(EJiatltam Qecovd. BATES or ADVERTISING One square, one inBcrtioB L0l One square, two insertioni t.t9 One square, one month For larger advertisement liberal con. tract will be made. fljatljam tteccrfr. II. A., LONDON) EDITOR AND rilOPIUETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR j Strictly In Advanci. VOL. XX 11. 1T1TSHOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. Ci THURSDAY. MAY 11, 11)00 Wtam NO.ii. 1. BfflL MR Denounces His Attempt Seat by THE DUKE HAS A RECORD The Uoiernor Sas He Would Not He S.nri fitcd hv Pearson to sae His Constituents Irom tlit Pangs of the Uailin.-il. " j . - tiowrrioi' Itus.sell. In an int'uvievv' last Week, fliiy.-il Kii inn n.l Pen son. v. ho is attempting to di-fiM'id Congri s. man Crawford out of his S'M! i:i t.ie lower brunch of Congress. !ov rimr Jfu.-si 11 wis dh ussing the veei'iit Republican Stale i u;iv. ntloil. when he e n.-cnlcd I i make public hi pronounced views as to the Duke of Richmond. Who is contesting the (.ro- ( lion if Mr. Crawford, ami whom It" puhliraiis as wi ll n, D.'iu ii iiiis it-imii lias not Ihoslighti st jit-t giounds for a contest. i Tin- Oovemor openly charges 'eai-i mm with iitu 'iipiiuM to --teal Cougrc.-s- man Crawford'H -eat, waii h he eh.irae. ! terizi's tis "i : ntempl ;ti d Ian eny." j His Kxii -Henry has .-een the ii.itid wrltliiK on the wall, ami he usl;-- "What is the use of our mahiiis; the j Ureal io.siie as t.i honesty In elections if our party should perpetuate mi, ), j, ; fraud an this?" Pearson. II will he remeiiibei'e.l. ' tie ihairin-iti of the pia'fo:iu (omuiit- tee in the Republic ill Slat,' cOUVelllioll nti'i he it was who w.jr h d La" re-olu Hull relative to the State n-liuniiMra-tion. which U'li Mi- l tar Cave, nor. The expi.-ure nnd licanm iat ion i,r Peaio.n, comiiiK as it Mors from th, 111 .in who h.,lis the hilust i.lli.r with In Ihe Kilt of the party in t!:r Stat... Will diaibtlrwi have It's eflect in Was'.!, inpt :n hef ,-re a Republican Ceiitr. -s Kittle llichiinl will have t,, riturn to ; his home in Huncimb . "The Cioveiuor .-ai l: j 'Pearson's attempt to Mr. , n,,. X i ; ti I ilistri.-t ihie; n it huri his ri t' 'it :(.. It only sustains it. Pan t!,e late !(; Iiublican eotr.eiiti n, in peruiittiii.i; Pe.irs.--n to smuKf;!!' throiii;li a r.-.olu , lion eotnuieii,it,y; himself ami his coa-t-s'. but for Che fact perhaps that mo i of the eniivt mil, n ili-l nut know It w.e ' in the phiifirm Would have ili.-nrare I ' the Ieiiiblicaii party i f Nort'i Car-..!i-na. line we an- in' N.nt., Cji-oiii;:' i-hai'KiiiK tiuthfully thai ihe Deuici rat lire SW.-rpllli; ti.i;,;;- by f. .,,,,1 .a,, I. ' that ,i y have put upon us an rlcitb,' law that t meaner than the Co b: I deviltry: Ihe State i-.iivenlloii ni'c;. il i.pp:. lilts a cotuinitlce on re -olltliol and plaii'orin. Piar.-oit .-( !n-m, s to p : , hitn-elf at the li.-a.l ,.f t:,e conmilt, He liM-s the ica duli.-n, r-pe,-jali ' Hi ie whh-h evti'l.-i hiiax-lf. an. I c m ilon. s. his ronii-:i:p,ttr 1 larceny. An I Iheii wh it ;, s,r;, j,,,. ( ,,, n,s; i plalfnrni ilemuiucli fraud ami demaiel ' iliK lioliislv lliis platfnini pivpa r .! ! an. I ri-ih'ile.l ami rea.l iwiia a J. i Ifort tnv.anl la.- , Irani. iiic i hv a 111:11 v. h.) has l.et-n ,,tii is n nv an. I was ,,: Hint inoniei'.i luakiii;.,' the .sapn-me ef fori i f his lit. to illffi-am hi.-e by bal-l fraud all the voters of Die city of A--!., . ville nnd to;-teal a se ,t In Conirii sn I liiethoils Faiiislaiitialiy ;h lavvb-s an: desperale as thc.-c whii-a are l,n..vn u. nil lui n to prevail in Hie m a-.-iilTia;;. Statis." "itut. tioverimr. Pear.-on i pei ts ( , make il by a pnty vote on ihr ground that he Is a a : ra I l-Ii t f!. public in." ".i. vis; of ionise. Party jiolilb . uri liiiK to that, are they? Si an I up f r any villainv. n i uwit;. r what, .f Ihey call It ,1 party nutter. I.aw. riuh'. honesty, decency, cipiiiy. Justice, all to lie ditched l.i put ill ,i ii r.le.siant be enu-e he pr..mi:-e to be a Republican When did this n. in c-t to be a lo-pub!: i all? Those i-f us of ihe oi l j; lard who stood by the par;-, m tin- .1 i.s ,.f Its defeat and weakness, w i, u n ui of i:s believed we could live t i e n ia power, have not forgotten this man . nireer. 1IU father was a Whii;. a I n ton man, mi Intrepid JmlKe i:i the days of secession and war. ami a Republican Tin' present Pea "on n. heratise (,f hi., fathers merits, pot ofhYe and remain ed Republican as long as his father liv ed an 1 the oll'ae lasted. The ollln failed, the father ilicl, the Republican party at beat nad Pearson turm.! llenioi rat. Like other apostates he tri td t wipe away the pa.