l)c vhallnm Record. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISi&S. Due nqunro, ouo insertion Jl-flJ One. hiiiurc, two insertion) 1.60 Ouu ecjuare, cuo mouth For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXV. PITTMIOKO. CHATHAM COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY, 1,11)0!, NO. . BY ST. QEORQE JxATHBORNE. Coi'THinn i- twi; Koukut IIi.snp.h'm Hun. ilAPTUll XI. I font lulled. 1 "Somel bin;. Im evidently befallen the rascally Itraliinin slmo nichl closed in. Wini I ili. I ynii conclude whs the matter';" he asks "Well. 1 thought tin- fellow ii.-nl cvi ilemly liei-n barklm: up the wroin: trre," says Sandy, solemnly. This lime lirimes laughs iiloinl. "Hood nuess, my I'hv. He oweslhe pinse-cp; on his forelienil, Ihe hull ill his oh mid the haudilp.il arm to some one w e know." "Tell lo one ii was linn Mvnlieer .loe!" i-M-l.-iiineil lit ilTfspoliilolil tpih kly. "tin up head, you.u ni.'iii- Von . mi oi'ininieiit lo ihe -nessin-; cla Sure ctln'l-h. Il was our Joseph who liilllilleil the Thin: without gloves. The bcasi whs on :i niis-inii for his iniislei'. I ami was thrown i hrou-lt the window hy Ihe niessemrer from K hailoolil." Of eoiirse Smiily prii ks his ears up I this i-Iiiimiv fur .1 sell-ill ion. mnl plies the oilier with ipiesiions. whii ll .Mr. tJriines answers in ihe li:-si nf his nliiliiy. The -lory i snmi i.ihl. an. I followeil I v whai lie has, ihis iiiinn illif. seen lln- Iiaroii ilo eerei-e his kiH wilh sword mid revoher, n llmilcll there is Unik iihead. "As sure ,-ls (nil I i ... il's toilltf lo Ii--Hii and 1 1 1 1 K hetweeli I In -i I wo vol. Tin ready In li- i o: .loe. Inn I adiuit the i-iise i-aw fully dniililful. wilh that liuuian ilevil amii'isi him. Still. Joe's mm' of lin k has in-M'l' yet deserted him. He's the only fnivinner to i-oine out of Khariooiu alie. J.et us hnpo mnl pray lie will tiimlly ouiwit thai hnroii and t-arry oil the prize." Sandy has never li.-eu more eamosl in nil his life, ami if soim-t hintr would , only eoine up uhei'eliy lie toiild show liis friendship he stands ready to . hip ' in. no niiiiter what the eost. Thus Joe's friends talk over mailers . mid endeavor lo diseover some way whrreliy the explorer illtl he lielietitcil. They fiM-l sure ihe haroii has made up his mind to push mutters to ihe wall, . and that lie will not hesitate almiii the menus he employs. If Joe is elK.llellK'-il. of eolll'se he ! Miay have Ihe eholee of H e:linlis. time and plfloe. lie ouu. therefore, make till' liesl tif , lie liariiiiin. The olle ! thiiiK tliey fear is that the Iiaroii tuny j MITtlllKc .1 KO I lilt I Ihe insult eoini'S j from him. Well, if .-o. Joe will prulia- . lily avenue it on lh.- spot, and not I (Iron in of sending in a . liaHelie. ' Thus they draw .-.niselnt Inn from i... uii..uii.... .....I i (...- iiui i. ..-i ' , , . i . ui. i i Where -n .li' have taken himself to? They full to Iiml iiuythinu: of liiin; nor do they sev Tan nor find his (laugh ht. This leln.v Is not to Stindy's Ilk mi;, mi ho is uuxiono to iieiid a telo- srnin to the i-tty on the McilitwninnHi. ortKHRliiR his paHHHKA for India, noil I fre4n iindor the laixv of time. The uioruluff lias koiip ami the aftrr- eon with it. is vreulHK wlwu be two friends i ru iieros! Tannpr in the Ixittd -Tnu- j ii". who i.rvi-tn them iu his usunl hols let' ns niMnner. as be iloen all his i frlciidn. j Sandy see hi optort unity ud ' makes the licl possible use of it. He risks the orator his Intvntlonn nhout ' travel, unit hints t Vow uh-e it would tie if nil of them iinild go on the urtnie ateiimer lo Indin, whiih proposliioii .piiic lakes the other by storin. Making iiiijiilrles i.s to (Into of snll Jim and n few oilier thluis. Tanner i nuui'es on bi.i own plans, and then an- 1 uoutie.-s that Sandy may in. lude him- . self and daughter In the party. "How ahout Mytih"tr .Joe';" "You'll have lo tee him personally," returns the orator, with a sly twinkle. ! in Ids eyefi. as thm.li he ortii make n j ;."i l'.y Kood Km that Ihe party meli tiotieil witl not he fa - a-.Yny wlen they I leave Alox.imlriu. ; "Where may he he found?" asks I S.