immrmmmmmmiimm i S.J a VV.-sluneto;; Letter. Hoke Smith's Sensible Views. 1 PcffCCt IfCfllth. TIiri'SDAY, ' 2X. lu " '-'' I Atlanta, (ia.. Nov. -ii.-Hou. ; Kcco the system in pcrfoct or- JTLe form-tho It, ru!,-; ,!,.,-,.,.' President ( lov,-!l,y thc occasional us,- ot ,. .... .,.. party n i;.ort ... -u the.J.-uid's sc-ond tci m n.dd to-day i:i Tutt's Liver Pdk I hey rvg- 1 ,i,,v; i'-:u',-! '-V;;-!11'' V'l'-, I-'-'-' to Mr. Uryan : xpr 1 ulatc the bowels ami produce , . I icse..; ii '"ij ol the .-)(;:'.. i i.i : ku; '!t::i ,! ad i.Tiii r to tue prtu-i . r i OeJbCJ. Suiter, j ,...s:,.1 th(l ,.,...;,,,! ;U-Msjcil,;,.S()M!,lir):i., platform: I A VlgO.'OtlS My. i; was iiiliou by ;rs i-'. ! re-1 -j n-rt-i h.-;t C .Kul 1 Sevan ! For su'klvpdaclnN malaria, bib I tii,' i :.:..,.,!;!!:. So. :;!.v- f Cldc;:-. ph.u'orm. I dn d dNv ata. s r.luaVnht'.' Ci:r havohh-ckedall !. -dsh.lioi. , "1,. ,..stwi,v iv.dM.l as tin JUTT'S LiVcr PILLS SLSfER OMSOffl FOB $!r Ta-u.u is T!;..i;ks ;n in- 1;- .-. ' when, in mvrd:ti:iv wit?'.-' 1 1 i - 8 -- '' '' honored custom, tho people ; i ,' the United it'.tatf.s are cawed wpor Jir Hl.ssiuii f du.-nss. In- j n,.,,,;,,..,. of the Do oral if pait.y 1 1 repair to tlii'ir lespt'i-tiVi' '- ;''' s;.'.'.! uf an -.v .-m- tha I e;.io. ''als. j 1 !, ,-,1 s;i..p.i t of the Demo of worship :;Tm there uluruti. .!:..-: ! ! ."; -.':.. :;:. i !. ; s i-f vt ., -rat t li;f i:. 4 Ia ti.iu f c ;,ii t:u l'io.-fiiit; .-'.lid liH'.' I;'-' "':' '( ''-'! j;1'!'- - V 'y t,:.i.;:-' I ;((. j ., i v ill, j.,, ,,;.; sitioll ill tilt , r l .. ..,.:.. ,. i . ii.-..s. t;d liid.t ::i io.s nj t. it- i.v. !.!:. t-v,-n f.r ti.t litHii mat ion. ye.a And yet, mi... aiv a.i-t . .... . f,,..., 1.. .n:.Mi:.-:. r tii.- p.,rty l.y ed upon to do this. !.on t.'U' uo it : ;-.:l i.iolu-riij-.;. ! .' t'tvy iv ii! v l.,.r;.; .. . . , ,,:is ii: 11;,- Ka.-t, ai.d 1 Yea th.Mii;i:il'. i' t1. is la-1 v. to do .-ail o.'. dly lv ' .:. i'rvan i. niakii.- a moata'hly waali xvl... : .-d.-.y i:d IVin.vvas ,uv di;-. .ke f.jual ty' wind, . u!d , .. , , j , i O-'.'.l to l;if,'t l.-!ti t al. -vay i: ... -ou.i.'d from auv US y placv ci " a:-!!:;r i.,: .t! ti aM- ;ill,,.t touauUU ra ivorpa;- protcavl to gl.c tu.i!j. .ii:.: -w .. n,,. t::::ri i aniNaioLip, i.-ul of that Hutull numhf r iua!!.v :ifth.'v t..--d not t-xptvt t. jmii tl. I I'm. )fiuocr:itif party should thanks o'lly wit'i tlifir !;iont lis ' v.a ( ,-vt r IVinii-ati.' vs l.y la- I stand l.-'twcn tin- piiito.-r;it and mid in word., iustfad o? v.itu I',.-:. , 'r1!:!- 1;v;i.,i;i'';': a V'V i I' llf th;' hoarts and ia :tf! - : ' .... If tl: :v . v.-iv a p. had i... i- i:...:- ' . ci ' giv.' th:ti !.