I N'pt. 1.1, ISMM. ,.. Local Records. ' seed rye at F.ynuni iV F'ine lll'lldl'll's, A ear-load of shingles for sale by J. None Jr. l'revh clover seed, and seed rye at (). S. Foe A Son's. Ijook out for the red X mark :.:d renew your suhsei i itioii, Wheat drills, Challaiicxiya plows anil wheat fertilizers at . 5S. Fob fc Sou's. Another hi;.' l"t of fruit jars expeeted to arrive at F.viiUin A ileadeu'ri this week. .-('all on .John I.. Council for fruits, candies and c.oiifi ct inner iets, hair cut and shave. I AYheii vou come to court he nure and call on T. A. Hanks. New ;ood.s of all kinds just received. THURSDAY, - ( 'otton jrinni'i's o-.iht to in- from them at prices tint no one sure t heir irins nu-ainst lire in the e in heat. Your special attention 'urth Carolina lioine. See "ad." is called to their splendid stock of shoes eiiln r for roiiuh or tine If you wish to litiv a suit of wear. Look and you will he con clolhes, made to older, lit eiiainli- ,... , 1 1 1 it their stole is the piaie teed, then call a!ld see sample., at to huv eoods c!ieai. O. S. ie ,V Son's. ' " . - i hi I i. pi r doen at T. A. Hanks. Carry him: your I'l-oduie of :'.ll kinds and uet the l.e.hest mail.e! prus. Mr. Marvin Mi.t.n ! .. . a . t od a position wiili ). S. ..f A' Son, and would he .uhld to have Lis friends call and .see him. Uyiiuin A' HaU'.dd. m's mill at Dyniiiii will stop ruiiniiii;' t '-day until next Wedn -sil iv. in oi'.ier to put in some new machinery. We l'ceri t to hear of the death of Mr. I'.noeh (dark, of New lope township, wi'o died on last Friday nivJit, ajred seveiity-t lin e years. j --Win n yon come to murt in xt Week he sure to I'eliew V oill' -I!1.'-, scrip! ion to '1'!! i-. ' . I:' . i; do not couie, s 'lid it hv s lei-hhov. -Co to 0, 1). Frasi. r's.it (i for busies. He has jast rec. : anolher of I! II h eir and the IllollS Ihilel a, ,V l'i.-!. i' I'll ;-.' the be-l Mal.es. --While the juice lit ten-cent in. rs m.i v i ttoii. tin V an' sad to think that th" drotejit has so destroyed their crops that tla V will not have much cotton to sell at any price. Dvnuin.v Headen are n ady to deliver fertilizers for wheat. Come aloii' and iet what yu W in', w hi! yon can haul hi..' loads mid I .-tor -you ;'et biisy yatherinL.' corn and sow -in.n w heal. Hon. I'.. W. l'ou. the Demo cratic nomine for Coiijie;s, v ill speak here at rect.mof court on next Tilesd.iV. This v. 1 1 1 I " the opanilliT of the campaijn i:i Cli.it h am. ( 'oii.e and hear him. The Chatham friend, of 11,, i. .John W. Atwate!. afl.-r d ail.:: ..!! they could to secure hi.-; i " .dni tion, will now do all they can to idi'i't his successful cohipel it of. Tuat is the ki..d !' l-'.-liioeiai ; they are. Y licL'ro hl'.ikeiil.i:! 0:1 the It d. i jh and V,s.'iii r.-i I mad, 1 . ... . : 1 . iiauieii .i.iuies .sir. ei, was acci.n iii idly killed between Colon and ferent candidates, i he dead lock (Jumuock, on Wednesday of last was finally broken by the vnih weel;. It is said that he' fell from tdr iv.d of Mr. Spi uill, and his the train while iu motion and was j vou t, tl.en secured the nomination instantly killed. jof .Mr. l'ou, v, hicii was (hi a made I unanimous, and ail defeated can Wo would call your .'itteiitiou didates made appropriate apecch to tin' nico stock of tine p iper, tab- ' ,.s pled'j'iuf their hearty snppoit lets and envelopes just ni'i'li'd at t i t !a i 1' s il ci'essf ul competitor. llio ropunir nfore oi vv.i.. j.m - doii iV Son. i all ami see ti.eir new e-o.nls as they .'Oii..