-m-ly. ! "Think I ku.v. .n see a party of ; Knullsh ollhvrs ami leadluu iiku were I ImiiiiiiI to fete the I. rave I my who riidie from Kharim-m with tlie hist news of poor tin "di-a. They took him over to the liirr.n k.-. where a spread had hect i ordered I was pressed to S. Inn M.lly w.i'ild he waltliik: for iiie at the hotel her.-, and as I nm l.itifn! pHrent .im! n.-ver disappolut li.-r. I itiivi- a;- i i.e idea." Sandy lui- a c!oi:d nit his hrow. 'How i.iiii; .1.. s!t;,-e the party went in':" "More than h:.!f an hour. I reckon." replies 'lariner. en pi.ee. "Th. y must l;:iv. :m! ri.:rs. ' ' rty i-r.-'. iib'j "Mr. T.::: r. w en: ':" Jiiuc his in hed the time- :he hat oti p:i s "( ettH l.iy. w heic!" il is Tiiat iu. tit mail that ; d. s t: -t tir a bear malice afi'iiiist the baron least fails to show It. Sandy and Mr. Crime rxchan'.'e plillices. "It will be done there;" s.iys til la Iter. "No doubt of it, sir." replies the cor respondent. -What's ill this about:" n-ks Tan ner. iinMcii.jr t'l"!:' pica-. : l.nds and Klati.rs. "Wo'ro 1'fl' to see If J .I- .l. S lll'll its or -t.ivs ii i iv-'." And Wiiu l.ic '.i Jii ll-c two flicuds JOE v Tanner. Iicndim; for the bur rinks. As they reached I In- door of (ill- ill x, il ill io'l, loud olees are heard, excite ment seems lo rt'ipl. tl II I tlio colonel can lie heard x'lnlniiiii: "I Jetitlcmeii. remember von are mi tier n inililiir.v roof: Reserve nil li-n: iilistrnlliilis lllllil WO separate!" '11 A PTMI! Ml. "Willi s won i is an lim it ai ii i; si v- ! ntsr!" ! The worils : i ri deeply i ti i 1 1 '. ) 1 1 :iml Sandy clutches his companion's aim;! moi -m ii.in.-u m i . i n mi- , ilellilti'S llllll illi'.V Understand , lie line j ill wurilticss of this ntl'iiir: il luiiilly lleeils tile philioo they take iiilu l In- mess-room t Hulls. corroborate their susp- It n Koehc they w ill li 'er fur they live. A il.i.i-u Iiml L'.'llllr'll'-ll iuive : ll loth is r.-i;i,. (! -.it ;IS tillltf :ii up 1 1 1, ! oltioer- ill-Ill ill llll' I.'llll :iml tipns iiml wini side of llle I'nlollol served. At one -iiiinl- Mynheer .1 the lieiu nf Khiii-liiniir. In- holds ;in ,-in it w iin tiluss in his hand while lipoll Ills face a 'It 1 1 lie s.-l-ll :i colli-, lip : Hulls Iiml;. Ili-. eyes iire heiil ::.-;' the l:lhle. Nt-mly opposite lii him is the ':: ti . W ith ;i miuu. iimiilker - Iiii ( he x p, s lie- wine from his fm-i-; i; has -is,, ill-.-iili i'eil hi- sliirl front w h. i - l-l.iz- -,-i w miilcrf ul din iiiiiinl. wt.rih ii -mail iol'l line. Siinily observes his r.i. e mill ili-.-nv ers hardly ii trace of anpT l here: i'i deed, frnill the sardonic smile nlic would iiuamiic thm this incident I- iiist what iin- Russian ilnelist ha- ! v aed lor. Iletiirnitii; lh Soil I ken hief lii his aril across .f Mynheer pockel, he i-only I ihe tahle in Ihe isses his lil-eetioll i .Inc. "Vnil will speedily hear I'roiii me. i -.ii." he says, wilh i-iiltinu' emphasis, j "The sootier the heller. Iiar.in; lie-, .neuilier. 1 leave on Saturday's steam i ri'." returns the Anieriemt, w hile ihe ! ottieers look a-tiiiindeil: I'm. I. rave iii.-ii ! though they are. there is not one j aiuoiur them w ho would i-are to lie in ' Joe's slioes. Tin- Uussiau hows and leavi.. i!t room: he . an no lonuer remain ai Hie lalile wilh the iiian who hn thun pub- li.-ly Insiilted lii in. and ns MynhisT ! Jne is the Sliest of the oei-iisinn, il he- ! comes his iliiir to depnri from ihe j mess-table. I Sandy Is joined by one of ihe olll i ers, a tine youtin fellorr. who has ! taki'ti unite n fauey to , 1 . ' he war corre- ;oritlcut. 'I'lie latter ripelaies Ii will lie his pleasaui duty to cc Huns Ktvtehi-i- bei-'iine a Kneral otm.day. He has the yi-caior faith in Ma daKb i Ii K (j nil III ics. "Tell ua, how did this ukit arTatv roii'- about?" he nks. (injierly. for those at the inf!-table appear to hnvt forKotteu it in liatpntug to Joe's glow tnjj atory of tiorrton'a denth. 'Willingly what little I know," ri I plies the Brl'lsU oftleBr. - was at j the other eud of thu table and failed j to distinctly catch the full uieiminK of the baron's insult." "Then he brouuht it on ptupns... ! a I siipiionrd." "We suspect :i lunch. Iliouli hi; reason i not plain. Perhaps you cn ilemcti know itV" The same old siory rivals in I m- " "All! Thill's the truth of i:. " "Was the baron's remark about Mi.