l)c Cljnlljnm Hcrorfc. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING, One pquaro, ouo ioHcrtion Due niuarc, two iunertxtiu $1.00 i.c TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. UUC fciinnre, t.uu un-uiu . For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXV. I'lTTSHOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, IWCKMHKK II, 11)02. NO. 17 fcljc l)ntl)nm ttccorb. 1 Mynheer Joe, BY ST. QEORQE JMTHEORNE. Corrr.miiT l"!", riei.i.t.i llo:..r.ii'a K,..i. IW ml 11 j l h.iii..e-k: f CIIAPTKU IX. j ' ICiiiiiiinit'ii. .' "A beastly Unix lime rmiiiiis. Toinl 'Tolil Molly tu send yon hero half :ui !houi' buck. Iinii'i ask xvliai's 1 lu' 111. il-oi- now. ItiM'ii In out' of my its. nil 'tows, yon see; only lite (seventh since li'iivinj.' r'ons!ai!tiiiiil,.. This tinn' nii'l :i Tartar. Infernal rascal played villi ini. .lust think of It played wltli ilio only Tanner sis :i .nl doe. a imoitsv, iiml then when In- ni, lirni, i;tlnckcil tut' out. If I mult! only have Iiim iiloiK- lu this room II vi' minutes; I'd let I1I111 Know 1 iiln't so urt'i'ti t look. If J was eiiuirlit 11:1 pplnr uii.v! Hero. Tom, yon olil heathen, take It li ami tli I his handkerchief back of my Jirinl. Have !i slilf ihtU for 11 bloody Week, iniist liki-ly. .Not so ti.ulit. xmi niiutlevim; 1 lousier! I'ye want to i.ili iui ntitrlKlit '.' 'I'lHvo- ili.trii d.. ?ovv sit ilown ami have a class w.iU i me. lie soeial. if il is past iiiluii.':ii. 'J'hat's the Lest part of the day in th: jihomliinl'l" t'uiiuiry. Why .lon't ym Hiy soiiiethlni;. you tuiseral'lo tnn:t' What: You'.' heath ami t'llri : Here's treachery '." The roar he (lives as his one tine iv 1'ieil eye falls upon the face iiml Jiiture nf Mynheer .loo is ntisnlumly ..ipimliitiu'. lie Marls li.uk an. I ai trtaV'l' 1 o throw himself into an a ti tiMe of ilefellse, I'll! striking an olisia rle. he sits ilown in all easy ehair so foieihly Ilia' the Lreatli is ili iven frmil Iiis Iiiil'" lioily, ami he ean only sil 3 In iv niul (.'asp. I.liiil.inv; at ,Ioe like a iv:ti owl. llie latter is Mi'um;lv lenipleil to taiiuli. Tin re is something sn riill u-1 lolls ill all lliis alVaii'. Inn he reali .e.i ' ilnit siiih an net must forever ruin' lii-i ch.linvs .,,' a leeoiieilialioll. Mil' iimsi vontiol himself until n inure i'.i Vot;ilile oppoi l .iiiily iiiiiies alniiit. Ai iim; upiiii the impulse of the i.iu- mcnt he holils mil his haml. ; "Mr. '('aimer. I have ('imu' here to 5'i'X' v-'iir panhili I n- what has m - iirreil. It was all a misuuiiersiai .1- . Jnc en my part. 1 want yon to sli-ko ; hainls wiili me ami tell im you h a;' im malire." he says, frnlikly. 'eiiiost hones I'mner crltis a lii:le, I'll! lis yet 'jjrues 110 move towai'il tie. ! -. piim; tie" pr.ilfereil ham!. His in el; I 1 iv.-inae'.-, ami this sets him a.uai;:s! 1 1 ,ie ani.iu'oiiist. I'iiie wonls Oon't cur a stiff iii" k. sir. 1 confess 1 ailmire tin- way j.ui took llie part t.f a small titan, ami y. ;ir style of u-iiiir ynitr dukes nearly vni Jay lean. In; t 1 refrain from tuak n-; ji peaiv, for 1 live in hopes of liavlm; inoilier set-in. when I m iy V.ave 1 iy HJVell!.''.'." replies t'lis :iiv;ul:U' tp; - i Ti.'cu of W'esii 111 chiva-rj. "That will I"- impi.'ssllile. sir. I v ill n vcr strike a I .low a.'.iinsi ymt au.-in i-lllee 1 have leai'od llt.il you are M.S'i .Vuliy's f-..i!ier." ' V!;al 1 he .1. u has she to do wlih ill If you and I cIiiiom' to en-.ii,'e in V. little soon 01' . Ill' nv. ii, whose ln;-,i-l! ss is iiv" growls Tanner. Ids ha'id Low slowly ailvaiii ini- in meet that of the liuiiorai'le :ini:u'.iiiist, whom ho ivsjvcts jij a loi'iiian worlhy of his ''1 repeat w'.r.w 1 sail. sir. I rm Sorry tn have siriie!; yon. Ymt mosi Vardoii my !n!is.r, t'ioii for Mollv'u 4f;l,""-" . Xow that's twice you've l.rotn lit Iter name inio the affair. What in ih mischief has she In do Willi il? What is she In you'.' I nu'i ever reiuemi cr vieimc you lvfoiv tonihiV Mndy has a I't'Kinietit of ndMiirors lmt she llliroduees me to every olle. Who ;:re Juu. sir';" T ai.i known as Mynln er .loe, sir. a corrupt ion of my real 11 inie." , ''All. the fellow they're all tnlUi.c. lilioui! Itccn up with Cnrilou. ch? ;reat. man. that (.'onion-woinleri'ul nian! Tell tne fomethiiii; aliotit hiai. rsiiiee it was you who pin me iniolhis, fix it's old,,- fair to insisi on you ami ln;C me " "IVcseiiily, Mr. Tantn'r. first, you aoUttz to sliake hands wiih tne':" I ' My .love. Jes. sir: I like your looks. 1 like tin' way ye'i swum; that terri! i" vi srli 1 arm into my nerk 1 lik" yiit! Th. re's lay li.'.pd. n- d ell' e I1.111. -t'lienes Tallin r .'ives it h" never ."' '-s back on a fi iet d." Mynheer Joe has .von. and as yet ho lias only mad" a lieiuninj.'