hl (Ehaitam jftcrortl Washington Letter. TLfUKSDAV, - - July 11, 1WJ. Kr.itn Mir Hh -mar )!nrr'iM'iid n. V.t..!::u-:t. .ii, .July '11, lvi'.i. The li'iltnl of tl' adlllillisll'a- itii)n t take iinv notice of tin' colliave u;s exposure hv the HeV.S- TUE recent exposure ot tin- tine j,.,,.,; lvsji, .,,.,;( ut :.l....!:u. condition of affairs near Manila ; 0i the (t - i i : pracli'-ed upon 'tinl not surprise any iutellieeut j the i'inl.: ol I hiscoiiutrv in ;:,- n...--rtn. ul, had carefully not.Hl ! 't,s 111 hiH """-""I i;(..;n Our Statc'ti Asylums. U:.. i,'i. ' ' ii'-i loil "I C'liarl'.it ulwervKr. I 'I'll,. ! , i , ' i . i ! : 1 1 I'M ii irt lit' t nt In inn) Death From Hydrophobia. ' Crops on ConvLt Farms. Fr.,ru the Datibury Kip.,rter. ; hull li Oirrimiii.1i'iil 01 I'lmilottp la-wi vol'. I Three weekH asro Mrn. Gather- .1.1!. Tillerv, t hief suiervisor ol public ch ii it le- was tsmieil to-, me bnuuiouH, uf lulip, Stokes Of the pfiitti'iit lai y fauns was Itcre ii iy. it is a hue iio. It says: : county, wan bitten hy it iu;ul doi.-. today aiitl ln'ii asked noun- pies "Li sm than l'ii .-iits ao tlie av- j The rabid animal vva tied in tin- lions rcardinir I lie farms, Haiti: I'r.i.i' number ut ihe ins.uie pro- yard aud had wound itself around "The cotton on the llo.inoke farm J v i i. I for in North l aioliiia was a hush. Mrs. Simmons went out is remarkably tine and early; full aiioiit j.'mI ikhmU'.I into one build-) to relieve the dojr from its t -; of blooms and heavily fruited. Iti i . . 1 1 iii-t i-ii tor 21 1 patients. ( tuielilent when it made a leap at i w as lilooiiiiiiLr as early us .Mint! -I The Southern Railway will build larjro Mock-yards at YVilkes boro. That promises to be a con siderable point for shipping cattle. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Tills and . empli : trull: pond. iiiciit cart i the I he progress of events there, not-H'iiiisih-UHthitf the rii.l censorship Xei vised by the niiiitary authori ties. But while this exposure bhould not have been surprising, yet it has very naturally created e,.eat indignation ainony the liu- (,,,, b Oity-loviuj- and fair minded peo- prominent l)le of thv I'nited States. I ly Tliev now see dearly aud real e.Miaordiuarv i iiiui to c.U'icii oV I :.e t J i t ,TI !t:ti v. ii:i tee mi ! tr.e ad.i ,!. of the i; i.;,l-.:dy en; U. i.uii.ieaii:'. .i everv lio.ly eisi. 1 1 p. isure .'i.'i.l i '. ii i.i.i.ie i 'V . I .'.( ;; I I linn:'.-: M ill. -Ill tl.e i it have ...!1 i. ill . 1 . o i.e tally that our war upon t i; , of beiny for : i..'..-.. i.,,,...' ia;.;,. 'l ,v i..-io.iai but It was signed by lioeiit at i i i .M.l III :i. lili'Ui.UlliJ inos.- o. i coiitp.esi anil ai;aiusi a urave .uu .ollld I'l i'lhpinos, insteail ot lieing lor j i,aVl. jv 'huuiauitv's sake ' as was pre-! pivjudi- ttjuded, i.-. beiu.-' uryed for foreL'U j e'ei , i'oiuiii.-ht corn- i .Main in, mi an uiiij i in is. ,1... ".. !.i,., .: civiiie.l i-.-ople, who are "jrhtiutfr ! ,'f ...i' shades" of po,.t,.. for their homes and the right to lul,,,.1)V,.r ji merely ivnai me.; ovtn lhemsi.les. And the man-j w hat known to m.i.iv im in? of condiictimr this cruel and moiit!.-. pasi. l! the a,i.i.iii:-;-.:- . i i i t ion ell '.-vs it pre.-.i-ilt I" -ill" I. unjust war is now plainlv proved , 1 . 1 ' i-ii ' i i ' Its opponents oultiiI t i:ii-.' i... not to lie creditable to a civilized j ,,(:.. ,,s i( is K : , .,:,;. country. It is now learned tltat j Mi-Kiniev tliis war of compiest against a1 S.-crelar rn.ui!.. uli.i li!iil u-.-li'i iin.'.i .ilir '' 'v iliey V soldiers and sailors at first as their deliverers from Spanish rule, j jj,, has been wae.l in a more brutal I j and savage luaiiiiet' even than l to M u-.a'i. , toi.! :t lie in. tout ilV else ah air thewartiiat was wa-ed against ; the people of our beloved South laud. She: idau's devastation of tiio Valli'y of the Shenandoah aud Sherman's march through (ieoigia were mild and merciful compared with the brutal excesses of our Koldieis in their war tipuii the I'ilipinos! i i. ii, mi-.