--! Tanu'T?" "I am irlad to say ii was not. I ' the lit Me I heard. I b. Hi-ve ii . I crrticil Mynheer Joe's c.-.ur.t n - ::ii , il'.Hitltiiu; allilsi'iii to the l!:ii; that ! 'fs ..ii'.- cousins across the -,.ai..-." j' "ilonii: And Jne rescntr.l It. as j true Auiericiin would, no mn'ier C !:: death was a foregone i-nm-l" i!mi." -. . ! Sandy, hotly. j "i-.iil, you m-e. il's a -.eiior.s lh;.'. ! to brinj; on a ror at ihe f .Ictn-' s ; mess iable." i "And a slill luniv srioii... ih;:!- t.i is j pulilli-ly insu.'icil there. Th.- 'o! :: 1 I .should have seen in it that only ;r'i tlenieii were luv it. d mid not the mis erable hound win. thinks his title of baron can or.cr tip all his iuimiiii.-s.' The li-Miieiimit bianco rather n,-:--vmvily iiroiiml. hipn:i; no friend of the har.ui would ov.-rhiar wl.:i: is be- tnr sael by the tier 1'iile correspond, c a I'.i.r.l'!'' (iu.'l cnt, or then ma.'. on th.' lapis. "Honestly, li had he ll at I! man l-;,iin v.i. K',i.-s:, .in. I th: ai-t'.y th- .iin... he did i. .r i:i-. wl.ai w-.i-i-l h. .in-...- s Sa:-.!. T.'ie . :!., , - I t.i- hi . l-'i: ii: rti . li Villi a t.ci- Si d .'Hid hull. .I'ci should .-ay r - (-..:.; t'.ii XV ii, mat: .ii .stl ill i-i iiary i:, I '.-;r fell.,' . ill-1 be I,', ami th:; h. as - .,-; tor i!.; !t:r in My 'l-:.i. I.iil l:o I.i.,-l-:.t V- I -:i i: ily d o(. tr ti. t-yc uuo .:io iaiuii; T iriuia tue t.ar.-ii. '.' Hi .'-., i Thai llaii enuld laud Dial lim-liiira as a Mash he l:n- full into Ihe empt;i-l l,i- . ii,-- -. ol In-r'- la-:-." Sililll.v's 1-1, ,. -;io lie is pr..n. of ,; few mure -i. It ..; M-alt. !-,-.' aim hi th,. a urca'cr ri-i.r.'i stripes :iu;o:i- Ihe lie looks :,l II,. Hot SCO Ilia' Joe u ii U I'iilliusiavm. .ii'il j ii;.-i li. .V n :is Mynheer Joe world would eausi! I'nr the stars and - iialinM- of I'.ill'ope. epliiier. and does ' iuipi'i-sseil with wliieli he I'.- s Im-i'II the danuer into liiM- drawn by "I have srivai ly. and I is liie ilscciul.-ltll." he t 1 1 1 olli. 'i t- aays Privately. :' iM'-neslly hope he will do ihe ba'o-.i. I! --idc- ihe ri-uiird we feel lor h'ni a- a roil-in from across ihe wmcr mid I lie man who aveiu'.-il i .'..i.loii. ymi i r:; leistand ihai we h:ic Ho love tor I Ihe lEusshiii. whose mi-siili lo India w e i-au suspect." "Ves. and Il's tny private opiuii n ; thai -,i hen he runs up against Joe he'll I wish he had taken some ntho.- course.'' Il a 'uonil Ihili'i 'o h.-ii-e il s.'in- ;iti:ie ri leinl. lull Sandy dues urn de e himself. He knows what the o.l-.vr has to face as will as Mr. Oimes. who iviilclieil the damn wield :i -word and shot with linn m a lar- Mynheer Joe presently excuses him. st !f iriun l tie conitniny. They uniler--imni his -.-.iliiu-. and do nm wonder a! it. Any it.au who may be lulled upon at sunrise to l:i-.' the Itus-ian din-list would be a tool 1. 1 stupefy his .-n-cs by liii-:i'.-in:; a is i!ll,i.i-ii;;il.-!y j mid lh. pseltd.i silvel three wall, n!t iin.;.. la!k. Joe i-- soon ,nt ::. lo .'III la.'ll Mr il I . II in-1 Hi. lined li.v Sandy Kniu. met I'"' I the -I lis In ' ; I ! I w r ii re rlrinies has Seal-. ml. The I lire. p-Ill ly lii in- llll .1,.- ;y u'Cii-iiiui. ..r it is t !- wish of ihe l.-ittc: ijeiiilrmaii lli.-il the explorer -hail -how uliiii he can do. so a mm-i:i,-i-i.u may be drawn and a decision rcuil"l'i"l as in what Joe's nuir.se must be when he r.'. 'ivc- llll' i il.'lllellL'e c. perird. A (cry few p.'i-oiis m-" preseiii. Mr. tiriuii's speak- P. lh.- mmi in cliar'.', and l hey .in- made welcome as friends of I lie ol!. rs. 'I'he mimo profess'if wilii w lioiii the barmi played is pies out. mi l wiih pleasure he ay-ees In fence v.i:!i ihe American, tm dmiM iieieiir; he will have a chance to l-ecnl.-r hi-- pr.-.-l:,.. Iii-I ill I he bout with llie I .a roll that day. When Myul r Jne lakes olT his i I'M ami vesi .