NOTICE OF SERVICE. North Carolina, Coat-ham county, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, Before the Clerk. Sallie Marsh, Administratrix of Wesley Marsh, deceased I vs. | Sampson Marsh. The defendant, above named, Samp son Marsh, will take notice that an | action, entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Chatham county, North Carolina, to sell the real estate of Wesley Marsh, deceased, to make assets to pay the debts of tfie estate of the said Wes ley Marsh,, deceased: that the deiend ant will take further notice that he is required to appear before His Hon or J. Dewey Dorsett, clerk of the su perior court of Chatham county, North Carolina, on the 21st day of February, 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., at the court house of said county, in North Carolina and answer or demur, to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 20th day of January, 1923. Febls J DEWEY DOP.SETT, W P.HORTON, Clk superior court Attorney. Chatham county * MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the provisions of *a mortgage deed executed by Genna La nier and Hinton Gunter to A. N. Johnson Co., on the 19th day of July, 1921, and registered in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, inßook FZ at Page 92 default having been made in the payment of the note therein set forth ; the under signed mortgagee will se’l at public auction, for cash, in the town of Pitts boro,: North Carolina, at the court house door on the 27th day of February, 1923, at 32 o'clock noon, the following property: The home place of Genna Lanier and Hinton Gunter in Cape Fear township, Chatham county, North Carolina, and known as the G. F. Drake Home Place and containing 10 acres more or less, and bounded as follows* On the east by B. M. Mclver, on the north by W. A. Lawrence a-d on the west and south by the lands of the Carolina Power and Light Com pany.—conveyed by the said Genna Lanier and Hinton Gunter to satisfy the debt and interest provided for in said mortgage. This January 18th, 1923. A. N. JOHNSON CO., - , B.R A Y OLIVE. Mortgagee. j Attorney, Fuquay Springs, N. C. Feb. 15-p. . 1 2**,***********m*********t | We Solicit > t Your Account |j til 3; 1 iff * On the basis of our nineteen year’s record as a IV ,i. Safe, Strong and Conservative Bank. Your sav ■j- ings deposited here will absolutely be safe, and ijt will earn for you 4 per cent interest, compounded ™ quarterly, in our Savings Department. til 'J H, ESTABLISHED 1904. -J' tit ;j; I Banking Loan and Trust Co., | & SANFORD, $1 R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, (f 1 President Vice-Pres. Cashier. If) r - ' iv M; JONESBORO: MONCURE: /*. \*f I. P. Lasater, Cashier- J. K. Barnes. ‘W. ggC-g -g; Xjl Comfort and Wear Depend Upon fj Clothes. ; JmjL —What they are made of —how they are designed —how they are tailored n —how htey retain their M x KUPPENHEIMER j jJHff/lgll £ \ —are a revelation on all KUPPENHEIMER - JvmZw Good clothes * From $35; S4O to $45. •— CdiKteeairf/awt&ißXiL C. R. BOONE “Good Quality Spells Wbat Boone Sells” DeLuxe Clothiers RALEIGH, N. C. f. v Writ EL°Hs MACHINE AND MUSIC COMPANY r T? FiliJ Prnnrietor. Burlington, N. C. In Stock* 8 ’ Pr P Here For the Past Thirty ‘ two Years * Twenty Pianos, $l5O to .$595. Four Player Pianos, $395 up. Twenty Five Organs, S4O. to $125. , Twenty Five Phonographs, $lO. to $l5O. One Hundred Phonograph Records. Seven Hundred Player Rolls. Twenty Five Sewing Machines, $lO. to SBS. Paat , la Supplies for all kinds and on Easy terms to Reliable People. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the powei of sale conferred upon the under signed by decree o£-the superior court of Chatham county, in an action there j in pending, entitled “M.M.Fox, admm j istrator vs Sallie Headen and others, ! the undersigned commissioner will on , ! Saturday, the 24th day of February, I 1923, at 2 o’clock p. m., i offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lot or parcel of land lying and being within the corporate limits of the town of Siler City, and being more fully described and defined as follows: to-wit: ~ . % Beginning at the northwest corner of lot number eleven on the east side of main street and running about north with said street forty feet to a stake, thence nearly east sever.ty five feet to a stake, thence nearly south forty feet to a line of lot num ber eleven, thence nearly west with line of lot number eleven seventy five feet to the beginning, and ! being the southwest part of lot num ber ten of the plat of the town ol Siler City, North Carolina. Same be ing the property known as the olu “Grit Office.” The sale will be held on the prem ises. -• ' This the 22nd day of Jan. 1923. WADE BARBER, Siler & c °rnrnissi°^ er. Attorneys. Feb22-4t- v NOTICE Having qualified as administrator oi the estate of D. H. Stanley, deceased, late of Chatham*cou"ty, North ina, this is to notify all persons hold! i,. claims against said decedent to sent them to the undersigned, dal verified, on or before the 29th day oi January, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AJ persons indebted to the estate vil please make prompt settlement. This 29th day of January, 1923. M .M. FOX, j Mch 