iljc 0,atlam Ucrorb. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISING. One sqnare, odo insertion $1.09 One wjuure, two insertions 1.C0 One Btjiiftrc, ono month 2.00 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXV. PITTS liOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N ." C.T T i I U RS 1 ) A Y , A U ( ; U s 1 il, 11102. NO. I. 'pie : J5p3i)isf : (reesdre. A NOVEL. Dv fSrc. Clisctlvlli ?. Airier. ::-;.ullla castklau.) CM.UTKll XY. rtNTi:.T,:ii. v-fifJi'. it w.u l: .:" he thi.ucfhl ( c.i-il luL lii lie-.v it if 1 huln'l luard i mill seen it I'm- 1.1 yseif ; but 1 must if el out of this; 1 i! :ti not bo lib.. :it hire," lie hu-tcned r-.pidly ulo'.i.; 1 ho dr.-ot und did not puiis. for breaih .ill he hud turn."! 1 1 1 . - r :i im the i.l 'oMiiiiif avenue. 'I In re he shoved its stcpi 111.. I xv'ii !!.i--1 loitcri:i;;ly 1 1 1 1 1 f for in.. I'.- thau a block, uii'l it'll turning 'about he walked slowly mi".'!; a.;. 1111 toward the house into .hieh he lui 1 H.v'ii Van Til -ml van- (ih. lie now :iiv liiiii eoiiio ti'eui I'lin ; u:id totteri'i ; .'.own the step Sain, confronted by 11 limine that eem.'l ba iteiiiiivf him. Stan y soveial hundred yards mvuy, ut lie 1,11s sure that figure vviih a Oman's an.l in the tall, slender shitpi' Hoin.'ihin st ruipjidy, suliily fmui air, struck 011 nil his sense', mi l sent u I'lei'trie thrill tln'oii-h ami thi'ou'h i:n, till the very tips of his linger-, in-.. Ml. "1 111 resp .use to ii. ,11 uhl not move, but he sloo.l ji.'iv, wateliiii'-t, 1111 1 he saw Van Tiis- I s, the ifiri s ha:i Is. '"1 . . ty 11 iw t 1:1 'h you?" said Vau . I, 111 a v..iee hoare niol tremu l with eeite!:i"'it, bill yet vibrant t'l ; .y an 1 triumph an 1 unutterahle i:ikiu!'ten. " li iada are elean. ...!.! J.ook! There is no bloo 1 ,.u em. One ray of lijfht e.iuie to me, '1 1 I pi aye 1 to' io 1 lor help. Yes, L ie.l upon 1 1 i la to .sen 1 some unel tj M me, an.l lie has sent you. Let me 1 with you. l,.'t me follow you t e 111. 1 of the earth. I will be yi.uv rvunl, your slave; do not send me ,'.iy from you. Save me! Save me!" Iiolores aiiHwere I gently: "I'oine with me, thou. You shall my brother." She would have drawn him f..r- .1, but Van Tassel whi-pero.l hnr- 1'dlVi j"Xot that way. Ho is there. Oh, E iu) never see him a:;.iin! l'roteei. j' nlways!" l"Tiiis way, th 'ii," ainwerel Uol '; an 1 they walked away tonetlier I lie iiuveliou 'viieitee she lia l eome. l!:it at t!ie siifh: of them disappear- to.f. tuer. Mauley ree ivere.l t r 3 nt l auiv1 whie'u ha I overtaken him. darte. I forward, and in he pluiu'ed .id like some wild mum it after its y, he found hini 'elf fa v to f.i.-e ii 11 liiiiu who had also rils'ued .lo,vii -ami. steps by w liieh Van 'fas-el 11 led, and who wan now, white 1 f irio-i-, jflai i 11 uli nit him from e l.i side. i' I'iie husliau l!" thought Stanley. fool has ilmo the deed, then, 4 there will pre-entlv lie 11 hue-and- I alter the nuirderer. I eann..t jiur I him now. And why should l :e rseiipes so muell the better." le w ueeled about and 111 lied 1:1 the . f lireetion, while bar j:iiholt-t, iliiriu: after him, took a I steps in pursuit, then turned mid i:ed back at the vanishing tl f uros r.'.l'l T.iss.d au 1 D iloros. i Wilivhol these lii.-u?" mutt jl'i'd the !otls uu 1 infuriate 1 hii-hau.'.. hero have I seen that handsome im, with the beiuty of Lucifer In: re than his wickedness. II. i nist be he! A foi'iii 'i- husliiin.l! ) wouldn't waste a look on the u ! Fool that I am, I have lost u b. th!" e l eiurued to his house, nnd hnv- locked the street- loor ho sat down 4'ily on the e.irve.d seat that stood iiist the wall. With a giv.iu he i .ced ut a crumpled papiT which he t i:s one hr.ud, and thou his deled t i a slender, sharp-pointed which ho held in the other. A uu as of pain eol tracte.l his heavy ures, 'i; lurid luhl biirne l in his ., n:i I Lo set his thick lips ti;ht hard tofether; then with tho e id' i: iiii-'u;i'r he tm oothe.l out the -'s o.' the paper, and read onee c w.-rd- tout were iilreinlv seured In- biiiiu: '.' . .1 o ii- e-uavd. Voir.' wife is , :.i y .a. ;i,.(' 1, inner lnisbau I .: ... 1 !. Ho 111 this city, toey irive met more lliau 011 'e i 1I1 1.; ; .1; 1:11. I'.