- !:t t.i .a;re. I liat : .-Ui:'!. . .a i i li... d Ids . iid ai l.:-l j M- ll!irr.Ol( i!..- V a'oo.t ! lis.- h.-.i.it oi I"ill j w Lou oy tin ; do mi. i i,i only i i did so llrlklia I I.,- ki.'k.'d ol.t o! ( i j lul. it is not U what conet .-.-dons w till-- i ier.ini. lit h: tics lie.joii.il. ii Will del' the 1 -I.:-!. V '.'. It. oll-lV 1 1 -.-i the . I .it th.il .i ;,:p.i . U I' t ' for tr.. glisi: , Hill I.I. Illidc.'l. Tun resignation of Alger as Secretary of War was hailed with di.'i.'ght by tin1 great majoritv of t'le people of the United States, regardless of their political allil iatiohs. So notoriously incom petent had he proven himself to be that it is surprising that he was n:'t fov.'.'d to n'siiiu loiiga:.-.'. I'ttleed il i most sin pri-.i:i.: tl.;.' lie v,;is eer appoint ! to so iui lo.t.'lit a position, and we cannot believe tital he would have been appointed if the President had foreseen our war with Spain. His' .... ..lis r u. !.;..). ' 1 U'.mv duiiiig the war between tl.e ; V' ''",' , ' fcl.lW s had been Very discredit-i v,.;u '. ,: itole, to put il mildly. Jle hadliiat li b.iu coui't-martialed and dis gi'iic.'d, and Ids appointment as Secretary of War w'as an insult to those oilicejs and soldiers of the Union army who hud bravely done their duties in those days fiat "tried men's souls." ! I eel I '1' 1 1 1 1 i t. - i i i c the e i.itesl mi nlei'il tl'eat- .:.it in liie coining year in on; :-tate. Ihis means ti:.ir. INorlh .uolina is treating eight times as iii.my oi tin- insane for about three times the cost of the original number. Next note the sttil mole rapid increase for the i d. lc tt ton ol the ileal' and dumb .'lul tin- blind, marked as it is this Vrar, by li'C addition of large and cost 1 v biiildii.es to the .V.iih Caiob ii.i sv iio.d for the iV.ii ifid I'liiub at .Molgalitoll, and to boiji ,i hit - and coioii d d).--I . 1 1 : .h i t - i practically Separate i:.-1 itill i.'li-. ;i tliev ;irei of the .ii.i.i .M.d the colored deaf and d.ll'.'o ;it K.de;.:ii. lb re the ad vance has !. eii within the years p. f t. SlU'elililelldeltt 1 lay poiata out that IH . -111011111-' lilti tor the present s. s,,,,:i three months ..:..i, i; is 1 : laore than for the whoie of la.it W'.tr. .uid ;i more .iia.i !o' the whole biennial ti'l'Ul t ' i eal s a;;, ,. Vet we have to i.i 1 now t In-c!:tiic enrollment un der Slip- I ill'., i'.lelit lioodwin at .'i . n 'aii!. .;i ! "J'".'. ia n Ids new ,, :u ii i is coiLpieti d he can ac 'oiiiae i.i.ile ;:o.i, ail. I at Ualeigh, w : 1 i. , ri.t in i iii'.i'i j". h .r w hich a :im 1, i -,!ni is a-i.i ,1. ."it m can be ..!! tor m;. ;i', a total vf sou .:':. '. i i iiiid a.al deaf and dumb . i. in-ir '!) : he r state can take '. to ski!;ii;j a:,-! iollig arms ami I. ,i I ti . ii c pai'le of self-slip- . , , i. and thus ,-, si ,,., t" that :.i ;-..)- - i" -. ;;'-r. spivt I'sseittiitl ; 1 lappa., s.-. flit ! Hi I ! can . il.-. ! i eel t. Ihlow a.Hi.ilu-Jloiiiilt ip.ii--. lelt : I'rvactKTs Ci!ii'.J I'luiiJs. Mil:, -i i:!' 'J.'. - I'apt.tlti Seik a.u i, i a.a-:e' of tin1 Texas . . . ;il I'eell ilt lilch- . !:.-. e.r the past two !.: . . . i;a. ols.t ::;! ion .. ! s , , , .. ; ., ;, .; ! cii ;; nl ;g -.::' e-. ! s-iil, i . : . o i r .s cou:.- (..;;.. i i .V ,1' i la 1. , la . i if tl, ,l la .:, tvjligecit , : ai: I: looil s; piles to last : , : .,'i ! :,;:,. pel ..! and that si,, , be s. l,t to them, positively v. ill not work e. a- I ..I - hi pt by i h..l'ity. Si oi t n. Til P.e'llie li llll'o.id ; i ao b.iiidted men to (vork it I i "iii red the retr.- siire t,"' h' Systcminpertordcrandar,; jg Jjjjjlj Jm an aubuiuie cure for sick headache, indigestion, j Tv '.m V..-lr Pnnn Tl Tl malaria, torpid liver, constipa-. 1 1 tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Piils SlYKON 11. M:wi Ii s. i l.l'l'V tin- three iidmiiiii.i). l.os-: hei nihl lut a terrib e n ace on hcr'iitith. 