THUKSDAY, June 16, 1904. Accidentally Shot His Brother. From Tue Charlotte Observer. Immense Strawberry Crop. Wilmin&tojb, Junb': 10.- Now -Washlnsfcrn better.' rrrnmnnr RASUlar Corvespondent.1 Washington, June 9, 1904. A very lamentable accident, re- that-the strawberry season of 1904 This citv is still the Mecca ot suiuuj- m mo 'uaui uoauu is at an. end; some authoritative ngures 01 tue snipments irom trie 1-4.: r, t,nvf cone w 1A SPPTTI lint. AIGUh. Uiaco, tfc ycll wiM Mw v , n vovtnrliprl lwitR lof!a- curred at the Highland Park Mill II. A. LONDON, Editor. tion between the red-hot canopy settlement yesterday afternoon. east Carolina belt will be of inter est. It is unnecessary to repeat in this correspondence that the shipments have been heavier this ccu "--rry- mi.. u.i- i:ui 1 k i,;i,t J and the broiling asphaltum. While i-'f " n- wi.ju tt fhfi Prpsi- only five years old, all uncon- lXIC H Ulb iiwuuv .w . pil i 'II t- . ' a4. u m;n -nntinno fnbfi fh a scious of the terrible consequen- vear than ever before in the histo- - .. . , Lieu u in twu vuuiuv - ..I tij'ii " : . " . . , The Democratic totate conveu- center 0f attraction. He has earn- ces wmcn wouia ionow ms acc, ry of the industry in this section tion, to be held next week at estiy discussed several matters pulled tne trigger oi a singie-Dar-Greensboro, will be more largely ' there this week with prominent reled shot gun, causing the entire m i.jii.... mi 'mfimhfirs ot ins . vjariv, wno are """b" v, ...j, . aiienueu iiiau uuy F"1"11"" . . , - - 1 - 111 IP . i i. i. nnri rpnn in nieces tne neart oi ventionever before held in this. T o VLX-iZ his brother. ' When the child saw TsTnvAmKpr i what he had done, he ran into the The Perdicai-is incident is far from being: closed; it is giving the While there are four 'State Department much anxiety; lias x uu Tho bio- State. pThe chief interest is centred in thfi nomination of a candidate for .wfnr tW. nomination, vet ! the . "new diplomacy "riilv"v" ' " Affftinst an no- v snar. house to his mother, crying out, "Aleck didn't get out of the way." Lack of ordinary prudence per In a resume of the season in its issue of today, the Carolina Fruit and Truckers' Journal, of this city, says that although of shorter duration than last year, the seas on has been an eminently satisfac tory one to the grower. " Prices ; have ruled fairly high throughout the season and the returns have been good. The total number of mitted the distressing occurrence. Aleck and the child, whose" name is - cars shinned out of this territory the contest seems to be between n -g a fac? the ships are on Henry, were with a party of their during the berry season of 1904 only two of them Glenn and the spot, but no troops are landed playmates in tne yard oi tne approximates 2,217 against 1,965 . Stedman and the friends of each for reprisals; no maiines are Home ot iir. j. xu oiKes tne xatn- o,,oa f marchino- across anv kind ot a y?" ya- -y ust Let Us Te you Someth Carry Your Wool to' BYNDI ffl HEADEN And get the Highest Market Price for it. are confident of last year. '.Reduced to crates the total unmlifir this vear is SRT.SGO ,n . , i-i it- j ' . ,i ii i f- L-ill o wooo TO iiPli irnK IiPllPV- i l e?t on 1 rmrkck mrin ntini irs- nn lkj jviii c uvuui. " h.iji. i fijsi. fiiii sris. ill 1:111.. I i v x ... - I iuuo wttvu t" """" 1 ., . , .... rp,, . o -" - fa ed to be 1U trie VICinitV. tie boys nrpsn flio fotnl nnmlipr of nrahnn Some very contradictory calcu- hflve yet been ajorded . ' The case hnally got to looking for the was 71,000, vhich, when added to lations are being published by ;lS somewhat different from the Un-7weazel under the Sikes' house. the shipments by refrigerator' someof the over-zealous friends civilized lilipinos; trom tne JSo- " ,l " 'A" t"- cars, Drings tne grand total to of Glenn and Stedman. According ers in China; from the pow erless on the grou, ,d jus mi Reside c08.369 'against 575.000 during ;,. . . n, j and poor people of Colombia, ot tne nouse, naing placed tne the record-breaking year of 1904. to.their figures both leon ad , With these there was no hesita- !'