f)e fiatl)ato ttccorfc l)c l)atl)am Record. If I 3 ..ir ' H. A. LOR DO, CDITOR AND PROPBTETOB. TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION,, $1.50 PER YEAR St idly in Mince. CHAPTKF. v v!.fr. t!v land- i the tanker assem M't) :i- '..- ni.Ml.f it til, 'he niorn rt f " ". "i-- f v.s:itL- ? 'bo roM-ery rt ! f 1 1 i, ' . Tin' "I'ltl'lf s-.n.-uetied Thorn j , r ii .r:'t hod wi'h i J (... 1. lo HV!' , , cm. -l.M mil IM ' '( ii-iniiu th 'Hi' " I , . led -,er is'' ' state j ' real, fist biter, that she I ' ill. nr.) I'.iai n HO ll.'rd- , j.J, j -m, But she 'J : n, -.1 '1 1 !:cr !'!' r .i lr Hewit soeoni i i. i mi. I I lf w id"W I,!!;. .M.r,-,.;. --" I, ill I .i-c.,.c,l it his' I Ii.- ati.'it :. in vi Hi .:.l ,lM ;et iiir ill ..l ale g I- l an ' I ' l..il c ' I haidh nigh . 1-0 -, 1". Itith I ! i i. ! i nk pin r. 1-11 I . n tali,! mhl ii. 't i"-ar l-i i . , ' .", ; T j , ! , i ! j an.-.- thi ai,. I M . Ki tli-.l.r.l. t,, 1,-K" i !.,,, ).a ,n t" n. s :i ti J an -.1 m l'.1t r 'h f four ii'm'!' Ill tine Mu' ! ' .r. (M ll!"" 1) t Ui,.llT k 'In- 113 " n kno-i-' in J eirl L.:tira, Ann' K'iti, -oi. and t.r! i d..tn tiroft ' id to Tfia. dear. ,li''n ' I ! a . '..i.'.in;h I fell iV.r.,.i:i;"l 'o i:'.or tho dinaij? op? K it I ha-" ff.motirnes Lron ohlig",) Lr.'f' Tn;. a .-Lit tii.' irfator part b-"i. :5'.i." iM..riI th" Mon And "l ih" th' r. :i:i;i', v.-.n h-i" sifti nif '-r f ur tipics di-lv " :p!it it nothing .rj:-i'." ai4 th i.-i.i-! that tlio tonio t-f.Vot -f "::.r W rt!,.ri- v't. IVhj , doctor, th. flour i'! h.-is '!:.' ended the stair on'h mirr.-.cs nut 'I no"-' ." W-,io:i 110 ,1 V-t-.r hr nld ii. t hntr dour." mid 1 "tl'v-en'r. I trnt soon to ' 'j-i-SWi 1:,t' h..-r as lively a- r' ,r. Hut. riy don. "Th inspJi 'or eeni confident of sue .'oi r. mti.i) very uuiet f;r at least a ' ees in the ease," said Mr. Kellos ns eel Tin ro i- souif iMrlaintii.ition ye. Hunt liicipiiorirod. i ons';!( ,-iai iellaniioatioii. I will leave j " e, U. h people nro always oontidi'iit 'r'b:riiiii( ; and in? iruf tioii n to diet - almost too contident. VpI lie may kuc- ;t'.; y f.nhcr." ! reed. 1 tboituht of offerits n reward 'And I must i-.-main in bed all that tjmo, I a food, big one for tho apprtdicnsiou of do: ti-rV fih, dear " I'lie thief and the reenvery of the money. ' Until I ve you iik'tiin. bi least, little . In fact, I communicated with the presi M.S..' -d-bvr." ' J'h ti .ast a;:d fa and wine, doctor".' V'-u we'll. 1 not proscribe them'.'" N , I.-', un lam. 1 think you capital iiiir'.-. lint 1 l.c-ii, 11.1t much wine nutil tiie i.'ilhitniuaiioii has subsided and all fii',,'-' has left the stomach." Iu tho iiiuaiy the dnctor found Mr. Kcl- lot?. 'W, .!. d ., tor. what is the nature nf .1 it.' I'e ' Oh, "I.itt; rcriotis. Lothinc seni'ilv i-i-np from a s'.-abt attack )' Mm; kiir't i. Hi;! ri..iiion of ih stoma, h." "iVkat f'und i''" ll'it I mo nnabif to -at Possibly t-nii an.' le ot her Jte' I will leave two -'.ri,it' his witii directions as to what t. she 101; pirtalt.. of She should be ; "'! t or i-i wet-k She needs, c mph-te re.", f'-r ,i few days " T -ii see Mit 'our instructions are ruri'-d ;; '" 'h" Itt'er L'liuer is much ti::tbsl t: her. and either herself or f Tin :h:il! jrtend be r constantly" 'i'.h stieh nnrrs. hec days of con fi'.iement will l e lew. our sister in law f re:-a' l is a capital rurs, ainl in mnnv w,;-. as, ,1 r- tjarkable woman." ?li' is. h-.- i-' And do you know, dor t -r. that ..ii the Itrst of .September next, ihe will btcinne ivy iife'" ' - me to centtratiilate yon, Mr. Keb ' s.-v Bi t I am not altoeether surrirised. I .:A for' -ft n h." li.'.T-ll" 'Ye- M'hat more natural' How how f iitlii'u'ly the nursed your wife." Id i' 'he ,1 " lei pa--ed one band before Pit f 1 O- 1. if to sllllt ut Koine vision his j iii ,! I, 1 I 'au-ed to rise before hint Tr,-i" - I limed ihe banker. Hi' 1 I y; 1 ian uro'e the prescriptions tl the i-i-trm i!on. handed thein to Mr. k'fll.gg, and .1 moment later had left the house After 'h duetor had taken his depart- lire M. K- ll 't't' again ascended the stairs ! brought before the doughty inspector and to his ri.i i li 1. 1 "s. room. ' -uh.io.-tod to his routine of ipn -ti-.iiina: "Liaugbt'.i," lie slid to I. aura, "here are "Your name?" the piVM-i i tiuiis and iiioiruci it.ns as tu "Wlierc were yo.i kit wren the hours of liel I w i-h .ion would personally st p iirP and fix mi the cvetiiut' of the twentr over to the drug nre and have the pre- seventh of .Tune?" cviptiotis tilled, soiuelioiv 1 never tlitl like the idea el .sending a servant on an errand of that nature." f ei tiilnly. father." ' I do hope liny will lapture that high wayinaii and robber tu ibii. papa," said Juliette, - lo r s'.-t.