3&1 (f-Vi'-iis- TUU11SDAY, Juu. 10, l'JUl. K. A. LONDON. Editor. Thk (leueral Assembly of North Curoliua convened iu the State Capitol, at Kaleiyli, yesterday. The Senate was failed to order by Lieutenant-Governor Key nobis, and tlit roll of the Senators-elect being called nearly all were pres ent and were sworn in. Mr. A. J. Maxrtell, the editor of the Kock iuham An.Ljlo-Saxon, was elected principal clerk and C'apt. James It. Smith, of Fayetteville, was re elected principal doorkeeper. Tlio House, was called to order I y Mr. Drevard Nixon, the prin cipal dork of tlio last House, and members were duly sworn iu. Hon. Walter I'. Moure, of Jackson county, was elected Speaker, and Mr. Nixon was re-elected clerk. There were nut as many candi dates as usual for the Legislative olliccs. It will be several days before the various committees are ap pointed, and no important busi ness can be done until then. The white people of North Car olina are doing their full duty iu paying taxes for the education of negroes, as is showu by the re cently published otlieial report of J ion. C. 11. Mebane, (he State Superintendent of I'ubiic Instruc tion. Aeeu.ding to this report the white people paid last year !57ii,S77."J"2 on propciiy ami polls for public school purposes, ami the colored people p . l-1 ;: 7 e.T " J 1 '. which in half a million lioila;-. !.- . than the taes paid by t'.e v, iiii.-s. hi the ai'poniounie.iL ,, ; , . lic school fund wliii.i and col. :vd children share alike the childn n of cue a race i ecu ing the same amount per capita. Supainicu dent Mebane says that the "'negto race has received over three fiims as much as it paid in." With these otlieial figures, which cannot be controverted, we repeat the assertion that the white peo ple of North Carolina are doing thoir full duty in paying ta.es foi the edueatiou of negroes. And yet they receive no credit or t.li'vnks for so doing. It is noyfmdcr tin a that many wl'Ati' " people, while wilhngto'pay more taxes tif nec essary) to educate v. hite children, are uot w illing to pay more taxes for educating negro children. Few persons are aware of the amount now paid in North Caro lina for public school purposes. According to Superintendent Me-' bane's report the amount paid last year was over a million dollars, the ctucl figures beiug sl.OH.l li Cl. This is twice as large an amount as was required some years ago for all the expenses of our State government, and shows what progress our State is in ik ing iu removing the stain of illit eracy. The cheekiest thing that we Lave read lately is an editorial in a llepullican paper warning Un people of North Carolna against Democratic extravagance iu the administration of our State gov ernment. It is like Satan rebuk iug sin, and auy Republican talk ing about Democratic e:.tr.iva gauce in North Carolina must have the cheek of a government mule. The only time that the 1! publi cans have had control of every department of tear State govern ment was from iSds, to lSo, and never iu our State's history has there ever been such wasteful ex travagance as was during those two years. Not only was Repub lican rule iu North Carolina con spicuous by its unprecedented e. travagauee, but was disgraceful hy its many frauds and neu