st ' "- ' -- - '-- ' -- - ' - . - - " V " I rtrU4rUitrn MMWd, k Cfaitom gmxk Er ( One square, two insertions W BB j One square, one month ffljattjaa Rtcorb II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, U50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advmtt. VOL.XX1II. PITTSBOHO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY Ml, lt)0l NO. 3D. For larger advertisement liberal -Mb- tracts will be iie. ill CHAPTLIl XXI. Tt vr.-v. more llinn n week later. A hoary full of snow, such ns wo rarely cd i" late in l'i -lirn :irv. made all tho world white. I stood nt tlir window of my own litllo Kitting room, lontiini. ncninst tin' henry, .h op rod rt :i i . and lookiiif "'il nt those whirlinc, noi-closs Hakes. Itnt nt tho library door my strength returned. 1 walked in. Itayvonliam stood before 1lio firo. my era nd fill her near llio window. Mother lay i.n t In- sofa. Aunt Kose beinc seated by lur. "I am dad to see yen so ..inch bettor, my precious," said niy crandfnilirr. in a mice tbnt shook slichtly. "Terrible linn s -terrible times. Olcii. my bild." "Yes." I answered quietly, nut relurnint' hi kiss. "Tliry nro torriMr times, mid lirst I linvo in ask ymir pardon, my dour est grandpapa, fir all llio In-uliU- I have brought mi ymi without meaninc it." "I think ymi have suffered nmn than I. my poor lit t t'irl." he said, sadly. "I w nnt tu five ymi 1111 iii'i ount of pv rrythiiie jut ns it happened, ' 1 said, clearly nud evenly. I tlion every tiling tliat tin- reader already ktaivvs. When I ron-hc-l tin- point to rrvoiil my M-rrot. I roso mid stood be fore my lini "Kay vonhnin," I .aid. "Mr. llum-ido wo days aco nlia-ed mo from my prom iso, and 1 1111, free to t, il v.,n. I'.ul at llio Mini" imo. I ' .,hi 1 ) 1 : 1 1 I 1 would rath or not. Will it 11-.1 til in v..n to know thnt. lone 11 en. I t..,l in n way 1 huv novrr iisoil to repent id': Wili y..u not fs t Mr. ItllltlSidl's wish a i-r.v str.'tic one that il I ii.vcr bo kn.iMii'; (' I on uiist mo as lar as that ':" Wo rriiiifi.n. , "H'.m." I10 .aid. "j on nsk too inn. h. vinidd -i- n fob low's iifr t. liavo a it'o ln I .bonl.l 11 1 way s bo imnxiiiini: " '''riioro." I Mii.l, "yon nro li'oo l.i marry onio 0110 witli ;m iinstniiii il I1111111 and a 'I'lir 1.. io Wlioli I was a httlo u-irl I irii d in niiinl. r Mr. itnrnsiilo. 1 did it ilolib.-rntolv, f,.r t- sl,o of Ib niy I a tnioti, win ,111 I loved. I Inilod Mr. Kuril M'lo. iM-eniisp I iImiikIiI liim nninst to my i 11110I0. I would liaio done amiiiini: lor' Koniy. so I t.u.k a d.-iiiaor. wont into Mr. tltinisido's room in 1I10 ilunl of nilil. and Mubbi-i him. 'oi ll.ive dius life lium: ill tb- balan. o. 1 1. Hilly and lively f..i envo me. nnd showed 1110 how stiuneli lirrn itiil iny ideas of riclit anil wninu-. lo llioiiclit. and I thont:lil, to... j thnt I . oiild put my pni l.i hind 1110. and I hnil.l up a now fninro for iuself. wiih.nii j any baniilin regrets, h neoroneo .. iirri'd to 1110 that the nmlo lor whom I ' lind V'lioiowsly triinsn sed eoiild I.. base 1;h In 11 s. linn niy fait as .1 ' bold oi.rine." I paused a moment, llav ills' said all this In measured tones. 1 loll 1 that ni sell oolite..! was slippim; from' mo. nt;. I tlml 1 on st s. on five way. M Kruioltathor had emei-ed his eyes Willi : hin bands 1 eoiild not tell what lih ! throichts wore. Itny vonham at .Inriiiu' dow n at the iiirpot a- if ilar.od. A slitrhl noise from the s,.fa Aunt ltosalio. Moiber hud tainted away. j "Now." I said steadily. "I see Innv mi' nkrti was. irandpnpH. jmi may hi j loath lo hurt mo in iw. but the time will rnmo when you will be thankful that youi heir did led ally himself with 11 liimiou j Vmi 1.00 wlmt my iiiiele is a former a ' "onvioted s nidrel; jui hoar what I my- j self have done attempted a hninnn life. It i far better, is il not, that there I be no allium e bet w eon a Cnrene and a tneinbor of mien a house? Is It not Itnyvi'iihainV" Had Itayvonliam turned impetuously round - had ho hold nut his arms to me, and rried: "1 love you! What are all those I obstacles to love like mi no'"- I believe 1 tdin'.ild have lutis lo him. my w hole heart would have cone out to him, ami I uiixht have lived nnd died the wife of l!.i,veii ham Cnrewo, with only very oooiisioiial tnipfivintrs as to whether 1 nave tnv has baud the highest w hieh it was in in power tn give. Hut un h w ns not lu bo my futo. ' ' f'HAI'TKH XXII. 1 T wrnt upstairs. My little world a1! i lay in ruins round me. I could not realize Btiythinc beyond the fact that 1 was ileso 1 Info, desolate! 