hc I) a II) am Hccoifc H. A. LONDON Editor and Proprietor, One fqr.iiro, ouo innorlinu $1.00 One Kjiiuro, two iuHfit oa 1.50 One fetjuure, cuu juoutU 'i fid For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strict! in Advance- VOL. XXVI. PITTSIIOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THUKSUAV, MVJiltr'i 2 , iilltf. 0 p G v.-' MATTER I T Millions. V.I B By Anna Katharine Green, (TIAITKU X. font itmod. Turning lie took it In Ills hand, leak.-! :it il closely iiml grew more ab sli.i. i.-.l. "You soi- the Initials arc the samp," she ventured, mill was olnj to sny more, tint lie suddenly woke to her i: vs. mo e and pulling li Is linger on bis 1 i 1 r.-iuarked: "Keller net speak I lie name, my dear young lady. You remember that you said, yourself, it while ago. 'no 11:11111 s'.' " Aii'l smiling In Ills fatherly Way In- I tit ll:,- niM' in his pocket, to goth i- wiih i!u- note In- hail already confiscated, ninl making her 11 low bow l marked U i 1 1 1 1 1 v : Thai is all I have to ask of you to lay. Aeeepi my thanks atul believe t lilt in all I 1I1 I will art with duo tnr .'nit : .! i.n lor jour welfare."' She V t hor If dismissed ninl went. Th ich hai'ehly in her manner to Vai.l lo r inferiors she felt stllidueil liy tills i,:a;i and showed it. When the door 1k.iI cl.-eil upon her Mr. (Jryoe stood shaking his head for a moment, 111' a iiii Uly crossing the Hour ho threw ('pen a door eiiiiiiiiunieatltig wiilt the adjoining foom. Miss Had (Jell sloe ! 1 1' 1 . -1 c him. "You h alii :" he a-ki d. Sh" lu.wi il silently. 'That is all. then." continued he. "Y'oil see. she is more ignorant than vleiie.is. ;n:,l r:,,ie fooiish than cither. I do ii. 1 1 think slie will ever attempt IllaUkor cseat'adi ." And Lowing low I left the lady, and lu a Viv ins, ants hiier ihe house. ('Ml til" sloop he i:lllsi"l for a IUO. ii'ent. Taking the cigarette case from his :h Uei h" -rave ii another Ions and tro'.ihlc 1 look. "UV,!," he cried, as he thrust it hn.k again in his peek 1, "1 mil seventy odd 11: d lnne . ti 1,1 Me siraiigo things 1 1 : :i 11 I am il i. eld. and yet 1 am capa Me (.f i'c' 1 i 1 . H a sir. prise." And h - b-ifia.l with all speed to the "v'.ice II 'ii'loii. triers. (ii.i'ii:i: xr. Ml-s 1:0 ;.:. or .v.w YOI1K. On I 'liitn!':; from Miss Iladilen'H Pihe.il Mr. tiryce found the inspector ImT'iM'.l i.i litistiii-ss, mainly coiincct i'd with tiiis alTair. Sonie new facts had co:i:e ). liu'ht. and from the mass of li.r'ci'eali 11 whe-h was imw his: the li.-.' 1 tor n:' ( itiiiiej lie- most iiniior taut items. Soinethins which he Iiad collie across appeared to astonish him grea ly, for he h "U-d hoth ik i voim f.nd Hiitaied. lie was ulad to see Mr. iJryio. and as so ni as ihat peioii was Beat 1 d ha-u in d to ohsei've: "This plot N asM.minu' meat propor tion. (!ryec. AinMl'ii- ti'.v hy the name of lioeis lias 1 e, 11 found who knows tie1 imiii of tic f,T.i,v eyes ;uid ld:i( k nv.is;;!' he. Inn 1 cam, 01 think it is the fame pel son who was seen haniii',' lit 0111 ii tlier eirls. for she told me his mini- "l he?; panioM." interrupted Mr. Giyeo. 