dlttttlttrm lUtwrS. l)ntl)am Record, ii. v. iorvDorv, KDITOH AND PROriUETOR. HATES Of ADVERTISING One square, one insertion $1.91 One square, two insertion UM One square, one month B.W For larger advertisement! liberal m tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advanoi. VOL.XX1II. ITITSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. CTIIUUSDAY. NOVKMHKR 22, 1900. NO. 14. IN THE CHINA A NARRATIVE tty Si:VAIil c' (Cnptr.niiiT l r CIIAPTF.U V. I IISTIM PI". "How, how, diil you got hero?" In gasped, faintly. "On, 1 pot here nil riji lit eiioufih!'' I replied, with ii grin. "I lmvo ways "f trail puliation that are unknown U 'm. " Jin had boon very pale but sepuiei In Krovv wiiiirr. "J - thought you would drown," lio said. I 1 i 1 in it inform him thut for pome little linn) I li.nl labored under the mmo impression myself. "Oh, no! 1 iiover ilrowu," 1 replied, (louohalaiiUy. Mi.,s Arnold smiled. Mr. Suell hi Hie 1 to grow every moment mora ill t "What -aro ymi - soil!,' to do wiz inn?" ho ult:cd, looking fur' lively a! the nllo that was placed euro tally nut of his reaoh and easily in mine. "We!!, (i.imhok Snoll," I answered stern'y. "lin-.t is n problem thn solu tion nf which depends Intgely upon out-self, Vou know till tho circum si.imvs of my Icivii.; Sii!i Francisco, m well as I do up to the day you throw ne- in;., till s -a. From Hint time out. you probably know evorylliihjj that .e.s n.-eiirrod i;i t!u fortunes of my tvo i'ik and Annie bubtoii, whih t k iii'lhiii:;. Now if you v.ilne lii'o, you will o'.i.y my orders. Oni Ii;- u a.-t H ill he to fa i to HoiijfKon ; mi I iv, i, no Ali.-.s Arnold hero to lie.' father. Vmi have iiml no hand in her' iui l i.-ti i i are I! it eoui'i i iiod. Thou i .. v.ill ,:i,l Kal-t.m and l,:..ii ;.-,toii, ' n.t i t!:. ii A t . ; ; i llidsion. And upo:i i Ihi i.ulhfal a--i-i.i-it'. y.m i-iv.i m in ! nil th i'liui d.'iicnds your li.ipe n? j lii'o. Oli.y mi! i'liplieitly, and Voil I 1 1 v.-. I 'isi e,.ard oni- of i,iy com iiiaihi-:, 1. 1 ; t i It ii . t one of my friend, and I -.hall kill you hy slow torluro." A (riili.ii-loo!., .avliyof Iriuniidianl I'lU Hyul ilo.'juiir, oa!.ie ovel l.i . ' .-lii-Mt h-Ip you," lie faid. iVi.v ii .t.-'1 I e.-!ainie 1 imjiat ii'iit- ' 'i.i' o.i ii'id I. an;::. I on must havt : ii Janeiro when yo.i did. Misi -.nil w.ii mi hoard tho Ketoto, 'i has pi oli.ildy lau led at :. hniii;- lielm-e this. Vou are perfectly I'ar with the e.iiirse pursued in e ah luetious, and must either tin 1 i llalstoii, if she is not itl'vail..1 i l hy !u r lnotii 'r, or yon mil: i : i" I i the whelp that (,'ot h, v oir. mi l',a!,, ieo i;!;d sailed under th-; ii,' Sid lwe fruin Vaneoitver. , he no play aluiilt this ma! Vo i will do a 1 say, or you will Mi It, t.:'. il!',! his eves aud sUiKni : I. "I t.'ll yiiii, Bicester I'riokmoro, I r.i:iu..t hi io ymi. i do not oven know v.ii:.' ln-neiiu of your friends. And h- iv ; an as wrecked yesterday l.. i .:!!!:': no tie' Chinoso coast. No pan. "en haa-i h.-oii foiiud from her ex cen three of ihe crew." I i at sili nt, stunned hy tho teirilde l:i"A lie :,iid it earnestly. A man e-i in :ir ih',1'.'1, a id with no apparent oh ;e to he gained, wouhl not lie on so i! i! ;i siihieet, I lliought-- 0! peeially now th ii it would ho so much hotter lor his own huei'O.ds to return tho nirl to h. r friends, unharmed. I eouhl M-e thut Miss Arnold, too, w as touched it h pity. "t'liiisps Miss llaistoii bus luii saved hy some passing vessel, ' shj b.lid, softly. 1 shook toy head doiilit iiily. "I:: it pussihltj that it is so, lilllllhok SniV.r" 1 H!ked. "N i-i'it its inu'ossihlo. No tiiiuj have heen heard." " then thero is hut one course to In pur-'.ii'.l," I said Badly. "Wo lausl not to Hon ; Koie.r, Miss Arnold, an 1 y.i;til lie safe aaiii with your father. Thou i shall hunt up my two friends. Tii y will have learned hy that tinif i f t :ie loss of the Kel do. It may li( Unit IhiNtoii will want some proof o1 hi . istor'.H ih ai'i to satisfy his father It co, wo must look for it. Tiieu w wid te turn to Auiciea, sad lor thau nt le:;, our journey all for n..;iTht." "1 am orry," siie ausivered Mofilv ii.i 1 I saw a tea.' glisten on her che "I do noithiu'u it a Ivisubli) to tn'it iiiii nskswi'ii thut crew until lu-irn ie. -," I continue !. "It will, of course he unpiea-ant tor you to remain i, this .lseo over liiiilit; but thiuk yo.i will a ;rco wi.h mo tltat a littlo delay v it : safely is bettor thau hasta au l uiicriiiiuty ." She tlio.i!lit a moment and paid: "t will d.i as you think best. I lie: anviiiiis to net to my father; but if il i ' as better to you to wait till to. m U'.iiw, 1 will be content. 