1 n-vi r saw so mai'V blooms : are lndispensiule.thevkeeotlift iitais lor tiie insane accouimo- iinu. Hiciloiwas not snsiieiteii 1 1 ins i-ailv. We loou I .l.ite l.a.iT pat leiiis, and the w hole to be mad but n luadstono wns h:les. I'eaiiut im ' ! I maier t ii ,ai i,;. nt the past 'scut for and applied, but alas, the; price rem;, ins at the present lig . ear exceeds this by simihI bun-I ilog had made a deathly leap. She ; mv, SI a bushel, we will, with the .lied. It may l" f.-.irl ' 'stiniated attehdeil pr-iichillg "t I'lliey t !roM- (.pected crop of .'ll'ii'Ml lilisliels, that iie.:.i ii not 'iii.te two thou-.nl, the hrst Sumliiv in this uiontu , come out ;ihe;ii this yi-iir. 1 he but on returning home her arm ; corn clop is t.-nrly goon; say an began to pain. It was hoped that awragc one; cut worms hav ine she would uot go mad, hs several 'damaged it. A li'..i'i'n-!';:riel crop days had elapsed since she was j is expected. The rice crop is good, bitten by the. rabid animal. Sev-i'ihe t'aledoni.i farm, which the eral doctors were sent for but j St ile will huv next year, is of they would not attend. She con- 7.21UI acres. It w as lirst leased sbiutly grew worse. She .slob- some years ago. lam mire that bered, bit her lips and was tor- the improvements the State has ribly strong. She was given a ! put on it, levees, canals, ditches, stick to bite, t.'rovvdt of people buildings, etc.. could not be du tloeked in to see the suffering wo-! plicated tor SI .ji'.uimi. There are man a horrible sight to look j nine miles of levic, much of it 1.1 upon. The thought or sight ol ) feet high and some, w ln-rt' ravines water or a draft of air would i arc crossed, TJii fed wide at tl.e cause violent convulsions. She i base. '1 hens has been only one suffered paroxisms of e.xi iuciat-! bleak in this immense levee, that ing pain. She said she felt like j hav ing occurred two years ago. she could cat her friends and Tin se farms are now healthy. Jrivcli wells have wrought the change. There are 11" convicts on the ('.iiedonia farm and only four are in the hospital. The State will hot buy the Alison farm." TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH nd SOUTH WEST. Southbound. wanted to go to the woods. She wits in a contortion of agony. After tivo days of unutterable siitl'ering an augel came and sounded the signal of death. She rave two fearful screams and tin n all was over. Alas, her work is done, her sorrow and sighing is over. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family. Killed by Railroad. ttum iho l:l..li l'.-fi:'r.. Allegro, Sllpposid to he Mos. l)owdell, wasslioekiitgly mist iia! . and killed hy a Seaboard Air l.ii i train just bevgnd the II. d. :.'! Cotton Mills last night sl.otilv ; before 12 o'clock. The train passed over the p., rro's body, decapitating and di emboweling him. ( )n- o!" hisaiins was cut oil'. .Pieces of his body were strewn along- the track. The negro is supposed t" have jumped the train while it w.ts standing in the .lohtistoii sti.it yards, with the intention of m. ;i. ing a ride, lb' evidently f.-d un der tilt" Wheels, for -.M'l.i! C.lis must have past unr 1 :s !. iy '." nave so b..d!y manghii i. it .r -live minutes after l ia :i.!n ,..".! before it iis tilscoVel.il ti.ai ;;'' lieei o w as killed. '1 he i '. . ,i .e then oat In red togelh. r and t.il..-:: back to the Johnston s; reel d, p..f. Knhliery al ( hnn l Hill. fCf'l 1 t- I'lirtt till Mill. Chapd Hill, duly -JI.--A eiy boid theft was committed hero Satiirda;, about iiooii. Dr. A. A. Klntt shut up his stme for a sin .I t I hue w hiie he Weld to his t-.'stdi'iice for his dinner, his clerk being aw iy at present on a two ! weehs vacation. v nlie I r. I iiltt jv.asa! diiint i, sum. .body i nteiei: ! the sioie t til'-it;.: Ii a w in. low in the i ii;ick end ef the l ollse a'nl lobbed i t he ciish dra i f of its contents. ;lt is not know n ev.ii tiv how mi'c'i ; 111. I I'l'' ilV d.lv b',: e ur.tvv l I' )' ml.'