'I'll! was It this':" Me '-howed the (aid which he had Iirmmlit from his late interview. The Inspector took one look, stmed nt Mr. (Iryee and remained silent. Kvidently lie found It ilitlieiilt 10 liotfeve tho ovl flcliee of his own eyes. "I know that ii seems unaecoiiiiia Me." ol'xervcd the detective, "hut Is that the name':'' It Is." Mr. Ctyce put tho card back Into his pocket, drummed a restless tattoo on the table before him, and for a mo ment looked as perplexed as the In spector. Then his I'luw cleared. Once a fact was cstaMMied ho accepted if. "Thru that mat tor is Bottled." he grimly declared. "We have found our man." The inspector frowned. "I can hardly believe it," said he. "There must he some mistake." "It does not look like It." was the firm rejoinder. "This Is the name of the centleinan mixed up In the affairs of the youna lady lirlonEinsr to Miss Hadden's school. " "I resret to hrar it." "And his description, l.ke that of the person to whom you allude, tallies ex actly with the appearance of the gen tleman who bt ars this name." "A most unfortunate fact." "I Hureo with you, but we cannot hlrk the truth." Then, as tho inspec tor made no reply lie Inquired: "Any points to five me. sirV" The inspector nodded, and came at onee to business, but not with his usual good Ktaoe. Even an old official like him has some confidence left In human nature, which he finds it hard to 6eo destroyed. A half hour later Mr. Gryee sat In his own especial corner, turning over the new facts just gleaned from the Inspector They can be grouped under two heads: First, thost referring to the victims of the conplracy. and. secondly, those Teforrlm; to its agents. We will con sider the tlrsl croup first. Another Jenny ltoeis had been found: thin we alrcidy know. She was a si lioolti.aeher, living wilh her par ents in a near home south of Four teenth street. Yollliir. pu tty, but w tth a dci uhd physical del ' ( t that affected her call, sh w ( her bumble rotiinl of du:ies wiili lhc:'l't: alacrity, loidiinn for tiot'iiii,- more thiiu her own cer-( tloutf could brine her. But this ecu-1 eOMKIOHT. 1IS0, 0!T lONNIR't IONI, D m v t Author of "Tho Forsaken Inn," :cc. I xenrment, honest as It was. was des tined to be sharply interrupted by the events of a certain day. She had been to school and was in one of Iter hap piest moods, when, upon returning to her home she found In Its pretty parlor a title looking cetltleman of superior manner, lip was a si ranker to her. but something in his look made her feci at ease lu his presence and took away the embarrassment which she usually fell under the cane of those kIio met for the first lime. She there fore advanced with a smile, halting so little that ho evidently did tot notice that she was lame, for his face lighted up with that look of admiral ion which a woman never mistakes, as he said: "I have a letter of introduction to you from a friend whoso name you will at once recovfliine." Ami he handed her a short no'e writ ten by one of In T most trusted asso ciates. "Will that siilli'-e to make my pros eiiiv welcome, even if I -!ioiild bore you with a p( rsonal (pie-lion or two':" I'.ore her! It did Inn seem as It' he could ever bore her. She smii'd and two oviuisito dimples i.inie into view. The sicht appeared to Increase his ad miration, lie took a seat soiucwli.ii nearer her side. "Mis Hocvrs," he he.-an. 'T hive come upon an Important errand. I am tookliiL'. In behalf of a friend, for a v.. tin ' person suitably (piaHi'ied to take i'i charge and p'.ich iwo motherless ( l.l'd.i 11. I know .von have a Inrm " .