- uetier.ite wL-in t be atnued, possiblr Iwnufite 1. a.i-l Ixcau'o cn-rvWdv cle won hi bi rial fei'i t ra-";ioiv nut I t!v?rc re-': t - Mt b.-.ii bol . itv t ) 13 there. The so- : !.; olio of thn chief at '.: h iMiiiii-ineetinfl hold .. 1 I i:i those days. f a ih in pra -o tho th'.y certainly 1 i 1 h ( heir neigh- V it ib ii ,ht n a cnip-mettiii', !Usio to Mrs. I'orter, as ta!';i , ' :iT i... -i t th" tre.it in tai i the' Mr--. !'-! t.-r t hk thai !vl I- C!l f'.itl.i' in-'t-tin':', r n E r.: T!ie v.vv 1: i- Urv.-ii'dliaas 'ft 's .:i-bine m-i, cr a pi.'iu." ..-.-. I alwiiv.i calcilated ' 1 i i.' '.- .. I nut o ca-np-' centre ot the proa! croup oi trees iu t Too ruddr ll vues leaned un aui lit icti 1 its': to go ti "em, such a maimer that thoy all fiu-ed tho 'iho forest luridly rod'j away, : ji;: itoti'ly a ,r otherwise, j mioi-.tev's eland, which wai a fear- amour tho freat trco mink. Ovc . on" f wont tr. t pot that ; fully and wotidoifniiy cocstructu.l ' head tho loaves Rhone like rilve? i-.i it:o recipe for .ilt-riMu'i brcal from Mi' i avj.l Sh, - i i, an the pattern 1 male j '..At il-laiuo up by. You ; my re-.t a i t '' retr.v :.' -m t iia lou'ty." 'I theie V': i" -t!ii;; oiiii.itr. baby a',' !; . ', f'-jlll" lif. ;.. Iive.l il.r, II ! her m-tr . . . 'ulT M..-. haa'wli.. .i iii bl:K'k an I red delaine, I uv i. ;- ) iie of it in that I ; T i ye-'re a s-.-ttin' on An' v-iien Nuunie was n 1 I no i hi oouu, ji K'Ji i .!' Mi ' fcpia'f. Unit ! 'iii'.t s Ib'iler, that did I tititi a I tho doctor f 1 li.i't, she wa? r. master ' ... w.n rick:K-.s 'round. -ot r.r I all in ehall, ' 1 'o r v'u-ii S'dom.-m':.' 1 th-t cf ' ' ' i 1 faih-l - . -1. :. : 1 il:-;.l. 's!id i ' Doc t"f II.ii.--. 1 ' i h.i I lj't him thro'. ';;i-ri -oi iy 1 a'! is f..U n 'eauia' V.- ;s h-1 i! leic i'i' was,, that vou knew f-'l' I1IH v.-.i-. 1, fab a'i' no ni a -a f i i so-.-!; r ' orter hi v -it' i tn the ; -iek-v;;; Mo,' Slit at., -i. ; i " . jt was power 's a i v. hen folks is 1 to ivaon thnt they .roii,r t..- corrcpou.l .ni'-- to me Now as trnat on 'metics an' sweat'. T !tio-.v oner h "loioon, ho kep' a c.'tiipl ncvi o' not feeliu' well. had apai-i m hb.ha'-'k. uu'lns tide, an' ' his leps, tn' piuty mneh all ovr bi;n. 1 an' I kep' 1 ivhr hiui f-a nmy-mih' .m tnorougli" oi t, au putttti on (mart- 1 weed an' hops-au'-vinegar, but he ( didn't sei in to pit any hetttr 'They 1 1on f take Ii t, says be 'oenil ftr Mis' fipratt. I'd fee! her med'ein',' So I had broth. -r Job po over after her, nn'l she c one, au' bri.ng ti ba.j o' lobely. 'iii-- 'tuinte.i. k s out ' kilter, ' says she, r. pivin' him jest one look. 'I knew it va -. II 'i- U to throw un alore he ii t.- ' nv better. h-proitiic.l, lor he knov. 'il 8.'loi,iO!i, j wijnt was j c-.roiii'. ! .1 tv il, h.-t l.-belv 'im-tics Htc.'e. J.a.i' sai.es! koc he did throw up! I never see nobody como so niph turnin' wronp-f-idx out aids as ho did She kep' him a hem in' till much 's Turce o chick, n i men sue swe l ntm ; set him over a wn-.h-tiib full o' hem- i Iock bourns, 'n poured bi: in' hot water ; on em. witu a ciuilt wrapped round i aim up iiput to ins neck. lou d jest j how bar I worked to ai. n them nni orter ha' seen the swe't loll off'n him ! , miles. B it I hope 'a pray it won't be It run down his faeo in streams, au' the means o' bendcrin iac from doin' made a ptiddle on the Moor. 'Dear t what I can in mv w...i1- wnv nn' r.m. Miz.'sayshe, when ; he tot Ih.n with him, summers about six, 'X don't feel ef there was anything left ofiiie.' He was as weak as a raji, for laorc'n tbreo days, but it enred him. "I can't 6ay 1 enjoy Mis' Spratt's docter in',' says he, 'bnt it's thnrrer. It don't seem 's ef Mis' Pratt's ben doad niph oa to ten years, does it?" "It don't so," responded Mrs. I'orter. "I feel more'n' more ev'ry day the truth o' what it says in that bymn Deacon Snyder's alius a singin': " 'Time is wliiKln' us away In his etarnul flight.' Wall, we've all got to drop off'n the Itagc of action sooner or later, 'n' ef we're prepared to po, I dunno's it makes much diiTrunce when. It alius sets mo a thinkiu' o' i.ueh things at catnp nioetiu' time," and she heaved a little sigh, appropriate to tho oc casion and the subject under consideration. Such preparations as were made for spoken to him since, nnd I don't in this first camp-meeting in Browns-j tend to. lie's aline person to lead yille! It was to the good housewives j the singing at camp-meeting, isn't oi tne seiuemeni wnai luannsgiving- no? time is to tho New England matron, Fies were concocted out of the limited material at. hand. "Pi timber's awful ska'se," old Mrs, Snyder said, "but they'll kev tu l pie o iowo ninci." 