1 feel sine now." A faint smile played arouud th i 1.1 eith of (iauibok Stiell. : ,ie t Vt nts I have fiarrated took ii! e time in nassiiig than I had sup p. I even whi n decided to remain in io island over nis;iit. Anions t lie it'it1; costly articles worn by Cha IV:!? was u haudsome watch. took! th :. troni lr.s body and put it 1U my ve-1 noekot. I Koiueed at it, an t found the time to be eiht o'clock. luiubok Suell dropped off into a ih. . e. After a short time spent iu i planum for tho followiuj? day, I said: ..t j, gl, awfll. ,ul" ,j AI, "Now, Miss Arnold, perhaps you Arnold, "and an rve'v. itnov-. '... hal better reliie. There will be , Si0 pointed to I hi uii.k :'..ied, he ' eiieuiot to-ianrvow for you m9 w45 jnaslve m l o n I. Win t j uce l ji,ut' kUeugtb, Vuu uoi SEA I OF ADVENTURE. W. IIOI'KINS, nohmr II ..-.nix' Sons.) , ' Tool nervous about rieepm do you? "Nil," sill' replied. " d,i Milt feel nervous. Hi in U I inu ln'iMiiiiiiu somewhat noenrtotiiO'l to l:m Tor ; and. ii'i you niiy, I must ro.si and irtmrt for to-iimrrmv'H I'vvii tH. "' "Vou will occupy that ulonve lie hind the bronze Hereon," I said. 1 noticed that Uuinbok Knell's eye hulls wavered. Sin wont behind tin seem inf the nloovi. I closed the screen, rind drew a couch noross tho front of ii. May down on tho coiii-h mill tried to lost. I did not dure go to sloop. Otiinbuk Suell's wound whs not necessarily dan gerous, nn.l ho 1 1 1 ; vr 1 1 1 ho shainuiiii'' his WOukllOSS. If HO, llO WdM Oiipu'tlll! o' Kt'lliii; away to tin viioht diiiin;; the ! night, uud perhaps killing us both he- lore lie wont, lint liy Halt Onni ; a few minutes at it time I iiiaun:-;ed ti rest a little. Notliini; ditmlir 1 tho ni.;ht. Misil Arnold on one f'do of mo iu;d (iainhui; Knoll on thn oilier slept Nuuinlly. I was ul id liolh euiild do il, for f w.rt anxious furdivers leiisoiis thai lmlii should ho in h'ond trim in tho iii'jni. ciiAi'i'r.n vr. TUTTI.INi AOAIS-.r until. i'.y daylii.;ht or at least by the time it must tuvo been daylight oulside -Miss Ariinld was astir. She apnea -ed refresh id by lier ni ;ht's sleeji, and had lost some of the aaviiei", worn look of tho illicit before. The pallor was (ouo from her faee. I noticed now, more particularly tuau I hud be f,e, how heaiitiful she aJ. I had t!ioll';lit Miss l.'al-t .ll the hand-iiiaci t fil l I had over i con, but my present companion now seemed to me to be even more lovely. Most truly. I'ha Foil'.; had hu I assistants whoso jud;; ment aud taste in matters of femiuiuo beauty could not be ouestioned. I preoted her warmly, and sho re Hpouilod with like Iriotidliiiess. I hud already piirtak"ii of my rice breakfast, and, at my i .'.pient, Mi l Arnold ate some of the idol's portion. "1 am i;la l that this is my last meal of rice," :ihu :;.ii 1 jj.iyly. "It is ia.ui otonolis us steady diet.'1 "It is that," I replied, "f would i;ivo iniieh for it uud potatoes. " 1 meal of iiie.ii "1 assure one when we ill Hone; Ivusi ;;oin j; to do." thai we shall have "'.i my l.iilirv's hoiiMi Why, v.aat mo you This last remark was prov died by .', deprecatory action on my p.i. t, toward the hideous idol, I lore the diamond mvkla 'e oil' aud put it in my pocl.it. Then, by usim; so;:ic siren -ih a!i '. a little skill, I loo: en d the tin u is that were doiu ; ibi'V fo.- tooth aud stowed them aay, likewl.c. "I may want tiie.ic," I said, "eh oi I f;et on laud. ilalstou h.i ; tii e tors of civ, lit, uu 1 if I did in'. I'm, I him I would bo without moans m pay ing my wav." "Not at all," she roidi-d, i:i !iv na'itly. "My father w ill iria lly lurn idi nil the money you want." "I appreciate it, but diamonds an ;oo 1 currency almost any wiiere, a id there is quite u i'ort iae hero. Now lot's .see what else 1 wan'.'" t iauibok Snoll w.ia awake, :.ii 1 wai watching us furtively, with his lit t i o iiioau eyes half shut. 1 spoke to hi.u once, but ho was sullen and did no. answer. lie hal roeoxere I sum strength, uud now, wilii care, Mould live. I appropi dated Chi Font's o'eaiii sword. I'li'ler his l in silk robe hi wore a liit'ldsoiil' ve've: ja.