e. irrup tion. No man can deny this, and yet a Republican paper now warning the people, that they may now " look for a:i era of extrava gance, the like of which has never been known in the State!" The Democrats pay the bulk of the taxes that defray the expenses of our State government, and therefore they are more interested in saving every expense than the .Republicans, the majority of whom are negroes who pay very little tax. And, if the Democrats should be extravagant like the Kepubli e.'i'is were, lln-y would be extrava t'aut with ciihlly their own money, whereas the Republicans were ex travagant with the money chiefly paid by Democrats! I The Hoard of Aldermen of Kal eiyh, on last Friday night, adopt ed an ordinance to line anv person one dollar for spitting on the side walk iu that city. The adoption of this ordinance just the week befoie the Legisla ture met is very significant. Doubtless it was lroiu fear that our law-makers from all parts of the State might spread deadly diseases at Kaleigh by their spit ting on the sidewalks, it is to be hoped that they will have the change convenient, when they for get and spit, and that none will hive to be put to work on the streets lo pay their lines! S.'vcre Cold in Europe. London, Jan. (j. Severe cold has suddenly set iu throughout Kurope. in Kiiglaiid it is accom panied by a northeasterly .vim', amounting to a gale over tie channel. At Dover a boat w.s capsized, four persons beii g drowned and probably other acci dent will In.' reported. On tie continent the weather is still m-uo Severe. S low has fallen us f. r south as Naples, and iu S!. IV.' ersburg the cold is so intense tb. t the police iu the streets have h d to be frequently relieved ami t. e schools to be closed. At Moscow the temperature is ;t() degrees be low zero. Tremendous gales are blowing over the Adriatic. Ter rible blizzards are reported from Austria and southern liussia. ex tinguishing signal lights and re sulting i.i tin; derailing of the Or out express at Altp.iz.u i. The storm eai:s-d a codi-doa between passenger trains at Mikolu, m ar Satmar, Jl ungare, six person In -ill.' IJile.l. Vioc peopli W.-refr.).:ell to death on the load IU Transylvania. Odessa iscoi.iplcte-K- si'.ov, -i...n';,i. Th.- h;irl:or is fr.vvu uv. r a. sd trams are un.o'V t ie.it r or leave in e. :;m .jUcneo of ( .; Tic. . .,ii. 7. i i : 1 1. ..il ia i i.ii.np.lei ot I,., ,1a k-. :,. .;; Cll.b of 1 ii;h iii'lii li e :.ji:!.:i 1 Motel to in :L. m. -I. luvaii nsp. Hid. -d to the toast - 1 e liioei icy, and Senator neiij n:.ia R. 'l liiiaall sp ike n; "The I I. liio- cratle I 'arty. Its !uty and t i- 11V. Tliere We. e m")0 i 111 ii 11 -das t c tiano!U-les pn set;'. Mr. Tillman paid l is t-e.-p ets to t X-t'lesideiit t lei lalid, Vi nnlil he ii l was now trying to "come forward and save the party." He sail la; refused to compromisc ' i. i-:, . : ,., 1 ,. , t . .: it was ,. - :,.,ptiou o ,ti . ,j : to sav s ;;. ' .1.1. e (,f the i s,.. ie i . . years ' ';! ; el 1 ,.o one . ......I ,iUeni(il to imw say what shouid be tin.