-Hid puis a l.eb .ii.miuiI hi- wais I he i- ready I'nr the affair. I'poii his feci li" has lira w ii a pair of rubber foot holds thai will keep him ii-.ua slipping. lie bares iiis tit, In an,i, mid Sandy ices I he !!'ii:'cssor glance at his su perb biceps us ihoiiuh pleased. Then ihe !c.;:ii of foils take- his wrist and feel- i:. "A w underfill arm. iiinii-ieur." he says, with klnilliii eyes. "With prac tice you should be a lililctlifieciit -.voriisuuiii." "So old Ilimil used to tell me." re plies Joe. "Ah. sacre? You take lessons from hiru. r.e creitest master in Pari. Per hapa I shall not be able to have w. revenire after nil." Meanwhile Joe roll ;p his left shin sleeve in the same way. un action lh professor refriird.. with coiiivrn. hut. which Mr. llrlmeK taken to tueiili what he has fondly Imped. "Keiuly. professor?" The foils click and bexin to writ lie like snakes, passim; in iil.1 out with the rapidity of ihuiiehi. Satifly iiml Mr. llrlines stand near by. They have i d"i-per interest in this eu-atrnin-ni l.an nppcfrs mi the surl'uce. Alter loiikiiiu on for a lainiile. .Mr. liinia-s heaves a sich of relief. li.-'ll do. Sandy. J'll stake my life on Im.i. i d ii miainsi the Russian. Watch ill .ii iiiacnillccnl play of tile :-si. li.-a.i'i'.! I've seen a man w'eld a .'. .". I.', fole, bu: never like . hit t . Ilai!.' Whal does he say thai he HniK ii msoo rn-iy and sluu-u-ish. Ii '.tce tak.- it, wini! can le- do w lien i.i i ri in. 1 1 1 -: i .- Not.' the poor profc so;-. He ;;, ;:l..ll li.:.s M-nreil. Hi, i :-.'V.'l'-e do, ,;.ii-. it v i ; IiItii a t urn : hi;. ' . i -itiu s t ai . i j I v.-.liy k.i -!.,(,: H ' l.-ft hand ! f.- like .- i !.. - h-id il.- p.ltl 1.111 ve:( well, ink I'll have lo L'ive -'if o make him feel i i;;:liy lucii urn Mr. .-.ii - on. o an S-iuily l,!liel. I ss.-s hi- weapon into Ai-ain l.e is ill llll- .-n- i i-cr. 1 li- ior d-vil l.n'i. a iaain-1 hi- Ii. : rt .-. What d'ye iii'itl; of il l-:tn.-efi ha-. I Sa-nly. 1 pia: . eld r. ll'.u V" i: i. i !. 1 mil le Ilet.l . - ll ; ic his fo"i;i!ie. I !n niiiti ii. It w ::l I-. loll Wiil Ii. I. (..I l i.' .1' t in-: l.i.l ! ti i- I. 1 sV,: r li : Wav .- Us, s . l.-l sv...:-K e ki.i I: I'M :':c -,'iti. i" hi He i.nn.s i Irei.i 1 1. : (-..-. r : .:-d I: his up vi n:- r'y drill ! iw a hi- i". i! :.li I I.'in.::-.'h. Ki-u'ii- ii . as M.-. ili-iinc- has --id. I i.;i: .1 I.. t.-i. in- :: - h.,- c !,!j ! ;s ru -ty III:- muhf. IVi;;; , -. I.-..:. -. -I 1 "- .1. ,-'. I '"' ' '''in :iitl-l I'l." of tt:e - P -:::! st p, stntM ... V .lll-il a r: ir the tii'iii a i! July, l;U'j, ..: July 'increase eoniplilnci.t. never w a v.- . a Siiieri.- !" star rrrs in l!io tj.?, niarks. m w hi.-h ! a low lone: : I'll lis. Siltlilv. I : I " A 01 BRICST WOMEN AS Soiiiw of l'hmr 'teer lv:rrt Are (Hfiri l ltiin Hi infMli-. Jlisl brfore Lord l!-iiicr!S le'l I'nr South Africa it will he r"iiie:nlie,-ed thai he reeched a nirii.us prc.-ent Iu the shape of a hullo, proof shield of aloininiiui. This w;ts sel l in him by i:s invent. ir. a weinan. She who patented this (cry much the rovers- of ilmnc-i ic Imple ment is Miss Helen S. Murphy, one of our f vv wiiiueti itr. ciim --. lie:' in vention is so far a m. s Ilia: it a' tracied the ait-ntiec of a foreign o ermneiit, who has Intel.! been making inquiries ns to lie- .-upl'ly of a liire tiiii n ' it y of t)ise s.il.iiers' chest pro tectors for their ( loiie army. As m!ht be i -.ii.'.-icil. I lie larger number of ua! iiis taken on: by Women are !''" doni-slic inventions of otic kind or muitlier. Some. Iiowever, like Miss Murpliy. have inrued iheir l.ll'..iiion to very ditT- rem subjects, A Mrs. Wcsiliani has recently pat cm. , a p. u hi'.. I of -older for use by i -'U'.l work -rs. w.iu;:iii from l!!ark- j p-.el I;. is d- i-"il a ! I 'en,, w hicli is -aid Pi b- very Prill, a:'. I ea--;!,! , folded and carri, d. Metal work In:; i- u..; ;!.e sort o' i-Ul':i!in;i on. i.onlil i;:'.i;',i':e eiciyeninl i lo w. nun. ir-. 1 ".on ii- e H::-::snit i lias : -i.i'.! ii that th" fair ;-e:. can - .