THURSDAY. Sept. IS, 1 !)(.. IX A LONDON. Editor. Democratic State Ticket. For Chief Justice; M'ALTEK CLAKK. For Associate Justices: HENIIY (J. CONNOli, l'LATl i. W A I. KIMS. Superintendent Public Jnstrue- j hut it is au election law passed cx tiou: ' actly in accordance w ith the peti- JAMFS Y. JOYNFR j lions of the lit .publicans and Pop (Wporation Commissi,, mr. julils- os, tho 1 ist iislat.ue EUCJKNE ('. Li;i)I)lN(JFlKD.!l,;lsSt'a "actly such an election .law as was asked for by the Pe- jrnoKs snr.i-iou cor nr. 2ul District; 11. H. Feeble 4th " C, M. Cooke. " W. K. Allen. 8th " W. II. Neal. l itli " R l Lon-r. 11th " K. H. done. 1,'Jtli " W. P. Council. Hth " W. 11. dust ice. 15th " Fred Moore. lCth " C S. Ferguson. llepvesputat ive in Congress: (Fourth District) EDWAltD W. POP. No Confederate soldier should ' vote for anv candidate for the 'exactly alike, having been prii ted Legislature who would, if elected,;'-- circulated in dilleiciit parts of ..... Mil., cj.... . t ..: : vote for Senator I'ritchard's re flection. Why? IJecause Senator Pritehard lias that he is au enemy of the j '" I"1""""" a u".' i Confederate soldiers. He and his 1 question is best answered by pab- frtemls boast that he secured the l'hing one of the pel . turns i u Inch passage of an act. at the last ses- e have kept) and is as follows: bion of Congress, pensioning the j "To thi: lloNoianu:, nii: (ir.xri:- descrter of the Confederate army .m Assi:mi;i.v oi' South Cai.o- who joined the federal annv ami ,!,'IN V" ..... , . , ., . ,. ' "ihe lnuleisined citizens ami fought against their lotmer f-w-l,, (,f N,H.(h t.iU,,lilll(i lvs,u,,t. vades. 'Ihisaetot t oiigivss Was.fujy tui ilulJ!l,v petition your very properly denounced in a res-1 honorable body to amend the cx olutioti uuani'nously adopt, d at M ing elect i.. law in the follow the reeclit Keunion at ( freensboro. ing paiti. ulars, to-wit : . , ,, , . , . . i "I list, sections ,si and Aud all honest men ought to dc- b(! 1.ti(,.a s ;is tl, ,,,,,.,),,. innmco all i.'t that rowaids peihdy fillu.ti,,M u hiih haw hehm-ed to and triMchery. ;the judiciary since the foundation But them is ulo another reason of our government, why all Confederal soldiers and I S. .tuLTLot the i.-istr.i.s .: i.i I i shall be required betole el.t llllg Widow ought to be opposed ' I U,K)11 th,ir duties to take an oath SxUiUur PriL-h.-ird, aud that is he-;,,, ,iiM.iar, .umst!y and unpar c'ause, hh u im-mber of tho Legis-1 tially tin- duties of their o'ihe. lature in ls.S.3, he upposed anvj "'liiiid. -That tin- judges of pension t.. anv disabled t'uiiftHler-';'17V,U-S,il,'i,'Vll'll,M,","Vt ... ,, . . .... i ballots in the 'lop,r baliot boe.s HtrtSoJdier. es, tlm lust bill to,, uul th.l( t-,,u;ul Ul ,u. jien&ion our disabled veterans by ' wvong box, if the .,li lii shuus thu Statj was introdiicrd iu the.'lhat such ballot.-; ha been hoii- I.egisl.itmo of lhr, in which j itly cast, but misplaeed, shall I not li..;. l ,. l .. . i , bo Void, but shall le couuttdae- Pritclniril was a lieiiivsi iitatMe, . . 1 . .. . , . , , , , . ' . it , eonliuir to tlie muuiteal wish ol ami lie not only voted against that ( V1 ,lt ,. bill hut also made a speech against j p,uivth. --That an oilier of jt! 'election who knowingly and v. i!l- Thesu two votes and acts of' fully commits fiau.l, shall i,e ;;uil i, t i i .iii- . Ity of n misi eineainU' and upon Pritehurd prove that he is oppos-1 J . , ,, , i . . ' " . :eonvictioit shall be puuiaucd by ful to giving even a small pension j Ulu. ;Ulll Ull iHonuieht. to a Confederate soldier w ho re- J 'Til'il:.