- policy of the party ill l'.M.'l. "Our destiny.' said l:e 'must be defined by the principh s w hich have g'lilded the party since its formation." I Tiie Penitentiary Sctf-SLpjmrtitiu. r.iil.'ldh C'tt'uiijuuili-ui'e:.! i'Uurl"ili- (ii,m -vur. I In an interview with 11. I . Travis, chairman of the penitent -ary executive board, he informed tne that the penitentiary is now self-sustaining; that there is tin profit because about ija.tMU wi.s t xpended -u perm iiit ui improve ments; tint the peiiiieiiti ii v is in better si ape in all respects th..u ever before; that there will be i turned over to the new manage ment :?llHMM: in cash assets, be : sides enough of lo .d supplies for .this year, including !;:df a miilioii : pounds of hay, to.ti.Mi pounds i f pork, etc. Senator Travis declar ed most positively that the State Would not biicalhdou lor a penny ot appropriation for the peniten tiary for 1 SM H and thai if the managetneut was good would need nothing iu that way during tinv ernor A.vi'ock's administration, or in fact at any time in the future. j North Carolina Newspapers. Tin- llll i-lt!! TlllVn. The Labor Commissioner has Completed his list of the I.eWspa- I pels in .North I ar . ma. I la-re ale ! list, of w hl. ii -JS ale dally, !sl Iweeklv, 1 ! s,'!iii-eeklv,:!,l IiuMi'h- lv, 2' s. nr.-inoiiihly, a tpi iiterly, 1 I semi-annual, 1 aiiuu il. there are ii:!." Demon. it ic, 1! ll piUdican, 'Jl! iudept lldellt, JJ l'oC,l!lsi. As to 1 religion there arc 1 1 liaptist, s I l'resbvt. ria-i. 1 llpt-v epali.in, -J Ciilistia.i ;ii: 1 I each of all the ; other denomination . Th-.-lo ere also I! ivli loli.s pain-is of h pi.i -; ticular church. 1 here arc li Ma : .-aeue. I I) I i Fellow, 1 1 tin an, :i each of lit'Tai-y, laed.lcid and Ai i Iciiltural; 1 e,n ii ot p uiitry, tex itiies, atheletics. labor unions, lav etc. Of all tie paper; Is is-.--: tpyesett ing machines, and t'.'J U.V ) patent matter. I L nailing in fioriJa. Madison. Ida., Jan. 1. Two col ored hum. dial Dell sou and a hail j brother, were taken last night about Iu o'clock from the county 'jail Ihiv, by persons unknown, carried into the woods about a 'half mile from town and bung, j'l'he bodies were also ri I bi d with I bullets. Tlcy are the p r.-.-ms wi,o a few weeks ago wen churjcd i with r killingef Frederick lh-d-i.ling. a larmer residing iu the j northern part of this county. They tied to Georgia, weic arrestet', brought back to this State and Icontined inthe Leon coui ty jail. i Washington Letter. ! IKrnm.iiir toular CorrwuonUeD'. Wasiiiugton, Jan. 1, 11)01. How thoroughly Senator Han.na domi nates the Republican steering commi! tee of the Senate is showu by the threats of a cloture rule for the Senate, if there is any at tempt to iiilibuster against the ship subsidy or the Army reor ganization bill, that have tome from that committee since Con gress convened. Whether those threats can be made effective will depend largely upon the backbone exhibited by Republican Senators who are opposed to both bills. It is expected that before the Army bill is voted upon a Democratic substitute providing for a contiii , tun - of the present strength ol , the army for t .vo ycaisfroiu tin i tirst of next J uly will be oll'ered ' The reapportionment bill is be ing made the basis of a warm cm test in the House, ill wli ch politi cal lines are not drawn, but most of the Democrats are silpp utUli tin- subst itute for the com.iiilt ee bill, which slightly increases