-.! ) !:i such ii branch of ii:.ti:-try i y pal-l I a procos I'm- il'-siilphiiri.iii- i-rtain ores. Mr-. A,, ics y ml l.'aiwn i:i-til li wn-kcr. At her e: - :: nit'ithor wel' ' a wciiiiin irni . tcii-i'e work- at Tlmrnhiiiii, in Norl'nik. w ;; c iii.id 1 1 bciiutii'i;! drive i,ai. - of Siiiiilrii'L'iiaiii, and Ihe Kin:; has for years taken the keencsr int-resi in her work. Mrs. Ames I. . vnd nm only superintends th work which the has started, li.'i pre pares all th" .l-sl-ns her. elf. She has Invented many lew nr.d iiiii.pi- de signs as well as several methods lor weltlini: tiinelher the separate portions which till to form the elaborate plec-s of work turned out al her works. So far lia-i the fame e" this novel vlllnae industry exiend.'rt that lis head re ceived an order for ihe royal pavilion a I the I'n lis Inhibition of. llinn. l.lldy t'Dlchrnok is liliolher Woliliin Inventor. She Is well known as a i avttlptor, mid lias turned her attention to u branch of work hitherto aliii-st exclusively conflned lo men thai carpetiteriii. She holds every wet U a lurtre class of xvotneii ami 'ir!s from the district arouiiil her home ut Ah inctoi!. and leaches tiu-tn inedlvwdik ; and carpentering. The latest acirevi" i ment is I oil In r bnx on a new plan, which Is I.i use iu the hall at Abinx ton. Doctors nowaday un- nil iiurted ihal 'the ordinary cradle with rockers is , very bod for children. The rocking anil JoltltiK 1iet a cryln baby merely tiy stupefying if. and the re-til' Is in Jury to the child' health. A woman liviiiK at Twickenham has W't lierseif to work to remedy this, and at the palesit ollice may be found a description of her new hale, car lurii mock. This is a coiuhina; ion between a cradle and a perambulator, xvhich takes up very little iMutii. obviates all jarrlnp and jolfinc. and :n the same lime is mo niiide that a child ',i:i- mi it Is completely p.oteoted from cold a'r and d:-militv. Aiinfher dotnts.ic device which t-e-taiidv fills a lung-felt wain, and for xvhh h we are Indebted to a wotnan. is call' d th' Imby -juniper. Judins by the drawinss of this device, th- Mrs. Wilson, who patented it, lias conferred an out limits boon on in-ticrs who cannot afford iiur- -. Th,. invention is a suit of frame in which the child can !) comfortably placed, cither sit tine; or staiiditiL'. and lixed beyond teach of harm xhh straps. It Is mis Vci:i'.i'.l to the rciliiu: by a rope and -.pirn! wire spline, which when xveicht is thrown upon ii dmi. es the baby jtn li.matically. It xvas a woman who Invented the t:n !; pttll-r. w hich is now so xviih-Iy i.-c-l in this c.iiimry. The tin l: p;iller is simply t. 1.-. t .' 'il-: . nrrati.TCiiteiit by 'i ."iiis of which th- lacks ho!di;itr a . .ii pet to the llonr can be easily mnl -I red.Iy pnllt d mi!. London Answers. X'fw ntinns In W'o borrov. our hi as I ns far as d:v-.- is com !::si lie! In, i is to try women's il"i'.i s ihe li:: l!.c.-' wiii,-i. It i-s : ; t i i C.rln-. .mi i.II so;ir.-i - !".!!. (1, lllli ill" iin.l adapt M -:' the bii'.ter r.:i xv i .;:ir-e n:i l a"; Nil !i ( i:: b.'.t it t !::-. II-.': .1 v I in t;:' dl-i: can li.: .li v hn; Wil.cu a I'-:-. ..'li Til- I .i v. i: .iii iii'-l :,i" 1 p ". ii. ';';. ? iy in .la:,, . . -b-r. x( hi -li i- J hi dy xv in. olive mci ii i i.. a . li m:-l c- i i I.i;.;.' j i .!. :r::c;-'iii",l x.-liii pi':;, I v. . idd .ual.o a fc: :u:..' : . cca'd reproduce it. or il n .', wi-vs. INVENTORS. I ! I i :ice so I'.iciy as siiiue of ' p.i Herns, mid a liuhr J bu: icrlly iu Wi -I Af- m! I. iii v,. a .lcli'.;lill'ill .nr In many dress sub- .lecls, only it would be a degradation to the liiitti i Ily. Linen tow ns oi lipht areeil iliv illilnli ihe plellicst, espe ciiilly wh.'ii iriiiiiiicd with -I'ipi'ic atid lil.nl. wi'h a bn. 'in and fill: sie ve, -New Y'l-rk n ican. I'l-ii.lHiit 'I'i iiiniiii-i:. There ,s a brisk deii.uail for dress ; i "1: i ii.-i-s -.vie, !i have dr-opiuv: or peuilaiil iii.plii atiiins of '.i;.-s 1 u ui-i ic. Worsted, sili. or i U'li .il l. Nil Hat nm' si.u ionar.v ii-ii-iioin lias Ihe chic of lllese Soft, siM-uiMK eoin'ecl ions. You may have .nee. I:iii,i,i-iis hours pin- litii; on Pi.! down to vie : l i a :nl bi I -i.:: narvow or i-iia min.:s w iiti iin-i-rly spin i d : l'OUp of ; We. :a -is to be stitched ,a. ki i I'i .-ii, and I'.-w , you tied j,, i cm buy ! - II. ami In iililcl trini .h'to. ial.li. la.ss.-ls pinp-in-eriiils iipna it iu w . 1 1 1 Ii is I he lit i if 1st of the ntylr. Anotln r . ya.-m.urc i- a inchair braid eiiliui d by -riuips of croch eted bulls xvliicii swin- from twisted stems and dandle for a couple of Indie like black .