0 Secret. . ' - like thoso of 'Mown fast" as it was possible to make- them Loaves of "ly'n-iiiiu'i" broal vrj baked by the dozen, and pork and beans browned to toothsome cnup;icsi stood ou tho shelves of every p.vihy in Browns ; viU' a good many viutors were ex 1 peeled from "down below," and they I mu..t b.' ft 9 hospitably entertained as 1 !:.:.. i ....... .,; .1.. ....... j - V T w xno iuea.cnt j "They sh'll her nil they want, of it, si'eh n 't is," was tho sentiment pre- vailiug among Brownsville housewives. I The men wore no less busy iu pro ; purine; for tho great event so near rt ha.id." ' A ll!a;o cleave.1, for the camp in ! " Wo on Mr. Porter's far ai Tho j "'J'ibriifh w.i-. rut r'oi'n, ant M!V1'! f - thiunM out, ha- in? 1" t, 0"- on';i to r r-o rha lr nn l j When t!i n-ori: of clearing ,v;n "''uip'.od, i; vn lilco brin',' in a ! fa'u 'rai roofed in by .i jjreen dome, v.phtld by ruriou-ly carved an I t'v'st'-'1 nrch"5. Here a I tlir-iv tho ; "J of snns-liino muck through tho loaves on 1 ma lo tleeks ..f ,t-.M"oii tho ' fift mosa which eaviirte i tho pla e: i b f"r the ruot p.irt the f race Ik- rjfftth tho t a ; bdu.'d with a li.it w,i.. shnlowv and delightful, nnd tlio feeno a chain of tho ;pen fpi't ' with no rb.,r:ie bi iht and s i r.:. t field, dud th i done there. Tho ma 1o tho piaro npavt for worsh; 1 r rl t I '.!.' m.'t f q'.it,' Hli.l': i-0.' !i:i-'li' O Oi ! ii-' f: -ni in I : t-t.it h;l t lo :!', ev.e.i r:io.i ei.i hi.o rue :vt i.-oncnes were male of baifwool loss r.plit in two, w-itn two lo;-;-at each e :irl. rhe.'o wero j plnccl about the little opening in tho . tbinu. Looks 'j.itoin' liko a hearso eff'n ' wheels, an' suthiu' lil:o the cabin cf a ' canav. i. boat, rai'l Ibl! Gree n, lrrtv. j i-reatly. ,-OaJ ffoal p'int about it i: ! that it's siout. aa' hi star.' a heap o' pound''!!'." ' xu ii i'n i ei i:ii! tia'in v as e - a'.'.i- Ions beat, to bo oceunied bv ccn-1 PCienoo-fU'ti'kon tinners who were ex-' pectJd to seelt calvatioa in thi season I of prae. At caeh camp platforms 1 wore built on siakci driven into '.h' earth. Thco platfofiis were cov-c ! 1 with :-cil to the d..ptb of a f..ot. O.i ' them lires would l; 1 ni . ut 1 whore lurid plow would pivc j a brilliance it had la .ke I b givo to tho placi? a ve.j splendor that wo ti l i.et 1. u a eleiuent cf fa -e iti 'ion i'o matter-of-i'a.'l aitcndaat. Anion-..' the "'wo .ii'.-n-f-i!; ltuout mott hor; stealing was almost entirely for 'otton in tho V'lcasaiiier coteite'iiient oi eaunv meeting. In saving tins I thonld extept, how- eve Mr .', tL fauihes of Mr. Boono and Tiirtei'. 'A'nh them anxiety for Dick's fafcty j oi; away the capacity fur enjoying tnuk tho cauip-uvnuitip us they would kavo enjoyed it under other and plcasautcr ! i-irc-tmsta u -jc-s "I wi-u the man who stole my bosses '! fe.l t'-.c power o' tho Lord cor.'iaiuiu' him to como forru.l an' confers an' restore to mo my hard airnt propuly," s.ii I Dca :oa Snyier. "I do hoi e there il be nieh a i out- potuiop o' the sperrit ai we hain't seen ! tor: year.-. Wo need it. oall need it. I feel the need :i ivvii' au' : Mrenptheuia' laorc'n I ova- did afore, I for I hain't b'en able tu t-;a:i' the lvs ; o' them bosses a t.'po;ca pci lessor j orler. I've feit roiie! .is f.boiit it. 1 liaiu t u on mee;; euotigh. I kuov it ag'iast the prain to kev them bosses stole, an' it does yit when I think tu helti mi tu.