-Ji""tf TV ni I" " envftlii I'i . . .in.' er- i-r tSk"V European Oil Pip Lin. Minister Jackson of Athens, under date of April 1?, 1303, reports that tlio Roumanian parliament has appropri ated the sum of 5J0.000 francs (J'.Mi.. SOC) for preliminary work connoctod with tho building of a pipe lino from flarrplrn. In the petroloum district, to Constar.za, tho Roumanian Black Sea port crossing t'e Panubo by tlio rail way bridco at Czeniavoda. FlTSnnrtnnnontlvctirnil. No IHsornnrvoiu. nosi: nftr tint Jiiv'h u of lr. KIiiik's ilm-i: Krvol'iMiirer.2trliil lioll In mult n itiiWiV'j Vr. II. M. Ki.ink, T.lil., Wl A roll St., I'liUn..!' i A nno bit of lira very is cx'nibiiej ai"'. r tli daiicr i.-i p;i.t. 1.00 y.lit iioo-rmiml steel Kiinso offer. If you can use 1!i.' Iicst li' :.00 -p. m n.! Mi-.'! ration mini" In tlio world, iiu.l ur williim to fiave it iiliioi'il in your own homo on tlirro UiOl.tll.-i Ir'" iri.'ll, mm. rui tin.-. n, ...... ami A -iiil It to Sk.auh. liolilie. c.itfo, ami you will roeeivo free l.y return mr.il u l.;''i,,"!ri of tlm s'.vl runt?.- and tmnv otlu r 'kins nml lu'tititiir -Uovim; you will itlso r uHivi t!i m-i'it wonderful C-l.'1) il-fl r.inf,'. ulTcr, an otT.-r Ilia! place t1- ' Vi., i.t..rl nun.'.. '" heating st.na in Uie homo rd s.i-.y f.unllv: su -li an eiTer that no fioniiy in tlio land. ii matter what tli.ir eirewu-(-tan.-.M ii-.t. I.e. or low small tlieir lueo-n- tn-. 1 lie without 'lie best tW.iUtforlvaUtiH' sitovo made. The avci.i;.' polu'c-ai i-ni.!. rire o miidi lor tlio nation tiie iioini.'i.iuon. Mr.Wia.iloWs :l jjtUitr; '.yriti for a "til l-t tel!iin,sonoa tlm sum, ra.lu.'u.i iiiilit aula tiiu.aliiiysil'ain. MiiHH wind .'oii.'.:!j. no .ii lt'.i wlicrc the (I1SCII-C in.ikcH th bore is con 'era, d that In al t fcrow lender. I'Uio'.si'c.rai.'iCiio best uiediclnn we ever u- I lor all alVeeaons o( throat uu.l luas. Wiu. V. KNosi.biY, Viiubiirim. Iiul., I'oli. 10, llllM. It is bettor to run the risk ot wasting your .sympathy than to hoard it. I't'TN am Kaukiks-s Dvks color Silk, Wool and Cotton nt one boilim;. When it tiimm 'o sti.rinss tuinSH up he cook is gciiviaiiy all there. - The real heroines of even' day are in our homes. Frequently, how- i ever, it u a mistaken ruul useless heroLsm. Women seem to listen to every call of duty except the suire:v.o ,-,n9 th.it tolls thera to guard thoir health. How r.mdi lunl.r the daily .-.asks liocomo when some derani,rc:ii-iit of tiio female organs make every mavennnt painful and keei the nervoin system imstruiiij? Irritability takes the place of happines.; and amiability; and weakness and FUlferin? takes the place of health and streiiR-.h. As long us they can drair themselves around, women ountinuo to work av.d in rtorm their ho'twehold duties. They have been led to believe that sutlermjj is ne;v-s.,arv beeause thoy are wom-n. Wliar u mistake! Th? use of Lydla K. Plnkham's Voetablei'umpouiul wi.t 1 ansa rai- an 1 rjstoro happiness. Don't !? ort to strong stimulants it nar or.a'a v.heti this great strengthening, healing remedy for wornm is always within reaeli. FKF.E MEDICAL ADVirK TO WOMEN. If there is anything In vour ense ao:it which you would lih sa"lil jwlvic writo freolv t Mrs. IMnkliaui. No man will mco voar letter. She can surely hflp you. for no person in Atiierlea Las sueli a wide oxperlonoe in trentinu female ills as she has hnl. Sbe has helped hundreds of thousands of women hack to health. Her address is Lynn. Mass., and her advice is free. ou are very foolish if you do not accept her kiud invttatlou. For proof read the symptoms, suffering and cure recited in the following letters: " D".ab Mrs. risen: I tvis'.i to cr.pross to veu tbe Breat benofit 1 livre dfived iron your advice aad tho uss of Lydla E. Plnkham s '-r-tabie Compound. Mv trouble mi female weaUaess in its worst form uiul I was in a very bad coaditiou. I could net perform my household duties, my back ached. I was extremely nervous, lead I could net eat or sleep, r.ml the bearins-dowa pains wero terri'. le. My husbaud . iit hitndreds of