NEWS FROM DELL'S SCHOOL. Apex, Rt. Feb. 19.—The progress cf the school has beea somevvnat stayed by the unfavorable weather a d r.n.d dy loads. The drivers lu ve i*ot ab*e to coax the trucks Over the ter rible roads for more than a week. Mr. Atwater tried to dely the groa d ho.'; and venture out with his, but like the ground Hog, returned to await a change. In spite of all these nu drknees some of the pupils and teach ers are displaying a large quantity «of grit by walking the distance as contentedly as larks. They have prov en that it can be done. We would {prefer prettier weather ajid better .roads, but we realize the lact that Spring is coming soon and many of 11s will be needed at home, therefore let us improve our opportunities. If it is too far to walk we might try driving awhile. That would be a small sacrifice Owing to the heavy rainfall, the XincoLn program which was to have been given by the fifth and sixth grades ' Wednesday was postponed until Friday. The third and fourth grades ob served St. Valentine day. Some very pretty valentines were made by them and many little hearts were gladdened by the presentation of beautiful val entines. * ' V- Miss Burgess and Moss Greene spent Thursday night with Pattie Stone. Also Miss Annie Baldwin spent Wednesday night with' Haliie and Ruth Bryan. v Miss Smith has returned from By num. We are glad to have her back with us. to the fact of bad weather and roads Miss Burgess is boarding with Mrs. Charlie Hunt, until the roads get in better shape and the trucks can make the trips. We hope that everybody will re member and come to our Fiddlers Convention on March Bth. We are planning to have a good time and we know all those who attend will en joy it. CHATHAM CHURCH ITEMS. Moncure, Rt. 2, Feb. 19.— Mrs. F. X. May, Messrs George May, aid W. X>. Burns spent Sunday at Bines Creek, visiting Mrs. May’s sister, Mrs. Mary-Roberspn, who is confined to her roqm on account of sickness. Mrs. May spent a few days with Mrs. Roberson. Messrs George and Robert Burns spent Sunday in Durham, viewing the -city. Mr. J. R. Knight, of Raleigh, spent the week-end at his home. Messrs Ernest and Warren Good win, of Raleigh, spent Tuesday bird hunting at C. J. Knight’s. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Knight spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clegg. J. T. Griffin and family have about recovered from attacks of the flu. Preaching services will be held at Chatham church next Sundy, the 25th at three o’clock. j - • " j I Your Every Weed 1 Can be found in our Grocery Store. We believe that the Grocery Business should be on a level basis and for that reason we are carrying a Complete Stock of New, | Fresh Groceries, and we can sell them to you at the Low er Priecs. A trial Will convince you. Call and see. j THE BOONE BROS. ERNEST and JARVIS PITTSORO, | F eedstuft | For Hay, Oats, Sweet Feed, Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal, Corn Meal, Poultry Feeds, Oyster Shells, Laying Mash and Scratch Feed, See us. We carry a Good Supply at Reasonable Prices. Give us a call and be convinced. BLAND & CONNELL | We Solicit f | Your Account | * ' ' ; W \N On the basis of our nineteen year’s record as a flfl ifc Safe* Strong and Conservative Bank. Your sav- fW it/ ings deposited here will absolutely be safe, and /m i|v will earn for you 4 per cent interest, compounded i; T. quarterly, in our Savings Department. -JJ Y (t? «» ESTABLISHED 1904. V W m ili —ifi | Banking Loan and Trust Co., I Jj- SANFORD, \t/ R. E. Carrington, W. W. Robards, J. W. Cunningham, it/ President Vice-Pres. Cashier. (fi it) • W U) J- JONESBORO: MONCURE: jjL oj I. P. Lasater, Cashier v J- K. Barnes. NEED FROM LIT. GILEAD. r Pittsboro, Rt. 1, Feb. 19.—Mrs. I. [ R. Seymoic experienced a most pain . ful injury Sunday,• While on her way L to tne diinng room, she fell ar.d, dis located her hip. Dr. Upchurch was called and remedied the injury and she is recovering nicely. Mrs. Gertrude Hatley wishes to thank the unknown sender of a box of beautiful white hyacinths. Miss Lillian Hatley, of Bynum school, has returned after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hatley. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Burke and I children, Johnnie and Nellie, were week-end visitors at the home of his sister, Mrs. Yancey Neal. Misses Annie and Valle Hatley were afternoon guests of Misses Ger trude and Lillian Hatley Sunday. Miss Leonie Neal iB visiting her sister in Durham. Rev. R. R. Gordon filled his ap pointment at Mt. Gilead Sunday and preached a good sermon from Ro mans 12:2. ’ The Mt. Gilead B. Y. P. U., will meet next Sunday immediately after Sunday school, to be reorganized. We hope all former members will be pres ent and will have all the new ones who will come. Mrs. A. R. Griffin has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. Seaton Mann was dinner guest at the home of Dallie Neal Sunday. Miss Lillie Johnson, of Bynum, spent Saturday night with Mag •r gie Tripp. We are pleased with the Record. It is getting beter and better every week. ? k NEWS FROM PITTSBORO RT. 1. Pittsboro, Rt. 1, Feb. 19.—Miss Eunice Hatley delightfully entertain ed a number of her friends at her home at a Valentine party Wednes day afternoon from 6:30 to 10:30 o’clock. The room was beautifully dec orated with hearts, cupids and arrows. Delicious courses of cake and candy were served. Those present were Mes srs Hal. Baldwin, Roy Griffin, Lennie Nerd McCay, Roy Tripp, Seaton Mann, Dallie Neal, 'Newton Mam, Robert Goodwin, Ches Holt, Henry Webster, Clyde Scott, Dermis McCoy, Edgar Beckwith,' Silas Hat ley, Carey Griffin and Johnnie Pen nington and Misses > Maggie Tripp, Wilma Dark, Gertrude Hatley, Jessie Seymour, Vallie Hatley, Jenneverette SeymOur, Ethel Johnson, Ruby Rick mond and Annie Hatley. Messrs Oscar Pearce, of Siler City, Rt. 2, and Roy Griffin, Lennie Neal, and Newton Mann, and Miss Wilma Dark visited Miss Eunice Hatley Sunday afternoon. JOHN. The site of ancient Carthage, de stroyed by the Romans, is in the hands of speculators and lots are be ing sold. The hills surrounding the ancient site are being slowly covered j with residential villas. j HURLEY JONES CUTS A FOOT. . Lccal Happenings in Cape Fear Town ship. New Hill, EL ;2, Feb. 19.—While 5 cutting wood one day last week llui [ ley Jo .es happened to the misiortune of severely'cutting a loot. A physician , dressed the woiu.d and Mr. is : getting on nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmore and l little son, Max, of Lee county, were • week-end of relatives. The Farmers"\Jnion. held its regu lar meeting with Mr. A. M. Goodwin [ Friday- evening. j Messrs T. E. Mann, J. E. Holt and • John Gunter were admitted to the Union as new members. r Misses Lilia Ellis and Mozell Poe, . Pittsboro, Rt. 1, spent the week-end with Miss Swannie Drake. . Mr. Vaughan Shields and two friends of Durham, enjoyed bird . hunting with Mr. Robert Beckwith [ one day last week. Mr. J. C. Lasater and Mrs. Bettie Auman have returned to their home [ after spending a few weeks in Dur . ham. > Rev. B. J. Howard, .of Chapel Hill, ! filled his regular appointment at New i Elam, spending Saturday night in the home of| Mr. A. G. Mann. , Mr. Floyd Lasater left for Durham Sunday, where he has accepted a po ; sition.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Medlin arid children, of Merry Oaks, were guests of her ! parents Sund\v, Mr. J. A. Ellis made a; business trip to Durham, last week. NEWS FROM NEAR KIMBOLTON. Local Happening From Upper Sec tion of Rt. 2, Pittsboro. 7/ Pittsboro, Rt. 2,. Feb. 17. —Mrs. A. E. Cockman and Miss Vera Burke Spent last Friday with Mrs. Cock man’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson. Mrs. Ellen Clark visited her son and family, Walter Clark, on Wed nesday. Miss Annie Joh* son spent last week with her sister, Mrs. C. S. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Foister~and ■ children visited her parents Saturday ! and Sunday at Evans. I Misses Dora and Edith Clark and Mr. Zeb Ferguson visited Misses Ed na and Ola Jones Sunday. Miss Luta White spent the week end with her parents on Siler City, Rt. 2. Miss Hope Ferguson spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Cockman. Miss Dora Clark visited Mrs. Mack Teague last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cr~S. Burke delight fully entertained a number of their friends at their home last Saturday night. Lewis Carroll, student of Bonlee, spent the week-end with hs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carroll. Last Friday aiternoon the Murphy school team played the Battle school team in a game of basket ball. There was some fine playing, the game end ing with the highest score for the Murphy students. NEWS OF MERONIES SECTION, Bear Creek, Rt. 2, Feb. 19.