- po i."l chariut when it conici thin way a-failin' for the kingdom. I don't waut to boa stum-blin'-bloi ii, an' I hain't a-yoiu' tu." Mr. Wuyne's singing-school would close on Thursday evening. Oa Friday tho camp-meeting would be gin. Tho sinping-teacher was urged to stay and "help with tho singiti'" on Sunday, aud he yery kindly con sented to do so, Mrs. Beono stronply urjeel Nannie to attend bingirig-pchool ou tho last two nights of ita session, and learn tho hymns that were bcin praotieed for use oa tho following Sabbath. But Nannio was stubborn, and absolutely refused to go. "I couldn't take any interest in it, on Dick's account, " n'he said. "Aud, then I don't want to eoo Mr. Wayne. I wish I might never set eyc6 on him again. He s insulted me, and I havcu t Nannie's eyes blazed iudignantly. "Wall, ef he hain't used ye rigiit, I can't say's I blame ye fer not bavin' nuthiu' tu du with Lim," said her mother, "I du hope, Nancy" Mm. i Boone always called ker Ntnoy ka j '.rv, t'., praee aV j anVnin love in t'-is ca -.ti-lucetin'. And I hope'n wnv a'l ih . yonofj folks tiiil. 1 !:lu.l o' f.-i i '.. , f they would, nu' tia'. wf've riii,' t.i he. ablesped pood fica-. n. " But NftiKiie's thon-v. ; , about the bread fho v-' . : . v. : to carry to Pick that ni-vlsr tl.-su ti were about the Bread of Lv' u ,o - i dnubtfiil i4" sho heard v, iy i. ,' what ker laether was sayinj. CnvPTEB XTX itnoD.v rxrnr.iExcra . cn.Nor orrrri . io. It eeemed to bo th? p.vieril :. ,. that siuce Diek' wnmiu;; nf tho fro ia store for him md n'l other !. .: . thieve, if C'l'i'ht, uni'. e-itoali'.ig vi.3 at nu end in Brownsville. Coasequently, n fooli ic, cf eor.iav.i tire security took po'.ii vion of the settlers. Most of them behoved thai Dick had belonged to n pan;,', if ho hp.rl not been tho leader of it, and tii it. his narrow ercapo from tba Jo to tutr 1 out to hoiT.o-thievcs La.l frijhtone.l kita out of tho country. That it wa well with him y.--l, y,n nio kuetv, for the supply of daily bi e.i 1 which fdio deposited in tho h"llo-,- tr.-o disappeared as ro tlariy ni i' wj p'aesd there. The camp-nof'.ir.j opened with a great protnbo of pr.cces-. Tim pre- Hilinp ehlcr Pai l no t !! 'mi el tuerc was goin' to be n re.;'lar ol'-fa-dii'iiod pour-down o the r-jierrit, an' u Miniu up o' dry hone," wbr.npon all 'he brothers aid mm era iti Israel rhoii'fd a visrornus "Amen" in concert. There was a (.jod!y aitond.-nc-: front "down brlow." Never befure had - many Fir.vi; f.iJes been sei'.i i:i i;ro-nsvuia. It be.m, a I hv: aid, ou I'ri -h-r. Tho lir.-.t day S i: hea 'la-ay. O.i the ci'emeut, v.-Ubor.t ItKe'.il::,' v; i c I'.l- uu ! th - e-i- .'1-.- -:---h ..kr-.il ! th i.-c d:iy.-', ber'ti. Before nL'hi it had t d:-: if I'tost cf !::-; w. , v. '.- I, moiu'rri--; ci oi.e c! other. W haf tho t'a'uve :ae!!f Wi-jj I i' not usi lc It a-, .oiw'....i.i;- whicli i Art, VCsir.t, lit'id 'llO illii' .is-se.V. cro'-ded with I'O'.iitent;'. At r.iijbt, ttftv? the great fire li :lite;l, the sccno v.-aji oao it wcro Be. i. braadt wuul 1 hare o: lighted in, with its vivid contrasts of lu'ht nu.l shad. ttroaiT li 'ht throwa 110:1 them frei.-. below. The rapt, ca.'.r f c ;s ci n;:;: and women stood cut with Mart;::: dittinctuc'. a ;ainst a b.ti -k-rouud i ' ita-low. Th-iv were tdi ti;: uCl t .-1 iho t,taid, wliero two ra:.".N-r: :; horted and vunved. altcrr.rtolv. -Alth p'-eat lei vor uu.l a poo btnir-cower. Devout hibiii'.ui i i br. thi sisters said "Amen," n propri'tte ft mo or pip :e. old luctiiodut h. .tins hymns w'nieb have rr y.'ars lil:o bu,-',c-ea'ls, chocs ye line.-;- on cu Iho s'.ar of eiKi'trc rrov. y.hoih; b'ev.-tr :-.it no I liavo lea ie i..e;i:io:"i devm .'1 1 vd i.ytie, i' he.- i'.- .'.liev. Sa .-..r hiil i'.i!:.l to ; ived cii'.-cr. At BI i'.uii'cl to ,'ari'l;; fur nu;i! hud be. u . cut bci.vv." to take li.tt She had Cu:i. I.i.l.-', thtica'i'p-meiuio.r, t. villo until i wa t ovr vueuto of hi r pies" houf-ehold, tlo. -. i i1 ia-ithy'3 h.-.iiloek produce tho d-.--i- iu v.n t-uti-e'y pick perse r, n.i for from ' .'ow y of the (. ): U- y. -.iter ii o i i 1 1 trx i i r.-.u.iin in l$n.-.v:i". . :' i I. in co -f- -"nee r.i 1 ne tite :' ir i i' t ho r in j - ii -,-i jfc--.-i-i.-r, t of !;...-, teacher b for he die 1 i did not aro to tin much while propriety i.i ilr- .-u. a maiden a tut was con.-'a:it'v r 1 ar-. inp him with a '.'.11 i'.'i-.-tH ey.-. It was perh-ip& a m-.-v. lot; thin;; f -r l'.lu-.bi that L-o- a in needed there. Ipior;'-u cf thi ol tho world, and with cm 1 i.-n the honesty of 'iVay.io'e io'.-. theiutluc-p.ee ho had establish.-.; her mirtht very likely ha - o l-.ec cited for bad. Such no doubt have been tho cm e iia 1 ....euio'-'aiic. s been other than th. y v..