c.ouars to ft mo well, and all tho modicin? that tho doctors proscribed failed to do me ant (TckhI ; I rrted to on opvration which the physician said was necessary to restore mo to health, but I sutTere I cioro after it than I did before ; I hud hi'n rrhaires cf tho vromb tht nothin? could seem to step. T "I noticed oc of your advertisements and wrote you for advice. I re eeived voa: re-ly and" c.ircfullv followed all instructions. I immediately oe-in to (jet s:ror.irer, and in two Wo wn about the houie. I took eipht bott'es of Lvdia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compoui-.d and continued foUowmir vour advue. amt to-day 1 am a wen m a iuur ..,! .- ,;-,).n,l to er:n-' wor-icn. and I c::nnot nnd words to thank r-i-.i for what vo l have doao for in;' Ave.. N.W., Waalilnjtoa, U. C. n-iii rrvitiiA'l : I wr'.t" ham's Ve.t:Mo Compound hr.s done for me. I ai sn:Tcrini with f-U:nu of the womb and could haidly drag about, but afwtakin? five bott: of Lyi'.ia E. Pinkham's eretable C om pound I was corr-piotely cured. I r ui cow a well woiaaa and uble to do all Uy "I't'hin'.c vour medlcins one cf h best remedies ia the world." Mna. J. M. Lr.s, m'Lya.Ul St.. Newcastle. Vz. "Peis Mas. Piskt vv : Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cora round has done a great deal for me. I Buffered so much iroui fulling of the vomb and all tha trouMe conn-ct-d with it. 1 doctored for years with doctorvand other rsmedics but reec-ci! only temporary relief. ' I bean ta'in your medicine, and had not taken it lonr hefore I was felin? b-t'.or. My husbind said thnt I should keep ri-ht on takin? it ns Jod as it gave :n reliof from mv su'Terinr. as I could not expect to be cured hv one or t.vo hottles. I u: 1 so and am now able to be on my fee t srd work hard all da7, aad g- to bed and rest at ni?ht. Thanks to your eatable Com pound I arii eertainlv grateful for the relief it pave me. It is the mother s great friend. I would not be. withrnt it in my house, for when I feel tired or out of sorts 1 take a few doses and f-! all rifht. , "I would rccomm-n l vour raidi vfi to all tired mothers, and especially to those suffering as I was." M.-.3. R. F. Cif AsniERS. Ilennet. Neb. $5039 FORFEIT If trs -unti .t f -M,.r itbor loBtiiainAlj, winch wi:' !o. Kip. u s Ta bnb -s -. . the best dyspep:.- aiciiieino e or 111:1 . 1 fA hundred ml. lie: ill 111 have i'.-." sold in li.o l'n:' S'ates 111 a Sli:, year, l-lvory lllticf. urisln? from a disordered stomach is relieved or cured by tbetr use. ..' amnion is It that diseases orUina r Crom the stomach it may be safely n swrtcd there is no condition of i bcalth that will not le heuetHed e--mvd by the occasional use of Kip.Tis Tabttlcs. rhysielans know them lee jvak highly of them. All dnr.'-iist M'!t them. The five-cent pack.t:. ' .uoii-,'li for :tu ordiuuy occasion, a rise Family Hot'.lo. sixty cenf:. coto 1;. a boitseliold supply for a year, too fiwier.illy gives roiet -syithlu twenf. mUtuu-av, CITY THAT 13 UNDERGROUND. It Is In a Turkestan Cave, and Would Hold Thousands. In TurKostati, en tho i-i.uht bank of tlio Anion Dari.i, in a chain of incl-.y hilla near tho Bokliii'an town of JiarUI and a number of large caws which. :ipon exaniiiiatiuii sotno time ui'.o, were imind to lead to an und 'rinuiul city, built apparently Ions buiorc the Chris tian era. According to o fairies, t:i :;o, i;toiis. and designs upon tho gold and bilvci j money unearthed li'om a.timiK the ! ruins, the eMtteno? of the town date; . hack to m'I'.io two eeiiturkM bcl'oie the Imth of Christ. ; The ur.i!i'.ell);;;d I.!t!'arr.n c'.ty !. i composed of an enormous labyrinth of ! corridors, street and siinarcs. i".tr ; rounded by heu-vs a:id oilier nntUHr.n--I two or three sU"'les liiyli. Tl-.o edi- il.,,,,. eiic-ilii all Kinds cf ilote.eatw utensils, pets, unis, vases and no forth. !:i some of tho street 3 falls of earth and rock haw obn pas'sases. but severally the walk about freelv without rueted the visiter can :o mac!i as :i::at:c:i nt liiwerinit his head. The h i till iteurco of civ!! trine.l by the inhabitants of shown by the iV.ct that thi Kev?ral ."loiiiv. by the sy the streets a;:.l le.uares a b.autv rf the br.V'i le.y ike city is. y buiit In ime'ry of d by the i:.d n: 'I'll i.'titj am! uter.s-iH, afd i I the ei':: ".n.':i coins which li.i.e hee:i fo. It is sr.ppo.