-r I.11 tiie room. ( l'i, he ill. ii" doubt, be captured soon, .liU'giiti-r. mid the nu. m i. or 11 greater pan of it, rccuveii il. Tweiity thousand dollars is too large a sum for the express cimi ..anv to lose. The morning papers arc dow n in the library. A lull account or tin- 1 he was apprehended r ivbhery is there; but I was eo worried j "Was his lodging place searched?" over your condition that I failed to read "Call in the witness summoned In the it; I u'.erely glanced it over and noted that prisoner's behalf and the officer who ap the miscreant is still at Urge." prehended him." "i'oer pai-a!" ! Tha partle are soon before Me Inspec "Not poor papa, dear, If you ara aoon faator'fl t niitn. co fooo-i-T- i VOL. XXI. J ho hanker impr'.n'rd s kiss f-n the )irs f ft' !) ir. l left the toom. ! wjt send ,.p tl;f. pipers lr .Tl'i9." h filled Com tl'f !ul' 1.3 ur) 1" Yes. fathci, I vi i ii st going'' Wait. Tom ran drive l..y t.hr de:: store aud I wi'l '""its yon 'here I lin-r.-plenty of time to cot to the bunt- " Once nt Ills rtlicf, ?fr. Keil'-tj; apam pcrtitPd tbo difftTf nt aoeonuts cf tho ivb- borr. T- coi'ttuiii of one of tIio papor " ore orouplo'i in roa-lcrios nu acronnt of it. bnf as thr roadT if faruiliflr -'ith thf inri'lrntf wo iii not juote from hp nvti 1' rn prc,i!i'"tofl. liouevor. tba' t';f l ruS''" mi l ljrli'sT-nnn tvoiirl fOrtn ho ! i-:lptlir".). (is li- full r'( o.'1VO ff" r.f tlio . ity n-as -.rkinit od ii... c'lso t rlfTfii o'clock Mr Kp'.loes; iiulk',! lirm:s'i i'io 'illor wliTf 1 1 ' fiw had ! ! r. n i-'fioiiii'i'-'l nriil oT.r to tlto rxi-rrss j.,.li.r. )1ssiPK tluoiii-h ihr .ill. ho nipt ppr liap? iiunilioii njon I h'-v oro foiump frmn all 'lirortir.np to vir thf footi" nf thf orlmo. "Straripo." l;o thoiiglit, "boir thf fun mission of n rrinio 1 i ,i mrtnin iofati"i vil! nnpfl ritirsns t.. riit tlip ln:iiit Now hr rrlmin.il him, if my ' "no of ihfso fry men I havo hr.-i rI that rrim lo'il- wrrp pr.if 1i rrvi-ii iiv ..rn.t of t i r triinof." Irir...intnr!r h f . 1 1 j : -J iinisr.f c:i?llt ( tlio i.ir.;t'-naiior, r.f ti,...? l p.i.-so.l "'IllC (llf.'lll trt.'l tO-I ll';(l KliWOrtli In-, issaiiiiiit rPfTil-v.) I'.uil :-irnirot . I .1 .ii i kn.j - it i - h.. must roftn ,l. .-.,111. ! O. Hl't 'Ii' I ' .!! II.-.HO f tl...'w. hi I. 'list, th.it i . -.Tiii-ii' ll.-ir'." ,M'iv. , in t!i- rxpn ..ili. o. ill,- l.aukor fiiiii.l li:p.'.-t..r Until ,:oi..l w ith Air. AlKilT". " nvtliiiv '.ntor than ilia' M.-iir.l in tin- mi.fnit'.' p:i""i'." h" :iUfii. oh. tlio ir ),!:r ..ft' ..f ill" hioilV''" si 1 Hum. Th"s.' itiforiial i.p.irt.'rs im.- k- in" uri"l. Y'ni ivonM narurally ih, nk t.i ri'.ol thoir ai-ii.-l", tbnt th'v know r. IJ nljMiit it Tliry ih.ij t kU'"-.' .1 tiiinC. , n.J thov ii,. ij - more h-inn than goxl. 'I'Im-v ill. n't half l,iio tvIijI to arc iloinj;. . try ' tiiiskart th'ni. f 5 r thfj pithlish o-Tyiliiiif tlicv fi iv flit .tll'l moro that tii,y .J..-.'t tm l out I -ant siy that -.vr hi""" ''.iplllivil i .'.ln.fr, b't' hi'" i."ii!'i"'l no tw.iutt , i- th'rtr sn.-po.-ts. aw arc l-ikir? fof m-",i" HV mr ho'itri to the io"n''y ai"l lint ti.nt -iliiin in Ko'l"'l to ilo ''" I h-. pf you ntf" hat i.-nriniua is Fl'rnrh f; this momine, Mr. Aatlre':" I dr p,i-t his IvnT tins ir.'ning." a? t'K r-p;y. 'Jl; i,r.ys:fiau fouurl it nr.ofsiT to f?W.i scrrril "Ifhc? on h;?. si-a';.. l.'i' hi - rase ti cc tr''!ra: f t!nn!. !ic "HI h" nb!'- i-ri,'."' i.'r fhi'j in a '((.;. t t pir 1 " .'.I trlJ you r.nr ttunj; ii" aici1' cr ort r"" thr-tigh a .ot'.t of our sh ii; i'o.i ag iiii witij n or nigh', rain 'i : i.-ki.ijf. .In i r i ; us i . a! eys." .'aid 'ho n.-pf n d,.". ii t' M ii thoro K rlnu got- i'1 ,f !-, in If K!sw,u-.i had i 1 .is .1 (.'iliMt s'rooi i''horo thnrf-tva-.'l. he iT'.h.il If v oniH not pa ri-r 1 ceu -san, '''.. " ' And t w-oiild n it he out twenty thmi- and dollars." find the a?ent. "i Hi, that " ill "oiiis bads. But I mut io and so how my uu'riu'lons iiro ho;uC iirriod out." dent of the company 1 y telegraph lost night. lie adved nic not to do so at present predicted that buudrrds of inno rent people would be nrrrstori ami endear, or made to fasten tho crime un some ino of t lii-tii, guilty or lint suilay. Ho ruiinsol oil delay in the matter, and I have come to ilie eoiuliisiou that ho wa.-i riuht." "I Jiidu'e he as." oh.si rvi'.l the hanker. "Wo will lirsi reo whni Hunt and hi. iiifii can .In." tru-t tli' y may in the fully party !)- done so." Mi ne.-erd ui apprehend if 1 hey have not nl . K"II"u-l said as l," i h.s d.-partnr" In retiirnins to tbo bank h foimehoti found blniseif 'i i a scintiln; the oonn'f naitces of those he passed and met "Why." ho rnddeniy f-iebiStsed. hr.r. I am lookins again f-T a loan 'i" r.sfr.i Mo f arl What folly" CHAPTER S Tor the ten dn; s follon-ine 'jio robbrv Inspector Hunt knew lit tie rest Tay and nio'ht that astu'e official mi?ht have beep found in his private otfl -e, look-in wj..e and ejaniininf suspects Fully lifty men had been annrehendvd and lodged wjtbin the walls of tin- various station houses, fcf itne if them were old ofi'endevs and known criminals, others strangers to Chieap, or men unknown to the 'department. Tramps? No. In tb.o, happy davs ante-dating tho rivil war. tramp and begssrs were unknown to the itrcat Northnem It vtas particular! unsafe in the days immediately fnllcwint' the robbery f..r a lian (,f ,, (i;,,k, swart lit inpie.xioii. bin. k Imir and niiNtai'lie, "f iibutil live feet rigln iiehes in height and weinnig 11 derby hat uid dark sack coat, if lie was .1 stranger 111 Chicago, to bo foui.u mi the streets ol the city; for he was for'hw i'h apprehend ed. One bv one these tint rte.r.ates wre "Where do . 