-ke! sea:' let, covered pro: i- 'v wiih i; dd in It was litthi staiii.'d w.tii his bio. d but I could not a'i'oi d, jusi t!i":i, to in too particular. "I think tins will said, as I rolled him i,l, It !.t Ii .ver ami t, tho jacket. Miss Aru ild sio 1 .va', h. i with aa oarni'st, half aiu:i-e 1 ! her eyes. I put on the iroi''.;eo'is juei then his cap, with a ;; dd b it:o: Then I pulled t lie slimy b i i lo;.s and pu! them on my ow.i. reached to iiiv tlii'is With t i hilte I sword b't -klod l i.io, dressed. "There!" said I, fasteian i' In i The t; sword-'i 'It to my sa is.'a 'iioa. fancy 1 must present q.iii ' a formi !.i b!e iipiiea: a'lee. " "Vo l e.'r!:i;ii!v do," .'i re ; 'i i lau ,'hiii'.;. "And you wiil nniio a impression in ii nu; koii., wlier i tii rank den i!e I by tho b i:t.ei a id icai will bo ro i.ui :od. Vn,i iu:ist t;u them of! before lauditir;." "What is the rink? I i nn ku i vv "It's Very hi'.;!i. t'ii i l'.i.i ; v.u favoiite at th e mri of t'cl.l i. ' "Well, I may b e. favo. ite titer myself. Win lis.ms? As a prisone. cuarj;el with the la-trW i fi'Iia ikm: I would, no lY.ViVu ;;!V:U a 1 turn -d pale, t ;'at of th.it," ch yei will Vie hi to be alaeii t tentioii. " Siie shuddered "1 had not II: gasped. "Why, headed." Sho se burst into tears. "1 don't think 1 will." 1 sail c.e tidontly. Nor m l I ' My first vis: in Hong Hon, wi!! li i the Amen a Consul. Tl.eio wjd to no behoadm lire ever lio was r. v..lvin.!,' in his mind ho did not allow to become apparent in Lis faeo. 1 i-hriiv d n. v shi iiiders. I had my own plans nl,.it Mr. (hunbok Suell. I did nut think he would do me much Iiimmi atu i- I one-' nut out of him all tho assistain could t. "Don't think of it," replied. "Now wo are ready i .embark, I shall have to ask you to carry some things, Vou may cany tiie n!!,i and pistol, and, if ymi can, this botile. Can you lnanioje il '" "Vos, easi'y," idle Is plied, pickin;; them up, "Now, then, (hi'nbok SnoM, listen o i:;e," I said. iHi all the utrly emphasis f 1,1. "I m,, um.r ii, any you on board th-ya.-hl. Voiir lifo de ends mi your tail nl'ul ohedieiico to my commands. I o v hi uii.h'i standy" He mulde I siill.-'nly. "Very well! Vou ere to explain to tho crow of the y.i.dn that 'we are friends an I ;uo is of Cha I ".:-" : . and are to be taken ::t mice to o:i:; Koii.;. Vou em ! il then they are to return thou for He ir mailer. I o not think you can tride with me. I will know by their nations whether you have obeyed me or not. and any evidence of treachery will be followed by your speedy deutli. Not one word iif Clia Ton ;s fate. IV. Vo.i fully Comoro helid noiv v. ii it is eipei'li: I o,' y,e . ' lie nodded a.'iliu. "Very well, Hum we will ju-oeee 1." 1 lifted Mr. Suell in my arms. Ho was in, load for me. lie did not move a muscle, and wiih my burden I led tho way from the temple. Miss Arnold fo'.lowe I i.ie, wild ride and pistol. I h i I also taken the precau tion to jrei all tiiu earliidriM for tho th'eanm that I muld curry, and hal a ba ; of them siranpel amund my want, 'I'hc.'rt w as evideu! surprise and con sternation .iiu'iii1.; the cv.v when they saw us emerge from the j ii and make our way iilioi ; the led ;e ,,: roak to ward tho companion la bier. I or dered Mr. Knell to I 'll tde:n wiiat I had before taueht him to ..ay, and ho : jabbad sunn 1 him; in Ciunesa. T!ie moil oil the yac'.i; bee. line ipiiei and allowed u : to e i a'i ia.rd v. itliout ! m.ilostatio!i. They i ya 1 me severely ! mill del not t.iUe kiuoiv to my new uuiloriii, particularly that, part of it tha- was pn iccl by a bulh t hohi and stained with blood. Throii ;h Ma. Knell I issued orders to take the ladder ah !:.! and to iret under way. My order., were oooycl. I hud placed Mr. Su.dl in a rivlin- ni' position on (,,, the crew bro u.Jil hi; cushion foa his lieu 1. i I in one of I'oiv or him, ,:: and hair for rid sho o vents. u I. I s . :u with m v 11. te in 1,1 v h in 1. watchful. I Miss Arnold sat down and Of course. had pla -a I u i near toy ow n, c.dinlv !l A .'lite I I Hot !,: any i him; i.T 'i ill", seen t:io id twice, at in that ed away e hoisted', a ', i : lir- about, the d'.ree'ion I'm;! I knew the u iv va "'it eoine tow ard and I i-rd.-re.l Ir. S directii,::. Slowly t'.ie little y from the rock. Th and, it . there w is a i iua, v.e were no! o ,' l!o I. i I 1:1 II. piii ; I;. a.,! w av. Mi - V. e.!, an 1 I h.i oaah nine.'. I i: : 1 ad keep th" run el' a lairs Ty lair e.enp.tuio i sat in.; l ilt to s e.l. Now iear furtively ;;la::ee a '.,'V Si : I... t,l I c'.eil I d i lo in Hie vaoht. s u-uveiv look ii.l thou I saw i.:c, bill I me;ht if I lo, k tho lili'ue I in v ticid : o tliat it her, she w. u!,: dis.a-.it h.U'i.'oi:. Iu a sh.et t ma nt.nl lca!ii'. tho re speeding; c i iiio.u i'ole a.inl ot rough ti th wal, ui ;!: i ra 1 ae wav c -.. I was li!, Igi'liisl, iiiilsic. the ..id"s ..,' mic vo lt told ii we were t ir.idaa! !y tie- Iron in v view. I no war. n I.l'l!!,'. 'necks uu. I r. l':-'-.. . The sl.v re a whit.. wal '.'. It Imti'c 1 and nee i! il all was eleae. !l"i'c cloud scudded low loi-loil:, da 1 he 1 U.ruri . 