l)c tCljatljam Hccoib. l)c hat!)mn Hccorb. II. A. LONDON, Editor nud Proprietor, ft if ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. H li h $ 1 I One t-qnare, one insertion Ooo Kjimrc, two insertious One square, otc mouth ei.oo 1.00 2 DO TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance Por Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be mads. VOL. XXIV. HTTSlKmo. CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, Jl'LV .".I, I1M2, no. :o. Ci ULi 1 j lent fife J)Poi)isIl (retire. JJ - Ci - G A NOVEL (ISABELLA Curyrlght. I'iJ3 ndlW, j crrAT'Ticu xx if. CD.V'i'jM TI). ''Nov.', what does fdmineati, orwhnt does sho waul?" cxrluiuied IStitnlov "Tncre is a iiH iitii'o in this which 1 can pititly guess r.f, remembering tlmt flm is, ly lliis tint.', deep in Celestino'.-i conlh'rive, lint what is this pariieu lar inli.i mai inn in regard to my fam ily? Wr":!, I suppose the easiest way to anavor that is ii.it to keep her wait ing; f.ir I iiny ..-e,l all the iiifiii-uintigii I cm pick. 1111 1:1 regard Id my J'.nglidi faiiiiiy.'' read li:? leilcr carefully n tvo oml tiii!c, in order ti impress it upon hi nory, and then, having turn it into na 'i'li'iitn, ho was present ly on Lis v.- ;v to ru!l on Olive (Icyo. ";' :;n !.I of you to r,,io af miec," paid I i s . I.tye' '-I fi-Wsiuo it would .shock ynu s to In -nv of your hcriuive Metit from an oi l friend ,,f tin- family than to have it come on you Willi tho abruptness of mere, tclo frriiphi.: m ws from llngUud, pailiru luriy 11s you .; il not oven know of their illn. -s. I'm-, Lord Applebyl There lias long bee'i ihi h ii,. iu-r for tho dear child, 1 ither; liil! (ho bay died first, within ai hour the father. My ii 1 ii in t!ii! form of 11 cabin lii-pr.'ch, au.l, t'.o ivfoic, I have no y u t.cu! irn; hut, without d.ni'.t, land AppVby's .1..h!i was accelerated by the ili-iii li 11.' hi ; h, ir nu-1 only c-hihl." A .--liii'it o-i -i.i-ii itiiin ':.-.i;-.-.-,l tho lips t!-.r II. iii. t'la: - siauloy, hu. I11 iiiM.uiily r. ); all i i j;iis of oni'iti 1:1 a i i, -.1 i.vly i in!;iu ; iutj Iho ohiiir i'.i 'i. a'u-,1 hy liis hos-.--s whim In: I; : ; t id- I !io- n om. ln-saiil: "I' 1 y, 1 1:111.11, (iayi-, that lay Jro' !i- r ,-i-ni l.ii liitK- 1 m v,yj both di-.ui V "l.ov.l : h oy r.'.ol his sun pre th-a.l," Vrt.ii Oliv-.-, v.iili r;wiiil t-in j 1:;.- i.'. 'liph c-i!" . v.-Iiiih!,.,! Cl.iri-.io,-. "f m:i i h.K-h.',!, truly, l.ut I i h.-ill !:o. jiri-ti-ii 1 t-i :i it v ::ri,i! iri iif. Vi'o liiiv(-lii-i is I ill ; j -.iru'-l, r.iii tumv, Miss (iav.-." 1, yif, iii ie, il!" n-:i,-:itvil olivo. 1 1, si I--.- you liii'iw tho aflairf ,( ,iiiy mi ; 1 !l, cf cmrsi' you );ii.iv v. . ii 1:1 t-yitipulhy witli lior tlsi.y - it'u ii.f." i-.iinj i-iiiii-.-titit.l that," raiil my t tint I lliri::, "I Oliv, 111 uirc i'l.'iit whom youiiavo :u' iiifoMii.it iju, .Miss 1'iV'- . i I y tiny 1 . ' M- patch is fiv.'ii iloar oi l Toil-illi-i.i i-', yr. H'.ii'i'oy," l'fplict! 01ivi v illi a wii-lii-.l .saiilr. '-D a" o'-.tToil-1K'I:i:ii, wli:i;;i yu'i hnvd c i nliivly for;:. ;i- :i. ll v.i. il.l iiu'.o lirnilt ln i lii-avt t.) Uiii-.v this, fur hh-i pimply iiilo: I t 'Inn -,i-o Siiiislt-y. It was sin ivIn : aowi-,1 1 ik! i!i.- 1 i- liliv 1 1 iil you r;, y a 1 ;u. iv.-, a:iil tli-,' old ilariin has U'.-..r !!y K nt it t.i h-.f." : J. l:o tui-iicil to an allium v.l the tahio took from it a phutoruph which v.n lyiiu loose within the leaves. ''I liu.l it is n it iii-.iily ho good n lik, :.'. of ynu us 1 thought ; iutti'0.1, if y. 1,1 -.ill pin-Ion tlii-fiiiiipiiiioiit, it !ji" :i t ilu ymi ju4ii'i You iitu Yi-ry 1 ..i.-'i i .11 Is i.iiir; lmt I'm ut'iiiiil vmi k r .. : .1 I ilrri-ivi'i-, Mr. StiUili-y. Sc-i1, li .u.-, iu r j is writtL-n ly tin) lu-lovi il liaal of t:.t ( 'Uiviit-n who. 11 fjo jilo:.' l: 'i'ohi-i ili-.uly lovo.l fiiou-l, ?Iili. -.-:it I :-it ;':iN,' i.'t.l you crurlly ile ci :r-1 l!i.it y 1 i'.i .i't roiiioinlicr her - in li tsl V i ir iiiiiiuivr iinplii-il that ye:: -..vio inii-oiisi-iir.i.s if hir eu.-t- fUC-'." Sim Ii ! ! tho p'u'iuro i-loso to lior fa-'o !' v a r.iom"iit, thou licr kcon, l)ii ;i 1, -s-:u-1 vat i ii-v ryes looked over tiij t ..: 1 -f 1: at tin- fa.-i! of her oun pii'ii' t'ii f Wiis now wry jmle, hut ,a:il, iiml i-'.m only hl.i-il '.it for iiii-.t look, ai uhe liiiu t'n- 1 thought: , In- will li-.-ht, anil with mi- to -ii n: siiail win, for wo tliall li.li'!' io:i;; lin- aro, Miss Gave," tii it nha watted fur 1111 ' l 1 h ivj 11 poor memory, lie ::o ! have i-lmrvt'd," wiid and y-.t po.ir I'rhstino! Slip . iM n n so wi ll; it was too Olive roi.ii- CMiel. Hi r 1: -!. :i.-r ft. irted violently; but Li- wi'iihiii'l U !,i it. "v'ou'.ni nt tin- wo man !" he thought. "II .v la.n ii i!o.i sin: know? And is it kno ,-. !i .l;,i or sn-ipieiouy W'hrA is her t;ilm'-'.' T mu l kuow befoio I commit inyreli'.'' "I'li'u stiueV" ho repeated. "IJcally, Miss (l ive, yo'.i have tho advautageof inc." "V. indeed." biu.thed Olive, "I think 1 h. ve, Mr, Carlos Momlo.n." Tho 11111 liel'oi-.' her en vorrd in Ftiuctivcly l:is 'ilaaeo wavered, and ho looked about as if for souls iiii'Sti.t of esi-ipp; but t'.io next iii-.tiicst ho "palled himself t in..