-l by evtreni servility to the present. He Jnine I In elo.ii' communion with the polithiun who hated his father, pu:sue,l him with relentless rancor and houndc i him to his Rravc. Hut he did not m l his ixpcrted pay ft .mi th" Iirimvral 'I ii"y were si rons enoiiKh not to need him and proud enough not to want lil in. Then h" begun to ploi aaiui them nnd got into Cotmress by runniii ; n.s an independent. Aft-r his ileitl.u; to ('iiiiKi'ess he denied that he was ,i nepublican. SiiyiiiK he ranted his p-di-tlos miller his lint. When he bee iiic atl.sflcil that the Republicans were stlolii; enoil;!i to win, he got out from under his hat and went to sm-erlutx at the nu n who, throunh all th" years of defeat, without the hape uf reward, hi! followed Hie party flair. ' Thy truth is. lie was fairly beaten His real complaint is that ho didn't Ket votes eimuirh. Th" plain men of Hie mountains have had i-noiich of him. They know that he has no;liiim in common with them no sympathy with their struggles, their laboiH or their wants. They don't tare to he icp le.enteil by a man who. ns thrv l.n aw. would not willinidy f icrillce the tniut tn his uiornliiK jidlp to save them and tin irs from the panus of the d untied " 'Ho t.llur Rcpublii ans. Coven. el. think uboat Pi arseti as y-m il ? ' "Yes; Col. l-tu-.k and Mr. Smathers think tibeut his eonlist Just as 1 do Tiny f.iy 1'hnt Crawford ou.ht to want l'i arson sent". I hcciuso it means a tivvi'ip for Crawford next N.vcmh' r. Thry think i' is vvor.s.. than that l! lie an; the loss t.i us of in inv sc.it . in the lrftlslat 'll'e. What is the 11 of our makiiii; Hie ureal iss, as to b,. i : v in el.-, t ii-iis 1 1' i"o own i: ' t h.'i'iU I ei p.'l.iisi" .'.n h a i".-i i a.- t its Wh, l'.i:ii think "f iH The h le v.,;v D A To Take Crawford's Fraud. 'of the fit y of Ashcville Is to hp flung ! in Ihe ilitcli In i' ni -I- n colored man vv .- ;irro.-lei lor perjury eominliteil i dining t lit- eniile.-t. 1 ii ' ii'r'i ! the t irr- ! Mi ml Why not throw mil tin- whole v ile of li'.inc il.ibe nullity? And lis to that, why tad all the n-mocratic votes in the ilisiriet . ICvery vo er lu th p'lilnct i f South Way ue. ilh Is lo I,.' ili.sfranrhb' d oil t.n excuse Hint ta so of radii who vm re newly leui.-lcrei) ware leisii'i'u) three or four hundred fe, t f 'i,m ihe fspat where the p Us were held. eveiy!,oiy havlnf' n fair r'aanee i ) reci-tcr and uobo.ly defrauded or p.ejiidii.,1 l,v the faiiure lo have tb-.-b ok:, i n ihe veiy pp.u w in re the polls were i. ,. And a for the ureal body of tin .." leKisieri' l in previous years, no i','i'et;iilari;y even chareed! And with this ..in t of a record up ill u... w. are to pu aruiilul lalltinK about 1). niu. craiic frau I! "An ounce .f dill, no-id apothecary, t sweet, a the -tinkl ' The inly p int of l:r that ren-lo-s' and is vvonh rniisiileriiiis in Pcar.s'on case is thi.-: He .- iy.s tint the Delil i catlc Senate lu ::. In order to uti se;.! Republicans and Populists, reject e 1 tin- preeim-: of Mono zijma In Mitch- 'I louaty iie, nu-e the n oisier did nor l-.eeo iMii-n his I, iUs a' the lime and plan' rnpiiriil by law. Now, says Pear on. the )en:(-ci ats made this pi ", c.-dent. I.et the National House stick t i i:. Tiu :i t.ie pr. i im 1 1 ill Snui h W iv n--.sv ilh- In i!,iw.:o. and Marble in cie roi-.ee ii: ii t be rrjec;el. Hy re Ji:ii.s Ci. -i pr-t iii. ts Pearson pels a i.e: caia of ',."i vo . .,. This would l.o 1; uily f :r . f e!e. tinp l.im. 'I"l;cse four ii I..- Lot by lindii' thai Crawford ! audit llu-m. Peri.-h the Ihmtfrht thai I 'ears-. n vvoul buv ! Sw Ihe fact of a ri ii ti-r I., okini: virus at a tline nnd I Ian- diff. n ut from that hva'd by law vi ..aid never v ill to ihe entire p dl. nor i .i n lb" particular v .!..; thus utipi p i:ly 'booked'-if tin- slalule is tnen-ly 'irecto-.y as to Hie time and place. In I t :e ab-eace of fraud Hi" votes would .. I" counted. 'Ibis is tin- law as the e mils hare oiuu h. hi. Hut Pearson ; Hi plausibly--pet haps e 'l ive.: iy- e 'II ' t. ml li.ai .sir la w of I sti.". i- man. Iat i ry es to tin- tiue- and place ()f repislrat ion I,. 'cause ii -ase..- negative words prohib- i u reiii ,at ion ai any other lime or '...IV o:ll"- pl.-oe. "I tie ililiseiOllill.it- , e I Mr. Uri c I. .-f New York. Hil l nil lue Iiemouv.-us diss, iitinp) lalo s this , v b w. It is !. i hni- al. '1 ie-ie is no iner il in it. As to Pearson, it huovvs liim ' up is nyiior to j;et himself IN by dis- . 1 ilUcllitdllK i.OIleHt V Oil I M. ' Hut as dry law the p ant males pi r ii ic. a col'.t'.ibb' contctilion. A- iui bv Teais ifs cotinsil. it is that al til".-,-1 p: i inels all the i I'l'l-iltS were unlaw j fully ri'Kisiereil and ail of them inu.-t : !., ri jected - not on ihe .(. a of rej. ct ! i ii u ilie pull or ii tuin, but of reject i a;; j I ae ii.divi lilal v ol rs i n-c , im each and eve-y one ol tin-in v.ihd without being I l.ivviuily 1 1 pi, t, ri d. Novv. riuln here the c.mmitiee has made a monstrous ! u:i;-t al.". 'I he re, oi l d a s not show, i ' :..,; ,;. ii. a . I ai.i informed, a fact. i,-,t j i titer" whs a NKW RKtilS ITtATION in i i a ny of tiese tu..e prcciu.ts. I ndrr o n ai is al IM'." and K'7 no new rio;is itialioii was iciuiiid except ill .special ),:-,., when orderi d by Ihe c .unty au Ihoi ilies. i 'It appears iiMi'iuaiively by the ie- .ird. pane thai at S..'ilii W.iyties 1 v ill" ihey only i e-'i aen il the new vu' : i rs. Ali the rest were already ivpi.s- l- ied under the n pi.stralioii of 1v;. So I'. ar-on's point uUeily f lils. 