1 won b si lii,.: v.e did not th , lie Is! i.'Uger i -uiiiii,; c sl.v three hours, aud im and water e-aild b. a look in .Mr. Ivo-! as he rolle 1 the'u il una ii. lY.erc w us suci.-l1!, eyes, t lac, that w ,n i! i.'-'-l t nsl w o :: . I,i IMS aicrcy i : I on. -vs. 1! it 'lot reassuring. I i .-. 1 i a were ase.e rile', s'v a.', . as thong:! we , a: a ii ' -. i : i 10 1. neii'l U'.iou hi: : - .". : chance, aud I to i . n. As ho ii' aiier h ni' i : no laad uppe i c '. I :. i . .Mim etui h.'; WHS WV.!!!"'. "How is ti :-,' " I us'.,. ' Mi'. Sit ell, "WliV done 11 ... Ivong is no! so lar a A idi.giit sua." ill'.v-e I o 'lief you kuc v , !u ,- .-,. w hy ...a'd y.-u a , .'. I'ckiiii. re. to ;'.u:,ie v..ii'- "Never miu.l thut," i ; . ; " i l. v Hiiieii l.i'iger w ill i v. e reach Hon-; Kong?" "i'.ct v, ill tak ' ei:e lis rr.id, slowly. i,m lar.iei- away dan .. . i ; : i "Hut did not t'oa I'o'i ; island to Horn; K.ei return Visterday'." "No. lie iu , lue -:: : in uno, lor bag!,'' he r.a.i'.a : knew he iic.i I be i thai .Mi.-s Arnold and I we away . il h. at e.l IV -till tnal id? i-ked. i j i! v. . o 'ill way iierii sui'lilv. .-ere "..,.,,.; mil I Uiambok Suell." I i i i.iauaee I cnuld t ::! ".iiMi;; this yuc'ii area . tK:v; Ivnii ; in-i ie ..! yo.i w iii be a .1, - I a. a qlliek." Ho said ;. :; i. 1 1: ; I., holm, uud ti." c .in changed. .Mi s An: d. ,'. w ith all tin it i lay voice, I a'i'l i.et lutu mr hours, or I'oice leov, : e a, in i.i l ue !' t'.e ya'ht w a - i vi lent ly saw tiiat slid n I n .thing. iieeiiii!'.)., alarm was veiy pale, b: Mi-. -Lva : ii U.b' i.i il.U.lU eu-'l THE "HOLD.'JP" NO MORE. nilaliilK (111 tin. Skirl" Is Now (tin .llinl ImIci.' Wuriilni;. The inuilisle 1s How busily Impress Iici upon her lair patroness the lesson thai i-s tiitiiiil ralher ilitlh ull nf learn in:r. ill miisi wear ymir line jjuivii ti ii. I i'-s iinder sheath of line cambric cud i aiiliroiilery eai lly lis il is pin on. In a wni.l. it is r.ui,i,ld, n to lio, up Ihe il.'iimy mass of liin iy us ymi cross l to- p.-i vcineiii lii eiiier your earria ;e or Ihe -araMlid walk iu front of Hie porch. The line is sharply drawn between lie- sli'iii ihess ,ni walking leluih." ju-i fs.apiiiu' lie- "round and never h ilia upon il. mill Ihe ear. 'fully plaiiin d irailina sKirl. which is uicalit for a in.! In r oi i a-iiui. The "imperii r " or inodiste who plans the eos'lluie ilecl.'ires il will lie Ihe rn iii of v.. nr '.iwn if ymi ai tempi to hold il uu in u lii nf economy, lest Ihe creiiliou shi lihl be ihilimifeil. They civ if vou weir ihe dress in all you 1'iii-t wear it as H is ami leave ii :;! IU-. li t the eonseipii nei s lie what liny will. The sol" of Ihe skirt will he ruined if you attempt to raise il nl Ihe shies. No Woman likes to he lol l thai ber el.ulii s arc not sei on siriii-ht. ! Imr i'. in she he leippy it she Imau'ilies liny h,i, I. as if they were pilclifoiked upon her. A uailim; i if is sometimes held in d;n e by an iiisiile niTaiive incut of harness like sirups, whit h ieVelll Hie fiihn s from loiiiiui; nniuiiil In the front, where ii is not desired. These Hl;.is become pulled nut of place and unduly --lr lehi.il if the (rain is held lli !'.! Ihe side. If llllleh Si ret el'.ed Ihe lndi.i rubl'i!' bands iheir elas ti- iiy. 'i he wehl.iim gives way a Kille. and .-trains the seam at the side or I ba I, i I Hie skirt to w hi'.h if is ai I. The skirl shows suns nf ihe h uea;iir,' and eoiisiani liflin and loses is " i eshu, ,s, which il is impossible o of. lain aaain. Ii is better to h t the skirt limit; ou n naturally, and leave it lo your i.ii 1 io brush or repair ihe hem hoiibl ii he remin d. W iar a wail:- II: I1 .., oil tie, i,, ,11'-. 'I l.l venieii: s. and e your trailing innvn for i , . .:- i uis when you can i'. I'm u h. n mice il is ihe graceful .'irrangeiueiit i'ly wea r I res pi el dt'llpel-- ii - mill lei them fall as they are in, .Sill In. Ii is a piece of "penny Wise, p. mild foehsh" eniiiluel lo wear :i I . .-1 : r 1 -1 1 1 1 trailing gown and pull il up f ii'l down :is you walk, crushing il by gathering the folds in your hand. I 'fiiirc is iiiiihiug m. .re graceful ihau a nailing g..w n in its proper sphere.! in li e I'eei'plii.ll loolll or dining hall, en Ihe hoi-! piazza or walking across II. e sua !,y clippid green turf nf a w it iriiiiiiH d I.i w ii. lie slender gill looks Well wit'l ill tra i ling skirl, and tin- short a in I plump ! (isit-r ga'n - added dignity and height from wearing- a trained skirl. Ii i.