-e.nv-,. .lVjv,i " V H I'f'Tli'- ; tll-l inent.it e - and then ho said, in cold i.n-isive t- :v: 'Perliaps it v.vu'd bo better if we nuder -ton 1 rn.' i o'ln i-, without any farther f. :n"iiur, IMiss tiaye; au.l 11' vi) are fjoii' to row in the mime oral lot us pull in the. samo direction. "' Olive iivc 11 laugh, full of delighted Bpprreia! ion. "You ar- ii man after my own heart, Cnih ." sho suid, ''and like nioiib to pet IE too." "Ah, thanks", if it is ns pood an your bead, Miss Olive, it will bo a prize for any man; but let 1110 surest, my dear girl, that oci'.tiiii's Is. I ba'-its is - Cl CASTELAK.) Roksrt Bixke?. nsier than Keitiii,' l id r. them, Tt might bo a very bad habit to begin by calling mo ('.irlos." "You are right, dear Clarence J fchall not forget a"ain." For a few moments they looked each other sniuiirely in the ryes, smilin; thin Olive replaced the photogi-aph in tho album. " plmll not need it any more," sho said, "I ph.'id return it to Toddleliins dear old foul ! iih, values it more than her life; I1.1t I shall prefer a new one. Xext time you rail on me, Clar ence, bring me 11 really i;oo land satis factory photograph of yourself, won't you, dear.''' "Tho beet T can get, and now, dear (live, tell me, how much do vou know?" "Ilverylhiug," laughed Olive, "absolutely every I hi ug --according to what the scientists rail indui-tho re.-i-soiiiiig. Aa to fuel, plain, cold, inii-.j fact well, i-iiougli tj-titc enough to hang you, bat not ijuite enoif:h to hc.vo .Vo l. Now 1 fnney there may he side lights thai you can turn on, which w ill chau re the more lurid color., into paler line.:. Aecrdiug to (Vlestiue, tho man who was In ought hoiii to her, pierced through a- MippoM'd, with his own il.i tg ', ha i ln.-r-u foul I v murdered.- "TiietC win no murder about it, iiothing but 11 hau l to hand ti lit, p.t n tiliu iiml under eiieumstancs w hen li-'.hts ending fatally vere of daily oe ( Uireliee. It was a fair lijrlit, .-el.' de fense on tho purl of h,,;h. Had f not killed him, he would liavo killed lue; and your friend's t'larein-j wu-. a lir.ivo man and fouttht well; and it was niter ho was del-, 1 that ibo idea of person ating him came to me, The rcsini bluneo betv.eeii us was extraordinary, so much so thai I i'llspi cled imnie re lationship and that we bnth belonged to th- Mi n. !,,:: family, ev.-ii before 1 found the bii iham'. i; on his br..w." "Which was a blight red, however, while on you it is ldv.o!;," interrupted 1 olive. "You are em-rect uud also sharp,'! said Stanley (.ii- Mcmhia if the reader ' lU-efers, llii.u :h h: r:.litl!l!ied to III! ' known on'y as ( lni e::eo Slanh-y). I "iia l t'eb-: tine been halt' us clever a t ! y )it lire, she wouid iievi r have bt en ', deceived isb-uit lb,- d-ad man. Ibit 1 ; counted on l.er agitation niid eeito- i ment, and (lie Ian worked. With the assi.-tancc of V.-n Tus'srl, tho man whom she culled lav broth, r, f changed clothes witli tho dend man, and took ! pi.b.sessiuii of his jnipers, leitetis, j.uir- ; mi's, etc., by mean of which I huvi' ' been uhle ivef s:u e to p. 1 smia!" him. His! a.nioig his pup, i s 1 never found ; anything almi.t tins old i.iaid whom you c.iil 'i'oddh kiin " "And rever .1 other thiiig.-i which 1 1 shall be able to toil you," f aid Olive. "Among ethers, there is nn heir-i.t- ; law, a certc.iu Lord H.iiold Moray, I v. ho is now in this .1t1utry, in i-eareh of the lloiierclile Cki'-eiieo Slanhy, and who, in ihe iveut i,f his dee.oas'e, is the uc:t heir t 1 tb" riilldoiil mi l estates ei Wia lermeye." "Tho dc'ieel" rxrlaimed Stanky. "I never heard of him!" "So I su;. posed; l'or of his sister I'onstauce, to v.-'iii'in t'hiref.ce !'.;auh v 1 was engaged wheu lie left Ihiplund.'' "There was inching about either of : them in any of the letters and papers : 1 found," suid Inr li.-tctier aghast nt ! hrso lev.-IiKioiis. ' "1 f.!i;-:i-e.l as much from my dear, I fo.ldlokins's letters, lint it' would j have been ratlier aw 1 ward had I.or.1 j Harold suddenly confronted you' I L'ithcr la-re or in t'.iiglaud." "And it will be so itill-deuecdly I iw!;ward." ".Vol so bad ns nii.;M h::vo been had yea i!0(:l. -clod to bavo this eon- iirsaiion with me. As it is, fuie- I warned is i'.u i iiri.'.ud, nml you are j pr.tr too caver to be rveroino by so j mi -ill a ihtu.-uity as tli it." "t am not so sure. A few more -neb sharks ii u 1 tumbles as I have had if Into w ill s hiko in v nerves." "Not a bit of it, with mc to (dci'dy you, mid Olive. "You see, I iiitri'd In be the t'euute-s of Wiudi l iuere: ! in 1, although the .-I.! 1 ail is madly 111 hue witii me i-ad higuin;; me to death i to 'raii v biin, I have I. k u a fancy to have a you:;.; hi: i-m T, Ti'you;- nerve i fails you no-.v, yi.ii l.;e I'.iily lie. cil- I tin: tor Celesiiuo will y-t leaiu th - 1 Uui'i. You lo-e idi r'luo.cc uf the- Moii.'ora tri-asife" (ag-.iu her li-. truer 1 iviu -oil and asked hii.ae'f: "Is thero i.y'.lr'ng this girl .b-.e.-n't kuowjr") I "and you 'ose tie- estates and title nt I'ari of Wimh ruiere. T!ie .".'tciiiative is simply " I Sho pause ) and smiled be v itch- I iugiy. j "To marry you and ;.iiu ail that is , woKh havi;:;," mil l.n- companion, tilbug that j .tuse. "i'.