-: -. n-id !!ho.;r. tieen left ur.proieeic I. ::., m h. innocence, could not uu Wwi I h. it was nor.iblc for a l.ia-.i ti be ba-l dn liope'n pray, turn to tho Lor. I ''-i.ilile-minded I while he jopea.ed r-.i fu.u'-'ly i! ? -op-Btlt it did po 1 o.ito, and fdic v. oildered wnv h-j si abruptly cca.'ed l;;i s it-its '. auut came. Had che knowat'a truth, she wo.i'.d hr.vo known that ho felt afraid oi her aunt's sharp eyes. Th-. y were eyes that could see beyond suea a mask a- that which he wore. On thai Saturday evening, tit camp meeting, holo -lied around from the bench on which he was sil'iiior, and met Bhoda's eyes. Ho t-miled, and presently came and !al down beside her. "Are you here alone?" ho asked. "No, Aunt Sarah ennio with mo," answered Bhoda. "She's sittiog over therewith Mrs, Porter." "I hope she'll stay there, so thc.t I can have a chanco to talk with yuB, without feeling that she's listeniig to every word," t-uld Wayne. "It'.s been a long time aineo I've had such a chance." "I haven't seen much of you f iner Torn was siek," said Bhoda. "I ho" you weren't afraid of ea'chiu,, th fever?" "No, but I was afraid c f e-i: ..hir. : something from thai aunt c f y, he aiiN'er I. "I don't lent', s!;o mo very l, teh. At lea-1 it tlruoi. r..c thnt way the first timo I came to e.-e you nfier shu took up her liabi'e.'i.i'.i i-i your family. Audtheti, too, 1'iC bte.i very bury." Bhoda looked at him a little sharply when ha said that, for f:ho knew be. tcr. "You look a if vou did no be'-eve me," he -rtid Do I? Vw-11, poruaps I don'..' To be eoaUiiusl AflaiCQLTOBAL " IS tl)U. h:..s four I i '.lLi'tl i i .-.- y.---.?l r.: 1 treat in.-; , c efi.veoi otmospb.-U'C-hotiij acid tor four or live i tr'.ititii; '. j r-;y ,t-n at itvo I i e: sure, for livo he-ni-s, :i Mo ba..'!'.! til will be killed, i tio-n trail- beyled in ve--iie- irfti r.n.b. r t-.vo nt- rl IK - ...i", the ii!l; j-. i-o.ilii n:l t';i: j'toj ertic.s of : a-i-l es;i lie i.-tr nif.e-l to ireo fro'.a m -ct.se p'jrm.-. 10 are ef fire ' In '.i-s 1! ai'iid'-ph ill- t.u b- 11 the ii Kti- C-'.'l-l:li-l U. K'.: t to 11- -h . I.i j cLtir. i -.. f 1 it 1 1 v Cut Ituv, f'ar: th ' b -t raily cut hay and Otaer r.orr!m,'o n:it;i tl:c latter part of winter r.-i 1 e;n ly soi iui'. All p-raciicui f cede im have .observed that farm aui tuids aio less lik-.-'y to make sutis;'ac-ti--y pains 1 1 iho ypvitig months thr.u st any o'.h'.'i-tbuu of tho year, Oftsn liny lor-o i'e-h utile'-;, the yery best of cere is pi- en. Th' y refuse to eat the us'tal amount ol forage unless it is early cut and of the yeiy best quality. H--.wev.-r i have f-jim 1 that by saving ti c or. ii'--t cut hny until the last, the st.vk will cotitiiine to cont'tti'ie the Ufeul a-.-.i'iuut of food with a relish and cl.-i co-.tiii'te to tr.ako sntisl'aetory pains. A'i-h I'd!- h e.nvs t'lo tlov w ill not I'.'-M-e.i: e. as soc ftcti happens in spring bft'oro tlio e nvscau bo turned cut o.i good r.r-iure. 'l.'i;en, too, l-y f-.c.liap tk cari'c.-i c ut 1: :y ':it, ti.o ;ysiem of the ar,i in.;' '-'..il l-e in a better condiiinu ! ..r iv. i!;iti'; itis'ac,....i-v i.- i'us immedin-elv fUier b-i tur: I otit on ficfli pus '. ry early cut fo 1-b-Li-y to relax the 'iy chaime from dry t'ues will not be n i'-e.l. Tu the eariv turrs i'l Kj ri:i.'. ilets bi-.-,, ., bowv!.-, een.- e in fo bier !.. ffusii l ra ii -t'l chaiiv" i van ii;' tii .' wiu'c r t cv are in a belt-i- .'.'-.i.i.: ion for cm l-.ayaud f'.-d.'.ev, . t o a- t'i win ; (i'o1-! b.'.-n ina'o p."-!iv 1 ir-T' t'- at t'e. !e'' bin i--c iv.t. it.r o of see tinicg the late ctv 'ti ,' being taken otT t, their r.'.tionf h i i up Of overripe nil-.l -.. Bvet y piao - ti,' sgolearnetl the ivinp h'd fodder as i .i. iy m possibio alter it has gained t ie i i .-'.t'.-i 1 (.tape nf growth, but where it i.tti-.- a;.---. ut.t is t-i l-n put up, some i f it v ill of i'C-e.: ily become l ipcr than i d.-ica'de. Lewis 0. Tollo, iu Orat":- Ju-.id I'armer. It . p- i-iini nu In It nt tor Miiklii;:. T.'t di eovery of the itiiportar.t part playe 1 i v vjih-n bacteria ia produc ing toe :;.'.v:..i' -.o l niom-i of butler h ia l.d to the i;:'.r od'iotiou of what is -: -. - - -o ' j ;'- ..!i.;.--r-.'