-j fa -liietiabi" lo be bill nowadays, so v I l.iu -t ! ..;r..w Hie effect of add. si ite-h. s j if wo c.imn.l l oine by theiii nat Ulall v. I '1 li.. i'ontif.'NM IVitbl.'i'N.'e, Since rutin! Wal. lei-s. e has been lo i n I o coin u laud ihe Herman troops iu China his American wife has en joy. I afresh Ihe nitciuioii nf the American press. M,.. is probably the nidi a and most iniiiietitial Ainer'nini woman in Ihirope. ainl as she is to !l ..'Ilseletable exietit in public life. Ih.-ie i- noihing ntn nf the way in Hie :iiieiiiioii Ihe newspapers pay to In f. I tin in. st nf the current iiewspn p r notices Hml concern h. r are mis la ken iu one of i .. exasperating p:ir lieiilats. Mosi of Ihein say she was III.- daughter of I ;l i.i b. a. nf New Vork. which is tine and that she In i ii n, c il,.-morganatic w ife of Hie Prince of S-ad 'sW ig li'olsicill, will gave lip bis title i,i .l iirry her. Il is true Hml she mar: ic.l the Prince, ami ilnu he giivc up his title to marry her, but pi'i: s do not give up Heir Miles w li. n i Is y tniikemot ganat ic marriages, .oil this marriage nf .Miss l.ea to ihe C'OIiit dc No. r. who hid been l'liluc of Si hh sw ig llolsleltl, ;S not lller gai'iitic. but ii was n lawful marriage uiilii.ut qiialll',, -alien nr limit. The f .nun if- .No. r Is ciiiii-. rriiice lie N...-I-. and Ins w:fe at his death continued I,, be Ihe IVillc, ss de Noel'. After ll 'f lia-l l.iisb:,i,,' death ,.e came back to A.'ia ri.'ii. and spent a year or in. .re. S 'Vera I liars alter thai sin- was mar lii 1 1 lo Cum al.lcl-s,.,.. The pleva b ill sn.ry t bill -he has never 1 ecu l in k lo i iii- i iiimry sui. e she lirsi W . nt ilbloild is I hal her sec -..uu w hal -p. i ln-1- lilst :iib untrue. Al-o the slory id llliriiilge followed i!:Iy afi.r ihe .leaih nf tii-l- 11.11 pel 's W. . lily. Coillur.- ot l'o.....-tl. tin many lani-i s m rompeii are t( ' seen small i-uuid or square frescos II six lo iw.my loin' inches ill tii .'iniiir. 111. i- meiiiiiiions, paint,, 1 nil lb. Us. which poilray the laces nf i re probably tlie inmates if Hie house. Am ,. I,. l! Ie g in. iir.iiis nl women arc arcs ch-aily r.-eogniz grind .1. lines of ih" ih d. h..se . ii!Vui'i s are of nearly auy hia.wn lo the fair sc t he I ', . -1 os a re hid I . tn ; Sell, el's Hue. for instance. portrays the half figure of a Woman who v. ars :i handkerchief like bandage tied iicr.,-s one eye. Ill some the hair is pil'd high on the head, and in others It ll-cs ill slll.ll. il ipsol.ler. I here are i heav y cils of , an- hanging nv. r the i ,!.....:.,--: U.ete ale fliie.'os iuhl ctirln ' il the :: head, SeulO have It Jivld , ed in Hie eeiitre. passim; in heavy folds close to the temples iiml over the ears, while others keep it boi, ml up hi a net of irnld ilirend. Some wear deli cate Veils; p.lnVii li I bus lilllii back the raven lucks nf niliers, eiiher en masse nr waved iu litlle ridu'es. Many of the I'necs me peculiarly pleasing mid even modern in their ehurni. Especially Interesting are Ihe pr.lly coral and pearl earriti"s wbieh shine from under the ina-es nf liixiirianl hair. A few are rural and gold peiidanis. oihersj .lie simple drops, hut nil Seem iroinl' lioii d In Ihe sty'es in which Ihe hai is arranged. I lie lieu, t of h liii.i'lm.l. Artilii iiil light is reipiireil to briii nil Ihe full rose colored tints nf sumo of ihe liner crepe do chines ami nun's veilings. They have :i yellowish look by daylmht, like the inside of an iipri ent or a peach, mid Hie veiling is not so plelly us by gas or electric light. .r by Hie . audi.' nr nil lamplight, when ii suddenly develops into a deep color like the heart nf a pink rose, lie careful in making up such a frock to elinose a lining of deep inse, and not ihe pallid yellowish shade nf the veil ing by day light. Il is an exploded lietioii thai tin- lining must match the veiling exactly. Some colored fabrics require deeping', just IIS others icq IIIV Iii be toned rat ber than height. -in d by Hie lining. Vmi can line a veiling with cambric ..r silk. .lino Mislead nf with lall'eia. li is inu sheer enough to show ihroiiji. and it is "only lie- feel" nf ihe silk lining, as the dres-iuaker will tell yon. which is desirable. A tine qiialiiy lining of cotton will prob ably nut wear mic of silk, other things being equal. A ll.'l'a l.iiiniti'H In llerlln. The average eesi i f living of tho American girl student is from fifty lo seveii'y live dollars a month. To keep Inr e pel id i t ii i es wiiliiu the latter sum. of eelllse. lieei -ssil a ti S the exercise of ralher strict eeiinoiuy. if this money be spent jiiihei.iiisly. however, she may have a taste nf all the comforts of life, and even nf sulll' nf ils luxuries. The lessons i'rniii the musters cost from live to t. ii dollars each, uud Hu gh'! who bi ings siillli i. nl training from Inline w ill profit iniieli fruin her week ly ntiilieiiee with a great teacher, lioouis iu the fashionable quarters nf Itellill ale expensive, although after the thin! sioiy is passed there is n li cruise in price, Hie nearer one gets M heaven. The style of livim; is mm li more simple than in America, I ami the phiim-sl meal is generally well i -. l i . 