-- That one n iaber of niaiued true to his Hag and com- each County Hoard ot Flection rados, but is -lad to give, a large ' ''' ditfer-i.t political . , ... i : part v from that ot t!.. ..tier two urns on to tho deserter m!;o ue.u,.l8 f ,llt i5l,;!1,,. Alia the fought agaiust his former com-, j, . U-c-t i u, chosen under vades. 'section 17 of t i e -ist iug law to Lot all old soldiers know this' represent t i. i.kimi t party, shall liud reiuember it on the day of , election. . ... - j !J. i.nds of Fh'ctioii by the Chuir- ()k eoursn no intelligent and man of the County- Fveculivu unprejudiced person believes the Committee, lcptuseniiiig such mi- Kipubliean charges of Democrat-, """'V i;111'1?; , .. . .. ,, I "hivth. that in passing upon iu extravagance, or that the lclth(1 lliu!itie::ti,ins of i.n elector tho luiblieans would administer our ! officers ,,f . leetiou shall bt! bound Stale government better than the; by the ordinary and long estab Demncrats have done.' lished rule.-, of evidence. " can speakers and newspapers make The above is an exact copy of a great parade of figures to mis- the numerous petitions presented lead and make the people belie ?e't the last Legislature, and in ae that there has betn Democratic ; cordauco with tho suggestions etravagance. Uut when investi- j "de therein the Legislature gated these eharges coiitro- J amended the election law exactly verted and their falsity exposed. , u icq nested, iu every particular. For instant, rme of these 'if anybody doubts this let him charges is that during the ikst, carefully read our new election year of Governor Ayeock's adiuiu- j hiw, pass d by the l ist Legishi islration (l'.ioii l7,o;l.)4 were, tore, and his doubts will be re paid on account of legal .services .moved. and expenses. Now, while this ii 1 It w ill be leinemb ie 1 that the true, yet is also true that ail 0f ; lusiiu reason or excuse, given by this money, except ?.I7.K1. was the Poptilu-ts in previoin cam paid iu setMement of (Joy. rnor paigns for fusing w ith tho Kepub llusspir.s contracts on iuvoiint of licans was in order as th.-y aileg litigntiou tailed by him! ;Odl to haw- "a five ballot and fair . ; count, an I m the last campaign Wi: eongi-atiilatu thee.litors and ; 'heir s,.eakeis vehemently ile proprieteis, as well as ti.e readers, t unend the election law passed of Tho liiblieal Ihvorder, Tl.e" WJ- Nov.' this reason or e llaluigh Clu istiaji Advocate aud eiise for "fusion" no longer exists, The Progressive Parmer upon the! f"" the Democrats have amended greatly improved appearance of. tho election law exactly as asked those excclh nt papers, all of for! which are a credit to North Caro-j " lin.i journalism aud are doing liAI- appointments m this much good in their respective , Siate having been ytven to many Bjiliere of usefulnei PltKHinrNT IJoosevj It's isit to lii-aus. Iu v iew of these appoint ing State seems to have been for mi nts we will ii fivsh the memory the purpose, of parading l'ntch- of our readers by referring lh. ni urd, Hlackluirii iiinl oth. r promi- to a-"Statement" published iu I he neut lleiuiblicaus conspicuously Caueasian of April 'J:i, 1 s;T, and bflfore the public. They seemed signed by Senator Mai ion iiuth r to havo taken jiossissioii 4.f him aud lo-preseiital ives John E. Fovv nith the liop4j tf making them- h r, A. C. Shufoid, Charles II. selves coiispietious. ; Martin aud W. P. Strowd. who 'i'iv: election law passed Iy tin. last Legislature is the fairest that North Carolina has hail iu many years. Jt is certainly much lamr 'than either of the election, laws passed ly the Fusionists when they controlled the