?un a few feet away in the yard, ; At a net average of $2 per crate Stedman are each ahead of the ,tion'- then hasty ordeis were given Bie little boj-, Henry, when un- .to the grower, if will be seen that other and certain oi oeing wjwi STATIST Masonic Mutual Relief Asso ciation of the United States, Washington, D. C. and executed and explanations noticed oy tne otner ennuren ue- more than a million and a quarter came afterwards. But now! The f?an fooling with the trigger of dollars have been brought to this navy is no good; the affair must . tlie weapon. The report of the territory from berries alone, to say be settled along "diplomatic chan-" discharge was heard, and without nothing of the employment of nels." Why? Because France and a moan or a cry of auy sort, the much imported labor for trans- i Snain and TtflW am r'losp at, hand: older lad quivered, in death, hav- nnrtino- and Patherino- the cron. nations be made until the second ; because one or two strong nations ing received the shot full in the, day of the convention and until claim a paramount interest in Mo-, iei t sme oi ma oreast. a sman United States does nothing, and . was reclining just out of the hne Bp to n,i pw. nated! ,The executive committee, in or dering the call for this conven tion, recommended, that no nomi We venture the nrediction ! . , , ,r , -i- T'..- . 1 f flva hnrl ifa noL- trrod w nnoi bahsbury, is. C, June 1.3 j iUUb 1XJL X JL VlUlVUliO 14 WUIWA t J w after the platform had been adopt ed. that this recommendation will be disregarded. The zealous and en thusiastic friends of the candi dates will not be able to restrain themselves so long, but will be eager to begiu balloting just as soon as a permanent organization can be effected. They will be much more concerned about the nomi nation of their respective favor ites than about the adoption of the platform. It looks now like Judges Brown and Hoke will be the nominees for Associate Justices of the Su preme Court, and no abler judges could be nominated than these two distinguished jurists. Seven-Year Fugitive Arrested. Sheriff -A D. i i i iit n.. uu ' u,i nf flm t.inv slint,. A furrow was telegram received oy liV. LUtlU VUG UUilau ia uut liancu j .. - - . to account; that the navy will cut in the ground by a portion of Juhan yesterday announced presently be sent off elsewhere to ; the discharge. the capture of 1 nomas Broad jay, , make a holiday exhibition of itself. 48,815.32 41,235.00 When your correspondent knew Mr. Perdicaris in !New York and Trenton, N. J., he was a tall, well built gentleman, polite and easy in his manner, interesting in his iv iiiicuicuu auu. kuuuimi. Natural Gas. Explosion. Bradford, Pa., June 13. In a natural gas mng one man was ! other fatally L. Sheekels was a white man who was wanted m this county for the murder of Mi las Heed, a farmer who resided a few miles from this city. The kill- j eve- ing occurred seven years ago and ' killed and an- ' was a most .dastardly deed, Reed ! injured, the home having been shot m the back by j wrecked Broadway, concerning whose wile made the explosion this invwi rwAnflvrir vn nor or s. ; n I t ua rmnn ha : rna sirii v in 1 I . I . I I I- I.T. I I ali 111 l UlfWLi L V I Ul (.4 V VI SAW J -VV VAl" vy . Buvm. -.