-' wariie 1. A i i sen.! 1 this message. " ''Her former husband!'" said You ii dt, ,""ra In: r too words be- l his t.e!:i. "lb' seeks my life, A'i, we shall sec! And the r, no d m! t, w.ii for me." lie..! it up ui.d. tui'iiine; it a'o.rat iisiy, looked ut it e.refu'.Iy from t 1 the point; and present ly e ;;!e.i.iiiu steel he siiw tiie lit f 11 ilciii. lie stitrte I up iiii.i it close under ih- Il ,iit ot the A' tut Im!!-'.: two WviS and there li" v "Cor! is .Mcudo. a." , ; i j '-'' i ..., Cll.M'TI XXVI. i:;i - at.-d ipiarter 1 of Van Tu-s b 1 Uot'A ith- al t.le Wi. u : ;ie c obiti :ii .y eh. i f the - i I- a; p. ii' iince of f the ih,..'.: ! .I ics in tae l.i;.. .. b.i I I .- -i t ikri ; 1 I::e.- - that the w.e.i'd pre-. .;!y come buck .s lion in';, r hour pas 1,. 1. mol r.i' -eldid n d r, lu' u. li i!u a-.; If dovfu on the loinue, i':res-c'i , was; and, n. tw lth-iaudino the is of the .-tieet and tho unsavory undiiies i;eueriilly, he was sooi! rufoiitd sl'.tmbei. uu.l wheu hs me in tlu morn in.;. A h.r In win Mil! : of tin.' professor's ' , ilp ll I uellt. Wher.' lias tin- 1 1.1 hi V lied l-.V" ho ll.oii'fiit. "As we fay in Ihi'J.-ind, he h is 'funked it.' 1 mn-t ri iiiemli.-r to be very l'.ii;di-h now! Hut thai , lo-i'tlv little tieu l, Oiive (lave, vi! ' ii.'lp u 1 0 out with tinit sort ..f thin;' '.love! Y i . ut a (fir! ! Aul by thuu der! I have for;;oiteu that she i pi eted mo biiek iiifain last evening to ' dinner eoiiCouiul it! I'.ut ii was im j )iossihlo any way. 1 will ;;. t some i lui'akfiist and e.ill ..u her ;it onee. I ; lui'itriist she'll nial.e me wa'l: a elialk line for awhile--hut I'll lie puti.oi: till .she's my wife, uu.l if she doe: n'l ' liii.l me a nuiteh for lu-r then for. in clover as Hhe is, I am iniite unae iU:ii!lte.l with the future I'.ail of Will liei'.iiei o or the present Lord t'hu once Stanley." While these ivlleeiions, partly in silent thought and partly in broken enutehes of remark, w i re passim; tliroil'fli Stanley's mind, he was per foriinii); a ha-ty inorniti toilet a matter which the professor's limited conveniences rendered ditlieult. lie hurriedly coinph tc 1 In- prepara tions for the street, ;;!auee.l at his lujHp'c, not even uii .lrappid yet, and lit once decided . ;'et lieH quart, is, wluther N un 'I'a-sel had returned or not, when he should have come l.i'. 'k llifilill lifter hreak!'a-t A stran.'fe and very unusual feelit;.' of depression took po-s,'..-ion of Stan ley when he found hiuise'.f .in tin street, and he ifhiiieed about in it fur tive miitiiier, but without knowiiiu' bo did so. lie ipiickened iiin stejis, turning into U street that, lifter a little win 1 iu.if, brought him at onee iuto ubetti i iieihbnrhood, and then he directed bis eourse to the restaurant where he had dined with Van Tas-el ; but ho Ifave much less time than usual to his broiikfast. The mornim; paper, which ho glanced over while wait ing for eolVee and roll-, did iiot ifivc him the satisfaction that lie had an ticipated, and it was a distinct di.-ap-poiiitiui'iit when he saw that mi un known man had rune; the bell nt the bouse of Huron lb In. holt, with the evi dent intention of ciitiuitt im; some act of violeuee aifaiii.-t i' llIi'llllnT of the family doiil.tle-s the beautiful I'.aroiiess llelmholt.', whom he had asked for as "t-'eie-iino." "The man is evidieitly a crank, or. it may be an i'seape.1 lunatic," the ar ticle continue. i, "for when the terri fied servant refused to carry his mes i ;i;;e, he drew a du'iivr from his l!vi-t-poekct and, lloiirisliinif it wildly, ib'i'lu'.vd that ho inu-t, and would, see the bo .lie because he .bad come from Cario-, Carlos, whom (.In. adored! lie then turned away, mi l muttering what - "tded like a prayer for help, rxcl.n on .!: 'l!..,l. tiod, pity in ! Send ,-o a.. an-tel to floe me from tiie devil v 'mi imrsiles me!' At this, tie' .