8-6tH-c. Administrator. ! NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to notify the public that beginning on October 15, 1920, I with drew my ’ interest from the firm o R. W .Johnson & Co., said firm beinc engaged in the mercantile business o Siler City, Rt. 2, by disposing of said interest to Ralph W.. and Harry L. Johnson. I am not and will not be re -1 sponsible for any debts incurred by said firm since the date of dissolu ! tion. This Jan. 29, 1923. HUGH W. JOHNSON, Feb & i iiiti-ji.w i i mrj tb wcAny ■ . ' i • Men on Steamch p Look Cn as B.g Black Animal Kills His. Bay Rival. BATTLE LASTS HOURS? Lives of Other Horses Threatened ae Well as Lives of Members of Crew Who Attempted to Separate Mad Animals. New York. —Officers and men of the steamship Margold. which reached Newark recently from Buenos Aires with its decks crowded with horses, were still talking of a battle fought at sea when two days out, between two huge stallions and which ended in the death of one worth several thousand dollars. Through some carelessness In stow ing the live cargo the two foes, a black and a bay, were placed in adjoining Inclosures. ■ Their natural wildness through a life on the broad pampas of Argen tina was increased by the excitement of strange surroundings and through out the first day of their Incarceration in the dark hold of the ship shrill neighing followed by the drumming of hoofs on the stanchions and bulk heads sounded continuously. Equine Rivals Meet. At last, driven to a frenzy by the rolling of the ship, the black snapped the head chain, and plunging back ward, crashed through the wooden bar behind him. His first act on gaining his freedom was to sink his teeth into the flesh of the bay in the next stall, and maddened by pain the latter also broke loose. Then a battle between the two com menced, which lasted for hours and threatened the lives of the other horses as the two plunged, now and then rearing to strike out with theii front hoofs and again wheeling to lash out with their heels. At length they reached a clear space underneath an fllP I Fastened His Teeth in the Back of the Bay's Neck. open hatch around the edge of which the crew clustered to watch the final round. Black Lands Knockout After circling cautiously about each other for a time, warily watching for an opening like two boxers, the bVaek J suddenly reared and s crashed down with both hoofs on the head of his adversary. The other stood dazed for an instant by the impact, and in that moment the black seized his ad vantage and fastened his teeth In the back of the bay’s neck, the death grip sought by wild horses as instinctively as the bulldog goes for the throat of his rival. Despite the frantic efforts of the crew to separate the pair the black bore Steadily down until the bay’s head was pressed against the deck. Then came a sudden twist of the black’s head, a sharp crack was heard, and the bay lay with a broken neck. His blood lust satisfied, the black was contented and was led quietly back to his stall. WILL SUE “PRAYER FIANCEE” • Pastor Seeks to Recover Rent Paid for House for Girl Who Quit Him. Orange, N. J.—Because his “prayer fiancee” broke their engagement two days before the day set for their wed ding, Rev. George H. Lawson, will sue the woman for breach of promise. Lawson prayed for a wife and as a result, he said, became engaged to mar ry Mrs. Mary Mason, with an income of $1,200 a month. Mrs. Mason broke the engagement, and now Lawson seeks | to recover rent he paid in advance for ■ home for his hH*e. I i* <> f;irn*shins ! r | t .... I i! im»(i £ j. HOW’S THIS? I HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will jf do v/hat we claim for it—rid your system J| of Catarrh or Deafness caused by * $ Catarrh. ____ % HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con- f gists of an Ointment which Quickly I Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and « the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which x acts through the Blood on the Mucous I Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal conditions. x • Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. £ F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. ? Hastings’ Seeds | 1923 Catalog Free;! Writs today for Hastings’ new 1921; I catalog. You will need the information j 3 it gives almost daily—the most vain* ■ 1 able and useful seed book ever publish- j ed. It contains 100 pages, picturing , and correctly describing the best and | most popular vegetables, flower* andj S farm crops for the South. • j jj How and what to plant in your yard, j l| garden and field for every purpose. I j How to biat the boll weevil, bean [j beetle and other pests. Full natural, j| color pictures of the be3t Roses, Glad- s ioli and other flowers. How to get 5 I •packets of seed of beautiful flowers l! free. How much seed is required to 5 plant a row or acre, when and hoyr to | plant and cultivate. Why it pays to j plant good seeds and how to .get them as cheap or cheaper than common or ordinary seeds. . Just write for this handsome new j 1923 Se d Book. It’s a beautiful book and you’ll be mighty glad to have it in your home, it is absolutely free. Write for it today. H. G. HASTINGS CO* Atlanta, Ga. DIAMONDS ; We have formecf Connections j With a Large Diamond Impotrer We are Selling on 10 Per Cent Basis I This arrangement gives you an t opportunity of buying a Diamond i at parctically the wholesale price i J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers, SANFORD, N. C. IDMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. The undersigned having this day qualified as administrator of the estate oc L. J. Perry, deceased, late of Chatham county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the sai.. estate will plerse come forward -find make immediate settleme t. This 29th day of January. 