-ho had raised ipiie hand III mute depre cation - "but the ( ft'er which I ;:ni ready to make you 1- one so u-eii a-oiis that I sear,-, ly ihlnk you will hesitate after heariii;: all its pariieulars, A Journey to Muiupe - " Her face lighted up. "A i:iir.-e: v mai l uud t you: c m-id ! iM-aiiel!. kliidr.c-s and love frein the iiildico's auni. with whom ymi are on pcetcd to travel, and. la'stly, money enuii-h- " "i'leasel" The small hand went up a-.aln. "i think I had rather not hear. I have wanted clian,', , I have wanted irawl. I need money, ami 1 adore chil dren, bin I have an intalid mother. a::d I .111 not leax e her ceii to pro. or.' ill" add'-1 mean- li'-r almo-i be'pic-s coiidiii.iti (banands. I.e us tnlii (,!' -o'.iet liii-;; ( i-e. I'..;- llieie is 1,1 u-e ill lalMte.r el' this. Siii- World die without :..y 1:0.11' niubi hi--'." It was in the uirl lo-.-self v. h . told ; siory, tiioii.cli she c .rii.'Hirati s it in lis general details. It was an aunt, who sat. I'.inin-; ih.. wh.'ie interview. In t!i adjoinin:: l.ieia. s- emii:i:ly ai verk. bin in i.'alliy lihinc 'n ,ni(ii :on .i ;il !ih pa-sed before leM It wi:l. 1 hci efore. lie iinibrsioed llial I .rive i!:e a, mi's i.niiiinn i 1: :i I say thai 1 his younc .-li'i m" 1 r looked svceier or mote c'lua-iiil;. than s!:e did Ii. 11 :r..r,:i-,' ihes,. last feu , ids. 'i h . . !!! 1- 1 n;i 11 s!i iwei! 1 1 1 .-1 r he appi ..;a,e I In r ( h.in 1-. tor his cy, kindled ;::.d :ils 111:1 1 1 lie:- be.-i:,-.. ( a-. :'. "I li:ivi heard the ino.-l t'al'erlim ve irniiks concei iiinc your ::ondi.s and d-MMlon in your mother." he warmly o! se: il. "Thai Is one reason w hy 1 h.lVe cotnc li. yell U' Ml Ihis csp, i iid cri.tnd. I a:u sil.id to lie a-Mircd that :i;y itifoiinan: iiinlcr-latcd t tic inpli rath r than exajicerate-l i'. If I only ;.. ssis-'d the lliiht 1 should .-ay: 'The 1 'Icssinc of Cod falls upon the true, the Hire and tile virtuous. and promise to ,-::ii;t you nil your wishes, even to the -a:i:'.':'.i t;. 11 of your wildest dreams. " "You ire cf.a acaul. You do net v a'.i.'.e a'l Ihat tlii- mean.- to a yeunc ;i:l." "i' rhaps not. but it would atnnsprno 1,1 liud ('.it. W hat is the lir.-t thine .. .ill would ask for: ' she huii-ho 1. she dimpled, she looked jvcly. "Vx'iiat at ( f play is this?" she lied. "Tc.l my wi-lies. and 10 a stran : 1'.' ( no: not cca If he were the e.ir.ard he would have to be to grant The s ntieman smi'icd. "I ir.:i a wi.ard," he declared. "Test ;: ;::,d see." "Il-aliyV 'lb idly." 'You i Miipt ir.e," she cried. He oniitiir,;id to sin:!.', bin e.tld r.olh inc. ".hail I a k lor ? aaielliin.cV" siio In ..td.eii. "I cliueai ytu.' "Ye.y well." and 1 r letily ileiniirc in lis mo, 1 vvai t tin- world.' "To-day:" he asked. "-'!, es. to dny; I i v.-i;lrc." H? Iiuuhcd ast.iit. ifew Slid .Ity. "I- !!1 r.'-t uso.l to 1 !:: li'.-vib !:o?l: Irs head. "It : too muob I f ra ' " St? i'.:te: rr.pte l bl:.i with a rncklnu out. rot cut or' Ue-pirg with htr arc!: .-ad incaceat f-oe. "fo not fear." s-fii rt'xd. "nealth 'ied'.m fi'id wanp'j v.-!!l sstlsfr me ''cil'h for my mother and" a slind w iil ocr her mirth ulncss--' and for eyseii'." He slai ted. "Are you not well?" ho asked. "oh. yes,-' sl'j' answered, with a sud deii ieariiic up f hi r eoiinleiialice. "I ..a- only iliinl.'uu" and she .