(Shittltnm QccovO. f)Qtl)ara Rerorb. KATES II. A. IwOIVIOIV, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TElWoF SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advrnei. ADVERTISING One iquare, one insertion One Kjuure, two insertion One square, one month VOL. XXIV. riTTSBOHO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY. AUdlJST 2, Ii)01 NO. I. For larger vertisemtnti libenl tom P- ota will be made. (q. 1YVU UCii 1 LrlZitlClN (0) (0) )) By SEWARD yy rtftht, ly KmiKitT HfNicia Son. CJIAlTKIt XVI1L I'OSTINrtD. "That is good. Polo will bid Knu m.ii to i: -. -i' l ymi graciotifcly. Mjike foui olVi'i ing here." The ..I ! in ;iu; It'll mo to a nielio in tin' rocky wall. It was evidently I natural i ; i 1 . n I :i t i n . L placed ft low rigam in it Mini bowed tit Pele. I no iirr.l th.it Nimolnu wore, a smile ol satisfaction, whether IVlc careil foi tin1 I'tVt'i i ti lt nr not. I wondered how fur tin farcical Bidi nf this mystery extended. When I had penetrated further, I learned tha' Niniolan Iiml a monopoly ot tin; aetisi tif humor cistiug in tins island o, I.aii'ii. Hi" worked tin! Tittijtl of thi lilistc uitig Hook for his own purposes, and was, in hi." small way, a I tlin'k mailer. lint tin1 realities I saw" furtll cr fm ffiTi' lini ri ! tie enough. 'Tlit' prie-te-.s Kmiiiiiii is not alone,' Maiil N i 1 1 : I it t . 'She has with her ti'B liigh i i-i . -1 of Pole, who guard lift irmii her i-ii. mies, iiinl who ilo hi'i bidding. Then there art' a hundred piie-ts wh i pray to Pole nil the timo. Ten of tin in ui a tunc, tlii'ii ton more, mi. o on. -What is t' at for?" J asked. "Pole d-uian Lit. When you re.vli the p re-ten. v i f kuiimai, you will In) nf i-ii k speechless by her great lieauty, lull yon in it.-t nut allow her to iiotien this. You liiu-t h I and how your hea l. The hi uh prie t ill it ready to hlay any one n a of themselves who dares he!, iimm hi r fa v ill any spirit lint th it i f n .- nud worship. Tiny mo very liei.-e. the priests, nnd 'oil UlUst he careful that v.nl do not arouse them before limy Km iw you well. You w ill l.e e mipi-Iled to prove your faith to l'.!e, utter v': . 'n y will regard yoiiii-itheyil.it!.. 'lio.-ts. Come, jet us . ii to Kat. Nitiiolau made -inn- iiiysteroumnve iiieuts o:i the wall with his hands and I'vili ntlv fiei-ied a spring. A tloor "pene I It iug into n tlark pnssage. I' .II.i-.v him. Just insiilt) wat a la'ttcrii. Thin ho .'la: ted nil before me. All w.'iitliu lantern R.viiigi'jg nf me. The lloor of tlin mi th, so 1 had no dull- He bi b- me lb" pa-age lioht.-l mi 1 1 c ":!d .-.' nl-tlig ahead pa- -age w a : cully in f..!l-.u iug. The passage must have I i a ..ii-r one 1 judged that wo wcro f. K. i -t an hour going throU'!ii it. Su.l!e:i!y 1 Niimil.i l -.el h nut t!ie li-''d llloli'll nf tin' Were al tic Im jud-.'llig ft 'ill Mil l n. II. dill e saw daylight ahead, i lantern dow n, blow ing I'haerginjf from the a . a re, I found that wt! - ol a mountain, which, it aiipi arant'c and tht; enitrv. ha 1 once been an a the . I'm iiiati.ni ol entry all around wasjau'ged and r.m -h. II i It le l-.'es nf lava rock formed into l'aiita-;io shapes. Caves, moUlid h i 1 ilt ep cr i e-i made the phci) il hploiidid hiding pliit't' for wuugg'.ers, pirates ii-, 1 ntht-r outlaws. "We :i-eend,". said Nimolau, begin ning to clamber up the hide uf till mountain. -This is Kapa'. 'ti'." I mid. "Yes. ' The mountain uvh .sparsely cohered Aith a grouth nf t.- 'es ami bushes, Th est- ii -iiv I me in my ascent. Tim fitru'.im nf ;"!' on the lava was not deep. Tin' volcano ha I been silent :l great nany y ars. l'he farther up we got, the le-t.- soil there wasuud thclcsH veget ib'c gr -w ill. 1 was weiiv when we. reached tin! top, but Nimolau tlid not seom to feel the eerti"ii. -i til, voiir mask is crooktid!" he f lid I'lic high-priest world tday nr uiii-k was cit'oked." I ha I better straigl ten it," " l'heso hi rh-pi itfsU am diing- Vim if v Th', 1 said. "I!" careful what you say. Come!" lie le i nc do. i i a steep, pathiesf plain of lava. It was cav t t go down. It would !' a tlillit'iilt matter to go up, Wt- were i:t"V i'l the orator nf tht r 'lean . We too l on ii ledge of rock, per-linp-i i' li'iu I red ft ft wile. This ox. t-'iided all the way round tho lm i ut U of tho orator. On nin side wat tint top of the mountain, an oven wall On in let, ly sui i ..uuding iw, fur wo ha I ile-ceiib i prnbably a hundred feet in'o the c: ater. t.)a the other nide, and occupying the center nl' tic mountain, was a lake. Not a 1 ike nf water, but a hika of molten la. a. Now and then u ruiub'iug n.tie onl 1 be hoard. "How Inn.' has the. lake been hut'?'' I nI; ed Nini(.:au. "i)i a v-:i.'!" Ni;.i"!a'l I n'-o tud t'ne t t led owi l-ue I 1 ii' a sliort tlistauco lei , to a spot where the to tt -hi ly three, hundred IV , t. liitlin; fr en the nver toppiii1,' i.'