—As I haven’t read anything in your paper from this spot of Chatham in some time, I thought I would try once and see what I could send. Mrs. Bertie Moody, Mrs. Lixzie Vestal, and Mrs. Pattie Burke, of er City, Rt. 5, are all improving fine. They are taking a treatment from Dr. Kapps at Winston-Salem. Mrs. Viola Hart and her brother, j Percy Beal, have purchased an incu- I bator that holds more than two hun ! dred eggs. Mrs. Annie Covert and her twd sons, Rowland and J. C. spent last week in the home of Mrs. T. C. Ves tal. Mr. Tom Foushee has moved in the house owned by Mr. Samuel Moore, near the old Glosson place.. Mr. T. C. Vestal was in Raleigh recently, returning on the 17th with eleven pigs unsold. Colds have caught lots of people in this community for the past two weeks, Old folks say if it does not rain on Ash Wednesday that there will be a good wheat crop. So it never rained the 14th. BLUE EYES. ROBERT SLOAN FALLS IN FIRE. New Hill, Rt. 2, Feb. 19.—There was much excitement in the home of W. A. Sloan Sunday night, Feb. 18, when the little son, Robert, rocked forward - in a chair and fell into the fire. His mother was prompt in pull ing him out, and he is not hurL save -for the scorching of his hair. * Mr. J. R. Matthews has returned home from Durham where he has been undergoing treatment for rheu matism. Miss Maggie Heame spent Friday night with Mrs. M. E. Mann. Messrs Robert Goodwin and Mer ritt Womble, visited Mr. Jimmie Womble Sunday. Miss Flonnie Sauls, of Merry Oaks, was the week-end guest in the home of M. E. Mann, _ Messrs Roy Farrar and Charlie Medlin motored to Raleigh Friday, where one of Mr. Medlin’s men is taking treatment for cancer on Ms eye. '• -• • " '<*'* * Mrs. James Goodwin spent Friday with her daughter. Mr. Ruffin Farrar is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Charlie McCoy, at Sanford. It is learned here that Mr. Eugene Seagroves and Miss Bessie Baird were qaarried Sunday, Feb. 11. f BUILD A HOME NOW! “I Lost My Best Customers Thru Rats,” Writes J. Adams. “Used to have the busiest Restau rant in town until news spread that the kitchen was infested with raL-; lost a lot of my best customers until I tried RAT-SNAP. Haven’t a pest -Restaurants should }J£e ’ Three sizes, 35c, 6?fc, $1.20. Sold and Guaranteed by The Hardware Store and The Siler L.L£dE5 & So’»: n W. f„ Cy p“i3?o e Chatha ™. Hfrdwart C?.; HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH 'MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catari'h or Deafness caused by Catarrh. - HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly t Relieves the catarrhal jijflaraniation, and the Internal Medicine; h Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal conditions. « Sold by druggists for over 40 Years, i f. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. J I Free Flower Seeds You will be glad to that Has* tings’, “The South’s Seedsman,” will give away about 2,000,000 packets ot seed of the South’s most popular flow* era this spring. There to nothing in the home that can compare with rich colored flowers. They brighten us all up and make any house attractive. You can’t plant too many flowers and this opportunity to get Shirley Poppies, Everlasting flow* era, Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Bum* ing Bush abeolutely free, is certainly to be welcomed by all readers of this paper. You can get them! Just write to " Hastings’ for the new 1123 Catalog. It tells you how to get flower seeds free. It has 100 pages of beautiful photo graphic pictures and correct descrip tions of garden flower and field seeds, bulbs and plants, and also is full ol halpful information that is needed almost daily in every Southern home. It’s the most valuable seed book ever I published and you will be mighty glad ; you've got it. Just write and ask for the new Catalog • .V H. G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta. Ga. * i *-, c * i * RICHARD F. GIERSCH. JR. * ! * ENGINEER * !