X Chatham pecord. RATES or ADVERTISING l)ntl)am Rercr5 II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, SL50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advanei. One square, one insertion One square, two inaartiona One square, one month - MO VOL. XX1IL ITmiJOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C., HI UUSDA V. MAUCli II ISMti, NO. For Ursjer adverti semen tl libel oob-tr-ot will be in tide. aw umsm f.TIA 1 'T K H X ( 'on l in mvl . ) T'.fnuix went in search of Mr. Lennox, rthp ijout ciij'iied imythiiig very much unlffi her mu le shared in it. "Listen, unoie," she said - "l have fnu.nl II ll'T'i hslcu lo wliht 111' In'IX I'll 5 dmi"." In her clear, sweet itjii-e, that seemed to tlirll with passionate emotion, she rcud the etniy again, mid then lit laid down ' tspnp.T. "; h: wiim fitly ii s.ivunt purl, uncle; li-.it ii M..IMH to Mi' iluit the HK-ro lowly tl.c tin.' ii. lit striking is such gener tis.'.y. Ilixi r-ljt- )..- ii ri ti titi't IiikI ititln iin'. In' ii'Llit have hoped for some re ward. :is it wns, In- cmil'l not have ex r.'. i' .l ney. liul", I urn glad that I rend his. 1 shell alwa) believe in borm-a now." 'lie is ii lexer tnnii us v oil ns h good .." :.;. IVt.-r Lennox. "1 II "U hat. 111. mix I i:in ni'c drift into a .....i with llii- Kn stern Milling Colli mi : I tl :.il pln-e it In his hands. It nil If i.o"!i -overel ti.:ilro.l pounds l in '' "When wiil i hut Uf.in. illnii'V" n-!;. ,1. "Not t'.r viinf titiio." hf nplii'd. "I O.IU' 'lavi; tin ir aticvvci- Iht'." I lili to k-v Mr. Ciirviv, ami to-; li:i!i v l:t I think "f him," !-! "id. "S" -i 'lid I," iid.l. d lo i ho vi:,s nij casf. I chiill h" il.diL'liti-1. 'J hat Kii't.-rn M ii. j.-fr r..ii.alij- i" a ":! v.:!.,!'.-, aliho:ich I am not .Mar- tu pole M jii-t '." So caMMc". I'l't'T Lfiiiiox i;iiiiif.l tho room, liavin' hi r.icci' writ tin i.ivv-.:;or Mill m -r h.-.u.l. Ho!lran t'nri -v," chr r"ai"l In 1:t-r-'.f. ' I id." t!'-. iiiiiiif. I' is In-mitif rT n. .!):. Hi lin n' I riiis h. fuiv tl . ,. i ''.? "I' ii hdu d kini-'tir. Tiifi' :ti n.is I I I a i...1ii' ci'ii' 1. 1 wonilir if I nl'nll .M-r c. H.'ltrnu i"ar'vv': I oi:di'i U I f is lil.e my iih'Hl '?'' A f t'ac aftor this the Uiii-Iichh nt Kli.i-dif si in t.i uk If Jli iitiix would drivi' f.'i: villi ,i i ; iiml. hiiviii no spfi ial "ii fii.'.'f ii.' i:t, chi" i oiicfiili'd. "I have a uhini this iiiorniu'. H'-atn," Bald hfi- c di.H.llit'r, "null villi !"' lo iiavr a uLiio lo mi.-. f,n.lir inn il." "W, il is ii whtiuV" aslifd r.fiilnx. "I ai l tfii;n to sic Mi's. (Vri'M. II"" X'tfll ;. "ii ii ol. in tlioM- irailinn Idr.i k Im i c. Ki'iilnx. 'liny cnil u co ''il. Vi, I Mill tlli'.V.K to M MlS. I'llll'tt." "H ho i Mrs. C'nri'W?'' '11. !.'! l.rfcs .ipiu-d hT lii.i' Idiif I'M "li.'Vf dm not lifiird of Mm. Caro. V" .In- i...d. "Tlifli I will It'll oil ali' iit In r. I'ol tiiiii w iih-die is a wondfrf ill ,'h'iHi. a iriffl woinlrr. Mio nin1 If moif ili.'o li i v ' vt t t h" has iht' ! o!.. thf iiiiui. .t'l's, in.'! tho fi.Kf of a Kill of twi n I. i- v. it' : iu.'l rvi'ii In r liiisli.iinl - li in 1 it ally funsiiliT uioct iIciim', ci far n in.'ii ii tMidiiii: (,'oi'S ciui uinlT Clai.d lu't jf 1s, and launlis nt tlii'in. NK has I'lftly ns; cl.t' Is rlinrniiii: in a ill ll V. Hi loolli." "Km who i chf':' asKi.l lifiitrix. nl tnoct in.i'iilioiitiy. "Vnu have n -t tu'd 11:0 w ho clif Is." "M . I'aifw is mi articl," ri'i'lud In r p:nn, "hut nil urlist siifli an I In wi.iil liul H lint o I It'll st'l'. rillf pit i li I h ) H i mils and mii h .nrir.iit! Tlif nic ina 't i iiiMf of iirl. Shf will not jianil tw-ry i '.if. Shf si 'f i i s Iht toihj'vtc, 1 iicsnrf on. Mrs. I'art'W faun1 to Lnuddii i.,,iat. t vontyTivc yen IB nu, und clif has fm fiitTfd hi r world. Il i uni' of lliu things that fV- ry inn- wiuils, tu Inivc it mi trail I'liinltd ly Mrs. ('.-iifw. Ynii luiiM luiVf ou:i, a i ii I tl. liialnv, tin I noli, n ,,f ilfatliliilid." cii.ri i:u xi. Mm. Carfu whs an iuiimrtniu unit in I.oiiilnn coiiity. S!ic hi'lil kroiuiil ptfii 1 1 ti r I .v l.ir own. As tln ilmlfMS hud saiil, her iii-rsuiiiil iippf ill nine was cuinci h i nr w'oiidfi'fiil. Slit- Innl Iht- fair, unrutllfil fare, tin-1 Ifi.r, Bfii'iif i-yt'H mid nihil unilf of a yoiinif Kill. Slit- uns mi quick, so vi vacious, mi iiuliiiaii'd. thai it was ilillloull. In imagine forty .-uiuiiicrs had pusM-J o'f n Iht hind. Shf hnd it t lia rui nf mitiint'i' that .tub irrf sistililf. lit cry out' ti 1-,J Mis. f.'urfw. No inn' mis jealous of In r Thf t-'fiitlinifii iidiniri"! hi-r lnliti did thu ftnnif. It was her tiihiit that niadu hi-r so (ii pillar thf In icht-cyi'il, fair fnrcd lad. ho witdded her In linhcii with uln.osl inn cTi ii I skill, w as il Kt'nins. liicidf n liijou Iiiiiicc in Mayfair, cli, Inn I u vitv hriiiitiful villa nt Hew. Vhi'ii lie was liitd of I'liinlini;, tired of mi' clcly, tired of ihe nay, hrilliniit world mid hn wii, she neiil thither n lid hient a lew diivs In secliision h the rlvirhidc. No one kiif" an lliili' of Mrs. Cnreiv's l.ist liisini). Hit con, Itflinri C'nreu, wiih oi.e oj ihf nioct i!i liiiniiix iuiiiv lin ii in a d.iy win ii man wew of prom Ise. I If l ad l.i'cii c. Infilled at Uxfniil. mid l ad i hn: en tin- l ar us his pri.lt s i-.-m v Mr-, laiff Ii ;i il i" in in.'nii i-i . Imi the oiiiy npl hf ftt r ii'.nli i i lo'ific luairiiue, t.. pri.'cn.i nf mini lnneiii. I,, VOWS III. 