! tiled diout tea dollars. The bii.: stands in a veiv c.. im,! h-s a uhi -sfro-.t. I a boid 'o'.eee o' oils- WHOt.l'.S.Vt.l.' AN UK.Vi f.l.S 1 UU.I liKTAIl. I.v l'..ri!iii..lllllf Ar vv.. ,. n. r l. ii l. i.'n, Ar li luii. M -',.ii,i,,-rn rincs: Ar II mill''. r v tl.nlnir'.iii, Ar v.,iii.iH. 1 At Clmrl'.nx, ' Ar CliPKH'r, ' Ar nriMitw.Kl, . Al Allil'liM. r A'inii'H, " .V Vm?.MH-1 Alt Ifll-.-llilUi) ' Nn till. onra 4 to im 9 on pro Rt.Vprn ll inim 12 .vr n 3 Ilium 4 2:iaill ft llTnrri IJ DjT ft t.inm Kn 41 ! noiim 4 im n.vtm 9 Warn II Mnm I Mpin 8 34 pm 6 KKim H Kipni 9 lipid 7 som in Wnm Oft.im lOMpm in:ivm 1 in nm I l.'llirn s l lnm .vpm ?niim I mi pm 10 tOHtn B'iivpm - lrj.tnm Northbound- I v Ailiuiiii li'i-iil. Ilniei. A. 1". ; '.V va,..,,r. ! I.I lill. hH I, . 4UJ. i uu piu Mm W.ivlJ Ml hi iioWkauiti iiiNiJiiUitvsj' ' ' ' .li'.v.y.v. .'' ' )'i 7. ;". ,i c Greensboro, W. O. Vl . II..W1M , " i v Vi.inr,.). i l hull. Iti', I.v Hhiiii.'I. " r lliu'li Il.'ll Vl .. liOi. i ii I I en " vi liti.iiai, ." .'.i n. .ii.'ii..'ii, Al- rti ,.,l, Vl ..l-ui..iilli, S. A. L., Vl Id. Inn. . I. I, A. C. L. i tt,lH'inii...ii, 1'ouj k K. ,Vi N.. V -ik, If louui 6 tlpio I j.i piu k jupm iu iipiu ll ll.IU 1-J0nin 'i llMiu ii'itlMlD Muiu 7 't M1U tl tJUIII 111 .111110 6 iUplU 11 ivpm d luani 4 J&HIII b iin l MMU1 I 6uin li UlplU V UUttlU II 1IU1U I j nui'iu i 4.'.IU t itupm I lipiu II lupia A &.MIU this linn give his ; to cll.'t.e ham. W mail ctr. ' PK'1'1 V ..f ..piease.l !,, i.d .liieill iolt i '..in eh :- ; '-a ed lo al.d l l-iees. : " V..-., ..... . 1 nt; fat. iVi.i ll 'V'?l.Tr 'zts. . i C'""i'i u n. r-.TrisT o"ci r- i :.'. .. I. ., . li--: ll.-.;. : .,e W ' SrtHM, if l a! r I . t !". ! j . tl-;r u ' if i.i'.. !.' . ' l! ! I'ulf!.!- - With 1 11:1. , hr r i : .ht. A :'.i:;ii i.-id.p: t ri 1'.. flit I.J-. I ! Own O'.":' 11.1 wi' .-11:1 . r n ;ni'tf fr-T. IV s. i d :.'.. ri.5-. f, -'awhlt, t-.l'!." "f I"- ''.I t 1. HI', Fwlll J.-O'l. C.A.SHQW&GO. 0?f PTl.r Orricr. WlIH.iTCI. o ri- Our SkK Snlilicrs. rr.-m th,. 1'lili.i'lolpiilt l.-"i.. All uneeiisored Philip' patch by way of Ifoiig Jv j veys tnc news tn.it mere , nearly .'i.uiMJ rederal soh ,t I h. v ' ism an' Tin-: adoj'tioii of the proiosi',! SitilVag)' aiuendinelit to our Stale consti!titio!i will greatly proi'i.'te n.'it; i at i-v .vi m .1 i- I ! lin, l'i s ,t a ibi .s. v, it s i-.,,. I.e. U ol. tail.e.i. i the id.-. I is being 1 ii. in. i ,i.;..-i-s ! that if ihe S -K; t .'!i llcie-l is -..I . aim; ..-r ot iv.'o. .vi;i : i.'kii t :. . I'.- i.i, ' to Wil; :.t 1 t 11 .1 hill'. Illet Still. e.'.i' tie ilts- ng c n aie now iii-l-. i:; Ulteell Cents t) liHspil'tls provided for th. able to get ' ni'mv, bi sides a c"iisiiler.il 'ie c -i. tiligent ill ill quarters at .Vi.iiiil t. L.-trge numbers of im-n in '.v mi uia i:i-' a'" aise of education in .N.'it! b Hi m . Carolina, and especially timotij tile colored people. 1 Ins is read-1 that ! ily a.hnitti'd by the most intellt- i i.e.-.-ss gent leaders of that nice, and thus !;'ilM, the amendment will really prove .IV l !..!!! til VV lu ll 1 Wits phiyed, in ! ,. it close in isoii'il tri n; to be a blessing to the very r.-tce, : i.t U(.l.,l M.-Ko which iiiiiuv seem to think it will; ilohart. that nt meetings (jtv .,. Vp..-,.,l nips, and . surgeons as tttifil for Mivie, sp..,t by.m;,,V Of these will lh lll'lles- - I- I'- thejsw-.dl tile list of l.opo d p ti ace liotu ' CI,,, troopsale large toia.-i a- igi.oi-' Luzon climate is iiietv.. imi ciaiiu ! ,,n: I'ti bilitatllig- in the . .. ' ' il v. .is;,,,vl the arduous service !.-:. at preachers 0f ,,, j,, f I . spt il .. e .n tor lam j weaki'lD'd tin il' p.. wis o! iv l:.e. 'l'!:'Sc j auce to iijalafi.d m-i-s to leav.' : the attacks of epiih inic :". 1 y to save mot ic diseases. I'lid -r :.t: ;' iiai'in. iditionsH would S'-i.rc. Iv 1 .m.. I prising if the ravages hither; lioii.