3 till AID GABDE Wlirn l Wnirr Urn:. Alwi;y wtiv Imkm t.ef..;v iWditn:. Itnd novel' ni'.crwnrds. I;' llns is pi-Mi'-ticed iiiul tlu nniumls. ji : (jiveii car Com on a tecdiii',' Hair, four,, en P amds of corn will produce two pounds of gain. In other words, o.ory I usliel el' Corn ought to il'oiluiv leu JHUltlils el' pork. If this Is lit 1 1 lii'ius accomplished something is v.-runs. 1 lit In Hi" Mill:. The iiereeiilM'.'e of fat in mill; from 11 single, eow may vary, one ilay jiiv lns different rcstilis froai I lie next. In mi cxpei-mniii with a choice Jersey iw tl:e :u:lU v. as found m lanse from 4.1." l'ef cent. ii ...:;. p-r ee:u. A sin gle test wilh a eow may. t In ivfoiv. he of tin value, as in in- elie ra-" mure mil!; xxoihl lv repaired la make a pound of im'ier ihaii ill il'.e olkcr. IloV. to S: t It. IK. Il may --eeai ;:i . e.-.v ma: let' to s r n h .li. hm iiui'-s v.e im,',ei--:a!i,l li.e.v to ii-re, .-,1 v. ,. w -it fi,l ii a r:s !!.; ttif-tn-iil; in.. I ii. hai.-. ;.i ay m .kiny; of the ii; ;!. .:. Io wlm-n is sure le follow m.i"-s I i walk Is Weil d-Ue. I "it J . I' -.i!' t:.::i ;!:. Ii. a is ini'ltncd to sit. Thci j.r -i i-v ill ::i for her in a ro w wi'.t t.-i ! froit- Mod l.y .'lilt r i.. ..s. Wia a oi. a eoiiu -lift her ir.-nny fr-m the nci aid sai; ll"f I" the ell ' pr. :..;:-e.. 1 o Hoi put ti.e iti- !! ! : li ".' a .lay or two. as -ho il. iy at iii'sl lv r. stio-s. Shi.iili! .-li.' 0"i x.a:it : r maiti iu the sti.'iii..' r.io! i. ii 1"' ii' -'--ary ii rinse li. i l!: 1.' ''' i 1' I j - - lie-l for a d.iy. a:-.: 1-: !. r ho. . : acct;toti;od to tii" s'!' a, im.!::i,-. An oi i ,.;,;) i makes a o,ui ins:. the o:-:y i h-iti.'.- :; a s -a.'.'.' la-aw a a op r.au ia ilie livnt so ilait she an siep .!. vi;!i. .a' jiimplti n ihe ::-. V. h, n she ileiii.s in r ',,Kl ill nil 111' in: jnn th.- e."s ami -i- !., r. ami set a ',i. i ;' water, a pan of -m at:.! a !.o. of .'.it u-ar I y an. I let h-. r ai II . I"e.'l ami v.aier h r ! l ie. I 1 1 n.n dis lui ii her. Sevr.a! may he in same l'o..m. :.le hy . ! '. :i::d will -ax e Ii ' n.oi'i i ..ai-ie i-.i.tt a s i!u'..' !uu. ilii :j and i-1: ''.a. ri.-t i r 'I tin I'v.iilurtitin. V.. a .! i.T li:.' ;.! ; :mn.i;,iiI.. e?t ni P' . .1.: in- mill, at :!.. I'tvvarKn;: pri.-. -Hi' .!-. .'te. Th., a li.lii. uli qi: - s!. . s. : : ..v.-.-. all :n :-' - .': pr. 1 r.p; i's We x, :ii day. t'....:y, n- ,..l" r. i. .. i are h: '"i ll an d v. Ii a' aa.'iln.i a 1 -aal r -vv : day nx. my- -!.! e. i. s. .r r day ', r ivvei :y live cow -, i in t:.e as.a'i.p-.eii lii-H 'lies,, ea.vs pr 'dn. ,- " '0 ij.iaias of mil;.: pee day, 'I. e...t ,,; pr, i i i ; -m is ilirc in ! I. all' i-. nt.- p. r .,i:at-i. I i.a ... ha tie- - .i fa i nar ". -,: f- li-hi. . at. I I a.d hlii.se!f, and I.a.. ! I a: I. alia C :' t Ai.i.-I U'.-4 for ti;e us,. ,,!' ,.. . as, i and l.th. -r.- :i T. t - .:: I an A'?rit",li:u:-al.-. ! .in.) Ii:. .. Al.: vvno; . i'i: 'V mid s'arva xv. i:. i- i ra'iid i Iv, e': I aid ;i::r-' no i i'e.x ! , d. Tin ;. .ii'e m-vi-r it-oul-: 1 w'.ih i.iit.. and net-. I no warm ii.H.se si-..-'.i ,.s ,-idi us mils' iaive. Tl.c.v ai'e h.al'i.y a:.. I s.-hl-iia i.e ii'iiEi any ,il-.e,si-. They do i,,,i lay tlurlne I'm xvinfer 'nitii.'is. hut from I-'ehruary io Arai-i will avet-a-e from loo to pj". .-e-s each. i)i-e-s..;i (lurks a.tiil -cese always hrlim Coo'l prhes d'.ti'i.iL,' the fall and xvlno-r i loiiihs, and ;!." fe.iiiier.-. wiih-h may he pi ticked .'.iirli.i. ; hi- sprit! u ami sum m. r. will n:.,r than pay f,.r the cost "f raisin.-. They :ne s;'n;t fnra -.t'l'.-'. on: ,'u y ha:d i ' a l..xv f.-n. e will lie .li ill hoimda. We ilfe ,m ;in . d to :had; ih-u Ilie pri'.iu la e a-al'i-l ti. -a: is m, oy ., the fa-'; t.mt f .-tr:u hive iiol tlie. I ihe pure !,', -.Is i.f the : n -s -ni day. livery fan... r -i,..i;l,l nos. s-.