. I'lu.di 'd with victory he . ipieezes the lilljio l'sf. of the ffovcrnor. who looks very (imia lde In his eyes now. Circiiinslaiii es, alter cases The hull Ilk" roar of I i" Western orator will uever secut t!n tamo o him aficr t his. "I'erliaps 1 have a claim on ju ir friendship. Ml. Tammr" lie says uu ! Cstly. "How's th.it? I'nliojoui yours' if. lay boy. i "It seems Uiiiy i.'i!:ai to sneak of it. ; ii'Jt JOHV d.inj;!i!.':' will soon l. iclliar- j you. I had the eMicnio pleasure t.iT jumplnt: overlioar.l al Malia. a yc back, and assi-tin,' SlisS Molly wh ehe was thrown into th" water." Tanner k'.vis .mother mar. II" n -t- lially throws his nrins around Mn- I iiecr Joe and liuss him much ni ter : he liear style." Tho explorer's rihs tiirc.il- n to j-'ive way under llie pressuit'. 11 lid he is imiucasuialily reliexcd when Tanner has finished his .1. m 'iistralien. V li'u ii Is iiceoiiipauioil liy a siriii; i.f delihteil cpletives and a 1 milling th " uf iiie5iion -. I 1. aiyulifcr Joe c.plai waiters us J tarn 'y"1" ' t-'1"iaffr-,r-"'-; , In si lio tail, ti-llitut why In' hurried away without waillm; In civo liven his 11 ii.ir or in. s i the t; 1 1 ili -1 of ill.' yoiiu;; Kill whoso life In- hml savcil. Tin' ora tof lias evidently l'allrn deeply lu love with him; ho keeps his eyes cotPUiinlly on Joe's fa iv. end rubs his hauils to i.'i'thi r in a deli-riiied maiiin r. Thi victory is so rnmplct" tha .Ini i'.i niiiii 1'iit feel proud. Mi- only hopes Samly may have as earnest a measure of Micros In tho other liircclhill. Kunwiiir lh" I'lli'uii'ity of his friend for iicciiniplis.dmr what In- si'ls mil to per forin, he din s nut miii'li ilniilit Hie ulil 111:1 1 ivsiiii of tiie oilii'i's quiet inter view Willi Molly. ''hero Is smilel him; inure 10 tell, niul ho Li'lieVes the opportunity is tine for il. This 's llie lino of thought Mil van, eil lieiuecli Samly ami himself, am! Which concerns the pi.ihnhlo oil I - ni:ni' of the dillioiilty helweeii Tinnier aii'l the liai'oli, hail il l.n-n "Unwed to 'tnlilicr listens wiih xvnnderiii'; eyes nml noilil.m: hcml It is all news to him. nml yel he ran "iir-ilx lielieve il. Ccriain iliiiiiiisiiiiiies combine ti fofee him lo I his eiiitcltwiiiii. "So." lie inivsis mil Willi, at tin- eon-ilil-'iin of the reeiial. "I was near I'.'inu' llie v it l:in of a con-pirnoy, ill I'erliaps the raseal ha. I m l.lrn lie oi'lil 11111 oil' wilt; my irl. oine llie ohl limit was mil of the way. Ami you really av my life by stepping inV Mynheer .In", I am loin ileluor 1'irever! Miiov hm a way hy means of ulii' h i ean repay you. The liarou is a Uusslan se '" liMhi. oh' 1 el aireiil 011 his wav fillips We'll fee mure him. I'm oitu ', 'aiiitr of a iliplountt tli.vs" Now. lh. 11 !..- .,!! , nine 1 put my mind 011 it. th. y.iii 1. 11 iw hat I iciiios Taiim r ha- '.'..nl 1101I011 In el 111' in I'ppi.siiinn lo lliis ras i.ai'.m pliiy him f..r a sucker ami land him in Hie arms of lh" Htit isli in I'.oiid.ay Win ti.u-t coiiii of old lii.iili-di s;.ic!. ami my .-yiiipai hies arc auain. 1 the movement of ihe l.enr in llie direct iott of fair India. Xow d'.n't think me a loo! -1 reckon I t;nt iii'et Iiim 1 veil, I. rain for l.rtiiu. nml :;ive him p..li;ts, .: for his dous of w;ii', I match 'em hero." nml the ora- . Willi an iisi.iiuliioly rapid move ment. Mich il.ese Wcsli'lll men ah. lie :ili sle.w, produces it weapon from some ."civi poikel .1 revolver that looks i'ei ocioiis in ihe lamplight. Myuh" r .lu opini-m of Molly's fiither lakes an upward l.oiind. I lo icaiiy.es liiai the i:uit is 11. ' simpleton, am! las uiei too many siran.'e peopli! in his past to -ive up easily when !".oiii'li in ciiiiiacl Willi il nu ll of lln I'iinia's ca!ili:-e. Tlie two ueinleiiii'ti smoke 11 ciu'iir in company olid t lu ll Joe lakes his leave, promisiiiu; io ee ih oilier on ihe mor row, iiml it iaie much of what or ilii'icil at Khiiriooiii. He iidies .Molly i:iay he present, for lier coinpaiiy will inspire him to do hi - lies;. "I li ilsi your iiiconv. ni. u. e may he sliu'i;!, iiml thai you will liarhor 110 ill feeling lowiird me us tile caltsf of your discomfort." the cM.'lo'.'.r says, when taking liis lc:ive. ".'i.nsene: A mere love tap! l'oll't lioiher ymirself al.oin it, my h..y. I'm ti-e.1 to worse tilings than that, I can It'll you." replies the orator, shaking hands warmly. Tims Mynheer Joe Ie.iics him. and i feds Unit hi.-i work has Leon a f;rand silicas, l.icht hearied. he ipiits the apaniiieliis of Tinnier, ami once more s. -i ks llie realm where music ami jray ely nl oiintl. for t!i" niiesis are havim; .1 hist ilan.-e ere tlie elijt.yalil" affiiif hrcaks up. Joe only 1ms a L-limpso of Molly, and -lie docs not see him its tdm passes throuu'li the rooms. liidiiiiiL: seveiiil lady friends u'ood niu'lit. rndouhteiHy ..lie Is al.oiit to retire. 'litis makes hlm th'uk It milit l.e .as well for him to do llie sauio, al th'Ulull !i" docs Slot fe'l sleepy, after having would the utiitJo i.'otldess for 1 wein y foir- hours. rrcscuii.v lie runs across Mr. tlriines, an I that worthy. In-iiii; interested in ,:1! ih-if p"ru.:iis io his fortunes, at ice asks numerous i-.:es:;..:is. reci iv ;:c: in reply a variety of iiiiormatiou :!c:t Ii- run .