'I p.lllii.-IS. V.llC- "My di al- nil, a Ion i d . hil l ilifiuU ihi flf " list l ii stery nf pain and snrmw thu-i xi o rd s ("tired no niie knevv; ,t i. (.. eno initiiir lively trusted in her Kooduesti. her trull inn) pnrity. The Iint hecs of Kltuslir wu viy di (roils of Inivinif her sirtrait paiuied, unu tl e d iy had eouiH nt last when her graft dcmled to full. She w imed to taUt? I'.ea tv.i v,.ih her, heenuse ebi' knew ti.ut hut U 0 w.niM tielijlbt .Jr. Cui'uw. 'I Ley diove tutctlii.-r to the bnnke lc MmHiir, ond found Mr. Carew at huiuv. hut eu-iu'ed. Tbey were thown into a room li'lid with nrtieles of vlrtn: ihf tt'iliitu v i: painted; the liHUL-inp wore of I i!ie ii'hil. ihf lii-hl Inic'fied mi tlell iU'e I'h'n'i i f Mitluary, on jeiVtded Uiz l t ', uiuilik nod Jiitprr. XLu wt lusurlout tvaeh la thi parin.f ii', ail un li her fiiiec snt down lo ri'ct, fur ihf uinri.iiii; whs warm, nnd sj was tiled. Mis.-. l.fim ,s iimovj h-r If I' l'ikii'i! i" (Ik- nill'iTeiit olijt'fts -. ;l !.- I rj ,,; t til' tU I'Jt'S. OllC tllillK bll'Uf'k 1 ' r vi i v umeli- tl frame of holy, co dfli I iaify ni'd hfaiitiliilly earved, that It n- me I Ino friiKile to I loin llf'l. It Ititl j inii.fd i he phiitfro p!i nt it viry handboine man-- f-i-, v.illi w li.iifsiiini', hfiiiiliy fair. ' la1--, nnd with iat w ures if chestnut hair i liisified round a hrond, lnauiifiil I liii it a tnir, iv.l ii , l.inly f.ifi . ftJ of ' M'l.n.l-nr, of i..,t,i.i"., full i,f irniii nnd tii'.'.ij:?;. At In-: die tln.iij:lii it naisl he ,i fanry j !n't'ij.'i':. !i. "I inn sure this .s ineaiit fm- Kii. Ar ihur," -he c :s it 1" herself, "it i ju-t the fa.e for the l.l.,iiii ii-s kltij.'. whn .ifive ill il s 1:1.. ll.il:i". ! vil. It iH tin- I'CM fa.-f ! haw cffii.- S"ii.f.hiiv in it cliiiMiie.l Iht. S!ir cat ; I'finiiiiK over il. lo'ikini; inieiitly nt il; mid ! i In- hi, w ..jes i-ci ii'iil to Inok hack into i in r 'it n with an ji i.. ii ' :i -1 v inti nt fuze, j "Il is a line lo.c. ' IhuiiL-l.t Iii-alrix. "Kut ilfif ale mi Mieli nii'M in tl-' so days. I lif I'M: ' Hi :' lii lallll is the I'fsl -peei , i a I i.u-.it. :i I J Ins f.nc .s,:i. ti. it in in- I'm' tilth this. I can lead f ill vitality, j -ii'ihir. peril i lite here, uiih hhIiipsii : and In.::, r. In n,c fiei c ef r.i.ny living j 'in n I I'f.-nl t i'i'.ty , m iMiivi-. indi.lfiiff, or ; r':ie !. Kltiir Aiihtir. you have n nohle J f:; f, ninl I am the hfitei for huviin; ccen it. Slip .l:u t il the pl.i.liciiij.li -nl ihe tahle; ill" din li"s biii i!n,.ii:p riilinl. A cl."i'l tini" Hftrrwind Mtc. ra tew was disi ilea-. d. II'T triiii' alii Idairix wi ih nt j hi i-. in her ctinli.i, liie ipn hfs:, pr.ilt siiuir v i;;.iri'H.I-. s!th.,'.i: !i n:i i-n!:. p-l, liii.t she had no' . h -i .! iiiTees. "Il m :i-i Pol j likely,'' Mif -:iM. "jn ihat piihiee of all." Iieiitrik looi.fil on with some enriusiiy i al tlf lui' hi . y.'.l, eraiefiil lady who inl- vaiii i-.l to t::i r i ih-in. Il'iw litllf dal she ('if, mi that !.er life would inn in il tangled Mfh Willi tiiui of i wonderful nriist v.,, c n -I mi mliiiiriiif Iv at In r! The duplies iniroil'n e. Mr?.. I'jri'B to Miss Lennox, "lid ill" f.rli-1's f.ne p.ilnl us she lonked al iln lovi ly i-ii I in tin ilu-li of oinli nnd 'a utj. Mrs. I',. lew I , i:ii:i to iiiraiK'e Willi tin lin hess i - in w hen '.f should hetrin her .-iitinys; Imi tt tiilf -I f talkfil to her (trace he was !.ok:n; the whole tunc nt Ihe lot cly pi, i ii iui, fin e of "1'riin-e l liarlie'c'' 1 : 1 1 1 : ! 1 1 r. 'Ilo-n, v lu-n nil lie- a ri'.nitff lui uic w ere nun If. M i I "si lew said Innh niely : "Nn.v thai i. nr I M.-iia ss is inn. linled, wiil joiir Ki i' -iii"t. lii" to- chow you coine vry hen nt if .il ckop-lii -s'r" 'J'he ilinhess fiill ,-lnl .eh -fit. "Mies Leu vn.i will 1, i!ca-ei with these, I j l! nit." ::i!oi .! Mi- i 'are tv. fir Liallis's ..i.e. She l....!.fd inieiitly lit her ns she cp..f.f. Sin- tti'ii hed her keenly ns clif I'i.-n . I the sketches lieforp I r. Soliif w i re landscapes, olliers lif III s. "This is pn-tiy," caid Mrs. Carcw "n Title simxuT i ll; it is enlled "I he I.ov ei s' ijiiurifl.' " "M" i in. Mis. i 'a row," mid the diiih ess. "m.e i f Miss Lining's peeulinrilin i- Hint nnwi ::.; re!ntiii; lo love and lov er's anicys iti.-l vt'e hel'.'' Sll. Il tt kt!;n.j:c iilit passed liter the heauliful tn.' of the intist h strange liiiit that sei uicil to iln-li frnln her fjes Ii. to the iJnrk heai.lilul out s ruiiied In hei's. "Is tint BoV' die -aid. "So yolinji linn mi eupihle iif ninaiuti love, do nu net l.elieie in it'.''" "I do Hot I'lliive in what the people I see tall lotf, Mis, I'art'W. 1 cannot say wiuil 1 should lliink it. I met with real lot ." ".'.h," huid the nrtict, iiiieily, "1 under eland:" "Il n inure than I do," defliired lh din hes.j; iiml then the door opened, nnd ll l-i ill Ifiii.iu entered iln n olo. ClIAI'TKU Ml. "Mother," eried a In. inly, fresh, nilisi cal oi'i i', ft ti 1 then Ihe voice slopped. "I ,i'L' (i. 1 1 dun," he said, in an altered time: "I III olllt .Mill Wefe alone." Mrs. 1'i'ie v Intiii il round with n hen in in;.' clinic. "( 'ot:.e in, Ih'lirnn," she t. -pif sit d. " :'iu ciiif lli.il lh" duplies- and Mi-s l.en i.i.x will even t you. I'my loine in, my .1- nr." "I am i-'iii'l lo si Mr. l aii iv," -mil ,( I'ufhe-s; vlii'c I'-i.ilii.x. m nil n low, slnr !'i d ill. di opt -I'd Ihf si fl. Ii that she held hi '! !' v.