-iily .1 pleasing I ihe; native, an 1 I thin': I w ill invert ! it. lint r.o-v ti ai 1 .1:1 a plan r.. !j 'etion aud ,repa " ,".!l prs-Mido ' jor.tiuRflacie.-. Yi. it !. yo-i know vi I the Vendoza trca-un ? ' "nly , '.: A I '.a-,-,- in nr.l irci dental'y f-iii.i l-cmaiks loppc t by I'o.ly Il:'!uilti.n, and later from Ce!r. tinc, tlmt your !ir..t kuo .vlcbr,: of h.-r was iiiude t!:ii uh ihe 'n:e of tin ling out iicmethiii ul.'iutt i;s hidi -c-place." "In which I was confoundedly lakeii in; but no mutter! I know nil '.bout it now, ami tog-ther you and I, uill k. to California and search for it. VU i' tho cleverest lu-uuu I ever lvtet in tny life, and T shall cud ! j " ' ' " ,1 '- ,.1111 ..... 115, tlhetii the ol.l rail, my fat he (iivo iuiiiled rercnrly, and began to think tho pm tner i f her ambnious plans a most ciiais.iiag per.-on. 'Vi'.ii tho ."del doa fortune au.l tho AYinderi.iei.! estates mid title," continued tho Honorable ( lni ence. "wo ran rival the state i f nnv iirinej , ,, 1 "i'rech-cly what I have been think. ilifr, my dear Clarence, cvirsinee Ire coived old Toddb liins's messnge. Fi t the:o arc several lions in the w i I -li- ii' 011 -" " ' ' ' "Tint is over and ihine v ill- " w-J ' , ,,.1 " ' "'"'i l . "And then there is the rceniniitioii. I or hick of recognition, on the part of 1 J,or,I .Moriiy and h;s i islrr. J hat, J ,1 1 . ... , thud'., vim cuii d..n with i n the scovo ... i"HH no.-i-i.-i-e i anil 11 me li-e y IS: troublrsiime. it can be Pet d,,wn t ! j.:ab.usy nud n-w-n-.v, been,, e v.e. i have br.d.en v.,..,- r -,i;a-e,..e!it and ' married,, brihtcr :in I'rhverer -irl, 1 don't I'ci'i- (he M'.rnvs at all -I ,.:,- I deiil with thri.l -also the old Call. ;. . of long nb. enee: and if the ieilv is -,. .,.e.,v. I...1 .....1 tin. ir..-e..f i.-..l. .n-.!v i.. hi.. . vi. I ha!-.', w'aeu ymi i-eiippe.il- in tlio ' whieh ran h- I:: . I now 111 small cost, j character of niy husband. There will, 1 ,!l eiih -r 1 Hi.- work must tint he however, be one pair of 1 yes that i :i!-.-' f'i-ho-d. Ferry era, ': au.l rrrvie.. ! not be blinded; there will "be 110 diet iv- 1 should have a emit, and even the roosts I in ; 'i'liddhdviiis. Foit she adores me, 'nud in s's mi;s mu 1 .- nvei-lihiln-.l. In-y j i;ul 1 shiiH tell ben v.-il'i luy uri'i-: abort : lime f;-,.,i!d he i -rii-hiM.-.l ov.-r tl.p yiii-ils I her neck, Hint ymi and J i.re one; that - hei-e ill - loul-- r iaii-l. iii" tiii'dilekeil I hhe eaniiol injure you without injur- 1 liciu:; the I -:-1 . Ii a l-iispoi-ui'iil of j ing me doubly, and that w ill settle it. ri-u le '-arl oKe a. -id '-r an egual ,-imoiiiil ; Toibllekins will give us 110 l.oiibi-, uf l-eroseue he pui in . .11 h lu;. lo t of ! J ! 11 1 , hi-t of nil, t'lriv i.'l Celeslin.', v. !i!n w.-i-il. We will have hill liule ! i'luit wnmaii udoii s y. u, Carlos I , tnmi,,. v illi i-ill.-;. Aih nd to the ' la.-aii Ciiirnice ami the rxlraonliiiary i w.-.-l; me.r. tied v.- will iii s--e our is-M-mbl.Hice between these two nieii ' Aiv.ls die when mi, Summer lias :ir ! is werkin-.r in her mind like yei-.:-t 111 1 riv- d Jjetnr ;i!.d l-'::i'i:i. , lb mi-. If a liviu ; Chirruce can so re-. si liihle her .lead Carlos, why mi -.bt T.niitt rm-.- v. .a s-imr. I no', a dead Clarence resemble In r liv I:iju:y lo plants l y in-eets fa'ls itn in.; Carlo-! Already .lint is t 1 her ,1..,- t,v,, .:1 tv,'. wh re the iii.-mt the one vital nuestion of her life, and , it-.t,' l;-,s 1..-, 11 .-aou. s vond, where the trut'i will diiwii 0:1 hu- beforo ip . .is hee: sii, !., d out. l-.-n hi- , th.- ti.-s:ii s, Iii. -is , iiostng in.iury of a rcroei-ius ,-,n; (ivi-rsprca.i tlio smiling fac- of the ma i who had been iisieinii- wiiu a imirailon 10 the 11 11 - folding of a iniii l keener and deeper thiitl bis own to rcheme mid l'lttii. .one i.ao ii iiiome-.nary i.pa -m ri alarm nt tin:-, glimpse inio a dark and cruel nature. J5.it she had u.ov no !. 1. . I . n 1 ' o'""'1,, .. ,ii. o.iioil v..-is bci ruliii i.-is.;i..ii. s tin. !..,-.. ..f ,...1.1 , l.i 1 . 1 1.. I I.I .1 ' . . ' for a moment' when he said, licm.v: "Crlcsliue! Miewill nev, r stand .'n Jii v way! 1 will lake euro of Ce'e-t'ine1'' ,'.,, , ',., ,. . ... "Ah! Ihcn th.-r-- is iiothin-; imue, .,,, , , ' , ,, Ith.uk. And Olive rose nud held out her hand. "I have kept vu u long l-...e, l.ut il uiil save ,,l tiiliir,, , .. ... ; mist. iiiee. (ton to again iii l ie even- :.,, i , ,. ,-.,,,i.,,. .... uncle. it laav be useful.'' Stanley ;-..il! mhy rai-ed h.-r hand to bis lirs, 'and felt I lull lie was now, nt l.i-t, on the ii-,h rn,il lo micc.ss. When the door had closed behind hi'. i. Olive ran liht'v to l-,er loom, sealed b.eiBelf a! li; r writing-desk and scrawled, with her left hiiml, a hi i -f, il'.mll Villi -1!-; nn-ssii re. "l" don't kii-.-v what l is plan in regard to Celesline may b.-," she Hiongiit. ".My good Cliaencr! 1! is imi.i. ii. ,-!y gil'te.i, '. ut he has a wi y of just missing su -ci.-s. X.av, with my a-si-lance, v. e will rhan-e all tlmt, so that he will hit tho l.u I s iyo every tuee." ' !sie hu lily sera Id i.u address on the bads of in r letter: T.u. 1! i;: ,s V. :; V. i. la -i i N . a I : li.-.