1 could not po to niy room. I 1 knew thnt Marianne was there with her j (.ow inn, keepint; up a pmd tiro. 1 eoiild not boar llio thought of seeing any one, ' nd, turiiiiiK aside. I run nloiii; the pnllcry. I and etileroil a ..rriihr which was liardiy ! over used. ! So intense was niy despair llint 1 did ' not hear llio iiuiet openini; and slimline : of n dour mar 1110. My paroxysm of tricl ; wus arrested by 11 hand 011 iny 1 nnd a voice that xeiee which had power to send electrical thrills through every j nerva in my body said: j "Oh, Miss lainieii, what is the trim- ble'z" It was dreadful to be found by Mr. Rnnisi'lc of nil men. in this stale ,,f ,-,, lapse. I low he would despise me! I bur ied my fa-e lower and lowwr. and hold out my hands to ipntion him nway. 1 had pot fvi-n known thnt he wns in the house, i and hml felt so eouro from interruption j in that eorridor. ! th. leave me! I.r.nvp me!" 1 said. "I will not leave you." he returned. firmly, "till 1 know what is the chumo ot I all this trouble. j "(io away: oh. for pity 11 sake. C"! 1 rnn't bear that you should see me l,ke this!" With those blue eyes compelling no-, there wn 11" help for it. "My oiiKaKo ment i- broken off." 1 faltered, closing toy eyr: and my fobs burst out afresh. "What!" His voice s'aitled 1110. "Your roir-ikement broken' hy ' hy? Wh broke it'" " sobbed, "wbtil I saw that liay renbain disttusieil tin ! I told ibeiu - oh I t..;.l t'.iciu every:litL(r. acJ ho never sio.' .r.e T.a-i:" i f.'o b fefm lay !. uJ took x-: , turns ttj at"! d.ciD the pullt-iv. 'h. j mati. t""r Hi ited. nii(."'n'lot.ia niy bl:n k ! fciutril, tie -aic, tin iniisii . on inn una to toll toe" pausinir in troiii ol mc "itm 1.11 otfi n 1! 1 release K;n i ,'ii' '"mew !l..:n I...- ell" '.' I0 :.t. al.'l till. I be .511;! ul I to- .if,i 11 11 '' "Vn I meat: t:.t. IS :t woi.ld ... ummim liao done so' fib, how en 11 1 live Po humiliated V" "Thai n man .should have ntiee been in I Vino Use. and voluntarily walkout auain! liroat heavens, il i incomprehensible," ho said. eheuioinly. "Are you sure of it' Are y..ii not mistaken'" lie dropped oil his knees before me ho. my croat. proud nrchanco! Victor he oaiicht my hands find held tlii-tn ncniiisi hi. Iieiirl. "'! you wish to drive tue mad?" lie i-ried. "If only thai fool Itayvoiihaiu knew what he had done! Why must it l.e always like Ihis-thnl ymi must weep jour hcarl out for n man w ho is unworthy Mil lo look into your nwect eyes, while otne one Mime utie else i. hinicoriiig for me look, one word, nnjOiinK jmi could .pale! tllcl'' lllleolisoliillslj he Used my I'hristiaii mime for llio lirst llmo how sweet it sounded from his lips -"it is n moral impossibility that lio man jou loved could licit In IliliB away jour love! I can I believe it!" I stiuccbd to release tny hands, but ho I'd.) them fast. I wait compelled to nil swer. "1 think, poili.ips. that is the reason why ttiij vciihiini lias ci von ine up." i fal tered. "1 never did l.'Vu liitn really, i... as I could love, lb- never knew it; but 1 didn't." "Why did n it oncace yonr-elt'. IhcnV" "Hl'tUUsc I lilolicllt ho t'led 1110 very mil' li. Ho said H": ami bentusc ci iihI papa siil he sliiiuld leave tlray Ashlcad l 1110 and it s.-eiued so hanl on Ka v.-u ham! I did not know what 1 was 1 was loud of him, nnd every olio was pl. asid. That is what iiialie. it so hard lion to boar! My heart is not broken iil in; pride! my prid'-! I tlniuckr it was I;..:.. i- ot no- 10 111 11 ri y him, and ti-iw he w ou t have me! ' "Von sa jou are not in with the liich soiileil liaj vonham. I 'ray, are you 111 love with any olio else':'' 1 iiia.lo an 1 tfort to rise to es.-ape frmi him. "I shall Hot tell yon ..u have l riclit lo nsk." I said. 1 eili-lly. "Lot in. C". Mr. Kuriisidc. you arc cruel to keep 111.' hero " I did not mole, bin trembled from li.a.l to l""l There Wlls colilplete silence lol liciny se ids. us the old oloek at the lai nd of the corridor ticked 011 iiioiiotoiioiis l. and I looked down in my lap. fcclinc tin- cize o the nil. 'Use eyes which wore lo'ikiiiv on 1110. At Inst 1 i-iiiild bear it no Ion ci 1 - Wiincinc niy haii'ls tocollior. I looked up with a low cry. III. arms went around 1110 in an instant. My head was mi Ins breast, 111; white lace turned up I" him. "Is it Victor';" he whispered, in a low voice. ".My love, in; own darling, is it Victor'" "Vos.'' The words llontcd from my in-ii 1 h almost without in; know ledcc His cldi'll hen. I belli over, lower, till his lips no t mine. Ho only lust hold 1110, tenderly and 1 io-.e. shut in from the win ter's cold, ai. d from all worldly frets and annoyance. II. nv could trouble ever conic near ine, since Victor loved 1110, nnd 1 was fioo to love him buck ncain? 1 sup pose the snow must limp disappeared. I l..w could snow remain chill emblem of winter lime in face of the blue sky of those eyes, and the sunshine of iny cinut'x Cold. -n bail ' ( ll.UTICK XXIlt. t wns dressed nil her early that even. inc. and slipped down into the diawini; room, wifh a vacuo hope that Nome one els., iniclit also have dressed early, and be there to C'CCt inc. The library dour was just 11 1 the foot "f he staircase, and. as 1 came down, I lean! voices spcakinc. A movement, as .I some olio i-rossiuc the room, uiiiile no pause on the lowest stair, nnd. nt the same instant, the door opened, nnd liny v -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 clinic out, his fine scarlet, his "pression full of suppressed race and noi l iliciil ion. So preoccupied was ho that 10 did not even see uie. but hurried past where. I stood, nscendinc the staircase three slops nt a lime. Then tho door 'poiiod ncain. and out walked Victor, his eyes clowinc. his lip curled. I pitied rnr lla; veiiham. I had on it heard how Mr. r.nriisi.le's toiicne could Insh any one for who-o conduct he felt contempt. He whu luriiiiiK toward the draw lug room without ooking in tny direction. "Victor!" He turned like a Hash. ".My henrt!" Ho tisik my hand, "t'otne into the draw 11C room at once," he went on. We walked in. hand III hand, like two hildroii. 