1 nourishing.- I loin I be. Atiieiicnn Hill Mush-inn Abroad." by- I'llw.-iid A. Sli'llii'l', ll'ilno Coinpuliinli. iii the Woman's I-'iisI.I.iii'h lly st.'l'loiiA ll.'rrrr, I. ike niesl decrees nf I'ashinli. the whys and wherefores nf whi'di are usually pasl finding nut. the reason lor Ihe dniiblc veil is n mystery. When two Mils are wnrn logeihcr Il no next the face is of while, Willi large, black dots, while the outer veil is of Hie old time heavy blue, green nr brown. This is ligluly t'asl euc.l to the bat at Ihe top. and falls ill folds al, oil the shoulders. 'fiie black M il wiih one or two largo dots in its expan-e is likely lo retain its poi.ularily , since the dot, like the once fa: liioiiiibl-' bi' of etui plaster, has a tendency to enhance the beauty of the wearer. 'flic black veil wiih nlic large dot if velvet, which is ..tic of ihe now ar rivals, is conspicuous Mini not likely to gain wide popularity. lb. nut. 's In Animal s!ni.-fu A tendency In rival the zui ill vari ety of annual forms iu lar bangles and dangle- is one of the lads of the up in dale girl, l'igs. tunics, alliga tors, buuibleb.'i s. spiders and every thing from Polar bears to roosters hang from her cliai' lam,-, bracelet ami necklace, and Ihe girl who can display Ihe largest assort meiii i- the envied of hcl' eoinpanioiis. The-o stylish lit lle ornaments vary m size I'rniii a quarter of an inch to two inches and u half in length, and are made nf silver, gnu metal a,.d gold. Due girl seen recently had alia, la d lo h.-i lie. U chain a bzard. a cat iu the ad nf begging, an elephant, a turkey's foot, a startled looking mouse and a dragon lly. lio.Tlly l' Work is to be tir-l university and il is expe. Wmmn In .lupin.. begun at (Uic on the or u olncll in ,1a pall, ed thai Ihe building will be iu ri.iiliiicss to open in the spriliu ot ll'i'l. A li'ige liumber of sindelils me already proluis. d. fliriuigli Hie iiniiiitig etl'orts nf Mr. .M. .1. Nill llse he ob-iaelc of lack of funds has been .-rc-iiie. Many rich ui"H of i I . Il H.-I 1 1 - have become illlclesl. il. Marquis li.. leading with a large sub si r,!ii ion. l ie- wealthy Mitsui family has made .i princely gill of a piece nf laud, eoiiiainiiig several acres, lor a site licale.l in Ihe rich east suburbs nf Tekio. M villi l u ll l or Tie. Ihe ends nf all velvet or ribbon bows, which ate among Ihe popular iioveliiis in Iriuiaoiigs. are furnished in some way with la. nil attachments. These I'.ro in i.ilt. -liver nr bronze, in the form of spigots, or spikes, and fcrreis. The I. liter are made in vary illg width:-, for widen! narrow ribbons. Ihe cuds ..f which slip in between Ihe double metal siih s. These are iiinato villi seiollworU. and in th" more ex n.i.sive examples have insects nf i.-vvels. The new. st four in hall. I lies all slew these melal liiiish-d clitls. I'bil.l llniiilkeri lili-r. iii iiCiip. l'laid handkerchiefs arc among tho in w est spoi laities. They an not hold in design nor glaring in colors, but are modestly plaiile.l across with hair lilies of 1-c only to he Umu. '.'. ! tii-UOCl '. I. blue or violet, and are curried with morning cos i) eie nlso suitable for OUIi BUDGET OF HUMOR, LAUCHTER-PROVOKINC STORIES FOR LOVERS OF FUN. fo Miil.l. ii.-Slioiil l lie t trt lo 11 Iiml Ni-vit Tol.l Her I ron. I ln lr Point of Vlw In (tin N-w Km l.nrliiirlnus A lli llnltlo.i, Kir., l:ie. lint believe what you please Wln-ii tliev swiar I la y adore J ell, I.el tli. lil lest mi I heir knees, lint believe what yon pioasc-- bet tlicm argue ,'iinl lease It' the (lung (Ine.oi'l bore yon, lint believe what ymi phase Inn they swear liny adore ymi. smart St. Slionl.l lln I'.isl in If. M.HIllllil-"Itobhie, il grieves lite sJ fo have ynu naughty!" P.nhblo (strictly logicali -Jtnt why Miould it, liiaiiima? I was always so." Iliel Ni'vi-r Tnl.l ll.-r. The Wife "I eaine very near Hot Inarrying ynu. .lohn." The llitsliand "Yes. I know; but I had no idea you were on lo the fin't." Sinn rl Sel. From Tl.i'lr I'olnt of View. First Ape "And some apes have, tk Velopeil into ti ion V Seeniul Ape "So lliey say." First Ape -Well, thank goodness;' Soino of us have i scaped!" I'uck, In tho New l-:rn. "I slainl mi my recnr.I," shouled tho Woman w ho was running for ntliee. 