-i i van; , who fell iu-tinctively that she had a i.a luiati In deal w ith, lb'd up-tairs, i.hrie'.dn .; to her misti'i'ss to be on her ffuur.l uim to lock ln r door before the lu.ia'.ie could (fet to her. At the same mo ment, Huron vou llelmholt, v. im lull just entered the li-mse unknown to Ihe Horvunt, enme ha-tily from the back drawin,, '-room into the iia'.l ; but was only in time to see the wo lid be assussiu rushiu'.; fr uu the hous,'. Huron Hi'!mliolt: pursued the mini into tho street, but, on arriving; there, ho saw a man and woman dis- nppeiiriu;; in one dirctio'i and un- other man stau dins irresolutely near the corner of the street, in the other direction. I'uceitaiu what to do, he tetiirned to the house and sent a teb- phone alurni to the nearest p.uice- station. Hut no trace of the lunatic lias been found, and no clew to what may huve been his intentions in re- tfiird to tho beautiful baroness, who rciiiiiins, happily, unharmed, and not even alarmed at what looks very like uu iittciupt'ioi her life. " Stanley was not pii;.a,ed for the icclimf of bitter disappoint tiu i.t that t"o'.; po-.sessioii of lui.i us lie lo a 1 ihe above paragraph, at first ha-try, cut then with slow- mid c.ii'elul pree. . ion, weiifliiii:; the Vii'ue of i-aeb seliteliee us he nail it. I" lit il then, he had Hot known lu.w much he had depended on the hypuntm sueifcstioii which he hud imposed on toe unhappy pride.-! or; but. r.o'w il!-. -'.andiii.; the fact thai lie j !i id ridicule 1 the idea i'ivm toe fir t. i;'i I had been wol! ii i -1. I l,.cill -el every -pcio- of occilt know !."i '.e uf- lei' Ili'l l'Oi'l ic'.lCe wilil ll.dol'i-, ills i.iy..ieri..:i- p..w. r ov. v Van Ta. - .-I latere d -d l.i re t'ia:i he I. new. im i he had eenli.i ui'dy 1 1 1 oi ihe b.'.ri'r u! ( . . '1' oil.'ih t lie a ;. .icy ...' "I : .'.!n r." lie huirie !!v sw.d!.. ha-lelie 1 1. Van T..- n. l.i '.! their ! i.timil to a ' v 1 h Ollis, t . !; 1 1 led later he iut com v.i ret uriu '. an. l i.u i was settled i l uu eb-.-ui e, bit! I f .i i.ible hole!, and re ii l- .'. i , im :i -.lined name; for he .!. 'n " ! ; . leiniii i but a few do- - bee i Ne.v York, and to' no el I i 1' e!i Al :ii v llami'iion's i'...'nr bv I n! i 1 : .1 -e him. So rapid! v had events cha-ed eael. ol her 111 his life for the pu-t forty hours, teat Clarence Stiinky felt liimsel' to be an older man w hen at last ho s t out fj call cu his brilliant liuuvee. a w. il.e ii w.i 1 hi, e iflnnei! s'.iov.e 1 ill undisputed possi.' I but, happily, liK did in, limk so; mid Ixd was M In 1 to Hunk that ( hvn wuitli be sutislied with his uppi iii-ance. "I shall waste mi time in mukin i excuses for yestordnv," he said ti himself, us lie iicured Iut house; ami, flaiicin;; up at it, Haw n dark, lini-h-I in;; face looking toward hi in from tlm ! draw iirf-room viudow. "I!v Jove! There sin: is, and not a bit flV-n . I " j And when lie liu-iied the il.iT it v. m j i instantly opened, before ho had time ' I to touch tin' bell. ''Come hi !" sai 1 Olive, iiierri'y. " f onrht to scold you, but I can imagine ; that you v.ere very bii-y lust (Veiiiii '1 and probably for,-. .t ul! nbo;;t mc I"! have just purt.-d from ,ur di ar C. I. .- j tine. Sii"!i an aiveiiturc last ni .,ht ! . She has tool Lie all t he knows and nil hhe .- ii. -p. c.s. mid the b all... -! Iri ! i-ti.-l to .!titil, tl;.' Iieu.- i.pers t . the .'..i.liaiy i-.-tv. iil.stiiiHii:,.-. r jr.ivc; i u.ii.'c, una i liiinii see win 1 take it. Vou are dyiiitf to know what tun uil vice was. i will tell vou."'Ti'.i: xwu. ' I'atb TiUiow.s Tin: nii'i: roll m,i vi: i hah:. At iheie words of his lian.-ee, u j sihriit shiver passed over Stanley, and i im-tim'tivcly he braced his nerves for il possible I'lieoiiiiti.'l' with ('elcstini'. ; "Vou know 1 hadn't much i-ouli-1 dciico in your plan, Clarence," she i said, iiidieatiii;.; a scat close beside1 her on a tete-.itite sofa; "und, I hoil;:h I you have told me but little about ' your power over this hyiiotized slave ; of yours, I think 1 am riifht in fi:e-.- ! im; that you hoped to rid yourself of her by minus of your power over . him." "Yes, T di I : KM 1 the attempt hill j been a failure," he answered, mood- , ny. --.iy only nope now is l.i you, Olive. I will not dis.'ui.-u Iro.i; vou that I am in a bill pli.fhl. Two peo ple live who are vety dmiu'eroiis to me; ('.destine, w ho Mi pecis u or, ut deal and may yet learn the truth " "I'nll'l be troubled about Celes tine," ihteiiupted Olive, in a muiimr of eiieoiiriiifin;; cotilideiice. "As you don't yet know, I sent a liitle note to tiie baron a'.'t. r wo parted yesterday, and t he i'oiit"Uts, combined with the attempt of last ni'.'ht, have driven him it, 1 .oil. .....l.muv in' ........ I called im tin- fair baroness, when i ,. . i ,), :,, ,.0 .0 , , ... . ic.l.l lllis mill -iiiiij- s news, mm, in iut! eharniMeruf her most iiitimut,. friend, ! 1 was at onee admi.te I to her pres. j dice; and not withstanding the vijVi. I bo ,f the ienlons .l furious bus. ban i, 1 contrived to have a few miii- . litis .if private conversation with her. 1 It iippiiiirs that the baron sirpeets the ua.v VauT.i-si l to have been either i her iii st hu-baiid or an emissurv from him who had intended to murder 1 urn, and not Cclestiuc: and so ercit has . his rai;e nnd jealousy iinainsi his wife 'hn-e weeks u i:l i Injury, AVe have become, that she is 'hail' insane with ' ' "ci-ioiiiilly li-l'i the w rappimrs on the '.error. She is a shallow creature, bu.l until at'i.r growth had siiirtcd to and if yon Were now to appear before ;' 1 oi'-id. !'.: b!e exuMil. her as Carlos Mendozu and claim M.'it-t'i le.-e is i!ie stock jreiierally her us your wife, slic would l!eo from . used by tl.iri-is and irar-i ryineti. you instead of cudim; herself into Ton ue have used Washington, your arms, lua lly as she loved you . W. o,i!atnl. Marui:. rile and M ul: illora. illl 1 still love- you. I wu". ata.i.'.ed to W'e like Ihe W. 'diiiiid M a run. -rite tie; t see how ubjcet mere phy.-ical f.-ar hot to .M 1 1 i t : : . Ii ;- :i t t-invr. viiior could make anyone. Of course, my : .no. , r. ;;:::.-, i':ec i'"oni il.o:-:i. advice to her was to leave New York; It is a ir.o ami silmo-i j. rpeiual forever - even to leave this country, bloomer, il. overs nearly v. iiiie tim.'. .! and to .lo it at once and wii h such a , wi' h pink ami .h'liuhifii'.ly f".",uraiit. how of rcpu fiiauee for the possible re-appearauee of her husband that Ihe baron's jealoiwv nnild be at :,. app.vel" "Hut wiial lea-oil lias he to suppose, that I nut that is, that (.'alios Miii do;'.a i 4 i.ot .lend :1 Shu bus not been mad em meli to tell hiiu of her mistake au reoiir.l to my fancied resemblance to her first husband?" "No, mv dear Claronve; 1 don't think that she has been silly enoii.;!i ; !i tell him about that; but ihe nn.uiy- i.ioiia letter leccived by the baron : aled, mi the po.-ntvo autiioriii ot l!i" writer's knowledge, thai you were t::.i! is to say, that C.irlos Meiido.a wu, u'.ive. mid that the baroness was in the habit of .;iviii:; him private 111- tervuws. Hut don't be al iruied, my , dear. Sh.e is whoiiy under the 11.1I11- ; , i,.-e of terror, mid .-he will leave this country forever wnhni a lew days icr iis.e,:. i. ,... . ,ei. .a ,er j.iilcr than UMial slowly recovered his , cu-tomarv h. althv coloii;;.;, and drew usiid.of relnf when tho ,firl ceased ( spealiiiiif. "foil are uu niuazin eirl, Olivo (laye," sai I Sti.nley, "and I piae.' my self in your hands without reserve. 1 it'ii ready --or shall be presently to ..!iow y,ei bliii lly. but niiul In 1 and more seii.-.n d.iirti r thresitetiH us now , an I I am wilii'i ; and i.uxioas to take your 11 1 tee 1:1 r. jar I b it." nd in (!. bi lel'i st wo rd.-he , dated the llllc .in eied of Iboei-es a:. I the l.i. i ti.a! Van 'I'.i-'cl lia 1 u; ;. .u'ed n ln r company. O't.v loeke I j;i'.ive for som- tu incuts, mid wu- al 11 I..-S for any su.: i.:c: 1 1. 111 or advice to otVer on this mai L-r. Til UK ...NliNiri.. Slum- ii'tU Anri.'iit Mui'ir-i, The wotuler of u.;es lots 1 ceil set tied by a fi .1 fin lit of b.l- relief 11.-- coi rcd in I ;-', pi which shows le iv li ' le i.S u'l I . loci' lill'.'e lle ilo- li.'n- w -re ti au-o , : i. ! fmia the .pun iy to i'u ir -i:-. I i." : i- .1. pi n 1 if! 1 lit on a 11...' .'iiiiey, . . '. w inch i- ben- 1 . . e i ! v ii i.u ol i : , i -., l li! - i.le. I.' .- met e. i 'it'' I'l.- 1 I ! :. phnae 1 by a .- .1. :!i.; 11 ne Ho . 1 . a e.i bl. ti 1 t ni. vnt Miii at: wee 1 : 1 t. v., Hi-. : oi. lo ,lie .pi.iriy. -- I There are six'y s: Sw i-s lakes. '. im la: .: UJi t liiv'i) i'!;ssi "-.x SOUTHEE.N Topics of Interest to the Planter, Stock man and Truck Grower. liiul.lliiB llosi'K. cnnlribiimr a-!;s for smne Infer- mai e n about building l oses ami i spe- , i ; 1 1 ! .v wle n i.- the bc-i lime'.' A "very eminent uu.l successful or- . Ii.,r.l'.-t nt the Nor; h on 1 - ; i s tv a-!;eil, "sVhea !