--i d that lot'.;; c n.o this city, ;o careiu'.ly cenei the bowels of tho earth, provi entire po;iiilat:e:i with a ri-fa-the Incursions i f nomadic saa: cd ar. f'vm "s and ro'jhi rs. i Chicago. Sp-'cia!. John Temple 1 C.raw.s. iif Aiiiitua. di'dvere.! au ad ; dress on ' The l'roMetn of the ltaces" ! last week before the -lUli eonventioii ; (if the I'luversit;. of Chlcag'o. He said I iu part: Mrs. Lottie V. Nay: or, 133 . J. to tell you what Lytlin E. Pink- f.i r..,.,la. t!ieoriit:n.li-r:iTtua fifaaturasor inakliam Meillclno Co., Ljnn, Mass. pAPUDINEi'; (a Jims Sick Beadachc : V AJVD P 221 MESS. 1 r Dizzu? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? Head ache? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all egeiaDli,. rt.yye.rs. Low.:!. jWant your moustache or beard ; (a beautiful brownor rich black? Lo: ; BUCKINGHAM'S DYE; Ti l:lle II lieu' Nl'l, TitUe ;i li I'l'iecii Indies MiiMve, till tt wiiliin I'eiii' liiclies el' lui Willi any lilMteiinl veil ilc I '! Iicvls. M:il;e lliis lii iii anil Imcl. Take a sii'lp oi niiiiliitt - tin or u'ci' will do ahull! 1'orty llielie Inic.'. ;ilul I'.uir illellcs wi.le: I'as tell leu'llier o I lii- lil'. le will be l'lolil ..i..i-. n . i . l hli i. .i.ii ini1.es in iliMiceler. aeenl'dlim In l'.: ' i;'.e hell .Veil wish !o ' ret. lMiicc in l!:e In :i n I nil in Jiiuiniil Willi el. alV: pin sninc line material In Hi st: l'l.lUe it cl iivl,,v level, and veil will li.no a iut ili.il will hold I'r.uii siMeen lo i v i 1 1 1 y i ' ' 1 1 r c:lis. and one hell will cove.- iheill sal'elv. -Tile l'i'i leM.isl. 1r:i!nln-4 l.ii Wliili- in inanv -i -usi In- done thi- 4 Iti Suiiiiiu-r. elimis uraiti I'e sti'nnier. i he .lii,-or.li- nary pr.ii u.-e i cows 111.'! an- , io feed -fain l -lil-.-e. This is ae n p.i knou!,,!ue to l w li,. I,.:- o trio I I la.-!:- rows W.'l l i'iiX In m'Iiv .1 n;i-lal.e hv those li nietlleil--. .rovii!i iI LM.hle or thoretmh eiie is ;iie In lie;' in it, e.l to the e'.ea! Lain ("o.l the year te-i-.l;-. in a ..ooi! ... il i-ic,'. Inn tli. ie ,,. ; ho a.i . ivt'.ilit y . 5rs .-n-.irely. .Ml ,.; i. ; !;;..l. 1 1 1 - -1 ' i .'' , in tho al'tc i . i M. li! ;M e e.i i... To i '111.1111 in 1. 1' ra u !:.ni!d I e lav, ineieainu tin can I'e no ui aininc to el ii n v': 'a wiili. the mall. :iy :i P.m pt.inii'y the lllill of the -rra-- ileer, aes. i ne o,' this plan is eer;.i.-ily sma.l ,1 ith the le-l'.lts. ai d diirii.u t'. ani' A-aun-t U a i.ood l.i.'.e . Indianapolis News. to :e. I'. Illirt Thai th. te poiilM y 1 1 ni: has I.e. n i li, r hat il ..i; ami Simitl I'i-nit4. s uo.,i pi. .in in rai-iti; '..,: ion u i:h .--loiil fntii-" at.-.-ly p- I: on Urn i. t'.i lave lesn'.t- i f. I :.' ',1 I'll- aal il It i'ue.y fal'l tor nd t':- .s II., ::, '.. .1 i ar'.y in tne . ef tie' poultry w ill w :ta the to .'i -ary t.:iit ! e uiveii t lie por nrrattaeai. ut I'.v poMlty s aad in::-' .'ind the tin to sliouM ho no them apart, for a haiidie a small I'ann o bet i.-.- . ..nib t: it ion I i:;:i; I'lms I In l.eepill ho :i;t:-t 'iic:i :s n it .: p..t:.: i'.! s:,..il! nu.i:-.- leiiinitl I nr l-.mllrv. 1 .11 . . -..'': etlt. ut IlllNI ll.aitll. w 1 tiro dlt-li bo. te:- sh.OMl itro-.i a W..H1 oat asli ii.M- . '.iMi. oAi. strm:. er w li t'e HI! !' o in. aes -iiuaie. of the I. a'e.l ta. k. net tine; i:-i .'..illb lion au.ii :.... then .: ,. : ... til- K am! a half i I Tills to::: of . .:,! pa-.d ed -o f irm a b .. on a-.:a.n. e :tim; and .,. er s,. b, -. ;, handle. l:r..-auli two ... makes it i up the ;if;.'t-. ,-ais .1 sinail and slii-'hi erks li.u.li better tl'.an which sov.ra! cptaits ot ... dumped at mice, in ol! pan and n lit.' ;p only a ft w n.-he at on aits' of th- a-h pan , ., will yield ov. r ,- ,l..!i. .:!. A-i.- v:. :iti T'ais s.!:, -iri,.r. but ;. 