- nas nveu an uis me auioug uoons . " , , . . -;AT .,, , 1; li .1 was destroyed. Several nersons his escape. iSotwithstandinsr in tne siuuy anu practice oi an , . - , i ii i ti- t i i i n, m andin the company of all the t had narrow escapes from death. - ! diligent search made by tl ofh 1 lie LUUU is xu. XJciwi fLift; iu- . ceis uiuauivav jeuiriuipu au luii; e body chaired be- ! until arrested last week in North Dakota where he had been located The fatally wounded: Levant S. by the careful work of Sheriff Ju- A crusade against divorces in this State was started last week, which it is hoped may result in getting our next legislature to re peal the easy divorce laws that have been enacted of late years. At the Episcopal convention, held last week at Raleigh, resolu tions were unanimously adopted appointing a committee to memo rialize the next legislature to re peal all the divorce laws enacted since 1883, and to ask the co-operation of all the Christian de nominations. As a beginning of this co-operation of Christians of all churches, a mass-meeting was held at the Metropolitan Hall in Raleigh, on last Friday night, at which speeches against these easy divorce laws were made by promi nent Baptists, Methodists, Pres byterians and Episcopalians. These speeches showed a condi tion affairs simply disgraceful to our civilization. It was stated that last year 1400 divorces were granted in this State, and that 70 per cent, of those divorced were quickly married again. T-Tck lci nr. almnsr. imivoi-aal ! StaUtH KlJled, acquaintancr and an innumerable : y"d recognition nost oi inends. ms capture is much too important id .not safely returned to his fami- .-Lawrence and Nutting, lyth ; buerift Juham having left last i5l55,' it. -..i-.--.. .f ii.. i. .u' c - : n. lilt: iJii.-5Uiit;i to be ;io-nored:un"' u,'i3erPar00'crus"au' roadway will be brought g-j" ;e i,'ed, arms broken, cannot live. j back to North Carolina for trial, ir tliovo pvo maniT ivlm will in " l .- ii .k ur repair ine interior oi me ouecKtii uuruose ul uimiriuir is now an old man, and he lias i liouse. Une was under ne ouiid- to oalisDury. been torn from a home of luxury , ? .1S PPed that he ac- ftn1 rpfinomAnf fn ,o f hrnsf. info a --ui". "'c tuc ,,1 AiaSSaCTea DV Sa mnnntain lint- rl i-o rrrrcirl liiflioi" iinrl . UPClICJUa. A volume ot gas aecu- and becominsr ljrnited, 1 Honolulu, June ages. 9. The Ger- yon; possibly to be butchered by j m, 3 a, S steamer Printz Sisismnnd bandits. He is one of the kindest, f?'"! " t, , bri.. news of massacre at Pu- the debi'is ;lul a''uiui ijj m iinium biwui-, 4-1, Df..n,J ' where abont 500 natives iu a fleet tn Rl.nw fl,A;PIaut of J- J.-Cole, adjoinin ,rophet that!9ole Iound ulnSE m naf. innffoTiaiuo rf mop on1 liia! done his best in Tangiers to keep;tiames spranr up in Condition December 31, 1903, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Net Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year,. . .$ 10,750.81 Income From Policy holders'; Mis cellaneous, $1,386,80; Total, Disbursements To Pol icy-holders, $29,110.15; Miscellaneous, $12,125,- 51; Total, Business in force Number of Policies 1,- 453, Amount, 1,489,500.00 Written during year -Number of Policies 364, Amount,. . . Losses at beginning of year, $7,850.00; Incurr ed, $27,000.00; Paid, ASSETS. Value of Real Estate (less amount of encum brances), $ 21,000.00 Mortsrajje Loans on Real Estate, Interest and Rents due and accrued Cash in Home Office and deposited inBanka, Assessments actually collected and held by subordinate bodies,. Premiums in course of collection.. All other Assets detail ed in statement,.... 16 to 1 SALE! Selling Sixteen Buggies and Harness Where Other ueaiers sell Une. . 392,250.00 29,100.00 My stock is going fast, so if you wish one of the finest Buggies or Harness at cost come in and take your choice. 