-nrt ovrr a: his leisurr. He l.i'i'.S .I,,-., 'n lh" elilc" of the hu nt in order 10 i-1 -i; hii.i. I'oiiuuiitely some one l.as .ics- 1!' paricd. iH'.d there is ii Miiim! r..i.;n. I" 3 i 1 -1 h" is as- :-i'- lied. Aliollie-- . h phi. il llcxt I It-It .Mr. Crimes. I'.y !' lilt.' 1 e; I ili'.e Ihe : ni' lh" intivie opto re'irctl e t'.'itu put ''l 'l' Hie hop era J il. mo .t .. a.mv i heir i aiel "ti:. '-( 1 :ui! ;i.c;.ic : .'oi:.- . ti . nn .!- I I lit I-..! i !e' f 'I'l l , r.til"-s s -.1 ' tl.I ; .en 1 am K-"o:i tic i'i!y . n. h. ,.:..-i ; ;'L . r .. v;i:;.!i .li.r.iuvl li.e a; watider.na: ilnys. I a tn ft to-day. .! I ii,.mnt"i':aiks, Hi.ike- I i-' ddiel -, cillioll-. idlcl's .'i' ail chared out as P in ti.e hotel. , , t;.! l.e-'. 1." lii'.l ('iiiro si Mvnhe. Mvuiicr ,l..e ii'id, himself t'lone in ii i.m. His x-y s are not a h in aw. ai d !c woeders . h.:i he will ' lo with himself lo pa-s the liote away lu.iid moiiiiii-'. J.'.'S lllilt l.e P'ixr.l V. ct d - lie : M. -i is all illVl'ler; 1' ii ci.ir lor ,1,- dotiMy s l.e made .-nr lies in the fact e smoker. Pe rn' six moiiilis, tlie sweet t llim Just -ure 1. 1 lay in a sup the iiUke. .,'.. .0 ,.ly 0U leavitis : His first act. tiiercfoi", upon (indins iiimu'lf alone in his room, is !.. draw a chair near the window, throw him self imo it, prciloci' a iuir, strike n inal. li and ' lait the engine. As wiili all old Hunkers lids pr. dllces a train of rolled ioll. lie u'o. s hack lo the moment when h" opemd his ivcs en hoard the dahalicah and met his frieims, Sanil.vaiul Mr. : rimes. Then it is easy to follow the Hack of evelils down lo tlu present, nml lliere HIV reeiill phties where Joe lingers Iclidell.v. What it strani;e sei .. s of adveiiiurc!1 he looks I 'i'.i k iipnii. "And the elnl is mil yel," he inullers, as he coiiteiiipl.'iii s th" piisl llnoii;;!i Hi" hahi of the M110 smoke that cir cles around him. "for. unless I'm lleucedl.t lilisllilieli. Ihcres piini; to he a .i.iil itlll;i 1 it'll of I h Is warfare. It Imiy exleiitl even to India's coral strand, if Ih.s lillle l.casl of a haron miiktis up his iiiiml that he'!. In. nml to possesr, Molly. Kihl now ainl here I make a vow that such a lliln.' shall never I.e. Molly lii'lmifis In him The ileiiee! I'll see him h.inired lirsl And yet ! ihm i tuitierrale Hie fellow, lie's .lanu'eroiis as ii dymiinilc homh, ami must l.e haii.ll, ,1 wiili e.tlivitic rare" This is Joe's way lo ;i dot. lie is known as a I. rave, hut a careful man. one .ol called a Hotspur in any sense of the word. :i ml yel ready m lend a ! forlorn Impr h alleinpi a most peril 'mis mission, lu hanle his strmi;' rihl 1 arm has l.eeti worth half a dozen ordi nary men, aiul ih..se umhr whom he ; I'oinrhf have heeii tic usiomed to do i 1 Kin I on Iiim when tlillit ullies aiose. I lie smokes and ponders, j Somehow tlie limluess makes him a i trille drowsy, antl he thinks he miulit ' as well lie down fur n spell li will he I several limn' hel'fie day comes, ami : ihcre can l.e in. telliiu; wliiit may or rur lo I'Xhiiiisi him ere anoihcr oppor Illlniy 01 IlUim.'. .11 oiii lime he curs to net any sleep. he loss. J 1 in- hull of his cl 11I llie window. At Hie siiiii" si. .mis there aiijl j-1 ; 1 1 1 i.i'omtd. The poc- apology for an Ki.'ypiian inooll has r, ached a rrsprc.ulile point up ill ihe leaven--, ami as Joe looks out he ran . . li.e iriiind plaz;i l.efore hill'.. I'C.VoIni are while Willled Ionises, the u'eamiii"; tloincs of iin.s.pi. s and medic like niitiiiieis, from which per xhiiiice 111 Hii'i-i-e ih" iuue:t:'.iu will tr ialii'1". all lilt- i'.i 1 hi ill M'ls.-ulmaiis 10 m-.iyer. t : i v i 11 a yawn he looks down j 1 1 1 Holes thai Ihe 'iiiuml is liul -o f.ir In low l.tll what UU lillle in;. 11 colli' jump to it safelv. Then Mynheer Joe throws himself j upon the clean hod. It feels very com- 1 folial.le, and he ives a iirillil of s.ili-- I fiiciioii. Ii is ii.'i very oi'len :i man of j his callim; Iiml: a chance to iv-i u 1 ' : : 1 such a couch. More ireiierally he I. i s j upon a Led of leat e. i.r Ihe li.ird -id" of 11 plank on hoard Nome epio--lii"; 1.0:11. t'ci-tamly. Joe has l-ccii uivi-n , no roi of rose- while with Hordoii in j Kh iiioom. This fact does not pre- I vein a traveler u-e I 11 ron-.-hin.'.v it j from cii.ii.yiu ; a s.n'i tltiifji Vvhcii chiince Ihlowr. it ill his a.. j He liiuls his senses fiitliim. nml then i ii!l heroines hlank its -ieep i crp.iwcrs . him. The Imtll' pitsscs en. AM Is si ; h me iii-oiiml lh" faim.'.is host.-lry s:ive I fov Ihe di-coidalit hiiikili".- of maliy 1 rllrs upon 111" siree!.- .1 sound every soioitrncr in the land of Kuypt I e- ; conns aeeiisi.iuieil 10. as it is tinnier' i j fully ilium d inn. Ids cars in eei.v city j of sixe. i My liin of Joe has moved restlessly j several time-, as Ihotiuh his dreams ) take him 1-a. k lo Ihe excilin,' seem s j ill Hie l.eleauil.rctl "iv oil the ?i I ii-. Suddenly his ey. s iiv open, t'ottld 1 lliat he the effect of a vivid df-ain or ! did he really hear a siliil.