-a- "Kintr Arihur" him .eif. ihe -r't;iii.il of the ( loilnn.ph. tt In ifi- sliiiidnii' Ihei'p "Kile.' Aiihur,' w I. ne fiiie ihe Imd ihou'ht loo liciutif i. Mini lisi e-mil if he ihai of liny iimtia; iiiiui! "We Ii;' v . mi I 1 1 lore. Mr. I'nrew," n lllirktd Iln' dllillec.i, voi'il ll.'ltlli,,v . 'I'ra.v (oine in. I ouht in apolnirf i.,r lllolinpoli. OH olir loolher, hut 1 hit.' :n en verv iinii us, and my .e.n nf iiiiiid ins mi!' ju.st I u Mi'ini'J." "I u ill di-lichud lo hear it, ynur cni.-e,' ie soul; nii'l ilieu, looking ui ru:.s the room, he saw Hi-aliiv Lennox. Their iii s iiiut ninl his held hern pup lii while one of the .tiuncest nnd most 'oleum pauses ensued. Mrs. Carew broke t. tsh cilaincd from hvi sou to the luil innt tpinu el society, und Iheu uiuted dow ly toward them. "Mis I.iiiiiox. permit u.e to introiJute my ttoa leitiau I'aiew." SLe ivuilelisj w hy the dj;k eyes Uii&Letl iiud iLu lovely ti.i- Uucbed. She was nut demonst: juvu, "1'uuc Gharlio't" dauyh ter, but .Up had met her hero, nnd her whole ton! was stiri'Pd. She hdd out. her hand to iIip mail who Innl c'lnvr-n wi hard t.. sate a liiioiiii life - iln while jeweled Iim.iI Ihat -ii .-.-.il 'in weiii . nl ill KreeliUit. .- ie In. ;... i,,' i ; ills ; .1 e. ".ie .-n lie Mr. HcUrtiu OnivAV of Ttliviu J ivud yentcrdnyV' he ntkeii, Mtl tha mm'.o of hr voiet nu dnnrerou "the p'iitlemau who fave himself BUeh Infinite rouble, tl save n poor girl' life?" "Ves, 1 helped to save ber life," be an swered. "you lire a uohle man." cnl-1 Ilentrix. never (Linking bow dangerous praisi might he from euch lijis. "When I read that story, I said tbut I should like to see you and thaulc you. I little dreamed that I chould coon he aide to do no." "I have my reward," be naid, bcudiui,' before her, Ida heart beating high and fast. At this point Sirs. Caret? culled bet stiii In decide upon smiic designs for n picture It nine, and then Iliatrix wits able to look at him. lie seemed to ber us though every moment of his life w ere of immense importance to him, as thoiicli every iustaut were filled no. Ihf Itirsc blue eyes were bricht and intent; the face was ener, earnest, ardent; ihe Hps were clear-rut and closed firmly--there was no wt'Hkness, no vacillation about tliftn. l'resently lieltnni erosseij the room nnd spoke t- ber nhout Kit pud t'ie'i'ie. ni.d in a short time they were talking about Slrnlhnarn. "You lived there all those yearn and eaw no one but the uieiulieis of your own household':" he said. "W hy, Miss Len nox, Ihat must hive tnndo you a poet or n painter." "I am afraid," she replied, "llmt it has made me somewhat of n misanthrope." "I should not be surprised," he lunched. "Nature has out vniee, men hate an other. I think if I h.-td hv-d so lorn; in solitude I should never have left it." "I did not wish to tin so," said Ui-atrix: "it wna n sad I rouble to me. When I Cist left Strnthnarn and i-aiiie to Lon don," she said, "my life wns '(iiitp tineii dtimMe; but now I lnive (:ron n accub tomed to it- I like it heller than I ever thought I should. 1 do not care fur the (.-iryeties. the plen cures, but I hcizin to like the activity of London life, the menial exciioiiien '' "He'ltm," interposed the duchess. "I think we are trespassing on Mrs. Carew' time." "I hope not," said Hoairix, rising ipiii k ly; and Mrs. Carew nssiirtd her that clip was at leisure for the remainder of that uiorn:i!j 'I he Du. hess of Klmslie pive Mrs. Ca rew and her smi a very pressing invita tion to iliio- at Kluiclif House, and they npeppied it. "1 I'Heiid having H priind eliHt-nd" -tv or fan- y In'.ll," sho B.ii, -"I ibink n fiite y hall would he hist; and, Mr. Carew, I shall hope to have the great pleasure of your society. You must come in character." 1 ' I shall he very happy." be returned. Mrs. ('uicw had been for some minutes inieiitly wnlchiiig ihe fate f the loveiy pill before r. She cnid: "Mitu Li iinnx. I should Ilk': to ntk yon a favor," "I am cuilp sure ihat I should njiially like tot-rnt it," respon led Henirix. "Will you let Hit- paiul your portrait': It would l.r n labor of Inve." "I hardly know bow to :i"M' imi. I should riot objet't. I inii' t ask iny untie ninl nntiiimii." "'I'hey will be willing-I inn sure liny could not it fuse. I cmil'l iiiake such tin r m 1 u i cj i t ph lure ti you would siniid (' i Ihe subject. I .hmiM like to call it what should I call it, lid t lull':" " The 'Louis Li!.' " he replied; ami Mrs. I'.irew'c fine lii'vlilcin d. "You nlv ays tind Ihe rii-'ht ilesiena lioli." cl.e caid. "The 'I olii'i Lilt' al ready il sei ins lo ine llial nil i in s,-.il the (lower, Miss l.einio.x. You will ii - k niii- reh. lives, ami, if I see ymi al In r mace's, Jon will lull lii e if liny consent. Ui ml iimniim:. I uni lad that 1 bate, si en you, Mies Leiitinx." i '.'-nl i-1 siii.l Kmiil hi just ns cuiiliaov. I I:, n Ilellian i nun in In r :i.:.'iiil. "I shall look fol'.nr.l wiih gii.il inter est to i -ii r next niei liuu, Miss Lennox I liavi: eiijotftl iu iiioiiiiiiir." "So have I," che said. Id n nix tmi. ber mother and uiicIp a Host II 11111,11 ll lieentlllt nf ihe Interview ! wiih ihe ntti-t: but she refrniiied from telling tin-in that she had mistaken It. I Iran Curew's phi.tograph for n 1'iiu' pli -logrnph iiinint fm- King Arihur; nor !'1' she tell theni h"v the clear, bricht. blue "os had si Pined to look iulo In r very soul "1 want you lo like Mr. Carew. uncle."' -hi1 mi,!; ",. j- must iuielle.