-. W li.-u you come to court u.'l wi i !-. make, t lii' i f store your hi adipiarte i s. The cmini y coiiiia!.iiii:a rs.li.l not h t to contract the rclui ildimr of White's lui l';e, mi last Satur day, as iliey had adiertised to do. They postpii.ied it tllilii ii. ' S ::-til- h; at tlio colli t-holl , i.i i i. . i 1 1 receive bills f ir rock pillars or piers as well as for wooden tres tles. Mr. Arthur If. London and Miss l.iZie Fonshee, of t his phe...., wore married last week i.t the res idence of the bride's blot i.er-i".- law, Uev. . Ko:.,-, i.t Mt. tiilead in M"nte'omery it -iiiily, and went on a hiidal trip to Th-w York. Titt: lui o;;n extends c-.!i-gratul at ions and best wisiu s. The Chatham court -house riny is takiii.e- two chances for a Congressman, havim; secured the lioaiiaatioli i il hm li ( iiles ;ii. i .Jen kins, ut;.. as a Fi piih.-t uii.i t!i other as a Fepuhiieau. Of courae it is all understood and pr.'-.u- rane;til Unit one ot them will with- draw in iavof nf the ot!i. r. A raee or ountot bclwt-i.li tliein in more i'l.ni'oh,i!.e tllUll V.llll'd hii' e be.'!: a ti'ic!i'.; bvCwt-.U t'.a: .w :;.::'.' twins. A iix ui'r i lio new yund-; reeeiv- it London's l'..nii.ir nit urn htilieri j-olT lulls, iviilkiiii nats, mese are verv pre: IV an.l stvlishnmlat .Hip same til.'..- i.-.t expensive. J llll stork (.1 III! ,;;. iiiiciv win i" iv.uiv r i - v Npeclion next vveeL 'I his ili:: rl - jiicnt will Ih mom attr.ietive llian Dr. Samuel 3 i i j n f , r ye speeialist, will lieu! the F.line Jlousi! iit I'ittshoro on Momlav and Tuesday, the 171 li and Im!i of this month, mid will he pleased in j:'- ft all those whovvh.li their t vi s eainiiied. i ): mi:. at ion f:e. He iiil have a full supply of the liest eve-e,isM s, ! peetaeles, fte. He will he hei' only two days. - Il.i'.e oll S'eli the l!eW hit of trunks, a!is s. suit eases a! d ti!- (.-.("pis at li.vnuiu iV llenden's? This is (ho third hiu lot they have received thi-i year. You !nvi T saw a halidsoiii' r Moek than tl.ev have, ami if vi' haw any idea ..V huy- hiu: a:u ihia-' in this lii.e it v. id eeriainlv ivv ou h huv i! i'roui t lli-lil. i'heil- prices j. re I'm k hi I- toiii. i V.'hen you come to court next week I n sure to eo iivnuin A' lii adc'i' i it y li want to huy some eooci if,.ti,is ciieap. l on can iret icarlv an I hint:' vou want t " I i . i ; : i . cm '. fau (,.,-.,, ,,f Chatham supe- 'iiur court will I'l'irin next Monday :ii!l :l:i' e 1 wo v. . : is . ii'-r u". : i I i:o i',v e o! Ili a I hi.- ; i.l. ., ,... ;i .... the i.iisi i ;,.-iv ; pol t .1 crmiiii d ; i-as- s on which -i poll tax. :t-l c.'.st s. docket. There are C;i, the criminal docket. ,.i are for f.ii;,ir.! to On t!ie civil docket ( July nine eases are tl. ippear llici' I'uel-el. tucket. The in esi liii"; i'ldi;.' w id be II 'it. W. A. Hoke, of Liucolnton. who held our civirt six ye u s a.jo, mid is mo.-.f pleasantly real -mhi r-.-.! h v ; ! our county in :i v. ho i ;, n met him. x-ii;: Hon loM. i'oNV'.;; . i Iward W. Foil, i. the P tci c-e.i:.' . I : 1 1 1 . : i . . ti 1. 1 .-.! ti,e I 12 h i ,i, :d last V. I his , I .-. :i i.o.iii.i.-.t. ii on ; ' 't I'V t he I ' il.Vl'lii loll i k at F.il. ia. I lit loll wa -, cue o! t lie i i.U .'i'V trict .