.o.int tin was tho rude fa- a le nf a te iiple. lo w a into the rock and built o it nf -.he s a a-- material. Nimohri -h'tute I at the do-ir. "Woo interiiiiits the worship of til priestess Ka ; :.ai?" hliouted a voic inside "Nun il.i't. the guide, with a priest of I. !e, s : .'it to Lowai, of Oahn. who is deal! ' replie I Nimolau. 'l .1 .: oi e,i,. 1. A figure, clothe J a:, i m i- :.e I lik-- my-. -I'nt.-r. -- i e-s .1 mal'.e I; i'l a y. :ir f." Ile- .. -. . r ,- I f.-P .i-l 'he If, st to I there, to Lowai, and h to Pe!o bofor.i I ui i jlau Ji 1 n OF. HAWAII. 0) e - W. HOPKINS J) to lielnng lo this weTl'd, "ill seen. Then) was a autipieiou nf luookc: about liis worship. Hero it was lea enough. In a temple, lighted dimly by a ho't in its vaulted roof, tho hutidi ed priests I.pokell of ti.V Nimohl.l, knoll ill Bonn I'ii'i'les, with liowt'tl heads and eroueh ing linros, inonninK and prayin;,'. lh'fori) them, ten high-prmsts, nr raytid Htitl nmro grotes.pitdy, hwiiii. pots of inponse ftinl chantod weir..' Hongs to l'l'le. Upon a thrniin sat Kaumai. My .Vh fairly bulged wlion I be Wnl'l thin vriustcs. " nno was lar ami nwny ttm noi lienutifiil woiiian I had ever lookei iJion. Her hU in was fair, her liaii ami eyes dark, her form perfeet as i model. Slit) Hat calmly nui veyin x tin Heeiie. Kaumai was clad in a lion in;: jfannent of wilk. A crown of jewel -ivns on her head. She wore a girdh nf jewels that Hpni kled and tdioiin i i Hie caiiille'.ight, and Bent sparks n light from her Bide. Kauunii looke 1 to be about twenty years of a ;i "Advaneo before the high priests, find givo replies to their questions,' Haid the priest who had let me in. "liow your bead. Io not Ioo'.c upo:. Kaumai, lost you tlit With 'bowed hea I followed him down the center of tin) temple, to t position before Kaumai s throne "You are come to give worship b, I'eh) and to assist her priestess, Kaumai, to .still the npiri! of evil mi ler tin) mountain?" said out) of tht lii;h pri 'is, in a m iiio;ig:is, si i oiij vniee. liefnra the iiltar nf Kauinai - in the throne, which they called it - there was a smaller chair, much li!; !he oiici uccupipil bv the priestess. It was empty. 1 cJpeeted to be told t. take that seat, lint inst.'.vl, I wa (old to kneel. "I have como to worship 1'ele," 1 ft'plit'il to tho high priest's monotone. "Yon dwear before Kaumai, the treat priestess of Tele, that you will lo her bidding in n'l things?" "Yes." "Let the successor nf T.ow.ti wail.'' ai 1 another high priest. "Ivauuia i Mot to be interi upted ill her worship I ait the white fawn be brought for Kant that Kmnmii mnv tnicc mure ook upon her, and aiiuoint ln r to tin rod. less I'elc, to whom sho i t.) ! laeriliccd." A niuiiniir went nio uil tin1 temple. K high-priest went awiiy, and fr m: Mint) inner recess limu-lit a crsoii overod wit'.i a long white robe. Ileal, face and nil were covered, riiistigiire caiiie with uncertain steps. i"l by the hih-pl iest, and was pl.i.v 1 ii xlic chair before t!i ) throne, ol Ivii'imai. Then tin.' high piiest drew a-d le tht. it'll'. My lieart leaped 'id throbbed r.' 1 ) nindoil my ribs. There, pale, faint llg, Sj'iMlllllglv but halt eons'lolls nl ihat was going on around her, was Winnie, my long-lost sister. I forgot the words of I,owai. d l r -;ot the a lvi.-e of Nimolau. .My brain .cemed on lire. I threw aside in mask an 1 my hide nis ina'it!'', in 1 ith a ci v of " Winnie! Winnie! Mv hu!i.K sister!" 1 sprang to her and I'lasped tier in my arms. A tumult a! once arn i limit and curses from the j upon my ears. Winnie looked nt .ae, r I.oud t . fell ed me, and with a glad cry, put her ami 'iro'tn 1 in v nock. 'the next instant, rude hands t ire us apart. 1 was surioiinilotl by higl iiiiest.s. "Seie him!" tht-V cried. And, as I saw Winnie bm-'ic nil' at tho bidding of Kaumai. I was knock.-. I lotvn mnl fettered by th t maniacs ul .voishiped Pole. CMAPTKIt XIX. In the scu:llc, during whi.Oi re Jeiv.-d many hard kimeks, n-nl gavt - ime in well, the masks t f two ui throe of the hih-prict. of Polo won ilisanauged, ami I beheld their faces. Due glance was enough to show nn that they wore insane. The light o! 'aiiaiici'ia was in their eyes. Tlicii thin lips writhed w ith the unreason ing hate that my notion had inspire I. 1 fought desperately for Winnie aid', freedom, but they wore too much for :.io. Knocked ii'i.l butlVtoJ by Limni irniR- I snoit uiti-etiuilied A crazy high-priest leaped upon my fallen body ami culled for ropes. They worn brought, and my arms wero so curely fastened behind my back. All :he timo they kept up a grout shouting md shrieking. As I lay on the Btone thmr of tin great bare temple, saw Kaumai, to nriestoss, move toward lue. Sh moved, as I say, rather than walked. There, was something so divinely graceful mid ila..lingly beaut iful about this strange being. " She was tail and :if Miperh pmiioi tioiis. Her face wn !ohl ami proud, even austere. Yet il nas lovely in its fairneBs, with itsskii. of velvet and with well-molded ehii lod lips of ravishing reuuess. Hot inn, which was bare, was raised, and howed full and plump, and a hane hat an artist would travel leagues tr. ind, pointed a slender, tapering rlugt-r n my direction. "Let tho vile deseeratt r of the tem .tie nf Pole bo eai' ied at mice into tht liingenii." said Kauunii; and, Hlthoiigl nr Her Is w ere harsh and her manm-i torn, tin v;.:t-.