-tual." "I will like him then. Triie; I will us', him to dine with us. 1 am ubnl you liaviJ tin t sniiie one wlmin lull I'.dmire." "lie is ! man he Is a hero." Iln I Int t evening Henirix went wiih Mis. Cinden, a fashionable bruiii-He. to ihe opera. Looking round ihe house dor iiur one of the iiiierials. she saw a face 1 1 tit I itiipiessed her gn :tily. Ii vas very lovely, fair, nud framed in shining golden hair a pi-nud fine, wiih wonderful s'-in' It l lips ami chi-eled ft mure-. Whai u.i im sseil her so greail wa llii'l the IU'"t lit iliiferelil tinteh wi re quite u dilicit-iil a.-pecl. Whin anyone tins in the box talking In the owner of it. it tia in. si brilliant, n.i :t itiiiinniPil; but when slm was alone, 'i mask, alino-l like a ma-l of stone, i. line over it -Ihe ripple of laiith ler died nwn, the warm, ciiniiy eolming lied, the light ill ll yes faded, the whole fine ell.ili' fil. llialrix wnlche.l it l"i l oine time, I nil lle-n appealed lo Mr-. I 'nrden for Information. "Who is the lovely blonde lady wiih the blue telwt find diamonds, in the third box V" the a.ikeil. Mrs. Cnrdcn rniseil her opi in glues mid looked. "That is Lmly liayner." -he replied, "one of iny ilturesl friends." "How binntiliil she is bill how slid!" mill Heolrix. "Sad? Seine people UK never content, never would he content, if the) had nil the, world," declared Mrs. Cai.lcii, t oiitcnplu oiisly. "Is she not happy, not fiiti-nt ':" H-!;ed Ilentrix. "You Mi she looks end. so I imagine she P.innot be Pi'iilPIII, llmlich why, I i atinot limb rstand." "Is che ii'urricdV" was the m-M t:ies tion. "Married! Y'es, She married Lord I -ltayner, who was siippiised to have n very larce iueome. She has the linesi diamonds In Loudon; the are something wouderftli. And she ill ires the tint's i bnrses In the park, ll "" hk. I will in troduce jou to Lmly lia nor.' "I chould like it vi i y inui-L," replied Ilentrix; nnd when the ladies stood tv gethr in lb. erusL-rm.iii. the Introduetiou loot place. Fo'iui llie tlr r rtoiaiD- ijeu!ri likiu ber new ac(Uaiut(irjoe. She- liU-U ber fait, lovely face with ifo emioiis ihantes from fay lo grave. Now , us they stood talk nr.'. Lady Ha.vner looked bright, animated and happy; p few minutes nfii rwirrd she was sliindiiiu nli'l c, und hii.l.ed as llu iigh a bUtUU'll blilil had n lu i t cil her; ami llieu ngnin, when Beotm spoke to her, t!it i;rftve laJr.irs ranUlted at U by Magic-, They tulked for short time longer, and when about to separate Lady ltayner took Itentrix by the buiid. "Something telis me we are to Ie friends," she said. "I Lope mi-h wiil be the case." The tweet, sad face with lf rtrauj.' gleauis of laughter touched lleatrix. "I shall be pleased," she caid simply; but the tone was sincere. "Is Lord Itnyner what people call a nif man':" Miss Lennox asked t.t Mrs. I.'ji den. That norldly lady laughc.J. "He ought to be." she replied "every one Iooks at biiu through a golden b:ue." "lJuC-9 bis wife look at him through a golden bore, Mrs. CordenV inquired Uintrix. Mrs. Cardon laid ber baud on the young girl's. "Will jou believe this," she said "that the most miserable people in tin- woild an- those who take life in earn-n'''" liefore the ryes of "Prince ChiirlicV d -i tighter rose the earnest face of on t arn c-1 mm- lieltitiD Carew and her whole s .'Ti i' e in hot lebelliuu agaiust the fool i.di l.nldj. 'How cnu yon speak so?' ih! cncil And then, feeling ashamed of ber warmth she said: "It is not right of you who slmuld know better, to teucb the young ii ml the igitotatit such a doctrine. Sup (X'te I were to believo you?" "You would do a very wise thing, my dear," replied Mrs. Cardfn, calmly. "I repeat ihat to le happy in this world yo'l must tnie life more us u jest than in earu- hi'..'' cii.uTT7Tirxni. liniitrix looked forward with cue in if rest to her visit to lovely Lady Kayi.. r. She wns nut of the common order; there was s.iiiielhiiig nhout her difTerent from the frivolous e.iple who talked .bout lii'e as a jest. "I am so giud to see you," said Lady ltayner, when lleatrix filtered ber ta.-ij liMl" hoiidoir. If money coulil give hcpfiiiuss, if ma. liitictnct' eoiild produce eniiifiiit, Laily Hayner ought to have had it. 1 lie little boudoir in which she sat was exipiisiti !y furnished. 'Ihe hangings were nf violet velvet mid whii" hue, the carpet had a -. hit- ev.iinel t. it Ii violets lying a- ilmuli liny hud ji'-t lallen iip.ni ii, t!:'.T" were a f.-w rni-e (lictures; a luiisteipicce by Ca Imvn stoo l between the violet velvet hung inge: there were a few beaiiliful broii7.es, fX.'Hsite vases, jardiniei rs tilled w.lh i.-ii' -l rlower-., Lmly l!ytier heiveif wn very iov:ly, but her fine whs (inie, i.tnl lo r ey.-s locked ns iIioukIi she bad been weeping. She held out both hands in gliding to ' i'riiice Charlie's" daughter. "I mil si Llnd .V'i'l have coine," she s:.i.. "lio ni know, Miss I'llliii.X. lh::l I Ila'P falltn ill love w ith your face--.tii:i li.ni, s , true, so eaiiirst; and I want a friend who is truthful and ruincst." "I orn trill hf ill, returned candid I'na trix "I lotne nf It truthful rue--. I on earnest Iipiiiusp I cannot !n!p it. If . - i i bke me, and want a friend, I shut! he m r.v (ile ipi'l tn be that friend. Lady Hay m r." "l iul ni" l.enla,' rt"riolcd tin wee. wiih a oiiick shudder "i li l.ame t." "I will be your friend, Leola U'n: I i:'it said Ib-atrix. 