-s a l!or'.; l.i, th diir-hs and ars'. Ho,:: and rami. I'-iiii. XV. i-I- .in. I Litter lur llnMIn;. Sa- h .-i' x - ...hie ,.!,,,;,.. ill n :i- v. .1. v .i . .. s.aiks, ia ;,. ;-, , a' : ' ti. -ia d i- iii.ii I. ill li'ih- v.. in,- !.. 'I l a la. l!' aiiovved I" r.-:. I :; n 'i,. "I'd i i- y hinder pf.xv ; . , d-v.-dl ai- ivv. .,;,,1 ih.y sir- da, aims '!' ai.- lands ami uav r m .v,-, fnaii i : - . II a pol l : hi of lis i, .- ii. 'y. t l.iiv i ii'iaat l his p. tit- s,,.i ,,, t;u, ;.,ost t:v- ni. t,, fiii-m a.,.i i ,,;lirv l.i-ricv.ls i'r. ..i this r. fas.. i.,0,! . coii-ideiM! I y every farm r. N.ar l.-it".'.e .-.t,.'s straw ha- o. i'.n;o ah: ti-i too i -.a, iisi,,. tm jini.-J.. fi.. l.iii'li.. Sliavin.-s ami sawdast are la.. ti-ir ly sai is factory. I in.;i ihe e "i.i xv.. have liiat which tan take the : '" ' "I' tie ae for stah!,. Iii tor. I'.y a -..,..' extra iaii-f ami care weei'.s ami naeifsli ,.., !,,, ;:aih,.f1',i ;iU, sc. -nr. 1 l"r I eliding. Ahhoii-ii imt as soft as i-.'i'aw. they ii i-i - clean, ahsoi-li much of ;he Ihpii.l manure, ami soon th-cay in ihe manure pile. When tin- seeds of w. .- Is have mnUH-ed they li.nl best 1. 1 "i ' Hiii.' r limn have :h,. xvemls - -"f-i'll I II lie' ..Tlillil'l 1 W.illlil eiiailei. : ' i.l I ' la.eist heap, xv here a l will he ! s;i',,vt d. ''- ha.ts i'ivui Ire,-; can le easily I t'spccially ciiiiveldciii to have this sh-J .' :d .'ml saii'id for st.i.-k liciidii'- si and win ic th,; iniiiillt'c front the sta--I ia -c may he consider a l.y proiliici s i hie can he thrown into tile hox. and i li e fail. i that have I 0,41 i;iiin- to when full, hitch mi the t :l ill and haul v , 'e. rtill,. 1 Im-iii hy rcl ui 'iin-; ill. m il to the field nml tlump it. J. Ci. A1U tu ih. noil ;iud let tiicui can -)' iu their ' huue, iu Ohio I iiruier. t:s:a:o Puma f.:.,,.i'y .."ai th- siahtr. J. ii. ili ue.a..a;,. .a .N. w ! . ' Ileal- so ail. SnHiiiK l i.l itoe Ce.'.i or.'o I' an ! e. ; Il a' in-i-i- i:i ei.y ar..l e ...i i Wui'1-: ue h.ne io l'i"! vm. att-t '..'a;':-ah!;.- liny ha.e their r.wai-'l. ''! ;' phase of lleU'io.'l or ai solllle si'i-.'.' a n -s stems m eharaei. ri... mneh iliai many ilo, ami eiien ael'.es more or !..-.- 'i . '.tat we all do. To know an o il v. i il is to MUl'ef l!io inennveii.iliee o.' oa. own failures, o we f el I'.-nfulent to Iiortray I he short euininus of olie :--. lmriiu- the time of potato diu'-.tU I had oeeasioti to dvive i'.mt s-e:-al fields where potato diusin-j was .eiu' on, and talk wiili several al i.m i'i;r wop. 1 a-ked ilie iiurst;,,u s . -al. if they sort their pma'i . s w h, u t'.ey pivk tiieni tip. In mi s', oil" s ii:.. r ,' ,v was. "ii'i. no! 1 espeet to have u ..:. time when 1 n.ario t t'a. ,.ii" Th. a may seem pl:M!-i!'!e io : i .i: if tin-re are I" l"a-a. is n' s.i.ail p !.::. s ai!'.f!s liif "' l'..he'.s j..;i away, t.- a tin re ai'e 1i I a.-ii. 's ii:.p ma-. lmm!'.-,l mi .' l ii e i.' ,!:. a : si.rted i'i:. in ih in Id ai i.v i : arate 111- m i'i l-eil li "e iaaa . i :. m disefimiiaii. iy I., v ii In !''. hin'i, . a pit or hiii -f a lia 1 v n when sorted in .lie ii id - w.it .-i -l le , a ill-dl io '.Xeilld-.' W i'.ell y.'il ..:'." Iii sell. I lii'll, if veil ..'.I!' p i.l toes ill a I'ill W it 'l .1 I'..':'. I'..' I lid 'i whieh I'in is r, iii.e. !... ;. I..1 eaa s.. .., ; hi' itim era' . s ,-t S ad ao i -e: i" m.r.'ie with despate'.i. !;..!'l:t;s .l.e ite i ii- of ii. weather, v. liilo i.' . a a'-v a line d iy to take til your j i i m . .. a w.ll take .ei : i i:i T ojy i i s. r: a. id !:' pare yuilr 1 ...d-. and as , i: ::; t. a u are. in wirier lime tl' i.e.M day a fair t ile is ap: to l -lo-.ny. 1 1 .i toes are k-p; tint 1 n. a.ly sprite v 'i .a.- .sort if it ".'em' I'.at i!.. i ai! miv d. it takes a p: e..y 1 u loll ; ids from i ii.