-. ,nd l.ios! ei;rie;-i la "I v, r 1 e . I Wi th" 11 mdaatiuii cliii::' nioie p.- 'ii.'.'!. .'im '.!. Is. luc '! ta t. i.tlv t-' Fi-'ii' re.-i -c:i" las-.1 .:. -s : ! :.-.. ! . ir. ids :: It .-aid "Oi i'l.o convent i-nl !-a-t at ie -.1. .: ' 1. 1 ;:'-.' v. e 1 i. .; expect Jo elect with on y a recs-, for sup; r, was i our nn.ie." ' does nuvhody ill con! Il'lU 'US s, -s-.il. 1 .mil ballot - je-.pcet him to he eleele I. It, how ill"; iie.il.y all tiie time until ai'u 1 i '".er, he i-. a! 'owed l.v ;h- itepith 1 o'clock that lli 'ht. AltlioU'ii , ae.ill coi,illi!i!ee to Make I he race. the friends :' iv. iy eaiididati he hop. s to he rewarded by an ap woiked most Z".tlou.ly iiud a tivc- i liiduie 1! froiu Fie.d lent Mclviu iy for th.-ir f-ivorite'and did all ley. if !;' is ,"-.!."! .!. they c mid i 1 mciinate him. ye! j j',,;; n :s i-ot I In "i;:'i '. iha! lie I'veryholy was h. ;;ood h'.llii"i'.i'iM v i! I he ;:l ! .vm-.I to le; l.e th" race, tin- ut ao.t I:-n iiioiiy prevail. ,!. p,i; ;; ,. v. iiiairaw n in lav or of Tiie lll'-t hdlot w.i- ;. f. '!lov. '.-; : j ..sh, ; j .;' .1 ,.,l, j whowiis i;oi.i .sl.i, vo' -s for. John V. .r.. r, 1 : 1 in.ited hv the r(.pi;!i,:! ( oiil' res ell. itnue liii; lor 1 .1 1. 1 ha in I el's ' i:.l. 1 hand. 11 iT for W. C ph, ami II li Ha -: 1: r. of W. It. Si.a,' : ri I i'.ii' S id; h was i;a!:.lo!ph, ; , of Y .( tla- 1, ;::.. V ithlll l.V. II On t;.' Mid th. n i.ii ' of Mr. L'o.i was an I l.e led 0:1 lu ariv im '.e.-.Mle.l. ry halhn I . Alwatei ! until nominated, with i r. foil .'vin-; !le.t. liallo. a i. W..S I. a I vhh'.l.t ;miV c:ia ') tilll.'S t!.-- plo.ee.1 '1.. tir "so'iii iv :iio!i. 1; oiioii';, 0. h eniio-n.-d hy the h ad t I iie eiithusia.-t ic fl ieiui i of d!" !' the dil- ' 1 1:. 1 1 1 .t 1.1 vote was uiih.itu- ii.it- !y ui v ided, and i oi our thirty-four vol. s wcr. ca ;t a.;.du.-i Ml. V '.Vi. ter oil every ballot, hill nil lio lllllet .ll'l 1'C receive less) tl. i i f ' ; t ham's vot.-;. i I i- j I:. -.in sti. a.'tii was iu Wake, and' on many ballots he received oVcl ( half i.i Wake's votes. Na:.h e;ie i b 1 l v e a :y v o. e ; 1 1" a.: l:.i ; i !'.: r count ies IcciUM. cm h of; them ha.l a Caliiliii.it. ot its o.'.n. I ,i other Words he h id nil the oth- ' er eaiididaie-; to I; 'lit, and had "the fie Ii! ' il '.illst hilil. 'lii.-l- -1 fore his ii. !' Vile . ior he led Oil j l.lailV b;;!;,.;r I was under the eir ' Cltlll ,t flees veiy co'ilp!:ni- ll!..' ', ' to hii i and .ratify in;;- to hi :'i ii ads. And i v a risi.i ic. auilaous i 'te the coaveataa ele i 'f-st'il Mr. A. I Wider .- eo:ir-e in Coii'riMs and thanked him f ir his active ell'oi i s in behalf of his cou siiui. His. Vhi'e re-ret tin- the d-.f -at oi .Hi ci.ii'i'.i ie I.', and :.- he c..!;!., le it I e i. ' ii i ; 1-, i. i I-. la! ;'ai . 111. lrii 1 1 . - i . : 1 1 ; 1 1 . 1 so ti a a. 1 l. .ii- ucr.d mil. as ;,)-. ,,-, ,!, ,.. d. ... ,,Uy i. ..'.il . ,-i ; . i t.,i. if ,t. ,1 .'nil I .- i; I.I n ,'Ui. ii h.i Vill he . (L.t 1,..! '!.. , ii., .: . i i-.Li.t i';:t;s' : i . i p:m.; m' , :.,,,, 'I'-ivl.T. !' il.il.'i- li. .... , i..,,..m' ..t ll.is nlnee. .... . . Alius D.-miFope ..1 (iM.r-iii. is liriv mi ;i ui: in nrr l.nnei, ju. i I ;nii i i.u ton l'!'. ;..