1 'nee there, he turned ami upon . his arms. "What aces and aire, since we saw -ii.-li other last! Three hours, I should Iiink," he said. "How have I done without you, Vi"'or. or so many years'" I asked as I pushed my hands up thronch the thick mas.-.os nt is shininc hair. "How your lion'j inline to frichten me! lu you remember': nd bow yon out off your bea.-. t ph ase '1. '.' It all conies back so vividly, nil, think that 1 shall sec dear Kurnside ic.iiii! ' "And Itayvenhnin," said Victor, with 1 Ice of satire in his voice. "I C"t I" he truth those l.yuduns have been cet :11c hold of him. ot course, at the time f iny accident at Hurusiilc, a cmil many stories tot about, and no doubt Koniy I .. -mien hinted to Miss Lyndon, if he d'.l 11 t n il In r siraicht out. the cause of your -nddeii departure. She - Lady Laseelles llerve;. you know, has been hnvinc that lioee. Drni; 11. to stay with her. a Ov fold. nnd. between tlntn. they had poi -.mod Ins uiiiid pietty well ncains' you he roto ever this last affair becan! Well. I .vish him jov of Miss Dnnjn Lyndon. If -lie thinks f he w ill have Cray Ashtoa I, h'.iicli. she 1- mistaken Your craudfa'ii r declares nothing shall induce nim - " "i Hi. Victor." 1 aid. hurriedly. "Ray. !-:. liutu urn-t have tlray Ashtea.l! W'.i it -Ls-'j'.d y.m and I d.. vciih it? We't rt it." lie laucbed --ii' h a c'a.l. bncht !a':-'i Unit il was intecl'o'is "Well." he Kai l. 'I dare -a; Mr. I'anwe will relent in " lint I waul to know what has happen ed to aU the 1 pic'' To Mailaleuu. Shu- :i . it lb-Ill . 1 l.lliiiell .' ' ' (. .liil.'UU thillk tbv Will tlttUg ilh!l Mndnleua will bo lot off easy - wt shall maiince that. I don't know what lo do nbo'it Item;; I lliink 1 should it live him lo take his chame if it were not for two lints: firstly, ho bears your name; secondly, you would have to cive evidence acainst bun. ' CHAl-TKU XXIV, Wo had just linisliod dinner when the butler cave notice thai t'ullioiiu wished to see Mr. lturiisidc. "Show him ill hero," said my craml failur. nnd in a few minutes tho man. with his 1111 int. itnpas.iye lace, entered the room. I felt full of sympathy f..r him. 1 1 if nuiiincr was as uniet nnd iesp..-.nnl in ever, but ho had deep line" under his eye. and his inoiiili had acipiiicd a dejected droop. Any one w I111 knew him well could toll in 1111 instant how keenly he fell his inasicr's il u t h. "liond ev.liinc. miss. Iliad lo see you so much boiler." he said, deferentially. "I iniclit to infer you my hei wishes, miss I suppose you know "No." iiilt.'ITiiplod Mr. 'arrive. "Miss I bunion does tint know." "What Is it'" I asked. "lord I'ccrton's wili." said 111; crai.d fnthiT. "I suppose you ouclit I" know, Ula. Y011 are a cri at heiress. Lord Lc orloti's will loft two hundred n year lo I'.'ilhonn. who well deserves it. He willed tbnj Ynlloyfoid should be pulled down, 1111. 1 tlie I'Male. ioccitier wnh the mnte rials the house was blli!' Willi. In be sold. The proceeds, and a thousand pounds be sides, to c In n asylum for llio blind. After liinl, with the evopt ion nf Icc.n'h s In ;our Aunt liosalic. Itny veiihain and myself, the whole of his lllolle; is left to yon, in.-luilinc the treasure, should il be found." "And ns Miss 1 bunion found it, she will dost r 1 s il." put in I 'allioiin. "There is a proviso." went i-ti in; crntul I'aihor. "that, sluuihl jou over mo-! Mada letia 'iirlot'in. and should she ho in w ant. that you should provide for her." "Thnt brines me, sir," said Calhoun, "to what I ennic here to loll v.u.. only t-ccintf Miss lininii 11 put it . ul ol my mind. I've had 11 blow to day. s:r." "A blow'" "Vos. sir: is dead!" "I toad'" "Yes, sir: nnd Mr.. Ketuy Ibiniieu. she luisn't spok 10 Wold yet, silo e she re covered consciousness. Seetiis as if she inichl co off any day. now, and no justice done nt nil " " ell, he's tone to a surer justice than nnrs." said iny crandlather. alier a lencthv pause. "W hat did lie die of':" Vpoplcv;. lio looked like thai. They I him dead on his bed. wilh his hands -I." - t..r." I whispered, "is iiioiicy .-t 1'iuiI'h really luii.eV" ' I'm afraid so." "Then pay lieiny's debt, stop the prose ciitioii, and send him out of th uniry." . It as il nine years wore br ilccl over, and I sat once more, n'stiinll. sh; fill, beside a bit' youn-! man. lull "I d'-ep thoiifhts ami unused to children. The mimic fcclinc of a ensh of rapturous 'ifc canic over me as I stepped lor the s.ooml time on I lev ..nsliii-e croinid. this lime wilh the kiiovvledce that it was to be my home lor nlvv ays. Wo had spent a very brief honeymoon in the hike dlstriei: wo iii.