-l, W. New i i ; F.".' tlii-t lrtter she snmmotio.l in c:va:il, lint, going Dili lor a wif!., -..e pi .'scuiy uioppr.i a, w a n in c o.-ii small st-.-u.ly hum;, into a pillar- o.., uu I drew a n lick l.ici.th of to- iul. ciiAr'n:it ";;xiir. A .itl.I.'u 1'llisl- I.UVU, Win ii )o!oi"s ciferrd M.ny Ifam ilti u's re. .rn, sin- loutid lint latter, still tremulous and weak, seated i i In r f .vorite rhai' u .lrrp, wide, ba!nboo chuir, . . 1 : 1 1 1 1 . . t as laiee as i lo in ;., au.l iiilc.i v, i;h l ii:ht c..h r.-.l, silk-eoveied cushions. jUiieics lis I come .-ui-iilv, filling thai if shi ..... 1 ... .l.i . i- . 1... .. ...,!. 1 1,,,, . ' , . , , ,, " ' , ,iU'.' rloHcil. fin- extreme told is fatal to Hie courage ! reck her at all; and!,, .. ... now, with the impetus of that thought .-till on her. slm cult red d V :t : ni-ill v t.e.-in.l f, i. ni. i.,,.v l.i stop i.uddeiilv and tittilc overcome it'1" 1 :u 1,1,1 ihe sisht of' tiie white tin. I slrickeu 1 ''' ''"''bun fur j before her; forl'.div lie I lis.-iito ,'!'-: 'l""l!'l l,:' srb l.. I,.- -...,t 1 I....1 I. , 1 .. r Ilie In-iler. 'ih" sti i i r two to lilt et he, i'.i' iiuilo A lilf-mi'iute, the two "i!i, si, i,,,l nn, i lool.r.1 -.l.'.-i. int.. .-!..-!. oti-et's eyes, Folly plru ling, catin-tic. i f"r sl!m;!"!'- A'"'! Kn th- Ii.-i.s suliuiissive, nud Dolores suddenly "" muny .::-: to . m cr. Common nm stiumg and heljiful. for she had c.;"'i' I" 'ulop'-d thir-- u c-s a: a sit peettd tears, and passionate re- ' i'l"-'- II" urn i in- wi..:l:er tin- hen is pre. iclios, such us th- knew not how! bi'ue or small, but it i- more ec.'iimni tn meet or answer, lint wliRt hu j , iu " '"ti"' t" phi. e -uly leu -m.s nti foil -id was so eutir.'Iy di.Veroiit. tint it ; d-r ti ben. .-ii" will b- ti!-!- to iinaai-t helped her in who.' she had ahca.iy ! nto.e h at to a siii-ilici n i nl er t!:.m n, decided that ;-.!n mu-t do. I a l.-ii-jer number; .i tu'l is often in Instinctively she opened her firm ' 'tired owil-g to tic !::.i.- nutiiher of ns a mother mi gh have ai "lor.e'.ied : o.ts that remain e:.i -. , mini ihev g: irved i t.ild, am Maiy Ibtasr h-": self ere ehsi'-cl tii u-i, -i ;he ticM I-.r.,-. into that prote. tiii: -, ioving e;:!M'.v.. : by th - hen. 1 it ci,i .m-iy , ! i -. :r her i t;:; . "Oh. L.irit.i!" si!-- sail, lev ;r..is : mi so .- xpc.-..-.l s ,1- - 1 iy I'.'pj v.f:: -c'i-.ing aim it th?- .'.-.: gii ,'s m c:i j low t-mprratii-e hm ii ihe I:, n sue-U-:.! i c:i " lu-i- hea 1 iM.i 2 : ii.-:- i-t, j ot-c.N in o v- -, i: a .le -ii, . -.t:::i! r sin i i n-i:- ; ' ti-' loves you ! II, J-.,". r.i::! How J will sine ih, ,,ift ...j- ,n ,.. ,-,..t f J j , i'.S.l I lo bear it?" t'u-: rei 1 :. :.i v. l le-.-'i :-:- ,. if ..- ,,,:, ,, ".mi, M.-.i ira, he .b'.'s not 'me me,' , rhi-'.s. h won!. I I,, wl! if i;i. e-.-s er.Mii ret erne. 1 Ibil-ors, with a-i r.ce.-i-t . f j w-re ies;.,l ja'ici- 1, -,'- i.ud.-i- ih,. h -n ,Vm: call.: cn-.i-t-'-ii. i'.:.t i.e.! na t-.im-.-di-! f-r a -. ,-: lie- im-.-' ,i - ai.ii s i,i, ; l , ,l "ii i.v i 1 1 . i I . C Soul.- ll-rypii -i I- Ms :i ele of ce hir, plrlsibly in use b"i:' i y, ii. s a.,-, huvo beiii found buried l eal 'lie banks of the Nile, an. i f.ni'.i-'i i. l i::t.-n:lh'g proof of the puiicr of that wood tu 1 w ithst.iu.l tho lava -.'S of tiuie. ., -J. imrmrrn UUiliUMiliJi l - rtu -4! -5SfiiT-- '.n-I fli; :l liuKlni; If.-if. r. .,. ,,,.1 ,' ",' T ' 1 ' ' I 1 nrouuil 1. no li : ml le- il.ovll Heal- tins f-iot. iiii-l then tiihe a slii hiali iiroiiinl the horns. N make her kick to 'i the other sMc. due dose was rnniiirh f-u the one 1 had. Fur a rait I v.wiild !"" "" " !-'',';il'-,!'' with ii rim; mi the Hi,l!' '" sti' ""' '"I"' l'"'""-il- II iK-H t"st iir.uiud ihe neck and iln-n a noose ., 1 ,, ,. . , ... ii..ntim III Ilu?... - 1, l.liniiaiii Jii Orange .lu.'il I':iiiui,-; ,. ,., 77". . I ll 11 .if I.II.-WIISI1. I ' "" v. n:i-. wasii 111 1 im pom-1 ,' -v v;l"1 ' " ove.-esi inmted ; in ,''li-'' w" !'! "''" f i" ut-olutely " '"'' -u.e.ssi'ul renrhi- of I'-'Ub r.v. Now ti,-. 1!,.. Ii.n siimm. r on-ni lis n,,. ,. l. tirst .Iii.y 'houhll, :,. h, ,!; ii I'ler I his part of t he ili'vork I l.i.-.v Is- iil-1 e wu 1 .-I n-nsll. '. or- if i.ivf.-r.il.!c. wi.li a siiriv Hu;,,!,. t!i lirs. rl ai-:- r.ilc .! leiiii" clu-iv- L-:-::-sli.ipp:-rs. rut- , 1.,l;it.,...j ... ,1.1. ,1.1 ..nnv -i,..,i. .rlll.y ,.1Vi. ,',.v, .;,,, g ,. ' th-umi.! .-In wing phmis. Th. y rim i-ut - Ik- .h sl i-oieil I e tt-'iiu- pnisi.ns such as the ,..,,, f ,., .,.,,,,,1 , LV( ,., ,..,..,;,... ,., ,1, ... I.,s.,,., jillil III,, lis. ll. s of 111.. . ' . . ' . l,i.il:s s.lc.oi.- rll, i'l.. int. ... . -.-in .01- 1'.'" '"'.. Hap wilt and , lie. Tills " " 1 ' " , M ,.,';!,'",s' ! .' ' ' '!' , tcl'llpm hu-.-. el.-. I he e.Nterilill tip- pliran'i.u ni' i-.r- -iiieal p..isni,s lo plants ,, , ,. , ' ,.. . Woiili rive lni . or n i i. hei I upon this ... '"'' '. "."''" j' "' " ' ""' "' ",N "' piams. Ma i.eniis lire used to lie; e:;'ei Hill V oil 1 ' llniiie- o su.-h ... iiii els e:l in r .: ii can; ic .a-in sinilher -tie 1 ' a ! t by .-l.i-in- their lu-eathin-ili's. In eei- i'.i mil bi-el.the llu-olivh tb'ir m-uiihs. a, do !,!.:!,. t iiifmnls. Inn th.