-s,-s. Fred. I'.vnuin ;ml J ark London will n turn to tin; Fnivi r- sity tomorrow. .Miss Jilanche lillx-it has jroiio on a visit to her old home near Jit. Vernon Springs. m l famil.v Mr. V.. I'. Watkin hn,-,. i. turned to I Uvill. yi ar's I esiileliee ill ?.Iiss ('ornie Cle I'eiinsy lvania. , of t ll eelis- j horn, and Mr. h ieo, are l! , num. Ihv. V. II. I'hom is CI."'L'', ol ; vi-iitin. Mr A. J .M ' I 'd f. ,a,. r, turned t ilo'kilil iave r. mrni after spend me- several weehr their old home near here, . . i'"'-''''" i'- r: ::s! n io. A faree li i :l is seli"di;l I I'1 day ;.t fo'e's mil!, in Williams t'A.llship, wl'illl political jier.secilti nothing hut licn up i'V tlli! l-'usioliists with the hope ol preventing' tin- iinlii-tuient and I iiiiish'.ia nt of the lawlis.s rioters, Im hn ke ui thi! ch i lion in that towa.-.hip. The defendants, who will haven preliminary trial today, are the KL'i-trar and poll holders who conducted that election, and Were pleveli'.ed ll'olil counting the h'll lots hy the th'eats and violence ot I u.ioiiis. 'L:.-v arrant, on which the-,- have I'., n arre.-.tnl, a lieges: I. Tiiat t lit y lell.s d to deposit lh" o.ilh'ts in !!. ini(S. Ji. '1 hat thev 1( fused to count h'11' '' '' " ' '' " !' v " - 1 '"1,!;': , I. I lul tl: r.:-e,l lo 1 i'. i:t the h'str-ived the lid- ,. , U l"'"','1 '''. "'' ' ; t. lilpt ai pnlit.ei.l j ): ecu 1 1 '11 WIT ' prove a hooiiieraiiir against thoe 1 hy v. h 'in an I in wi o-e interests j" "- l ',ll ( The t onvv l..l .1. hedi! I Fun. ; '.ri; a i i anlh-vi'!:::. II. ,'id'liean ( 'oa;i'essionai ,ti...l was he'd at ihll' Lh on u-.i.l. ',' ,-m 1 1. 1. miu in d M r. A. (ii.. , :tcd foi ls the ( 'oil'. ca:iui lale ! l-es.. d'hi.i coliv . ..'.a- I I" i-:i'i ai was "VelOle I !!!'. I -i I 'I'd. I S. iri ... :: nt i- .n v. as in : -i:o.'.'a! :..'..! i. ii. 'i the :i:e; e to. and I'i-'t l.v ! t wa - .oiiijio ! rikiii; ;e Co::- I : , el..l' v : a i.ejn j. ,11 , 1 (-o,i v . nt i :'. v.lueli m.-t at which im t ".'n t K C' '!: aft'-r the !'. ; .11' . I! i., prohao: he t lie. cai'.dida'i Fl. . !..r. ai-d .li"! ( ...ii t ' :. !:i;;. U.ll ,c.S III as llli iv.i-i. It is ijiiite shrniiieant that t'r. -id -dial F.!e:-tor was no ;ii- lie,! Ii II i tl 'loi ic.l'i , V. a -:. ti..' t. I ill I : I - ,:i , iiiivi ,;! I. ;;::. i iiai. ed I ::ch .'. il iai'.'.'. .lelikies had li" op position tor the inn. dilation. Pot!i iie an.l (!i!e. de-dar ' thai tiny, each, will I. maiil in the lace, until the end. but of course they V ill not. Th. y may imw he in earnest, but their minds will bo changed lor them beioie the election. Koekin.;h.iia An-' lo-Sao!'.: M i.ss S;ir..'i Fviii'", a voiiiiir I 'dv who has 'h i a i I ' i o 1 1 V i i I la o :e ot .l I ..i':-.ill i.i:!-. 'ht to . . . ., i.auiel llll!,, ..il.!. I'.alil oil' I mm.; Im i;r 'ht to ll f lain 'I'll Mi.i i. .1. ;; iv ii r. iit dull. .. ;.:e, unit was wi.n eil n which i.ono in ne oooi.s, i in ythal she could he price ol which is .-'J."i nil each, is ;!. She had shredded sued hv the SKAJiOAUD A1U I I I x i ' i i 1 1 u ' I, .... ...... I iiiali.iL'e i at I'll IHlii.' I'll l.lie ... M. .'.,!!. ,:.li". .'- 1 1 ill t.n rhiiii. aiest .I .t : .we. I e, Mill's Ut!.:' .' roiis ih in :.iiu'.'. ii:. 1 1 me .i. V iio h'lVe I'l i ll oiinh v i .!;. 1 1 i i li" " ill..', ill the moi. ie! l ine of llei :ii 1 1, i ii' 'li ;:n;l t in-t in ' ii juavi .- .'lii I liii.es Vi i ii' le.-.ji i! j , r . .Me ei inili: i-.t. the i;,i.; S!i.. tol-.l Sh. : hi V rii:ht that the holi lies jij; .iiln is i.'i.l m-r I an i.i . j!..