-.i iris uh at Manila. , of t5erier.il Otis' lit'l" ataiv s'a (j,.v lamoillit ttllilosl to an i i.t. ii.a lore the close ot ttie v.iiiiv sc.: !!!g W io ! ii. tl ; ten n aboiil ia vv ttli a load W I .'II !l"a! t h-.- !' l I b'-iMll'" t') i .-hl-'lied I Pl'.tW i"V lei! I i'.'l. : tiie e::i!i'e weigiil i ! ;;-' Hi iis.... i i v . 1 i Ml w is ,! ii!- ol a g I cil i- i Pi i aw ley lived a t ', II. I ",' .M'Vel.i! li el;'..'..ed ill lia.l -laiorv. Ih.sa: ! o'clock he c:llii llt a ci.1,1. aim i ry his horses n. ol ran, Mr the wheel- alii. !' t he Xv . .. .i ! a: d v.-r Ids s'lii'i-c l. r iiiui t !;?( hni'.a'i ,!l etiolt-l Well' 111: il. Ib.lwl.V 'be'. A i -V il V: on loll; a lot : boti Also I'fSS lil 111- JJ s--l . -. -d iiiid undr-s,..! ing iiti-l Siii'igb's. I'.ills i-ii' to ut der. A .s'i'i'lv orOO."Lll3-3 ,i'nl O 7X 'sZ v 'CC- niwavs oil hilltd. 1 ft uu S'J to S i l!H iti price. .11 !. d.div ere-1 at Tlt.ll.NS LEIVK I'llTSllOUO ."J 2(1 ji. n.. 9:80 a.m. Trains Arrive at Fittsboro 11 25 a. m, 5 25 p. m r. .vi -n.-iiri. uim 10 10 dm "uy. tDlllr Kl. HuudBy N'n-. M:t mid U2. "Tho Atlanta ' ' iai," S.diil Vostibulcd Triiin ot i'lllbl.illl SI)..llMM II llll CoHCllfB bu- ,w W mnIiiiiihii n nd Ailtinta, nlrto I'lili ii.iii Slci pi rs iH'tvvcuu porta noil li ill"! Dlit'Ntt'r, S. C N"s II ami US ."The S. A. L Kx ll",s" Solid Train, 1,'iihcIiih and I'u bii.'in .h'l'iii'i'H bolwi'iMi I'nrtn. n.'iiili iiiel AtlmitH. (aniiji'iny fjlrep .1 s lu l i ecu Coliin, Im, ai.,1 Alhintu. li fi ti'uiiiN iiuike iiioiieibiiti' cull . ni'i'li'ins tit All.iiilii fur Monlgoin i'iy, .Mobile. New Oth'inis, TcXhs, 'i'liliii.iii, Mi-xico. ('Ii.itiniiiingn, Jt i . i-ii vl.)'. Ii'iniliis. .viiicim, luriila. J rer 1 t. Ki'ls, Sluept'i'f). eli-, ii y V-. nis or ii. s. Leard.T P. A. I K .l.' gl,. N c. i ;; t john, I Vi. e Pn-H ami Ooti. Mummer j M W. li. OLOVKU. Ti n Hi" Mainiicer ! V K Me. I SKK. (Jen Stipi :b S A LI. KM, J General Phnm. A cent, j Pot iHlniilltli. V a I I i K . r.U I, (IKHiKn. I'uBMol'i li.' w! W 1 1) Itlll ill' l.ttl i i.s.l: id . ', ! Sl all V I Mil. f 'II' illgilt. b. mi jr. ILM1NUTON A WHLDON lKHr. .'l ku.I llrnuiiim. Ami Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company of South Carolina. Couilensetl SSt.'lK;dul(i. THAINS GOING HOL'TlT iivir.n J mi.- I, imj. x Si.: 5 3 K F II I.' vl' I... ; c niiti bodily t,. r'!-: Vl- VI II. llll K'.'U, AM I' M I II v,i v 1 Vi In it, I ii ii a on I IK) 10 341 (I 41 ft to i n I AS II 14 1 III li ao 9 to i hi II 57 '. t :i I 10 I 1 ii:.. :i IV ! IMAM I ; ! i ot' I ll I V 4 ) ft M) I'll IA M r M TKA1NS GOING SOUTH. injure. the trust inns'. If tl,.. ...! vnl,,.. il,..i ivcysi.me oi an ' i ti. i, rig-ht to vote as higdily as many say thi-y do, then the adoption of the amendment will slimelate them to greater clVorts in obtain ing' an education sntUcientat least to meet its I'eollirclllelits. And the adoption of the aitieiiduienl tiunal oiticer uiiiv also h.ive another go,,(l (..f. I obii ct: "lii feet, and that is. it may reeoncil white tax payers to paying- tai to educate negro children. The lynching-of live Italians in 'Louisiana, htist week, hits created much er.citemeut in Italy, and ti c imp;' fiiiv. i . la . , at- ;.i..y ready claims tin-mb. rs m e . t j a; Mate and Ten iir. . Ii i !.u...v i. ' om. as the Aiiieiicai: . n! : i i ;i-t ! I eti Lcig'.ie. 'file ec.-ti;ive coain.il ) efal tee ol t he league i.-id a laeilitig ''ll Vl itshillgtoll t ii'. V.l k. I I..- I..S il llii. s, i ,.i !.;,- thus ,)!., ;( n In Its pilipo-.e ,i lac .lilellcaii Alii I-I tit! I I.e.;. lie ;-(o .irons 1 tlie only power on eartl; that is strotiger tiniti tiie pov.i-r i; I loliey III pltl'lic lile. 1 hat i.in-i '.im cr is t he pat riot ic inii'uis. s ot ; ; ;iir.j. p"o,.ie. i'he iit'.l- hll .'.'1 i ! iat ' :o - -.:i power, v. Iran a u a L. lied, :s i t i i - j i'l t'-ll t ho il sail' 1 1 uu .- t can il.e in - :oa. V ia i!o;g K in ; .'-iifgi oi. VVoodiiuil eoii- il.'it the increase in th)1 iy '"i'.'i' in tiie 1'hilippine is wi.l ii.