-..n-.;h sim.n -pet-dti-. .I-lo-r f-.!r ' "'" " "' ,: ' -!",!''" '-.v 1r:i itc? atiy. bi.it: of n c.uisti.- or oily '"' "v " ''" ll!"'.v- '"'" fi'b'-ieh s ,'!"-'''1 c .vat lire is ih- Sii'iived. 'I'b s- rcm-rks u-.-fy e-.-.,-i.-i-,l.v l:srr.s wi-i.-h f. -d it;-m tl: e.-:lc:-i..r of l'b'ms or pass tti -r. .i-cr pnrtim of lh"ir lives i:i an r::pi-.d e-o litioti v.-i. re Hi ;. e.iu be nvt.l'dy r- iiehed by out-o i!ie i.e il.c'is ii:,-:i,ii-:i-1, lusc-ts "' l-:iih elas-vs at times f'ed upon plants .l!:.o.-r ihe g'.-eui-.d, fof il short while, and p:i-s a iitini.-n of their livt s up.-u ilu. w smi'i-ee. The v.hiie -::-eg, r. et li. ,. i-rr e ,hii:i'i. ex-1 . iiipli -. th-. ;',,,-, 1 -hig a bitiir.- ill- si el. white l!i.- I :'!,'! is oil- cf the sue!:- Iii:- i.roi'0. y.VA -th -v in-.rts live in! straw, (.--nil., ,.-:,is ami ic..o,iif.n-iui-'-.l products of ih" mill, where neiih- r A' sciii.-s nor irrti.-iiis i-m b used. ln , ), ,,. -1,-. I'l-nt. of va'-hnts ttases I are empl-yi ,1 t r their ih-truetieii. I Farmers sh,.u!. .-.ii-efifly cei.-.i.!ei- 1 1v- ! nature rf Hie ii-s.-. t before aoo'viu : ; tiny rciiii '.ly. Ar-.i ; ii an A'-'riculiiii 1st, F;:;. l or lle.-. tiin:-. ! It is of' u ii p:o!-lein why we p-ritre ift-'o l halt Ins fi-oin part cf thr r-t.s pluee.l Uliile;- hi lis. while bill poor IV- sul:s are nl'i.iii'eil final oilier sittings. . In the iirsi .!i:ce in a majc, i:y of cas-. s illn- irouble is Willi ihe i-.'-.s, ai,.l not ; Willi ill:- h lis. i' .i- ll.ll; hia ,- C. puses. : cs-i chilly in th - wiui--r. the en.:- mitsi be eoTvicil ;is s as 1 ir-y :ir- laid. I in ovilin- to p vrtn il'.-m from -ce. .::'.- i Hie , nn. No ! Ill r":;s should be Used, m;,;, s llio-s lare i t'U.'i:-.-!i f il.-. Oi' l-l.lt ilie i a-!. i. I 'i diiiiii-y. I. Will s hi-. , :!. cud the I':, -sir s i'l He- wintel should he m.'d ill a w.'.nn place mu -v,"",', a:i-:: s, :;'.al. lh ii:-:i:i lei is i:- es ... I in in i i . 1 1 : . :, e ... - ; i:u i ' 1 Sil.l ' I i.e i.c he 1- i . . I V, ,t'l si. I gig ; hi-ii-'.' It an . :i- i -ri-e M-f:- .-ni 1 r- . est. r by pa :. ! o-i;-,! i,, j i !. or by i.s.ng ,i, -i i r.ii.ls u' pre- j lh-. ,-l.l -n lo h.m ...n,', : ,.,,i,, v f.'il. l A i,,'. s':o.;i : i. nr. !e si; as tii(rv,.y year be-aus,. t li--y wi'l IM! ban tit '..' u Iiimi : u - :'-' at- l.-i ! M, i i,-,.-i. his nlaee rii the farms. - with a i . .in 1 he;, i- v.p m.U siu oval I bole nt one side. I'l.-iee the box over In- lamp, nllowiiiu' 1 1 j . -1 ' I , i 1 1 1 1 1 , y 1,1 puss ilirou-jh the Hole mi t 1 : 1 : now ilsiiien 5; ; the room, usiii 'Ii-- lamp; bold ...'k 1 - 1 on tiie si'le. no I 1, ill Hie ligl ul the light T!v will i,.. nr dark jiimiiM the,- ,,,i,;,i rio.hs. Inrae clld np" arin- el-:ir: lids rb-iir siiaee iiround il.e u ' tb- Ic-- rlid is the nil' s.iek. Shun! I l!n- contain 110 chirk ii will Imik 3 - a f. and It' rnmparrd w hh fi-i ,li , u-s v, ill show I fin- same .'ippr.-iruu.-c. 1 here t, or always j use a fresh vti-i lor ruiiipunsoii. I'lil : H"' dark eg;: ha.-',; inio tie- mt and ' lb- -h-.-ir ,u : eok iliun nml b-n. tiimn f.,r feclina the you;,- I ,.,i..l: .1 -,.a 1 A....-..1- ;,, 'ii.. l'.,i. , . ... 1 ..c '4- tolni.-t. A Mlil lilni; li l-!l. Miiny plan's iii fiirmiim "oinintmlli s ' . ... 1 1 ... , ji-'iun-e Intel, nieks. but my o,,.-:- valauis are licit u( ..lies are r:,.' ,y fuinl-hed. An in-Npeiisivr ami v., , - the lllustra....... 1 os.s may he s, at int-n 10s f t w.-eiy but c.l'l (msis s.i..ii.. he M-:y "ni'-y linn e.i ni-;iee, or .-iii.-i.iiv.i. i-ore 11 lime i.iion-ii .1,,-ii pest n-n-11 top, run one win. (liriU!i -n-li p ,:.r 11 '.-ir the top, run one v.-in- inroi :!i these holes from end to end of the 1:0 k .'Hid another outsi.1.. 1 1 j - holes. Th -y nn: hum: in tin-: wir.i:. ! hiinld he sirelehed I .-ly ii, l.rt. as they must he (nisled. 'i'hls 1.1 ...( he (lone till i-U'ii:;- i!, 1;,,,. llt ,, .c., some 01 uiepi.i.isiielrawn iii o: !:.: e. . number o! in -n i.-m iu-u.i ih. 1.1 ii-.h!-ly by means if .sticks iihail :-,s in' Uparl, mieeessive sticks behu 1 .: i ii- ? ill upposiie direeiiieis. The veh-,. s;,..;i!. lie twisiul until tin y lire lirr.i . le u-'i in re-ist untwisting," when tie-.v m ih; lo In- drawn ti-lit if ih-ne pro;-: iy. Yl'hi-n dolie the !,., :j 1,.' by i;;,. slick:! in i wist in-; will serve us riiu;s i,,r ih bibhimf ii'i:p::.-A. F.'iiiikliii Mi-.ii', in Xcw Fngl'iml !ioii:-...ji.ul. iT..iiu i nni.vinu.. The work l-e.-niicd en u .iairy f:0'iu ... ...... 4...... .. ,i,..i ,-n, he j 1 ' i--1 . i :n n:i,,, ..i... 1 i. ...... .l.-.yli.-gi,. in cider , f,e.l ami mdU If, ''',n's 1" i".lv i'"'"ii oil with his , ai-. ...in 11 Iii- I.- l-l..-4,-esMVe 11- Will CI t 1 till mil!; as sriui iis . icavrs ih- f!.ib:, s. Me must iii.-o bi-!.'in milkim.; c;:i:y 'n the evriiing, and he will se'i',,:., linish his work until hm- nfier dar!:. There is als.i ihe rleiiuiii- , ,1,. i, . l-reparing of ih.. . m t'ni.il. li:-- hii::-!!!'-.: of the iiiunirv iiml oik, i- ,li .;. -i';.,. I .U.-.IIICSS IS Slieil a- ill l!em-!l!ll l.t--.l iiicniiiiii nml in,- si iit w.e.i.. 'i h. dairyman ine-'ht be u oil paid i: h- de- 1'iVeil nil (it the pr.-ii. bin ll is !:., the eiine. 1'iie il-'iih.:- who haislles the mill: must have a .