- ..ih .rn.'tlti" ii slie Wolll mu i,i Li ll. I-.;,., was v. iv liiiieli e.ihin-il when the sheriff lohl her I hi.t tin' i!"vi! was ile.-iil that -lil- ii. e. was th ili vil a:;. I he i.n i .-l.t. i".i !.ti:.. 1. 1 a yi-ar-. ".s AhiiuaiK-e til-Uiii: Mr. Win. ll.ulley, livui-- i i t!ie South. I'll part ot Niuli t t-.v. u-l.iji, .r..uif one of tiie In -1 er ..i of v Li .it .! his farm that w !..,v.- h.-anl ''. From hu-hels mhii th- yi-M V.lS I'.'.IO l'tl-il L, I'!! I' . ; I; . of Fop 'J'jii: Kkcdim). SILHR CITY ITEMS. Siler City, N. (.'., S-it. Id, 1 IXtn. TIm! scries of meetings held last vt'"k at the Methodist ehureh re sulted in lniicli ''noil. Sonic aide iospel sermons were delivered hy j Ih- J. E. Thompson, of Carth age, IV ( . Jlw is a ph'asiiit.', tlueut speaker. This week revival serviees are in impress at tin1 laitist eliureh. I J lie pastor IS asM-detl liV iiev. J. '( . A Idennaii, of llalcmh, v ho is pieaeliiuu .some cll'rctive sermons. We hope much eo,l may result frolu each of these meetiiis. Jnlel-cst is h 'trtiiliiny; to he vinced in the apiiroaehiii"- (;lec- ti'in. in w hich primaries are to he J held h." the seh'itioll of a Fluted v, States Senator. I'.aeh of the as '" pirants has some warm friends, ''iwith perhaps Gen. Carr iu the lead. The fall-lei in-opening of Sih r City Institute has heen very jjr.tl -lilvinu' and encouraging' to tie : fi ieiids of t liis school. There a p I,,...,. i, I..,.,,,..! ,,,.,,,1,..,. ,,f I .,.!- si,,,.,, ti e school has heen un- . ,,.,. mesent iiiaua"ement. T!ie re are over twenty non-resi- Ion t students. The local palron ae, too, is very llatteriu"', and the town is thoroughly united ami en thusiastic over educational mat ters. With the healthful location Siler City easily boasts of, the ex cellent buildings situated here, and the system of thorough, prac tical, and cultured instruction of .'eieil iu Siler City Institute, its future is made certain and its im portance and usefuliii ss as a nec essary faciei- in the county he- oincs established. Hadley J'eoph s Mf'y. Co. have ciiiode!"d their factory and retit'- d it with . cvv and in pr v( d ina- hiuery. A Sriiscitiiii-: :. Lincoln Journal: Iev. W. 1'. Wetinore, D. I., rector of St. Luke's, has received a patent for a valuable little invention. It is an at taehinent for ink and medi 1 ine bottles by the use of which fountain pens can be tilled auto maticuliy without smeai iiiLT ink on eit her pen or l'M".crs, and which drop-; lin ilii me with ahsoiute ac curacy. A Ion..: notice of the in vention was recently published in tiie New York Tiihiine. (Jui'dimi Answered. Y-s. Au.u-t Fciwir sliil has he hi!' . est sa!" of any Medicine in : in-e!vili;:ed world. Your mothers m I !. raniiiiiolheis never thoiiL'ht f usii.;!' .'inythiiiir else for indi- , si; -a or biiiolisKess. Hoctors .ore .-cal'ee, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous ,.1'osll itioa or heart failure, etc. Ley I", d August Flow er to clean ut lh" sy te:ii anil stop fermenta tion of uni'.ie-e-ted food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action f t!n system, and that is all they .ink wln-n ft i-litiLT dull and bad with headaches and other aches, l'ou only need a few (lost s of ir.vn's An just Flower, in liipii.l form, to make vou satisfied there ji; nothing serious the matter Iwith you. I'or sale by (1. lh I Filkiii.jton. Fusident McKinley is the fust Fie-ideiit without children since the term of Fuelianan, and Ducl. auiili was a bachelor. Cured oi Cliroiiic Diarrhoea After Thirty Wars of Suiieriiiff. 