4 Tyson & Jones Corf land, N. Y., Brockway, N. Y., Watertown, N. Y., Corbett. Any Wrv or any Harness at Cost. Not one Buggy, One Set Harness, but Six CarLoads At Cost! , $15 to 525 saved on Carriage, $5 to $10 saved on Buggy, x to r saved on Set Harness. , Sy U Collar Pads 10 cents, Cow Chains 40 cents. Felt Collar Pads vith four hooks on for 25 cents. "500" Bridle Bits for 5 cents each for choice. Hames, Traces, Single Trees, Back-bands Plows and Plow Points at cost, 2500 Mower Sections at VaC eirh Rivets free. : : : : : : : : : ; acn I wish to close this stock out soon; these will not always be here at cost, and you will have to pay for the Bugles and Harness when my stock is all gone. b You May Never Have Another Such Chance jtg to get pick of my stock. Some dealers may tell you I am not sellin? v wvoi. . u nun ii iiv vin Nicci me pntcs x am mating cn Fine Buggies and Harness. You pay your money and take your choice. 1,500.00 102.08 6,097.96 1,298.42 4,178.09 450.00 ! 1 r7 &MJB. V. JLX. JJL.JL The Farmer's J .b'riend. URLINSTONf tl 0, WORLD'S MR -KATES VIA the tradition of an American tion and people alive; thprAis . iviH1 laxv-,hiri;no-: from where the explosion and n ,i Atlantic. If ever a case called for i through two wa. s by the expjod 1 "V r ft - J -X y-x vv t r - 4" I 1 1 11 . IB one does. ! ij 1 - - it at,, i oi canoes attat'Ken me coixee some distance " cocamu-.piauranon m. iur. v uik- i -i. n. lney Kiiieti tne manager, Air. lieimers, and several ot the labor er, and looted the place. They j cro-na Tt.P Onlo's stnra nliint "rnea away cveryuiiusr uieyj - . 1 , .1 i i i . i l :i ri- i. .i.i !,a;,.!wauie.u aim ourueu u;e uiuiuiu"s Total . $34,909 0(5 Less Assets, not admit ted, 732 51 He had unci oc- been blown in which 200 families had their , iV " ""ui;-1 goods stored was completely de- j fihe-V subsequently left in canoes stroyed, entailing a loss of $75,000. neighbonng islands but it is J thought that most of them were Dr. Mary Walker has gone to St. Louis, whether as a spectator ; or an exhibit, depouent saith not. He is always making a grotesque spectacle of himself in this city herself, I mean. She is such a fa- milhar sight here that Hashing- the dead bodies of three young 1 archipelago has sent an expedi tonians no longer turn to look atwn werfi tonie-ht taken from the ! tion to ounish the natives. 1 1 ! i - i ner, out visitors consider nere a;ciam at Mutual No. 4 nlaut of the Three Accidentally Drowned. Greensburg, Pa., June 13. Locked in each others embrace drowned, as a great storm came upwind at various places a num ber of canoes were washed ashore. The German governor of Bismark lusus naturae like the three-headed cat in the Medical Museum. She wears the same dainty shoes, the same striped unmentionables, Coloeado has recently been the scene of some verv high-handed outrages." ?he striking miners are charged with the deaths of the miners, who were assassinated (as published last week) by being blown to pieces by dynamite. Hanging seems to be too good for such-cowardly and brutal assas sins. While-men may be excused or justified in "striking" and re fusing to work, ; yet they have no right to stoD other men from I ' . r Sued By His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued me for $12.50, which I claimed was ex cessive for a case of cholera mor- H. C. Frick Coke Company, Mount Pleasant township. All were employed by Jacob Stuchel in the operation of his the same sack coat, aud the same' steam saw mill near United. This dapper cane that she has worn forevening Charles Hoburu and Os- 'bus," says R. White, of Coachella, years, and her silk hat, really it ; car Newbur- went to the dam. Gal. "At the. trial he praised his ought to be classed as hardware. atld undressing went in wadinJ medical skill aud medicine. I ask- Vv omen who do not know her try (Neither could swim and after go- ed him if it was not Chamber ing about 100 feet from the bank Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar got beyond their depth, and in