- ei ii. r. i.rd I ': - a : Will lie a i.l lie Uiieert.i i'.l. i I , tint si i-fi! in a to s. lis. lie N 1 aid . in ii.. i . !::.! wiiat i.. i I.-..:- .- t: -ev :i is ...e w ay : i d- v. . : k v. ;.!: ! .Iter t!;. lit ;::. i.;;:-:- way. pays ueii :.' ii a: ti v ':. it u ,n .1 C :. - I'.::. e F:. i,i i 1' e :'i it .tm: .initio-.!: Mnl. i. !'..: 1. Th iluno am ,i,., , a 1. a. n .- : I i ' v, , al. 1 I v ma: y I !' ! ; a, ; v, o I : r. ni l"l can I.OVV De I'll I d. ti.e crossp., ,. n 1,.,'i.itu aitli, as a p.-.; hy i'e,ts,.u of its feim i. d ii K A ft'aiinxv n-k is up Insal-- ila- four lipr.-hts. lAteii'litnr im.'.ci' float -a' 1m.. and heal- l.v.i. - . ;is is slinvxn .ii il'.. illustration. To h.-ep H, f:,,ai iiimpine; xv hllo : I..- so d is hi dm; 1- a. : S or in transit, the i'r,,nt end Is fa-i-m-d down to ihis iraiiii xx-ot k l.y a h.:i"a -iiiisti and staple, such ;us are Used to hold -Inir the lid of a chest, a d ior. ele. If tile crossplie.. xvdile'a ile.s ils pivot is jihn ed a htile fa fi..;-i ..f 1, , ei'litre. iii.- si, vvii li cxttily ! ad-d will dump i:-..d;' i s s.-.m as hasp is d: s -n ana d ; If a li: , !,. ;.i 1 1; r,-:' , f i -'air . ; he i r. tit f h.-x xvdl ha t he red.. ! I y hand xv hen ''.e..;,-am ;.( di'a-i ii. Th.- i :an a ..e.ii!..ti ; I pivot ero-spii-e.. vv.!!. ; liar, f.ii'c. ih P r 1'iaie II. - ' a-e of tiimiplii-. and ft ii;atfr may he s,-t;;... io sti.t tl,.- no. J. iit'Mi'i.vii iin'i i - vi:i. r::p. wishes of Ilie liiiild r I. Wh:ll ihe ht-X is ai 1 s i,..: i;;. ,.i;I p i siiioll ,'t!:-l Ilia- il.'l-p s f.is,ei...l. .;,- ri a wooden or oili.t' pin In ihe h:isa stillile ill the ,Ia,o that xvould . . .-. cu;ii"d hy a I iida-i k w re Ih a a-p used as a do-.r or lid hp. h. .Make an ctitl iiate at th" rear of Imx. In id. A shows ihe I .ox iaveri.d in ,,id-r to explain fitiiy the maan, r of apply!::; the s'.lpp.irlina, ct-osspin-i s. While I ids kind of a diiuipiin; hox could he Used on any -.z- of sletl so far as tlie main idea is i ,,m-. rued, it xvould not he satisfactory if hox won., made loo lar-c. its ihe increased hem-lit of uini-dtis in this case would make ihe sletl iiic-invcnietit to load and handle. ( Pi ti sl-tl of ;i sk'.e adapted to on horse oriiitiarlly or two horses in case of lie-in- lead-, d wilh very heavy material. ihe sled is very satisfactory. It is m i. 1 vtia; to xt s,, : . -. ..1' biKv..i , -: m ' T'CT.V'-OV.l df 'Q4'yit mm SPRiNCTIWE HINTS. Nrw Hfsluus lor Miitni Wi'uttirr Silk. Moipl. Ttilhir 4.MViiit. Tlie moire and pompadour styles will he favored in silks for sprm-; wear. :ind tt-aiispiireut woolen K"ods, sueh as sreitad'tii s and etautiiios, will he in liieiisi'iy p. pillar. It is prohalile, too, thai t'.o open laeslied ceotls will he imttle over s.li. of a ti . iVereti! color, iastiad of the self color t'.i. it has bci u in r.e :' t a v ear or i wo. l'a'i y siiks are i ioini- d for eniire Siiv.';:.. as v. i il as i'er v. i'.i-ls. The.ie i II he :. :: r.ii'.y of sei': !'.iii-!i 1 ,!''' I i-.it, ii iv, a. ia. a. i i.ain o. iit.i' .a. i iTiin.il I.. y- p ivi.eni..; iv i . : .jpeei.-.I t-i he '. a:., I ! yt S- .; il.' s 1 : . , w II ill a V. I'.elv i-f , :Ve. Is. 1 r ,.:i a..- m alane ,:,:, i..a,e "' u; ' - : i! ';:''jt v :'ii t iil'" i-t '-n;. '!i" --'"ia: p.enlar. pi an do a'i.1 irmure and claii fort io '-.a II r -.-.I::: : -a. This t '. w .i .i!.!!-- a: ill.- ' ::d.. ami i Mi-ndlii:,- to a p in; In fr.-n.. A ii. w id. a ia trim". i-.i-; for t h tl. am i s i vv id. aia.r t.. wards haek, on Ih' c. Wine n.' rl,.-!i sa -.'a; Iy ta !...:: ills-. ii Is a '.te.. and lull r str.-.-t wear ar. !' he i tip ai the line i;'.:a'. ay pertccl: -a el 1 iv i:.':,! Wcielll i In, lis. ia:- iiiil liiataaej a'.ivaiys v rom; to i.aiho the lot1." a. .Mo as ,1 ....nv.tively j s'rtietiir.