'l iie had 1 1 ti -t rat ion i nlv poes to Hube (arlicu- lar voters who were unlawfully ii gis ; ter. d. The election was held, rcKuku tin form, the returi-s were repulaily 1 made, ruder tin- prtinul unwritten . law all presumptions are in favor of i i heir validity, and by the expn ss terms of car acts of 1i:i,"i. section 1.', Iho I'l's; ';!:.: , , it i n hook is pre-.tnupi iv e ev idem e : f iis rt gularii y and il.: rightfuliics. Il was inci'iibi n: on the conicstant lo hov. tiie number of voles thai were unlawfully repisi. red ami to show that ihey voted again.-! him. II'- shows lotiiing of tiie s il. lie simply .shows that some voters - perhaps a small traction of the lot il were impr.ip. rl y npi-tiieil l!y tiiis he gets the dim-, aiiitce to ihiuk that Aid. the voieis ill '. the prninet were unlawfully rejiisler-j ed: win reas the truth is thai only an in -i;;nilicani number wire unlawfully i ei-.istered. iiiul so far as the evidence ; n a s. all of TI I I'M may have voted for 1 I'r.ii-oii. The eonimiilee luue idniply j b- i n misb d ;is lo tiie facis. These i competent and honest lawyers would . nm have signed thai majority report if tbcv had uiidorstrud the facts in the n cord."- Kaleiuh I'o.-t. ! AN EMINENUAWYER Shnsvi That the Aiiundin.-iit is Inlirclv Constitutional, li V JOSKPIH S HANIPI.S. New Orleans. I.a.. .siecial.- 1 ;.i:i, h of oil" inoriiiiiu talking 111 ti. I'. P. Kl iltl.schnitt, one i i,.:-cmo.st lawyeis of ih" South leader of the N '.v Oilcans bar. -.pent vv ilh f th" and dts- .:- ng the Coiistitiilional Amelid nl of this Stale, which ill its main i.lsioti is similar to the North Car eliua linn ndaietit. His views on wisdom an 1 constitutionality of ninem Inn nt un given below: "1 believe that the suffrage i lau the l.unisi.ina Coiisi it atmu is peif, V.liid. 1" c.l'asi it docs Ho! deprive ' of H my ..lie "i the right to ote ell ie , ontlt oi lace, color or previous inudi..on u, servitude. 'Ihe ipiahlb -alien of voters in this Stat" are lo-day educational or property in the alternative, (uupl' d vvitli the proper amount of pull taxes afor the vour l'.ieii. This is the rule for nil peioiis, while or black. The c ..nvintiou did ij't dcpiive anyone of th" right to vote by a -on of on e. , ,!,,,' Of . ' V ..!l, i "iiditioli I''' ' n ! i h ,i d:d I ' i ' ''vi '.-ii'i "' d t 1- ! t 'iiil I'fcv tii "-I'd I''-'1 ' 1 inu it thai right, provfoieil tin y registered on i i before September int. is;..,, fur ih. purpose of preserving the right. Tie class of votem, whose j i p. 1 1 1 wi.; i tllllS Ha Veil, Will' the SOI.s uhd fv.". sous of suffragans of .lanr.ury isi, i-i'u. On that da to tin- nigrn was allowed .. v.iie mult r tlic law t.f lit least i-lgln States in the I'nioii. I!::- "ims hi grandsons of negroes, who vic ni lowed to vote in tin' fiiltt Sin:. -named, on January I. 1 0 7 . had t li- right t.n register under section 5 of Hi. suffrage scheme of the- liiiiislnnn run '.'iiliini. p.ctweeii IV.s tiinl IS'.H. in. only was interiuiirri ago between the nurs lawful, but all illi'.eiil min'rin -riillti'.'irti'il l)i'tw'i;ll tin' ill ri fi prim' t" Isiis. were validated by e l.itinti oft that year. Il-ice, niiitiy i hildreii i ' mixed line were, eiuiibd to register under section .". Th" in kuowledged illegitimate colonel i hihl of a, whio father who was able to vote on Jan nary Jf-t. lM!T. i;:ii'l i'la-v in in' ejdiiioli. have n gisteri d under th s.-itue section, i h ace ihe ex. epte ! class was not one so const it uled at: ., ailu.il all while men and exclude al! tugrois. but so i.s to admit sonu white nu n. mid to exclude some ne groes. 1 may maintain. ;ih a innller of fact, that (tiite n nuiuber of liiuhit toes did register in this cily under the provisions if s-il b a a ulu' gran I-fath'-r clause ) 1 alvvavK In lieVi d thnt it was competent fu,- a Slat" to pre si rilie (pialilieiii ions whiih would i"i!" out th" v.:-t mass of iiegioes. prov id- d 111" gii.iiml of "xclutiioii wan Hot o;e w hich U- ci sai'ily i-xclinb d all In griii s, nnd I believe that the lifht of the State is still stri.iic.er if a cla-s of preferred voteiK. the large majority of vvhi'.'i happens to be white, do ma constitute the bulk of the eheloralo. Ill this Stale there were registered on January l.-t, IV'7. li'.l.umi while vol. is ,-.nd lilu.uii'i (oloi'cil voids. The l ' istiiition was at that date piohab!. fuller and more ,n curate tluin it hni been for many years in ihi-i Slate, b- -cause the Stat" political lampaign in the spring of Is'."', bad I u miec a, l.vc. and involved mole of a iitii'.-i than had exi ted in the Stale foi mai, yeiirs. I. therefore. believe llus. I'tguris to be as airmail' as nil.'