1 biu m:e i: 1 ..'... s would A'.'a.d wi'ii -li." el. pu'i 1 a ..nr hilar- of .-hi::'-'. lie aloe i.f il lnti Tow. a il.ii: n'.an ' it'-to ih-' t'bi' pin ehe.se a . "W l.e c. in va'.i: rta:-. v alti.Uloi:s pi.:, ed "!i -a. le k.'l I . ...e...-::.,l ::-.-e : 1 lit Ly ll t.r.st ie. o:ds. but :o a liiiiie e.. i::e 1 in his je.iv somewhat iuti pature of iViiry cows are worth -,-s unl. ss he lias .. kliovvi.-diie of -. A sooit 1. .any cows are o than their r rd. They may ,. possibilities which are only sll.-'e.i-ippariiit. but whleli uu.br proper mint !t'.i--lit bo easily dove'iuud. ,,w's re--.e.-il for producing mlHi and A cream must alvvavs lo consniercii ..t e-I'.r.eelioii with i.ef feeding. I'.e.vs , 1 . t. ...... I... o, That tiiive 400.1 1 " "i : .. kin-wn to be sina heavy feelers Ci.it there was no pf'tit i: kcepiiu them. Another luiitniil with probably 11 simi lar ueod rccril for yi'ld will be a eo;o-i;:rativiiv sm.i'l fc d.-r Whatever S ..'Il'.S tO - ' A I'ee.H.I of ot- b-.:t-d v li'l' -u di; Vi 1 of i-reil is liie v.el.ls of '1 easntl ' ear v. ii 11 lb id i'i 1's h.:--- .l.i.ry cow that will Ids ill th summer, and i c .;upa::rivt ly .11 .i li: u ". In the fail am 1 winter, is f:ir !. val-.tMe than eti-i oilier who lueps up a pretty steady I yield the year round. We must rotii' in- imr that it is veii-der .ialrv in.- lh.it pays. 1 1 t. and the cnw that hitv.- to be win- I teied without r"tun;ii' a.n.li 'or the: (00,! and oa re ire not :! -able .nv.'-t-! met. is. One pound of ' eh 1 lean: "t-1 elver fa's in the vvitti.-r is ivor.lt "1-1 niost t wo iu isiitutitor. i' '.-. -.' rli ;:'' a' ly i.. onis a'v km v. !. ' p :'.;' ; in a . i'v in the so: in.: a".l -nmuu r. ''' i r .in- ur .if. produce v.-ry I'-o'iriis. S'O !i able ilian ai.u.1 lit: i.-. o.v is Will, s' li .'I-1 I Uu ' -l-l-il.. siiniiiier records are not phenomenal, but which keeps up ii pretty l'aii- aver nee rijjhi thrmiiili the winter. To test the netual vah:e of a ilaiiy cow one :!Ulst eonsiilci- caicl'ully ilies.. ;yu ,p: s. lions oi" yield in pi'uporiinii to t!a auiiiniil el' food -;len. an 1 tl:e win.ii' avcra--..' oi" ilie milk and ereaui. Von oani'ot tell wii.u any cow is v. ul souie soil oi' answers can tallied to til s ipiesiioiis. 1'.. I", !:i Auicrlean t'uliivaioi-. :li u:i- Fxtr.nllM'i :'ruuie, A heelvi-eper u.ai plo.'.nee: eonili liocey lias, ai iiie close ol tl'.e se- m. I- le-.s seeii.-:- wlih-h are o;i!.. p.-'.iliy tillc.l; so-::., el' iIiom- can he fed li.i. k in iiuht eol. ,i;es. i. any sm-ii to o in the apla.-y. A ureal many more i m; he disposed of on I he home table and the n M i xtra. t .'.I. I.a-t yi ar we u'e.il. iy ovcr-c-liinaleil ill" fall ilmv ol' hen y ai-il put on entirely too many s villi's. The result was we had oer Inii'i nn l';::islied s -eiien-;. and probably tin are olhers in lie' s.nr.e pre.l;e:in,c:it. OOp !! Tli. int. i I lo! u . the o:ab I a -hot of tut- o wo'v ohiiced in eoi.l: iv w ay ol Imniai ; iii. ai. i an i w i. i is what we i.ave n od for e.-i;'l v.'jo.s . a-id llu.l it very e. tn. la tn : Mai., two i fiaaies oil! of I 'u'ei . i :h-:: iin li i la.-. I efaili and tive el'.lllt ill. !l. . vid" il'ii! I twelve and nae-iiuhili i:;e'i. s Ini'ir. nnd , ihe wi.'.lll of your se.-tloi's. wliieli is . uellelaily i 'e ill'd seven oi'.-l'.:h III' lies, j Ih-ivo in ii -ai- the t"p mi each si, p. of , the I'tanie two wire liiii-hlnu nail- with i small head-. I 1 1 i I ' -- 1 1: ia project abmi. o ie it'eli. Now tal e a pai.- of pin. ors j ai d bead hem dow:nv:.r 1 alma: o:o - half if.eh I'.oai l ti frame, thus foruiii: : uno I In 'k. These fltui.es should I h.ilil oi; lit -'etiiitis nice .'it'll snmr. so :i::ll til ' c:,:i be put into the i iiaclor and hookc! e-.to II: :::b bus!:- Is. -''bd ' ho- , hipped oitf if. the late m to ai a t an-, rrnin 1"" i ob-ai'i ni'ont pott-.ds d t he i icpty combs ar.- t If i trade a'.y Uvkoeper oi e are to be li-e.l a- b:,'i I'..-' luitti::'-' luht or b n oi tueill ill ;.. be.