'J suffered for thirty years with diari In ea and thoii"ht I was pastj In-ill ..' cured," says John S. Hallo- way, of French Camp, Miss. "1 had sp nt so much time and moii. y iind sull'. rcd so much that I had j;iven up all hopes of re-1 covery. I was so lecinc irom me i I I.-.t s of the diarrhoea that 1 could do no hind of lab. u, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to t'nd a bottle of ( hamberlain's colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Ucnieily, and after tak ing several botths am entirely cured of that trouble. 1 am so pleased with the result that I am aiiMoiis that it he ill reach of all who sutler ;is 1 have." l or sale. l..- i : ! l',ll ,,,,.!,. i. 'V 1 "- " ni ht. Shew.is; Airaliu'einent.s have been eltect . , ii i i . i . l i .. 1 1... ill,., v., il.io,h o Wi.shin-totl over the F.nnsy I van in Failro.ul; from Forlsmouth tol'.itltiiiiore ovtr the F..i!liiii",v Mi'iim .Packet Com- pany, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia, New - berry A Laurens Ihiilroiid. This arr.i!i.;emeiit includes the books issued I'.y the Florida Central A - Peninsular i.nd (icor"i;i & Alal. - u - in. i IJailroads. - '"l Chaiiitierl.iia'i Conxli Remedy i, Favorite. a fireat Th. sootiiiu- an.l healiiiL!' pro perlii s of this renieilv, its pleasan taste an.l prompt nun pi riiianent ....... i i.. ;i i i V. i'.h people ev.l W here. It is espteiall.V pri.'.".l I'V mothers of k'ii:i!I elolilnn In!' eohls. eioiiii iitnl whoi.piiej eou.-li, ai it always ali'ord ouieh reii. l, ami as it eon- tains im opinni or other harmful ilru,:, it may he ;Tiu n as eonti- ih-n'ly a hahy as to an mh lt. I'm su": hy i. K. 1 ;.Lii vi'.e L ' i j. i t. Have you a sense of fullness in the reeion o your stomach alter eatim,'? If so you will he beii elited hy iisin'tr Chauiherlain's Stomach and Jiiver Tablets. They also cure belchiny and sour sior ach. They reulab! the bowels too. l'riee, 25 cents. Sold hy (i. lh Filkin-ton. vKiv'jfb' V K iT I i so kn'ts: 2 AND SAIdh - F.y virtue of a J iiiorttrrt" .-x,.ii'..'. I., in" t.y A T. Ian ii aii'l wltn Miiriirn'ri , 1111.I ri'irUHTi-l In li'i r .11 ihi-h i.e., lii. Hii'i in nil- nt;i r u-i' ri'i--1 r r .I was i I'lriai.-iin .-.iiinv. 1 iil wil f"i' .'ii ti I'lil lli. hii.'II.iii ul -h- ... iirl -li .ii.i.iI.mt In i-Iiik-U.111, nu Siciir liiy. ilii mil ilny "t u.-ikImt. I'm". lii. iraii .r laii'l ili'r;ii...l 111 Mil I lii-i".lrii-. aii.l ill'iatflii u.ikliiinl i iir-lii;. linfl'iicii : ai n iiih .li-, Hi.. ..unii-r i.f Urn Siiili n.li l la.l'lli' lmi'l hiiiI Hi. IhiuI i,( l'i'.'i lllv. r AiiM-i.-nii Ir-.11 nn-l Mi""-' '!!! rmiy "ii Hi. . r'.. t iju nr. I ronoiiiV mi.i.'.Ii uia. ih .11 ." . ii a I ! k'.ry lii- i.'li.-r iMrii.i, 11 l!h 1 li,-...). Ills.' i... mil T.Mi t.'. w-'i.' 41 -, m 11 ..urw 1 In MmtlifW WI ke V oM trii-t, llii ii. o niii'ti Willi rnll liii') M i 'l"' 1.1 11 1'lnv, HIb i.ilinr nn.r. iliuiiw int wl'h hi-. Ilnir line VI . ..- to a Bink... Uhmi-v - .tuli wl"i liU ,.lli.-i- lii.i. :m p. a.-M 1.. 11 .I.11.I .ln... lli.'li'.' HH1 Willi nihiT lliii "IT . .!. s In H llliil.lio.il !' inUL'siinKi- hr iin-h. lliriu'i' 11 1 Mil. I l l' ilili Ii llll..-lll.ll'1-A I'. II..' I.i l l. I I..-T1.-.- II .Ml il.VI'""1 w.sl 2 -.l.-.- I" h -.mull l.lii.