- was a vi,i?o strangely '.uxicii, lo a j JjXAkie.of as meal passion" as it wni of Bitch ImrsTiTiess. "Away w ith the false i riesl ! 'IV the dungeon with him!" they cried. "He awaits his ow n death! lie iuu.1 pay the cost to Pole!" Hooked at Kauunii, hoping tonro-is, in her breast miiiio little mercy, but there were no signs nf it in the calm, bright eyes that looked stonily npto; me iih I was carried forth. "Oh, why tlo y.ut think I uni a false priest?" I cried in the unlive tong'i". "Ilavti f not obeyed all the injunc tioiis of Lowai, whose naooeauor I am!" "You have iloBeer.it ed the temple nl Pole," said one of thi bi.li priests, "How have I dt'HMirftUd the tem ple?" I asked. "You have laid hands upon tin! sacred one sel apart for saeiitiet.' tr I'elc when the devils of thy lire Mil the volcano into action. Tliut is your rim-'." "Put I. iwai .lid not Ml mo that I n ist not do that, and when 1 sa v mi ostel' I could no4 rcsi.1t tho tempt I ion to caress lit.-"-, "lie t.i'ks like the Viv'lo of earlh." d l I'l hi oh ti-i -1 . i-r'naps a !i;i'--aorc i . i -n -i i l'. i i I in ol'.. i-1 ".I. toes not know tlnit in thn totnples ol t'elc no earthly relation rirts." "No, J tlid not know tlmt," T nn twere l. " l lie mi-'I ed vielini was n.y ister in Houolulu, and I thought i l.u vns my sister here." -Vol have hal your t y. 4 opine 1, oh priest!" mid nic nf the highs, with a half innim ami hall' lio vl, "uil I. now your error now." "I ought to," I mid. "I have he'll poniile l lo a 't'l'y loid lied iit into a knot. I ought to have learned nnuu Miiug from nl! that." "Ili-t t'Vi'.l 111) npelii'l. Pelt! 1(5 "raisedl" saug a skinny i.i.l lunatic, lanei'ig ! m r by my .-i-lc "iio will isis! at the sacrif. f the s i "l i d nil" a he'i the volcano spits nud bid's. Si :o the praise and rhuy i f I'elo all iiorl.il.s come." A luipt y idea fi-puied to s i ike then it this i' int. Tiie words nf ih n!d ! I'd-iii i.iitaia-- v.ei" J triiiiia'.c on -s or inc. "Ah, that is what he will do!" (ley eplied j.deel'ally. "let the new pric-l, he successor of l.mvai, assist t thu .l.'llli.-.t nf tin- sicred one, a l l thus tliow hii tlevo'i.iii Ii the rt-.it nit't rood Polo. If his v.m k is iliiao well, lieu we w ill tnnk" him one nf i:s a ligh prior-' nf tile' Kiimmilniihauiliiiei v:ii." "Y. s, Ah, it i.-. a go 1 1 ti l nf liis levotion!'' raid an other. " I 'o y oi a n lo this'.-" a .ko 1 niie, vho anpc.tro I to be Ih" "I '..".! an I the iighe-1 in nai'inril'y a". ...:'.; litem. "lo I a ::e" I i w hat: ' I I'-k - I. a I H - 1 1 I ba 1 n.'l hear! thco. I ili.l his to g.ti't time. I .! rapidly think ing. " y in ii to a -si t in the ill. 'I ili.'C nf t he sa 'I i inlli'Xo'l Kin in the le.aplc, and hurl ler to ill" to-l nl 1'ele in the boiling torroiit, afti ; w hi !i yoa .' hall bee mie n hi'ii prie--:, n we ire, and i'Iib-v the coniideiicj of l'e! m l her prit -less Kaii'uai'-'' "Yes, I agree to that," 1 raid. "J will tlo your bid-ling." 1 ha 1 jumped I i a ha -ly re-ilve to ic.-eiit their t.-rai-, hoping that i'l ap pearing to su'i iiil, I i n- lit gain .-ome-Ihing, either in freedom I'mru impris tinilieul or the coulidt -lice i f sotne o( llif plie-ts. 1 knew llint by holding nit and pi'flesliiig against my si-iei's lentil, I would melely hll-tell it. So :.. iiin w hat I cm! 1," I pi t tend .! lo agree to their hmiilil" proposition. We w ere now in a dark mom c.n vi d In tint rock. 'i'lio tloor nf this It'oi'i w as h.-avy, mid seemed to have been built fur l.liigeo'i purpose-. It hal hoaiy bolls ind chains, and sw ung heavily on pivnt hinges that had evidently been Mi'-iy for ages. "Hero is your dungeon, where you ivill remain until you arc wanted," said one of the highs. "lint w hy am I to be put into a lungful! like a criminal'.' '" I n-ked. "I, who have piolnised to ubitlo by all your commands nud propositions?" "It is the law i; Pole," said one of my eaplt.rs. "Put li-loil to ate. Suppose there lia I been I wo of us instead of niie. Suppose a fellow pri"st had come be fore you and Kii'inmi for tho liit time, at the same in. mo lit that I til I. And hiiitiio.su we both eoimmjted a sn; that tlvsocrafod the temple and ea'Ie.l for our punishment in the dunged. Then siippoe y1 hid put your prop .isitioll to ImUl nf lis, as you ill. I In inc. And suppose that I agreed, a - I really did. and my fellow priest re fused. What then? You would put iiim in a dungeon for punishment. What would you do with nn ? Would I tint deserve belter of you than he.'' "True," said the leader; ' it would H4 so, but there is only one nf you." "That is true oaoiieh," I repliel, lociiig a slight a Wantage gained: 'but I have a 'ted the mine as in the prop isitioll concerning two. have uuree 1 to everything, yet you punish lm the same as you would the priest who re fused every thing." "The successor of l.owui has a sub tle tongue," saiil the leader. 