- I he proper lime lo pi iiiie air ,,,. i,.. ivp'jcl; "VVlll- vr ; l-irp. ' -ii-aiiv'.iii -I ll.'s will apply tu ,.!,.ln.4 X..,'V -.,,,1 lime is u u,,u. M, u, .., ,..,., ...; ,.i m .- .t w .m; I I'll. I- l:u-!- .-in be put into wo.iil lie,' is ii" tw.i .v. :ii- .1. i o Ii. bail; sl'. : iie i in r.-ni .-ea-on's uimv. ; Ii. w bil si iil -i ooii-Iy ow inr. I' is a '.:ooil plan -ui off Hie tops of l.c-h, - thai y.e.i '-li lo bu.l close to tic ground a few v.i . !-.s re ii.u-ly, iheii you will ;:i t li"i,i; yoiim; shools I'roin near tht " -. The L st buds are t'oun.i mi -! is thai have just liloouied. a short :iine afier the llowers fade. In the axil !' e:n!i leaf, llie point wleie tile leaf joins the shunt half olii-pin-,' It. When mis l,ii, swells up almost l.i the jmiut ,( but-slim: inio yrowiii, i! is at tin- l.i ,t oteliiion for bmhliti.-. A bud which has l.eivun to open a liitle is lietor tnaii in imtnatiire umlevelope'! lMn!. As we .',,re. Il' Is -t time is just liefore ,,,v i,, ii,,. p, ,; ,, t . oeoin for -iwili. I.ii iiy i p. Peil bud is ,, , , . :i:o;e lik I.V to ul'.ov ti'oll u si:ll hull' .. ve. p. il l.i:d. The I.ii ier. if si t, may ink ..r 1.10.V ta-i lo ii,... hi eel;, but tieM-r trow: this is a iiy eoiuiiiou ci.ll-. of lilil'lle. The :in of buddimr is so if. u 'rally llll.l.'l-'ooil ,'ili nvi ,' i lol ida iha; We I e.o .,i I ... .11 for cilliii:- :;.! seiTin. Il,e .mds. ,f do toil mi !. I'sinn.l ii. :i-k some or-an-.'e I. ii. Mi r lo show you Imw to cut and set a bud, you can learn more by i' '" :" ' , V'1 l k Im- ;. n uiiiiiiies t!i:m you could from , . . ... l'itiie. dirce.ioiis in ,-, hall Hour. v:"'' m ' "" '" " '-' '"'V '.v'''- "'!'l-r':,,t' ,U "'u'r JMr' M ''!'" '" " aN'oI elol II. Ill IISIIlf 1IIIS. . v. r. be cure: u I that the eye of the 1111,1 '"" eoveivd. 'Ihe buds should '"' 'X:iinin d in from ten to fifteen days '' ' 1 "'' '. ailicr. in lint, Wet '"li;i' r i!"' 1 ' ' : ' 1 :'l prob.-ibly be ready to untie in tell ol' twelve ipivs. In lliol. 'h'.v weaili'i' they may be left even So if li.e bud falls or a .-iroui comes iii !e',o,v ih,. hull ymi will huve beau tiful I r:i'.:i'.i:!' !.,:,- from tic s:.n i;. II v. e have not cne:'cd all t ho uu.l we -lei'l bo L'lml lo iin-v. . r any turili.'f ipi. .;io::s io ihe b.-t ef our abiii.y. - I'loriilii Am ieiikurisl. Tiitl-itii; .llulr. One vrie.-it ep;"i- oil tin. farm Is the iin.ii'.e ii..wcr. 1; do;;,, without we Imvc stillicicut port'ef. I l.inlu horse- or ran only do li.lit uoek. 'I'u ,lu i;,....! plowing icpiires j siioaf. h-aw sun k to mill the nlow- . ici-on we are ulwavs iilad 10 j.0,.,!, slioii'.. teams. Hut 'these eo-t ,nl ,.,, VUWl, ,,. V- wll,in !, ,-,. Uli IU.S" iji.,, .,. lll;.h, tin,(, lll(.v alv .,, uh.u. ,,, ilIU(ls! t,v,,..v 0l,,lm. v ,,.,.,, ..,, , wIlt, ,,.,. j.,,.. , y (,u,l v siH1,!v ,,v l( (1;i.V,, . ,.,.,.,, .;. ,,,sll .,,, n,u,i s Ti,ey buy them und ' lt 10 ihe fanners mi time, and ilieu t:lk(, ,,,,, ,,,.'.,,,,,,. , on the banks und place the!. 1 :rs collai 'Mil ami -jet the money and pay for the tunics, ami h ive ii hand-.. me profit left. All Ibis cems dire. lly out o. the oivie o.-'s p". io I. :.;d ofl-li makes il !!- ,,,le in his y ;o-iy .:o'iis. This -imply I in! li. 1.1,1. ie: .inf. I iu- fa , m- 's 1: te- 1 the ...:!. ;, . I y ,', t'ey 110: l'ci It t u- 1 In iu-i ! o .111, 1 -a . e heavy l ine per .0 in '- 'I if - p. : . . 11:. ;- Olidiy ever le - li;:!ll lU.lll.l : e, al.d .- o.'i. n nearer lii'iy. lb u . i.u lies 1 e .'iM.ide,;? Very a-lly. I Oi;- la. ;: o ; , ,,,;, tit ; a inn! 1. w Iil l.e if,. at i,. : o l ...He . '. 1 ; . i.;;i 11 w .il pay I i'.ive it iil.!- t .,.:.;.' . !! . .. w ! e.'e 1. in -ave .-0 h b il. A in t'e oil e:i:i be r..i.-i,l for SJ . at two j.-as-"!!. 'I'lii- liiiii vvo.ti.l .- -: . :; the I'l: a: tli ie ;; .. ; , ismi 1 - ;;. l-'for.i t wo lo lii;. ye;ir : we! p ei '., ,. .t ti.;,'e il- v. 1 be v.. ; i ii.:- is v, i . . ;h- . l.ii-.i:. ' prolits. i offers lar-. r and 'il1 .ni Cullivu'or. FARM NOTES. ' " ' iThw.iiiib. To pre n; . i owibii on Hi. ; t;;.. i!.-ieo ii. ;e il!n-l ni i -. I. wlii. ii i i:-. .l byi.'. W. Ve-liitt. of c.ih.'.-.'nl... ii.,;.J.. : -'"I pr:ici:c:il. Mr. says: - ! i oie I !i" immui.jy !'io.,i r-..;,, and i.e.p J ' i-'iv.- eiijoy. .1 :!.;- w i 1 1 1 . -:- l.i ; !: I j , -' ' ' I , jr-5 I ' I j u : . , -s-- " 5 I j c--... I: . fT ' . ' j.r.vici: on hks noosT. 