-, i'.:. .. i,l . .d .. ., o (;:.. :.' ' pj'i j.tiiiivd d the p-.;!. o? i : haw i.-.i.. r i'.ui.-. i : 1 1. in ih:ai i.. p -p ' ' toimip. . A'. i N Jl'ih C: : 1... ('.in i' r t ' i. . ;' i . pa .t v.-.i , l..a ex-. :apt a: .fly fo::!a..:'.f. l.y or.v pat and ;a .-,. :..!. i ; ia;..o ui t'i. all. I ot ti..' p.. t ! '. V 1:1 .. Il l ii..- l:..!:ls ct p.'l- 1 . :' pi.-p : iy :.nd n .t In . a:.!-k i'p--i -i'.l:f-r. t p.ntv, ai-d a! ; . ( '. : . a and 1 't o- I I ,-. ..,n i heir i i .trht tVr ' .. -i; to ; . ..k .'or 1 1...- p.o i v. j :. ' !v ::. ; ;t lr 'alii foiai- i OO0B1H h m AT - Ixaleifrii, r. C OF Fkterest j To Every VGiml SPECIAL ?rr:i!C8S IN W-'vi o ai l ii d aliout tldity-fivo of tli(s. wcatln'r-di-fyin Storm coats from last season, and we'vo di t. iiiiiia d to m 11 t!., in i you at the iH' of wintir ko you jdi-iity of m-td for tho ccats nt li'ss than tin' liar,' tost of tlmciolh. So you buy them at Si( s fraiii ;!1 to p' Chinch iiias Htid doiihle texture heavy cheviot. At their ori(iinal prii'H they were f 2 .ri' less tli.nn you can l ay t!ieai elsew In ie. Now they are jreuuiuv; J3A1UJA1NS. JJe quick for our hi.e. We've the Largest Stock of Wen's Suits V-C'e ovi r had. '1 lie reason ir this: We have bought larjrei and cheaper. The result i , we fioll taoie Miiis lids season and are se! tin 'in for less money than thei s; jj7.50. ll), $12 Mini yl5 will 'nay suit - !':oui us that yo i will hae to My ironi i;lt) to .2,( for wherever you yo. Upsides, our suits .- re siipi i i a in nuike-up, fit perfect, and the patterns, every one of 'em. are brand-new. We 'uaianteo i w iy bint, and j on know you can hae your money hack far anything you buy from us if ym want it. Hoys9 and Children's Suits We've more of them than usual, for the same reason as in the Men's Suits. l)out believe we'vo missed a .-inj!.' sale this fall. No matter how diilieult you are to please, you can lind si um thiii'jr in our stock to suit t'J to '"..OO. rrii Overcoat Stock Is Ready So the cold we.' thi 1' comes initio too scon. We are well prepi red to dn ss for (he national holiday 'l iiau!.:- i s imr Day--and dress you well, without o.i more than lii'ii ea minutes i.f Voi'.r iii.e, a'.d at a coiiiil.t ahle 8a villi;' hesidi s. S. &. D. BEH WANGER, liKl.b TllnNi; lo.V.i. JIAld.Kiir, N. ('. oni: I'i'ici; ci.otiiikhs. ...d wi-.l .':;:! .: ; tl. : i ! V.':! ! !- :.. l ! .'.. m.: I ' !. ::a a:,l mm M sals, thf fmm.i mm mmm I YILL SELL PRIVATELY, i e & I l.l b. !' .' :;).'. lit:.'!. . i.t i i. 1.: d . !'. .' tl'atiot. 'to. . ..-d hi i.isi .'li' t !l noss;!.:.' cn'.ct l.v .!;:.;;. I i . v. s i ; : We n ii. - .. : I'm - or Co..'