l)otl)ftia ttecctrb. HATES OF ADVERTISING II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND I'ltOriUETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. One square, one miertioi. Ouc square, two insertion! One Btjuure, one month Lie VOL. XXIII. ITJTSIJORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 11)01. NO. 21. ! For larger advertisements liberal con ! tr cU will be made. 1 ' 1 in iklJ I A NARRATIVE OP By f-F WA Hf 8 (C'TTr.Hil T l'i'9 "V .V-- '.'I,' i V-'--' -v'-'--' 4V. 11 '"-' :i. Vr-V""', es, .'., s'-',r- ,.., eSr' .'.Jtic .s'' i.-..-., --.vs..:'.. ,cv, .. W.t;'V... ,vi - ?u-.-..w. vs.v,t--. we ..,;vV ciiUTF.n xir. i'hs ri;ii.i. 'Ami tlic iron." "They mo not far from the tiilltT of thf channel." "Very well. N'i'.v Ii tin' point Your .lai.nir ok-h are skilled i:i tin working if iron nivl ibvl. Coiili they, ilo yuii thin!;, ly voi-l: ing stealth iiy ut 1 1 1 i 1 s .:.' I i n ti shops, forces and i.tlicr vnv':..' i:i tin' river bed. ami 1 e;ri:i tint ii.tiiiiii'.'.'iuvo o' fcilii: .' 'I'ho two .fum.ii-s l.mke.l at Oilier ill speechless j : n .;.-:.! t-s 1 1 . "l'ho pro cot is n !! out "ami ilnii. ci'iiu". I!:it t'uc I mill. var I ii liberly. V"ili they .1.. n;" "They i'. in try,'' s iii (i.'.ni-San!;. "Ami will tin' n'(ii!i' nl' i . in J i f rail work with us''' I i:kei1. "We iV-.: olio peoj If, " replied O -o-Ihirk. "Then lot ui loj'.i nt once. T.rt it litvoiui' known th.it t i-nmirow ni :!il the Juitiu:' nun JuiT-tiii;; in th.' i lillist sp.-itk t i i iiro'.i .. t'u .a l'r; Which th v Imvi "It is -veil," Will talk to tlli'M when ill V wanted ut seer,-' VI !' I'll Ullll'l. Wi U'l see if wo imi' ii'tlm'.'y in'.c m. " III 1 O-u-IVii-k. "; I u. , 1 t t ilk to e - oMn i's ,f T,t. lr. i. i'Ii, '( I;;. 1 we -.'I ,-i ill p. nation," lii'r ti. rag. iluvo yn'ir v. ivr f tin' itn; i--'i to.'ethoi- mill rot tmiko up -i I t of (a nil' h:i:: ly v.'.ih K,i' to i.i-v, i. u- hlie. iy. a pin-', fill I of u. f "i'ui- wimi .'" ! r "! 'hull he,".iiie I'lle 1. "i'-Hiai-l'l" e.; "O..;. !:, M.llii' :i.-v n'nkc is. Tlii j i.'. .-ii... TV11 tlu'U Ti '.1 tlnM.i 1 iir ;! iliiii .." .i. i ?.Jr. Awry. n pi'ih I.1"," I l'o. I...' ! Mr. A very. . iii-cn iiioii.i tiU'l li.iii.lkoi' 'iiirl' ' A! "Ni.i r.t I r. ,'li"l. "Am ii pe l- illov 1 e.i i :.-o, mi. -it' :vto.l, i'Vi r tlui entiro ilart I, ; i -1 .. I ci'i t.iii; u itii every- 110 ly. My irii iiil . t!i3 Muut.'h o, wiil not kiio . w'uM'ior I i tceivi! p.iy for ii. v i;o i.'n i.r 'in i." '('ri 'km. i;v. tii:,( A ::uiio.in 1vu;.i of yours is u feriiio otif. Wh.'it will j, hi i! i :iot, i wotiili : My v.i.ilns w ore e:ii ri0'l out to tht letl.'V. I i.i!.-1 ri::io i. tho hotl-it; 111 (;.i!:io,.i' (.:; t,io follnv in;: il-iy. All t'.io uoi.io.i wi'i,'M".iin iii'lii-irioiisly, Aii'l th:i! i;i.';iil. nho'it ri"ht o'oloo!;, ;4 Hi'eii'ii of .lin.iui s l.ei'.'.u ii.iiii in:-; into Mr. 1 ii'.' It uoiil.l ha I an ol . . vov v. ho was not . 11 1 of t..O Uil it I'Lrroiin.l U:l-- t.' r.i tho lit to tire.' . Noil- up. tii-l'oV a;: 1 .-I tiio it. tilO'.l-Ol i.r !h.i! ima-i! Iu'1'1 tiio luia : :o'.i who w. io liliii'.; int i ;!. .t oat, vol t !io h.i'iso .1 i .1 not I l'i at t il t'::.:i :l i,'iia.'.l woltl 1 .i, i.'i'. ihtv wore v. ai v v.i,ey. When t!t, ro '.,-i i o two .loll i.l tho 1'ivel ; h-l M r'.hlo-b than no!. (.-'-Mark wa 1'ieiii. 1 cav.iot iiri." an.l f"i r 'Transhito.l into I tht! tiv.-t to r. btre-.s 1 . r tray to you tho if J.ii e'':Uoln'0. i; r!i-li, it tuny seem tamo -it certainly is t -1 : it ooMpareil with the peealia- i iiums ot' tho .lum.ir toni;uo. There are wni-.ls in ,! iitua! ese for whi.'h no synoiiyiti can bo foiin 1 in Kn'lish. lioti. 'o the bounty of (l-o-Ihll k'- eloiilto'it'o is .-oiuetiiat s lo.-t ill translation, b it v.hat iio : aid was in K'.lb-t.itioo as f. ! b : 'Men of .Final .: bit il! M!en of Oaluooi'! Men ot Talinooi'h! Hear wha: I have to .iy to vo l. I'or twenty year. wo havo bent our necks beneatii too yoko of a fori k'lt tyrant, w ho has lillo I riiv hearts w ui; oi iof, aiul our tu.ee huii'y lan.i with i.iiaery. (Kir women sinj; no luoro at their work, as they sane; in the oo.l ilnya of our jiro-jii ri!.y. It is lii.tnv j . iirs siiit'i tho joy of heaiine; tiio lauiihter of ii f'lil 1 lias eolno to uiiV of m. Tilt liaiiil of Hon-Ko-lli lias Iipou laid upon lis Ucuviiy and sure. iiut it is time t i rise. Wo hnvo pi'iiye i tor our ik livt ie;' to eoiuo. Wo liavo pray t d and wateiied until our lu'urts were faint with tiis appointment and ion- eyes wei trained with wiitehin j;. Hut he ha coino. Ho who is to deliver us fivir. Iminla'o live-i even now aiiutiii; us. Ho is not of the .liuoar blood uloue. Jlo is not of tho Ku'ek blood alone. Ho is of till of usapn' t. Ilo tolls us that if no do hi t bi.blinj,', wo shall ht led from tho darkness of this tlaven into tin- d:t'..:i'ii ; Ii jjlit of froodoia His ban I shall slriKo at Heu-Ko-Hi and the sh.ioli'.es that bind ua shai. fall to tho j-'iou id. Hoar, then, what cur Oolek has to say to us." Tho (tiloiioo at the olo of this spceoh was profoiiu I. Not .i word not oven B biti broke the stillito-s. I'.vevy eye was turned oil in". I felt that ill that luoui. lit lay all lay oiiaii.'es uf siieet'ss, I hosi.ato i. I did nut know tvhothoi to latltioli f- rla m cloiiuenee, ot vhttlur, in t'.it'ir peeuliar mood, il would not aii.:.e:it my power to be brief and af.Mere. I'.y a happy iuttii tioii 1 t'lio.