Legislatures jof js'Ja ami 1897, ami yet they j professed to be "reformers" ami pivteuded to be such advocates of ''"a free. ballot and fair count." Not only is our present election . law much fairer tlian the boasted flection laws of the Fusionists, publicans and Populists, and amended the election law of Is',';) just exactly us was petitioned for! This is a fact to which we w ish to call speeid attention, and should be made known to and re membered by every voter. During the session of the last Legislature, in which the Demo crats had an overwhelming major ity, very many petitious were pre sented by the Republican ami Populist lnembors, asking for cer tain changes in the election law of 1'" . ltiese petitions were all the State tor signatures, in ac cordance with instructions from Kopiiblican headipiai ters. What changes iu the election law did , ,' 'l . ' Ol Holiest U selecteit !; in a list ol names competent muii pre sented to the several County I .iiiiilists, all ot them ot course ! then became full-lledged lo'pub- were then the Populist Cou.res: nien from this State. In this "Statement"' (as it was called1 these Populist Congress men urye I'opulists not to accept federal ollices and not to apply to tlieuj for their endorsement for such appointments. We copy lromiins fctatcmeni me loiiovv- ; ill:? extract: problem, snv s, "Tho plan 1 would "We take this means ,.f s;n iue-, surest, in addil ion to the Sh.r (o the I'opulists of lite State that , '"an law, is a -raduated t.i on all the oiilv wav that anv member of business corporation with au e our pa'rtv can secure an appoint- i cmption, m whole or m part, as im-nt under the McKiulv adminis-I to such as can establish, to the tration is through the iuiluence of ; satisfaction of the eovernment, Skinner and the ImiHni.- members ; that they ale not cn.'.-itred in any of the Legislature, which inllueuce thev purchased by the betrayal of : the party at Kaleigh. The en-' dorscincnt a Populist Congress-1 man could not secure any position; and we feel sure that no true Pop-j ulist would accept any position i which he could not get by virtue of being a Populist and through Populist iiilluenee." ' v;.. ...i. ,i ..o ,.,.i.i: i, ,.i llllCe llie itl'UH" H ll. J ll"lll'lJv'' in IM)7 some foiks have changed mightily ! i That w ;is a brutal ami c)wardly attack made by Congressman .Spencer Plackburn on Fditor Fred L. Merritt, at Asheville, amP cannot be too seveiely denounced. Senator Pritehard disgraced him self aud dishonored his high office by his cowardly encouraging Plackburn. Senator Stewart's Wife killed. ; San Francisco, Sept. 1 2.--Mrs. Win. M. Stewart, wife of the sei -, ior I'nite.l States Senator of Ne-, was killed today at Alameda, t'al. Mrs. Stewart was riding in an automobile w ith Henry Foote and a voung man named Taylor. IThrouuh au ac. nl. nt the machine ran into a telegraph pole. Mrs. Stewart was thrown against the i pole with great fore.' and was so seriously injured that death soon follow cd. j Kr.ike Ihs Nctk. ; Ash. V ille. S, pt. I'.'. -A boy met 'a rei:Mi lable death iu this city early la-t i;i lit. lie was playing about a wooden mortar bed or box when it tui in I over aud one side s!l lick him a. ross the l;eek. ; W hen ti.e lad s i, io her cam.- out of the Louse only the boy's head Colli. 1 be St ell. Ills lieek Was bro ken as quickly as if he had bet n hiiUU, and death rc.-u'ile.l b. f.ue a p!ivniall oilll be MMilli.olied. i he young le! ilil of the acci.h'l:t was .lam- - M- ti-. a son ot .dr. and 31 1 -lo.. ph .M. t!-. f a nil IkiL'r l:p!osion. Ne.v York, Sept. 11. (Jeor: Lilt, el.vil:.