. Ih.tt i-i.uhl be found. Of the while voo::- l::;!a;n:! wrote their names, un I ,;i made their marks. Of I Ion d voters. sit', wrote their i i'u.s. and !U. pi.s made- Hu-ir luail,-'. I ie- r ni-. ill the office of the Sec-, t.iry of Slat., will show that somewhat ioi thai-. :',ii..".iMl voters availed themselves of tin rights iu'corded by soi Hon .", illn graiiilfathi r clause). i m suffrage scheme of the i olisl il ill .on. It i - i we k,:owu fact that mil mily in lie counliy parlslics. lint in lliu city o: New Orleans, many persons v hi did not need to avail t In nisei , e- of sec tion ... did iigi.-ier under iis pjovi.' ions in order lo set an i-.auip!e ,o n dure lin-ir illiterale neii-hbois t,, d , so. 'Ibis was iliiiie, for the fa.-oi. that the illiler it. s show i d an indi.- i position to conie I'.irwai'il and c nl.ss the fact that tin y i mil I not comply with the gi neiiil piovisions oi I In i .1 slitiili',11. for this reii.-uii many lead lis ciimc foi ward mid ivgh-li red. In some parts of Hie Si it" this lo tr.-e Wiis urged bv printed or written i ir- "l.os- - ,-, V- el. : . Impossible to get stai ist ics on thi.. subject, but I feel certain that lie number of voters who availed tin is selves of the provisions of .s-rtion " the liillnbi r in' vv bio .ilie. .- V, ho t. tlie.V 1 1 gist' I I heir marks vv hi u i pi ior to January l.-.t. 1 ! S.IV -.'S.iMill. 1 believe a?, or hs thai i! : than I" : ' ! feetly n iupi tcUl for the i'lnte to cor. i for suffrage iis all honor upon a s. iei t .class in lae i oiniiiunil y. vvhalcver lie ground of ihe s,-b-, lion may I c ,,r t i refrain from taking' away a pi. visi ing right of snlfiage lioiu a III." dn.- . ; because the prohibit! li of 111" i nil i tiltion Is not agiiin.-l Ihe granting of Ihe right of siiliriige. but again.-! Ih -deprivation of that i ight. I. then fore, believe that il is compcleiit let a State whilst lixiuu general limit:: I lions upon ilie right of suffrage, whi. '. limitations shall apply to all n r i while and Hack, and which limit a lions lire not unreason. ihb- in them j selves, to iil.-o uillstilioc ii spcci .l class lo whom the rich! f sul'fr.ip. . may be given, or in w hose lave;- ii pre 'existing right may be r i',ol. whil l ii is taken away from others. Thus. 1 I do not doubt, however, repugnant ii may be to our AiH"!'b an ideas, that , it is peifectly i olupi leiil for the State j to provide tjini no man. whose an cestors s. rvnl i'l Hie P. v olut ;on..: ' 'War. shall ever be ibprivl of Ih' right of siiffrai.'e: that no man. vvhos' father, or giiindl'itle r ever served in the Colifederale Army, ihall be in -priicd of I lie right of .-.Hit 'age. that n man. whose father, or gi .nulla i r ever fOivetl in the Stale I ."gislal a re. -hail ever be ihplived of the right ot siltfilge, etc. It may Well be. ,..at not a single mgr., will ha granted lis bciietlt of this saving tl.iii.-,-, but no negro is depiiv.d el the rigid of suf frage by the tavillg i lause I do uol think lii.it the State s-t lit. In .- th" principles, for which I above coiiiciiu. to any v. i y great cxt. nl. :f she tends siu b a i itht only to the , h,ld". ,, Hid grand, hiid. Hi of tin,-" w, " siiftiagan . for lii.ui; Pern .ite.n- bili 'K that Ih" public l oils, ieln r o - .oils ii! lie' idea ol depriving them or Iheir ib si emlai.ls of ii right who h is viewed bv all Americans as a ve..i,,l one. in pr:e tice. when it lias i m " In en ii , ii i n il. iilthiiugh v.e may thc-ori:'.-' and say thai suffrage is a p:avi hue, and not .1 riyht." I.ab r I will give Mr. Krutlsi hnill.s view and the opinion of other le.nimu men in in the pracii. al operations , ; the ii un n, inn nt as : i-u in ihe cbi inu in this city in Noveii.b, r Ivei an.', ia tin- State eic uon in April of th:.s v,a: In its pun thai workings, it has elnti: naled the in gin as a polilnul f.n tor. nnd hi ought pi.ee. good gov i . une ti' and frii ndly relations to tin., buig d.s traded Stat". I will have bill' a do eu artiolcs i how mg the pr.i.-it. ,1 epi lations of the atiiclaluici t in i t town and inuntrv. but Iboaght vv . 11 1-, illll-C. 111. e til" sl'l -. S bV pldll.''l!U", ' of Ih- tl--. l.i lu'ed, Ihu jd YOU DON'T KNOW. Stroii? Reasons Why R publkans Should i S i'(i rt tlic Am.iiiiiiicnt. j Kailigh Mali' Journal i Republican), j IMilor 1 1, int. cf Mil- Rut herfordtou j Press, a Republican In pcf published j :ii our old home is wry lnil h r :nci I II i .-d ahoui or nsition on t ! Anieml- incut. ! 1 trot her Hunt, v.e always hit wpiivre 1 ''mm th- shoulder and never below the .bolt. The State Journal is what it . lainv to Ii,., and ii-.s-e-iil of lieini? run j an a llcmoi ratio annex and truckling i to li.'uioer;,! lor Knpporl Is trying i proven: the lb puhliean party from continuing- lo be a negro annex ami truckling- HI negro .-llllpolt. We wish you were doing the same. Pro. Hun', v.e are -. rry you believe opposing ne gro rule is 1 lemoi-ratic principles only, -i cti may think eout inning to shoulder tiie pica l. mass of ignoian! negro voie.i i f the east is Republicanism We d-J rut. , on mnv think to ooininue with sic h a lead the party can b" succi .