'What he savs is true. Hal lie lefii-el I i assist at the -aeilli.-o nf the xi 'iv i one, he would be ea-t into thi dull ge in. Now Ic ha. ngr I to it. ii td is he to be east into the .In n ,;i ei -t the mme'.-'' "It is wol! so 'k -n." sai I i i t'n-r !' the highs. The sue, ;,f I. ..- u Uses his lie.t 1 wa ll 111 1,1s o A n I eil t!t'. Let him Use it as we'd to th - ul.uv of Poo." "Let iis oa'u'y him befoiv K i i iai, md heal the w isdom nf lu r w nr Is," said the ba ler. I ftared tin" result inure fro'c the hands of tho beautiful pi c-tess 1 1 I dldflolil the high pi tests. 'l 11:1 e!e e.'. , V. in- t I t-a'.t V I. lis n.-t i!ed w it II ri Ui I ly, the terrors are liicreiisod. Hal I hit c-l uhel no i esistanec. (Ti tw cMUtinuod.) I'l-naliy l-'ttr t-uleriiil Itleliwu.in. rrnr 'IL I'osioMiee Hoparlnioni is I trying to us-, tic rural Ii I delivery experiment n.s an ( argument l:i favor nf good IM.'iils. in. 1 where ill" experiment litis tailed in iiiiiovo the bad roads .-ilmig the I' lite Hie service will have lo he libel:. Tic department bus 'otitic over lie fciinl'i lo see how l iilliy routes Were 'nuipled by the oomlll Inn nf tic mads last siiring, nnd has rent nit; lattices Iiml uiih si; the roads a:'o lm pniMil to prevent , . m;i.-t t- Init-rnipt io:i iliis .spring ihe.se mutts will liaxo to be al'.'intl'.m .1. Tin' meonls flmw Mm. a great many rniitt s v.. -re inti-nupteil Iroin niie to seven ii iis last spring There v. -re forty . I' these mules In loWll. I'.'.eiM' ill lilllMls, tell ill i.-- I..I1MU aiel a less number hi oiler VNi-ien, .-lini enutiii.'.'n Mates. I no 1 t-.i.H I Hie. it is . 11 IM. II. Ol ...s , it .seems i.e. anse that Stale has a I sU'tut many iiioro rural free tlelivory l.iutes ihu.i any oilier Stale, and. Ilk" 111. mils, il." Stat" suffers nt tiims l.i. in bad mads wliloli catiiint bo ii.n '' "" 'I'll" .: put :melit ftdmits ihat il v. Ill i en- , ..,;,. oimsH-Tin.nu io in .MUlei'lty h, bHlhliiig roads In Iowa and Illinois whom tho I'.eptli nf the sod m:i,:es i: ,;in:,i luiposs, net r..:,di ilutt uill bo passai,!,. nt s.-.isn!'.. of tie your. I' Is nilmilie.l that there are routes hi Illinois and Iowa xvh. ro everything pt.ssih e has I ci n tloiie :.i mnl:.' good roads for Hie c.i'i.ViT par: oi" tho year, but during l.e upr'.ttg fn-hets tins,, imiy bo l.u '..tss.ublo for a few day.--. Th" iii'ilo.' is iuii.nt to upii'y lo thus - ,u.t .- v.-1. 1 : ' t i:" p. .ei',.. arc hnlif.'o. 1 n :.i ihe c.jbdi.i 11 of 1 iio road-; and h.r.e i.llo'.Vt-l lilul lo b-'coi.li' impilssuli'" ihm: .'.h in g!"i't. 'I'hc inspectors will ivpot'i tci ii,.' I'iciics that are in:er rupt. .1 this sjirlii r. iiml wlerc the in-I-:uh::i.:.iii Is due to li".'.oet or the rnaic- lin y will be a'l.unili.neil. Whore tiie hiie; rcption Is due lo eniiilil ions which i.tiiu e. b" iim rciime Hi" ilepnvl i.eu will make u'.h.waiici a and 011:1- I Ull" III" SCI V ice. Put ihe il'b.ir,;r.":il regards rural .':..' ilelivory as :.' .vrgicn nt till I I'll ie.i ... -,; ,, ; , i n;:. I -,,,,,! load--. ;:n I wh. !-.,. : ihe pciih- are i;i-liiTeroiis to lie a-h :ili:.';ii s of lie s'orvic" t'uo t!' -! ar lent hold . that lie o.." rlnit til is a failure. The t!.-:,:.i:i I for rural free th li . ,y i-i ;';'. :;!. r Iht'll th" th pit:" 0.1 i:t .-.ui unci vi'i lie np'.vopria : i"ti 1 y 1 ' u ::. ..n I it v. ill favor th c 1 ; 1 1 ; n 1 1 i . v. hieh show i.m-l nppti 1 l.iii.tti by i.iiihiing l'ouds t-Vt :' wlii-di li; - 1 h.voi'i . ;n ciHi s. uid umils with the h :;st p.e-ihl" itil-.-rl lljllitlll. " I'n-panil I'm- Siiiniiifr. In the 1. 11 fining iit'.cr lie grfii!:d 'tis - ill'1. 11"' I'.'ii'ls i-hoiihl le pre- .,,,,1 ,',.: si.muu-;' t:;:vol by Iciug up-'! i:u .-'iih lie "i"iid niiieir.uo" nr .. i d evador." I.. 11 this work Ih ,'i.ue, ihe -rt"ind is c. upariiilveiy tlry. : "d c'-::--e'i:' nil." the h'-avier read io.'ui.i : is reouired ::nd can be h:ir.d!"d i.'i ihe t'ltmls. It is somewhat ire.', r uni'f ti.ut this 1 el Is irdinarily ,'ilcd :i mad ce.'ih r. since the n.'iv.o uis 1 ..-sibiy Ld to a miseniiei'pt h a s t 1 .uii impi As ;.n his' ri:; tarn u-e of Hi- mucl.iu . er.l of r. ml c iiisiructii 11. hi - i.ii'ciiiiie is used to Live :i ci'i.wa ;i ; Ii m.uil; but as .-.n instrument of I ::ii:itoi.ui:ee. i; should be Cs"il only to nnoili ihe sUVoit ' v.ti.l fi-s'oro i'io or- .gii.ul iv iu ii. Apparoully s e::e o'n ;a I :s us iiine t !;a; lie machine is Hot to In' r t Xeepl to IllcVcnse tile ITl.W:! I' tl'.e r.iad. lluiplnyetl in this way Ihe t row 11 is made loo treat, ami a big ridge nf loi.se tavili is left in the inid i!e of the road which tc.'.y slowly 0011 ehii.'i s j.nit v. Ii ii-!i is likely to be ha heil into tie side ditches to tii.i'.ic redd" tl'ire. Since the im rniluel Ion f li e mud ui.