-ci'ssi! ite the elil ient nf hirly a'tditional sur . s,:.t v' i it V 'ooilliuir.s re- , iai.it ion t" that i licet ha iis,,!.i.r,,ed bi ( )! is. ii an mandi' imp..- i Trains 1' o I ! id nn a I ti'stb1 Coviug-ton, Gil., duly '11. lal lb: !f t ii a -i itiv . ! It V.e'.l I aV.L i,',' ..- il I' I "f I -' I.i : 1 1 1 i.1 northbound passenger tram :, : ,,..iki:. the Central of Gtorjria lhtiir.'ad, : t ... yuu ; colliiled with a cotislructiou ti.i'i' ! tieated f Major (ien- Ion a trestle near this city, tonight, j ,JS(. ,,r t,, .... i i a. . .. i .. i ii:.. tlie I it ttiil i Doi li eiiiiiin anil si' v )'rai )-.o ! u ii losllt: : il. s lotc.s hire. Thi'ie arci'feet into it ravine, hngiti)')".' , .al ly ::.i-ii soldiers iii hospitals, j GrilHn and Fireman Teaslcy atv ! . I'.'i.ci.-d i. port hist wick badly injured. Piig-inn i .Mat has, ho.'.,.,! sou j;, t. hospital in 'of the passeiig-er tr.iin, who es laaila, and there are several hun-;c.lpeil injury, s.-tys there Wete i. I at .-Mi; I'ei naiido and olherjtluvt? nero tramps under his en Miiisoiis. Iheie are also 275 fine, and that they are under the k in lii'.al lets lli .Vlaitlla. 1 lie : w recKiig'c. .ouc in me p.w.scii ''f, ll Vi'lllig man ol :i:,',y. has be 1! s.-nt i iiatoi, lli.:-pital to be '' insanity. l-'xcessive leco was tlie cause ol ids mind. I-or some iweil a j il ;ir "1 the weed ntal i. nil lit to sitrg-ei .el s ot r s. rv i .us report that " 'hlii-rs on tltitv tl' lynched. A few years ag-. some Italians were lynched in New Or-! ii,... i .ii i:... l i ii i: i .iii.i.i.. "i .,. in. ..nil, ,, ..i jiaiiau goM-i nnii'iii iiiii iiiu.iiin il(, i f tl-t -- ii i I t)f Olir g)IVellllll)'llt pUllt.shtllellt o! j .Uul 1 I,,, ,,,,,, ., , , . , thiv guilty pint ies and due repara ! sad dices ot the hiita i . i ..:! i: , to tiou to the families of the nidi ! ! i"ii. 1 1 ll",M' l!':-! -n. I., na tions are allowed to - ,i :: i an plUinaT eai'li oi ns n t ji.o -i l '. . No man kin . .-. ! , . .,o. ... h'.tns tiitd a wai with I tidy was !, .,. fcat-.n' huiigei ., .-.n i narrowly averted. Idle of coinst . laindy will iiiake !.; . .. i o.,-.i i. this recent lynching: will not i-aiise; ll i.eliooyes us t-. v. eii, th,- any war b, t ween Italy and the ! ,;'v Ill" ',v . V ; :,'i,:"- J ' " ., , v. . . .. i,, j Ainerif.su Anti-i -: - a u i- nited States, yet it should be a !,,, ,, Vi t , Martiiiig; ii.giiinst lynching-. ,.;m iiceaieu to-. i. i i , ,. ,- ...... . ! crat or a Popni,-: i ,. in ; ..i.ii llll-; international peace confer- van puMic ma. ..... ,lii.ni.i.,il .il,..nf .... .self to be a livpliisiun Kills Nine London, .Inly -2 board the torpedo boat dt-oy.-r !''iil!titii ii, on the Solent, in j- !.. i ! I ial today, killed nine ers were injured. Killed in a Mine M plosion. lirowiiHville, Pa., .Inly 21. An i t line he el i it i lay. i The Coast Line depot was burned at kitision i.ij ,.t Friday. ! It caii'.-Id lire about half past 12 'o'clock. 't'l.i re w:ts no otic ill tile 1 depot at the thm . It wan h i keii ; up .-in, I ag. at had gone to dinner. ' Nothing was savi d. The seventh animal session of ! the North Carolina Paptbd Sim- erohisioi. of and tire damo oc- . aJ . "''-'"' . v naiauipta is ,...,- Aii explosion jenvd today in the mine ,.f t h,-: !::'"1 ' S ;'.',,,v ,""s , k:,.i' "r '"" a in. liedstolie Coal, Oil and lias Co pany, nt Grindstone, live mih from here in which i:ing- hiid Tuesday .uid Sunday evening- .fitly oi. it vva.- Ineli v.el'e The coin in i 1 1 ee ai.oointed bv i!i lijit:-) ! loin- o! those on laril. ietittuulied. Four were killed .il.d tl.e hist legislature to invest ig-atc e worst naval accident I two injured. '1 he miners nt re all the Fusion management of the us n.-.t lire that hasiD'curred in, Slavs. The explosion was caused : Ag i icuit u: , department, is e-l;.iti-h navy in twenty years. ji,v fal jn ,,utlv ,,, , w hi.