-s-ful w" do not. T.ie past and lire cut of this nnd everv oti'.er Southern State i sustains us. What susl lios you? The : i:.:si at one time a fertile li. Id for R. - public.inlsm, ii. iw as ban-. :i as lb" : uii-at S.,i;nra .i'se'l. Why is this so? i Tin- only answer, negro. C nn'ast the : V.'e.st with ihe I'ast and you have the i at: wa r- ne.:r '. Ask the tlietlMinds of ' Willie Rep-1 Id ii a lis of the past why i i In y iptli th" patty. Th" .:n-vver will p. n. gro. 'I lie few Republicans that left ill Iiic oM'u e a: e Cast, Wiio el ling you mit hold- in is the ne- ,i' for Re v i ry other Northern, ra Siates. Wil'i these -it - - -1 tcsli- pro. Tvv, nty-liv e years of ih f public aiiisiu in this and e Soul hern Slate - not so in New 1 in-laml and West. Why Is this so? Negro, liv ing f u-t.s ami uni out n . otouy .-tariiit; u- in the f.u .-. why not do soli! thing? We have t mie ex i lent witnessed I Oil -lorn nuiditi n-. yo'l have no'. Vie!1- edilorial .an be li iu thr- win- don't P, rather llant y.iii are inu and . -'n. ' re iiinl a li'ii" p itrioi i'- Republican and f. om your Western iioni" c. cry tiiing looks vi-tv niep, but tin' 'toublo if voti look at Hi" West alone, nnd let at Ihe K.lS!. j fn r i ..uside: able e .inuieiit M:'. , fli.i'l i"fe:s to us as foil .; "Pul we aie sorry, beeau-e Mr Ai- j b n i. ;i native of old Rul herfoi d conn- j ty. the home of true Republicanism, i ib .-cclldi d from pure, died ill the wool j j Republican . t ok. and educated to bo- j 'lie.,- in and :'. v t-cate lb" line ptint :-) I pies of Hepiibli i tnsm ili.-.t guariiiece I., : every cilii n liberiy. freeibitn and i 1 1 n . I rigtitis nnd privilege:--, civil ami poli.i-i-:l. We aie sorry to see friend Ali- n j .iop-iri from H." faith of his iim-i si.n.t i I and life loin political associates." j Itrot 'o-r Ii.::.!. would .such a R.-pnii-' 'li'e.iii l ike a p .sition except v ital he J : Clin I'.ed I ' ! fu!' ill" III S' 'interest ,,f ! R'.puhlieai'.i on? If thro vear-of .-uc!i p. ople i.f On Pas i irrespective of par ,'.'.; , id it 1 . vvi 11 yo'l living as yo.i do in a com, I y Willi lull few iie,ries and from a low nsuip I vv iiinl not ,i iiei.'.o vo miill. We hav e lial !i hiiie and Hi" shaa i i. .no until in." fo: i'-. liiiit lis prim ip ' . oiue firmly toot, .nut iu its p rpi :,' aii.'cstnrn an i inighl b" hop. : to one Reptioii, an i i it ? Yes. y.ian ; I iielleall. Ih" -un fr.ni I In- days if r tiie gi-iilid old par pics might live and . I in No: I ii Cai olma . loo.i the names i f lifelong assoi iat' ; e oo no! want to li'lie.ti! bi'coni" a by e tiie name .void ami she: h in -i V, ilite Mi! waul to tor the next has iloiu' for want to si e il licellt white .a in ii . n i:i : it g 1 t Wet. IV iiO ,l: I rani,- i no. tiils ci' ,- Siaie. Wi doVV II t ib I V i-lll V- liv c; VV.! plclcd by inlel. n i: i Hi.' I i :i:: th" Slot . il mill. ited by i to Il.ir.n c ti vitiing man. I'lisiness eh it:, li! of beiu A run icid noialil liegio. lu vv, rds i 1 1 1 1 1 we say, coiiie lia i'.a, t We believe R, p liciin principle, arc than t!ie vote .f Hut if the illlel .'ti party vva, nut of more itnpoiiau.e the ignorant nest" i . t Of tiie Republic a! stake We VV.,i!. -till favor til" lest of the while stoin.iih what rial growth and Aniemlmeiii in Hi i xperii m e l urns mi and for the in la-t iniprov f-meiit of our S ale. Yes, Jtrotlier Hunt, the Democrat! cry tu'iiro. and tla y ci v it effecluallv ami will conlinue lo do .-o as long m- gi'oe.. nolo important l euerai, i ongrcs. sion.il. and c uiiily pnsiiions ami rim Ri pubii, in ci !.vc-,ii ns. Yiai say "Ihu v,iy fact that weak and covvaidly l!e p u I 1 1 , ins are Hiire.l ami iul iinid.itcd ,. mis cry of no;:. un iniut.. for t'n re being si few Id pnldi mis in if lOasi e' n e unto .- ' Is It the i ri . or actual facts? Is the ,-l'y I'l" tllllil. Mt'lltUiT Hum. wiiluiii referring lo Isasbiu ,.l,d Stale cellveiiiior.s. we vv ill give y,ci ., few silllipb .-'. ill O I'l'f: I' Villi to e- trncts troni ( oXa biter ill this issue It: Ci a-, en 1 1 were .u negro lua.;is tiatts, l't in siio s.-ii n 1 coiuiiiit'.criiiei'., 1 ln iio mpi.tv .-h"riffs, t c unty cu: ml -doner. I J ol 'l'. - eoi'stabies. 1 ivr -i.-ter of il". .i. . -.' ib-pu'v reni li-r of . I- .is. and I i oi uiu-r. We i an im! go o - ii. n e to i iii nn rale all the c uuitie ;:i v e this a- a amiil". 'I he sain, .nl Inns pivv ail 11. on- or ! s i'l ..lie f , Mill tl lio into II" n venue otiic he a! n- 1b,. r, I. om I l. ling in :l It.'.b igli ai. i voa vv III Iiinl In , im n lad. 111..' Itup 'fti' lit and : id" p n no: - w nh good sal o ii to W.bnin ' .ti, lb" liiru.-l tow n l a 1 1, Stale .tl' i i oiol i man i I nn. d i, or ib to!ll llio II v ou think t' ..-.'LI t! .! a-.U v.iti ..on r.'.ti' C -au," c i I.' I s 1 i o : i Ri icil.it. , i. v ;:li :tl.-Inuie-t . i - rt.ito of a'! i llio pi li'ilv dodge !::; ,i.!. - ,.' e ci y of m go and intinil.li! s:lv. dn you think is lht. .Sl)U, ,be e!ection ar.,1 iv you agiiu. supu ..' il " -api- (l pour d vvn :uv soiiKihn.i; lo-w n- prevailed it, R ,t a:. fj). us , fj ,iiVJ1l- fl, (. 