'Willi I fur?" demanded a linle red headcil lonsler iu the crowd; "are you iryiii' to keep il nut of sight':'' Itiirlitiiiiiitn. "There ought lo be a law against Felling gnus lo barbarians." said the man in the corner seat. 'There is. Fire-arms imi., imt ho Fold to small boys." Mew Yuri; World. 4 IN'flnllloi.. Mllle ilIii''Ta. why do (hey call fheiii 'minor poets":" Fa 'Ttccnuse they might to bo working with a pi' I; and shovel in stead of writing poetry, my sun."-. Tii-bils. Tin, Only I'nimilillltr. lie "Nothing could ever emtio bo. fween us, could il. dear':" Kin "I can't think of a single thing, unless I should happen to be come engaged to souio other man." Ib.rpcr's l'.:i7.ar. lli'Ai-l.ilili-il Motl.i-r. tachc lii ulenaiii ? Your father has such a heavy gti.wih nf beiir.l." "Vos. my dear. Inn with respect lo whiskers I .am more like my inuiliii' than uiy father." Soiiilag.s-.Nisso, W.II Siiiill.il. ".Tohn." she said, "l must have :i ryclopn cdia." Tliuiiilcr;iiio.n!" exclititt'oil Mr P-q--v.-nii. "You've pit a bicyeh ami a motoeycle now. What do you want of any more of those ey.-l - things':'' Too Hltl.ii Niivul l-;i.i...-lt.i. "The navy is nut of powder again, j Mr. Secretary." i "!mMivsiblc! What's hi 'viiie of tho i ! supply ":"' I "The warships used it up. sir. swap. ; ping salutes for their cl!!lillau.lcs.', I ; - Cleveland Plain Itoaler. j CiO.nl Alurill I lo.it. I Fuiploy.-r -"I eeiigraliilatc ymi mi , j lh.it new baby of yoiits. lligg.us." i lliggius "Tlumk you. sir." j Fmployer "And I have no d.'iiht j that hereafter you w ill be waked up I early enough mornings to get to the ! nlli. o every day ou time."- Soii.ci villo : .b'Ul'llill. I ! - I j ioo.l s.i.t-me. ! Tourist "1 hi those scan crows save j : Jnttr crops?" i ! Fanner '"I'hey work fust rate You I sec, I'vcty trauip that eoines iilolig crosses the fields lo see if III' (lollies . is wu'th stcalin". 'v'. h they .'lin't. an' that scares ih' crows away."- New York Weekly. Hml I'lHre ti Ulo In. Osinnnd "My wife has turned ntir ilr.iwing ronni into a 'ileii.'" Hosnioiid "Well, that's all right. Isn't il':'" Osmond- "I don't know; if 1 should die I'd hate awfully to bo laid out un der a red and yellow .lap umbrella.'' - Indianapolis .lounial. Hi- l.rrm-tl the Itru.on. "Yes." mused Ihe ll.i-hfc.l Philoso pher, "a dock slocking is mi called he cause The Pert Clerk bent eagerly for ward. "because." Weill nil the fust speak er, "because il always strikes one.'' - Syracuse Herald. Hl'llmml. "How long can y.m stay under w a tor?" asked ihe curious person "Permanently . if 1 choose." r. pbed the professional diver, who had an swered ihe question several hundred limes before, "but 1 prefer to conn to the sulfa uiy once in a while to breath."- Chicago Tribune. tiry. "You kin.w." sanl Senator Sorghum, reprovingly. "1 told you that what I wanted from you was a good breezy sp.ech." "ell. Sii.swcr.il mo iro!osiuiul j orator. "I ihougut that was what 1 gave you. Nearly i-vciyhody w ho hoard it said my arguments were ouly wind." Thn Suvn.i llmhrlor. "It is a w oman's prn ilege to ihango her luiud." said tin- Sweet Young Thing. "From what I know of tho critter it Is her duty," said the Savage bache lor, and the glare lie git from the newly married boarders kepi bun I good hnuior nil h rest of thy day. Itldlacnpolii I'rtss P0'..'ER OF THE PRESS. An Ai'O-tioi.lie lo Hii' Mini Willi a Pen ,.- hy ITeslilenl A ji.'sw ortll. I'lvsi.lciil bal lon o. Ayleswoith de livered a very aide address before the late gillie-ring o rial Association, things: ' 1 1 ymi name the world I w il Ihe Colorado Edito say iiig among other any good tilings in show you that the press is to Ho s eotnuiiili carrier to lake It p!c. think not only of Hm KTont ihtili. s- they are Ihe captains--out I i be k also of th. able hosts, the 'weekly journals. "1 thinl not :iliin nf the famous in. u in lln- w.itch t.jwei.s. signaling iiml guiiliiig. but ab-o nf the busy, overworked, nbs. in.-, faithful hordca Who work on lln- h-vcl--- below; sub- dibit's, repot lei , eoll.po-ilol s, (.,WU Iii He- ii. u - boy . win, iuis tin morning; air with hi- sihiiaiii u' n i-al h.-rahliiiij of He' great world's doings and mis- lloillgs. "A gi'e,-.- .- panv i; !s. villi greater leinpiatiiiti lo I c cowardly and time serving than has any ml:, r body of men en earth, tun who. in my judg ment, an- us a whole the least cow- ill'llly illld I lie least !t, lllelll. Voiie,' ink- ami end wars. You e;i ii elect and regulate riih-i-. Senates, Congresses and 'n I.: in -l - lisieti for ;he ground swell I nun Ho' cylinders, nf lln- printing room. Creeds grow gro tesque and uniovely under your e!eo trie lighi. Spui'ioii.