-, r: .las. .1. Pnolev, iiieliiill:; and Walter Weber, eon- iluetol1, Wile bloUii out of the cab of a locomotive which exploded on tiie Peniisyh.iiiia Kailroad just west of ,Ji rsey City today. Lut was killed and the others seiioiis ly scaldetl and bi ui-ed. No cause for the aeci h iit i.-. -ken. The boiler had been lid.-d, tin re Was pleUt.V of water 11. the tell.h r al.d the loconn.tive ha I been workim.' sliiooi.!. The er, j i:;e '.v,.S olie o tlie Liiigt f cu the road and was of the i..o-ul type. DcAiructivc Tiir.-st I ires. Portland, Ore., Sept. For- 0,t tiles .,! I 111 li 1 li over the C.IS- cade a.nd (' lan-es fiom lirit- i. i v a,,, i.:., ... ti .. i . i ; i. ii. . in,. ..o!i;.... ,,r t'..,.i .,f ......i'.. ..." .,.?. i. i llllioei, iiiiiu i.u in iiiiiint-a, iiiiiua and much liye stock. Two people ; are known to have lost their lives j and others are missing and scores mter these circunistanc H he are hurrying to places of safety, i would naturally vote the Demo At ISridal Veil, Oregon, lodav il!1'lltli: Senator .Jones pro- the I'almer saw mill and the . hounced 1 resident Uoosevelt s Prewer mill were burned. Elsie proposed eouhtitutional amend Palmer, proprietor of the Palmer lit!llt "'"ere buiicoine aud stated mill, was burned to death, :.nd a that the President was well avvare man named Triekey is missing.'""1 t real iasue was the tru-ts About foitc noil bands are in dan- M the talill and that lio Kepub- ger ot being surrounded by tire. On Mill Plain, eight farm houses were destroyed today ami .Ml's,( lleiiricksoii and her two children iiie missing. I'oivst foes of the most severe nature are pressing upon every , side, l'.verv team is being pless ed into serv ii e to take eople to places of safety; the water supply is cut off by the in. ruing of the mains, but every ell'ort is being made to protect mill property. i Taenia. Wash., Sept b!. For est Iii. s are no.v burning iu i-very eiMllity of western Washington, from Ibitish Columbia to the Co lumbia liver, and in many coun ties iu Orogou. The tires are more exteiisi.e in Mason, Thurston, CI. . halis aud Lewis counties, to the southwest of Taeolua. Tiie towns if Lima and Folsom, in Cheh die county, have been paili ally de stroyed. Laeh was the cen tre of largo logging, lumber and shingle mill industries. Other towns which are in utvat danger are Shelton, Mattock, I'dack hills,, Kalii. r and Castle Hock, in southwestern Washington. Fu uniela;v and liuckley in the Cas cade mountains aie threatened. The latest reports from Mason count v are that every part of that county is ill tl oues with the ex ception of Shelton. ' - The Democrats will probably1 Wake comity's taxables have in- nominate ev-liov. Boise to oppose creased this jt ar l.f8:t,4 1 1 over Speaker Henderson in the third j lust year's. ; b'W:i di-tiiet. j Wastiiiii-lon Letter. J from in r lion alio 0 iriiw'.xiailxut.l Washington, Scit. 11. I'.MrJ. "Tax and Trusts"' is the text of a letter which Senator John '1'. Morgan, of Alabama, has lccently made public and which is likely to attract considerable attention. The. Senator, after statin.:; in a l,.)J:itjy preamble the existim lengthy preamble the reements ir couibinatnuis that are intended to control or regulate the prices, or the cost of trans portation, of commodities that are if tiie descriptions that enter into domestic or foreign commerce. "The poWir thus exercised is simply the taxing power and is "i necessarily connecie.i v mi me jpovv. - rof Coneiessto regulat" commerce between the states or with foreign countries. "It is the application of the i. . . t i .. . ...: i.:..i l'l llieil'ien