'iiih k, wnrtn pily siirred In r hem t- .-he did not know why- ipiiek. ten del' pity. She l ent down and kissed the pale. Mvcct luce. Lady ll. yiier told her of ,i leuiip in the eon ii ti y . Ii'if she mi. used herself and did ns che I'l.ed al! day long. Ile.itrix inning keenly l ow i.-ih- her Ihc was, leoi Irnes parent were ihe 'viti:e liamir, how -in strove iDininsi t,,. n it .-.ss tlnil seeiucil 'o miisier ber; how- al limes she evt n f. ig. t what she win puyinv. ninl went of; into a tiaiii if -n infill llioiihl. Heatrlx uas ifiy gei;e witli her. They were laugh ing heartily t utt esi-spade of Lmly It iy-lur'-i, win-!, suddenly she lose from l.er cf.it; Inr fine crew while as death, and her hands trembled. " I li.it Ir. Iny ll'll"i ml." she sai l. "I thought he left lioine e.irly this nun nil.--." Ileal rix lien nl tie sound of u ipiii k. diiillling footsit p. the door opened, and Lord Lnvner entered ti e nmin, "l'ri'n e Ch, irl.e s" daughier al-.tn.-si cried out in surprise a- her eyes fell upon him. 'Hn:! I I lln'iierl Wlij, In- was surety one of the in. i"! insigiiili.-ni:' mid ciuiloiii,ii!i!" lool'.iii. n 'ii she had ever seen! He was ,t-it liiile ami very tifi-ee: In' had a par rot face, will. Miinll, twinkling tye-, i ml a real ienikc'l Dose' and be spoke in a nasal tone. Wns this the husband of the c: pi lb l-loittle who tieinbli ! liei'me hifiV I ! did not see I'n airix at tu si. i n-l in n mi. e itnlescribiibly lierce and chriil be b"g.ia: "I th.firhl I told ymi to rile m .! i. :n.s about that can iageV" "You did," snid his v. iiv, nyine lo spiak calmly. "I mil very wny, inim-I tpnte fori:ot it." lie weal t. rarer t her. "Y'HI lli'l llol fol'l it"' he self Mined. "You did it pinpoecl.v. Ymi knew ihat I wanted te go ! Kiclinintid. l I knew that 1 wi.ntid that piiili. uhir i,irria:e. ll is .Mull- -p.lctlll, jeiiloll-. li Ii, per lllill pretili'e.l ti n Irolil w rililn: - and nii shall siufi-r for ii !" "Mile i," mill the pale. I" iiulifiil i-i- n "Miss Lennox is here. Ymi do iml sei her. I thi.i!.." The nioiiii nt lie en w ih" I. hi- manner ciupleiely d he nil thai M.il'i iilioiis. '"loll will pardoii Inc. Mis- Lean bll' 1 have bu n ei.tiipelled In iii.-irl my piv liigatiie. No niie in this iiii-ernble I -' ever obf . me I i:r ever nt tend in in wislifs- no one suidifs ine." Witli'iul luiniher wnrd, Ln! Ibiynev s.-it iluwii h ix I winle the in.ie; when ii win. Iniijhed he s" il In her husband I" read. "I ch i'l say i.o innl aboul i i- nov .' he said, with the air of otic ttlm would be generous; "bill 'he next lime I expr.es n . ish or (.ive n P'-minaud, e,- thni n i carried mil o' that yov, oi -,-v. "I will be tar. fu!," promised i..- wife. "You l ate spoiled my day," he finitin ue.l. revert if ariiili to bis w roiigs. "I had itilf ii'l'-il oing to Uif hiunii l ; I really believe you knew with whom I twis o iii g. ami Mere jealous." lie laughed again. Ttith an air of self I'.iiiiplapeuev, which made him appear iloiibly nl. surd; and Healrix ihniicbt to her.-eif that if he repealed his lnu;h she could almost gu mad. She looked al I lie pale, bountiful wnmau who was pompcllcd to bear that laughter whenever he elms.' to inflict his preseuee on her. "W bat Kiidd have induced her to marry ftuch a piouctei tLought lieatrix; nu'!. Uieu Lc liPXjUU to woudur. Uis ui"..J l-a cbugetl. "I told Hudsod to scod up a diaiuoaj necklace tor you to look at," be said io bis wife; "vbey tell m tbut sou of tho imperial Hones are in it. You can have it if ynu like it." 'iheu lit inse from his seal, and aftei' paying n frw fulsome compliments t" Hen trii, and sali'ting bis wif with aiarkcl .lUsdalo, Quilted the rcom. "Ar.S that," thought "Beatrix, "Is a lu.'in!" Lady Iii-yuer trrned to her with a look of great iflief, and, without alluding 1'' her bust and, began to talk ugai" about 'nlier u:.)v. I'.e.-itiix wen greatly liner-e-te.i in br mw irieiid. S.'.e stJ.vi.-U imv ':' Ihll'l tl,- hioi lli'eiitlvd, and T'ijC at la.-t Lurri'-.iiy ' 'i" her lenv.. "You wiii r---tu ' li'i.'ii:':" licked Lnly Kay tier. "Or shall I '.or."i: lo sei. yoo 7 " "Ylii :L"er will suit you nciS. You eo out a rejt deal, 1 bhoiiel ili.agiiie':" c.-hiJ .I"Uli(. ''Ye.-, ' ws the reply: "I take my 'wotldlini'ss' as mii'..' -"ifl".' ink.; drugs nnd drains. It nnswi r ;i.e s ici" l-'-ii"-".-. I i'i out u great lieai; 1 a in cililoui a! ii..rn-.'' When Ht-Hirit '" lai.ing l.er leave. Lady Jta;. uer tan h i-, wiii, a juiiit cuiile: "There is a skeleton in every lion-.-. Mi- Lennox, and it :s gem-rallj hid-icu; 1e.lt y'n'l iii seen 11. inc. Y ou v. ill le'l Lenny I :eV" "No," I I'otl. iK d Ileal i if, "f wiil lint." "I-I I .allied for moiii-y," snid fr:" p ile, lovely lmly. "and I have laoie money limn I kii'i-v Mint to tin with, i; I y, my ilii'i." nnd wi'ft'iot waiting for iiiiuiher word l'.eatrix deimri'd. "Married fur money!" Tin- worN j t- od in Lei" ears a. I the remainder f U.i.l 'Iny. i (i.M'i i : it xiv. "I have 1,1 vi r .-f il y 'ii , ?:' se.-l it..-ti? a dinner paity before, Jii.iii'' "'.id Lmly Li lino-:, when her daughter i".;i nilif'l her tor the twetilieih t iiae viic ru ing ti'.T il:''". "Is any one t'o.n. wlmlu ton cr.r n nil "I-'i ';''" "Yes, I told yi 'i. manur.n -M'i. ' itr'-.v. the artist - the lady who is so u :: 'iou t. pniut iny pnrtraii. Th" dm he-- say - .