'rivaiiee. Th" nn.sis are lifted up m deals in the il.'iyilnie. ;nni ti. di i.ppi!!;, hoard, which is to liie wall, is dsn iiiimeil up nim iii-i the wall, giv,: llie entile Hunt' spiii e Ull.ib-tl'ilei. .1 to the I'.iwi-'." On l!i.. roost pole, l Ii, which Is two by two imdi .-tutV, r.v I. ailed pie.s s, a a, nine indies aptirt. tvldeli a, vi . enough rnnni for one .owl. l!"lie:ilh llleroost Is I he ilreppili-h liil'd, , . .tn.l I. 1...1- lie..- .!,......,. .1 . .. ; , . ' 1 ' i l.milainl Uuiiiesi-'.'iil. I-'loniliii l;ic(. I'm It tli usual metlioi! the vat- ' is I. f oil a , ...Il 1 1. . e. d 1. l evei i d and remains on four in .- :. day.- I.!l !!: ;:riiin is well spioiiied. Il is I s il u iihdriiwii. As sniii as llie blade N I U;' ;' lV,V in' h"S XV'""' (ui mi i..r a few days and imam wii!:- I ii au ii. The lirsl uati is loc.i'.lv sill 'd the "-prolll water." After the rice has two leaves the so-tailed ".-iretch wai r." or "liiiitj point ilmv," Is put on. At lii.-t it Is allowed lo be i 's I'Ul oil. .VI IU.-I II IS illlOWei! lo lie riimiirli to iover the rice ,oiu- picely, .uvn, rallv from ten to Iw. lve inches; then it is ifrmlunliv drawn 1 down to about six inches, where it is held twenty to thirty days. It is then ; Rithdi'iiwn einl the field allowed to ; dry. When the field is sutlieieiilly dry il;. rice is hi eil tliornim'hly, all 'rass i ind " volunteer" rice briii:; ciireliilly removi'i!. After tuieim; it rcniains i without Irriiuiioa iiniil jiiintiu 01111 1111 iiees, wh-.'ii it is slii-'htly hoed, care . 1. Iii''; used to prevent injury to the plains, .'ind Ihe waier is tin 11 turned ,i (luain. lmrili'.f the time wal.-r is held .01 the I'ieo ii i- elian-cd at h-asi every v,e !; io avoid Its boi'iimim,' stunatii. Wlliil I 'lis ocelli's rice is liai.h' Io be I. '"lib:. ; Willi ihe vrat.r weevil, 'fli's "lay by fow," or final irricaitioii. i.n liiries 11 11 1 il aboii: eiiiht days b. foi'o ill' 1 1 : 1 1 .-!. when the waier is drawn ' . If !o!' ill" lielii o lii'V. Cnw Teas l or I'mitti'v. . Si'Verul tests recently been iriide wi h ;i view oi' d ' "miiiiir; the nl.' n.eriis of c w pi a- us c.' ' 1. leer-, us eoui an d v. iih enrn. wheal, im-. .'.'.. -ay- the Home and Kami. I', i.i' h e.i-e i1).- p ;is, afier the 1 : 1 ; ; 1 : :--by, were l::i',M -ied mi i Mined in dry .mis. .mil thrown lo Ihe fowls in the -T.'iohim: pe;.-, wlei'c tiny wore i. riii. he. I i.v. r ami M iireln d for dnr. 'u- '''"' " 'i:1.v- Afier a few tin' eULT supply el'.V vl-ibly inefi d. '"d w ii bin a few weeks almi s! douid' d i:il from au eiiiul number of h. :i- k.'pt in separate i;uar;cr.s and fed on jl.'j. r trains. 'file hells sei'llled to like the sm.lil hraneiies and haves, ami would eat 'Very particle, except 111' ll.'ird. si iM' 'Icms. 'I he oi iieral hciibh of ih,. lloi k was excellent, ami not a slirfle h. 11 diou'ed tli - lea-; symptom ni' ailment liirim.' liny season, ('etisldcrim; the ,',s'' "liieh 'w peas can be aiseil il seems that every one shoiil.1 five tin-in 11 test as food forth 'poultry. A.lVilliliici-K or Tliilllllns. ThiUllltii fruit .'lids p; !'f.'c!ioii ef 'rui'. Men -oui'.'i lilies iry 10 bear 1 v .ind- of lii! i t than ihey sire able lo oiiii', and arc tempo .1 lo prop she tree rtitli t-.'iii-. "They are . erw.iriti .1. v, 1 : 0 ir.'.l-i. d mol iiv. :",.ii d." 'l ie y ry ! do loo many il.ii;..-, and do no;'i 11. if v. . II. Tin. !, st v. ay is to hai.e I I; 1 ' . .'lis! I'leo i; of 1 h . ex 1 : :i i rift. I ':ri... eh... eui. pie. and r. .ill'- ti: . 1 : i:i: Illl il bo onus i.iau:ii.e..h!e. and I ; is . ;y i . .i- . h I e !. id 1! '. .ill 11 uP Ih!' III"- 1" p. .1. oi-ll. i.ii; lee o, 1. I ..' d U Illl I ' ll.! W lin ii . e:' Will . . - li lis I ui! ,!e e! .p.i.ciil. - 1!. 1.. !ii '.:--. 1. 1. WllPtl I.oril ICnlilii S..'iil... The idiosyn. 11. sis of o'-.,; es priv i.le an alinn-t i m Aaau.-i I'.'e stnly. .i;.s she l.oi. I. 'il I., u l. r. U:,. of c,,. ... dly t!..,; j o e.l bj I., . i Iv u , ..t:. The l;..!..t . . only ol . v: . do at ;' : : !...! -. at w !,', h th'. :: !' . a o'' the f.,:. .. : ; ;a l .. . 4 thi- 4 iiii :; : .' .il- war ji.i.i:.'. i'.. ti. s o: . i . y :..