-'C tho hitter. Viarinf invsoli' "lu.l ; uniform of (.'ha T'oug, where a'l coulii , tee me, I said: "What O-o-l'aik bai saitl is true. I am eome to free you from tho tyrant"? Laud. Hut 1 must Iihvo a uatimi ot' workers an urn y of soldiers. Every oomiuaiid must bp obeyed. Every wish of mire must be to you a law. Thero is iniioli to do, au.l thf time to i t,'"i is now. You w ill listou to ('i ui n s-ank, wlio will bo lay chiel itftb v.r. Ilo will :ij.v tolly ui wit at is L fore yo.i." While I aiJ this I kept luy fa.v Alt. tU au.l UtiprtTiivc. Wutu 1 had c china sea i Wjtj ADVENTURE. 'iV. MOI'KINS. liCliSHT n-MKI-R' K"'s.) C 3e ' Ifliiihc.l f miw I liul rmilo tho im-ivo-:-io:i 1 loi'eil to make. At nij liu.l Uiiii'. S.nik nvosc. His lioreo eyt : i pt OVi'l' thl till'o!l:t (IS if 111) WOl'f fei'liis-j llu tomiior of l:i.J iiililionoe. "Men,'' ho lioiiii, uiiil liin hoiivy, pov.ii'ful voi.'o lilleil tlit) eii vovn s uvoiiii.l, ";iro j'oit i t n ly to follow the i;it:it Oolek 'to viotor'y? Will you horror ho :-!;ives? Will you wrot tin f.tir ishuol of Tiiliaooeh from tho ty r.im, itiiii Hiiy to your women, 'llrre nit! your liomot, iron nq.iin'.1' Will you hiiike tho women nf (iiilnooi ! milo pit'.ully on their warrior." : Will you bravo iloath, that you fhull llj fl'L'O?" lip p.iiusoil. Tho loailorship o! ull'U-Saak w.ts well cstiihlislieil. lie knew tiu; peuple; they know theii loiiilor. A spasm swept over them. Their spirits wero wrestling with tin liomls of hopelessness that ha I m. lonj; hoKl tlieiii. Tho revi.lsiim was eoiiiin;;. 1 s iw it, mill was ileli-hteil. ( ):'-o lin k saw it, an I his ryon glit ti'iii .l. as loniioil l.'i wai'd l a tovly, as if i sptv'tin,; noiiit thing. ( iavu-Saiik s:.w i;, nivl stooil proiioly wniiin;;. 7Ir. Avory.sirv it, mul his thin lip.i iiii't roil with emotion. I'ii'iilly a ehoer like tho roar of Ihii'iiloi-'siiiot" tho air. 'l'ho liinlti lo.iio .ivo roar after roar. They s.:!inii.. i thoir foot. Tiicy tlnew their l.n' - in th" air. "Wo will l- free:" "We n.'o s'.ill iiiea:" "Wo know h..w to light!" The-e ol'ie i .i"'0 t:;k"!l up UU.l our-ri-.l ulon-liy tho uiiu'.'il v.-ioe. 1 knew that 1 h.i.l i tn'.ek my 'u . Mow, aii'l ha.l woo my iir. t viotuiy. ( !r.- ii--'"..ik ei. utiniio l: ''Wo must liavo ai'iiis. Wo oniinot f! ,lu v illi our h. ruls iilone. Wo mus( ni::!.o o.iii-. II.-i'o, in this oiianuel. tlM.-.o of you who aio skilled must lea l ll: ' way ii ul show thoye who art in. skill" I hu.v to help you. Heft we must lii.ihl for ;os aii.I woiksliopH, an 1 it ni,'hi. v. hi ii tho tasks net by the Sy.'aut are lione, wo must nathor here v " i -1 ii'.:o;o tiio ;;uns that shall set lif lioo. I nr.; ao you. 1'oko-ISains, su-p.-i ii.toiulenl ot the works. Your uaine is : till known who.eivr tho .1 a:ii;.r 1'l.i'i" as u-.Oil yo.i bo reiitly io kein'.' A u it, 'oil in. i l, who was se.im.'il tvilli wri f.'i'v. a: .1. When will brown faoo les, t-ioppoil "1 Hill I'l'lllv Th-i".' was i'ln : i' oo uiil ; :.:.;!! shriek liov," ho saiil. no uane soenkiii?; I o lione. I hoavil i '(io'i'ret, yon sh.il I; was lli.iikaniiaii, whe Vet be f'-l !:.' 1 oo: io v. itii Miss Arnohl to listen. I ! "'.'oiioo;i tint t'litiiilt boi'iiiuo so '..:l; .ti to bt! III. 'lost lU'llft'lli'ljJ. TilO liii't t sh. nited liiem-i'U'OS hoarse. I'lo y t iiibrared eaoli i.thor. Thay v.ept. They lall;,'lied. They tlatieed. 1 was i !.nl when they dispersed, foi th'.V w,ro bositlo themselves, "'That a jjood night's work," I -ai l. as Mr. Avery, who was tho lust lo h ive, was ii liiur. "Tho tleath kinll oi lle'.i-lvi-lli bus boon -otlmled." "i rii'kiiiore, you havo li.-ard my ast t avil. 1 believe in you now as irmly us di tho .l imar-'. I boliovo toiit'iiii ilo a'.iythii:.. (loo. I night!'