-anl I" have a 1-iiiK holiday Inter in the vein, mid revisit l'lni'i'iico nnd Itomo the plnces where we lirst bi-caii to know each ..iher. .Inst now. not bine seemed lo suit us so well ns this i.lcll of cntuillK hillllo 10 r.uriisi.le wilh the springtime in our lienris nnd nil nrouud us. Koniy Dnuiieii had C"lie lo Now en land, w i t It the promise of a yearly allowance so lone ns he stayed there; as for his poor wife, she was failinc day by day. I hai! visited her and done ali I c..i:!.l for her. and now bhe was nt Veiitnor. in the Isle of Wichl, thouch wo know thin tiothinc could arret the rapid decline of lu r whole system. Her hint's had always been deli cate, ntld a residotne in Valley ford dufitic the winter, when the damp river mists had iiftell hum: round the old house lliiek and clammy nnd vaporous, had developed the seeds of colisiiliiptioli to an cMrll! which must soon prove fatal. Iln; vctiham had rciurii. il t" oxford at oiieo on my oncaccitu nt I" Victor, but he came bnek for my woddiiic. Lasior fell early that year, and we were married in I'aster w eek. ( The end. 1 MODERN BOILER MAMMC. Holes Drilled in Iron as Thou?h it Were Paper. We prepared for deafotiiuc sininil:;. Hut there was coinparat ivcly little noise, for llio old bniki'iiiakor who hammered away all day on rivets Is, in this establishment at least, a thine, ol the past, says Theodore Waters. His place has been takdi by powerful iiiiichiuoty thai presses insi.-ad of ham mers. We becan to cot a lnrcer Bliiupse of ti" machinery-like precision of the works, and from what we saw It Would seem that the inakilic of ;l locomotive buib'r is Hie work of a few minutes l-'or instance, wo wont over to where a bic machine was drillinc hobs round the edecs of some l.irco slabs of nie' The .slab.- measured a dozen feet each way and were an Inch thick, yet the drills went thioui;li several of them sup.'i 'imposed, as thouch they wen- so much felt. While we looked, a traveling craii-i came rapidly tip the aisle and stopped by the machine. Two books, like those used to lift barrels. caniP down from above. A wnrkins' oaucht one 011 the odce of a tnot.i! sheet which had been drawn from tin machine. Ho dexterously threw th" other hook across to the opposite side of the sheet, and it caught i.'atly over tho cdco. Immediately the i -ane lifted the sheet Into the air and canic. 1 it s-wK: y (lnwn the shop, perhaps a hundred feet, to where a rollinc machine was worktne. One end of the sheet wat dropped into the r. 11 1 machine which bit It as between teeth The crane hooks slipped off and th -bhcet hegau to .-lido In between lh" rolls. There w as 3 heavy 1;. '.ndinc; Bound, and tb'n we pov'd ee t-hr the'' cominp; up from the rolls It wa: nn longer flat, but curved into a t-r;it tube. Workmen slipped it out of th" rnd of tho rolllnc; machine, and an other crane cauio alone, picked it up. and started awuy with It Wo followed .tfter Km r k leilie's IVpulur Mutitti iy OUR BUDflCT (W HUMOR LAUCHTER-PROVOKINC STORIES FOR LOVERS OF FUN. A C old l'rnposltlnli-tVliHl II IH.I ? All f b .VI I ml K very l.lllle II. Ip A I lb. Ilr nih Sliow Ills Pool I 11. t. I tllKTU rlnl Quirk. ami, Kir., l ie. I dreamed last night thai vuu and I Were on a in. unit, hic'u " ot tie , 1.... With naiiflit above us liui t lie si v And naught uiuund im but liir . 1. Mv inoodness What s sorry phjlit! They s.iy that rvei histiim Lies on the solitary In ichl And clouds are not . warm, vo l kin'W'J ( hic.ifi I II' 1 i.-l M loil III. I II? Teacher "Let us take up now ins impersonal veins. In Iln si-niciioe, 'Ii rains,' what is it thai rains''' .lohiiny l'ij.'iiu "Ii."- t'libat'o Til' bllllc. All of n MI10I. "Yoti know Will was just rnr 10 Inariy me," said Hie ymiiip bride "Vos; that's what everybody ihiiil.s.'' replied lur jealous rival.- onl.ei -i SiatcMiiaii. T'rn v l.lllle llrlpt. lie "M.V little iln le nf Unci- 1I1..11- siiud scoins so sinall, dear, (oiiipaii'l w ilh your father's." She -".Never mind, lie said il woiii.) help." 1'itioit 1'ree l'nss. AI the llrm h slum. Mr. 1 Mik.-ino - "Now which of all these dot's Is the most expensive'.'' Mr, linsvvrll "i'an'1 say ns lo Unit, bill I should think I lull the Skyo ter riers ciuiii hichosl," - I'iiisliui c rhi.'ii-icIc-T.'lrfrapli. His Hud I.IK k. "I'eople .'ire always t'iouc ine .no much chance ,y niisiakc" "Well, ilocsn't that inuke ymi 1 hoer fill" "No: I 111 so lioticsr tlt.'tt I have 1.1 civo it back.'' I'liicaco Kcconl. A I'inniirial fliiliksHinl. "Woiibl Jou like 1111 increase of aU niy, Mr Smith '" "No: it's 110 11.-1." "No use?" "If 1 bail 11. oie liioiiev. 