- and shnp . : . . '.. a ll;e x : l.i .ie ,. . :.i, !,;.. . ... .i !',i s are p- . .1 int. i 'lie Ker- .. ..::,l by the true the i... ie lo:,l inn s his s. at th- dpo-itioii of !i;s i'l'.i ;:n.iry troops, wlinh is productive i.f no liitle nmu.-finciu to thoso arounJ l:!:n. Is complete. DIDN'T CET THE bAuGtH. rilory tif tin- Mornim: Toriu.l limit. .' i'liiillcllth ill .ItlullliM- Seine vein- niin, .lurii!.': a I: ii I" I'ri. lid- :h Sud. !. I'.i-'le. i ; I. lie. -.. ' hire, ill.' Iut Sir .lolui Siiiite-r. I lie la iioiis oi'aiii-i net I'limpo-e- j. . il.e. . in i I'.i.b-er biiiii wLi. li ha. I ; l i a- lieei .1 ' i.'l;:m. 'Uli' llllll w.-i- II IV ..i'!.le.!ly Wliol. - l o.ll lol lile Pail- :.T : ::. hi- lol'il. rv 'I I:.- I '.-iOii' o I'.i, -'ii'e atli' 1 l:.m-"if ! tiitrlitlv '.!'.:- in -'it .i in - ,.'..' I'll- I a . I :' ! .iil'1:'.! .Ili'l aoi.-r le a 1 n ' ' '. U.I'll I ; I'll l!i own. . v, . - ! I i y. .in.! a I- w ". i:h ;:i..!ii. i. -I- lo ...It' hour', -mi-. 'I i.U I .M I. y v.ei'e 1 1 i i ! :r..iii I 111.'.' t lie Ladder, w is. .'I: s ramble- l.v ii," Leal.-.' d Hid ifobably ere ber. , liiir:.. :, lie . sri!,-. W l ile lb. y w ii '.-l. He i.ppvoi i: ol ihe iiioiiii'ii. urns heralded ly ti..i! in.'. - l.rioii- li.-Ii' uhi.'h in i!:.n iill.e "I felil- it W.-ls .lll'.ie b-liill'. to be -''II li I '' o'elli. k. It was Olle of llie title-' 111..! Ilin-J-' po--ibl.. lo iniauii'.'. There i:is no u ind. the sky v. ii- clear, .i i 1 Ihe -mall siieiie- of .!.'t:ielie, mi.-' obli.pely --: t i tir up ! ova rd llie . I soval Line .'. . : head irre-i-tibl.v uii; -'lo-l v-U--lial b. aims w iiiuini: their upwarl way. 'l b., bird- s. ..ii beifan lie a- in. .ruins :im- tir-i Hie -kyliuln wiiii Iil.. ihrill- i::.r iioie. He mi mi the d.-iane. th ii; ill., u. p '-...ii and the d. .'.- eooim; 1" hi- in.'i:.'. iiinl lliea the ,,.sis .'' ..lh"f biid-. 1. in- afier ,'iin.i he,-, li-itil ; 'ill Ihe w Kali.', i'. Willi ! iliif. I'. r a f'w in,, 1, s i, 1- ihe l.nle pany ; -I"...l ill sileliee: I hell I '.' Slllill. !'. .ill- j 11. if hi- h:,, ul-. .Aelaiin.'.i: I "All that have life and breath sins to tl. Hr,i:" ih.- opeiiinif words ef ! Mciidel.-sohn's -Hymn of Praise." 'I be uiumiifer eaiiL'ht at it ill Sin in- ! iant und huuiiueil the trombone part. . 'I"o you know it;" asked the doctor, j 'I he maiinifer nodilcd. j " us have the tirst choni." Find : Ir. Si.'iiuer. j And so ihey snmr from meinory. 11s well as Ihey could, the first chorus : roni the "Ilymii of Praise." Hr. Slain- r l.ikinc; the treble. Mr. r.n.wne the. alto. 1!:,. uianau'er tin- letiof and anoth. r , "o- buss. Naturally they did not tfet the bud-; trer. Never was b:i,e. r in this humor . Wooed, and it i- easy to iuimfilio I he ' ilil'.''d beast. Who lleVer eolllil have j beard such sounds in nil his pre new 1 esi-ieiiee. if.ximf his i:inh a wide. bel'ib. -Yolllll's t'nlllp.'lliioll. 1 lie Trolley Cur I'.ini.'iii'tiir. 'I'll- since fill clnliletoi' joins 1 lie 1 luviilry ninl ilupres-i cn--s of u P 'i;e, man tho -avoir I'aire of the sfeti- 1 1! liiiiu behind the ;; eoiiiiler, l'..i . p-l-olis who i;o hollle from clubs a! iw.. in Ihe iiioiniii-; may h:ne lo In , p. i-u.nb d in six different ways before ihey oil . r aiiyi hiinf .. "iiu ; up." saj - ; i'l.ii'.le- M. SU i inn r in tiie Allaiiiii'. ; 'file conductor 11111-1 keep tiny or sixty sirei ts in miinl: he inilsl be sure to ld Ihe ehh lly lady off ill the one sin has be.n liiiiikim.' of. and wheu she foils him h, 11111-1 not impeach hfr 1 ti.o mil av,,. All KiKnt. Veracity If she "just l.llcW" she to!. I , Mr H.ojsekeep -" This bill is AVrollg.' him. He 111:1-11 not allow Ihe man win. ,;.ls ntyu.,. clerk--"lmp.ossible!" iminei-.'s hiio.-lf in a newspaper te ,. Hoii.-ekeep "Itut I say I didn't foiu'et au obli-aiioii of live cents ti !Sl. ,, lnu,.u L..1S the company. He must curb a lnilura! j (;.ls (),lk.,. ci,.rk-"Ah: then that's inelilialioll 1.1 ellil.ra. e the wives ot volir fault, or lh meter's, but 1 1ll' bill's siraimors when lie lifis ih, m up the rh,hu f,,r W(1 ,.,,, u ourselves stops, lie 11111-1 call the ati. inioii ol hd e."-l'liilndelphia Tress. I'orei ful per-. 11- 10 ihe fact thai i!n y ( lire cln wine; tobacco, or are drunk, i A l'littv Wor.l in nu.-.ii.n. lie iiui.