-h-ne of th-- proii's. wliieh delicti Is ti;..,.,, ('e'cunicraii. -. s. It Is I'rein'.en.ly U: . .n:.-,. that i.,. farai. i r receives but iv,-,, cems a ig-arl i'.u mill; when the .nusemci- j: payhig 'inht t ents p ; enact, ub Imu- !i wiier the farii'i-r sei-io ,h- eh i il: he se, u:- all th- profit, hu: ti,,. hulk .' the in;:'; li:t: Is .-'euf l-i the h'.rue markets is from a l!-:a::e . ;,. miii.iu-m m beii- a liiccssity. V.hen all th- tacts u;-... etui-tillered there i p..-.; p.-.int in .hs hy ing lhail tuny be siti-ics.-il, ronsiileriii': the liiboi- iuvohid, v.-t It is the th; f.-'i nn-- who is ih,. su : sfn a f.-i-t which is ip.: to lie- labor he p-- forms. If the fan,,,,,- u. -.,,-; , ;i ,,,'e , o' li!s time iiml labor t . bis rn- s as s his dairy business li,- iiciilii iiml hi .-'er . prolit in crops. j t Hie of Hie principal i ,in cs of !..ss t dairy farmers is that ih v ,h. no! . l.i- ptny Ihe best cows. The ho -e ma he-, of tli-ia ar- rent,.,,, t,i tiM in, : si.-f with cn.vs thut lu-ediic,. mf k i-,-1 w r r i' ' I avei-aae 111 iU.-iliii-, espeei.gli if 1': eovs are fn-sh. but they nive hm I ,:: heed to improvomi nt. In f.i ;. i n ("Weill nt is .-in iinii, s.-.'bilily on fe,.. i where th-' duiryia-i, ,1...;,. );., s rows, and il is Ihis sysiem i,,' buy,ie; fresh rows thit eau-i j .!,s .is. hr-.-ih-. No farnii r ran rid his herd of ."berti'Ul or Hlliern.liisis :.s leii- ;-s lie "...rs on tin' n:.-!,-U-'t lo i:viirr fr.-s!i cows to ii'ieiii e ii; , ,. il..,, ,: y oil'. The only way lo sctire hir-'l' y.cMs is i,, breed far be!;, ;- , ,HV IV i... p n- the h'-ll'er cih -s. This mi .his ih ii Hi fanner mm-t t'n-si fecil a calf ui-il ii I e inii.-s old , n m-ii t produce mil!., ami i hat !s just wh.ii il y oh.iee: m. as Hi. y c-n-ifer th- k,-, ping ,,!' t. eai: i.i iiialiu'!:;. ;is mi waste. ti; ,,, ao-l bib"!'. Itlli if th y Will eollMI-l".. II!" lalile of Ihe cilf as a fit! nil- prodm Willi I lilt of ai. loipr.ititilli'.e cor lii.-y w ill s .on b irn th:ii teat a is -v . ns w,i pa-- is lore ih.-.r mil.: i- Ids .-re , ih-n'eled ami the rr.si of p: o ln : ion I givaily reduce,!. j W'l: n the lime reouired for :i well- hr,-,l heifer calf to beeome a pieilue. r I ls .-, i-s dcrcd ii ma'i be neiind tint ! Hi.:-, i- not a sic.-n 1-ss of in ' unci Ul l-iiisui- :i , a!i'. Some ii-;. rs j ,n h- fore they n:e two ycats old. ! Tiie - .-.vs. Hi- ewes -ml even the bum ; ye; l f .- I- do t:.,r o,:,!- s-: h ,,.-,v.,, -s s ; ...in- that ih- h-m-v is mu. h iid f. oiiiics mii'.-e lime t-i m i-i:!!,- her -.-d-ci is awn :i:sr F. the.P.i-.f. ri --.;li;.is Wi i: . -,!.; i ':'. i x.-n re :'.:'.e yc.irs :.. , I: '!' - th,. c !: - ' : . -1 "i isti. s ( t :-:.! i vcy M,.,.-r i;- -eltPi.i- ; I ' ll.:!,!- bell".' Ihilil ih- pre i , ill. -fill I'l'll . f the best Tb- -club bull nr. the d.-r.y has : -T.i i ' .via u's -tti-s i'l the past, a !.:' line,. ni i,s p: , ,n iiay. ' i :i let-. I . ell C ll'ed in hi., ' ean tn any o, 'e '.- ."m-uinii-r. .-t.li.iit hi- ,::;ips. I -r-f :: li.l ; M;,.,., w. -I- ' ;, l'hihuli h'hi- IIi-iuJ. rl a vd.y?? I Pi P4(ff i J j SSlSS. ULat tin- .Nul .m.il t.ov. iniin ii liis. X bis l.i; st report to th. I' -part-1111 nt of Agrb-iilture Marl in I 'od .'e, ilii-.-etor of (he oltiee of F.ll-lie J : : 1 1 Imitiirh's, mai; :-' I 'i'- I'ol'ir.V- in- is in. irks n.urii;ng th-.' work of the oMiee ;iud as i:i-iils iili'l plans for the I'll! nr.-; "It is proper just hern to i-illl ilttell- lio'il to !l l.liseiiUl ejliioll Wiliell tl j . j ..-a IS to exist in tin i."ilni- of -.oi.,0 l i ill.' el'- : i'-e,- lliai liiei-f-.s-.,, a;ii ,j 01,, ,,-n .oi! e.i , , i i v ,,.,,.,.., : , . ,..,,-..,. ,:,,.i. ,M,, ., ,;,. ' ( ,i;! (;, .,,,. , (( (iVln, . U,. ,;,,,,,,,.,, is , ( w (,(I,.,.;.li:i j.- j- I I :r!:li:i- e -olat.-s t that iiirn-.s-.l ii:i!':o.'iat!(iiis fer not only ihe i-'ms:i',e-.i 1 ion cf l-.e.-i! 11. ;i-tlil:,:!!:--. si. !i a-: climate at', I soil, i.-ini-fall nml il, :.i:i.i-. . . 1, 111 :i!:-.i a -iilily of ii.eil .Mo i.e . .-e.is i',;;:;,. i t to i!;-. n."i. 'l'o tnoi.-;. a-i mui'Vini-. :. creut di-l.:i:cr adds : 1 i :!.-; to l!l- r.'"i lis lo i'el.i! - r-'ilils sei, ri!ii-.:ll; ( .', -1 .T el t ll of Cof.-igu la:: ei-'-l's iuioi iiel iealiie. Cuiiip-ui i:t r.-ad luiildei's i hi-uhl d!s-r.n-1 is li s. ihe .ivaiiiiii'e loan riiils end show by p :!'! i--:il '!.; .1 les.--.iiis !:-.-.- li:.-- lice.: true; ean I.- mad.- of ilieiit w 0I1 lt:. . ! ii.ie -.i-tidi- .'-e of lliem .V .-Mid l.ih.'i Tile ' I 111:1- in:.:;- are 111! i-i ways d i -cm r. '1, .'Hid I li'ii:.:.".-'- 10" ili-Kiirs a;--- w.-i.. tl ill til's ...pi'iry iii-.ii-.iii'.'y by ,!: r-v cf poor man-riii's whri-,. a huh- eii.-rt simiv ai (i ji-; h e -,.-.iu:ii ii.i-.-i- d -veil.:., d uo-..ii ma: i-iiii el:,... h.uel. The bet re :;.,is of nsii'g ihe. - iiiiiieriids ji;-e oi'ien; i in,':. ii-.e, si. nod inoney is v.-,..-. i iii th--'.,- impro! it ;iiili'aiit.i, .'-.'! Iii i ill ir; : : i'.-gull'r m ill i.ie si icly II .1:1 1 1: i ilT.-l l i.iil. Tile people of til" country :ir- mav iul. n - led in this mai ter a- lio-.vr lcfoi-e. end liny i'rr i. lililiiii !""; .lilil .-lie Mrriy in ie . ,'. of iiu- lll'lllil- illfe-illlite.lt liii.liU 1 ll :- biles. I'lhili -i-for.