- ; i. 1 ! :.) press him or hisl VJAI.1-; ill' I. M). I!v virtue ; . count rv will in, . 1 1 " "''r ": 1 -a-n T.-.,rt ..,.... ai:d on I -at al-'o proi-erlvl 1 i:' " 1 ' ' " 'I i Suil on ;:ppi' Wl ite lis. e 'o!..l;el P.r.Vai: i ; s;Jei;d ! uiaiii ' I" l ;. s v, ii !i l.i.n a.;.-. in. V A 9. V r? '7"T i rrnriT i it i nv-'j'vi l: l) L -'v.::. is i.. loved f. -i-; . ; ! ;: .,! ...ti..:, but ;.s a he hal la.t I , . 11 a " ' TllK (iatti.-Ki.'.o at I )- a..'. . . . ford is one of the m-t i,..p. 'I'taiii Mid ii.teresriiij' ci.;I : : - . :" ,': : tried in tlrs Stat '. .; i j As our's are avvar..- ' !.. : mi aai..:i hrou-hl by 'dev. T. ). d . -r liattis :;;.iii,-t Kt v. lr. .).(.'. bin- t' !'r ;:-, n. n. Dui.e mj w. k. ode!; ;; for alle-ed liU!. ;;:id i-o.feo ;.t lllllllil.'i s ale d. l.lal .!. !. d'h' ar- u. -'.el 1'ay of is , :.. ';. '. I l.i il ls ' . case is uiiu. 'aail.v i.e .je ' ; bcimr foil: t. en in ..' v .; , ;. ' ,' nil each s'.Ie. The v i;.. a;.' ; ' ; nearly one !...:. !; -.1. i... '-!.. a; ;...;.... lu.-inv Meih.odisi mito- t-r; i i : ' 1 " y J'li.-l.op - Duaeaii S. lilh t' uo- ; !' ' : ' :'' lui.i. !i.d. I it i- ..lid ii .a i. ,.' ' .' ' ' look., like ?d. : h-:dii. e, ..: : , ;'. ' ' is ill s.. ,: ( .1. ' . . Tiii-s is ci..b.'.cie.i a.i-ei i- i ill-' to I ..V hei'ole o. impartial jinLe and jurv, and i very hi:' r- Cllt from the f life ..1 ... tlial ia ii..- Clark- KiL'.. ,-ae. i 'i:e trial h. -j,'an o,i .it Thursday at t)-f id anil mav coi.iiiiiii ail u U. ..: 1 v t to -. : :., .,'.: ila ' evi i tli:: a.. I V.. i.i:. '. r. !.; rh i. .:! I '. .' x. Si ' i . . . 1 l:.a e. ; ;'. v ..1 i ns t ) Hi; Legislators. ,,, :. ' : , . , i-. .v v. . ! tia North ' Vl :-' (: : . ;. ..i i r b l i ..! . si ... , a do for the p:-b- a.. .'.' scho.-'s.' ; i...t al :.. '. i . .-h. lud ' '" he made It. !. "ia ol l..w? j' id it -M-d.lidi a i. forma-: .., , . ;'.. v. a' l.t'td .i ....::...!-.' ' ia.i . I. ! !.i ;t male i.i II. e . I. rtr ai la'. ' t I ,: do with t hi a, I :. ::, . : i-e . I i;.b. I j, i .. . '.. j...,e a i. .a.ii.a d pl i- ' ' ! r-.r 'A I i I...-1 I.. a, .' 1 1. . .i i- r i . ray .!.-'. .ill.M .'it r. i.i ui !l . ! I ' . al . : .Ii. L. l O' : i i.i r. r . ai ,i i.. :.. ii., .. i. i ii. . :i..-.. ', .'..'... i.i ; o.'vi., .' i.i' ! I' an r.l.ii -!i u.-l las a. i .' ,'.- h' : . i . t ' . -t.t. ' w a ! r. i ,l,e .;', -., . ..i..!as ;,,ir, a.i a i .. .-I. ; ..'.d t.-h- , .' . :.: ;r. af' eti::. . I : . 1 1 ..: i.t i' a ' Tii. .- ; ,i,.a; i W .!.-. r. ..'..s ,i, d I i'e i. a. ti'.a , i,l V.hich ' . U. .is ;. .. O ; ;.t; I .1 , i i. ,',:.i -i.e.d ! t .!. .,.1 ii.teo .-t. d'.dk t: . ii ov.