-int whisp. :: "Mynheer Joe. awake! I :iii::cr!'' Never in all his life has this man of iiiui nerve I.ecU more completely alouse.l. He lies there as slid as il rock, a ml yet with his si uses an. I ii.-rvc on t he ipii ive. Ha! Is tluit ;l sound that reaches him front th" dirccl i..n of 1 he window '; to-nily Ii" raises his head to look. What lip r.ecs ill that one :;iam e is onile eiu".ui;l. i" ink" itway ;hi ordi nary man's hivaUi. I To 1-e I'oiitmuetl.) How Cavlnr 14 trt.lc. The tmikiut: of caviar is a process. It call be picparctl simple iu any household eoliviliielil In a sturi.'eo:i lislary. In fact, under these ci.n.li lious only is il had in absolute perfec tion, fi r tin- leic'i r ii is k"pt eilin r scaled ill trhiss or tin the m.se rap'd lis deierioralioti. It is for this tv:ici that the caviar ran 11 i.i lit;--:... where it is served front Ih" oriiiii'l packages, is so far super!. r tu that procurable cl-ew h'-re. In of eo'iiuieree the roe as so. taken from the t'sh is placet v hen it is carefully wu-heil is rubbed lhrolL.'!l sele.ll- fiiiis are separated. The !a h" cavii v n as it is i iu tanks, Tie 11 ij mil. I t lis' e process, or ni 1 her n.-x1 to the 1 1 s lh.- pa.k- itii In sail in ke.-s. ami th.- keeping of it cool in I -.- cohl it reaches the canm-i-.-. v. an -ml 11 in tins or in boi'hs for rsi-rt. Tl:! i ill lh" lr. iinpithii it-n I'itt it niul. '.-ocs. Wheu p.cp:t'..-.l 1. -"is. i"-!.! u-- t ': -. teat: iu.;. .-. p.it.-'t; .: ike . . au I parkins in trie salt an- all that i- I::-.-essiiry. Tlevv is l-u; "lo' way (); v itn; ii a'ld iniil is 'ii t.iiisi or brown breiiil ami butter .r its iai.ii;i..-.s with I. moil .iui'-e and a ' ; ' I - .live oil. II is 1! idy i 'iin.'iii liiit inbiiits 01' bat 1 single nietlnul of culinary livaunt. i.t. Allllllllltllll I Hi-tttl.iM. Aluminum lias just been emph.yt-il for the construction of a new lavpronf curtain to be used in llie.-M't --. The .-in tain is sixvy feet wide by lii'iy i t ur feet hi:h. Is cu.ipos '.I of nlamiiim.l sheets one-; wclfi h of an inch thick, ami weighs -food pu'.ii.ds. WOMAN'S WOMEN MAKE MOVIES. llit-y Tnko I'll Almiuloiird I'ainii nml 11 llurul Kulaltmcr. The prol.lcin of the "nhaudnncd" nr ''run down" farm in New Hampshire is liiidini; at least 11 partial solution, as simple as II is iliiiraclerisiir of tlie limes. These places are heini; redeemed iiml Leant died in consider:! lde liuiuhcrs l.y iulcllisicut single women from Hos 1 mi and elsewhere, some .f wli.an spend only their vacation 111 tlie coiiii try. Wilhiii a circull of lihoilt Iweti ly live miles, aiuoiii; the foothills of the While Mountains, one who has the en tr.-e of I Ins" ilelihiful homes may isii several Th"si' women, iiud olhers sitnilarly occupied, many of whom are well known nml well edinaleil, are distinct ly 1 t-coiiiz.-d in tlie fiiriiiiiii; tu 111 1 1 1 11 11 i -lies where they iiave heeonie propt'-riy holders as residents 10 he counted upon wilt 11 piil.lie iinpioveiucnts are to he uudcriakcis, tiiitl puhli.: opinion is to lie fi.rinnl. line woman, fur example, who has fol- llie plesenl uivi-n up her profession 011 accoiini of her health, has houhl a farm ol raiher cxeeplional value, hi" cau-r 11 includes fertile "intervale" land, on this she raises larp' hay 1 fops. She has pill ilornier windows into tin .puiiiii old house t.ti kh lotind ill tile place, lilted it tip Willi ohl fashioned furniture, put settles heside the l.ii; lircplai'e iu llie livinu' room. Iium; a crane ami kettles in it. nml placed odd old pauilins's and prims 1.11 ihe walls. Here she entertains siiiu luc' hoarders ami wiuler house parlies. Another woman I' ll nier. Miss It., lias 'oine front ihe Wcsi mid esial.lishi'd hei'selt' 011 so hiuh a liill tliat sh" is mi-u-nally safe from intrusion. She raises s j an ahimdiiitce nf frnil ami veu lahles , of 1 1 1 1 . - . -. 1 1 1 -i 1 ipinliiy ami cnou,uit hay for lor slock. With her own hands she makes ihe ihTn-imis duller served on her inldc. Hue 1111111 rail tin her etii-ide work. Hue .-irons; woman does llie heaviest work of the household, and Willi 110 Icmpliil ions In spend her j Wiiiies. die 1 1 1 1 : 1 U 1 1 1 Inoiiey. Her j mistrc.-s is nut lining liiis, 1. 111 she is mill. in.' ciioiiuli lo live on, and is spelid- in-,' iter days amid t.'lorioiis uiiiunlain j iews. in 1I11-1 fire ami eiit.ne ehari;-ed air. vth"ie hef n-lulives iilhl I'rii'iids I from fat- ami m ar an- only Ion idad tu ' join li -1- iii summer. In winter she has ! lime lor 1 oiu'eiiinl pursuits. I Wiiiiin neiiih'ooily dislau.e af lliis j plate yel a th itl woman has houvdit I a farm. ::s an :nvc.-lmcui rather than a j li"iiie. Si.e irot's up in tlie early sum- j tuer 10 do ihe 11 ltd repairs and I -Ii-:: ! 1 i is -; iitt I lo ::el her ipiaini old stuff ! into i ! - 1111.-1 eli'cclivc pus-lions. Thrli j she haves il for the -.ellillll, who llilS 1 S't-ii I.e.