tin representation of a few States ami reduces that of nol.e. tieiieial expression of Sllspieioi of the ino!ie in delaying m-tioi on the Nicaragua Canal lull ha bronchi out a statement fl'oli prominent t'epiibiicau Senators that action v, ill not be taken f at least a niontli. because of tin desire to show l.ngl .nd tin1 con -' tesy of allowing it that niiiehtu e to act upon the ,-nii l'e'ed liny r.uimv.'ot treaty. According the same nut hoi'ity. the bill w ill b Called UO early i.i Feb I ill i V an. passi'd. 'I hat, however, .l iesu .-.eeui to be the opinio:! i,f tl., pi.-.si.li-ut of t !if Panama C.uia Co., w ho is in W ashington, as . has publi.-ly sai l that he consid ers his ei'inpaiiv still lias a chaiici to Nell out I i the I'mied States Vilich h all anxii b:: . i .:: I .;! v li ... 1 l, !.e! . that it is.i I as it cm sell to in 1 1, -rm. ,!n V. ... t; , -r l h a, p .r. , I. W. ; even .-: I. - -'.i.tion -f i S, ;:ale e.,;; . I al thai li.s lestiu. document, lein.ly spi-keliof ;.-lie- L.-ltt d e ii .oit, be!l!-. a del. ill , i st.ll ;). ill i'i' I in- co . hedl.es found in ti e h.m lliag of C'uba. la mey by an eo, ,t aecoiuitant instead of ans-.wr.ng th-- Sen ah leeolatio:; calling for thisn piil Secret ny ilooj u,-al to Mr. Me Kinhy for assistance in biiryin. the report sit deep that the Sefl.ii CalllMt dig It U.i for lis contents t en-ate a sensation. In iivdrr ti render this assistance Mr. Mclvin ley will tiike iui vantage of his au thority to (Incline to make public any document which in his discre tion Would be best kept Secret. I l e v is no way that the Seuati could force the I'n-sid, nt to male public this document, even Wi le i. majority disposed :o try. Rut tin fact that so much trouble has beer t il-en to .suppress this report alnl that Mr. A. L. Lawshe, the inai. Who made it, has been given a bm 'place iu the l'hilippines, appar ently to get him out of the way, shows that the revelations mad. by the report must be many times worse than the publication of tht Ne dy steaiii.gs in Cuba. Ceil. Miles has a few facts in his possession about embalmed beef that I a.e lit ver l.e ,, mad, public, but uiuci ai.iy be i in ! .i h i ! i.. th.e answer that he vuil make in his own time to ex-Secn t try Al gel'slic'iv ,itt:ick oil him. Speaking of the matter, dell. Miles said: ".dr. Alger, b: publishing a book and by the use of the public press iu dealing vith facts connected witii the Spanish war, has laid luui-eif open lo reply by auyar nv o.iic.-r who is in a iv way all'ee e , by the statements 1, ide. Willie i have not Vet fally decided on the course i shall piiisue in the mat ter, it is very likely 1 shall at some future lime p.d on record a few facts which it will be impossi ble to v histie diov u." 1 he admin istration h;.s Mich a dread of what j (tell. Miles may sav that Veiled j thr .its of iemoitie him fiom thej t-omiii -ill' I of the .trniv if he replies to AU'er have Mclv in lev , as al 'would welcome null. lie ( u ll. M ' .Senate M illtai V . - :i made. Mr.; tile world knows, j an eXi Use to hli- es, and since the j oliOiiit lee adopt- I ed the ideas of ion. Mi reoi a.iiat lull, ill phi , on ai'iuy ! i f v hut ! was known as the Uoet plan - pre pared hr e.u. t oi bin- eecr.'