-r v ii !i oar i.t i I I'. -c; I i i! '.)' ; it. i .1.1 i lh present. i- ' .'. ' v.ia.t v a th.'.k sr ...i lie; 10 QC3 VIlVBi WAiiTED iii:i".M i: now and tha ineetir.' (.1 th.i 1, i.slautre tht i t . s.- : the Slate cuu leli l. r !... 1.1 at. .' "'"i service than by -t i: . a...'. ' r' ilisciissiii" r.ul.ii." 1 Hies' ions tha , . '. pi.SII o", i'l Ila , i ;.; .11; it . Avo Selling t k ios tinir:.1. n: ami Ki.Kt; vm 1 im: OP t ill; that he W !, ; e ;. .V.ot.ctl tol his sai.port ,u' -vi-m by a! Uwilentally KilleJ hile ttuaiinu. '. 1 ' Tl..' , ':.rl Vrtr. ! 1, 1 dsvdie. N .v. 21. -Tht; h.aise j ' , I . 'O S i.:. I ii. l s :l III int. ::c.;!;.',:;i:i:i,:if.H:o.kbi B'-i'iexiTrRji : . . . i I ..-.!. e i ,r tii. I . . i . , VI . . I ' a ' t . i r T i , ; I - . . f . - t t . , . . ; . u ii r.'ii ia. 1 i 1. a .. i.t 1 , . ... ; : 1. 1 i ) . . . . ;. ; .i 1 shouhl be toiisiieivtl by . .,j j.jjj f,,,. ,,,, ,...,,..;;,,;, (," i 1 t,iii...'d by a s.d .avid. -lit , , .y. . ... yW , Tho sessions of our Lcei-il.ii'ire u.-.-u- taxes, will not h- al!.'..,,! to : tn befell his l:! s.u..' .'."'.';! ' ' , , ;,' "'' .. , . , ... . :.. ,1 .. ..llV.i, at S111.1l .1 i- ie,allii,.' in O V V J'.ltL-U. - . . V. . 1-1 1 U I 1 L lire, so snort i. . . . i.ave .u.v , im i....:i- 1 umn 1 - , ... ........ ... . 1 Hi. 1 ;!,,. I.Yae U;."Mi . . ; . i , , I. . x , . ! I i : st.'Oit death. l.aliv tlllS! dlVS-tllat l.ot much lime 1, t... i, ... b , j, ".'' ;, , . u ,,. ,;,',; , I aiii.ete.i.L o.o. 11. u-iu..!-; -. d'o 11 for a full ci . .; i. r:.ttoii " e .ns of the eoimailti e h.oe , . 11- ! ' 1 d dank i 11. IS years old, Wellt the. many important laatters that 1 -i r -vi . ( ;..i v Sei-i-e- ' liiii.t.tisr. They followed a covev are hrontrlit to tho consideration tarv (ia"e, and t'.miiiiissi.uiej';"1 I ait ridges into the woods and of our law-makers. Thov could Wl - ai of the IN v nue ; the b;i ds lie w up Will, in- 'o ' ".' ".I'll.V. l.lie-'ieit ami, Wirilolll ih of his friell I. tire. I at the I I .i I-. I lie i. ...d ll.lsse. I illlo lie ; bl'ai.. of Wli'li'. SlUathel'S. U ! ii ''. i.iioiit a cry. Rue Prn')!eai h Hawaii. ui' . N1i:, e t ! .-. :i t a ta.-ai more nit, lilt', i.tiv act iij ti a': matters of i. .risait ui if th ii' at- tout ion had previ.s-.-.'.v I.i en dii- ,.,. , Uliu. o,,. hi- !e. 1,,'ted to tl.eta by ;; i lil discussion inn ,.. aai-es to t !.. co'iiiai . . a ad iil I! e i,e.V.o,;., 'S .'i.'.'T idltoria'- S. - I'- i I " (1 ,a.- io!d tin 1.1 ti. .: lv or by commnni.-:.ii. Cer- '-iha t' !,, 1..;: ! la t ui.d-r a.v .' , 1 , 1 1 i i '. ii:. i..aei s e. . . ,t ;:i.' 