in laiitiKiu niueu ill e well settled, to eoriiorations which ' have made agreements that yin- j Jqq No Substitute. late the purposes for which they j were created, to tho injury of com-: petitive trade and the general wel fare."' i The proposition of the learned senator is simple and easy of ap plication. .n constitutional amendment would be required, and no change of the piecious talill' schedules. If the President is in earnest in his desire tocontrol the pernicious trusts the scheme should leeollimelid itself to hilil, and to the members of his party as well. A simple revenue tax lull could be promptly enacted which would bear heavily on every corporation but from which ex emption could be s. i llled on proof that the corporation as not act ing ii! v iol.itiou of the spnitor the lcti.-r of the law or contrary to the interests of t he people. The burden of proof would lest on ti.e corporations and in I heir en'oits to secure exemption the publicity, so strongly advocated by the President, would be secured. The opportunity olj'. ie.l to the I'ilty sevenlll Congress, by Senator Morgan, to prove that it has the interests of the p. opie lather than those ol corporate Wealth at he li t, is exceptional. President lioosi-vclt has j:i.-t re turned iroia his trip through li e South wla-ie 'lie j uned the liroth elhood of Locomotive !''ilelueli and spoke e..thn.-i..sticail of hi admiiatioii for organicd Lib. r. I I. l ie is hiile ie.i.soa to belie'.e, however, that tli" working- iu.01 a le i ha.- to I ;.y lo a toi; J.r his c.a and Is cents a io;n,d for his meat will re-a:-.l ti.e ncsnlcnt s action us entuliiii lin.i or lus 1 a i , ly to tl i eias.-.-s ( i . t tl. ,, suppoit of the labo The Vellial stateluelil President is his fiai.d wi.l do little to alleviate the sub f.-riug of the mail v ho knows that, as the result of llepiibliean le'jis latioii, his family is cold and hun ii l.v. Senator Jones, of A I Kansas, .1 thiou-h ton this Week .'Hid spoke el.lhusiaMieally ol tlie prospects oi ui. tail ei. e- ti. ii. He cad. d attention to th I'-i.-t 1 1 ,1 1 1... i. ,.. ..I I I .. M ... . Kiiil. y J; i lueildoiis turn, by ivv was followed by a tre- rl-:r in prie s and t L it i: i , ju. .seventh and eighth tract.; er-n-;i gient le:.iocraiie victo-., ,.. i .s,,,..-iie p.- ''' ne JireuiclK t itat l.istory will repe.O Use!!. tie sanl all ov. l the I nited .States the ltiuli eo.-t ol Iiuii wa.-. oio in a s.-n- iiaiilshiii to the poor man and: that the noor man knew Unit he ,.' . was sulioruiy- that ha lo uiblicii uiai nai.isnip as a Hi policies. iican v ouuiess v.oui.i enact leuis latloli which Would reduce the tar ill' or collect the trust evil. The I Vmocrals at head. pun ters ale delighted with the prominence that the President is giving to the trust (piestion in his speeches. They say lie cannot do too much in this direction. That all that is necessary is for the people to ap pleeiate the Cause of their hard ships and they will need no guide to sluuv them the remedy. They say the people will never be con tent to await a constitutional ameiioincnt its t he remedy lor the r nr n n n i i n 3 present evil and thattheyWellap-'YOll fill fliV8 foM tfl IfM. j.reciate that, to secure relit f Jrom TTn:Klhvy 'Is Have Godus la Sell. alleged opposition of Wall Street and Senator Phitt to the Presi dent, which is being so w idely in the Itepublieau press, they say is entirely for ell'ect, 'I'l. ..e :.v li. O (I,.. IvhJ ....i.l.l .1... sireothinUitter tliii, that the DRESS GOODS people 1'H le.i to believe that a! coiistitutiomd aiuendnn-nt, which! from 2; Cents tip to St. 25, !SS;.:r!;'tSClelNTHE MILLINERY DEPT. any control over llieni. tin the other hand, the President is carry, ing out the dictates of the Kepnb lieaii leaders and of the t rust man- j Hirers by completely sidetracking the talill' l. vision idea. 