-lopi'cd. -iie iici r alluded to her iulinnliy. lie did not ftt'pcar to m tic tli" do- t' me.niii.C ia all 1I4S. Her f;u e w as ash. In 1 u.alliier -i arklinc, aud a hug nt ftht tat btiil ku- twiiu va th imaije of symmetry mid pr.iee. ITc pro ceeded with his banter and soon, to their mutual surprise, Ibey were cen versinc as fii.niliarly as If they h:,d been friends for years. The .'Hint, who adinlnd the centle man, ami had an iiu'iouiiiled coniiibnee in her niece, list ( in il. but did 110I fol low tin Ir talk too closely. She was soon startled inlo aiieiilion, howcei'. not by what they said, but by ihe sud den silence which bad fallen bet we, n t lit til. and lookinc up she saw that he ld co. anxious to show a book or pic ture in illusiral Ion of what she had been sayiiic. had risen and was llmpinc across tin room. 'I he sichl s i'intil io affiMt the C' litl'Miian strancely. for at this indisputable token of ilel'orndly be nl fust started and then showed so iiuieli discomfiture thai the aunt crew Instantly ancry. This feelinc. which was perhaps naliiral in one who knew the yoiiuc lady's virtues, was not des tined to pass away very soon. Tor, when her niece faced the strancef wiih the book she had bronchi he was so chanced from his former self Ihat he scarcely noticed what she showed him, but hurriedly took mil his wat di with the remark that he had an impor laul (Micacetuent and should have to Co. 'i his chance, coming so ipilckly after an interest as marked as ii was lespe . I fill, struck the younc jdl'l most painfully, and she blushed deeply as -hp reiuriied Ills bow. Itul she el' irived to say ihat she hop d to see iiiri acain, even thoudi she had lec:i obliccl lo lefus" tin- reipiesi he had urced To which he veplii .'l by a ha-iy "I hardly think 1 shall be able to com"., iicain." instantly covered by the more polite remark: "I shall do niysi If tb. honor, certainly." Afier which be backed out of the room and house wii'ii an assumption of cordiality which, ii- t beinc real, left only 1 lie most unpleas ant recollections hi hind It. What had it all ineain? Tiny never knew, l'..r he never eanii 11 en in, nor did they cv r l avi an opporiuiiity to obtain any c plnni'lion from ihe frh nd who had :lell him his lclier of lllll'oilltetiiiii, tor Ibis per.--.in had sailed for Kurope nil or aii. nit ihis time and had nut yet re turned. The letter, sictled by ihis frli nd rnd con aininc tin. nam . "' their slrance visiior, was all that re mained to prove that Ihe affair had I:ot iieiti a perplexinc dream. The next fact that encacul the detec tive's ai lent hoi was .1 more serines one. In the 1001,1 of the cirl who had perish, d in the alley had been f,um I a box nf bonbons of a make and iitiaiiiy so superior to what are u-iiaily in dulged in by the d.nmhicrs of nil ihat attention was at once aiiiaiaod !- llniii. The physician especially vim had coiiiltiehd the autopsy over the poor cirl's n mains had shown the nieate-l interest In h. linaliy canyi i; It home and snlijeciinc ihe sueeis i.i a test thai effectually prowd ihe pre--etiee of poison in lln in. This lilsc.vciy altered Ihe w hole ch.ir.ii lor ili, ;i,'. fair, and eventually alTceod the Vcr did. I'or ihe poison there found was a subtle one. capable of piodileiir.: the ory ( Ifeiis hoiiced in the .valine jiiil. She had. iherefore. without doubt, db d from poisou. ami the person who cavi ller Huso swiels was c. eli o the chap.;.