! CHAl'TI.'l! Xllf. riiRi'iniNti ion ji.rTi.i O-o-lkirk was the pioiid possessof of a small lumpy boast that was lion oied in Talinoooh with tho name o: horse. This aiiiuiiil, at tho time i ma It. the aoipiaiiibi'ii o of its owner wat i "i- i:;e I in the honorable duly o. plowing the fields of 4 so-ilurk'a for 1 ilo fari.i. lio was taken from that i a.stio puis'.iil and was harnessed to u liimberiii;.', rk'kety vehiolo that Mr. Avery pi'ouoUtK'od e j nil in all its at ti'ilmtos to tho bi.sioi ieiil "oiie-hoss shay. ' This vehicle had only twe v, heels, and tho body of it was hc hunt? that tiio weight of it was somo times in front of tho axle and somo lime.s behind it. Thus, at unit time, the weight of the load was sustained by tho patient horse, while at another the weight of tho horse was nil that prevented tho sehielo from tipping over ba"kward. lieliold me. the.'i, w ith tho reins o this fasoiuatincj tuj nout in my bauds, furnished with a fail supply of knick knacks, made by tho .Tuiuur women, jautiiiii"; aro'Uitl (la noor anil into the 0 itiatry b 'youd, even intt Ihoui por. ah, protenduii? to (tell my wares tony kinsmen. In this way I was in cotittaiit ooinm'.inieatioii with my fol lowers aid fellow-slaves, without beiuoj stispociCd by the Chinese soloiei s. lint ii'-jieeteil or unsuspeced, 1 was uot a favorite w ith the aoldiovs t'i lleu-Ko-lli. I was iusulte 1 and uhiised on all sides. It was no uu-;i-intl thini; for a sound of these in teresting rascals to rush at me in the stitet, up.-ot my eatt, throw my goods i!i over tho ground, and thou jab a Hwoi'd into my horso and neutl hitu jlaturiiii; away. At these times I a id j.;reat tiHlioulty in controlling my -aire. I know it would please my .ovmoiilors if I resented their actions, ud nive them an opiiortunity to take me bettne tho governor lor punish ment. Hut that would ruin all my ?haiioes of obtaining freedom, aud 1 meekly bovo their abuse, biding my time for a bweepiii'j revenge. I ma !" tho ho jiiaiiitance of the inn i iil in u i f (bilnoor, and while 1 .ioilo'y rshibite.l luy jroods to tlm tiubU( 1 tiritclwita and yave ui- Btriiotioiit ti t! r-hati-lo. Thin, I'..'; i-Mai'is v. as of ia e i i whi '!l ilo the wi1 itikiniT over my f io she hinl IioImi.-o io 1. 1 a! himself wa idling n;e of tiie work th -it was i Ami if a Cbinns-o N.thli lookin ' at us, ho v.u- 1 Ti.it wort a v t o il out lor hinl. .-!.,.,1 sullenly hoi tht! wi-er for hi pams, f.ir to hhn hift kin.l 1 w as but a poor .I ni.i:'". s... !:i:i'? to tarn my living' wiiliou' liiviii!; io Pourse to the I'.ai'd work ill tin; t.il'les. Kven into ihitiiiiio'i I won'., o-'otirdbiy to sell clothes to ill'' ; out rs, but really to sow tho-'eiot lesoinii ot itii 1 to learu more of my p.. .pie i.'id their country. It was in tiio mines that I saw trio greatest ci'iietliiM praot ioe.1. I saw men w ho were fnintin:? l "o::i exhaust ion prodded with the swords of the guard, until in do pair the poor ft.'ll iws would lio down and ho.r t : r tormei.toi'S to !".i!l t!i" ii i.utri i ii:i i rid tli cm of t'.i'jir mi -vr.y. H '. in t t'uis imiiaii in pipu .e I too M..!r?i!s a'nl they accepted it. I saw men, bh.x.lin : f. '..i t'io wounds jrivi-u l y 1 1 - . h artlfs-i masters, tlivovi n i ut on llu- : n.iit.i :i.i side to tiio. OIliU my i : i -r i-.:i uoai iy ovi'i'llirow i.iy i-r.i b. (.". L know that iutei iceni',' w ,,.i.l -ouoly cost me i.iy lite, an 1 J . . 'it s! ..!. l!y ubout hit Im. i:i"- s. In lirompori'.ih I :!:"-! in-: t 14 race ilia! w i .i.::iv ii-liu .ruiiiiirs.but now clot. Ivclii. iiiavvia:;.") f u' scvorl lU-ks II 1 ie i!i.- I i.y inler- I''.O'l'.lt i '11 . ll 1' ph.V: iip.ut !;i-'.il . M i",.-'l They w ore of still sn than thoir 1--i n - -.!!: oi I re 'embliiii? tln. ni in eoho- r.'.ol i ic:ital attributes. The twn cities were alio i: leu l..ii' '! aoart. A wide. sin. t'i n.al !.. I fro: i I I he: ti (ialnoorto Hroiiiporr.ili, n'jd l'.'o"..i' on to uiont:i!. Tili.s I found to be a routiuuali tho Street of the liivn b is. Thf sivht of liomeiiciaturo prcvai't 1 at IJroiaporiah tl.nt 1 I'.nii l in (ialuoor. The people of lironi ioi rs.il w.'i'o. if possible, more dispiri.ed than liio-lu-iiiars. They bait ha 1 t'io honor of giviil!? to the i-,la-.i 1 ti:-' !:.- I'll',':' family, all the members uf w'nicii iia I boon killed by ilen-Ko-1 Ii. 1 was received llieia with a coiili. Witero ill il 1 n that atimicoil inc. No one riur -aiotiod n.v authority or doubted tho siu.'eess oi my plans. I was j . ' i? j; i 1 1 ; ? uhilif; one i f the priii cipal i-trei ts one liny, and stopped be fore a e.iiiifoitabio-looi.iut: house i.i the best part of Hrotatiorraii. In etc l-'artleii was It woman plantim? corn. I toiik a tray of haudkcri ntof t from ike t art and went to l or. "How mo ye. I, i',ood v. (.man .'" I Sked. "tiou.l wouiali" it tile n ':: osl !r.iii.slatiou cf tint word ' lua i.tt.i" io i IlllllU'fSO. She eyed mo t itioiuf.il a.i i tii u aid: "1 am as well its a Ka in with the brui o of ihriist in her bean." 'MJits!" 1 said. "An i h.tve v; fercd, to..';" " Von," .she r t I 1 i i tl biu.-i-'y. "1 ' bien sodoop ill .sorrow 'h:'' ev. n 1 Wo.ltd it-em v.