-il buticr cultures, i 1 1 i;a!tyi, -e ii.i.o bcoti led to hope tint iiythjttsu of f.ueh cultures and tf the p.oocr of pastcurizi)?, the fU..'i.y ot their butter mipht bu ma-teiit-.'.y !:.;( I ,v. il. jueceut trials at the P.- i': y: .-oni.i Jispcrimriit Station, ho we vi -r, r-i-orl n IJalletins Ne. lo r-ti-1 No. -I1', i-t em to indicate that eio;-it;li::.'-' tlio careful selection rd Milk, -tt 1 cl-r-e attention to detail-', V M-.ii;--:- to ail '. et more iu improving lie' lla.. r of our butter than pasterni,--1:. ; ;..! I ii e i'.-o of COtniitelCinl c;ii-t-ite-'. V":tli I .i teni i;'?-l i-.eatu, the 'd ' --.rt.;- eill'-.res we.o found ! pive '. - y, but (li-lt.i-ily bet'.i r I'i- Killt-l t l'1-""1 eons!.-, t.ires s li.tU- iy Hpollt.-o: t. 'tti ire weie c-t'taiee-l 1mm in, eteat-l li;elied s-iotitat: ;le li-'ii-aeiibfurminsr en! rooili;, jf nnythtn.', lii.i' to th ot-e obtained 1 ; ripenin.r. With iitipa.-;- ret e.e.-.m, at might havo bee-a -;c,l, -..ie irsnlts vero less A bnnte-uia lo '-'.starter,'' ! . e:-f ;-tlly ju-epared from milk. ;.S t'otlo'd tieive as good, he: t.-r recoils than lb more es--.e co it.ierci. I cultures, and this t: ii. '..". t r ti i. ii ii 1.: li.-iai re tent..--: 1 !,-,. .p. a wit i pa- tetii-ized aud i t. No di.-tinctiy iieu" v ere nh.'i'! vo l i'tdUi J;as u.:'athe csptriuienls were ' planned to test tuis pot-K. T'.t.-.-a retilts aro himilar to tho.-e ire :.t y iub!ishe,l by the Wisconsin B-iperimeut Station, and tho two, taken together, du Lot seem to iudi ti.lo t.iut, under piesei.t conditions, maiY." 1 iiuviuit i-es aro to be antiei-jiai-d Iriiin tho m-e of the comniercitil ca l tile-. ii,a;s. were ai-oma.ie of toeat.ng .1.- i'o..,.u o. ,iwl '': .t.-ciees J.-. before scparaung, but, viih ,ut any marked etitct ..n toe lla- j vormpof tue rer.ult1n5baner.BuI ! letin, J -oan-yivauu Experiment Bta "101;- i Anci'orii,. H i'om. j Whrrc. wire fencing is used, wheth- j cr w-.ivn wire or straight strands, it ' is rf eient liui'ortauce to have thecor-1 it. r in-.- , ) oats in m ami unvioidinc. : A p-'od vsy to Me.-.oep'ish this is ; sccrntNM a lx:scr, ton.L.i;. ib iwn iu the cut. A broad slick of woo 1 is t-in tho ground and a r.fv;t pie.-, i f -.ilvntii.ed iron wire is tud Ii -1.1 'y ub.o'.t it and stretched lightly t the neper cud of tho p.,-i, ai si:. ';'. A c 11 nor post will lHLd two v, ii e ; tinnlatiy anchored. f ),- -; ,0: lli tl:li unit Stnrli. To ni"- ho has bees can a tie 1 1 to l.e, p th, 1 1 111 uuy but ttandard hives of fi p. , tit time, and neither will it py t j i;eey auv but the pure Itr.'iun . WhcuWu, iu A'lUia, J'wiJ aihl i'jio. J Xikw. lut) ckug ia ruftdjly ium J biji4. J trar.sf.rr!ig the b.-rs and combn in'o f ?--;;-.' 5 t '1 5-; :J -5 'S 35 '5- wcd li..gs bu-1 cl-s-.'-.t-ninpf. wbiea tu i' i:w l.r.e', ami iho .! of i. es is l -. -. ittf-nfTl '' '' f"1, 1 1 ''-' udiiiOtbtr'a 's i-.-'ly eh; o: -. l !.v talitp away the , f!'- L'-iiiii 'I " '.-'-i'Sm an. an 1 jon aftc- .-heLasdoua o' i rju-ci e-td istioducii ? i-a l'Hli.'-i ..' ''' I'J'.iiil -:i fi Uii.L'J- ?: ft .,-r... ihc .. ivbe of tome i-i-;'u in 1 r p;ao: Ti.e --'..: t ... , . , .. ,.,4; 4 r ' --'i! bt idc. w . it-;--::i-.-t ia her -' i i-o h.e in .; t .,-w o iriot m ih ;."! "' r.x v. v - i. -rnv. fi the f i'.a; bO'-liueesters. ..;..-,. . !.,t, it :. .- .1,J!,o-;:,er ....v. 'JT V-'RINiKLSS. II I j'"' .::cyt--ujro;'.l.- ,.i.tai'..--lM..'lir,t ;,-.. J , ,. a. ,'. ,. vi.l Krrfme ,0 )' V ;.i! t't e (M i-,..,--. ' . ."' ' , , , , , '.-.;, ::. .- t .;:!;:e'i;t v ..'.et.iS a ; 1. . eai . 'ai b. , 1;. , j 1 r ( l;a ti"-. - !.ie , . 1 ( , -t..-': .f I,... t;;,d i;,tro,!,i.-r- row ' ;M '"'''" .,n. l'"! 'i"-''1 '-' b'o.,d inthorois vs',, - lev.nvv,-. . -1; "' 1 J" ueit it is le.'.aiU'.U. .':, di-i.-'o-v '':' "-' !:,' pv-v-v "'!'':',l!'f,- tint! i.f-.u.il 1:. t-o di'Vu-rt ftt,;-s u-'"- V'.' ;'' ch- of l,,. It r.iatt-is tibat pur,, -v 0 ce.t on ,v.' ...tati 1.. o. nv'c . . ' , .- ."- .. 1 nv l' r-'i-;.' ' u r e, u ho i,..:.; b-y no in.-io-.s m.:,:, aud t, ;..e toe 1-.; ... . , '. ,. . , t ,, e t .e o, t :.: ;.s ...;e V...M- e.i-S oil, n. 00 pi.iio.-.t 'e to 1.C--H t:i:.;i i'l, ::,. ... , , . .-. , , . ' ,. ' . . , 1 1 t -..e a to-, i--. i- a:-;- uii a d ! ii'.i l. vcry apif.'.i.-t ba -.'