- advcriiseiiicni and has come hliodictls of miles, perhaps, to this spot hidden limi ne orchard ami forest l.t.s. i.;i- irom any uiiicli iiiivclcd r.'.-ttl. 1 hi" ciiti'i in isiu:.' wonmn has made lie; house tin ah-olute model of coin fori and In amy an o!..iect It ssi.n tu fanner foil; ami city people alike, ami I'olil come from miles around to see it. She is iin;i; nviii"; her place ill many Wi.ys. nlii:i.ti timber is oilivfllll.V :.i':i'-i!ed: wild fruit trees are beitii! urilit.l; litre p.lants. like I.al.rinlor tw, sr.- t in ri-heil; comfortable benches are pi. let il where specially till" views of tlie iiiouniains are 1 ninniamli d. Many i-ricMcs of wild berries, ivituleer moss, ciirietis ti-oiiuil pines ami oilier plants t li.iuve only in hlua alliiudcs add their ; interest to the place, while mas.-ivo litaniie howhh rs unit ple.-iniiilL! tpi.-irl i ledges aihl their picturi-stpi,' charm. I In another part of the Stale a youm.' woman, who is an ntaati ur iirti-t, has ' convened an abandoned farm into an ! all ycilr-iouml hoine of such elegance ami proportions as to micsi an Kuit ! li-li estate. I.andseiipe mir.lenim; is ; ;i . oiispicuous feature of h-.-r Ulnlcrliik- imr. She riiscs i-iiitle, horses and sheep on a coiisidefabh' scale, atld jjoes I so fiir iis to have lier Wtiol woven into j fabrics am! desiiats of her own selec tion. -.New io:k I t il 'it to. Tho Cionil-Mmurril Woman. The woiii.-'i! of a tlioroinihly cood liiiiiirttl disposition has a far hrratler Held in which to exert lier influence ih.tu her s-.-iious minded sister. The former radiales In r persoiialiiy with 1I11. sunny. iii;:inib!e soinelhinu tiuii aliviiys makes for hers. If ;i score ol H i' i-.ls where the latter looks on and v. ot'tit is wtiiii ih" i.i.iin'i can be. When ;idver-iiy fac-s ihe man With til" -oi.tl iiaiureil wife, ihat is ihe wom an win ran .-mile and see the "oilier side" cvell i l llie lo.iiliiest a-pi'i t. it is he wli i looks in the irootl liitmoretl side if lie household for his entl-ida- tio'i. -ay- the I'.o-i .ti Post. Tin- w .ii.au wfco smiles w h. 11 otters frown is the wmium wh.i reaps Hie I til. ho! harvest ami rinds in li: . the urt .';. . ppt.-. :i!iii:i s. th.- 1 ahiest te sp. !i-i'oil:tie- an I Hi" itcu.e -f all her i.ii-ami most 'veiuaniy aspiration. 1. : lit' wom.-.u u L10 .-miles -te- V.ihl and .utinite :. c. il .n every thi.r.t, ;r.:d ev. iivi-ely. Hie a -fpts iu.' iu. i'iiv'!e wi'h ii h any. 1 iiecry Iniib. iiml muses ihe shadows 10 cis-ipate an.l hie away t 1 other ipt.iru Women learn valua ble lessens from .1 si illc. while men silently adore li.e p )s.-es.-or. and all because she is capable of manufaclur iu:; sunshine w ! er.' ill humor before existed. Hood humor establishes an equili brium whoa :i'l .-He fails. It adjusts relations between husbands and wives, nu t her ami clidih .-n, and mistress ami 111a id. I; is ihe lexer el success, the fulcri ui vt all happily ss in ihe houie, Uic peace. tniiker between mnioiiu. Tt Is file o'liiliou of love ahnve all thill'-'s else and is the j'..Mrti key that unlin ks til! doors. Willi. nil it life is a desert, a dreary mil liimin.-. ; for, devoid of tin smiles an. I mmd naliii.' of woman, Ihe xvhole World u-siiines xvhalevcr I In. serious miiitlt d pessimist may make 11. riir.'t. Stj-I.'tt nf XV 11 IH ml sltlrl. There 11 re Hirer new slides of waik inn skirl, says tlie Chit-ami Joui iinl. (file is short, nbotii an iiu li ahi.ie the lloor. ami has a hip yoke. Another is two inches from ihe lloor, severely plain ami xvith sl.iit.-d seams ami jusi entiii-.-li lime al ill.' hoitoiii In itive il 11 nioilish effect. The third almost louche- the I!.. or, ami in the back has a little train of about three Inches. Third style isn't for rainy weather, and is aiiieiiahle in Ihe siile-ellllch. hein;; li-lht wcilu at Ihe border on accotim of iis handi-d pliiiiuiess Tliis loll- walking skill that lllllsl he held up seems lo be de signed as a coiiveiiieii.e lo wear iu ihe street when ihe xv.ilk ends in a house 11 UU ir of au informal soi l, not pan .11 larly dressy, but tu xvlii.-h the l.mij skirl is iiilapicd. You know any xvouian is more al iriirtive in 11 lorn.' skin than iu Hi" short type - lliis liidit wri;:hi. lorn; w.-dk-inn skirl is next best to a rc.i;ular!y trained one a- 10 a bec'iiuim,- appear- II UCI'l ; A lli'iivc XVi.i. inn. I Tlie I'rciii li A. iiih lay has nw.-ir-h- l i the Aliihl'licd prize of 1 .1.1 mil fram-s In j a xvomaii AIiuc Meyricr. wife of llie j i'rem h i'i.ii.-iiI ai I linrlickir. The Con- sill ami his wife were present ill that ! i.iwii ill 1 lu- time of ihe Armenian mas. ! Rin res 111 IMl.1. says th" U est niiiislcr liazeue. Mine. Mctihr shtltered, fed I and .iii'i-d for more ili.m Ton A ruiriiia 11 ' ri'l'iiuces in the Consulate buil.lm;;, ' Whi. h was several limes besieged. M. Meyricr nml his staff r.-ptil-iic the ; Turkish iissaihinis lime after lime. I This l.tsi.d ixvolve days, ami wln-ti ait 1 imiueiliii'i' di'tiui r Iniil (iisappeareil the ! re.