- do mosl ..f !::, v.i.il; in J., , ; -A fax..,-. I -liisii j m,. I .y iipt i--Jn. Tl.o i . il-. i s iin-r oi I fal'i :.'. i r in , .-tiiri.si. - i lor cm''i.ie!--ty is I 1 fi'. ia ll-.ht to thiik. ;'" oil siyhs revive, vv ,;h tin- float hr.-ad'h .a!:, r a: ike --:: i;. I , v i..rii . a - Id':-- j '.: ;'e; tf ' j.i tl.-' I .. an I J ' . ''. ... i . -iy a. vv and e-;p. n X'ali' tin- ( liii.hi ii !l:iii;j-. If. I.-: ad i f .-ax it. "V.-ii m,:y not " tli.'i n o. ; x - imill y. ai are a an" xxe xvilild say; "V,.,i i.ia.y do a .":!..::: eNe iiovv while Xi.u arc a;:., later, joti t aiiiiot ii" it." we - :'! --.ie tlidii ". n a fi-fiain xaimd . - of pr ,-a .iv,. and tai:e a v. ay .. i f i '. v y xv hi, h ;1. y feel ;. ... . . -I. t.s a mother t. :!-. dany " i.v a;. : iVjil lin: .1 ;. . -1 1 ai e :. i i-. - ', i. a y ,,i ai'.- , id r ,i..ii I.l '.'...!; ti;- n . i .1 lie d tl!.. x.'... x.e:, r. . ..v li'-.::.-. 1 v..- I. I fu',1 !..-.e.ii.i We Wei',' x as ii . ..-.'s stn.him , a -I iv. . w.tii oat i It-, ails,, v. . v. , re I' hi that it '.. Id ii.ahe its u.'-e.x. :ii:d sal.iiiil I im; : tvv ili-ia li. dt.iae for ihe same t'ca- S'll. lieai.Zlll' iill tins, it is Siit'civ XVoith the i. Il'of! to IIa'f ss lip,, II nllf illildli tl i..e ln-auty uml Ih, privileges of their Iden days. tha xvliatcvcr later life may hold for tli.ui, th.-y can hay: "Never mind. I have had a h-auliful childhood with its hapjiiiicss prc.-.scd tloxvu ami ruuiiim; over." The early life of tlie cliiltl will then InlXe receix d its ii'op. r value and the whole char acter xx ,11 he enriched Iu consenuciiec. lies. des. xve know we'd thai some little lives are nniy wit Ii us liiroith the s.- Id. ;i days.- t;, itriitle Slier;naii 'i'luxv iii' d.-e. iu iooiI Itiiusekccpiiii;. A.li.pt. il the tir.'i'k Ii k. l i'"" from the thtahl'itil of the siaii ii, a iidiar and eorsi t. a coii tiy f la. n and women have cslahlisl'.t tl 1 Lor s, Ives in a u'ill'dcli spot of tie ft'iilh Seas, xvhii 11 Ila-y have 11:111, cd li. I-'and r.i-aa.:;ii:h It is a moth rn !...to. mi lar as 1 otumes ai'e m. a d. for in,- in, it end ihe woiin ti i' ' -s in ;! .xx 1:- ; ,.!., ;.. ami th, y 1 !.:.'" si. .. :!.;.. mi tith tl,'. s one ..f il e lil'.-st ' -a fialae as it is tltld-ill , 1 illy ope 1 f , !., a.- st pl.-M.r, s.pia i.i-h : as , f 1 1 'ha . x;..'. ; 1;.. . 1 i e "I lie V...... a V.'.i'i i"i' 'sVV .it e tll" ih-ii.hts of hi - -1 - it,.-!,;; to join lie i-.ii;,y xx ie n il,- ;irst coin ;t;:.i-iit vv.nt o'.il Io ii. l-lanl Ih-aiii ifii! annul a yi av a - a vv; .:. do -i'i i.l 11- ! lie illt-le-e I.v iliier si in ; I.f,. ,,;' tii,. column;;.:;. . ''e I -hex ,- it; a do. trtne of lieaiiiy; Ilol oil!.', d 1 v,e siai'.o io .-iliaiu liiiysit al he. liny, ha: v.'e ia. I feci oatsciV is fl'oiil ihe sotiiiu. hid. -mis tilings ilia car- - so , :!i, i ,-iv iilr.aii ill. Wo have aii'.pi'd ti.e l.natllil'lll til-Clk dl'ess. their s.vs',. in uf ta;ikiti lnusic, ami n. mis: ie c.'.i i lsi s, impoi'taut factors in education. Thou.'li xve women dress like the (Ii'eek woim ti. our position in affairs s ilisilm-ily modcrii. We hav tl., ml and p..l. ileal riuhis ,,1,.,, lee In vv xx-oma 11 craves. The ch.hhcu j 'J'" ue vaaxi.-. .oe x.a.v .a-.,.,.,,,-in Ilie eoloiiy liav,. mi ndvaniaL'o unr us in mat Ihev are i.ein- li.-t.in.-ht tip ':-M'!-V' M" y - !lT,,r- U mid-r ideal coalitions, while Wo ,v i iU l'"1""1 '"l lain,, d wi;h Ih.- yciiM of improper hv in-."- t hicilpi Ilecord lit raid. j llrlne it IIikmI IfufftoBP. i A woniau may possejw wealth tin i tyld, ehti may have the Liudcit of itP.tftH itlltl Hie liri:,-1ilest of laili.l--. 1'llt imi ss sho litis ai-eiuie e. a.-ol id '. "r .V. iiim-s there v. .11 M.f.ie i a ' ia i: . . reel- ils hostess thai she W iil .i.