-herries. These, iijjnin. hilotiK lo lh- festoon tiim- Illillk'S. A third viiric.v is made of two or perhnpn three braids arraiucd in par allel i-nirii. and stinhhil here iiml there wilh round bnllci Ini.tn-s. A croch eted line, line Inn si roil;;, is now laced about over mid mule.- ihe buttons, which occur i:-'i viiinriy on ihe different tenths of liiii , Small ilrooMinc balls are also minn'iii-, d m braids, wliii Ii piodii -cobweh fie -t very p: eye. '( Vill'irll .p. nwork limitlirlill nv.''.li--,. '.'cry siiii.;-: mnl clever It.'" llie-.:: n sive xifis me the new kui; im ! i1 purs, s mid siiinip hntes. The purses are th" size of .n woman's w.-iich and have a spriuj; Inside which holds 1'n- cliane llnnly. liefiic you car fn-v out is us s'.:iiiie as pres-iti-T a.i electric butloii. A riiain in Ilium l!ir-e fetching novel lies to is now iu older. 1 1 is here, loo, aloii j with ilie Pari jewelry. Iu addi tion lo liciuj: set .villi mi occasional pearl, this delica'e Kiintiietiil chain is made double a t tile fronts of th should"!' of liie weal ers. the chains beiiiLj held apart by -o: -:il. . : - don- hi tiny ihicesloties. Pretty Iin!- iitciictnl l.,::i-:l s come, ten. for the bii.-k ni llle uair. They have pi'tuliiii's mm witli tiny rhino stones. In s.itii- eases itici-e are i'lf.i.'M sl::ip"d mi .1. uothlnir else -liiiuiiiv nft-r they me iliiu.si tli.'oe-.ii i lie ha-r. Illurk Afl.l-liiinil llri-,s. A very pre.'i.v s I'lcriioc:! drese inn-sl-ts of a bhii'k vcivt-t skirt v. iiii tiny white polka dais, li is eir wiln ;i ,e-y wiiie fare m liie boltoiu and is cue nf llle extrcme'i.c Unix in-- of lh- ;--.i-oi!. The Wiiisl i-' of (.ilvi r ;.-ay phi .1 -ilk and Mouse i.-.cr a ' io:iipoM.I of ecru net and low row hi'-e. TI,!- ."-t has a pointed joke efl'ect In hue mid velvet. I iiiiildt- rovers almost entirely covered with ribbon velvet of il liferent widths taper into a narrow turnover collar. The slock is of hu e with a loUtf jHbot e'Tecl tl itnliii d with fiiiy velvet Ikiws. The sleeves are of silk to lh,- rlbow. from there on down they are of lncf ffimiiicd with bunds of velvet. - " r A Hftiuty Trotisst-nn FrorU, Sitcli a (l.iliii., iiuwu in; it xvas. fol'u iutc part of the wedding trousseau of a i'i cent bride. The material was a sheer nainsook, the trlmniimr tilenclcnius lace. I-'ioi'.i the b.w round luck fell a son of hertha of the sjowls cut in Van ilykes. inset with insertion uud t illed wilil tleip I'liils of III" luce. At the Iliad of th.i- v. iis a whir hciulin;.' run Ihirii-li wiili pink --.-I t in lib!, on, which tied in a Imp' bow at liie side. The sleeves were cry full, fallitn; to ihe elbow and I'lii-icl with itisc:-,!i-:i mnl Vandykes si n idiaprd t'.oiiii - liilisilrd Willi -tilt bin,.'. ilar .ii the neck. A n idc .ibout ilie bottom Was ; cral I -M s vC h 'iii- Th so t-pi'., tllsolav t mnple : t;.: ornate and hmnl.-oMi l'.i;- w inter wear a simile el precis mid able black will I c en A Hat t fie i nnv ioiii; sr.'ile t ,ie.s ,-i : n incut features of the t.:i''e i f tl ,. f-.ru. i a t in, form- t.it- n s'ivo tiinr.i-.'.ii, l,'.'-.-:-- . S ,fi el... le s rr bu b.iekle. ih'r b!:.!'. a new the ever fashioti- iiiti'.- il fan:. the shoulders .Tid it:: a:'.' wry piuui- kiii -t ! - 1 in a'.h.: . I !: th y dc I a lib Tr;- : li'i. II--W . the thr. Th- i'.ie ..', fa v :' :l xv,: Ii tii tm i nh.i 1 ''.' or i f r le - the .1 r. 'Uule . i'ito .. for .i'i 1 1 : I .; il oe ..-Ili-h I'e I.,'.."., bo.li.rs. tl -ir d de- There is no , the liutterili' salmon coin:-, liea xvonhl. scheme nf i . 0 " ""I -ecl.e fo:- li An Alt-All. I lii nil SiilijiM-t. hi: siibj.-.i of I:,.,,,! road, is nil iill-Aicericmi subject, but I it is one w hich should be of "f" i. lost lii;crcst to tlmsi: sec- tlons wliii-ii have -iveti it Hie least at teniion. .Naturally, the be.-t built and ihe bcsl mniulaim 1 road: are in dis tricts Where lliele me mat' peopl iiud much sio'.n . I'.ut irooil roads tin : not come always because th- rc.on they traverse is populous; a rejjinti j s-iincl ilues licco.ucs populous beeattw I tin re are yoml loiuls. Then, mriiiii. I there me bad roads m thickly selllcil ilislri.