'i'' ;-!, taiaiv 1.0 nciiiber 1 f anv I . . - ia- ,.. ., , , , .., , 1 i.i . .. " le- I . , ll .. '1 t s ;, I 1 . . II - t live :-htv.:l I take opi .-a, s.i-.'- -.i' ( ,-. jri- t.iv a: : i.h a I, 1 a tit -t i. -lis bt i.ltr (!.': l.eltle, but d-d aa:i .1 oi V. asl.'::. t-":. ai.M- tit should he pleas,.,! j.. , tl."a ' ; thai tj . y .. ; a !... o.' ... v made , .ti 1 to :;iv i!i. a. fail con- r'. ' " 1 '; 1 :'' ' ' ! v " '.: sidl.Tutioll. : 1 !,. :: st.'ilt,. I ... .;. n . l'i ,s, l.( )i;.N(1i;S, ClbF I ( AliiRS II Aid. K.C ls, WTTUNV, hh'KS, HAHV CARKIAt.h.s UK K STt. liS, I hlJNkS, WINDOW SHADliS, I ( .!: l t h'l'AlNS, M l 1 it ,S, h'i t iS, T( ill. li l' SIPS, i'b 'ci !?;; Ih'A.WiiS AM LASIil.S, A .eai.-our lu'ethr. u and IVllt.w- riti.'.eas oi II i'A.di, the race pr !.-1 I. 'i.i has I ,.!.!. d 110 ia unit.- set i- i f. n,,. M.e ,.:... v.- m-ai.'.s CHAIRS OP ALL SIXSi'DS ' I' the.' ' have eh ale 1 a Snci;ili-.t IJ.Vl.ri lt. 11 VNlwil" IMCKVIM AM i f I. i . lil, -ti , ..ti-Am.-ri.'.'.u feel-' tiuii.i. ::. a t.ei. :.a'.e (. . t 01,11 s-; ioul Vh. tt. M . VV .... ' . ... . " 1,1 I " V. tf ... ... ,'. . ',.,:; :.; (I: ie I I the Legislature fwi - ts. Some '-ay - !.s v l.o -V'ha . r ai 1 i 'iai s fur that it tut ers the lirst of .l.iiniaiv, tl.r-ir c.ita; ti . a t 1 ...t n but i"l,. It koii... .1... M. .,..!.., ; . wiil ti'd !tr,-r':sau' if a hi- ti il'V al.d otliej-i sav tia-hi'-t We l- l ol.tticsS a ml ... 1 ... ,i,:... ,1. :,, .1, il. .. 1 ,. .., . , .. . ....1. ! s '" " at. . a, . . .! ti.. ir i'.i' r.-st Pli- It is bdiev.d t'on-l'ess, ;,.. . f,,r public i:t as it is, will establish i t -nine s,i!li';it' oiialit'it'atitilis that will d; Tranehi-o a Lrei' poitioti ot tae Hawaiian iiel'oes. .ra.i a v h.i. .ia lv !'..,! .a oi:r M.inunotii i 1st ah li.- hui.' p. i. Clues to the Mi.fa.'o be- ti.le I Lis ill. "ru oil I l:e Sulfate utsdayiii b'lnuary. TI10 (.'nn.-ti- .,,'ks. Icm,!ci-its are not inclin-l lUlei.uh News and Observer: trtioii says "the iiivt We biesda'. . 1 to spare t!ie !!, i'ub!icai:s if i v- There .uv now in o. ration in Alter th, hist holiday ia La- f cr. ,.! e. fartr-uns can b- Nj-i ih Carolina. s aw mills and . s.'.v.n d. . .!.;! t'. ie r.i't, t'l'i'il r."t- siil'.' an Ill athlllliill It Udl'y- 'si.iM for il .- b. itef that it evicts in has Isj planing mills and sash,. Sti, utir next IiOti'ish'iturC will n".,a.ti!'' a. factol'ie, ti:.! f.U'to- luect on the 'Jth day of .lamiary, ' jf thitvs d . not chan -e, theft- niakititr furniture, chairs,: lu,;.,., !, ii,... ti,.i, " 1.7 .. , ."i..'l ,r... t-howeasi s, -tf.. 'M makillir w;i''- t:...'!,t . 