-pl.'.v ammyaneo of ii..; i y. am! the mtev i.-n, si'-.-eadi'lS to h r s.s, w..l die eUI ill an i.'iid.sii'.iseil ra.'.mv. ..... i , , n ... - ".noei lit t 1 ' ' ss ' i I'ne.'S lv liiitde of slot:.', so far as ill-a'-reeal'lo liappi n ai::s ni-e eoiieerne.1 Kveii ihoush ii -'ii st or Ciirelcss Wiiih liiadveitetily 1 reaks u t'it of tlon.-t which can lieM r !' vcpliiced. .she must smile its thoitiih the loss of the whole Set would 1'ltl cmpliasire the pleasure of ilie i vettin-'. Hit wt li I. red calm inspires In r quests with a IVelim: of coiitldeiicc, anil, tlioimh in her heart she may he wry ilul'iotis aliout ccr trill important deiails of her dinner t r damv. If she d"cs not show her llixlcty cverji!; 'lis will pass o!T to u happy i ouehis;..n. A Uttrr led ho.-tesn or iterveits host wlu-se eouiiii nam e hut hadly ce'i ', ,d. lie w..!tv felt can tin m,i. iv I i aid i m-ika!:' tli.. i':i. sis lie. .trii..ir':i!.!e tl. -.n if ill.. s,,ol. v.. sel'lc.l si. .... ,.,'.! aii.t if il..- s. ,:.:,! ,l:'..ss-i,. i. i. i .1 , ,v M t(, I,,,. ,: ,,,a!i',;:y .-f in:--'!'. An i::: le ' aim ao-l a ready la. I are two imp . i.-int la.a. is ::: ,h!, ... ., ,. ,- h,-.-, sS. S .. c:r,. th, ,c. I y !;.-!. rro'.k. and v,, Ile inl v ami It, i-.illilns. CoiTee? ' reaiidiij is the first art to cv.h : : :' : i ia the pi.. -sit it i,.' !-e inly. j;'i as ii is ih.. ii'-t si.-p i. vvaid i::.p-.-..- . l.e lit in !e iltii. As a vv.eaaii lni a:h s so sl.e is. for tile Im1- i f tile .'hi s s the lie., a to tile Wl.t'le llilltv. hi n the chest is in proner i'-.: 'i. the iln Joints of ili'iis-e weaii'ia iip;.::- 1 and all the lm!- frills o. fashi' ri ai se,-u io 1 .-a a-iv -r. .: a-, liven l.aii.lde mat.-i'lals ::-s:i!ii.. a .-. , lillil i-le-.-ll.ee hiii.i'rto tin !. : . vv il l'a-.t If it t e.-lllict! I'ad'.v, th - iUiiiv '. .J-s and fail; into i'-iv :it:-h' v i Ii ; no iraiam ;ii scans ri .'am:.! ia ld il in p.'-iiii ii. ei!.. rxvis,. -Til'-., is i Hi of Ih.- ilt a.. t .;i, p .'d l.eai, !i li.Oi.'ii'l. 'l' i !. at!-,. , ,.; tiy k . p ill.. .-!,. st up. .itlt. t'.e ,.- ;.,!, a tf pi'ii- d lip I y il I'll iter.. Ke ' the . !:'". 'he 1. 1 th,. t h, . . a a 1 i:.. n..'.d the should. : s on a !.::. vv ;: :h - I iv. lie' i.f :". - a I. ! 'I. Ih .1 ia if ali.e.i i i v; II ins. li.m to ii. i hi iira.-i fal. V.'.e- . a xv i. a xv i-h to .. t'a -: In. -i' - j and t ..lit .nr of : Ir !. .ar .oust i . ein !y h-aiii.n- to i-;a:.d vv.ii. 'i'la:t m, ans ia.- ti--, a. ,r- ''..;-,,a -, and upward of the ,'.. the pa::, t,,:..; ..; ii:.. ha. i: xxiih I," si., .e,:,.,. I,:..,;, iii ih. ir j.:'. '!. ;' ,,ae s. au-1 ihe i. ;iul-' tiovin- in th- sa-ail id the ha-i:. i..ns ihroxxur; the xvi.oie wes-:!!! if tie hody up .u the idiis. A u.-a. oful : 't' I-. i' IT is xvilhiL i .-ai'h of any a.ri vv h i iak, s tii.. ..,ii,. t.i h:,'.,. ;,; it Die tju. stieti of a few y. ars ,,f -. ; ;';. lam", ti vt r t'ela'.im; h.r xx at. lit al- iivii' hei'silf. and. idtiin; or s'ar ,: -. alxvaxs iires,;-. ;, .,.f , t , ,: u. . pose, the i- -sal: 1 ai- Matt a' , ; n::-o t- her. a; d si,., i;,..t ,. .... ; .. . i s, s it Thi- .a a r -a; p. ., . -. I : l.-l rr, --I 1 i . ' h of lis . '. Wi, ia. r :l -. ,s s'. ti,;, r , r ; . : ih . , s ; . - - ; .' to h d 1 ,1. Th ;.. . ft. 'I ' i d-d, -I J lit of the I. .,;,;. J 1 ihe chill, is I.t il of I i,e vv ai-ii. s.'ailii'e. Th- ham!, fivt.i tii- v.i" ' t i tii ' middle !i,:a r. is the same. I , a: 'lie top of I,, , i, -,r ;, ih,- hl.ii, st point of ih" l 'i' .ic.nl is a seventh. If the face from th roots of th,. hair 1.1 ihe 1 hill he d:i ! I' d inio tiire.