rhoea Eemedy . he used and lie their frantic efforts to return to j would not say that it was not." the bank they got in deeper wa- j No doctor could use a better rem ter. Newton Stuchel went to their edy than this in a case of cholera rescue and was dragged under by ; morbus, it never fails. Sold by the bovs. who errasoed his arms , it. x'liKiugton and legs. Stuchel was married only a' week ago. 7 Total admitted Assets, $34,45(J.0G LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment or report ed, $ 5,750 00 Ledger Liabilities, 10,000.00 All other Liabilities as detailed in statement, G.2S1.00 Seaboard Aifc Line Railway To St. Louis, Mo., and Return. ; On account of the World's Fair,St. Louis, Mo.dhe Seaboard Air Line iA"1 connection with the C. & O. Route via Richmond and the N. C. & St. L. Houte, via Atlanta, will sell round trip tickets to St Louis, Mo., at greatly reduced rates from all stations xtaica nuiu piiiitipdl poiiltS as I0110WS. to in r i ; ,. i i. her when she persitently makes her way into her sex's exclusive apartment off the Senate gallery. Dr. Walker is a self-made man, but the tailor of his Majesty, Ed ward VII. would fearlessly affirm that her pantaloons did not fit. arM Twhen they, attempt .. should be promptly ar- w this rested;. It .wag alsb:a great outrage for the tate; -authorities to "arrest about -ninety of the striking min ers, and, placing them on cars, carry, them near the Kansas bor- Hail Destroys Cotton Crop. Special to Charlotte Observer. Laurinburg.Juue 11. A record breaking hail-storm fell upon this county yesterday afternoon,- be ginning about 5 o'clock and con tinuing for about an hour. The hailstones were drifted from one to two feet deep and were five inches deep on the level. was still on the ground this morning. The growing : crops in its pathprincipally cotton,- were totally ruined. Its . sweep was some three miles wide, and is known to have been twenty: miles in length. The damage cannot be Slight Earthquakes In Mexico. Mexico City, June 12. For sev eral days subterranean noises have been heard at various points I in the State of Jalisco. Sharp shocks of earthquake have been reported from Colima. No serious damasre. has thus far safely estimated. Twenty-fire farm der and dump them without food crops either wholly or partiallv or water m a barren wast. Tf devastated.. This rl isastpv nnvprs they had violated the. law and de served arrest, they ought to have been ? tried ' and rjunished accord - ing to law. A Woman's Annex to Trinity uollege is to, be , built. This some of the finest cotton farms in the State. Fatal Railroad Wreck. Special to Charlotte Observer, Salisbury, June 9. Southern train No. 40 was wrecked just out side the city limits shortly after midnight, killing the engineer, 7-y ler Ifneiari? the fi.reman; been reported, Slight earthquake Jim AtkinS. I he locomotive and sl,l-a W'ilsfn rnnrMn tliA Hail ! P.081' Cf VSele i1verturned ?ue to ; States Guerrero and Chiapas. iLB ijtut limb luitie cars loauea with ice were standing on the side-t.iack, which the locomotive plunged into. These loaded cars were thrown up a 25-foot embank- ' thrown from - his wag-on and ment by the force of the impact. verely bruised. He applied Cham The train was running about 35 berlain's Pain Balm -freely and miles an hour. Investigation dis- j says it is the best liniment he ever closed the fact that the switch used. Mr. Babcock is a well lock had been broken off, the known citizen of North Plain, switch turned and the light: Conn. There is nothing equal to thrown away, the work of some Pain Balm for sprains and bruis- ucuu wjtu tun ueuueraie ijuiuuso es. 11 win eneci a cure in one- is , Killed By a Mule. - Special toTheMomlngl'ost, Charlotte, N. O., June 10. R; G. Biggers, a well known farmer of the Arlington