-h ' posin; outrageous itravaeaiii-i v id i:ns wile terribly injured, Aruvv nn iie.'iiniii'hition of .....s ii.lo . if in a e.,r, m.l urn i.,:u mio .1 . c, I i!r,; in , ... I. y i.. i i,s. n J i,.l,,rf li" !,, Vllllliilii it.illli. Hil t .'If... !.,! . l'. '.n. I.' irini 1' .c. ft .le'.l .!,. 'i..r'.- . i... . ll ii.-,' I lllll', lll-'l.,'" V.-f HlliilV ,i.i,n .. -I'l.lr. 11,1' 1-1 l.'l 'Ik.' .in I r,uu,(-it i i l:, , . , in' lw..' :. ..''. .i '') ' It, v . HH'I- -.,.-, -ii i. i'u ..I'Ull l.'.l Hi, -t "II., Ii'lll- M !. i.v M.ir.-i , ruiiini. vilU', S.1,1'14. , Ar vv iii,oii. v Hniiniriiin Mhumm lit, I. ..trtv.r. , I.v wtii,..n, vr 1 " ky Mount, A- I'HIb'.r... A M V til l i TO 1 Nl i Hi Y M 1 t.i 45 III M 11 III . -..;. .'r.-.-k v.-i. it.- , in. Icu: lr."l mi 1 lt,a i.'i li. ill. i-. Ivl'..l.u.l i II. I,.-. i l. on a i;s. .vi .np, i.t Jut;-. I.-.'.". Pl'MOEfl ACADEMY. I l). K. ,.wR.ic. A. li. PiiivitMl. 1 IhiivaiMty i rib Carolina ';;. j H.-ky VI. A r Wi'ia.Hi, I'i 4'! - i so; P M I r m am I 1 IX. 4S 8 t II ! 6 IS V 45 I'i ao a si r m I'M 6 t;t n si in mi : u IS I'i OJ 11 35 III 1 ut i 11 M ! 1 ml A M P VI w llmliivt..n uil WplJ.in hlinJ, Ailnoilc tvnd YH'lklu tavlalmi Mnlu Llun-Tmln Imitm VOI inliitf "I,, 00 a m. arrlv,o KjilU)lllo 13 16 im, Iviivrn I sjeili vllle I'i IS i m. Rrrifrs m Hknlid I 43 iir.. Hi'i.iruliig I with pauIoM i 90 iid, r t iv., Hj.'llcfillu 3 S p in, Ifuvn) l'tt)elieTlllM 3 S,' p n, nrrlVHs nl Wllmlugtun 6 64 p mi VMlii, lug!, .ii ana w.id',u IIdIImhi, bonel. villi) lirnlu h 'I'rAtn lenTtw nniirttcvllle 1 00 ni, Mnxin'.iDOi am, llml Springs S5 aiu. Hiip Ulll In ZD Hiii, arrlvx rnyoiicvllle 10 to am Heturu Prepares yoiiii iitc'tt a;ul w onion ! iug u-avw ren.,vino t w pm, h.,omiii n a. l. .t to cuiiipiishiiig- any luncticiil result j tills gT, it nil ;.0-.tt' power, ill, I. 'lli I I,.' Iiiilti d .,.:..) )i! 1 ! e ii:,.i i lilts colllel'euce was liehlat i l;e Al.n ticiiii An. Il.'gae iu accordance with an in-iiill l..- uo-d to .. V (atio'i extend, d by tll-( V.al o' ' dri e !ni,i l r..ui p K is'si,-.. to all lh)' civdi.ed toiin-, u " l'.'i'1 ; 1 . . .11 ii I Hi V mil li A- i. aVe i i.ic oi nn- tt, ., -"-i.lliu.. judicial ami I'xo ,,m. p. jiiscd ol some of the ablest men 1(1 .mpaihy with I he pil of every nation, and it is to he re-! welfare. A 'id we tail up i -v e-retted that their deliberations j American cii iz.u who ho.s .lul noH-HSidt iu sonifl .Meat .. ood 1 untryaud the great i.riiK-i -t I.e.. ..nn ho.. .Hid t lie- : ' 1 1 - team an 'l iioiimg- vvjiter tilliii.g ti e 1'iig iiti- room, i The P.iilltiuch i one of the 'l,liet designed thitty knot tor- iii'.lo boat destroyers. ! KiiK'il hv I iirhtninjf. 1 let I in,.) n!y -J 1. l)iiriiig; a thni; d ."storm ye.-t.'iday 40 persotis, who were h ainiig- against a vvirp l ;l 1 iugf at the ( iial lottellbury; cycle track, were shuck by lightning-. Thiee wire killed ami 2i were severely injured. Su allow cil a Straw. : Jei-MV City, N. J.. duly 'lit. Part "l a whisk-broom straw that : was swallowed six weeks aio by tin' 17-inouths-olil ilaugditer of Mrs. .1. .1. oolev. No. 433 Weitt- , l... ... i .. ...1. .. . : : . : . l .llioillll I'll I I , 111' I e ll H .IS Ig !;. It'll "I'l - ,,..'", 1 I ill ft' Iiy a i ig-g-er s opi'ii atiip. ;,. , 1 '(nofgia Wheat Thresher Accident. Hazleton, Pa., duly Whi at work on a -riaiti t!:n slier p .egloi s were Iviicbed ill for the nssaiiit on M,.;. ! Igi.'tree last Thursd.'iy; oni- hiin ilied ni"ii are iu pursuit of the five I .'li.:. I ! I ' I ttr lll' lilbi'i s of the galtg. day, 14-ytfnr-old Peter Newman, ' Nets conn s ln.m Southern of Sandy Valley, was caught iu 1 that tia- Niagara grapes in the machinery. He was drawn th i 1 irgc v in." aids there are de into tlm thresher and w;is so ter- e.iving.-o rapidly that it seems ribly injured that he may die. His that th" crop will be a failure, arm was almost torn from the Sn.,.!...- .. ., lay morning a uc lh 1.. 'i. tack, of Apex, Wits killed on the S aboard track a mile west of I'.try by the northbound At lanta special. A mule attacked a colored man for Collcs-v or lor Public School work. I hoioiih vour.