1 .1 Imv. In pay inure debts." - I ictroil l ice I'rcss. The Aiiliionil. "1 if couisc 1 niasier iii my own lioii-c. ' said Mr. Moektoii a liltie ill ilicnanily. ' I low do jou iiian.i'.c il?" "I loll Ilciiiici'i in do jtisi what she pleases. And she .cues ahead ami dois It. '--Washiiit'lon Slai. foioil Bunnell lnrs. "Th'te's more tumble in the Aus. trlan -A 11st t in 11 Alls - "111 llio Austrian what?" ileinuiuieit Mr. Snaccs', inici rupiiiic his wife's of foils lo protioiince the mxt word. "lu tile Austrian riot slat;." she milled, ib'sporaicly. riiisbi'.rt t'h'.oil tele Tclcurapli. A Theory. "I woinlcr why il is thai p. i sn deliclil to sine; about llio joys of spi inci itne." "I suppose." said Mr. Sims liarker. as ho took a dyspepsia lablcl, "that it's bccuiisc pools seldom settle down and experience I ho toirors of Impsc clcaiiiuc " Washington Star. tS llrre lisiiiiriinre Vils (tlis.. "Hut. after all. ilou'i you think a pood education is an essential lu busi ness success?" "Not lunch," replied the wealthy man. "Il was my poor education (hat t'.'ivo me a slarl. 1 done a job o' work for a rich fellow, and made out my bill for 'too dollars.' I'.csides the bad speliin' I forgot to cross the t. IU bout 1110 a check fur .'SltMi." l'hiladclphia Press,. (iol Ills HtanAlnc. Miss Coy "lo you really think a ftirl can lind out who her liusiuuid will be by consult ine; a fori tine toller?'' Miss Wise "tVihaps lint. but I found out vl:o mv husband wouldn't bo by llial molhoil. not lone nc1'-" Miss Coy --"Ucally? What forlune. teller 1V0I you consult V Miss Wise "ISradsl root."- Philadel phia Press. I'llile 111 His Work. I hi-aco Millionaiie bis library to disi incnislicd novelist 1 ' Sou llo'iii I ks:" li-tiiicui-hoil .Novelist ' Yes ' C. M. "All bound in calf ain't they?" 1 1. . 'So Ihc; ate." C. M. ipivii-tlyt "Well. ir. I kiiloil .ill iI.ciii calves mv .- 'f ' -Topcka Slate .Unirn.i! Sen ,'osl.l lell. "Piil Jo'.ir husband enjoy the holiday'.-" askid iho caller. ' Yes." answered Mr. Sams K.irU (l's wife, "bo must have enjoyed it." ' Wliai tl id he say about the dis play ?" "Nolhius: bin I can always till. He nets very difloivnilv from what ho docs mi most holidays, lie hasn't beaioii tin- d"c or 1 hroa!. m d to ills dial c" the e.'. k oii- o " - v asliingloa Ma 1 . I Hlr.l "No." said the man m tin- iiia.kin-to-h. ' lay wil" do'sn'i civc .ivvny any o. 11. y old d.-Tlies 11: s. II Iliciil lo tl.o t;-'..:!HU auy lumv. I ct-'..d tliat habit e'li 'M.lllv Clll-'-e " 'Tli-n- was thai?" tp.y ;i-k'.'(i l,iii-Wlu-n I found had ,,sp,.se, ,,f a .oat I .1:1. In 1 worn lot several weeks I told h. there was it letter ill ;t s ,. had e ven mc to mail the last ' i::uc 1 had 1! on ud lha: was nj !.. cithir ' lie a.bietl. with dcru .nt- ' isluCiltfli.--V.'hlco I'nbuu. REWARDED BY A TRAMP, A tVomun'a Surprise 011 Openlnv n Tark lKe He Iihk llrr .In.f Hrtore He IMo.l. j Mrs. Kiunin ar.ail. of otuah:.. 1 KI' . I, sbolioi. .1 11 sick Iriiinn iltn iii'' U. I Tranilis do not t'eliotally havo j i.ra.les fin ( 'miitfr H..10I. iiioiicy. J W. m vers was mi excop 1 T is now a ppon r.,,: n.,.i. rloarly lion to iln- rule. lie w as en., of iho 1 I every day that a iudi.-ioc ! of very lew who have liccti known 1-' 1 'ho foul tax Is otic ol 1 .,- mcii 10 a certain sum uiul a' the same j fan-'ir iif have lo do vviili the lime suffer from tho panes i.f huiicer ' .'iilv.-iii. e of a eointuiiicf m wealth. Il and cold. When in; ''nine lo Omaha :t is ex'lrav ncam 10 build :i iiu'l nith a few days ,v( ho was racc.-il and dtr- ; surface cosily enough for luav.v Ii.miI ly. His hiiir was bmc nnd frizzly. II" : I"" 'iih crad.-s too si,.,.p f.,r miy npplb'il ai many hotels and homes I'm': ''in the Lt'iiic' b-"ds To Imrmoii.;'.' is lodcllIC tllol sotliolllitlt' to ciH. but lo 1 lolulzc. Soil Is '.. 'I Ii vv bile I. their dooiK wore closcil ncaitisl him. si; for h.irii.onv ln-iwoeii tu.- jiad" His eoiiiitcnanec l.oi r.-iy od pii.v si- : I 'id surface of a road. In ilr- iiiuini s.if:i'i iiij: nnd his iippeilraticc iii.lical' d hair spHiiintr a.-eiir.-i.-y. w!,i.-h im. r. s:s that h" hud suiallliix. ooliody Inn Ihc th. ,.ris. will I,.- ,ivo;d Win 11 ho asked l'"l' a. coiniii."':iii'-ti- ''I- And n lie.-oiiii-s i-erioiis 1,1,11 ,:i 111 tin- I ,.- 1.1 Mrs Carcail sin- r. ' "tisiiloriiic nit Imp-Tl.uii nibj." 1 10, fii-.-d. Miyinc that she had lio room -i-at'T ncciir.-i.-v will l,c .liil.- .1 ill lie u:cucd and pleaded will, her rn- ban has 1,, ,,, wilh .-,l,ii's .-,ii .,.:.. el in 1- Mrmia w ill viel.l. l to liN pa'b- H"W o.ti" pull a lei so I '.I ddiv-T olio appeals and sic cave him one of her best ro..i,:s. N.-xt nm-iiinc In- vves very sick nnd a doctor was ciMed. II li'c.l but 11 few days, ilmim: which lino' Mr Carcail lull's,.! I,,:n vviili the paiieti.-' of it iiioihor aid w.::c., ov.-r him as she would liav. done bad ; he l,oi 11 I u 1 on 1 v s Hi. A- deaili di.-vv .1 r il M 111. 111 Isk, , for his rat'ced oat. vv !i. h vv as brom-lii to Imn and lo- drew ir a soi n l pocket a pacUncc tied wiiii a crcisv obi pap.r and :i dirty s, 'l. .. .v,. to bis .'inirdinn am ol . s.ivilic feebly. 