- of murder. I'c. line that the affair was t-e.-ic,r. inc somewhat oppressive Mr. llryce lill lied lo the coll- idol .11 i ill of the sec ond ci'oiip of faeis id von to him by the in-lieoior. Iliih. rto atieiitiou had ho. :i cixeii solely o suoh jriils as had been I prowl! to tie vie. mis ot Hie ploi. l.ni tin. lime had now ceoie .e- a sludy in: 1 the cliara.-icrs and aeil-.ns n,' iho-p who, from their manner ot' Ii;'. or llieeireiiiii-iane.-s siiri'oiiinbnc thc;:i, cave evidence of beinc sutlieiently di praved lo make il excusable in the po lio to search aniom; ihein for Ihe par ticular Jenny Kocers in whose behalf this conspiracy had been forum!. A list of stndi cit'N lay before bitii. toceiher with such data a- servid to Individualize tliein and show why they had been recarded with doubt. In number they were three, and In cir cumstances ilin'ered as much as their possible victims had done. One was a fashionable belle, veilinc her wicked lies a behind a show of luxury and su p. tlicial clitter; .iiioihei-. a clairvoyant, suspected of very shady operations, but never convicted of anythluc wor.e Ihall deceuiiic the weak and irusi'.iig ones who coiisidii d her wi-doin and re liul upon her skill: tic third, a well known adventuress, w hose beauty and whose means were both on the wane, and who. of Ihe three, Mr. Orycp at one." dcciib d to be the woman he iv.is in search of. His reasons for this were simple. The woman, to whom the promise bad been made ihat in a mouth there should imt be anothir of her name left in town, was walkinc at Hint time In a well lighted street at a very bite hour. Now the fashionable belle al luded (0 never walked. She boasted that the pavement did not l.now !'! touch of her feet: eo:;siipieiilly he 1! d Hot believe that she would have I c.-u led to tread the streets so late wiih f.tiy companion or 011 any pretext w bat ever. The clairvoyant was a diiTcr-Mit sort of beinc You could as little im 'cine her ridinc as the otlur walkinc. f'nt she was one of those deep, f.ir srvlnc ones who would as soon give "iw.:y her soul as discuss any plan sh" bad formed In the public slice!. The adventuress, on the contrary, was Im nstuous. end. If as wicked as the o:h .,s. was ccUbi-r as fastidious cor as :se. To be C9titinutd. A Nilturul MlKtilkc. A Wlt' ltlta tisheriiian is in d. ep dls--ace Willi his daughters, lie was i:i vhed oiu to l'Uiehe.ui a few days aec :"d mistook a piece of macaroni on bis '.lie tor an au;-;le worm.-. Kansas C'iiy St a.-. The median age of th? white popula ; .ti in the last i-i-ncus yjar was 3.1 kQvl Ot liie tv)igitJ 1 1.7. Vsraslf '3- 1 r- y 9 &V-' II .'. 'S: I.Vli Is ;! . iy . :' all oil,,., s S n o -I ra. y of i. an .-I. ii h.i - el" I Vf'". I ..1 . lev a rcll.i .0 , to ail", bu; His .' o' I 'iv i'le:. a m i r;, 1 .; t of .'il ::. ii.'i-.ii inc. .1: ii e 1 : i ... e :,ii,l '.' t!.' , -el. '." '.il ' 'li !I.V III i:1:' it w a . :.,,t ' ' I 1; ..ioen I iie . : . .;. Keloid- ' ...Ii.pt I I' o I I: We-I e ill ' eire :l , a: iy : U a -.-ti: i : :- ;i:oi e ni' .1 .. '1 ;i 1 ;,. -.1- a sioiic - e ea:.l w. hoSIHlillil V !!'( The I',, n w,i. ! : t 1 v ;l .