-.ii.'.ime. Si- y .11.; rt'.io .show oil me a uiotii' i i t t I -i.er of tho L '.idon. I. .i- .. witii frariraut itn.i beau; il'id ll 'It is it gr.no," I said. "It M the ernvo in' my ii lies the child of n.v.-cil Hor." I had heard of Hado-K or. h id told Uto ho was tho e Hrotiipovrah. "And you- wui thy hu-i at work'; I trust he is w.-! "Iia lo- Uor i well," sai is within.'' 'Take me to him," I s.'.i art. l :i .0 vol Halo- Mr. Avery i, of man of :m 1 i-i ho I ssid; ''hi I. "I Will'.t to speak to him." " Ami w ho of the .litm.ir.- hni! I ; ay to hitu is here'; A'.e you a i .. tiir from (iarii-Sauk or the ( .h "I urn tho ( o!ek," I l. plied. She bowed low all 1 bade no I - i!..w her. 1 expected to see in Hid', lo.r a noble-look i'le; man sivh as wore lii" chiefs of l ie lumai-'. iioaiuo my surprise when I was u-heii i ni i tiio lueseiioe oi a wi.eiie.l little .-.! :. iit.w at least a foot or iiioro myself. i When woeiiteifdtiii'i Ho be very bu-i'. Ilo -me 1 ..t II . s itttentiou. There wee pot t eatiored about. A hot iin u liitio stove He i.a". wo and :ars v. r. :l ciieuiieals of M'lue sort . I'iie i ipres siou tut his face was tierce ami rap:. Ilo was thinking only of bis work, but he hud become so tieriv from constant thinking of his wroii'.'s, that his f loe never lost in tigerish ferocity. "You are liad.'-Kov," I mi I when 1 went in. He looked up and nod ie 1. "This is tiie I olck." said hi. wife. " know it," was u!l he sai l. 1 waited in silence, amusst at th!" eool reception. The -itii.ti i ti v.a-o i" that iniiiht, if pvulounc I, boo cae awkward. Middcniy his eyes ye "..i.l. "Ah! I havo it!" lie exelaiined. lie put down a jar in whi-ii i: h i I boon shaking sonic kind t f iml motione I for his w ile t. She bowed ami departed. I'lunering his hand int t hel l out toward mo a ha i l: powder. lie did lint so, ak, iu his wishes, I examine i , i small pinch t f it ou a .-' .tie ,t a shai p, tpiick blow . A u sas the result. "And what is tL i. !' ; ' asked. II. s gri.zletl faoo t.ii-'.t 1 i knowing smile. (TO I'.K i KM IM'l I'. :t .a.t:i' . ... an- ho ;! ot white hat divin i. rht.iug i.osi.'nck ,. iplil-loll self iuti "What was tho r.-.-ul! of t'no pi oii innit of having h.ii'.d.'-'iii" yi.uii, viom ;n instead of the regu'.a.' .i-: oat pa-s the, contributi. ti boxes':" ' It was rt 'ailuie. After a few Sue lay-' tlm routig men foun I tin- w re ei'ippui j a luove than t!iv e "i! I itibo 1, i.i'i !hpy.4uit eoiuiii toch".to'j." t.;:.iio,w J l'nouue. Ml ACCOMrUSIIKI) CAT ".M'JV HAS BEEN TRAIUE3 TO r.ETRIEVt CAME. ,r j. .f I I its Any llioitoiu lint,' Mini- itO. M:i-ti i' la'orlit II I in In lo til. -to, r.illn". itii'l Mil ml l-iii .H:iH Ariiilriil --..tin- I cidm Hitltlts. I " 1 1 -. i . -1 iimoiiir litis Is Wuzy, .. ' J,im. lor Vii.::v ei..- i, ,.j..;;. Po .lo. s nol hunt as all ,-n.s ,i ,. i in. ii. oiiil. ernes w ith limit, i" nid ,'i ::: , I'otlifM's irnuio. Hie aoi olil pl: loio'ii; oiiiitiin; partly from lioif.ri.v : tnl per ly ffim hum. pailoiit anil euro- l-li "I'.l'.iiill x. i in . ilie p. ; or ol' a bonuii fid A :-: r.il ;.".n lior oui vi:o it .- i . H ! -i 1 i ii:.- ii.iii." in' Mn;z Minz was : .lion .1" i Oil i i ! ,o. ill-pn-il lull, ll'l'l I I e . 'ii i I'.ii.ii'!'.: !e " lo li'inl wiiilfsii" v., . I.im 'i. 1 1 w a-- ,-i lansf iliiii.-iiii in-'.. .',:::.:::- . ::: I .. Ie n I l.nl I. a.-'.. I a .." in h-r .'iioni.on w b"if ii" ' i. 'l'.'.v i.i" a - in-rl iiitiiiioo l'i-im li . i. ,,.:.. an I . el; iii bo'.ls Unit w.m.' :.i 1 'h.- I. "i : I III' llinlllfl' of I'll'" ).;.. ' i ' - . i . r i ' 1 1 m v e re i ( 1 1 1 s i ;j i ! " I THE WCRLCJ5LAKCST H-AKK. o a . i, :,, i ,.r v.'iii'in wnii r at nii i'i. ( to i n. in a i.i o. i iti'.intm.i !' it ii-.... im lie ii.i-.i w.,s lioaiiiiriiiiy oo . ie. n i ,-i-i. I. ..I if ! .n. it he w.i savi'il. Sonif ml" , ':. ,.r.-. .. - ;..',i-i plat,;- a i!: ifiii.irkf'l Hull lie was '.! wir.'..y liul.- ! v.i... i- , i.. . ; Ly Clini-1.-- Il-ii, :; i:'t." itll'l "WllX.v" lie V.'lls llllllleil. (':li-. it Vv. 'I . : is 1'li.V. ll i-m' loil- 'I'iie t-,.i:.'li. I lll'uily illllii'S el'lfi-lll- u , , :. , , ,, . ,., ,. C,ili.i. i .o idly s',op.i i'.. fnrilif'.' i"!ueiitii,i ..: j :,;,, ; ;,.,!.. v. .;, .i.m..ii..:is ... ; ,t Mm.:, iii.d Ii" on.. i- was I rnusfn n .1 i,,,.. ii:;,u. is i,..-- v. ide iim! - .-ii lo W ii :'.;.'. '.'i;:;' s Inibfi' was t-vi i. eti . el ! ii I'.lilly :l lii-ii'jiiltal.lf ohl lollow. bill While lie-re i..i . . i.. en pel-Imp.- u- II, " son'- iinnkii.tis wire oM'ii linn'" ,,i'-,. ),:.. r i .-. ... as this mi,, ,'x- pl'l'fe. I th.'.ll lie so ol' his lllollier. illl.l ,;,o,,. , j. -,,,.1 . (1 l.y viole llol now he i- ii 111, ni'ii lire I vor in nil Ion "v. i.i.oin .-uini. j,,,,.. , :,,!, eiih -i- -t lI'M't.