-." would nut paint iln- port rn it of nu vi.i pr -j if did not lil.e her." r.eniriv c, : "ii.r..-. tr the li nt:.-r luirly ut 1' in-li" lions'-, !'".l,-.tg fr in'-.e liflllltifill ihi' 11 die had ever ionic! l-.'-f..--. Iler gr.i -el:il hiiol i'ii'l fiower-lil.e fa. .-. I I - -1 while lieik a lid lovely should"!' .-. I i from clo'ci- ' I'-e-ch ied mil.'. M.f wore wliii" r---' : : i "" l"''t". and enirifii il b'.u.j'iel "l win - i.'.-'io'':- " "' l.linl of i!.,v el'- e :- ,-, ' : I ill Ii,'- ' : -. ,,f Iht dress. She I' . i.-d I '. ly etn.iigh to 'Msinib an nrlisl's di.Kt - ll-r m. '.v I.N'I 'I'. !iH 'h" im. in;;, i. in lb- d.i.i.er pany- -ie ha 1 '"" !! "f lalf - I ut 1.0 ile-r'-l ' look at I, - ti.-- - "" li nen i. "Weil, I m:i "f i i.i'.'ii i! ..i i ::.-.! ! ' tulle wit! ., :. his i . .... .ie -I .:, e I hi'.vo r -- x i-1- .I'll lii-.i' io'!. so well li" fi.iv." raid I'- t L'l.ie.x: .-.ini he li..i.i lit i.:,' e to thini: i'1-i'ii ".' :.e :: ri li'" tie -its; '.'.!. ;!" I '..-airix, f- . .r Lill'-li" !i"l -'. a -,.-l I.e. 1.' v.i, .', -h ' eli, ml. I ii... I i,- .- .t-iifd I ie i"..i - -I ii" l.ll-Ii ife .1. lit. lit tt I, I . I " "'.li I -.- .-h I " talk to I or- p. i!..- r she w--.'- ' '. 1.1 i:..:.. It WotlM 1. ','" c. il !'! '1' ( I.,-;. '. .- io .V.i h ! I ttiiin : :.. I'casi:,.' Yes, iie-iv wa. ;l. .1 i. ft! laid l.i-r i i i i.'e v.-!.. ii -!. i iii.-i'i i t.'e f ; a'.d she i i-sii-i: ..-!ii "l I., li '-. a eg it i-oliii!i'iie,its ih.lt si;.- ll.'."..i' i-l li' -W r Hi'', w 1. ;;g aii lie- i..-;e .h. ii it Hell ran l'...l :'irit' o .M i-.sl - :.w the mil l.gi.'r an ! lh.- ti.t,: i I'li' ' id towel in.: ,-il.ot c Ihe "lin t -. . i i '. llu-bett; -1.' a:, .'.' icd ..l ritiel. p . ' . ' Ih" du!." wi.u! I l.hi l.-ave h. r in I 'lu e! To !ier gr.-at r--ii- i i!-'- I !''-h'" : '.- lie e.ti'ldl ih" duke a..:iy --he wa'. ' t illli' iillce hilo I" 111" Vi if'1 '' '' '' i . ihe ei:ii.::s.-a'!"r- i-nd H-iiu ix t- fi.-. In lil"lh"I' IllOtlieiit J'.cltlUll t'illl'iV V. .- '! her Side. "I wa-: nfrnid." I." a', i. '' '' ' ' :'! iioti-'i t near you. Mi - 1 I 'l'- i ''-' 1 ere I! PI ii". ii jc "" She Im-k-l ' I- i,l ii l-i. ' !-!.. '.. . I- :- l l io -ay : "ll i- ., 't'-ii 'i- i.iiu ! r mo." I oi -l o v. as : ! e: i't -!iap in' lii'niii'.'ii i s',., d lo r i-.i' i.. i.-r . . Iff a u ii.lt- If .ech -I "I hope I I. nte I, : ' ', : "! - i"'.. I 'I II lll'.llie-.il ll.T I- e ll :i I .: l'e l.lf. "I I'l l.iil.ly I, "I. -! ' ' .1 ' "le! l' ' ' '" HtJ. led i by:- -1.. I ,- - iii l 'i l -... fi.ll.U -"I was just t. i : .: tliat If ii" po aiid It like I- '. i- i I." "We f toll'.' I ' IS l1.. '" ,':.l s " I i - :l - "l: fm e pa.u.-.l ."i . 'i'lli'll '!:i .V t- .ii.' 'I ihi- :. 'l H " HI;' .'lite i, I . "i!.s, i. ,.il. ii .' : i .1- i. il. 'if oilier Hi it all el-.- w ' I. I t ie iv iini lien Hi riix in. '-I ' 'I fa:;' . .- ilii ll .i ': if 1 1 II i t ' r:;i il lltMii. i.f l-hl . , p,-:fi-i-t hn ,..,.. . . ie :' . .'-. Tin n !-r words I i .. . s :-. lilies- I ;; I if o f I- i o.l , " I :' i i I . lime 1" l'o. She wa- rath , p ...... (.1 mi n i -t home; for. " li"ii l.-idy Lennox a.-'ici !: . aln.iit the liinin r .i i th. e.iiiee. she emi'd ifii. fii, I.. !' iioil.iiig fft in thiii Mr. i i.it'w was there. Kfiltl'i.t w u- -in lie.l '.. t that she did i,el i-tt-n n i-i. u"er a. ii..' go,.d-i,'i;!i1 t" h'-r r,i c t i'.n : !:.- d retueiiiber wns -ini..'.iit: in i!:e n, it w .u. 1 tell ran (':.'; I r !. ' ' --..: i .1 that ll i ' 1 i '1. ,, I-. w eiii'l ii i n a:e i:-. the ri-.l.i fold- a...i ! .'-.. eg ..i V llile he I'le.t ll roiill.l h.-r lb: t ' ',: i lookl'd Ut ilil. I l Oh il tie., .1- ..... -. ,ie. then In- had I- ,:' h s ban !- ' ..- h. l.er and v hi-; t ml n.-h --t . . -iv ' '. i' tlieve'-t li.el.lol) '! t belli l.i.nte her l--' p:ii..;:i:e. Healrix w a- .(in'i- . ' - b l.uicll I'l 'lil"! ''i n w t ..... i , :.,:.,:...- i. Ii;l he, iif' Vi '" a , a'ti.lie ill 'hf I' "I'll ing, il : if id. P tin .. 1 l W ' ;.! -i ,. b in would ' tl'.'. 'I -I e - ;. ,ic l.:!!. . n ' " I . T ". rn f i I - f d b.-r lile to I, not-. . i ' had in. I fhi . 'I l.f.l it . ii -i o a'lli'i'ih i : -. .v t da) . tt cut i. .: . ..:" know n Ilea 1 1 .'. i - kue.v he.-. 11- ' - 'It I ..Hf III! ii Can u If. a ii i Mr-. C.t i. .v I I ' ,!') 1'.. i : : -,1 during !'.. I'i-i. In- b...: i. ..e, pie It -. 11.11 lii. xt in I, l : . . I... ins Lii. ." I Ihe llPSS. ll WUS II 11. .1111 of i I III of '.. I brown ever oiie -lioulder, lenviiic r , olher uui-M', ed. li" t'.tel) no k m-c llower-lii.c fi'i'.n lii" - if '! c-si'iine, lie tiueenly be.. v. a- .-i-.e w iih l.itu- Niie lilies. Nothing t iuod ':. Ucu mole ur listio nr Iiauc biauiifi". Ueatri euj-yeil ih s nil.,-. La "y Liuinox gem luii.v i-ut t' .in her: but Laiiy Leuunx ix- xiei.aiy v i.-o. and. wLeu h aaw Uoxx- ihe you- ' Lwyer terestuJ f-ud amui-cd Ler bi-autifui child, when the heard iheni pnuvcrtlut; of aver.. tLiug most poetical aid artistic, she Bevoi drenmcd of danger. They all met one daj at a fete given in Ihe l.eantit'i'.l m immln of Twickenham 1'uhtie. I he Mnivpu- .if Creilole was tl.'' itiiVkUnilxxi ui it, nndj uf Mac. Citt.xv bad ;et oil L"t.':on talking nLmtt '.be Ton JerMI p.oin.lt f f bis l.etunif nl marcI..ote ...s. li.- (,:. .1 sc-it i-ard b''b to he t'ftvo irtist g!..-; I . no l' -s p. tied son. 15t-a- rix ii;d Lady Let i)' x went with th I un In-- r Llin-iie. l'-' tcr Lennox d.s- ,-'. ' i- :--b-n panic , Li..! s-.ui.u.cr Mes wef I". i .' ''i t mill'!