-b--:i in '-.. i.- I-i: e: s i;y (. ', lei el i ,':.:, s : I: ai. 'i'i-- .: ' I,1! s,.i ei:-:i :::. .- T . ; u . : I. 1;: d it. a: -.! fn II cei ..i-.-i:l- a ia 1 !. 1 . . . e a:.d pl.en II. .- (!..y. at .1 il , !' .: :::.' .-,' il. I- ! a 1 . : i:u a : e 11-i:e ;'y r"' . I s. '! 'a'"- I 11.. .-h it - .- i :. c.vhai ;: ' Hie "I lu:.!..s:l!-.c ''... r today ; 1:1. .-,' , ..', : ... j.; . ,,'..!,,:-!; ',. l'.nii' of I . o a ,'! : : .. t. ,.-.' -',..,. it Wi. i s -i , el il '. . S ; (J. ,, ,. 1 ., Iiich ::" :i. 1 ' ; . ' ii -, , ; 1.: 1 -.:.- I the serviii-r -f tl.e ''::-. tie., lee. .-. 1 . 1 ,;(.!.. I. Ill II i.b !' iie . ' ... Si fled. I til .'I. I",: ::! I ; ;!..! . I" :ll.d tiic ...:,- . . o.'-i , bi can weeks be'. ;-c!i-ind daiiilies for the fca-t. A him,!"id y.'ats -hue, yes. cv.U twenty live yi, ii- aco. the io'm.h of the Thaiilisgivlf: (I'-i: r i.iti-i- b l .r.li lardy of eip. -:- : :m' y. ; :i oy-tc" s -i r :'.e:r at lie -am.. ,: vecelables. "f! times follow o.! . a:..i t' ri o ;: v a : . ' :!.. a -..1.1. 'oil ' . : .(' p. ,-.',li', more ofi- n I y ' . s,,: ,-l, .0 I i- ' ervel Ai " : . .. and lai-iio 1 ': ; . foe. To day f e M b no. lot so h av v . : 10 Ii : lal. .1:1:.. 'ti p.. Int 1 I .s-eip ial f. . 1 :; e ,,f : ' dinner h t'l' '. . W iii! a 1 "':.- : ,:! !-..t '.:! I e i'" - 1 ' . i v est i'i iiic'y ot !. Aufjr.? fvi .'$ . -.J most .lfi 1' - -, fi lilts. .....J f. lovely . t.a I 1. 1- a:, 1 eve, -I:.. -e Ir: ome v..-. 1 o A '' an. ,11- I :.' a !.! : ' ' w'- h h lib I (la.iior vvha; re tal ' - '. -.".-l.'-u!, 1 a' ;i:i.v l li 1. 1 et' ll. : I " C Old jfaCZZXIlJ LH.-JL-- i ' - K : . ? 317 l-r-. opp.-:.. of t-It ii r c!a--- or silver, pre- !vrav;. llab' a lii.ze 1 t'.ow ors f 'Ihe I'le- !h. w. re wit a tl: ir I 1 : :ol : a vera a" a-o (ml,.- vhllo I'm 11 Id bo i:-ed. and it. ii construe, a vine around lee table :i : en ' two and a half lie! fn m the . 1 ..':'( as nearly a- tie gta." 11 I. a v 1 I If mi die- a:e Use I !: I ' f in w Ih vvli.'e. An it ":' tim-'ly decoration i- to u-c a !'ic" p-.fop'.in for 'he . oat r. pic c (-,: off ;h ' l,,p, -oi on c!M ihe ,1 iciis : 11! ?!.. 1 ' It ,: w It ,, v : i o ' o I lu ,..eh I -. : - . 1,1 a I 1. 'a- : our m-.- ., i lie one - 1 ..ml pi .. . 11 : 1 v r 1 l,n ,. y 1 II ivv . I'l-y -a " 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 -, cfi'c -t rc,h i-i 0 !:,. A ca'n. an;i:i: .: ;. ;.i - ;r , v .'. I'or - : I ! , ! own :.i-y- ..;ea.- . . : '--a ':.::-." a: d ; w v i Pp.-fL" a i 1 1... ;' . 'p. Ti --v 1 ' -: I H : Ai ih - i -b, ; - 1.1. I ' d ..el T. 'u t v Tf , ,- .-'l-irn. I, n . . M.i ... . e . :..- - ,: :- 1 ' :. . . V ! 1 -1 . '' -t .-:! lo.-.- lie- el.iv. -V l t ; ' v O . lo L itsurt -V 1 ram 777oi ; i:. 1 1 !,-, li 1 Jjo table i. long cuouch ' pla. o cpci-Liics a: a suit a lilt distanee in.. I nil the, 11 w llii fruit, and al.-o place 'a1, nt then wreaths like the one en- ! circplic the celll repieee. i l ie' i'.'-t linen, cla-s and silver that i tie. in. i-.-. 'hold affords should be Used j on !:ie i'oi"licomil!c holiday. The table ! si.-. Mel be -et with groat care, and all l:ia 11 and the -mailer act e-sorles of the table -hold. I be looked over several I ' ..', - In aihalio,. to ee If Ihcy lire ill .'t . on. hi .011. A - '.a- neon -tated. white linen only .-la i:.d be i:-ed. a.-- a color of any kind ;.