-ll it.il. f.-l' il Illi'l'.' lovable mi I ,,, ,.M , :. . i .... i,, ;,, ,.,,!,. ,,,, ,,r I'Vin-It.ll It Vt'.tllll be llillil'lllt Id fllld. , , ;.,.,l pil .-. - ,.. ill ., ;. I,: i.e. 'I 1 di" ins. in. Is ( bis luili.-i'. 'pi, . u ... ,,, .'; ; ,, .,, ,,uy .y e .inleil'd villi ll:-" 1 1 iiinin..; of bis 1 , j,i , ... ( . 1a, ,.. ., Mt'mim i;,i.;l..-i'. i.' :.! Wu '.y an i.leal .-nl..b i-i i t -.. j ,-. ,, , .,n, .,. , . I. :., " 'i"" ni',ti,.n. mul as soon as !c .i,,,.).,,,,. i , , .,. ,,. .., . ooi.i ploy I l.eiriiu it'll, hili'.' him to ro- 'jiui.nii i:. ,,,,p,,l u; n-ian. I iis,,iiii,ii, ij. a, . : . . ; .In ' 11. . I !,;. one .M't.-r 'u-.-.:t l,i, lenriieil in reti'l.-vf j t,".,, i, i,.,-hi,i.. i,, . , n.-,. I. i.iis l.iif'!ti lo follow ill re.iie.-l , ;l f, .. . I , . -.. '. , u,.i .,: e... ,r.,. ' 'I io i'1' '"'i .'ltd llu II to tnlllf lo i,, ,.i. ,:.l ; ,1 Ii , very il '. i'. , i!." i- lailirhl Io ei nio In i il.-iail. I.ffl. I' ol .'i... t pI'el'elTeil my sholll ,n ,-K , i.-tie. .1 w ....man : . - i i i r . . I i e r .i to l w . ::i. eiiml. I iii if ami ia-iiiuiii ' per. !:. .1 .1 .ui. I he Ion-.' walks'. N..w' .-ami- llu- I1.1..-1 iinpoi'liinl au.l ilflif.Uf i i nn of hi- , iln.-iiiioii. lb' wouhl l - llii-Ve Illl.l oiil-l follow: Weill. 1 lie I Ma-id li.'. V Wouhl ho rolvit vo liii'.l- r! I'.i".-in,.i.m v.iili a siimll rilif. w "nit h j u a. If I. in -li-lil souiiil. 1 L'l'ii.liliill.v i;i . i.-ii.iii. . him lo iho tlNf harm' uulii 1 i. v f :ii 1 -il i.'i 1 1 1 v" I. il shoiilili r wiiih 1 .in i! -i i-'i u front tin- rijrht. i." ii. .i I. fii was , fiimi.itif in- r.' ni.i oi' liie iiiiu with iho iili-ii of re- i':f.iii-'. ii if I on liiuiL' I tliifW llu fail t.llil uiiifli lif was iieelisluiilt' il Id I ::"'' '' !il-v '"""'" -1"' i '. in nli'i Iia' ball. Tin n I lie ball u j . pin... I I.y a .leail binl. a linnet or '".:,a-..u ir.shly Uil,-,, nnil it I . a K I'i'i :i I. '.' I ll-' lo ii-iicli him I., iv- j t- ie".. li.e l.il''l us le.ulily as iho b .'.II. i Thf m-' ' ! - --I'll eoli-isieil ill linli itiiu ii; - I-i. I ... a liiuli ami ilroppliu it as ;lii' "U'l Wi,- iilo'l. lif Sunn lelll'llfll 1 lo w.'i.b il" leeiiiiii of the gun. iiii.l l.i- !.-. ii ia- i!"o-fifil iho hinl lii-i'i.re jili" sl.i.l. 1 1 - . .1 ;-t -l ii s au.l fpits -, 'I Hi' l-N.,1 , l.'lUf.V sboW fil Ills mi !p..i-:i.f ami iiio t ri.uu.-r wi's soart-fly i pl"-- d I'ffflf hf W.ls nil' for t hi' t'ulb'll 1 I .:.; II.ii. i I r lii'i. ifiiily no ni. it lftl into j his min, I-,.- s.apioine of o..ils I now I 001 l.i- I. -- 'li- ill plilotieul opera! ioll i ml i'.l.'; him on bis hi-l hum. lie ! ioilow.-l 1 1: - renilily lor alintu a unnr j O I' of il tail" llllll lllfll sllilWeil 11 llfsil'O jio r.-iiirii in-ill", railing hitu to siioui- I i!"l'. I -hi- a liiinel. Hf tvaiohiil the i.ioiioii of i he gun with it hli iift-s ol '. li-ln. mil a- Hie hinl ',. I," sprung I lo i. if u.'oiiuil mill liniimhl ihf blofil j il:g lloph.t lo my feet. This ails siif. ! lioi-'iit for iho liisi ilay. nml w o ro j lui ii. il home, wheiv hf it-ooiveil the l u.l i. hi- share of iho ilay's spori. I livery ilay for a wed; I coll! itiileil ! lake him iin iln-r mul fiii-ilii-r l'lum I, !ii" ii. ml 1 fi b that his i ilii.-iii i,ui I ii. - ni i. in . i.mp'.cio. A ii-iiiiip of Ibrof li, i, - ai: l ha.'K hail Im lfiTor for lliln. j.ii"l In- I li -iu u.'lil.'ii blow n eyes wore If on lii-l i" ili-. oi'i-r Ihf hiiltleii binl. 1 .'.'.., nil nf hi- kiml. hf has an aniip j it i " iv I'.-' vt .iior. ami wiil nol venture j in ni ii i' I. in!- i hat fall in streams. Tiio to mil- i.f on.' inns' roofiil bunt in.; irlp- n:e l.tnieal of his work nml will s io lo s'.mw to wlial exit in i.r,::'.t ' - fitiii'iii ioii has been calTietl. 1 st-'i-'.. 'I i.m t li ning nml guvo a p.-. lill.ai' v, iii-llf. which the till Iia l. ..i ii.. lo i-f. ngni." as his pari l.'iilar tail. lie l.llll" sleepily ill'tlllllil the i oi lier ni' il,- hoii-o, as if Imlf im-liiu-il li ia -fin iuii i'l'.-roiieo with his nap. h ui w in u he -aw iiio mm bis resent llielli p:l-sei al. ,e js all life nml :n -lion. II" li'i-Uf.l nl.oiil. llkf a ili.g. i"iii:ii:::" up rnnl .hovn my iluilnng. . lino ing Iti-i-s .-.ml -i .'iinpf ring iiloiii; il..- i..p of Iho femes for a few bun ill -, i1 .1 a nl-. wlnn ho settleil ilow li lo l,,l-l:ie.-- mill lii i.111 eilsliin; aliollt for u.iiiio. l'-pying a tlovo mi a ih-ail li'iih. be i l lll. heil mill began lashing hi- long tail in ..Tfvt tiger motion Thus Ie lay until I sight. si the binl. iiviail ii iiii.l brought ii iluwn. when !- ten- nil', -will.'