'I hat is' what they are afraid of, and that1 alone. ; banner Killed by Robbers. Nashville. Tenn.. Sept. LP Thomas II. Woinack. a prominent persons are reported dead iu tanner ot (iibsou county, was Jvlamtia, Indian Territory, from murdered at his home near Modi- inhalimr Paris green which had na, last nilit. Mrs. Woinack . Leon applied to norm infested eot foiind her husband shot through ton plants. Oivin-j lo dry weath-' the head and saw two men escap- er it is supposed the poison iu the nip- from the house. The motive form of dust was absorbed by the was evidently robbery, as several victims four men and three wo-' valuables were missim AN OLD ADAGE SAYS "A light purse Is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light puree. The LIVER I the seat ol nine tenths of all disease. go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and ... . . . . . SOI tO the 00ly m fob m WILL SELL PRIVATELY AND Q?J EASY TEKMS. ()! bind .tb ut two miles lioui I'iti.-ho.o. IU;c is a r.iw cli.Uk' for .t BARGAIN IN LAND! (met coiuiiins id-out djoir.i:: th- l.iii.N ot p. j i-tliti.". i:o N. t i:u 1 T':.' i't:.''V', ti ,i. L' .trout tin- I'l the i I'," I .1.: ;.1i..:i!i;i. i ;L. s. W Cottcn and others. The buiiili tout eont.iius about 2 a-.-icN. .uii'-iiiii; liu- Louis oi the lames ll.unioi .unl otluis. the nfiii b.nt eoiu.iin uPout s:, .uljuiuiiii: the l.tii.k ol tiie Lite .!,;.'.i.-S llaililoll .Old ol!l.'i, .Hid 1, iii.; o:i i ;iikey creek. I lie sixth tt.nt toiit.iiu .ihout 2 .ulj.iiniiie the 1'iiidvii. .aid s. I .O.lJ.. i.oi.l '.v'i: !-e r .tito-jiii.-r, j : li.l .'.I iu Si ,1.1 1 .tie ju.-t .is may be 1 de.vted. ..r.d are a par: o! the .tli.. ui:l .lie ;s vy, a p:,v .- t o! lie i.uiii iv... I'illsiMio. aets on Miekorv V.o;;u- Abo P. lain, l'' - acres and the oil of ( aavs, north ot the t.trni ol the late Junius A. Alston. All of il is well adapted to wheat, oats, corn, cotton and clover. It is well watered and well w ood ed in original loiesl. j H. A. LONDON, I t9.'2. AttJi.iev.' IVb'v TOBACCO AND COTTON. These two treat crops brine; a l-i price this tall. will I t,..s We will e.ive von th. shoes o.Ksil le t,, be had for the moneJ Ht i .-, s t u i :, n.t to be lound are here. You w ill lind an imnu'iise stock ot up-to-date, stylish and ser viceable h.U.s at reasonable p; ice 0-mpiet? .ivsotiment ot sta ple drv i,ood, WUTED iSBOHCOn. RALEICH, N. C. Poisoned by Paris Green. Paris, Texas, Sept. PJ.-Sevon men who were ' field. at work in the j DMINISTPA I ( )R'S NOTICF: I illtllllKl.Tllliniril I1I.U114.' .Uillll. , ;ij nil , 11 lulxlrat'ir nf tin- .-.t.-ti.. i.r 1 r. A I. II. I.uu. rl"ti. 1 Uit'casrU. & por'K.H liu1 lii'. liitlmg iijilnui anl.l I" Mill', iluly I, mi or Iji'I ,rt Hi" 1 1'h i!y..r u;ini, Ijo.I, ..r II. i n.lh-o will l,o cloll 111 l..;il f li- . v. ry. A:i I i - I . Lile.l t.i KdM ivMIkw r. .u:re.I t. it i.i.. i " liu' llaii' i iivii int. ( Tlila IU- llili .taj .if Aii.i.-I, 1-J'iJ. i 11 I I Tii:iil.i)ii. I Ml in iiif.i.s i J. iixioN, A'lliiluif liiilui'. AUnlli..V!. Double Daily Service 15FTWEFN NFW YOltK, TAMPA, ATLANTA, NLW" Oll LFANS am. POINTS SOI TII and WKST. In c licet April i:i, Ijo2. Southbound. I Dally iiully I Ni. I v N.-w V Tk. I' 11 H M a i-m Vi M hil I" I Imik.i., :i . .m a ii i " (...illllOK, " .'., Cll U -14 H in J" li,.!.!!.,: u, W t i:y 7 I'll i!n lii Hum i " I I tui. u l. I. Ky in :r, j iu j....a ! " I i. -I V'.i; ,; ' II:.. 