((. -la. c. in tli" cciitrepiece or un- l.-ileat'i a la.e lop cloth Would dc-i-.'.M from lie- color -.heme furnished by .-ii her 1 iiowei-s or fruit. Too much care cammi be expended up. .11 1 he l.i.inc of Ihe (huh. I'or in--l-ill.-., tile icntre fold ill it should run 1.1 ! !. ( ly straight v illi I lie loom aud :iio ci-o fold exactly divide tli" I u Me al i-lchl ancb- lo Ihe other crease. I no colli repieee should ,o placed on Ih.- o a i ! po.nl Where the lolds or the i'.tl: en-- in Ih" middle of Ihe table. I he plates should be next placed 111 pi.-ition, a: lent ion bi-lnc given to the doeoral ion on the china. If It be a , .,. ,., ;. ,,. . ,,,, j,,.,. :roi..,.'ra!:!. that it is richt side Up: If i, i; . ,,ol'l of hor Jo .vers, that they arc in natural posl ; ti. 0. ;- v inc plates should never be 1 . iniitoil. Ky this ii is meant that a ; i- uri. ieiu l'..r the pla'e 'l.oulil always bo on ihe table ' and as ripiidy as the soup, fish or oil. or plate shall be I'-moicd that one should be laid in their places. It is simply a mailer of fancy how' a b-'.ie napkin should be folded. Or-1 I ; 11:1 1 - iy ii ,s I e:ter to fold them In : 1 ri: tr:'.i s and piaee them at 1 he right el e 11 h pia.c knives should be placed :ii :i.e right, forks at the left ef the 1. late, butler plates ai ihe left (if it. .11. -I all ida-sos ;l j ih,. i-jclit. J (il I 11. (,,11, s p.,. s Anay. A-- the ,V.;;V- u' o'l Ihe I cgllla I loll ii.l 1-1.' liiv ,UJ : !:" i- not closely ad i-i-.l :o, alal if o'l two of : he 1 illic it- I; I v laud- arc -cried il i- deemed en. inch. i. a. c.-p:.:l.o Ni.ta con-l-is of i.iv- -':.- 1 s: 'I.e ha'i shell, 'inih.ee 1 l-.i w,:.i I- . :( 1 s.itt'i. ..Ian v , ut :- :: 1; . : iek-'i ;-.e i o.,st h :m i i.ii. .'.e :. "i...i!ei.,--. apple sud ' v '. v-,t! ( n am die, sc. v.l- ii.ir.ee pie. .m ..1.1 at- -.. ; v . j j;i two ways.' .1. ...;-..- ..:v...s:.y nai't it fl'uUJ i.o, . .- :'. ..... iiagc-. 'V'UI.-h is a tig :. --- ' : . ' d 1.: a 1 o 1 a Li.c.y .. '.'."ii Ve'l. it is pissed small ...... 01 dry 1. .ist, a is., nuaricis of. a. . o i s -or- ,d 1 'i tie half sl.'dl -I ic aiua.. - : 1 . - pot'.ed ell ill. deep, - - .. " I .c'.i tin- lapio.. ' o .....'- . .1 I :;:.- p. : il.... of the . - "' :- e.v . .s h. d ' be served lo - a I 'i :. ii.t y s'.otll i in placed , 1 ' a ' i 01 1 :. , ;iii. leiuou uml ' a '.oi 1 .0.: .1 -CiVtli VVllii lil'.bl. I Fish tiinbale can bo made of cod, hiillbut or whitcli-h. It is c-scntial Ihat the meal of 1 ho lish should be per fectly while. Cm one 1 11 hi 1 11 1 of very fresh 11 in ' o ' b -. t lish nil. 1 small pieces, put it ii !') a mortar and pound until the libre is well soitloil in l In meat; Iheii ire.-s it through a .iree sieve; 10 every cupful of li-ii pulp add one lable-pooiil id of bread eraiuhs soaked in milk or cream until -oft, and then pres.. through a sieve: add al-o the beaten yolk of one ocg. b u drop, of onion juice, one teaspoouful of salt. one-iiiarie' ea- iiful of pepper and a dash of mil meg. Ileal all well together and for some time to make it Jiclii. Then for every cupful id' pulp beat iii lightly the whiles of two eccs whipped very sliff. I'ut the mixture into a well-buttered mold, lillinc it only 1 hive iiiarlei lull; set il into a pan of warm water, (over Ing ih roc iiMari. :- ot ihe mold: cover the mold w ilh iM-oa-. d paper and place in a mod. -rale own twenty ininiues. Ho not lei t li.