-, this is a work w hh-li ili (;vei-t:i-i.-i-i i-ii!, -hi f,.r ihcn i-m.-b h,-;. t r in-d h- usmiiealiy ih-iu ll.ej can ,- -.hm-Ivi-s. "Ai .. I- l-:i . .'!; reil.'U ,!! h ller.- r..;n-..s au.l re-:!,,:;...!, wlf,.. have ,,,.,. , i he ,!: ;, , -,u.-i .. ii,., :, ft.-r e-m- Mi), , -.: . ,.s ,. ; y I ! 1- yilil laifiy ,- ., i,-,,.,,:,,..,,, larmers and r, ad adve, :!,. . i!ir..,i. h-mt the e. i; .'ry I l.;,v.- Ih- l:-n..;- to r. : oi i: i i -i i i lin.t t -,,i,:.. :-, ss be ;:;.,! to im-i- i ih- tip. ,,.;.;,... ,,;;, p,,- ,i. ,.!;t liscal y.-a- n. .t'-T.Vou-i. 1." this ini-r.-::-e j . ;-.(",, it. j j v.-mi: 1 r. m i d tint ll;..;.. ! ., .;..'.,:,, I. vi :.l!;:l!lv, to ill- i -!:.-..' : i.-tis jiitd i i!i.-:iti.ti: I Wiiv';, Ml oi ill i'.-ii i-:' :h-' Si.-iles ;.i:il Terri- i ,:-;,.,. -i d l!::il lile bah.il,- be Usui i l '.e:' 'tying il.e :i: i i i n -r expenses of li.-s elliec cod r.-. el material In I era .o;-y. "The n.e ss'ty if fiirtherim: ihe wot I; i f this l.!b:i:-;:tnry Is fell a.l over li:' .ei. a, i.e. iii' 1 at has! Sin.oii'i i- n--. sled :'i.i- c::. :. -si l.iis brai.eii o:' in- wo.k I'.-;- tl: ' liei lis.-sl y.-.i:-. Tie- i imill si, in .-'!":. i ,i rei'.ifoi-e lii'.olti.l l.i cac'i i,:' ll; - four ilivis'e'i i rf the eotni try is l: ' sinlieh-nl to pa.'.' t!i.- snlary i!" 1 i--:i"i:M's of ccuipi -lent persons, 'i". .. ,i ;i.:; .'.I'.eiii .-h-nhl lie a'hic to coin !. ';:d the ei'iire iil'ic and ill, er.lieli rf t! ...... l'.-pr seiua in s. hvt in otder to '.-. Ilfs at l.-..' ft j:.; ': I siii.':d bo s.-t i;i :i, ; ,'or l ie h liivi- in::. " :;-.- :.: i ! i'o.-.-e I. .is I e; it --.i r .ill- j;, .. -,::. -,, Jr , '. '.! -.'ii i: ie:i- ;i',e .mi k : list : ii i ;' ili.bt.-iie lneraiu.-e had ,. (t.,lt Ir.n ; 1' -.-led. This li.-r.l'.i il c, . sh. eM a'-;i ic. eive lite; e at . i.iiiy the rolled ion, ill; --piimi-i- in., iiis: liiut; i, ei rf p.a, '.. . ! ati.l M-ieniiiie iolm niulieie I t -u- ', i i r. i ,'. -. Kin' , ;i w ill tied ii wi;l .1 cr p ,;. -. r ii ; citr.. a: I e.i :"."'. i '..: !'. e ..,: I. i.s ei'h r I.e liexi f :;! ,-. :::-. " i . ! 1.. t .; -i'l Wiis . 11 : -: f 1 1, 1 He . . :. ::' -e i',. ll' I US . win-Hlel- We i -ii:; .- lie .: .i.IIcictl! ii-iitihr.- of u: v , v... i :i i. . a j-; v o:i eNi--::-ive i:i- : -ii...-.'. :i- i:i the vavictis S.atcs. but f.umu :ii.- las; ,n;- i!:e e has ,!. l n ,1 il t, -. at ih nl of ill elil inn nr. I s indy I- i'l- i.ui of n.'i-sni!:. who ii.e . liiii. ., '!ly s::Ti -,) m in,-ii!gtii-::te 1' - w...'k. li is t.i- aify ir;; to .iiiiioiiiire 1 1;:: I v.v eve e. -.v le.-e-.-are'l L-really fn cxoli '. Ihe wn.i; ef li-i; ollice. and the .i!eiv..;ii'i:.i;. .1 nieie 1 ! i i : n i 1 1 1 . if :-..-.:m .1 t.y I -ni.s., will he o p, mhil .1; ih. i.'-siy a ii. I w! ,-I.v.'' lt t 111 ;,.i-.i. I.nk1l.n. Tl; I - ph ;:'y cf i.l! ,.r ,u tie- t run My io be., hi an. i iia uiiiiii u-ed roaiN', il ii'.i.o -;-!y tini:.-. d. A f' v.- ,i..j ' W eil: a yea.- ;' , .OMj-e: :u ,!..,' ion. r-np- p, ,,.,,,:. d ', y a reasocil ;. tax eti tiie p, ipci iy. '.Vni lii. in :: irw j ;,)-.-. make ;i :ua I !,e, s , ,: . ;-. u. e. Ii i- u.-t to be rxp-.-ii-.i li st ell tii- ,.ni!i.. ran at ru-e l.-.h 1 ' '. - l i.o i.ilii',: s!. -Il tnU; : .' ll-.-ni r.ilif.it. ce pt ill ihe w.-is- pi,!-.-,, but n mi: :miuu-. .- ,,, n, ,y , ; ,j, , ,,.:,.r, :,::;,i.. !U': ;, :.. whirl: niusi he ,i;; ,, l'..;;. .psV;,.,, is ;e; :-,p,v.-. t.,u, ,;:.. :i n.-.w .-enfi-outii.- ih-- ne..- ! of liv Maie. The coiimiy p." .pie are vii.tlly iiueies,.- ! in i;. i:m . niy lis in nti c -.' ::-:i::. -. I in firm a s - . .1 1 sicialp vi.-. V'.i-. ph .ism : ami ad an ' !....s , -Ul'itiy vs.,'.,) FO ;i.it !.. tu-iit iii'it d if !t.-!i -.ii-. li-d easv .,. , ,- - is,,- . .', r.i-.-i. t i one iitioili -.'s h...'- -s. if ihe children rould ito I.l -'. ii. b' aii Ih- p ople coilltl (jo lo i i..;; 'i. V,'e rot too r to Imihl . it. --.I i "'- We are lo,, poor to do V ii !. ; ' -i ::l and prosper. A I,. .' h ' be il liii.ii' 111'. , ei-hlecii fei t 1 r-:.i i ii.l rf nose to lip of tail. No lion oi sitih n si::., has been killed. Fi-.e ii i' ran held d' Wii a lion; It takes uiue lo ku!U a tijjer. CORPSE TAKES WEIGHT. trans- Wlili li i Kxcilii.B Comment j In N-.v York. i I'm- some time lla'tv litis ben specu- laiii.u as to vluthei- ilie Imdy of F.liuer . S. liuuday. W ho was a I'nitod Stales Idireuit Court Judge, was p.-lrl!iel. ! Though tit tho time of bis iK'Uh. fivo ' y.-urs a-,-o. s:iys Hie New York Tribune, jibe Jiui.-.- weii.'lied only a little moro 'thaii l'Mi poiiii.ln, it took tlx or seven j men to hand!..' the colliu recently nt ths Muiiivinn Cemetery, where the I body is now In tho receiving vault, 'awuiiiiig reliiirial. The present weight lis said lo b- more than oiHl pounds. 'I'll,, theory of (ietrifuellotl W.is reject ' nl by experts who visited lb" vault land examined the body not long ago, 'but there is no lioolit thill tin- body I has undergone marked and curious changes, and the eMiniinnlioii which ; -wits Mind.' shov.Ml also tli.it tho color ; !iud rhiii'g- d to iilinost the bbaie of i--0UVl'. "Tin- body could hardly have become .letriliid i:i f.. sliort n tini" as five ' vars." lifiil Frank II. rhuse. an au tiioihr ci i ml iiliii!'