(arv U.iot vvoti'd -hiillv he!-. For that ll'i-n:; iClie t it I nil, -Mjieii tllilld-, are trviii:.- I t i.im wait un td iifn-r his it tii. iiiei.1 to have his iiai iv. IV I'.ru'i .1. I'.-tlock, of Kir!.--vide. io., U.i-'. the iilVe.it ive c.'ll Iv bird in the wee san.il h-nirs i t the Uew cel-tlirv. He denil-ed To j'P--. i.t lie' lilst application of the I'.e.v i, lit ii ry for al'niletl St..t.-s patent, alnl throu h the entei ;.n 'ot ids iitt-'inevs, t'. A. Snow .V To., of V;e hiii-toii, 1. C, acci.mi'lisli- i d his ohici t. i i I Airs. Marv K. Lease lias clialie;-: ed her uiiud about siline l r hus band, Ch.is. Lease, for divorce. Mrs. Lease will shmMy r turn to : Wichita, unit jx-lities and settle ilavu to doinest it- iite. F.x-(5ov. Citilis IL ISro'den diedutthddsh. ro on la--t Friday niht, aj-ed ha years. Ilia dentil leaves Uov. Jarvis the ouly ex tiowrm r now livin- iu this State. Lonted His 0.vn Disjiensary. Pnlmntdu w r"! .r,n. i? ii1 r Rlayer, dispenser at kiugstree, w;is arrested to-day mi the charge of ami feasance iu oilice. The dis- pensary was robbed of a large nu.u ' . ' . ., . i , i.i ot liiouey.Christm.i.s night, l'l.iver told that four maskivl men had ridden to the dispensary and had f. i p..... i ie,,, ,, ,..,,, ti,l,..-.,m n ! il ls since been learned that 1 'la per wms drunk in the dispensary that night, and that he had refused to deposit the money with the conn - tv treasurer, as required by law. L-'or criminal carel 'ssness he Wiis iricsled bv W. 11. llollow.-iv. Vr.,,,. Id",, I,.i,l,;n:l l,.,t !ie lual loaned dispensary money to his friends. Wanted lo See Simmons. ri'l in llltf lllli'tpll I'lllif. . T -O Repilblicall lllelllbers of the I .i rwl- I ill.t eviil-..oi.i.l ! llisli .is " ,i ' 1 . . ' . Minn as tnev lit to K'e t lie man wlo had wruight such git'at things u North Carolina, "ilus fellow ilnuolIs." They evidently . i.vt".i lii m'i' an immense man who breathed lire and smoke, i , -a. iiig a red shirt, .-.lid carrying aoumt all arsenal. When tln-y ..Hi' the Little (iiant and were in I'odllced lo hint, their surprise I'd ti mild manner was very amusing, .u l were inclined to think they uld been duped and shown the vroug man. Good fay fur Whistling. S.p,-ni i" Ci ii ()i"rvrr. Wibuington, Jan. .1. J. Keener We-tbiot.k. Wilmington's iiote.l nhiiihr. vi'ho went to New'oik s mi i hue ago to confer with Ihe itrieil m ma-rers regjirdiug an eii gagt inei't I y which he cotil,! put .lis uuii-u il talents to plolitab'e is", has h-.-i d a coiitraet iiii tin; lvli on I'i.oiiograph Company to vaist !e toil a ous at ; 7a a week oid with li. J'. Ixi itii, the t bo.it i i - I in in i attcriii ions at l a, in iliiug a tot i! salary of 1V.I v. . k. i I s iii.st ling is vvo.id.-r- I. I'h' Il i:s ei peopie w.-recar- I . it ii it Cud lvli h w as ofils.- ill his piilise. Ft-y K IIjJ While ilmi.iii i ii 11 a Allien li e. . ),. Two lioh, 1 e l all ill! la Veal's, MiiiS ul 1 Si li ii ;.. r i.i.d N. is. ii ('..i ji. ;.ter. ;h nee.'.,es, iv in.' at .Noi uood, el t ralciit liantine , .