'Keep llil'. lol III" Ulllil 1 col V' 1 II mid if I llev I I' :;ci W ell keep il 111 w ays'' Tlie pai-hac wus tbiowti cai'ol.-siv llsiilo. lis Ml- rni-ciiil 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 il cc initio, I tiolhii'c of importance, and v 1 111, 1 opepcil 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 -'. e-il days Ml'ier ilie obl mail's f 1 -' : 1 1 U Io n lb' si , mc wa s nun - rapped and ' '. ; - p -i lorn ft'olll the I llllllle so.- . ..;::-l . ey believe lu r . y.-s n,,-,, . p;. i,, before lu-r were Id, Spin bills, iin-l liny wore Cclitlinn. Th, re vv ere ul-,. :, f, vv old IcIt.-IS 1111,1 p., p. -I - liliXcl V- ,,, ll.o motley, l-'roni tbco s!;o Iciincl ihat Mvcrs had been a tiainp for many years, but llial in- 1 ime he Ii hi . been ill cood li mi in in I 1 ii'.imislaiici letter, aililresscil io a 11 in 1 Mai's. Iowa, whoso name .'ipp'.'ii. -1 1-1 some of the pi'pi-rs fi-lllnl ill til- p." :. nco. bronchi ti ls reply: "Yes. I know Mr ;.!;- y.v:rs ,1-0 1 -liui ha-1 some bisin.-s n ausaci i,,i,s , VV ilh l.f til bel'iil'.- lie b-fl he,.-. I!'- VI a- I bachcl'-i and a vorv p. , ul .-.r n:ai'. AI olio lime lo- ov o.- d ,'.'ii-nb rable ptoperiy in this county. I.n, l'"i- .-"in.' reason lost It all. It use! to le said Ihat he was disappoi 1 in I,,'. e in his vnunecr davs an ! I:,- never 1,1:1:- I riod foe thai I!,- was n-.t. ! however, a woman hater 1 1 - hud I some friends, but m-ve, was im tu.:' lc wiih any person, lie l. i'i b, ie t -v 1 1 ' iy years aco ami has been, as I 111, i:,-:-j stand, a vvaii-lor- r over t im---. 1 " .is I siirprisod lo hoar ,.l lio'i a-.-aoi a:. ! i more so 1 1 1 learn thai he l ad 1 .1 j in his pi,sessi,,ii. i, vv ..- I'd v. .1 I by people here thai !.. l ad h-: ov. ' y ! thine. His brother ::!-,, lived here in: Mil a few years :ico. and 1 'n ..if. i 1 l.fll-ll leai'llill "I lis 'V licl'i : in-" 1 lies Moines Loader I . ... T.onilioi'- 1'iiliiro ti.ioitiiliiiit. : Wh.'tt will Iln- p .pit! 11. o'.i of I.,.!..'..',! ' be ill Pt.'iii'.' Tin- is i;-, iv qii. j of curiosity, l! mu-i -horily ,-n-. Parliaiiicin. for it ,..'.,rs,, u-t S WO l's CIM'll I' I il ill.' -' ! ill." f 1 11.. 1 ! London's vva:i i' siii.;.;-,- i.m-s'iim 1- -1 . t'liinplox. K.-.cli pi:-n 11 ' is pr.-j...- i ' lor iiisiiriu- to I. -ai l.-ii. v- . 1 I water to di'inl. ami baiii- 01 :- l.a. .( ' oil a calculation of Loudon's proba'do I population fifty ye ns lien,-.. ;.n ! commissions and cxp. ::s pm ' 1 ' fieure ai anyiliine f:.,:,i l.'.o in.iiiiii ;.i ' 'Ji 1 1 11 11 1,1 k 11 1, oilier a ' 1 iec i , ;es ileiiouoc ' those eon.ioeut'vs ,:s a .-iird. and an -o-I crease lo II'.oiiii.o.hi 1- prcdi'-t-.'-l as 1' 1 ; more likely Imlatioit A chy "i' tmf' ' population is siillii i' li: ly nppalP:--.. to I Ull II'H' ill loVO Willi til,' still II'"! ' 1 bei- t-stiiuaie (!' Mr. I'.'.v.-o ( iiiiains. ! who. ill a panel- vend yea - ac 1 I before the Si .1 1 isi oal Socieii. ai-in.l : thai a litnil is phie.-d on all -, 1 ' 1 1 1 1 : . y thincs. and that 'ho break. nc po-tit :n London's crow 1I1 will reached xv o-u her children number mkih.ihi.i -London Chronicle. l illv-Toii M 11 1 10-. The cclioral licti-l ol ar ,b seen 1 lovvatd lnrcer mills and sic-l . ,-n-Striietioli. and the laic Pity loll st. . 1 coal cars hav e hot nine si-indani- The Chioaeo, and Si. Pan!, however, accord, ne 1.. the Kailmad Iciz.cllc. has had in op-iaimii for some months p.-isi abooi .".u w I.n ore cars of I00.11110,s lapa.n.v cadi, thai have proved satist.i. 1..1; IllC ib'sicll is lo be , oli: Hilled The-.- .ir.- cciiii'" hopper cars, built ,.: and yellow pine, 1111 a-t:i ,ne ci,;l,i-ell feel 1 lev. 11 'tlclll s by -1 . n led 1 !' i 11 and .1 half im lies, and s, an. line i:m foot one inch above t!'- iai!-. it is stated thai in coiiip.iris.i, vviili sit..; 1 ore cars these cars "pr.,'ly have a lart'c a carry mc capacity 111 propor tion to the vloa-l Ueielit as any oie cars built so far. not cxicptitic nuta) cars " 1 t.e siillnn Sl.......l llili.kios Milk. In the opinion of the Snliaii of Tnr key fros!, milk j, lao-t I' .nd to In ihh ami up n. a short t. hc at'o he wn in iho iialot of di'ukiue lai'tre ipiam .1 to- : 11 ry day I '.-o li morning the cow- were bi oticlir in front of Ids w.iiiow- 10 p.. nnikcd m order that there votiM lie 110 mistake RflOllt the Olilk beillJ 'esh .lll'l I'lli'l'. ! Sonip evil-minded o'l al h-r-a .0 or. ipiietly hinted to It s Maw-siy one d.iy ; that his method of ..ic-nninc fn-s!) ' milk t'uvr any one wispine to poisoim him an opportunity of fco.lim; the cows oil houie Uoxious food. After that warm flesh mili. wa WiUu-id Ly Tur kvy lucuardj. S ft) j i J D J - j ts) ' i ' ' 1 ! goOtj fjodS goleS to his traces il.-p, ,,n 1 J . . - hoi's,, i,;,,, s.df. oil tile se,. ,- 1 1. 1 01, I.'"' lollclh ol time ho vvoiUs I'm- heavy ha 111 ; : ' -ii. speed linisi. ..f coin- c. be :i model .1 1. v. J II;. 'I lie men;,- l."i'-i- in 1 his -,ci: li fl'li louniiy canu-il deliver a puil .. hmre than imieiy pounds io bis n:,..s ""' ''otisiil.-raldc lltnc i-n-n .