- lie preii'ired din ner j irti.- wi.eii ,' ! piny a solekia gtinitf t'f whist. (To bo coniiir.iid. THF: PURSUIT OF BEAUTY. This Century Wi'l. I'e.i.r!- -""'est Improvement ni Hurian Lcmiir-"" -. The urtlel. Can lus J)i:ian. tt.i; .- .it;.; to make li'i'tMiiMV uit.rc 'utiini. d v 'd be the Only u li r-i!..!n;: c t'i ' i . Nf;t nluiiu v.'oiuan. l.tit n.'li'. i-i'i ' ": i", thi ll, mi'! ' l!ii- v.' i e sit y. V. e !.i,t e too i-.I!' lix.-d lii lilih; "ielii" i-H hi-aitb-h:'i::p- : :. w:ivm: !.tH tl.-' :' ee;itii:y I ;. ' ;is- wilu '' ' '"' i ! . Jiel I'l i'tillli. and th'- nr:i " ;'" ff l.:it pelf. I , i'UI v -I.!"! J ":- V - i '. lo tin i; ' 'ii. v; i ' H i- : -. the wt iii'iy , ; - i 1 lie i - K:n:it: rv lit i .. ,:: I . '- c-is pi ''.'i in :'' of the ' inr . ; " hi : i, nut- ehi' i - 1 '! - i.l'.'i : -'''I!':: - ' - I li, in:; ! -. iif i, if"! and I : r.r t ,,;-y will ! a !: il I' . I:" .1 1 ' - ' '-' j vein; '." :'i .f 1 .. I,:.'i..in I :" . 'i !ib- i- as i: .- ;.'.ni.l lie. fl' :o t :. - j lst pi.-iiii ;' vp'w. It i.- l"s -.- ! I i'i r.'::;c-i'i.i types to ins. and .' ' " t ' tii'iiittiit the pic: lire of a world v : .- j e, ";.. ..!v tkii-i I - !,"-ii'::"il i . :ti :i' l'iri:: tui". it " i- .1 i-'n.-.i t-i i '.' Wili iieauty cnu: in ,- t'..;,i" i ;- ., .1! ! Ii.ii'!i.t!iitm It vi lit tie- It'- tr -f j lii'" w iih ll '.' lit o-n if v.e ;:!! c n i : j Jtnifi' fon v:. a;.i! all be ih; i' ..!'' pl'jfi ft tllg' '."I f'i''.'l! 1 t.l -t l!) i Ihe mass. ! ' a'tv I i " lili.ii.! '" I ui i I'l ih-l-1 1'Ul 1-' : -i it. spire t : --liiiiet IO I llbnlllJlii'T":! .- i": 1.1 ::. Tl.' 1 1 . '.I P let' I VPiii'-ti! '!'! It ii i'-nt f-ipif. inr nhout ffiiiitiibe j'oilonsii s. whii-h xv : , 1 1 ! ! have within:; to fee I u- : if ad tw i.t.-ii were beautiful; ha If lie .:" ' : ! ! would h'Si' llieir ii.-'i-iinr-t inn ; the p.'if- WOlliii l.'.'tvi- tiothing lll'.li.sli.ill tn get into j u frenzy over; tt-.t- stage woui-1 1 " ii its j must exciting iif-iier; il.- i."!i - t f.-n-ild j miss the t ' - -1 " i i ?"'! wb ieli it io.M ' Ui.'ltiy bilo'::'-. un i :i- !' ' s i.-if t! nu" ! yellow I'jiiiii.ii.' they v-.-il-l go mm j F'i.krt:p!e. i To mill.." "il hniiri'iii.' ppnutlful i. V I nialxo lu"'- vu.id.-i ;::: for bnnd- I Rom- "!'!(. Iih'' I ' ''!'"' ' '"' '' v.-oiil ! lie i tu, .:'! itla'.' h'.'ies. v in bc::t:ly aiiyv;ty'.' Is i!. fm ttutiha' iet'lly In Hie eyt.' o' tin' h'.-lml'I" l'V vib th" i;. piriiy of li" our kntiwle'K'P id '"' In -t. inx. ! :. ::- otllf n il'Ti-" s t'i" nl.! nl. II, i-oiiliei- s li i'l' a'ld xv, ! -f. ivt- j I hem ;ii'i-i.i dint- 1-1 iL'ir iip;-"ru!iee i' i'my be - but we eiiiivlaln tbem f om ! (.;.!"!" taliie to us And in a lar-o r licopf, tin; ''en "ii'1 i'-it" mad" Inr llltist H'ir in Ihf xxi. i'-1 jf b "n'V '' the truth. Inc. e oi"" ti hei-.i i!tf-'i!'!a: hut rufi'l' let of phy.-ii iil !.. tit y. As to the f.-'tnons l ia'ili-ti t'f fable, nobody lome.-: no..' 'h'-y m'tiittlly lookeil. I'm- :i!l w- know. I!'lcn id Troy may li-ive v.-nni i:u:olifi' t i.;iif dboi si nnd b--n cm. - - t. but ? It'll" as l'i'i'is tbi.'ii'in i" r ii-- ip it "i "-tiii- t.V.KheViilf in i- i -fi ht' I" :i ' "id at odd-- Hoi:'"' - - t !,!:. xt mid be n nu ci, to lie ' in It; t.-r. bit w he: her she had the i-muuy (ha? ::t " d i try have Riven to i.-r ! t.-t. ', hu'l Unit i harm of ten i' l'.ni.' nt 'xnieii defies I the touch of tig" an i H." !"' '"' i f'Viinltinee. .No. pei'st'iia! mi.l nt i'. i-i stil l e-uiy ' would hnve IH ft in ' !'itit'i steal j ttandiirihi of I'm u v I n !i ;:: : i"l!.n I ideal might p.ili. V. i " t i n - f.i.' the. I Ideal too in nl '.' li .- m-, r i,i :. nt to ! ll,' set 11 ihill t iif ":i: l.ilntl '.! I ! !l. ill ilidi't' ; sell in Cr i, ,: . :: i : ' ::';x. ! lb " before ii" ninl (aunt ..s it il.--:' ml ns Itl th" lniniat' : i d ' i" 'be M.,!fi i:tl The poitp'e xxe hi,i h:- Pi'st nl' ,'M arc the cms f i o mil us; a ib" i' !' fill formula, which ddics s'and.lril . ; n:l romprei-'Sfn all Hie iunt'i!" sides ef lieaiiiy into very faulty inodelR. Min-n-.-anoil-s Trlliuno. Power Frnm a fe' r fottr. A ti. x ice ; ir t !i" ' 1 1 i : imi of the .inn's bt at In t t":. : : ,.i. x-.tr bin: Ji'st been lint int. i tipei a' I. ut a' .'.ill:: I'iis ad. lin. Cal. Thf lie-i -e -iiijn i - a fuiinel-rlianr.l i-i'i'.rh'f ".'M L' feet ill iliiiiiu tt i" .-.( lie- I ; hud I.. : - I nl lint l.nt; .to. ami ecii ilni-u: on its jitirfiieo 1.7m i.in in . . 'I he i i-l! - : i is 1 1 i na txxii lixeil Mippnrt.- in s ii li a tnai.ncr til It It !"',X- fell. .V tlif I'luli'lll' lll iif till! sun. .mil is !,i i ! in li ens by ci-ic k-woi'k. The .id ins' in, 'in ,f i:..- !iiii :n. s is -iieh thill t'i" ' lin I'.tx.-: in:' l I 'li ' n 1 1 .1 1 'll Oil II i"i!i l'. t'l'm .11' I'l i'l'l-lil. 1" 1" f.'Ct In h li l i . x. a eapii. ,' f of InO j'itl lon ''. x :t. i i-iiil i i 1 i ,1 iiddil inliiil In.' ' ,'i: -i 1 I t of heal Is ' ii: .tide i-i ' I i ,: i " ! :i m-ra- I tui" In several I i. : n-l .' iv. i .-. but ll," ' :' i is irt'i ' ' I- .1 I': i beiii'; si! pi i In a ' ed by iln- xi'.iti- xxitnhi it. widen IS biin'-l'l l-i ::..i or -If' ih re"-'. Til" i e'li'in: n I i'" i Ci : apply ! wal.-r ! pi Ibe b 'I ' . I : ...' il :: .'"Kiln - j all) i. te! il .x- .' , t'-.:' i in I'li'ssary ta ii.. cute :,i in.-ii', tu it: tn ii'.i'i: t the :nii'"in' l" ti-'i: aii'l M ? in iii. '..i Inn in til" ' ..iliil'l '. II...'