-cllc.l Aril. 1 liialis left. ,-hoWt'iiii blessiuu's on ihe lo ads of their saviors. Kix ntoiiilei laicr Mine. Meyricr led a caravan of Ciii t hristialis In Hie roa.-i, a foriiiiiu's journey. The valiatil woman led the baud on horseback, 1 Willi her four children foil. .winn iu a liner, ami pas-e.l wiih Inr party 1 Ihrotitrll llie mitl-l of hostile tribes, j She reached the coa.-t in safety, xviiii : all tlie rcl iices uuilcr her care. CtiaU 1 nl- million. T.otii cloaks arc fashiomible a-'iiin for ', sinall babies; they ate made of silk of , clolh. Tht'sc have yemiiilly a coal ! to xvear under ihetit. lint may be ir. j themselves, if made wiih inter linim; or wadded linim;. quite warm eitouli. The objection, of inur-e, is thai Ihe j baby's llillids ciiiiiii.i Kel out, but fol' ; it liny baby it is oficii Wi ll to keep tlie : liamls covei e.l iu very coltl weal her. A II while should be used llll'il a child is a year or two old. mid even then il is il j mistake in use nnyiiiiiii; hut linht to!- I ors. Cloth coa is. ribbed silk, benu'alltie ami poplin are all fashionable, iiml lit.' , style is the sanm for one and nil. Xn coat or other --a- nt that a baby wears should be made ill a way Hint w ill not allow of .Is beiiu cleiillt d frequently.- Harper's lkizar. Wiiinrit In Holland The liiiht of mothers 11s well as faihi-rs to dc ill" revanliiiK lie.' dom.- 1 il". choice of profession ami niart ia-.e . of minor children lias been re -.'!;iii.'-d loyally by lite Hutch Parliament. Hol land has ii!-,. passed a law by whitli xvoiiit-n may be appointed -.-nardinns of children not their own. . EfrpMINGS t.'ray slimles aie kiu.iMi as storm, j cloud, pe.11 1, imiotiliiitii nml monkey. I Visionary blue i- a deiicate tiin with 1 it II i it 1 of pray that is very i-fieetive. Hollaml bows of dtlit I'lim satiu j prenii.-e 10 liuuie largely ii- ii hair tin - oration duriiu- the s.nson. , A new fumy in hum wraps, nN- Kmilish. is :i ic:ii of while hair seal lined with il-ium-l .11 cheek cli. t-i. Prtuif shades in combination with ' violet iiml lighter lolled purple are used ! to some ext. nt in .'111.1111111 millinery. I 1 one of ni" il.iittU'-'. ihutys in net k xvcar i- a l-'r m il -lock of xvhito l .'.ti.-- ine silk lombiued xviih linen cord and ' hand work. Au Kiulish imvclty in motor coat- :s of brown irie.", leather bind ami s. t i off with leather l-uiieiis. The wido cuffs are lined w ; it ni.-. I eoiiie of the few 1 1 1 iii ivory ;iml j whit,, are exe. eilim.ii picturesque, its are Hie l.aii'i'iiile -1,11 in while and ! pastel lilile.l silky I-' 'X.--. I S'.:,.ri i-i.r. - i-'.' in, v ami 1 on-i-ie; ai-I" i -squiirid ami molt -k.: l.n-s of xv hit,, t loth . : Quite ;;,. n- V. v- . i f.svxcd i.i 'i-.H'-r lo i. Up! i.iht. 1 b.'.XV ,s llie lift k. illld is iu I fttseit.t of hlilck bill'. " t mii.'h f. t.-.n : Ufd f vr 8l.1v j -. - Il'M Pd by el- ! i t litiered. j .. i-.x' is l.ih.iy ; ! ::- !ae s;ccU : al tho back td I il.i.v a very luil velvet. z Tiiiiuuiniis cover .1 w .do ran so ;nitl include (;uiiiure, ;ii.ei,.i;:cs til while nml colored cl'.t'i. 'iit'ie.d cit-'oroiderifs it. tiiaed xxoistcii-:. i.ra.d.f lollt; la.-sel; and cord ami thi-niiie aud crochet cotil s. As sari.iiuve lor dark cloth costumes exquisite desires 111 ilccorative eash iiiere have ben ir.ioou ed woven on plaiu pasicl 1 : 11 1 -.! ca-iiiui-re bands in delicate tones of yciki.v, bruwtl. blue, ,;t cu aud piuk. - - - Ml WW SPEAKINC OF SOUP. How It Wh Spiv.'.I Iii a I'liiiiiiit.' Ot iiiii.i lltwlttlry. 'Spenkim: ..f soup." .-aid a promim-nr liiiisicinn vtlio has t raveled .rr a yoo.l pan ..I ii-.- ciinh. r.-iniml- m. of an ex periciire I had some year., iu" onile in one of tiie provinces of Ccrmaiix. I had slopped over in a small town for a day or two, nml was at llie bc-i hotel ill the place. This is m.t saying a are.-.t deal, lor llie piitrouai;.- d.d justify aiiythia like orL'.-imsiiis- .11 ihe mai ler of service or in Hie kind ami char ncler of llie food furnished llie u tl.-s 1 The proprietor, at any nil.-, was I . 1 1 -r the best lliat he could, ami 110 I 1 1 S t . I would have l'.u abaiu all ruin but for Ihe peculiar meiln.il llit-y I'luplnyed i:. serviii-c .-..up. I Inn.- never sn u lie mot Iiml employed in any oilo-i- pl.o-e, and lo he can. lid iih-.ili it. I IniM- lm; been 011 ihe look. nn for the unique way of serving Ihe lirsl imiiilci' oil the ineiin. The u t ml iinal it'll I had of Ihe curious praelic w:is when a bi-;, heavy llnlliiiiiler, with a Ini-ky voice, who had rushed up behind me. ask.-.l 'Soup';' 'Yes.' I replied, illld before I knew what hail happened 1." let t-tplirled Ihe soup till) int.. 1; v plate. 1 was surprised ami shocked .111. 1 not a i lillle puzzled al Itr-i. be. -ails,. I din not know how tin- waiit-r had manauci I.i squill li.e soup i!ll" my pliile so quickly. I had i-xp.-eied him lo brnu i.iy :.oUp in 1 he usual w .tv , iii a pl.ii.-. Hut he shot ih.