-ls in ili-i.iits wheic the r I i.. 1 1 I :..,,,! i-o a.ls ill :i .''..' .... liei'.-i'iorlieoil iiniiiiitc progress, i u-y result fr prm.-ess mid they pr..-.e ! . -ri . . . i .1. . .1 ,.....-.-. . .. I feet. W ell kept hi-hways eniistilllti I ., il . 10, I, i.ii"M"e,l itn. all. t: ! '...,. .. at. v more persons in the la-t tlecadellu anv pr-vious one. The cimvciitloli ot New Yni i: ltepub- ll. ans m Saraiona adopted a platform a eood roads plank. ,, , . iCi'.a i mi.;: i thi- I'ivi-ioti of the platform it was set j t.., Mb that ! -Cood roads ainl canals me two of fir. Im i ii i I.. -nines wine li in.-ii.e ii. ri:. n: I i. a tine- which inai.e for the material welfare ami pro-it ss of 1 -oiiim. ni.ialili. The riilials I.rovl.h' ii riim.'e,! tin mmcic... xvi.ile I-. It.-r hmhwavs briim the mm kel s el - to ihe door of the fanner." Tin- picl-e r. uardii'g .u.d ro.t.ls !,::s i-.pp.-i.iMl th- pla l forms of politic:.: . l-.H'ti's .1, Nov.- x. oil; before, mal that S.ate I.:'- p.-riiap-- a arvntvr mileiia.- ..f ih..,t 1,-a.K ,i :,ti :inv oilier Stale :ti th rtiioii. Tin- 1 1 1 iii American in a recent iiviicle, iii which ii made comparison .,; i-:.:n-i in .Maryland hi those in Ncwr York said: Nt-.v Ymi. n ads. roninmril x.th ; th-se in Mai. Viatel, are ihe bet lor. ' .N'i W Y-.l: pet.pl- iite dissal l-lied Willi 1 liii.'nii-loaie- w hi.-h w.cilil be nailed in it, any jci i-t - m' ilils Slate a- t lie 1 m-.-ius i.; revoiiwaiiii7.ini; travel ai:d tr.::lic. 'I I - result is that New Ym U Sim- I. is mow ,, marveloiisly i l.-h. 'I'a!:-- oi': Ii.. I f a ..,-:i men who are i'i .-'' . I i.i have lalniiiitts fortunes-, atid li e S aie o'l'.s .I- of ilreiiter New ori: 1 -. the loin-, part of the cnimiiic,-- v.'i.i::!,. Tl. i-..nit ics in Maryland lm.- a i -il r. Iirtile sis .New York. ."I;. I i!:- leii-ni' why Ihcy arc llliabie I.i :::ake ii s -,ia: a display of iiropeitv is due i'iain!y in the execfabl.' mads v. Iil.-h ait alic -I n th: C od i li.i!-. e'lable farmer" to haul nm';- pf ;! i'h tlie same cxpitnii- A , iu; . -I iio-si power. Tlie farnn r savrs ill iliac mnl in wear and nm 1 on horse, l-iiiic-s and WiiL'-ti. He '::n i hip later and p-t t'. inm -' t eai i.,-., i 1 stay liiie,' ;it a neighbor's and u.-t hon.e s if!'. Ibeal t'liadsl pfotuole - ,. rial ititefi ours- iiisiiilicicncy of w ii. -h ! ! i. ii of the n ii-ons why so iniii y pp''Miis have the cotintty for the ri'y. , and why so lh w fcivc up city liie I... : th-' i ni.nt.y. except at that se:. ; .i w 'c i. n 't""c I- at her In st in ihe ecu. i u-y ..ml at la : v. o; st in town. Improved hiiiiiwiiys have promoted i tin- extra-.,, ' of rural free delivery, timl this ib-liMty has aided In the th- X i lopnieiit of better roads'. I The hiPiii.v was a benefit to hii:h j ways. A road yood ciinilL-ll for mini i: i -! ed h-rs-emeii mnl hnr-cw omen, as --i many ol' our prefleet-sors iravcb- '. was nm cootl t iioiiiili for a luiauy. ' Then the 1 i. yele liiiproved the roil.! ; ways. A hitla. li.v .-mil eliotuh for a bu..'y was tint -i .id enoliah for ;i In t-ycie. ami tlin::-mids of Whcelmi n n lh ii-: thiouch ih-e-untry -lid canipaluii ; work for thf I ' tienio'lil t.f road-. Th. y ; to!. I tin- roiii.i y folk, and insistetl ui j It. ion. that itifir roil. Is xv. re not :i pi -I a- sonic nliicrs. i ins (a-- n: i si.n.iiry work, beemts- H N a plici.me.- I not: of ci.iitilr.v life that a man always till' ks lh- I'.-.id h- lives on Is very 1 pa 1. or at '.east not so bad as n.:in' ' oil. I l. As I, e bliy.-le h.'!pPd :i!i.ti'.: the -o.-d 1 f-:iu--e. so w i'l the ."iitoii'.oblic or the ti.e lion carriage. Au'otiiobilisi-' xv.-ti:! I bet :cr roads. livery r.vu -r slmuid helti a tiiii- by ! iis.in; br.'ii.! t ie xviiceN. Tin"-- win , is 1 m.: only i1- in t "nil" the rnnd--. let 'lie',;, in i-i.h-i iin ihein. A liruad tire ! w'.i I nie.i'.: to tear nic e w.-l-ii: wit!: j o..: -it 1 :! ill Ih'll oil- With fl -: :r.,!( I Th.'ii- :- im i. ion- friction in th- '';' "' ! a I- .."! the en M v.-:o e : ii load th:i'l i'l i t'i.' u;e i-' a narmw iire mi a r-'irh I I'.-. . :i:.- v. ' i. tiy ct V- . Vi r'. t :- I i . . . . . - . 1. ; -.:: I .1'. . . . . ".' ! !.. .. : hi.