1..1 ;!;. I'e'.'ibli ,iS ie C.'U'l I l .'eS, a-1 ie.1.1 uuu 1,11- ('latrr -s ,,', ,'! he bill h.r the in- b a, etc., 25 m ikiatr box... day after the that Mm. da. Eye-Glasses and Spectacles cr All Kinds. Always ;i full stock i f materia " ' e,v;.s.; ,.f !. I,.- : -.ruhir iiru.y. l'rota- "f. v ei-eeri, tie., a loiai o ... ... h f ,j u f s w id tract next Mot.- t , -,.,.. ,,j' ji.,, ,M1av ..,. -tiibl: .dmieiits eii.;ije.l in woo-. I- . 1 tbiy. This wiil bo the second and every day d -'hn in- 'opposition to v.orkii..', vv hichftnploy much skilb ; leimirs. ast session of tho fill v-sixth C.,11 as larji- .-.ji r.nnv as Air. Aielxin- 111 ',M . rrcHS, and expires by constitu-' W' s", ks ', ,,;ve. l'r".v'dd by "' VTi ' ' , , .... ;. ... . Coimiess. and the situation 111 the I he board of uhlermcn at Dur- :101ml lim.tation on tl;a 4th of ,., , .to 1,.,,.. 1 ... , 1 ..l,.,ii.,i, t,. I hilit ' lies i.iaLes ('arly a. 1 1' '!i o;t li'imiiavt oul-'leii an i-teitioii 10 last session of the fiiiy-sixth dm. as jtivhs tioi L 1 'LI 1. 1,J " 1 "' - . ill's i aiarcn. .1110 iiepresenmnves s,,m. .,; .... Mri.,v l.ol ,, lu.,vs. ., h.M .lanuarv (th on the ipies- t lected on the tUh itisf. will not -ily. ' t ion of issuing ;2iK.iMi! in bonds, glasses will bo returned ut my take their seats i:i Coimress until i ' - f.r street improveiie-nts, and for; expense. tho lirst Monday in December, ! The South -aius this year from '"' ll"n "' a a'wt'r 8-V3': If your c.v, .s ncct! attci.tion let tinlesj .-in evtr.L K...;si,n is herc .t! .n . op idone -iiicbniir- teiuslO , . me hour from you. , 1 ne i f-pro. lilt ts 01 1 lie cp p, sii"l' . s s ,'d, hulls, i -to. ---from P; to Tho iticome of ll.e Stato of Yir 2 "i iniiiioiis ,f dollars ov.'-r t!ie .riui i this year b'01.1 oystcis ex- inllcd. l'liKslet'xr e.rii.-cr i.i.i :i re- ,iU j.,, for rt,.St.f,tl piv-.-cdlt. ceuds 7t,ouu an 1 next year ait coived ia i'' with ma. h cu- year s the total this s-aasoti Leiicr eveti hti'Ler stun is expected, with thusiasm and a t;niil ovati'm. .Utiumtcd U be over 7.V.) mi'h ...s, im v. arly afterwards. ; bond your brokcu jrhuisea f.u repairs and prices. If my prices don't suit yon iiviis i:AMiNiiD liiui:. W. S. EQIirvELl,, ; ( ) : ( f l.iml .dai; t v. ... miles iron: 1 . . 10. Ih'te is x ..i;e Ji.m.s' far a 2 AUG AIM IH LANE! I lu- I'l.-t tract aiP iii .daml I J1 teres, .t.ljoiiiiil.; li'.v- l.ald'-ot 1". N. 1 'oti :.'.' .ti..l 1 it! j. -. in. 1 ...t -o,,.ii" lout WTcw Goods Arrivir. 1 1 .ut.'j, .uljoiini- ti..- !.: -1 the! ;.ii,' W . .le; ( oaaa .im.! oiiiei. j I he Ps;.i ti...i e..ii!.iin.: al-'otit ' i ". ... 1. . .' a .' a ill.- 1 .'..!: oi the . S. W . 