- I “THEY SAID I HAD T. B. AND 1 ■ WOULD NOT LIVE THREE MONTHS” {’ H "p w. Schmidt, Box 98, I 8 Breese, Clinton Co., 111., believes FEEL O he has reason to praise Dr. Hart- L!KE 8 man’s Remedy for Catarrhal con- j;j 1 months for Chronic CjunJ l|l V I ;^I 1^?L C 5 tarrh - Jao not set tired. feel like OINuE |!| 0 ■ s IBKiBiEHMBIr sm tlx pounds over normal weight and IICIIIG I I 0 * kMbSBBbHF' work evory day - In March, 1918.1 con- i'i 0 H trxctedaievere cold with spitting and took to PF.RII.NI” X 0 m fwHBHBL' *ny bed. They said I had T\ B. and would not " BA 0 r.ip« 1^ 6 mon^B » After taking a couple bot- ■ I' MAMy vJm tle# Pe-ru-na and a box of Man-a-lln Tablets, W4iiWl j|i A HALF CENTURY IN USE ! ! TABLETS ORJJQUID SOLS EVERYWHERE ! ! Instaidßelief WhWßffinifli MPI CVoup&Cbldy fe BrondtialTroublex 81-rMrtt Bm¥nrnn^p|| GOOD CIGARETTES 10' GENUINE gos Bull" DURHAM TOBACCO REGAL WYANDOTTES, BUTTERCUPS Foundation stock, hatching egg's. MT. RYDAL FARM, AMHERST, VA. Some men are so worthless that their wives are not a bit alarmed when they happen to have a cough. It is not always the head of the family that foots the bills. ' A SICK, GROSS CHILD NEEDS “CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP” MOTHER! Move Child’s Bowels with this Harmless Laxative—Children Love Its Taste When a child is constipated, full of cold, has colic, or when the stomach is sour, breath bad, tongue coated, a teaspoonful of “California Fig Syrup” will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for your self how thoroughly it works the con stipation poison, sour bile and waste right out and you have a well, playful child again. Bruises-strains vIMSIL Apply Sloan's. The blood circulates . jfeffl&y/ freely and normally again. The pain- *!' rm ful congestion is broken up /Jr kVy-M - all soreness disappears! JK SloarisLiniiß^i.t|^^^ SKS JE9 I Hmn H nH ySh h iBo |P@IU-TONIC •OLD so YEARS A FINE GENERAL. TONIC Bw>»ui»ywi ___ iH~ Saves Need Buying a New Skirt — - - .■ ■ * 77 WBqoasoooßßaa ww>OQflQC<S Radium Output to Be Increased. It is planned to raise the output of radium at Joachimsthal, near Carls bad, to four grams annually. To this end an Anglo-American syndicate has been formed with ample capital. Most of this radium will find its way to English and American hospitals.—Sci entific American. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curp.bk ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gen tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. London’s Ivory Warehouse. One of the most wonderful places in the London docks is the ivory ware house, where tusks to the value of half a million pounds are usually in stock. About 50 tons of ivory are used every year,for making knife handles and for decorative work. The value of the material is about ton. ’ A few days later the average man begins to boast of the good deed he did by mistake. Optimism takes a day off when a man has a toothache. Silence is sound put to sleep. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy.' They know a tea spoonful today* may save a sick child tomorrow. It never cramps or over acts. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has di rections for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “California” or you may get an imitation fig syrup. \ iglPDaddys Kp4 Eveixirvg Faiiy Tale 7AARY GRAHAM BOWER. iv vutun niwaru union BABOON LIFE \ “I am going to tell you a story about a South African Baboon named Brueie Baboon,” said Daddy, “and o! Baboon ways when they are free. “Brueie was very fond of all of his family and of all of his relations and of all of the members, of the Baboon colony in which he lived. “Many of the Baboons lived together and Brueie called their part of the world—where they all were—‘Baboon Village.’ “Now Brueie wanted to talk to all of the Baboons and he wanted to tell them of Baboon ways, so he called them all together one day and made this speech; “ ‘Baboon Brothers and friends ajid relatives,’ he commenced, ‘I want to tell you some of the ways of the Baboons and some of the family rules. “ ‘Never be afraid of anything when any of the Mrs. Babdons or the Miss Baboons or the little Baboons are In danger. “ ‘Do not even be afraid of guns, but go to the rescue of the ladies or of the little children. “ ‘They say that when people are in danger or if there is an accident any where the gentlemen always help the ladies and the children first. “ ‘That is true in Baboon, family life too. We have never been known to “Kind to Little Babies/’ desert a Mrs. Baboon or a Miss Baboon or a little Baboon In time of danger. “ ‘Don’t even be afraid of a leopard then. Don’t even let your fear of a snake get the better of you. “ ‘I do not mean that yoy are to rush into the jaws of danger or into the jaws of the snake or of the leopard. But I mean you must protect your little ones and the other little ones and the Mrs. Baboons and the Miss Baboons. “‘No Baboon has ever been'known to go back on his duty in the time of need, and his duty is to look after the others. “ ‘No Baboon has ever been known to think of himself Ivhen his wife or hks sister or his little one was in danger. “ ‘No Baboon has been able to ever say: “ * “Let them look after themselves. There is no need of me to.” “‘For if any one of the group is in danger let every one of us do what we can to protect him. “‘Let us never be afraid —that is— let us be so afraid that we aren’t brave. “ ‘Bravery doesn’t mean being fool hardy. Bravery doesn’t mean taking wild risks and chances. “ ‘Bravery doesn’t mean to take one’s life in one’s hands, as the saying is, or of taking any old chance at all. “ ‘Bravery doesn’t mean that one must never feel fear, or that in order to be brave one can never know the feeling of fear. “ ‘That isn’t what bravery means. “‘Bravery means,’ continued Brueie. Baboon, ‘to go forward and do what you can for the protection of others no matter how afraid you may feel in side! “ ‘That is what bravery means. To be brave, even though you feel afraid, for the sake of others. ‘“And when one is in danger all of us must go forth to help. We mustn’t let any one else do the work. V ‘We must sleep in a different neigh borhood on different nights for in that way we will be very safe, and folks and wild animals will not knew where our sleeping place is to be found. “ ‘And wherever we go we will call it our village, or Baboon Village. “ ‘Be kind to animals who aren’t so big or so able to look after themselves. Be kind to little babies. Never forget the story of the Baboon who looked after a little lost baby and brought him up sufely. “ ‘When you see people will be friendly with you, be friendly with them, too, though you must be sure they are really friendly. “‘These are the things I must tell you to do. And we muss all promise each other we will do them.’ «‘We all promise,’ said the other baboons, ‘for we wouldn’r let a weaker creature suffer. No matter what the risk was to ourselves, we’d uevOr. never. Lever let that happen.’ “‘Good, said Brueie Baboon. That is the true Baboon spirit.’” RIDDLES Which son do children find the hard est? Lesion. A musical son, on the organ at least? Diapason. jjWhich shows evidence <*f having Men wicked? — US' WRIGLEYS /KSK and give your stomach a lift. Provides M tbe bit of sweet** In bmnmficial v form. Helps to cleanse I which rY| Are the 1 Snap Beans / •»the BestTfieldinjy Garden Peas / • ••the Sweetest I Cantaloupe 0 The SelecS-Ritq Charts in tHe 1923 Catalog of WOODS SEEDS Show at a glance the varieties of each vegetable to plant for earliness, yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. The most helpful catalog we have ever issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request. . FREE FLOWER SEEDS Our 1923 Catalog tells how you can hare than without cost. Sand a post card for your copy. T. W. WOOD ft SONS, Seedsmen 37 S. 14th St. Richmond, VA. ArriigjSyjjfl Sm , 88 Allen’s® Range 'Wo* 4 A range on which daughter can com pete with mother—-its perfect baking oven is famous —a quarter of a cen tury of service has proved its worth. Ask your dealer or write ut for catalog and where they may be bought. ALLEN MFG. COMPANY Nashville u u Tenneteoe \ Mothers!! \ Write for 32- \ MtjP Page Booklet, \ LMr “Mothers of y the World ” j Vs f PatProceM 11 X 'Lloyd Loom Products / Moby Carriages OFUrmture^T D«pt. B Use This Coupon JfZSfe y£ The Lloyd Mfg. w^, k !f t -'' Moth * rßof ** Company World ’ OB*» noood - Wak*- vj___ Mid Co ) , Menominee _ _ Mich. Strut ———— —mhm on Jr Cl tv.. State Capet. of furs. Prompt answer. v flwspr W. W. Weaver, Reading, Thirty years in fur business. COUGH?) Try Kao’s—aston- I 818 K'g Vff; ishinsly quick re-1 r lief. Asyrupunlike I ■ “ all others—pleas-1 suit—does art up-1 mm _ set stomach —no Ln fgjEEMSM p ■EttEH Lameness and allays pain. UH Cuts, Bruises, B» Sale Antiseptic and €enak& IyUIH Does no t blister or remove the rMbI hair end horse can be worked. pleasant to use. $2.50 a bottle, I delivered. Describe your case for spedaMnetructlons end W. N. CHARLOTTE, NO. t-1923 Delivered the Message. - Mistress (to servant) —Tell the gen tleman to have a seat In'the drawing room, that I am negligee at present and that I will be down in a few min utes. Servant (to caller) —The missus says to have a seat, and she will be down in a few minutes, dat she’s as naked as a jay right now. —Atlanta Constitution. Anoint the eyelid* with Roman Bye Bal aam at night, and In the* morning observe the refreshed and strengthened sensation In your eyes. Advertisement. The Lesser Evil. Old Grump—Why doesn’t Ethel mar ry that young idiot? I’m getting blamed tired of his coming here so much. His Wise —I believe I’d prefer to have him come here —if he marries her he’ll stay here. —Boston Transcript. A woman may be known by the com pany she isn’t at home to. IF SICK TODAY! TAKENOCALOMEL “Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work—Read Guarantee I discovered a vegetable compound that does the work of dangerous, sick ening calomel and I want every reader of this paper to buy a bottle for a few cents and if it doesn’t straighten you up better and quicker than salivating calomel just go back to the store and get your money back. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile and constipation poison which is clog ging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that one spoonful of this harmless liquid liver medicine will re lieve the headache, biliousness, coated Anglo-American Drug Co* SP$p!H New York, N. Y. Dear Friends: .... / g§p&®ui- I want to tell you. as well as thank you, for what your prepa ! ration has done for my baby. He was a little, cross, crying baby. > awfully constipated all the time, when I started to give it to him. But now he is a big, fat baby, and I cannot speak too highly of your Wj preparation. ; I know there is nothing can come up to Mrs. Winslow’s & %&■ Syrup for a baby and I feel that it was a God-sent blessing to me. /, Ap/.gjl I will tell any mother what it has done for my baby. Ksk(((u | With all good wishes Pt you and your preparation^ glgga , (Nam* on request) 88l Diarrhoea, colic, flatulency and teething I Bggw troubles are relieved by this safe, pleasant preparation. Non-narcotic, non-alcoholic. MRS. WINSLOWS SYRUP The Infante * and Children *e Regulator Open formula on every label. At All Druggists, ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO.. 215-217 Fulton Stroot, Now York 5 General Selling Agents: Harold F. Ritchie A Co., Inc., New York. Toronto. London, Sydney Overheard. “Naw, suh,' I jes’ couldn’t get no results with them dices. Fs only got one shirt between me an’ stahvation.” —Nashville Tennesseean. There's the Rub. Love-making may be an art, but in that case it is likely to drift into artfulness. ___ AsPI RIN SAY “BAYER” when you buy. Insist!- Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for # Colds Headache Toothache .Rheumatism Neuritis . Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. ! Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, 11 u tfco txado mUk of Vajer Manofectnr* of MoiaoMvdoact4Ml«r off BeUorUflocit “FLU” Prevent the “FLU” and GRIPPE by stopping Coughs and Colds with FOLEY’S mm i BttaUUlud UTS Largest selling cough j - medicine in the World Drama. “I am undone,” wailed the heroines. ; “Pull yourself together,” cautioned the hero. —Louisville Courier-JoumaL tongue, ague, malaria, sour stomach or any other distress caused by a tor pid liver as quickly as a dose of nauseating calomel, besides it will not make you sick or keep you from a day’s wprk. Calomel is prison—it’s mercury— it attacks the bones, often causing rheumatism. Calomel is dangerous. It sickens —while my Dodson’s Liver Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat anything afterwards, because it cannot salivate. Give it to the children because it doesn’t upset the stomach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feeling fine and ready for a full day’s work. In the Majority. The pessimist looks regretfully back; the optimist looks joyfully for ward ; the ordinary mortal, just groans and smiles through today.—Boston Transcript. If one is suspicious of resolutions, just try amending one’s ways without a resolution.

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