-it a "ail. without hiirifnl over . orii..ti 'l'l'"s Is" I'olMuls 1 .: , 1 1 1 1 as 111 Hi ll of a l'"H '',i nIioiiM rccnl.l fly In i.iinie or.lin.'ii'.v pair of I101-1- 111 ii,- oinh liui it miisi be nmi I ii,.-.( th; 1 II." pnil on tl- traces and not the Weiclll of the l".'i'l N'.'Xl II llltlst I lisei'V.i! tlcil tlie pull need ,1 to draw a civoti loan' I.' Iieiiii- 011 tho crado and on tin- r,,.-,.; ivai : for wo shall tacitly :isci ilie lo 1 i.o I.isi or it'liorc r. sisi.iii. .-s from i.ihi'f solll'i-l'S. 'I'll!' I'oioi'.l a; ill Wats opposes the minion, whether up mil. 'im. 11 1 1 1 1 or mi a level, wiih a f.u of s,, y pounds per i,,u of cross ,.a,l h n,c I, 'I'll.' iltllolllll of pull thus , x.l. :e, de pends 011 lie- eliar.;' tcr ami condition of the roadway. I 'no 1 i.ully it is in, I affected by any 01 -iinav.v cradi-i Wiiilc .'isccinliiic 1 In- lioi'-os must exert tlie pulls c.-iPcl for by both r.iadvvav -- u I Ci'.nlc. Thus, a sand roadway calls ( . J11.I i,,.,iii,l .,.. -o. ...1 , .!'- 1 ' ' " lor toll. A Ivvoitty per n-til. crude calls for ,iiii,s 11,11. o llio pull Hooded to draw 0 t ip nii-li n crado is 7: '- )oiin.s 0:1 sand bnl m'J oil sioel. In iho s:i way il inav Im se.-ii Hint pull-' of p:,i nnd seventy pounds. ivei,vi:vi-y are Uoe.le.1 in n- 11 -idifc a Ihrco per emit, jira-h- on sand and si.-el. N"W 110; i.-o vvhai those lienrcs mcati. fin n level a horse rim draw fort y ,i,iics as -I, on s I as oil sand: on 11 thr.-c P"i-cent, crado 1,-ss than seven i times as much' on a nine per cm. , 11ml ,lia -. n bad. mi -'to' -dde. liko tho 1 Ciado aboiii throe limes; wbll a , opotiinc i" ion'. 'lid- drapery l ; twenty lu r cent, crado barely two made of an old la-hi. moil pair of dull limes ii" mil- h. If vve compare steel bit,,- damn-!, .,11:1ms that ndol'tioil ; Wiih iiuicadain we shsll -,- that on a : her thct's 1 -1 l'"om after , level a horse can draw six limes as ; man am. ' much oil steel a:- "ii macadam : on a : Th-' - usm-m- cue.- rested 111 tho pov three r cent, end ,'ilil three- ; In which !.or :.; 1': -ally l.ov hood's , fourth limes as uin, h. while on a liiim Smi.i ty moii.iii,:- v., , speui. in n lit pcr cent, crailo only and on,- 1 t h- .-.1:-,-, v . inuvli. 'I in- vv all is drapnl foiirili as much. Tim- a road of hieh ' wi;h in., ! : ami w mm counterpanes las has adv am ace over one of , n,:.,.' .11 .. lailid l"imi in hev ct'eat- ; lower class if Hie ai-' h-av y. ! craii ;:'.":':. i's lion-c. 'Iho lanlel'lt As already ptiiiile, I -,m 1 In- pull of the ' Hl- mid I ' mi the lop U of Iho team. 11 hile a sc. ndinc. is divided in.o pnr.e.l t" -laip'd fashion that two distinct par's Th,. part spent in ' p- -v. mod ..-hi m tin- la-t eenlury, overcimiine Iho resist. mc. of the road- j ami il 1::' il km' c r. a ' cl'.iudfalliei'' way is flltil'd.v l"s. P.m ti c part Ihat . st, t,s i,,. : i ;iii f lo-ids Thoreil ov efcoliies the dovv iivv ar.l pull of iho : mir-i lin 1 'e t.-11 dors Iho candli-ci'.'iil-' Is not lost, but is spaply spent j lichi i- tu i 1 - 11 , vi 1 m I'i'cuniiilai im: work for future ti-,'. j Tl.c 1 Tlie aiii-nitit of this Inst p.-r ton of nl,- r.-.i load Is 11 detinue 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 I'"' . "i.v jl'-;e ii t'ivett verlieal :i. on;, and am: ! I -' ; vv 1 . 1 mcrcasoil or diuiiuisbcil in .ray way jilia .. whatever. Lvcry b t '" 1 1 is 1,'c-1 ' mcni- s oil I lie doscotll, as vv ,- shall IflaU jso'.M : rocovoi'cil too fast it ail co.-- '., rcli, v - trip o ine tin: team It r.- ov.i. d 1.... la-t I (-t,, ,- ,i the excess is wasted by ;!o' brake, or ' the team has to im-h, 0 bv 'ho rau tionnl work oT hold ne loi.-k. In iho , ., 1 descent the cr.ule puiN forward and j the roadway holds back with Tin- j amounts per 1,11 of load nlrcady pfou;- ei! out So lone a the pull of , j Crado do'S Dot exceed tile lc-is I a I , c . of iho roadway there Is no wasie I be j team pulls with a force I'.pial m i.- (liffet'eiice 911,1 c-'is more ,-r l-'-s ,,1 l""- 1,,-f al every step Pen wb.n tli cr.nb' pulls har.l. r than just cii..n.!i 1. overcome the resistance of the '-"l way the brake must b- used o, tie team iiiiisi b,,l, bad; a. id vv a SllltS. This sh,,WS l!., I lllCi'c , , ii '"' ' bo a d'-tiimo limit .InTcr.-m f..r ! kind ,-f roadway, lo the -icepiicss ,.:' a crado Tints r,!, w hi- Ii oln ; , a resistance of o-1 p, r t"', a tvvi iity per com. crado. win. Ii pulls with .".!' pounds', is I---! - vv tin- limit 111 Midi a ci'adc mi . !. vvii.di only opj-o-cs i,-n pounds w . ..'. Civc ail execs- of !ijs l".l!li'l -. lo bo vv .1-1. -I by t '; '-rake. 1 ''c :..! "i .-no p ; ,-ell! is I le lil'llt fo' I ' ; oh "! -1. .-1 I'vt. '-!, im 1! ' 11 f" m ' ' i!,e otlu-r foa-liv ay- vv.- , to avoid wast- .a, the d. s, . m no -,.n!o li..ii!,! be . , p,-r 1 ban iinii'i I'l.oit ,. ii, ,, . iii;,-,- or half p. r !- v 'ivdy. on dirt, f-.i- -I no or s'.ol r-i:iihv;it It lww 1,1,1: n - vi,, '--r .1,11, 1 ii i. ii- chiiiii- id v i tl a-. , m .. 111:1 : 1 the b'vvi'i in-: .