neighborhood, made possible by the -enerosit v ! fas killed at noon today by a of Mrsi-B. N. and JB Duke ''lraCtlr fee .Mr" diggers had , mx-f r-UKe-, been ploug-hins in the field and in 7fed tdgive ; $100,000 order to get to Se llMVX tor that object if the Methodists loss of time, unhitehed the ani of North Carolina will contribute 1 mal witl1 which he had been $50,000 additional, which no doubt ' p!ouuin2: and started to ride mm id. xne muie tooic iright, bolted off and threw Mr. Biggers. will be done. This gift makes nearly one mil lion dollars -given by the Duke family to Trinity College, .which is now the wealthiest institution of learning in this State. His foot causrht in the olow lines and he was dragged a considera ble distance, his head siriking against a stone and fracturing his skull. He died shortly after aid reached him. Thrown From a Wagon. Mr. George K. Babcock was se Total Liabilities as Policy-holders, .- $22,031.00 Balance on hand to protect contract in ad- ' tlition to right of as- sessment $ 12,428.0G BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1903. Policies or certificates in force December 31st of the previous year. Number, 139; Amouut $139,000.00 Policies or certificates written or revived in 1903, Number 154; Amount 160,000.00 Policies or certificates decreased or ceased in 1903, Number, 54; Amount,. " Total amount premiums or assessments collect ed or secured, Losses and claims un paid at beginning of year, None; Incurred, $1,000.00; Paid, 1,000.00 President, Samuel C. Palmer; Secretary, Wm. Montgomery. - Home Office, 419, 11th St N. W., Washington, D. C. . General Agent for service, In surance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Business Manager or Organizer for North Carolina, Managed from Home Office. ; Charlotte via Atlanta. . . . Durham via Richmond. . . Durham via Atlanta ..... Henderson via Richmond, Henderson via Atlanta. . . Mastou via Atlanta. . Raleigh via Richmond. . . . Raleigh via Atlanta. Hamlet via Richmond Hamlet via Atlanta Season GO-Day 15-Day Tickets Tickets Tickets .S3G.10 $30.10 $24.05 ..34.10 28:40 23.30 .. 38.75 32.30 2G.30 .. 34.10 28.40 53 20 .. 38.75 32.30 2G.30 .. 38.65 32.25 2G.25 -. 35.60 29,90 24.80 . . 38.75 32 30 26.30 . .. 37.60 31.90 2G.25 .. 37.60 31.90 26 25 . . 38.65 32.25 25.25 . . 38.65 32.25 26.25 54,000.00 3,614.11 of wrecking the train. Russians Caught in a Trap. New Chwang, June 12. Infor- mation was received here at 10 o'clock tonight through ' hereto fore reliable channels, that part of the Japanese force left at Pu Lan Tien to checkmate the Rus sian southward movement tor re lieve Port Arthur was attacked third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by G. R. Pilkington. - - " Steamer Sunk In Collision. Montreal, Canada, June 12. The Richlieu & Ontario Naviga tion Company's steamer Canada, bound from Quebec to Montreal, came into collision with the Do- nl.l - 9 ... southeast of Shungamo yesterday.' i n?1Dlon-) oax. -yuinpany s collier After slight fighting the Japanese i CPe Breton, pix m lies below Sor made a false retreat, the Rus- el V1 toav- Afc th,e, tlme ,f the sians hotly fighting them, when collision there were 110 people on the Japanese made a flank move- 1 board the Canada. Five were lost; ment, catching the Russians in a the others were re3cued. trap. The Russian losses - are placed at 800 men. They then fell back on Kaichou and began, to re treat along the Baimatsru-Tsai- . Chou road. For sick headache take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by G. R.- Pilkington. State or North Carolina, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, May 12, 1904. I, James R. Young, Insurance , Commissioner, do hereby certify ! IKaI t U n nltw.A Z n.