\\ % V Luscious— Made With Raisins —and already baked for you SAVE the trouble and the time of baking pies at home, yet give your men folks pies that are exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh borhood bake shops in your city are making luscious raisin pie fresh every day. Your grocer or these bake shops can supply them. Taste them and you’ll know why there’s no longer* need to bake at home. Crust that’s light and flaky tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Your retailer should sell you Sun-Maid Raisins for not more than the following prices i Seeded (in IS oc. blue pkg*.) —2oa t Seedless (in IS oz. red pkga.) —lßa' Seeded or Seedless ill oz.) —15c Seeded, in tins (lSoz.)— 2oc Seeded* in tint (.8 oz.) —15a V I CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, Dept. N-540-13, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your free book, I Blue Pacta ft CrrY State_ J*' ■■ 1 ■■ " - * ■ - ■ - Few Purebred Bison. There are but 9,311 pure-blooded ’bison In the world, and 3,527 of these are in the United States, of which vonly one hundred are running wild. A reputation is easy to get; it takes years to build a character. Good Mining German Potash I Healthy Crops The South learned years ago that Kainit j and the other German Potash Salts pre- I vented Cotton Rust and other plant 1 diseases, and at the same time greatly I increased the yield. 1 Scientific investigations now show that 1 both Potash and Magnesia are helpful § in combating plant diseases. j All the German Potash Salts . that are j used in Cotton fertilizers contain soluble -1 .magnesia. I * I If you will insist on having your fertilizer j contain at least 5 per cent of Potash de- I I * rived from Genuine German Potash Salts, j you will secure at the same time enough j magnesia to insure against plant diseases I due to magnesia hunger. I For Tobacco, and for those Fruits J which are injured by N Chlorin, the fer- J tilizer should carry 10 per cent of Pot - j ash, derived from Sulfate of Potash or y I from Sulfate of Potash Magnesia. J Use the latter if your Tobacco leaves are 1 not sound. I I SOIL & CROP SERVICE, POTASH SYNDICATE I H. A. HUSTON, Manager j 42 Broadway New York City I POTASH PAYS [ a delicious sauce! There’s nothing left to be desired in a pie. Made with finest seeded Sun- Maid Raisins. 1560 calories of energizing nu triment ptr pound in practically predigested form. Rich in food iron, also—-good food for the blood. Make cakes, puddings and other good foods with them. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon now for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. Says the Pessimist. “Married happiness Is the period be tween buying the furniture and selling it.” —From Snhp. Every man hugs the delusion that sooner or later he will Invent some -1 thing that will make him rich. LAUGH AT DESERT Fearless Men in Motorcars Add Region to Civilization. - French Expedition Crossed the Sa hara in Safety, Where White Men Never Had Been Seen. The conquest of the Sahara desert by means of fast tractors and motor cars is today an accomplished fact. It is regarded In Paris government, commercial and military circles as possibly the most useful exploration expedition of the twentieth century. News has just been received in ( I is that the fleet of small tractors tmd motorcars, which left Algeria De cember 15 is nearing Timbuctoo on the Niger river. This means that they have cut across the Sahara through sections never before seen by white men, a distance of about twenty-two hundred miles—almost ns easily as a New York tourist travels to Denver, camping nights by the wayside. Carrying reserves of gasoliuc and water, the small cars have completely relegated the desert camel into ob-, livion as a much overrated means of travel ,and have pioneered a trail which promises France as much wealth as slie may lose in trying to force Ger many to i?ay reparations. This expedition means the linking of the rich Congo and Niger river re gions, which lie under French protec tion, with the Mediterranean, thus making possible the quick shipments of the resources of these almost un touched districts to France and Eu rope. Equatorial Africa comprises one and a th>rd million square miles. The population is eight million, which, added to twelve million in occidental Africa, indicates what the develop ment of such a railway would mean. These territories hold unlimited lum ber, with 90,000 square miles in occi dental Africa alone. This easy motor 1 expedition has shown the French gov ernment that it will be possible to supply ' Europe with cotton, lumber, tobacco and ivory. The government awaited with the greatest interest