-l iirbiiraie hi Veen the 111.11; j 'Poets sire exli'eiiu ly iuipraetical poO- 4 ho op, ii- the window and the W ouii'ii pie." said the pessimist, who wains it shut, and shut it. Il i What makes you ihink so'" mils! insinuate himself up ami iloivr j "Here is one u ho advi-es the reader the .'lisle of Ids ear without lippni- ! o 'lie a li 'i'ii in llie -liite." He eviileiit siiindci's into ihe laps of ira-eibh (y 110! observe. 1 whin happens la bankers, or ireaduii; on the corns ot ' hero 14 In 11 Ihey pa ihe ebniax vt such iis wear iheiii. And while 'l!iel ' jiopulai ily and ihe r-uctimi sds ill."--elm. h :n -trap- or da-l boaiii- 1 r door. , Wa-hin-toii Siar. kinds 1 r thx- cord he rin-s his fares ; villi. Win 11 Ihe m. .toil:, an is sel:'e.l I ivinit tie IS.'iilly Snl.l. 1.H1 n Mind. -ii fieii.y for a. lion In 11:11-1 never p.- down on ihe !'. ! lo-e hi- ,!i-iii:y. lb 1 .mi l e I. 1 S' phi ail. ;' le- '.!o4Vs 11d I- ii, aio: liiol a.h iiiiii.i - in I I- iv II I or . : . A- a eolnl'.l. I"!' !' .'i.ll I. . i. ' 'I'.:-' u-i -l of .ii' by 'I. .1: io:x il 1,1 ' -..I....-.4 urn liver 011!. I'm: 4. :i :.. 4 . r .-' : iiy ep-j in. io n- uu.l Hie ..i .m o 1. ni. All 11;:-,-- ,i ...'.;.-0. 1.-:. ' lb. .0 o : i lo'l I.l!' d .' Hi u 1.1 i l l 44 ill I 1.4 . d I '. - d o- I..- : I',-, ,1 1 I, -id el I. i li. u ;:- :,:, rate,, . 4 a p , :'. n ii . him-' ' I :.- 1 4.. I il 44 l.e III,' iil X4 f h 1, ,s 1 . e' - .0 : on- 1 ii i. oi .a. 1 i 1. d in the n o'.. ., m -i.ili.. 4 il I. 1 !. p. . lo. ui ih :. pla - -; : , :.y ; w n pe. . . 1 . .f a pap. ; . . ' ,-.;..', , I. ill li. ' l.i: ill-I--I Ill ill I 1 o : . c . a o:-x mi n-y - x .;.-. ' : - . , old .-, :.i!i.:i:.. ih- pab I.. : . n -.I. ii an ex 1. li: 1 1;::! mi ;'. - . I U I IWi'l.i) l4o lopie- of h s w o, k X f. lo be found iii cue jsalhry of llat, ;ni j;Ust u.-.-i'liibly. 2, I of Humor. 1 !w i'.r:iinn T.-llit. ; Snl,u, m.,n i Ami -nine 1 b.rn '' v. ,n ,-i now n, 1 " ! o ..:i,.. W.IJ-; - .. . '.he tlllii In .-lling, J !; ! ii. ..; ly .lay-. i I':-! . 'IS. !.. We.lltll, r i .' e . - .' .mien l iPil. t lld , j I.II! ... I,-!, In- .,!,! llerild. I ii Im:'.-" Pre pro.-i" '.- l-'itl'V Jfllsll- ji-liii.i.' like A l.'o;!i linller. "Tir i " e..i,o - ( holly in h'3 Mii.i'. n. w I'-.- A!. : thai I..! " - lb- the p.nrfl NeW I I i. Sllll . j r -Lif. Mnn'n I. lean. ,',,.u viI!lllu.,.3 a man'a ..y,.s ft.w mrn s.. ,ilinS!S ,i10 same ,-,,,,. .x ,-1, ;l Ilu i,, views yvilU their wiveS."-llrooklvn Life. " - ictt ins II ! Spppil. Mistress-"ltridiret, mv husband savs t .,.,, to Vatih that MO ..,, (l,r ;l w,.,.1;.'. .,,,. ..T(.n llinl , to --orry. iiiiim j.-jj S(l011 ruu ,i,us,.ii' into conUition:" i.u;.iii - . Mr sitmhuh. oh rifvinati ilalelv ,'onie to pnrislii -Y..ur neighbor Smilh .-ays n,y seinioiia !UV rni,, jsl,." i':inll,.rAi,. v,.u needn't mind him, sir; V(. .,.,.,,,,. ., m.aniipiei-e for other f(j;s "'nip.iis '. ,- . idiniser. The I lippopm iinnis "1 suppo-e you think I'm Ihe 1111. -1 brute in the juu 1 Kb'-" i The Monkey -"Well .1--" 'file II i ppopnt a in 1 is - - "i ii;! Poti't be afraid 10 i-pcak out! l'i;i thick- diiinied!"- I'll.');. IVInil Hi- Meant. Mr-. 1 limpleioii (ihe proud nifl ii rt "Now, Mr. 'fuller, I shan't epe. 1 yor. to say 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 i 1 1 about ihe baby. know ii isn't always ci-y lor a but he lnr lo express liims. lf." Tinier "Yen are more than kind. I was just wondering what I could pos , i fibly say." Life. Mrs. r.uli.'t-s "Th" t' ller m that bank; -as y.'ii ale ju.-l the i.ieain .-i, siiii";- Mr Hi. for- "Or.'iit Wl ill is liiaff He s.14 Mi's. I"l lib I- "V. '. i 1 -o mo ;:4 44 ord-. I iii Yhal-. lildnT say it I- wi.ii l he 1;:. .-nil. "I 1 1 oil - " Mr l: ::: 0- "S. e Is :. ! "Wont diil l! . i. .o -.14 V Mi's. Illlllers 'lb' ::-k d lile to Ui he -e 1 I,- , lie. I,, iliol 44 1 . 1 odd llllll I iiodii'i i be alin-i ,.t .ui id. a v. hai lie :: . .nil I-- said In- pi -Hilled 1 hadn't .ad i: in i i'Xpe'.o. in e iol'iiil.. ehei ks) a-... d. s-.. there :"-.'i v. Yo.k 'cekly. A- oili. i - -i-.- I lu lu. i -fP A v d ... - io y. 'I hi. i. 4v i hat .1 . . Il !-o ii-.y lefei red lo Ui .. . .... -. I - ' .a leei s-.-fltl I'llllkel V" ,i,i . r - "Ami sire you v .s :, ilia; 4 .ii are kimivti ill our i i oi i 1 s a I :i. im lo r of the chiili)- iioiuii iir ba.-ihaP. pitcher':" NcW. 5xd !.- loiiriiaL ..I -