-es in Com mon School h. iin.lv.., Lathi, duck, Punish. Hbtoiy, Phs.s and Math I'matiis. I he aim ol the Academy is i). it simply lo i:i ,i,' I rssi is, to load child: . -T.' i v:l - villi discoii tii'ilici i.'i.;.-, hii: i.' !:aiii, to educate. h'atc. : 1.-'-' .-1. ' ' a month. !..t:..',i-..'i;c- c.'.a. ci.. :v.i 'liable ho,i:d e. n Iv sec.i.v.l ;;t ;''i.'..ie l.tm ilies or in cle! s Write for p n tii tii,ti to the I h-l.NUPAI.. . I I U - i 10 UltlUkl.ni. a.yceui.'iu M. i!ii(.s ,lis lu.tv , ,,-,, ,H j,, ,u ttiioiihl have leeu inaile for lciluc-l wurk of rc-cst.ibiisiitu g- the eipia iu.' the standing; aruiios. jriehts of American citizenship.' of popular government better than jside avenue, has just eouie. out of tin- child' back between the shoulders, after canning; u ab i . nocket. Lislitnin-j kills (ii-rmaps. I'.erliii, duly 22. Many people in Hauover Province have been struck and killed by lightning-dnriuj-'the excei'tiomdly i'liiou Storms ot this week, and valuable rrons have lu.en ilniu in.il net " 4.1 . . 1 o. ". aiupuiaieii. h,r,t,,K la? li..l..ni r..t..l ..r..lt. Of tlm eig-ht nn inherit of Mc- The t rausport Tartar has nailed 1 ment i44. Por catalogue AJJress, Kinley'H original Cabinet only fur Manila with (ieneral Joe! President Alderman, three remain. ho lr. I Chapel Hill. N. C. .iu, liiil Nirluii9 i Ji pm, Maxkm CIS pm, ar rivu-. Hi uuniuivllla 7 IS pm. C"i,ui','il,.uo i Kayoitvvllle with tralo NoTlal Mini, .11 wlib ill Camlliia Cruiral Hnlir,d, at ll, ,1 Sprluita Willi tbn Ki Sprints aud Un ui'iri' r Ulr,.a,l. al Snnf,.r,l Willi lliw Snatmard air l.lui' ami Soulln.ru Hallway, at Gulf Willi 111 Durham autl ChnrliilUi liallriiail. Trul u nn Hi HoutlKfid Neck Branch roa.i laava w, i.i, .ii a .tr pm, llulltnx ta6 p m, arrives al Boot land Nt'. k 6:iW p m, lirfwuTllle 6 51 p in, Kill Ion 7..,j p in. l(i.U'Ulii livns Elua uu 1 Warn, liitH'iivltln t.Ji a in. arrlrlug liallfax 11;U a m, ttVI'l'in 1I:XI t m dally xloept Sunday. Trains uu Waiminnu.n branch Isave Washloc t.'ii MO a in aud 'i.ao p m. arrive at Farmele 9:10 a in and t:.iti p m, return log leavlug Farmele at V.ii a ni and 6:iK p m, arrive Wiistiliiginn 11 :00 iu. ami 7UHI p ni, dally ex,pt Hunday. Tralu Iravtw 1'arli.iru, N.C.dallj except MuDtla 6.; tl u in, Sunday tat u in, arrtt llrmnulb 1:44 Wide-t r.lll'oll.lee .Uid fullest I pm.e.lOp m. Hwurulng leaves Plyruimia daUf eali:riuel!t ill ll'. hiMo:y. laetlltV JS- ! )'flt riumlay Ti p co. Dd Sunday al:00ma, -, I.,,.- i . ' ' . - ' ' 1 arrives TarlKiruluiM a m, 11:00a m. .5liUik.lt, t AwUleilllL taUIISesji ,,., ul,,Una N c Braacn leave. Artdsboro Ideetiv e (.oilin-s; ProteSSIoiKll i rtrtiiy, M0.pti(uiiday.7:l) m, arriving emim. Schools, in hlW, Medicine aild I'll IT- ! tt..'d 10 a in. Ke urulng leaves SnillhCeld :0 macv. New IJuiMiir.-s, Water W'tuks, i rrivet uoidHbomio.-js m. e! .ii tl I I i' i 1 1 ' ' .I, ,r ii.,ri . . - Train on Nwtiville Branch leaves Bix-kyMount pUi d.d I.i. i .ti .f, i a,,oialorie, cl'..1)ftm3:Wp ,,, Vuah,M, . to. Advanced lJae open to women, p mi pnug uope 10 to amiuam. Riumig Tuition, S(4. a car; P.o.ird a ' i,.v hiring u.,peii oo mtMpnt. Nhtii UNIVERSITY C!: MliViil CAROLINA. Ilea VV llislon, t a lurvt. piece. (: , , . s . . . , . ' f. P .... dally except rtunday. lush out o I'.ieli ailll. It is feared , . , tuiti.ni l.,r i..!,.,-' Tralu on Ullnum Branch that one or both -n-nm will hv.v IUVd-V- ' , . ' f U jJuii- Clluu.n d.lly.exce Bunday. I at i.ii. "II .tl aims Will Sumn,L.r School lor I e.kheiS, 24 111- m. Hetur.il.ig leve.CllnW.n ;! month. Ample oppoltllllity fol Jell 11 "raP m. arrive Bocky MounUl l 4 m leave Warsaw (or 0 10 a m aod 4 It p at 1 00 and 10 U ark Train No V makes cknt eonnentlna at Waldea fur all point uurili dally, all rail via Richmond. U. M. KMKR80N, Oen'l. PaastHiger lgl. 3. fi. tENLV, tieueral Uaoager. T. at. lltltoOM, TraMe Msnagsr.

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