-,tei- ; lay, v In ii, leil lind , tie- any eaiue, they I'l'ilie'lide.l I.) I la- tlije'. I II soaie UUi.lner tin' ( '.ll'ieliler Iio" r it lielw i en Tin tier's do.: an 1 the run wiie.i it wa.s tired and was killed ilistaatly. killoJ by Lac! liliiij; lamp. -(,e. Iui i.i llm Ni w- itn,l iilin.'rviir. Tvrou, X. C'., Jan. 2. Alice Smith (col.), while tr.vinir lo ex tiiiLTuisli a lamp Monday in'edit,; lilevv the lilae down ill the lamp vhit'll Inil st, I hrow i II lT ml over her m I settini'- lire to her chithin:-. ft ti- iiiii.il siii'leiiu r she died to lay at ,'i p. m., from the effects. 1 TWO MI'S Kll.I .fSi IIY A THAIS. ' Ciimlierhind. iId., dan. 7. T. A. Bradford, assistant miiiinr eiejin ecr of the Ihivis Cuil l'..ke Co., a id Kichai'il Lewis, of t,""teartii ld, t'a., Mere stUlck a:.d killed I'V a train on tlie West Ypvinia I'en tlal and I'iltsLur.; Hailuay, this ra.irniue;. '; v.- -r:: vmkii lis-;: v U'iimei.t.ni, X. oinpanv iias lieell ( : v. ti m:nuton Ian. 7. A l.ll'teled llll- iler the laws ol ."loiitli l amiina to iperate a line of steamers liet ween this port, Charleston ami (icoive !own, and interv n i i i lt points. Three steamers have already heen purchased. The. Cinnlierlaiid County lis- peiis.irv pai, i to tne 'mint v scnooi 1.1 .1 1 1 1 1 to I linn u. iiit- ciiy oi iiiveiit ville, last week, the sum of s? 1,000 makiiiii a total of $tl,;ilo paid to these f uuils within the jmst tttelvo months. The yearly coiiiave statement of the Director of the Mint shows that the total coinage of the mints of the Fluted States was $l.il, "'.'., Inl, as follows: (Sold m','J7J,e 12; nil ver, tf.'tii.-aa.y-l; minor cuius, i2MM,rt. The Secretary of the Treasury at the inM.Uifi' of Senator I'lit' ll ...1 1.,. .,...! Pi'..ui.l..i,l I' P Veiialile! of ' the Fniv.-rsitv' of North ( aroiu.a, a niember of the coiiiiiusHoii which meets iit 1 liila- tlelplua F. hiuaiy LI, next. The tlie S ar di pal tuient buihlilivr f'f ui Lt i u llailwar shops, nt I'l im a ! a:, b.diann, was dt l.y tire !a ! .Monday. L .s (i'io. tlii.in of the liie know a. t roved ;, !:5l, is not 1 i i i in.; tl e year ju--t closed only I.i miles of railroad w-ie -(instructed in this State. Alabama Iniilt V.iA miles. (Seoreia lll. Miss- is.-,iiu.i uti mid aoutn taroiiua ITU. - (iov. Uussi-ll has appointed dude-e Lurches us Chief Justice to succeed Jiuk'O Faiicloth onl has appointed Charles A. Cook, ot uiientcn. Associate Justice, . . Two car-loads of neeioes left Alabama, last week, for the Ha- vv.uiuu Islands, via Sau Fraucisco. They jro to take employment on t ho buv,iir plantations there. . . n.iivav Otsease py Uie ximciy use 01 Tutt's Liver Pills, an Old and f . ,,wi,, c;n favor,te remedy of increasing I !.. Al,.,.,, popularity. Always Cures Clfl HPAFiACHF 'Z',WrV , , , ' sour stomach, malaria, maizes- tion, torpid liver, Constipation j j j, m diseast.s. ' . ITTIC, . . D . c i IUI 1 O LlVCr rILLO ' I AND HAL11. l'y virtue of nn 1 H 'T'l-r ..r il- Hu.Hrlr .-..nn f..r Cl,..i.t t.ir VS. ll'l tVIUTIIIKtoU Ol llU, I !ll OH Hn'IT'll)', i tits ' titlt rtiiy ,,f JHiniary, l.i ii, ult. r t .r ,l' i" Hi" li'Kli.'t.! lil I I.T Kl llm i.S'url h"iii'..H . in I'llii In.r.i N ) , h irA 'l nf ininl In einiih nn i-'Mii i) Iu ll.il.i win s i.,wiishli llt'iiiiiiitiiK nt n r, , k i ll" nn,l iHiilitrrtl In AilM-li'ti! r, hri'llifTl. ii'j I llie rutailnc !'""' wllh M HiwlWi'li-Uiis hiiI .' Ilnkn l.ir- ! fai'K Hui'. lliflnl' wuili l"i ili-pn in niM 5 l-lmlli auil Miuka lo r-k I llt Mil' I . llil.'IH V.J-f1U"l" t-rii,'i-. ilit-ii'ui ("itj'li S4 ilnL-ri'i'i B-il wl'li M.ir K'lll'i, lllln 7 tinlli.s imj '.ID lluKH I.' lotii u ik M,r tt lll.s t'erm-r. llu-l ri.Milli S.li'ijri.i.p t'lia' 5 -MiUe, I., h i- itivnisj li.rtf in hii I Mi 1 ' i-.'i nr, ihi'i.t-f inli t i ll ilim mi.l 7 l.nkx Li fiHk. Hi" Klllx in" Ui :u i-ii'iiiin hii. 57 llnic-4 i.i sii.kn s'.iIjm o.riiiT u r Ii 1 i i'IihIiik ali i 7A I'lilt.' I ' llii' li'VlhlilUK. I'.iillMllilUtf Hli' lH 6H H.