-; 'ie -e Pari- Iii tl," In -1 -inpiiry vv .- !,-i. for'o Hi" w .-Il known IV. :- : r ci me, hatiios and ticiiros from !!: .'vii.' inoiiiei. : P.m in this sc. find 'no.! :' we .-: I '-" 'b .1 also by 1 r t xe 1 p,,,ie , ,.pi 1 Km 'it's is based . n n m l1 ,- and ts s.iicnlar in ":. iutii"v I- is th. j ,,f nu n vv In ; or-c. so fai a - , ,;)n, .v , h-i.ll a- f. 1 ciil'lltoil- I, .1-1 to do 1 IV". a I.. n f,sor ':-.-s'-- -';l l ! ---'. i,,. pn -i- i. W '" 1-" p-iit..p(i!. The Hot i.n Naicmii Cillery .hasod IVVO . , v . i, - to' s rc,vcsei,;iiie 1 w . . : 1 i.o 1 .1 family, a coup!,- of 1 .c: U i Ui tUilltlj LtHUU.. household t-. . . L.TL u III 1 - II. ill to l'nll-ll llio AVIndow.. !, , act, f i,..- -mi. moisture nnd the . av'ii.iie .1 iii ib" air on lite sods, or ,,.i.,-;i in :' uii-.- pio'luces an o.:i.i... ii. t - " 'He o" 1. s pi'oiiouneeil. 'I',, r, ,,: v..; 'lc iia-swith li- ,ii,' n.'oi !. 1 and after 11 few luiiii.,'. - , ov , 1 ii'i" ; ;ass with pow ii.r, , w j,;:... ; l',"i .ic i.eid sluwlv ill ,J III.- 1, -el v.. II- I'. II -: 11 lolll' OUIICC (.;' ! e .- , .,' 1 . I c. i.o "Ml," S of W.illT i,.l... - :i. .n l it ha!!'' C'disli with c!i:l!-,." s . : - .tl i ..!,,-!' It lilllsl lie re-li,.-i,-l- ; .1 ' '. . ' . d will attai k m.-i.ils .111.1 ii- m ! i.ot bo ailowod lo i, .. i, ,- .:,,.i;:,l tin' boille I hi p-tl ,.p..;i en ui-,1,1111 1,-ic : I ha II llcces-s:1,-v. '- th- foil's : :.- vi.t dcsirue 1,1,. I .;.- Iloiisv -'"tinial. v 1 i-v r.aiv- !i . -I nt in) in rverr ,, I .tic practice it ! u- - i: ,iiid oln'uill ,:pp d 1 ivani. frost 1 1 .is.r.v Imc. fold ...I . ,11 I'lmii. aiiniit I-. .:,i-..milly so an l.'lo ovi Iho (WO I cillcf Ctll IMI I ,.ll Co ollollCll . :-i ..'1 of a tin I ube. -,.'- may be ob- A"cl i.-l VI -II be lo'.M.I -I -' I'll 1 1 V ll-'IJ1 s l.i' V III-., elf. Til lll.'lk a p.- IW-IV, e,-i - .... :, - ., op-'l-. lie a ' " I" I i alio" t- 1 ' ! ' Tube-. ,.r . 1 1 : 1 I'.- 1.1:1,, ) fi,, lor 1 1 111:: :uc lln Sim-lb -I . 1., r v hi, .p. .i ream, lat'cer. To us.- tie 1, a-.. ,'. w iii 1 ! i - dcsirefl miximv ai"! -i-i.i i' 'I,-- 1 l"lh t.icetliof ai 11, e p.p. !i..''l,ii- n liniily with the 1, l- Ii.iii I ll"id th' ml of the tube , I,.-,- in 1 l,e ... 1 i.-ic n ii:,-li im to be filled ,i...i pi, ss i!- mixtuic oil', with the left liaiol. , A souvenir I ttirv I'oi'llrr. ,-osev corner 1- nil essential pai't 'I'lie 1 If iho l-unc n..v. a-l:,;. -. vvliellier s.llil ; borne a halt beilro-tii of a spaeiiiun j Inois, Many c i- "i.vriit ioually pn-iti pic 1. 11. 1 1. -pi.-tiily a pood deal j of .'.'..i- ab:.l an,', in-' nuiiy arc shown In 1 h- r. -.: no 1.0 M 1 Hie v oiinc woni 'an in Now Y"ii. c,i.. has a souvenir ! '"-iv corner. 1 very aii'-lc eoiiucctril ' will, whi.-'u 1 1 : 1 -. a .issoeiiiutui. : Tin-,..v is d:lf- 1.1 n'-'m ihe i kind, b-im.' ,l::m,il mvr a short I'm' - 1 ; 1 : t -. 1, :ii.'e t'io oo'.mess 1 .1 j oiinc woman's ol- I v .... -annuel s f.peul . . o 1 in Ihe w all 1 ;. lav oi s and me . ' I vvii mi simple a , a.-:--; :- i. . u-. d on a ,al -vi it s made lo sovvt v I., .1. nd luirethcr ! I -:.'ind en a red jro '. 1 1: in s. theatre. New 1 i" H0ll.o,f-H0LD RECIPES' i::'.:i.l V't'-r breakfast bent t"::,'t'r .- - otp "f null, isvvceli, two lal-iesj -,..;:' ul- incited butter, otlo-half leasp. I sap. t vi' o eccs and 'tli 1 1 1 . . 1-1 ll.o ; for liltceii liliniites. vi ... ., Pell 1! biiti.-r is lidit make into . vvcioy n.inuics uud bako r---s 1 m .pin. P'ir. 1 Itai-iey wnh Ch ekcti- Soak t w ,1 1.1m , , i p- .1 r! bat ley in cold water I..I' iwelv.. liotirs. i'licii add In !; two (,:. .- ot c I 1 liicketi slock. P' -li ll:!,- i'.nl. y bin-aihlinc 111. ire Slo- i. .Is , .!,' ... -lies. Wh.'ll I 111' bl'iltll tu.- lo 1 - i ii,.- il .- ' ami lore,, iluoiicli : ' ' ' A-i 1 ' " n 1 h.-'i .some iliccd s1: i,. : i .. . of . . ol coked ( hlckon thai h.iv 1 I.. . :i I ro d 111-1 a bn In but to: I lsll I - -,,. ,1. s call In 11. ii . ,1 f.. nil b..n. - ;.,! s . mix with a in. - iiy lino .old livli , i'. 1. 1 1 ii. 1 t.-s. Uoiuove . pa !; up lino and . .' in l'i -sine, siicli a- lis -.1 in i-akine l.s'i -. nine of Mir but. and line l.i 1 ad , i iiiiii.s. shape into i y I ml, r -!a, id r. incites, dip in beat 1 1, ,-c- iiinl - i.n L r 1 rimibs, and fry in a keltic oi L o t.ii I Irani on browti paper ami -cv.- li-m eiliaiidy. garn ished w it h 1 a ;-!,;. 'L', p!c be I fills IS sjipply jfft rt. :i',i -v-.-i.,,.. w .Hi mapln Micar. Sc .Id a pun ot , . . -,, . add to if fifjht ' !. - ' .; ; .1 n-.iple slic il : st ir u:it,l tie .1 , d,,. iv.-l. Take Iron, ii.- I.,''. ':!.! .", I lnle.po.uilu! of 1 'li'.'i.ii- i. a ', .. n .-i: : 1;! ol vju:!!.t. and v, i-.-ii v. it , 0! ? add n-nvli'-r pint of 1; ;;e.-i"k'-, i en. no Tniii ','0 'ho f t er-r-nn.l iv hen t iioi-.i'iciiiv cold freeze a- ordinal; mo '-roam It has heel! discovered by the AtTi ctil'mal Li.-n:ir. mom thai one of the Uses Ul Wlcdt s.illlHoW.1 wils tun Iw I'Ul .3 tii tnaL; till. fc'V h fs V 1 if:- r

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