- cpial pans, the lirt detcriaims the idaee xvhere the c.Vt hlows meet and the second place uf ih Ijostrils. rainiiinr ilk and satin for n.iliincry and dress ii',iiio-cs i a fancy that pleases many women just iiovv. A dainty cveiiiic headdress is com Ifsed of xcry si.iall osirieh fcailn-rs. with hrial.t silxcr ftwtin-; decora; in the tips at the cxtf, an- 1 tnl. Sniio iiiln- of an ( c i, n::il effect is il.eti I" a milsllll Willi h ha-- stripes ef fhii i; in a c tiv cm I. nal paiii-rii. not solid. Iind oetv.ei II lh.e . tie r luU'e 11- li-.ual il. s.-ns iu many colors. t'l f Ihe niosl a.Iiaeiive of the la a'.y - .lion iimteiials ; i ho . .oi-r.-id T'd I ..hi dot call', as ,f a Xci.v iiie mt -ii. This is seen iu sheih s uf l.l.ie .M. s, conspicuous an. 1 a so., kln-.-s Ian pai.-uf ;i viohlil tlane r, d. h.'liia,' :i l.'tl'ae plain ineiiaili-.u of Ida. 1; oxer th ins' p. ami tipi.u this 1 nd.i'iad. r d a fi xv pal thiwers. :i li;:!,. l, ss 1.1 iiiiatit than th,. h,!y of the stock, n- I A n . hit, oral., ami si . .xx v s',,,-!. ',-.. , ,,,,,,., .,1.,, 1, I , ,. . ,. . I 'slati ha itn; a iiunie like effect, t 11-1- r : 'Vi i-al of Ihe iuin-s of this dt -iii.il ai'" sit pieces tif violit s-lh. 'i'he ta-xv imjiorla! ions of -a !-: in-s. like all oih'-r accessories ,,f limit r, oi li-in-, are chihorato. lim'.inld, r, d sP ok-ili-s ai-,. :io-,v ilci'iie tl a triile more u:",I- ia than tiie oi u w..ik xar.. ,y. ida, k ..-ad to a point nny vv le ie Peivxci-n ii.,- cr.nvii of the head ml i!,,j t,aiie of ihe neck. This ti iiih iny to lower the knot is csiiecially iioiiceahle at the fiishionahle daucinj; panic anil wlicr itvtr lull tveuiog tires iiievaii. How They Pop the Qasitloiv In this favmod. iaml i f the frr nvrv lovelorn .-.vair. ha-1 hi.-- own v. ay nf n. a'.. h' s love and : oppi'iL? th ' ,pi.-s-tion, hut in so: a - for, ia.u co'inl ria.. th.' peiiaat:y ha'-e peculiar ut.tl tin-Oitii-iiiir..- v ays p.-rfortainK t !.; '!e.i.siii'4 I'uat I :.. . Aiilot.a Hune.ari.iu ti;!.-.s cakes ate ima.'l ;,s love l-'ttets. Ir.siile the ct'.ke is a coin, whicii Is liakt d in it. The cake is flimv; to the favored iditt't t of one's aiVei tioini. The retention of the take siniM -s "ac cept atiee," hut If it Is I'utis hack tultll lorco. it sijttlilii-.s "lejectii'll." Th Japanese lover. wishi-iR to makp known the state of his f.-e!:iii;.i throws a hunch of pale plum iloAcr huds into his loved one's litter as nho enters it to pu to a friend's wi'ddius;. If Kho tosses the hlossouis lightly out the suitor knows I'aat he is r-j"ct.l; hut ii she fastens tiieni to her Mid! '. It is "Oh happines: ! " with him l'i !-.on.e parts ol' Spain t'.e ;.eirv; peasant looks un!ii! 'ii'li!e th!r.4.-. hat rt'-v . r iii.-.. to :; in :i lie i:u t '-i i accrte.l. The f.i-I fa iliier c. I" 'I' i-poahsi, I at i-h ' s. I.ate iu tho tod of the i veiiiii;; ti-.e oil h k..oajs i.t Ic r f':rh 'i's li r ami a: i iff a iioiird of .;!."-. It ia i,i riiuiv..' r ti I i 1. : 111. 1 aell ceae-.i ine cri.-ts. t, I-.' is iuvitel to lake a chair v.;-..' ; a- an ae.-pt. -I emlor; In:: i: tl.:.--- c.vi- a.vay I i:ov. I;:4 ihat !: i . r-) -te 1. d I- is iieeepi,..;. th, ! is a :-.' .. hi i ! - hraiion Iy the ' iiaay oi t'a Ira I Ut he iii 1. a:.-,- of i. r h i ' I'llllforulil IIilLn IliB Tliln-. Califoi 'ai.l rai.-i.; He" km;,, o O'.ervtllillS r''. lit pi t I- .:' !! tiea lii.ir.s are the sa -.-I. hit th. me hiahtr j riced ihail any tl" this !'id. i i that .it.ite. To the ti'iiimph of modern sur :-.ry tin ia K.ai:, , iy :, !:::::!. N. H'.if.4 :; jinrei-.tly i hexoml th- r. :,i h ..f th (!i;i I -at and t'lirri.: hand fat vvn 1 M the Iii" Miv.tu Ida 1'. Til" 1:1th, 1,-,;.;, it r. -.a-s of fatal ill.-' -iv: a;-'" iiia-ie int.. I'f.'.oi :.::i4 hi -.h-.tx ; l'-r , : !. n.t.v.- s- : .if'.'..' en h tv-T No or:-;. n of lie' h aix. I'r. .:i hi'idn I l.id m y. is c. mid f i eta -i .-.'lid o;.-.-a-tive proei Iu: .-. ITx i :. a str.h or lad-1,-t x mm I .a th- ! it.