-!l! than they 11. an, in '1 ,1 s'ipei' s-ol-illi ..: Iierw ' 'I ., ilpiti ar. imlii -. .1 i:oi' ia: nor r. :. li. ni. able .r l'.Ttill.er The Value of ar.itiiiai t'ei p uds up.'ii the seas'.;i dm lile.v :!!' ai'plieil. In 'If ril-i bole' iplio-el.atc of bii'.ei tl o'.C!'s lb.'- X ilieh if ;:iiii!i.! l.artleles e ulvoll Ihet-ef. le.-lt ii !!. very s'ow iy. ami the fall the proper t,:ne for ii- ap orib f tliiit tiie action of it-, in.e.stui-e and heal may iipleiely render ii appropriate fond. 'i:li siipi-r piiosphate. Ltnlllld bolie I'olldeted solllbl,' a :d of sulplni' !. iieid. ill. re niot-e or b h"-s of solilbl" liiore 1 o as plant wla.-h is wit it tin will to matt--;- fio:a freipti-ni w:ihln of the -nil by rains and m.-l! i::- nows. Yet. on :i majority of farms tli- application of stipi r-phospa.iie is made in the fall for the reason teat i: is More convcti ien; t.. drill ii in aloi;-' with th.. wheal. TV los of soli:!.!.- man.-;', however, depends lipid the ooil'lii i"H nr.d pn p- i million of the soil. If tin -.rouinl has liiwi di eply and tin. ly prepared but iit'le iliili.i'l' will on -if fr-'i'.i sitri'a. e w.ishln-,'. ii- a few va.ns c.iiy In the : fall will eat-'.v ilowi ihe piiospha'.e ffo'ii the slirfa c. Hat I I'e water thai I'liids its iiutb'l below the soil in'.". -sa-.'y dissolves ami 1 aria s iivv.,y. b. yoini ilu- rc.ieh 01 piaus. a iiroporti.ni i.f :'ne soluble ui:i l;or. which cannot lie av, ided if the sliper phosphale is up- ! ,ilii d at the time of sowim; w heal ia , ihe fall. I 'III-re Is one advantage, however, wh'.eh prcviins liiit -li o.' the li ss. : lid tii.it is the fact that siip-M'-pli. '.-pli:r.e usually reverts in th ""il. To explain. H wili be siMt.-d thai Iti - t.'.fsnli'.::' aeld. Iioitii iu a ,Y. e st it-', atel nu.il.'.e lo .niioiue with ihe lime, wlueii is urn ted with tlf sulphuric m id. iiilaes other subsumes iu the soil tha; servo as bases, and lot in ivs.i'.uble pirns-j pha:es a'.-ain. potash. odu and lime i previously cxisttm; in the sol! setviiivt 'or ihal ptirpe.-e. bu; f. combinations j te--e.it in the formation o.' mutter whi. h j is In a minutely divided t eiLllicti. nimli so ns to .ptlckly enable tlm re-j v. ited pliosphi.rie acid to be easily j a. .liliiblo as plant food. 11s :-i vm t.-d ph-.-sphiiies are also soluble in some . vi ;etablc in Id-". Thus, while there is j t' of loss ly solubility of pan . ye! this v coni'dim t a partia i-.'h t'v vover. tie.' Is partially pr tn.t'.s. alth. null ; loss. fit"-: n. e-- . .a- is iliff. atiiiuoi.ia aid entcl by i . e'ip ".IU' IS. relit. T:.."' nitrate of I are fo-:'' "s cf ce:ii-.!-.cic.nl j dub!.-. a..d easily j rains, as ih y do 11 insoluble com- j as, ,11 such fertiliz- I 11.11 0.1 taken no: r. r-. ve-.y : :way by the ,e: and fo: l-'or that r us sh'.uM not ! applied at all in the fail, as too htrjo a propo-tion of the fertll'7.u:s: mat'er would lie loi. the"" by r u.loilns: them too iMiitisive com- paroi 1 Willi ill" results I'eriveii .rom their !'. Hut sueli rertior. idled in th" sprini:. after the s. 1: .tp se.isioi is well opened, lire at mv ipiickly up--.-,.:iria; .! by the growing plii:ns. and liior. ').' prev.nied from 1-elng h"0. with ::lt" ' iet'. su wl:li potash. Ihe i-ei-pounds of which are very soluble. Ila-d subsoil, however, serve lo ar rest ai'-d -etain much of the iseapim: n-.a-e: i.il. but snob .sut- ioils are usually eoid and late in riilv:ui.-i:u the 1 11 ? It l ein.' appa-elit tli:-,t they r-ipiire liraili-.i.-e. which, while wa-.ili.lU' the s'-d-1 at'.d allow .llg the escape of suris i::oist'!r., also permits of tiie was;., of feriiiizinj material. I.isiit ils allow of tiie ur . 1 test wasteae. and should be fcri.l.zi I in the fall v.ry c;un;i.ui.v. Iu the app'iea-.ien of fertilizers it will bo found r:...re eeoiioiuical m use finely -:-o:iml bono at this se.-nn iiuJ the sol uble fertilizers in the sprum. ir uie matter of the use of fertilizers were siveii th consideration in tb:s respoet that it deserves th- ro would be better results. It it not inferred that super phosphate should not be applied in the fall, but that it is: more onomonic.il to do so ill 1 lie sprim;. In order to avoid ;!ie iik i f loss from excess of moist t:r ".