- in i: It is ' :' . I tin . . , :' r.i:i'.'!' . '.I'lr.i" and . -n be I.:-, 1 ! i s- ,i a: N . " J''! a t, ii. a il toll coll. a in!:. : tl - iU'.l:;y oi 4.. s .Wt V s-i ASIATIC MMLS KbRi) Ti ' I 'luiiur lo Ill- s,MnIe ri.-U.".- ! ; ilimle Titi-m. I r.-naii- :li-. ;,.-.-l ;,i;; i f I lii - .i.ii'. s i f ,1,. !'.'i-e.-.-i, i- .- : .1-' i i,r !.!.. I i:;i.-.l S..;cs P.i-:..'.r - i" I , r : im ::l i- li.it t Asimn i. .-...-. jkj I II-., Auiericiin A-i;i ' i - it . U-iir j It.: x ,- In i ll -nine i!i:.;.,v.s il? I Li- -.will- iis nf il.e ilcpiii.i-i -n:. r.u.I i.nvi.-i-ivjjr l..-i:-il oi' !;! . .. .- ... '1' '..i'" ': '.i-w j .. .,, ... ,i ,., I :-. S.-.-I1- i ; I;,:1...; ,, ,afl, I 1 1 ... t. ...... -,( in rivals ni mail .sicaiusliuisj " ifcf p. u-ls of Scaiih , 'i .-i,-.,-iii-. :i;i-.t V ver mid Vicli'.'ia. m - ' .- iiJ ''! leri ilnry li-i.'.ii -' ''ii.iloii. ii: M:-.'- A.J This iii -ii-.il. s all the ese5n 5" '(, tirca: .s..u t In-ru ni' Nippurf ''"-ru Kiiisli.-i ';il,in.iii . Hie iVnji". isf. ::- S'.-r cillc S!e:nii-I:in t'otupaio. ' Ui.yiil Ma, I S!. ;i:.i ; mi 'oii.;)jr'j. iirj . .mil II ...i .I-.:; :.:i ;,tt.l ''- ' 5 '"'" , ...... llle illllies oi I lie I i.I IM-II li'e' I nf ll. Seattle oo.slolli.-i- iiii- i.ir . W P'"-'1'1 " ' ' ' 1 I'u ct nt mails lo 111- l-.:t.si A(.:. .-- mi li'ii.uliiiu points. And lit file '-.cf;rr-nf Asiatic ileiiio. il Kc:ivr.-l'n" i.-ilrJ-- i -'" " '' '-.'iieral intl.Ur. .4.-. ' "-' '" n ' " l'o-""i''" "Beotxrupuy proio.!- wlO'c. ! "' "'" ""l'"-s '" Mail :' : ;'" ';"' : ni- po.u. ion. ....... :,.: . ... - i-s, i.einu v. -..ir-i.v otrf. c-. ;tj -i.---i-.-or. which ii.is to l.e I - -.-( New Yolk. , '' . ' ' 1 j..... "":I '"' P-r-t.sli lima. o" j )i"ii-'s. and .!icf n.:p -.' :tnt !.-...!- I'"-"'- i"U wlihut :li- nv:i-' IV m: --flil . .im-l-di. ten.. Mads are to:..'.,- y Scan!- for Japan, wie-i K :t "' S i-r-.f ::l is d.ss, ibitu ;'. --r.tr.vai. I '-i-'-!-''.,- .Hid t'liilicse pa .:, .'.f-;.ci..l - ! 1 1 1 -'"- ilisl !'-' M.t.l W ':'':''" '"' r';" li i ! 'l " dipcril 1 y tins route, u,:. .1 i : uu lininii rates a if I'nini.p.ue I.-1 1 '.n-.r. 'HJ . li-inc iisiiail.! mined at. tbiiiie.vi . i i.i San 't.in.-isi I mini Slaics t.i-jnspor, ma.: - ii"- lii.-iii-e. Sa u I 'rati:-. sen disl riinil ..-.-n:l I'm' Iran- P.'.e.iie Siiiim-s ami .c::itaU a - ; im t I ' i- New York s lids , Zrf .the cii-.ii ' Si:o- rnltf' 'd' , S'.'Ui ma! I"m li Kast. ti.J.v.s "'-'- : mail :-' cs tin . ct lo London fo.' Tx.c-f-i : to I'.riti-ii mail steamships 1 WOPS OF W SDCW 1 ,! ''' n Iimic Self iy 1- liie scctcl of . - i, m: than l :o: ' . ,! , iii'-t i-; th- -' ' inn. ' si : i-l'.-i. ion. Tm. !!. j;t,.. .. , !. " .-il li ,;-e ni.i-;(,i- w. il t 31 s i.-aiit: ill. Ti - h. at: ii o:,ly i !ca:i v. i. -. in.iiy !' ::-. You ii.iiiiot ma!. -in - u- .i'i -.t.-t :i friend. Siu.p.iliiy for oi-eis is i.." Ti tiiir in: ii so; t i.v. s. Il i- a (mo hope Ilia'.. h- u.i.is rf habit will i-ii.-i ofT. The -iipniiie mi of living ;cij ! kiimmcu up in u'li .ih,'. When a fal her is tun ieltile,- i.j nm tlsil.iily I idalii e ( hilifis J.il'e a man's opportt. ii. x .h. rciii'.a i .-tl of Iiis Ideals To be at o.t; best to ns ;r.j r mil l or a: i-ar i : 1 to l i V- , .- amli.ta-i ..; II:.. eh..'.! .x it w -11 I e lb - ic oilier of s.n -.,(-.. . The iiu.it- if Ihe v.nrhl .! 4 luiii.i id by the fi.vs of fiitilfu'irvs Hi V. 1: i i,.:s II .cinis cllij Iil4."iiu Will ha- ' im i.i -illy in tus' '':.. Pain's ; , n. ,., , ,rrllnn!il l :..r .... j,,, , . :, - un h rsli'ii l i-' Sii! . i oi : ;io::,h nl v.r't : ; f; ,.;., ,, -reen ('.......:-..! ,., . , ... sii.itm , -ii '.- ;,.,(,,,, ;. ,, ,:;i,,n, .( .... -;t-, .. vl,i :,j.,.,. A ... . ... .j-,.,.,! ,.; . ".-!.!.. ii h ( ,,,.,; (i ., , . .Li.. . , , . . ,. . ., , ,', ,,M ( !Vi,n ,:ai p-r.e.i 11- ! CI...; I'.l.'liC' let''..- il . i-ula le - mil. !( hiii ; i, let h.i.l I all :.- .. .!!... I i .ills. : ,i -...! en .- : 1, i:r;:::d...r-. .. :h: -,: .:,. (. . II' ol .li'.'.: nl .:. ii- :u-u '.1. ' -. I . . i I "! il'l' Ml lll- o- . :-. lh . - ; r. y a.' ",.. :.. i it. my 'ic. tt, tu Uu , .'cuy te(.ls.-2vM( lurk. 11kv (WW. I JWjl

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