the news of the safe arrival of the explorers from across the desert wastes. The greatest dan ger lay in the 300-mile stretch of waterless country in the south mid desert region, known as Hoggar. The information here shows that the cars crossed the space without trouble at high speed in less than two days. French military authorities believe it will he possible to link up stations by small, fast methr tractors, and thus systematically eradicate the, des ert marauders. Flying columns of cars, as shown by the expedition, are capable of negotiating the soft, shift ing sands at a much greater speed than the fastest camels, military men believe, and spell the end of the ro mantic sheik, who leads his marauders abroad against helpless caravans. The fear of Georges Haardt and Audoin Deubreuil, the leaders of the expedition, that it would be captured by the bandits proved to be ground less, as the cars proved so rapid as jto easily outdistance the camel- 1 mounted bandits. The machine guns they carried proved to he useless ex ! cept for an occasional burst of lire at a jackal. These men, despite the fact that their mission was carried out safely and with a speed unexpected even to themselves, in face of the highly ad vertised dangers from bloodthirsty bandits, are today national heroes in France. The government in the colo nies ordered the greatest reception for them that Timbuctoo ev&r accord ed, and on their return to Paris they received the highest honors. The Game Hog. Along in November Freddy began wishing for an air rifle for Christmas. He wishtd for it when dad was around, he wished for it before grandma, before big brother and in the hearing of any one else who might have any influence with Santa Claus in the matter. His wishing was successful and the first , thing Freddy spied on Christmas morn ing was the coveted air rifle. He dressed hurriedly, bolted breakfast and u grabbed up the gun and started “hunt ing.” Two squares up the street was a little park with sparrows flitting about. Freddy started gunning for sparrows. He shot and shot without hitting a bird, but lie wasn’t disheart ened. Just before noon one day mother was astonished to hear Freddy come in the front door crying. “Why,” Freddy!” she exclaimed. “Have you hurt yourself with your new gun?” “No,” Freddy sobbed. “Then what is the matter*?” “Oh, mamma!” Freddy cried, “I killed one! I killed one!” —Kansas City Star. The Wrong Man. A traveler rushed up to a stranger at a railway station just as the train was about to stavt, and asked: “Are you going on this train?” • r “I am !’* was the reply. “Well, nty friend,” said the traveler, “you might do me a favor. I have ! two bigt ranks, and they always make 1 me pay extra for one of them. Would you mind taking one, it will cost you nothing?” t “But*l haven't a ticket!” said the stranger. “I thought you said you were go- > ing by this train?” exclaimed the tr«v- i eler. “Yes, I am!” was the answer. “Fnj one of the company’*} inspectors I” j | After Every Meal WRKIiYS fr 1 | " " I Top off each meal ■ with a bit of I sweet fit the form I of WRIGLEY’S. llt satfsftes the I sweet tooth and / aids digestion. / Pleasure and | benefit combined. i i *jhe B » V Mm | AMERICA^ WHICH pvl Are the I Snap Beans / —the BestTSeldinjy Garden Peas / —the Sweetest • Cantaloupe # The Select-Rite Charts in the 1923 Catalog o£ WOODS SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of hearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1923 Catalog tells how you can hare them without cost. Send a post card for your copy. IT. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen 37 S. 14th St. Richmond, Va. Capes Tell usche of furs. Prompt answer. W. W. Weaver, Reading, Thirty years in fur business. MAKE BIG MONEY DISTRIBUTING EVERSHINE for us in your locality. Eversbine cleans and polishes all metalwear like magic.. Every demonstration a sale. Evershine is put wp in thirty-five cent tubes, in an attractive carton. Big profits to you. Send thirty-five cents for tube and agency proposition, also want trw® general agents for this territory. EVERSHINE CO.. 125 Hurt Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. CHICKS! 200,000 for 1023. 12c up. The kind that grow. Write for prices. Frederick Pashall. 202 Dixwell. New Heaven, Comm. REGAL WYANDOTTES, BUTTERCUPS Foundation stock, hatching eggs. MT. RYDAL FARM, AMHERST, VA. Tedigreed “Strtmglieart” Police Puppies, C.O.D. on approval. You can't buy a better <lo>g for protection. Airedale pups, S3O. Strong heart Kennels, R.F.D., New Brunswick. N. J Agents to Sell Our Marble and Granite Monuments in your own terri ory. Good com mission. Moore Monument Co„ Sterling. 