. intil'M' is Ul":piiig fi'niii a !:!;!- ".I'iergroiiuil t-nV at. Ill" rui" -i 1.! ' i 'I'l'ins a miii'it' . !',L 1.1-..1- (,n;.i'-th-ai'iii':it. A tl: ath t:- X lay ,i i tuns bv expi" ure to rc.'ih i-.d 13 the iSi'iilt'b The :. iitn was a lata! l-.il " was ltS- .utU'.l .'.aU.::i.ttO0 .i'. of. :': ipi'rtant bona. ..I b" il'.o lire.; death til ,.', tn t i .1 ; iy, and tin a .x ii I y - i" i-i. die tl au- i- i : . 'lit t' 0 of i...'.xivU3 va v.u. killed Tl.:- THE 3IEIIKV SIDE OF LIFJ2 3T07IE5 Tt-IA, A.t-. 7"LD fcY THS FUNNY MEN Or Tn fritSS. Veil a Hoily rrv'.' .'. :i"i I I :iirsioB Jif-l .leretl-i'lic l--n! I;. : l.s - Ml (i. ii.iiive It I). n a-Is iioi- i- of Let l. r.-'.X mil. I the i nil lii-iiefn, tile. Jt a hr. iy i.-i'.-it a body C.uf t. u.i' t-ie s;e I; a tony k.s.s a oo iy IfiJ a to'.y ci) .' W t-lJ, not Jiiud,, J aia u. .c, ' I Jill Si (i j. (,.: t. l as l ii ;e.ore. -i' - ll jit . i.-c I'. on?. A I. no. I Iniinc'-ioti Iti-istell tl. "I ..te ihat iiliiiil i f-'g-ica dinie .liitj u-' i.i.iiil ii." ii 'in-;. 'I. .fill l.-i'Jt ' '" "'I'lfia l.iiU'i.-eiii" i- as ii.ir.'lsome xlot J ii. od 1- I'i c J'rer.s. 'J lie I ..III Jt - ii lit;-. "Wlial tli'i i.e say -.vl.in ,,e .slipjicj on ll.e iee':'' "WeU. l;t- did ihe 'n st h" eniii'l. lm 1: iii'iif. liii.,: e. :!.; liniife o.-ltilial. -i'l-.ix, Silft'''1.ltixc. Tie-re's n hi'-Vy itj.tn for. von!" ''low's iiiat:-" Yi:y. i.'-'s go,, a li'iih-r : o .i.gn'liej l:;:il he ex ell WeS !;: - ! ! ub liii-.-.i ii!" Jliookitii Lit'..'. Jl Di-iien.l-. Wi::!.'-"It nitlsi. i-e an awful ftuog (o be li. Ul".-" Jiggle- "(lii. I di'ii'i kiio'.t ; docs yo u w if" ask ui maii.f l'.eji i. stioail a- nj w :''"- t'liio s...t" .lo1:; -ill. (.'ilii ee el' J.etlerc. "I thin'.. 1 .-li.ill jt I iit l- 't'-t's as a pr.-l. -.-ion' iilisi-r. x J lie-' l'ariy with tiie Jliil.-'in:: I'.i'oit'. "'J',vM-xvriiiiig o." sign pi' In: iiii'V" ia Hiir. d l lit Surdi'iiK- I'..r.-og. HaitN taiire A'.ij'-ricaii. 11 .mini llie I tilt Itl'lii'lll. j "I was awfully i.Iinl tn receive your i i'eiier. .-.aiing limi ymi Innl re penteiJ. i'.ilt why did you scud H unsealed':'' ! "j'n c.-i i'm' tucy cay ';in o i n coiiios- -inn is ,io-l lor th" f juL' "-J'ii'.ludeb Cilia .Von !i Aini'i l'jau. I I'l-eliliilntiry l:i llie I.tciiI. l!is Mother "You know', I!nrold, i hmris lii'.' jusi as luiich as il liuiia Villi." j ilarnlil "Yes b but you d d-tkm't haxe i i s-ssit, down on the p p ii'.ac ui icrw in ,1s." l'ii k-Mi -L ;. ' Over Niitlilng. ' "This ivii'i-less vi'legraphy ri'inlnd.l lie of il Jii'iiilU'll'-.-s. , III, I'i ei." ' "i'hat p;i-sihl" coniii clinti is iLera In r.v. in 'he two':" i "it's praciically having woflst orer j'.itiiiuv."-- I'iiihifbdl'iila Tiiuef. I Taclles . i "Miss Hinks L:iii t a pnn ic'.e of ho- i .'ial ins: iiici." j "What du ynu mean':'' i "Why. when Mi.' is invited i" litficK lie talks ir ore I hail Ihe gill tvU) is ta pay lie lull. "-Chicago Hccaiil. Sweet 'I.n-srs. ' "Atf yo;i go r ; to have one of tbosa ' annt-Hke h:its.'" usked the sirl in the tan in collar. i "Yes. just as soon :: T can r.ilsi :ho iloii'.tli."' ri'i'lit.l ihe girl 1 "'In' fur juclit-t. Chicago. Tri'niino. j They All l'o II. I rinii ky ' -Vow, i'. hen 1 (Viini: at a ! public imintnin I niwnys pui my lips ri tne t-ilv- 'he cup. near ihe handle lo a. till I'.iiiiilliiiuatioii." ; yii.i li "Y .-'. I've lioiiccd everybody i Joes t Ion." i diio State .luurual. ' 'i iie Ovi-vliiirilPiicil Sex. j Teacher -"Who wns it nipiinrtcd lb ' fvnrlil on his shoulders':" I T.riell.t I'llpll-'AthiS." Tea tin.. "Ami how was Atlas sup H'l'ictl ':" ! r.ilg,ut I'lipil-'Hy Mm. Alias. 1 suj) j I'u.sf." C'Licago News. Vsnl lo It. "Here's n clever ta'e," Miid i lie cleric I (n i lie book ilciiai iiucni. "li's a try. i uf lit-rdi r warfare." "Thai, wouliin c luti'icsl me," replied Mr. Sinibu.'iiil. "I grit mixed up hi i ib.'it sort of thing enough in real lif." i -rlilladidphiii l'ress. A Fine Flltinil DM tuition. "What are ymi here for, my inanV" ,ru;iiircd tin' iieiievoieiii visitor nt ibu jail. "Why, you ace, sir," answered fho lirisoiier, "I link nus.eiliiiig that didn't bcli'iU: lo me '' -:giits. a n' tii.'n' I tin i W (, i t.r.liii' lo law " WasliingitU' i uv. , l-'roiii 'I'riilik tu 'I'Mll;. -What is a fnniiiy Ii'if!" asked th'' y iiitig pcrsiii). " ianilly tree," i.tis tvc.cd Miss Cay enne. ",s iiiuch like oti-.ei' trees; very siur.iv near ill" rnais, Imi becotniiK iiitim and more frail and iiusiilisiaiil id cs it branclii s uui."-V n-liingioii Smr. .Inst as I- ll.it nttl. The liuide-" Tills here spot is known lis Louts' Leap.' " C .ir Totiri-i iiismtm'leil' "WbKl :'ii l,iil'ii'tiii'i'S';ii" sp I Why in the worhl lia! ynll give il sm ll a roiilltlltlf llilllle':" The i ; ii i I -" t nu-" yiT en n't f'.t l.ere eve t. funics bid'oi'" a en 'el'pillur tliups dinvii yer r.ei-U." AnswiTf. A VeiliHfll -tOl. 'I'.ip.i. iv eat (to 1 s iy wii'-n I xvaut ,5m :) i. ,-, ':" ,ixa I .-.niiiiiy. -.x iio wa liiiili; ills rl'.et b - s ,;i ;. dl'iv;:i;.. "I'u'l en ihe hues uud try 'WLoa'.' " jv.i'Ucd 1.1s father. A luoiiti-n' ia.er tho liors- stsrlej fto'-vp a slope iu rite road ,:t a uot that fcoea b"can:r' uimo.-t a a,loi. Sin.'iiy's niit-d :i- ifil tpi'o'kly. "' t-iit xv : : ' . !" ho ca' .i. puiliii"; geiiily vn .ut liuui-. (.hit n 40 'Xribue.D

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