-II-8. TfllllS IIM hull i-n-ll r in ilu li r In Hi in nilt.. I 'el. ri e.i u mt-rit n In- l 111 oreol Tula DiHi'inU'i ittll. l'J.l. II. li. U.Wl.s, cjiniiilMii.ii'r Ctrent. iiiU J'rfcJe .Mm'.n oiiiml. m '1 H ful fill liu-iii' m C"IIui-Ip.I f-ir moocmh rrts. Oun Orrirt it Opposite o S. lTf nt Ot'ict tin i- i.tii m i uc a-- .it li. i.u.' uu.i u.u"f) icin.ib- fn.iii Wa-!ii3i'.il. tM-ud iiiii.l l. iitr.. u::; it .ii-n . wi'li fl-wtip Hun. Wo .!.!. if ,,! ii.f '.U i.r in I. ' n-" ul cUtrje. O.ir fi v ):! il::M: I ' nil-Ill l ""''ir"1'. PmiPhiiT, "i: i i o .i.nn I' iiui in , ,,r .,'tii.ti c. .-ni hi ynur tlo-.tuuiaji t.iii, t i.. fue. ie- s, C.A.SHOW&tCO. f)f p.'fNT Omcr. WAftMlNUTCN. n Lyc-Giasbes ana feu-iis of AH Kinds. Ahiiivs a full stock of maleiiid on hmjj .ir;dl kinds of Spectacle Ii'pairs. Send your laoken glasses for repairs nnd prices. j If my prices don't suit yon ehisses vi!l lie returned at my j expense. If your eyes l.eed attention li t me hear from you. kvcs lxa.mined i i;i.i:. w. a. :ionL, )octor of Kefractioii, rilAl'KI. 1III I-, X. c. an Always on liand a lot ot r -,-i l.oi Ii ilress- 1, ed and iindiei-.-ed. Also l'l'iilil tlie. !i!ll Sliin-les. Hills cut to ni dor. A .-ujiply of Coffinc alnl OO-ClTCtC; always on hand, from '1 to $100 in prii-e. Wjll lx liveied nt . -.1 1 - I . any tinii', onner nay or luia. B. NOOE JR. xltto"borc. 3ST. cr Feb. '2. 1S11!) Can bo preserved, if your eyefe arc properly cared fur H you are unable to visit our optical ajJ CoIlsult l)Ur .specialist, we will send ) on a simple method for testing your eves at home, on re- eeiM of a postal card. S. RAPPORT, I VI al l. oust, Dm ham, N. C. . FaimCIOr Sale- That valuable tract of land, three mdes south-west id Chare! Mill, tonnei v owncct v t ie ate miss Maty K Smith, is 'utUieJ tor sale privately on easy terms. The traet consists ot about t.OO- acres and will be Sold as a whole or inlets. Mr. W. C. Cole, wln re- .sides on the land, is authorised to nercti.de a sale or sales, ar.J will sliovv the hind to any persom desir ini: to see it. Oct. 11, 1 Ooo. KLMP P. HA I 1 LI , F.A.LONDON, Commissioners. J CRD: tAND SALE: By virtue of an ' oi.Iit tu ili Hurl.,r Cuiiri uf I'liHiliHin ' m-a w' u i r va , L-Murr(.ll t Bl , wlUi ou BATIU. day, m intii dy i.f janunry, imi, m iii ouuri h"u i",r '" i'iub..r.i, n ., ..rr. r i.,r mii-w mo m,,, u-ri-r Hirn.-,.,, , , , .,, cuuuiy. N.C., la iliun:ti ii,uurii'.i,, .:i.,iuiiig ,i,Bla'i, r . j. v..r,:, ,U..y.:u. . wuriu u,i ..aios iihiiiihk i,ui 1:10 e.