-k uuin mi Mix "I'l lnif liniiu'li. niul .iit'ili:li.:-: :u -.' In i ii"i.' S..l. 1.1, lino. jo:is li.VKlilM.iai. Hy virlui ut n in.irixni:' rxi'.-uiiil t- in.' l.y J J liar. In niul hKh Hii.l ri;iif ii.ro 1 In In k f.:. 11 mi i i;i. 4.V.I In ilifl .rtl f am rc'imw ..f il.'uN'.t I'liiiilinin i'y, 1 will n il f .i- r-.li it .ijl.ll.. ik.l.'lliill ut l'lliHlMit-ii, ..ii Sa'ur.luy, th lit It d:iy ul O 'tulHT, I'.UII, till) rivll I'H'll.' ili-i'l IIh 1 Iu KHl I in.iriKiif", IjIiik ..ll thn w.u.'rio.f Tyrr. II- i-rruk. knuwn at h inirt .r Hi" Willi mi Mnriln Ihii.I. i .iii talnliiK iilinut ii.Ti".. mi l iirlne I X.i 7 an I H Iu tin-illvMlmi ..f willlieii M.inlii' Inn I. mi l nlr... 17 ai-n-n c.iim vi .1 ,1. Mnriln l.y (1. W. Slur liii. T. t). M.-tr'tn uii'l .I'.h.'rH. H.-l.t . 1J. I'.i0. A:ir u r.uik. SAND SALIv-By virtue of a ni.irii;iii!ii ix.M.ui..il in .1. It. Lulu l.y VV. J, Wi.i'h niul wtf, hii.1 r.-i;l4tir.. I 1" l)nk C. L. nn .riL'"S l.'SHM.I I VJ In ,ii i.ni.'li ot lll r KlUcr . il Ij4 i'I Cliillhain L'l.uu'.y, 1 wlll-'ll for ranh nl il.i' .:..iii". Ii..ii..u ilm.r lu 1 iiiwlhiru, N. It , i.fi sai I'i.IiVy, Hi" f. !i .lay ..r (i - '.. -r linn). Hi.- I .n.l I. w: Iiie'l In h.il I ni.ir:',. i.v rllu c lulli- ir Ci- .-li !..wiimIi1, I'lrttli.'llll i:r.. l..v,-l, lln- li-'.-j .--.i ..i Hi.-Mu i w. .1. w.-i.-ii in h.n mai-rv i.ui i- n'lii- iliui Wlii.;(..:i H.-il.l W....-H i, , 1. 1.. I ul 'In- .Inn' i f iiil.t in .rl.i--... itti.l l .l N.i. -i la Hi. iliv Mi ll, I.i. g lining tit ii t'liiu u li ti ri'-l i.uIe una l.ii'l;.ii .v i..lii!i'rti, K. .M. Wi'lrli'i. ..nn.r. riinnliitf i"i.t "il jwlna l. ii Ht.ikH, Hi. -lii-.. k.. uai li. (.--Ii in n H'.nk.' wlili t.lii.-k iruiii. wliii., ,.iik .in I l.l- k .ry .1 a:. : J..I111 V-.w .N.iii.'r, lhi.in-.' wt'n .V ...n y .w lli.i. hi, i-.i'H l ii hiii k. .i-hi niul iw..i..h;w I i.'.lti'i-rs. I . II. Wi'li-li'w .-..rlH-f, lliniirr li.-r'li -i.'. (..It'-i li. n H'ak.-, Aim M. Wi-li'l.'r III..', i-l . hli. .llli- UI..1 lll-'ll.! " '111' l'., Ih'-I wuli Mil. I lai.- i'HM In I...1.-.1 .. h MM:-, Hi.. ..-.k "Iiiht-., I'.. M- Wi'l.-h'.H III..-, Hi.. i h. n il 5.1 'i "i li-i in Hi.' Ill" t'lUJllli:, I'l.lilHll.lll llll. Mil Ml HtTi".. U. A. M'SllllN, S.- t. C, !!!". Acincy. I Cotton Ginncrs OUCHT TO THEIR PROPERTY IN THI 1 1. hom: Th pativ s is a I !i. ne coui llliil di serve- the pal foliage nl ad North Carolinian.. It was organized iu IftiN and ha paid over ti(ii),otiii iu I.i-m'.s and 1 1. ere i net elie cuitcste I claim air.'iin.' l il ! All lo.-.-e.-, paid pio:ii)'t ly. F.vi'iy prudent man eiiht to iinre hi.- prop i r y. Fur terms, iVc, applv to K.' i. LOEICI. Ml. IT LAS lii COYYIT.i;, President Sent. Pi, 1! 0 I. mm; for sue. I WILL SELL 1? IUVATELY, AND ON EASY TERMS. S'iX TK.ICTS Of land about two miles tivm Pittsboru. Here i.. a tare chance far a BARGAIN IN LAND! The tiist tract contains about I2n I ,. . ... i ... i. . , f ''; ",c MiiviMi. .. i. ""eiuv ..m. luu-.. I lie :-l.it.J tnet e-.nt.itiis .it'oat '2 I ;ivTe, .ulioiiuiii; the hm.l - "! the Lite We!ey t.i nun ai:.J ottki.s. 1 His; third tr.iit contains about pxi acres, a.ljoiniiK the l.uut s of the ; late S. V. (--"ith'M .tuJ ollu is. I 1 ,L. Uu;11i, t.,ut c -iiLihib about j ,W!aSi adjoiniu,; th. lands of the ! late J,iiik Il.unioii an.l others. I The liitli ti.ict C'e.t.dns about S.J .Vivs, .ul ioininir tlu- l.iiul:- "i tiie l.itc .hulk's I Li: ni-':i ;iuJ utlkii, .ukI 1 vin vt '11 1 Hike) I hi? si x i h tr.kt cont.iin hout 216 .teres, .:..loi!i!inr the nuv.'oro and i i.,, i 1 .' I ill; ti.u-t Je-ia. i.'