1 reside;' "What is your vo.ation?" ''Have you ever been appn lieiide.l be fore?" I "Hnve you iviini-ses to eHab!i-li I In : fact that you are tellins the linlli. mid that yuu were iu the location stated be iwein the hours named?" 1 "Inspeitor." a p'liei 1111111 alilooliiccs. ' "tiie outer olliec i rull of w ilnessi.s who I arc waiting to prove alibis for thete men." "Was this mau s person seiiruied when tor. "Offlnf VIuTrr- reu nprV44 tils PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 27, 181)9. man. Did you eeatcii hiro' If o, what did yon find en his rtrsoaV' !'A plug of tohicco, a pocket knife and hree dollars and a hilf in ilver " I Does be room m the location tated, snd have you searched 'he premises?" 1 hare, but found nothing but his cloth, ing Hi re is Mr. lars Of the firm rf Ktss & Prwuiitc. tmwwoned ft tfe prifOiifi " You know this man. Mr. Evans:'' Well, rf. he ;i been Ii wy fDl!"t f.'.r '1 e past jix v, ars His d"'fii'ion ber" has .-aiiso,i nif j;rea' inroiifricve, is he s i fhippine eh 'k " iJ ad this sfai.'iiK-nt It embtac-s nj'tt'ly i.ov rtiif sti.'Hs. i,i him and hi a-? swr.r;." He has- tn'd niLiho truth in all pi' milars." "fuspr t rrleatfd. Ptipe in th" p' one." The fiuployer and la'e I'risoner dtpir' in onoipsny. curejns h dfeotiv aud t!: police force of C'hir?S'- " 8-'nr,l ai-d Inspect. v Hunt in pariioniat Iiaeh Hint dftaMifd in 'h" ia'i"n wis in turn broucht forward and oidi In turn "Put ,.n h way n.nin"ii c the authori ties, who had lifld li in a man. of course, iibove sil'-pi'dn in h'o n tnittd a "sn pert." S.-ne few nere r."t forimiate enough to sain release m th'ir lirt vamination. but it tljo rii-ntioii r! n dais, the lest sus pert wall.' 1 the ..irffls a freemnn. In the oaf of a number f them "ol io'-tor risworth. who hud now resumed his iluti"-, as 'iumii"P.. d to the insp"' lot s . iliro, but in -ii'-h rue he had slid do P"t b'lioie that to be the man I pitted . n th,- siiiewnlk before entorii-j; l he aiiei j In-j t..r Hunt was a disgust-") nmn j ' There ;. the last of ilfty snsio. I . I ilia i . ur ettiecrs bnr apprehended," be i said. :is number lifti mad.' his exit (r"iu 'he otlie.- 'That rleans op the h'st batch. It P pears r.atlnr di- oiir-iiriliE. The fnet i;;sw..th is niial !" to identify the pvau I"' passed before onrerinc the alley. AsTa.p. ;f he could identify him, where is Hie rvi dfiiee that that mnn eonmiitted the erinie'f f)t course, if we had that indi -. idual, aiul a search of bis person or bid: iiut place roTealed a laro suui ef money, we i-otiid inak, hlui aicount for how- ii eiiine into hi riosrssinti. There e ar" airain. XV p hv a schedule of the backs that issued the bills of which the rollee tor wa robbed, but not the number of a sin-rV bill. Tin i bouud to be a difficult ase to unra'-ol " nd the inspector arose 4'ii'kh from i liait. twirled the ends ,.f jjis s'lk' n mustache, looked wls. and i.it down aaain as br beard the voire of M-. idrews in the miter c3ice V moment bier that gentleman was sf.-f d t 'he inspector's elbow . So the nian wc ar looking fnr was n, nnionc your susno' ts. inspector" he sad It -so-ins not," obstited th? offle.al 'At le.-ts' nne of ihm filled the bill to the satisfaction of Illsworth I doubt if 1 he c-'Uld identify the man if he was con ! fr'-r.teJ '. him. And then, it d"n't fob ow " lltxo 'be inspector dttaii'jd, wend oi word, his niusiufis of but a few minutes before "Wl. what IS to he -our next step"-" a'ked the agent "Vhy, wo will keep on gathering in f ns pects. lu this case there is uothin e'.-'-we can do. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is worse, for it is a tjncstion whether we ran Identify the nee dle after we have found it." "If jou could find among your suspects one having a large amount of money com posed of bills of the scheduled banks-" "There our hope liesjust there." "Yes, but if not done soon the money may be scattered to the winds. That man i iny be live hundred miles from Cbieaao before this time." (To be continued.) THE TRAMP'S REVENGE. How fie livened Things Up with the Woman of l'orbldding Pace. Tho sunshine, the daffodils mid the balmy nil' iiiuclriiniod his coming. The wtminu on the front sloop of tlv farm house was lu in wise xuriulscil when she saw Meiiiidiii-iiii; MiUo swingini; ill) the rnnd. Id- took off bis lint .111. 