0l.,,,.,- ,,,) i-uld t.,. re ce a.,v v.h. .- .iim1 l01 my u.lN .j-le t ,-,,, . ' ,'' ' '' '' 'i' ) "' ' ' . .-.tut i- two s,.:a:s from any if.1 n , unt. .oil.,.,,. v..p. ,.,! ufts oViii k a- i th, l.as, can tl.:- , ,.,,,.,,. , foro voM m ,0 my f s ne pi.'v. 1... ,1 .n.-wc, ( w , fl - M( t ( n 1 landi, v and do not , , ,, . . ... . , . ,, tnes.iieiiovvsuf .,.- f ,1," eb'tioii In skit s and ciaits. r,e t vvn- th- poor, illit- "' 1 "f that the vot- an or the i:.th amend- i"t- '' -': "'" v''' n!ll"' J,'a lu ' ,''"' I lei al c .a liiuii.ui ' i ,(l " ' ""' ""',1' t'1 lOtc. V. M. rnlonl. ,n vour' 1 aslv. I Mi Oreason us to the p.o ippoiutnl a in gro leinty-! portion of illiteracy among the while, c. Stnlih a I'.tMi'v in iho Jin this c.lv n: d he baid ... was m Wv.e '.vhat! "Wnbav n u many Illiterate wild' can'.i. au pr - 1:.,-,- l'"ep!c. .-' t;:- I'-'h) ' ''l'-f tr.'itioii lo: ;' the i " oi.... iii.-a :i r-iieajttr Uutf it.' w nt I U'..'i ant v . m 111 II II But tiie Amendment in Louisiana Guarantees to Every White Man the Right to Vote, II E PURIFIED 1 1IIICS Of I ENTIRE STATE Elections Are Now Absolutely Fair, and Even the Rcpub icaus Admit Hut It is a Good Thing. r josKi nrs i'AMF.i.s Nhv Oki.k vns, l.y . Spei ial -In tltiii city llio adopiiou if tiie t oiiftiliitioiial Jiun'iidiiitMit, siinihir lo tlx.' one pending in Noi'tli 'uroliuu, restiltcil in letJiicing I lit negro vote from 1-1,177 1 l,4'J'i. Tlieso ate flici;i 1 figures, taken this nioniiug from tl it book s in the ilii'-eof Mr. Jero M. (Jlea-on, Mate Hegiutrar of voters for the parish of Orleans. This fully answers the (jue.st.ion as to wln-tlnT the amend inent, if adopted in North Carolina, would eliminate (In; negro from polities. A reduction from 11,177 to 1 I7:i in the city where the negro is hotter educated and posse.--es more property than any when; else in the State, is a fact that iioltody can get around. The negros are said to he better educated in this city than in any other portion of the United States. The public schoois hen; are in a high state of efliciency,and have been open lo the colored youth for more Mian twenty-five years. The number of negroes is smaller here than in most Southern cities, being in the proportion of about four whiles to o.i negro. Hero the negroes get better wages than in any other parish tall coun ties here are called iiari.-slie.si, and ligence than in the farming secliuns of the hi tale. Jf in this city, where the negro i.s superior lo his brother on the sugar and cotton plantation:'., the negro vote lias "swunk" from 11 177 to l,l'.t.'i, the proportion of shrinkage is said to be even larger in the rural distriets. 1 will go to some of the country precincts later and give the olticial liures. One of the best posted nun 1 hav" met in this State Is lion, .lore M. lilci bon. Siale Registrar of voiers for tin Parish of New- ('..leans. 1 iutetviev.i l him to-day iibout i lit piiiciic.il opera tiotiij of the aue i: tl in - ii t iiud loiind Inn! It had been a n-ifeci .-ticc as in dui..g three thing.-: 1. Is 1 1 in 1 1 1 :i 1 1 1 : gr the nig.o. . liiinraiiti oing Hi" right lo vote in every white man, vv hi ther ediu atc, or not. il. Purifying polilna.. Mr. Clcisiiii said: "In 1 .vliii ii full ri c.i.striii ion v.a . brought out by reason of tin- hot ligiil made by the llemocriits against Ihe fusion of till the chum nt i ppusi il to 111" 1 letiioi I at :o party, and bv a bitter f.n tion al tight in this city :. r control of the nt ;. .offici s. owlny to a very un- .stttistiictoi v nmtiicipiil for llio prei oiling !' it gisti'tniiin in the city I l.t'J'il exceeded liil.liU'i her 1 1.177 were negp.e t rat Ion -. The l year hii h this n u m -tabl- idiow s: Jtegiatercd vot-is, Aju i l.:tli. Parish of Orleans. Wiu',1. 1 White, i o.oi , .1. Total. .."st'i .'. Il.i'.J'l ..it'll, 7 c! :!.ii:l'l . .."..Ui .. :.';7 7,n".i ...".ii v-i :t,;i::ii ..:..." '.:! 4.STI ..h'Ji :i ::.t::7 . ,::.iix:; i it .a.idj ..J.L'iil -iu '.fitil ..;t.i.' ...s :',.:imi ..4. 17j :it ,r,.t)Ni; . . :t.TT; : 4.s;u Tn ;i.?si ..l.f,;,ii hJJ 2.17s .1.1 1 .-'in': . .1.!";: i ;:,:ii, .. 1,7 ev Uf... . .. t;i.: Pia . . I."..'.lu7 1 I 177 (in. I'M i I ) ! , ! 1 1,1 1 1; 17 Total . , "lii November l s;i:t the llrst eleoiii ii was lu hl under the new r. institutional I anicinlmeiit 'Ihe total registration was il.v'.u',!. of which Lumber, l.lltn were negroes, a reduction of the ne gro vote from the ;; ie(,Ut rat ion, which was the fttilPut known, of li.' 7v.'.i. This city election i-howid lo t:., whole Stat" the. value of il.e amend int'id. and open, d the way for Un- n I II' Hi-en In the State eb-ctioii lid 1 Ust l.iolilh 'iho State clectleli was h.-id on the 17th of April. Regist'.a tion clo-id on tic 17th of Maul,, as the law ieiUiri.s It to olobi' thirty day . lffme the elect on The l'i gisiratlo'a in tiie parish r.i enibia-cs only th" 17 wauls lu New Hrh-iiusi foi tin State electi, n Was ;sy, of whiih Illltliber l.l'.t! Wire negroes. "Ill the election only alio ,t L' I .. votes wei'u vast mid all wi-se far the . Dctnociiit ic tick except iii.o il L'.iiU" many whiih weio ca,si for the i opiioul ioi; ti' kci The -v ut. it. I i:i for two leacons I. It ivii it of that it would bo a land s. oli. n -l ' Iieiiiociuts and L'. It was polls!