1'H. 2 ' I'lii ( " N"lUli.l " l.'.'linil Tl .i.i .III '" II' li li !'- li 'jh .-.'il.ll I.. . .V. I., Ij.iiii , iu , " S- lilol n 1 liu ' r, i-.i:i:ii it j.-n I " ll lllii.'l i L.I .-nil in .J.i .lil l.v . .-I iil;l l.i; " '' .l .ill. I ".'i mil Al s.i v.ii.i... i . " ,il ,.in 4 :eu Ar 1 1 ;i .in ' t oi cm y i.otm ; " m i. i.- Ii. ! - in :,u Hill ' Ar I . . i . " it i ...u i. nr. .V . ...I N". O l.v X- ..iK. x V I' A s I. .'.. inn ! '.' i.iu I ln.n l 1, ,l . ' in i .i. ,n I ' .- V 1 k II li .- i Ili.Mii" I " I .I III. I -, II M- " I., il Mill ' " V I- I . ' V' I.. N . ' " 11 l ' ttiei In. L .11 4 V I I I s I. .-c N Northbound. V jl-l- N.l-llMll.-Si'W Ol I. i . K (hi , 1 i J.IH , 4 ..I 1111 i II ' " J.I11 11.1 III I.'. II. 1 iu mil il. N J; W S il i;s . k: l ,.i; . i...i.u S Vis.. .. i.iu I.. ..i, " Ni'-.v V .nt " i 1".; in H . ,. .. i S I.r Tatiit S.VI.iiy ... .u Hoi . mi " M. .OlUH'tlt.l " i I.". I.IU .". in i i'll ' Jl.i'AUul.Vilu ', '. l'i Hill ho. ,11, . H..viiuii.i, i iii it r... " C'lllililiii i " 7 t.j , in .'. Mil i.i.i " limiitui . 1.. 41. iiii H-j.'iiuii ' HutiUtcrii iiu..H . 1 1 .ks .in ..--J hi.. l.v liiil.'luh s.i I. 1 j.. nm li. i.i ,.iii " 10 m 1,-rs. .ii J .'.in in M in gnu Null. (i'l ' .ii.'o.lil I 4... .11. . i.'i.iiii..-rf r...!..tit 1 1., iiu " l.ii-liui' ii i . i .!.' 4 i'i i ir . VVur.iiu.(t..h w s lly 1.' a, urn .m ' lli.hliii. r.. I'llH II J.. ...ii ll j , t . Ml ' I iiiinii'ii'iilii " 1 i. fui j .ilium Ar S. w V .ru, t'ui.ii. It. It. 4 l.i j ui .u urn Nulu.-I lmhy Us.'il Sun, lay. ICi-uiMl Tiiim. ;L.x-j'.. i i, T'.m TRAINS I.KWi: PITIN1WK0 :i.."ii p. in. y.oo a. in. j Trains An ive at PitUlmro 10. 1") ii. ni., 5.5t 1 1. in Ihultj t .l'1'l l't SttHiltltJ. Ar. Mi Uettrrt 4 V J. in )43;i 111 Kiilly tlially t.i. (.uii.lay Connections at Jacksonville and Liiupa tor all PloriJ i Past Co.t points, . nut Cuba and I'oito Pic, At New (,'u leans tor all poiu.s in Texas, Mexico and California. Stooping Car Service. Nos. tl and Pt, 2 and U Flor idaanJ Metropolitan Limited. Draw. lu- '"Vi. Meepiu a:ui i liivu.un l Coaches between .New- York and Jacksonville, inrouen D aw. , itig Koom Uuifet Sleepmi; Cars and' dav co'Uhes between New Yuri; and Atlanta. I I Nos. ti, m, 12 and H carry cae cars between Hamlet and Athens, ILunlet and Savannah, Nos. t; and Ui Florida and At.; I.oita l-'ast Mail. I hn-ugli Lnawini;. ' Room HunVt Sleepin cars between' New Yoik and .lacksotn ille, con.' ne.iit'.j: at ILunlet with Sleeping cat to . troin Atlanta. ' j l'r Tii kel. Sleepers. eio.,upp!y to IL S. L. aid, T. P. A C. l. tiattis.C. T. A, Y'nl borough Hoiiie, U ik igh. N, C. ' 1. M. l'oe, AfPllt. I I'itt.boi.., M. C.' COTTON CINNEnS OUGHT TO THEIR PROPERTY IN THE 1 1 Ml rail m. Tlii is n Home com pany and th serves the patronage of all North Carolinians. lr was organized iu If'i and has paid over I,ooi.o(M in ,,M.S ami there is not oin'CDiitiled claim against it ! All losres paid prompt" ly. Every prudent man ought to im-ure hie prop erty. For terms, V..L.., apply to 'hj. unn. uv 1878. 1982. Ol" Chatham County otli;Lt tO b'.-.ld liiE ElUTilfiMiECfiRD whaii frr lic.uly i rnm-m w. h.'.; h.i'ii doiri; its i;tniot to build t:p eiir j land old i: uf.ty. tMasaaamamiw i ii'iimm TIlFHIXOIil) Is the "Old) PPI.IABLI:"," that can be depended em not only for the Latest News but for its advocacy of all measures that will best promote the prosper. ; ity ol all 'he people. The Campaign this year will be of y real importance, and every voter in Chatham iuf;lit to read THri HbCOKh and keep posted. SUBSCRIBE ML Only 3 Cents u week. I Aug. 2H. l'.KJJ.