1 In. m oil villi Ihe ircnlal i-iintlib iice .if 0110 wliii expects 10 be wolcoined as ;m dil friend Hut Icy winter tl lin-.e. nl lu tho stare she- cavo him H" Im e.l imco more nnd said rinnd iiini iiin . lady." but she did not modify her 1. . Mddina aspect "Excihc me. lady" ho proceeded, as he restor-l h! ha o bis bend an 1 looked 9t her with dlsfivnrlng in'oti' ness; "but Is your husband a mnn w Mi faded yellow trblskew?" Yes." she nnswre,v "but yon needn't tell rue, that lu sent you with any orders for me H wruildn't dare " T only wanted to Identify him lie s kind o" rouinl-fdifitildcro.! ,-m' weari n little chocked coat w'nosr sleeves don't conio ruore'n half way up to his el doves?" c-J ,vi "Yes." ' ' ' ' "An' bis hair is cur straight off he bind like the bottom of a. paint brush V ' "Yes." "I'lu'ii. lady, that bein' ilie ri-r. I won't bother you 110 fnrJier. I did li;M" it iu my mind to nx von lur s t'litt' to eat. but I'll save niei-elf t lie Itimiili ;itlnii of n rofusnl. I ain't golii' to sininJ around an' try to soften v-r heart by eloiineiice, 'cause the lust thing; 1 knowed T'd be workiti' so hard I'd have a breakfast earned, whether I trot It or not. I'm sorry, iliotih, fin yer husband's sake." What has my husbitml to do with this case?" "NothliV, lady. He ain't in it. Tint's why I'm sorry for 'Im. When I nn i him lie nxetl me was I poln' 10 tn.-ike Hpplicatlon for n hand out. an' w ln u I told 'lin 'yes,' ho looked nt nu- in a way lit to bring tenrs. nu" says: Tai-ilner. are you very hungry';' 'Only uiidillin'.' says I. 'Well, ileii." says be. M il like to nx it favor, llf ilal lady gives you any t'lng would ye he so kind hearted ns lor eoniH buck mid give uu half?" " A Iteformrr. "Mammy, you know that penny jmi gaye Dickie to help buy a uew battle ahlp't" "Yea, Bobby; what of it?" "Ooln" to acbool, he laid war wa wiekM an' h apn it for raDdy." J53332?d:i.53353S'5i,! 1 fl? . ,.. n . a . 8 WOMAN Q Wfimil " i fi If Umilll 0 II UllJjJJ' - X ,jfi GREATEST WOMAN PAIN I tK Best Known to Auerlcn by Hr ' Hor ' rir,"SowloSeWyotk. Rosa Bonheur, the Greatest of worn- en painters and one of the grc-atcrt of : ! ill animal vaiutevs, who ba jnf I passed airav. was born iu In-idcmix, Frauce, on" Match 2:!. IS 22 He f.ither, Eavra-j'.nl Eonbeu.-. was him self an atnst, but manying early, bin powers aud ambition weio cacuu j fi'iiocu i'j iuc nri-cs:i.iuiii"-.i"iiit,Mrae jWHs c j their own cnoosias for Lis rapidly growing family V.o? i aaj esvi3ir ,h? v would surely be grali wus thee'.ajst of five eaildrea, three ,f uct cbeereJ, to k20r that in of hoia, all artislf. t-wn her . somo ,ooae,f n!ues aud trouble and When suerenohed the aaa oi seven Lei motber died Tlu fat Lc-i removed to Pans aa l established roodett ! school ct ai t 111 me l.uv i.nmi-jrT 1 Ai o very ear r ng" l'.osa Lad no- 1 veiopcu n I'ltsriiU iui umuiciuuiciuau ; forbociks ribewo'ilil frequently (day j truant m tbo neighboring lois tie lion lo.sne. watctiitiif i 'oiuiiuii'.saud draw, iu their j icttues 111 the saud with a lick. Tbe fame of these performances leached her father's ears ami led to tbo discovery of her truancy. lie recuuuied, however, the btiddiuif taleiit iu Lis daughter, and did bis best to foster it. I'udei bis direction she spent the eutno day in ilrawiug nud iiainting. s-ho tre jtionted llw Louvre, where she studied the uieth tlds ol the prc'l j r.l'lters of tiattlie . She eveu eucceided 1:1 addmg: to the faiuiiviiic.ir.ie by lu-ikiiiK and selling i-oplen of tlicidd P.a -tel pti ees. I- ro-i; uiero copying sl;- proceeded to ong imtl work Jo facilitate Ibis work she visited tho Hl.-il !.ii ? of I'aris and the suliiii ba 1 b .i se fairs, pninj to at: 1 fro in mole at'i'- . s-' as to imugie nil noticed 111 the ci i'ls of men. In Hll, et ti e R;;e of lillietee-i, she mado lur lir-' ptiblio aii-earaine. Two pi. lures of bet s . ' 1 1 nits and .Sheep" niol " Two llabl'i'.s" w en.' : x biliiU-1 at th". :,a!.j with tiiui ktd fa vol these next vein till al. I received Si 11 folluwed Animals in n Field," "A I.Vw 1 ying in a Meadow ' and "A Hers:' Sale ' Her leputatiou was uow !i::ioe For btleeu years iu sueeessi'iu i-Ue ncer missed a Salon Iu 1 Si" shi: sent to tbe Salon bei "Attelage Niveni.ils." now in the Luxembourg, which was enthusiast' cciiy received by tbe public, and iu 1V5 she capped the climax of ber fame v itb the ' Horse Fair " Upon this work she had spent eighteen months of conscientious labor, visiting the buse Markets for purposes of study twie e ery vcek. The paint ir.r; was originally purchased by the French Go comment, was subsequent -Jv repurchased by the nrtist, nud then resold to A. 1 bteasart for SiO.000. It i.s now 'ine of the choicest posses sines o! tbe Metropolitan Museum of Art in Nov.- York. A replica is in tbe London National Gallery. Hci sill -sequent works have all been on the sa.ao hi".!, love! of achieve ment, th.