-i' hit:,' th.-re has tleve! pi d .1 si;i. ,rg t. udeiiey to iiiercas tiie t:i ivii nl' He r. .-I I'.mlnly. 1 loubth ss tiie i.b.i ri iu 10 secure better drainage .' :!.- r . I 1 ed, bin piling up :11c 1 artli I; :.u iuud. oiiul M'.bstitute for the hi it. i .e. t-id - sh.p- s Sleeper than i" i i-siiV'.'i 1-1 1 U. 11 1 e... a-. aii r inio i'.i -lie ': - cr.- a th'itun.etit. ::ht r i.iii.:;s I ,-iiig fiitnil. the I to.t road 1 1 1 :. -., 1 1 ". or to haul a Lad oior is a j -in 1 lly ll.-;t cue. (tii.nl Itnail. 11 Npt-fs-ilty. Wi h t't.it:;.- oxpro.-sht'i nf ,-ipsi : t u for iiie vir.uu l:o-p.!ali:y c.t.'iid td by lie luis.i.ess ., , 'hd;:th; I'hiu. ih 1 . tr.. ;;. 11 of llie S. nit, 1 rn i u-Iu-: rial A - -iu . hui ::,l.iourn, it to u:. fi te xt v.-.i.- iu Memphis, Tclni. P .ore :: '.:;: iilng ihe foll'twing iv.-j-I 11 w .is ., !. d: Whe.igs. d'iie territory nf many 1 . ti. Siiuiht in S:. hi s is eniirely or lug iy li. u-e 1. '0 ui w::icr nui ig.itii.n. and. ' '. -is. 'i'l, i:e: e p:-..pero's cim ' lie".-" !:.ivo Ir.u.Xul froi.i t .e . I . . I- 1 he Mtul it.ip.t: h.' c ! 1 ei -, end I ha! much m' 1 Icir i iy .!,; ::!; up-.n a , ;.i 1,:' ' i " i'i ! c. l ' S.i" hen In u 1:1 t-oav. u: u :i n '.v . urn '-'iy iu ..' o! !ll ir.z,.i ill- : , ;1 A.- -.. r: i. oi t le- ii;i"ii; if tii" S,.ii.h the importance of the :':ip!'nVf Ce I'l ni' llie leads. .Hid i . I .-I y.y 1.; .t. : .al Ihe I -hiiitv. -1 ' lie Mn it.i.s : i ho, .1 S.ub s t., ;,i!.. 1 1 li s imp... . ..u; i iuliei and to , naet oleh law- .is w.ll lend inuaid Ihe bet I' l 11 it 11 1 ni iiic leads vf their Tt-spcct Wo Swtw, TRAITS CF f.fXICAN If.'ClcN?. Atifttit tlir Only (Iiii-m In 'Mini fiMinlly ftf rule Itlttiiil. Ii is a wonderful lileml of races lhaf is l-l nuiLe the Mesieall 1 1-' 1 1 1 ; 1 1 i HI of lie funire. fie M.i.ia nun nf ed II. III. oil Woh ies i.' the nel liliClile t.'oihio Siaiii.-:i t.vji . TariiM'.ins mar ;ied Willi .-piiiilartls. and all tlegrees of Azlee iidmlx i lire, while ill D.iMie.i one iin.'is tic apoieean sirain Theie is great lio.i- for the Indian poopies n ' Mexieo; lle-y .are, fur ihe most part. e.titll ol blood. Willi a iierviiiis fni V. lllell lliak'-s .ilelu. on being eduealt i'. go fur. Many emblem men here are nf llliii'd lllnoil. ami It Is v.nriliy nf iioii- t li.it lie Indian blnnil gin s grav ity, nn ii'al poise mnl great v ill power. Tic Indian Is loyal, a good I'rleiiil. a tri'tit. ml. ins enemy, ami soniet imos llelle I'll I ' I .'I ! 1 1 1 1 1 I'd of the id- US of I lit" v. li'.te ra.-e. Iiown tleop in his In art ii Miineiiiing .'iiim i o . n;i I, lu!eii-e nnd loiiml. I have heanl idlleated In ili.'ins. i.'ilk iig in all t iiiil'ideiiee. i s press the hopo lli.it nn III. I. an Mexico may mine ilay till.-' llie pluee nf t'.ie ri;uih ii Mo:: ion. Wo h.ne lost M'.'neihlng In the I'ni leil Sums by l.iildin.' tic Indian at arias' eie:;ii soeiallv. Indian blno-l is j ,, , ,.,., ., s ,,. .,, V'UI get good leilills ill Ihe lll- tiao I l e nt-... I !: V .-li e in I vi:i:ilei'. i . ' .. , ' . . . ,, .. strong Hid lit" thai nature pre;'e -s. nnd In u hi. h sic ooii'hiati 4 i .a!.!ili-'s. Il.'ld tile I ieiUll,-: II p!li!o-.o,l. T Niels, ' visited M (. t, i(, v I Ic I' hi nl. I I. a- e r mnd "o or ma u." hi ; ,.,,,.,,. ,,..,;.. , . nll,g ,1. ,,.,,..,,; is ,,,.;, ;,;-..,.. ,,,t , ,t V.,,11I,.M v,;, ' i-i,, j,, ;. ;-... and v. c. live long. Our ui'baii eiv;ii: ii ion ami ilaiutine-s ,-ind 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 v i s .!o :rt.y real manhood :i : i-1 v. om:iii!iii'iil. iiml s.i tin flourish th n' i -t ilii.-.tir.-. fad iisis r.ii I luiil. .'ti'!- W .Itel' rei'iUUIii'l S. i Nicliin; I ut tin- s',:n nc. l .air, lie' free lii'e of iiuiine. : -lie v- the b-'.-t in hysiip:" nli.l i:i oh:i:aet' r. Th" In b.ui. s er,,e,- i"i mm Idling, nn I their m roil gt h ': be ,s , -ni'.i'e.i by heir vigor nt' l.e iitaii y 1; I- a :;re:it '.thing imt to be le t", o.i-'. lo brent lm 'i!i op. to have p!"i'.:.v nl' i,ui'-l. ni.oiii, blood. Olio is ni:::r:e.! nl the power oi' ap plleaiioii of Indians nf culture; I hoy i;et laiiguol niily after iu'oiise work. They ha' e slum'.! a. It is a g lly sight In see l-o'.ilillg lloWil illto WillUli- to'Hiir.v valli ys I'nu.i the Sierras. th Indian woni.-in. s.r.ih.'ht, clear o. veil. 1; icoi- eied. Mai h iis with line illi-l It -i , u-' ;' i ,'. e '.' .i'i.' i. a - i lie ' it geil.l- .-.-s il 'i: ih .. i . :y nociou i.',rui--.'ii!, ."III. il' ;. .'.uied in i.tiliz.'.l m:.l::ii r. ii: in ;; 1 eii .. !!.. .1. : r Homo of lie I -1 : 1 ; have i.;.:u.v 1 1 : I I -nun.' v.-niiii ;i: y-.-.i i" 'I; i them, ainl i;!l :ieee;c, . t'iMli. ,1 sijui'iaftis fail nv.'.'iy. u'.i th. i..c ih'.;:l. 1 !' u hul w 1 ,:!l I hi ii- 1' tv-r.y; ih-y a '" s.irpi.'.' gnWUeil, M: I lli 'i.' li.iitr.l'U' Ml-g"stl im !!; inn o.' subserviency: licy l" 'i: ; to one ihoii::iis nf the an i pi" world I when lite was lived broadly, lu-hh'lii ' oui'.ured ;ind ihe a;.' of f.