.;l.l v.;i t-f .tltCi'th'.r, '.late ju t as may h, All of it is Well adapt to vvlk'.it, oats, coi a, cotton and clover. II is '.veil watered and v.ell woikI- ci in i ii'.'ii.tMoiest. For tl.Vthwr iiiioiitl.tiii : i -;-1 II. A. I.'.in .'.,' Sfl. (' ". A I .jiti.-;.. OF if New Fall and Winter lioojs are now coming in at W. L. FoNuoN it Son's. Our stix'k of men's and boys' pants' goods can't be beaten, they "are as cheap as v hen wool was 2' c a pound. (Jar stock of ready made clothing is very large and ol :ourse you know they are the best you can buy tor the money. We have always lead the County in reidy made clothing lor men and boys, and will Jo so again this season. Our stock of men'S HATS is read) for inspection. They are correct as to qual- hy, style and prices. Full stock of CarLtora. Flannels, Octtcn. Flannels, .ISriD ALL "WOOX-i PLAKNELS. Of course vou can find all kinds of If you want any kind of goods come to Wi Li LO SOE&EITY I :): :(): :(): Fall tt'riii boeius August 1 1th. L A KG EST AND BtSd' KOUIPPF.D SCHOOL IN THt:COllNTY. Ihiy.s niul trills iii'areil for College or for life. Thorough instrui'tion i;iveii in ('ohinioii and IJih Sehool hranehes, Ml'Slt! ami AP T. Tuition reiison.il ile. lioaul iu in-ivnte families, rverythiiiL;' furuishiiil, $7.00 per uionth, in t'luhs, at aetual i Oil. FOR FARTICULAP3 CALL ON. JAS. I.. (iPilFFIN, Sup't., or V. P.. OWEN, Sec-Tieas., SILEK CITY, N. C. KEEP A HANK ACCOUNT WITH THE Commercial and Farmers Bank ilah'ifjlii Cash Capital and. Siarpl-us, $1.30,C00.0. Assets Over u. IXa.ll 3sAillicia Ucllars. J. .T. Thomas A i.i' A. TnovrsoN P. S. .Il.UM VN 11ki;u:i;t W. .Tvi uon NOTICE. (hit.! 'SI ON, N. C, .lutie 21-', '. 'llu' tii in ol Hvniiin & Paschal will Iv dissolved 1 ehuary 1, Poi. hv ni'.itu.'.l loivnt. I he husir.e'ss ot this tu ni wi.l he wmmd tin and it! iv.iMin.: in t.O-it. In llli tinil Will i 1 , , . i x .- ,,11 . please nia Ke airam;ei:uni iu atuit up Ivtoretlie cl"e ot the year. Some one v ill continue business at the Old St.llld. .n-rirTnl,v xtvi icr B o A I A I I '' ' ' 1 1 v" HhvIiii: .n il 1!.-1 m . ."-n' r !' tlio limi wlll-iii.U.'8iieLHi..rJ,i,.iii.A.il',t.D..l.-i.M..l. I t,ort.y milily .el par ...m I...MIns IkIih nu .1..-.I pultl .!..-. I.'iu In rtlill.li Hm ii iiiii' t.. lu.' oii ..r I..- fi.ro Hie 2nd duy ul Auxub', Uf'l. ii. V. AlnO.lt. Fx-, le-.r. Allg.V, M. POPULAR STORE OF W. L. LONDON & SON. DON & SOU, NSTITOTE! ricKiilent Yieo-Prr rirk'iit CiiKhier . . . . AHsiHtniit CaHhior tVcu'f, and TiAilc Marka ol.uiucl. ami all l'at rut b..iiii'.i cimliKU'il for Modchatc Fcc9. Ouk orric t is Ofpositc U S. PTtfcT Orri and wt- . nn rurn .at.'!ii in tvi lums lli-B luueo IC..IHU fruiii W-liiiti.'i!:. bfiid inii.l'l. dnvinu it i.lin'n., Willi dprrti tlmi. V ailvisi-, if nti.,:jil.a nr not. frci Ul fl.r.rf. Our 1. 1- i.nt ilm I ill Miivlil l . Cilil'd, A Hamphict, " ll'.w tu oliuiin P.iiciii-," wilk M.4W4 toii cti'-nt in jm u.6ua-, , ionu,f.uiiti.B. Aajb, C. A- S W O W iSt. CO j 0p P-CNT OmCI. WllMlNSTON. O tu I IXECUTltlX NOTICE- Uhvii.k .umlttlrij aa iwuitll nt ib In I Wi" "-"" ' i-.-.'i.. ...HaaHPo. I U'Ti'Ly itoilly all iiermum IikI IIhk .'lalina agaloM ' ,,,...,, ,n ,,, rtmt w ou j , . , . , . .,. ,,,. ILlnluaC. CLoe, in.i i. imw!ffiypy