-m.oh their success has been less sensational. "A Foraging l'aity.'' of wild boars: "Deer uu the Alert," 'Muleteers Crossing the Pyrenees'' and tiio ' Liou nt Home'' are tome of the lUosi notable of these Meuu while, in 16 I'd, ber father bud died. I'.)- some vears before his death he had been director of the Commercial School of Design. To this post 8bl nominally succeeded, although ehe al lowed its more routine duties to de volve upon br younger sister, Juli ette, Mute. I'eyrol.aud contented her self with paying a weekly visit thither to review critically ihe work of every pupil. The fortune which followed her famo enabled her to purchase the Chateau By, on the outskirts of tbe forest of Bordeaux, which bus ever since been bnr residence. During the l'i an en -Prussia 1 war the sanctity of this 1 siablis'iiiii i.t ns respected by sp c lai order -d the Crown Prince of 1'lin- i.i I e-i,b s the honors which Mile. I'i'iihc'.i. ...allied from sipjeesMve 10 10 eeiveil a ru st-class lneii'ii 1 the I'aris livpositiou of 1853, and U ii'io-U l oiidul decciratiou of tbo ui t I.ec'iou ct Honor in lfMl.Y She was '; raised to the dignity of an of-ici r of i the Legion--n tare tribute to even suiCisMul womanhood in 1 S'.t 4 , iu t ecugbi'ii ii of the pictorial value of her exhibits nt th Chicago Lipoid-tii-n. riov-eis l-'or llo- I f.a.T We oiten seo in tbe announcement of death: Mt is requested that 110 Mow ei s ut." Yet frtends long eo In do something, to show some tang ible evidence of thought for those in ttorr.iw, nud then they are at a stand .Mill. Here is n hint of a w ay out of the dioioiiity Would it not be a pleuaot tiirig to ninny In givei. tj receiver, to the friends we love, to the friend we w ish to honor in death that when aski.liiot to send lloweis, to send I bein. but to some one poor or ill 01 .u tiMiihl".', nt t!u name ot and in ru I'li in'n ,'iln'e of the dear friend goneV I'. ,.- 1 u i ole "-.11 pt those who ill e .ill.'ii Mi 1 C '.'-iy I'ii.ir, th-' sick, nt ,,ii i.-.iti - v. :ii: ' mo is mean t" them --i:i l.o 10 Bltd ill theii sicrht 1,1 til! Ill") p 1 e V, 1 y poor II ll Hs It I lu i iln iu I m, just 0110, 01 evi ii il tho iodd 'I and 111. 1 bit ed, thai l.li,.-- Illllld. le to li : is li!' I UI l 1 III . I"ll I V- 1 ' ' ( ll.II.'l is too i" I III"! e i-C l,ll.ll j the l-.i.'d eyes. I lot s i,! than j w il" ln.s im: e. I The I'l eiid'til pillows, the en tl'di a llbiil siiit of 0,1 tbe be !,!.. tiies. any one can dicaui 11 toe ellecl. 1 neitid llow el s til. sses, lii" harps and I . 1 m ns slioiild be eliminated from I tn- delists, tor they are all uii.hstros-ilic- ll people who ought to have .0.1 1 1.1 ; will oeise to order the. a th. r w ill soon lie out date and they mi out of datA now in what is cMled 'Lht bust circle." Th, flower did Bst froJa tbo Land of tfce good Cod who gave us beauty, as well as all be tortured with wires into itraupe shapes, end the marvc! ie that tkcfe who really lovo flowers can, and ever could, eaditre eee tbeci eo ar ! rinsed. j? jg trujy eaij & t fowerg have been used iu eucb profusion at funerals tl)at genf itjv YS0,6 turn pale and v . .3,1 (i-,.a ..,,,1 hours of ldttfi bereavetacnt when at any tiuie the odor f many blcssoms cou.fe to hj:a from any eonrco whatevei. ibt-y should mean joy. and no SDr I'Cw aud wiule many amoig us laay tti!l choose lo lay about the dcai one ,,vel.,v b,.i come a elcam of comfort in t":e liaio.o f.f tho fuendthey mourn. I the .' c-; tired to 1st the friend euow cl tbo ltii t. thei e ai e mauv wavs iu Kh)ch the kuc'i lcljo could be deli- catelv given t.uveiopc. s A caid inclosed 111 s iu v. it u l .ive i, sympathy I ifnt few r!ow.?i to-day in the liHme of ." It would Hut be 1 )'.irii'le of ? good deed done far fioiu it, if done us it should be- for it would let the sor rowing know thai their friend gone, was at thiit iitne tiioiibt of, lovingly and "tatef ill v. ij inauv place?. And teiidi 1 thought is tbe one and only 1 , hili. tlj,lt u,,rji... eann-jt bur. Knth ,.. ( j-,,ti j f bica-o Eocn d. How I IhIii (.ill lv lievomr I'tol'i j M Ifanijduy, tvrttite: ft the l,adie' Home .Tout mil on "Jloiv to Eo Pretty Though Piain. 'as-sert: that the bts( a luce -.-bec-jul'l give tLe gti I w ho would attaiM n giaeeful Liptire is con t iiiii d iu two nor Is IV.. id cai.'!'-ra -t:r,u ' v nil know b..w drill p'.ii'.l -ig. 'f not Kcuiaily n'.'iioyiug. it 1 ! a pt e'ty fa ...s...-ia!i.-'l Itii an a'.ik'vurl fi'iiieei' an t'ticorli ait. "...1 , eiac tai'ii s ts iilmo.- .ilv .iys 1 : !'!? id lo tu . ul'ivat1' I. I" s .me 1 !' ;;l .e Ill b-ti-t.eV.ll 111 o;.e. ilfll ; ,,i;,v seem to I'., of the lvii,,:" r ,it. ; CalisiheiiKM l.ave -.:: v.-rted luauy an i n kward ''11 1 hd n". um i-'O 'uiablv graceful aod e'lai aatij e liti'-n of ber f-ni:er si !i Ma'1.1 a r'i ,n 'iug iil has her Iiiiii-1 1 a 1 iaa ruined loi lifo by v. .'