!:"' j arti.Mva- . .. .oS.Mihs ut I-ee.i iti - - iipiaiy tl.a' 1 ''.".; .. - - - ' WO'lld lint pll' wiit. i-.t:u -r lil V c. 01- 1 sidt-raticn, and b- u',.!e th't pr.ci-H of $':-Jffi 2 I o'hel- color it H Wuf.l'l 1 ot ii. 1 1; -.'0 thtiu . ;1,';' '11 ' ; ! to part with such ;-..!. 1- '. '". -., ,V V j Tne ii:e,:ti b; e of c. in so has a"! io V '.? ' , ' 00 Mt 11 tliii:, OS tin. v, .. .lie cotonr ;s 1 ! " ' v j i.ei- profluetK-'i. .l..ii.'.;c iior to 'y'- r' H D j other rive, and all t:-: -e (icr.-l fjna!- ' -' i lies p wini l:"r. JT. r 1 ro.'.-rv is I Suppose .i to 1 1 i;'.i 1 .Ij.-Ot 01 pivi'.l'-S ' .t :' t.A-' a! he.' pood f1na'i''e- bit ii i r.,lv a ir eeat. t,,:.t do, end by I'm- f.'r-v , .-X : 1 i-.-titi..; we itrp.-.i.e- our )-.!: of ;-c- s ''T'? ' JE'-sV ia-t as any br-.e 'er of tin-, ste, .'; oi '5-. far::: animal?. (",-: st ;,:e the urul v V v " t;l-:A, of rood I'oints In a iptceti bee. S;,:i.. f -j t"-" I are very )-i-'-!:li , and will fur excei A u-? f VJ . ot ner.s in 1 ,: ; pi-e.i.ielion. ."some pro- .-J 'b-.-o '--leh p. otio bcc." fiat tLcy ! do:a ever r.i tempt to stiut you. 10; I ":''".."5 AS0,'5 Ttfj o'.htr.i me iu.l-let-vo, to ft j stinj; yt.ti at every oppott.intty, ami ,-91 i'-e l;o better hmiev j ..--. i -,i . , rs tl.nn , $ 6 - ti.o r-tttle e o,. Othretei-.-.te ate fril s'roe hot.fy li-.V ahtng aud -io no .';'-;! ' o.lt'.-r.pt suai-.i. f-ome arc given J JcLA ;'.o pufei-in' i.ti I 'teil hor.fy Irmu ' ). .r ..t't'ir e-loiti. .-, mi. I f.ti-.o ate so iti- '"'" ' ' dele'jt thfl' tin y will allow t'.'eiu to i -T-Dm IHC' PYC CHClvK I ca.iy a ;:,- a'i ti !.oi:ov t'"v hao " .and muke it:, t . -,;.!.;:: -. " Ti:- mark a ! iuas of f -. bees are tLU-h .-.-.re pw- V'l-J-1 '4?? 7 ffi&M 3 feet that, ..thcr-. ,:U.,0-,.U-: other i hW&W I I i j I'e.oiniioriil C'l.,,l-Ci-nsli-r. j During tl-o i 't'e b ui-s o.'tent cm th op;.'. ..-tn t.-.tv 1,0 1:1,1 rove 1 tm-irtt.'! mativ a simple atid pra, : device "wth it this t .1 A !'.m turkeys stock, eted in ncetiuiu n-st.s in t'-- '. iy j-.,-tings of uitie . the twetity-io- , u ,. i he sa:':e I w ,';:: t Mi'tpcd, d-.iw ! y t ' : 1- ' i before b avoi t ho ne. The hen - v. , CJi-ps villi 11 inula! that tho litt! : otti 1. dotu ii ithotii . a 0 b 1 1 brc'..!n:p wiu- bit . t The ..ill . ; '. I : oat 11 ml col li water, and 0 till ni, (e.ilde.l 1 eled with ctlr 1. A 1. lai" . T. weeks, and tho 1 a-v with fkiuimc I 01 ?. hens weaned ihem 111 I m : it mx we.-'i.-, and thru cuddle,; to '. -t -t. r fatherly li-o.-t.-r und, r a ; bed a until tneir witc-s lie.) ? .-. t out wit. 'I ,1 111 jut, 0 ll-ai ' V Oil ( ,ov oo;l,i ,:iil t:ii.ey Lu-nsli aud litnb. with growth fare in ! t.ei.-ee aa(1 jn ,, .., , .lV . serutehinpforth. il-ow,, hyit-i :, ttje fie.,tteriii..., of f.e stool;, ,-xrt iu .' only a liqht ln-e a -1 end u e orous supply of w!u-v a-d .11: .1. Meantime thr.u tmk.y Urns 1 f,,mo u'""e f,L,;" f" ,'':'i't , '"'ts 'l'"', tl'u auJ '-'' tea cumka i-p "". , '" 'Ul?1J yrt''',",r 1 roods shared , but 'ia 1 nu- me 10011 01 1 ue 01 1 tt-ri I rcstriel.'.l fveod.. ., ! ,t I... . a brooded their j-ounp all summer. Sometimes they ioai I n-toain for lays in Hie woods beyou 1 in.- ivo aud ..it ttelds, but i,i spite tf tl.o 11 regu larity of their lives they -truv to bo f011iewh.it heavier than tii- , ...-s raised 'by hand." The entire flock of 1,::.- ..-v.! ha 1 reef, with violent deaths a-, 1 :', ha 1 pined a way from causes 1,0 ! t toit ural, but U'-t 111;. lei to, ,,1) v . ; .'tiely shtipr I birds wt i ,;hiug by ( ... 1 -tmns from f iiirt' 111 to twenty pot: ti 1 . 1 .,ob. Had a!! bi-rn -dd, ns s,,i;;e , ; te- 1 v. ei e to j-.i it .do per pound, it:, wr.ti.d havo j ;.l sure 1 other ti; po-al of tlio re mg tu.ii ket and rnsfcion man. ctislonei.s nt j ,-. "uiu" l'f l-ilt-.ltj ; ti 1 well, bid thu p it:.:- has left tr.o ,-i t hem to .1 Mn n ,1 : tiiteres.e 1 e .liven s". hero cat it e.iin in vai in - titikeys for ll-c : 1 y, f, icti 1 1 and t't- t.iarket ou f. h. i .t i.-o wa-te uiutei i;.l of a utock, -.in or , b,tty furii). i". mmei ette J'.. s l;:i hi bj :::i I. -A. II. Dud'. , l 'Sf U'.r.i low r.i ti. x.- e-.-a-.y no ce-iieeini:.- the clcd A rtsc.nwt rr.r. tact, massaoc. ! S'v-N if or iciiioa ;:- : j ( i-.t f.iiiutt I i LCU-u;.;i;i. j f.iciai i,:;-.-l,s cr. s,., r 1 Kuur-M 1- r,- ;:... 