-. Il t-t K ' H" safif-l i'i :'- ' 1 'ft - "val h, i . a t it'ii in ti.e l' :i mx iisfr :n ... .11 Al 1' .; 1- , r-t I or th Hiitt.' : lata Mp, a i ir.a.s t i:r!i-t Kns.liin Slllt't. Will V. II I -' -:" . ? I. :.v . ; .... I. :-,;x ,: t!,;- i r h.-V.iv t :-..'. :. i . at ' I.. in: I;. ;h M-. I da n' t I. "II' ve Pi-., s ( tire f .r Cor.stimp ti'.n titti-'in t-ijiiiil f-.r 1 ;i,-an 1 .--Ids -.oots 1'. llevra, Trinity spria.'-. Ii.d.. l-: 1 j, WUt). The mothi-id pf.ifi s-i.iu I'm m.-hi. J ilie t:c.itLMt liUUihtT of Miii ali'S. Thf Invitation to i.-nn 011 the I.inl Ih for th" vriNiry nnil to t d-r Him lnry. Ho. 11, I Capudinec;: I Headaches, 5 LaQrippc, Colds, etc. C"1 M..nfr turn if itfiiin i;jt '..'.All I'lintPt. -n ij lkkkiiliitiliilittit)iiliN)li)iiSikkii?'Ik 5lTSeiB.'iii mm TV V I . - - r' -vv pjit,'s- Its iiu.tli.vitifptfnccs (j &H,V r, I!.... ,,... H r2l' l'lffiia! la fruit jj tt is in the !-.rti!i.-r. J k,,J A"- v"' ' I' " '''l- j $,4, ,v..,.fr.,,r,.... .,v fi l."I..A S ... - A ... )m Umil fihWX Ml"i-.'i' i I i ll't.'ll I- x'.' '''.' -a' (lot.I .Hr.ltl i.cltnl.. !;.(.. til AlcILHi. N IS 4' 'i 'f A II.4SCO littlrr-j-lS jtitijpijoi' rmw-TipMnn. v ; $ioo for i.li'.:;r;i:.r'z ' ir,rw,lt"',l:..'-.lllt 'iii ' t.. v ni.-l '..r ti- Il t v. t5, uxiiatt 'iiti Uiu, uisUaKuj, . . t i' -. . CUPiES RHEUMATISM AND CATARRH, To t'rovu it Mnrno 'Tfo lMlatd' I'.fKil i'.ihn ill. !!.!!. kill" the ! "i .ia i:i .let t.'o 'it whi.'li ii i.-e.s r'.n-Uiii::-t i :.! t l. ''iii' ptii I r weii'-a j Kii-., tor.' eui - i.., n.'hia an. I , i.ias i tal .i'.'.ri-)i ii-.nl t'fi'iltl:, ilt ilii'-.-s. i. awl: it-A', . ;:'.. ir.k. re ili't in the ear.-i. tliiii. :ii:iirii: u . -rauvat-iit eiire i.fp r all el-e rail!.. TLoussmls cunvl. Jia:. nilTi-i'i'il tr-.ui .ill to -111 y.iirs, yi'i 1). Jt. II. cured tiieni. linn.vi.-ts J-l p'-r htr ;. l-'i tie. To rove it i i'.nr-. siiait'lt' i.f li. ii. li. sent free hy urithii; li! ed Unhii t o., li Mlteh.'ll ft.. Atlaiit.'i. In-f-'ril'i' Ir.'ii'e! -ami free m.- li eni mivieo kivou. 1). 1'. scu? ct elit'e -pikiil. Ainerii in c'o. k .ire tn e.' foaiiil in tat' ! moot remote h.naiias iu Si.aa. j 610.1 lipwuril. Sloe. The roft.lers of thl-- .-r wdl 1 e pi".i".t ; -.'tiMi tl-.Ht th.rn' Is nt l'-:i.'t i ue .'o-i i.i! -.1 iii- -i-n that ..'l-'ii', has I "'-a .ihl t.i ear ia ad Is st.n:i'. ui.'l that is ('alarm, ll'ill'.- I ,.i.;: :-h ''.;r.' Is the '-a-.v p.-fiiiM- .'iiiv now Ui..e, : . e a -'-Il ail 'r.ii'T"lty. aiarr'i !i -.' a ',.;. ,lt itk'Hal -Sh -asf. f--.lli.-. :i i :!! i al i :-i...ia. I'.a i u.'ir.'.'i if, y. iiali.-i'iie-'.iv iim-ii ! rifceV-iod-.n'-iVoUtV'-T I .,,". ., ;,i . .re:-ili !;.- '. i -amd ;; ia j "lr. .'.j',.1 aa,:.'- la . T- .-..iv i-- th .: ;k i .. ; li...h.rs ......n.v.a j -. ud .-i a, t .a I -a, a , ii.. : , ';., ; ;; . .i ; TO MOTHERS 1 JIm. J. H. Haskim, of ( hionpo, ! III., rrosS.li'iit Chicago Arcnt'o Club, Atltlrrssos ('tuiiftirtina: ! Mortis to Womt'U Kogui'dius Child birth. "PtiAtt y.r.i. riN:;ii"t! Mitrnrs BCi'd r-ol Uci'..l ch;'..Vi ::rimr r.t. r tliey knaxT the va'. i? of Kyi.i.i i.'. iinl: hutn'.i 'o?;0i:iiIti C";riiii:iil. Whliu I 1 v.M i-hih'.aca 1 ti read. 1 tan ordeal, f.-r it h-.t rr.e. xvcal: r.nd s'.ok ' ' .-.3 .V--- ..' .,V' Jv --'A ' ..- 's 'S' Ii,'!:e or r.i'n, iiad xv'aai tl. ten d;o. s ,-hl I h i'.v .! .-i-enr In lica'.tli. K "erv "i: ;T-' a -'f d! I n xv-.-.l.o ftli.t'de.-f I.v.lla f.l'i!il.!iat:r.i V;-:v-C t.i Mo ( 't'l'.ijmili.ti t a ti:,-i il io . j s tee in i i 1 1 i 1: 1 1 a I ex.-. 'd n hi .d'h." Mas. .1. 11 ll.x .iilN-'. i.l- Iml'.ana Axe., f hiiam'o. I'd. iUOJ ;.' A if'tl.-:t' tr-f.-ma. r'.i.' A jr.'n'i-f Ctir; mid i'ii-'fi;t t-nti-l is : TfJiltt tliiM'X;oct:iiitninl ttal-lia I mother needs, ;itnl ihis coiium'I ilu run sot-iiiv witliout tost ly MrlvliiR- to yira. l'itiMuuu ut Lyniu -Mass. W.vJix''-.'sle0 jS-,:-. i ' -.