- possible to get to the polls ii.atloa ,i smaii liaritii .- tor tin most Im he entile '.n... st tic I atli nao of Hi. -,i lii ,ty being under water, and apoit entire State as well. The re under w at. r and siuni have not born able to run tiiiins until two or threi days ago. 1 in .il s.e, liiiv-thlni: hef like that flood It be 111 are of a higher grade of intel were .M, 71.1 while iheir ii.um s- mad plication mid sa:! idol's who eigne. I out Iheir own ap vvlm made Iheir ay, only ssll vote: v d under the grand -tiie I. nils negroes ept ivveive regis - a, at lis. 'I hiit i to oi thit, city legist fatlicis clau.se! i 'egisti'i'iup . all istort-d by having Ihe edilciitiotra! ipialihcat ion, live umlcr the property q, uiiili. alien , and seven umlor the g-randfalhur clans". Thoe seven ne groes came forward una made, afti .l.ivit :h;.t their lathers or grandful ii ers ciiiild vuie ill 1SH7 and no ijues tion.i were asked. It may In Hint tin y -wore faiscly. but this seven wcr" p. riiiltted to regi.-ti-r rat her than raise I he issue." I next asked Mr Chiison tills ipies l:"it: "Have any Illiterate white inel, in New Orleans hi en denied the privi ! ce of vuUikj; because they could i.ot t .ol iind write?" He understood tie 'I n-silsii. ui'.d made this answer: None whatever P. very white man a ho wants to vote is pi rinitteil t,. .oi". Public seniinieiit is such lira no man ill p. liliis won 11 attempt t i th.ov. i.bt.taoli s in ilie way of tin t, i::. nite white man's vot.ug. Piit, !' i :..i) all w liii couhln'l road and write lo.-lcred under the grandfai In r i I. ore ill Ihe tune Uc.-i riiied bv law iiici is on a pel iiiiiiu-iit roll of mialiln I v.i.-s, ,,ml i- giiariinleeil Ihe right t ...t. nil Ins lii". No white man n, nr. whati ver hav lu i n disf ram h'sed. " ' W'luit has been the. roHiill of tin ailopiioii of your now constitution ti tin elections I asked Mr. Obn.-on lb-:.- li Ids illibwer: ' l.'li 1 1 mils, are now absolutely f.n: 'l ln- most bitter enemy has been un able pi sabstanl iae a charge of tin' I. ii-t .iifairiuss. The opposition til ler ib. lion Were forced to say. -We hav n I a word lo say.' There ,s not a stn-pn ion of unfairness about our .lei to.n.s. I believe that the registra tion in this city is the cleanest of any city on the continent 1 was anxious also, to as, ,-i lain from Mr OleHflop whether the amend ment h i I bad any effect on the party primal u .-. and he sabi It had il splendid effect upon the primaries of the dominant (the l'enio oi. Ci, i pa l.v . im n v.liti hadn't gone inlo a primary since lln- days of Rc con. ii a, limi vvini into our I.e.! city pi I in i : a is Tiny recegnii'.cl thai fair Piny would be had and Hint cleaner pi I, ins had follow id ihe adoption of '!." union. Intent V" had some bitter and i lose tights in sonic . f the ward.-, ted those w bo In :. Inline held aloof ftom thi In parti, :pated with good re sults. 'a. to Ihe eollslit it it Hlil ! it J" of the amendment. Mr ofason said. "There lias never lu-in a: ' seitoiis -tiggesl ion of testing its c i, sin iiioiiabty. The liiy while Repaid:...!, l l'.'ty ilaim they lie s.itistiod with iviitely the Re amriidiiiout is a tin v cau l af- p. , I, ileal. s say that ti good thing, but paid lord to say it." "When p: mi ... ,1 id while I'ini,, lose I toll Ml It tee the ti I nt-1 v. ere sous people a: tlleni?" w was tint 1 uuedilcat woiild ills iicm ipns- 1 1 1 v . dotison sa. I k two vonis t ertm ate the pcopl" of Ijiuiisiaua up o Hie point Call il vvo!ild not result in the disf.an i V.-emeul of any while people. Novv ih. y nii : c" it and like it and wouldn't to back in old condition. umP'r any oil cauistatici s. This h a.- t-t,e ot the iicdai ,-itf Jf portion as of the educated purlieu of our population." The neutrality of the creat Power", ot liurope i'ti ii hardly tie looked mi as vir iti"is. They ate holding their hands ..il in th South African bpsinets h cause ih '.v are afraid of rich oilier. 'un im! run '.,'ji 'af it uto t-ebt b.it b HOUSEHOLD MAITtRS. Jli.w to Clemi Mailtle. Tho btsl way to clean niarldo is to mix two parts of powdered whitiuv-; with tiao of I'ovvdered Iduiujr and bul: u j.int of soujisuds. auJ heat it lo th : boiling point; while Mill Lot upjaly with a soft cloth to the discolored marble and allow it to lomuiu then, until "juite dry, then wash oil' with bid water in which a little salts of lenio:' has been dissolved. Dry with a piece of suit llauuel, Ladies' liome dom Hid. Tlio l'i" "I Hot-Walrr l!ui:. A hint iu the use of but-water bnp. is nuiued from u trained nurse. Veiy little water is used, not uioro than u colleeeiipful iu ft three pint bug, but il is very hot. JJcfoio the stopper screwed in, the uir iB jirossed out of the ba-,' by ii ijtiiek HmootUiug of Hot baud toward the opeuiuR; iu this way the weight is considerably lcsscnetl. Tins particular nurse iu attending- n jiiiuiiiiiouia patient kept iu use duriu:; the bcventy of the attack sis of tho bags, three of them upon the pntient nt one time. During jieriods of the critical two or tbreo days, the bag.i were chaug'i;ii every lifted! minutef, but so lig'bt were they that their woig-ht oi l not iu the leust inconvenience tbn fcullerer. Hi.