1923. A. CARL PERRY, W. P. HORTON, Administrator Attorney. , Mch 8-R-6p ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jones, deceas ed, late of Chatham county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claiihs against said estate to present -them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 7th day of February, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing 'the said estate will please come forward and make im mediate settlement. This, the 7th day of Feb. 1923. S. D. JONES, V. R. JOHNSON, Administrator. Attorney. * Mchls-R-c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS v This is to certify that the under- signed has qualified as executo* of the last will and testament of the es tate of Thomas Beal, deceased. All persons holding claims against the said estate will present them to the | undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate wll please come forward and make imme diate payment. This, the, 3rd day of Feb. 1923. T. B. BEAL, W. P. HORTON, Executor. Attorney. Mch 15-R-p NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the provisions of a certain Deed of; Trust executed to the undersigned by G. W. Douglass and wife, Nettie Douglass, on July Bth, 1921, and registered in the office of the register of deeds of Chatham county, North Carolina, in Book FS at pages 477-478, default having been made in the payment of the note therein set forth, the undersigned will sell at public auction, for cash, in the town of Pittsboro, North Caro lina, at the court house door, on the 27th day of February, 1923, at 12 o’clock noon, the following property: Lying/and being in Cape Fear township, Chatham county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Joe Dickens, Sandy Marks, et als., being 47 acres on the north side of the tract where grantors now live, same being bounded on the north by the lands of Joe Dickens, on the east by the lands of Sandy Marks, on the west by the Perjrins Place and on j the south by the remainder of the (lands of the grantors—it being one- I half of the lands eonveyed to the said Geo. W. Douglass by deed from J. A. Marks and wife, of March 6th, 1911, conveyed by the said G. W. Douglass and wife, Nettie Douglass, to satisfy said debt and interest pro l vided for in said deed of trust. | This 18th day of January, 1923. B. RAY OLIVE, Trustee, 1 Febls-p Fuquay Springs, N.C. I Just Pefcre Qhristmas | 1 YOU WILL RECEIVE ALL THE MONEY YOU HAVE 1 | - -SAVED I isss $ # J H You May Join One or More of the Following Classes: | |! Class 25 Fixed. Members H . paying 25 cents a week for fifty * || W weeks, will get $12.50 9 I Class 50 Fixed. Members i paying 50 cents a week for fifty || weeks, will get $25.00 Bj] Class 100 Fixed. Members 1 85 paying SI.OO a week for fifty § Ml weeks, will get— sso.ofc i m With four per cent. Interest added if all Payments are | m Made Regularly or in Advance. H || i The Chatham Bank ( (D) J. C. GREGSON, President. J. J. JENKINS, Cashier. 1 NORTH CAROLINA, j rtf CV: DAY BY DAY ; -1 || ! IN EVERY WAJ WE ARE GROWING BETTER AND BETTER I The one infallible recipe is GOOD GROCERIES. No | matter how simple or elaborate a meal is, it is always ap- § fl petizing if you use fresh vegetables. It is a success with I the soup on, and every course is greeted with joy, for who I jS can resist the fragrant odor of good coffee and eggs that ;! are really fresh and deliciously tempting, j Get good groceries and you will have no lagards at the I ] l dinner table. When you buy from one of the Richardson J stores you are getting the best. - I REMEMBER:— j Our fresh lot of garden and flower Seeds. ■ I Richardson Bros., | PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -AND RECORDS Write us for catalog and terms. DARNELL & THOMAS CO, RALEIGH, N. C.' Buick Authorized Service Is an Added Asset to Buick Value Buick Authorized Service is the insurance that guar antees the splendid dependable performance ability • \ that Buick high standard manufacturing builds into j every Buick car. ; ] Just as Buick design and Buick workmanship provide Buick cars with comfort, refinement, endurance and economy, so Buick Authorized Service assures the continuance of these superior qualities to every Buick owner. Infrequent as Buick drivers find the need for the Buick Authorized Service, it is always at their command, and Buick Owners have come to regard it as an added asset to the fine transportation * that they purchase in all Buicks. * ' . ' D-15-29-NP When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them BROWN-BUICK SERVICE STATION, SANFORD, Distributors : Chatham, Lee, Moore and Montgomery! j

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