-s had not j lt,.ul , ; ,.,.,., ;,,,.( in,:in ,..:. :is 1:1 th.- c.u;:i!ry .".'.is ..f .M,.xi,. , wi:ii lie par!-.:- .hr.-i.n.s o.' j (-ivii;:.it;..!i. u.t-!i '.' the "f -,4' oial- j p.,,-, toeih yellow with gt.M. with 11 himdiv.I ar.. -i' th" t"ib 1. ::!"! n-rvos j ra.-ilv live! and icugb-d inn fives over thinklu- :' wealth rJu n tun-iocs III" rieles i f ; impl" !. :.!: Ii lln s" yuutig vo:utui posses.--. 'I'he'.r 1 yes :ire woiid-rfit'dy char, and their ty;.-- of bi'iinty is lirei .11 thai Ihti'e is : ic, eiu'iit 11 lm wad- I iibng and lev :iei..:ion. A pliysh Ian woiiid tl-1 g! ; in sucii youi.g vn.ni :i, ii; ion,'.,.:- !'..; a sculp:, i;-. Only the primitive batons, muili in He upon :ilr. tho sun ni'ideling lh. ir per- feet fnrins, retain their satiny. In fill- big cities nf while lilell llie people are spoiled, wo get into grooves nf em ployment, arc H,-:.,I iir.ellectually nnd physically. lose nerve poise .-'ml lept'se. and are pai Ic d lull nf pv ju illees which wo n. -lak for onhure I have s;it Willi linl i.us ,11 1 in- mar ket places nf little towns and eli.ioyctl lleir plrieiiliiy of Ih uight. their diroi t seeing of tliiings and their inability oven to envy os. e !"ii-t icseiitide 1:1 their mini's strange. 1 b 1 1 n :i i.i 1:1 lly po.-scssed ert iiuv s. 'I h, y s i in ,' tan imt onaipvt i: lid our iv-'ii-sless v. l 1 ur iii'ihili.y to be slid an leu.- al a ti St. no : inn-; an I ud.u'i " .11 loll .ei Ihat the t'ry w.ll cue v 1 the l.oid V. ill I-' I heir flee I . e e. Ill, I ill. U ii, Co ihe l-gh:. ii - 1 i s cue ii;;-'i'i..v -1:11. 1 hilt blur -s i;i hi- e.M -! !;.-. on 1 !! ah!. Jilllll I litMllllciti' - I .1-1 Icltlct-el. Tl.fso wll't l'l-.!o:s';i:..t tile s.i... 'cot h.iie to ed 111; tl.Ui w ie n ii 1 s I . the tptostioti of i-.itii i'.i.l .ir.-ft Me ... I, a:. ' ill has 1 e'.y 1..1:. li th b. -t it. h.t is tin .,;' 1:.. atrlvct a: a . I.I. II I'otl.lit.ll.V nf li, -.:,. who e.iil e.t.ll- t.o.uahly pic c. i a u 'el. ol I 1 ' h ' si.:. 'walk w itl.oiii i.-h n, the oitcg 1 ui.) oi' 111:1 11 v Hal 1 -..i'l' s 1. 1 his ml lilolil ' Aincricaii 1 i.,: !e .- a"e n c 1.1 ad" for the perinl'llli'II' e ni lllll.'I. si" 'pU'.g f il" ,'.' slie ;g llltlusl.es. but lie' I'll! Hainan. i:i his I 1 ,.- lilting 1 lot lio. is :i- :':.. to -'.I..;,, jump, run tr leu I14j1.l-.p1 .11.- . s u s. :,,.! oo iu 1 111 h llg. 1 II il Ci-.! II. I .'. ' e't lies Voll cull l.e btlMI i ll I sic, p Willi Ihe sane :i ill. 01 11 1 oi . 1.11 . .-: t that V'll c. n stand nn .11"! w uli P. '!! ;' I "''"'. .t.:tl A It nut in 1 tt . 11. .1 1 -login Tie an. leal v. u el ii.i - io la', a s;;-. -i. ll s i. II- e .UU e ,- s . v c. s .1 l.nudttti new .-;..(. i- ; . i'i.; . e a. .1 ..s With art lib hi! tc-'h p..e :.- a'.: I env ., Willi woiiil n leg-, ib g- w.'li uhiss eyt s. nnd other animals wi'li falsi hair, t.-ilse tails ni: I la!-,, l.inhs n, all kinds. There is. hide. il. Ii.udly a limit the p issibllities nf lllllllllll sill-gory. l.tl l.t.tHilit 1 11. tent's . A mail's loe tali he beckoned but not conimiiiitleil; a woiumi's love 0:111 lie C'liiiiiiaiiib ti. but not bvckuuid. New lofk l'toss. A largo linspital Is being bnili in ii-o ns'gos Moiiir.-iiii.s lor Ihe ls..ali"i ami lieaineiit of lepers. In c:i- w hole families are iiitat l.cd .-ma I t! woliiugs arc ti'ovideil for them. The longest etild smsim is found i t, lie Hooky Mountain region, where oxeoetls thu warm by nl l n day . The warm seasmi In Tex:is nmi tin Lower Missouri Valley np-ns almc; loll il.l.vs 0:1 idler lliilil ill toe ri'g'.o 1 near the Middle Atlantic const, and from twenty lo twenty live tlays en: Per than on the southern coast of Ca! Iforiiin. Iti the Norl hw t-sl til" war: season opens from twenty to twenty live .lays earlier than iu tie bile re gioii. and from lifieeii In iweiiiy tiny, earlier than in the North P.-o ili" ma I region. loiui'.'il I'.rkiliiinn:. fallen; f.,r ih ih-fellce p!at:s nf AulWeip. .:-s la i'i tlel used new Uses for ct-liellt III li, walls of foi-iros-es. Mn-tinry w.'li. or walls of ordinary coiuont. are iiil. ' ly demolish, '.I by modern high p.. ereil cannon, but lo tiel'al I'.r'.aliie i ; has sin- h il In mixing fruuiio nts I granite tlirougliout a teineiit iuiv so ihat tin' resulting mass bus ixtr; nrdimiry roslsi.-uiee. Iron oaldes in: bedded in the muss .loin Its purls t. gother. so Ihat II holds linnly ev. j v. ien deeply fissured. A wall ni' t'n sort will resist ihe lioa,,si r ri.lbu . v.ietl l:s ihlcklioss Is ten fi e:. Iciiihytihegisis arc much inleri i'. I hi Ihe capture by a North Shields I'si lug boat of lie extremely nil" niu! nr king I'.sli. Its appt -a ran o 1 !!' ih inasis nf Kiiglautl is very rare I' chief glory Is its beautiful cnloiii:': blue, green and yellow, mi. I bright M'rmiliou and It- i-fl : 1 i l;: ri i 1: I :i 1 ii lie upper par. of tie buck. Tie (lilt s arc green lib .ve. and beiit-ittli ti e lateral lilies are a iiunibt i' in' y ol.e.vi!i while spots from which lie ti-a 1, t lvt s Us iiiinie of Intnl. In .la pan b i lermeil lai, and is regardoil as mi ciu Mom i"' happiness, beeause ! Is s:n m l to Neptune, w hile by other observer j lis showy colors have eaiise.l it t i l e pketleil to one nf I ho sea gods. Il is a matte;- of common knowledge Ihat the vault of lie sky has i.i' leas' In Ihe eves of some pc'.