.nt 01 . tie. iiiid more particularly mothiii less cirls. wiio bav. no kin 1 elder to mni.e fiiem he down for al loast au hour every day The rccuui bent posture avi rt? many an evil. The shoulders should be perfectly flat upon theeoucb. and thchsad beouly slichtly raised. CHrlsare such actne, vigor ous creatures that they often obitct to lying iiow ii ia this way. but a careful mother may easily le.iru bow to turn this re-.tful time into a pleasure Iu almost all eaies improvement will re. salt from gymnastic and .liitbenic exercises, from rowing, drilling and fwimmic,.; But it isab.-.ointely ne-..-e' sary that tbe patient should be mind ful constantly of her own di-niing. She must bold hei shoulders back, ber head up and her chest forward. At first tb:3 position M'iVi caue some stitVuesr. b'.v ii persevered in and e.--compatiicd liv ciilislheuic oxercie.-. or even games like lawn teuu.s. it will soon become nntur.il, easv au I cracc fnl." The Hoed Angel ot Votirn. "The wita of tin President of Mexico is (diuost i s popular in her country as the Cl,i,-f executive him self," 'said Charles A. Liudsey. an Amerieau resident of the City of Mex ico for tho pa-t six years, who is in tewn for a few days. "Mrs. Diaa takes gre.it interest in the improve ment of her own sei, and is almost constantly engaged in some kind of work designed for their bettei nient. Some months ago there was a strike of long duration iu the match fac tories of tbu capital city. It was a most htiiliboru contest between tho employer and employed, but no -ct-tleiilelit was made until Mis. Oia", went ur.i opj the j;irls. talkiu;'. with tiiem mid piesi-ntiii!! tbeii gru vumvs to their t-inplovtrs 111 s.inii a way thai the matter was amicably ndeist 1 .r 1 j Vt r.v shoi t time 'Mi 1 Ha, is deeply interested i '. the educational proideui, and lit1 l iiorgetic work tot the ejtal li-h: i-'. of schonls tliro'i'ihuiit li t km 1 if largely rosponsildo fui the e.vi.;t! i.ee of mi adequate school m 'ii."M ty hamlet or town w ith 11 pi riilat noi "t more than lim, wheie a compub -1 v fdiUatioiiid system is in voyir ' l'hc lu.lu.-trial si boob-fi" Aleticau girls is uiiothcl weili ill win. b the Piesiden'.'s witi! takes a icai int M I t.Pt, 14Ud m-any of theso have 1" tublisbed, where sew mg lancv iieo llc work, and other practical methods nl gaining a livelihood me lanubi." Washitigton Post I'm1., nt I Hsto m Automobile ri d. ti 1,. oe 1 with crea a lace, is a fashionable i-osiduiH1 fn f 'r tbn Parisian gown. Taffeta silk trimmed w.t'u e..th nud cloth combiued whli tad'eta si'k mo both luado Use of bv 1 re-ic'o die-s makers. New golf jackets lie being lonle i f Itril Unlit oneti hov.dotii, with reveis aud turiied-dou'ii i-olli aid cilis, laced w ith vivid sciub I ' u-:,ni VII tbe shades of nlm ;e tins seiirioii Lobelia, a i.i! tla. l.ivendei', 11 is, and h,i-,-lift, new eiiiiice blues in sunioiel wool, silk, velvet, lb ttl'.le. A Miiiliili'e fabric is liii.-Ji elolb. w in li is line ami sc pa: . 'lit. I' is a far better el ;r,..re.l ;'i. y, ue-iiol , !i-M is and I ok- I: :i': o ,c for ci eliiin lues than ruber India linen or Victoria, lnuu I.i cause, it do. 11 ,r shrink in washinc-. Buckles ami clasps in dull gold and platinum mixed are very mneh w.eo. Steel buckles, too, in n verv open patteru decorate the belts of the lac gowns. In the lon diamond shape . the belt has one at tba baok a well as ih froul tmxk NO, 46. I GOOD ROADS NOTES, 1 Arranelng 1 or Cunventious Miss Delia C. Jfarper, Secretary of tho State aud International Good i Eoads Association, wfco is traveling through Illinois ai ranging for .1 con vention to be hel l in Springfield, m the fall, has arrive-! iu Cliio2 Sii 1 Miss tlirper ' We shall have al! thes-: ennveii tions come oil in lapid sues-siou iu August and September, and conclude with a State couveutiou ia Spring field, t.i which delegates will be elect ed by tbe district couveutions. Ihae been very successful so far ia enlist ing the oo-cpera'iu ,,f commercial bodies in tbe diiYvreat t'.-'-.rf, aud they bc-como really interc-ste I iu 'he v.oik uc s jou -js thev i: Uita.i.i it- ' I have had tome tiout'U . I.om -' '.-1 , iu e.T.p'.aiuiug lhat 0':r iis-.e .ation is woiking wj foi batd loads but for gco.l roa If Fill laors ca'ily be -mo frightened at tlio hard :. nV pi' C' 1 tiun. fn they think of raj .1 ..1. ai: 1 k'.i'jw that that v ould laeai) in -rca-ed ta.Mitiijii All iv.' 11 ant is t m .! '.ool soft roa Is tba' ui years to e.,!V i-i'il furuisb f.iiindati 111s foi t;0od hai 1 roads, nud -10 regard o-ii " "i. i e lucut i d'ti' "W" do ii .C uitcud t.J iucl.-asc I ,t. ation one l'i:. foi we kno" tba' tiie Si,00i,iiii,i aiinua!!y expended by lib uois is siilncient to build good mads every whoio. But we want the fm inns' to lei the State do tbe w 01 k and not woik i.iii theii poll tax by j-reteii ling lo build good loads. .Sol that they do uol i:it' n I to do the best ihry know bow. but they Ua-e not lu-' facili'-e. t . ,;o ti e work and eantio' it as !' f-i : I 1 !.: done. t-i ida ts lo make g 'O-l fii'M nt less money than it now os's We ait, if possible, to see tii : p.