!-.'. "as pctritiration is always (irrelioiiiliied by gr-Ult :i;:e. . lle.t an iiieieu-.,- iii weiulit liliglit easily ... . if the Imdy Were ill a grave, where t. aires chai-rcd v.'itlj iiiinrnil sul.stilliees iii-i'i olated. I Mil ec 110 way in which th - it;ereai- of weight i "id. I lake place if ihe enfiin .were air j h:h'. j "Itut the probability is Hint it was li.it. It is rxt'-i iM.'ly ililiiritlt to m::ke l m--t.il .' iillin iiirtivlit. and unless water oUlii pi'iVolilii- lo ih - hod;.' there is no means by which if could .u.iiu Wright. -Alien a hotly is rli'hulmo.l. too, ;tbr.-e ir- a gradual toiiah. ning of the 'tissues. ::. i-'Uiiiiiiuinl by a disiipprai-(iiii-. of th" ivalery Mtlislaticcs. so that : iii iim" V.ee-'ht is ns! ius'.ead of gaiii"(7. A body w.-iu'Iiing l-' to 1.1ft pounds at .l-.iii: wi n (.1 in a y.-nr or so weigh no move thaii Iw.'ity-iive pounds. You run lift u mummy easily Willi one l.:ii-d. but lo iiei-.nuit for nn increase in , livh.i't it is iieees-uiy 1- slipp er that iiiln. r:d Hiilist-ini-rs bine been add-'.f. In a pi tfeetly dry gr:r.e tm inriv.MW in v. i-'iii coifel take plnee. Tins ii Kim p!y due to an nceiv; !i.n of mineral mat ter, nml such . are by ii-j li'.-.utns : lliiiirceedt'tiieil." Tlio llelslit r tl.c Atino- plicrc. Olio ih'tig tuny be sa'tl about I'm' li"tv !i: mo.--pher.-. Thiit of old was suiipos.-d l.i In- not over :.:.iy mile..: hiy,!i. Its ra ti i i.l liei-rens oi' .'.en-iiy teetnetl to . ;!'. this. Th ail.iospl.ere is itow 1 it' ll. -v. 1 lo be iuliy ."on ni.le. iii-iii. This I o-I ii ,' is has,.,; ii;,,.., .: Htinjy of lile fall oi' In. ieo.ile--. i'le five Wil lldct'.'VS iC r-Maee piiiiiit-.' into the ui.p u- air at ku j r-a- a up I ihal their irieti-i!. t-v-.-ll Weii ii.e extrei'i' ly rare gas at that hi-, il ahiiUil". --n-.il lie-it: them to illei'll-iIm.-u,". i-n-l liny .1:1 ii :- into litrlii. They iia l- c!i ob-i-.-rveil in Hush out ;-i ihis v.ey a ie-i;.li: of over Jon ini'.'s. At ilfs elc ;,i iei! th- air in ni-1 be mi .-.e. i diu tly rare as to r. nder it cerium i hei i'rict icii whh several hun dred iiulis of it would be needed to hcul tneieer to the iueiimh scent pn'.n:. From Hi!., it 1.- i si iimn sl that tile up-p.-;- limit of tiie atiiiosiih -re caiir.o! b-j Jes than --O ' miles .".lane the surface, li may be iim, mure. The air may txi.-ml uiiuaiii as fur as the fores cf g"iv!i, i.. capable id' overcoming its i cnii'ii'i. -.:i force, wliieh steadily inert-uses witli he;-, ui. liow high tiiat is r.o cue eiin tell. -Chiii'Ics Morris, iu Lip p::ico;i. , ( alif.iriiln Viz?, ' As an iliusiiiiiii n i.f i he curiiuisly il. . a rsil'i -d . haiacter of liie wm'k of the a-i'ieuliUial siaiions, it is of interest l.i iioie 'unit tiie California slatiun liii 1 e ll f..r .as i- 1. a y.-iiis . xpefiii'.eliiin.g i:: ii- .ul:-.::.'. .-.xiy different varictWs hav.n; oi.i! i. -ied .ti lii.it pcrii-l. It ha- 1 -; iii muii. ci.-d iinliii rily witli tile N:ll oii.il t on c, iimriit ill Ihe study of ilie siellilia ti-,. i' has been .b'.lloll Hr.i'nl th-ii this t'.g. to is aeh its hiit'u-i- i f, i .e mu . I e f.-i liiiiicil by .1 liny i'l--.-; w.fih. in i.i,- did World tu re .i,i.,... .uors oil ii:. . lit. ell II.-, .iolirile.VS t -tn il;- wild e.o, H.iwer to Ihe do. 1.' --lie li : Ii.e. b.-iii iii: the pollen Whirl. lIV-s lo lie 1 ip.-lli ;l I'm ils pi- rlii.iii- I iei:ii' ss .ni,! -.:, . The proilliso now is that, iliroiuh the iuiro.luelioii of tl:. il sci I. ll. , 1,-i.iee.i Flll'opeilll tics ill,' to be I a il W ll il . relit III Cilli lollliu. YV. S. 1 l.n n ..oil, iu Sei ilinel'6. Viil.il. ..f Stii.il.iy It.-Ht. An hnporiiini ...ni r, l-.m inn to pcicn til'r ihilil h- si ilia .11 tii" lli i-esshy of Siimiay l'e.-l fioni labor lis - l-i n made by a l'eiuisy 1 auia radi-cail .itli.-inl. lie si h , ted two ".roups of laborers tro'ii tiie wnrkiii- fore,, of a ecriaiii ficiuht liouse colli rolled by iiis roil. I. He l-:i iisuied tin- we-kin-: eapieiiy of eat ll ::.-.iii! ill t ri ins oi tons hamlinl diii.y ;.:; a week. d:i Sunday one group v. st. u: ihe ether workul as usual. Oil the follow inn Monday the men who bad been colli humusly nt serv i. e : how.-,! a decrease rf ten per -ut. hi .ilieieuey as roniparrd Willi tin- pre vious Monday, .aid each day after their i ii:!ip:i-.itive lie! impieucy been no greater. Ti:e men who had their Sun day respite, on the other hand, were as vaiua'nle to the company the secern! wi.U as the liiM.--Duliith Herald. Ilnll and Snnir. T."by rat.r should fo'c.i iir.vs fail as post snow ri- st. ils c.i-.d et oth'-ts in hi e.i iumps i.f i. y li-d is a ii-..st,..u -f Mileresr. 'I h,. diiVricm e is eiiiiivly cue of lime. Snow crystal arc formed very slowly, the fioi'.eii aiuins of water grouping Hienis-flvcs with ni.-i 1 la-ma t icai precision mound diffc'vn' cnitres. II. iii. which nerrrally talks in w.-iim w-u-hcr. is rain frezeii sud.l. niy by a sharp dr-p of t-i-pe ct'jie i ti'.- liier air. Wind nearly aiwa'i act- in .:-na s hail; while the larger ami more perfect snow Mikes are always lot met1 'u 'aim air. CUicnyu Juuiual.

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