- I'ra.Ot-iil 1' i c In re llii.li.-ri. 'I in.- practical housekeeper of to day who bus a number of lino pictures Ij bang' saves time ami trouble aii.l se cures better lesuits by calling ia tbo j'lactioul picture banger. Thin mou basj come to be a necessary adjunct ui all well regulated alt establishment--'. His ability to sound a wall or drive it nail with precision is but a minor lea turoof his calling;. The day has passed when pi. -tares are bung by rule and method, just so many feet fiom Hi v lloor, mil each cijtii-distaut from it a neighbor. Picture b:iug;iiig iiovvii lny I is au art that icjuii es judicious trcal melit iu or. lor Hot to spoil the ell'.-et o! work artistically conceived. As totbn bausiiiK of pi.-tures iu ".eneri'.l, it i l cousidcrel In st novviiduys, says nu autboiity iu picture banging, to Inn, black and wliite iiidejieudeni iy, an I so with colored pictures. Paintings', of course. rc,iiiro the most careful consideration in the hiiiiging', and even the professional makes mistakes i t limes. The pictures must be Inn. according to the ligditiiu of the room. In some rooms the window aliunde nieiits are such that it is next to im -possible to bang a puiuting so as to g'et un ellcctive lig-bting- by lay, au I in others the iirtiticial lighting ar rangements are such that at night tho 'minting; ceases to be a picture ami be comes a blur. To obviate theso ditli cullies a trained ami artistm eye is a necessity, lu genera!, declines tint; same man, the obi rules about bung ing certain kinds id pictures in desig nated places have died out. For in stance, thu old-time fruit and garni) I piece, without which no well-rogulat- i e l dining roo n was formerly eoni- j pletc, lias been relegutod to coiniiura- j tive obscurity. In its place bus coniu I the print suggestive of merriment an I i good cheer. I ... ll.-CIlM j Molasses Cake One cup of mo . lasses, oiie-bnlf cup sugar, one-half cup butler or lard, one teaspooiiful of ' s.i.lu dissolved i:i one-third cti; if buttermilk or hot water, two eg jsaud I one teaspooiiful of ginger. Flour I enough to make still' batter; bake in moderate oven. Bu.lcriM Spaghetti -Boil one half pound spaghetti tvvenly minutes i a sallc-.l water, t'n. ii dip in cold nailer tn separate it. Place it at once mil. a ,,v, ti, in a hot ilish. au. I pour evenly i vol- it two tablespoonl'uls of hoi but ter, iu which has been delicately biow-iicil a tablosponnfiil of line bread crumbs. Creamed "Krout" - Roil one ipiar' of "kroiit ' iu two ipiarts of wnier for one hour: thou put it in a colander to .train. In ii saucepan ercien two tablespooiifiils i-acli of butler nu I Hour, tin-ii add one pin! of milk ' water, and lu-lly the diainud "kroul." Stir constantly until it eotuun neci to boil : then serve. I' rind Cabbage- Chop col l bum:. I cabbage and drain very dry, stirring in a little melted butter, p upper and salt with three or four tiiblespoonfuln of cream. Heal all in a buttered Iry ing pan, stirring until smolin hot, nnd then lot mixture stand just long enough to brown slightly ou llio nu lor side. This dish is improved by the nldi'.ioii i.f a coiiplo of In a ten I'gi's. Scalloped Veal - Veal is nice ncul loped with lilili'lllolli or spaghetti. Tn iniike Ihe white sauce, mi ll it table spoonful of butter iu a sniicenau. n:i I c. ok cue table spoonful ol tl, oi r in it. i.u -three minutes without luovvuni. A 11 one teacup of milk, and cool, un til tin 'kened. A bay leaf niny bo i kcl with thu uiilh. and la moved when it is done. This gives a ler.s ant tlavor to some dishes. lemon .l-lly for Pics Pea! Hm yolks of two cngs and one half cupful of sii.uir to a oleum, add the juice ,.'i 1 (.rated nnd i f one lemon am! a cupful of water and sot oil the stove to l.oi'. Thicken with one tablespooufiil of cm lislarcli umisteue-l in u littb-vv ater. I'se only nne crust, ami when Hi" pi s lire baked cover w ith a fiostiu ; tn i l of the beiiteu whiles of Hm eg nu i two luldespooiituls of powdered s. i;.e. Pake in a ipiick oven tuitil a lig'it brown. Yngini.i Peaaut Srmo Koav! nil shell nu llieiciit pc.iauts to lu.ii i: i tlirce cups. Pound th'.tii to u past.., adding a b vel teaspoon of salt, t'l this paste in a sau.-cpttu and n 1,1, very gi aoluiil Iy, I wo rpiarts ot boiling water. Season with u dusting each of blael: and le t pepper and simmer until i thickens. ,1 ust before, serving add a pint of oysters and a sultspoou of celery s.t"d a:i t cook until the ov-U in rttlrly. Critp vr e-hof a -'i"Ut'l :-4' ' papv !to soup, 1 ( il n

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