-i! lax reduced ti 11 dollar, and 'ii want the farmer to pay that doilei into ton treasury lustra 1 of wording ii out a:f is now the case ; nu oxp-.f to show him how it will bo to 1 : 't'lvatitage to d it " 1 ue 11 sociiitinti 1 Vj re jeiitcd by Mis If.i; tu r eiulu .i-f.i twenty-two statea u I is tiie outgrowth of 11 State cou entuii in Missouri m 17, at v hieb .'oj delegates were present A eom mitteo "f scon, consisting rf M . t -lla.pui nu I .-ii men. was a) p .-.::- ? I to organic: eoiinty associiitions At 'he end of ibe yen'.-, ivheu an Intel stafo convention attt-nded by 'J.'dO lek'g.itca was held ia St Louis, sev suty-two c.Tiuties had been organised, aud as Mi;s llarpui ha.l orgiuued sivty-six th was unaciuonsly uams.l as Secretai v and organizer. l'rntcctiuu uf lloails The narrow tires which are used oa almost all vehicles in this country put one of the chief difficulties in tho way of maintaining good roads Narrow tires aiu litg -ly re.p .iiailile f-u tbe rapid wi;ii of roads mi I the cit'ing of 1 it's iii them. Uie old idea that it is easier to pull a load on narrow tires tl.au on wi le ou. s has been exploded, and a gen eral widening ol tires on til! -'ehicli!3 ivoiil-.l be n gicit benefit t" the coun try. Tbe need of tins reform i so highly appreciated in t aliiui uia th.it a law has bet li t-11 acted there to e:.fo:'ce tin uso of tire-, of a certain wi.Uu. ami owners of chi-les were given thr-s: years in which, to pi'.oi'le t':i.s- re. quired by the lair. The .Massachusetts L-t-gisiatnru h i passed a similar law, though it is n-d mi stringent as the Califiiriiifi statute, ft does not go into effect until .laiiti ury 1. l'.bij, and does nut ai ply t.i vehicles Used exclusively in eitie-. The provisions of the Mussm-hii-eft law, which applies to all wagons the axles ot which are two inches or morn iu diameter, and to all sliu'o roache-, tally-ho coaches, barge' uiid other p is seuger vcliii'l ih't built to 11111 on iron or stet-l laiN, nud eoiistriiete.l to cm rv eight or ni 'i e pev -oti-. mak" it unlawful to Use llpoii :i:iv l-'cll. slice' 01 wiv 111 tiie ."state a .i":it wagon iinv ing til l" Of :1 'II 11. :-te"l. "1 i!l:V .-'li' i taiiee- e .iiially hard, l.ich an- Iki i" widih then oil" and oi.e l::i ! limes the diniiicti i of tie avlo .it th" : u ; : 1 ! lint 111 ii" ease sh ill a 'ire id !.i"i .- tha ,,'ll IHi:h"S be lejUlll.l 111 1 M.l'ii'lls bai'i '-.tli liiilhuv ux!e- mil !' avcii! - net le. s in width than the i t n -' - lb., ar ).. 1(i the -1 1 b I In- tut! lint I 1 usnilr Ihe b'.isiue : 1 011 .' bi!i-y:iv Ohio, have 01 gmn.'e I '"i the pi: 'p 'o of 'idoplmg a system f--i impt" r:e tbe road" in t hut v icii.Ui 1 be S rill, field N- ws, the I'a'.son Tllil"Slllld lll'lllV I't ill 1 I !'.!!!'! s p.- pel s Hie devoiine con sid.-ra bi" spue- to 'n lelii ;eut illsi'Ussi.oi 10' 'ii" .. .,1 --.-1 -iiuestiini liood roads niako Ict.-i . iti. ciis They pro.ii.de u.ailli and pio-perily. They promote .-, . ui .r ;t v nud 1-0 I fellowship. I hey mak" up '" li.te i.iiii'.n'.initles. liny arc Ihe ot pi m'l hclni isiu H'l I 111 1-so Il k !s. , "We don t think w, ha 1 e 1 1 er k lion n the, roads t.) be quite so bad. mi this palt of til 1 1. 'f I'.- fo-.t-1-.,-!. .1 t Ii-y ai" right ii-, .v. 1 empty w a . 01 i - a load lo: 11 leu u mi coy nl t'"c i:iip!ie I streets. ' e.. tie V. . hail , lo.'oni.li.'iui I lie C.vcilllg - -intleMs I l 111. -a;.. 1, which imic fm :.ic I m, alliance f. r s curing lietlei b :: laliou. leive pr-i "li rally diClded lo drop I. the n sent tliu light ilgaiiist tin 1 vole beg ; ig" Imv iind iMlifi.ic then eiu. its to a move lin go,. I 1.1,1 N. 1 lioCt Ihe id l e.-l . ..I 1 ; 1 ,. v 1 , 1 1 ; -1 -i,ce. H i b y. I'm! W.'l l'i, 1', i;i -, Im b .:il'i nil evii.-. n.ieat In test th" ic isi bili'vef drov. tiiii-v Ih.e dii-t of the sirt-e! - n it1! ml, ci "I l-i peiioleiliii no.11 C. '-sicoia bei.i',' !'.S"I. ll the first day' work may im t i';i n a a la r te t, th-! expense, would be a fatal objection. I he cost is at the r ite of S t foi a city block nf 0,111 t. EATES ADVERTISING Oce square, one insertion 11.00 One inre, two insertions. . . . l.W One eqnsre, one month ....... ZM For larger advertisements liber contract will be rcade. HJLPS FO HO'JS. .V 'v Z : Tiinbl nf Asparsjut. gtub cold cccked asp.n agtis thronsli a sieve, aa l to oue cap ot tke pu:ee add one-fourth teasponlul of salt, a gra'iag of nutmeg, oae-fonrth cup of thickTcream an I the stiilly beatea whites of four eggs. Turn into small battered molds, set iu a pun of hot water and bake until lir.n. Turn fr ro. the molds and serve itb a sauce made cf two tables pooi'fnis each of butte: on flour aud one cap of white f well flavoied !