!' I linn a ting, ami i.i-,i ni. th" lliiiteiang bir.l alinnsi as S 1 lis II louelleil 1'ie gl'ollllll. I wa- lii-t lo siL-hi iho next binl nil I liii-ia il ami ilrnppeil a ino:olinv lu:l; win!" I lie no was looking in an. at T iliiii iioii. Instantly on the so 11,1 nf Hie ullll WlI.Z.V WHS lllfll. ai"l in. Mug tin- iiini nf tho gun, ho was 11 bio u sii.it iil'i. r tho binl. which ! foiiiel I.y i in ling like a true hunt r. Thus thf hunt pi ogressed uti'il i.'ii. h il a s,iiiiig iiliout three uiiler I nun Iniine iu-l at siilnlown. the time wlii in ib, ics ili-light lo ill-ink. ami ibiii nine w liul I lolisiiiir uio l.riglilesl L ' 1 1ft Iiielil of I he e.ll. Hiding hfsi.lf a soiul. oak I Olllletl U ie- -y lo shoulder. His blight eyes W' ie i'i I. -liiiiil y WiUohing, and whin a l)ov t4i'0i,iuvvl UyUi-f jvjj;tty. tsuiftyl the sp.'iii;'. 1 1 it f. .' il.'fi.u' wi'h I'M'iifi.K III tllilil III" l''o-l d lot' in I'Vol.iti'V ilriu: . II, u ; ! mil !. d i .i. l.i my slooit.l. r lo :i ." i: l-.v I ali-l ; I. I.: ! .:; I is mil. : h.i" lit l'n..ii.. in .1 1 ii-. I'.iish' .1 ni" I - .'.'ii 'ly e. in. roil i: - h .... to fail b :'. o .!. i:-- : io i.l': III.- I i.il !"' W.lili I 1:0 i' IHly fill .1 tic lo 1. 1 lipp. :l I'll Ilil'l I'll p. '.'" lot In:..', i' V. ...! l'i ..rill.'il. till I il ll." lip- I'.'1'-" "' ' "'"' "' ' " i A s a s. .po !.,s , i ., ii., Uo.y ' has pi, i up r l, i.i.'li in I. ,' I .l!l i. lit. its . l. ll Hie ll -Unli.V I nil-lie If. I I . hi lull'., l-.-poi iall.v lo li:c ilo.'. il" nl .'.'i ! s io I ,o ; ,!: lei i :ii lioieo w Inn: ,'Oi l.n ii. I.; r of iiio I.i:n':!,v iroi s ;iil,... illl.l Will I'.li-.w lo lire l:. i .'l:i. nv'-. l.tl-l i'' lit - a.-'" In, l !i ': : lo l'i :i leu-.' i.'i" I... wi'l ::.". ' Ii " - l'i .,.i:ii ':!'o I i oin lb' I': . til p .I . !i inn ;l i if I iio 1' l -n ni'i! i ii" vi "' i nt in.ri. a- lol!..ll v. ti II -.." h.lVf i-O.-lil II:.- ft. I' il.ii ..i a ni'i: ill. ,.'-. t." bin.- b. -ii !'"! I o'... I I.y Wi y,t. : i.-l .- - -r. ni'.. ; SOI'-' lo I.". I l.llll .-iil-lt 'I II lit '. f.'.'tl! ii ' U'l.. I V - v :::. .1 In III.'. :iii I'rali .-i -i I Ii.-oi,:. : . , ,-c, .,i,; j . , t- ,.;, s ,n i,,. , u,. -i ipv... nl lo,.--!- .,r , - a i i ,: ! .Iy I.,-.'",, iin.l i:.l,ip.i.l,:.' ir.-e o.' n' , a ii 1 1 .-i i I. ." in t!i. in. .1. i'. Wi-n h" ,s m'i U I'll" h" .a ,':': 1 1 V II.-..-I.-'. ,.ls , ,!,.,. .,,,,1 i, j. il,. u .a ij,,,, v. i."i li-r ,i ..:ll pr -..nu.l etii.mrb in-;.!" I., tva:.' .,,i i,:n!a'.' o -i. lU.. I'l't'l s I.l' sii. h lal ao lliill.ieier l!l.' io fir nival ii:'-' i".'i or !"."o tea - j.MMi'iul.lv ,,',-.,t,i. ,,: i i.nM, . ..,..,,., ,.,,p.." wh ii .on-. il-tially lii'fo in ti'i'.iibf.-. liini'Liii' 1'i'iiai lilt' i oiii' to the ii'i.- ii'iiiii: l-i iwo-lliir.ls i.i llu. .lis,.,,,,. I., ii:.. ei". I'liiiil'ereiii .'. In- r. -i.U or loir i. il-u lillo 11 to lb-' la 11 for l.ll. l l:--i -li"I:. Where -Millllll .'iil'l . !.'!li il'..' :,rk is i'.l 1 1 .1 illlo pia.v lo . . : he! If.vll I iris I'lilnr "iioari . I I. -." :i:i l nl li.e saine lime iilmil any .! ieel wui, il I." Iliililell bflif.ll li til" -If :':l.'f . This pin o nl il.io.l ei.nlaiii- i vt.-lly -' ' I sella iv 1. ot. I-,,.. , , ine.i-i.i .-. mi ) weijii- obi J . . . . : 1 . . 1 - II. ov I'lirlline.'til i- Hi. -ulti -I. A pie I niiiii.it y i - j . I,, . . i r - ."- if iff .li obi!' I'.,;: i. ;,' i- 'l.e is. sue oi I i.o of.-. - i'Ii , . V . a" l.oi'.l ('haliei'llols ,. Cre-ii 1. ,,.. lilllll. Wi il - ll! " I--U- .1 I . a" ti-,11 I" ml an I sj.iiinal p, .. unrlnml. Ihe ivpn -.!:!:!, i. :.. . . I.,l.,.... Ihf .lllllti ol till- ll.L.,1 i '..nit Min I bfiug If :iiior.-; 1 1 !:-!. lie- A i , , .iiif y ami Solifii,.i-ih-te-ral au.l ii- sh.-r-iff- ami l'i -1 1 1 nil i ". o:lli - r- I or oiitil if.s aii'l l.i.i-ou.: ii-. Thf iv. i-m j oiiihi r ;: -enitiiiVf pf . of i i . ! . 1 1 1-1 -.; :,,r hi.- ai.. i ln-i'.--foio in ihfir cii-f a di--. ! in i. oi lm-r. ly IllV.ihi- il HHI io -ilmliion- ,i li,.. llfW I": I ii. I lllelll". I' I- o' -Wise, hot'. t'Vof. Mill, Ihf MMi'OI flftlitf pi-eis nf S.-oilaml. Th. t Iml, I iheir so:. is niily ilurui-: I In- bif,. nf a I'iirhiiiin nl. im l ii.iii- in I." iofl". te.l ill I'lu-li i'in'i'i.l i li1 ii' li Th" fhs". in tiikes i.n in Ib.i.'. re , I'.iki'-e. in Ihlllll'll! 'g!l. 1:,'- i'.i l.olaio'.l ami Ml.bil,-. X Ihe ro. uriiing oiii.-. r- i if ive tiioir w . iis i'.v l"'-! I I'11'' ' I' ' "!'d fl 'll ' limes nl po- I lllg. If finl .Tel n I 'II . is pro -.rtoil by 'in fl.il.oial" .-.t-u-m n" s.ginil ai kiiowl'-ilui im ill-. Thf writs ale reUlilinhlo wiihlil thil'll' Iiif ila.v of I li. ii- i iii-. an. I lh- lot oriiiiig nlli cots ai.' I: ili.- .-it illy .-if. I p n illy to th' lloi:-f of I'n iniiii. i'- I..." iln- i"iei' Pol urn-, 1.- iiiinti I '.ul I .i . i. To I'ri'iflil I lie nf li i t.i.ii i .1 . A I'l'.-n ii ii in ri I i ii i ' iii.'iii-ol. M. ls l.os, has ip-e.ni -i-i lit.. ifiiifilie. wliioh i all ! i ti.i'liiyt-l siu'ull.ilieoii ly in iivm n: i-i a mi. mm f :-i.i.it.