* Sanford, N. C, '* i* * > * Surveying. Design. Supervision of * * ’ Construction. Reports. * I * * * Hydro and Hydro Electric Devel- * * opment, Transmission and Distri- * 1 * Tvition, Architectural Engineering. * i * Mh-8-R-p. * * * !. DIAMONDS ! We have- formed Connections # j With a Large Diamond Impotrer We are Selling on 10 Per Cent Basis This arrangement gives you an opportunity of buying a Diamond at parctically the wholesale price J. P. COULTER CO. Jewelers, SANFORD, N. C. bC J ro fessio/ia / (Bards ytf B. CHAPIN, M. D., PITTSBORO, N. C. Office: Main street, Dr. H T. Cha ipin’s former office myrs VICTOR R. JOHNSON, Attoriiey-at-Law, Practices in all courts —Federal, State and Gou :ty. Office over Brooks & Eubanks *Store, Northeast corner court bouse square, PITTSBORO, N. C. BELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW PITTSBORO, N. C. J. Elmer Long, Durham, N. C. Daniel L. Bell. Pittsboro. N.C C. RAV, at-law. j nT-B.»R<_ *4. < OR. R. M. FARRELL^ % DENTIST Offices over the drug store, Main st. Hoursß to 5. PITTSBORO, N. C. PILKINGTON PHARMACY Prescriptions, drugs, medicines and toilet articles KODAKS NOTICE OF LAND SALlfc , Under and by virtue of the powel of sale conferred upon the under signed by decree of the superior court of Ghatham county, in ail action, there in pending, entitled “M.M.Fox, admin istrator vs Sallie Headen and others, the undersigned commissioner will on Saturday, the 24th day of February, , 1923, at 2 o’clock p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder * for cash the following described lot' or parcel of land lying and being within the corporate limits of the town of Siler City, and being more fully described and defined as follows: to-wit: * beginning at the northwest comeV of lot number eleven on the east side of main street and ’ running about north with said street forty feet to a stake, thence nearly east seventy five feet to a stake, thence nearly south forty feet to a line of lot num ber eleven, thence nearly west with line of lot number eleven seventy five feet to the beginning, and being the southwest part of lot num ber ten of the plat of the town of 'Siler City, North Carolina. Same be ing the property known as the old “Grit Office.” The sale will be held on the prem* ises. This rhe 22nd day of Jan. 1923. * WADE BARBER, Siler & Barber, Commissioner: Attorneys. .Feb22-4t-j6 H H»TTIWTTTIfr~' v Tt' -" ' I,'tVOOB-O-atV^ ; ! Tllis No. 7% I \ Black Satin Orchid vSj VAA \ > ' lined, 14=8, Louis heel *) /l \ "A. all widths. Priced, : - V ' $4.00 STROUD & HUBBARD, Sanford, N. C. Largest Stock of good Shoes and Hosiery in Lee, Chatham, Moore j and Harnett Counties. / jflF Work Shoes 1 *• ji SHOES THAT ARE WORTH $5.00, are NOW SELLING i; * FOR ONLY $3.59. ! WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR CHICKENS AND EGGS—BUY ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Headquarters for all That is Best in Groceries an Eats. Little & Farrell. e— - • The FARMERS BANK PITTSBORO, N. C. The Bank with a reputation of being the most accom modating and the most apprecia tive of your business When you have money, When you want money —we want it. ‘ we have it. FOUR PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS / * • ' v, T. M. BLAND, BURTIS BENTON President Cashiei A. C. RAY, Vice-President •- I Your Chance! if WORK SHIRTS - 90a ff WORK PANTS §1.5« ft SOCKS, SUSPENDERS AND OTHER AR || TICLES OF DRESS WEAR. | My Grocery Department is Up-to-date |H and is Fresh and Pure. 1 Cecil H. Lindley, j||l The Pure Food Grocer, S Main Street* Pittsboro, N. G ii furniture co.. (THE OLD RELIABLE) SANFORD, N. C. I . .• . - •- | . HEADQUARTERS For all kinds es FURNITURE I PATHE ORGANS I ! s ' ) ■ Prices as low as the lowest, cash or Goods delivered by truck, SSO worth or tB x in or near Pittsboro. We [have an * - Hearse and a full line of Caskets and C&M ' : J

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