1- - r.r. o,, v:yU,l' como. In this case : ;otilyi:, it iin'tul let- ,-t". ..:;.- bnni y I ,. . -.- ra ,,.i lis f.vl with tho hick : soil, out .. ,0 K-r io;!i:i r m..l --1-- , L,,vil vegetable fut is1 "'" 1,1,1 '-, . , ! pe'etft'.-etoati t.i-i! tat. ' I j can b.' '-een, t! is very :o ... :- t" j ; , , ,-( u , pJ.. I taa.os tl'V, e I--.pt a;. ,-v,:t ;:-, ! , , ,-Ues l-i-conic en- T''""..1''.': I:'"' !- '" l: ; ;.t! I bv t.ic t-dl-.w, pimples and . fa-tet'-.i it-.-.e an." -.- , . ...v ,- t.-t 1 j , ( ,, ,. . () ks ,.ultir,.-s 1 : ". ' -: ' ' ' . '- ' ,l ; ' j e'.-ilv ua.-iiit: -.- th.;' vo.tr skoi is ah , ttiroti:-!. ttiesdep: -;-.'o t'-.-. ..: , f,i;:v rU,-sl:.nces. 1 il" ,',JU'a ';-!U!lu;' '' " "'! "':' Jd o,:vt i ., removed ::,l,.,-v-, ? -'J- ' '. -v ! '. v v :. .-' ,a ,..e lit cu if your I!;'1;,';. ' ! '' " i" '" ' l.TIH ll' , .1 01 4 .. U- . . . , J.v r. 1 it .. feuueienl ,- " 'V. ' ' ' ' y. 1 fl 1. i:. ve t:.e 1 t :: ' I --ii i ; . - . -, , p. iv . i.i--i..tic:ng 1 . a ' ii:0 !:r a woman to do Mi.eti ,ie v.-sts t 1 apply massnje to 3 ;-.'. taee aud iteck is to eiudy the con ittoti cr. i cor.iiitiot.f oi iur sitiu. inti t know it bother she has a :.it . v 4.1. : or a di y -kiu. If the skin thrn c-la-tieitv and power l;T'!:i..p, so that thcikiu the movements of tho e.n i nerves, and the 1 Li-it the suin relases cf yo'irelf fa'ty SeeretioiiH, a in;, it oil, trans 1' too face. The neeeli rate 1, and ii! iu n want to ;..,-h. tneth, tLiioit't tiie 1 s..-ioi. kind ot rolci h ti e !i -jio.L.st tu r-h, 5 of toe nod upward , and a .ai'i, i';' Ttn-i.- . f the f...ol:ea i, f :r. t'e.U :, ar.i the middlH if the 1... . :. lit. 1'or evei y ,0: take about iite - ieia! nn-iioi r. Be 'cci.d y a.uinst the !(-. 1:1 ti e forehead; u -ua :y .:. "-W.:V " oke ti.'..; the . v,- oat tr-Jia tiie tlo-riii.i- and left and left tcn.p'es. : t, 11. 'ai .t.d inn. the nu ; at the ::i nf the l - 1 e.ur 1 y. of sii-,,!;cs (.villi:-, be : If, l:oi r..:t. iii o ovr tiie nose r tin' v ,t:ts c I tl: lt-ti.; 1.11,1 left to .cs r hds, lie, inning a t r tue el. .-i-Us t.iv:ir, 1 u-e-r tii- 1 a:'. Next, 1 .vrtnitn: frcm wing ef rve. and 1 ;..ie, the c-'t u. r ot t. !.! ie, towat ,i t::o 1..1 ': i.ti I l-!t lower la v. mn-1 1 :i 1 at the mi ;:c lu-'.t st 1. I t;.; point 10 tiie c';. -, a 1 i tac.:.-c I .be oi t ,i,. aw, and v. 1 : I -,' '! 1 1.- t-.o.. !e. Un.ie the of tue l iksht .10 nr.'ke. ' .1; e. Your - mid-lb! of it-1 t.10 n.i 1- 1 ly, stnrtiii bin a tid .'l iu, -., 1 o:u 11 lit and left Tie-', l.-.i t Ti,-' a'i e- iu t or all ate Iho :-! Old. a he 0; the neck downward to too o-";i ,;. 'e tii at ur; ceti iiiiutiti s , t vo,tiivrs on'y ta:;y; and bear 10.1 c,i:.ir altno-1 -e 1 1 --, I ho bphter cr. -Cuicag j lieu A I..t M-or o , poss, C 10:0. L-u Iho srrmllr re .iird it hk a at her pr. e oiisii so ba 01.0 nn I J. : 1 os wbi--.i. loll'. led I1' s, 1.0 I : o'.i !'.-: I iier ti) 1 lire 11s u-i-,ui to the ioo tii- y were to the am line s entituet.t clitics I'll! I iii.-t. to ti a ee. . J v. , r ion l.,o ilfiep, ' . 1 i Jo t .is f.-.i'iio 0 that vo-i , i t;- ,. o? tu- I '.: s. V, ti will JO :a ' id 10 t i!l q loco whiuU las betu ueid it,piltv, e are if.o.'Ht iot.s of Lee made ic flay which iiimos' counterfeit the r. 1! iu tii - "lu--tH- of iheir threads, beauty o:' tlji-ir desipus, aud tho in ti :.:.o;- o: ih. ir lucshe-i lioteriheiOFP, l;o is;i''Lu.e tu.r'e ire.itati.JU ever com : 'cs in ti-u vaiue with c bjt of lace, path -ally w ought by baud, perhaps in 'omo quiet i-oaif.it, cr n-.aao by at I i ;,r,i:-.t w oiliu a' ltiterv.iU of her l-:i-y ibiy, ti.at Ue 1, ay thus tain bsr cliioi: cu y- Li e1 !. Pev.. :y an t pathos arc iui ji -.v-jV. -1 in the ii' .jy Cioud Of h;,:i compii '- t'-C toii.t of th btlJe, :;nd !'..: rb.-l;e;i,o vdrjH Of the : ,ie on th.o ( i, r.i tl.,- a'.'ed matiou, ('. t'tto t:-'-ui:.irC rat:d'..'i chief which lir."'uv t!io con .v.i.e c f the crest lady, i 1,.-piM-. ;t. ji fu'-L ioued without i rt ,jara to ic-Miiitii' styles takes ca au ?ir of its own it a bit ci 1 eautifu! laco b v.-cru r.' tho reel: and slceres J.-p.-te is T'.-Jom oc.t cf vo-t.e, ihough tin re at e scas-at!. bite the present 1 when its use is m-re itenerat that at 'c.tbcis, when lae-e simwls loLg laid 1 away in lavender emtrpe from their feciujiou un 1 arc fahioned into ..ii'.s, cver-rti esse", and di apery to h' iihca tho lavish linerjof a uiodero ( beiio. j Beitortled as a gift, nothing is more stilts ii. a as ati o'.i.