-iiifiitt-lOUlhilsl ion in ti' i-ihl o! .- M-s-e. The liv-t is t" I'.i." fit ii a! tubes whi'b. go lio in i'." o" k .lfi'l' imo Ihe holil, ib-w ii wl.i. ! tl-ifriiifiiiel-rs inay bo liiwt-r. , Iroin li I 1 lioif. -Hal tiio lonipfr:iii:if in thf b.-'I'l iisi'..iainfi!. Ties liiflli.i.l is nirlj 1.- iiif tbs. o. -y of .liiiig. r Th" sf.-nii.l im i liii.l , 1 1 ally a e. ui plflinll of Iho lilsl. ..Ii'i follsi-l- in placing in tiio h..l, a l.-i r- l lull t I fomiiinli lime, i'lto wl:'!: from ihe tie. k. mils a lea, I pipe. s , i,s lire is tlKi-oxon il an iii i.l '-ii' h as sill phuiifi is poiir.-il liown lh" Mil.e iuio Ihe lime. Thi . mi-i - a :i"eing ot fiiriiimif aoiil fa- wlii- li . ...::plf ifly sui.ilu. s , Im lire. Vi ll.-l'C I t.lll'CllllMl lllfll sllli.'. An figh' loot shark t tint h-l '."C't -winiiiiing nrniinil in the bnv l.itwt-.-n Xl.iin ami ll iilf sli'fi t w harii - was sum .inn i-1 1 1 , ' i ni i iii.niiu.iii iiimian.. Small Imi - h.itf I it in Ihf bah:t of I inaliillg Ihe -pice bclwieu the wh.irvt s a swin. oiiiig bole ami are now I'Xnoclftl ti. give ll a With.' U'l'tll.-S.lU Tiyyoaj fhlvuivle. Cb.ij Oil Sil..-. i'-sa 's !:! -;.'- lor fir!.' l'i'1' , :i i ;,il.i.-l".i U, l'i,",,. it o;o I.;! i.i.:- ...... vi- isn'o . ,ol raij.i.ia-i. .'. I I !' tii i.i-- " i-.i'l- ill.. .11 oi ;:ol i ' t!.- ' ii I: 'il ! s il.'.' I;.f :. : ." ' oi "-: : 'I I :' 1' i e 'i; .','! I'.'..- ':.' pupil -, iiiid II:- . v.. . '. 1 ' I t . TI.- ,, .i - 'I.;. 'i.i . I ' ;. . I i . a . oi l ... i.-. I I r. .' I'- i I..:.'. I ;s ,- : Ti..s i-a : n i ih- I h, rl'll. r: !. In - ; loo I: ,. . : ' ' iim. ill i .." . ' Ml,- I: ,'i -. a I i.'i :l I .-v. .il l' i' iv a i.i". 1. i a : Sell I -.Hill 1 la :i l'i . -nil--. ! :.:- 'ti: 1. 1 it i . . : ::'. u! 'l ie- :o.p .' .. !:: i i .ii 'iiv ;: !: r -ii . I .el-s a!-- :. "" ' I,, if t:,i.'ii : ! . . :: .-a;s "i I : : l'r. I.l I '. i : a i a . i nml li" or:.:::': -v I l'i mio : ! .:i :.- '.. ill! I... I" ....w.i.v I ai. I i-'li I an .'., f.i'i'i t.. I !... i .11". . : :u ! . .'V i liii.e. v; . i .: . , '.. 1. mil. if. T !;" I.a.-' I- . "-" I. a.h, : .-I :n f. .mi' - ' ' i vi . fill. I - ''' a:. a I. ': !':.'.. ,.:. . ' h.l I- I .'. ,1 ..ni.-; i i i- ', I ,. Ill .:. a: .' I '.. i,-::il .1-. ..- i-.,'. :--: :: il- i: a. :". ia i : on i!i ariah ... .a 1 1 i ;l 1. A l.lMlii'.-.. !.' i: - . :! Hi' i- a : I- ..;.i. i I--1 .. .! ... ,! , ..." ;.;! ni i a, ... .:, ; :i .!.! t in p . . . I. ilv Hi 'll '. i : I '! : -". h . Tie p ,1' f i'n ah. ii'h..:: , ; ih- Uio !:lv of v i m Iv: ;. oi -! v. ; . :..-, - i oi i i.o .-: ni.. ia l .r : : a.- ; lla -I, i-1 ;! .i l if. i i t onlflils. V.-.b t : ; li,. '. ill.-y. .;..:. . !.- -!-. Ni -.'. b ' t i.i . 1 1 1 - r. u'l l I 111.- Ml . - '. i on ll a 1 ; .-in -s. She . , : to :: l ei- i: i i f b vaii-iii. I. e . i,. .1 i :. 'i i t'.ei e- -,ii : I . i i i ... '!. "i I'.L e .'Ill'i I.'I Ib.'il '-a i . int -.iii -i- . I 1 la v.- I' ,.. i". I..al : I H ::i i'Ii i . I a -, : nr. ;. . .1 I i .r . to; ai a j-.ir t :-. -', ! . -- " s.s' ." ilii ."" I i i '-.'-'" - i.r iv- con' ; - i. ,a v i ' : i. ...i !i ii'i I waul oil' wnuk : a'. . I vi! an i an i iio- io i i .i-' . ; . ;- ' ol..- ami to know ib:i:-; a',' IN- :: tof'st in th t .li t "nl . . :a - i-i : . ilay t. ili 1 brial.'.cii tl . . - -.: i - i ! a . i Is- i r.i. i-xet pi li I-- 1 1 " iti." ..i' .a 1 1..- man she liivia-. Tie v..:-:.. i .. . ... . injt li:'.- I. now !".': " 1 .r im . ' s -'V a:. I ailriii f.f .'.iii th in ,.i.,-f p:i'i no bf an; i'' In . v. ! ::a I . .- t v i an All, I li.e ','i,l " W 'a. .It.j'llt I'...- km-w bslt " ' ! ' vi'! .i . o a, inlo I ii i I. t . i ii I ', . . im a , -ting grmiilmo' 1,, r o '!.. " ; t;, n.-i-aiion a. .iaii.l ami . , ,-,1 1 ,' ul a- v. a.- 1 1 ,- uioi In r of .in ii' : . - i o ion. ell 11 I ...,. ("lo,k .'.mi ti . t ei.lair ,ie . v nuii'li 1 1 1 1 ii li i .i ."! l.,o iii : ie Villi .-lit, n .1 sill.-, PI., -i.iiiovs I,. ii- taof .- . . if ' l'i- .'..lllti' ' )!. . .' .: a v..'.;" a -a;- ..: I ii :.. 1 .i . i- a ' nhl: en il t" , ..... r . Will, h bin- : " .o:.' imrt it;..--. ( if s W!i. ! : :!' coiii! I" ... .: lai'iha'' '-''''' '" a ml hall i ;- '; u'l il-r'!.i: a , Ih littf'i h -, 1.,1't "li lh- I "I Ihf f.fla: .-. - " -'".let ill, h.l a; -ling up to! 'he ; .:...' oil'.er inn- v. i mm a. a ,sn 'fl;--. a "a -v at lo : . o.u I,. . ,1 . I ll is ni -o a tin l - ,i to . iim.:!'. . h.. H-'- '' P.si an : 1'lf.e I' ' f" i"-1 .:; it .- I I i.o : no a- 'a ,i I- This .; , i. rut'1!" ii '-a ' I .i". a i!..'.t ! : ; " ;! oiIl." ol a a., ' I'a : low l-li'. I -'ia iia- i'i i- all makes for a li'gb x f-.-.i .' rg-m of the face, ami i.t-. f'la! o la'nle ilurliiK our wim.-v m - . Mo.'.