-kj-l iJJal; l lit! ttuu vc 10 cl u uc auvi wi red abstract of the statement of the Masonic Mutual Relief Asso ciation, a Fraternal Order, of Washington, filed with this De partment, showiug the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1903. Witness my hand .and official seal, the day and date above writ ten. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have qualified as administrator of Tolly Ann ross, deceased, and all persons holding claims agalust the es tate of the said Polly Ann Gross are notified to present them to me duly verified, on or before the 16th day of May, 1905, or this notice will be ! plead In bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are notified to make Imme 1 diate payment. D. F. GROSS. May 10th. 1904. Admc of Polly Ann Gross- A.L, McNeill, Atty. Wilmington via Atlanta LIMIT OF TICKETS SEASON TICKETS. Good to leave St. Louis up to' December 15, 1904,' wil be, sold daily ommencmg April 25th. ' SIXTY DAY TICKETS. Good to leave St. Louis up to and including GO days from date of sale. VV ill be sold daily commencing April 25th. FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. Good to return up to and including 15 days from date'of sale, com mencing April 25th, and continuing during Exposition. COACH EXCURSION TICKETS. On May 9th and 23rd, 10-day coach excursion tickets will be sold at ery low rates from Raleigh $18.50 via Richmond and $20.80 via At lanta. Tickets not good in Parlor Sleeping Cars. Tickets good to leave St. Louis including ten days from date of sale. MILITARY COMPANIES. Special low rates for Military Companies and Bands. Quickest schedule, direct routes, first-class coaches Sleeping and Dining Services :-: - For further information, call on or address us. Same fully furnished. - Z--,S-MJT?' J' P A" " a H' GATTIS, C. P. and T. A., Raleigh, N.C. - Raleigh, N. C. and Pullman, will be cheer- Important fifiill Sale. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chathim County, the undersigned, as Receiver of the Bynum Milling ft Mercantile Company, will sell at public auction on the preir lses at 1:30 o'clock p.. m.t . - ON TUESDAY, THE 28th DAY OF JUNE, 1904, all that valuable u in property at Bynum, on Haw river in the county of Chatham, con talnlng about eight acres and known a the "By num Mill Property,'' described as follows. Beginning at BynuT's old corner near Bynum bridge, running thence north 68 east 9 poles to a sycamore, thence north 3 east 6 poles to a post oak, thence north 6& east 12 poles to a small cedar, thence north 33 west llj poles to a white oak on the Chapel H1U road, thence north 88 east pole8 t0 tno mlJJle of the spring, thence down ih branch to the race, thence up the race to the dam, thence down the river to the beginning. On this lot are a valuable roller and grist mill, cotton gin, store-house, work-shop, blacksmith shop, etc,, and all water rights and privileges thereto belonging, lying on Haw river. This property will be sold as a whole or in sep arate lota as the purchasers may desire. Terms of sale, one-thir l third in three months one-third in stx months with interest orfdererred payments from date of sale. Title reserved untl. purchase money is paid. This sale subject to confirmation by the court. ' , May 18th. 19M. H. A. London, . R. H. Hayes. . Attorceya. W. L. LONDON, Receiver. Illinois Central RAILROAD. Direct Route to the ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION TWO TRAINS DAILY -FROM Georgia, Florida and Tennessee : ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS -Dixie ZElsrex Arriving at St. Louis in the Morning. Season tickets with limits Dec 15!h, sixty days, 15 - days and 10 days. Low rate coach excursions in June. For rates from your city, also for book showing Hotels, Boarding Houses, quoting tbeir rates, write to fred d. miller, . - Trav. Pas's Agent, No. 1 Brown Bldg, Atlanta, Ga-