-!".:.! olclpliiil P. coord. There are more wrecks iu the Paltlc e.i that, in any other place ia the world. The average 1 uw wreck e lit;- '.Lruuiliou: the year. THE LCNGTH OF LIFE. Longevity ef Man Increasing, Says an Austrian Physician. Mot! leal men are dbcussirg a lecture by I'rofoisop Pfluser, of tho Univer sity of Bonn, ou lonBOvlty, in which he asserts that the average ler.(;:h ot human llfo Is steadily luereasin;j, rays tlio Indiana Medical Jouir.r.1. lie maintains that one-third of all tho deaths registered lu Munich arc duo to heart disease, hrougli on by tho im moderate use cf beer, naJ that tobac co ah-io claims a lari; per.ci ntape of the vietlii.s. Among forty centenarl a:: who have come uv.I.t his no:!co t!i lire was only oro fr.eli-r, while nearly cil prolesFcd to n mo.h intr' use if alcohol. Wiiat Professor l'll'!i:er liiosi lierlon-.-ly warns peaplo ucaitisl is the thought and tear of death. Tho mii'.d must he occupied, lie nays, In order to necnro longevity, liard-v.ork-lug men who r.'tiro rarely Uvo untea lot:j;cr. Tho Gcru-.nn ccusur stnlWtles slmw that iu IS 71 the eettcuarlass num bered 147 men ard 2:.7 w.-nien, but In IPO ) o-. 'iy live r.:on a-.ul thirty wonva. Tho above preys report is of interc. t. As Is well known In Munich tl-e con sumption of beer per capita Is renter than elsewhere in the world and tho po;-iv::ta;;e of la art dh-enso la lii;:!ier. Heor has a wor. e it. iliience on tha I'.o'irt ta.-n el. her v.it.e or whisky. Tobacco is better borne by ae'ilta nr.d the ii",ed than by yo-itli. No child should l" nllowrd to btnoko before the iW of tv. e::!y-o:;e. Wine has been ill to ho the milk of old r.;:e; It should not be used until past th.' noon of h.'e. Thut the r.erman e.nsus Hhow s a reduction of i Id men ; !:: e tho war with Franco is natural. The nco of Industrialism, cf city life, of strain, of alcohol ami of tlio vecurul diseases with iucrotiso eif tabes dor?ai!s and penrral yarei'a I3 the preS'Tt r.frf of Cern-.atiy as It is of tho United Stiites. Or.ly the sedate and the temperate in all things can expect leugHi of days. "At a recent tea -Ss' nieetinq." said a visitor who j::st "happened in," "one of the s;:n:tli! rs made the statement thftt the male teachers of Nw York City public frhools were all s:-eeia!ists of ex-cpiicra! ability: 'hat th -y were Jns'. .nu'li n.cn as one (lads outside of the city in the ; o.-:i-tions of superintendent nml princi pals of hiRh schools. This statt moat sceired to ri" to be worthy of veri ficiitien by seir.otliir.p more re;:ab'o than tl-.e words of an entliiislastie par tisan. :-o I set to work nuiklnR incpil ri"s about those male touchers In the school nearest my home. The follow ing are the ilnta given me by the prin cipal of this school, which. I am told. Is by no means more favored In the way'of appointments than the others in the system: 'Out or ten ninic teachers ah but three could boast, if they desired to do ro, tho possession of a riaoheh.r's degree. Two of the spvea are nisstrs. wlrti scnue work done toward a Th D.. and nearly all are doinR some pot (sraduate work either at Columbia or at the State University. The three spoken of are ex-bich school principals from up State cities.' My respect for tho New York City school teacher has been v-ondcrfii!!y Increased." New York Times. Accord-Inn to the ChicaRO law direc tory for lfon. just issued, there are 4.7e; a'torneys in thf city. In the last last year ll'i a'torn";s left the city, ;i ceased the practice of law and 32 died. The increase In th number of iaw.ers was 320. There arc about twelve hundred law offi.e.s in C!eng an average of one sviils of offices to ever four attorneys. Teaehers Oet a Tear Oft. Successful teachers of Clii-fro schools who wish to continue their studies In colleges, universities, etc., now may be jrrantpd leave of absence for the period of one year, nnder the siitt-.orlty of the giierlntcnilpnt of the schools. New Y'ork Cotuuiorctal Ad vertiser llnw'a SMtla- Vfe offer (ma Hundred Di. iri Ilawiirl for anv ease of I'atarra that cannot be cure I bf Hall's ratarrh ( tir. F. 3. Cmisiw A Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. -T. fhenev for the last IS yean, and tellers Ui-u perfeetlv honorable In all business transae lions an'l flnanotally able to carry out any obllgnttone made by tbetr firm. Wzst 4 Tanx, Wholesale Lira ssisu, Toledo, o. WaLDisa, KixNax A Mabtis, Wholesale l)rag(rl'. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Itire s trken Internally, act ing directly uron the blood and mucous sur faces of the svstem. Testtmeiilais sent free, Trice, 7Je. yr "r bottle. Sold by all DrusflsU. Hall's Family Pills are tlio best. Urgnt Bottle In the World. The largest bIhss botlle ever blow tns recently been made for exhibition at the 1st. Louis Exposition. It hold forty-five gallons, acd required forty pounds of molten glass, drawn from the furnace nrul shaped 0:1 the end of a liuje blowing pipe. Mv mother was troubled with consumption for many yesrs. At last she vis givea up to die. Then he tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoril, and ni speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avocs, N. T. g No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Tars sties : Ut. Uc, tl. All srK- Cmsm t four itoctor. If he says take It, then do as he seis II he Sells Ton "ol o sake It. then don't lake It. He knows. Last tt with him. ara wtlline. J.O.ATF.R CO.. Lowell. Msm. TeMliyi.Mr I Mother a n GRATEFUL, HAPPY WOMEN '''''- Weakness is Catarrh. A'wavS Hall Sick Arc 'hfi Wrmrn Who Have Pelvic Cat.rrh. Catarrk ef aav or;?., it' allowed to pro rriw. will aiTe.-t the whole !"!. I o.inh Kithe.it nervoasin-n is veiy sa-e, b.:: pe ' vie i.narih and m rvousiass pi hand in hand. Ynat is so distrrssinp .1 sihi as a poor, half sn k, nervous wiuikia. s:itiei--n tmni tiie many .lim.wt unbi iiraiile M iaptoms of jh 'oic eatarrli? f'he lines not cons:. lei her 't .luss Muriel Ai mil.i'fre. ww x t j Female GUARANTEED CURE for all bow! troublw, appcKlicltlt, bllliun-3. b l breith, had blooil, wind or, th utomach. Mot.1 bowrlt, foul mouth, hradache, im'igfatton, pimplsa. palm after rating, liver troubt. aaiiovv rliin a.-.d din Inrsa. Wkm your boweU do't nova rrgiiiariy you are atck. Conatlpotioo kills mire people than all other dlfaara te,:ethrr. 14 atarfa ctrronic aitmer.fa and lonr years of suffering. No matter what ails yr.u, atari taklbrf C ASCARETS todav, for you will never gel welt and stay well until you get yaer boweia rie.ht Take aur advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute gi-ornntee to euro or money refunded. The genuine tahlrt arsmped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample ana booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy CoTypsnv. Chicago nr N-w York. " Ike GdBfcc T0'rVEI!5 POMMEL SLICKER MAS MEN APVlimSfD AND 5OL0 FOR A QliACTcS ac A CfMUEr. LIKE ALL l"liueafSfi enio fBiii LLUtQinu. ft i ita4e of the test rattrral. m tUcK orcScw. . fuilr f uuantccd. tsd oii ij rcIsU d-uter frf-jirticrt STJCIl VO TMl 3ICN Of TKt PISH. CAMOWIf CaUAi A JTva CO. W. L. DUUUE--Hi 3.22 &3 SHOES You can -- from S3 to 1-. 5 yfrly by i vo&riag w ... Douglas s9.S0 or $3 taoei. I They eipi.il tli.io I that h.tve is- -n et I i'iX 'iT"n : to S'l.tsi. The iin ; meiiso silo of XV. 1.. I Doutilati shn -H tu-ivi-s 1 tlieir superiority over ; all other makes. Sold by retail slew 1 dealers "everywhere. I Look for name 1 I pri'e 0:1 1 ottoai. That flnaglM ue for ' Olisl'utt protes there 1 ! ralur In lluagls hih'. (firnns U the hlghet crsitr I'st. Leather aisne. Our S Out Cdj' tine -nnrvt d -fur.Urt a' am pr.ir. Shoes hi aaall. SS rents extra. Illnslrsled Catalog free. . L. 1101 l l.AS, llrorkloo, ss. s s ai lor 1 alrsi Ini 2 B5SAWM LLSmi IS wtt.1 Here's I ulTi-rsHi !.. .' Mfams.Reeillln Bnar. 91muliane.iu!is)et WnrWsan.l the Hea oook-KliiR Varia' l.- Feed Wnrii aie unet M'le.4 f,.- .e,-i-n . tiu.i ictTY l,f-akllll - y 'TT mi aI oroi-ta!!"