-tweit rurii:l'er Then prcpeily prepared stewed cu cumbers are as deli-iate au l delicious as cream cauliflower They shoa'.d be peeled end cut into quav'eis beiore they are at ranged carefully in tb bottom ef a I aking pau Pom over enough boiling " atei to eo-ei tUess, edd a' teas: o;iit 1 salt, and stew gently fji twenty minute'. "he? tendei they aie removed fiem the fire, drained, and seried ou a riattc-ro t-.cst. with a uch drawn hi"-- siu-e ponied aro'ind tiiem . sirarltf rv msi-fn A sti aw berry tar.ii.eii mj be mad at dinner time and set vo l cold, as i should be at tea time !urter gener oiislv slices of thin toast an-l line wrtb it the b- Mom and sides of a ebina dish which can be set 11 tbeoiec Tho pieces of toast, li.j le of stale iaead and cut quite thin, should be 'eH dried in toasting.an the; should be li imeied tn fit in'" the di-b neatly Fill tbe lemaiuiug space .. jtii steiemed st aw lierri'-s, pack' d closely Sif' plenty of sugai ovct atid tbioughthe lu rries an I el 'n " nsodointe '.'ven o'' miiniti-.s. or until the tiiii' bat melted a goo 1 deal aud settld It will be found Unit they melt so much that th di-ii has pot only to bo pack 1 bit beape., or it will not b"ik weil when done, "eive with edd thick eioae' Humi-'iHiti' I'rHitnl (i.ii'lt. i lo foll'.i i mg re'ci;t for borne matin peanut cady may l e f .".mil use ful ii. 'nuking p, epm at ions '.i-i' fiusmet ciiii di s.,ie'.' and la'iu eiil'Oi tmu'iient A oi'.'iil nf peanut? hi e shelloil.skiiinee' and 1 die ! tine, fhi? -jusntity filling evenly a rotlee cup. ' beeping cot fee-cii j.ful o' granulated sugar is put into 11 pci ('(dam-lined sui'fpau and set over s eiy hot the- tsi be stined iintil tt melt.-, which it should do very quickly Betoro this tbe ) eauuts are put iu the oven to heal though, and pans are buttered and set on the back of the lauge to be kept hot As soec as the last of the sugar is melted pour tbe hot peanuts into it. take di rectly from the fire, and pour into the Lot buttered pans, To be at its best, the enndy should be thin an crisp hen cold Broken into pieces and packed iu small boxes lined w ith pa: ciine pup?', 1 tiua!lv find n vit sale The VanliP"!.' "Ill .i",i-l II ;ij. " TcThat we in Nov Kugland cal! dropjied eggs all the ret of tho coria try cal! p.aclie ej;. but I am going to stick to the name in spue of every thing, and call the nieihoi 1 am going t'i give you now, .l.v.ppe.l eggs ' Put one quart of boiling w.ter, one tenspnouful of salt aul one teaspoon fnl of viuega - in a frymgoau. Place in the pin as many inilliin rings a there are eggs to be dropped, and set the pan where the wate: wi: just bflb d'o at one side Bieak eaoii egg fare fully and drop it gently into 11 ling If in egc seems 11 it exactly fresh ot if the yolk bleaks do not use it Cook nnlil tbe whites of tLe eggs are fu'iii'y set, then gently pom oil' the wate'-, re. mice the rings, nud lift the eggs with a 1 aki- tumor; place thou on slices of buttered t 'ast anl servo at once. Putting tlievn iu iiiufliu ring makes jt much easier to do th 111 b ing 1 ue, 11 nit w hole, 1 1 may ta I, o a Hi tie I actio., t 1 so, ve 11 dish pel lectly. but w 11 mi n 1 " you get t lie K tin -U you w ill ,.,!o 'hal oti ever ha 1 any t'oub'n " tlio'ieli! 11 at once bud to do -Si Iv 1 ui'e, in W !!' 1 H.in 1 ' i-ani,- p Hniiset--,!.! 11 ,:,t. 1 jovipe l peppers ai e :i excellent addendum 'ei rnoo--. I . '. 1.1 oh .n ; ''a' oij' tf- gc- d to: cieio'r.g tl' eiii Itgnes t lie us a fir. ., lssv "I'pe'ira'io: mi '. i st e'-t to the last ;ie b'iiii-- smt en-g ., IU!'iil'i thai .the smaHo. o-i'. li.r.o 1 mil: h l.ioie delic Ite ll 1 ' t'oii tljs li'g.rV 1 u " I ce" aie most easily ligeste l iie'i I no w ii'tes an 1 y.dks ni i 1 n .m ;h'y I'lixi-d before cioi'ing, tis 11 i.iistid, ,'i am le 1 egu ' nud o .k-I.-I - I ettuce or celery ,,,,V ,. ..pt fie h iiiidc isp for so.eui days b, wuri pi ig in 11 cloth wi :i:ig out nf ,-old w 1 to , slid then pluum ; t lie 1 b do 01 a tliick new spapei . I'll s(1 ( I -.-li a.e .-imi.ivs in o .ie 1 t 1 se, 0 w il 1 s.i .1 1 at 1 1 . c ;.---se a 1 1 1 ll. ii to 11 piste w itii l:i ' t , - p e.i I 11 lire 1 1. spi like w o h siii e il p'-pper a i i cut ie!.! s'. tp- o o 'p the I ut le l' i:''. on id iib-oib en' colon 111 oil ! Ilin snioboa d 0 ' e - ll -ill, i.i , h ' en i I 0:1 a w ooi a I e , ,,t . .. . ,1 bi' . 1.0 eo' 'ii to si.oiih appl ;e 1 v ib 1 1 1 1 . .1 n"i t : a - . :' the s 1 1 1 -. II 1- I lie- -it : ;,"!i 01 o' .1 Ii msfttvil tn in n.-eis,. , ui;, 1 e hi o t li g us s ' 1 1 ' olio 1 f'linl on ton mtiuni. CO !i J nl elll lliCil. lilO lUolilSSI-s i ' 1'. e I mi Hi i it we,-., soap, after " o li ta" gi.i iii 'Mf llii .iiii'l jn Miiliiii Ma nli nl 1 red or willow n .0 so ue p eity wood a e the luted ad 1'' ions to the pai iij.li 1-1 -nni ia of tho tiie i, I, k ten. There s'niidi are shelve a' n it th ee fe.-t high, arranged in 1 y amid shape, t' e lowest being wide enough to hold the plates and tbe highest big enough for a itici. 1' .

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