-.snllsl .-in tip pereii'lv Ha:', led fori '. He leri...'i : 'ic li'ilig to be more tli- laut than to y.eii'ih. Professor W. C. I'.r.'iile. 1 . tie rniviH'.s.iy o.' PI n lis oh-orvatory. I. us 111:11!" nn i:tti'in;it to ileloruiliie ox-pei'liiit-iitally the iimoiiiit of ihe up parent llationhi'.", by 1 . 1 ; 1 1 : s of ",t si lies of estimate of tie Migtilar ''..- tui s iC :urs by a class , ; iuti'mr 4 11 in.-, ri'tg i-tutleiit.i, t il rn' whom were somewhat familial w.i'i 1 he osi im.it ion of aii':!o. ." Tito result at which le arriM's, o:;pre: -c.I in uu .in.eohliiiuil way, Is that an e'eieet the moo':, for insiaui appt-.u-s to 1 i leiit ihr-'t-fourths as tlisi.-.-.n fm. 1 r.s when ia th" ::-tiilii im win !. on liv. iori:'.oi:. , Oil the eoiist nf Africa, opp-'iite ill" I.:. mill ni' tie Itiver Congo and mu t.ni'.oiis with Ihe course nf that rive , l.es a submerged valley, the eiisleti and shape of which have ben ii-.-.-.--. lined by means of soniidliiig- iu.i.I" 1 y lie PrllSh Ailmli'iiPy. This v al loy . th"oi.gli which lie t'oiigo pre' a My tloweil :;! a t'.iue when .he we-', in coast nf Africa was more t-lrt ;i,i- 1 than it Is at prosotii. Is VS2 miles in length, extending to the edge of lie platform of submerged hind which borders the cnuiiiicir. Its s les are Met -p. precipitous i: 111 We'd iVMUcd. iudh-aiillg tli.'it they are fnllle.l n.' solid rocks. I'tl'.er suliniiu-g.-d riior valleys are found 0:1 the west, 1:1 ecus: nf llurope. ainl s'.miitir ph iinine'iu exist in varinus pans ,,f tht- world win"'.' Ihe edges nf centliicllis ha vi' M.u!:. 'llit Altllltnt's i'ry ? I.ady P.'irtoti says sic bus s - n linrst s in lie Syrian t'e sort t ry fn u ttiirst. a mule cry fmiu ih - puiu of i u in.luvcil foot. i::id oai.ioU slictl tears i.i St I'l '1 III s. A cow. sohl ly tt- lills'.i' s who had leiidt rttl it fmiu h:; :b. v ' ptrrully. A xoiiiig soko u'c Usui ' i ry fin'ii o a; in n If l.ii iiigsi":e il... n u s-' ii iu li s anus w In ii ii ::-i.' d ! ' I... Wonmlod :;p. s have dh .1 ori i: ainl apes h.He wept over III' I' jn-li'-t-n.-s sa, n by buut'-rs. A th . iiipan:. irai'.e.l to t uny v.u.ier .ing - bvt ke cue and foil :: i n ing. which m . d - . low. though It wniildii'i i. ieii, I the. ins. I':''s.ii;sc-.cr,iig a ti.iiii:' "ii -!mw :i. d b in. !s en lie m d i" b ars , : g: .of. A gir. iff.- wh'l. .1 liitti's-man's i .tie I:.'.' iii.iiirod begun i evy. Si a !.-!. w, i p for i: - 1,.-. of li t ii- young ih -.i. : I'lrellliilg f'.is.-l e.l leils tii.ki.ug I r.'l.l t !e I I es ni' a ill .lis b pi, nut Ami in n cu n.uiig oiiiavg .. le n ih- pi ,ei! nf its titungo. was .. m - ti nt il took to . i l illg. TI: I'n ' I'll 1 little tlotlbt. th refore. thai MriinaN w i t . fr.tm gv 'of. i : pain, or n 't A HilO". t'.'l-s. li's I.PlI" P. Iks Tin- lil-i-.oi:.; I t.'ii. I. 'I'll, ve i- p '-oi in ly n't n'els" il'' 1 long sell. ; ,ug o h- ! sab- i.i.-i : I.. 1 hail pi i " 'I.'!' d t'p- ii i' t" si'.-h a" . . ti 10 as ihat lo- w h I ii- .its. ... to ui. I i- I. -pons I b- :I i: : -ppai- I:'' i pn'aide ue :, I:,:: is v im v. oiti.t the id-;: nf 'l:4.n ti- .-'. '. ."I th -.: iivie i. ft u g !-; . tiik.lU mi t ' iweiry tiny .' .!:si cur . i; I .!! wh I lia'e p.'sscii th-:r irsiui ity Itm 'i.-s is ic,; nil. Oo. ,i!.;o.i.il!y a iiise cm to light whom the .i.'ct.ttiit ti.d cw. -o f.-u as t,i t'.rtlin ! it n p-r . , m fi-.e-i : T 'o bill, ainl if th ti' to in 'I'l' -I mil : ei - ni to r. lm u liis i in k ami u-i. !' a full Seidell. i III. lie ;.i n.!s ur shippid buck. .: ic I lie- w lelo.-ai -1 tnh to wide tie for uilietJ.-T-Ji.' JJgok kwucr, - " - ETHICS CF DVITRTISINC. to.lli llbilisio s. I.I lln- f.ttle AVlil. lt :ot Tini ll.tt li.l-s iiml l.tiw.ter. A writer in Publicity, presumably n la wye:, w litis t n.-iualiiinciy on tho i h.i i of his piofc-sinii iu so far as it l -in 'es iii ,-nlvi rl ising. ami taboos the J-iofesshi'ial nian, be he lawyer, iloc-lo.- ol- eb-ivyiiM li. wlio advert Ises. It would iippeur l ha i he argiiea from a premis" coiii r.idiei my in lis s aii ii.i-nt. only in reach, as he necps s urily mu' l. an illogii al ctiiieliision, i:oi w arraiilt tl by ile inieriueillnlo s.t llngii-ms. Il is false logic, and needs li.iist fall. The fuel Hint he admits ailvei'ti.sins has pr.-n-t lenlly boeoiiic a 'i-irnn' ami "illi'l til" ilihelliser .lie nil.' V.llo llllS', I i liiips. in: a li,' .- si inly of the hen- o' ls nf his own system nr those of e..er tipially lun ol minded men -in j :-i!l'", in a-siiiii.irg thai every mall I. es h's own intoiosis al heart, anil l ..it w.th o. ':;. bii-in-fs man nf ain- l.lin'l III' ii'il aneelllt'lll of ilis OWII I i s lie s nce'.ll,;.