-. Write for dill) descriptive circulars Ma oifactiire.l j the. Q A I V .1 I UiK t .U V V. - ..t, .n.Ss an..N C ooocoooooooo r0RN MILLS and J mm m HILLS TONES S if In iet i.f Corn Milt ..r Mlllstoo-S V $ won win Snd II lof.iur Interval trtcMri-e,m4 : with I AHnLIVt IH I eriK III. O O l ai eron. '. nianufai-tiirers .f enrn J Kills In. m Ihe fJJ. n M -.re 1 nuuly l.rll- Q 1IED1CAL COLUGE OF VIRGINIA. jjlj Bstabllsked Bstsbllsae IN3S. lleierttnents of Medicine. Pentistrj ""and ol armser. Hie sitv-!ita ea. ton wlli e. majeure sejeemher mil "Jul- I t . n fees eml hvinir rxien-es are ni.Mlcr- 1 ate. For annnnn'-eno-iit and further Itif.irma-ti- n. djr s. t hrli"pher Tmiklnsi 1 71. D Ii-n, lid Liuond, Uralnla. 1 IYPEWRITERS ' CHEAP I Pig lot -ecent-ha- d Mrtitii o ell makes lakm a part psy f ir tna (HtTr lia'wiies for qa'.ck u.r. J. ti. CKA VTO t Lailotta, Is. C Dropsy CURED Gives Quick Belief. Removes ail STTetlm la " t" da-.s: effei '.s a innaeent c-ire fN ,1 ri ;otO CO U.IVS. 1 Bl .IJ.t e -. JL3 given free. Nothii k.. Ti ! -f .or-.f f ' w rue ur.n. n. iri.-i; 1 ..u;.e. SoMiailtta. Bo R. At'inta. lit. w2!?,'2j2i 7bmpion'$ Eyi Watir Mm Thank Pe-ru-na fcr Their Recovery After Years of Suffering. Mi-, fnriel ArmitaTC. .".!) (ireonwood Ave.. Hetn.it. Mt.li . ih-tri.-t tlivMiner it tlie Uoyal T.iii' .irs ol 1 i-niperaiice, hi 11 recent letter, wiys: 'I tliink that a woman niitur.iljy shrinks from ncikia..- her trnables pub lic, but restored liea.tli luis ii.r.Mit ko iiiucli to me that I tee! i"i tnc sake of other sulTeruic vvni'.ieii it my "iity to tell what I'i lima lu d.iae for me. "I saircred lor livo V ir- v.itli uterine irrccularities, which br..u,:lit nn liy.-teri:i Hid iiiude me .1 piiys.. ... w re. !;. I tried ilo liirs l'roiii th" dob aeat - lio.iis ot iiie.iuine. but witlio ;'. any per.-i-l.tiii.e a, .,,.... i.. i.o- ,..,:..h.: .a. In mv dei;iair 1 eiil'.e.l on 1111 old ini'-e, wiim advised me tn Irv IVriliia. .01. 1 promised unod re sults i. I wnald jH-l".:-t ..ad bike it n-uii-lar'.v. I tlm-i.Jit th.s wa the east 1 ! could do, Ufa or.K-iite.l a b..t:le. I knew n- Menu as I b-'.-aii 1 il '-i:: a teat 0 ' afTctin- me dab r. !' i'mm ..-' tlmn; 1 had ii-e.l beioie. .. .d m I I I't "-i l.ik-ins- it. I lo-pt lie- -in tor si i.i.eatns, and stc.i.ii.v ::aited -Tie n'tii and healtli. ,.n,l v. i.ea 1 had I.-.'1 I' 11 -r. ii 'tt es I ll.lere 1 Ml nt . 1 11: 1 I am Mo .1 .ri'.etiil. h o.- v i... Muriel Arn-.itap-. Pum a .a '- ' pe.as .:!. ihe s.oi.e ( .iMi rh "I t i.e in .::i ii'M oniid ie-e lie .11I111111I -. sr mi nis are mo.-t a d larrn is the eau-e . pun .'iires the ealni disappear. the Ivie nr- It Hies luls be . I':,.. 1 i:i-e for i ej.ow -.he all--, e.i: orh. C.i . tr.'ulile. l'e i in- niptnll'. self ill cuiill"h to (in to bed. but he is far from hiiim h!e to do her work without the greatest exhaust! m. I'lus is .1 very eiininioii sijili'.. and is jlsi.'M aiwav.s due lo peivic catarrh. It h worse loan f l:-h for so many munc'i to oiilTer veai- a.li 1 M ar w 0 h a d: eit.se th.it can be " i fieie nt .y ciind. 1'eriina cures eniairh rm.i!ieiitiy. 1 cures old ehrontc 1 ei.es as weli as ,1 sliirht attack, the onlv diliciiiice iieniir in the I lencth nt time that .t simald be taken to i client a cure. If von do not derive p'-onijit and sa'isfae ; tm y retails from tin- iim- ol I'eriina. write I at once to I Jr. 1 laria an. ,:o ua. a lull state i mem oi vour eae ami 1 e will "he pleased to jrvc vnii hi" valnah'i i lvi-e gratis. ' Ad'h-ei-s l'r. Ilartiee-i. lY.sid.at of The 1 llarim.in S.initanuia. '.ilii'iilius, idii ). ECLNII HEADACHES, PAINMflfiUISH AHIHSTERIHB AHBELTHOO: Straighten Your tlalr Take tbe cnrls o l! s o. ..iv it W nl rof '!..- 111.- Carpenter's OX MA2W POMADE 'srsilt - iitfrri ins 1 re s ltllU in-s wV I. .11 li I. n- PRICE. 25 CENTS. vitrei CARPE.NIEK & CO.. Louisville. Ky. ,. 'Y EN le liVOli MIX' tsi n Prevents Bilious Attacks by keeping Uie stomach clean and liver active. BCo. and 91.00 At Druggist, -jr sy mall Baat THZ TAKRA.NT CO. (Qua. Ett. i!Jt) New fovka