-""' !".'".' " '- ' ' -r ; J. k'V'd -. .in f,r mirla- a- -. ,.. 1 . -he , I V.' " 1 thou -ai .- - i xv. . ;-. -v. r.-.-t; (T ..-- ,';-: s'-ii io- ' a - i t - "ii a kzF., -o;;4 :.:Li. J ! : : . ;., . i'...-ii.l,. 50 -, ?.-Tv I'! "A tC t:ii;:.v.vi..:ar i';;l-i;:.;. mS rJv. ;el. .',:.-.. i h'.rd'x !::,::,:, I 1 f 'ZT , . . ,' 1,1'S I PI'II i lit T kMl IMi ! .IIXII'TvI. ; tl.o :i 11.. ii.s' ilf- I' :s,,1: !'.,','.:"-'i ''' 1 ".-a ; IV: .,,:'.;. ia-;. 'n.'V?" xi'V.Ai.'.i - '7 - ,,0 ""-' y Haay Imitators. MPr-'4 .;-:;;;-! I Corsets - I I Straight front. WESV j 6y i'aASJti L4,HvTMrfawiWiaiir, M-vr-rm .1.1.1 i...i . .,. am 1. ..iii 1 iMiiJiillwwaill'ISaarign ,M llH MM Fur.Mill HHill .l IfB HII II Ilia 111 I Mil it ALZS- ussronm hape I tl-i-t l;.tul'!ili'-i't..t I'tx-nrt irl Iii in -' 'jStt . vm WffK&GSani Incarnats Clover fa Irftl JT ' . . -.'4t l'i .-.-.s.i itni-.iiit mf thrr rivt ma j U-&mv.M2i?-M 2mss. Clovers and k'x..:v.iAti-.53kl' - . J- y' -aT Fodder Plants . ;K.ifc,"y Our mtxlirio l Iti nt- I unklv . .".'.,.'.'...' i'. H- Wfl-r-KX t" ',' V" ''',',.. ." ''. : If Rlern Yiadlli t.J of li' T.:r.,-n.t b7 mi l w Ei-omuo C nsnt?.'o- TMltnUriKrt l-.tnr. vf.s ...S I . Tkf io-,. ,i.- -n i-ikl-.T . r fi.-i.-. MUrf WH lltHlH rvV. tUl ' - U JCIIN A. SAL2ER SEED ! T"B L ANIiSU eOUTHKRN M A'(N C.. j Tlvmich la : ai'f" narn.-ntt Ha-tioia. " I ti'nl of ,1 lilty -a, I v i tli III I nn I.e tur-l.t tii. luft.fuii.il -a Ji.-t'ii.aiy 1 1. r a is i. m, W rrDtJ V NEWDIfCOVEFT:! 'A tKv4iiiiiCV.r-2 rim ll -.k..f tf.t,n,,.,.....l III tAT.'tr..ln,-r. F IM ULlf.tS iVCt'lt .L IISI ta'ls.. LlMI lire. Vr H . H. tllia i 0I. Bl , At tlJtfc 1' I, ldllnaltoiuiliorur. T.ii.t."u.l. ticM j . ?l SUJimSI Z;T:&7 I Thompion' Eft Waftf 5 Asth ma "Ono of re- i!.-.u;:l!'.;rs hsj a ter.-iMe case ol cs'.nmu. u c tried almost evcrythir.f, hut without re lief. We then tried Ayor's Cherry Pectoral and tliroe ami one-half bonlcs cured her." Emma Jane Entsmingcr, Lanjsvi'.le, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ccrtainlycurcs manycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hird colds. fj Thri-P ir.': '.'.V -.- ' i:'i f r ?ai i.nii n-ia'.. r.ui i.inu. , i. .. ,-i. in. -i ..-. ih.ii (,ir rhr.'M.. .. .1 I,. I;.., i, u I, , .1. J. 4 . i1 i li l "., y.i,a, .tiiiis. "Arc you tii'i'n'i-tl with lys pepsia?" i s-'i.!: "Yes, ;irul 1 don't ever expect to lie cdievl." Ue U'id ine logo .ivTO'JiS iiie street .mil i;et a liiixof Rip.mT thi'.les. After usiair Ripan-' 'i'abules tor tl.r-.'l' weeks I was satisfied I had at last l-Hind the rilit medicine, the nnlv one lur me. I'.O'.ca t i Xttil - . is'W rr tie.s.i ; " !r'. !,."'.'!;.;.'( i'nirs, f ,. ..,t4. r-: '-a.'" LulMJ Ii: t-'"' TH tit'ASOXb' .- V, .!..: ..il , i . ,. : : : f a- f - r.Mi .ei a ii...., ;si,.i. v. e.crtiw.uati.- . s : ti i ; '!. xi an .;'.. i' id t -in i-'-"" i x.'.'.'i ..'it-,. .',r"i i' .a '.t i-i,ia...ry a tjt. Ml si,. '--. , ' ! ai U -! !" ' '- ' ' fl'ft . -. - if re-; A .it ":' '" ' i-x .-..r k.r!.-!-, rn.l 1 '. Hlf n....t. t " J. . v.. I.. !.. w.f C t.t.j "i, 1; LnO Lmt iv,'. i.. ii..iiani. ''f hJ-oii Vm:jJ. HI c.rr ft HnirrnttilT t.ktM farm . ,' s ,'.u. .o, iu si Umhcla uf tinuu f, ' rrtltNB. :'.,lfukrii.tU;..II. Groom Mixtures of VW on nT furu, U Aut. G Soma or nay per acre twt rrtlt .-i.UI.-i-t: .iiiiiu'.,slM y,iiUlluuy CraiKv, ' "" tM COMPANY. La Crosse Wis. saszas&i&i Ainra All Galls , " Moriiti or Mttld TtrKl; . ..... ..i.s nr. niuii l.i iiml i urn. 'ill I'M er. er wl hy n.ttil with I'r. I niiiellionk."l'lt f llr.r.o. ' f.l. 1ibo HTl.I SWI roiPlit.'i XI i ci in A. C. VASIfcI,, iiom tin. ,uas. tntlor.l HI. (. -IK- il.iv an nlil !'rii-;vl said: At .i- i i ITT

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