1 , :t, 1 ..:;.! oiiieis. j I 'v i ;. i. :: .,! e. at.tii;s .da,;;t ! ; ;; i : i . iia; lv: b ot the1 I !.; eth f.i.' e -"a, ins ai oi.t ' .:....:. nr.. the !.a-.i .. the hue SpO .10.1 SdlC3 WOOLLCOTT & SOW, Hidcieji, N. C. FALL AND WINTER "v rn a si t r FULL IN' A I I. I INI Week, and a FRFSH STOCK ALWAYS UN II AMI. Can ba presorvjd, if your , eycr r.rc nrorjci b; cared fjr It you are unable to visit our optical oilice ami tonsuit our pecialist, vec ; will seiid you a jii . !e ir.etlioJ for testing your it.s at home, on re ceipt ol a pte'.al card. h;j. S. b'AI'I't il'T. 1 hi. rl f ill . .. ! hiit'.i 11.1, N. C. is. r;T?inr7roVi injinzri g Every ! i'ii. ItriP" 1 he 1 ..a.i lv ; tie I : .ia .h,"i! :i. .. :.;...:. the I .'. : .' aa.l , . pi i.u.h 1 l.,ad v. ;!! lv sol.l hi separate, u'..- 1 r .iltoe, da '.', p.:i as mav he k.MieJ. " ' j Ai! o! ii is wj a.hiple.l t.,' .it ct a.i. iiUio.i and ii 'ti. i. I It i.s V. dl V Hwi.l .old V, . 11 Woot! I ill olir.ill.ll l"ik.-t. I'or It, idler iiiformalii'ii apply .'V II. A. LuNI'tiN, ; .','.. o l'.t '. '. Aiit. n.ev . livery week ia s,.p lin.s, .o.d ( .bl.A I' l ai-i ain-; o:le;vd. CoueiE Dr.iu Service biirwiiiiN Niiw ioul:, TAMl'A. ATLANTA, NI'.Vv' Olb Id'.ANS : ' i'l.! NTS Slib I'll am WHS I' etl L.-jk in: 4 te Soulhliouni1. Ll'lS?. All C0FFII3. Always on hand a lot -.VLX-n.lCCr.lul!ilroj tin; nli Hills cut to 01 del'. ; THE PEOPLES STORAGE Abr' IkUit'ifjli V- ( tt.n hand, frciu $'2 to Slim in; 'price. Will be delivered at i; S"' ' . AP tilts ,n.i . ui. ' Will hold and make CASH AD- any tinu-, either day i.r night. iV.',;V.':.r,'... , ANt 'IIS mi voi.r coi'.oii in store, or, .t 0:1 MI!ot l.'diii.' tor same. The! . . . - it ct.'P. lo.'.ellui with ultimate : i:.v lioaie ..nd i.' demand, Feb. , iSP'.i ' iiit iiiiiiiia.ikal I; to hi.;her prices. 'oir....'oidei-.:e i-.-llcitcJ. '. ). TIID.MAS. l'le ident, I. W. .IACKlS().N,ice-President, s. W. iSKl.WHh', Sev'v-Tieas. ...y I'.Mir N. .11 N" i! !.v S'. w V..r!(. I .1,11. I;. !;. 1 ! i '.i 1 1 I 11 I.t ttii.-, 11. " ' 1 'II 1 - ft I'.I I V 11.. 1.1. . .. 1, s. A. I , li I a .1. - '.ill S.i 4.. I. h. . I.t I'.-r ..'it'.iilli, S. A. I.. 11 l'i''il It l wil I V "I I Ml, " Ijn.Vk III IiUlll.ll S i. Ill 1 v ia.ii.atr j.'i a si inn 1 .t i"ii 1 v lii 1. 11 rn- ti " i'.i..:.. 'i 1.1 1 111 .V I nl.-U II " t I' ''"I il O I HI I v 1 a., ' f. ... an 0 I J .i.i N . ti I. I v Hbiii;.,! " t. "'.' I.IU 1 tl't .lil J.,. H I. s... II I v V H i I t Ml " - '' "' I'lU Al 1 I. 11 .nr, ' '.' -I .'U I' -'l III I.I 1 I,. ...rl. " '.. ii.ll 1 .ML l v ..1...1 tv. ...I, ' l.l. in. 1 1 I', u i .l ..., I lr 1 11. 11 I.I .1 I ti .kii:.ut!i, " 4 1 .1 ( ill ii (' IU Northbound- 0. mm jr. r t. iini. ii.:i .11. I 1.' .... 1 v tt :.: '. " r l .Mt. in. .i.'