-i in- s;ti;o posilinll. i '. tilt II. Ill" .U'lVl-l'l isor liflioVOS Ittl- itr:.sing lo be oiie of Ihe most i ill -port.- nl slug. - nil lie high I'onil lt I '-SOIL'S s-ie.es-. why is le liol jus I I i .1 iu b.:. ciideai nr io ie; siiatle Ih ; I ,-y.sioh-n cr ihe purist thai unless ho : -i . or' ..-es le p.ir- ie; a piinnlinn in i . form nf . giiiiuaie personal and I : of, -ahiiii'l fuue and murkeil linai: c .il In in in ?" I '!' co'.ir-e l.e is jus! hii d. il in I it U i iily ihe hul- I'.uiiel rule of III" yours: i hen ii. w .-.,r ,ci s end chcr vehicles; i ' u li on ising w er.. ,,.u existent that i re luuu Is ii.m io .1 ,y In oiiloi illto t I'liecl it inn tviij li s l.iercillilih' I ! i her. Tie writer :i--. iiiies that l here nro i uuiy ineiul" is nf id" legal pi'tifessh.n .hi would iconise, to tic d.u rimeiit: i' lie h' ll.e.e l-ellserval ,VO b,'el hroii. I'os-il'ly tiiat is me. This is not the : i :' ih-- lull'."' dip nl' sing" eo.'icb, ; .. I le v. ho falls in ihe iv oo n-eil not .-'.r . m. i i : I- in . '11... oihiietie a ml ii. orals nf Ihe bar : re high Miiiniliii". Mid .- I'linroii.si ; lirasi --. bill He aicrnge newspaper i -nnrier with any oottri experience at ; il '.iioivs ivhul a shnm III.' othios nf lu.it piiifos-inn ui'". and that free ad vertising is en-... riy sought lei' by the l ii.-hc-t coiiii-i lor i r by Ihe paliou l 'Hi', solicitor Til" suggestion has been made, ,'llld :.u niliuirable one. loo. thai He paper.-! l' l'iise to print Hie names of la wyei's i r physicians in piotitlm nt er.ses un less I ncy ;uh ol'i i-'-d. Lawyers l'".i '-i tleir briefs In 1 w-p.ipors: nt ion irop:iro Inii rviews; i ''...- i inns ur;;,- th.-ir icvn accunni nf ii hi nil oper.ii inns, uii'l clergymen t ., in.psis nf ileir s-nunii -, .-1 i 1 lln ; - ws, taper pilb.i-hi s it in choice pusi : .ci without viu'dilv.g n p, nny of profit. 'I'h i iiiiTi'iViii. lawyer or physi- i i.lll ., ho s a-:,;,- Ihe so called ithio- of ile pi'oi'.s ion nnd .-'dvoi-t '.sos .a.: iiieiu the i'l w.ll nf hii laggard i :iip '.iio:'. but h" v ill have il.'.uon siruieil I int this is iiie l wetiliolli cell iiry, mu th" -.xteeiit h. - l'uiii'th Lis lit. WORDS 01- WIS30M. Sc 1; Iiappim-ss fm- your-- df. : ml ymi W.il 1 so il; .-eel, !i l .r otiil is. nud yon v iil I, oil it. P.-tnks wrimt:: !! kii..w l-'dgc i.f life ;:'-. IVseless; lnr w -hillh! I it inks) ic.n li but tie art o.f living? I: l by presence of lniud in uuirie.J i : lorgciieics. said Lowell. Hull fn- un live tile; ;il of a iu an is li s,. i!. Hon ! i .e.!i-"'.s obserM.il are chains lo grace, which, iiegio, led. prove hull irs to strange undi'io'ul t li.htreu. Imprudence, s.lly lull., foolish van ity and v:i!n i ui 'os.n n,e closely al lied. Hey are i hild: n of me family. If niie alWiiis i.-.k- s a sleiu out I iiV.'llgii lite :!ey -. iiie: .uu-. egret tiny did net go ihe ileum! about way. Life Is to be f.iridiid by many fr.olidships, lo love ami to be li.veil make i'.i' Ihe greatest happiness of ex istence. There are two th ogs in which we should tleror.ghly train ourselves to 1 e slow ill inking olle'i v nud to bo slower iu giving :t lLibns. .-,,'1 and ph.r.i ..t hist, nrc like some coral -'."ins w hah n't' eis.i.v cm w inn t..-i niiai-r.ed, but - .,.;i be, oine h.r.d us elueuiii. No i.,: :i , uu ii il o nt : ier I." i- ri' ll p...,! by u. ug :' his h-dgi-r Ii is ; h-.ii : : ,ia : luuin s u luun 1 1 h II" is v., ii ,,: p, ue, ,: .bug to what lm ,. . net u, . chit : 1. 1 hat he has. ti n 1. 1- i.r tin- x in . It n t v, i.i iy i.'.ew il I ha' i.t He pti.-.ii: lii.io. b'lweeii ull iiup.'iluur I h-pht ie ' :.' i - "t th, I mod S till es, ,1 h i" toe trunk l'- lies ill" be, llg Us tl fo. li.lils.l.Ui.ilg 1 ee, b. li . IV am It ,... ., on i iieiu siii.tilinnei'ilsiy :: . .'1 -h ie l.e-ilg's u iih mi prodie Ui ; a'l.l iil' I I llpl i' II i t 1 he spokell . criis e: i ii ion l"i iiiiiiiuiul'it' laws of n.-ii in e. winch cuiiiel be lar.t'd by in. in t . i' t 'i . r ji' ' iu i .on. ."U might, by I. stoning, take nil tie telegraphic 1 1 it s s.ige thus traM us'.iig tin so u ry oon lUi. ti,: hul a luiiiuliz ng prnspt ot ler lie w ire tappt 1 ' Aliheiigh Hit -e i, h -. ; a pie. iiiipnls. s aotuuiiy trnviis,. th .-..1 el w .ie lit lie I'd. ph He lit ;..iur i nr ;:ud :n itiully spot il aleiig Hi" ,',.ii ,, nl e, pp, i . .-'..iiieior ut t let limn . t,'. ui . -,! - ....- . ,i: 1 1 III-. ..on In a i . ,;l.i . .! I lev i'u li n Hi" t ! gi e phhj :. i -age. 1.. -ii s Wet k!y. l:,i'.,lt : I nn.li!'' ;un. A PililU'lelphl.U til'iil of a'.ieiioueei.i ;. eoll'I.V ".'ft '. 1 U' nil' nf t lleir Sab'Sl ifoblnsi.;! 1'iiis.e's muskei. I: was a hie oh! tlintbek. I ' was in He pos t ssiori of a g'-nutliiieee of Alexander iflkh k. ami its pi digu e is ui'ieh iinim ll.hlll le hull S llsll illv tin- I'll t w Ph objects ,.r this kind. Tie man who kicks if liis news paper is tlatnu would kick harder If be found li dry.

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