- -.ttij. .".' , ni.x 1 1 1 1 ! : - -1 l.ei't.r lh -ho 1 h. ,' had h it .;. lip-. I win. h'-ti ;,ii,i iii.ikt- the loan. I I he .al.c . lie ll.nl ! .11 --.Up ill at'" ep lilt'le of -nine sol,. -.,:.il iiioki d like a rr.ss between a I ... Li . 1 . .Hid soiiielhim; rl-r, ami it woiketl w-ih .1 -in I ion 1 o.l ill r.iliL'cliielil. If a uiic-i iv.itiicii soup be would press Hie rod .'lid ihe liquid would stpiiri mil into tie- phi,. h xt..-inl.-resl Hf4 elii.uii. I'll!, io s n, lay pie, I cotil, lu'i cat Hie -nap. ami in fa.'. I 1 i.ilhlll't eat iinv Ihiim .-1- ,,1 1 1..' place. I suppose il vva- all 1 ;.;lii. i-tit I simply couldn't stand i-H :l. and v. 1 m I left Ihe place I vva- nc-iily -i n v. I. ' -Xcw Irlealis Tunc- I e iu,. 1 a. WORDS OF vVISDOV. Coeds . an never cens. it -,n i l.e 1 h' . oed. Hint r breail i- -w. -!.; Hum p '- n '. honey. A JJOOll fellow is lie iliWil.Vs a U"e friend. h is llie bull, t 1 lei' i.iiis ai.,1 a 1 1 i" j report. Money creates met nam - ; 1 .' 11 t nil is ties. ! It is lit. I 111" sei v .ee l.'.h l'- .1 niak s ii .-acred. The day I ool. of 1 .11: nt-i'-im.n- - ill, le.l-i I' of clel'iniy j 'flu- uood in a iitiin may l-c km. v. ': '".v llie uooil he see- ill 111' II. j The man who i- -inuv en ; 'i'1 -n'.-ary will be s'iiiutcr t o a indium. j A mean man may be -oiuc a um-:. r t.f men. Icil never 11 ma-i.-i man. Men may do their xvor-t. 1 ina'iev-t; not if you have chosen 1 in be.-t. 'I'o be coiifoiim-tl 10 lie- titiin 1- 1 lei' even lllilll to !" illfol lll' d "It i. I liseelllellt Willi olil- -ive- w.,1 . ,1!" us of iliseolitcitl w iih e';r .- i;,,;. stilllf. s. ! , i- lit. Il-e ue I lillu Up i lo- -it "1" '' zed - ' l"i.- as you .-ire . itoU.-.l t.p w i U the in-l e-' picjudii'i'. II no'- II": :. A llorttii- Will. mil llni'i'. 'I he ytmnu pliv-:. ::i u -al in hi- l..:i'-!-elii.e and wept I. ill. iiv. it ml while 1. vva- weepin- a ti .. i"l .;.' m comloit hill'. Why tin x en xx i" i' .-'' ih" i i . 11 I in quired. "Alas!" "I theo-'ii! s.. What is liic nan, the las-:" "You ni.-uiiiier-iiiiiil me." n -p .." ! ihe ytiiim.' pity-ician with dim:; v. I am w.- pin.- bt fiillse 1 inc.-: al..:i d. ii my profession." "Yon ciiunel mean .1! 11. iv. v.. 11 1;,.' sin. lied lt'i ni'-d lailluuily 10 ;; 11; -. il ';" "I Itaxc." "And yen iiave your .hploiiM';" I haxe. " "Ami veil are vvell ui'inmtletl in M," noble art of healim':" "I feel thai I may truthfully -ny " " j "Then xvhy do you make such :i 11-I1 iissM'tinnV" "Ala-! 1-1 " Tlie xoitim phx-i. rinn broke down uiteily. but sen ,-i- . Minict! a force. 1 ctimp.-nrc. "I rai.tmt ; raise a bear.l and a yoiini: pi-v -i. aitt ; wiikoilt :i heard ;- -i- A-'iiiu Hie youm; physician bi itn xvii. mid his fii' Uil kiicxx thai In- iva ns otic who could not I'c cetiifort !. - Xcw Yelk Time-. 1 Tlie Ckusc tf llt'l'il'nl. Tt ha- loii". been know n Hint m l y- 1 girtlir clldil ion- favor the cent;, me of tlie disease know n as berilit'l i. s.j j pievahtit ill the Philippines and .11 j other coiiinri. s of the Kast I' 1- ut n 1 e'.aily ll.ev.l that lis duett .an-'-; i- to be !."l!ld ill tlefoelive ft nl. M-iir ! ll.i-l. "! 'he rcillsh Impel 1:1! M'd.t.llj Service, t latins to have d- ".f d a 1 ba. i'.'.v- .11 i'o; ai. ui, d ia- a:- I : e 1 .pi. ; x t;. h p. . . in imi, - - i!:e ; spei.f.. t .1110 oi ill" disca--. I' I'll" .Pi. 0- u I'.vvl- uiaiiv of lh -v nil"-, ni - 1 I..-, uibiiii- Hi. 'so el belibni in 111.111. j Mni x.-r. fowls f.-edin up-. 11 fc until. id rice develop similar symptom-. 41" it-, rib.'- th" disease, ikon, to the c.-e of let incin ti; rice iiml espi-eially Ihe riee-liqu.'l. 10 'I"' H-" o'' xvbich bevrr. a ae Ihe cocli'-s are especially luhlielcd. Chihlrcti mver. iiml xvomen rarely, tlrink rice-liquor, and I" in e ihe iu'it tpleaey el Ihe disease in such siibjecis, ll't all very well lo kiss and make up, bin xx oiiii i. ' an (icuei ally make wj vtultiuul kis-.ii''. . Iiralniii;f "I Out- rnl' I ' Iti.tot-. HUM :i I-. . "III p'li Ii. i 'iea ' ' Ihe I'l.iletl SliH - Hi'"' lit.a.l Impiir'.i s -. - li'l:- li.e C. lOHOXMII". An 1 --.-lit i : 1 ! ft a'ti: . . :' I f.eid is f-oini dra ina-.'e. alnl ii prim-ipl. s of pond 1 1.-1 i I :i -r. roiiiai'i si'ii-ianiliilly liib Millie. XVhelher tile load- be l oll-t 1 lll't - I'll of t nil I: , km vol. shells, sioii or as. pindi. The lir.-1 deli. ami "'' 'jooil drain iiiic is io niii-nd I-. llie shop - of rond Mtrfiiee. This iiim-l b.- "cr.nvne !'' or rounded up Inward tiie ctitre. -o I hut Hii'le may b,- a fall fr-uu :!ie leif I i ill.' sides, ihli- . (Ill t 1 1 i 1 1 llie XX il 1 . '!' t . I (low rapidly ll'olii I in sili fi'ie it:'o the .'llllel--. XVhi.-il should be col. still. -If. I on one or I-. ill .-iih--. ami I'mni Ih.-i" in lurii be iii-fh:ii-;et! Ittio Im-.'cr nml mo re open ch.-iiint i-. I'm iln i ncrc. it is i cssary ihai im wiin-r be allowed to Ib.w :ie-it-s a loaihvav : ciilv.-i :.-', tile, stone, or box drains should I e pn, vi. led lor ihnl purpose. Ill :.!. 1 :1 i. .11 to iiim; Well e.iV.Ted iltl 1 ilraiin-il lb.- --ml. .