.i. '' I iv kS.ii.ii. m:.. Ii, N. i vv. s II. j Ar s.fw v..ik. t l.. tt, n c.i. k... 4"-j. '... it I ai .n. it ii im '. .'HI .li ) 1 '.1 I 111 I It I'lll - I.i. .Ill I, .1. I'l l ii ' It'll l .1.1 I 'll .'' '" ""t l....S.i: ii . .. en I t I 111 4 ..ii itm .o .i 1 in ; ui . 1 .11' IMU N.ite.-t I'.ii'y l.'fj.i .uu.liy. W. A. SLATER CO., Ml l'. di-" I,." Wf.'It Si ' V 'I Ii. Itll'l llli ll- 111 .11.1, in. ,t 11.. iii.o. tti..l S1.V..1...111. ..u 'I'l.hiut. N.'tt. Ill Iktl l 41. Thai ..hi..h!e ui I. 'ad, diree; ales south-west ot Ch.tpel llill.j imeily owned by the late Aiss .buy 1 Smith, is otlered tor sale I rivately on ea v terms. I The tract consists o about l.iiiti ..res ai'.d will tv sv! J a;, a whole or 1 lots. Mr. . C. Cede, who re-, ade on the land, is authorized to: iec.oti.ite a viL- or sales, and will' how the laud to any persom desir to see it. ' 1 l )Ct. 11, I'M). kl.V.P I. HATTI.F. II. A. l.C.M.DN, Ci ii'mbsikr.ers. i . 1'-. ai ,1 . . Mr.-kt f'i' .':. I, i .,ll I'ikt fl:l I'li-.n. . i i, t o 1-r Moor MKT 1 Fill. ,.f .'., .s , U 'S il, - t 1 :, 1 Doi tor of llefraetiou, CUA1KI. llll li, N. C. e.-arfl. ft v d .1 .. I iiivhi -n-i.'i. FaMmllt, ' 1! ... lt (! ; (! I'liUl!'-,'' With ni'i- ff ; ' il Ci ' if jb'Lc bUiu, Cvuiiij , uf Uat et tit ace. curw( O.A-BIvJOW&CO. Crp F-ciT or. ice WH nuton. t Q lit A INS LKlYE riTLSlUUtO 3 20 p. in. a'ill u. in. TruiiiH An ive ut l'itlsboro 11 '." 11. in, 5.e5 j'. m li!h, i.e.', t I .s'Mj la:,. .vr. M.uciirti 4 to 1 1.1 mioiiiu liitlly. tlnllytis. Miinlity Nun 4u:i u in I Hi'. --'ll.u Atlanta Snciul," Si'lnl Yt'stibiiUu Trmn ut P11II1111111 Slci pel's lO", I Ceill liCH 1)0 tvvccti Wiisl.iiiyltui innl Al Inula, ulco Sleepers I'l'twcou l'orl 1. mi itli uml C'tiin l"Ue, N. C. Num. -11 uml 3S.--' i In- S. A. L. Hx iiicsm." Sel'tl l iidii, I Uitclu n toul ! Pu liiniii Slft'p.'is between l'nrls Full in all lines of (Tut him;, Shoes.! n.t.iiti. khi At nnta. I ntn trail's mike i.i.i.H'il.ato (''ai ' iit'ilieiis ul Ai'iiioii ..r Jbiot'tim- '(iy, Melliltt, NfW Ol."OI., 'LlXHH, I Calilei'i.Ul, Meati, Ciiiti t niina, Niishvibf.Mi'iiii.liis, Macon, rielhlu. 1 For i it Uets, .sb-. i't'i-. 'iiv. apply to II. S. beard, T. V. A.. . 1'. Smith, C. T. A., Yarborough House, Jlalcif,dl, N. 0. 1 W. Ih Hunter, Afront, ; iMtsboro, N. C. 11. St. John, Vice-Pros, and (len'l Maimecr. Mtiitj rront lliittilrr, IDvirliain., IsT. C. Uj-to-hl! tbiig! FALL ADD WINTER STOCK Hats, and licnts' buinishinijs. BEST 0()D5 AT LOWEST PRICK. I . L. Mol5ce, lieu 1 &upt. I Durham. I, S. Allen, (h n. Pass'r Airt. CiOUt lld O.Vit es, I, V. A tv

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