111. SALESMEN —Carry the most complete line of rapid selling pencils and penholders; com missions paid promptly. Monogram Pencil Co.. 1251 Fourth Ave., Cedar Rapids, lowa. for sale— baby chicks and eggs, white leghorns and S. C. Rhode Island reds Write for mailing list. KINO’S POULTRY FARMS. BISHOPVILLE, 3. C. _ - us. mto mem To restore gray or El |h W rLT faded hair to orig an I ■ SB W H® inal color, don’t use HU U I E O Ban Hair Color Restorer Safe as water apply it and watch results. At all good druggist*!, 75c, or direct from HESSIG-ELUS, Cbwiiti, Mewpfci*, Tes*. Try PISO^ COUGH pleasant—no up* set stomach —no m g**»aa* fs r7jEsjjßS3 ■ tl j m v mM i 1 ®ll B _ 1 l*i in i W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 5-1923 Aspirin S a y “Bayer” and Insistl package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre? scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin** only. Each unbroker, package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.—Advertisement. One Thing Animal Was Spared. Explorers say the “baluchistherium” roamed the Mongolian desert two mil lion years ago—but, happily, it never had to pronounce its name.-—Ex change. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician’s prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medi cine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if yap wish first to test this great preparartion send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co*., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. Thought Misapplied. Thought is the most powerful force on this earth, yet most of our thought Is foolishly wasted in idle gossip or in slandering someone whom we pos sibly do* not know except by hearsay! Good health depends upon good digestion. Safeguard your digestion with Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills and you safeguard your health. A medicine as well as a purgative. Advertisement. *■ Complete Success. “Was she successful in her di vorce?” “Yes, her husband has to take care of the children.” A won f* n runs almost as fast when she sees a mouse as a man does when he hears a baby crying. CASTORIA Hi | For Infants and Children^ NiKSllll ers Know That iIjIIMjBMB Genuine Castoria Always / . * se iii iea \J» For Over llfil ftesMeSgJS!?* Thirty Years iiSGASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. the centaur company, new yonk city. >© SPOHN’S DISTEMPER COMPOUND is indiepeneaUe in treating Influenza, Distemper, Coughs and Colds so prevalent among horses and mules at this season of the year, For nearly thirty years “SPOHN’S” has been given to prevent these diseases, as well as tt> relieve and cure them. An occa* sional dose "conditions” your horse and keeps disease away. As a remedy for cases actually suffering, "SPOHN’S” Is quick and certain. Sold in two sizes at all drug stores. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY GOSHEN. INDIANA J. W. Kitchenid When Run-down or Recover ing from a Prostrating lll ness, Here’s Good Advice Atlanta, Ga.—“ During a time of the 'flu; epidemic, in a mining town in Tennessee, I found it necessary to close njy store, that I might act as nurse. There were a great many cases there at that time. We found Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery to be the best tonic for con-, valescent patients. They all gained strength rapidly on this treatment. “My own case was no exception. The ‘Goden Medical Discovery’ gave tone to the digestive organs and en riched the blood, witfr the result of restoring me to a general healthy condition.”—J. M. KiSchersid, 154 Whitehall St Obtain the Discovery m tablets or liquid at your nearest drug store or send 10c to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids* Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.* for trial pkg., or write for free medical advice. Instant Relief AUSL gig it | ,0.. [Newiifci jiTl -no more biliousness 8 Dt KING'S PILLS J©f| I " -for constipation % E |^|£P , Don't treat sore, ln 1J | flamed, smarting eyes f with powerful drugs I "dropped" In by hand. .jKjK A soothing, effectlTe, safe yds-" 51 rfy&U PARKER’S i HAIR BALSAM ' Removes Dan aruff-StopsßairFalling Restores Color and W) "IN Beauty to Gray and Faded Half , 60c. and SI.OO at Druggists. jkM /s' A Rtscox Chcm. W ks. Patchogue, N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal louses, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the feet, makes walking easy. 15u. by mail or at Drug gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. Y MANY COINS AND STAMPS ARE WORTH* BIG PREMIUMS Send 10c for price list. CLARENCE PYLES, 719 Lincoln Street, PORTSMOUTH, VA.

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