-tn'tli. I be kepi as saiooih a- p..-- b. . tl, ,i i-, fi'- e from rills. Wheel I I II U- . I - ".' I.eiiif.', I;' any of ihi-r . s.-i. ,--' -.1 ,.i I i i. .; thrown M tlie - !! lie w :ii, r i - I.. 1 J back nml is e.i In i ex n..,, :ti, , l.y ; ' Mill or ill,-, n bid b.v lie' i:il el.,: I . !' which th" lead i- c...-ir.!. t.-.' In lilllef else the lllliieriill I"- - !. s. I..' py. sofleii-: all.! yields l.i ihe iinp:-. 1 "f Ihe hoi-t -' feel, and lie- xvine!- of v. -hides, iiml. like the water pniireil up a n urimlsioiie, so lb.- wai, ; ciii!.-i t.n a load Mil-face which t- n.'l ii'oitei'y draiiieil assists t he in-liiu a. : i-.;: i :' the whet Is ill i tinim: c.'i:rplel"':y .' htroyiti-i the .-uitaee. Wlcii xvairr .s allowed in it.'iid on a '."nd ihe ! '. nml tuts li.p.dly incica-e i ;i.c . nml :.: xvi-.oii ai'lcr iviiui.ii -.1; s deep, r 1111 1 il tlie re:: I lil:.:;lx b. . el,.' -uiieily bad, and soinei ime- i .i;'.i -- bio, as frequently l,o'.,l m many p-n -i of the euimtiy iiml.:- 'ie- xxm' ;,,. i-'.ii. A (il'.'lll I'I'l-ll.ili II i ell xt :t y. 1 1 i - .1 in il .' -I -.: I" I. ;:i n. i in oti'-!i ;t repel i re,-, ntl.v iiia.'-' by W. 1.. l'i. :. : son. Trea-urer el ti:. ' ex. York :;:i.l Chicii".. lioii.l As-ori.-itioii. i.m I n!-n Ihi-tiimh Alb.rt .. Pope, il- 1'nsnl. :.:. tl.nt the prelim. lis) vy sicps Liken m ac coni.iisb ihv ctiosu-ui lion ol a rt.nl ii-.e.-uis hi-il.xxiiy I it mi X. xv York lo Chi. : po have ltl-inl-;lil highly s:tl i ; ;ir; o; y suits. Ticn-ur.-r li. ki:.-i.n. wh . ic; lately ci.litplelc.l il lour oi' ine leitle i i be folloxvcil b.v Ihe new mad, ,-iai -s thai ihe differ, nt aiitlm: itics of the toxvns and i omit les in i ii iiver-i I by Ihe lhorell'-!i''ii'.e :''e le-:i'-'.i!y the pioject. and proinl- m aid it ;.. '.;.. t -tent of tin ir p tvv. r Sliilisiics show that ." 1 ri. .-ol- a jtrreuiltitis.' luiic- in h-ncU! a ':-.-;.. 'y exisl iiloli-; the pi..pn-cd t'oi'le. xv - indicates that only ahem .Ion one - of m-vv road will m .1 to I- built in ni d".' 10 rotllltl'l till IWo t in - i l ;;;e l.ltllllirl th s,fi .1. The bixv - -.: . t n ic i i t oil-s'l't.'-iioii of silt ii .1 l;:-;ixxix al''.'':.; i.i l'i . - nt 1:,. i ,b-i acle. t ,cc, i:i ! i: Si .,1 e ef It .bin.:, vvhere. il is :i!.!. t '. c.v wi'l lllixe io b- ani-l lle.l .-li'iltli.V '.c.'e.-t' I I'O plan i an P.- t .i: ri.-.l . at. A 11 impel '.ni I- .urn e if 1 i: T: . a: li ft's itixe-ie:.....n xx: - h.s .ii-c.x.'y liiat tie- X :. I ,el- t..x ! aa i f.l'lii.x in': i er- iiii x ;-. :.i i .it-'ilied :r;,i'V.'- t :tie ih. i.."ii.'.v . - : .!.-.!, i :.. y wi.l ii, :v e 1 . lie U V. ;.y V ii ! t, .-I ( ompl.-i. .1. 'I I" y !' m i " v i i- .i. I i, fa. : i hat t't - itrc-.t n v, I:;:.'. I , u. -i 1 . -Willi i!.e I'.ai'.v branch to;,.: - v h.. li xx .1 dix. i...' ii'o.n il. xv '! a:iy ::,, n-i tiie li, illc of tie .,- p:1, '1-e. iy I y .: ; :: traii-l'o'. i.iiit'U. nm! xv ill .:'-.. .-.i K in ii srener;.! vv:iy. to t !:!. .!.,:.-,.' 1 lospclil.v. We Imp. li :il tii" p.- .1.. ;!!! ' ',. ; . -i'iiie XVecks a;,, by li;e ;i--o, i.i; .,1 ; Vic.'-pfe -iii' HI thai "w. : irti ! I.i . e .:' foil!- Xt;,s a uial'il nti'ik !; :hx,.".- be tween i-vv Vor1; iind ,:,. v. i'i be an ;u en-1 p'1 s'.i. d feci." vx i'i 1 mi Idled, iiml. iiidmib: item ih: ;.t ! ,-ti I Mice, ss vx ,ii 1 1 ha x e a : it ii'U ! ,i:v- ' : V l- 11 cl'.t sa far it will be. ti.llt.l lillHtlt l il'.llliltii.l. There lutxe '..ecu neii'y p-.:-!:.:'! ;"- fllieilt.S ill XVOi'k its ill is 1 I il-' . d linols int.'. din m. but i:ie f.-f:r.. I - have been unusually , on-t-rx .,: iv v in It no m-; their co i.pei ai ion lo the elVol-i to b: about il cl:::ic;e .11 the i.ivx : :,ex n i tie' pi; vile t:t ef hi-;!, xv ;:y taxes, and 1!t- y I ax e fol i.ikt tl :! l a- I.Xe p:H . I 1 the tnevci.icii! xvlh. ii -!!;.- a '."i,.;"a i.i ihe xv.iy th.-.-e i. iX' - are t Xbeitd.-.l. Ai ;i .null fari'iiii". t'oU'tiiii'i '' :n lh" . "es principally jniei .-'. . ;:i v.-.i-I l.iu'uxv .ix s, iiml ti," pe. i, ' . :' .' " fi.i if Is ill'" dae. i iv I . .: : .- .1 by . Il- -q.. bill III" rt'-l o" 1 'tCi. ". :!' pi e, ill- 1- I" l'1-llj.el. I', V ai e p. ..': I I iltl':"!,' I ' "Id HUM liod-. an I .,; e ...; lire-: .. ti tt the cxpeii- .'. i .: ." in i lie in.-; b "1 of biiiidi,, ai.d ': ' 'i tan n.' b'l'l- vx ill f ill iii'iot tie -ii .- ,'l'. Out I' - li' 1! ' roiUiet.s:t i"' I" .e ', .. -Me"-.. '... ' .'' in I. -a ke- i'ui-i'. -l.nitf.. , ''"',- ti .-: it', .- .1 ! ." nn l 1 v t - :'"..;:1 11.1'. .of - ta" .' !: '." '! I:." - '''' o, I lie 1 ".id - I - Illll -1 II I V ' 1 to I !l t ;..; ,'. 1 it v to-iny hours :r ' ' ..o. tiiiiny im!-.-- - lb , - ii ti'iitib" i . I ;! a i,..-d !' mil i Wh. 'i Hills l'i--..- d i'le lli-t as lolti. :l - a f XV tll.b's t :' I: ';.! iiml .-le:i". M miolfti liul. I'.t i-rty. I'eVerly Wo'il'l he: OIII" IIIoIelo: !-.M if one didn't It;. x t to slop hn-ibi: j. i . r bread ami meat ocea-iouaiiy in oi.c r to hustle for a U ,v uthei ihiutj-. .X-'W liit Uattltl