- Hum. A sttp.-h h" '-- a . i.-i!'!. I ero-.tii .t -hiiinp piik ii v"ai- ,lvfi. an'i a biiiu liniil witi 'I. - -1 : . with a Hut I'osfili ii'sling on i i ii: on the Ir.ft sii'lf. wlifie il i i , -' ', - 1 -1 Willi a -,'i. in biiiklc. 'I'll" ftit" "f lh-- in i in is ih i, , iff with l.lai k .lif-,'!. mi....!, Imt .1 -.nth b in k t h- ni'.h', ami l.-i.c l-hu-l; n" pia j a cane oi r t'o h-i v ; .-. '. r . In... Ail .'..Ui Me pietliro I I.t Is n -a ' "f l.l.ii f, v. , , I ti iiliiiieil W 0 n lo:::: ! i.o '.t o: r. ;s I -Ihi'l'S i f the lilo'-l lali!..'. : :: I. ... ,i inoilf nliti.jii" I'ii.l i';i. 'I'll" , -i.i is til ;,.i wo'i : a"!:, i'.'.l li'li,'!, i;: !,, Hi illll. I III' III '. I I ' ' Ullbl;? , :;;. - 111 thf e lor" tl-.-i'f if ' ait , -i.t iif o-tre'i f.-nthcr. i'"'l I'"' "'on ' i ii.t.oiis iiif fold . round tho c.own. ;no::e I, as t !.i- m w iii.i t i ' n of l'o!i!i 'i i iio ton lo loi.l' Ii t in i-i! . brim io io..r, mul it i- t ' .n I with u'U :i(,, n r:ii.-i-l il'-i-ti of :.. I - t -1 - - Th, ;.i nl a ,p, In!.- in' t ie i..-. i;;.i w i :tp:i r mi l.i l:.c ill:. A l ll..- be 1. i""' i n ....ii m ti.iu.i:. ilh la. I.t on le w!i:..l U-.t'H ' '' oil imi,- i.t ilo. I at-!;, .i.s-l l-l ".- i ih.-ro , , ., oi.-; ,-:ii nil I. if. ."t 'A -.' I; lili'c'.i A mil ill. Ilti.lt I ill'llt. I 'Pi-' t iii. k. u f il in is ii th' i i. I'.i'ly ' ().,!'. - oi .s pal it- I, i '.i: it. I at I !'' i.i. .-I. I',:: "i I.::- I''.- e, :..i ' :: '' m' "it i iio.-l . . . M: ' i I'.l' ' ' - ' ' . f i! liul town in N' ' V... ii t il '. , :!., . ; j,,-) i..r .-i' t!..- i.o-i.i. iii.u :. -i ,i . ty! .. il".". ; I n. i HI. ; . I ... i.-r " ii t s,- ..io-.-r.ii.hfi-. .- . I h. l' !i.:r.:i I .. . '..ie ii: , . - ..u,i ;:.. : I ,i im . . ' !. -i , ,. ii.!::;; . .. . Til lill " it. , ..- i.-.i I hi ..:, I-'." ' :... .' ! '- .;.;,:. f ii r;: - :i.- I : .".lin In i f..l' . v. .' ; n ia. . . I : " I'' .-'! '. I Ii." 'ia- I'. 0 la. I .... It-.!:. v''i. - .1 I ;.i i . an I'.l .. .." ' - ' ' 1 : ! .' I.. r -1: .,1.-'. ill ' - 'I a . : :.' s:i; ... ' : : ,hi. .-ii- ;,, i si'.ni i l l i i -I ! 1 . I... ii . 'i i' 'la ! . v : i v I. :.'.i:m -i- a 1 (.- : -I ::..' H. ,i s;. .1 ie .- In- ' ' I fay 1 i!.l sail I , .1..' W.i: loiv .'Il i ! ! ! - a : ' -I I I " : . :--a"i , or . mi 1 o.-l r. : .a . - , .. I i ;,. - i I'. 01 if . : -to' '. , i in. . i 1 a, .a . 1 . ..i. :-r i : I .. f ,:ai. i .i.- .1 that : i v. :: ! . , il i-. I ..i '.or :,i: I ! I. O.tl la lla a. i". I a"'ti , i -- a VI il .: ,- i - ii. in ii,.., I'll . ' t !:.' I I' ' -I I- I" il.'s to sail ii.. in!.. .' '- , ,..n or. h.l I a, If - V. .V ... Thus, if . i'!- , ,f. I. . . - , -.' .I'.ll I il. ,i ... , . I ..-.'. i il ti HI !!.- l'"- l..'" V.eai' I!. a-' I'" I.l simikil' sl.ii'l ". Wi.-l : i .. . : a . :o 1 1 Ilii ni I' i ' : : o:n.s ... : u. v .nl to i 1. .:.' ' l 1 " - - :or of ,.'!! I.s I'.ll, ll l-'il V'lii '!' "S not Inn ant ' bin. . I no . , Sty. no - ! a !,, e o ia! V I..-.: ie pi e . I U . -a : , i i .. '-.! I of 1 . .!.:, at i'- ! :-.' - " -i - ""' ' be . al,n.. I ; If I ov, . H i- I" -liil V !' . ' ." ! u. - a Mi,.. ,;.,;ir, to I. .. ix i'n' fiai. a III., lake w hi a ti-'.v nl , a ' ih. nio-Ho I i In ;;!. I .,,! .is in th- .";.;. 'n-i' t i, "-!; lit id iml- :teiv lot is mil a- -,,1 tv.oai I i -I-- i i ilort.t ll N I,;. I.- ,. I.- a If! soli Ml mil r ti inch i, .... '.I t- wi li 'or il- to In e,l. - l !, . a' ii .,,,:! t la le-i ! ..ii lint- ot ..prili'-'. I.. l Woiililii'" o; in.; hi,- , : li liu l, i'i as' , , ',-li. lin k in:. o- 'A al"l' thf "!l- .-. ail" allti l;,-;; ', , 1 - ! .ol il'" I.l ,' i anuoni -;a . '. i- l"-w i j . 1 - :-. ,.: j,l,. '.,.i. ! to .Is ptol.-l' place ill , . i : v ii. aiii-f. II a.l -l ' - "I i- pti'l'- ,'i" siiii.'S". I" h. so 'i-'a '!' "I ,,. i im i-l ie : ! . or tho-i pa- i -. ! lo an ,.f to-i'i. '1 uis is a mi- take. O'.i'.v .,,.. ., t,M in ll,.- Halt nl f...., !b ll ti- ii- I...V in i !. vl,. Tin ,,. Ui " p I f i l oll'e III, ml it lis I'lllell no . !','... or o o. ,- il v.i'h i ,. itny ". Tll'S. 1'f I III'!'.-' . ilo - Hut 'll'!'!' " ia. I .-t --.f n sloph nb-'s t pf ft holy, nio-. i. I a ate i nlm in;-, a .ni . um, -. Into , ,!. ; hinwi! voo i . i i 1 i ;. ' . 'if .":,': ; "f inh I l;n-k satin i-r ' ' If i,oi-.iil. a -i: its sofli -iiiiig in .-.ui. i,.iii- m, i,t of lap, t- ami In Im "I hotiito'i ol i.i,, puiiit. .'this' tint ii"tv:i l.iK ,. n ,i o'.l lio'y :-li...h hf so r.i: f ' T'-i:'"U i.. -l.i Am. li -..n -ni-1 iii-i iln- i iniii.ii'. ' t,. I rnnl f my a It phi i n'.'" i.-l;r .1 the ! , ,. p,,- e nrci on " Woman'.s It i ...ji u," s'.i.ppiim in tho mi' hi If ol li.-r liisotiin'se. V" t u u't h-t f to. (num. " i . i.il. ..1 a ,. - i- I'mm thf i--;.' : "l'n. bl-oie..' il-tt.w , (l ytui long a;iO. " l'i;. k Me Vy.