-riu frora iriena to friend at a birthday, wp lliog, or hol iday occa mi n t'tian a bit of flue laoe. The woman is far to seek who isindif fertat to its spell, aud who does not love to Icok over her laces as she looks nt her jewels, finding both among th de'isht ; rf bcr lite, Net only hu-. 1-. its tue ia tho toi'et; it finds an oppropi-iati place iu bedspread, doilie?, and scarfs for bu ipfi'i and tab'e criiameutstions. For these homelier nsss a heavier and i.tcie elaborate style of luce ia chosen than for the oVrittci- lleeda of the toilet. Harper's Ba::av. Tho To-t of Qnni. A French journal on tho f ubicet of 1 t.i.-tes and wardrobes of royal women j fays that Margheritii, Queen of Italy, is devoted to white, and that- the Qut-ru Begetit oi Spaiu, 011 the other hand, accomplished iu all tbicots, is (always gowned witu the elegant ' simplicity ef a w oman of taste, The siiup!e:-t of all r.urorcau sovereigns is tna Qtii'eu of the Be!pians, who j, refers a quiet, domestic lifo to the ltr.d existence of royalty, regarding expensive costuming as an unpleasant but necessary aiiunet to court , festivities. Tho Princess of Wales av nds colors and has given a vogue to tailor suits, with a hi.;h collar, whioh is juvarifbly her day iowu. In the ' evening Her Bevnl Highness makes up f,,r the plainness and sia.plicitv of the clay by wearing tha most superb po'A na au.1 jewels. A ttrai I v., New Cnnis. Tl',6 new coat- for youthful wearer arc. uotably jaunty aa 'tM.tiaetive. with little or no change i.i the general ef fect, f.o:n-j iloa-'le-breasUJ, with turn down collar and expensive buttons, other sins'e-breaste I, with small pointed revers, ono d.eo lias dart giving 11 decided curve to tho sides, fi.i l very rbv.e littio ut tl.u back, with not a fold, wiir.;i;o, or li.jila vis ible. 'I'm l'jvvi-r pari of the liont OU many laeke-tb is d eply rour.ued below il'C wuiit-liue, t-'iW'.o the ;aeket eiii sideiably longer t'ier thuu ou the sides or at tho back. A IVntuun C-nlunrl. Miss M. S. Shepherd, of Bryan, is the ouly woman in Texas, and one of tee very fe ia the United States, who is emitted to be eddn sscd as '1 ..lo.tjel." She wus recently ap I ointed colonel on tue statlof General t'.ibiil, of tho United Confederated Vet -iii us, Miss Sheoberd is u na'.iv of Texas. She was fi ic i-ed iu Nash ville and holds an M. A. degree from t.:e uiiivers.ty of that city. She is prei'docut lite.uber of the United ."uug'iifi-s ot the C.-'U'eitracy, bruig or a 11 zad lao L. . iioss Cunpier at Bryan. Kmart Coln'.-il Ilumlkrrhtri. Ibtnd'uf rchte's of pale blue, pink. ireci or lilac bnim, 1 becked with a c.jiiit istit'L sii i.-e. are considered nuita hM,.ot with ontdooi- eiutnirjes. Con servative prjf'e prefer pule whila l"ieii. p 101. r nt with a bit of dainty C.ahroi-liiv or line lace. rnsliinii's 7ieit.i.t lli&.tii. One handsome lorpnette chain has is!.s of amber joiutsd by huka of 1'atiey hamikerchirfs with colored hem-tiii'lied borders and colored em l ioi leiy aro leoivtd again. Scalloped edged Cuibroiderie nrg n ti iibei e l a cotig tho season's aovtl-tie.-. 1'iiupts also are ia favor. Velvet, iu opplhpied etTccts and l auds, is one 01 the popular trimmings tor cloth gowns. iSt.tehiug oavelvel is cflective. Neck scarfs and fichus are edged with fringe, and cloth coi ns display ft sintj'oor double row of desn silk friu-io aerocs tho front. 1 A lo'ch-necked lace b .lero out with little epauMtcs over the shoulders, tiie inee loriuitinr nenllons 011 the edue. ia a putty ao.r.ticti t 1 a wtnte cliiuou bodiei made witu elbow sleeves. j Street ickets for tho season are rit oi buttoned cluse down tho front or tin-in' .1 back iu revers to the waist t line, or made double-breasted, fasten- Horn Iho buoul.ler down ou tho lell ei.le. A soii l pbiil in white poods makes up si ir.10: uely and mm a eerinio stylo of Its own. figured white baa the n ivun a.;o lint it ilo;s Hot show 1 very wiiuloe, ns do tho plain goods. A waist made of the white plaid with sleeves aud yukt; ui tlitt bloin ia verf 1

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