- water bo. I. Turn the tiinbale onto a Imt di-h and pour over il 11 lobster sauce. The lobst-M' -aMoe . oii-i-ls of lie meat of .'I lobsli'l- ( !It illlo e,,ai-e lleees. illlil lo il add a pint of w hPe sail. ", also ;1 Utile of Ihe ceal. V. h. h ha.- be, II dried and pmi in lc( I to a powder and a liitb paprika. Potato . Tmpio! lev 1 an be made (if cither sweet or Ir.-h pot.;i. Th'.y colisisl of two ellpllll- 0 1 well ea-'oied inashed piitaloos. lo w nl. h has been added the beat. 11 volii ot I wo c-'c-. a, teaspooiifiil of choppid pa:-ie.v. hall' a table-pooiiful of i. i, I.--. a dash of eayeuiie ami iiuinio-.: -lir c. er tie' liro lllltil the potali.e- leave I be siiie- of ll.O pan: when cold I'mm r nind or olihuic eroill(-tes, loll Ihem ill ejg l.' bl-'ad ciiiiubs and fry tiiei:: in hot fat lo an amber color: .- r.e a napMn. One apph' , ui in iii. o -l i.uld be al lowed for every cupful of lu odded celery. This , an be -.wed v. ilii either a Mayoiiiiai-e or boli.-d i.. .--inc. With it (-holllil be Mived loa-lei 1 raoiicrs illl.i cheese ball.- mado of ire.ini ehee-t thoi-inichiy mixed wiih a li 'l" wveet en-am and chopped 1 hive-. 'I he bulls should be served on a b-d of lettuce. J' II llipl.. i II I'll- l.'ci i c. A delicious recipe fur pumpkin p'c eoli-i-.c: of a 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1 . U : 1 1 elil illlo small pit cos in which Ihe soil purl and seels have been removed. Cover and inoli It slowly ill iis own - .mi until t-Mider: 1 lion rei.iovo tie- ...ver and reduce ii 10 almosi dry m --. 1 , ,nc 1 arefiil that il ih. .s bol burn. !':..- it ihrmicli a col- lelider. To IWO ::;,. :l half Cllpfllls of P'l'p add IVVo clipfu'S of li.idi, 01, ( I. aspooiiful 0.1. a of -.i'i. Pii'.ier. cinna lli.ili. gim:." ai d ,-!. 1. ill ,l (if molas-. ...,i , :.:.d -u : .r to ;a-lo. Add the be.i-oii c: - ia-i abd al l. r ihe lillxtlue i- . ..Id. I'oi r I. iot" an i.pcu cru-i. bake 1'-" i; i ey i. liny mii!- llte-. -'l'tFT5S.li7Ssl' feW-rVV' fmjfsrS. vi - X l ' "ir-'" if '' ' , t : -- '' 'J j i-' Wh.it I'. .1. t- I lo.nl.r .1 I or. I',:' '.'id !'.' a-.' -.-:.'.. Strut tine 1- - : . ' -. -'..' . Or ii"oti e ! .1: , : Ami I'm w':. 1 I'-. , , 1 I'li'iil I : 'i -: : 1 '.. ', V ""e i ' ' ' . I.oeK nc v.tv -a .. : I : (ih. there's k : :' 1'e v.' : 1 ,.1 'i'. Bat one thi'ie I :ni ia . '. ' .i! UV that ).!- .! ,e..: Where lia-v --. -v ..- I - - v : Wlicre ).. v ...V- d v. ... 1 ". !.:'.. . v. o- -.; Till v., 11 :-: -( el; .'. llvcl'i :t -I..-- 1 1 1 1 .' . . 1-Vr ., '.. ,' - - ,-r " 1 lie tit. I ctt l.v I'lio J.Mll. II, .H .1. .-:..":! . - '1 V . ' V I I!"-''. '' '. hen ,. . '..!.!; -:. .:;e . :'.M- W licti' .;''ii:'-- .-.t.'l ' - I .- I 1 v , a . l.u'are Ale' l-cr: ii'- ,.t no .::: L ive greeted oi:r ( yes. Il.ivv fotid'.v we una t" t'1 indeed oil ( oi alii Id A:iii t.H ,.ei '1 1 'V l . !l l'l-V.-l de- spi-e; Tlii1 11 -sl.t " V :e 1 I 1 ii1" -1 o, y .i:n.;tv!a 'I hi -..-. !,:. . -. put. mi we la d.c ml.. . - I'm : I'.'.ol e Ann 1 a .1:1. ( Iie'e :.l i- '-M .Ion. mmm "Say, feller-, e.-mo .; nl by Mur phy's. Tiey'vo e"t a turkey, and jcr tau Ujc11 it cool.in'," 1- e.- Vi vj VS ..... I ! I r , ,,,,,,,1,1, ,-,

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