-nw. ' ..o.s-i.nr r...mi,..i..riu ms . uwuiuh. iiM.r imw.i fi-..m tiny .1 uie. li II. IIAVIH, i'iMiilti.uur. AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. c4 Statist cat 'Volume of Facts snd Figures Containing Over 600 Figes. OYIUt i, ooo TOPICS. () VF.U lo.ooo PACTS. SPECIAL FEATURES; Th: cn"us of 19.0. NatiJial and Si.tte ekc t?on returns. Focrcenturiesol Auerican prog--riss. Political record of J9O0 (convention! nni platforms). American rule in the Philippines. New g-overn- ments of Porto Rico and Ha waii. Polar exploration in 1900. Conclu ion of the South African war. Pan-American ExfO-ition of J90I. Ch'na Its present con dition and spates amon nations. Roster ot general oificrrs of the Regular U. S. Army, I7o9-J900. A Political Register. Fa:ts that every patriot an i voter ought to knov. Staiidarl American Annual. Price I j5 cts. I'uitp.n 1 to .my iJ. f c.i THE WORLD, FuUtttr BUig.. Kew Yo-k. isr;i'vi:i;x nkw vo-uk, I'A.MPA. ATLANTA, NKYVOK Id'ANS am. POINTS Snl'TH am. U I'.sr it ifes jta 2, ::a GouthLoiiml. I v S-w V ,rt. I. nn. II. li. I. .il,ii.i.- ,.n, I v l:i In ,.. I,s A I., u J.iteii I .' ul 1. 1 1 .0 t. in 1 U . Ii, .1 M in li UVHi, 7 an inn N.i. il a ii:, cm In .i imi lo i.,jn 1 I'I .ID ,i 4 1 nn C 06 ull. I.r In. I,: ! V . , 11 I.I I ! t. 3 l hiu Nn iU. l' vi inn V lilltlll li Mm 1 ' lull 4 li I'll! I v v 1 1 1 1 t n Al l l. til IU'. I I.V, 'I.V.IIT. I I v i.rt-diiH, tl, ' :.v An, .-i.-, AC AUIilUa, Northbound- N,,. lu'J. Nil. :l I ini i in V i"i ,m 'J J.' pill II il I II 4 ..!', .iii 2 "', nu I, .l .(ll Jj till li 1,1 im h ..i inn Uii6ic H 1 i H'H 'i i.i I'lll hi itm ;i .' inn 7t.uiii t.o .m I til Hill t 1 JO Hill I V AllHlHH, H. A. I. , Ar Aiii. ni. ai tii.-,.ien..i. Al l'ti-HIl, " . ' im n-i u. Art'. ,i.i- utii, " Ar W,,Maiii.'l,ll, n, ,v w. Ai Nt w V. ik, u n. s. x Null'. I liill- l.KVi'l Mm. I iy. Ml lug I'nrtt lailwetin Ni'W V illi lill'l lll'l. m 'ii,l, ui.,1 lit. in. ol mul .-ueaiiuuh mi irnllis 't. d il tl. IUA1.NS MvlVi: riTTSHOUO :t 'jo p. m. ti.ito a. m. Trains Anif lit ritlshoio ii -." :i. in, r.;i") p. ui I 7'iiiVi, i:v(';ft .S'uc.i ii. Ar. Mi-ui-urn luVj.m UiIi'iiiu I'aily. tl'itlly Fi. 1-uuOojr Moh 4u;t nnd I'lJ --"'llm AlluntH SllCCilll." Sl'llli Vistlhllll'tl l lttlll ol puiiauin hiccitTn ami ( nuciu-s to- iwi'i-n MKlniintini loel Ai Inula, hUo l'ulliiiiiii S!ft (it-is lielweeii I'lHt-l nidiitti iiihI Cliat hittc, N. C Nos. 41 ami ;SS 'riii'S. A L. Kx press," Sohtt liuiii, lo:iciies unit Pu.linun Slccpci between I'orls- unnil'i ulid At u nlu. It . tli trams mukt) immodiato een- 'oectnuiit ui Atiuntu fer .Mentpmn. ery, Molnlo, New OiI.-hiis, Ti-xuh, Ciliubrniii, Mcxun. I'liuttHiioinja, a i"v , uui" i1"'". For lickets. Sleeper, i te , app.y to II. S. heard, 1. V. A., Z. P. Smith, t. 1. A., Varborouyh House, Lalciych, N. C V. It. Hunter, Asjent, Fittsboro, !N. I . L. St. John, ic. -Fn s. and (lenT Ma :insi r. ; V. 1'.. McF.ee, I lend Sitpt. It. L.. Klbiuch, (ien. l'uss'r Act. t Cit-uerul Utliees, 1'ortsuiouth, V. g?iT- ,"JiH 21 1878. 1981. Lvery Citizen of Chatham County oiivht to sul, scribe for THK RECORD. -vxssaaa.- 1 1 iiumi iimi iiiiium F'OK Nb'ARI.Y WR-tmi TEARS THE KECOR1) I his doiii.' its utmost tor the best in tercsts of Chatham. TIIE RECORD Is the " OLD KLLIABLli," can always be depended on. and If you wish to j;ot the latest news in County, State and Nation, sub scribe tor TIIE liECOKD Subscribe now and read what Con gress and the Legislature are do-i"K- ()i ly 3 Cents a week.

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