- i. li.rms dvviudh illld sick.'ll illto lllllll.-ll'ked gia"e. wle .1 you have put Iheih.uih o:u:k oi. 'hem. Crime hnl.-s from your !.vn- etl searchers nm! cuts its .Ie. di in hfilf. (bind and kindly ciii.-rpi i-. s sproiu uud lloiirish io a in-li harv'S! under your f rue1 ify ing siinliglii . "lion'l be iishannd i f the en. Moses used it on bibb - nl slum- .imill Ihe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aiii- t'etiibling. that the ages iniglil lead tic l avs. '! he N'aza eiii' used it a- II.- wrnm in the sand : t it. I gave the sinner another chance. Paul u-e.l it vv I . n In- widened Chris tianity lioin .In.iai-oi to the world. It made tin Magna i hariu It wrote Ihe I leclar.it loll of I nd--pcl,iilCe illllj I he mi of eiuancipai i m. "'fin- angel guard ! all Ihe world in represented iis penning our life's rec ord aud name- in the book nf life." , WORDS OF WISDOM. A timid, i ii . .l n ! . and self enn- Pciolis inr.i w ill i.l'uii be cruel when II large hearted and self reliant man wouhl be tender n I generous. The latter gives slr.-ngili and cnnliil. nee to all with w li ai u n, males, i ney icei his illllllell.-e illul pUtiilke of IliS UU- lure. 'J'hcy grow si l onger for his) fctreiiglh end briv.-a lor Ins courage. Anger, wrote the :;: Clareinhili. i. th" lim-t simi Ihat aec..iu aim s iiian: i1 .-If -c.a in. i bin, uud buns In- nifi ii cat hislnriilll, impotent pas-iln- mind of i' goes about. is possessed bv il more than tin .a hit- against w hom il is iliret i. , 1 liscolltetll is Ihe Wat:! ol self-reliance; II i-s i li ti I' 1 1 1 i i v ..I will, begret eahiniiiii - ii you cm thereby help the sufferer: if inu. aiieial your own work and already ih" .-nl begins to be re paired. Watch liar 1 ion of a I I'll h back tin- iii!'!' source w Ii lull alien vast, lo The cotliloii pell, I so mil. i other p o- 1.- I .lllglll O glVe 1 an nl living All mil "'li .-1 1 -1 .-ltil.ti.il and si-;, i s no plied a-.-mali--share it ll lakes a P leach u- that friend: ih.n .v. ly ih- .1. motisira i - i.o iii. o'.id ou l r.-tci ti.-.- i I.- -pr'uig and whefe leood- radi , 1. 1 it.-d tuy h ray. and sit ' i in life do on ot be,- i . la', ions to mi ii w -.tlld s. em wo . so. ill a 1 ten. ion in the ;,jip I v wait t In III. I. ii, . I., -v . ii parents i ti-1 I. i -. -u brothers ,i ml upon all i 111 -!,. 1 1. .1 ..ili.-rs shall i in-.- of experience to v e al l- oni nv u best e nic out own worst enemy w c n.-. r tcaru l.ovc is lie- won. boil- atieel ot life that rolls ;..v iv .-ill ihe stones of sor tow ami suffciiiig from tie- pathway nl dniv. Yon cannot dr, -a'. i chiiracier: you uiu- ottr-elf into it hummer and forge yours. -It one Hit; llimey I'm- SI iiI.'k. Mr. .lohn Tough, son of Captain W. S. Tone. I., of tin- slock yards, has lig Ul'cil Up hnW lllC.i 11 lilolle.V the w:ir ill Africa has pour. si nbo the eotii-rs nf ihe mule nt. n of tin- country, to say nothing of ihe amount pi. i.i for horses, and which i- being paid all along', ihe ligiiiis an- rathe,- siaribng' and make it tacrcciiaiy man wish thai tho war would ciii itiue for some lime In collie, if lln- Ullglish will eolllilltle to want mules and Inu-s. s. and if they ..-in be persuaded to buy lli.-iu here. Since ll.ev have been buying lllelll here 'he I'm-h-h have I ahi ,iH.iK mules iii tins loitiury for shiptnenl to Sotnh African and olhcr points. For these llu-y Invi pud an average of S7o. 'I he eoaiib te amount then that Ihe Fugb-h have paid into the coffer of tin- mule men ni this f.iitiiry is Too.oim. - Kansas City .Journal. llol.'l 'lull.' Yio.v ltnsii..-p II. imp. lll.lW tiie line when Hie door isl closed. Th.uc i- iii utgh of worry and work iiml deiail in the hours given for labor wiiiioitl taking your business) lo your home and to b. d. lively mini needs Ihe hours of r. i h" is sltpioseit lo lake. Tiie problems will be clearer and brighter and solve t heniselve more readily by going at Ihein with il mind fresh lioin iv-t. I.el the key nt Hi- stoic dam- lock in your worries and p'ob'.-ms of luisim -s hmirs. It l.i enough that we are ciinipell.s! to spend the twelve or fouiieeti hours of eacli day in their solving It is due us that we lake Hie net. it is .lue our families hat lin y have us mid not our troubles. I h. y probably have smile and eiimiuli of tln-ir own. We'll lie belief business) inv.i :'i tie keeping nl !i,s 0uv piuUv,'H. lii' "iKUlf Well lief of US.

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